Eleonora Belova
I just ordered the anti scam guide, which is short but great, and looked at
the women on the blacklist pages. Eleonora Belova listed on 6-13 blacklist is
using pictures of my favorite model, who sometimes models for Victoria's
Secret, Inc. where the listed photos are from. Small world indeed.
Michael (USA)
(Odessa, Ukraine)
Hey guys, Coolmark here. I found another one.
Says her name is Helen from Odessa. On Absolute Agency. It's really
Mila/Svetlana From Amour of Ukraine. A Blacklisted agency. I suspect in
reality it is Natali Romanovskaia. The 'manager' of the agency. The photo is
not the same as Mila's, though. Who knows who she really is! Some model paid by the
photo probably. Here are both letters. You tell me?
Letter 1 (Helen)
Hello Mark,
Thank you for your letter and picture, I am very impressed by your ability to convey your feelings. I find it very easy to understand not
only what you are saying, but almost how you feel. Maybe it is your excellent writing skills, or perhaps it is due to the fact that we share
many of the same thoughts and views. I must say it is amazing how alike
our opinions are.
Well, regarding your questions. Yes I would love to have more kids someday soon with the right man. Anastasia does not see her father very
often. In fact he has his own family now and I don't think Anastasiya is
even consider him as her father. I divorced her father at September 1999
and I divorced my second husband at may 2000. I would love to meet you too and August sounds good to me. I think it
would be right and wise to finally meet each other. Anyone can say what
they wish, or even send pictures and talk from another in this Internet
manner. So I would like to find a way for us to learn about each other
until we can meet. Please be honest and tell if you have serious intentions about other women as well. I wish only to know the truth
always. I am not afraid of competition! But I like to know what you really think. I hope that is OK with you for me to ask that. I think
that letter writing is sufficient to get to know a person to a small degree but to really know someone you must meet them. I would like for
us to be affectionate towards each other. I am a big believer in respect, especially when it comes to
relationships. I also believe very strongly in being faithful to my man.
Maybe part of the reason I feel so strongly about it is because I was in
a relationship where the other person was not faithful. I remember how
bad it felt and how much it hurt, and I would not want to inflict that
pain on someone I care about.
I also believe that relationships require work, just like anything else
in life, if you want to gain the benefits, you must make the effort. I want you to know, I have only had 2 serious relationships in my past
and they are both was filled with a marriage, but unfortunately it didn't worked out. The reason for this is I do not believe in leading
people on, and giving them false impressions. When I commit, I do so for
the right reason. I wanted to tell you this so you can understand a little more about me. I want my husband to do what he enjoys doing if he
enjoys doing the things I do great if not we will share other things what we both enjoy doing. I just need to find right man who will love me
and I will give him all of my love, my heart and my soul and he would always feel my love around him. Although I think the qualities I could
ever mention are important ones, I doubt if I really know exactly who I
am looking for. I probably won't really know who I am looking for untill
I've found him, and then it will just feel like we belong together, and
we belong to each other, even if we can't explain all the reasons why.
I did not specifically look for someone abroad, the way I see it is I want to keep an open mind. You never know who you may meet and where.
I think if you only look in a certain vicinity, you are not being fair
to yourself.
Once again we share the same feelings about real life fairy tales. I believe that when you meet that person with whom you can connect
intellectually, emotionally and physically, you feel like you are in a
fairy tale. I am very romantic, and enjoy quality time and emotional connection.
I think people should not be proud when it comes to relationships. I think that without communication, a relationship will have a very hard
time in growing. It is especailly hard when feelings are hurt, but I think if two people can overcome their pride and keep communication
open, they can achieve a level of love and respect which is unparalleled.
I would like to know. Do you enjoy dancing? Do you enjoy nature?
What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
Take Care and I look forward to your answer.
Always yours,
Letter 2 (Mila)
Hello Mark,
Thank you for your letter, as I said before, I am very impressed by your
ability to convey your feelings. I must admit I am speaking English very
bad, so I must use interpriter service but, I find it very easy to understand not only what you are saying, but almost how you feel. Maybe
it is your excellent writing skills, or perhaps it is due to the fact that we share many of the same thoughts and views. I must say it is
amazing how alike our opinions are. I am a big believer in respect, especially when it comes to
relationships. I also believe very strongly in being faithful to my man.
Maybe part of the reason I feel so strongly about it is because I was in
a relationship where the other person was not faithful. I remember how
bad it felt and how much it hurt, and I would not want to inflict that
pain on someone I care about. I also believe that relationships require work, just like anything else
in life, if you want to gain the benefits, you must make the effort. I want you to know, I have only had 2 serious relationships in my past.
The reason for this is I do not believe in leading people on, and giving
them false impressions. When I commit, I do so for the right reason. I
wanted to tell you this so you can understand a little more about me. I did not specifically look for someone abroad, the way I see it is I
want to keep an open mind. You never know who you may meet and where. I
think if you only look in a certain vicinity, you are not being fair to
Once again we share the same feelings about real life fairy tales. I believe that when you meet that person with whom you can connect
intellectually, emotionally and physically, you feel like you are in a
fairy tale. I am very romantic, and enjoy quality time and emotional connection. I think people should not be proud when it comes to
I think that without communication, a relationship will have a very hard
time in growing. It is especailly hard when feelings are hurt, but I think if two people can overcome their pride and keep communication
open, they can achieve a level of love and respect which is unparalleled.
I would like to know. Do you enjoy dancing? Do you enjoy nature? What do
you enjoy doing in your free tim?
Take Care and I look forward to your answer.
Kisses, Always yours,
Lena (Moscow, Russia)
I am a white male living in Ohio. I first had contact with this girl last year (Dec 2000) I found her at
Absolute Agency. Then her name was Ella and she said she was from Odessa
Ukraine. (Now it is Lena from Moscow) I even spoke to her on the phone once a
week. She conned me into thinking she was going to come here. I sent $350.00
via western Union for her to get a Visa. Then after she got the money, I
called many times. And wrote many letters. The phone rang and was never
answered. And of course, she never returned my email. Since this was done
before I got my new computer, I have no record of her last name. Sorry. But,
I saw her photo (The first one she sent to me) on Absolute Agency today.
She will tell you that she can come to see you and that for her it is easy to
get a visa. You just have to send her the money. I wish I knew then what I
know now about scam artists. Watch out for her!! And, don't send her money!
LoneSome Marriage
Agency (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
I met Elena Gotchalk from Yoshkar-Ola on
Friendfinder.com where it says she could speak English and Russian, which in fact she could only "type" it
yet not speak it as she would tell me later. I emailed her, then she e-mailed me back with some pretty good
English. She told me about how she is going through the LoneSome Marriage Agency, and also how everything
was expensive over there. I contacted the LoneSome Agency to tell the I wanted to correspond with Elena.
They sent me this link with all of the costs: http://lonesome.hut.ru/cli/cli_0023.html
I had not read about your blacklist Website until
after I had sent $140. After a while, I noticed that the e-mails I was receiving from Elena seem be
different as if someone else was writing them. After a while I became suspicious that the Lone Some Agency
didn't have a Web site. I tried in vain to find some information about them on the Internet. This is when I
found your Web Site. I read all of the different stories, and I started to realize that I thought I was
being scammed, but I wasn't sure yet. Then after a couple as days, I received a sympathy letter of how
her mother had an ulcer.
Letter 1
Dear Pete,
My mother in hospital now :( Oh my God!!!
At her a ulcer of a stomach and tomorrow I should go
to hand over blood. Under a gastric inflammation and she has lost a lot of blood.
I hope you are undrstand what I wanted to say you. Sorry if it is not interesting for you... But it is
very hard for me now :((((((
Today at the early morning I was at hospital.
Situation is bad. :((( She needs a plenty of medicines, but the daddy has
left for business trip and I do not know as me to be... Oh my God. How
to be me and where take a money? I need to buy it but its expensive and I don't
have this money... Presently it is very difficult to take in the
loans(borrow) at somebody.
If I'll wait for father, I'm afraid that my mother may
die :((((((
Pete, if you can, please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mothers situation is very bad. Doctor said me, that I must find medicines very, very soon.
Today I found about $170 and I got some medicines. Now I need about $450 to pay for blood and for medicines...
I think that I never find this money. I never thought that I will in this situation. Plase help me as you may. I'll wait
for your reply!!!!!!!
I'm crying all day............. :(((((((((
Please be with me and give me your advice.
Love, Elena.
With what I read on your Web site, I wanted to test her grief, so I sent an e-mail requesting another
picture of her. This is what she sent an hour later:
Letter 2
Dear Pete
Here is my pic.
Hugs and kisses,
Now I am sure of the scam because if my mother was dying in the hospital, and if someone asked me for my
picture, I would be furious, but I still had no information about the LoneSome Agency. So I E-mailed
them and told them that when I go on business trips, I do not have access to a computer and I wanted
their phone number address so I could mail money orders to them on behalf of Elena Gotchalk. They did not give me
their address, but they did give me their phone number, and the address of the agent I sent the $140
to. Here is all of the information I have on the LoneSome Marriage
Alexander Vohmintsev,
Stroiteley 17-1,
Town Yoshkar-Ola, Republic Mari El,
Russia 424028
Djakonov Dmitry,
Sverdlova 49-124,
Town Yoshkar-Ola, Republic Mari El,
Russia 424003
Jully Ibragimova, Agent
Phone Number: +7-836-2466066
Email address: agent_lonesome@mail.ru
They also wanted to charge me $200 so I could give my
e-mail address to Elena Gotchalk.
Here is a pic of Elena Gotchalk, but truthfully, I believe the LoneSome Agency is just using pictures and
then are scamming people, but who really knows. I just want to make sure this doesn't happen again to someone
else because it sure is not going to happen to me again. I have contacted Western Union, and
apparently, they have red flags with Dmitry's name. Someone else has complained about him and the LoneSome Agency as

(Absolute Agency)
My nams is Jason. I'm a 32 yr old broker in the U.S. I kept getting e-mails from Absolute
Agency. I never bothered to look at them until one day when I was
bored. I saw the awesome looking girl named Mila. After paying for 30 days worth of e-mail
time, I wrote to her "Hello my name is Jason are you still looking for a guy?" that is all I wrote - she wrote me back a long letter saying how nice I was and how sweet my letter
was. I was very suspicious. So I wrote back and asked her for her regular E-mail address and I got another long letter of how I could convey my feeling so well on paper and how she needed me to pay for our letters and
translation. That's when I started checking things out and someone told me about this
site. GREAT SITE GUYS! Beware of this girl Mila her photos look
professional... She can be found at Absolute Agency under a couple of
places... The one I mail her at is #-A868194. She is awesome looking. BEWARE!!!
Kuvshinova (Samara, Russia)
I am a single father age 35 with one son. Natalia came to my attention
through Match.com. She initiated the contact with me. I was not successfully scammed, but I'm certain she was attempting to do so. I know
the blacklist is geared to successful scams, but I'm not sending money over
there to find out! I will post the e-mails and it will become apparent to
many of the readers what she was attempting. Many of the e-mails I received
were nearly identical in content to other letters posted on the blacklist.
In addition to her letters, she never once answered any of the pertinent
questions that I asked. Also, my replies to the ever-increasing serious
tone of her letters where short... mostly asking questions. No woman is
going to proclaim their love for me when all I did is ask questions! None
of my responses had any substance to them! In fact, after she asked for
$350 for a VISA, I actually told her I booked a flight to see her at the end
of July (I didn't) and she never responded to that breaking news. I thought
it was important that I post this for 2 reasons. One, that this scam fits
the description of scams to the letter listed on the Dating Scams area of
the Blacklist; Two, that others may benefit from this knowledge.
Letter 1
My dear Friend! My name - Natalia.
I write this letter with hope, that the man, who will be love both husband
of care and friend, will answer to me. I want to be devoted soulmate, and I
want to be with my future husband all time, to give him tenderness and heat of my
heart, to like it(him) and to like. I am sociable, rather with common sense of
humour, I like to read, listening some music, dance. I am engaged in sports
competitions, I play tennis and I go to a swimming pool. I work as the
seller of articles of food, and I like my job very much. But I grieve without the man
with the one whom I would be happy. I want to meet (to execute) a kind, the
strong, honour and intellectual man to divide(share) all of his(its) trouble and
happy moments with to give him my smile and tenderness. I want, that he was real
support for my future life and my future children. P.S. Please write to me on my e-mail:
natali_20001@hotbox.ru And to send you
at once my photo
NOTE: This letter came through my talkmatch double-blind e-mail.
Letter 2
Hi my friend Michael. I am pleased to read your letter, thank which
you write to me! I very much would be Like find out about you more. Now it is a little about me: I live in Samara, Russia, My birthday
March, 1 1974. I have no any sisters or brothers. Well, my growth of 170 centimeters and weights of 54 kg, in me light hair and green eyes.
Now in me length of hair long, I think you, all this sees on my photos. I certainly shall send you some of my photos. Please, send to
me your photos, well? I shall be very pleased to see them. I am single, and I have no children. My favorite color is red. You know,
unfortunately that I have no the phone of a house for this reason you might to not cause me. So, also I very much like sports meets and
everything, that to this I am connected, - the borrowed(occupied) gymnastics, I very much like a healthy a way of life and I think,
which everyone should love it. I can speak the English language slightly. I work In shop of the foodstuffs as the cashier now, I
maintain behind of a cash department, in us in shop of a product from submission (food) are sold. I like to dance!!! I on life the pleasure
the person. I want to find to me directly the partner in life with whom I would lead(carry out) the rest (rest) from life. In a choice I
do not want to do(make) (do((make)) a mistake. I would like, it has well learned(found out) (found from) about the friend the friend. My
lists (diagrams) are very serious. I now live with mum. She(it) most the good person. I today have told mum, that to me the person from
America has answered. She(it) has told that is it well. But she(it), while in it does not trust. All this seems to mum much more. We with
it(her) as two people which goes on a labyrinth. At the end of which we shall meet, or we shall not meet. But I think, that for us everyone
will be good, also we shall understand each other. It is good, which you choose to be cautious in to study (find out) me, I think, that is
it as it should be. I can not do(make) (do((make)) the promise it the future will hold for us, but I shall help you to study more concerning
me. I never was wedding. I have no own children. I would like to find the worthy partner in life. I was badly to feel the computer but I to
study in it. I work in one shop as the cashier. For me higher education. I in the parcel(sending) to you of letters should use the
program of translation. I now to win popularity rates on the analysis the English language. I think, that we should understand and dismantle
the friend the friend and then meet. Mine loved(liked) foodstuffs -
Pelmeni. Pelmeni this simple Russian dish which is made (has made) paste and meat. It is very tasty (delightful). I like to prepare
гранку. I know many different instructions for good food. I still to
similar board a pie of honey. It also is very tasty (delightful&). I
love a flower, have raised(increased). I have was not present the phone but would like to hear your voice. Write to me number (number),
and I shall try to call to you. I it is bad to feel the computer. Letters to write to you I enter into corporation. There is a service
(service) the Internet. In a free time I like to listen to music. To music I listen any other business on mood. I never to be wedding. I
want to create good. Probably we began good friends or it is more, if we are very successful. As with you my working life very much holds
(is carried out, maintained(spent, maintained)) small free time. So that my representation days were filled with these
problems(tasks). When I have a free time from my order (order) concerning services, I
usually move I (am acted) (migrated) somewhere for my own activity so that I had there is no a lot of time for my own pleasure this year. I
hope, to what I not звучу am similar, I complain. Even that I hold it
(is carried out, maintained(spent, maintained)), it very much renumerates for me. I am simple I have put a part of my time now for
the greater compensation after that (in the future). In an exchange I feel, that I shall have the much greater control
(management) concerning my working life after that (in the future), as I shall be
my own bend (camber). On personal norm (standard) I would like to find
mine the husband of section my seconds of working life. I was not successful enough to find persons for me. I wish to find persons who
will trust strictly in exact regulation and blocking for working life.
I know, that It there will be firm (difficult) work, but I shall be executed (am transferred(handed) (am displaced)) ((handed)) to this
purpose. I will try to form strong obligations of privacy (trust) and
communication(connection) with you and to be advantage(benefit) mother
of our future children. I would hope, that your purposes will be similar, I would like to hear yours ideas, that you wish during the
future. I hope, that you find my words of interest (interest) and that
is it the beginning to help to you to know me little bit better. I wait the answer from you again. Your friend,
Letter 3
Hi my friend Michael!! I am very happy to receive from you the
letter. In your letters you show me the big interest (interest), and it is very pleasant for me. Today in us very good weather. To shine
the sun. It to me to similar. I today have decided to take walk in such fine day. I saw so many happy people.... And I like in love in,
loving(liking) (sympathy) which love (liked, a favorite)! I love those who kisses in underground transitions and in automobiles of
underground (underground). I smile, when I see under a canopy in the bus, stop to cover pairs. It is pleasant for me to look at schoolboys
who bear(carry) bags for the girlfriend and buy for them ice-cream, and then eat it (it((him)) together, biting off with turns because
there was no money to two frozen... I would like to give all from them flowers and stars. As in their eyes - spring and the sun. And
the dark blue sky with fluffy clouds. Also it is insignificant, what weather in the street. When I see in love in, I know, that is in the
spring, and winter - - is not eternal. Snow also thaws, exposing (subjecting) the basis (ground), and the first, still timid and
timid, the grass does(makes) a way to light grey city, and birds sing absolutely other songs. Silly ridiculous verses also are written,
pulled lines on a solar beam. I leave on a balcony. I raise eyes to the sky, and I find there an asterisk, and I think, that it may, you,
there in me look also she(it) (it) shines only for me. I smile... I have decided to show today a pair of lines of your letter to my
loved(liked) mum. Mum, reading has close told it (it((him)) that you probably good person. Also that it trusts you. She(it) (it) would
like it we with you, had all well. We with you begin(start) to understand and feel each other these are very important. We should
entrust each other. Lie it very much плоха. Mum from the childhood
always learned(found out) (learned((taught)) me to speak the truth. We with you completely should entrust each other only the ambassador
whom good union may be. It is a pity, that we with you - while separately. But each our letter rallies us, and distances between us
become ever less and less. I like to dance!!! It very much to similar me. And you like to dance and to what dances is similar to you? I
dance a waltz, many other modern dances. When I some was more absolute small I to go in school of dances it, it was very amusing.
You seem to me which the most good person I have met in life. I would like to hear concerning you more. How you like to carry out (spend
((will carry out(spend)) a free time? Write to me not much about city in which you you live? You like to be on character (nature) and to
sit in summer evening on fire (fire)? These, which you see so, it is romantic, whether the truth? Write to me answers to my
questions, and you ask me anyone interesting and problems. I hope to receive the
information from you soon. So we may begin(start) to study to study (find out) each other. On it I finish the letter. I wait from you the
answer. I have asked the operator in Internetcafe, whether I can write to you in Russian, it(he) has answered, that it is not
possible, because your program will not support the coding of my letters.
NOTE: I told her that if she write it in Russian, I have a translation
program that would handle it...in addition to helping me learn the language.
Letter 4
Hi my frend Michael.I very much love to read your letters, and they
deliver me many pleasures. With each your letter I am begun, understand, that in us with you that can which was going. I already
more to reflect in the our attitude (attitudes) is more serious. My opinion - those, I examine(consider) it as most important
between the man and woman by this complete trust (trust), I hate, when the people
deceive each other. As I examine(consider) (expect) that it is the moment we of life to accept the conciliatory proposals, you see, that
it also - important part of the attitude(relation)
(attitude)((relation)) between the man and woman. You probably think, that I the most serious man, but it not so, I simply do not want to be
mistaken in a choice of the future husband and man of sympathy. At the
given moment my feelings to YOU already, that it is more than friendly. I to feel, that we as 2 small streamlets, which run in
themselves, and at the end of ways merge in one large river. Which to break all barrier on the way for the sake of one purpose. To your
words I begin to understand that you the man of honour. Your words, which you write to me warm my soul and heart. So it is wonderful, when
there there is in this world a man to which I is not indifferent. It is pleasant to me so that to receive from you letter and feeling,
which I thus check to not pass by words. Probably on it I shall come to an end, and with the large impatience Separately you are grateful
before a card, that to you to me has sent. She(it) very much loved to me. It is very pleasant to me to study (find out), that we by mutual
understanding the friend the friend, you see, that it - most important
fact in the our attitude (attitudes). If we want to create strong union, we should entrust and understand each other everything, I feel
perfect, concerning me can not worry with me, it in the order is ((good). Today I have received from us for wages of work. To you it
will be probable ridiculous, but I have made forty dollars. Well good we shall not speak concerning problems, which raise on our way. Write
to me, as it is possible more frequently, I very much love to read your letters, they establish in me any pleasure in life, to believe
that in me somewhere far there loves, the man, mood at once lifts, it would be desirable to live and to believe that we when to be we shall
meet. I shall wait your answer today. Many times you cover a kiss and from the basis of heart I. You in my heart each minute. In me even
such feeling, that I have received loading (accusation) of the large energy within all day. Write to me concerning work. I would like to
know concerning all of you, that in you the majority of a favourite dish, than you loves to be engaged in free from work time. Perfect I
want to inform, that I have chosen in you soul superior others in love
in, in mercy, in powerful desire to love and to bring happiness. And please, with me to be honour. You see, that the deceit breaks (breaks)
huge quantity(amount) (quantity)((amount)) of families. Today I shall visit church, and about me will ask about us. Be healthy and in the
good arrangement of spirit, know that you always in my heart. Fidelity
and tenderness are necessary for you? I have chosen destiny of fidelity, as closest to my character (nature). Will be convinced.
Unsuccessfully speak, that love blind; true in it fond is indifferent to this or that lacks, which it (it)((he)) perfectly sees, if only it
seemed, that it he)) finds in the man that for him(it) it (is) by most
important. And it in you. As I would like to see us together, evening,
in a room (place). We would reach (begin) from you long conversation, what I love; We would touch the people, things, kind day. Recently has
found east treatise of love and would like it (it)((him)) to you to read - Three sources have propensities of the man: the reason of soul
a body. The propensity of souls receives friendship. The propensity of
opinion receives respect (attitude)((relation)). The propensity of a body (body) receives desire. The
communication (connection) of three propensities receives love. I shall wait your letter. A kiss
Letter 5
Hi my liked Michael. Today I with impatience hurried in internetcafe
more soon to check up the electronic letter box. I have found your letter and my heart was filled with a heat and to knock with unknown
force. During our correspondence I have understood that you very good person. Also that you stand my attention. Also I hope that I stand
yours too. You the man which I searched for all life. And when I have seen casually your structure I at once have fallen in love with you
without memory. I became similar to the mad girl, raving love. First I was afraid to admit to you it, thought that when you at once will
hear these words you will laugh at my feelings. You see I then did not know you so well as now. But during our dialogue I have not kept
the feelings inside myself and they have escaped outside. Now I do not hesitate to admit to you it. I love you very strongly also want
to leave for you in marriage!!!!!! I for ever yours. I hope you you will not break my dreams concerning you. Also you will be my husband
in the future. I do not want you to lose for anything!!!! With love
Letter 6
Hi my love Michael. I am glad to receive from you the letter again.
How you today feel yourself? My address: Russia, Samara, street Sovetskay the house 58, an apartment 25. But I do not have phone. I
am sure, that you for one minute of me do not overlook. I too always think of you. My mum sends the regards to you. At us today very warm
weather, the sun shines very brightly. All in our city everyone are pleased to such weather. When I leave on street and I see people
which like each other me to become slightly sadly, from that that we with you still so far apart. Today I went at date of birth to the
girlfriend. There all it was very cheerful. But for some reason to me it was sad. I might not distract from my ideas in any way. I thought
of you. Girlfriends tried me to amuse, but for some reason I might not think of it in any way. Men very strongly were jealous me, but
they do not have any chances. You see I to belong only to you and nobody can prevent this. My ideas always with you my loved(liked). I
never shall forget you. For ever yours Natalia!!!!!!!
NOTE: It was in this letter she sent a picture of her in a bikini!
Letter 7
Hi my love Michael. I very much want to be with you beside to divide
all pleasures and bad minutes joint life. When I close eyes each time I present myself one and too. As we meet and we run on a meeting to
each other. Then we embrace and kissed. But when I open eyes all comes back to a place and to me to become sadly, that we till now not
together with you. Today I went in embassy and was interested at them as I can go in other country and they have informed me, that the visa
as I never was outside the country is necessary for me and that she will be valid during 90 days, but she will cost 350 American dollars,
certainly I will a little be afflicted from that that money is necessary for this purpose so much, you see I to not have so much
money and I think what not soon at me will such money to come to see you in your country though it so would be desirable me. I have
addressed for the help to the relatives, but they could not help me with it. And I do not know that to me to do (make) further, really we
and shall not meet? As it would be good when I to arrive (fly) to you, and you would meet me at the airport and have shown me the city
and have acquainted with the friends both we would be happy together and nobody could prevent our happiness. If you have any ideas
concerning it or if you can help me with it inform me about it. I wait for your answer. I love you!!!!!!! Yours for ever
NOTE: It was after this, I decided to play along and I told her that I had
booked a flight to Samara and she could come back with me on a fiancee Visa.
Letter 8
Hi my love Michael. I have received your email. I liked it. Honestly,
I completely use Obtaining of your characters. That I use most, that you very much open and It makes it very simple for me to open my
basis(fundamentals) also. That I really liked, was your three sources of love. It - quiet comprehension, Mutual confidence, sharing and
pardoning. It - loyalty through good times. The love is pleased with existing, it hopes during the future and it Does not reflect past. It
- chronicle " day per day from " Borings, problems, compromises, small
disappointments, large victories and General purposes. If you have love in your resource(safe life), it can fill very much many things
you absence. Anyway, which one can a little too "be juicy" for the person, but it Something, that to cover with me within past several
years. Successful opencast but it is honest they really do not mean much because them The things do not help the basis(fundamentals). I am
pleased, that you can trust me, and you can name me love. I hope it of
a Leg that path. If there is any time, where you doubt concerning me or if I speak something, that violations(disturbance) you, please
inform to me. I think, what very simply be Honestly, when we speak concerning good subjects (sections), however, I find it difficult to
Be completely honest, when we speak concerning negative issuings. At least it Is for me. Specially, if you violation(disturbance) with me.
I shall try to do Same.However, I should underline, I have no any reason to doubt concerning you. Honestly, your characters were filled
so by large soul and basis(fundamentals), which one it does(makes) me feel really good. It was a long time, as I felt a warm feeling Inside
my fundamentals. I like to receive your emails. You, seem, Very
pleasant(sweet) face, it seems, really know that you search in a for Relation and does not wish to agree on less than that you search, It
seems, really use resource(safe life), and have the strong
basis(fundamentals). Thanks for discovery your basis(fundamentals) to me. I wish to study much more concerning you. Your love
NOTE: Notice she never once mentions my "booked" flight?
Letter 9 (final Letter)...below that is my response.
Hi my love Michael , I love you!!!!! Now at us not all is good if not
to tell, that is bad. We now with the mum have large problem. But at me serious financial problems now have appeared. I do not know that
to me now to do (make). My mum has borrowed (occupied) 287 dollars, on that to buy the actions (share) of the telephone company. But
happened not expected. The company has sufferred crash both bankrupt. And all actions (shares) now are considered not valid. But it not yet
most important problem. Money which the mum has borrowed (occupied), it is necessary to give back. If we can not give back this money
during three days, from us will take away an apartment. To us not where will live also we shall stay in the street. I do not know to
whom else to address except for you. I still had only YOU. If you me strongly to love and to not want what we with the mum have remained
in the street please to help me with this problem. We with the mum very ask of your help. When I write you this letter at me to be
rolled tears from eyes. I absolutely in despair. Only you can to me help. I shall wait for your answer. It is a lot of love to you. Bye
bye !!! Your love Natalia.
It is now time for this farce to end. How stupid do you think we American
men are? Yes, we may be lonely. Yes, some of us may be desperate. And yes,
some of us may be stupid... fortunately, I am none of the above. Do you really
believe that we are all that stupid as to fall in love with a few photographs
of a very attractive lady and some romantic letters. I'm very certain that
those photos are NOT you (and I'm not certain that you, the author of these
e-mails, is even a woman!). It is also apparent to me that you have read
virutually none of my letters. Especially the last couple with me stating
that I was flying to see you... which was really a ruse on my part to see
your reaction. All the "love" letters I sent back to you were also a ruse on my
part....if only to provoke a reaction. The reaction I received was for you
to ask for money twice from me. My initial goal was to work with Russian
authorities and the INS to stop you from scamming other more desperate and
lonely men. I'm also sending all of the information I've gathered from you
to the INS and the local authorites in Russia that may care. My question to you (if in fact you are a woman)....instead of scamming a
Western man and taking advantage of their generosity...why not find a good
man to marry? I find it funny that you tried to play me the fool...when it is you
that is the fool. If I ever considered a Russian woman as a bride down the line...this experience has certainly given me pause!!! Which is
too bad because the Russian women I've met in this country feel that people like
you give them a bad name. In fact, they've told me no real Russian woman
would ask for money for those reasons (especially after a few e-mails!).
They have character (and an American man that loves them and cherishes
them)... it is you that has none (including a good man). I take no pity on you and your manufactured economic situation. I will do
all that is possible to stop you from scamming other men. Ha ha ha....I laugh at you!
Please don't feel my response is harsh. After reading the blacklist and
seeing what some of these women took other men for (their wallets, hearts,
and dreams), I decided to be proactive by posting this...so that someone
else may benefit from the great service this list provides. See her photos
(if it's indeed her...she's quite beautiful).
Kuvshinova again
She tried same gimmick with me. She said all the right things but luckily I happened to be
traveling to Russia and told her how she could meet me. She never wrote back. :)
She also goes by moniker of Natk and uses e-mail address of
Natalya Novikova
(Irkutsk, Russia)
I am a single, white, divorced father of two, 45. I never actively searched for
Russian contacts but I placed an ad on Match.com personals. Lo and behold I
got a response from Natalya the very next day. I thought this incredible but lucky
for me. We started corresponding on 06/08/01.
This girl is a beauty as they all are. She states she is a 27 yo, never married,
restaurant cook who dreams of coming to America and having the happy husband, perfect two kids and a household of love. She doesn't smoke, drink,
Orthodox Christian, and of course a virgin. She lives with her parents, mother a
teacher and father a sober boiler room worker. Here are examples of why I
became infatuated with her:
Letter 1
Hi my Jon!
I have received your letter, it of full sincere heat and sympathy
to me. I think that For that time that we with you are copied we very
much were pulled together and between us The feeling has appeared, I
think that we are necessary each other. I constantly think of you, you
Has occupied a place in my heart. At work I became slightly inattentive also my girlfriends Speak that I am in love. I talked
about it to the mum and She speaks that it well, she thinks that I
shall be happy. I think that we Should meet, we should see each other,
look in eyes, because Through the Internet the emotions and difficulty are lost to understand each other.
We became frank with By you and I think that you want to find out about my
sexual experience. In Russia all The men dream only to drag you in bed, but I do
not want it, I do not want To be given back to the first passer that he has
taken pleasure. Love it something More than she is given to the man to
learn happiness in this life, and The men represent her only as sex, I
think that it not correctly and I I hope that you with me agree. I the
virgin. I protect the virginity for this purpose unique(sole) with
which I shall feel Favourite. I shall be with him completely both body
and soul. We together learn all depths Pleasures. Our passion will be
poured out for limits of simple love and we shall be To enjoy the
friend the friend all life up to last moment of our existence. Today
at me by day off and we with the girlfriend went for a walk on city,
went shopping I Waited for the moment that you will write to me the
letter and I have waited it. I feel that ours Hearts are beaten in one
rhythm, and you feel it? I wait for your letter, whether it is
important to me to know you share my ideas.You had the large history
of love, it is a pity, what not all was successful. But at you even
all ahead. I love to read your letters, it does(makes) to me pleasure.
I like your picture, it not so is bad.:))) Forever Yours Natalya
Letter 2
Hi my love Jon!
How your day? At me very well! Tomorrow I shall try to call in tourist Agency and to find out about cost of the visa. Still I
shall call mine to a uncle, which works At the airport, he the pilot
and he can find out how much There is a ticket aboard the plane. I try
to find out maximal about that how to arrive to To you and to meet
you, I have not enough patience to wait for it The light moment in our
life, I want faster to meet you, that To jump to you on a neck, to
kiss you in lips, to see to you in eyes and to say To you I LIKE
YOU!!!!!!! When you far I feel lonely, you are necessary to me. The
ideas on our speed meeting heat to me to shower, they support me when
at me Bad mood, also make me happy. My girlfriends too have noticed
that I Began to look happier and cheerful, they speak that too wanted
To leave for America, but they already have which boys they like. I am
happy That I have you. I have written a poem for you:
We'll take a walk together
near the ocean shore,
and I'll kiss your naked body
as you cry with tears of joy...
While I hold you close to me
and keep you from the cold,
we'll whispher to each other
little secrets left untold...
Your busom so inviting
as I beg for your embrace,
it's warmth is so exciting
while tears of pleasure run my face...
And as you lay upon me
I can look into your eyes,
like a gateway into heaven
as the moon begins to rise...
We make love to each other
like the world will never end,
we passionately kiss one another
while time just seems to bend...
I love you so so so so much!!!!!!
And I want you!!!!
I hope she to you it is pleasant, I have enclosed in these lines all
love to you. My love boils as a volcano woken by the god Eros, she
tries to be pulled out Outside, but does not find an exit in absence
you. I wait for our meeting, as young The schoolgirl of the first
appointment in life. I think that I am similar on Julyett, Which waits
for meeting with beloved. But I hope that at us with you all Will be
at all so is sad as at them.It is a pity, I could not go in Internet -
centre, I was very much engaged at job. I very much missed for your
letters! I do not search riches, I search for the person! I like to
work, I can earn on life. I have education and good trade (cook).
Your love Natalya
Yep, I was ready to take her home to mom. In later letters she never really asks
for money but frequently mentions $240 for a visa and passport. She also goes to
great length describing her distaste of money and it's necessity. I sent her $200
which she still hasn't picked up from the bank. She also has an uncle that
conveniently works as a pilot and can get discount airline tickets though I didn't
see that one through it's course. She is also constantly changing e-addresses
probably due in part to blacklisting such as this or perhaps just keeping contacts
sorted. I have three that she has used:
"Be careful out there."
My name is Jon
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