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To send your own story, please click here Tatyana Eremeevna Solovyova #1 Letter I do not have but she came to me from her name was Ekatrina 07 But she is no longer there under that name any way. Then in her second letter her name and email address changed to jitg,lg4rgr566uyt7t5r7y5jn fgv n fgv8u #2Letter Hi, my new friend,Xxxxxx! First, what I want to do - I want to apologize, that I did not answer you during long time. Please do not be angry with me. Unfortunately I had no opportunity to write to you sooner. Please forgive me for a delay. I hope you are not offended. I hope you will write me and will not hold evil. I am very glad that you have answered my letter. Thank you that you have found time for answer. I do not know what to write to you in my first letter because I never wrote letters and did not get acquainted on the Internet before. But I think will be correct if I will start to tell about e from the very beginning because I was first, who has written first letter. #3 Letter Is on another computer so I can not send it now but I will retrieve it #4 Letter Hi my friend, Xxxxxx!!!! I am very glad that you have written. Many thanks. You have again raised my mood and have placed a happy smile on my face. I looked your photo. It is really beautiful and pleasant to me. By the way Xxxxxx, today I went to job being absolutely confident that you write to me today. Earlier I always went with an thought that you probably yet have not written, but today for the first time I went with an thought that your letter waits for me already. I went on the street and I smiled. I could not hide my smile. People which passed near to me looked ack on me. Ladies in Russia smile rarely, because life is filled with different problems, cares, difficulties and obstacles #5 Letter Hi, Xxxxxx! How your mood? I hope that up to my letter your mood was fine, but after my letter your mood became superfine (smile) Likely I too elf-confident. But I am happy again because I have again received your letter. I so waited this minute, when I can write to you. Tomorrow difficult day waits for me. Tomorrow I again work in dental mobile car. I did not say it to you yet. But it happens only once a week. Dental mobile car - automobile which is more than passenger car, but is less than a lorry. #6 Letter Was short and informative of my ID so that will remain with me #7 Letter Hi my dear Xxxxxx! Today fine day. But only for one reason - I have received your letter. And all the rest become unimportant for me. Today I really ave no opportunity to write much. Please forgive me. But I have enough time to tell to you that I thought of you and waited when the opportunity to write to you will appear. But I have time to tell the main thing. I do not know why, but today I have woken up earlier than usually. I could not fall asleep again. In the street already was sunlight. I sat near a window and began to look at street. Unexpectedly the small birdie sat down on a window and began to sing. She so beautifully sang. She looked at me and sang. The birdie at all was not afraid of me. I looked at this birdie and thought that you now somewhere there, far. I have thought that maybe you sleep and see me in your dream. And I have thought, if I was a birdie, I too would sit down to you on a window and began to sing my song. I have told to a birdie: " Fly off, my small birdie, and sing this song to my far but close friend Xxxxxx. Tell him that I think of him". And in this moment the the birdie flinch and fly off , as though she has heard my words. #8 Letter Hi my Xxxxxx! My working day has finished and I'm hurrying to write you a letter. It's so nice to get letters from you. This morning I didn't go to my job, because this morning I flew to my job. Today I came to my job beforehand. And I was first who came to the office. And I was happy all the day. My colleagues were surprised. They have asked me why I'm so happy. And I have simply answered, that I have good mood. I have understood long ago but was afraid to admit to itself, that I have found to you feeling which did not feel to anybody. I want to understand what in my heart and I should see you. I want to feel your breath. I want to kiss you. I don't know, what's happened with me. Likely I can be named strange lady, but I have grown fond of your soul and heart. The rest is not important for me. For me the material world is not important. Only the world of calmness, fidelity and pure heart. It didn't happen to me before. #9 Letter This is my favorite letter This is the one I say was written for me so if you guys received one Too please substitute my name for yours because she had to feel this way for me (rolling on the floor laughing my ass off)sure she did, I almost have my self believing it. Hi my soul Xxxxxx! I with trembling heart waited your letter. Thank you for told all what you think. Thanks for your letter. You have written to me and it means that one more day I will be lived with good mood. I want to describe to you my day completely, since morning and till the night. At 6:30 rattle my alarm clock. I do not love my alarm clock. Because it so loudly rattle, that each time I jump as scalded. I rise with good mood because in dream I saw you. At 6:35 I go to a bathroom And I THINK OF YOU! I wash and I clean a teeth. At 6:45 I dress my sports suit, I go on street And I THINK OF YOU! I jog. I run in the mornings always when it is not cold to support myself in the good form. When in the street coldly, I sleep till 7:00. At 7:20 I cook a breakfast, as a rule strong tea or coffee and a sandwich. I drink tea and I THINK OF YOU! At 7:30 I go to work. Usually, if weather good, I go on foot And I THINK OF YOU! I like to go on foot since morning. Air clean and fresh. To job I come vigorous and cheerful. At 7:55 I go to a cabinet where works my girlfriend . As a rule she already on work at this time. If there is an opportunity I receive your letter. If the opportunity is not present I receive it later. At 8:00 I start to work And I THINK OF YOU! At 10:00 I go on street and I THINK OF YOU! I breathe fresh air of 10 minutes and come back to work. At 12:30 a dining break. I go home for a dinner And I THINK OF YOU! I reach up to a house by a trolley bus. At 13:00 I eat and at 13:10 I go again for work And I THINK OF YOU! I go by a bus but I abandon a trolley bus earlier, than it is necessary, to again take a walk on fresh air And TO THINK OF YOU! At 13:30 I again work And I THINK OF YOU! (though in my work is impossible be distracted and think about something another except for work)(smile) At 15:30 we with my employees do a small break and we drink tea for have a rest. I was not capable to drink tea because I THINK OF YOU! During the working day when there is an opportunity I answer your letter. At 17:00 I go home. I go on foot, slowly. I feel itself perfectly because I THINK OF YOU! At 17:40 I take a shower and I imagine that YOU WITH ME! (Smile) At 18:00 I have supper, alone, but I smile, because I imagine that YOU SIT OPPOSITE TO ME! At 19:00 I go for walk with my girlfriend (but it happens seldom). We walk in park. My girlfriend thinks where go to be warming hands and legs because in the street is very coldly, BUT I THINK OF YOU! If I do not go for walk, I listen to music, I read the book, I watch TV, I knit, I make various homework And I THINK OF YOU! (of course not all simultaneously)(smile). At 23:00 I lie down to sleep. Usually I fall asleep very quickly because I THINK OF YOU! By the way, one more important detail. I hope, that my application for the visa will approve, therefore it is necessary for me to know the international airport nearest to you in which you can meet me. I hope you write to me it. Only do not think that all my days pass so. It is an approximate variant. Every day passes on miscellaneous. But is that peculiar to each my day: IT'S MY THOUGHTS OF YOU!!! Your and only your Tatyana. #10 Letter Hi my Xxxxxx! Thanks for your letter. My heart calms down when I receive your letter. Today I speculate about you and about me. It so is surprising. As a matter of fact we live on the different sides of our planet, but we so are similar. I never was even outside of my country. To travel outside the seas and oceans for me in general outside a reality. I cannot imagine it as though I not tried. And always, as likely many people Never seeing anything except for native house, I console myself by thought, that you have the same blue sky and the same life. Maybe life behind ocean is more cheerful and rich, paints are brighter and the summer is warmer. But also as here, people cry when they feel a pain, people suffer when lose close people, women in torments give birth to children. It is identical everywhere. You and I have the same cares and problems. Every day I try to imagine that occurs in your heart, do you worry or not, do you think of me or not, do you imagine us or not. I look in a window, there, where the sky and the ground merge in a single whole. I try to be lost in this imagined world, I try to weaken my sight, that all what I see became indistinct, dim. And then your image has emerged before my eyes. I could go on but I think it is pointless. I will also state I did edit all of the questions and answers to specific questions that would make me Identifiable. she went on to send many more love stories to all of us I am looking for her again to get her newest version of her letters I have made up a new profile and I directed it to what she puts in her letters and the way she looks for her men. will post all her new information in here as soon as I get it.
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