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Albina Pushkareva (Voronezh, Russia) Albina Pushkareva 28 Artamonova 64 Voronezh 394010 Russian Federation I am a white male, 42yrs old, american, self employed that was first contacted by Albina through Yahoo Personals. The person used the email address of I was first contacted by Albina june of 2003. I read the letters that Larry Nelson posted on this site and the letters are exactly the same (word for word) as the ones I recieved except for the fact that Larry's name has been replaced by mine. And Tatyana's has been replaced by Albina. I too recieved the emails every 6-7 days. I noticed some mistakes from time to time in the emails and figured a scam was in effect. Upon searching for more information about Albina I found this very informative site. ( And thanks to Larry Nelson my assumptions of Albina have been proven correct. I am adding some more photos that I recieved from the person and for the time being believe I will continue to exchange emails in hope of finding out more info so that I may pass it on to those interested. Dale M. Letters: Hi my friend Dale! I'm glad so much to receive your answer again! It's very interesting for me to read your messages, from them we are learning more about ourself, and I begin know more about you, Dale. My dear Dale, of course, may be you want learn about our correspondence, about correspondence's essence too, really? As I want to tell that I have decided to get acquainted through an Internet due of my girlfriend Natasha which one year back has gotten acquainted with the foreigner German Frank, I have said you about this earlier. Dale, may be, possible, we will together in the future time, may be I would like to look the marriage too, if you will want this, I don't want to hide this so important fact, but we must to learn more things about each other more and more, it will reasonably and correctly, really, Dale? I hope that you will agree with me with this fact too. Please, tell me about this, ok? But in my opinion, again and again, we must learn about each other more and more, I repeat this! Please, agree with me, Dale! My dearest friend Dale, I would like to tell you about my family. I want to say to you that I have a large family too. This are my mom Anna, my daddy Petr too. Also I have two sisters. They are Katya and Masha. My sister Katya is 21 years old. But Masha is smaller sister between me and Katya too, Masha is 10 years old. On professions my mom is a seller in the shop, and my dad is an engineer on the factory. My sister Katya is a student of the university, she is studing on the lawyer, and Masha is a schoolgirl. Our family are living without any conflicts too, we have a good understanding between our members of our family. Because, I think that our parents gave to us a good education. I think that it's so good and I'm so proud that we have my mom and my daddy. Also I want to say to you that I live with my family in one apartment. Also I want to tell that I have consulted with my parents about the account my acquaintances with you through the Internet, they have estimated it as positively because they care about my future life of course. My parents would want that I have a happy life, and would want that I will find my man. As I told you earlier, I have never been married Dale. As already I spoke to you earlier, I work as a waiter in the bar here in Voronezh City. It's a perfect and cosy bar. My job is very pleasant for me, people in our city are kind, and visitors of the cafe are not roughness to us, certainly there are cases when the visitors are not correct with us and spoil mood, but it happens very seldom. I'm very interested to learn about your work, Dale, and what do you do in free from work time? During our weekends, in my free time, we are with my girlfriends, also with Frank and Natasha sometime, go for a walk tothe city, we like to sit in cafe too for a cup of tea. I like my girlfriends ery much, especially my best girlfriend Natasha. She is as native sister for me! By the way I want to say to you that Natasha works as a waiter in our bar too. Also I want to say to you that Natasha and Frank are living in Voronezh City now. Natasha have visited Frank to Germany at last time, Frank asked Natasha to visit in Germany him after that when they have understood that they love each other. I remember, Natasha was so happy in this time. They lived together during two month in Germany. And then they have came to Russia, to Voronezh City too, simply, Natasha said to Frank that she have missed about her parents, and that she want to visit on some time her parents, and they came to Voronezh from Germany. They are very happy together, they love each other very much, I envy to Natasha and Frank slightly :) and also, of course, we meet with each other sometimes and spend a lot of time together. We are so good friends! Also I want to say to you that I have never been outside of Russia, I have never been in an other countries, but I would like to travel at once, it's so romantical, I think :) Well, Dale, I must to finish my e-mail to you, I hope that we will continue to correspond with each other and you will tell me much more about yourself, and I will try to tell about myself as more as possible in future e-mails. I want to ask you about more things, Dale, and I hope that you will understand my questions and will answer me for them. A great friend hello to you from my family, my friends Natasha and Frank too. I hope to see your message soon Dale. Bye-bye... GOD BLESS YOU, YOUR RUSSIAN FRIEND, Albina Hi my dearest friend Dale! Dale, I was so happy to get your answer again and again, it was so good part of my day when I have saw your words in the computer. Dale, before my coming to manager's computer, I had a sad mood because the weather was very bad, it is very coldly. It is around -20 -25 degrees C of air without sunshine. Also besides today, I had to serve a very bad client in our bar. He was very drink a vodka, and he all time prevented me to work. It was expressed in that he tried to embrace me and all time spoke me so various abusive words. Eventually our service of protection, police has expelled him from the bar, but my mood was awfully bad. And when I have saw your answer in the computer, my mood became so good. Dale, please, don't worry about this so bad case with this so bad client, ok? It's ok now. Dearest Dale, I see that we are interested in each other more and more, and I think that it's so good for us, because I have so good and liked friend as you, Dale. I'm so interested by you Dale, that my life became better than before an acquaintance with you, Dale, I feel it, really. You are so good friend, you can understand me as a good friend to good friend, and I think that it's important thing in the life. Dale, I see that you trust me, as I do it with a great pleasure to you, and I think that it's so good thing in our friendship, really, Dale? I hope that you understand me, Dale, that in my opinion, all people in the world must to understand each other in spiritual plan of a dialogue. Do you agree with me, Dale? Tell me about it, ok? By the way I want to say to you that believe in God very much, I believe in Jesus, I am a Christian woman as I said you earlier. I like to go to Church( Russian Ortodox), it's not far from our bar too. Our City's Church is a very beautiful place, there is a lot of an beautiful icons too, I like this. The priests sing beautiful songs and I like it very much. This so calms my soul when I have a bad mood too. But now, I want to say to you that your e-mails calms me too when I have a bad mood, I feel it, Dale. I want to say to you that some people of our work personal, here in our bar know that we with you write to each other by the Internet. They said me that it's so good for us, they ask me to say to you a friend hello and they, as me, want know more about your country, about your culture. My dear friend Dale, also I want to ask you your full name and your home address on any unforeseen case also. Please, send me it, okey? Dale, I would like to send you my home address too. As a matter of fact may be, possible, our director's computer will break in the any time, as director have warned me, and I think that it will be so pity that we willn't can to write to each other by emails during long time. But I think that God willn't admit it, because he know that we like to write to each other our e-mails as I feel it. Dale, I can send you a postmails or postcards by the usual mail service also. I will give you my home address and my full name on any case. It's here: My full name is Albina Pushkareva, and my home address is: 28 Artamonova 64 Voronezh 394010 Russian Federation Please, write this datas on a paper on any cases, ok, Dale? On this note, I will finish my e-mail to you. Please, answer me soon, ok, Dale? I will wait for your messages, Dale. ALSO AS IT'S USUAL, 'HELLO' TO YOU FROM MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS NATASHA AND FRANK TO YOU Dale!! MY BEST WARMTH FRIENDS HUGS TO YOU! XOXOXO Sincerely, your dear friend, AlbinaP.S I want to tell you, that I to work in a bar, I work each day from 8.00 - 22.00. I very strongly to get tired at work, but nothing to make, it is necessary as that to earn money. Whether you to ask me to write I to anothers? There is no I write only you, to me one man is necessary only. I very much want to hear your vote, I hope that very soon it will take place. I do not know as far as it dearly, but not looking on it I shall call to you. Hello my dearest Dale! I want to say to you that as usual and usual, I'm happy so much from your answer on my last e-mail my Dale!!! I think about you my Dale all days. I so wait for your warm messages for me Dale, I want to say to you that now I cann't without you and your so feelings emails my Dale. You e-mails are so important for me, it are a part of my life, it are a source of my pleasure to my life, I want to say to you that the occurrence of you Dale is a beterest part of my lonely life now, your messages give me a great happines and pleasure in my life Dale. Believe me Dale, that I speak this my words with my sincere care to you Dale, with my respect for you Dale. Also I want to emphasize that I thought about our feelings to you my Dale, I have come to a conclusion that we are created for each other my Dale. In last night I didn't sleep well, I couldn't do it because I thought about us my Dale, about our acquaintance o! n Internet, about your warm messages, and in basically about you my Dale! I thought about all my Dale, I want to say to you that I cann't without you my Dale, I want to say to you that I have fallen in love in you my Dale, yes................Dale,........yes...... I love you my dearest Dale! My Dale, it has taken place so quickly and suddenly, I didn't to expect it my darling, it's so sensual for me my Dale, I cann't without you Dale. I LOVE YOU, DARLING! I feel to you the greatest feeling on ground, it's my love to you my dear Dale. From your messages Dale, I see that we aren't indifferent to each other Dale, I hope that you will agree with me my Dale, is it for true Dale? I hope that you feel to me such great feelings to me my Dale. Also in last night I was asked to God, I thank him that we found each other my Dale, I closed my eyes and have seen the God's presence. He saw on me and I saw on him, he said me that I will happiest ! woman, because I found you Dale, you are my future man Dale. Also in the eyes of God that he cried, I think that he is very happy for us my Dale. I cried too Dale, because it's so happiness for us that we can be together soon, that we can to have a normal family, I so want it my Dale, because I cann't to be one my Dale, the basic part of my girlfriends are married for a long time, they asked me all time before our acquaintance with you about that why I couldn't to find a man, on their questions I couldn't answred, but I said them that I want it very much, but I cann't to begin any close feelings with any man because of my embarrassment. I am felling embarrassed girl, I said about you in my last e-mails my Dale. But I want to say to you that I feel about you not embarrassment my Dale, I feel to you all my love to you Dale! By the way I want to say to you that I said about my love feelings to my parents and my girlfriend Natasha and! Frank. My parents said me that they are very happy for us my darling Dale. In the eyes of my mom and my dad I saw a great happiness for me and for you together my Dale. They said that they hope that I did a right choice in my life and they hope that we will happy together my love Dale, also they said me that where we with you will live together. I answered them that I want to live with you in your country my darling, they asked me about that they will miss me very much, but since other side they understand that it will be better that we with you Dale will ive in America because they understand that now in Russia is difficult live situation. They said you a their warm GREETINGS to you and they wish us, my Dale, our future family happiness and great mutual love my Dale. Also my girlfriend Natasha and her boyfriend Frank said me that they guessed about that we with you will have a love feelings since our of acquaintance to you my Dale! . They are very happy about us my dear Dale, they said that you will a good boyfriend for me my Dale, and I agreed with them on 100 per cent!!! Also Natasha and Frank said you a hot friend HELLO and they will hope that we will together with you Dale. My darling, I am so happy for us my dear Dale. I want to say to you that I love you very much, my relatives and my friends are very happy for us very much. Also my dear Dale, I want ask you a main question, I think that it will so fairly since my side my darling. Do you have or do you write with any another women my Dale??? It's so important for me my Dale, I hope that you will understand me, because I love you and I don't want that you Dale write with other women. I want to say to you that I don't write with any other men except for you my Dale. I don't want an other man, because I love you, Dale! But more of all I don't want that any other woman will try to steal you from me my love! Dale!!! I say you about it very seriously my Dale! It will so pity for me if you are having or writing with an other woman my dear Dale, and deceive me in our relations, please, say me, Dale, do you write with an other women? We must trust each other in this, ok my darling? Of courses, my darling may be you will ask me about my job when I will far from Russia. Of course, I will miss my job, about my work collegues, yes, I will miss about their, but you can see that I gave back all personal time to my job, I don't have a free time never there. I think that if I found my love and my future man, I must change my personal life in the party you my dear Dale, because I am a woman and I must have my family life as an other womans do it. Realy my Dale? I think that my collegues in our bar will miss me too, but we willn't forget about each other too, I will can to send emails from your country them too. My dear, how you see on this? I want t! o say to you that I miss you very much, and I want to say to you that you became on the first plan in my life than my work my Dale. I love you Dale and I can't without you my darling, and I decided that I must near with you my Dale. It's so necessary for me my Dale. I so love you Dale! By the way I will try to learn my dear about the necessary documents for my future coming to you my Dale, as I know from my girlfriend Frank, I will need in the foreign passport and visa too, I will try learn about it Dale in near future time my Dale. My darling, I hope that you have a great desire of our meeting my love Dale. I so want it my love, I love you and I miss you badly Dale. I will wait for your mutual warmth emails, Dale. As usual, warmth greetings from my girlfriend Natasha, Frank and my family to you. All my warmth kisses, Warmth hugs, ! ; Your lady, Albina.
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