Katya (Novosibirsk, Russia)
I am Michael, a professional office manager. I placed my profile some time ago
with the AbsoluteAgency, though I was and still am a non-paying member.
I began to receive letters from a woman who called herself Katya, and at this time
have written for about 4 months. I began to grow suspicious when several
questions were unanswered and this woman spoke of subjuects unrelated to my
letters. I began to search the black list and found exactly the same letters from
others. Perhaps this agency has it's own format, but I feel an unwary
perso may fall into a trap. I have yet to be asked directly for money, though, if you
se these letters, they can be matched exactly to those written by other women. I do not
feel the pictures she sent are really her, as she had explained to me she was a
teacher with an income of $60.00 per month. Her manner and expense of clothing
belies her income. If anyone else receives, or has received mail from this woman,
feel free to write me michael_42_kf@hotmail.com
Hi! My name is Katya. My age is 28 years, growth of 168
centimeters, weight of 56 kgs. I live in Russia, my trade is the teacher. My hobbies are sports (I am
engaged in gymnastics, like to ski), listening of music and reading of books. I of
the partner in life. I search for the person who might understand and grow fond of
me. I offer from me the same. Send me please the address of your E-Mail and
I shall send you my photo and more information about me. Send the letters please
on this E-mail: katik03@rbcmail.ru This letter is a duplicate of many used by other scammers.
Hi my friend!!! I am happy to receive from you the answer. I thought
that you can not answer to me, when will read my letter. I think that it will be interesting to you
to learn about me more. I like your photo very much! To me 28 years. I was born
in city Angarsk then I and my parents have moved to city of Novosibirsk in 1982.
In one year my father has gone to army. My father has perished many years
back in Afghanistan. It was in 1985. he was the officer of the Soviet army. he
has received many awards for a good and brave service. My daddy served
in special squad. Them have transmitted on a dangerous task, in which one he and has
perished. Before loss of the father my mum worked the accountant. She was sick
much ambassador of loss of the father, left from activity, her heart has not
maintained such loads with experiences, it became bad to work. She has died in
two years after loss of the father. I experienced about much it and now to me is
very sick to recall it. I dwell with my aunt. I would not know that there
was with me, if not my aunt. She has brought up and has educated me. her support very
much has helped me in difficult time. I am very grateful to my theta and I am done
one`s best always to help her. The aunt has exchanged to me the mum and I
have no from her of any secrets. We with it(her) well realize each other. I
necessarily shall tell to her about you. I have no the brothers and sisters. I was
the alone child of my parents. I love to write to you the letters and I
would like to write them as it is possible more often, but I have no a
capability it to make, as I have no the computer of a house and telephone. I write you from the computer
class at school. It is convenient for me because free of charge. I have many
friends. When to me 26 years my friends were executed have presented me of a
charming parrot, as they knew that I very love animal. I have given him a title
Roma. She already became adult, and behavior as for small. You have animal? I
have hobby to prepare different dishes. I love to find the new prescriptions of
cooking and to surprise the friends. They always liked my dishes. My favourite
dish Siberian Pelmeny. It is loved all by mine native and friends. It is very a pity,
that you can not it try. But I am sure that it would be pleasant to you too. You
can tell to me more about your life? I would like to see more your photos. I
want to tell to you not much about the city. he very large and beautiful. The Novosibirsk
area is arranged in the south of Western Siberia. ? ? the area of 178 thousand
square kilometers, population more than 2,7 millions the man. The Novosibirsk
area was derivated on September 28, 1937. Subsequently in 1943 from Novosibirsk area was
selected Kemerovo, and in 1944 Tomsk area. The territory of Novosibirsk area with 1925 till 1930 went into a structure of the
Siberian edge. Till 1917 more than hundred years was a part of a former Tomsk province, one of
4 provinces of Asian Russia. In 1993. To Novosibirsk 100 years were executed. I
dispatch you small photos of my city. It is the bridge through the river Ob and
botanical garden of an academgorodok. I read news about that that for you takes
place in country. I condole yours with the people. The terrorists the cowards
and gentle people. They have attacked the large mandatory power as yours country
and will be broken. Now I shall be closed down..... I hope to receive your letter
soon.... Your friend Katya.
This letter includes an address, but is totally absurd, she also says not to write to her.
Mine dear friend michael!!! I had today poor day at school. I have
found a new technique of Russian grammar for 6 classes. I think, that this technique would
allow children to understand grammar better and fastly. But the chief of school
has not approved it. It has not accepted my technique to training Russian and
spoke, that I am held not by business, it a beginning to repulse and to repulse
my technique. It spoke, that there are experts who, creates the special
program for analysis Russian. I wanted that to me have increased my salary. You on
correctly know that for us in Russia the teacher is very poor. To him detain the
salary. I can not receive for September the salary but I think that me will not
hinder to you to write. I was very baffled after a communication session with the
chief of school. My mood is cunning. I left from him. I thought, that I shall leave
activity. My Schoolboys, have noted that I pay. Me has asked they, why
I pay?. I have told them, that I shall not work more with them. They were very baffled and
have begun to ask to remain with them. In one source of tear the schoolgirls on
eyes have appeared. I could not be failed to them and has decided to not
succumb to activity. I have come home. Me consoled my aunt and my favourite
parrot of Rum. It knows how to make my name and too. To me mine has gone
old boy friend. has offered me to prolong with it friendship. I have refused to it and
has told what already late to start that or. Has told that I have found to myself the
excellent and remarkable man. To me began to threaten. I very much it am afraid.
Not for a long time near our house have killed the man. I think that it his friends
have made it. For us in Russia crime very strongly prospers. Even the police is
engaged in it. I very strongly have seen enough it. I do not want more it to see.
Your characters this alone thing, which one hails me. I love your characters,
when I read them, I feel, as we come nearer. We - Far apart. But it does not
prevent our conversation. Though I already thought, that It - the conversation
through Internet suffices to not understand each other more strictly. What you
think of it? I would like to see you not only on a photo. But also I not I know as it
is interquartile, Because we very much far apart. I feel that what that
the space force wants us to pull together. You think to it it under force? You to me I also Is
like think that our attitudes Can be deeper. I do not know to explain, that it -
words. I simplly feel it. Your characters do my mood highly. I - become joy on
douche. I want to ask you To record in me your address, I am possible, that I
shall record in you a character. I do Do not remember you, has recorded,
whether is true, I can not save your characters, because them Can read
whom - that another. My address Russia, 630058, city of Novosibirsk, pass Working 14-23.
But I think, that it is not necessary to write to me, because can Seize a
character, and not was are advisable for me, that who - knew that concerning it
Concerning that we with you we think. I have told about you to my theta she very
much of rad. I hope you me, I realize. I shall wait for yours Characters and I hope,
that you will write to me soon. I think that Sometime we Will meet you. I
would like to arrive to you, to meet you to see as You live. I want it, because I begin to
understand that Between us is present Something greater than the friendship
seems to me, that is it, feeling, rely The friend the friend, seems to that is love
friend, I think, that you Feel it. I wait Your answer, it is very important for me to
know, that you think of that that I Have written to you. I want to study much
concerning you. How in you business? How mood? I to think, that in you
all is good. I to want it is very strong. I shall ask the god, that you were healthy and are
happy. I the christian and frequently to go in church. It is very important for me.
You to visit church? What you to ask the god? I always to ask it, that in general,
all was good also, everyone was healthy. I to know, that it to hear me and to be
good only for the people. Each man in a world should live well and happily
irrespective of the fact that it to do poorly. You yield with me? I to want to know
your point of view on this problem. Your friend Katya.
This is the only letter that mentions money, however, is a bit too close to a copy
to be real.
Hello my love michael!!!!! I have received your letter and my heart
was filled with happiness. I study English constantly. My liked color violet. My Birthday
October, 16. I loved a photo of us of two that you have made. I think that my heart
belongs to you now. You are in my ideas constantly. I spoke my aunt that
probably I shall leave to America. She was surprised with it and very much was
delighted that I have found the happiness. She has told that I shall be happier
with you than with Russian the man. Today I all day thought only of you as
we with you meet. I have presented as we meet with you at the airport,
we search each other eyes. When we find each other, we rush in embraces each other, we
enjoy these embraces very much. We exchange passionate kisses. I wish that
my ideas have turned to a reality. But before our meeting it is a lot of difficulties. I
have the girlfriend which work in travel agency. She has told me that the visa in
USA which resolves arrival for 3 months to cost 350 dollars. It is very
expensive for me. My salary makes 60 dollars per one month. Therefore I think that our
meeting very much will be not fast. I need many months to save the sum of
money for trip. I become very sad from it. We so far apart. Between us huge
ocean, but in ideas I always with you. I love you very much. I grieve without you
very much. I shall be closed now... For ever yours Katya
Anna Orlova
Anna Orlova, Russia, 150003 Yaroslavl, Sovetskaya 6/4, Orlova, Anna. Her
parents names are supposedly Peter and Tatyana, pictured, who after and
address verification, or rather non-verification turns out do not live at that street
address as Anna said they did. Nor does the sister Veronika. Photanalysis
seems to indicate that Annas Mother and sister are, indeed her real ones.
Whether or not the Father pictured isthe correct one however, is unclear.
Time-place inconsistencies within the text of the letters alerted me to
the scammer early on in the game. It was at this point that I placed the name
"Anna Orlova" and babe@mail333.com on several messageboards on the Internet
in the hopes that another of her targets would do a search engine search
on the name. This tactic was fruitful. A gentleman from the Southeastern US
was another of Annas targets, and we began to communicate with each other, and
seek "how to proceed" info from those agencies on the Internet in the know...... this one being
one of them.
For those of you who are tech savvy: the mail account is babe@mail333.com
bunted out onto the wire by SMTP server aqua.relinfo.ru []
The originating IP address range of "Annas" PC has been to so far. The connection is made through a dialup server operated
by "mari-el.ru" and it would seem that that particular server has quite a
substantial number of modems within the same subnet. I would therefore have to
direct that any piece of mail coming from a similar set of first three quadrants in
the future should come under EXTREME scrutiny by the recipient. Given the fact
that babe@mail333.com uses a dial-in, spamming and large sized image files
mailed to that account could theoretically cause this person substantial grief.
Perhaps some of you out there would like to subscribe babe@mail333.com to a
few of your favorite mailing lists? Hmmmm? I have my own hard-wired SMTP
server in my office and I certainly plan to send her a few beautiful scenery BMP
images of my homeland in the near future. I'll set it up to do a few thousand
retries just in case she has problems getting them the first time. Good luck guys,
Greg Sim, Inuvik, Northwest Territories, Canada. barkeep@permafrost.com
Hi my prince. I am 30 years. I am loving, devoted, responsible woman. I could
describe myself with the following words: realist with romantic side; joyful,
humourous, communicative; serious; flexible; highly energized; affectionate.
I could describe myself as the Americans say: " Work hard, play hard. "
That is, when I do something, I am very dedicated. Seeks Partner: I am looking
for a serious relationship leading to marriage and I am not interested
just in a internet chat or adventure. I now feel that I am ready to settle down
and would like to find a man I can love and finally get married to his. I
am interested only in how the man hisself is and not what he has. If you have
become interested in me please write on this e-mail: babe@mail333.com If you to answer me on my e-mail i shall
write in more detail about myself and I shall send you the photo. I very much to
hope for your fast answer.
Hello my new friend. I am very glad that you to answer my letter. I to wait for it
with the big impatience. Please write to me on my e-mail:babe@mail333.com.
Write to me please. I shall wait for your fast reply.
Hello my new friend Greg. That has written thank me. Excuse that has answered
not at once. I hope it will not prevent us to write each other. So let's get
acquainted. Me call Anna. I very much love the name. It beautiful. Whether the
truth? I to want to tell to you it is a little about myself. I work at
restaurant. I the manager. I have higher education to management. I on a speciality
the manager of a public catering establishment. You to like are tasty to have
a meal? Very much to like me my work though it and occupies it is a lot of
time and forces. My working hours from 8:30 till 18:30. Where you work?
Than you are engaged? I want to describe to you myself. I a brunette. Eyes grey. I have growth
f 170 sm and weight of 57 kg. To me of 30 years. I to be born November, 27,
1972. I never was married and to not have children. At me houses are the
computer but I to not have a house of the phone therefore can not work in
the Internet. Therefore I basically shall write to you from Internet -
cafe. We already to get acquainted slightly. But I till now to not tell where I
live. And so. I live in Russia, in city of Yaroslavl. It is very old and
beautiful city. I shall tell to you about it in one of the nearest letters.
To me in Russia not so carried with love and I on advice of the girlfriend
was accepted to development of the computer and the Internet. Want to find
friends in the Internet and if that will turn out and something the greater.
It would be desirable to trust, that in the Internet there are many people
with which I can find common interests. And so I do not know why but to me
to be remembered and run into soul your structure. And still the intuition
prompts me that I to make a correct choice. And I to decide to write to
you. I live with my parents and my sister. My parents already pensioners and to
not work and receive pension. Earlier they were teachers. My sister to
study at university as the lawyer. Her 25 years. She has daughter Masha. I very
much love the niece. At us a small apartment, but cosy. Daddy likes to go
on fishing. My mum very well to cook. I too very much like to cook. I never
it was married and to not have children. I want to know more concerning you. Tell to me where you live? What
yours loved hobbies? I to send you my photos. I to ask you that you too have
sent me the photos. I shall finish the letter. I hope, that you may understand my
letter and you are interesting that I to tell to you and you will write back. Write to
me please. Your friend Anna.
Good day my friend Greg. I am glad that you to write to me again. I very much
am glad to this, I waited your letter with the big impatience. Thank for a photo. I
very much liked your photo. Today I want to tell about myself more, about my
family and about my city and I hope that it will help you to learn about me more.
As you already to know my family she is mum, daddy and my sister. My mum
call Tatyana, daddy Peter, and sister Veronika. At us a small apartment,
but cosy. Our family very amicable. I very much love them and I respect. We
always understand each other and we find common language. In free time from work I
like to go in for sports. I give preference of aerobics and to pool. You like to go in
for sports? As I at leisure like to read, listen to music and to look films. To read I
love classical novels. I love music romantic. Mine loved films of a melodrama and
a comedy. What you like make at leisure? Still I very much love to cook houses,
I like to please the parents to cook him different tasty dishes. I like to think out
unusual culinary recipes and with pleasure I shall realize them in practice. Most
of all I like to prepare for meat dishes and very much it is pleasant to me, when
somebody estimates them on advantage. To love what kitchen you? I love on a
grill meat with barbeque, the baked chicken, edges, salad from fresh vegetables.
I want to tell to you about my city slightly. The city of Yaroslavl is
located on 57 arallels, in 282 kilometers from Moscow in a picturesque
place on merge of the rivers of Volga and Kotorosl. its the territory makes
20,5 thousand square kilometers, general extent of roads - 611,4 kilometers.
The population (constant) - 1386,3 thousand persons: City - 1116,8 thousand persons
Rural - 269,5 thousand persons The centre of area - Yaroslavl, the population - 603,8 thousand persons.
Yaroslavl was based in the beginning XI in. Kiev prince Jaroslavom Vladimirovichem (Wise) as the city - fortress on a right coast of the
river of Volga at runs in it the rivers Kotorosl'. Yaroslavl - not only a city - museum, but also the
large industrial centre. Our city is industrial here again to make much industrial
the goods. Now the city is the industrial centre numbering more of 600 thousand
inhabitants by Conducting industries are nowadays machine-building, chemical,
oil refining, textile. Yaroslavl is located in heart of Russia, close its capitals: in
280 kms from Moscow and 750 kms from Saint Petersburg. The trunk-railways
which are taking place through Yaroslavl, connect the centre of Europe to the
north of Russia, Siberia, the Far East, China and Mongolia. The Yaroslavl River
port accepts court from the Caspian, Black, Azov, White seas and Baltic.
In our city very many historical - architectural monuments. It is good and
beautiful city, with a plenty of historical places and parks. Here I was
born and have grown. It is old city with a rich history. Here many beautiful
places. I to want that you to learn me are very good and for this purpose I shall
tell to you about my life. I shall finish the letter. Please, tell to me about the life, about the family? I with impatience
shall wait for your letter. I to send you a photo of me and my parents.
I wish you good day. With impatience I wait for your answer Anna.
Good day my friend Greg. I am glad that you to write to me again.
Today I want to tell about myself more, about my family and about my city
and I hope that it will help you to learn about me more. As you already to know my family she is
mum, daddy and my sister. My mum call Tatyana, daddy Peter, and sister
Veronika. At us a small apartment, but cosy. Our family very amicable. I very
much love them and I respect. We always understand each other and we find
common language. In free time from work I like to go in for sports. I give
preference of aerobics and to pool. You like to go in for sports? As I at leisure like
to read, listen to music and to look films. To read I love classical novels.
I love music romantic. Mine loved films of a melodrama and a comedy. What
you like make at leisure? Still I very much like to cook, I like to please the parents to
cook him different tasty dishes. I like to think out unusual culinary recipes and
with pleasure I shall realize them in practice. Most of all I like to prepare for meat
dishes and very much it is pleasant to me, when somebody estimates them on
advantage. To love what kitchen you? I love on a grill meat with barbeque, the
baked chicken, edges, salad from fresh vegetables. I want to tell to you about my
city slightly. The city of Yaroslavl is located on 57 parallels, in 282 kilometers
from Moscow in a picturesque place on merge of the rivers of Volga and Kotorosl.
its the territory makes 20,5 thousand square kilometers, general extent of roads -
611,4 kilometers. he population (constant) - 1386,3 thousand persons:
City - 1116,8 thousand persons Rural - 269,5 thousand persons The centre of area -
Yaroslavl, the population - 603,8 thousand persons. Yaroslavl was based in the
beginning XI in. Kiev prince Jaroslavom Vladimirovichem (Wise) as the city -
fortress on a right coast of the river of Volga at runs in it the rivers Kotorosl'.
Yaroslavl - not only a city - museum, but also the large industrial centre.
Our city is industrial here again to make much industrial the goods. Now the city is the
industrial centre numbering more of 600 thousand inhabitants by Conducting
industries are nowadays machine-building, chemical, oil refining, textile.
Yaroslavl is located in heart of Russia, close its capitals: in 280 kms
from Moscow and 750 kms from Saint Petersburg. The trunk-railways which are
taking place through Yaroslavl, connect the centre of Europe to the north
of Russia, Siberia, the Far East, China and Mongolia. The Yaroslavl River
port accepts court from the Caspian, Black, Azov, White seas and Baltic.
In our city very many historical - architectural monuments. It is good and
beautiful city, with a plenty of historical places and parks. Here I was
born and have grown. It is old city with a rich istory. Here many
beautiful places. I to want that you to learn me are very good and for this purpose I shall
tell to you about my life. I shall finish the letter. Please, tell to me about the life, about the family? I with impatience
shall wait for your letter. I wish you good day. With impatience I wait for your answer Anna.
Good day my friend Greg. I am very glad to receive from you the letter. Your
detailed letter helps me better to understand you and your life. I find you very
interesting the man. I am glad, that we with you friends. Our correspondence so
means for me much. I am afraid to think beforehand, but I want, that you knew -
for me it very seriously. I want, that you knew, that now you have friend who may
attentively listen to you who may share your problems and understand you.
My parents to consider that now is better life in Russia, than was before
at communism. I to want to tell to you it is a little about my life. As you know I to
work as the manager at restaurant. My working day begins at 8.30 am. I wake up
at 8.30 o'clock in the morning, I prepare myself for breakfast. In the
mornings I eat a sandwich and I drink coffee. Then I go on work. I go by the bus. The
restaurant where I to work refers to as "Josephine". I to work at this restaurant as
the manager 5 years. Our restaurant specializes on preparation of dishes of the
French kitchen. My work consists in selection and training of the attendants,
realization of the daily control of the organization of work and trade at restaurant,
the organization of complex dinners in the afternoon works, the organization
and realization of banquet evenings, formation of the list of dishes and the
menu for the current day. Among firm dishes, it is especial loved visitors,
loved a dish of an imperial court yard - the fish caviar with pancakes and
the sour cream, refined Norvegian fjord salmon, Coeur de filet of beef,
and also many other tasty dishes. In our restaurant each day to come it is a
lot of people. They very much to love our restaurant. I very much like to work
here. Work made with love brings pleasure to people. It is always pleasant
for me to se! e smiles on persons of our clients. In the evening after work I go on rates of the English language. I to
study the English language 2 years. Then I go in computer club to look your mail and to
write to you the letter. I do not have computer, therefore I to write to you from
computer club. My girlfriend there works. I to come to her and there to use
Internet. It is very convenient for me. Sometimes it happens, that it does not
work. If from me there are no news couple of days you do not think that I have
stopped to you to write, simply computer club means is closed. I necessarily
shall write to you when the computer club will work. I with impatience shall wait
for your following Letters. I wish you successful day and good mood. Sincerely
Hi my friend Greg. I was glad to receive your new letter and photos. To me to like
learn about you new and to open you, as persons. With each new letter we to
become closer to each other. All of us it is more learn each other. Probably very
much occupy a question why I to search for you relations abroad and why I to not
search relations in Russia. At me here in Russia bad experience with men. And
today I want to tell to you about it. For a long time years 10 back at me was the
guy. Him called Ivan. It was my first man. I him very much to trust and tell all.
And he to decide to take advantage of my trustfulness. He has pretent what to be
interested in me. He to begin to look after me. He began to occur at us at home.
All was fine. But then I began to notice that at me from the house things and
money vanish. I all over again to not think of Ivan of anything bad. But then
ur apartment to rob and Ivan to vanish. In militia to us have told that from
my key the duplicate is made. I to tell him about the guy which was gone and
there were no at me some days. They to find him and appeared that he has
robed our apartment. Appeared that he to deceive me. And not only me. He
has deceived so some more women. I had a strong depression and I long might
not believe men. Then I to grow fond again but this person to betray me again.
I was madly in love in him, and he only pretended that loves me. Actually
he scoffed at my feelings. Was such, that he appointed to me meetings,
promised to come to me, I waited him, and he did not occur. I sometimes cried,
because he did not come in the evening, at us in city in the evening not
so quietly and I worried for him. And he, the rascal, came in day or through
two and spoke, that at him there were affairs and that he loves me. And
then I found out through his friends, that at this time he had a good time with
what that maidens. he did not like to work, he frequently borrowed for me
money, promised to give, but never repaid. And I forgave him because liked.
I even hid it from mum. Has passed some time and I have seen him in the
street with other woman. They kissed. I did not remember as have come home.
I cried all night. I had depression very long. I began to work much and
began to forget this villain. After that case I have decided, that I shall
never deceive in l! ove people, I shall never scoff and play feelings Other people. I
to not want so to risk and break to myself life more. I to want to be simply happy
and to live as the normal person. Further I have decided that I shall search the
kind person to have family. This person should be fair, decent that he never
deceived me. That he was with me at the happy and difficult moments of life. I
desire to have family, loved the person beside, feeling care and constant support
in difficult minute, to what to aspire each person in life and I too. I want that of me
cared and liked. And in exchange the car of my not spent love and tenderness.
That in the house the cosiness and rest, kindness, tenderness and love was. A
lot of love! To me 30 years, and I and to not have, about what I to speak you. I
was close to happiness in the past, but my trust to break my heart. I once
again to want to test such feeling as love. I very much to hope for it.
Therefore I to write to you. I to think, that you to understand my words.
I hope to see your new letter. Tell to me the history of life. It while all. I to promise you to write later. I with
impatience shall wait for your answer. Sincerely Anna.
Hi my dear Greg! I am very glad to receive from you the letter. Today I to go in
computer club with hope to receive your letter and I was very happy to see it. I
began to be convinced that I to have attachment to you and already with
impatience to wait your letters more and more. It is very important for
me, that you to understand me and to listen to me. I am very glad that you write me. It is
very interesting to me to read your letters. You see they open you as persons
and I very much like all that you rite. You have many qualities which I I like also
which would like to see at my future husband. In the person to me first of all it is
important his honesty. Probably it because I very much frequently to be deceived
in people and consequently I to appreciate this quality most above. You see
anything is not present more important than honesty and ability to speak that you
think and to assert the position. You with me agree? I to search such person. I
am tired that constantly betray me and on this I am glad that you in the letters
are fair. It is very pleasant for me to communicate with you. Under your past
letters at me to develop about you very good opinion and I would be glad learn
about you the new facts which to convince me of that that I to make a correct
choice having written to you the first letter. I like that that you tell
about yourself and to like that sincerity and an openness with which you
it make. Still I to want to tell to you about my dreams. My dreams simple. I to you
already told about them. I want to be happy and make happy on the Earth
loved me of the person. I to want to have the family. My family may and
there will be no the idealest in this world but I to want to have family
and it to be happy. You see what at me plain dreams. For my 30 years of life I
to save up what potential of tenderness and kind feelings which am not
spent yet and I wait for the person to which shall devote all of. What to search
you in the woman? Still I to want with you today will talk about that as I see a role of the
woman in family. In my opinion neither the husband nor the wife should not feel that their
rights are restrained. In Russia of the woman are brought up so they should
care of family more. All family problems lay on the woman. She should care
of children prepare for food, erase, keep the house in order. I am brought
up in the same spirit. I to consider that the woman should hold keys from
family. But also the man should her help very seriously. On the first place
for the woman there should be a family. Russian women are able to combine
both work and family and everywhere to be irreplaceable. Therefore here
the woman also works and conducts family. I think that it correctly and am
ready to make all that my future family was happy. By the way I will think that to you
interestingly to know my post address. My address: Yaroslavl Russia 150003
Sovetskaya, 6/4 Anna Orlova. You may send me on this address the letters and
a photo. I shall be happy to receive them. I to wish you good mood these days.
I shall wait your letters and I hope that you will write to me soon. God bless you.
Sincerely yours Anna.
Hi my dear Greg. I am very glad to receive your letter. I so am happy, that you at
me on mind all the day. I to want to tell you, that my heart began to beat more
often when I to think of you. I to know you not long, but I can tell, that you
very fair and open and it very much to involve me and let's me trust, that
I can like and be loved!!! My parents speak me, that I should be always
open. I to tell them, that we relations to develop successfully and they are
happy for us. Thank for your post address. Now I can send you by mail the letter and my
photos. I want to tell to you about my parents and my childhood. At me very good, kind and tender
parents. I very much love them and I respect. We always understand each other
nd we find common language. I not so small, but frequently address for advice to
the parents. It is very fine when in family there is a mutual understanding. I
always to dream to create such family. I very much appreciate honesty and
decency. If I to create the family I think that the main thing in relations with the
husband will be full trust to each other. Mother and father of me very much liked
and brought up me rather strictly. But I am grateful to them for it. I had many
friends and we with them played in a court yard of our house. It were carefree
years. I went to school on well and excellent. I always remember my first
teacher, she have opened for us a door in knowledge and thanking her I can
communicate with people freely. I am indefinitely grateful her for that feeling of
human kindness that she to all of us has imparted. As I grew at me I varied the
point of view opened for myself a lot of unidentified. My loved subject at school
was mathematics. After school I have acted in university. I studied at faculty
management and technology of public catering. It is fine student's it was time.
Sessions, you know that this such, do not sleep at night worry, and when there
comes day of examination, heart simply jumps out from a breast. I think that you
too have gone through it. I very much liked to study. After university to me have
offered to work at restaurant and I might not refuse. I very much like my work.
You may tell to me about the childhood. I to wish you good mood these days.
I shall wait your letters and I hope that you will write to me soon. Yours Anna.
Hi my dear Greg. I was very glad to receive your letter, I waited it with the big
impatience. Our restaurant has 90 seats (chairs). In Russia is not present a
restriction on alcohol. I to continue to tell to you about myself. Today I want to
talk to you about religion. I to trust in the God. At me orthodox religion and I the
orthodox christian. And yours? Me christened when to me there was no as early
as one year and frequently drove in church. I was brought up with belief in the
God and this belief helps me in my life. But I think what to trust or not trust in the
God this private affair of everyone and it is necessary to respect a position of
each person in this question. How you think? I believe and always I pray for that
that the God has sent the help to those who in it requires. What your churches?
Our churches very beautiful. Walls and ceilings of our church are painted by
icons and everywhere stand candles. People come in church to pray, listen as
sing songs as priests read prays. In church so quietly and there always you find
a peace of mind. I to ask you, that you to send me all photos which at you are.
They will help me to feel your presence near to me. I to want to feel you, your
gentle sight, yours a smile. I so to require in heat and care and I think, that I
to ask not so much. I to become attached to you and at me to appear very
big sympathy to you. I search pure love and romanticism in relations. I love
when all beautifully, finely, gently and romantically!!! Desire to have
family, loved the person beside, feeling care and constant support in difficult minute, to what to
aspire each person in life and I too. This my treasured desire in my life.
I shall finish the letter. I shall look forward your letter and to miss on
you! Yours Anna.
Hi loved Greg. I am very happy to receive your letters and photo today. I
Waited for the moment that you will write to me the letter and I have waited
it. I as though to fly in heavens when I see yours the new letter. They to
give to me of forces in work and to support my health. Nothing it is
necessary to me except for your letters and you. I to notice, that our
letters are more and more full of love and good mood. I to read your letters in the Internet of cafe. In the Internet of cafe
unfortunately it is impossible print your letters then to read your letters
of a house. So it is good me that in this world there is a person to which I is not
indifferent. It is very pleasant to me to study, that we is mutual understanding
each other is the most important fact in our relations. It is very good me, as I to
meet you in my life. I to not be yet never so am happy. I as though to fly in
heavens. Nothing it is necessary to me except for your letter and you. I yesterday
to think of ours relations and about our feelings. I already to become attached to
you. I think that for that time that we with you are copied we very much pulled
together and between us the feeling has appeared, I think that we are necessary
each other. I constantly think of you, you have taken a place in my heart. You to
like me and I think that we relations may be deeper. At present my feelings to
YOU are very strong me pulls to you as if a magnet. Your letters do my mood
high. To me it becomes joyful on soul. I understand that ours relations
everyone become more serious and more s! erious. Your words heat my soul and heart.
You in my heart each minute. I shall finish the letter. I love you!!! I with impatience
shall wait for your letter. I to send to you the most passionate kiss.
Your love Anna.
Hi loved Greg. I am very happy to receive your letters and photo today. I
Waited for the moment that you will write to me the letter and I have waited
it. I as though to fly in heavens when I see yours the new letter. They to
give to me of forces in work and to support my health. Nothing it is necessary to me except for your
letters and you. I to notice, that our letters are more and more full of love and
good mood. I to read your letters in the Internet of cafe. In the Internet of cafe
unfortunately it is impossible print your letters then to read your letters
of a house. So it is good me that in this world there is a person to which I is not
indifferent. It is very pleasant to me to study, that we is mutual understanding
each other is the most important fact in our relations. It is very good me, as I to
meet you in my life. I to not be yet never so am happy. I as though to fly in
heavens. Nothing it is necessary to me except for your letter and you. I yesterday
to think of ours relations and about our feelings. I already to become attached to
you. I think that for that time that we with you are copied we very much pulled
together and between us the feeling has appeared, I think that we are necessary
each other. I constantly think of you, you have taken a place in my heart. You to
like me and I think that we relations may be deeper. At present my feelings to
YOU are very strong me pulls to you as if a magnet. Your letters do my mood
high. To me it becomes joyful on soul. I understand that ours relations
everyone become more serious and more s! erious. Your words heat my soul and heart.
You in my heart each minute. I shall finish the letter. I love you!!! I with impatience
shall wait for your letter. I to send to you the most passionate kiss.
Your love Anna.
Hi my love Greg. I am happy to receive your new letters and a photo. It for me as
a drink of fresh air. It to please me and to give to me of forces. I like to receive
your letters. They very much dear for me. I love you and each line written
by you warms me. Your letters to fill my soul with heat and pleasure. In
my opinion for that time that we write each other we very strongly to become
attached to each other. Your letters help me to feel your affinity. And
though us with you are divided huge distance, reading your letter, I feel
your affinity. I present, that you sit next and embrace me. I am very happy
that I have you. Yes, my parents call "Anechka." " Air mail " we to name
me Aviapochta. I unfortunately to not listen "Nelly", " Black Eyed Peas ". Yes I like to
listen "Tarkan". I to want to tell that distinction of age does not disturb me. My
girlfriend to leave in marriage for the American person who is more senior than
her(it) for 15 years. They are happy and at them will be fast the child.
I vacation begin October, 28. I to want to tell that I well to speak the
English language. Your letters not too long. I to speak about us with you to my parents and my sister. They to ask me
you is valid to like him and to want be with him. I to tell not thinking, that
very much and can not present themselves without him. I to tell him about
you and they to tell, that you very good person and are possible to trust
you. My parents and the sister are very happy for me that I to find you.
They to tell me that I to make a correct choice, that already for a long
time it is time to me to have family. They speaks that now I shall be happy.
My parents to know that I very long to search for the happiness and may
not find it in any way. I am very happy that I at last have met you my prince.
I may not find the happiness very long. But now I to meet you and am very
happy. The destiny has presented me of you because it has renumerated me
to long searches and expectations. Only one circumstance installs grief in my
soul. This that that we while far apart. I to love you my unique. All my
love and tenderness only for you. I wish you good day. By the way my parents and my sister asked to transfer
you warm relations. I to send you my photo with my sister Veronika. I shall wait for your letter my love.
Your love Anna.
Hi my lovely Greg! I am very happy to receive yours letters today my love.
Yes, we to have here snowmobiles. I to want to tell that I never to smoke.
I to not have boyfriend. My sister is married two years. I constantly think of you, you have
taken a place in my heart. I think that we should meet, we should see each other
look in eyes. When I close my eyes, I present you near to me - two hearts bound
in a circle of love. Two body, pressed closely to each other. I to kiss your lips and
I embrace you intense. I steadfastly look in your eyes, and our souls are united. I
begin to understand that my life without you is not meaningful, because I love
you. Today I all day thought only of you. We became frank with you and I
think that we should be together. My life to become very happy as I have
you. All is good, but I think that our love should be, when we together,
when beside. I to require you and to want to be with you. My ideas only
about you and about us with you together. I very much to wait day when you
to tell me at a meeting: I love you Anna and a kiss of me. All my dreams
only about you, I to think each day of us with you, about our joint life.
All my life belongs to you, my! love. I have you and I am very happy. Your love to me to do me the
happiest person. I love you my Prince. I to not know that to me to do, I very much to want
to be with you. I shall wait for your letter, whether it is important for me to know you
share my ideas. Your love Anna!
Hi my lovely Greg. I to receive your letter and a photo my love, I waited it with the
big impatience. These days I thought only of you, about that as we with you
Let's meet. I represented it to myself as you meet me at the airport as we
search each other eyes, we find and we rush in embraces each other. I spoke
with my girlfriend about an opportunity of the organization to trip to
you. My girlfriend works in a travel company. They are engaged in the organization of tourist trip to
other countries. She has told that will help me with registration of the visa and the
passport. Still she may find out cost of tickets aboard the plane, but for this
purpose it is necessary to know where the international airport nearest to you?
It seems to me that we already on are close with each other, we as if so
much The husband and the wife, only, unfortunately, divided in huge distance. I
that can not do with myself, it is love, it sing in me as a bird in The spring sky. I think that it is
destiny. I am madly in love with you. Your letters are filled such heat and care,
and at me tears of pleasure sometimes run. I think " My God, thank that you
have helped me to find my only thing and I hope that we with him shall
incorporate and we shall be happy. " I dream of our meeting and about that as we
shall walk with you to keep for hands as we shall look after one after another. I
dream as you will carry me on hands to embrace me, to kiss and caress my
gentle body. I so do want that we with you were together. We are created the
friend for the friend. I to want to speak with you, a kiss of you long long to go with
you to cinema. Up to a meeting with you, my life was monotonous. I to not have
happiness with loved the person. I to search the love, but these searches
have not resulted me to him. I to receive only disappointment. Each day I
to think about life and to see, that I of nothing to cost in this world and
to me it was very bad.! But I to not want to recollect, that was earlier. I have you and more
than nothing it is necessary to me. Without you and your love, my heart it will
be empty on always. I to know, that you to see it and to want me. We to
like each other and we should be together. I to trust that we shall overcome
all barrier and we shall be together. I to love you and for ever in your ideas.
I with the big impatience shall wait for your letter my love. My hottest and passionate kiss.
God bless us both, my prince. Your princess Anna.
Hi my love. At me good news to you my love. My girlfriend already began to
make out to me the visa and the passport she makes out to me the tourist visa.
This visa will be valid during 90 days. she to tell that this visa the best variant
that to us you to meet. she has told that I can prolong my visa when I
shall arrive to you to me it will be necessary to address in embassy and to me
will prolong the visa. And if we with you shall get married, I can remain
with you. My visa will be ready on Friday. It is necessary for me on the
visa and passport 250 of dollars. Still she today find out cost tickets
aboard the plane up to Knoxville. Tickets cost 980 dollars. These are return
tickets. I to not know that to me to do, I can not find such money. When I
to think of it to me begin on soul very sadly. I hope for your help. My
life depends on you, my love. We shall be happy only together. I to want
to make that happy in the world. But I to understand, that we far apart and that
we to incorporat! e it cost money. I to not know, that to do. This paper prevents
me to embrace you, a kiss and to love you all life. I to cry when to think about
it. But I to trust, that I we to be with you together, my love. When I to
think of you my heart come to life, I wait yours kiss, your love, your
touches. You my destiny, my life. Know, that I wait only for you and your love. I
to want to be with you. I am mad you I like and I want, that you always were
near to me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not contain in words all that I feel. You -
my closest person, most loved. I love you! You know as much for me these
words mean! I love you above all! YOU became for me to the most fine and desired the
man in the universe! Know, that you to me very much dear. I want to be only
with you. I so dream to be near to you. I might not present myself earlier,
that it is possible so strongly to love persons. You mean very much much for
me. You unique with whom I can present all my other life! You are my prince
whom I so long waited. I dream of you, it is a pity, that you may not see, how
I smile, may not see pleasure on my person when I think of you. My charm, I
want that life yours was pleasant, in every respect, that vital your way
was in the pleasure, surrounded quiet and long happiness. I want to kiss you
and to tell I LOVE YOU!!! With impatience I wait for ours with you of a
meeting when I gently can embrace you and kiss. My love to you is wide as the
sea, boundless as the sky!!!! I very much want to be near to you to touch you,
to feel your breath, to sink in depth of your tender eyes, to feel heat of
yo! ur lips and tenderness of hands, to nestle on you, to wake up near to
you! I wake up and lie down with an idea on you. I so do not have not enough
you, n a breast all is compressed. To me so it is lonely without you! I love
you gently and passionately! I shall wait for your letter. My most passionate
kiss. God bless us both. Love in Christ, Anna.

If You interesting in me please use this
address to write me : olka_mo@mail.ru
Hello my dear I was so happy to get your letter today. It was a really
pleasure for me to read it. I think that this first letter will be a beginning for our wonderful
communication,I hope we'll become a good friends in the future,and even more...
With every letter we'll get to know each other better and then decide if we are for
each other. I sincerely hope that "Yes". Now I'm going to tell you a little about
myself,and in your next letter,you'll also tell me more about you and about your
family. My name is Olya. I'm 25 years old. I was born and now I'm living in
Ukraine,Lugansk. It's not a big city,but I like it a lot. All it's parks and streets. All
the people that always smile to you when you are walking down the street.
I'm studying at the Pedagogical University in my town. So as you see,in the future I'll
be a teacher. I like children very much,so I'll chose teaching as my future
speciality. I like to rest in the country in big merry company. I like
parties. I lik neatness and home cosy. I also adore pleasant surprises. What about you? My
dream is to go all over the world. I respect truth, faithfulness and responsibility in
people. I don't like people who drink much and drug addicts. By my friends
I'm consider as kind and tender. They think that I'm friendly, responsible,decent and
resolute. I like receiving kindness and consideration, I appreciate this quality and
I give it back doubly. A man should be firm of purpose, with will-power,
reliable,whom one could always rely on and whom one could never be afraid to be
with. I'll be waiting for your reply with impatience. Hope to hear from you soon.
Bye for now, Olya

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