Hello, Me name is Darya. After birthday of my girlfriend after all my
girlfriends have left to meet with the husbands and guys I has decided, that the friend with
whom I might connect all further life too is necessary for me, but such person
with whom I would not be happy is not necessary for me. I shall tell to you
slightly about myself, me 29 years, I live in city of Volgograd in spite of the
fact that it is very beautiful city, here very difficultly to find the good person with which
it is possible would be to connect the life, the purposes of people in our city very
much low, and the girlfriend has advised me to look same people as well as I
i the Internet, I and have made I have gone to the Internet of cafe and have found a
site which to me the girlfriend has advised, at her mum as has got acquainted
with the person from Germany. From all countries which were offered me on a
choice, I have decided to choose , on films and under stories I know, that people
for which his personal honour and decency is appreciated more than any petty
interests live in this country. After short viewing structures I have seen yours
which most approaches me, and have decided to write to you in hope that I shall
receive from you the answer. Excuse I has distracted from the story about itself
slightly. As I to you already spoke me 29 years I live in Russia, city of
my weight makes 54 kgs at growth of 172 centimeter. At me higher education on a speciality the ecologist, but on the
trade I do not work, as on it it is very difficult to find work. I work to help the bookkeeper in the
company which is engaged in sale of home appliances. I live one without parents, my parents
were lost at a fire of 6 years back, my grandmothers and grandfathers communists, my relatives were noblemen when Russia
king corrected earlier, but there was it for a long time. I never supported ideas communists, they have
resulted the country which once was great power, in full route. But about it I shall
not continue to me this subject not so it is pleasant have shot.
I live together with mine cat Murka, she my best friend! She also likes to ask to have a meal
black color at me, in exchange on it she may sit next hours me and purr.
Unfortunately I badly know the English language so I the first time shall be to use
the translator, but I go on rates, on studying language. With impatience I wait
from you for the answer. Your new friend Darya. Please write me on my personal
e-mail: dana_lik@land.ru So it will be more convenient to me to write to you
and I can send you the photos!
You would know how many pleasures to me have brought that you have
answered me! Now I understand, that people in your country really
responsible ! Today I came into computer club and have scanned some the
images and with this letter I send them to you, I hope, that I to you
like. I directly would like to learn more about you to learn your
interests as you live as you work. I am very glad to have such friend, as
you. I in life very cheerful person and at me very responsible work as
I already spoke, I work to help the bookkeeper, and I not in what a
case should not make a mistake, both in work and in life I not less
responsible person, I think, that the person should concerns to associates as
wants that to it concerned. In my life was a lot of pleasure, but
besides it is pleasure always stood on a number with more sad events. I never was for the
husband and I have no children, but I very much would like them to have, but
from the person with whom our love would be mutual and that the child anything
did not require. The main features of human character I think Sincerity,
kindness, politeness and as I think, that the person it is necessary should be the
respectable citizen with love to the country. I very much frequently see young
pairs, I see as they are happy, I sincerely am glad for them, but thus I remain
itself the person whom not loved At me when that was one friend, but it
is little bit sad history, I was possible shall tell to you about it
little bit later. I as like to be on a nature, there I feel quieter. As other
my hobby is domestic animals and in particular as I already spoke you my cat Murka. On it I also shall
finish the letter to you, and with impatience I shall look forward to hearing.
Your new friend from Russia Darya
Hi my beautiful friend Mark I am sincerely glad, to that you have
answered me again. From the very beginning of the letter I want to inform you, that I do not
smoke and I have no harmful habits with alcoholic drinks. Your letters give me a
charge of energy for all day! I read them with the great pleasure. In the letters you
may ask me about everything, that interests you about me. But if I on them do
not answer you, do not take offence, I simply can not understand it , set to
me it slightly on another and I it is indispensable on him shall answer you. It is my first
experience of
acquaintance through the Internet, but this way has very much liked me as I was answered at once with the
person who has liked me. I write the letters from the Internet of cafe so be not upset if I shall not answer
you the letter at once, simply the Internet of cafe may be closed. Today I went to church, today
for me little bit sad date, this day my parents were lost. I orthodox christian, at us
very beautiful churches, at that moment when I am in church I feel
quietly, me already cease, that or to disturb. It is very interesting to me what weather at
you today, I think, that at you should be warm. Spring my liked season, I likes to
look, how the nature comes to life after winter. As the first kidneys on trees are
dismissed. Birds who an autumn departed on the south arrive , but they again
will return. The first grows a grass, many children leave on street and are pleased to
this season. Children it future our planet and on them all our hope, does a
pleasure me the big pleasure to observe of them. My parents educated me good
formation as you know I has finished the Volgograd state university on a
speciality the ecologist. But nevertheless I do not work on this speciality.
Sometimes at me in life there come such times, that I seem to me, that already
for whom it is not necessary, that I shall stay one, but nevertheless I calm myself
and I believe that the main love in my life still will come, the god will help me with
it. Tell to me more about itself, you like to listen to what your liked
dish, what your liked film, what else music. My liked dish it pelmeni, this very tasty dish
from Russian kitchen which consists of forcemeat of a beef and pork with an
onions and spices wrapped up in a dough and are cooked. This really excellent
dish. There may be sometime I of you him shall feed. My liked films it Gladiator
and Angel city, is film about the big love when it was finished I very strongly
cried if you of it did not look, look necessarily, it is pleasant to you. As to music, she
is pleasant to me! different on mood, I as like Russian classics Tchaykovskiy,
Rohmaninov, Rimskiy-Korsakov as it is pleasant to me Madonna, Enya, Kylie
Minogue. I think, that after that you will know letters more about me.
I very much like your letters. On it I shall finish the letter. Your friend Darya.
My friend Mark I am again glad to you to tell
Hello Our correspondence Seems has become stronger lso we became
already more close people! I am very glad to receive your letters when I
come in the Internet of cafe and I receive your letter, at me at once
am cheered up, so it is pleasant for me to receive from you letters, I
hope, that our correspondence will be strengthened also we shall not
overlook the friend about the friend! With the letter I send you the one more
image, I hope it to you it is pleasant. You like my images? My girlfriends
constantly ask me about you, to them interestingly what habits at you what you,
I answer them, that I already for a long time did not communicate with such
person as you, I really very much like your letters, I understand, that you that
person on which are possible to rely! Today there was really ridiculous case with
my cat Murka, I still hold houses fishs, my cat observed of them with
top, but was unintentionally broke and has fallen in an aquarium to
fishs, having frightened thus and and ?uaie after that she was all
crude, but I of her have turned in a towel and she has gradually dried up.
By the way, it is fast at me birthday, I was born February, 24, 1974 and I a meeting the 30 birthday.
Tell to me as your affairs as you will spend the day, it would be very interesting to me
to learn about you more... Unfortunately I on it finish the letter. With the big
impatience I shall look forward to hearing from you! Have good day! Good luck!
Your friend Darya.
My great friend Mark. Thank for new remarkable
Again I receive from you the letter and I am very glad to this event! I hope, that to you about what I write is
clear. You know, for the small period of correspondence with you and
have already understood, that to you have become attached, without your
letter at me day any not such but as I receive from you the answer at
once my life is filled with pleasure. And you attachment to me? I think
what yes if it so that it is healthy! I shall give you my home address so we can
correspond letters by usual ail, but nevertheless it is not so
convenient, as it seems to me, in the first letters will go very long, and there
is an every prospect, that the letter will be stolen, at us in Russia of it it is
possible to expect... From many steal letters simply from there is nothing to
do , but nevertheless I shall give you the address: Russia Volgograd 435056
street Karla-Marksa 58 flat 25 Lebedeva Darya But it seems to me, that all oaee is easier
to communicate through the Internet, in general I think, that the
Internet this big achievement as people from two different ends of a
planet may communicate with each other freely that I have got acquainted with
such person as you already because of it only I shall tell to the
Internet many thanks! Much to our regret I do not have phone, in
Russia it is the whole problem, not enough at whom in Russia there is a
phone of a house so we might speak by the phone, but it is possible if
such opportunity I necessarily shall call you will be presented me.
You Believe, when I sit at work, I constantly think of you, I wait for that moment when I after work shall go to the
Internet of cafe and I shall find out the letter from you, it does a
pleasure me huge pleasure. With this letter I send my image. Whether my
images like you, only is fair? Unfortunately my time in the Internet of cafe
comes to an end. Write to me necessarily! I shall wait! Your friend Darya.
Greetings my best friend Mark I hope you not against, that I name you the
best friend. Yes you may name me Dasha so even it is pleasant to me
more. Simply I very much to you attachment, and I think, that you my best
friend! At us with you as I understand the new feeling arises, I tested
such feeling at school when tudied in 8 class, I then have fallen in
ove with one, the boy, but at present it drinks alcohol very much, in
general in Russia ery big quantity people drink vodka do not understand
why. I very big opponent of the use of alcohol, and I in life of it
shall never use! As not the supporter of smoking, I think, that this
superfluous. It was very pleasant for me to receive from you the letter, I
start to be pleased lifes, and this pleasure is connected by that we
have found each other. What all of you the remarkable person! With such
person as you I would agree to lead all life, I know, that it is
possible to rely on you, I completely trust you and I know, that such person,
as you never me deceive. The deceit is the most bad character trait of
the person, it at all does not decorate the person! Today with girlfriends I went to park and I
have noticed there one pair, there were two and embraced, their persons
looked the happiest which it would be possible only will present,
and I represented, that it is possible we when-ieaoau as we shall go together
and we shall be happiest people, such, that everyone will look at us
and everyone will be to admire. Still I very much love the order, am
inadmissible, that at me houses were are scattered things or there
was a dirty utensils, I done not complicated at all by to clean all these
things, it does a pleasure me only pleasure. With impatience I shall wait from you for the
answer. Your Darya.
Hello my kitten Mark At me, as always it was cheered up at reception of your
letter! think, you not against, that I have named you a kitten, do
not take offence, it I am tender so you I name. Girlfriends at work speak, that I became
absent-minded, speak, that I have fallen in love, I do not know, that to
them it and to answer, because I do not want them to deceive, even it seems to me, that I
have already found, that person whom searched, and this person you! So it
seems to me, what I too to like you, or it not so? Tell me please, it may
be not mutual at us these feelings, and I very much would like, that
the our love was mutual! Yes though I and hesitate slightly, but I
should you tell all: I LOVE YOU MARK! It is very interesting to me to learn,
whether this feeling so, try to me is mutual at us to answer it as soon as
possible! I very much ask you! Your kitten Darya.
Katya/Ekaterina Kostateeva
(Volzhsk, Russia)
She uses photos of Russian pop star
Alsu. She even tells of her mother's death
and tries to get you to send money to her. The address she uses is Russia,
Volzhsk, Lenina str., house 5 flat 3 83631. I am fortunate to have a Russian
teacher who immediately recognized the photos. I went to Alsu's web site and
found many of the photos I had been sent. This person is very convincing and I
am sure many men have been scammed into sending money to that address.
Is there anyone in Russia that shuts these people down? This person has to use a
name to pick up funds at Western Union. Sincerely, Robert
Ekaterina Skobeleva (Kaluga, Russia)
I had gottena few of her letters , this is the one that got me to give her
$325 . I have to hand it to her , this is good . I came across her past
letters that were posted as ~ Svinuhovo - Ekaterina . I was 24 hours too
late in finding your site , bad timing . Hope she uses the money for good.
Her E-mail is kat@sokolniki.net
Hi, my Jon. There is a fine news to me and to you - I have received the visa. I
end you it. I shall have also vacation on January, 26. Today I went to the
company which reserves airway tickets. I asked hem how I can reach Phoenix
(PHX) and how much it costs. They answered me that the ticket costs $ 821
USD. I asked them to find cheaper tickets, because this price is expensive for
me. They answered that they had a cheaper ticket but the beginning of the flight
28-January-04. It costs $ 714 USD. I asked them to reserve a ticket.
>But they refused, because they have a lot of clients at this time and
they can't reserve my ticket without advance payment. I spoke with them
for a long time and asked to reserve the ticket for me without advance
payment but they didn't agree. Then I wondered if it is possible to pay
a part of the money now and the other part later. They didn't agree. I
spoke with them for a long time and I managed to persuade them. They
agreed. We agreed that I would pay a part of the price today and the
other part later. I paid $ 310 USD. But it was little for an initial payment. Then I
went to the pawnshop and pawned my silver and gold embellishments for $
118 USD. It was my last money. The number of the flight on which I
reserved the ticket is Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines 323.
The time of departure from Moscow is 11:00 AM. The time of arrival in Phoenix (PHX) is 4:22 PM Terminal 2
I shall arrive in Seattle (Seattle Tacoma) number of the flight Alaska
Airlines 752. After this I will fly to Phoenix (PHX), to you Jon.
It is very difficult for me to tell you about it. But I have done
everything that I could. I paid visa. I paid a part of the ticket. But
this money is not enough. I didn't want to burden you. I wanted to
reach you with my own money but unfortunately I failed. Now I have to
pay the remaining part. It is only $ 286 USD. I have to pay this money
before 23-January-04 morning. Otherwise I will lose my money and
ornaments. If you need me, if you trust me and if you want to see me, please,
send the money for the ticket before 23-January-04 morning. I
understand that it is a difficult decision for you, but we must trust
each other. Any union without trust is impossible if it is a union of
wife and husband or union of boy-friend and girl-friend or union of
business partners. I don't want to be hypocritical. That's why I want
to tell you following: I do not think that you would like to give the
love to the woman whom you won't trust. Also I would not like to give
my love to the man which I won't trust. It's a first check for us. And
much depends upon it, may be everything. We must trust each other.
That's why I was the first who made the first step. Step to you.
Of course if you don't want, you can not help me. It is bad but not
fatal. I will lose my money. IT IS BAD TOO BUT NOT FATAL TOO. I paid $
335 USD for making visa, and I paid a part of the ticket- $ 428 USD. It
THING IN THE LIFE. But I trust you, and I know that YOU ARE A MAN OF
HONOUR AND YOU ARE A GENTLEMAN. I don't want you top doubt in my
honesty and that's why I am sending you the view of my visa.
If you can help me I send you my coordinates. I give you necessary
elements for sending money with the help of Money Gram: Bank Kaluga
Azarovskaya st. 18 Kaluga Russia 248631 for Skobeleva Ekaterina.
To get the money, I should tell to employee of bank your full name,
full address, exact sum which I should receive and some confidential
numbers (Money Transfer Control Number), which will give you, when you
will send the money. Please forgive to me all my words. I speak so because I am in
despair and confusion. Now, when only one step is separated us, I am
afraid. I am afraid that you will not help, and all my diligence will
have no use. I need you and I want to be with you and the word of
honor, your help is necessary for me. I have not calculated my forces.
But together we are much stronger. We will pass through difficulties
and barrier, it is much easier to do it together. I want to present you
all my infinite love and fidelity. I understand that it is the big money
for you. I did not want to ask you. I thought that I can make all itself. The
loneliness has made me strong. I have got used to live without help, and to rely
only on myself. I ask somebody for help very seldom, but now I ask you to help
me. I have made a step forward. Make your step towards me. I hope that
I have not offended you something. I need you and I trust you. I know,
that you will not throw me now when there is only one step between us.
I am waiting for your reply. Kiss you. Your Katya.

(Irkutsk, Russia)
I am a 35 SWM in the Kansas City, Missouri area. I received an email from this
"Irina" thru a dating web page. I was looking locally and had never even
considered looking abroad. I don't have the very first few emails, but it started out
with her wanting an email address outside the system, no problem. We exchanged several emails and PICs, but she never answered any of my
questions directly and the emails seemed cookie cutter, repeating my name
several times, as if she just did a "find and replace" on the name. So I started to
get kind of suspicious. Then "Irina" wanted my address an phone number. I gave
her my number and someone did call at about 2:45 am and left a message that
this was Irina from Russia. I sent her an email to set up a better time to call me,
but she never actually replied to any emails and answered my question, just kept
sending new emails. To make a long story short. I found your web site and even
though I did not see her picture under any names, I did find several letters that
were almost exactly the same as some I was receiving "Aunt Tatayana in
Moscow is looking into a visa" "Rasia at her bar was jealous" word for word from
other letters on your site. So I decided to play along. It took "Irina" only a few
weeks to fall in LOVE with me ?!?!?! (whatever!!, I don't even know this girl). She
repeated over and over that she loved and missed me. How do you miss some
one you have never met or even talked to? Her English seemed to improve as the
letters went on. She did not ask for money for about 2 months. $430 for a tourist
visa or $750 for a fiancé' visa to be sent Western Union. Then the airfare later.
Needless to say I am no fool and did not send any money. I simply replied to her
that I was on to her and I knew for a fact that a fiancé' visa could only be applied
for by me from the USA. I was not going to send any money to her and that
ha found letters similar to hers on the internet. NO REPLY BACK FROM HER.
Imagine that!! Kerry
Hi! Nice to meet you here on emode.com! How are you doing? I saw your ad, I
am interested in getting to know you, and I have decided to write you! Let me
introduce myself, my name is Iraida, I am 30 years old. My height is 5'8" and
weight of 132 lbs. I'm romantic and tolerant, but serious. I am single, never been
married, no kids. My friends say I have a good sense of humor and it is very
interesting to talk to me. I am looking for a person who is honest and trustworthy.
I dream about candle dinner with my loving man dreams, dreams, I want to be
happy and to feel like real woman, like a queen. He must be tender and attentive
to the woman's world, sometimes I need only his good words and I want to find a
man who could understand it and help me to be happy together with him. I feel I
have so much love to give and so much inside my heart to share. If you feel the
same way as I, please do contact me on my regular e-mail address: loneliness@front.ru So...I would be interested in seeing your reply soon... Take
care, Your new friend, Iraida P.S. Also...if you want, I'd like to send you my
picture, therefore please let me know about your regular e-mail address for that I
can send my picture
Hello dear Kerry! I got your so short reply, but I really don't understand, did you
get my last so large message?? Please, let me know.. Dear Kerry, before my
coming to chief's computer, I had so sad mood because today I had to serve a
very bad client in our bar :( He was very drink a alcohol, and he all time prevented
me to work. It was expressed in that he tried to embrace me and all time spoke
me so various abusive words. Eventually our service of protection, the police has
expelled him from the bar, but my mood was awfully bad. But when I have saw
your reply in the computer, my mood became so good! Dear Kerry, thank you so
much for the good making of my day! Kerry, please, don't worry about this so bad
case with this so bad client, ok? It's ok now. My dear Kerry, I see that we are
interested in each other more and more, and I think that it's so good for us,
because I have so good and liked friend as you, Kerry!!! I'm so interested by you
Kerry, that my life became better than before an acquaintance with you, Kerry, I
feel it, really!!! You are so good friend, you can understand me as a good friend to
good friend, and I think that it's important thing in the life! Kerry, I see that you
trust me, as I do it with a great pleasure to you too, and I think that it's so good
thing in our friendship, really, Kerry? I hope that you understand me, Kerry, that
in my opinion, all people in the world must to understand each other in spiritual
plan of a dialogue. Do you agree with me, Kerry? By the way I want to say to you
that believe in God very much, I believe in Jesus, I am a Christian woman as I
said you earlier. I like to go to the church, it's not far from our cafe. Our City's
Church is a very beautiful place, there is a lot of an beautiful icons too, I like this.
The priests sing beautiful songs and I like it very much. This so calms my soul
when I have a bad mood too. But now, I want to say to you that your e-mails
calms me too when I have a bad mood, I feel it, Kerry. Also when I am in the
church, I have my debt to pray for the souls for of the died people, especially for
the died people from terrorism :( I hate the terrorists!!! It's so large shame for the
people who engaged in terrorism, the terrorists are not the people!!! Dear Kerry,
do you agree with me? Also I remember that September, 11, 2001 was so tragic
day for all american people, I remember that in this day were the attacks on the
World Trade Center in New York and the Pentagon in Washington :( So many
innocent people were dead... Oh my God... Dear Kerry, please, accept my most
deepest condolences.. I know, God see this so dirty acts of this shame
terrorists, and that God will be punish this terrorists!! Also as you know, we in
Russia have the conflicts with the Chechen terrorists :( May be you heard that
the July, 5, 2003 was the tragic day for Moscow. In the Moscow Air Station
"Tushino" was the rock concert. Many fans have came on this festival to listen
their favourite music. By the way on the concert were two woman-terrorist and
when the people bought the tickets on the concert in the cash departments, this
two terrorists have blown up explosive devices which were under their clothes...Oh my God...It's so large nightmare! As I heard on TV, to this two
girl-terrorists were around 16 years old...Oh my God...By the way I want to say
you Kerry, that one waitress Svetlana have her brother in Moscow, he was on this
rock concert, but his health was not damaged, waitress Svetlana was so
frightened when she was informed that his brother was on this concert. we with
another waitresses calmed her. By the way the Svetlana's brother told to her
about this so terrible picture on this concert: a lot of the blood, many died people,
large panic...NIGHTMARE! Dear Kerry, I am really sorry if I write you about this
so unpleasant things, o'key? But really, I want to say you that the problem of the
terrorism is so sick problem of all nations. Dear Kerry, please, be safe! My dear
Kerry, also I want to ask you your full name and your home address on any
unforeseen case...Please, send me it, okey? Kerry, I would like to send you my
home address too. As a matter of the fact, may be possible, our director's
computer will break in the any time, as director have warned me, and I think that
it will be so pity that we willn't can to write to each other by emails during long
time. But I think that God willn't admit it, because on my opinion he know that we
like to write to each other our e-mails as I feel it! Kerry, I can send you a
postmails or postcards by the usual mail service also. But you must know that
will be better if you willn't send me a postmessages or other any parcel posts, for
example by our city usual Post Office. Kerry, I want to say to you that it's so
shame that some peoples and some mail organizations like steal the postsendings of any peoples :( I know many so shame, so bad cases about it
from my friends. It's the shame for this peoples and organizations, really? I hopethat in your country all ok with postorganization. Please, don't send me
anything by the our city's Post Office, I don't want that your postsending will
appropriated by any thieves! But I will give you my home address and my full
name on any case. It's here: My full name is Iraida Belyaeva, and my home
address is: 75 Trudovaya, 22 Irkutsk, 664081 RU Russian Federation Please,
write this data on a paper on any cases, ok, Kerry? ALSO I WANT TO ASK YOU
#, I SO WANT TO HEAR YOUR VOICE! Well my dear Kerry, I must go for now...Hope to hear from you as soon as possible Kerry, I'll wait for your
messages with the pictures so much! Take Care and be Safe Kerry! Respectfully,
Yours.........xoxoxo Iraida
Hi my friend Kerry! I'm happy so much to receive your answer again and again!!!
My dear Kerry, of course, may be you want learn about our correspondence,
about correspondence's essence too, really? As I want to tell that I have decided
to get acquainted through an Internet due of my girlfriend Oksana which one year
back has gotten acquainted with the foreigner French Alex, I have said you about
this earlier. It's might be a bit strange that we both decided to find our "half" in
such a way as by the Internet, you might ask me why did I decide to apply to the
Internet, there are a lot of russian guys over here... Frankly speaking, I don't know
how to explain it, but you can understand, every time I met with somebody I
realized that this man is not what I need... I was desperate, I start thinking that
maybe it was me who was the reason, but now I think I've understood what's the
problem. Russian guy are very spoiled with good attitude forward them, there
are too many beautiful women in Russia, who are ready to share their love with them,
that they stopped value it. They don't consider they have to be polite and caring
with woman and might think. I'd like to be sincere, I don't want to play games with
the person I love and want him to answer me the same. I'd like to tell you my
"small secret", in my life I had the the serious relation with one guy only which I
loved very much, in the first time all was good, but then on unknown reasons
he began to drink the alcohol a lot of...A LOT OF...When I saw him in very alcoholic
status, he allowed himself to humiliate me by the insults, indecent words, and in
separate cases to beat me :( Sometimes I heard from him that on another side
he had another girl... I suffered this humiliation a lot of time because I loved
him...But then my patience has bursted... I hated him...And I has destroyed our
relations...And I don't regret about it not! Then as I told you my girlfriend Oksana
has recommended me to begin the relation by the Internet, on Oksana's opinion
the guys from France and USA can to love, to appreciate and to respect women
as considerable men too. Oksana has chosen her boyfriend Alex from France
because she know French language a little. I don't speak French language, I can
speak and write English language, and I have decided to find the man from
USA and I have decided to write you, Kerry. Kerry, may be, possible, we will together
in the future time, may be I would like to look the marriage too, if you will want
this, I don't want to hide this so important fact, but we must to learn more things
about each other more and more, it will reasonably and correctly, really, Kerry? I
hope that you will agree with me with this fact too. Please, tell me about this,
ok? But in my opinion, again and again, we must learn about each other
more and more, I repeat this! Please, agree with me, Kerry! My dearest friend Kerry, I would
like to tell you about my family. I want to say to you that I have a friendly family.
This are my mom Nina, my daddy Konstantin too. I don't have any brothers and
sisters. On professions my mom is a seller in the shop, and my dad is an
engineer on the factory. Our family are living without any conflicts too, we have a
good understanding between our members of our family. Because, I think that our
parents gave to us a good education. I think that it's so good and I'm so proud
that we have my mom and my daddy. Also I want to say to you that I live with my
family in one apartment. y the way I have consulted with my parents about the
account my acquaintances with you through the Internet, they have estimated it
as positively because they care about my future life of course. My parents would
want that I have a happy life, and would want that I will find my man. As I told you
earlier, I have never been married Kerry. As already I spoke to you earlier, I work
as a waitress in the bar here in Irkutsk City. It's a perfect and cosy cafe. My job
is very pleasant for me, people in our city are kind, and visitors of the cafe are not
roughness to us, certainly there are cases when the visitors are not correct with
us and spoil mood, but it happens very seldom. I'm very interested to learn about
your work, Kerry, and what do you do in free from work time? During our
weekends, in my free time, we are with my girlfriends, also with Alex and Oksana
sometime, go for a walk to the city, we like to sit in cafe too for a cup of tea. I like
my girlfriends very much, especially my best girlfriend Oksana. She is as
native sister for me! By the way I want to say to you that Oksana works as a waitress in
our bar too. Also I want to say to you that Oksana and Alex are living in Irkutsk
City now. Oksana have visited Alex to France at last time, Alex asked Oksana to
visit in France him after that when they have understood that they love each
other. I remember, Oksana was so happy in this time. They lived together during
two month in France. And then they have came to Russia, to Irkutsk City too,
simply, Oksana said to Alex that she have missed about her parents, and that
she want to visit on some time her parents, and they came to Irkutsk from
France. They are very happy together, they love each other very much, I envy to
Oksana and Alex slightly :) and also, of course, we meet with each other
sometimes and spend a lot of time together. We are so good friends! Also I want
to say to you that I have never been outside of Russia, I have never been in an
other countries, but I would like to travel at once, it's so romantically, I
think :) Well, Kerry, I must to finish my e-mail to you, I attached my following pictures,
on the first picture are me, Oksana's younger sister Natasha, and Oksana; on the
second picture Oksana and Alex. Kerry, I hope that we will continue to
correspond with each other and you will tell me much more about yourself, and I
will try to tell about myself as more as possible in future e-mails. I want to ask
you about more things, Kerry, and I hope that you will understand my questions
and will answer me for them. A great friend hello to you from my family, my
friends Oksana and Alex too!!! I hope to see your reply soon Kerry! Faithfully,
yours friend, Iraida
Hi dearest Kerry! I'm so very much happy receiving your reply again, Kerry!
I want to say to you that your messages became an important part of me
and my life, your e-mails help me live, I don't have boring mood in general, but I have a sad
mood when is bad weather in the street when it's coldly. But when I receive your
warm messages, I forget about bad mood at once, I have a smile on my face and
magnificent mood from your e-mails, Kerry! I can't without your messages now,
Kerry. You can see that I write to you so long inform e-mails about myself,
because I want that we know about each other very much. I thought that
it's so important for us Kerry, really??? By the way today it's coldly and rainy on the
street, but it's north wind too, I don't like this, it is around -2 degrees C. And how
about your weather today? I like the late spring very much! I like the
spring because in this season I have a vacation from my job in the middle of May, it's so
nice! I like to spend this vacation with my family and with my friends too.
Basically, in vacation I like to go to camping in the wood, which is situated
around near Irkutsk City. Kerry, I hope that you know that our russian woods are
so beautiful, I hope in America too. There are the pines and beautiful russian
birches basically in our woods. Also through this wood proceeds the small river,
this place is so real romanticism, believe me Kerry! We are with my family, my
dad and my mom pack a backpacks, we take a large tent, we take a necessary
foodstuff, and we are together with my family go to camping. I like this very much,
Kerry. Especially, I like to be near this small river too, my dad like to fish very
much, I'm not fisher :) But, once I have tried to fish, and I have caught a small
carp :) I was so surprised by this, and what about you? Do you like to fish? :)
Also do you know, Kerry, that the food which is prepared on a nature more better
than the food in home? It's a fish soup basically. Also we eat fish canned food.
It's the sprats in a tomato sauce. It's so tasty to eat on nature. In total, I like
camping very much, Kerry, and how you spend your vacation? Tell me, ok? It will
be interesting for me. Dearest Kerry, also my friends in our bar are asking me
about you very much all time :) I tell them that you are very good man, also I
want to say to you that some my girlfriends envy me slightly because I
found so good man as you by the Internet. But I don't address on their
envy of any my attention. Also my collegues from my job asked me about
that did you sent me any gifts. I answered them that it's not necessary for me. The main gifts from you to me are
your warm messages and you, Kerry! Also if your remember, Kerry, I said you in
my last message about that it's not necessary to send me any parcels by
the usual Post Office Services. I have said to Oksana and Alex about larceny of
postmails and others sendings about that some my friends said me. Alex was
agree with me too that it willn't necessary to send any things by the Post Office
Services. The fact in that when Alex and Oksana have got acquainted, Alex
decided to send to Oksana a nice gifts to Irkutsk by any Federal Express
Service. This gifts were a beautiful flowers and nice woman white dress for
Oksana. When Alex sent it to Oksana, Oksana didn't receive this so nice gift
from Alex. The gifts were lost by this Service for the unknown reasons. It was so
insulting for Alex, and, is especially for Oksana. She cried very much
from this to a grief. Alex wanted to submit to court on this Federal Express Service, but
Oksana reconvinced Alex to not submit to court on this Service. So this beautiful
gifts was lost without a trace, Kerry. From this my dear Kerry, please, don't send
me anything by the any Post Office Services, ok? I don't want that will happen as
it was happen with Alex and Oksana. Also dear Kerry, I want to return to the
problem of the terrorism. Some time back I heard that terrorists have sent the
biologically infected messages to major government agencies and editions of the
newspapers of USA. Nightmare! I worry so much if you will send me any parcels,
that terrorists will can to infect your parcel, I hope that you understand my
anxiety... Kerry, I would like to tell you that Oksana and Alex want that if
we with you will be together, that we will visit them :) Kerry, they will leave Russia through
a month, they will come to Alex's Native Land to France. Alex said to Oksana
that he don't want to live in Russia, because he likes his native France more than
Russia, Oksana want to live in France too as she said me...I'll miss about them
so much. Also they see that we have a good relations with you and they
wish us that we will can together soon and that I will come to you in USA, and we will live
together as Oksana and Alex are living together. I want to say to you, Kerry, that
I am thinking about you more and more, possible, about my coming to you in
USA Kerry, I feel that our relations became more than friendship, really Kerry???
I feel it by all my heart and soul, because I can't without your messages now.
Well, Kerry, on this I'm finishing my message to you, as usually a warmth
greetings from my family to you, and from Alex and Oksana too, Kerry! I'm
waiting for your e-mails as soon, as possible!!! Thinking about you, Kerry,
My warmth kisses,Iraida P.S. By the way my dear Kerry, I want to ask you, why
you didn't send me your home address with your full name? I asked about this in
my last e-mail, but you didn't send me it..Please, send me this data in
your next e-mail...I will be grateful to you for this because I send you my address with my
full name in my last e-mail.
Hi my love Kerry! I really enjoy hearing from You My Darling!!! I am happy so
much!! My dear Kerry, first of all I want to say you sorry for my delay in
the answering to you, but it was so awfully to wait when the computer was
broken..But today the repairman has come to the bar and he repaired the
computer, after this I was so happy!!! My Kerry, yesterday I had my Happy
Birthday, it was so great!!!! I spent my Happy Birthday with my parents and with
my friends Alex and Oksana. I am still can't believe in that I am 31 years old!
Simply saying it was good Happy Birthday, many happy smiles from my parents
and my friends, gifts.. :) Oksana and Alex have presented me a soft toy the cat :)
And my parents have presented the red blouse..Was so happy! But it was really
pity for me that you was not near me... My dear, my love Kerry, in my last e-mail
I have told you about my so closest feelings to you, Kerry, I wrote this message
ith so close love feelings to you, dearest, I didn't can to hide my love to
you, my soul prompted me that I must to tell you about my love, because it is so difficult
to hide a close feelings to love man, Kerry! I do love you, Kerry, and I want to say
to you that, please, don't discharge me from you! Kerry, it's so pity for us
that our messages connect us only, I want to see you in reality my Kerry! I so want it,
darling!!! Our e-mails connect our close love feelings to each other, our messages
are our rescue with boredom and from all of boring things. I want to say to you
my darling that I can't without your messages now Kerry, your e-mails are
necessary for me so much my Kerry, I love it and I love you my dearest
Kerry!!! My love Kerry, I want to say that my parents and my best friends
Oksana and Alex are very happy for us my love Kerry, they are all time ask about you, about
your feelings to me and I say to them that our feelings with you are so closest, I
don't want to hide my love to you from everybody my Kerry, I have found sense of
my life..IS YOU! I DO LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU BADLY, DARLING KERRY!!! My love Kerry, I want to say to you that my collegues on my job are
very happy for us too! In total all my collegues says me that they are
very glad for us too, but one woman say about me very bad things, she is an economist of the our bar,
her name is Raisa, she is 47 years old. She gossips about me that I am not
considerable woman, because I found you my Kerry in Internet and she considers
that it's not good, because she said that in their past live time when in Russia
was the communism, in this time guys found the girls and that it was better than
in present time, when in more cases girls find guys. I feel myself so badly from
Raisa's words my Kerry! :( She have so silly prejudices, she is not right, really
my Kerry??? I think that man can chose like woman or woman can chose like
man if they want it mutually, really Kerry? I think that we have mutual love
feelings and it is better of all when the loving each other people love each
other mutually, I think that it is an important fact of the love about
reciprocity. Really my Kerry, is our feelings mutual??? I think from our messages that it's true! Also
I want to say to you that Raisa doesn't have a husband, she lives one, she
considers that all men do not deserve her attention because, I think, that she is
not simple in herself soul, she have the hard soul and heart, I think that she think
very highly about herself simply, she think that all men is silly men,
it's her opinion only, I don't know why she think so bad about men, why??? :( My
dearest, did you meet such silly peoples as Raisa the ideas of which is not right
in my opinion!!! I think that she is not right in that she said about men!!! I think
that this woman is egoist woman, I think that you will agree with me my Kerry.
But I don't want to say about this woman to you in all because it is very boring
for me :( Ok? I want to speak about us my love Kerry. My Kerry, I want to say to you
that my parents so happy that we met each other, I say you again and again
about it!!! THEY SO APPROVE OUR CLOSE RELATIONS!!! I have consulted about my coming to you with my
mother and father, and I want to say to you that from my words about it my mum and dad were so surprised, they asked me, am I
sure about my coming to you, and I have answered that we with you can't without
each other, that I can't live without you and I have decided to be with
you, Kerry, all my life! My mum and dad have approved my coming to you, because they
understand what is the love, also they have told me as they love each other when
they were young people too. My parents wish us a happy life together! I'm so
happy that I have such kind and careful parents. They asked to say hi to you from
them! My love Kerry, also I have some good news for us!!! I want to say
to you that Oksana and Alex have reminded me today with my possible coming to you
my Kerry. The fact in that Oksana have a good aunt Tatyana in Moscow, as
Oksana said me, she will can help me with an information about my coming to
you in USA! The fact in that Oksana's aunt Tatyana has helped to Oksana when
Oksana and Alex have met each other in Internet, when Alex asked Oksana to
come to him in France, Lion City. Oksana's aunt Tatyana has helped to Oksana
with all information for need necessary documents for the Oksana's coming to
France to Alex. Aunt Tatyana works in one of the individual travel firm in Moscow
City. It's so positively for us because she will can to help me with all important
detailed things of information about all necessary documents for my future
coming to you in USA my love Kerry. Also I want to remind that Oksana and Alex
will go to France soon, as I said you earlier, because Alex want it, Oksana want
it too, they decided about it earlier. And Oksana will connect with her aunt
Tatyana about all necessary information for coming to France. By the way
Oksana will can ask Tatyana about all necessary information for the documents
and prices of my coming to you in USA. Oksana will try to connect with Tatyana
in Moscow soon on the days, and will ask about all important information! I am so
excited from this so happy news my love Kerry! Alex and Oksana say to you a
friendly hi again and again my Kerry. Also I want to say to you my Kerry that it's
very good that Oksana and Alex, and also me and you Kerry, found our love by
the Internet, I think that the Internet is the assistant in everything, in Internet
people can find any necessary information, and it's important that the people can
to fall in love by the Internet, really my dear Kerry??? I do love you very much my
darling, I'm sure in my love with you so much, and I want to say to you that with
every day I want to be with you more and more my Kerry, I love you so much
dear, I can't without you my Kerry, you are my life's sense, you are so necessary
for me Kerry, I do love you, Kerry!!!!!!!!! Also my Kerry, on days, possible
tomorrow or after tomorrow, I want to go to the church! I must thank God that we
found each other my love, I so thank God, I know that we were acquainted by
God, I know and believe in it, Kerry! My darling, on this I must to finish my
message, also I am attaching the summer picture, here me and Oksana was on
the botanical garden, it's so beautifully. My love Kerry, I am looking forward to
hearing back from you my love Kerry. You must know, Kerry, how I feel so
happy myself when I read your messages my darling! Well, I must be off
my Kerry, I will think about you Kerry so much, I love you, and
I want to be with you as soon as possible my love Kerry!!!!! Please
tell everyone I say Hi! MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU MY LOVE!!!!!!!!! Yours Truly
Million Hugs and Kisses xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo Iraida
Hi my Kerry, my honey! Have a little time for the writing, just want to wish you
Happy New Year!!! Some hours up to the beginning 2004 year!!! Here in our bar
will a little banquet and we are working now with waitresses for the preparation of
this banquet for some representative people. Today I will end to work on 10:00
p.m. and then I will go to the home to celebrate the Happy New Year with my
family. My Kerry, again and again wish you so Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I
really must be off now, we should decorate the tables with my colleague...Thinking
about you so much! Love and miss you my Kerry, my honey! kisses, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
always your love, Iraida
Hello my love, my dearest Kerry!
How are you doing my Kerry? I'm doing so fine, my honey! I couldn't live without you and your messages. My dearest Kerry, I do
love you so much, I can't live without you Kerry! You are the inseparable part of
my life!!! I say this very seriously!!! Because you know how much I do love you
my Kerry, I can't without you my Kerry! I have so many sleepless nights
because I don't stop to think about you and about our love! All time I'm dreaming
about our meeting with my love Kerry, I can't wait a moment when we will meet
in your airport, I want it so much! I'm a happiest woman in this world,
because e have found each other in this so large planet! My Kerry, I
have so large heat in my heart and I want to wish to all people to
love each other very much, because I have tested this feeling with you
my dear, it happen so quick my dear and through Internet, I want to
say to you my dear, that all people, who want to find a love man or
woman, this man or woman will find the love necessarily, I'm sure in
this my dear Kerry, because I found you my love through the Internet,
and we love each other so much, and I know that our love is most dear
feeling from other feelings that exists on this small light-blue
planet. My Kerry, I do love you..love you so much, I miss you badly
darling, I want to be with you! My love Kerry, I want to say to you that my girlfriend Oksana tried
to connect with her aunt Tatyana in Moscow to ask her about the all
necessary information about my future coming to you my Kerry, but I
want to say to you that it was so pity for me that Oksana's aunt
Tatyana wasn't on the place in this moment when Oksana connected with
her aunt. But Oksana said me that she will try to connect with Tatyana
to Moscow soon on nearest time! We are me and my parents sure that
Oksana's aunt will give to us all information about my coming to you
my love Kerry. My dear, I can't wait a time when we will together,
I miss you so badly! You are mine, only mine Kerry!!! My love Kerry, before my writing to you, in my
mind came a lyrical thinking about you my darling. I have found an Internet one
lyrical poem, I want to say to you that I like this poem so much, I want to
show my great love and missing about you in this poem, I hope that you
will love this feel and soul poem for you my darling...
My Kerry, I hope you will love this poem, this poem from my heart
which fulled by so great love to you Kerry. I hope that you will
can test this so love lyrical words. By the way my Kerry, again I want to share with you my some problem
on my job, it's again Raisa, the economist in our bar... :( I want to
say to you that I heard from Raisa so bad words to my side again
recently :( I don't know why Raisa think about our love very bad :( I
think that simply she envies us very much, really, Kerry? She say
that all men promise to the women a happy life and love on a beautiful
words, and she said that you are not exception :( She gossips to all
members of the bar that I'm a silly naivety girl believing in the love
with you :( She said me directly in my eyes that you speak a beautiful
words to me only, that you play with my feelings and that you will not
to undertake all of effort for our meeting and she said said that all
men are people who like promise on the words so much and like to play
on the feelings, and on the real actions, as since side of the gentleman, the men are weak and timid people. My dear
Kerry, I cried from her words very much, she said me a dirty lie!!! Really, my
Kerry? She think about all men very bad, I don't know, why??? I don't
nderstand!!! WHY? Why she think about men so bad? I think that
she don't and willn't understand so happy feelings as the LOVE between
woman and man! My Kerry, I want to say to you that I don't want to
work in this bar, my patience will burst soon from this silly Raisa :(
I want to say to you that also Raisa is a distant relative of our chief, she adjusts our chief against me some time :( Raisa
said to our boss that he will must to forbid me to use the computer for my writing
to you, she said that the computer is not for the love feelings, she
said that the computer is for business needs only! When I heard it, I
was in the large shock and had a large whom in my throat, I cried
Kerry... :( My darling, I want to say to you that I willn't can to
go against Raisa because she is the relative of our bar's boss, but by
the way I spoke with our chief. He's name is Oleg. He said that I
don't must to pay of attention on Raisa, but since other side he can't
go against Raisa too because they are the relatives. But Oleg said me
that I can use the computer for my writing to you secretly from Raisa.
Oleg is a good man and he said that he understand my love to you
Kerry and he said me that he have a good wife which he love very
much and he told also about their love with his wife too, I thank our
director Oleg that he has solved me to use the computer that I can to
write you my dear, but he repeat me that he can't go against Raisa, he
said that, possible and I think it is true, that Raisa will render on
me moral pressure, he said also that it will be better for me that, if
I willn't work with Raisa in one bar, I will can to leave my job. My
Kerry, I don't want that Raisa offended me by her silly statements!!! I don't want to work in this bar with this so bad
woman Raisa, I don't want to hear her of the insult never! I want to say to
you that my mum and my dad, and also Oksana and Alex calmed me after
Raisa's words. I cried on the shoulders of Oksana. Alex and Oksana
said me that all will be ok, because we with you love each other, and
any Raisa willn't to prevent us when we will together with you my love
Kerry, they said also that it will be better that I will leave from
my job in the bar and I will prepare to my coming to you my dear
Kerry, my parents and Oksana and Alex said me that they are indignant
by the bad words of Raisa, is especially my dad. He don't want that her daughter
as me willn't offend anybody. By the way my parents and Oksana and Alex sure
that you will a good husband for me, and also that you willn't offend me never, I
said to my parents and Oksana and Alex that you are not capable on bad things
with me as do it Raisa. My love Kerry, please, promise me that you willn't offend
me, please, promise me about it my dear, please, I do trust you so
much, and I don't want that you will break my heart at once! I do love
you so much my dear Kerry, I so trust to you my darling, I can't
without you my Kerry, I can't! I want to be with you for ever, I
love you and I miss you badly, darling, I hope that we will find all
our life forces for that we will together as soon as possible my love
Kerry. Well my Kerry, please let me finish my message, I don't want that
Raisa will see me for the computer. I'll be waiting, very impatiently, for your next
e-mail. Again and again my parents and Oksana with Alex say you hi. And tell
everyone I said hello. With all my Love Thinking about you so much, Kerry,
Truly, your love Iraida
My love, my Kerry..!!!!!!!!! Where are you??? Where are you????
What's happened??? Please, let me know that you are ok!!! I so worry...Are you ok??
Please, write me as soon as possible and please let me know that you are doing
ok..I so love you and want to hear you and be with you!!!!!
always your and only your love, Iraida
Hello my love, my dearest Kerry!!!!!
I'm really happy and excited so much to get your lovely reply!!!
I do love you, I can't without you, dearest love Kerry!!! I can't
be apart from you, it's so hard! My Kerry, you are my life, Kerry, I want to hug
you so much, to feel your warmth, to look into your kind and tender eyes, to feel
myself happy and safe near you, dear. I'm sure everything will be well and the
destiny will work for us and we will be happy together my Kerry. I often think
about us and try to imagine our life together. Sometimes I feel you so near and
close to me. I even feel you on the distance. I feel when you are in a
high spirit and when you are sad. I am happy when you are happy, my
love Kerry. I know that our hearts will together always, because
our love is eternal, this great feeling connects the another people
and us through a continents. My love Kerry, we have so greatest feeling on the world...LOVE! My darling, our love with you
includes the most magnificent feelings are the trust, the care to each other,
and complete understanding in all! I so thank God and the Internet
that we found each other in this so large world my Kerry! My love Kerry!!! MOST OF ALL I
WANT TO SAY YOU THAT I HAVE A GREAT HAPPY NEWS FOR US!!! My girlfriend Oksana have connected with her aunt
Tatyana to Moscow! As Tatyana has said to Oksana that she has learned
how much cost a visa and a foreign passport for my coming to you!!!!!
Tatyana have connected with Embassy and there Tatyana was informed
that it will be better for us with you if I will have the visa of a
tourist. This tourist visa B-2, the visitor visa will valid during six
months. The price of this visa, as Tatyana was informed in embassy, is
120 US dollars. Besides the process of the registration of the visa
osts 60 US dollars. By the way Oksana's aunt Tatyana as has taken an
interest about another kinds of the visas too, as to her have said,
that there is a set of kinds of the visas. For example, visa of a bride. Tatyana has thought that this visa of bride approaches
to us, but her in Embassy have said that this visa costs more expensively and
visa's registration costs a lot of money. It will cost around 750
dollars US and the registration of the visa will during eight months,
it is very long and expensive! From it because the tourist visa B-2 is
the betterest variant than visa of bride now for us my love Kerry!
My Kerry, I must to ask you one thing, I will need to ask your help
with a financial charges for the getting of all necessary documents
for my coming to you. Probably, may be you know the economic situation
in our country simply is awful, in our bar give the salary to work
personal with a long delay not looking on that the salary is the small
and its suffices only on necessary foodstuff and on payment of housing
municipal services. Our government explains it to those that simply
they don't have a money, I see our russian president Vladimir Putin on
TV very frequently, and he promise only on the words that the sistuation in the country will be good in the future, but it's the
promises and the population understand it. It's the difficult financial situation, and
the government don't have a funds on the salary for the any kind of the job in
total. Awfully! Because my Kerry, I need to ask you to help with the charges for
the beginning of the registration of the documents for my coming to you, I have
so great desire to come to you and be with you! Kerry, I do love you
so much, honey, and I don't want to lose you never!!! My Kerry, also I asked my parents to
help me with this charges on the necessary documents for my coming to you,
but my mum and dad doesn't have such large funds though they would like to
help us, Kerry. My love Kerry, in general as aunt Tatyana said, I'll need
for 410 US dollars for the beginning of the registration. This amount
include the price of the visa is 120 dollars, visa's registration is
60 dollars, foreign passport's price is 65 US dollars, also I will need to pay for medical exams too, it will be 55 dollars,
and I will need to pay for the coming from Irkutsk to Moscow City, I have learned
about the price of the airplane ticket Irkutsk - Moscow, it will be
3300.00 russian rubles or it is around 110 US dollars. By the way Oksana's aunt Tatyana will try
to find the cheaper prices of the air ticket for the fling to you. Aunt Tatyana just
will need in some information, I need to ask you, Kerry, what is the name of
your airport??? Also, please, tell me about the approximate price of
the airplane ticket too, ok? Please, Tatyana will need this data as
she said to Oksana. As Oksana said me, Tatyana will try to find a
cheaper airticket! I so happy from this so happy news from Oksana's
aunt Tatyana! It seems to me that aunt Tatyana is good woman! But now, at the first I must to begin the process of the registration
of all necessary documents for my coming to you, in total I will need
410 US dollars as I said, Kerry. My love Kerry, it will be better to help me with this
charges for the payment of the registration by the system of Western Union,
Oksana's Alex informed me about this. My love Kerry, I want to say to you that
when Alex asked Oksana to come to him in France in Lion City, Alex helped to
Oksana with the necessary Oksana's charges for her coming, Alex have
sent the necessary funds by the sistem of Western Union. As Alex have
said, Western Union is the beterest and fast money transfer system in
the world. Also my love Kerry, as Alex said me, you will need in
some data from me, you will need my full name, Iraida Belyaeva, and
also the bank's of Western Union here in Irkutsk: Grinkombank, 36
Tereshkovoy Street, Irkutsk, 664034, Russia. My love Kerry, also
Oksana's Alex informed me that after your making of the money transfer
order, you will have the receipt from your bank. In this receipt will
be the important data is the control number which consist of 10 digits
(MTCN-control number). I will need in this 10 digits from you as I was
informed by Alex, because, my love, please, let me know about this
control number in the e-mail correctly. Without this important data I
willn't can to pick the funds for the beginning of the registration
for my coming to you. My love Kerry, please, I ask you so much to
help with this charges, I really want to begin the process of the
registration of the documents for my coming to you as soon as possible!!! I am
wishing so much that our meeting in your airport will be so soon!!! My Kerry, we
are me and you love each other very much and we will together so soon!!! I'm
dreaming for a moment of our meeting in your airport my Kerry! I'll cry in this
moment, my tears will be from the huge happiness!! When I'll leave from the air
gangway and when I'll see you, I'll run to you and we'll embrace
not looking on that many eyes will see it! They will understand that we have so
huge happiness! I'm closing my eyes and I'm imagining about this so
happy picture. My love, also I'm dreaming as we will live together, to
go for a walk, keeping for our hands. Kerry, I want that you will
show me your native land, the places where you like to go for a walk
and where you like to spend more of your time, also I want to get
acquainted with your relatives and closest friends, please, say hi to
everyone! I want to be with you very much, so much my love Kerry! I
love you Kerry, and I miss you badly! My love Kerry, I want to say to you that I have spoke with my
mom and dad about my coming to you again and again. My family have so many
happy smiles for us and they approve our close love feelings up to the limit, they
trust you and sure in this that I will happy with you so much! Every day they
see my feelings and my happiness from our love with you, and they
understand me that we with you can't without each other and wish us a
great love in this time and our future life too! More as usually my
family say friendly hi to you, Kerry, please, accept the love from
my parents, they love you as a relative son as my mum and dad said me!
My darling, also yesterday this bad Raisa has told the bad words
again, I see that she takes the pleasure from that she offends me. I
hate her! :( Her reasonings are so silly...One waitress said me that
she has overheard the talking Raisa and chief Oleg, Raisa gossiped to
Oleg her silly reflections about our love with you, and that I don't
must to work in the bar..Oh my God..I hate this Raisa, and don't know
what to do...Ok my Kerry, I don't want to fill your head by this
bad Raisa..She is not worthy by the attention, really? My love Kerry, I go now, again afraid that Raisa will see me for the
computer, I'm aiting for your messages so much my Kerry!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
With all my love to you, your love Iraida

Julia Babikova
(Ivanovo, Russia)
I am a single male, 38 years old living in Honolulu, Hawaii. I work as a disc
jockey in a nightclub. Julia (a.k.a. Yulia) Babikova contacted me through my ad
in Yahoo Personals under the Yahoo ID natalialevina and asked me to write to
her. From the start, I was suspicious. But, I decided to give it a try anyway. OUr
correspondence lasted from 5 October 2003 to 13 November 2003. She sent
pictures with almost every email. The pictures were innocent enough: her eating
ice cream, her sitting on a stool at a bar, her wearing a fur coat out in the snow,
etc. My suspicions seemed confirmed, but I wanted to see how soon she would
try to scam me for money. Sure enough, she quickly fell in love with me and
asked that I send her $213, via Western Union, so she could get a visa to come
and visit me. I made-up a story as to why I couldn't send it and she seemed to go
along with it for a week or so, but finally stopped emailing me or responding to
my emails. I was lucky to not have financially lost anything. After her initial
equest for money, I reported her to Western Union as a possible scammer and
Western Union directed me to the Internet Fraud Complaint Center, which is a
Federal US agency that handles scam reports like this one. I filed my complaint
on 27 October 2003. You can report scammers at this website
Hi, I was very glad to get your reply. I came to the Internet cafe just
to find some information and was looking through the sites. And suddenly my eye fell down on
you. I don't remember what kind of site it was. I liked very much what I have seen
and decided to write you. So if it is interesting for you, I believe I should tell you
now more about myself. Well, my name is Julia, I am 29 years old. I have blue
eyes and fair hair. But I try to change my image often as I always
like to be different. I live in Russia, the city of Ivanovo. It is not big but very green and cosy.
If you come here, you will find an ensemble of different architecture here. The are
also theatres, cinemas, cafes and many other cute places. I work as a waitress
in the local bar. Though I have a higher education, I can't find job on my
profession that is why I work there to be more independent. My parents
are on pension already. But pensions are so small that my father works
part time as a watchman in the car park. And now I would like to ask
you some questions. Tell me more about yourself, please, everything
you want me to know. Where do you live, what place do you work in?
Tell me about your parents. Everything you write me will be interesting for me. Unfortunately, I don't have a phone and computer
that is why I use the service of the Internet cafe that is why
sometimes there could be delays in my replies. Hope you understand me.
Waiting for your reply. Yours Julya!
Hello my dear Duane!!! In the first lines of my message I want to tell you that I
miss you so much. You are the most important and best part in my life. And I
just adore you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well, I've got to know what I need to come to you.
I need to do all the paper work to get a visa and then to buy tickets to come to you. As
for visa, there is a Fiancee visa but it is not the best variant for us as we haven't
met yet and we don't have the documents and pictures to improve our meeting.
They will not allow me to go there as a guest but it is possible to get a Labour or
visa for Work there. I can get this kind of visa very easy and quickly now.
But the only problem now is that I don't have money for it (I need $213 for visa). It is very
expensive for me and I can't find this money now. So I ask you to send it to me
by Western Union as it is the most safe way to send money. For this purpose
you will need my precise address: to Babikova Yulia. 14-9 Lebedeva str.,
Ivanovo, 460011, Russia. And in a week I will have this visa if I pay for it in some days. So
everything depends on you now. I miss you so much and I want to see
you as soon as it is possible. Just think in some weeks I will be able
to hug you, to kiss you, to feel you near... P.S. Trust me and in some days I shall be with you.
Yours Yulia!

This is Andrew from Los Angeles. I am a Caucasian, 32 and self-employed. I am
a private investigator. My usual specialties are background checks, drug testing
and child protection measures. This is, yet again, a follow up to a post on page
211 in reference to MASHA/ELENA MAKSIMOVA/ANNA MILCHAKOVA (Kazan, Russian Federation). I also placed an ad in Yahoo Personals as I travel
extensively and several friends of mine actually met and fell in love on the
internet. After the first few weeks, I also was contacted by a "Masha" from
Russia and my curiosity was peaked. So, I went along for the ride. Everything
else is pretty much verbatim under the above headings. The letters are word for
word with the same mistakes the gentleman speak of. Even one photograph is
the same. I will attach the photographs I have received and the additions/changes
in my correspondence is as follows: With me, she is "Masha" and gave me the
name and address as in previous letters "Mariya Yakovlenko". The only big
difference is she says she lives in CHITA CITY. Her occupation is that of "The
Cardiologist". She has sanctioned and was permitted access to the internet
during her free time. She changed the name of her friends to Oxana and Gunter.
Again, everything else is verbatim as stated in previous postings.
Fortunately, my nature is to be cautious. I was immediately skeptical of Masha because her
emotions moved very fast. I have just sent a letter informing Masha that, if we are
to be together, I should handle things on this end. I suggested a Non-Immigrant
Visa (90 day visit) so that we can get to know each other. I do not expect to hear
back. However, I will update you accordingly. Gentleman, do not be discouraged
by these relatively few scams. I know first hand that there are many good/sincere
ladies that want to find companionship through the internet. I have met several
new friends in a relatively short period of time. Just be cautious. As stated on this
site many times: "If it's too good to be true" or things move at a fast pace - be
careful and do not hesitate to do a little investigating of your own. "Masha" even
had me going for a few letters. The service provided by this site is invaluable. It
took me 20 minutes to reach this site and find this scam. Verbatim. Many
Thanks! babycool@front.ru

(Cheboksary, Russia)
I'm 44 years old, I got a messege from friendfinders.com that I had mail. It was
from a women from Russia. I decided to reply with nothing but my email address
and not much else. I got this response not once but twice. I had made a mistake
and sent my email to her twice, therefore I get 2 replies dated\timed less than a
minute apart. If you notice, she never used my name in her letter. It seems to
follow the same format as other scammer letters. This is the text from her
friendfinder ad. She is a silver member, this means she has a paid membership.
Hello my name is Natasha! I hope that you would like
this name! LoL. A some words about my self. I'm attractive, pretty, honest and kind lady. This is not
my words, this words of my friends. They think so about me. If you want to talk with
me, then you will write me. Looking For: A man for a short term relationship, a
long term relationship, marriage, a friend, an activity partner or a pen pal
Ideal Person: I'm searching for a good friend and more. I'm very want to meet
interesting and kind man, how can care about me and be with me. I'm very want
to find man of my live. I dream about it and hope that my dream will come true
very soon. Age difference is not important for me.
Hello, my new friend! How are you? I am fine today, i
was so glad today to get letter from you in my mailbox. I read your
letter with great interest. I really want to know you better and i want
to be friend with you. Where are you work? I work as the manager in
trade company. I like my job. I live with my mum and daddy, I have sister.
My family is very important for me. I'm 25 years old. My birthday is
September, 27, 1978. What about music? I like different types of
music, but most of all, I prefer slow romantic music, as it helps me to relax.
Did you ever hear Russian music? What do you think about it? Did
you ever been in Russia? Well, i live in city Cheboksary. I like my
city very much, because of there nature. You know, there is a lot of lakes,
forest in our town and outside, Air is very clean and fresh, especial in
the winter. When I went in a wood in the summer, even slightly begins to
be sick a head, from that the air very clean and pleasant. In our
city there are a lot of bases of rest, where there come very many people to
have a rest, and to undergo treatment. Well, i like my town very much.
t is my native land. I don't have any bad habits. I don't smoke, Idon't drink hard
drinks and, of course, I don't use any drugs. I can afford myself to
drink some soft grape vine or some beers in a good company. I'm fond of
cooking. I prefer Russian and Mexican food. I so glad that we begin to
correspondent with you, you are sweet and i think very good man. Can you
send me your pic? I can send to you another pic, if you like. Well, i
will finish for now, and will wait for your next letter. write me as soon
as you can, ok? Your new friend Natasha. P.S. What do you think about my English?
Hello! Thanks for your nice letter. It was very
pleasantly for me! Some words about my family. I live with my mum and daddy,
I have a sister. My family is very important for me. Our family is very
friendly and intelligent. My father works on local TV, he is the
professional operator. He frequently take off me on a video film. My mum is
the doctor in children's hospital. To my passions I can concern reading. I always loved
the literature: usually I read Russian classics. Besides, I like to
listen to good music, love my friends, who are dear to me, like interesting
conversations with new people. I enjoy relaxing sound of waves on the
beach and long walks during the sunset, I like the bright sun and the
moody moon, animals and warm spring wind, to dream and to think: so I
love life and try to enjoy every minute of it, which God gives us. Before
our meeting we can find out each other better in our letters. I want,
that you have found out slightly more about me. There is so much to know
about each other as well as the fact that we come from such different
parts of the world. I like my city and my country, all my friends live
here and I enjoy by dialogue with them. I very much love summer, sun and
easy clothes. I love to float in warm water. I love a sport. I love
aerobics and I think, that it will occupy the important place in my life
always. I'm go in for scuba diving during 6 years. Now I'm swimming only
for pleasure and maintenance of the form, and some years back I was swimming for achievement
of sports results, that is it was the daily struggle with minutes, seconds and with
itself. And this sports have learned me to discipline and persistence, but I am
romantic and pensive and the strong man's shoulder beside is necessary for me.
I would like to enjoy life to the fullest. Life is short and every minute of
it is worth living and enjoying. Also, I like to think and I have
many dreams... One of the dreams is to meet a wonderful man who will be my
best friend and love, with whom I can share the rest of my ! life thr
ough good and difficult times. I hope, that you will become this man
for me. I dream of a meeting with decent and kind foreign man and to
remove to his country. I know that international marriage is special kind
of marriage when the confluence of different cultures and languages is
held. It's rather sad to part with parents and friends. I know that on
removing to another country I will have to change many outlooks and life
style. I think we'll discuss about this more in ours further letters.
'll finish this letter. Write me soon and tell me more about your
country, your life, your family, your work. Natasha.
I wrote to you in July 2003 reporting a scammer in Ukraine. Now here are some
details of yet another scammer, this time in Russia. This one seems to be more
clever than most. She works on a long-term basis. She advertised her profile
a "Nina". I am a 55 year old English man. "Nina" was 25 when I saw her profile
(copy follows this letter). We corresponded for 10 months, and at first I had no
suspicions. Her letters seemd very genuine, talking about all sorts of things and
answering my questions and the points I made in my letters to her. She told me
she lives with her parents, no phone available, at home or work, and uses a
friend's computer to access emails and the internet. She said she has a sister,
named Tatiana. She gave me the phone number of a friend from work, so I could
call her at pre-arranged times. Because I felt, after a few months and several
emails, that she was genuinely fond of me, I asked her if she had an international
passport, to come to England to visit me. She said no, she had not. I offered to
send her enough money to pay for that, only a few dollars. She seemed to be
genuinely keen to come to England and meet me. At this point, the first alarm
bell rang, because she confessed that her real name is not "Nina", but "Tatyana",
(with a "y"). Her false name was apparently to protect her from scammers,
unwelcome emails from her profile, junk email and the like. I was annoyed, and
told her so. She apologised profusely and hoped I would understand. Her real
name, she said now, is Tatyana Osykina. She gave me an address so I could
send her the few dollars by Western Union. This raised the interesting point, if
she is Tatyana, what is her sister's name? Also Tatiana, she said, (spelt with an
"i"). Now I began to think there was something seriously amiss, because I never
heard of a family with two girls having the same name! But, it is possible, so I
gave her the benefit of the doubt and we continued writing. She wrote and said
she had her international passport, and gave me the number. I recognised it as
an "international passport" type number. Her letters were still genuine, it seemed
to me, and she was still talking about getting a visa and coming to London. She
had sent some photos, but now she started to send erotic ones. And she started
to write some VERY erotic stories about her and me in different situations.
Sometimes the letters were in perfect English, sometimes not good English at
all. I began to wonder if there was more than one person writing the letters.
At the same time her letters also contained interesting information about her, her
work, poems for me, jokes, all very nice, and apparently completely normal and
genuine. I sent a few more dollars for a gift, suggesting a new camera as the old
one was not much good, and some little present for her mother. She was still
talking about getting a visa and coming to see me. After a few more months I
decided that my suspicions were unfounded, but probably wise anyway. I sent
her money for a visa. After she had received the money, "work" started to take
her away for one or two weeks at a time. One day she said she would go to
Moscow to the embassy the following week and apply for a visa. (I was sure she
would NOT!) I told her that I had sent a sponsor's letter to the embassy, so she
could go there and have her interview and get her visa. Some days later she
wrote and said that she had given all her papers and the fee to a man in the
embassy while she was waiting in the queue. I did not believe her so I phoned the
embassy and asked if they had had an application from someone with her name.
They had not, of course. Now her erotic emails became positively pornographic,
accompanied by some pornographic photos of herself. Very nice to read and look
at, but unfortunately, the only effect they had was to make me more suspicious
that she was using them to keep an older man "hooked", presumably in the hope
that I would send more money at some future date. The stories and letters were
obviously copied straight from a magazine or book and the names changed to my
name and hers. The next thing was that her grandmother was ill, near Moscow,
so the whole family was going there and she would go for a second time to get a
visa. I heard nothing for about 10 days, so I called the embassy again. Still no
application from her. Then she wrote and said she had to go back to her
grandmother's village for an important meeting about the estate. She would apply
for her visa then. She did not, of course. Perhaps the visits about her
grandmother were genuine, perhaps not, but she did not go to the embassy. She
said she still had the money I sent her, she had not used it for anything else. I
asked her if she still had her international passport, She said yes, of course. (But
if she had really given her papers to someone for a visa, she would given that
too!!) I did not hear from her for several weeks, and then received a letter from her
sister telling me that she was seriously ill with pneumonia. Her family was going
to visit her. Eventually she "returned", evaded my questions about her illness,
and said she would go to Moscow the following week, (again!!) and apply for a
visa. Another call to the embassy, another non-application.
Now I did not hear from her for several weeks again. I wrote once or twice, no reply, so I wrote and
said I suspected her of being a scammer. This brought an immediate response,
telling me she had met another girl in a chat room on the internet and this girl had
told her that she was going to England to marry me!!! She was so angry, she
said, she stopped writing. I told her it was not true, and asked for the girl's name
and email address. She evaded the questions. She also said that now her friend
had moved away, so it was more difficult to get access to a computer, so she
would not be able to write so much or so often. The next letter from her was
addressed to a different man. She had finally made the mistake that so many
scammers make:- got confused about who she was writing to. In the meantime I
had run a (belated!) background check on her and discovered that although her
name and address appear to be genuine, she had no official job. The phone
number she gave me as belonging to a friend from work was registered to her
address, but not in her family name. And, she has NO SISTER.
I wrote and told her what I had discovered. She said she does have a sister. She evaded the other
points. I asked her to return the money she had remaining. She said she would.
After two weeks I wrote again and asked her again to send it. Altogether, she
promised FOUR TIMES to return the balance of the money. Of course she has
not. I told her I would report her as a scammer, which produced a letter promising
yet again to send the money. This was in December 2003. I have not heard a
word since and have not had the money back. There is no doubt that she has
worked a long-term scam here, taking advantage of the money for the visa and
using the porno stuff so that I would think it was worthwhile corresponding and
sending more money. Four promises to get a visa, but she has never applied, four
promises to return the money to me but she has not. Her details and some
photos follow;- and if anyone reading this recognises her, beware!! She may
seem like a nice, demure family girl, but in truth she is a liar and a very patient,
manipulative female out for what she can get! ame: Tatyana Anatol'evna Osykina.
Address:- 14 Pugacheva Street, Apartment 1, Armavir, 352909,
Krasnodarski-krai, Russia. Telephone:- +7 861 375 2496
Russian Passport No.:- 03 00 750464 International P/port No.:- 60 3692133. Issued 17/3/2003. Authority
UVD 114. If you want or need copies of any emails I have hundreds dating
back to January 2003. Some photos follow:
Hi. My name is Mr. Confidential. I am 35 and live in Texas. I had been
corresponding with Ekaterina for about 6 weeks. Recently she told me that she was up
for vacation and decided to come see me. Before I knew it she told me
that she had spent all of her money, $1,550 for a plane ticket but was still a
little short and requested that I send her $454.00 to purchase the ticket. I was lucky
that my money transfer did not go through because I caught her in a lie. She messed up on telling me her birthday because
she recently gave me a different date than what she had told me in her first letter.
Then I found this website and saw her picture on here. I am so glad that this website exists!
Svetlana Kalaeva
(Samara, Russia)
I am a 52 year old married white american. My marriage had not been going to
well so I had posted a Profile on one of the many Dating site to see what was
happening in the dating world. I was contacted by a person claiming to be Sveta
with a request to email her at Sveta E-mail Address(es): light_6350@pisem.net
the email exchanges occured over a three week period. Right from the start I was
honest about my situation and said I was not looking for someone to marry..I just
was meeting new people and trying some new directions. After 2 emails of basic
vague life situation and philosophy discussion and some photo trading "she"
started to profess a profound sudden love for me....I must admit it was very
appealing and became excited about this enticing relationship. She told me
where she worked as a consultant in " a shop called Husein in Samara that
provides things for people who like to work with their hands" , told me how her
father died when she was 6 and her mother never remarried. I asked for her
address to send her a gift and she gave it as Svetlana Kalaeva,> 63 Pushkin
Street, apt.# 50, > Samara, 443011, > Russia But insisted it was better to use
the internet. That the post would steal items and letters did not always get
delivered.About the 4th or 5th letter "she" began to beg to come to the US to see
me...She said she could not live without me. She said she had just spent $350 of
her hard earned savings to apply for her passport and "work" visa through her
firm. That they were expected to be approved and back to her in 10-14 days and
she asked me to help her with the airfare and wanted me to send her $850 by
Western Union and she would come to visit me and do anything I wanted.... Well
I have been around the block a few times and if something sounds too good to be
true it generally isn't. Thats when I began to research on the net about Her city
and came upon the links for Russian women seeking husbands and the scams
that came along with them sometimes. I bought and read Elena's Scam Guide
and got in touch with small agency in Samara run by Mikhail at http://www.stayinsamara.narod.ru/ and hired him to check out Sveta's address
and where she worked. For only $12 he did the research and wrote back in 24
hours that I was being scammed...that there was no "Pushkin" street in Samara
and that he had a new database of citizens of Samara and she wasn't listed.
Mikhail was very helpful and kind and even emailed me several times after that
with helpful suggestions. Well...I then emailed "Sveta" back and said that I had a
russian housekeeper (which I do) who had a friend in Samara (which she doesn't)
who would deliver a gift to her but could not find her apartment and could she
please give specific directions to her apartment from his work (I went online and
found a Software company in Samara and used their street address). She wrote
back saying how confused she was that my friend could not find her and offer to
go to him at his work. BINGO...the dodge..I was totally convinced then and then
in next email insisted that she provide me with directions to her apartment, her
mother's name and address, the name and address and phone number of her
work..offering to call her with a translator...and then I said if she would do this I
would buy her ticket through an agency here and she could pick it up at the
airport. Then came the "hurt and dissappointed" email from her ending our
relationship. I was very lucky to have been cautious and lucky to have found the
right sources once my suspicions were aroused Thank you Elena and Thank you
Mikhail attached are the photos she sent. and this was the email where she
asked for money
"Hi my lovely sweet friend David. I have read your letter.
Of course, we have some problems but I want that together we have tried to make as it is possible better. I
can make the working visa through my firm so there is no necessity to worry for
the visa. I paid for it 380 $ US.I have already given documents and money to
registration of the visa and passport and have told to me that it will be ready in
10-14 days. My visa will work in your country maximum for 3 months. I very much
hope that you will not wait and will try to send me money faster that I might buy
tickets already. You know I plan to leave my country from international airport
Sheremetyevo in Moscow. I think I can save some money for trip to Moscow but I
have not any money for international flight to your country. I need in about 850 $
US on air tickets and very much I hope for your help though I shall try to find
some sum of money and to facilitate your problems. I want to arrive to you faster
and my sweet now it depends only on you. I already spoke as difficultly to earn
such money in Russia. I and thought that money may stop our attitudes. Really a
little it is a shame to me to ask it from you but I have no other exit
in this situation though I too have rescued 380 $ for my trip. I wanted to buy the new TV
but I have no now this necessity because I love you and I want to meet you so
strongly that is ready on all. I very much want to leave from here to you, I was
bothered with my city, I want to see only you and to be only with you. I want to
execute all your dreams and imaginations of me because I love you madly. I want
to do only as you will wish. I very much believe in you and your help money
faster. David, if you will send me money that make it through Western Union or
Money Gram. Also I want to know your full address if I will receive it.
Yours Sveta"
So there you go hope this will help someone else

Svetlana Smirnova
(Ekaterinburg, Russia)
I am a 45 yr old Divorced male and I presently advertise on the dating site
Match.com. On the 16th October 2003 I received an email from a female advertising as carpediem - Svetlana Smirnova who was also apparently of the
Match.com site. This female expressed an interest in me and we began to
correspond firstly by email direct to her email address and then by
telephone to her cousins? house. Over a period of time I began to feel very
attracted and fond of this person. She told me she was an English teacher at a
school in Ekaterinburg and that her Father was a Policeman in the City. We
began to make plans to meet and I wanted to travel to her City. She talked me
out of this. I then wanted to spend a summer holiday with her, again she talked
me out of this and suggested that she met with me in London. I agreed to do so
and she then made travel enquiries.In subsequent mails and Telephone conversations she told me that it was too expensive for her and she asked if I
would assist her with Visa and travel costs. I agreed to and sent her app
1100Euros. She mailed to say she had received this money and had gone to the
travel agency to arrange things.I should say that at the start of our communications she forwearded to me via email a copy of her Russian ID
document. In later mails she informed me that she could not leave Russia unless
she had a surety of 3000Euros to enable her to get through Russian immigration.I
thought this was strange and began to question her about it. To make me feel
comfortable she then emailed me a copy of her Passport and UK Visa which she
alleged she had obtained with the money I had previously sent. In further
telephone conversations she cried to me down the phone about being upset that
we could not meet, indeed she expressed similar sentiments in her emails. As a
result of a further telephone conversation on the 5th January 2004 I sent her
3100Euros which she acknowledged recepit of and in an email stated was just a
loan to her and would be repayed when we met in London on the 7th January
2004. Needless to say she did not appear and I have ben unable to conatct her
by email. Please see extracts of emails sent to me by this Female?From:
carpediem1980 (carpediem1980@talkmatch.com)
Hi, I have come across your ad and I couldn't stop myself from writing you.
Yo seem to be so sweet and charming... I'd love to get to know you better.
I bet you get hundreds messages a day but hopefully, you'll find time to have a look at my
ad. You might find it interesting? Svetlana I must tell you that I'm seriously attracted to you with such a
wonderful feeling in my heart and I do not think our age difference might be a
problem. As long as it is not a problem for you, it is definitely not a problem for
me. I have always been attracted to men older than me. I can give you my
cousin's phone. It is 7 902 84 12553. You see, I have neither computer, nor
phone at home. I normally come to my cousin to use it. I am very often here as
we are very good friends. She is one year older than me. By the way, I have
attached a picture of us together in this e-mail. You know, my dearest, I am
grateful to you for the opportunity you have given me to know you and maybe
some day we can develop it into something beautiful and real, something
long-lasting... I feel it is time for me to settle down. I am tired of being alone, I am
tired of lonely nights and days.. You have also asked for my address. Here it is
Russia 620 000 Ekaterinburg Blukhera Street, 55a - 248 Svetlana Smirnova
This is my home address darling. I think it would have been unfair, if I had given you
someone else's. Billy, I trust you enough. My sweetest, you know, I keep
thinking about you all the time. I just cannot get you out of my mind. You are all
the time with me in my heart and on my mind. That is such a strange feeling. I
have never felt anything like that before and it is a little strange to
some extent but anyway, I do not care. Though, it is so frustrating it
is so complicated to meet each other. I wish I could have that money so that I could fly to you right away,
my sweetheart. By the way, I have had a couple of pics scanned for you.
Hopefully, you will like them my sweetest. There is only one type of visa which is
granted to any tourist willing to visit your country. It is a six-month multi visa. It
costs 520 euro. Darling, I know it is a lot of money. But I cannot find any other
way. If you come to visit me here in my city, that is going to be definitely great.
But my parents will not let me stay with you, say, for a night at the hotel and
something like that. The place of meeting is not important for me but you see, I
do not want my parents to get involved into it. You know, I do not like to be
watched and I am sure you too. As for my ad on Match.com, I deleted it over
there. There is no need for me to write to someone else. What for? I have met
you Billy. I do like you very much and I hope with all my heart that our
relationship might develop into something really beautiful and long lasting. I have
always been a one man woman and I am not used to seeing several men at a
time. Certainly, I have no boy friend here in Russia. If I have had a boy friend here,
I would have never put my ad on the site. It would have been unfair, I think. As for
how I spend the nights, I do not go out too often. I like going to the night club or
something like this from time to time and in a good company only.
There is a lot of money involved to have our meeting arranged and you know that I cannot afford
it unfortunately. You might feel pretty uncomfortable with me and this situation.
After all, you never know who is sitting behind the computer. So, I thought that it
would be better if I could send you a copy of my Russian ID so that you could be
100% sure as to who I really am and that I am for real. I am looking forward to
your e-mail. Love and tender kisses, Svetlana have got a great news for you, my
darling. I have been to the bank today and got the money. I have also been to the
agency today and applied to have both a passport and a visa issued. I have been
told that my passport will be approved on Thursday. So, I will go there again on
Thursday and I think they will tell me when my visa will be issued. By the way,
my dearest, could you let me know for what date I have to book the tickets? It is
important for me to know before Thursday since on this day I will also have
to make some arrangements concerning my tickets. So, hopefully, you will tell me
my darling. Billy, I feel so happy today that we have started arranging our
meeting. You have made me so happy and I will always be grateful to you for
that. I promised to give you my flight details on the phone. So, here they are
Moscow (DME) Terminal 1 20.45 January 7 London (LHR) Terminal 4 21.55 January 7
I am coming to you by British Airways, my love. But I have got an idea
Billy. You know I have got all my papers approved. I mean visa and passport.
What if I make the copies of my papers and send them to you. You will see that I
spent the money you sent me on my trip only and that my intentions are for
real. I do not know if you accept it or not but I do not know what else I can do. I just
love you so much Billy and now I am so afraid of losing you forever. Yours only,
Svetlana I know you will not believe me but it is 100% true. Anyway, it is up to
you to decide Billy and from now on, I am not going to insist on anything
at all and try to justify myself for something I have never had any intentions to do with
you. I do apologize that I have failed to put your mind at rest. Do you think I have
painted my papers by myself or what? hope you have celebrated a good New
Year. Thank you very much for the letters and for the presents you bought for me.
You know, this is the first time, when I do not know what to tell you. I have got
birthday tomorrow but I am not going to celebrate it. You know, I will be at my
cousin's tomorrow at 8pm and if you want, you can call me. I am not asking you
to talk to me for half an hour or so since it might be very expensive for you and I
do not want you to waste even more money on me. That would be pleasant if you
could wish me happy birthday. That is all I want. Actually, you are the only
person I want to talk to on my birthday. Strange but true. Sincerely,
Hello my darling, You know, it is the second time when I have no idea what to
say. I still cannot believe it is happening and finally, all is ok between you and me
and with my travel arrangements. I still cannot believe that tomorrow I will be with
you for real Billy. That is the most incredible thing!!! Darling, I have been to the
bank today and I got the money. It is in a safe place now. So, tomorrow I will be
leaving and it is so good!!! Darling, you have asked me to do a couple of things for
you in one of the e-mails. So, here is my cousin's address: Russia 620 012
Ekaterinburg Sovetskaya Street, 345 - 21 Voropaeva Marina ( that is my cousin's
name ) Speaking about that money, I do appreciate that you could trust me
enough, my love to help me. It means a lot to me really and I will always be
grateful to you for that my love. I will also for sure retutn you the whole amount
once I am in London with you Billy. I took that money as a loan and I will for sure
return it to you tomorrow. You know, I have no idea what else I might say but I
am sure of one thing. I can feel it in my heart and in my soul. I love you Billy and I
am sure we will have a great future together. Actually, that is all I keep dreaming
of right away. I love you with all my heart and soul!!! See you tomorrow, darling!
Yours only, Svetlana
Vera Pachka
(Zelenodolsk, Russia)
My name is Jim, single male resident of USA. Contact originated on AmericanSingles.com. Scammer had a profile under name of 'Narayana' listed as
resident of Walnut CA. I was contacted by 'Narayana' in the first instance via the
agency mail system. After giving a negative interest response I was again
contacted via address pachka200@yahoo.com for one letter then all subsequent
letters via pachka2003@yandex.ru I won't include the letters as they are identical
to the letters reported on this site by Darryl from the scammer with the name
'Elvira' from Kirov, Russia. The photos used are different from the one sent by
Daryll for the 'Elvira' scam. Some of the pics even appear to be of different women
- poor quality so it is hard to tell. The letters are 'wooden' and the writer does not
talk to you but makes a lot of effort letting you know how much you mean to
them. I had twigged by letter 4 where it was going and I did not send any money.
The request for $750 dollars led to me tell the scammer I would call the embassy
in US to make enquiries as to why the cost was so high. The following e-mail is
the final reply.
Hi my lovely Jim. I am very glad to your letter, it very gentle andis filled by love.
Dear mine I very wait for our meeting and I thinkof you each day. I want that you
knew that I am very glad to ouracquaintance. that concerning the visa. If to do her
through travelagency, yes 720 it is expensive, but if to do the visa in theindividual
order, it will cost to me 100 $, but it will take 4 monthsand will give very small
percent, that I shall receive the visa. Andthe travel company guarantees to me
reception of the visa on 95 %. Youunderstand? Gently kiss you. I love you. yours
I informed the American Singles website and also the yandex and yahoo
postmasters of the scam.

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