Elena Mel'nikova Lugansk and also Ilona Sichanova and Inna Dennicenko of "Lubava" Translation Agency:
I would like to report to you about a scammer Elena Mel'nikov from Lugansk and
her supposed Translation company that she is using. She is 22 years old and her
birthday is July 31, 1981. This is an obvious scam and this lady probably does
not even exists. After only two letters they are asking for money and say that this
lady can not write to you because she has no more money and wants money to
be sent by Western Union this translation agency. There are many profiles
posted of her at the free web sites such as MatchDoctor as lenka_now ,
mel_elena and also at Free Russian Personals 111041, 42166 ( These have been
removed). I even sent her letters to her other profiles when they appeared later on
various sites and the exact same letters were sent to along with the money
requests Th e-mail address she/the agency is using is alenkamel@yandex.ru.They of course want me to send money by Western Union
after the second letter to her. Please add this lady along with this agency
"Lubava" , Manager assosiation of interpreters.....Ilona Sichanova of "Lubava" and
also the manager of this scam opertation Inna Dennicenko to whom the money
can be sent to on your scammer list. If You interesting in me please write alenkamel@mail.ru
Hello dear , It was really exciting for me to get to know more about you.
You are so intelligent and easy going man. I would like to get to know you better
and to see where it can lead us. But I firmly believe that we should get to know
ach other better before our meeting and in this case we will be more successful
in our search and maybe when we meet we will understand all importance of it,
right? As for me my name is Lena,I am a student of the University in Kharkov and
I am going to be an economist next summer I am going to be graduted from the
university, so I think it is time to start my search for my husband and to
think about my own famliy near my beloved one. I think that economist is very
necessary profession and I would like to be a good professional at it, so I will be
working and my work mostly will be connected with figures and analisys.
I like to read and I love children very much and that's why I was dreaming in my
childhood to become a teacher. When I have free time I like to read. I like different
books: about love and about adventures, sometimes I like detectives.My favorite
authors are mostly from Russian Literature such as Chehov, Turgenev and Tolstoy.
I am tender and sociable girl, and I have a lot of friends with whom I like
to communicate and to exchange our opinons and to ask advise if I don't know
something. I think that friends are very important in our life but only when they
are real friends and I am very happy to have real friends who are always ready
to help me. And what about you? Do you have many friends? I want to love and to be
loved. I want to get care and attention from man who I love. I will give him all my
tenderness and warmth I have. I will adore him and our love. I want to share the
wonderful life with my beloved and my the only one. I'd like to share all my private
secrets with him. I am looking for an honest and faithful man who will love me and
value me. I will be near him every second, when he needs me. And I would like to
have a deep devotion to each other and mature understanding and respect to
each other I think with these conditions we will save our relations and love.
I want to have a firm family and children. I'll be a good wife and I will care
of my family. I think that the family will be for me the most important thing
in the Earth. I am looking for a man who could me my lover,my friend, my husband,
the father of my children. I really dream of my future steady family. I'll be
the happiest woman with such family. But I have to add here that I consider that
children are very important and they are very dear to their mother but first of all
my attention will be dedicated to my husband because children will grow up and they
will go their own ways and husband is the only one person with whom I will stay for
whole my life. I would like to ask you some questions: what is your dream, what do you value
most of all in your life? What do you think the main thing in your life is?
How is your family and do you care about your parents? And how do you imagine your
wife and your marriage life? I hope that I didn't put too much questions and you will
write me your answers soon, because I will be really happy to hear from you
soon. With best regards, Yours Elena
Thank youf or writing us and we are glad to answer all of your questions,
last name of Elena is Mel'nikova and "Lubava" is the name of our translation
firm. As for cost look down, we send you all details. -translation and printing of one letter -
$5 -scanning of one photo- $2 -printing of one photo- $2 -telephone calls (10 min)
-$5 If you interested in unlimited service the prices is: - one month translation and
printing letters -translation costs - $200 - two month costs - $350
Please, transfer us a necessary amount in favor of the lady you correspond
with (Elena Mel'nikova) But if you for some reason would like to make a transfer to our manager
you also can do it in favor of (Inna Dennicenko) Transfer your money via
the Western Union system in USA dollars. The address is: Western Union Ukraine, Lugansk Bank Aval.
You have: *to send your money, indicating the manager's name or your girl's name
as a receiver (Elena Mel'nikova) *to inform us of the date of transfer, the money transfer control
number (send an e-mail with information) We would like to suggest you the new way of transferring money
through the Internet via Western Union using your credit card. This way will
be more comfortable for you and save your energy and time. The transfer
number will be send to you in 1 hour. Here is Western Union e-mail address: www.westernunion.com
WE hope that our cooperation will help you and maybe will make your life more
happier finding your lady to create a family with. If you have any questions or you need any assistance we will be happy
to help with anything we can do for you.
With kind regards, Ilona Sichanova "Lubava"
Thank youf or writing us and we are glad to answer all of your questions,
last name of Elena is Mel'nikova and "Lubava" is the name of our translation
firm. As for cost look down, we send you all details. -translation and printing of one letter - $5
-scanning of one photo- $2 -printing of one photo- $2 -telephone calls (10 min) -$5
If you interested in unlimited service the prices is: - one month translation and printing letters
-translation costs - $200 - two month costs - $350
Please, transfer us a necessary amount in favor of the lady you correspond
with (Elena Mel'nikova) But if you for some reason would like to make a transfer to our manager
you also can do it in favor of (Inna Dennicenko) Transfer your money via the Western Union system in USA dollars.
The address is: Western Union Ukraine, Lugansk Bank Aval. You have: *to send your money, indicating the manager's name or your girl's name
as a receiver (Elena Mel'nikova) *to inform us of the date of transfer, the money transfer control
number (send an e-mail with information)
We would like to suggest you the new way of transferring money through
the Internet via Western Union using your credit card. This way will
be more comfortable for you and save your energy and time. The transfer
number will be send to you in 1 hour. Here is Western Union e-mail address:
WE hope that our cooperation will help you and maybe will make your life more
happier finding your lady to create a family with. If you have any questions or you
need any assistance we will be happy to help with anything we can do for you.
With kind regards, Ilona Sichanova "Lubava"
If You interesting in me please write alenkamel@yandex.ru
Waiting for your answer, Elena
Are writing to you because your lady Lena M. has applied to us with the
ask to help her with translation of her and your letters but she has found out
that she can't pay for our service by herself. And for the moment she can't provide
payment for our translations but as
she wouldn't like to stay with translations of your letters and as she is very
interested to stay in touch with you and develop your relations if you have
the possibility to help her you can do it but it is up to you.
For more details please contact us. We will be happy to help you.
Best regards,
Manager assosiation of interpreters
Ilona Sichanova
Elena Surtsukova
(Omsk, Russia)
I'm a 33 year old white male from Michigan (USA). I was contacted by this person on Matchmaker.com. We sent letters to each other for a little over a month. We were discussing family values and how we view marriage and divorce. As soon as I mentioned getting my passport renewed she wanted to come here and went out to get information for her travels here. Yes I was stupid for sending $980.00 for a visa and tickets for her. After she requested an additional $1500 to show the US
embassy that she has means to support herself I knew I was in trouble. If her
tourist agency is so good why did they leave a detail like that out? The following
is her first letter and the money request letters. The money was sent to Elena
Surtsukova her claimed address was B. Hmelnitskogo 38, apt. 13 Omsk city
Russia. Her email address that no longer works is elena_star@mail333.com .
When I checked with western union the money wasn't picked up in Omsk it was
picked up in Yoshkar-ola, that's a nice little trip for someone to pick up money
when they said they live in Omsk.
Hello Travis How are you? I hope my letter will reach you in very good mood. I has
see your profile and very want to write you. This is photo for you, hope you like it.
I also single person which want to find sincere love, I believe that in our big world be a person for you and me, simply we
are take a chance from our fate and begin to hear each other. I am a
young, attractive, graceful lady, I have light brown long hair and green eyes. I live in Siberian part of Russia, in Omsk city.
I was a student of university and now I finished my university with a high degree.
As for my earn for life, I am engaged Tutoring. I learn children, basically of learning schools
To introductory and final examinations. I have give individual lessons
at home. Sometimes it is necessary to be engaged with lagging behind from basic
programs in school. I very much love children and my work to like me.
I was studyed all sides of law, property, crime and the another. I hope to find
a man with which I shall conduct the whole my life, have a happy family. I
want to do my loved person the most happy on the Land, if my man will
happy signifies I too shall very happy. I believe in the sincere love
and relations and hope that my searching will be successful. In the world so much single people but love always
comes suddenly, when we don't wait it, possible this love sometime far off from
us, in other country, so us need simply to give a hand for each other and
possible we both searched for each other the whole life. Let's take
a chance and try, possible you searching me the whole life, but I searches
for you? I hope soon to get your answer and photo. Have a nice day. Elena
Her first money request: Hello my sweetie Travis
How are you today? When I receive your letter, on my face always come a smile and I
feel a heat in my soul, thank you for this.Thank you for filling my soul a joy, thank you for filling my heart
of the most pleasing feelings!! I am a faith that you really serious with me and
I completely trust you that you really want to meet me. I can not now visualize a
day without your message, I very very love receiving your messages. Hope soon
we will be together!!! Do You like it? I very much! We can spend a romantic
evenings together, we will be care of each other, I really so want to begin a
family and enjoy this happy time together, my heart is full of sincere feelings to
give for a person!!! I have never think, that be such men like you! I have never
heard pleasing words like you write me. Even I not know what to write you now, I
simply delighted with you! I wrote you, I like a poetry so now come time to write
you some of my poems. Having read a poem, possible understand more what in
the soul of person, what is person feel like, so I has write you this poem myself,
not to lose good sense these words, So, this words from my soul and heart only
for you: Someone will always be thankful for you. Someone will always cherish
the warmth of your smile and the happiness in your heart. Someone wants to
always be close enough to care in every way and to treasure each and every day
spent together. Someone will always keep you lovingly in mind and will
welcome every opportunilty to find you in happy thoughts. Someone will always
know that life is good because of you, and that tomorrow has a bright and
shining hope that wouldn't be there if you weren't here today. Someone will
always try to find the words to thank you for filling life with dreams come
true and with beautiful memories. Someone will always be thankful for
you.....And that someone will always be me! I has find how much cost a flight to you, it cost $980USD, in
this cost enters a passport(70), visa(400) and tickets of plane(510), but this dearly
for me, I have no such money, do you will help me to pay for the flight
to you? I will very happy to meet you!!! To get tourist documents need
wait approximately 5-6 weeks and I can reach you in 5-6 weeks after a day
when to pay in the company. In the tourist company to take cash only, so you can simply send me
money through the bank and I shall immediately pay for the flight to you.
I am open with you and I don't want to hide any thing from you! I want to show you all sides of
my heart, all sides of my tenderness and I hope you will not break my heart
because I will never do it with yours! I pray God to all it will be for real!!!
Anxiously wait your message. Tender kisses for you..... You always in my
thoughts and dreams. Your Elena
Hello my beloved Travis How are you?
When I receive your letter, in my heart goes a light, in my soul a heat, in my thoughts the most good and pleasing
dreams. My feelings are overfill with each your letter more and more. OK. I have
money. I went presently in the tourist company to pay for the flight to you,
but there me have say that I must have $1500USD to come into your country,
this do to they were certain that I not to go to your country to ask an
alms, but that I have some money for living there. These money nowhere
gap, this need to come simply into your country and I not shall their
spend. So when I come to you I return you these money. To reach your country here be a hard and fast rule! I
must show it that I have money. I not think that need to argue and delay a desire
of tourist company, because it is hard to do a visa in America and need to do all
well to have no problem with the reception visa. So I not to pay for the
flight today once again:( If you today send money so tomorrow I get them and shall exactly
pay for the flight to you, so will not be any problem. let all people speak that we
with you crazy, but when we meet all will envy our happiness and sincere
feelings!!!! So much for not important that speak other people, this our happiness
and our feelings and we shall have this!!! I want to fly for happiness skyward so
high and I am ready to fly to you on wings love, to say you several words, which
mean only all the most clean and sincere sense, this words small but their value
largest on the Land, these words sound only from the heart and soul, these
words I BEGINING FALL IN LOVE IN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Travis I am ready
presently to go to you Through the whole planet to say these words and stay
with you forever, feel touch of your mild hands, feel touch of your gentile lips and
sink in this ocean a love and sea flowers. If person has a love, signifies he
having live, signifies he lives in the world, signifies in this world be a person, which also
has these sincere feelings, signifies these people will live for each other and have
an ocean a love together. I understand that we know each other little time, but I
really have most sincere feelings in my heart and I want be with you, I want to
see you personally right now. Travis I always want to go sooner in internet cafe
to get your sweet letter, to get one more part a love, which much needed me.
I very serious with you. I never break your heart, hope you too never break my
heart. I sincerely want be with you. Hope day our meet will very soon.
The most gentile kisses only for you, hope soon to see you. I thinking of you all time.
Sincerely Your Elena.
My dearest Travis I am wondering, your letter very unpleasent!!!! I will finish
university, I will have a high degree in law, so you think that I can
fraud you???? This very strange!!!!!! If you do not know that signifies
a high degree in the law, I explain you now, high degree from the university this the most high evaluation in
the university!!! High degree of university has near 15 persons from 1000
students!!!!! I enters In these 15 persons. This also called a red diploma!
So you think I study a law 5 years to fraud a people??????????????????????????????????????
Your words really offensively! I do not be able to find money here, this
big money! I really sincere with you and really want to meet you,
so please not wound my heart!!!! I believe you, I shall reach other country, this even other
continent!!!!!!!!! But I believe that you good person rather then any
criminal or maniac!!!!! I also have a risk to reach other country! But I believe you, I believe in your sincerity, but why you disbelieve
me???? What I give a cause that you disbelieve me??? You be afraid of loseing
money, but you not think how I be afraid of loseing my life? I heard also much
tales that women reached other country to meet their loved person, but in the
aeroport their met at all other person so they fell into the hands of criminality,
their have done whores and take their passports forever, so they could not leave
country and they were a slaves for criminals. But I believe you, I believe that you
honest and good person!!!!! But now you put yourself on my place. Trust - this is
base of sincere relationships, so This is our first step for our trust to each other,
so can we do it??? Your Elena

Inna Berdnik
Lugansk and Alina Rubanova and Olga Kupinskaya director of Caprise
This is a report on scammer Inna Berdink from Lugansk and her scammer
agency called Caprise Agency. The e-mail Inna was using was innas_go@mail.ru
. Her profile was posted on a free web site at MatchDoctor. She never answered
any of your questions at all and by the second letter her agency was requesting
money for translation and internet services because "Unfortunately her account is
over and she can not reply to your letter" . This is the same letter that all of the
women posted by this agency send to you and is an obvious scam. The money
is to be sent to Olga Kupinskaya or Inna Berdik by Western Union. \
I again wrote back to her over a month latter with the same introduction letter and
recieved the exact same pre-written letter se sent to me before, as she had no
idea who I was which is again an obvious sign of a scammer agency. Please add
these ladies to your scam list. If You interesting in me please write
Hello my dearest friend, First of all thank you very much for your lovely letter. It
was so nice to receive it. I think you are a nice person on the inside. And
I'd like to negotiate with you. Could you send me your photo, please.
I would like to start our communications to know if we match each other. Because I guess we'll be
able to be not just friends in future. So let me tell you some facts about myself.
My name is Inna .I'm 24 years old. I'm from Rovenky, but I live and
study in Lugansk. I'm a student of the Pedagogical University. My future speciality is a
teacher of the world literature. As for my family I've got a mother, father and elder
brother. They live in Rovenky as it was said before. I like to do many things.
My favorite hobbies are cooking, reading, watching TV, going for a walk
with my friends and many others. I like going to disco clubs and to dance
very much. They say that I'm an easygoing person and can always find a
theme for a talk. Most of all I like travelling. In summer I usually go to the seaside to
the Black Sea. I should say that I've never been abroad before but am
going to go there sometime. My favorite place of interest is Italy. I
think it's really beautiful antic green country and Rome is the city of
eternity. I'd like to find a strong, kind and clever man who can really love and
understand me and I will try to pay him back with all my love and respect. I think it's necessary to understand each other.
I also as every woman does would like to create my own family and have
kids. I am looking forward and hope we will find each other, my dear man.
I will stop for now. Take care. Inna
Dear Sir, We are the firm which provides Inna B. with the access to Internet
computer and interpreter. Unfortunately her account is over and she can not reply
to your letter. If you are interested we can send you information concerning our
service and payment. We hope for our future cooperation. Sincerely Yours
Director "Caprise" Alina Rubanova
Thank you for your letter and interest in our service.
Home mailing address of Inna B. we can't give you as it is confidential info and it is up to her to give you it
during meeting with you. Yes, of course, we will tell her that you are interested in
her. As for pictures you will get them together with the following letters.
Here is information about our service: -translation and printing of one letter - $5
-scanning of one photo- $2
Please, transfer us a necessary amount in favor of manager Olga Kupinskaya
or the lady you correspond with (Inna Berdnik) Transfer your money via the Western
Union system in USA dollars. The address is: Western Union Ukraine, Lugansk
Bank Aval. You have: *to send your money, indicating the manager's name or
your girl's name as a receiver (Inna Berdnik) *to inform us of the date of transfer,
the money transfer control number (send an e-mail with information)
Hope for our future cooperation. Sincerely Yours Alina Rubanova "Caprise"
Thank you for your letter and picture. I think you are very handsome.
I really hope you are attracted to me. I think in every successful relationship there has to be a
physical attraction as well as compatible personalities. I am a loving and caring
person. I am honest, sincere, kind, gentle and affectionate. I know in my heart I
can bring happiness to someone I truly love. I know in my heart that I can be a
loving and faithful wife. It is also my dream to ave a family. I love children. I look
forward to spending long days with my lovely husband and beautiful children.
Marriage is a life changing step in life. So, I have to be very selective.
The person I am attracted to is physically fit. He is healthy and enjoys
physical activity. I am attracted to someone who is very positive and outgoing.
I like someone who is easy to get along with. Someone who likes to try new things.
He must be full of love and happiness in his heart. He will be happy pursuing his
interests on his own, as well as enjoying time with his partner. I like someone who
is gentle and affectionate. I want someone who is not afraid to express their feelings
through physical intimacy. He should also be able to express his feelings
and emotions openly and honestly and not be afraid to share his thoughts.
Marriage takes tremendous communication and it may be difficult when two
people from very different cultures are married. Unfortunately, I don't know English. I use Firm
which provide me with translation of my letters and Internet. Several years ago I
studied it at school, but I find it difficult to speak and to write in English. But I try
to do my best to learn it. I have attached a picture of me for you. I wish to
someday have kids in my family. I hope to hear your thoughts if you are satisfied
with my physical appearance. I look forward to hearing from you. With love.
If You interesting in me please write Innas_go@mail.ru
Hello my dearest friend, First of all thank you very much for your lovely letter. It
was so nice to receive it. I think you are a nice person on the inside. And
I'd like to negotiate with you. Could you send me your photo, please.
I would like to start our communications to know if we match each other. Because I guess we'll be
able to be not just friends in future. So let me tell you some facts about myself.
My name is Inna .I'm 24 years old. I'm from Rovenky, but I live and
study in Lugansk. I'm a student of the Pedagogical University. My future speciality is a
teacher of the world literature. As for my family I've got a mother, father and elder
brother. They live in Rovenky as it was said before. I like to do many things.
My favorite hobbies are cooking, reading, watching TV, going for a walk
with my friends and many others. I like going to disco clubs and to dance
very much. They say that I'm an easygoing person and can always find a
theme for a talk. Most of all I like travelling. In summer I usually go to the seaside to
the Black Sea. I should say that I've never been abroad before but am
going to go there sometime. My favorite place of interest is Italy. I
think it's really beautiful antic green country and Rome is the city of
eternity. I'd like to find a strong, kind and clever man who can really love and
understand me and I will try to pay him back with all my love and respect. I think it's necessary to understand each other.
I also as every woman does would like to create my own family and have
kids. I am looking forward and hope we will find each other, my dear man.
I will stop for now. Take care. Inna

Ira Kosova
Lugansk, Bonita Agency and director Alika Uzunova along with the manager Angela Nedobega
I would like to report to you about Ira Kosova and her scam agency called Bonita
as well as the director Alika Uzunova along with the manager Angela Nedobega.
Ira has a profile posted on MatfhDoctor and is listed as being 22 or 23 years old
now (She never tells her birthday). Her home mailing address is Ira Kosova,
Gagarina Bl 14-B, 90045 Luhansk, Ukraine and the e-mail she uses is milka_uw@mail.ru . After 2 letters a request comes for money as the girl's
account is over. The money is to be sent to either the manager
Angel Nedobega or Ira Kosova which means that someone with this name really exists most
likely. The girls could be getting some sort of kick back or percentage for the
amount of revenue that they bring in if they allow this agency to use their photos
but this is just speculation on my part. The mailing address of this Bonita Agency
is Alexseeva 4/15, 90040 Luhansk, Ukraine. The director of this SCAM AGENCY
is Alika Uzanova. Please add all of these names to your list of scammers.
Thank you for your letter. We are glad you want to continue
correspondence with Ira Kosova and Yulia Slepuhina.Here is information: -translation and printing of
one letter - $5 -scanning of one photo- $2 -phone call translation-$5/10 minutes
If you interested in unlimited service the prices is: - one month translation and
printing letters translation costs - $200 - two month costs - $300
If you are interested you can send the money through Western Union
you can send it to Bank Aval Dimehina St, 90040, Luhansk, Ukraine in the name of
manager Nedobega Angela. You can also send the money to our Bank account:
ACCOUNT: USD 0700913901456
890-0085-754 CHIPS 332357 You can also send the payment through the Money
Gram system if it will be comfortable for you. As soon as we will get your
payment girls will reply you. Our office address is: Alexseeva 4/15 90040
Luhansk Ukraine. We are open for all your suggestions. Sincerely Yours
Director of "Bonita" Alika Uzunova.
Ira and Yulia ask about you every day. What should we say them. Have
you changed your mind about them? Sincerely Yours, "Bonita"
We have already informed Ira and Yulia about your letter and they gave
us their home addresses to write you: Ira Kosova Gagarina Bl 14-B 90045 Luhansk
Ukraine Yulia Slepuhina Yuzshnyi Bl. 4-B 59 90040 Luhansk Ukraine.
Sincerely Yours, "Bonita"
Thank you for the taking the time to write to us. Unfortunately we can
not accept payment by credit card it is not use in Ukraine. Only through the Western Union
or bank account. We have not web site because we are not marriage agency we
are the firm who provides translation service and Internet. Ira Kosova and Yulia
Slepuhina are our clients but we can not give you there mailing address they will
do it by themselves if you will not be able to correspondence with them through
the Internet please write us your home address and we will give it to girls and
they will write you he letter and send to your home address in Russian because
we have informed them about your letter and they interested in you too.
We provide English lessons in our firm and if you interested we will
send you our prices on it. Sincerely Yours, "Bonita"
Dear Sir Thank you for your letter. We are glad you want to continue
correspondence with Ira Kosova. She is also interested in you very much.
Here is information: -translation and printing of one letter - $5 -scanning of one photo-
$2 -phone call translation-$5/10 minutes If you are interested you can send the
money through Western Union to Bank Aval Dimehina St, 90040, Luhansk,
Ukraine in the name of manager Nedobega Angela or in the name of Ira Kosova
(your correspondent). You can also send the money to our Bank account:
ACCOUNT: USD 0700913901456
890-0085-754 CHIPS 332357 You can also send the payment through the Money
Gram system if it will be comfortable for you. We are open for all your
suggestions. Sincerely Yours Director of "Bonita" Alika Uzunova.
Dear Sir, We are the firm which provides Ira K. with the access to Internet
computer and interpreter. Unfortunately her account is over and she can not reply
to your letter. If you are interested we can send you information concerning our
service and payment. We hope for our future cooperation. Sincerely Yours
Director "Bonita" Alika Uzunova.
Thank you for your reply. I was so happy. It was for me as a ray of
light, you made my life brightly. I wish all days were so bright for
me. I wish the sun shines for me every day. I want a man who will be my best friend, who wants to
spend his time with me and is willing to discuss and resolve any problems we might
have along the way. Tell me what you think about what I written. I hope you will
like my letter. I am writing to you what I think, so I am honest with you and frank.
I like to do many things in my life. Life can be boring without doing
anything. I like tennis, badminton, running and swimming. I like to go
to the swimming pool. I relax there and I gain much energy when I swim.
I like to dance too. It gives me much energy too. I enjoy it and my dream is to dance with the man who I love the
slow dance. I would enjoy this moment and won't forget. We would share all our
dreams while we were dancing and chatting. Also I like to walk along the streets
and dreaming. I'm an outgoing, warm sensitive girl who is always open to new
ideas. I'm also romantic and I like to travel, also I like to go to the seaside
and sunbathing there. I love sunsets and sunrises. Hopefully this reply will be the first
brick laid down. Then your reply will be another brick. Until we build a road that
one-day might bring us closer together. This road will bring us to happiness and
luck. I really believe that we can be more than friend in the future. We
should help each other to build this road only with the help of our affords we will build this
road of happiness. Do you agree? By the way what do you think about happiness, what do you need to be happy, what
is the most important in your life. I hope to hear from you soon. I miss you.
Your Ira.
Hello my Friend, My address is milka_uw@mail.ruThank you for your letter. It was very nice of you. I really interested
in you and I want to know more about. Well I start this letter with introducing myself.
My name is Ira. I am 20. I study at teacher's training college. My future job will be connected with working in the
kindergarten. I love children, specially very little, they are so cute and nice. They
say what they think and it is so wonderful, they are honest all the time.
I value honesty most of all. I need someone who wants and is willing to discuss and
work through any problems that might present themselves. I am looking for
someone who wants to talk and not lock themselves away, reading newspaper or
watching TV. I need frank and honest man. I want to meet someone who is
understanding and won't leave me in a difficult situation. I want someone
who gets excited about the simple things in life. Life is not easy, all the same he
should take out of this life all positive moments and share them with me. I want a
man who enjoys the holidays. I also want a man who is warm,sensitive and
compassionate. I always been dreaming about a man who will be the part of my
life not perfect but loving and wants the best for me and I will do a lot for
my future husband. I dream to go to my home and to "rest" with my loving husband and
children. I would like to have children. I think they will make our family life better,
happier and complete. I really hope that we will keep our correspondence, I want
to know you more. Tell me more about yourself. What do you like to do? What is
your interests? Do you like to spend your days near TV or going out somewhere?
What is your favorite food? What would you like to do on a vacation? What do
you do during the week? I am waiting for your letter very much. I miss you.
Your Ira.. Please write my at this address and I will send you my pictures.

Olya K. and Alina Rubanova of Caprise Agency:
This is once again a report on scammer Olya K. ( 23 years old ) from Lugansk
and her agency Caprise. She has a profile listed on MatchDoctor and is using the
e-mail address of katerinka_sy@mail.ru which is in fact the exact same
address as a similar scammer from this agency Katya Y. Same letters,
requesting money after 2 letters, not answering any question in her letters to you no matter how
simple, will not give you her bithday or last name or anything else for that matter.
Please add her to your scammer list.
Thank you for your letter and we can inform you that mailing address and
telephoine numbers of our clients we don't give to anybody just to avoid problems
and misunderstandings. If you are seriously interested in correspondence with
your lady you can help her with expenses for translation service. She is very
interested in you and she is upset because she has no money to cover expenses
by herself. Waiting for your reply soon. Sincerely Yours Director "Caprise"
Alina Rubanova
This is info connected with our service. One of our clients, Olya K., has used our
service as for Internet support and translation service. For the moment her
account is over. If you are seriously interested in continuation of correspondence
with her, contact us to get more details about our service and payment.
We hope our offer is interesting for you. Sincerely Yours Director "Caprise"
Alina Rubanova
It was a pleasure to hearing from you. How was your day? I presume fantastic!
Mine was great! I'm very interested in you and glad to meet you by means of the
i-net. I'm looking for a serious relationship and hope to find my one and only
to create a strong and happy family with. What can I tell you about myself? I am out
going, funny and my style is classy with a real touch of sophistication.
I love life. I love waking up every morning not knowing what the day holds
for me. No matter what the ups and downs, the sheer excitement of facing a new
day with all its joys and difficulties makes it hard to sleep at night. I love
to laugh and have a contagious sense of humor. I like to workout at the gym. And
although I haven't been in the gym in a while I believe that a healthy body
promotes a healthy mind and a strong sense of self worth. I like to travel very much. I have never been
abroad before. I dream to find my love and be happy together. It doesn't matter for
me where my love is from, the main thing, is to love, care, match each other and
be happy together. Don't you think so? I'm real particular about what I want in a
man, but I have real strong convictions about marriage and monogamy. Of course
I want handsome, but that's just a response to the intial introduction to anyone.
The first attraction is appearance. But beauty is fleeting and what really matter is
who the person is inside. I want the person to be intelligent and lively with a
sense of humor. I like to talk, a lot, and want someone that I can hold an
intelligent conversation with to all hours of the night. I think we've got a good
chance to know each other better... I'll be waiting for your reply and don't be shy,
please, to ask me anything you are interested in. Enclosed is my photograph I
hope you like it. With love , Olya

Katya Y.
Lugansk and Alina Rubanova of Caprise Agency:
This is a report on scammer Katya Y. and the Caprise Agency and it's director
Alina Rubanova . She is 25 years old, from Lugansk and her e-mail is
katerinka_sy@mail.ru. Her profile is posted at MatchDoctor once again and the
letters are all very similar to the other scammers from this Caprise Agency.
After 2 letters once again her agency is asking for money saying that Katya's accout
is over. Please add her to your scammer list.
Dear Sir, We are the firm which provides Katya Y. with the access to Internet
computer and interpreter. Unfortunately her account is over and she can not reply
to your letter. If you are interested we can send you information concerning our
service and payment. We hope for our future cooperation. Sincerely Yours
Director "Caprise" Alina Rubanova
It was a pleasure to hearing from you. How was your day? I presume fantastic!
Mine was great! I'm very interested in you and glad to meet you by means of the
i-net. I'm looking for a serious relationship and hope to find my one and only
to create a strong and happy family with. What can I tell you about myself? I am out
going, funny and my style is classy with a real touch of sophistication.
I love life. I love waking up every morning not knowing what the day holds
for me. No matter what the ups and downs, the sheer excitement of facing a new
day with all its joys and difficulties makes it hard to sleep at night. I love
to laugh and have a contagious sense of humor. I like to workout at the gym. And
although I haven't been in the gym in a while I believe that a healthy body
promotes a healthy mind and a strong sense of self worth. I like to travel very much. I have never been
abroad before. I dream to find my love and be happy together. It doesn't matter for
me where my love is from, the main thing, is to love, care, match each other and
be happy together. Don't you think so? I'm real particular about what I want in a
man, but I have real strong convictions about marriage and monogamy. Of course
I want handsome, but that's just a response to the intial introduction to anyone.
The first attraction is appearance. But beauty is fleeting and what really matter is
who the person is inside. I want the person to be intelligent and lively with a
sense of humor. I like to talk, a lot, and want someone that I can hold an
intelligent conversation with to all hours of the night. I think we've got a good
chance to know each other better... I'll be waiting for your reply and don't be shy,
please, to ask me anything you are interested in. Enclosed is my photograph I
hope you like it. With love , Katya

Tatiana P. from Lugansk and
Bonita agency
This lady Tatiana P. from Lugansk has a profile posted on free web sites like
MatchDoctor and then tries to get you to send money to this Bonita Agency after
only a few letters. The e-mail address that she is using is nikalusha@fastmail.fm
. One other observation is that after a little while the photo that was posted
originally on their profile soon disappears and only has their information? All of
the things that are done are an obvious pattern of this scam agency.
Please add this lady to your scammer list.
Dear Sir, We are the firm which provides Tatiana P. with the access to Internet
computer and interpreter. Unfortunately her account is over and she can not reply
to your letter. f you are interested we can send you information concerning our
service and payment. We hope for our future cooperation. Sincerely Yours
Director "Bonita" Alika Uzunova.
First of all thank you very much for your lovely letter. And I am thankful
so much for you picture. You are so handsome ! I hope many girls would be
happy to correspond with you. And it's great honor for me to start our
correspondence. From first lines of your letter I understood that you are no
ordinary person. Your letter was nice and intelligent . And I'll continue our correspondence with great
pleasure. Maybe we are one part of the whole? Who knows. Any way I liked your
point of view about serious relationships. Moreover we are the same in our
interests. As for me I have different interests. You know it's difficult to describe
my hobbies in one letter, but I'll try to do it trow our correspondence. So, we
have lucky chance to start:)) I hope I answer all your demands and in the future we will
be very close to each other. What am I looking in a man? First of all I want him to
understand me I am looking for a strong man not only physical but also mentally.
I want to be treated and loved as every woman needs. It does not matter what he
is where he lives or what his age is the main thing if we love each other.
Unfortunately I have never been abroad and I have never seen your country
although one of my passion is travelling. The best place I have visited is
Crimea where I was this summer. It was my best vocation. There are a lot of
wonderful places there and I wish you could see it with your own eyes. I will
send you some pictures of Crimea I hope you like them. It will be great if we could talk over the
phone but I have to disappoint you because I do not know English but I can
arrange phone call translation at the firm which provides me with the computer
Internet and interpreter. I want to hear your voice very much and of course I would
like to meet you in person one day ( it is very good opportunity to find if we
match). What do you think about all this? I am looking forward to get your letter
again. With love, Tatiana
My address is nikalusha@fastmail.fm Please write my at this address
and I will send you my pictures. Thank you for your interest to me. I was really glad to get
your letter. So let's start our communication and see if we match each other.
I also hope that we will be more then just friends in the future. ═I guess you want
to know about myself. My name is Tatiana I am 25. I live Lugansk, which is
located in the Eastern part of Ukraine. I study at the East Ukrainian University.
My profession is a teacher of world literachure. I like to read seriouse literature
and love children that is way I chose this faculty. I adore children and I like to
communicate with them. I would like in the near future to have my own kids.
They say that I am very romantic, loving and very easy-going woman. I
like to do many things. I like dancing, reading, sports (especially I
am fond of fitness). I love animals and nature. I like to go outside
the city in summer with my friends or parents for picnic.══
I am looking for serious relationship with a man. I want him to be
kind, generous, loving and strong. With such man I am ready to create
family. I know that I will be very loving and devoted wife and if I
love the man I will love him for life. Tell me what are you looking in a woman. What
qualities do you appreciate in a woman most of all? I will stop for now.
I am anxiously waiting for your reply. Take care.Tatiana

Yulia Slepuhina Lugank and Bonita Agency and
Alika Uzunova
I would like to report to you about another scammer from Lugansk named Yulia
Slephunia and her scammer agency Bonita located in Lugansk. She is 21 years
old and her home mailing address is Yulia Slepuhina, Yuzshnyi Bl. 4-B 59,
90040 Luhansk, Ukraine and the e-mail she uses is perchinochka@mail.ru . I also
asked for the business ID # that all legitimate businesses in Ukraine must have
and the number they gave me is "Our registration ID# 6927508 license was taken
in Luhansk region, EXECUTIVE committee in Belokurakino city ( 09.06.99). I am
not sure if this is a valid number or not though. Once again she or this agency
post many of her profiles on MatchDoctor ( yulia_s , Juliasha , Julia817) and also
Dating Letters (S815307) with different ages, heights and weights on a free web
site like MatchDoctor and after a couple of letters try and get you to send money
to them for the lady to use their internet and translation services. The lady does
not answer any of the questions that you ask her in the first couple of letters and
just skips over them and writes anything and is coming from a pre-written letter.
After a little bit of time her photo is removed but yet her profile remains there. This
is an obvious scam operation and these people should be placed on your
scammer list. Another report on this scammer can be found at http://russianblacklist.com/YuliaSlepuhina.htm with some other photos of her as
Thank you for the taking the time to write to us. We have already
informed your correspondents about it. Our registration ID# 6927508 license was taken in
Luhansk region, EXECUTIVE committee in Belokurakino city ( 09.06.99).
Sincerely Yours, "Bonita"
We have already informed Ira and Yulia about your letter and they gave
us their home addresses to write you: Ira Kosova Gagarina Bl 14-B 90045 Luhansk
Ukraine Yulia Slepuhina Yuzshnyi Bl. 4-B 59 90040 Luhansk Ukraine.
Sincerely Yours, "Bonita"
Thank you for your letter. We will inform girls about your letter and
write you their mail address on Monday. Sincerely Yours, "Bonita"
Dear Sir, We are the firm which provides Yulia S. with the access to Internet
computer and interpreter. Unfortunately her account is over and she can not reply
to your letter. If you are interested we can send you information concerning our
service and payment. We hope for our future cooperation. Sincerely Yours
Director "Bonita" Alika Uzunova.
Hello my dear friend Thank you for your answer. It was very nice of you.
You know your letter made me feel better. I'm dreaming of a man who will be my best
friend, who wants to spend his time with me and is willing to discuss and resolve
any problems we might have along the way. I want a man who I can share all
my dreams and hopes with. I hope you will like my letter. I am writing to you what I'm
thinking about, so I am honest with you and frank. I like to do many things in my
life. Life can be boring without doing anything. I try to do something in order to
make my life bright and interesting. I like tennis, badminton, running and
swimming. I like to go to the swimming pool. I relax there and I gain much energy
when I swim. I am crazy about dances, I love it so much. I think that I have a
rest when I dance. I wish I could dance with you. I know we will have
a fine time together. I want to find the man who could understand me from the word, from
the first movement. I value most of all mutual understanding in the family. My man of
the dream is frank, strong physically, he should help me in the difficult situation.
I think that the true love exists and who knows maybe i found it already, we can
check after some correspondence with you. Who knows maybe you are my
destiny and you are intended for me. I really want to know you better, what do
you do at the weekend and at the weekday, what is your hobby, what do you
value most of all in your life? What is very important for you in your life?
I really hope that you will answer me. I miss you. Your Yulia..
Hello my dear friend My address is perchinochka@mail.ru Please write my at
this address and I will send you my pictures. I was very happy to get your letter.
It is great that you interested in me. I hope during the time we will become more
then friends. But for now it seems to me that you want to know about me
something. My name is Yulia.I live and study in Luhansk. This city is situated
in the Eastern part of Ukraine. I hope you know this country. Although
I live in Ukraine I and all people around me speak in Russian language.
My city border with Russia. I study in the Pedagogical University in the literature faculty. I
chosen this faculty because I like to read very much and like to communicate
with children. When I will finish the University I would like to work at school. But
most of all I would like to teach my future children. I think literature is the very
important subject to teach children. As all people I have my dreams. My main
dream is to create a family ith right man for me and have a children. I know that I
am very loving and devoted person and I want to give my Love to my future
husband and children. I have many interests and I do not like to do nothing. I like
to cook and make all things in my home and I like when my home cozy and
comfortable and do every thing for it. I like to stay at home and I hope when I will
have a children I will be with them all time. I have many friends and like to
communicate with them. We go to the picnic or in the theatre or in the cinema
with them. My friends say that I am easy going and good friend most of all I do
not like when people lie. Ok I will end for now and hope you will write me soon.
Maybe we have much in common and we have a chance to be together. I want to
send you my picture and hope to get yours. With Love, Yulia.

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