Galina Kosyachenko
I engaged conversation with a girl by the name of Galina Kosyachenko from
the Ukraine. I found her details on I mailed her initially as I
intend to travel through Ukraine in the summer and seemed like a genuine photo.
She mail back ad we struck up a relationship until she started asking for
money - this is her last email to me and her email details - I also include
some photos of her too. Good luck in what you are trying to do. Luckily for me I'm not looking for
a Russian wife, just people to meet as I travel through. But I became
suspicious when she started confessing undying love for me... which is
unusual as it never happens normally lol Best of luck Tony
My Dear,my Tony.......... You know, reading your letter I realized that the real
value of love can be felt only when you lose it. My love is so great that I can't
stand it, and the whole strength of love is the only thing that keeps
me alive. But the sun is shining brightly, and my heart is full of hope and
happiness. I love the best, the most beautiful man I ever met, and he
loves me, too. And one day, one exciting day we'll meet in person, and
will walk on the seashore hand in hand, and tell each other the secret
words, and look on the stars together... Tell me it'll be so! Your letters are the sense of my life, and the best way of spending
time is to write how much I love you. I've told you,that I use Internet cafe to write letters
to you,but now,dear,I don't know how to tell that. I just hate that talk,but I have to
pay for several months in the University and that's hard for me to pay for our
letters along. I don't want to ask you for anything,I was doing everything myself,
but now,that's just really hard. Maybe you can help me a little with
our letters,because I can't and I don't want to see my life without you,your render
words,dear. I'll wait for your mail day and night! Thinking of you,Gala.

Irina Alekseevna Melnikova
First let me extend many thanks to your scam report pages. You saved me many
hundreds of dollars on two different woman or scams. I am 41, a father of two that
does not live at home. I have been looking for a Russian bride for almost 2 years
now. This is as hard as finding a decent woman in America. I have come to the
conclusion that you cannot do this yourself. You must seek a decent agency
that will help. I have exchanged email with this young lady for about 2 months.
Everything went slow and appeared to be very legitimate until I got the bomb
listed below. ronically, I was at work and strongly considering taking off early to
go find a Western Union when I decided to stay and work. I searched the web,
found your site, and found almost the exact same letter on your site
(blackpage214.htm) from another young lady to a different gentleman.
Today's my letter contains two news.
The first news: My visa at last is ready, and I send you its SCAN. When I received the visa to me have told that I am very
much lucky and that it is very big success, that to me give the visa.
To me have told that I very successful and lucky lady. I was so glad.
But now I have no any pleasure. Only tears. And the second news: My visas firm can reserve tickets,
and I used its services again. I asked them how I can reach Atlanta and how
much it costs. They answered me that that the ticket costs $ 890USD. I asked
them to find cheaper tickets, because this price is expensive for me. They
answered that they had a cheaper ticket but the beginning of the flight
5-Apr. It costs $ 810 I asked them to reserve a ticket. But they refused. I spoke with them
for a long time but they didn't agree. Then I wondered if it is possible to
pay a part of the money now and the other part later. They didn't agree. I spoke with them
for a long time and I managed to persuade them. They agreed. We agreed that I
would pay a part of the price Today and the other part later. I have been
compelled pawned in pawnshop my silver and gold embellishments which I have
from Mum. I have received for it in pawnshop 170USD. It has sufficed for an
initial payment. I paid $ 420USD. It was my last money. The number of the flight on
which I resevered the ticket is 9:30 am Depart Moscow (SVO) Aeroflot-Russian
International Airlines 317 Arrive Atlanta (ATL) 7:35 pm Delta 1643
It is very difficult for me to tell you about it. But I have done everything I could. I paid visa. I
have bought the ticket on a train up to Moscow. I paid a part of the ticket. But
this money is not enough. I didn't want to burden you. I wanted to reach you
with my own money but unfortunately I failed. Now I have to pay the remaining part. It
is only $ 390 USD. I have to pay this money before Saturday morning. Otherwise
I will lose my money. If you love me, if you trust me and if you want to see me
soon, please, send the money for the ticket before Saturday morning.
I understand that it is a difficult decision for you, but we must trust
each other. Any union without trust is impossible if it is a union of
wife and husband or union of boy-friend and girl-friend or union of business partners. I don't want to be
hypocritical. That's why I want to tell you following: I do not think that you would
like to give the love to the woman whom you won't trust. Also I would not like to
give my love to the man which I won't trust. It's a first check for us. And much
depends upon it, may be everything. We must trust each other. That's why I was
the first who made first step. Step to you. Of course if you don't want you can not
help me. It is bad but not fatal. I will lose my money. IT IS BAD TOO BUT NOT
FATAL TOO. I speak so because I am in despair and confusion. Now, when we
are divided only with one step, I am afraid. I am afraid that you will not
help, and all my diligence will be gone. I love you and I want to be with
you and the word of honour, your help is necessary for me. I have not
calculated my forces. But together we are much stronger. To pass through
difficulties and barrier it is together much easier. I want to present you
all my infinite love and fidelity. I did not want to ask you. I thought, that I can make all itself. The
loneliness has made me strong. I have got used to live without the help,
and to rely only on myself. I very seldom address to somebody for the
help, but now I ask you to help me. I have made a step forward. Make also
you a step towards to me. I hope has not offended you something. I love
you and I trust. I know, that you will not throw me now when there was
only one step. Tell me Roger, can you help me? If you have an opportunity you can
help me. I wondered how it is possible to do. There is an International
Company, which deals with money transfers. Its name a Western Union (by the
way, they have a website, called It has Offices in
many cities and countries. There is an Office in my city. If you want
and if you can help me, you may send me money using Western Union according following data:
ALFA BANK LENINA, 121 KRASNOYARSK , 660021 For Irina Melnikova
To get the money, I should tell the employee of bank your full name, full
address, exact amount and some confidential numbers (Money Transfer Control
Number), which will be given to you, when you will send the money. I love you very much! I thought about you Roger every time.
I never cease to thought about you! Your Irina

Dear Elena, My name is Pelle and I am from Sweden. I reciently been in touch
with a lady that call herself Vaselina. Her mail: vaselina-555@yandex.ruShe claimes to be from a small city outside
Kazan, Zeledonesk.In her first letter she told me a sad story about her family, how her father left them when she was very
young and then that her mother died a few years ago. The first letter from
contained 3 warningflags, so I knew right from the start to watch out for this lady.
The mails came everyday and in her 5th mail she said that she has been falling in
love with me. I am sending her mails all time, pretending I am in love with her too.
This lady is definetly a scammer,. I am just waiting for the mail when she will ask
for money. I will let her go on as long as possible, but in the meantime, I would
like to tell you about her and let other love searchers know about her so they
donīt fall for her claimings. I attache her letters and pictures in following mails.
Best regards, Pelle, P.S Is there any way I can report her to the Russian
autorities that she is about to scamm? Maybe she can be framed?
Hello my love Pelle, Thanks for the fine letter and warm, kind words in
My address. You do not imagine, as I dream of the same desires, as
You. Already has passed a few time as we are familiar with you. And as if
the who le eternity would pass. If you knew, how in me all strongly change my
feelings, desires, hopes... And the most important, I now know, that I have you,
and I shall protect you, that did not happen. And any sort of quarrel
contentions let pass us the party. At all I do not know - whether there will be they
at us, in fact we from a half-word understand each other. About such
relationship of souls I even in dream did not assume. Certainly I not fantastic princess,
also live terrestrial measures and " financial problems ", but I think that
near to you, feeling your breath and charm, I could reach the even greater.
And I would feel near to you myself as behind a stone wall. Native mine,
at me was not closer than the person for last years, than what has appeared
only recently. And to you as to anybody I am obliged to much. As it would be
desirable to tell to you warm, gentle much. That this letter has a little warmed
you, your soul. It would be desirable, that from my words to you it became
pleasant, good, joyful. Someone considers, that daily vanity and is a life, the
present reality, and the everything else - inutile illusions, in clouds, in a
word - nonsense. But you so do not think, love? In fact the life is, first of
all the moments, instants when you suffer sensations of pleasure, delight,
excitement, happiness. For the sake of such instants also it is necessary to live.
Yes, it is possible to count something unearthly. But what then in general all
experiences, feelings which are tested by the person? Especially, it at
all a deceit, not a phantom, not a Mirage which will thaw without a trace. In
fact it is a reality - my words, the phrases addressed to you, my lovely.
And a reality - those sensations which they will cause in your
soul. Certainly, simply the mere verbiage which is said simply so, aimlessly if
only to borrow time is a usual chatter, idle talk. But I do not want to make some
phrases simply. I would like to cause the words in you good, warm emotions. To
calm you if something disturbs. To install optimism. In fact actually the life
is fine. And it is valid so. In fact In the childhood we enjoyed her and
for anything did not long. Why, becoming Adults, we do not become happier?
In fact the world around has not changed almost. Probably, all business
only in ourselves, in that what we as we concern to a life. Sometimes so it
would be desirable to live one emotions, not expecting something, not calling in
question, and completely trusting not to reason, and the feelings. And who has
told, what is necessary to live reasonably? It is necessary to live happily!
But in fact the happiness without feelings does not happen. And the reason
seldom gives to us a condition of happiness. In the world it is so much reasons,
that all life to count itself unfortunate, and so, apparently, it is not
enough to be happy. You have not noticed? I near to you, my man, have sat down near
you and silently I look, I try to make out features of your person and I
observe, how you read this letter. I observe, how your person, his expression, a
sight vary in process of perusal of these lines. How it would be desirable to
guess, touch these words your heart and if - yes, what you feel, you suffer now?
Let not I, but my words to touch gently you. Feel them warmly, feel it. Let
it as is possible longer love will not leave you. It is pleasant to understand,
that now we with you one, you and I. Reading these lines, you involuntarily think
of me. Let the instant, but now for you is not present anybody, except for me.
And not only my words, but also my ideas which they bear, gently and tenderly
embrace you. Whether it is quiet and good you in these embraces, mine good? I
ask, overlook about the past, be not anxious about the future. That was and
that will be - now completely not important. Live hereby, live these instants.
Also be happy, mine loved. Last night I for a long time looked at the
star sky. I so would like, that you were a number that you saw that I that I could
embrace you see, tell, that missed, to meet with you a dawn... I have
closed eyes, and for an instant you seemed to me, that beside, that I embrace you, I
see Reflection of star light, thin path a ray of light in your eyes...
... I looked afar, following to the leaving sun. I knew, that through a
pair of hours on a decline of day you can see the same. The same decline, the
same sun, To which I so wanted to tell: " you Will see my loved - transfer it from
me Greetings! Its kiss from me the red, gentle beams of a decline "...
I look afar and I hope, that I shall necessarily make utmost, that
To meet you, and I should not look in anywhere... Loved! When You are raised early in the morning when
you go for work when you you miss when You come back home when you lie
down in cold bed, know, that I beside. Very much on you I miss..........Vasilina
Hello, I am very glad, that I have an opportunity to answer your
announcement. I think, that you very interesting person and I want to correspond with you and
more. I hope, that I shall interest you and I want to receive from you the answer.
My name is Vasilina, I live in Russia. To me of 28 years, my growth of 169 sm,
weight of 55 kg. I have attractive appearance and a harmonous figure. I was never
married and I have no children, but I can be loving mother. If you search
for the true both reliable friend and the careful wife, I would be glad to be her. I very
much love animals and the nature, perfectly I prepare for a meal, with pleasure I
visit museums and I am interested in art. I very much want to create strong
family with the reliable person who is tired from loneliness and is ready to love
and be loved. I shall be very happy, if you will be interested with my
letter and you write to me the answer to my address vasilina-555@yandex.ruI promise to
write to you at once and to send my photo. I very much hope, that we shall find
common language and our correspondence will pass to more serious attitudes.
In hope for a fast reply ,Vasilina
Hello Pele, I am very pleased, that you have found, that time answers my letter.
For Starting our acquaintance I shall tell to you more about me directly. I wasThe
Zelenodolsk given birth in city on September, 21 1975. This city small and is
difficult for finding it on a card, but it is located near known in Russias cities
of Kazan.Could you tell me exactly where I can find the place where you
live on the map? Kazan - one of the oldest cities on Volga, but it now
big The industrial city located on several hills in the middle of plain.
It Capital of Tatarstan, the republic included in The Russian state
during Ivan Terribl's domination to 1552. Kazan has a The population
890,000. It Very beautiful city, in it many beautiful ancient places.
Kazan It is located 780 kms. From city of Moscow. I like to visit
City of Kazan and to compare it with ours Small city of
Zelenodol'sk. Our city very quiet and in it is not present anything remarkable As against Kazan. But the silence it
is especially expensive to me. The the temperature of air reaches summer
20 degrees of high temperature. I work in our city in city hospital as the
dantist. For this purpose I all over again have ended the Kazan state Medical
Institute and have received higher education. I work 9 hours in
Day, but my work very much to similar me.What do you do? What sort of job
would you really like to do? I after work have time when I Executed it with girlfriends. I do not drink alcohol in
general, and I do Do not smoke. I try to support a healthy way of life and it to
similar me. In Rainy, boring evenings I like to spend reading of the book or
hearing Music. In music I love everything, but I allow preference, classical or a
Jazz. I live one in an apartment with one room, but I have the grandmother,
Mum of my mum who lives in settlement. I do not want that my husband was from
Russia, as they Frequently use alcohol and does not respect wives and
frequently Address with wives roughly. What do you think about Russia?
What do you know about Russia? Have you got any friends who lived in
Russia? At leisure from work I prefer to go with girlfriends in park on new
Fresh air. Also I like to prepare various tasty dishes because Russian
The kitchen is very various, and in the special way are tasty. First of
all I Estimate the truth and fidelity in the person. It seems to me, That if
People are dishonest in attitudes to each other, Between them there can not be no attitudes. I very much want to find such
The person of me, I hope, to which could trust all. In Russia I could not
find Such person, I hope, that now I have found It. Write to me about itself,
About family, about work and on the Hobby.Have you got any brothers and
sisters? Tell me about them. What do you like the best? I want to know about all from
Hello my friend Pelle, Many thanks to you for the answer because I very much
hoped to interest you . I want to get acquainted with you closer , therefore first of
all I shall tell to you about myself and about the family. A history of my
family it is sad and that is why. When to me there were 5 years, my father has
thrown my mum for the sake of other family and has left to other woman. My
mum very much experienced, because it there was its her unique love.
Despite of an act of the father, she continued to love him all life in
hope, that father will return. But it has not taken place. Heart of mum
has been broken also she continued to live only for the sake of me. She worked
as the doctor, giving the work and me the forces, respected her of the
fellow worker and simple people. I very much was proud of mum and have
gone on her way, becoming the dantist. But the old wound from one-way love
tormented mum all life and 7 years back my mum has died. It was the
heaviest moment in my life and I have remained one. A difficult minute of
me the grandmother supported. I very much love family and I respect
Traditions of family, therefore I want to create family with the reliable
person, who May support me difficult minutes. I shall pay to the loved
person Love and respect. I think, that in family the main love, respect
and trust. Only then there will be a convenient and happy family.Tell me about
your parents. I have studied the English language at school of 7 years, then in
institute of 6 years. I Love the English language and therefore I want better it to
teach. I love Russia, but I like to study other countries and other cultures, but
unfortunately, I never visited other countries. I sometime would like to
visit other countries and it is possible to live there. I very much like
to dance, and sometimes I with girlfriends we visit dancing clubs. My loved
color green and pink, loved number - 5 I love animals, - especial cats,
they - very sensitive creations. I love dogs and I estimate their fidelity.
Unfortunately, not all people are capable to fidelity and honesty. In
families of my girlfriends not always correct the consent because of
misunderstanding each other, therefore the trust first of all is necessary.
I want to begin not only the wife, but also both the loved woman and the
friend. I want to help the husband in all affairs of family and I think,
that my trade will help me with it. I am very glad that I have an
opportunity to write to you because your letters inspire me. I did not
trust, That it is possible to fall in love through letters, But now I am
sure that it probably. I have decided to write to you because the noble
and fair person seems to me that you and not begin to deceive me. I ask,
that you have not stopped to me to write, because your words bring a lot of
pleasure in my lonely life.What do you want most from a partner?
What do you not like in a partner?Haw much time do you search of pair?
Why do you search in a Internet instead in life?Have you ever met anyone
on the net before? The outcome of all this? What are for you the most important
values and objectives in life? With the best regards , Vasilina.
Hello my dear Pelle. I write you the letter about the cafe - Internet. Therefore I can
not write the letter more than once a day, but I shall try to answer all
questions. But I would like, if you wrote to me many letters because your
letters of me please. Reading your letters, I have a rest from a difficult working
day. As I already spoke, I love children but as I never was in a marriage,
I have no my children. I think, that children should have the father and
mother and that they grew in love. I very much want to marry. I want to
meet after work of the husband to prepare it for a meal and to look after it.
But now in my life only loneliness and consequently I have decided to write
to you for the first time. But now your letters became my sense.But we
should not hurry up in our feelings to not make a mistake. And if we shall
decide to connect our lives we should consider all well. But nevertheless
it seems to me, that if I shall be together with you, I shall never
regret for it. What you do at leisure after work? I like to go after
work on park and to observe as the nature varies and to inhale a fresh wind.
My girlfriends almost all it is married, but sometimes we go to cinema.
I love comedies. And you?What sort of books ( music )do you like?
Are you interested in politics? Sometimes I visit church, christianity my religion, the belief in the god
helps me to trust in my forces. And how you concern to religion? Tomorrow I
shall go in settlement to the grandmother. After death of mum she has
replaced to me mum. She lives in a small wooden small house about which the
garden with trees of apples is located, I to it necessarily shall tell
about you, she will be very glad. She will prepare for a soup and a duck
Who are made in the furnace. They very tasty and fragrant. You probably
such did not try. My feelings with each letter to you become stronger and
it is more serious. Therefore your letters of steel for me a support and in your letters I find
understanding. I very much would want that sometime I have found love in
your letters. It seems to me, that we with you two ships at different coast of ocean,
and once one ship will come to a coast another. I with impatience shall wait
for your letter. I send you kiss. Vasilina
Hello my LOVE Pelle. My heart is beaten more strongly when I receive from
you letters. Tonight I shall bakee a tasty pie, I very much like to prepare
and want to bake in our first meeting only for you something very much -
very much tasty. What you prefer in meal? You like sweet? But I do not eat
frequently sweet because I watch the figure. I even for this purpose visit a sports
hall two times per one week. I wrote to you, that I live in the
Zelenodolsk, but not all have phone. I unfortunately have no the phone. To me would like to hear your voice,
but it is not possible and consequently I shall wait for our meeting to talk to you
and to look in your eyes. I very much like to read your letters, they bring to me a
lot of pleasure and I re-read them on some times. I understand that with each
your letter of me attracts to you more and more and more. It seems to me, that I
can trust you, and this main thing. I think, that the trust and understanding
are a basis for family attitudes.I know families in which the lie and a deceit
destroy family and even love do not rescue a marriage. Sometimes in family someone
from spouses does not want to concede in dispute to another and
consequently there are scandals. Therefore also it is important find in
life with beloved compromises. You probably think, that I very serious person, but
it not so. I simply do not want to make the wrong choice of the future husband
because I want that my marriage was prolonged all my life and our family would be
ideal, based on the important principles. But any marriage will not be
without the present, passionate and sincere love. At present my feelings
more than friendly, but I do not know, that you test to me and consequently I do not
want to hurry you with a choice because I know as far as it seriously. In yours words I
understand, that you the person of honour and your words warm a heat my soul.
It is fine, when knows that in this world to be the person to whom you are not
indifferent.I understand, that each of us has past, the habits. But the present love
will help us to recollect together good and to overlook bad. One of the important
reasons on which people connect the lives is aspiration always to help each
other. Only the strong love is capable to involve one person to sit at bed of
another or to be pleased with him. It so is pleasant for me to
receive your letters and this feeling to not transfer in a word. I finish
the letter, in hope to receive from you the answer. With love Vasilina
Hello my love Pelle, I sit in front of the screen, hasty I collect the necessary
words. At work the female part of collective good-natured guesses, that it for
the mysterious gentleman at me has appeared. Simply now I am not late after
work as earlier, and quickly I am going and I escape in the cafe - Internet. The
truth, now I do not feel lonely. Now I have you and your letters.Now it seems to
me, that the world not too bad. And all this because in my life you have
appeared. You became for me a ray of light which gives hope. With hope I for the
first time have written to you and now my hopes come true. If the person will
cease in what to trust and hope his life becomes very grey. You with me agree?
But now already it seems to me, that I write to you letters not only with hope,
but also with love. From love to not hide anywhere, but also I do not want to be
hidden. I am very glad to this new, earlier not to feeling known to me from which
there is a unusual raising of mood and mysterious sensation in a breast, is
especial when I receive from you letters. But most of all I would like,
that youwere with me beside that I might nestle on your breast as the
wounded bird. But I do not want that you listened to my problems. Write to me that
disturbs you? Whether you like to receive my letters? May be to you not
interestingly read my feelings, but I write you all and I want that you knew about me all.
You like to dance? I from the childhood like to dance. Still I like to read
history which come to an end well. I hope, that our attitudes too will be good. Today
at work I received the salary. I have received 2400 rubles. It approximately 80 US
dollars. It may seem to you ridiculous, but on this money I live the whole month,
I pay 800 rubles for an apartment. Unfortunately, medical the worker in Russia is
not appreciated Highly, notwithstanding what they are necessary. If I when
have arrived to you, I would earn much more and might care level with the
husband of family. I hope, that you not against if your wife will work. But while
we should not hurry up, because we should be sure in the feelings.Tell me
please about your job, exactly Today we have fine weather and the sun shines, I very
much love sunny days when beams of the sun get in windows. I recollect my working
day, my small patients cheerfully blink and accept survey for amusing game. These
are the most important words which I want to tell you today. I shall wait from you
for the letter MY LOVE. Your Vasilina
Greetings my love Pelle! You do not imagine, what pleasure bring to me your
letters. I want to see your new photos, please came to me your new photo that I
could put it on my working letter. I have asked in the Cafe - Internet that your
letter have made through the printer and it now always with me. From your
letters I receive a charge of energy for all day. I want to know about you more
and more and more. What you did last night? When you write to me letters? I
write you letters usually in the evening, after work, but sometimes I have time to
write to you letters in the afternoon. Nea?aui in the afternoon I feel, that me pull
to you more and more and more, I can not live without your letters any more. For
me you seem an ideal, surpassing all. Now in met he desire to love and be loved
grows. I want to bring to you of happiness. And what you test to me? I want, that
your feelings to me were stronger than friendship. I want to admit to you. It
seems to me, that I am in love in you. But yi?ioo you to be with me fair and to
not deceive me. I do not want to lose happiness which I test now, knowing, that
you soon will read my letter and write to me the answer.At night I long can not
sleep, I all think of you. Today in the morning I have risen early to go in church
and to ask about us. I asked that you were healthy also we shortly have seen
each other. I want that you knew, that you always in my heart and I
always think of you. May be, I seem to you too naive and romantic, but I
do not understand, that with me. I believe that it is possible to fall in love
with persons, and thus to time to see it. But be sure, that if we sometime shall be
together, I shall be to you always devoted and tenderness.To me the meaning of the
life is open... And because of what? Not who not when has not understood it if I have
explained.. Though if to me it have told it earlier - I would not believe...
Thought - LOVE - what nonsense... She is not present... But it not so...
One only the feeling has changed my life... Only one... All ideas began only about
one person... To you... In each dream only that secret and secret, what not when not who
has not approved, except for us two... But I have found the most important not
only the love, she too has found her in me... And what can be finer than mutual
love? Love which can all... But sometimes there come minutes when you think -
whether and love it in general - but these are silly minutes... The Love she is..
Each breath and each exhalation is filled with any pleasant action - not as
earlier... All bad - in a fog and all good prospers around... The Problem that you
are far... And from it it becomes sad... The Different countries... But it will not kill
love... I LOVE YOU!!! ALWAYS!!! TOGETHER!!! I know, that I shall like only
one person who will be my husband. It seems to me, that you do not have
lacks but if they are, I shall love all the same you. I would like that we sat next in
the long winter evenings and talked about everything, about news, about life, about
people. And in the summer ate ice-cream.It would be interesting to know
how you spend your holiday. Where do you usually go on holiday?
Do you enjoy closeness, sensuality between partners? Today I leave you tomorrow to return,
to read your letters.. Your Vasilina

Lida Koshevenko
This woman got in touch with through She says she is from Odessa,
Ukraine. My correspondence with her lasted for a little over a month. As you can
see, she looks to have changed her tactics, but still uses some of her old form
letters to scam you. I am lucky I have found this information when I did, I had just
sent away for some money to be able to send her. She almost succeeded. Her
e-mail address is
Though it is difficult to write blindfold to that Stranger, whom I do not know at all,
but I faith that in this case prospect of acquaintanceship with You serve me
sufficient an apology.
While I thought about prospect to get acquainted and thought about writing of this letter, it has wafted some thoughts on me. Can You
remember, turning your glance in the past, when you felt well with someone,
hen you has felt unexpected attraction to the person, when you realized that you
value and save the same values both . This really rare, but bringing satisfaction
feeling, requiring something particular.Personaly for me it is not to hard to recall
what feelings you outlive in such rare moments, when you feel your magic
relationship with other person.
While you reading this letter and begin to understand all our resemblance, it is possible that you begin to conceive. That, if
you really has met one of that rare people, who really not only understands your
feelings, but who value and answer on sensitivity and probity, who knows not only
how to take, but how to make presents. If you really presented such possibility,
may you present how you will be felt itself after you has know her? While you
think over these words - I want you ask: how you will be surprise to understood
that you anxiously wait possibility to contact me? Maybe you can present our
meeting, how we feel merrily and well, how you simply begin to get a deep
pleasure from this. And if you think on this in this way, will be it logistical to start
writing each other, openning how much general valuables between us. there is
my photos:
Hi I so pleased that has got your letter. It is so many things that I want to tell
you, I think I start with history of my life:I was born at 10of december in Odessa
on south of Ukraine. Ukrainian people are very good. But our country is poor and
corruption. I have no brother or sister. I have mother and father I love them very
very much. It is the best people for me in the world. I finished university. Some
times ego I wanted to became a fashion model. But it is very hard. And here for
this is pay not too much. But my friends think that I have all ability to become a
good model. I think I must have time to myself and for my future family but this
work take all my free time. Now I work in not big firma as a secretary but I do not
know yet whom I want to be. My friends tell me that I beautiful but I do not know,
I not always complacent of as I look. I like reading books about love. I like forest,
mountains, seaside. I want to walk with my lovely man by the forest. I want to
see sunrising on seaside with my love. I want to wake up in your arms. I want
that we will be two part of one. I see √ you are good man. I like you very much. I
want to know more about you √ for me inside world of man is more important that
how he is looks. I believe that you will love me as much as I will love you. I
understand that you want to know more about me. But I know English bad. It is
very hard for me to write. It is much for one letter for me I of course will write more
about me in next letter. I use translation program and program that show me my
mistakes. Now I searching for English teacher but that I found it is cost too much
for me. I send you some of my pics (there is one more in my ad but I do not
remember the number of my ad), I want to send you more but I have no scanner. I
will be waiting for your letter. Your Lida.
Hi I so pleased that has got your letter. It is so many things that I want to tell
you, I think I start with history of my life:I was born at 10of december in Odessa
on south of Ukraine. Ukrainian people are very good. But our country is poor and
corruption. I have no brother or sister. I have mother and father I love them very
very much. It is the best people for me in the world. I finished university. Some
times ego I wanted to became a fashion model. But it is very hard. And here for
this is pay not too much. But my friends think that I have all ability to become a
good model. I think I must have time to myself and for my future family but this
work take all my free time. Now I work in not big firma as a secretary but I do not
know yet whom I want to be. My friends tell me that I beautiful but I do not know,
I not always complacent of as I look. I like reading books about love. I like forest,
mountains, seaside. I want to walk with my lovely man by the forest. I want to
see sunrising on seaside with my love. I want to wake up in your arms. I want
that we will be two part of one. I see √ you are good man. I like you very much. I
want to know more about you √ for me inside world of man is more important that
how he is looks. I believe that you will love me as much as I will love you. I
understand that you want to know more about me. But I know English bad. It is
very hard for me to write. It is much for one letter for me I of course will write more
about me in next letter. I use translation program and program that show me my
mistakes. Now I searching for English teacher but that I found it is cost too much
for me. I send you some of my pics (there is one more in my ad but I do not
remember the number of my ad), I want to send you more but I have no scanner. I
will be waiting for your letter. Your Lida.
Hi You want to know more about me. Ok. I have university degrees I am an
economist. I was finished Kherson economical university. Odessa is big city
(near 1500000. people) it situated near Black Sea side. So there is an
international seaport, (but there is no international airport there, the closer airport
only in capital of Ukraine) I like to cook and prepare small surprises to my
relatives and friends. I think that woman should "keep home soul". I like cinema; I
like since fiction, comedies, love story. I likes pets, a specially cats and dogs. I
have a cat. Cat has said myau - he greets you. My cat such cunning and clever.
At home he calm but on the street beats not only cats but dogs too. My loved
color is blue and red. In the cloth of this color I looks more beautiful then in other.
I have no money to buy an expensive cloth but I always look beautifully. My
favorite meal. Mmmm I do not know I like everything, most of all I like chocolate
and sweetnesses. I have no computer, I use computer and internet in internet
cafe but it is cost too much for me. So I can't use it very often. But I think it is the
best way to communicate. I even have no telephone because this expensive too.
It is not easy to quarrel with me, but if I will offend it will be for long. Sometimes,
people quarrel because of trivialities. I think that in this case that is better to do
small concessions than spoil a mood. The most important for my - is family and
that people good thinking about me. I have no boyfriend. All my boyfriends that I
have had no serious feelings to me. But this filling and relation between man and
woman is very serious for me and for this I can to move to you, to move out from
my country. I want to visit you because we must to know each other closer
before me will marry. I only afraid if we will do not like each other do you give me
money for air ticket to come back?(I hope it is never happen It's not problem that
you older than me. I like you much. Love lida.
I'm sorry I have a too little money for internet cafe now. But after two weeks or
early I will have it. Do not worry.
Will you wait me? Kisses lida.
Hi my Prince Jerry. It is impossible for me to be without you for 2 weeks...
it is impossible to be without you for 1 day , for 1 second. I ask my boss , and get
half of my salary today. You are my dream. I can't wait our meet. Now is late. I
am tired and very much I want to sleep. But my dreams will be gentle and perfect because I fall asleep with a gentle idea on you,
lover. Tomorrow I shall come to tourist firm and shall try find out ticket and visa cost. And how long
is it take to make all documents. But I do not know what is the nearest
international airport
from you? My love to you became only much stronger and deeply. Kiss you and wish you sweet dreams. Now I must go in my warm bed
under a down blanket to dream of our speed meeting in sleep. I write you
tomorrow. Very very much love you. Your sweet Princess.
Hi my dear. For coming to you I need $308 for make travell papers (International
Passport and VISA). I researching about tickets prices now. After you send me
money for papers I need 12-15 days time to make all papers. After I have papers
ready, then I will be need ticket. In the bank I found out that Western Union it is
the best way to send money. They told me that you will be needed my name -
Lida, surname - Koshevenko, my address: Ukraine, town - Odessa(zip65004),
street - osipova 28, apt.34. And I will be need Money Transfer Control Number
from you. I wait the day when we can wake up in the morning with you in arms.
As we sit outside our house enjoying the fresh morning air and a good cup of
coffee. Obviously, I would wake you up with a sweet good morning kiss and most
likely breakfast in bed.... Your princess, Lida.
Hi dear. Yes I need $308 American dollars. Lida Koshevenko Osipova 28, Apt. 34
Odessa, Ukraine 65004 -it is right. My salary is small but it is good here( 120
USD per month).
All night I was dreaming about you and how you read my letters. I was laying in my bed and thinking how it will be nice to meet you in
person and to be beside you! I can not think of anything that I want more than to
see you and to be with you. I think of how great it will be. To be able to meet
your parents and your friends. I want to be able to see where you grew up. To be
able to walk with you hand in hand and to learn everything about you. This is
what my heart wants, to be with you forever. Love Lida Jarvis
Hi dear. I'm not a virgin. I certainly understand that I'm beautiful, my friend
speak that I have good heart, but I can not find my love in life. All men which I had only
used my beauty and broken my heart. So I wants to say that all men are
sawhorses, but I know that this not true. In the person the most main not the
beauty external but beauty internal. There are much love in me which is stays not
necessary to anybody. I found tickets to Columbus for 1130US$ Love you.
Sincerely, Jerry

Romanova (Severodvinsk, Russia)
I'm a 36 year old divorced male without children. The above young "Lady"
contacted me through Yahoo! Personals, although I was unable to find her
profile. She told me to contact her directly to another email address,
nata1977@333.comThis is highly unusual, so I immediately became suspicious. I purchased your anti-scam e book, and, before I spent any money, decided to
follow the proceedings. A number of problems immediately came to the fore:
She confessed loving me awfully fast. Pictures came with every letter, and
some were, while not nude, quite provocative. But the biggest clue was, she
never answered a single question I addressed her.
I played along for a while, and was about to send her a personal letter hand
delivered by courier. But only a day passed when I got another email. She
was concerned I didn't love her. Was I really her destiny? She hurts so
much from loving me so. I sent her a reply saying if it was meant to be, it
would happen, that it would take dedication and patience. I told her I had
done some research and the only way we could meet would be if I came to
Russia. Her last email was the nail in the coffin. Having told her I knew
about visas and how they work, she insisted that the agency could arrange
her visit. Definite Scam. Thus I am forwarding her info to you. Also
follows her emails.
Your guide was instrumental in seeing through this scam. Thanks Elena!
Hi! I am very glad to get your answer. My name is Natalya, I am twenty
six years old. I live in Russia - Severodvinsk city. It's beautiful
and green city. Our city is not very big but there are a lot of
noteworthy places, nature is very wonderful. We have theater, native
museum and many other architecture places. I live with my parents. My
father is on pension, mother works in refectory like a chef. I have a
high education, but it's very hard to find work on your profession,
and in this way I work like waitress in a local bar. I work to be more
independent and also I ought to help my parents. I come to internet
cafe because I want to acquaintance with American guy, in our country
all men are rough, and almost of them always drink. My girl friend
went to the USA last year and now live there with beloved man, they
met by internet. It's she tells me to find a friend in internet. I saw
site, don't remember name of site, and suddenly my eyes stop on you. I
like you and decide to write you. And now I want to ask you some
questions. Tell me please more about yourself. Where do you live
and where do you work??? Tell me about your parents. If I interest
you, I'd like to associate with you. Your Galina!!!
Hallo, dear Todd!!! I'm very happy to get your answer. Now I hope that our
relations will be long!!! I want to tell you about my daily life in this
latter. I wake up at 6 o'clock, have shower-bath, make breakfast and have a tie. Then I have three
time from 8 to 14 o'clock. At this time I meet with my girlfriends and we go on
aerobics, 2 times to a week. In other days I am engaged in domestic affairs, I
read books, I listen to the music. I like very much to go to theatre and
cinema. In the summer I and my friends go on the nature, there is a beautiful small river near
our city. At 14 o'clock I should be on my work. I like my work, here during breaks
I can observe different sports events, on the TV, we have a cable television in the
bar. I like very much your game - American football, it is very rigid and
intense game. Perhaps, you and I will observe this game directly on stadium sometime. I
finish my work at 23 o'clock, and I go home on foot, my house in several quarters
from a bar. It is terrible to come back home alone but I have got used already.
After coming home I have shower-bath, then I have a supper and I go sleeping,
pending see dreams and tomorrow's day. Tell to me more about yourself. What
hobby do you prefer??? How you spend your free time??? What do you do on
your work??? My growth is 5,7 foots, weight is 121pounds. My friends call me
Nata. You can call me so also. I have not been married and I don't have any
children, but I have dream to find the loving men, and to create a family. I'll
give this person all my love and tenderness. I think it's all. I'll be glad to get your letter.
PS. I don't have any brothers, cousins. I have never been married and
I don't have children. I studied English at university. I freely speak
and I write in English. I cannot frequently write to you, I write
through Internet - cafe, I hope you will understand me. Good buy! Your
Hallo dear Todd!!!!! I am happy, that I have opportunity to come to the Internet
cafe and to get letters from you because it is a uniqu chance to
communicate with you. It is hard to live in Russia, you are person who pleases me, I receive
from you a charge of energy and I am wait each your letter. The life in Russia is
very difficult, though I have custom to this, but sometimes I feel so tired what I
want to leave it all. I think you have changed my life. I am glad that I
live because I have you. I earn 2,6 thousand roubles a month on my work, and it allows to me
go to the internet cafe and to speak with you and so I am very happy. I hope that
you will not cease write to me!?! I'll tell to you about life in Russia. It is very
difficult to find work in Russia, as I sad, and I happy that I work in bar and receive
my 2,6 thousand roubles a month. I concern to an average layer of the all people
in my country because it is a lot of people hear which can't pay for light and gas
because receive less then 1 thousand roubles a month, it only for food. But I do
not want to complain I can contain myself though sometimes it's very difficult. Tell
me please about life in America, it will be very interesting to me get more
informance about America. I will be very happy if you will write to me a letter by
post. My address is: Russia, Severodvinsk, 164511, Sovetskaya Str. 54-21,
Romanova Natalya. I'll be waiting for your following letter with impatience.
I having higher education, i financier. Your Natalya!!!
Hallo my darling Todd!!!!! You can't imagine, as far as happy you makes me by
the letters. You are very interesting person with high intelligence and sense of
humor. I think many women try to win your heart. In Russia speak's: " way to
the heart of the man lays through his stomach ". If I could prepare
supper for you, I'll certain win your heart. I hope, sometime, I'll
prepare supper for you. I don't want to brag, but my grandmother
learned me for preparing food. I want to tell you, that I have
attached to you very much. I can't explain my feelings, but I grieve
very much without you, it's at first time for me, because we didn't
meet still. I think, I starting to love you. I hope, it doesn't
frighten you, because speak not so long time. But in such man as you
any woman fall in love in some days of dialogue!!! I can speak for a
long time about my feelings, but I don't want to disturb you by my
ideas, maybe, they'll seem silly for you. How are you? It's no changes
in my life. All days are similar, only your letters bring pleasure in
my severe everyday lives. Your Natalya!!!
Hello my sunshine Todd!!! I don't want to frighten you, but understand me please;
I need to know your intentions to me. I don't want to wound my heart. I wrote to
you in the last letter about filling my heart feeling of love to you,
today, at night I think for a long time, I feel love to you. Such
situation wasn't with me before, I don't know when it has come to me,
but I can't without your letters any more. I wait for the moment when
I'll receive the letter from you with great impatience. I want that
you'll write about your feelings to me. And if your intentions are
serious, and you as well as I wants to meet for learning each other,
write me and we'll start to decide this problem. You'll arrive to me,
or I arrive to you, we'll decide further. You know, I am very sensual
woman and if your intentions are not serious stop write to me please,
I am afraid that my heart will be broken and I'll suffer for a long
time. I know that you are good person and you will fairly answer on my
question, I am only afraid, and that you don't have such feelings to
me. We could meet and then decide how we are necessary to each other.
I don't afraid that after our meeting you reject me, but I'll damn
myself up to the end of my life that I and haven't met with you.
Probably it is destiny!?! So you'll decide. I have completely opened for you. I'll wait for your
following letter with impatience. Your Natalya!!!
Hi, sunshine Todd!!!!!!!!! I never was such happy in my life!!! It's very good solar
weather here. And the main thing is that YOU are!!!!!!!!! I have such strange
feeling inside. I grieve without you awfully. I need you very much. I
want to be with you, to give you all heat and tenderness which for a
long time I saved inside me. I love you!!! I love you!!! I am ready to
shout about it for the whole world. I think it's time to solve what we
will do. I think, it will be better, if I'll arrive to you. I know
agency through which my girlfriend Anna has received the visa and
tickets. Visa was making for very short time, and a month later she
has departed from Moscow by airplane. Tomorrow I'll go and I find out
all about the visa and how can I arrive to you. In the following
letter I'll tell to you all about it. Write to me about yourself. Is
all good with you??? My parents send a regards to you. I send you a
photo, where we are together. They are very glad, that I am happy.
I love you. With love Natalya!!!!!!!!!!!]

Novoselova Anastas Andreevna
Dear Elana,
I just want to thank you for your e-book. I was corresponding with a young woman
in Cheboksary for about a month and suspected something was not right about
the situation. I am a former Police Officer and my instincts are pretty keen. I ran
across your e-book and purchased it the other day. I spent several hours reading
it and enjoyed it greatly. After reading your book, I went back to all the letter's I
received from this woman and reread them. They were exactly as you has wrote.
So I took it upon myself to try, with a bit of poetic license, to catch her in a
scam. It worked and she wrote back saying she found someone else that she met
before me and that he was going to buy her things she wanted, such as a
computer etc. Below is the address she gave me and attached is the pictures
she sent me. I realize that these photos are probably someone else so use them
for your Black List along with the address below. I will pass your e-book
information (where to purchase) on to anyone I know that is looking or has been
contacted by someone in Russia or nearby countries to warn them of the scams.
Again I thank you for your insights and advise. Sincerely,
Her address she gave me: Republic Chuvashia
The City of Cheboksary Street Soviet 57 sq. 43 Novoselova Anastas Andreevna

I don't have much to say different than other guys who already been cheated by
this Ruclanu. This is the picture that she send it to me when we were exchanging
mails.I'm not sure whether its her/him.I'm in process of filing this compliant to
FBI,ukraine investigation and WesternUnion.
Thanx Got-Cheated
Hi my nice Siva. thank You for letter, - is vastly pleased.
Hope that near by us with You all will well. I will arrive in America february 27 as mercenary worker. It
will do on work in dry-cleaner's or deprives the supermarkets. This will be known
when I will arrive in America. Its flight route and in what city I must shall arrive I
shall write later. Itself I work at infant hospitals, trained nurse. Also I show the
voluntary member of Red cross, I like to help the people and do it good.
Work to me like and I much like children, but delivery vastly small earnings, at month I get
25 dollars. This vastly little, and whole hope on be earned in America.
Alive I with father, more near by us nobody No sisters no no brother, ma
from us remain when I there was 4 year. This vastly sad, but I hope that whole in the future will
well. Itself I very faithfull and dedicated person. Like in the whole probity and only
probity. Do Not Do to like the fraud and treachery. MUCH LIKE to prepare the
food. The A great deal knows the recipes a cue prepare the food. I have no
children. But I much like the children. The Play of Pit in piano, like ski. Like the
classicist a music, Bah, List, Vagner. From fate I old-fashioned, like The Beatles.
Like to read the books Chekspir. My loved colours, tulips. My loved
colour, green. My loved food, salads meat, vegetables. My birth day on july 28. I 24 year. My
growing 1 metre 63 centimetres. Live in city Pavlodar, this Country a Kazakhstan.
This big and beautiful country. But, living standard, very low. In America, which I
must inhere 180 afterwards I must prolong its visa for 180 days else, for this I
must hire the attorney, but I think that this will easy. The Hope on meeting with
You. I vastly this wants. I must expect the answer with hope on majority to the
best advantage. Always Your Ruclanu.

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Black List

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