Elena Avgustinova (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
On March 20th 2004 I was contacted by a Russian woman through Yahoo!
Personals ad and began writing her, she sent pictures and I sent pictures back.
Everything seemed fine until 3 days later she was already saying she was in love.
On the 5th day she was already asking me to send her 850.00 dollars so she
could come to the U.S. so we could be together. She went by the name of
Elen Avgustinova from Ekterinburg. If you would like a picture of her, one of the one's
she sent me of 20 she sent. Feel free to contact me and I will send them on to
you. I did not see any I recognized on your site but i may have missed it.
(Novosibirsk, Russia)
I am a 47 year old man who was contacted from a woman using an American
Singles ad name, not hers, she told me this much, but a friend of a friend as they
have to have a credit card to get a name, and she didn't have one. She told me
her mom died at birth, she was the only child, and she was 29 going on 30 May
5th. She liked my profile, of course, and wanted to coorespond. After 7 days she
ad written 'Love' to me already, and wanted to come over to visit. She had a father
who liked me, a cousin who translated in New York city from time to time,
who liked or approved of me, and an aunt whom she lived with whom felt I was the
one for her also. She only commented that she liked my letters, then told her
story during each of the letters I received. They were always colorful letters, full
of ambition, and decriptions of how she is now feeling, her heart 'knocking' of
which I understand is a term they use to describing a pounding heart...geez..well
I got suspicious when she used another mans name in a response to me...of
course I pointed this out, and she apologized to me..duh...and she didn't even
respond to a wonderfully written poem I sent to her. I had decided to research
this person, and found a look alike with the same name from Novosibirsk, and it
looked very much like the one she sent me, the hair style was changed, but the
facial features and hair color, and eyebrows looks almost identical.
I will close with saying I am not bad looking and successful, things she was wanting
obviously, but I didn't let it get to the point of having her ask me for money..cuz I
knew either she was telling me the truth, or a liar. I sent her a letter telling her
just that, that she is most likely this person, but if she is not, then to explain
furthur why she wants to spend her life with me...I haven't heard back from her
yet..who knows..maybe I am wrong...think? Okay..here are the pictures, and
some others she sent along with two letters she had sent to me in the
beginning..which was only 10 days ago. Johnne

Elite Brides - International Dating Agency and Julia Mirnaya
I am sharing about my most recent attempted scam. Thanks to Jeff's posting
about Julia Mirnaya and Elite Brides on "Black List -page 222: UPDATES" of this
site, I was able to avoid being scammed. This seemed to smell of a scam but I
was not sure until I read Jeff's posting. The modus operandi, the contact letters,
and Julia's photo were EXACTLY the same as the one's Jeff received. I had
no posted my profile anywhere so I do not know how Elite Brides had harvested
m name and contact but I have contacted some Russian Women through LatinEuro
ntroductions. I suspect one or more of those Russian Women are ringers set up
by or for Elite Brides. So far, my indications and perceptions are that LatinEuro is
legit and they are being exploited by some Russian woman/women. I will notify
them of this possibility. Again I emphasize, the EXACT SAME modus operandi,
letters, and photos were used on me that were attempted on Jeff. Thanks Jeff
fo taking the time to list this scam and thanks to this site for the blacklist.
Letters, Photos, and Modus Operandi - Please refer to Jeff's listing on "Black List
-pag 222: UPDATES" for the letters, photo, and for all other details of scam as the
attempted scam on me was the SAME. Signed Carl
Just wanted to report a contact who sent letters that are virtually identical to
Tom's from "Svetlana/Sveta Lezhnina (Tver Region, Russia)", AKA Tatyana
according to Tom's report. She goes by Irina (Irina@Maxxum.com), from Korkino
in the Krasnoyarsk region of Siberia, Russia. Reading the letters posted by Tom
made me laugh, they were so similar to the one's I had received from "Irina". I am
thankful for the website, as I'm sure I would have ultimately received the request
for money. She was already describing the "ordeal" she was goin
through trying to get a Visa so we could be together. And of course by letter 8 or 9 she had
fallen madly in love with me. Compare the first letter she sent me (below)
t the one Tom received. Quite amazing. Also, just for kicks, I included the last letter I
sent to "Irina" after discovering the scam. Thought it might amuse some people...
My final letter to Irina:
Hi Irina, I still haven't left work, but am going to shortly. After realizing I was going
to be away from my computer and your e-mails for almost 5 days, I decided that I
had to tell the truth about what my heart feels. I LOVE YOU TOO. I can't believe
that I could fall in love with someone simply through letters and pictures, but I
realize that it happened very often in the old days. I have been too practical my
whole life, and now I want to follow my heart. I am not a handsome person, I'm
getting older and have put on a lot of weight, and after my divorce I won't have
much money. But even knowing all of this, you have fallen in love with me. I have
made a decision. I want to meet you in the next 1 to 2 weeks, or I'm afraid my
heart will burst. I know that you may be having trouble getting a VISA, so I
decided that I could spend the little bit of money that I have (that my wife doesn't
know about :-) ), and come visit you. It may be hard to get to Korkino, so I was
wondering if we could meet at the same place on the Black Sea where you took
the beautiful picture, Sochi I believe. I also thought that I could sell my car and
pay for both of our airline tickets, and then stay and travel that region with you. I
have always wanted to learn about that area of the world. I know this is crazy, but
I also thought that if the first meeting goes well, that we could get married in
Sochi, and spend our honeymoon in that area. Would your boss let you have
extra time off to travel and visit many beautiful places? I love my kids very much,
and would also want them to join us eventually, if my wife would permit it. We
could keep them during the summers, and then they would return to the US for
school in the fall. I don't know where in Europe we will wind up, but I believe that
our love is so strong that wherever we are, we will be happy. I was thinking about
Switzerland or Austria, I have always wanted to live in Austria after seeing my
favorite movie, the "Sound of Music". If I can't sell my car before it is time to
leave, would you be able to fly to Sochi with your own money, then I could pay
you back after my car sells and my friend sends me the money? I would not want
you to have to spend your money, but I also wondered that if I did not have
enough in the bank for an airline ticket, would you be able to send the money to
me, and again I would pay you back after my car sells. I also have a computer
and some tools (like a power saw and a router) that I could sell, plus some snow
skis and stuff. I would leave all of this with a friend, and when he sells it all I could
pay you back completely, and we would have enough to pay for a train ride
through Europe for our honeymoon. I think this would be the happiest time of our
lives. Then we would just do whatever our hearts told us to do. I would want to
start having children very soon also. I think you are so beautiful, and our children
would be very beautiful also. I hope so much that my words do not scare you, but
I just can't help myself, I think of nothing but you, I dream of you, I have printed
pictures of you and they are on my wall at home, and you have taken my heart
away. I have been afraid to speak of this, but I think about making love to you all
the time. I think about it at night and I can't get it out of my mind. Holding you
and making love to you many times during the night would be more beautiful than
anything I could think of. I am deep down a very sensitive person, and I
easily get hurt. If I fell in love with you, and then lost you, knowing how beautiful
and wonderful you are, and how much you love me, my heart would be broken. I
would cry very much, and I just don't want any more pain in my life. I have to go
with my heart and be with you forever. You have made me happier than I have
ever been, and I trust in your love for me. If I needed you to send me the money
for the airline ticket, how would you be able to do it. I'm not familiar with Russian
anks or the way your money system works. I am so sorry that I would have to
ask, but hopefully I won't need to. Also, can I call you to arrange the date of our
meeting? I know that you said your boss told you your vacation would be in just 2
or 3 weeks, so that must be very soon now. If you can give me your number at
home and at work, it might even be easier to call you at work if you tell me the
right time of day to call and the name of the place where you work. I can't believe
that I don't even know your full name, and yet we're in love. That sounds so crazy,
but that's how love is. I also would very much like to know your name and
address so I can send a ring to you. And I will call once I get your e-mail, and we
can finally hear each other's voice and speak of our love and plan our lives
together. I will be so nervous all weekend waiting to get back and find out your
answer to my marriage proposal. I think that I will be so unhappy that I might
even commit suicide (just kidding :-) ) if you decide that you cannot marry me.
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH, Mike. PS Please don't think badly of me, but I would very
much like to have a picture of you with no clothes on. It would make me so
happy, and help me at night when I dream of making love to you (and take care of
myself to relieve the pressure that I have in my loins because you are so
beautiful). If you would like, I could send one of myself with no clothes on also. It
won't be very pretty, and I hope it does not make you love me less. With all my
heart, Mike. PPS I sent a birthday e-card to you that I hoped you would get and
that would make you very happy. I know I had the birthday right, but just in case
can you tell me again what day it is? I did not receive confirmation that you
received and read the card from Hallmark, with a very loving note that I added to
it, and it disappoints me that they did not send it to you. I LOVE YOU VERY
Hi Mike! I'm Irina from webdate. First of all I want to apologize, that I did not
answered you for a long time. Please do not be angry with me. Unfortunately I
had no opportunity to write to you sooner. Please forgive me for a delay. I hope
you are not offended. I hope you will write me and will not hold evil. I am very glad
that you have answered my letter. Thank you that you have found time for
answer. I do not know what to write to you in my first letter because I never wrote
letters and did not get acquainted on the Internet before. But I think will be correct
if I will start to tell about me from the very beginning because I was first, who has
written first letter. I really do not know as far as my life is interesting to you, but I
think, if something will be not interestingly for you, you will tell me about it.
Probably I should begin my letter with the most important thing as I have not told
to you about it in my first message to you. Probably you will be very much
afflicted when you find out that I live not in your state(country). But I very much
hope that it does not frighten you, because I the same lady like many other
ladies living in the different countries. I the same person with heart and soul. And
if your interest is not limited by distance or borders, I really will be very glad. My
country is Russia. Our country is located on continent named Eurasia. Russia is
ery big state(country) and occupies very big area. Capital of Russia is Moscow. I
was born and I live now in village(little town) Korkino. In Russia the village is a
small settlement in which just a few thousand, or a few hundreds inhabitants. My
village is village of town type. We have the same houses as in large Russian
cities. But in comparison with the big cities, our village is considered as very
small village of course. Probably if you want to have the best representation about
where I live, I should tell to you that my village is located close to the big city
named Krasnoyarsk. It's our regional center in the Siberian District. Very big city.
Krasnoyarsk is located on distance of 3800 kilometers from Moscow. It is very
far. In the childhood I dreamed to be a ballerina or figure skater. But at conscious
age my interests have changed. When I has appeared before a choice - where to
receive higher education, I have understood that I want to be a economist(bookkeeper).
I always showed big interest to knowledge of this area. On this, at that time I already knew absolutely exact that I will be bookkeeper,
and I do not regret about my choice. My education consist of three steps. School
- College - University. I began to get education in the comprehensive school. After
I finished it I entered the college. I finished it with excellent results and entered
the University. At this time I work in small building company. I work as a
bookkeeper. Very interesting work though many my girlfriends disagree with me. I
already spoke you that my name is Olga. But in Russia actually each name has
some forms, for example such as - the reduced form or the diminutive-caressing
form or pet name. On this also my names is - Ira. Mike I promised to share with
you my picture, I fulfil my promise with worry and with pleasure. In addition to a
picture I want to tell that I am blonde. My height is 5 feet 6 inches. My weight is
115 pounds. And of course you should know that I am 30 years old. My birthday -
on March, 23, 1973 and I will turn 31 years old. I understand that all people have
various tastes and interests, but I sincerely hope that my picture and my
appearance will be pleasant for you. But if my appearance doesn't conform to
your tastes and interests, I will understand you, of course. I the optimist at heart
and it's frequently helps me in my life. I already adult woman, and I look at a life
with a philosophical shade. But as though I did not try to inspire myself that I
absolutely happy woman, I cannot do it. I have good friends, I have work and an
apartment. But there are things without which people cannot be happy. And for
me it's not material things, but spiritual. I have written to you the first and it
means that I am ready to share with you my thoughts. I am very glad and grateful
to you for that that you have answered me because I have decided to take only
one chance in dialogue through e-mail. And if my letter to you would remain
without your answer, I think I would not use this way second time. Anyhow, I
hope that you, as well as I, have interest in our dialogue, and I will wait your
answer. In the end of my letter I want to ask you the most banal questions. I want
to ask you what music you like, what movies you prefer and have-whether
favourite movie. These questions are really interesting for me because I like
American movies and American music very much. I with pleasure will tell to you
about it in my next letter if you really want to learn more about me. Do you like
your job, Mike? Have you ever had experience in correspondence with a friend
from other country? Maybe you more skilled in this plan than I'm? I thank you for
your answers beforehand. If you do not want to answer these questions, please
do not answer. It simply my female curiosity. I will be very grateful to you also if
you share with me your pictures. I thank you beforehand. I am sorry once again
that I did not answer your letter for a long time. Forgive me, but I had no
opportunity to take advantage of a computer. I will explain to you later - why. With
the best regards. Irina.

Svetlana Lezhnina (Tver Region, Russia)
I am a 38 year old white Australian who works as an IT professional from Boston.
I received an unsolicited contact at the end of February, 2004 from a Russian
woman called Svetlana through Yahoo! Personals. At first, I was very skeptical
and was initially inclined to think she was a scammer. But I have to say that this
woman is very good at this racket. Over the next six weeks, I found
mysel increasingly believing she was genuine with each letter. In retrospect, I feel a
littl stupid for being taken in like I did. But I became increasingly suspicious
whe she decided to obtain a visa to visit me and ignored all of my requests not to proceed.
I also felt there were some inconsistencies between some of the
photo she sent me. Eventually, the inevitable letter asking for money came with a scan of a fake
visa attached. She wanted $254 to pay off a plane ticket that she
ha supposedly reserved to travel to Boston to visit me. Thanks to this black list, I discovered she
was indeed a scammer and didn't lose a cent. I haven't informed anybody
abou this scam attempt yet, but I will. Phillip
Hi! My name Svetlana. I am tired from loneliness and have decided to write to
you. I search the satellite of the life for long relations. Possible having found out
about each other more we can join. I shall start to tell about myself. I'm looking
or a serious relationship, so please don't reply, if you aren't serious as well. I
want to find kind and reliable partner in life. If you want to write me I with the big
pleasure shall answer your letter. You can reach me at: svetlana@maxxam.org
and I will send you my picture. Earlier I did not use dating service, therefore I
bring to you my apologies if I have made not so good. I hope to speak with you
soon, Svetlana.
Hi, my new friend,Phil! First, what I want to do - I want to apologize, that I did not
answer you during long time. Please do not be angry with me. Unfortunately I had
no opportunity to write to you sooner. Please forgive me for a delay. I hope you
are not offended. I hope you will write me and will not hold evil. I am very glad that
you have answered my letter. Thank you that you have found time for answer. I do
not know what to write to you in my first letter because I never wrote letters and
did not get acquainted on the Internet before. But I think will be correct if I will
start to tell about me from the very beginning because I was first, who has written
first letter. I really do not know as far as my life is interesting to you, but I think, if
something will be not interestingly for you, you will tell me about it. Probably I
should begin my letter with the most important thing as I have not told to you
about it in my first message to you. Probably you will be very much afflicted when
you find out that I live not in your country. But I very much hope that it does not
frighten you, because I the same lady like many other ladies living in the different
countries. I the same person with heart and soul. And if your interest is not
limited by distance or borders, I really will be very glad. My country - Russia. Our
country is located on continent - Eurasia. Russia is very big country and
occupies very big area. Capital of Russia - Moscow. I was born and I live now in
village Orsha. In Russia the village is a small settlement in which just a few
thousand, or a few hundreds inhabitants. My village - village of city type. We have
the same houses as in large Russian cities. But in comparison with the big
cities, our village is considered as very small village of course. Probably if you
want to have the best representation about where I live, I should tell to you that
my village is located close to the big city of Tver. Very big city. Tver is located on
distance of 163 kilometers from Moscow. It is very far. In the childhood I dreamed
to be a ballerina or figure skater. But at conscious age my interests have
changed. When I has appeared before a choice - where to receive higher
education, I have understood that I want to be a doctor. I always showed big
interest to scientific knowledge of this area. On this, at that time I already knew
absolutely exact that I will be doctor, and I do not regret about my choice. My
education consist of three steps. School - College - University. I began to get
education in the comprehensive school. After I finished it I entered the medical
college. I finished it with excellent results and entered the Medical University. At
present I work in a small Dental polyclinic. I work as a dentist. Very interesting
work though many my girlfriends disagree with me. I already spoke you that my
name is Svetlana. But in Russia actually each name has some forms, for
example such as - the reduced form or the diminutive-caressing form or pet
name. On this also my names is - Svetochka, Sveta, Svetlana. Phil I promised to
share with you my picture, I fulfil my promise with worry and with pleasure. In
addition to a picture I want to tell that I am brunette. My height is 5 feet 6 inches.
My weight is 115 pounds. And of course you should know that I am 30 years old.
My birthday - on May, 28, 1973 and I will turn 31 years old. I understand that all
people have various tastes and interests, but I sincerely hope that my picture and
my appearance will be pleasant for you. But if my appearance doesn't conform to
your tastes and interests, I will understand you, of course. I the optimist at heart
and it's frequently helps me in my life. I already adult woman, and I look at a life
with a philosophical shade. But as though I did not try to inspire myself that I
absolutely happy woman, I cannot do it. I have fine girlfriend, I have work and an
apartment. But there are things without which people cannot be happy. And for
me it's not material things, but spiritual. I have written to you the first and it
means that I am ready to share with you my thoughts. I am very glad and grateful
to you for that that you have answered me because I have decided to take only
one chance in dialogue through e-mail. And if my letter to you would remain
without your answer, I think I would not use this way second time. Anyhow, I
hope that you, as well as I, have interest in our dialogue, and I will wait your
answer. In the end of my letter I want to ask you the most banal questions. I want
to ask you what music you like, what movies you prefer and have-whether
favourite film. These questions are really interesting for me because I like
American movies and American music very much. I with pleasure will tell to you
about it in my next letter if you really want to learn more about me. Do you like
your job, Phil? Have you ever had experience in correspondence with a friend
from other country? Maybe you more skilled in this plan than I'm? I thank you for
your answers beforehand. If you do not want to answer these questions, please
do not answer. It simply my female curiosity. I will be very grateful to you also if
you share with me your pictures. I thank you beforehand. I am sorry once again
that I did not answer your letter for a long time. Forgive me, but I had no
opportunity to take advantage of a computer. I will explain to you later - why. With
the best regards. Sveta.
Hi Phil! How your day? I hope you are glad to receive my letter because when I
have received your letter I really was delighted. Many thanks. At once I want to
tell to you about my opportunities to write letters to you. I hadn't time to tell about
it in my last letter. I write to you letters on my job because I have no a personal
computer. The computer is in an accounting department. Lady who works with a
computer will sometimes allow me to use a computer in my interests, but only
when this lady has a free time. It depends not on me unfortunately. I work five
days in a week - from Monday till Friday. It is the standard established in Russia.
On this I shall not be capable to write to you and to receive your letters on
Saturday and on Sunday. But sometimes I work on Saturday and even on
Sunday. It is called - maintenance standby. In our polyclinic always works a
doctor on duty who works on Saturday and on Sunday because the toothache
hasn't schedules (smile). Sometimes I work as the doctor on duty. On this
maybe I will can write to you letters even on Saturday or on Sunday. Maybe. Do
you want to know how I will write to you my letters? I write to you letters during
all my working day by small parts - in those short time intervals when the
computer will not be occupied. And something else. Me have warned that our
computer has dependent system of sending of mail. My letters will be sent only
after service mail which is sent two times in day - at midday and after finish of the
working day. Probable, my letter will be sent automatically after finish of the
working day. Working day in our polyclinic comes to an end at 22.00, but my
working day comes to an end at 17.00. I work in children's branch. If you want, I
can tell to you about my work. Only tell. How you could think of me poorly? I also
heard about the Russian mafia. Such women disgrace our country and though I
always had pride for Russian people and women, it is a shame to me, that these
women are Russian. Actually in Russia many good, fair and kind ladies. I
understand what opinion now you have about Russian people. But in Russia
really many good girls. Oh! I promised you to tell what music I like. Now I have
some free minutes and with pleasure will spend this time to tell to you about my
interests. I like various music. All depends on mood. I like to listen classical
music. I like Dunaevski And Chajkovsky. I like to listen simply instrumental
music. Such music allows to relax and have a rest. Under such music I like to
think. I like to listen to guitar masterpieces of Joe Satriani. I very much like group
Dire Straits. I like Pink Floyd. They are not similar to anybody. It is great group. I
like Madonna, Robbie Williams and George Michael and many others. In America
many great musicians. I like many Russian musicians. For example Philip
Kirkorov, Valeria or groups: Chaif, Splin. But you likely do not know them. I very
much like cinema. In Russia create few good films. I like works of such directors
s Tarkovsky, Konchalovsky, Mikhalkov. My favourite movies - Siberian Barber and
Tired by the Sun. It's masterpieces of the Russian cinema. The American
movies in Russia use huge popularity. The American movies is considered the
greatest. I very much like the American movies and I like many American actors.
For example: Gladiator, Brave Heart. Mel Gibson - good actor. I like films - The
Sixth Sense, the Rainman, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Gone with the
Wind, Magnificent Seven, the Godfather, Groundhog day, The Scent of a Woman.
My favourite actors - Bruce Willis, Al Pacino, Kevin Costner, Samuel L. Jackson,
Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks, Demi Moore, Kevin Spacey. My hobby, if it's possible
to tell so - the English language. I have loved English long ago, when I studied at
school. In Russia the program of training necessarily includes foreign language,
as a rule - English, German or French. I have entered in group of the English
language and I am happy that I made it. I very much like your language. After
school, I continued studying of English language at the university. I like this language. It is a very soft and easily-memorized language. I learn the English
anguage easily. At present I attend courses of the English language. I study your
language within 18 years. I want to know this language perfectly. I know
that now I admit mistakes, but I hope you won't angry. What else to tell about
me? I never was married and I haven't children. I am lonely and the reason of my
loneliness not only in me. However, I do not know if it interestingly for you. I live
honestly, and it brings pleasure to me. I am optimist and I like to smile, because
smile - mirror of soul. For happiness is not required many things. Likely the main thing that does not suffice me now is love. People without love
cannot be happy. But when near there is a close person whom you love, life
becomes fine irrespective of where you live and what you have. But the loneliness
fills a life with sadness. But I do not want to speak about sadness anymore. I am
glad that I have an opportunity to write to you and I am glad that you write to me.
And at present it really causes a smile on my face. I should finish my letter. You
have the big family Phil? If you do not want, you may do not answer my question.
I hope to receive your letter soon. Sincerely and with the best regards.
Hi Phil! I am frankly glad that again I have a possibility to write you.
I very much love music too and I can really play on a violin. Certainly I not the professional,
but I like to play for myself when I have lyrical mood. Tell, you love a violin?
About my pictures. Certainly I did not make it on the digital camera.
Digital camera have only special studios. It is expensive for Russia. I have taken all
photos several months ago. To me has suggested my familiar to scan my
photos. He worked in Tver in any small firm, but now he has left to live to
Voronezh. His sick father there lives and he has left to help him. Now I have no
access to the scanner, unfortunately. Today I saw my mother in my dream and
thought that I have to tell you about my mother, because when I say about her - I
tell about my family. It is really so because I have never seen my grandfather and
grandmother and I don't have brothers or sisters. I was the only one child in the
family, and my family consisted of two people - my mother and I. I know nothing
about the father. When to me there were 16 years ours the neighbour started to
live from my mum. I named his uncle Sasha. All was good, but then he has left
from mum to other woman and has moved to other city. I too do not want to
recollect him now. Now you will understand why. I really feel great proud when I
say about my mother because she was a very good woman. But together with
this, every time the recollections about my mother cause tears and I can't keep
them. My mother died when I was 19 years old. Two years before her death my
mom has damage in road accident. She was standing in the street and she was
knocked down by a car. Probably the driver was strongly drunk, because the
witnesses said that the car moved by zigzag and suddenly appeared on
pavement. As a result of collision my mum was paralysed. She spent three years
in the wheelchair. I looked after her did all that was in my forces to make a life for
which she was fated since this moment - easy and joyful. I spent little time with
my friends and practically all my free time I spent near my mother. I was crazy
happy when mother smiled, because she smiled very seldom. She was ashamed
of her helplessness. Every time when I was going home after school I looked at
the window and every time my mother met me. She was looking through the
window and smiled. It happens always. She met me every day and never forgot.
That's why I felt alarm at once when 11 years ago I looked at the window and
didn't see my mother there. I understood that something is wrong. I rushed home
with tears in my eyes. When I oped the door I understood that I stayed alone. As
usual my mother was sitting in her chair with the smile. But she was dead. I
remember how I stretched my arm and touched her pulse. It got dark in my eyes
and my feet didn't obey me. I couldn't stand. I thought I would go mad. I have felt
that I lose consciousness and lain on the floor. I sobed and couldn't quiet down. I
couldn't imagine that I will live without mom. This was the person I lived for. All I
did in my live I did for her. She was such a good mother. She taught me
everything I can do in this life. My mother dreamt to bring me up as an honest
and decent lady. I was the only child and mother gave me endless love. And I
tried to do all to be worthy daughter, to be worthy her love. And I hope that I
became such a lady as my mother wanted to see me. Now I appreciate the
difficulties of that time in a different way. Difficulties train the character. I lived
without help and support, I went through different difficulties about which I don't
want to speak. But I have gone trough these difficulties and remember this I feel
that everything I have done correctly. My mother always told me that one should
look at difficulties with smile not mentioning that there is a shout of despair in the
throat and there are tears in eyes. One should be strong and proud - as my
mother was. Forgive me that I have told you about this so in detail. But I say
about my mother seldom. But when I say about her I can't do it in couple words. I
loved her very much and that's why I told you little things about her.
Forgive me. I decided to share my recollections with you as with a friend, because I didn't
speak about her with anybody for a long time. Forgive me that my letter is a sad,
big and uninteresting. Simply when I begin to say about my mother I can't stop.
But I promise not to write such letters anymore. Is important For you the
nationality of the person if this person - object of your sympathy? What makes
you happy? I have to finish. Sincerely with best regards. Sveta. P.S. On it photo
o me 17 years old.
Hi, Phil! Today I had so much work that I was afraid that I wouldn't have time to
get your letter. And I have to say that this frightened me. But now I have found
free time and very glad. Thank you for your kind letter. My last letter was sad.
That's why today I will try not to write about sad things. Then now I am smiling
and have a good mood. As a matter of fact today all the colleagues have a good
mood because today we found out that on Monday The Moscow Zoo would come
to Tver for touring. This is great news because The Moscow Zoo Is the biggest
zoo in the country. So everybody discuss only this news. Everybody wants to
visit the ZOO because the tour will last only for several days. I like animals very
much and I have never seen Moscow Zoo. I have never seen alive tigers and
bears. Have you ever seen a tiger or a bear? The biggest animal I saw in my life
is a horse. I like horses very much and think that these are the most beautiful
animals in the planet. As matter of fact I have always dreamt to have some pets -
a cat or a dog. But when I think that a little puppy will wait for me at home alone I
feel pity. That's why I don't have pets. I always wait for weekends with
impatience, because I get tired mentally and physically at the work. That's why
weekends are the only possibility for me to rest and to get new forces.
eekends I spend differently. Sometimes I want simply to rest in my apartment. I like my
apartment - little and cosy. On weekends I always clean the apartment properly. I
like purity. And though I always try to keep my apartment clean, there is always
something to do about the house on weekends. But when I want really to relax I
listen to music or read books. I like to read books especially historical novels
about ancient Russia or other countries. I don't like to read western or detectives,
though lately I read stories about Sherlock Holmes with pleasure. Also I like to
spend time with my girl-friends. I have two best girl-friends. We are friends for 20
years. When we meet with girl-friends the air is filling with laughter. We like to
walk and communicate, we go to movie and to the park. If you want I can tell you
about my girl-friends. I like to spend time in nature in the open air very much. In
Russia camping is very popular. I adore to go to the forest and to live in a tent
though now I have seldom such an opportunity. I like to look at night fire. I like to
look at the stars very much. In August the sky is strewed with stars. It is
incredible beautiful. I like to cook on the fire. There is no more wonderful when in
the air the fragrances of forest, river and smoke mix together. I am romantic
undoubtedly. I really like cooking. I know that I do it well, because I started
cooking from childhood. My mother taught me many things including cooking.
She said: "Lady who can cook well don't have disadvantages and demerits,
because tasty food is a way to the man's heart. May be she is right. I like
Russian dishes and my favourite dish is hodgepodge ( in Russian we call it
okroshka). I am not sure if you know such dish. This is a Russian national dish.
Also I like dishes of Caucasian Georgia. What dishes do you prefer Phil? I have a
question for you. If you do not want can not answer. Looking back at your life
would you like to change something? I have to finish. I hope my letter was not
stodgy and uninteresting. I will wait for your letter with impatience. I wish you
peace and kindness. Sveta.
Hi, my dear friend Phil! I hope you not against if I say so. Thank you for your
attention to me. From day to day I feel more necessity to get your letters. My
mood has become better again when I have got your letter. I should say that
when I have good mood my patients cry less (smile). So healthy smiles of our
children now depend on your letters (smile again). You ask, as I have chosen
you. I did not choose you from thousand men. I have no an opportunity frequently
and long to use the Internet. I never used the Internet earlier. For this reason my
girlfriend has helped me. She has told that if I will choose from all men, I will
spend all day long in computer, but I will choose nobody. She has suggested to
choose in the casual page. I even don't know what page she has chosen. And I
have chosen you on this page. My girlfriend has told, that if I really want to find
the dream, I should not read thousand lines. The destiny itself will direct my
hand. I have written the letter only to you and I am very glad, that you answered
me. I even could not present where it will bring me. I had relations with the guy a
little more than year back. He was very rough, constantly shouted at me and was
very jealous. I made nothing, that he had insult on me, but always to him it
seemed, that I change, but it was not the truth. Moreover, he to drink many of
alcohol also and became even more malicious. I was afraid of him when he was
drunk. I do not want to recollect him now. He has caused me much sufferings. I
do not want, that it has repeated with other guy. I see, that you another and I like
it. Also I want to tell to you frankly about sex. Really I do have not enough sex. I
the alive person, but I cannot have sex with the person whom I do not love. I want
caress and words of love ONLY from the favourite person. Probably to you to not
understand it, but women are different it from men. You can be disagree with me?
By the way, when I came to work today my mood was bad, because my girl-friend fell ill and now she is in the hospital. The saddest thing is that she has
birthday today. She is 30 years old today. Unfortunately she will spend her
birthday in the hospital. But have already talked with the doctor and I will be
allowed to spend the evening in the her chamber. In the evening I will bake a
cake, buy balloons and go to the hospital. I want very much that she have good
mood on her birthday. This my best friend. By the way, she works with me in the
polyclinic. As matter of fact I have only two real friends - Elena and Natasha.
Elena is that lady who is in the hospital. Natasha has left to the North for three
months. Her grandmother lives there. My friends are not married too. We are
friends for 20 years already. Elena and I are like sisters. Elena and I like to walk.
Usually we walk in the park. But also we like to spend time in Elena vegetable
garden. She lives in an old wooden house. I don't know if you have seen such
houses. This are the houses which were built before the second world war, in the
fortieth years. These are very old houses which don't have bath and running
water. So people have to take water outside in the well or in a pit. In modern
world such conditions seem very terrible, but this is really so. We like to spend
time in Elena vegetable garden. There she grows potato, tomatos and cucumbers
not to buy them in the market, because in winter the prices of these products rise
very high. Every winter Elena and I make a big Snowman by big snow balls. We
make a carrot instead of nose and potatos instead of eyes. It is very funny. All
neighbor's children come to see it. First time we made such a Snowman 16
years ago. Since that time we do every year. This is a tradition for us. We pour it
with water to cover with ice. So it stands for the whole winter. I like Orsha. Many
people in our village know each other. We have little buildings - maximum 4
floors. Elena says that she wants to live in a big city. I don't know where it is
better. Big city is a big traffic, fast rhythm of life, garlands of fires, lightning shop
windows, high buildings, fountains, cinemas, parks, attractions, theatres. It is
wonderful, of course I like it. But our village is a fresh air, a lot of trees and birds,
silent and comfort no hubris and vanity inherent for big cities. We have a lot of
small and large lakes and rivers. The places are very beautiful. If there were no
criminal the place could be considered as a paradise. But alas, the criminal in
small cities, as well as in the big cities is an integral part our life.
Unfortunately criminal in Russia is situated on a very high level. But I don't want to tell about
sad things. Did I tell you that I can play violin? I like to play violin. One famous
musician said that a woman and a violin are created the friend for the friend. I
agree with it. I play on a violin when on my soul it is bad when it is good also. The
violin helps me in my loneliness. I play on a violin in my home every evening
almost. I compose music a little even. You love play on a violin? I have to finish
my letter. I don't want but I have to. Today when I will come to Elena we will
speak about you. She likes to ask about you and I like to tell her. I wanted to ask
you that you do Phil when on your soul poorly or well? What was the best gift
you got and from whom? Sincerely yours and with best wishes. Sveta. P.S. By
the way, I asked the girl who sits on a computer to find for me a map of our
district. She has found to me it, but on it is written in Russian. She has marked a
red circle a place where I live. I hope you want to know where I am? I send it to
Hi Phil! The day is wonderful today and the weather is good. The sun is shining
all the day. It is impossible to open eyes because the snow blinds of the
whiteness on the sun. And what about your weather? May be today after work I
will go home by foot. I like to walk along the street and to breath fresh air,
especially when the weather is warm. As a matter of fact I don't want to go home.
It is very boring and lonely at home. Sometimes I don't mention it, but sometimes
when I come home with good mood, I want to talk very much, to share thoughts
with anybody, to have fun. But my flat is empty and I have to be in full solitude.
And my good mood disappears. I simply sit down in an arm-chair and look at the
window. And when the silence deafen me when I hear as my blood flows in my
veins, I hear movement of my eyelashes, at that moment becomes unbearably
and my heart compresses. I don't know how to struggle with it. I can listen to
music or read a book. But in some moment I understand that I just deceive
myself. In fact I want a beloved person to be near me, with whom I could spend
evenings, to meet morning, to speak about yesterday and to dream about
tomorrow day. I want to walk and to feel a strong man arm holds me. I don't want
to cook meals only for myself. I want somebody to appreciate it. But enough
about it. I began writing the letter in the morning. Now it is 5 p. m. already.
You want to know why I have chosen you? I spoke you already, that it was a casual
choice. I have given a choice to destiny. Now I do not regret about it. Tell to me
you trust in destiny? You trust in love at first sight? You really want to know
about the Russian men? Certainly they not all alcoholics and are rough also.
There are good men in Russia, but I am disappointed already with the Russian
men. I heard, that in America are men care of women and love them really and
consequently I have decided to write to you. I was helped in it by my girlfriend. It
was her idea. Today I again shall go to Elena when I shall write to you the letter.
I hope she is better today. Yesterday she was very glad, when I have come and
have wished her happy birthday. We ate a pie and talked. By the way, about you
also. I told to her about you. You are not offended on me for it? She asked to tell
to you Hi from her. I talked with doctor and he has told, that nothing terrible with
Elena and she will soon recover. I am very glad to this. Can you imagine? I have
just cured a little boy's teeth. I asked him: What do you dream about? He
answered that he dreams to become a grownup because grownups don't have
problems with teeth. It was so funny. I often remember childhood. I always
dreamed to become a grown up as soon as possible. As every child I completely
believed that grownups don't have problems at all. I dreamt in the childhood and I
dream now. Of course, the world of dreams is an illusive world. We live in a real
life, so we can't to sink into the world of dreams and phantasies for long. When a
dream becomes obsession, it can bring only pain and disappointment. Practically
dreams do not always realize. It happens that you use all power, all aspiration to
make the dream come true. But as much you try, not all in this life depend on us.
When the dream for a long time does not come true, as though you did not try,
dream ceases to be that star, which was for you lighthouse in ocean of the life,
which illuminated your way. But anyway, I think that it is impossible to live
without dreames and hopes. When there is a dream, the life is filled with sense.
The dreams are those things that do us people that distinguishes us from the
whole rest alive world. The dreams contribute variety in ordinary and grey life. The
dreams force to think, analyse, choose and come to a conclusion. The Faith and
Hope - an eternal satellites of our lifes. And regardless of what waits you at the
end, joy of the victories and subordinated tops we remember better, than
isappointment and pain of the defeats. You agree with me? I am surprised that I
write you all this. I have never had a person, with whom I could share my
thoughts. But now I have found you, and I am very glad. Forgive me for my
frankness. If I said something superfluous forgive me please. Do you like when
your friends come to your home? What clothes do you like the lady wear?
I will wait for your letter with impatience. Sveta. P.S. In a picture I wait for the bus. We
with Elena have gone to congratulate our girlfriend Natasha happy birthday. It was
on October, 21. Natasha is 31 year.
Hi my friend, Phil!!!! I am very glad that you have written. Many thanks. You have
again raised my mood and have placed a happy smile on my face.
My girlfriend has helped me to find all copies of my and your letters. I am very glad to this.
Please do not worry about it. I shall never hold my letters only on one diskette.
Now I shall be cleverer I shall hold all our letters on three diskettes at once.
Yesterday I have visited Elena in hospital. I have told to her Hi from you, I hope
you not against it? Elena also has send Hi for you. By the way, she has told, that
her quinsy has recovered already and tomorrow her will let off from hospital. I am
very glad, that her health in norm now. By the way Phil, today I went to job being
absolutely confident that you write to me today. Earlier I always went with an
thought that you probably yet have not written, but today for the first time I went
with an thought that your letter waits for me already. I went on the street and I
smiled. I could not hide my smile. People which passed near to me looked back
on me. Ladies in Russia smile rarely, because life is filled with different problems,
cares, difficulties and obstacles. All this prevails over little fortunes which the lady
has in her life. In Russia the lady stands on the same stair as the man already for
a long time. She can do the same work as the man can. Very often In Russia the
lady does the man's work - the heavy physical work. In the 19th century one
Russian poet wrote about Russian woman: "Russian woman can enter in the
burning house and she can stop frightened horse running towards her".
The only thing she lacks is simple warm and caress, which she wants to receive from a
man. This is the problem of Russian men. The Russian lady does everything for
the man but doesn't get anything from him. All what she needs is at least a
couple of tender words and gentle touching of his hands. Is it really so difficult? Is
it really difficult to present your lady a romantic evening and a supper with
candles? In Russia as a rule such gift give lady for a man, but not a man for lady.
When a woman carry heavy bags in the street no man will help her, he will only
turn his look away and go farther. That's why the Russian lady never feels happy
at her heart. You say that I am beautiful. In Russia I am not considered like a
beautiful lady. Russian men, practically all of them, usually treat to ladies
disrespectfully. They consider that woman only have to work, to cook, to wash
cloths and entertain the man when he wants. For the Russian man it is a usual
thing to offend a woman. I like to cook and to wash cloths but sometimes I would
like to receive simple caress, love and attention. I don't want to offend all the
men. Of course there are good men in Russia, but there are few of them. Men
frequently speak dirty words (not normative lexicon) when speak with lady and
consider that in it there is nothing bad. I had boyfriend. We had good time
together. He was kind. But he liked to drink. When he got drunk he became an
absolutely other person. He talked with me with bad and dirty words. The time
passed and his love to alcohol became a habit. He became another person - rude
and evil. Has taken a great interest in beating me, frequently struck and knocked
me by hands and the next day he smiled and talked with me as if nothing had
happened. I began to be afraid of him and I have left him. My soul was wounded
very much. After this I couldn't make myself get acquainted with another man.
Now I don't trust Russian men. I am afraid to give my love but get in lieu thereof
the roughness. If you have disagreements with lady, you can apply roughness?
Do you capable to transform quarrel into the peace, pleasure and a smile?
Your Sveta. P.S. I attach a photo with Elena. I love this photo very much. I hope to you
this photo also is pleasant.
Hi, Phil! How your mood? I hope that up to my letter your mood was fine, but after
my letter your mood became superfine (smile) Likely I too self-confident. But I am
happy again because I have again received your letter. I so waited this minute,
when I can write to you. You probably are surprised, that I write to you to
Saturday. Today I work the on duty doctor in clinic. Be not surprised, doctors
should work always because patients do not wait the end of week-end. (smile) In
our clinic all doctors work so by turns. I have a lot of work, but I have all the same
decided to write to you. On Friday in clinic was small holiday. On March, 8 in
Russia celebrate the International Women's day, in Russia it will be the day off
and consequently in our clinic we celebrated this holiday on Friday. You heard
about such holiday? All men in our clinic congratulated women on it, have bought
pies, sweets and champagne. We were congratulated in an official part by the
head physician, my chief, and spoke many good words about us. I like our
collective on clinic, it is small but very amicable and we always celebrate
holidays together after work. And this time we celebrated till 6:15 P.M. then all
have gone home, but for me, as well as for all women of our clinic, it was very
pleasant congratulations of men of clinic. In the USA there is such holiday when
men congratulate women? Tomorrow difficult day waits for me. Tomorrow I again
work in dental mobile car. I did not say it to you yet. But it happens only once a
week. Dental mobile car - automobile which is more than passenger car, but is
less than a lorry. Two years ago I and Elena have written to Ministry of Health the
offer to allocate the automobile to make dental mobile car. At that time we with
her have consisted in society of volunteer help weak and ailing people. As a rule
it is old lonely people which are not capable to live without help of extraneous
people. These people could not visit hospital because they could not go
independently. We have suggested to come periodically to such people on this
automobile with the necessary equipment to not carry these people in hospital.
This offer was approved and now we already visit more than fifty settlements in
our area. Unfortunately tomorrow I will go without Elena. On this it will be difficult
days. In total in our area five such automobiles. We go in small villages and
settlements where live people, which for the different reasons cannot go in city to
cure a teeth. In our district a lot of such people. Now we help not only to such
people, but also children living in children's orphanages. We have many
orphanages, but this orphanages have no personal dental cabinet, on this every
week Elena, I and ours colleague - dental surgeon, we go in various orphanages
on dental mobile car. We became friends with all children and all children love us
very much, because also we visit this orphanage in the days off to give help of
various sort. The state allocates very few money for the maintenance and
contents of orphanages. Buildings are very old. But children do not have anybody
to help them and to give them financial support. That's why some people
voluntary render the feasible help. We help to repair rooms. Many walls do not
have even wall-paper and stucco. The floors and beds are very old. The conditions
are terrible. The meal is awful. The children practically have no toys. When I look
at all this there are tears in my eyes. My girlfriend and I help to do repair. We
glue wall-paper and paint the windows. We bring children new toys. You cannot
imagine how children are pleased when we come. And they are glad not only
because they wait for new toys, they wait for us. They require kindness and
caress very much. Again I write too in detail. Forgive me, please.
Oh Phil! I should go. Sincerely and with the best regards. Your Sveta.
Hi, my far, but dear friend Phil. I again write to you and I thank the destiny for I
have found you. It is valid happiness for me. It was pleasant to me very much that
you also well think of orphanages. It is the most good your characteristic for me.
To you are not indifferent destinies of other people. Certainly, if you will arrive we
together we can help these wretch people. I should tell to you that I have ocean
of emotions and sensations which I had no in my heart before. And on this, my
reason and my heart say me that I should answer by sincerity your constant
sincerity. My heart and my reason says me that I should tell what I feel now
because it is a part of our friendship and I should share it with you. I should tell
that it was required two days to write and think over this letter, because I wanted
to say just the right things to you. I didn't want to offend or upset you in anyway,
and it really bothered me that saying something wrong may do that. I normally
speak directly from my heart, and I am right now, but sometimes, words must be
carefully chosen. I feel somewhat lost when I have no opportunity to use a
computer to read your letter. In my soul, I feel contentment and joy when I think
of you. I have never done this in my life, (tried to initiate a relationship halfway
across the world), and I might have much to learn about how to proceed, but I am
more than willing to learn whatever it takes to succeed if that is your desire as
well. I also believe that couples should be the best friends possible, which trust
and share with each other everything that they feel. I do not know if my word and
thoughts make sense to you, and I try very hard to put them in typed words that
you will feel and understand. I believe in God, and I believe that I have been put
through trials to prepare me for meeting a man with whom I will spend the rest of
my life loving, to better appreciate him, respect him and cherish the love, that he
would give; only asking that I return the same. I hope that my words and letters
are not boring to you, but they are much more than mere words, they are my
thoughts and feelings, and I send them out to you. I very much desire that you
find it in your heart and are comfortable with sharing your personal feelings with
me, I wish to know you on a more intimate level, I would like you to share your
dreams, your hopes, your feelings of the heart with me, I truly wish to connect
with you on a level that goes way beyond mere friendship. Please do not think
me foolish for thinking these things, I believe that in order for anything to
succeed, you have to be honest, and that is what I am doing with you. Could you
lose your eyes for just a minute, and think and dream of what a life we could
share, what it would be like, the fun of learning each other. I really believe that
dreams do come true for people which dare to believe in dreams, because if they
believe in them hard enough, dreams could become in reality. I guess that you
are shocked that I feel this way, but here, where I was raised, the gift of true love
from a man is something that is more similar to a Mirage or self-deception, rather
than mutual feeling which two enamored people can give each other. I hope that I
am not rambling on with my words. I have so much that I wish to share with you,
and each time I write to you, I feel there is never enough time to say everything
that I want to say, and I always feel that I have forgotten something important that
I wanted to share with you. Phil, when I speak of you and I think of you, it does
not matter for me what anyone else thinks. I want to tell that you are very
beautiful for me. I mean, I find that you are not only attractive as a man, I also
speak of the beauty that is within you, beauty of your internal world, and alas,
this particular type of beauty is very special and rare. Most men have only
appearances, but not have beauty inside, and this is where true beauty is. This,
is that for me is the most important and significant in all limits of my character,
my soul and my consciousness. Your words spoken to me with so much kindness and care, they express the beauty within you. I think that you are truly
handsome, the essence of what beauty should be, and there is nothing that
anyone could say to me that would compel to change my mind even a little bit. I
want to reduce essence of all my letter only to one thought. I do not know if I
could clearly explain all my thoughts and feelings, which overflow me now, or not.
I want to tell that I feel, we become very good friends and I really enjoy our
friendship. I aspire to learn you more and I dare to hope that you suppose a
thought that our relations can develop more than it enough for simple friendship. It
is that way which I feel. As always I hope that my letter finds you in good health
and spirits, and I hope that every yours wish you have comes true one day. I will
look forward to your reply as always with anticipation and impatience....
With tenderness, Sveta.
Hi my Phil! How your mood? Any your mood today I want to try to make even
better. This morning I didn't go to my job, because this morning I flew to my job.
Today I came to my job beforehand. And I was first who came to the office. And I
was happy all the day. My colleagues were surprised. They have asked me why
I'm so happy. And I have simply answered that I have good mood. I have
understood long ago but was afraid to admit to itself, that I have found to you
feeling which did not feel before. I want to understand what in my heart. I want to
feel your breath. I don't know, what's happened with me. Likely I can be named
strange lady, but I have grown fond of your soul and heart. The rest is not
important for me. For me the material world is not important. Only the world of
calmness, fidelity and pure heart. It didn't happen to me before.
The weather is sunny today. The sun brings joy. I'm glad that I have friend Phil, and Phil has me,
Sveta. Tell me about your thoughts and dreams. I want to know all about you.
Absolutely all!(smile). BUT! Yesterday my boss informed me that I will have a
vacation approximately in 2 or 3 weeks. But I have not been pleased. I did not
expect that I will receive a vacation. But schedule constituted by accounts
department not change. I have begun to cry, because it means that I cannot write
to you. I cannot use a computer. Then I have found out that lady which gives me
to use her computer, maybe will receive a vacation right after me, and if it will
take place I can not use a computer two months. I have imagined that I should
spend my vacation in my apartment, between four walls. I will sit without an
opportunity to read your letters, I will sit in loneliness and to think of you. I will
aimlessly wander on streets and every night fall asleep with tears on eyes. I
waited my vacation the whole year and now I receive them but it do not bring to
me pleasure. I have imagined that I should spend some months without you and
in my heart has appeared awful emptiness. All world around became uninteresting for me. And I have told to myself: "NO! It not for me!" Last night I
thought of us. About you and about me. About us together. I couldn't fall asleep.
I thought what I can do to see you. I decided to spend this vacation with you. I
thought what can I do to meet you. Simply to meet. It's all that I want now. I have
a passport, but I don't a visa to your country. Today I have addressed visas
agency. I wondered how much it will cost for me to make American visa. They
old me that consideration of the application on reception of the visa costs 100
dollars. This sum does not come back even in that case if my application will not
be approved. And for getting a visa is necessary to go to Moscow where there is
an American consulate. They have told that I will must visit set of various
departments, state and medical institutions both in Tver, and in Moscow.
It is necessary to wait for a long time the queue. It is a usual way of getting a visa and
procedure of reception can be delayed for some weeks or even months. Besides
if my application will not be approved, it will turn out that I squander money all for
nothing. I said I can't wait so long. To me have told that is possible to avoid set of
problems and to make all in faster terms if to use full package of service (FPS).
Full package of service includes additional payments for a category of the visa,
consular services, preparation for Interview with commission, interview. The full
package of service costs 235 dollars, but the visas agency remove all problems
and thus increases the chance of getting a visa without excessive delays. I asked
how long time it will take to get a visa If to use a full package of service. They
have answered that it will take about one week. Maybe 2 weeks if there will be
some troubles. I have told that this variant satisfies me and I agree. I have asked,
whether there will be troubles with visa, because there were the terrible terrorist
actions in USA and the conflict with Iraq. I was answered that they will request
information about me in the police. And if in the police they will be answered that
I the law-abiding citizen, I will get the visa. I have never outraged the law. And I
have never done anything unlawful. I will have preparation for interview. It will help
me to receive the visa. And I really have registered the visa application with great
belief and with great hope that you will be glad to meet me, with belief and with
hope that you want to meet me. I really want to give you a gift - our meeting
though I am not sure if you really want to meet me. Can you imagine that if
everything will be well, in two weeks we can meet? If it would happen, would be
i as a gift for you? Would be you happy if we could spend some days together?
I understand that our relations are not long yet. Many years I ask myself one
question: "Why everything depends on money?" I think that the money is not
main thing in life. The main is when the people can and want to understand each
other. I have a wild desire to meet you, to embrace you. I have some savings. I do
not want to cause you a monetary outlay. I will make all myself.
I know that you id not expect that I will tell all this. But it is possible to wait eternally. But in fact
nobody knows that waits for us tomorrow. Maybe such opportunity will not be
presented any more. I have opened to you my heart and soul. I speak what I feel.
I am not confused by my feelings. I speak straight and openly. The loneliness
has made me courageous. You can think that I hurry events. But I have found
new feeling which never had. I am happy right now. I seem I has found what
searched for long time. In Russia speak: "under a lying stone the water doesn't
flow ". It mean that it is necessary to do a step onward to achieve something. I
am afraid to lose an opportunity to communicate with you because I cannot
eternally use office computer. But I will receive soon a vacation. During all my life
I spent my vacation in my village. But now I can spend my vacation with my
friend, with you! It is big happiness. I should use this opportunity. In my heart
never was such confidence and feeling. And I am afraid to lose it. May be I hurry
events, but I am afraid that all will be terminated, and then I will go mad. You my
dear friend, and friends meet sometimes. I shall receive a vacation, it's my
vacation and I want to spend it with my dear friend. I think it will be wonderful. I
apologize, if have offended you. I hope, that you do not regard my words as
impudence. I simply want to meet and spend some happy days with you. What
will be after, I do not know. But all people meet. The distance does not frighten
me. But without a meeting there can not be a continuation. I hope, that your
feelings to me have not changed after that. But I want to see you to slightly
becalm my tormented heart. Tell me please, can you meet me? Tell me please,
you will be glad to meet me? You will be glad if I will arrive to you?
I believe and I hope that I have not angered and have not offended you. I believe and I hope that
you have feelings to me. I believe and I hope that you want to meet me. It can be
outlined in advance by destiny. I sincerely hope that my letter has brought
pleasure to you. And I sincerely hope that you want to meet me to spend some
time together. And I sincerely hope that you would be happy to meet me. Would
you be happy? Much tenderness from Sveta!!!
Hi my soul Phil! You make me happy more and more when I receive from you
letters. I am really very glad to this. You do not forget me. It is very a pity, that I
cannot read these every day. I am very glad, that you want my arrival to you. I
also want to spend time of my vacation together with you. We shall spend
together days and nights. It is fine. I already start to represent our meeting, our
embraces and the first kiss. Now I with impatience shall wait my vacation on
work and to make the visa. These are pleasant efforts for me. I shall arrive during
my vacation during one or two weeks. Certainly this small time for us, but it is
better than simple correspondence on the Internet. (Smile) I think, that you want
our fast meeting as well as I. For me it will be valid to visit you very pleasantly. It
will be my first step for our real acquaintance and a meeting. I hope you also will
be happy to see me? I would like, that you showed me vicinities and sights.
Also would like to go with you on the nature, only together on camping. I really dream
about it. As we shall sit with you together at night near a fire, to embrace, talk
and certainly to kiss. You would love it? During our joint vacation we shall think of
our future together. You heard about female intuition? My female intuition prompts
me that between us all will be good also we shall be happy together. I do not
want to guess about future is a bad sign and consequently I shall wait for our
meeting only and to hope for the best. I shall ask my chief about an opportunity
of putting off of my vacation. I shall inform to you in the following letter about it. I
am afraid that it will not turn out, if it will be so I shall be glad to carry spend with
you even a little days all the same. I shall study all necessary information about
flight, about visa and about arrival to you in general. I shall speak you about it
when I shall know. I want to describe to you my day completely, since morning
and till the night. At 6:30 rattle my alarm clock. I do not love my alarm clock.
ecause it so loudly rattle, that each time I jump as scalded. I rise with good mood
because in dream I saw you. At 6:35 I go to a bathroom And I THINK OF
YOU! I wash and I clean a teeth. At 6:45 I dress my sports suit, I go on street
And I THINK OF YOU! I jog. I run in the mornings always when it is not cold to
support myself in the good form. When in the street coldly, I sleep till 7:00. At
7:20 I cook a breakfast, as a rule strong tea or coffee and a sandwich. I drink tea
and I THINK OF YOU! t 7:30 I go to work. Usually, if weather good, I go on foot
And I THINK OF YOU! I like to go on foot since morning. Air clean and fresh. To
job I come vigorous and cheerful. At 7:55 I go to a cabinet where works my
girlfriend . As a rule she already on work at this time. If there is an opportunity I
receive your letter. If the opportunity is not present I receive it later.
At 8:00 I start to work And I THINK OF YOU! At 10:00 I go on street and I THINK OF
YOU! I breathe fresh air of 10 minutes and come back to work. At 12:30 a dining
break. I go home for a dinner And I THINK OF YOU! I reach up to a house by a
bus. At 13:00 I eat and at 13:10 I go again for work And I THINK OF YOU!
I go by a bus but I abandon a bus earlier, than it is necessary, to again take a walk
on fresh air And TO THINK OF YOU! At 13:30 I again work And I THINK OF YOU! (though in my work is impossible
be distracted and think about something another except for work)(smile)
At 15:30 we with my employees do a small break and we drink tea for have a rest. I was not capable to drink tea because I THINK
OF YOU! During the working day when there is an opportunity I answer your
letter. At 17:00 I stop work and I finish to write the letter to you.
At 18:00 I go home. I go on foot, slowly. I feel itself perfectly because I THINK OF YOU!
t 18:40 I take a shower and I imagine that YOU WITH ME! (Smile)
At 19:00 I have supper, alone, but I smile, because I imagine that YOU SIT OPPOSITE TO ME! At 20:00 I go for walk with my lady-friend (but it happens seldom).
We walk in park. She thinks Where is possible to buy ice-cream, BUT I THINK OF YOU! If I
do not go for walk, I listen to music, I read the book, I watch TV, I knit, I make
various homework And I THINK OF YOU! (of course not all simultaneously)(smile). At 23:00 I lie down to sleep. Usually I fall asleep very
quickly because I THINK OF YOU! Only do not think that all my days pass so. It
is an approximate variant. Every day passes on miscellaneous. But is that
peculiar to each my day: IT'S MY THOUGHTS OF YOU Phil!!! Your and only your
Hi my Phil! Thanks you for attention and care of me.
Today I speculate about you and about me. It so is surprising. As a matter of fact we live on the different
sides of our planet, but we are so similar. I never was even outside of my country.
To travel outside the seas and oceans for me in general outside a reality. I cannot
imagine it as though I not tried. And always, as likely many people Never seeing
anything except for native house, I console myself by thought, that you have the
same blue sky and the same life. Maybe life behind ocean is more cheerful and
rich, paints are brighter and the summer is warmer. But also as here, people cry
when they feel a pain, people suffer when lose close people, women in torments
give birth to children. It is identical everywhere. You and I have the same cares
and problems. Every day I try to imagine that occurs in your heart, do you worry
or not, do you think of me or not, do you imagine us or not.
It is so unusual to me, and in same time I feel so conveniently as if I know you the whole eternity.
And I am sure that it not accidentally. And it is not important what waits for me
in the nearest future, I know that I already have found a remarkable, kind and
good man and a friend. And if I will see him, if I meet him and I can look in his
eyes, I can tell to him everything what I cannot tell in letters, I will be madly
happy. Now, today, this minute not important, where will bring me this way. I
know that it is true road. I live not by the future,- I live today, and exactly today I
live by bright and happy life. I think I should change the subject. I do not want to
be stodgy and tiresome. Phil. If we shall meet you would like fishing with me?
Unexpected question? Simply I have written a first thought which came in my
mind. I really like to fish. But I do not love winter fishing. You probably did not
hear about it because you have no cold winter. The American women love
fishing? Earlier I fished frequently with Elena . Maybe for you it sounds
unusually. I never used true fishing rod. I simply took the long stick and fastened
fishing tackle with the float to a stick. Phil, what you shout when the fish seized a
worm? Russian hout: "PECKS!!!! " It is my favourite moment in fishing. If a fish
for a long time doesn't peck, I lose interest. I treat this occupation not so
seriously like a men. If the fish long does not peck, I lose patience.
But when pecks well, I have big passion. When I pull out from water a fish on a hook, I
laugh and I shout with pleasure, as though me tickle. Are you ticklish? I very
ticklish and if I am afflicted or have bad mood, titillation - the most reliable way to
force me laugh loudly up to tears. I think you should know it though I should tell
that if you will tickle me, I will resist, I will kick you and I will pinch you with wild
laughter of course (smile). If your beloved lady would love rare flowers which are
not sold in shop, you would search for these flowers to present to her or you
would buy other flowers, beautiful too but not her favourite? I should finish.
Your Sveta.
Hi my lion Phil! I understand you cannot meet me after March, 27 and till April,
18, but I can arrive to you after April, 18? Correctly? You will not be busy after
this date? Or it is necessary for me to arrive to you only since March, 21 up to
27? Today I asked my chief about my vacation. He could not tell to me exact
date of my vacation. He has told, that my vacation depend on work, but he
promised, that it will be in the beginning of the next month precisely. I shall
inform to you about dates when I shall know precisely. Yesterday, on Sunday, I
went to vote on presidential elections of Russia. For me it was very surprising,
presidential elections were as a holiday. Music everywhere played, and all people
were in good mood around. I have voted for Putin. I think, Putin the good
president. I am very glad, that he has winning at elections. Putin have voted 70
percent of Russians. It is very good. I believe him and I think he will lift Russia
from an economic crisis. Probably you want to ask a question why I named you
Lion? Now every day and every night you - in my apartment. You do not
understand? OK I will explain. I have the big soft toy. It's the big lion with a long
tail and with dense mane. This lion is so charming. It's only one toy I have and I
love my lion very much. Elena always asked me:"What is his name?" I constantly thought what name to give to him, but could not to think up.
Elena offered many names, but any name was not pleasant to me. I do not know why.
But yesterday when I went to bed as usually I have put my lion near to me. I
looked at him and think of you. And I have told - Good Night Phil! And at this
moment I have understood that I have found the best name for my lion. This name
- Phil! I was so glad. This name so combined with my lion! Now he always near to
me. I look at him and I think of you. It so is amusing. Today I have told about it
Elena. We laughed long time. She has told: " It is good that your toy - a lion. If
your toy would be an ostrich or the elephant, hardly you would give to such toy
the name Phil! " It was very cheerful. By the way, to write this letter I has put
many efforts. Do you want to know why? Anyhow I will tell to you. Today I for the
first time was late on job. I always wake up when my alarm clock calls. But today
I did not hear an alarm clock, probably because in sleep I saw you Phil. I woke
up with a smile on the face. But when I have looked at hours, I began to laugh
very loudly, because I never slept so long time in the morning. Usually I wake up
at 6:30. In job I must arrive in 8:00. But today I have woken up at 8:20. I was
quickly dressed and had not breakfast at all, because my boss does not like
when workers are late for work. I very much hurried up. I ran very quickly along
the street, and when I already came nearer to my clinic, I have stumbled and
have fallen. Can you imagine it? I lay in the middle of street like a starfish, people
go near to me, but nobody has helped me to get up. And I have thought, that you
Phil necessarily would help me. I strongly injured a knee and a hand. When I
have come in job, limping and scraggly, Elena has asked me:"What's happened?" And I said:"I saw in the dream Phil!" It was so funny. I must tell that
in my profession my hands always should be in an ideal condition. My hands
should not shiver and feel a pain or any inconveniences because any my careless
movement can cause many troubles for the patient, is especially if it is small
children. Today I served boy and in my hand there was pain, but I never was
mistaken and everything have made ideally. Now I feel pain in leg and in hand,
but I write to you the letter and I smile. I am afraid that if I will dream of you
frequently, I will be compelled to lie in hospital or in fracture clinic (smile). Phil, if
some lady flirted with you but you were married, how would you respond to this
lady? I should finish. Your Sveta.
Hi my Phil! Today I went to agency and asked about promotion of my documents
on the visa. To me informed there, I should pass the special commission for
reception of the visa. It is the most difficult stage in reception of the visa. Now I
worry about it a little and I shall prepare for this commission. I have already
handed over some tests and analyses already. I hope that all will be good with
the visa nevertheless. I am so glad that I all the same have had an opportunity to
write to you the letter. Today at 15 o'clock I filled cavities to the boy. During this
moment all electric illumination suddenly was switched off. Completely in all a
building have disconnected the electric power. Our pediatric cabinet practically
has no natural illumination. On this our cabinet became very dark. The boy has
been very much frightened, because I have prepared cavity but I have not finished
to fill cavities. A boy was 13 years old, on this he did not cry. He simply said that
he does not want to go home with the big hole in a tooth and again to go here
tomorrow. I have decided to finish to fill cavities. I have addressed to a supply
manager and he has brought the small flash-light which worked with battery.
Elena has helped me. She held a flash-light and directed light in the boy's face. I
have filled cavities. The boss has let off home all workers because was informed
that there are problems with electric wires and the problem will be eliminated not
soon. But I have decided to remain and wait. I thought that if a problem will be
removed earlier, I can write to you the letter. And I was not mistaken. Several
minutes ago an electricity was included again. By the way, Elena has remained
to wait for result with me. She worried as well as I. When the repairman tried to
correct malfunction, I every minute asked him: " When you will finish? Soon or
not?" And when his nerves were on a limit, he has shouted: " If you will not shut
up, small problem can turn to catastrophe (smile). I am glad that i could write.
I send you my hot kisses. Elena sends you Big HELLO! With all tenderness.
Hi my Phil! I write to you the letter and I smile. I am so glad. All time I think of
you and I can not concentrate my attention to something else. I never thought
that the commission will ask such unusual questions. hey asked about my
sexual life, they asked about children, about work, about patriotism, about my
attitude to America, about my conversance and awareness of events which
happened in the world and in America, about my religion and belief. I have told
about all my life in detail. I spoke about everything fairly how it is really. To me
have told that my answers are unexpected and as a rule applicants do not
answer such questions so directly and openly. They have not got used to hear
such answers, but they said that to hear sincere and truthful answers is much
more pleasant than words which come not from heart and reason. Children from
he orphanages also have made the big impression and rendered the big influence
on the commission. To me have told that I the first lady who have such support
rom children - orphans. Now I should wait the decision. Now I agree with
expression: "Expectation of death is worse than the death " I cannot concentrate
on anything. My heart so worry, I can't work. They have told that the decision will
be accepted tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I so worry. I so want that this
small dream was come true. I simply want to see my lovely friend. I think the God
will help me. I simply want to meet you. I already see us together and I sink in
reams. I want to construct with you the ship to float under sails in boundless
ocean. I want to meet with you a dawn and to see off a sundown. We will float on
our ship and our love will illuminate our way. We will look at night at stars, we will
be pleased in the afternoon to the sun. If there will be a storm, our love will
protect us. If there will be a calm, our love will be a wind. Our love will be a
beacon for us. We will be floating at ocean of love and oblivion and nothing can
eparate us. We will name our ship - Dream. It will be the small ship, but very
strong. Because we will make our ship from belief, hope and love.
I want to rise with you in a balloon and to fly in the sky. The balloon - it an embodiment of
freedom and dream. It is the invaluable gift sent to us to see the Earth from
height. We will fly by a Air ball, I do not know where, I do not know what for.
Under us will swim the seas and the countries. And we will fly at will of a wind at
boundless ocean. I want to find with you beautiful lake, small and unknown to
anybody. Water will be crystal-clear and transparent. Nobody will be there. Only
you and I. We will take off clothes and will go in water. Water will gently pour us
by cool wave. We will swim and keep our hands. We will plunge into water and
will kiss. We will find a small waterfall and we will stand under stream of water.
We will enjoy. And above us angels of love will soar. It is impossible to wait,
when your dream will fall to you from the sky. It is necessary to go to the dream.
It is necessary to clear and build the road itself. If in heart there is a belief and
dream, if in heart there is a love and hope, it is necessary to achieve the dream
by all means. I always go to the dream. I do not sit on a place. In my life there
were very few light moments. On this I try to make everything that my dreams
have come true. I understand that now it's only dreams. But these dreams
brighten my life. I hope that yours also. With tenderness Sveta.
Hi, my Phil. There is a fine news to me and to you - I have received the visa. I
send you it. I shall have also vacation on April, 12. Today I went to the company
which reserves airway tickets. I asked them how I can reach Boston (BOS) and
how much it costs. They answered me that the ticket costs $ 889.80 USD. I
asked them to find cheaper tickets, because this price is expensive for me. They
answered that they had a cheaper ticket but the beginning of the flight
16-April-04. It costs $ 864 USD. I asked them to reserve a ticket. But they
refused, because they have a lot of clients at this time and they can't reserve my
ticket without advance payment. I spoke with them for a long time and asked to
reserve the ticket for me without advance payment but they didn't agree. Then I
wondered if it is possible to pay a part of the money now and the other part later.
They didn't agree. I spoke with them for a long time and I managed to persuade
them. They agreed. We agreed that I would pay a part of the price today and the
ther part later. I paid $ 500 USD. But it was little for an initial payment. Then I
went to the pawnshop and pawned my silver and gold embellishments for $ 110
USD. It was my last money. The number of the flight on which I reserved the
ticket is Air France 2545. The time of departure from Moscow (SVO) is 7:15 am.
The time of arrival in Boston (BOS) is 10:20 am. I shall arrive in Paris (CDG) and
then I will change a plan in Paris (CDG), number of the flight Delta 8202.
After this I will fly to Boston (BOS), to you Phil. It is very difficult for me to tell you
about it. But I have done everything that I could. I paid visa. I paid a part of the
ticket. But this money is not enough. I didn't want to burden you. I wanted to
reach you with my own money but unfortunately I failed. Now I have to pay the
remaining part. It is only $ 254 USD. I have to pay this money before
2-April-04 morning. Otherwise I will lose my money and ornaments. If you need me, if you
trust me and if you want to see me, please, send the money for the ticket before
2-April-04 morning. I understand that it is a difficult decision for you, but we must
trust each other. Any union without trust is impossible if it is a union of wife and
husband or union of boy-friend and girl-friend or union of business partners. I don't
want to be hypocritical. That's why I want to tell you following: I do not think that
you would like to give the love to the woman whom you won't trust. Also I would
not like to give my love to the man which I won't trust. It's a first check for us. And
much depends upon it, may be everything. We must trust each other. That's why
I was the first who made the first step. Step to you. Of course if you don't want,
you can not help me. It is bad but not fatal. I will lose my money. IT IS BAD TOO
BUT NOT FATAL TOO. I paid $ 235 USD for making visa, and I paid a part of the
ticket- $ 610 USD. It is big money for me, but I TOLD YOU ALREADY THAT
MONEY IS NOT THE MAIN THING IN THE LIFE. But I trust you, and I know that
YOU ARE A MAN OF HONOUR AND YOU ARE A GENTLEMAN. I don't want you top doubt in my honesty and that's why I am sending you the view of my
visa. If you can help me I send you my coordinates. I give you necessary
elements for sending money with the help of Western Union: TVER BANK
To get the money, I should tell to employee of bank your full name, full address,
exact sum which I should receive and some confidential numbers (Money
Transfer Control Number), which will give you, when you will send the money. Please forgive to me all my words. I speak so because I am in despair and
confusion. Now, when only one step is separated us, I am afraid. I am afraid that
you will not help, and all my diligence will have no use. I need you and I want to
be with you and the word of honor, your help is necessary for me. I have not
calculated my forces. But together we are much stronger. We will pass through
difficulties and barrier, it is much easier to do it together. I want to present you all
my infinite love and fidelity. I understand that it is the big money for you. I did not
want to ask you. I thought that I can make all itself. The loneliness has made me
strong. I have got used to live without help, and to rely only on myself. I ask
somebody for help very seldom, but now I ask you to help me. I have made a
step forward. Make your step towards me. I hope that I have not offended you
something. I need you and I trust you. I know, that you will not throw me now
when there is only one step between us. I am waiting for your reply.
Kiss you. Your Sveta.

Dear Elena, I reported this girls Vasilina before, and she is now on your latest
list. I recieved this mail 26 march where she is asking for money. Her address is
included in the following message. Best regards, Pelle,
Hello my love Pelle, I cannot without you, I need in you... You my sun and air... I
choke without you... Let me to love you all life and to be with you until you love
me. Allow to concern to me you, to laugh and long together with you. Allow
to care to me of you and to make you happy. You have already made me happy
when write to me words of love. It is a little more and I shall die without
you.I thank you for your love and you should know, that I am ready for
the sake of you on all. I am ready even to overcome all barrier to be together
with you. I think, that you would be glad to see me to hold me in the
hands . I want to tell you,that I love you, looking to you in eyes. I have
learned to arrive to you to me the visa and the passport are necessary. But the
visa is done in Moscow and I should go to Moscow. The visa is done 5-7 days
and this time I should be in Moscow. But as soon as I shall receive the visa, I at
once can receive the ticket and arrive to you from k airport Sheremetevo-2 . I
do not know still the price of the ticket, but to me there will be a discount, as to
the medical worker. I am very glad,that I have chance to see you. But to go
to Moscow and to do the visa, 550 euro are necessary for me to pay for road
up to Moscow and residing there and for the visa and ticket for you.The
visa is given to me for 90 days and for this time we may marry. I have saved up
100 euro, and it is necessary to me of 450 euro. It is inconvenient for me to ask you, but whether you might help me with this sum of
money that I shortly might arrive to you? Unfortunately, I have no the bank
account, but at us the system the Western Union is very much distributed. This
system is fast and reliable also them much in city of Kazan. Then I to
go and to receive your money. You may send money in any bank of the Western
Union for my full name and the address ,my full name Vasilina Rechkina
my address; 12-34,Mirnaya street, Zelenodolsk city, Tatarstan , Russia
420098 Also I want to know your full address and a name. The airport located
about you. Where I can arrive. If you will help me and will send money,
you should inform me on a E-Mail about it and write to me control number of a
remittance. I with impatience wait for your answer/Love Vasilina
Svetlana Lezhnina (Tver Region, Russia)
I was contacted via Yahoo personels and I did a search of the full name after
receiving the request for funds. Thanks to your website and a fellow poster I
was able to think twice and realize this was a big scam before I was ripped off.
I did additional research and found that this final equest was exactly the same as one
other scam posted on your site by Katya/Ekaterina (Volzhsk, Russia) On
updates 29 January 2004 Page1. I mean the words are exact. I even received two
phone calls to my voicemail! I reported this to the US Embasy in Moscow as use
of fraudulent Visa to scam money from unknowing American Men. I have not
heard anything back yet!

Irina Samara, Russia (aka) Katya of Novosibirsk, Anna Orlova of Yaroslavl
Hello my name is Dave, I am a 35 year old single father of two. I am employed as
a statistical analyst for a government agency in Canada. I had place a profile on Asianfriendsearch.com. A week later, a woman calling
herself Irina sent me an e-mail. I only had a free trial membership, but I was able to reply to her. She did
not contact me via the dating service e-mail, but rather this address
ledy_ledy@land.ru It is a underscore in between the words ledy, not a blank.
The contact orginated from Samara, Russia, at least according to her or him that sent
the e-mail. Irina claimed to be seeking friends on the internet, by the fifth
letter, she stating that she loved me. She wrote to me about 2-3 times per week, for a total of twelve letters in a month. She
only once mentioned money, see final letter of three shown below. This is the same woman, pictured as Katya, and Anna
Orlova. Many sentences used in the(Katya Letters)to Michael, and the(Anna)
ones sent to Greg, are identical or just rephrased slightly. I did report her to the
dating service, as a fake profile, that was the only option. I was not able to
directly email with specific details. To date, I am still waiting for
asianfriendsearch response. My full name and e-mail address are at the bottom
of this complaint.
Hello! Me called Irina. My age is 29 years, growth of 168 centimeters, weight of
56 kgs. I believe in the God, and the soul. I wish to meet friends on Internet, and
hope hat will turn out somethning the greater. I shall try to tell you slightly about
itself. I was born in 1974 July, 29 in city Samara in Russia. Now I live in Samara
in Russia. I want to tell you slightly about my city where I to live. Samara is
located on 57 parallels, in 1098 kilometers from Moscow in a picturesque place
on merge of the rivers of Volga. Samara was based 1586 at the river Volga. Our
city industrial here again to make much industrial the goods. The centre of area -
Samara, th epopulation - 1.176 million persons. Samara is located in heart of
Russia, close to it's capitals: in 1098 kms from Moscow. In our city very
many historical - architectural places and parks. Here I was born and have grown. Now
to me 29 years. I have higher education on a speciality the manager and the
technologist of public catering. I to work as manager in cafe. I wake at 8:30
o'clock to go to work I have coffee. I have 20 minute bus trip. The restaurant
where I to work refers to as "lunch cafe". I to work at this restaurant as the
manager 5 years. Our restaurant specializes on preparation of dishes of the
Russian kitchen. My work consists in selection and training of the attendants,
realization of the daily control of the organization of work and trade at restaurant,
the organization of complex dinners in the afternoon works, the organization and
realization of banquet evenings, formation of the list of dishes and the menu for
the current day. Among firm dishes, it is especial loved visitors, loved a dish of an
imperial court yard - the fish caviar with pancakes and the sour cream, refined
Norvegian fjord salmon, Coeur de filet of beef, and also many other tasty dishes.
In our restaurant each day to come it is a lot of people. They very much to love
our restaurant. I very much like to work here. Work made with love brings
pleasure to people. It is always pleasant for me to see smiles on persons of our
clients. In the evening after work I go on rates of the English language. I to study
the English language 2 years. Then I go in computer club to find friends and to
embrace to you my letter. I want to know more concerning you. Tell me where
city you live? What you loved hobbies? I shall hope and wait with
big impatience for you to answer. I wish you good mood and day. Sincerely Irina!
Hi my love Dave. I am happy to receive your new letter. It for me as a drink of
fresh air. It to please me and to give to me of forces. I like to receive your letters.
They very much dear for me. I love you and each line written by you warms me.
Your letters to fill my soul with heat and pleasure. In my opinion for that time that
we write each other we very strongly to become attached to each other. Your
letters help me to feel your affinity. And though us with you are divided huge
distance, reading your letter, I feel your affinity. I present, that you sit next and
embrace me. I am very happy that I have you. I to want to share with you my
pleasure. Yesterday to me to arrive my brother from Moscow. My brother lives in
Moscow. He seldom comes home in Samara. I and my parents were very happy
his arrival us. Today we have walked with my brother on loved us in the childhood
to places. We to visit cafe where we children to run there is an ice-cream. There
much to change but eat something constant. It is that cosy atmosphere which
was here always. We have recollected the childhood. As has much taken place
from that happy time. I to speak about us with you to my parents and my
brother. They to ask me you is valid to like him and to want be with him. I to tell
not thinking, that very much and can not present themselves without him. I to tell
him about you and they to tell, that you very good person and are possible to
trust you. My parents and the brother are very happy for me that I to find you.
They to tell me that I to make a correct choice, that already for a long time it is
time to me to have family. They speaks that now I shall be happy. My parents to
know that I very long to search for the happiness and may not find it in any way. I
am very happy that I at last have met you my prince. I may not find the
happiness very long. But now I to meet you and am very happy. The destiny has
presented me of you because it has renumerated me to long searches and
expectations. Only one circumstance installs grief in my soul. This that that we
while far apart. I to love you my unique. All my love and tenderness only for you.
I wish you good day. By the way my parents and my brother asked to transfer you
warm relations. I shall wait for your letter my love. Your love Irina.
Hi my love Dave. Thank for a beautiful song which you have sent me. She{*it*}
has very much liked me. By the way at me good news to you my love. My
girlfriend already began to make out to me the visa and the passport she makes
out to me the tourist visa. This visa will be valid during 90 days.
she to tell that this visa the best variant that to us you to meet. she has told that I can prolong
my visa when I shall arrive to you to me it will be necessary to address in
embassy and to me will prolong the visa. And if we with you shall get married,
I can remain with you. My visa will be ready on Monday. It is necessary for me on
the visa and passport 280 USD. Inform the international airport nearest to
you??? You my destiny, my life. Know, that I wait only for you and your love. I to
want to be with you. I am mad you I like and I want, that you always were near
to me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can not contain in words all that I feel. You - my
closest person, most loved. I love you! You know as much for me these words mean!
I love you above all! YOU became for me to the most fine and desired the man in the
universe! Know, that you to me very much dear. I want to be only with you. I so
dream to be near to you. I might not present myself earlier, that it is possible so
strongly to love persons. You mean very much much for me. You unique with
whom I can present all my other life! You are my prince whom I so long waited. I
dream of you, it is a pity, that you may not see, how I smile, may not see
pleasure on my person when I think of you. My charm, I want that life yours was
pleasant, in every respect, that vital your way was in the pleasure, surrounded
quiet and long happiness. I want to kiss you and to tell I LOVE YOU!!! With
impatience I wait for ours with you of a meeting when I gently can
embrace you and kiss. My love to you is wide as the sea, boundless as the sky!!!! I
very much want to be near to you to touch you, to feel your breath, to sink in depth of your
tender eyes, to feel heat of your lips and tenderness of hands, to nestle on you,
to wake up near to you! I wake up and lie down with an idea on you. I so do not
have not enough you, in a breast all is compressed. To me so it is lonely without
you! I love you gently and passionately! I shall wait for your
letter. My most passionate kiss. God bless us both. Love in Christ, Irina.
This was here final letter March 17 2004. I would not have sent her any money.
I grew suspicious of her earlier, so I viewed your sight and saw her. She sent me a
total of 12 letters, including these three.
She sometimes sent this HELLO gif greeting with her letters, as a clue to others.

(Tagil City, Russia)
My name is Patrick, 30. Never married. I was contacted by this "young lady" via
Date.com. Suprisingly, the correspondence has gone on since December,
engrossing about 20 e-mails. I have not yet received the request for the cash but
am soon to expect it. Was tipped off by the fact one of the e-mails from my
"lady" was virtually identical, word for word, to the one posted by David from
Indiana. I have not yet enlightened my potential scammer, being a redneck, I see
potential fun there. Unfortunately, I do not have the origional letter, but I do have
some, and pics as well. Let us begin our journey.........
Hello, Patrick! How are you doing?
Thank you for your answer on my last e-mail so much, Patrick. In my opinion, it's so wonderfully, that we are writing to each
other, because from our messages we learn about each other more and more,
really, Patrick? I'm interested in our correspondence very much, it's
very interesting to learn about you, about your life in your country,
believe me, as a whole, I read your letters with a huge pleasure! Ok,
Patrick, I hope that it will be interesting for you to learn about my
enthusiasmes, my favourite things as a whole :) From music??? :) I like to listen the russian and foreign musical
executors. From Russian musical executors I like to listen the songs
of the following groups 'Zemfira', 'Splin', 'Ariya', 'BI-2', and so on. Did you heared about
this musical groups? Ok, from the foreign executors I like to listen 'Bon Jovi', 'U2',
'Cranberries', 'Scorpions','Elton John', and so on... In general, I like to listen
good and modern music, Patrick, and what kind of music do you like? It would be
interesting to me to learn about it. Please, tell me, ok? From movies? I like to
look the comedies, fantastic films, romanticism and so on. But very huge
impressions have left to me the films 'The Lord Of Rings', 'Harry Potter'. I hope
what you looked these films? But especial impression was for me as the film 'The
Patriot' by an actor Mel Gibson, where the war between England and America is
described. This film has liked to me by that this film show the natural spirit of the
patriotism, the love to a Native Land! I consider, that it's very important qualities,
which should have all people on the world! Really? Patrick, I hope that you looked
this film too, and that you had a magnificent impressions from a viewing of
this film. Mel Gibson has played his role as a talented actor on my opinion! I liked to
look the film 'Cruel Intentions', on my opinion, it's very sensual and instructive film
for all youth. Aslo from comedies I liked the film 'Me, Myself And Irene' by the
comic actor im Carrey :) I hope that you looked this so ridiculous film :) From a
fantasy, I liked film 'Planet Of The Apes', it's a very entertainment
film in my opinion'. Also I want to tell to you, that I like to read the books, especially
the literature of the domestic writers: Tolstoy, Chehov, Pushkin, and
so on. But I was in huge delight from a reading of th book S. King 'The Dark Tower', in my opinion,
it's very interesting book, where the main hero Roland is a purposeful man, he
goes to the purpose, to a dark tower, and I like the quality of Roland is the
purposefulness! I consider, that this one of the important qualities of any man. I
hope what you will agree with me, really, Patrick? About food? Ok, from the
favourite food dishes, I want to allocate a fried potatoes, various kind of the
soups, also I like a meat too, I don't want to hide it from you:) I like the fish and
chicken very much, do you like the chicken? It's so tasty, really? Also I like a
pizza very much. It's very tasty too, I like pizza with a cheese. I would like to say
you that I like a fruit and vegetables, especially, an apple lemon, orange, banana,
tomatoes, cucumbers and so on, there are many kinds of vitamins. Patrick, do
you like to cook? I cook not bad as my family and the friends said me at once :)
Also about my favorite kind of sports, I like to sport very much, do
you like it? In winter I like to ski, it's cool to be on the fresh air. Also I like to play on volley too.
But most of all I like to aerobic, we are with my girlfriend Olga engaged by the
aerobic in the free time, on my opinion, this kind of sport helps to support my
body in the good form. Also I would like to say to you that I like to
dance ball dances:) Have you ever danced the ball dance with any girl?
:) It's so attractive and beautifully, really, Patrick? I'm sure, that you would like to dance the ball
dancing with me at once? :) It will be wonderful! Probably, in the future, we will
dance the ball dancing with you, it would be cool! Really? :) About my hobbie? I
like to collect various beautiful female magazines, about a style, about female life
for example and so on. For a small period of the time, I have a large collection of
different magazines. Simply, I like to read the best magazines. I would like to tell
you about my dreams too. I'm dreaming to drive a car in the future, it would be so
cool and interesting. But I want to tell, that our family don't have the car, it's very
expensive to buy the car, but our father has told that probably, through one year,
he will can to buy the car and I'll can to learn how to drive the car:)
Patrick, would you like to learn me how drive a car at once? :) It will be kindly since your side:)
By the way, my parents and friends ask about you all time:) Especially
my parents, I have told to my parents, that you are decent and good man, my
parents are very pleased to our qorrespondence on the Internet and our relations,
Patrick. My parents approve our relations and wish to us a good relations in the
future, and it's possible, in the future, if we will be together in your country, they
would want that we will be a magnificent pair too:) But remember, Patrick! We
should learn each other ever more and more! Really...? It's very important
for me, Patrick! The fact in that, if you know, that on the statistics, majority of a pairs are
separated because they knew each other not enough, and I don't want to do a
mistake at once, I hope that you will can to understand me, Patrick, really? As I
spoke you earlier, we must to learn about each other more and more from our
e-mails. Dear Patrick!!! Also I want to tell you, that I would like to speak
with you by the phone at once, I hope, that it's a good idea, really,
Patrick? I want to hear your voice, Patrick, I hope that you want to
hear my voice too. But unfortunately, I don't have the telephone in our apartment, because it's very expensive to
establish the telephone now in this time in Tagil City, but it will be possible, that
may be through some months we will have the telephone. Also, I want to
tell you, that I have interested at our director about using of the bar's telephone, but our
director has told me, that the bar's telephone is for working needs for our
institution! Simply director has forbidden to use the phone to everybody who work
in the bar. The director has told us, that the work personnel of bar can not use
the telephone of bar for our individual purposes. Also I have asked to use
the telephone at my friends, and Olga and Jan too, but all of them doesn't have the
phone too, it's the difficult situation with the phone. From this, I have thought and
I have come to the conclusion, I will can to call to you from the City's Tagil
Telegraph, it's the best variant, Patrick!
Dearest Patrick, you can give to me the number of your phone, I can
call to you from the City's Telegraph, please give me your phone number, ok? I have a huge
esire to hear your voice, Patrick, I hope that you want to hear my voice too.
Please, send me your phone number in your next e-mail, ok??? Please, don't
forget, Patrick! Patrick, I can't believe, I have written to you such large e-mail. I
hope, that it will be interesting to read about me more. Really? Patrick, I would be
grateful to you, if you will write to me in your next e-mail about your
enthusiasmes, about your hobbies, what kind of music do you prefer? What kind
of movies and another too? What is your favorite color too??? My favorite color is
blue, it calms so much. Well, let me to finish my messgae, also I send to you a
photo as the attachfile, on this photo are my friends Olga, Jan and me. I hope,
that it will pleasant for you to look on this photo. By the way, my parents, my
sisters amd my friends ask me again to say to you a great greetings from them!
It's as usual. Patrick, I will wait for your next e-mails! Patrick, please, write me as
soon as possible! Ok? Good-bye, see you soon Patrick! My best regards to you,
your friend, Larisa
...end of letter.....a new one to add to the list of names....

Natalya Romanova (Severodvinsk, Russia)
I am a 46 year divorced male. This woman also contacted me on Yahoo personals but gave me a different email address to correspond with her.
After a few emails, she stated that she was falling in love with me. I
started getting suspicious when she would not answer any of my questions.
Then the other day I got an email returned with errors. The next email she
sent asked me if I didn't like her anymore. I tried to send more emails but
they also got returned with errors. I really got suspicious when I tried to
send her some roses (only spent $45) throug Russian Florists'Network. This
morning I got an email back from them that said: "Dear Sir, We have difficulty delivering your order. The address of the
recipient, the way you have provided it in the order form is invalid. We have
received numerous orders to the lady in question, yet we have never been able to
find her. However, if you want to have the order delivered, will you please provide
some contact phone of hers." So, I came to this site and found her on the
black list with the same letters and picture that she sent to another guy.
She has at least two email addresses you need to watch out for, they are:
negnaya@mail333.com and nata1977@333.com. Here are a few more pictures
that you may get from her. THANK YOU RUSSIANWOMEN.com!

Natasha Osipova/Anna
Chuprkova/Alena Fedorovskaya
Hello, my name is Jeff and I am a victim of Natasha Osipova and I have found out
to late that she also has many other names. The story on this girl is the same as
the ones I have read, stays in contact for three months or more very convincing,
father is a police officer, she works in a video/music shop, when you talk to her
on the phone she will sing you a song, does not have a phone or computer at
home. Sent her money for visa then money for the flight, she calls from Moscow
and says she cannot get on the plane unless she has $1000.00 in cash to prove
she is not coming to USA to become a criminal or prostitute and promises not to
spend the money and will give it back as soon as she meets you at the airport.
Letters come from MA-harmony and send questions to rg-mang@inbox.ru of
course there is no management at rg-mang@inbox.ru. This girl or thief is a better
word is very smooth has all the right answers, uses the right pictures, answers
your questions, her return letters are not scripted. Below are a few of the 60
some letters she sent me along with her pictures;
Good day to you! Thank you for response Jeff! I do feel some frustrated of this
idea to find my "half" with help of internet but still have some hopes. Let me
explain and you will understand why, ok? Initially the reason why i to came to
this agency and placed my data on the internet is that i want to find that special
Man who is looking for a special Woman for him to get know each other and
mak the family one day if we feel our hearts connect. My "Mr.Right" must be
older than me, mature and self confident, looking for a woman who will love him
and devote her life for him. Also i am NOT interested in pen-pals or friends or men
who are already married but having fun away from their wives or exchang of naked
photos - the last thing seems to became very popular as i had to find out recently
with the person i was writing the past days... He was pretending to be the man
matching my ideals while all he wanted was to make me send him some naked
pictures which i would never do. A bad experience , hope it not going to happen
again! Sure that can be noway compared to your negative marriage experience
and i feel guilty mentioning it as problem after you shared with me your two really
big problems.. Jeff, i liked what you wrote about yourself, and if we do really have
the same aims i would like to try us contrinue writing! My turn to tell of myself ?
Here it is! My English skills are far not perfect, but i am trying my best and able
to write and to speak on it also. More of basic about myself which i did not in my
profile and the way i live: I was born and live now in Russia, Ekaterinburg , my
name is Natasha as you know already, i to be turn 24 in a week (16 July). I live
with my parents being their only child, our family is good and we are always to
help each other. What else? Last year i have received a degree on Economics,
right now i am working temporally in audio-video store as a seller in CD section -
my job is to help the customers to choose their favorite musical bands and
singers. Being an optimist i love the life and enjoy the everything good it to
brings, i like the nature with all its good things - lakes, rivers, mountains, forests
and wildlife. I have to learned the cooking with my mother help when she has
been working in the restaurant and i to assisted the cooks in the kitchen
sometimes and learned from them how to cook all kind of tasty things. I wish that
one day i will have a husband with whom we will make a strong, lovely family like
my parents did! It is very wonderful when there is a somebody you love and to
take a care for and who does the same for you in the every situation the life to
brings. The family is a very important thing in the life for me, please let me know if
you to agree with me, since its a major point for me and i am very serious about
that. Like i wrote in beginning, that experience i already have with internet in
search for my match is making me worry that most of peoples there are just
looking for fun and very few are indeed for real intentions to build a family, yet i
still hope that there is one for me and maybe it is you Jeff? I have idea about you,
and you must have the idea of whom i am looking for now too, a good start! We
will see if we keep be interested in each other or become lost in few days..
I hope you will be writing me again soon, i want to know as much as possible
about you, and will to answer all of your questions! There must be two photos
with my letter today and i hope you like them, then i can be bringing more photos
to send to you. I will try to come here again tomorrow and will be happy to
answer if you shall write me! Natasha!
The approach for money;
Hello my Dear!!! Yes i had a good day, how could it be bad when my heart was
singing whole day after our talk! You know i was worrying that you not receive my
letter in time yesterday, or something else prevents you to call me so was
preparing myself to not get dissapointed if my hopes fail.. But they did not fail
and you called! I felt shy to try sing for you and very glad to hear you liked my
voice. Surely the most important is that we are feeling easy to communicate and
our inner thoughts do not get in conflict. One of my worst memories is my ex
boyfriend, when i was trying to make him talk of our relations going the wrong
way and he always just turned it to joke, leaving the problem stay.. I too love the
fact that you being honest and straight with everything Jeff, even those things not
everybody would share. If we be always stay like that, there must be really
nothing to make the relations go wrong! Our relations now do make me think day
and night Jeff, i do feel much attraction to you by all the factors and trying to
imagine how this all can go! Your invitation to visit you really made me excited
about that, for if we be live together for real, get to feel each other in all the
smallest daily things, see each other at mornings and evenings we will get know
for sure if we are meant to be together. Will you still tell me how beautiful and
lovely i am every morning, will you like my cooking, the way i care for you and
home?.. Very very many aspects which come out only if being together days and
nights. But there is something that concerns me much Jeff and i would like to
hear your comments on that. I was asking here of arrangements to be able come
to you for a visit, and travel manager explained me that it takes about three
weeks to make the paperwork itself, and together with flight it will cost 1380
dollars! That is without hotel renting since i said that i be living at you, with hotel
it would be much more! I do not know if you heard the same price or not, but that
is really much.. Why i worry, is that i do not want our meeting to turn into
dissapointment for any of us. Myself i do feel very confident of you Jeff and
believe that all i made to learn of you is making you the man i might love to spend
the lifetime with. And about me, i have not said anything which is wrong of me,
but i worry that you might be placing me "too high" in your thoughts while i am
just an average woman with my good and bad sides.. You far not the "last to
choose" man Jeff, i am sure there are women right at you showing you their
attention and if you wanted you could find more (well you know it yourself) and
that would not cost you anything at all to find somebody you might like much
closer at you.. This is not easy for me to say as i sure do not want you to drop
me and look for someone else, but if we going to make our meeting reality i want
it be great and good for both of us! What if you make to lose interest to me in two
or three days after i come and ask me to leave?.. I be not able to return you
these expenses. I do hope you be understand me dear, and after considering you
not make to turn away. I will be very happy come to you and see if we can be
happy together for a lifetime, but i want be sure you take this as serious as it is!
Maybe i am just too nervous in the moment since i got to think of that so it looks
confusing and i wrote it in not a best English.. Please dear, read it and try to
understand, ask me if something unclear and i try with other words! Ok i be
hoping to see another letter from you tomorrow, and write you myself.. Have a
good day my dear and thank you again for making my day to shine today with
our talk!!! Your Natasha!
The last letter from Ekterinburg;
Hello my Dear! I got your loving words today and this is the last letter i am writing
to you my dear! I been thinking of that alot.. What would i say in this letter? I was
thinking to make it something special , as it is being ending a very important part
of our future and we are entering into new part which is way better! But everything
appears to be somewhat meaningless since just after tomorrow we will be talking
face to face, looking into each other eyes and seeing the response in the eyes
and emotions of each other! There is so much we are going to experience from
the first moments together.. and as days go by it will a great much of things to
happen as we will keep learning of each other and becoming more and more
attached! At times i think that i am already grown the years with you, and that we
are already as close as peoples can be (except the physic way of course) but i
know that we are just approached and future holds much more for us to feel
together! The important thing about time and place, sorry i not told it all good
enough as if there is only one airport and one airplane in the world, smile! To be
sure i tell you entire flight way : tomorrow early morning i am leaving to Moscow,
there is a room rented for me to stay overnight. The Sunday at noon i am flying to
New York airport (arriving at 15:55). There as you say i be passing through
security checking which i told might be for long, but anyway i will have enough
time to walk in the closed area of airport to watch around and get used to peoples
talking English all the time until the next plane at 17:30 which takes me to you!!!
At 20:30 (14 of December!) i will be landing to Orlando International Airport on a
plane of Delta Airlines named DL2529. I was told it must be quick after that being
"internal" flight so i hope you will not need to wait me long! Please honey do not
try to get too close to the arrival place, i know you very much want to see me but
lease not get into problems! All the policemens in the world are on hight duty i
believe, because of terrorists.. I feel cold at my heart to imagine that another
policeman might think of you being doing something wrong and!! I just not want
any problems honey, ok?? Please do not worry i will walk as long as needed to
the open place where we be able to meet and embrace each other without any
troubles! My bags are already prepared (this is what i was doing most of day
today!!!) and not so heavy, do not worry! All i want to ask you is please meet me
there honey, i do not want to appear in a foreign country where i do not know
anybody and nobody is waiting for me.. In the case something will be slowing you
on the way, and you get delayed alot - i will be still in the airport waiting in a
place right after arrival (i assume there must be place with seats or something to
let peoples rest and wait?) as long as you need! I been waiting so long for that
moment so ready to be waiting hours and hours!!! And of course i do have your
phone number, address and even internet address so in the worst case that you
not appear in like two hours - i be try to find the phone where i can call you from. I
be have about 100 dollars with me or more, so i will be able to have meals in
Moscow and for calling you from there too. Again i want you to remember our
discussions honey, to not forget that we are both not the ideal , having our flaws
and traits, but this should not make us to pretend be any better to each other and
we shall stay ourself, ok? Communication in relationship is very important, we
both know that Jeff, right? So if there is something we can do better for each
other, we should talk of that and let to know each other. That shall come for all
parts of our life, from kitchen to bedroom to let us always keep that flame in our
hearts and grow it more! I have heard much of doubts from my friends, but i
believe in our relations dear and will be wait for the day when i will be telling to all
of them that we are preparing for marriage and that is going to put them all down!
I am very excited and finding it hard to explain how i feel now, knowing that it is
only matter of two nights until i see you honey!!! A very weak way to compare -
thinking of eating ice-cream is good, but actually eating it is ten times better!!!
Thinking of being with my caring Jeff is absolutely same, for i do already know
you much and as it goes deeper my feelings for you only keep growing! Something else honey, i was really getting tired to hear of it my father!!! It is all
right, just he said it like ten times all over.. He was telling me much of
precautions and advices yesterday evening while i discussed with mother of what
i should be taking with me. He told me much of things i must keep my eyes on,
do not agree to carry or guard anything or anyone (he told me two story when
woman did given away her unwanted child to a man in airport!) and avoid any
talks with anybody until you meet me. He told me few more of scary things , of
how much peoples had to suffer only because they left their bag alone for a
moment and somebody else did put the drugs or weapons into it which became
found on security checking.. He been telling me even most obvious things, such
as that i must not be going anywhere in Moscow in evening and sure i do not plan
to go anywhere at all! After i arrive there on Saturday morning, i to be register with
my flight voucher for the flight to you at Sunday and go to my room. I think it is
more safe if i just spend a day in the room reading the book and watching TV and
sleep as long as possible to be feeling better in that long flight next day. That
going to be a very long flight so i am sure i will be feeling broken after flight so it
will be not bad to rest a little first. We can either go right home, or just sit and
talk for some to make us believe we really together! We talk about it in the place
ok! Also honey, it is very important!!! I did promised my parents, the very first
thing i do after arriving to your home from airport - to call my father friend and tell
that i have arrived well and you did meet me, then at Monday morning we will call
again and my mother or father will be waiting there so i can tell them myself how i
am and that all is great so they can be feeling totally ok and stop worrying for me!
I told them how caring you are my dear but they still keep worrying a little so it
will be good to calm down and take away their worries! Ok my dear, i to be going
home now and continue my preparations!!! I can not to wish you good night as it
is the morning at you, i just want to say that i think that Sunday will be our best
day!!! I feel myself very happy that it is happening with me, and just need to feel
your kiss to be sure it is not my dream!!! I am waiting for Sunday evening to come
sooner and tell you that in person and listen to what your lips can tell to mine!!!!!!!
See you soon my dear!!! Your Natasha!
Svetlana Kurmakova
US Embassy in Moscow, Consulate General of the Russian Federation, Federal
Bureau of Investigation-Minneapolis, Western Union, Mailgate.ru, Single
Me/Vintacom Media Group Inc. March 25, 2004
Dear Concerned, I am writing to report an internet scam in which I was involved. I
was contacted by a person through the SingleMe.com dating site by someone
claiming to be: Svetlana Kurmakova (Uralskiy, Russia) Appart:78, House 5
Sovetskaya Street Uralskiy, Russia 650056 1st E-mail address: nonasvet@mozhno.net 2nd E-mail address: nonasvet@mailgate.ru
She claimed to be an only child who's mother died at birth and who now lived with her aunt
because her father was remarried but remains close. She claimed to be a
University graduate and to have employment at a furniture company. She claimed
to have some money saved but it was only a few hundred dollars as the wage
scale is not very high. She also claimed to not have a telephone. She came
across as intelligent but somewhat naïve especially in regards to travel and the
Visa process. We communicated on a daily basis from January 19,2004 until I
finally caught on that this was a scam for money around March 9, 2004. We had
decided in our letters that it would be good to meet and see if our feelings were
serious. The requests for money were at three times. First she needed money for
the airline ticket, second she need more money because she did not purchase a
required round trip ticket, I sent her $750.00 first and another $450.00 second
through Western Union to Russia. A few days before she was to arrive she
claimed the NNVA or agency through which she was preparing the Visa had
informed her that she was also required to have $750.00 in what was called
"pocket money" to be able to come to the USA. I e-mailed the American
Embassy in Moscow and asked about this. The embassy's customer service
department sent me an answer that there was no such requirement and I also
confirmed this with US Customs at the Minneapolis/St. Paul airport. I first
suspected that she was being cheated by some type of agency and kept
requesting names and address's of whom she was dealing with but she would
never send the information. I then received a second letter from the American
Embassy in Moscow but this letter was from someone in the Fraud Unit and
informed me she believed I was involved in a scam and directed me to some
anti-scam web sites, I found Svetlana in three different postings by other
gentlemen she had attempted to scam. The letters they had received were
identical to the ones I received, only the dating web sites and e-mail address's
were different. Reference is made to family, father's $40k house, a found 1700
ruble coin, how her friend married through a dating service to a man in Chicago,
an urgency to arrive in March because of employment agreements and the
mistakes made in the Visa process with a need for money to complete. I also
received a very short phone call at work, short because we got cut off after about
two sentences. I also recently found her on a talk forum, Greatest Cities.com, a
person had posed the question does anyone know Svetlana Kurmakova, there
were some 90 replies with one even setting up a web site to expose this person
or persons. I am now under the impression that this is a pretty extensive scam
and probably involves more than one person. It is possible that some may even
be located in the USA with others located in Russia to enable monies pick up
through Western Union. All of the letters are canned and are almost word for word
as compared to what others have received. I believe they just post profiles on
dating sites, set up multiple alias's and address's, then systematically contact
others who have posted heir profiles looking for bites. Only the first contact is
addressed to an individual, after that person responds and sends a letter, they
just keep replying to those letters never creating a new letter. I have all the letters
saved on my computer along with about a dozen pictures of someone who I really
doubt is Svetlana Kurmakova or if that person actually exists. The only
uncertainty I have is how they pick up the money at a Western Union outlet
without proper identification. I am more than willing to share any information I
have with the authorities to find and prosecute this person or persons. It is a very
disgusting and hurtful scam. My question to you all is: What can be done to
pursue these people and bring them to justice? Please respond to this letter,
your cooperation will be appreciated by many. Thank You, Sincerely,

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