Egorova Tatyana (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
Met through contact at, typical visa / airline tickets scam. Thanks to this site I was able to bust it before I got scammed out of any money. The 10 tips were dead on! We emailed back and forth for about 2 months before she was in love and wanted to come here. I have all the letters she sent and 17 pictures. If you need to contact me please do at She also used the name Egorova
Tatiana. I have contacted and not heard back yet. Here is the first letter I
Hello my Dear Lee. I waited your letter. I very pleased that you write me.
I want to say you more about me. I live in two with my the daddy in city Yoshkar-Ola. my ma to live in Moscow and she has a no contact with us. she leaves when me was 20. presently
me 25 years. my weight 48 kg (105 pounds). my growth approximately 168 sm (5 ' 6 " foots).
my mother plenty of drink the alcohol earlier and leave from us. my the daddy to do all for
me. he gives me to learn in institute. to pay for my education. now I work in school by teacher
of the drawing. I gave my profile in internet since I not to want to have a relations with man from
russia. they not to respect the woman and not to know how to give him weasel. I had a a
marriage with person from russia 3 back, then he defrauded me and I heard that he has other
girl. I much suffered, but afterwards all ok. I very good and supportive. but not to love when
me to defraud and not to respect:). I want to have a serious relations and not to play in
gamez. I not much well speak on english, but I learn this.
Have you ever been involved in a serious relationship? When you are married, do you want to be a working mother, or will
you stay at home to look after the children? Do you think a husband and a wife
have specific roles in a marriage? What are some of your favorite activities? Do
you like sports? What do you do to stay fit? Do you often go to movies, or
museums? What is your favorite kind of music? Do you like to dance? What is your
favorite holiday? What one place in the world that you have never been to would
you like to see. I hope to hear from you soon. Please send me more photos!
I consider that we only shall else hear each other, but soon our relations will become more serious and more warm with you. you very good and good person and I want
to try to have a relations with you. be careful. write me soon.
So that's it I am searching again, Lee
Inna from
(Alchevsk, Ukraine) and Ekaterina Menshova
Hello, Here is a scam, fortunately I was vigilant enough. I had found her profile on (Doing a research on the Internet, I also found her on:
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2004 10:25:34 +0400
From: "inna-den" <>
To: <XXX>
Subject: From Inna
Hello dear <XXX>
Thank you for your letter and interest in me. I hope that we will continue our correspondence and will
know each other better. What I can tell you about me? My name is Inna.
It is very old and beautiful name. I was born in April 1978. Last year I was celebrating my 25th birthday and realized that
almost all my friends are married and I should think about it as well.
Somehow earlier I wasn't thinking about marriage and was very busy with
studying in University. After I graduated I was busy to get a job, and by the time I was 25 I realized that education and work isn't
enough for me, that I am ready to search for my partner,man who I will fall in love
with and create a happy family!!! It is my goal for now and I will try to do my best to reach my goal.
I will try describe myself,but don't know how to do that! I am
nice,tender,gentle,generous, and kind person.
I dream to take care of my family,have a nice and kind man by my side,
share all his interests,be his best friend. Be near him in any times of life- enjoy life with him, when it is good
time, and support him, if it is bad time. Dear ,I would like to know more about your life?
What do you like to do in your free time? What are you looking for in personal life?
I hope that I will hear from you very soon and wish you all the best,
Sincerely, Inna.
P.S.If You interesting in me please write Thank you!!!
Date: Fri, 16 Apr 2004 10:40:10 +0400 From: "inna-den" <>
To: <XXX>
Subject: From Inna
Hello my dear <XXX>,
What a lovely letter you wrote to me,thank you. I also liked your photo,you are a very handsome man.
I have to say,that you are not only handsome man,but also very intelligent and interesting person.
I have a lot of hopes,that our correspondence may lead us to something
bigger ,than simple friendship!!! Are you agree with me? Dear,thank you for asking me a questions,I will gladly answer them.
I would like to continue introduce myself and tell you more about my family and city,where I live.
I was happy child,because I have a best parents in the world!!! I also have a little brother Sasha,who is 12 y.o.,and
I love him very much. Of course,we can't be very close with him,because it is a big age
difference between us,he thinks that I am an old lady,but I know that
in 5-6 years things will be different and we will be a friends. Dear,tell me more about you family?
Do you have brothers and sisters? Do you have a dreams for the future?
Tell me more about your place? As for me,I live in Alchevsk city in the east part of Ukraine.
There are 100000 inhabitants live in my city,but because of hard economy crisis I can't say that all of them happy.
however,I am young and full of dreams,and hope that everything will be
just great in my life and I will have a wonderful family one day!!!
Hope to hear from you very soon.
Best wishes, Inna
After this letter my intuition told me she could be a scammer, as she was always writing me the very next day after my e-mail, whereas I was answering after 4 to 5 days. But the problem was she didn't answer any of the questions from my second letter: I had asked questions about her and she answered about her brother! My questions were very specific (to see if she does read my e-mails and writes me personally), but had nothing to do with creating families. So, I sent an e-mail telling her she has to answer my questions, otherwise I won't write anymore. In the same time, I started writing her under a false identity. More about this later.
So, here is her answer when I menaced not to write anymore:
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2004 10:05:10 +0400
From: "inna-den" <>
To: <XXX>
Subject: From Inna
Dear <XXX>,
At first I want to say, sorry that I didn;t answer ALL your questions,
but it was only our second letter! We can talk about them this time and next time, or do you want to create a family from the second
letter?? I don't mind about serious relation, but there must be some
mistery in me?? Oh, of course, MEN! You can't agree with me, anyway.
I am very family-oriented girl and I miss my beloved and
my family. I see that you are looking for the same. I want to ask you
one thing. Tell me are you ready to start serious relations with a girl from Ukraine, the
girl who does not know your language yet who has different tradition and culture? I ask because I am very serious about you and
I do not want to lose contact with you. I believe that thing goes right with us in the future and I think we should meet in person one
day and maybe I will stay with you forever. I know that it is not a simple thing to move to a strange country but if we are in love it
will not be a problem is not it? As for me - I've never been to <YYY>, but of course this country is
very magic and I'd like to visit it! ok, <XXX>, I am anxiously awaiting for your reply. I send you another
picture with this letter. I hope you like it. Of cousre, I'm waiting for
With Love Inna
Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 09:29:17 +0400
From: "inna-den" <>
To: <XXX>
Subject: From "Diamond"
Dear Sir, We are writing to you because your lady Inna has applied to us with the
ask to help her with translation of her and your letters but she has
found out that she can't pay for our service by herself.
And for the moment she can't provide payment for our translations but
as she wouldn't like to stay with translations of your letters and as she
is very interested to stay in touch with you and develop your relations if you
have the possibility to help her you can do it but it is up to you. For more details please contact us. We will be happy to help you.
Best regards, Manager assosiation of interpreters
Ekaterina Menshova
My intuition was true, they were scammers. I stopped everything at that moment.
As I said, I sent her two letters from another e-mail address. No surprise, she copy-pasted the same e-mails. Her second letter generally tells all guys how they are handsome and intelligent. Well, I had purposely sent her a picture of a really ugly guy and the two letters I sent her under the false identity prove this "guy" is really brainless. What serious girl would like to hang out with a jerk?
Now the ultimate proof of the scam : the fake Inna sent a letter to the fake me on Wed, 28 Apr 2004 09:29:54 +0400 and the e-mail from the "interpreter" Ekaterina Menshova was sent on Wed, 28 Apr 2004 09:29:17 +0400. So Inna sent a letter to the fake me from the same address 37 seconds after the scammer sent <XXX> (that's the real me) an e-mail where she pretends she has no more money! And if you read attentively, she wrote in her first letter she had a job!
Keep Internet free of scamming
Marc D. from France
Julia Egoshina (Lesosibisk Russia)
Contact from this person originated from a add, Her email
address is she said she worked at a polyclinic in Lesosibisk. She wanted to find an American
man, in the third week she said she would get 2 month vacation and wanted to visit me in America and told me she had applied for a visa. She finally got the visa but was sad because she did not have enough money and asked that I send money through western
union, United bank-Eniuseisk /Lesosibirsk. Unfortunately I got scammed before I figured it out.
Hi my long-awaited Keith! I waited for you, all my life. Today I have news. Good or bad (you to decide). Yesterday my boss informed me that I will have a vacation approximately through
month. But I have not been pleased. I did not expect that I will receive a vacation,
very soon. But schedule constituted by accounts department not change. I have begun
to cry, because it means that I cannot write to you. I cannot use a computer. Then
I have found out that lady which gives me to use her computer, maybe will receive
a vacation right after me, and if it will take place I can not use a computer some
months. I have imagined that I should spend my vacation in my apartment, between
four walls. I will sit without an opportunity to read your letters, I will sit in
loneliness and to think of you Keith. I did not take my vacation the last year,
and now I shall have 2 months of a vacation, but it do not bring to me pleasure.
I have imagined that I should spend some months without you and in my heart has
appeared awful emptiness. All world around became uninteresting for me. And I have
told to myself: "NO! It not for me!" I have told to myself- "I should be realist,
cease to live in fantasy". I thought what I can do to see you. I decided to spend this vacation with you.
I thought what can I do to meet you. Simply to meet. It's all that I want now. I have
a passport, but I don't a visa to your country. Today I have addressed visas agency. I wondered how much it will cost for me
to make American visa. They told me that consideration of the application on reception
of the visa costs 180 dollars. This sum does not come back even in that case if my
application will not be approved. And for getting a visa is necessary to go to Moscow
where there is an American consulate. They have told that I will must visit set of
various departments both in Krasnoyarsk, and in Moscow. It is a usual way of getting
a visa and procedure of reception can be delayed for even some months. I said Krasnoyarsk
it is far from me (300 km), and Moscow further away(about 4 000 km). I said I can't
wait so long. To me have told that is possible to avoid set of problems and to make
all in faster terms if to use Full Package of Service (FPS). FPS includes additional
payments for a category of the visa, consular services, preparation for Interview
with commission, interview. FPS costs 345 dollars, but the visas agency remove all
problems and thus increases the chance of getting a visa without excessive delays
(I can get a visa in a 2 or 3 weeks). I shall have the tourist visa. Which allows to
be in America till 6 months, as the tourist. It is the most convenient visa to me.
I said that this variant satisfies me and I agree. I have been thinking a lot about what it will be like to finally meet you and to have
you near me. I am also a little nervous, not for any bad reason, it is just that I want
so much for things between us to work out. I have only known you for a short while,
but in that time I have had many days to reflect on our letters, on our desires, and
on our mutual need for eachothers love. I am hopeful that the time we spend together
will give me the opportunity to show you how much I have grown to love you. I never thought
I would feel the way that I do after only a short time. I think there is what that cosmic
connection between us, I also feel that there is something about our meeting that must be
designed by fate. I have been consumed with the thought of you. I imagine us living our
lives together and I am excited from head to toe. I feel that I have found somebody that
can understand me and love me for it. Somebody that wants the same things in life and is
not afraid to achieve it. Somebody that can see my soul and wants to join it. That's how
I see you. I must get rid of the self doubts and move to our future. We are separated by
boundaries, by an ocean, but our souls are linked. The link is through a simple thread
of the Internet. It could be so simple to cut, but this thread is just the start of a
stronger and deeper link that must follow. We will cross the boundaries the ocean, and be
linked by touch. You might ask yourself what does this letter mean. It's simple, I have made
a leap of faith to you. Your are in my soul. You can think that I hurry events. But
understand that until we look into each others eyes we will not truely know what the
heart feels. For in order for us to fill our hearts and souls with joy we must first sooth
the eyes with the sight of each other and know in our hearts and minds what we say is true.
You are truly the type of man I would love to meet. We cannot change our past, but we
can hopefully make a brighter future if we have made poor decisions or if fate has just
given us not so good beginnings. And I really have registered the visa application with great belief and with great
hope that you will be glad to meet me, with belief and with hope that you want to meet me.
Tell to me Please, you can meet me at this time? Tell me please, you will be glad to meet me?
You will be glad if I will arrive to you?
Much tenderness from Julia.
Hi my love Keith! This letter is from the almost lucky lady. Why is ''almost''? As today I went to visas firm. I was told that my visa was ready at last,
(I send you it's SCAN). I was most happy the person at that time. But this
firm not only makes visas, it also reserve tickets. I decided to use their service
again. I was told that the flight to Greensboro costed 1,386.00 USD. It was too expensive for me, and I asked them to find the cheapest variant. And they
offered. It would be on the Thu 13-May and cost 994.00 USD. I wondered if it was
possible to reserve a ticket and to pay for it a part of the money this time and
the other part later. But they refused and I was in despair. I asked them to help
me so long that tears came to my eyes. And they agreed. I wasted all my money, but it
wasn't enough. So I went to pawnshop and pawned silver and gold embellishments which
I had from my mom. I got 190 USD and that was enough for initial payment. I have
paid in whole 615 USD. It was my last money. The number of the flight on which
I reserve the ticket is: 1:30 pm Depart Moscow (SVO) Delta 31
Arrive Greensboro (GSO) 9:14 pm US Airways 3149
It is very difficult for me to tell you about it. But I have done everything I can.
I paid visa. I have bought the ticket on a train up to Moscow. I paid a part of the
ticket. But this money is not enough. I don't want to burden you. I want to reach you
with my own money but unfortunately I have failed. Now I have to pay the remaining part.
It is only 379 USD. I must pay this money before April, 29, Otherwise I will lose
my money. If you love me, if you trust me and if you want to see me soon, please,
send the money for the ticket before April, 29, morning.
I understand that it is a difficult decision for you, but we must trust each other. Any union without trust is impossible if it is a union of wife and husband
or a union of boy-friend and girl-friend or a union of business partners. I don't want to
be hypocritical. That's why I want to tell you following: I do not think that you would
like to give the love to the woman whom you don't trust. So I am. It's a first check for us.
And much depends upon it, may be everything. We must trust each other. That's why I was the
first who made first step. Step to you. Of course if you don't want you can not help me. It is bad but not fatal. I will lose
my money. It is too bad but not too fatal . I speak so because I am in despair and confusion. Now, when we are divided only with
one step, I am afraid. I am afraid that you will not help, and all my diligence will be
gone. I love you and I want to be with you and the word of honour, your help is necessary
for me. I have not calculated my forces. But together we are much stronger. It is much easier
to go through difficulties and barrier together. I want to present you all my infinite
love and fidelity. I did not want to ask you. I thought, that I can make all itself. The loneliness has
made me strong. I have got used to live without the help, and to rely only on myself. I very
seldom address to somebody for the help, but now I ask you to help me. I think, both of us
want this meeting, means also charges we should divide for two. I have made a step forward.
Make also you a step towards to me. I hope that has not offended you. I love you and I trust.
I know, that you will not throw me now when there is only one step. Tell me Keith, can you help me? If you have an opportunity please help me. I wonder
how it is possible to do. There is an International Western Union (by the way, they have a
website, called You may send me money using Western Union according
following data:
Rossiya. Lesosibirsk,
United Bank- Eniuseisk, 114 Gorkogo street
For Julia Egoshina
To get the money, I should tell the employee of bank your:
1 full name
2 full address
3 exact amount
4 some confidential numbers (Money Transfer Control Number),
which will be given to you, when you send the money.
Without this information, I shall be not capable to receive money.
I love you very much! I think about you Keith every time.
Forever yours Julia.
Hi Keith!!!! Since I started talking to you, I just can't stop
thinking of you. I have a very warm feeling inside from all the
things you said about how you feel when you think of me. My
day brightens tremendously whenever I see an e-mail from you. My
heart and soul are now connected with regardless of where you may
be. When I come back from work home, I involuntarily think of you.
It is much more pleasant to me to go home now. I in general like to
walk along the street and to breath fresh air, especially when the
weather is warm. As a matter of fact I don't want to go home. It is
very boring and lonely at home. Sometimes I don't mention it, but
sometimes when I come home with good mood, I want to talk very much,
to share thoughts with anybody, to have fun. But my flat is empty
and I have to be in full solitude. And my good mood disappears. I
simply sit down in an arm-chair and look at the window. And when the
silence deafen me when I hear as My blood flows in my veins, I hear
movement of my
eyelashes, at that moment becomes unbearably and my heart
compresses. I don't know how to struggle with it. I can listen to
music or read a book. But in some moment I understand that I just
deceive myself. In fact I want a beloved person to be near me, with
whom I could spend evenings, to meet morning, to speak about
yesterday and to dream about tomorrow day. I want to walk and to
feel a strong man arm holds me. I don't want to cook meals only for
myself. I want somebody to appreciate it. But enough about it.
Otherwise I shall sad again. I have just cured a little boy's teeth.
I asked him: What do you dream about? He answered that he dreams to
become a grownup because grownups don't have problems with teeth. It
was so funny. I often remember childhood. I always dreamed to become
a grown up as soon as possible. As every child I completely believed
that grownups don't have problems at all. I dreamt in the childhood
and I dream now. Of course, the world of dreams is an illusive
world. We live in a real life, so we can't to sink into the world of
dreams and phantasies for long. When a dream becomes obsession, it
can bring only pain and disappointment. Practically dreams do not
always realize. It happens that you use all power, all aspiration to
make the dream come true. But as much you try, not all in this life
depend on us. When the dream for a long time does not come true, as
though you did not try, dream ceases to be that star, which was for
you lighthouse in ocean of the life, which illuminated your way. But
anyway, I think that it is impossible to live without dreames and
hopes. When there is a dream, the life is filled with sense. The
dreams are those things that do us people that distinguishes us from
the whole
rest alive world. The dreams contribute variety in ordinary and grey
life. The dreams force to think, analyse, choose and come to a
conclusion. The Faith and Hope - an eternal satellites of our lifes.
And regardless of what waits you at the end, joy of the victories
and subordinated tops we remember better, than disappointment and
pain of the defeats. You agree with me?I am surprised that I write
you all this. I have never had a person, with whom I could share my
thoughts. But now I have found you, and I am very glad. Forgive me
for my frankness. If I said
something superfluous forgive me please. Do you like when your
friends come to your home? What clothes do you like the lady wear?
I will wait for your letter with impatience.
Julia Skvortsova (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
I am 35, single, going back to school and self employed. I was contacted by
this person on 03/22/2004 through Yahoo! personals under the member name of
"julyskv". The email gave me the impression of a form letter, but I replied
anyway just to see what would happen. Her photos and name were not on any of
the blacklists. I have been communicating with this person for a little over a
month now. Only last night did I find the posting on 10/03/2002 about a girl
named Anastasia Fedorova/Nastya (link: - the first email that she sent
her man, my Julia must have plagiarized - I was in awe to see that even some
of the sentences were word for word. The circumstances were the same also -
contacted through Yahoo Personals, failed to answer questions that I had for
her and that she seemed to fall in Love for no real reason. Although, the
person I guess was a little impatient with me because they asked for money in
letter 8, not letter 13... She was asking for $750 (payable though Western
Union), she said her mother was going to give her $800 that she had in
savings - $750 wasn't all that much to me, but apparently to them it is
around $4,000 (5 times as much). Unfortunately I sent the money, and to my
astonishment she continued to reply. At first her emails were full of
"wooing" me - talking allot about dreams, destiny, prince and
princess's, fairy tails, etc... After I sent her the money - her letters dried up
until it was time to get her Visa, she told me that she needed a round trip ticket
and she only bought a one way. She blamed the mistake on the agent because he
never told her she needed a round trip. She has been much more talkative
since I have been telling her that it would be hard to come up with the rest of the money. From the get go I was very forth coming with her from the
aspect that I do not know whether to really believe in her - I thought it odd
that she never really acknowledged my concerns - she seemed to avoid it in a
way. At one point, it seemed to sink in and she freaked out, saying that she
did not want to loose me and the was going to try and call me and tell me how
much I meant to her. She said that only after a few days she had quit her
Job, and she also had no phone for me to call her. This is all coming to an
end with her saying that she was going to ask her mother to sell her house to
come up with the money so she could be with me, I've told her that I would
sell my tv and entertainment system in order to pay for it (just leading her
on - can't give up the big screen!). This chick was sly, she used photos that
I have seen on the internet somewhere before - I can't find them anywhere now
though. She even gave me the name of the agency, agent and their phone number
- so I could verify it my self, and pay for the ticket my self.
- The Rose of Winds Travel and Visa Agency
- +7(920)2912656
- Alexander Shurupov
I haven't called them - but I'm sure it is fake. I told her at one point, that
I was going to report her the authorities when she did not reply to me for a
few days (after saying it would be very difficult to come up with the money)
and she did not seemed phased at all, she simply said "Shame on you!" and
asked why I was always so suspect of her, and what was wrong with me... She
also sent me a picture of her Passport, as one of the first photos. I've got a
few more pictures of her also, if anyone wants them...
Fun, fun, fun...
Curtis Wood
Letter #1
Hi Curtis! First of all sorry for not writing to you for so long. I hope it is
not a problem. It was a pleasant surprise for me when I found your
answer in my mail box. I have tried to write to you but I thought that
you will not answer to me. It so is interesting to correspond with a
foreigner from America. I know computers very badly but I am taking
computer courses. So I now know how to use mail on the computer. As
you have understood I live in Russia in the city of Nizhny Novgorod
and my real name is Julia. If you want I will tell you about my city.
Today I went to a computer club and I have made new photos that I can
send to you if you want me to. In this letter I will send you my
photo. I am twenty nine years old now but on 5 May I will be 30. I'm
look for a man to develop relationship, live with and to plan my
future life. I am alone but I do not want it to go on like this. I
divorced 2 years ago and I haven't yet got kids. I have serious
intentions and I do not want to make a wrong choice. I have tried to
write to you and now I see that you have answered to me, I think we
can begin to correspond with you. I have written to you only once and
you answered my letter. So I hope that you got interested. Am I right?
We are two people in the world who want to meet someone. I think we
can try to get to know each other better but, of course I don't
insist. That's your choice. I want to ask you whether you corresponded
with women already? Do you have friends from Russia or friends who
know Russian people. It's interesting. Can you speak Russian a bit? I studied English at school and university. I hope you understand me
and my English is not poor. I have finished university, speciality:
economy and finance and now I work in as a financier in an agency. I
have computer here and I use it for our to correspond with you. But
you must know I can't use it for long time and, please, when you send
me photos try them smaller, ok? They do not allow to use internet
explorer but e-mail is available. So I write you from work. Sometimes
I refer to a translator program to write to you because I don't know
some words but mostly I write myself. I can write you 5 times a week,
I think I can't write on sundays and saturdays. (I don't work on
weekends). Now I live alone, actually rentig a flat. For the first
time I hope this information will be enough. If you answer me I'll
write you tomorrow. I'll wait for your response. And we will talk
about all other details later. And if you are really interested and
write me, please, tell me some information about you and if you can
send pictures of you. I would like to see them.
Best regards,
Letter #2
Dear Curtis. I am very glad to have received your letter, it was very nice to have
heard from you and enjoy hearing from you. First of all I wanted you to tell, that I work the seller - adviser in
shop of home appliances... Earlier I worked the tutor in a
kindergarten, but I had to leave from this work.. There paid very
little and me did not suffice for a life. I love very much children
and it was difficult for me to leave from a kindergarten. I like to cook very much, it is very pleasant when is tasty cook also
for you praise. And what it is pleasant to you from products? I love
ice-cream about strawberry jam, chocolate, pel'menis. You know, what
such pel'menis?? It is tasty very much!!! Here in Russia it is very difficult. Earlier to us at all did not
allow to speak about a politics, and it became now better, but
authority in hands of greedy and bad people. These people have forced
me to throw favourite business, I had to leave from a kindergarten.
People at which authority think only of the purses, they constantly
deceive us and it is difficult for us very much. Tell it the truth,
what at you the good government and it thinks of you and cares? I want
to live very much in the country where the government thinks of
people. Our city beautiful very much, here is a lot of very much trees and
colors. It is old city and at him the big history, we have ancient
fortress which refers to the Kremlin. It is beautiful also to me it is
pleasant to walk about walls of the Kremlin. I do not have not enough
person with which I can walk in the evening along the street with
which I can sit on a bench and put the head to him on a shoulder. Tell
about the city what beautiful places at you is? It seems to dear me, that our meeting is destiny. Today at night dream
has dreamed me... To me dreamed, that I walk with the person and it is
good me near to him. I have woken up and have understood, that did not
see his person, but it seems to me, that the destiny has happened us
not, well and which I was possible you that person with which to me is
possible to trust. I want to trust very much to the person, I want to
present all caress to the favourite person, I am tired to be one. And
you, you can believe in destiny? I wait from you for the answer, Julia.
Letter #3
Greetings my lovely Curtis! How are you today? I have missed you very much! For this time I many
times re-read your letters, I understand yours English well enough.
Today I have tried to recollect, why I have written to you. I do not
know... It is as a whiff of wind, as movement of energy invisible to
us, I already had similar sensations in the past and never was
mistaken. I trust this feeling very much! And at you it happens such?
I write only to you, I like to write very much to you!! And do you
write to other women?
Please tell to me how you like to spend time? I have a small
apartment, cosy very much and we like in the evening to meet with
friends and to sit on kitchen!! It is very cheerful, when all of us
gather and we drink tea. We joke, we recollect different histories, I
am a cheerful person. Yesterday I told my friends that I got
acquainted with you. Friends understand me and say, that in the USA
men treat women well and if we are born for one another there should
not be any doubts about our choice. Is it true that in the USA you are all sport fans and you frequently
go to see sporting competitions? In Russia it is dangerous to go on
sports competitions, there are a lot of fans and they drink much beer
and get drunk, and then they start to shout, swear, and sometimes
fights begin.
My former husband from the start was tender and kind, but he started
to drink alcohol and bring home drunk friends. I worried very much and
spoke to him, that it is not necessary to drink alcohol, but he did
not listen, but only shouted and beat me. Then he started to use
drugs, I could not sustain it and left him. I am afraid of men from
Russia, they drink much and sometimes beat women. I cannot imagine my life without sport, I visit swimming pool 3 times
a week. I was professionally engaged in badminton, I was engaged in it
since early childhood, but I play it only with my friends now, after
that I together with my friends go to the sauna (it sounds "banya" in
Russia), it is our tradition, it is so funny! We do it every weekend.
I got a letter today, it was from my school friend Masha. Buy the way,
she have met a foreign man, he was from England. She moved to him, and
they got married! I did not believe, that 2 people can meet each
other, and fall in love, begin relations, and create a perfect family!
But they have done it! She is happy now, and we keep corresponding
regularly. She helped me to make my first step, you know, this step is
the most difficult, so I decided to search for my best half in the
Internet:) I think, that it was a perfect idea, because we began our
conversation, and it means a beginning of strong relations, and may
be, new feeling between us. Do you feel something? What do you think?
I think, that Creator's hand directs us, and He helped me all my life.
I believe in God, I'm Christian. My mom is a very believing woman, and
I have been brought up in Christian family with strong traditions. You
know, my Mom have brought up me alone, and she only relied on herself,
and God always helped her. I visit church every weekend now, and I
pray, it helps me to cope with difficulties in my life.
Yours Julia
Letter #7
My dearest Curtis! First, I want to say to you, that I thought a lot about you, about us,
and the distance between us, you are so natural and full of love, that
I want to be there right now with you. I want to feel you, smell you,
touch you, hear you... It's not possible for this moment, and this
hurts me. This makes me suffer! I'm dreaming to be happy in my life, I
want to make you happy, to make you feel comfortable with me without
fears, that you can trust me. I want to love you, like you have never
felt this before, doing everything together and having fun. I have so
many ideas in my mind, that you will never be bored, life is a serious
thing, but it must be surprising at the same time. You live only once.
I want to surprise you, I am your surprise!
My feelings to you are so big, that you can't imagine. But sometimes
the love and feelings are painful for me. What if I don't get you? I
don't want to think of it. You are only one man for me in the world,
you have all the things, that I'm looking for and want to have. My
dreams are becoming to reality, because of you. Thank you for this! If
I could give you one thing, I would give you the ability to see
yourself, as other people do, then you would have seen, what a dear
and special person you are...My sweet, I asked God for a flower, he
gave me a garden, I asked for a tree, he gave me a forest, I asked for
a river, he gave me an ocean. Asked for a friend and he gave me YOU.
Sometimes my eyes are full of tears, when I think of you my love. You
are my only Love, and will always stay in my heart. I will always love
you, today, tomorrow and forever. I will never do something, that
could hurt you, never. My dear! I went to travel agency this morning, and I found out all
conditions of my arrival to you in details. Frankly speaking, I was in
shock! If I am able to pay for visa with help of my mother, I won't be
able to pay for tickets (even for cheapest!). But I can't get visa
without buying tickets in this travel agency. Getting of visa is not a
problem, agency takes care about it, and they can get it quickly, but
only if I'll buy tickets there. My problem is only a tickets. I feel
so bad, I even could think about, that tickets to USA costs on 5 times
more, than tickets to Europe. I really don't know what to do! I'm
afraid, I feel scared by my feebleness. Now I can only dream about my
arrival to you. My love, it's a pity, but if I want to buy tickets, I
have to save up my year's salary (and don't spend it even for food!)!
I'm so sorry. Your, Julia.
Letter #8
My love Curtis! Now I absolutely have no doubts, that my intentions are very serious.
Thank you for taking the time to write me, If you only knew how happy
your letters make me. Thank you for being so sweet. Every day I find
myself, spending more time thinking of you. Every day, before go
sleep, I imagine our first meeting. How I come from airport, and I see
you at the first time. I really can't imagine how many emotions I'll
feel, because even thinking about it, my heart beating is becoming
faster and faster. It seems to me, that I did not want anything in my
life, as to meet you. My de ar Prince, your letters are pure
inspiration to me. I want to see you, and tell you, that I miss you
more and more as the days pass. I want you to be my happiness for
ever. A lot of time has passed, I feel nervous, because I think that
love has finally found me, can this be Love? Yes. My inner feelings
never liar. I think of the future, many years from now and I see you and me,
together, married, our family, I know it may sound a kind of silly,
but it is my dream, you are my dream, a life by your side. My dear
Curtis, I wonder how will it feel to have you in my arms, to kiss you,
to love you. It makes me crazy, no, YOU make me crazy! I can stay with you 6 months, then if I won't want to come back (or if
we'll be married), I'll be able to stay with you, and do everything
for new visa or something else from USA. I already got a passport, so
I have it, and I need only to buy ticket and visa. I need 350 $ for
visa, and exams for getting it. And I need about 1200 - 1400 $ for
tickets, it depends on a date of my arrival.I think, that we have to
divide charges, because my mother saved some money 800 $.My dear, so,
I need 750 $. now, may be I have to pay more, but for getting visa, I
have to pre-pay for tickets 1200 $. But the agency will not make visa
if I will not buy tickets from them. This is obligatory condition. I
hope, that it'll be a good news for you, as for me, because nothing
can prevent us to be together. Yours Julia.
Letter #10
My dearest Curtis! You are the one, who makes me so happy to write you these letters. All
your letters are so nice, and you give me the feeling, that I'm flying
in the sky. I can imagine always very well, what you write me, and it
gives me the feeling of warmness, happiness and power. You make me so
happy, that it is not easy to be expressed in words, I cannot write it
in words, but I think you feel it. You had gave me the feeling, that
you are the person, which is my other half, and I know, I'll never
lose my other half. I'm not surprised about the situation, that I'm so
sure about you, somebody I never talked and saw. I think our
relations, became something special now. How can I tell you, how much
you mean to me? I never thought, I could have such feelings of love
and romance for a man, I have never met! It is tempting to think we
have the perfect relationship, and I know we do! My dear Curtis, about my ticket and visa. Today I was researching
accessible ways how you can help me. It is Western Union. I found out
that is working in America and in Russia too. You can send money to
the address nearest to me bank:
name of the bank: NOMOS-BANK
Street address: STUDENAYA, 32
City, zip: NIZHNY NOVGOROD , 603000
My full name: Julia Skvortsova.
I can receive this money and I will immediately go to the Visa Agency
and will buy ticket and pay for the visa application. When it done, I
will inform you about my trip to you!
Letter #30 -
reply from accusing her of being a scammer...
Curtis! My love.... Honey...What can i say? Shame on you. I can`t write to you earlier and there
was a number of reasons. Just can`t imagine how can you thought such a
things about me. Whether I am very strongly disappointed in you and I
do not know if i`m ready to come to you.
For a couple of days my mom felt herself badly. I can`t just left my
mom laying in her bed. Yesterday i`ve went to the agency and they give
me all the required infomation. Here it is:
The agency name is "The Rose of Winds Travel and Visa Agency". Phone number: +7(920)2912656
Agent Name:Alexander Shurupov.
Sorry, that i could write to you only this evening, i just was worry
about my mom.
Why do you always suspect me??? What`s wrong with you?
Yours Julia.

Ludmila Tarasova
(Miasskoe, Russia)
Here is a scammer on Tickle and absolute
Hi my sweetheart! I so happy to get your mail and to write mail to you again! Dear
Macs, I have some good news for you! Today I was at my father and spoke a lot about you and me. He can't
understand, why I found my soulmate so far from me, but he understands
that if I love someone, nothing can stop me. Its seems he like you. He
is very glad for me that I met a man who I seeked for a long time. He
believes in you and he trusts you. I asked him a lot about our future
how it can be. He told me that we have to meet first and then to decide what to do. Also he told that if our relations after it will be
successeful, he will present us his flat. He does not live in this flat now. Or he can sell it then we would not have any financial
problems with visiting our country few times a year. It is enough big
and good flat and it costs about 28 000 dollars. But it can be sold only after it will be privatized and it can't be ealy then in 8
months. My father dreaming to sell it and he think that now there is a
good reason for it. He hopes all will be fine in our relations. He tells that this money should be enought for us for the first time for
living, for period seeking for job.
So, I have another news: I was in CMVA. I was so worried if it will impossible to get visa for me. And I was so happy today talking with
communication manager of CMVA when he tolding me that I have a great
chance to make a visa and to get it approved. He asked me a lots of
questions and he suggested me to fill some documents but I rejected because I am not sure now about some details of my coming to you. We
have a lots of questions without answers now, some unresolved questions. So here is information about visas that I can do: 1) Tourists visa. It allows me to come to your country for period from
2 weeks till 1 month. It cant be prolonged and on the expiration I
have to back to Russia. It costs about 210-250 dollars USA depending
duration and including ensurance and neccessary medical tests and
2) B-2 visa. It calls "visa of the bride" also. Its good for period
from 2 weeks to 3 month. It can be prolonged maximum for 2 additional
months and then I also have to back to Russia. It costs about 340
dollars USA including all services.
3) I forgot a name of this visa. For approve it we both have to visit
Russian Embussy at your country and fill some documents. This kind of
visa allows us to get married. I can't get it and approve it at my
country. We shall get it for my next trip if we decide to get married.
Any kind of visa will take 2-3 weeks to be ready and approved. (?
visas take MONTHS to be approved!)
My dear Macs, how do you think, which visa is better for us? I was really sad to know that visa costs such money. Tommorrow I will write
you news about a cost of the ticket. When we shall have all information we shall decide how to do better. Please write me all your
Yours, LudmilaP.S. I am thinking about writing post mail from you. I have not wrote
it to someone, so I dont sure what I have to write at envelope. Please
write me and let me know. So, my post adress is:
Russia, 456000 town(city): Miasskoe
Street: Sadovaya
House: 29Ludmila Tarasova
P. S. some guys have all the luck three (3) out of
how many? I am talking to them still ? "!match kept this scamer on the web
site for over a month after they were informed. I had spotted her on an
other black list. their opion was non-shellant "our clients do their own
policing" My notes where removed after my second compliant, and so was she, I have little proof of our E-mails? my gut feeling is that they were in on
it or it was producing cash for them, all most as if they set it up on their
own? "Tickle" removed them right away and sent a good e-mail back. If you
look close in the girls lens you can see Boris maybe you can I. D. him?

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