Tatyana Vohmintseva
This another letter from this Russian
women scammer. I urge you could you please include her photo's on
your blacklist so others will not got could. I was lucky that I was perceptive enough to lee through her
contradicting letters. I look forward to hearing that the law has caught up with her and her
entourage of deceptive players deceiving innocent and lonely men looking for company!
I thank God that I could see thought here deception and trickery.
Thank you also for your advice Elena Much appreciated and keep up the good
Hello darling Jeoff. I am happy to receive your letter. I very much want to meet you. I think
of you every day. I want to be with you. But for arrival to you I need to
legalize papers. I wrote to you in the last letter. Unfortunately I do not
have money. It is necessary for me 311,25 $ for registration of all documents. You
will help me. If you have such opportunity that send please money through the Western Union. To send
money through the Western Union very simply for this purpose it is necessary to know a surname a name
and a home address. My surname Vohmintseva Tatyana. A home address: the street
Spring the house 42, an apartment 16. Understand I I do not ask money for myself try for both of us. I want to
be with you and only with you. I love you. I shall wait your letter with
impatience. Yours Tatyna
Tatyana Vohmintseva
(Novosibirsk Russia)
My name is Jeoff and I recieved several emails from a woman by the name of Tatyana that claims she
lives in Novosibirske Tatynand got very personal and close. in her last letter she becane intermat and I
then tried to respond but with no success. tis was the last letter she emailed me as you will read. I was
fortunate I did not get involved with tatyana she is one trouble maker. concern emailer
Hello 1
My name is Tatyna.I simple Russian girl. I want to get acquainted with serious, reliable the man. Since
the childhood go in for sports. I love children and very much I want to have the.
My e-mael:vtatyana@bk.ru
hello 3
Hello, my friend. I was very glad that you answered me. I would like to find out more about you very much.
I live in Novosibirsk. want to tell to you not much about the city. It(he) very large and beautiful. The
Novosibirsk area is arranged in the south of Western Siberia. е Ј the area of 178 thousand square
kilometers, population more than 2,7 millions the man. The Novosibirsk area was derivated on September
28, 1937. Subsequently in 1943 from Novosibirsk area was selected(allocated) Kemerovo, and in 1944
Tomsk area. The territory of Novosibirsk area with 1925 till 1930 went into a structure of the Siberian
edge(boundarouse). Till 1917 more than hundred years was a part of a former Tomsk province, one of 4
provinces of Asian Russia. In 1993. To Novosibirsk 100 years were executed.
I'm very cheerful person. I want to find a man of my life with whom I would spend the rest of my life. I do
not want to make a mistake in my choice and I wish to know as much as it is possible about my future
friend. My schedule is very severe. I live with the mum now. She is a very good person. But she does not
trust in the success of Internet relations between couples. My mother is very far from all this things. I
cannot make promises that the future may bind us, but I wish to help you to study more about me. I
seldom travelled far, and never was in other country. But I dream to visit on places of ancient civilizations. I
have never been married. I do not have children. As you probably already had noted I'm 25 years I was bad
to perceive the computer but I learn now. I have university education in economy. My favorite food is
Pelmeni. Pelmeni is a simple Russian dish, which is made of paste and meat. It is very tasty. I know
many receipts of good meal. I like roses among the flowers English I studied at school and university. I
like to listen to music in the free time. I listen different compositions depending on mood. I have never
been married and I want to create good family. Probably we will become good friends or even more, if we
are very successful. Probably as it is the same with you my private life is too limited by the absence of
free time. Even my weekends sometimes are filled with the work.. I'm not complaining. I believe that the
time will award me and I feel that I shall have a greater control of my private life thereafter. I hope to find
the second half of my life and to share with him love and everything. I was not successful enough before to
find one for me. I wish to find a self-confident and kind man. I know that it will be a hard work, but I will
move to this purpose. I shall try to form the strong bonds of confidence and communication with you and
to be the good mother of our future children. I hope that your purposes will be similar. I would like to know
your thoughts about your future. I hope that you have listened me with the interest and it will be the
beginning to help you to know me a bit better. I will be waiting for your answer. Bye, Your friend Tatyna
hello 4
How are you? I hope you are OK. My feelings about you are warm and I believe that you are becoming
good friends. I haven't found a man to share my life with. You know my best desire now is to meet the
best beloved man and to love and to be loved. And frankly speaking I feel that there is something special
in your personality and I can trust you. It's always pleasant when you are sure that your partner will
understand and support you in any situation, that he will never hurt or betray you. Only relationships
based on mutual understanding, faithfulness and honesty can be really happy. I'm sure that you agree with
me. Yesterday I met with my classmates with whom we studied at school. We meet every year. We
talked much, remembered funny stories from our school life and talked about our present life. Some of the
girls are married and have kids. It's always pleasant to see those you spent childhood and youth. i will
await your reply with great impatience and joy. Your friend Tatyna
hello 5
Hello my dear friend! I am glad to receive from you again the letter. I am grateful to you that you
have written to me. I think that each new letter pulls together us more and more I think that you have
learned(found out) about me much. I was familiar with young people, but not one of them might not it is
pleasant to me. I have found you and I think that you approach me. I hope that I have made a correct
choice. I do not want to risk. I want to be happy and to love persons which am worthy it. I write you with
pure(clean) intentions. I want you to make happy. It is possible for me to make it how you think? Once I
had long attitudes(relations) with one guy. We met it(him) two years. I thought that we marry. But his
feelings to me have grown cold, he began to concern badly to me, began to drink and carry out(and spend)
a lot of time with the friends a lot of. he became rough with me. His(its) friends consist in a mafia and he
began one of them. he had a good time with other women. he liked this sweet life. I might not continue to
meet him. I was strongly upset and after that I was strongly disappointed in Russian men. Has passed
already two one year. I have understood that can become the happy man with one Russian. Recently I
was told by my girlfriend that it is possible to get acquainted with the man under the Internet. I have not
believed this but have decided to try. And I have found you. I am very happy that we write each other. For
me it is very serious. I to want to be happy with the man and to lead(carry out) with him all life. I to wait
from the man of understanding, I to think that this most important and certainly big love and care of me
and of our future family. I shall try to make the man happy. But without his help, without his love and
understanding it will make difficultly. I once again to want to test such feeling as love. I very much to hope
for it. Therefore I to write to you. I to think, that you to understand my words. I to want to learn(find ou
t) your opinion on all this? I want to learn(find out) more about you. About your soul, a private world. That it is
important for you: material or spiritual values? Now I shall be closed.......... I shall wait for your answer with
impatience..... Your friend Tatyana
hello 6
Hello darling, Thank you for your letter i was so glad to hear from you. I feel that it would be much better to
be coming home to the love of my life, to hold him and kiss him as soon as I walk in the door. I think just
knowing that there would be some there to return my love would be enough to help me forget about any
troubles that I might be facing. I would also hope that he would feel the same way about me. I think a
marriage should be a partnership between two equal but different people, each with their own strengths
and weaknesses. I am sure that the two together would be stronger than the individual. I am confident that
I could face any trial that life may through at me if I had the love of a good man to help me get through it. It
would also make the joy of life's triumphs much better if there is someone there to share them with. I know
that if I am that woman, that is how I will feel about you. I shall be happy to have the husband as you. You
very much like me It is impossible find out the person under letters.
I will await breathlessly for your response. Yours

Tatyana Volkova (Tanya) Narva Estonia
Thank you for responding to my concern. As it turns out, the "woman" who
contacted me is obviously a scam artist. I traced the IP address of the
emails, and the messages originate from Yoshkar-Ola in Russia. It is
unfortunate because I very much wanted to believe she was real. All of the
warning signs were present in her emails. I asked specific questions such
as the name of the University she attended, the name of the school she
teaches at and more, but only received vague answers at best. Whoever this
person is, they are being very careful to address individual questions,
though, which could fool someone who might be less wary than me. Today, I
received a new message from her. In it she claims to love me, and two
sentences later, asks me to send her $460 so she can get her tourist visa to
the USA. Yeah, right!
Additionally, I found her picture has already been submitted to your
blacklist under the name of Ekaterina Belyh (from the April 22 update, page
1). I have included information regarding my encounter at the end of
this email so that you can update the blacklist.
I've taken it upon myself to write a letter (including some of the emails I
received) to the Russian Consulate, as well as the Ministry of Internal
Affairs Counselor and Liaison officer at the Russian Embassy in Washington,
DC. I really hope it gets somewhere even though I've not lost any money.
I wanted to ask you, in your opinion, do you think the Russian Ministry of
Internal Affairs takes these matters seriously? I think what these criminals are doing is horribly dishonorable, not becuase they gain
money by illicit means, but because they prey on the psychology of lonely men.
Additionally, what about the women whose pictures are being used for these
scams without their knowledge? Personally, I would love to be able to put
these criminals out of business. hank you for your time.
Drew =========================================================================
Tatyana Volkova (Tanya) (Alias: Ekaterina
Belyh) Estonia, Narva The Tallinn highway, 24, 23 email: springing@mail333.com
Claims to have no telephone. I've also attached additional pictures I have received
from "her". Initial message received on Yahoo! personals:
Hello from solar Estonia!!! My name is Tatyana. I would like to get acquainted with you very much
because I loved your profile very much and it would be very interesting to
me to get acquainted with you! Let's be friends!!! If you write on mine
e-mail (it is: springing@mail333.com) I'll answer you and send some my
photos. Well, I wait for your answer very much, therefore write right
now!:)) Tanya.
Most recent letter requesting money:
Hi Drew How I miss you and wait to hear from you. How annoying not to have
your letter long. I am getting on fine. So what fills your day today?
Mine is busy. Much work and no time off. It is like an infinite field I
should cultivate but I like it and won't change it. How is your working day passing by? Are you tired? I'd
like to go out with you tonight, for example, to visit some pub or a small
restaurant to have a chat at dinner. What are your thoughts on this?
It would be great! Is it popular to be outdoors in your country? Which
places do you attend after you come back from work? Which of them do
you like the best? I've heard about drive-in-theatre. This is the place where families come by cars and watch movies in the open
air. Sound goes like radio one by air. Am I right? It is so romantic to see
a movie on the big screen at night and feel fresh air with stars in the sky. I want to get to there some day. We haven't got similar
entertainment in Estonia. What else do you have that particularly characterizes your country? Have you
got big, big malls with everything a person needs? You know how much I want you to share me
your country's items. In this case I will have a chance to learn more
about you. I much desire this. You are my beloved and darling friend.
You differ from me but you see me from inside. I think when there's an
opportunity to be informed of the necessary person's background one can understand that person better
and appraise his likes and dislikes. It's true, isn't it? Also I love funny stories and jokes. Are you in
telling jokes or maybe are you in listening to them? Can you relate me
one, please? I would be grateful and happy. I miss you, my darling. Write me as often as possible. It gives me much joy to read your
letters and think of you. Thanks for raising my spirits. I have a good great happy news for us my darling!!! The fact
in that my aunt Rita have learned about all information for my coming to you! Rita has informed that
she has learned how much cost a visa and a foreign passport too. Rita have connected with Embassy and
there have said to her that it will be better for us with you Drew, if I will have the visa of a
tourist. This tourist visa B-2, the visitor visa will valid during six
months. On this type of visa I'll can travel till USA without any restrictions. The price of this visa, as Rita was informed in
embassy, is 220 US dollars. Besides the process of the registration of
the visa costs 90 US dollars. By the way aunt Rita as has taken an interest about other kinds of the visas too, as to her have said, that
there is a set of kinds of the visas. For example, visa of a bride. Rita has thought that this visa of bride approaches to us, but her
in Embassy have said that this visa costs more expensively and visa's
registration costs a lot of money. It's around 950 dollars US and the
registration of the visa will during seven months, it is very long and
expensive! From it because the tourist visa B-2 is the betterest variant than visa of bride now for us! I want
to ask you one thing my Drew, I will need to ask your help with a financial charges for the
getting all necessary documents for my coming to you. As probably, may
be you know an economic situation in our country, simply it's awful,
and at our bar don't give the salary to work personal during a long time. Our
government explains it to those that simply they don't have a money, it's a difficult financial situation, and
they don't have a recourses on the salary for the any kind of the job in total. My
dearest Drew I have a great desire to come to you, to see you at
last and only recourses separate us from each another. I love you so
much, honey, and I don't want to lose you. Nobody can't help me with
it. Of course, I asked my parents and friends to help me with this charges on the necessary documents for my coming, but my
mother and father doesn't have such money though they would like to help us, My
dearest Drew, in generally I'll need for 460 US dollars. It's certainly large money, you probably have thought what is it more
than the total price of the visa and visa's registration, but I will must
to get the foreign passport too of course the price of which is 85 US
dollars. Also I will need to pay for medical exams too, it will be 65
dollars. By the way aunt Rita will try to find the cheaper prices of the air
ticket for the fling to you. I want to ask you what is the nearest airport (name of the airport) from your city? Also, please, tell me
about the approximate price of the airplane ticket too, ok? Please, aunt Rita will need this datas! As Rita will try to
find a cheaper airticket! I so happy from this so happy news from aunt Rita!
But now, at first, my Drew, I will must to begin a process of the registration of all necessary documents, in total I will need 460 US
dollars as I said. Sometimes I can't believe in presence of such a wonderful, splendid,
interesting and intelligent man in the world and that you are neither
just a simple talker nor a product of my dream. I see this is foolish
but I wanted to share my feelings with you as well as I want to tell
you of other emotions. Hope you take interest in reading my mail that
it seems to me became confusing. I skip from one topic to another. I
am writing anything I get on my mind. What for I do write the next sentence? I have a desire to
confide my secret to you. I look forward to being forgiven. If you are not ok to listen to this, tell me
without fail, please, and I'll stop at once for keeps. This secret wish counts my impatience to kiss your lips when I
saw the pic of you. Please, understand me in right way. I don't want to tell a sort of
vulgarity. I'm simply relating my feelings I have for you. For some reason I'd like you to be informed of my thoughts wandering
about you and my attitude to you. And remember I think and concern over you and
want to know everything in detail about you. Bye-bye Your Tanya
Rechkina (Zelenodolsk, Russia)
I am a 46 year old Caucasian male from the US. I was contacted by this person after placing an ad on
Absolute Agency. She was in love with me by the 6th letter. I guess I'm not as handsome as Pelle from
Sweden, whom she fell in love with after only 5 letters!! Pelle, you lucky man!!
Thanks to Pelle and V.P. from Australia for their listings of her. As soon as she sent me her first letter I ran a Google on Vasilina +
Zelenodolsk and found Pelle's report. So I was on to her before she even started but I wanted to waste as
much of her time as possible. She just sent me her request for money this morning so I can post my
warning now. I'm going to see how many times I can run her to Western Union with a fake control number
to make her think I really fell for it and sent the money.
Her first few letters were similar to Pelle's, although she did alter or add some things. But the final letter
asking for money was word for word. Typical garbage, doesn't answer questions and the pictures she sent
were labeled as 'DD9, DD41, not the typical way to label personal photos.
Hello David, I am very glad, that I have an opportunity to continue with you our acquaintance.
Probably, you would like to learn my curriculum vitae and about my city. I was
born on July, 25 1975 in the huge country of Russia, in the small city of
Zelenodolsk located on coast of Volga. Volga is the biggest and important river
in territory of Russia on which coast beautiful cities have settled down many,
rich culture. You probably heard about some from them, it is Kazan, Samara,
Nizhni Novgorod. I live on distance of 730 kms to the east from the city of
Moscow and 50 kms from Kazan. Therefore, if sometime you will want to
find my city on a card it is better to you to begin the search from the city of
Kazan. My city of Zelenodolsk seldom specify on a card, the population of our
city is made hardly by 150000 person, about the basic it is industrial city.
Despite of small value of this city in histories of Russia, the city of Zelenodolsk
has huge value in my life. I love silence of his avenues, his parks with a
small amount of people on which it is very pleasant to make walks after the
working day. My working day very much sated because I work as the dentist in one of local
hospitals. Into my duties enters all works connected from this uneasy trade. To
receive this trade which is pleasant to me, I have finished six-year training
in the Kazan Medical Institute. First I worked as the assistant the dentist, and
now I work independently as the dentist. Even 9 business hours every day cannot
tire me, because in my life now work of a table as rescue from loneliness.
Therefore I frequently after work go to park with girlfriends. I try to conduct
a healthy way of life, therefore I do not smoke and I do not use alcohol.
Frequently in our country solar weather is replaced by clouds, in such days I
do not like to walk, and I spend the evenings behind reading of the favourite
book or I listen to pleasant music. I love almost all directions in music, all
depends on mood. I live one in an one-room apartment on surburb of city, near
to hospital where I work. I prefer to observe family customs without
changes and a lie for this reason I search for the man which would divide with me mine feelings. There can
be therefore I do not search for the person of the age, and I would search for the person
which appreciated love. In Russia I could not find such person, therefore I
have decided to try happiness in other country. First of all I appreciate honesty
and fidelity concerning the man and the woman. You with me agree? Please,
if you will decide to write again to me, write to me about what you want in
attitudes between people, it will be very interesting to me to know about you
and about your life is more detailed.Also write to me, that you want to learn about
me. I hope, that to like you my photo and you will write to me again. I
shall wait very much. Vasilina
This is the 6th letter asking for money.
Greetings my love David, I cannot without you, I need in you... You my sun and air...
I choke without you... Allow to love to me you all life and to be with you while you do not stop loving me. Let me to
concern you, to laugh at you. To allow to care to me you and to do you happy. You have already made me
happy when write to me words of love. It is a little more more, and I shall die without You. I thank you for
your love, and you should know, that I am ready to make for the sake of us utmost. I am ready even to
break all barrier to be together With you. I think, that you would be pleased to see me to hold me in
hands. I want to tell to you, that I love you, looking you in the face. I have learned to arrive to you, the visa
and the passport are necessary for me. But the visa is done in Moscow,
and I should go to Moscow. I shall take the visa of the bride or the
visa of the visitor, that to me will advise in embassy.. The visa is
made 7-15 days and this time I should be in Moscow. But as soon as I shall receive the visa, I at once
can buy the ticket and arrive to you from airport Sheremetevo-2. I do not know the price of the ticket, but
to me there will be the discount, as the medical worker. I am very pleased, that I have chance to see you.
But to go in Moscow and to make the visa, 450 dollars are necessary for me to pay for
road up to Moscow and residing there, and also to pay for the passport for travel abroad and the visa. The visa given to me
within 90 days and during this time we can marry. I to save 100 dollars, and it are necessary for me 350
dollars. I for a long time did not want to address to you for the help, but I think, I should
trust you. It is inconvenient for me to ask you, but whether you could help me with this sum of money that I quickly could
arrive to you? Unfortunately, I have no any the bank account, but in bank system
the Western Union is very much distributed. This system is fast and reliable also them very much in city of Kazan. Then I to Go
and receive your money. You can send money in any bank Western the Union in the city of Kazan for my
full name and the address, my full a name Vasilina Rechkina My address;
89-67, Mayskaya street, Zelenodolsk city, Tatarstan, Russia 420076 Also I want to know your full address and a name, and also
the Airport which is located close from you Where I can arrive. If you will help me and will send money,
you should inform me through E-mail about it and all necessary information. I with impatience wait for your
answer/ love Vasilina
I did not send her any money and to be honest, I'm pretty adept at knowing when someone is trying to con
me so I doubt I will ever lose any money to these kinds of people, but I wanted to contribute my report in
case someone is just suspicious and runs a search on her. The multiple reports should make them fully
aware of what's going on. David

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