Olga Oleneva
I received mail from this women, and while browsing your black list
I found her photos under the name Anna Milchakova, however now she
is using the name Olga Oleneva. She sent me pictures of
herself, both of which I have found on your black list, one under
Olga Oleneva and another under Anna Milchakova.
Svetlana (Sveta) Kudryavtseva Petrovna
(Orel, Russia)
Scammer Svetlana, Sveta Kudryavtseva Petrovna from city Orel, Russia. I wanted to tell you my story and maybe I can help someone else with my story. This girl who e-mailed me said she wanted serious intentions, she have writhed about family life, children's and happy future, but all it turns out that is scam. Well her name is Svetlana, Sveta Kudryavtseva Petrovna from the city Orel from Russia, and she uses the mail addresses Orjel_l@hotbox.ru and svetawithlove@mail15.com, all that and even she have called me a few times on her expense on the phone. We was communicating since December 2003 (when I have find her on a site love-junction.com) until the 24th of May 2004 almost every day or every second day, and she was writing so real, answer to all my questions and was writing so convincing long letters like 2 or 3 pages that she can persuaded you in anything. So we have writing almost 5 months until she have decided that she cannot live without me anymore and that she want to come to me. And first time she have ask for money for tickets and I have agreed to send 300$ but that wasn't the end of it. She explained that she needed money for the customs house to show the money at her arrival in my country and she would give me the money back when she got here, so I sent her 300$ more. So everything was planed for her trip and she have sent me the exactly date of flight from Moscow to my city, everything was planed so well that she was known the exactly time of everything (you can see little later in her letters) and also I shall send some of her photos, by the way I have maybe 25-30 photos of her from baby up to now, and also some 5-10 photos of her city Orel. On the May 20th I even has got on the airport to wait for her and when I seen all the data was correct, the number of the plane was exactly true all, the flight, the arrival time, just there was not her on the flight list at all. Well, on May 21st she have write to me this letter( alleged from the Moscow airport) and she explain that she was taken by the costume police and she would have to give the money to them as a bribe just to let her free from the customs. So she cry and beg me to send all over again 1000$. Also then to me has write me her girlfriend Marina and she have said to me the same thing, but then I have find out all about scams and when I has treated to them that I shall report the case in the police they have give up and has stop to write. I don't know if you will ever catch her and I hope that you do, and also you can try to find this her friend Marina, the e-mail that Marina uses is marishka_25@land.ru I think that they work together in some group of scammers so I hope you can help to other guys too, to do not goes thru what I have gone, and also to safe a lot of their money too. Also if someone finds out something about this girl Sveta or if he knows her I will like to hear from him.
Here is her address in Orel and the number of the account that she is using in the bank: 302019, Russia, city Orel, Chasovaja street, house 45, flat 68, Svetlana Kudryavtseva Petrovna. The address of bank in which is westernunuion in Orel: 302028, Russia, the city of Orel, street of Oktjabrskaja, 20 ph. (086-2) 47-49-50. It is bank in which my account is created. And as to the data card which you need to fill in bank I think, that it will be so:
User name: Kudryavtseva Svetlana Petrovna
Your home address: 302019, Russia, city Orel, Chasovaja street, house 45, flat 68.
Your account number Acc/No: 42301840300171000141
Val. Of the money: 300 $
Your bank user name: BANK OF NEW YORK, New York, New York,
Code, or swift of the bank: swift IRVTUS3N 30301840200450000017
Branch swift: MENARU2PMOS
Address of the bank in Orel: 02028, Russia, the city of Orel, street of Oktjabrskaja, 20
Hi Sasha . I was very glad to receive your reply!!! As you know, my name is Sveta. (Smile) I am was registered on a site love-junction recently and I want to find the man of my dream very much. Now I shall tell about myself a little. I live in city Orel. It is very beautiful Russian city with many places of interest. Later, you can read something about my city. Now I can tell to you about myself: I am very quiet, romantic person. For example, I very much like a nature, its calmness and diversification.... As it pleasantly also is pacific, when you sit at a fire in the warm company of the friends. Sometimes it seems, that anything it is not necessary any more.... I very much like SUNSET AND SUNRISE - as though at this time all nature bears anew! I very much like children. My friends have children, sometimes I envy them even.... I present the family life as in dream.... I feel, that it will be a perfect time, when I find my love!!! We shall bathe in the sea of happiness and LOVE. We will have children. The family for me is most important. I am brought up by the parents since early years in such spirit, that if I find my half, it will be by my half on all life, forever.... You understand me? For me the family is sacred!!! My dream? The different dreams dreamed me. In the dreams I see the parents, children.... I think, that there is any communication of life and dream. If you feel something, if your ideas are kept deeply in heart, it you can see in the dreams. What do you think about it? I want to meet such man, which would appreciate and respected me. For me money is not important, the authority - is important only inner life, that in heart and soul of my loved. The man - keeper of the family locus -, who to me is necessary!!! You understand? For the woman it is most important.... Yes, I am very tender person. But I can be tender only with one person in my life. It is the one who lives in my heart, whom I love and I appreciate, he - my part, my lobe, my dreem!!! Ok, now I shall tell to you slightly about my city. I also send you some photos of my city and my fotos... .I think, that it will like you.... (Smile) If you have opportunity to send me your photos please do it.... In 1966 Orel has celebrated 400-year. In honour of this event on a place of a legendary ouk given a place to city, was will erect 20-meter monument. At the basis mure the letter to offsets, the one whom is fated to mark 500-year of city in far 2066. The city Orel has received the name from the river Orel (nowadays Orlik), on which coast was build. Modern Orel is the advanced industrial centre of range, city of green streets, numerous squares and parks, besides is large student's and cultural center with the Orel university, agricultural academy, maximum military institute of governmental communication, technical university, institute of arts and culture, commercial institute. In city the academic theatre of a drama, theatre for children and youth, theatre of dolls, philarmonic society, 5 cinemas functions. The population of Orel is 335 thousand people. My city is on distance of 382 kilometers from Moscow. Well like while all.... If you still will have questions and you want to find out me better, write on my E-mail: Orjel_l@hotbox.ru Sasha , with impatience I wait your reply !!!
Hi, Sasha. I so am glad, that you have written to me!!! Thank for such interesting letter.... (Smile) you probably will be surprised, but my girlfriend name Alexandra (Sasha)too. (Smile) At us in Russia you would refer to as as namesakes.... . I want more more to find out about you, as you live, than be engaged in free time. Beforehand I want to apologize, that my English language is far from perfect. But I am engaged above it.... I want to find the liked person, to unite with him the Life and to live long and happily... . I understand, that it is very complex, but I think, that now all depends on us.... I want to tell to you about myself: I very much like to prepare nutrition. My dream is the early morning to bring lunch to my LOVE. Is sweet to kiss to him in lips and thus to wake him. Then to say to him: " Good morning, my Love!!! ". Yes, I very much like to prepare. There would be products.... (Smile). My mum has learned me from childhood to prepare. Everyone, who tried my dishes speak, it is very tasty (what it is delicious... . ). I have quiet character, I very compliant, optimist on a nature, I never raise on anybody a voice, I am quiet person. I am 26 years old. I was born on January 6, 1978. When I was born, there was a strong blizzard. You know, that this day at us in Russia is named Night before Christmas and this day it is impossible is " up to the first star ". And January 7 - Christmas. And my mum now plays a trick it is necessary by me: " Well why you could not be born for 1 day later... In Christmas. " (Smile) I work by the designer of advertising in a private concern of our city Orel. My job consists in showing the consumer the goods of the customer as large as life. I very much like my job, it helps me to open and to express herself. My working day does not limit by any time. When there is an activity, me invoke on a pager. Basically, I have enough of spare time. Sometimes I use Internet on my job. I lie down to sleep at 23.00, and wake up at 7.00. I have able-bodied, high-grade dream. I have got used before going to bed to shower, the dream is much more strong... a warm washbasin. Then I have gone and prepared for breakfast. I go in shop and to make purchases (products and other...) . After dinner I am going to visit my parents. You know, that they live in suburb? On public transport it will be approximately 20-25 minutes of driving. I very much like to visit my parents. And they are very glad too, when I arrive to them. I have lead at them on a visit all days off. Now at us here it is cold. I very much like to have a rest with my friends. In the summer here it is very good! We with my girlfriends go on a beach to bathe. I have photos, where we with my girlfriends on a coast of the river. Then I necessarily shall send you it because it should be scanned. I was not married and I do not have children, but I very much like children. My girlfriend has daughter. I envy her... I dream to see that instant, when my kid will say the first word ... will make first steps. It so is perfect... I on the nature the very correct person also can love only one person. If I begin someone to respect, to love, it will be forever, if that person will not move me... I want, that my husband loved me. For me this most important. Not money, authority or something other... For me main, that he respected me, loved and was happy with me. As is perfect, if that with whom you live, would be happy.... For me now it is not important where to live, main - with whom... I want, that you correctly have understood me - I do not want by any method to leave from Russia, I am simple look for my prince and with my prince I can live in any point of globe... I very much like a nature, travel. As it is beautiful, when in the company of the liked people you sit at a fire - look on a flame of a fire, it so is pacific.... I am very believing person... The parents from childhood have accustomed me to go periodically in church. You trust in God? Anna Tsvetaeva is my desktop book. I very much like to read his verses. What books you prefer to read? At school we passed Bulgakov. His book Master i Margarita is a great product about love. Most of all I like words of the novel: " The Love has jumped out before us, as from under ground the murderer in a lane jumps out, and has struck us at once both! So the lightning strikes, so strikes the Finnish knif! " I adore flowers. A tulip, roses - mine liked flower. I am very hardworking person, in childhood me the parents have accustomed to activity... Yes, I very much like animals... . At me the houses are the cat of the persian rock. Her name is Lessy. And do you like animals? I very much like to listen to classical music, but it not a limit.... I like to listen to different music, it depends of my feeling. I have brother, but he lives in the other city. I send to you my photo. Sasha, I was glad to answer your questions... Sveta.
Hi, my lovely, my dearest Sasha!!! Excuse, that I have not written to you yesterday, yesterday I after have received money in bank, I have gone to travel agency at once. Yes, I am glad to inform you, that I have reserved yesterday the ticket to Skopje for May, 20. This happy instant of our meeting will take place after tomorrow!!! (Smile) My lovely Sashenka, I understand, that you very much miss on me, but yesterday I has given in agency documents which you have sent and I have lead half of day in travel agency.. Then we chose flight up to your country. Unfortunately, we have not found direct flights up to Skopje for the reason, that I have addressed in agency 2 days prior to a start fly. All direct flights to May, 20 have been already occupied. But we have found flight up to Skopje through Vienna. And it was not so expensive. The ticket costs 460 $. I should stand almost 2 hours at the airport Vienna, and then I will have change on flight Austrian Airlines. Below I shall specify all data of this flight. You should meet me in Skopje Airport on May, 20, at 15:20. My lovely Sasha, yes, I understand, that you could help financial to me once again and send little bit more money, but I think, that this sum will be enough at customs house. Now at me is 300 $ and I shall give this sum at customs house. (Smile) I feel, that I absolutely another now, I absolutely another, as if the world another.... I madly want to see you near to myself, to feel on myself your gentle touches, your passionate kisses, your gentle words at my ear.... Ahhhhhhhh............. And I am happy, that is fast, already very soon I can test all this!!! I can feel your kiss, feel your touch, your first touch.... My lovely Sasha, I madly love you!!! Madly!!! And before we shall meet these two days which should pass each other.... Only two nights, two nights up to our meeting, Sasha!!! You can present yourself it? Surprisingly!!! And now, when I think of it, I do not believe, that I have ticket to my happiness!!! Well, below I write to you data flight up to Skopje,
There: Airline: Aeroflot Flight: SU261
Departure: On May, 20, 09:49, Sheremetyevo airport
Arrival: On May, 20, 10:50, Vienna Intl Arpt
City of change: Vienna
Airline: Austrian Airlines Flight: OS779
Departure: On May, 20, 13:40, Vienna Intl Arpt
Arrival: On May, 20, 15:20, Skopje Arpt
Time in a way: 7 hours of 30 minutes
Tomorrow after a dinner I leave to Moscow together with my daddy, and then we at once shall go to the Sheremetyevo to take away there my ticket up to Skopje. My lovely Sasha, I do not know, whether I can call you from the airport before my departure. I do not know.... Anyhow I do not promise you it, but as a last resort I want, that you were at phone all time of my trip to you. Yes, I have understood, that you spoke me were cautious during flight. Yes, with me I will go up to Moscow the daddy and I know, that all will pass successfully!!! My lovely Sasha, I am sure, that is fast, already very soon we shall step into a new life and God will help us on this way. Yes, the beginning will be hard, but I am sure, that we can overcome all these troubles and together meet our general happiness!!! It is necessary to trust simply, that our dreams will necessarily come true!!! I madly love you and I feel, that time of our meeting comes nearer, comes nearer absolutely other life filled with happiness and love!!! I love you and I think of you constantly Sasha!!! I love you!!! Now I leave to get ready for a trip.... (Smile) I probably shall write to you once again, tomorrow. With impatience and love in depth of heart I wait, when I shall see my happiness!!! (Smile) I LOVE YOU,
My lovely Sasha!!! My God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For what God damned me, for what he damned us Sasha? For what? oh my God!!! I am in Moscow now at Sheremetyevo.... Excuse, but to me at all did not give time to read your letters, excuse.... I write to you this my letter at once.... I am in Moscow, I am in this awful place Russia!!! My God!!! And now to me only remains to leave a life, to not deliver any more problems.... My God, for what you have damned me? For what? Sasha, I have been detained at customs house in Moscow. I carried with myself an ancient Old russian icon which has got to our family from the great-grandmother. I have not specified it in the declaration, that I carry with myself this icon and I have come in a "green" corridor. My God, I did not know at all, that this thing needs to be declared at departure the country. To me nobody has told about it!!! I damned by the God woman!!! What have I made in the life that the God so punished me? What? This icon has been confiscated from me and now I write to you this letter from Internet cafe here at airport. The person is put me from customs police. I have lead all this night at them, they studied my documents and now they know, that I fly to you, they I know your name, your address. They are gangsters in authority!!! These are terrible people!!! And they have told, that now can incriminate to me article "for plunder and export from Russia of cultural values "!!! My God!!! For what? They keep up me and they gave me only 5 days that I have paid to them a bribe in 1000 $. Otherwise the revolution will be given to this business and they will start on me... and you criminal case internationally.... My God!!! Now they blackmail me, and their person constantly keeps up me.... Now, when I write to you this letter, I know, that it is the end!!! It is the end!!! I shall leave from this life which pushes out me from itself. The life as if brings me to this, I should leave a life to not cause more to anybody a pain.... Forgive Sasha!!! Forgive me please!!! I shall leave, but how you? My God!!! They will pursue also you!!! They have told to me, that I carried this icon to you and that at us crime group. My God, it is ridiculous, but I see, that they do not joke! They have found at me this icon and who could know, that this icon falls under the name of a cultural value.... Only please, do not call to anybody, do not address in police, differently all will be lost, the revolution will be given to business and all will be known. While that I tried to take out abroad cultural values nobody knows also they gave me enough time that I have paid to them a bribe. My God!!! Sasha, I do not know, that to me to do!!! What to me to do? I should leave a life to not prevent anybody to live.... Only please, forgive me, forgive for all!!! I have broken a life both and you my carelessness!!! My God, my daddy already in Orel now and nobody knows that has taken place in Moscow. Nobody knows.... And these people have told, that this days I shall be at them. I have told him, that the unique hope now is you. I do not have this money.... I and have told him, that they from me to not receive anything, only my death!!! And now after 5 day, they start on me criminal article and will contact Interpol to find you. My God!!! It is a nightmare!!! It is a terrible nightmare!!! All.... I do not have more time to write to you. For me came.... My lovely Sasha, I ask you forgive me for all and remember, that the girl from Russia madly loved you, madly!!! I shall always love you!!! Always!!! I am afraid to think, that will be, when you will read this letter, but at should write to you it to warn you.... Please, forgive me, everything, I should go And please, tell Marina, what happened with me. Her address: marishka_25@land.ru Please, write to her letter. I LOVE You YOUR SVETA.
My lovely Sasha, my heart cries, my soul cries, all my essence cries!!! Sasha, I do not know, what to me to do now.... These people constantly watch me and it seems to me, that it is very serious.... My God.... They try to sew to me business about export of cultural values from Russia. My God.... To me it is terrible, Sasha!!! To me it is very terrible!!! And most of all to me it becomes terrible, when they speak me, that to you threatened the same too! It is not people, it is animals!!! Corrupt authority!!! Now I again sit in that Internet cafe. I have lead today's night here in hotel at airport, they gave me a room in this hotel and have told, that I have not enough time. I do not know, what to me to do..... My lovely Sasha, you know, that I madly love you, I love also promise, that I not leave you. Please, excuse me for the yesterday's letter, now I am in such terrible situation.... I very much would not like to get for a prison lattice!!! Only I ask you - do not inform that has taken place to authorities, differently the revolution will be given to business and I shall be condemned. My God, most of all I am afraid, that you will start to pursue for it too! They speak, that if money will not be paid in time business will be directed to corresponding instances. Please, try to find an output, My God.... I very much ask you - not informing. Even if they also will be caught, I shall be punished too! My God, I in such awful situation.... My God!!! Just I have written letter Marina and have told to her everything, that here occurs, she recently has answered me, that today or tomorrow she will arrive to Moscow. My God!!! I feel as if the hostage.... Marina has told, that she will try to find some money to bribe these animals for my clearing. My lovely Sasha, please, forgive me for all!!! Please!!! I madly love you and I do not present my life without you!!! I do not present!!! To me give only 10 minutes that I have written to you the letter and time now comes to an end.... They result me on this place that I wrote to everyone whom I know.... I do not know at all, how their names.... And I convulsively now type this letter and I ask you Sasha whatever happened - remember, that I love you, Loved and I shall always Love YOU, where I neither was and what with me nor happened!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!!! I LOVE YOU!!! YOURS SVETA.
Sasha, I do not understand, what has taken place again? What happened? Sveta still in Moscow? I have just written to it(her) the letter and have sent it on your email which she(it) gave me. Why her(it) there hold? What she(it) has made? What it is people which hold her(it)? I in a shock!!! Yes, I know, that she(it) was lucky(carried) with herself an ancient icon to you in a gift! She(it) spoke all time to me, that it will be " a symbol of your love "!!! Her(it) have stopped with this Old Russian icon at customs house in Moscow? And now extort a bribe? What to us to do(make), Sasha??? Tomorrow I leave to Moscow to be there together with Sveta. Tomorrow I leave. But if it is serious up to such degree, Sveta the court may wait. No, now it is impossible to guess, tomorrow, there is no tonight I shall go to Moscow with my husband Sasha. She(it) speaks, what from it(her) extort 1000 $? It is incredible! I shall look, that it is possible to make. Maybe, I find some money and shall try to agree with these people, but it is impossible, that not Sveta have got(started) criminal case for smuggling. It is incredible, that has taken place!!! Sasha, I shall write to you the letter today or tomorrow from Moscow and I shall tell, that I managed to learn(find out). Yes, she(it) now in Sheremetievo. She(it) in such bad condition, I so worry for it(her).... It is awful!!! Sasha, I shall write to you today or tomorrow. I ask you - wait my answer! Marina.
Sasha! Now I write you from Sheremetievo. I just met with Sveta and those people which name itself customs police. Yes, it is really customs police!!! I learned(found out) it, I saw them at the airport as they check all taking place there. My God!!! I looked the certificate(act) of detention for which they demand now a bribe and am valid, the icon appeared original!!! These are terrible people and all there is so serious, that I was frightened, that Sveta condemnation from 3 till 5 years may wait. All proofs it is available. Who might know, that an icon which she(it) carries to you with love from Russia appears cultural property of Russia.... It is so terrible!!! I saw this forged business and Sveta am valid in danger!!! I have arrived to Moscow with my husband and we have brought with ourselves some of money. It is very a pity to me, but yesterday I was compelled to inform all to the father of Sveta. But we did not begin to tell that has taken place with Sveta to its(her) mum because at it(her) ill heart. I think, that you understand me, Sasha. Father of Sveta has found some of money and now we have given these people a part of money, which they demand to hush up this business. We gave them 480 $. More we could not find.... I would give all money which at me am, but unfortunately, I do not have money more. I would feel like nasty in the future if knew, that I had opportunity to help my girlfriend, but I have not made it. Sasha, now we do not have other choice how to ask you about the help. If we shall miss time may be too late. My husband Sasha has discussed with them and they have agreed, that give us 3 more days to pay to them money in exchange for that they will close business. But they have told, that now I shall be engaged in all. Sveta will be now all these days in hotel. I think, that she(it) lives in any special place where there is no phone. Besides now it(she) does not have registration in city of Moscow and it(she) cannot be in crowded places. But in the letter you asked me about that I have taken with myself copy ID. I do not understand, that this such.... Sasha, you unique hope now. If we shall not find this money as Sveta, and you threatened with prosecution on the part of authorities. Please, try to find any money to help Sveta. Now we go to all our friends who are here in Moscow and we hope, that we shall find any money. All is very serious Sasha!!! Please, overlook on any time, that Sveta will sit aboard the plane and will arrive(fly) to you. Here all is very serious!!! Very much!!! I write you this letter with the help of the translator, therefore I apologize, if you will not understand something in my letter. I wait for your letter, Sasha. I shall check a mail tonight. Please, do not address anywhere, neither in TV, nor in newspapers, in embassy because all this is very serious also you will break everything upon what we have agreed today with my husband Sasha!!!!!!!!!!!! It is all very seriously and if about all it becomes known Sveta condemnation waits. MArina.
 
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