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Ekaterina Bastrakova (Kazan, Russia) Hello my name is Doug and this women contacted me thru love & She is from Russia and I did what you said and made up another name on hot mail. And guess what got same kids of letters of how her love was for me only and please don't be righting other women and cheating on her. As she only writes me. ha ha. She has asked me for money to help her get visa to come and love me forever. Yea right. Thanks wanted her in your black list. Glad I took your advice and didn't trust her. Divorce from unfaithful wife makes me not trust anyone to soon. Letters: Hi, Doug! How are you? Probably, if you have guessed, this is Ekaterina :) I'm very glad to get your answer, Doug! First of all, please let me apologize for the delay in my response to you, Doug, but I was busy in last time. I'm happy so much that you have written me, believe me, Doug! Also, I'm hoping that my e-mail was so big surprise for you too, really? But most important, I would like to say to you that I have decided to write you through the Internet thanking to my best girlfriend Natasha. My girlfriend Natasha have met a good man through the Internet from Germany, Berlin City, by the the Internet too. Her boyfriend is Frank. Natasha and Frank are very happy together! I see that they are happy so much together, and I have decided to find a man from other country too, as Natasha did it :) Possible, you can ask me, why I didn't find a russian man? I will be very serious, I will answer to you, that I had a boyfriend from Russia from my City, I loved him very much, but he has thrown me in last time. He found an other girl, as I have understood. Also I have seen that he liked to drink an alcohol very very much, as many men in Russia do it, may be you know about it. I don't like this when men like to drink so much as my last boyfriend did it! I am non-drinking and non-smoking girl! Simply, I don't have a harmful habits! Also I want to say that on the words of my girlfriend Natasha, the men from other countries, especially from Germany and USA, are very good, and they can to appreciate and to respect women as considerable men too. It's the opinion of Natasha, and I want to agree with Natasha completely. Natasha has chosen her boyfriend Frank from Germany because she know German language a little. I don't speak German language, I can speak and write English language, and I have decided to find the man from USA and I have decided to write you, Doug. Well, Doug, let me to tell to you about me more... As I said you earlier, I'm 29 years old, my growth 5 ' 6, and I weigh about 57 kg, I am "Lion" on Zodiac, I was born on August, 1, 1974 :) And when you was born? What's an exact date of your Happy Birthday? Tell me, ok? I'm White Russian girl on nationality. On religion, I'm Christian (Russian Ortodox), and I believe in God Jesus. I have never been married and I don't have any kids, I am a single girl. I'm a sensitive, a kind-hearted, a thoughtful and easily amused. On opinion of my close friends and relatives, I'm a kind, jolly, clever and intelligent, purposeful, sociable. About my City where am I live? :) I would like to tell to you that I live in Kazan City here in Russia. Kazan is situated around 1,000 kilometers from our Russian Capital Moscow City. The time zone of Kazan is GMT+6. Our City Kazan is one of the beautiful cities of Russia, I like my wonderful City very much. There are many beautiful streets, squares and other sights in our city. But it's so cold here, the frosts force the people to go on the streets in the warm clothes, and what about your weather? Is it for cold or warmly? Most of all I want to say to you that my favorite season is the summer! I like when the sun shine on the streets, it are many votes of birds, it's romantically so much. And do you like summer? :) Also I would like to tell to you about my education. I have studied in a Kazan Polytechnical University. I have ended the university in 1996. Also I want to say to you that I have learned the English Language when I have studied in the university, I can speak English without any problems, I think so... But I can see that I'm making many orthographic mistakes, I think so, I hope that you'll can to understand my English without any problems? Really, Doug? Please, tell me about this in your next e-mails, ok? Also I would like to tell to you that after the finishing of the university, I have gotten a diploma of a speciality "The Book Keeping And Audit". But unfortunately I didn't need my education yet, because here in Russia, as in many other countries, it's very difficult to find a good job on a good speciality. Now I'm working as a waiter in the bar. I like to work here in our bar, and our visitors are a good clients. Also I want to say to you, that I have an access to Internet by the computer which is situated in an cabinet of our boss here in our bar, because I don't have a computer in my home, and I have asked the sanction at our director for my using of the Internet, and he permitted me to use the computer in a free time from my job. Wowww, I have written so much! I didn't think that I can to write about myself so much, really. Probably, I'm finishing my e-mail to you. Doug, I'll be grateful so much, if you'll write me about yourself so much, as I did it. I would like, if you'll tell me, for example, about your family, is your family large? About your city where are you living, I have never been in other countries and in USA too, and I'll be glad to know about your country. Ok, let me to finish my e-mail, I hope to see your answer soon! I'm attaching my photo, I hope you will find my photo good. Ok, good bye, Doug, hoping to see your message soon! Take care, Sincerely, Your new russian friend, Ekaterina. Good afternoon mine love Doug. In your letter I have seen a lot of your love to me! I very much appreciate it! But you would know, how hardly to me to write this letter. I today called in the American embassy in Moscow and learned there how I can arrive to you, to me there gave such answer, that the best variant of arrival to you it will be registration of visa B-2, its validity of 90 days from the date of arrival in USA, and registration in very short term, only one or two days, but I am very strong frustration when I have learned its price, a total cost of the visa of 390 American dollars, the visa costs only 65 dollars, but plus to this it is necessary to pay 150 dollars on consular gathering and as on medical insurance and all this together makes about 390 dollars when to me have told this price, at me on cheeks flew tears... I explained them, that Doug, he is that person without which I I can not to live, and I very much would like it to see, they have answered me, that anything do they may not, all of them understand, but rules are rules, on another in any way it is impossible, but they have told me, that I might ask this money to the visa for you, they me have told, that loving person should pay for the loved, I in him has told, that it slightly is not polite, but they to me have explained, that all of you will understand, I very much hope for your understanding. In embassy to me have told, that it will be the best to send me money through system of translations Western Union, it is very reliable system of remittances and she is in each bank that I have received them, I should inform you the address of bank in which I of them to receive, and you should inform me of 10 figures of a remittance. I have learned the address of the bank nearest to me, the address: Russia, Kazan, AkBars Bank Kremlevskaya, 8, for name Bastrakova Ekaterina, please, send to me money today, I really do not present the further life without you! And I ask you, do not take offence at my request, to me so have told, that you should understand it. But as soon as I to you to arrive, I shall be arranged to work and necessarily return your money, it will be for me a point of honour, I hope, that you understand me. Very much I wait from you the answer and as I wait for your translation, you are necessary for me! You mine LOVE! Your eternal love Ekaterina. My dear friend Doug, also I want to ask you your full name and your home address on any unforeseen case also. Please, send me it, okey? Doug, I would like to send you my home address too. As a matter of fact may be, possible, our director's computer will break in the any time, as director have warned me, and I think that it will be so pity that we willn't can to write to each other by emails during long time. But I think that God willn't admit it, because he know that we like to write to each other our e-mails as I feel it. Doug, I can send you a postmails or postcards by the usual mail service also. But you must know that will be better if you willn't send me a postmessages or other any parcel posts, for example by our city usual pochtamt. Doug, I want to say to you that it's so shame that we in Russia have a peoples or some mail organizations who like steal the postsendings of any peoples. I know many so shame, so bad cases about it from my girlfriends. It's the shame for this peoples and organizations, realy? I hope that in your country all ok with postorganization. Please, don't send me anything by the our city's pochtamt, I don't want that your postsending will stealed by any thieves! But I will give you my home address and my full name on any case. It's here: My full name is Ekaterina Bastrakova, and my home address is: Kazan 467000. street Dekabristov 169 flat 62 Russian Federation Please, write this datas on a paper on any cases, ok, Doug? I so want to hear your voice, it will important for me to hear your voice, Doug. On this note, I will finish my e-mail to you. Please, answer me soon, ok, Doug? I will wait for your messages, Doug. ALSO AS IT'S USUAL, 'HELLO' TO YOU. FROM MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO YOU!! MY BEST FRIENDS HUGS TO YOU! Sincerely, your dear friend, Ekaterina Hello my dearest Doug! I want to say to you that as usual and usual, I'm happy so much from your answer on my last e-mail my Doug!!! I think about you my Doug all days. I send you mine the new image. Here I with the painted hair, I did this image at all for a long time. Specially for you. I so wait for your warm messages for me Doug, I want to say to you that now I cann't without you and your so feelings emails my Doug. You e-mails are so important for me, it are a part of my life, it are a source of my pleasure to my life, I want to say to you that the occurrence of you Doug is a beterest part of my lonely life now, your messages give me a great happiness and pleasure in my life Doug. Believe me Doug, that I speak this my words with my sincere care to you Doug, with my respect for you Doug. Also I want to emphasize that I thought about our feelings to you my Doug, I have come to a conclusion that we are created for each other my Doug. In last night I didn't sleep well, I couldn't do it because I thought about us my Doug, about our acquaintance on Internet, about your warm messages, and in basically about you my Doug! I thought about all my Doug, I want to say to you that I cann't without you my Doug, I want to say to you that I have fallen in love in you my Doug, yes................Doug,........yes...... I love you my dearest Doug! My Doug, it has taken place so quickly and suddenly, I didn't to expect it my darling, it's so sensual for me my Doug, I cann't without you Doug. I LOVE YOU, DARLING! I feel to you the greatest feeling on ground, it's my love to you my dear Doug. From your messages Doug, I see that we aren't indifferent to each other Doug, I hope that you will agree with me my Doug, is it for true Doug? I hope that you feel to me such great feelings to me my Doug. Also in last night I was asked to God, I thank him that we found each other my Doug, I closed my eyes and have seen the God's presence. He saw on me and I saw on him, he said me that I will happiest woman, because I found you Doug, you are my future man Doug. Also in the eyes of God that he cried, I think that he is very happy for us my Doug. I cried too Doug, because it's so happiness for us that we can be together soon, that we can to have a normal family, I so want it my Doug, because I cann't to be one my Doug, the basic part of my girlfriends are married for a long time, they asked me all time before our acquaintance with you about that why I couldn't to find a man, on their questions I couldn't answred, but I said them that I want it very much, but I cann't to begin any close feelings with any man because of my embarrassment. I am felling embarrassed girl, I said about you in my last e-mails my Doug. But I want to say to you that I feel about you not embarrassment my Doug, I feel to you all my love to you Doug! By the way I want to say to you that I said about my love feelings to my parents and my girlfriend Natasha and Frank. My parents said me that they are very happy for us my darling Doug. In the eyes of my mom and my dad I saw a great happiness for me and for you together my Doug. They said that they hope that I did a right choice in my life and they hope that we will happy together my love Doug, also they said me that where we with you will live together. I answered them that I want to live with you in your country my darling, they asked me about that they will miss me very much, but since other side they understand that it will be better that we with you Doug will live in America because they understand that now in Russia is difficult live situation. They said you a their warm GREETINGS to you and they wish us, my Doug, our future family happiness and great mutual love my Doug. Also my girlfriend Natasha and her boyfriend Frank said me that they guessed about that we with you will have a love feelings since our of acquaintance to you my Doug. They are very happy about us my dear Doug, they said that you will a good boyfriend for me my Doug, and I agreed with them on 100 per cent!!! Also Natasha and Frank said you a hot friend HELLO and they will hope that we will together with you Doug. My darling, I am so happy for us my dear Doug. I want to say to you that I love you very much, my relatives and my friends are very happy for us very much. Also my dear Doug, I want ask you a main question, I think that it will so fairly since my side my darling. Do you have or do you write with any another women my Doug??? It's so important for me my Doug, I hope that you will understand me, because I love you and I don't want that you Doug write with other women. I want to say to you that I don't write with any other men except for you my Doug. I don't want an other man, because I love you, Doug! But more of all I don't want that any other woman will try to steal you from me my love Doug!!! I say you about it very seriously my Doug! It will so pity for me if you are having or writing with an other woman my dear Doug, and deceive me in our relations, please, say me, Doug, do you write with an other women? We must trust each other in this, ok my darling? Of courses, my darling may be you will ask me about my job when I will far from Russia. Of course, I will miss my job, about my work collegues, yes, I will miss about their, but you can see that I gave back all personal time to my job, I don't have a free time never there. I think that if I found my love and my future man, I must change my personal life in the party you my dear Doug, because I am a woman and I must have my family life as an other womans do it. Realy my Doug? I think that my collegues in our bar will miss me too, but we willn't forget about each other too, I will can to send emails from your country them too. My dear, how you see on this? I want to say to you that I miss you very much, and I want to say to you that you became on the first plan in my life than my work my Doug. I love you Doug and I cann't without you my darling, and I decided that I must near with you my Doug. It's so necessary for me my Doug. I so love you Doug! By the way I will try to learn my dear about the necessary documents for my future coming to you my Doug, as I know from my girlfriend Frank, I will need in the foreign passport and visa too, I will try learn about it Doug in near future time my Doug. My darling, I hope that you have a great desire of our meeting my love Doug. I so want it my love, I love you and I miss you badly Doug. I will wait for your mutual warmth emails, Doug. As usual, warmth greetings from my girlfriend Natasha, Frank and my family to you. All my warmth kisses, Warmth hugs, Your lady, Ekaterina. WARNING! The
photos used belong to an innocent person. Elena (Ekaterinburg Russia) Letters: Hello Craig You know it is not usual for me to write a letter using the e-mail. In fact short time ago i have heard that it is possible to seek for the mate in the internet and i have decided - Why not? If the other woman can make it, i can make it too. I'll not bored you with the stories of my past relationship. It is always hard to recall a bad past from your mind it will just make me sad, i hope that you will not want to make me sad. So lets go further... just don't know what to write, may be i have to tell you why am i seeking for the mate in the internet... just because i have tired of seeking it in the real life here in Russia. Russian males have their own strange psychology, they are think that woman is their own. They don't want to be a friend and understand a woman, they just want woman to be a slave and seeing themselves as a master. Ohhh you can think that i'm a feminist, i have to say no... i'm not. I just want for my man will be the best time, lover and the life supporter in one time. So can i ask you what is the reason that you are seeking for your mate in the internet? May be you have some special reason. And please tell me what do you want to get from that seeking. I want to find the man of my life, he not have to be a model or ,like many girls want him to see, prince on the white steed. He just have to be the good kind man, who will love me and only me, who will understand me. Who will matter what i have in my mind and soul, who will want not only the sex. Who know the meaning of words "romantic", "love", "tender". I'll finish now, i know that it is little bit making tired to read a long letters. Hope that my letter is not so sad as i see it, of course it better to make it more fun, but at this moment i wanted to write that things. Waiting for your answer and hope that i'll receive it soon. Elena Hello again Craig I'm glad that you wrote me back. In this case i see that you interested in me and my words. I have not introduced myself in my previous letter. It will not be bad if i'll make it now. So as you know my name is Elena, i'm 25 years old, my birthday is at the 19 of May, i'm Taurus. I'm from Russia and my hometown name is Ekaterinburg. It will be just great if you have heard something about it, but i don't think so. I was born here and grown up, i'm living in this city for all my life. And i still live here... I'm working as manager in the hairdressing saloon, you know i'm writing down at what time client want to come and many other things, writing down booking of the current hairdresser for the current time. Not bad work and also not good enough, but i like it. Of course salary is not very big, but i'm optimist and trying to look to the future life with the smile on my face. I live with my parents, they are supporting me and love me very much as i do. I think that i can call my family is very strong and loving. I have a younger sister, her name is Tatyana, she is my best friend. When we have something inside us, which is making us sad she is a person whom i can tell all about it. With this letter i'll send you the picture where both of us. Ohhh almost forgot to tell you that i don't have computer at home and it will be not possible for me to write you at any time when i'll want it. Hope that it is not a problem. I'm using friends computer and i have to use computer only at the time when she is at home. No i do not have a MSN messenger on this computer. I think that i need to finish now this letter, please if you have any questions feel free to ask them, i'll try to give you an answer on all of them. Best wishes, Elena Hi Craig Thank you for the letter at first, i'm really glad that you wrote me. Hope that you are fine there. I was not seeking exactly for the English man that was the site that i have found using the Altavista system and i have crated my profile and it was a UK site. May be it will be interesting for you to know about my likes and dislikes and may be you will find that you have something same with me. My likes and dislikes are many and varied. I dislike being taken for granted, as too many times I have helped someone with something and in return been declined on one of my requests because it did not suit the other person. I suppose that means I dislike selfish people. I dislike bullies, and vandalism, and people that litter the the roadsides and country. I can see many rubbish on the roadside and I hate seeing it. I am a fairly organized person, so prefer to live in a tidy and clean environment. I enjoy coming home having a good food and discussing the days affairs ( when I have company). If I have company I will do this as I cook which I enjoy. I like lighting, and always have dinners and soft lighting available. It is more relaxing. Spa pools are also a great form of relaxation, and I enjoy a sauna to cleanse the body every now and then. I like nice clothes, but also enjoy my favorite sweater which knit by my mummy ;) Also my love is music.. I cannot play a note, but I sing to myself some times ;), and the pleasure I get from listening is immense!! I have a vast array of music and styles, from pop music like Celin Dion to Country Music. In Russia I have complete collections of Beatles, Rolling Stones, some Russian Artists, Doors, John Lennon, etc. I have Pop, Blues, Rock, Electronic, and a lot more. During the winter I like to sit in front of a fire, with someone, and watch a good movie. Hope that you can understand something about my personality reading about my likes and dislikes. I'm sending you a picture, on i was 19 years old, looks very young, hope that you will like it. Waiting for your answer, Elena Hi Craig. Thank you very much for the letter, it is so great to receive it. I don't know why, but i'm really really glad to receive it. I found myself that when i'm visiting my friend every day now to check my mail. I feel that i want to see your letter there. It is very interesting feeling. I want to tell you about my imaginations and my opinions about the future, may be it will be bored for you to read it... but i think that it is important, don't you think so. You know i'm already 25 years old and i'm alone, it is hard to see like my friends marrying and living together with their husbands. I feel so lonely in that moments. I have tired to be alone. It is so great to have a best friend and husband in the one man. Who will understand you and will be laugh with you when you feel good and will tell something good when you feel bad, it is great to have a shoulder of the man who love you to put your head on it. So i want to create a future with my man, i want to create a family and be happy with him. Be together in all the life situations. I think that it is a normal human desire. Please tell me what do you think about it and how do you see your future. May be you have some special desires or may be you are dreaming about something special. So waiting for your letter and hope that i'll receive it soon, Your Elena |
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