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Larisa Mikakova (Tagil City Russia) I am a 45 year old single man from Omaha. I was contacted from Larisa via the I was just looking for a pen pal when the situation escalated. I was more curious of learning about Russian woman from the start. Larisa sent me 29 e-mails and did not request money until about the 20 e-mail. The pictures that she emailed me are attached. They? worked very hard for the $300 they took me for but thanks to the anti-scam book I was able to figure out the situation rather quickly after they got rather demanding. Now that I look back they did not even send the same pictures of the same person all the time. Hopefully this will help someone else from being scammed from these people. I knew I was scammed after this which influenced me to do a search on google for Russian woman and then I run across the anti-scam guide which I bought. After this I did buy the Russian Woman Anti Scam guide (probably the best $25 I spent that week) and it was so accurate that I was simply amazed. My curiosity put me in the situation that I was in. At the beginning I was just interested in a pen pal because I was curious as to what life was like in Russia. I am now better educated on Russia and have come to the conclusion that them folks do not have internet access as I do and what I was looking for was merely impossible. The purpose of this email is to help another curious person such as me and to speak highly of the Anti-Scam guide. Denny Letters: Hi, Denny! How are you? Probably, if you have guessed, this is Larisa :) I have wrote you by the dating site I'm very glad to get your answer, Denny! First of all, please let me apologize for the delay in my response to you, Denny. But it's o'key now, don't worry, and I want to say to you with the great pleasure that I'm happy so much that you have written me, believe me, Denny! Also, I'm hoping that my e-mail was so big surprise for you too, really? But most important, I would like to say to you that I have decided to write you through the Internet thanking to my best girlfriend Olga. My girlfriend Olga have met a good man through the Internet from Vancouver City, by the the Internet too. Her boyfriend is Jan. Olga and Jan are very happy together! I see that they are happy so much together, and I have decided to find a man from other country too, as Olga did it :) Possible, you can ask me, why I didn't find a Russian man? I will be very serious, I will answer to you, that I had a boyfriend from Russia from my City, I loved him very much, but he has thrown me in last time. He found an other girl, as I have understood. Also I have seen that he liked to drink an alcohol very very much, as many men in Russia do it, may be you know about it. I don't like this when men like to drink so much as my last boyfriend did it! I am non-drinking and non-smoking girl! Simply, I don't have a harmful habits! Also I want to say that on the words of my girlfriend Olga, the men from other countries, especially from Canada and USA, are very good, and they can to appreciate and to respect women as considerable men too. It's the opinion of Olga, and I want to agree with Olga completely. Olga has chosen her boyfriend Jan from Canada because she know English language a little. I can speak and write English language too, and I have decided to find the man from USA and I have decided to write you, Denny. Well, Denny, let me to tell to you about me more... As I said you earlier, I'm 30 years old, I am "Scorpion" on Zodiac, I was born on October, 21, 1974, if you can see I'll 31 y.o. soon :) And when you was born? What's an exact date of your Happy Birthday? Tell me, ok? I'm White Russian girl on nationality. On religion, I'm Christian (Russian Ortodox), and I believe in God Jesus. I have never been married and I don't have any kids, I am a single girl. I'm a sensitive, a kind-hearted, a thoughtful and easily amused. On opinion of my close friends and relatives, I'm a kind, jolly, clever and intelligent, purposeful, sociable. About my City where am I live? :) I would like to tell to you that I live in Tagil City here in Russia.Tagil is situated around 3000 kilometers from our Russian Capital Moscow City. The time zone of Tagil is GMT+5. Our City Tagil is one of the beautiful cities of Russia, I like my wonderful City very much. There are many beautiful streets, squares and other sights in our city. But it's so cold here, the frosts force the people to go on the streets in the warm clothes, and what about your weather? Is it for cold or warmly? Most of all I want to say to you that my favorite season is the summer! I like when the sun shine on the streets, it are many votes of birds, it's romantically so much. And do you like summer? :) Also I would like to tell to you about my education. I have studied in a Tagil Polytechnical University. I have ended the university in 1996. Also I want to say to you that I have learned the English Language when I have studied in the university, I can speak English without any problems, I think so... But I can see that I'm making many orthographic mistakes, I think so, I hope that you'll can to understand my English without any problems? Really, Denny? Please, tell me about this in your next e-mails, ok? Also I would like to tell to you that after the finishing of the university, I have gotten a diploma of a speciality "The Book Keeping And Audit". But unfortunately I didn't need my education yet, because here in Russia, as in many other countries, it's very difficult to find a good job on a good speciality. Now I'm working as a waiter in the bar. I like to work here in our bar, and our visitors are a good clients. Also I want to say to you, that I have an access to Internet by the computer which is situated in an cabinet of our boss here in our bar, because I don't have a computer in my home, and I have asked the sanction at our director for my using of the Internet, and he permitted me to use the computer in a free time from my job. Wowww, I have written so much! I didn't think that I can to write about myself so much, really. Probably, I'm finishing my e-mail to you. Denny, I'll be grateful so much, if you'll write me about yourself so much, as I did it. I would like, if you'll tell me, for example, about your family, is your family large? About your city where are you living, I have never been in other countries and in USA too, and I'll be glad to know about your country. Ok, let me to finish my e-mail, I hope to see your answer soon! I'm attaching my photo, I hope you will find my photo good. Ok, good bye, Denny, hoping to see your message soon! Take care, Sincerely, Your new russian friend, Larisa. P.S. Please, write your full name. Hi my friend Denny! I'm glad so much to receive your answer again! It's very interesting for me to read your messages, from them we are learning more about ourself, and I begin know more about you, Denny. My dear friend Denny, of course, may be you want learn about our correspondence, about correspondence's essence too, really? As I want to tell that I have decided to get acquainted through an Internet due of my girlfriend Olga , I have said you about this earlier. Denny, may be, possible, we will together in the future time, may be I would like to look our marriage too, if you will want this, I don't want to hide this so important fact, but we must to learn more things about each other more and more, it will reasonably and correctly, really, Denny? I hope that you will agree with me with this fact too. Please, tell me about this, ok? But in my opinion, again and again, we must learn about each other more and more, I repeat this! Please, agree with me, Denny. My dear friend Denny, I would like to tell you about my family. I want to say to you that I have a family too. This are my mom Nina, my daddy Pavel too. Our family are living without any conflicts too, we have a good understanding between our members of our family. Because, I think that my parents gave to me a good education. I think that it's so good and I'm so proud that I have my mom and my daddy. Also I want to say to you that I live with my family in one apartment. Also I want to tell that I have consulted with my parents about the account my acquaintances with you through the Internet, they have estimated it as positively because they care about my future life of course. My parents would want that I have a happy life, and would want that I will find my man. As I told you earlier, I have never been married. As already I spoke to you earlier, I work as a waiter in the bar here in Taqil City. It's a perfect and cosy bar. My job is very pleasant for me, people in our city are kind, and visitors of the cafe are not roughness to us, certainly there are cases when the visitors are not correct with us and spoil mood, but it happens very seldom. I'm very interested to learn about your work, Denny, and what do you do in free from work time? During our weekends, in my free time, we are with my girlfriends, also with Olga and Jan sometime, go for a walk to the city, we like to sit in cafe too for a cup of tea. I like my girlfriends very much, especially my best girlfriend Olga. She is as native sister for me! By the way I want to say to you that Olga works as a waiter in our bar. Also I want to say to you that Olga and Jan are living in Tagil City now. Olga have visited Jan to Canada at last time, Jan asked Olga to visit in Canada him after that when they have understood that they love each other. I remember, Olga was so happy in this time. They lived together during two month in Canada. And then they have came to Russia, to Tagil City too, simply, Olga said to Jan that she have missed about her parents, and that she want to visit on some time her parents, and they came to Tagil from Canada. They are very happy together, they love each other very much, I envy to Olga and Jan slightly :) and also, of course, we meet with each other sometimes and spend a lot of time together. We are so good friends! Also I want to say to you that I have never been outside of Russia, I have never been in USA and other countries, but I would like to travel at once, it's so romantical, I think :) Well, Denny, I must to finish my e-mail to you, I hope that we will continue to correspond with each other and you will tell me much more about yourself, and I will try to tell about myself as more as possible in future e-mails. I want to ask you about more things, Denny, and I hope that you will understand my questions and will answer me for them. I want to learn more about your country, please, tell me about your family, about your friends. A great hello to you from my parents, my friends Olga and Jan too. I hope to see your message soon. Bye-bye... GOD BLESS YOU, YOUR RUSSIAN FRIEND, LARISA Hi my dearest friend Denny! Denny, I was so happy to get your answer again and again, it was so good part of my day when I have saw your words in the computer. Denny, before my coming to manager's computer, I had a sad mood because the weather was very bad, it is very coldly. Also besides today, I had to serve a very bad client in our bar. He was very drink a vodka, and he all time prevented me to work. It was expressed in that he tried to embrace me and all time spoke me so various abusive words. Eventually our service of protection, police has expelled him from the bar, but my mood was awfully bad. And when I have saw your answer in the computer, my mood became so good. Denny, please, don't worry about this so bad case with this so bad client, ok? It's ok now. Dearest Denny, I see that we are interested in each other more and more, and I think that it's so good for us, because I have so good and liked friend as you, Denny. I'm so interested by you Denny, that my life became better than before an acquaintance with you, Denny, I feel it, really. You are so good friend, you can understand me as a good friend to good friend, and I think that it's important thing in the life. Denny, I see that you trust me, as I do it with a great pleasure to you, and I think that it's so good thing in our friendship, really, Denny? I hope that you understand me, Denny, that in my opinion, all people in the world must to understand each other in spiritual plan of a dialogue. Do you agree with me, Denny? Tell me about it, ok? By the way I want to say to you that believe in God very much, I believe in Jesus, I am a Christian woman as I said you earlier. I like to go to Church( Russian Ortodox), it's not far from our bar too. Our City's Church is a very beautiful place, there is a lot of an beautiful icons too, I like this. The priests sing beautiful songs and I like it very much. This so calms my soul when I have a bad mood too. But now, I want to say to you that your e-mails calms me too when I have a bad mood, I feel it, Denny. I want to say to you that some people of our work personal, here in our bar know that we with you write to each other by the Internet. They said me that it's so good for us, they ask me to say to you a friend hello and they, as me, want know more about your country, about your culture. My dear friend Denny, also I want to ask you your full name and your home address on any unforeseen case also. Please, send me it, okey? Denny, I would like to send you my home address too. As a matter of fact may be, possible, our director's computer will break in the any time, as director have warned me, and I think that it will be so pity that we willn't can to write to each other by emails during long time. But I think that God willn't admit it, because he know that we like to write to each other our e-mails as I feel it. Denny, I can send you a postmails or postcards by the usual mail service also. But you must know that will be better if you willn't send me a postmessages or other any parcel posts, for example by our city usual pochtamt. Denny, I want to say to you that it's so shame that we in Russia have a peoples or some mail organizations who like steal the postsendings of any peoples. I know many so shame, so bad cases about it from my girlfriends. It's the shame for this peoples and organizations, realy? I hope that in your country all ok with postorganization. Please, don't send me anything by the our city's pochtamt, I don't want that your postsending will stealed by any thieves! But I will give you my home address on any case. It's here: my home address is: 28 Artamonova 64 Tagil 394010 Russian Federation Please, write this datas on a paper on any cases, ok, Denny? On this note, I will finish my e-mail to you. Please, answer me soon, ok, Denny? I will wait for your messages, Denny. ALSO AS IT'S USUAL, 'HELLO' TO YOU FROM MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS OLGA AND JAN TO YOU Denny!! MY BEST WARMTH FRIENDS HUGS TO YOU! XOXOXO Sincerely, your dear friend, Larisa How do you do? I had wonderful ideas today about our meeting. I thought how you will meet me in airport. You stand with flowers in your hand and wait me. I am approaching to you and we are embracing each other very gentle. I am hearing your breath. My heart is beating very very strongly. It is seems that it will jump out of a breast now. There are fog in my head. I am understanding that all behind and we are together, my love. It is a huge happiness. I am not believing my happiness. O my God, is it happened really. I am feeling how my tears of happiness are flowing and I am whispering to you, my lovely, my Denny, my love. We are together. It is unlimited happiness. Then we are going home and you are showing me your house. We are having dinner together. It is the best day in my life. After day the night comes. It is the first night at us with you. Do you like fantasys? I like it. My Denny, it will be the best night in your life. I promise it. You will never forget this night. I sure in it. I wait this moment with huge impatience, my Denny. Do you want it? It is very fine ideas. When I think about it I am feeling the warmness in my heart. I love you, my Denny. I shall love you always. Do you want, that I have arrived to you in May. How many we should wait for our meeting? When do you want, that I have arrived to you? When we shall be together? We shall be happy together. I need only in you. You the man of my life. I love you, my Denny. Yours Larisa. How do you do? I had wonderful ideas today about our meeting. I thought how you will meet me in airport. You stand with flowers in your hand and wait me. I am approaching to you and we are embracing each other very gentle. I am hearing your breath. My heart is beating very very strongly. It is seems that it will jump out of a breast now. There are fog in my head. I am understanding that all behind and we are together, my love. It is a huge happiness. I am not believing my happiness. O my God, is it happened really. I am feeling how my tears of happiness are flowing and I am whispering to you, my lovely, my Denny, my love. We are together. It is unlimited happiness. Then we are going home and you are showing me your house. We are having dinner together. It is the best day in my life. After day the night comes. It is the first night at us with you. Do you like fantasys? I like it. My Denny, it will be the best night in your life. I promise it. You will never forget this night. I sure in it. I wait this moment with huge impatience, my Denny. Do you want it? It is very fine ideas. When I think about it I am feeling the warmness in my heart. I love you, my Denny. I shall love you always. Do you want, that I have arrived to you in May. How many we should wait for our meeting? When do you want, that I have arrived to you? When we shall be together? We shall be happy together. I need only in you. You the man of my life. I love you, my Denny. Yours Larisa. Hello my love, my darling Denny!!! My love, I received your answer on my last email, Denny!!! My dear! My love! My love Denny!!! I am cring from our happiness my dear, I can't believe that we will together soon my dear. I can't believe in it darling!!! I am so happy from your happy news my Denny. My love, I thought and I decided to go to Moscow for the registration of the necessary documents immediately!!! I want to be with you so much quickly, because I can't live without you, Denny! I have told about my immediate coming to you to my parents, to sisters and brother and Olga and Jan too! My parents agreed with me completely, they are so happy for us, Denny, so happy, and they approve our love so much my love Denny!!!!! And they wish us that we with you will together as soon, as possible, and quickly my dear, they are so happy for us my dear, they wish us a great happiness, Denny!!! Also I want to say to you that I will fly to Moscow tomorrow in evening, I will to collect all necessary things for me and I will leave from my job tomorrow in morning too. My dear Denny, also I want to say to you one so surprised thing for me, that Olga and Jan will go to Canada too, I have told you about it earlier. I was so surprised by this! Olga and Jan decided to go to Canada yesterday. Also it will so surprise for me my Denny, that Olga and Jan will go from Tagil to Moscow with me tomorrow on one airplane. But since other side when we will flied to Moscow,Olga and Jan willn't wait when my visa and passport will registrated, they will go to Canada at once. Olga don't want to work here in Tagil, Jan think too, and they have decided to go to Jan's Native Land too. By the way we with Olga and Jan will miss about each other very much my dear Denny, I promised them that we with you will visit them to Canada in the future, ok my Denny? I hope that you willn't against from it my love Denny. Also I promised about our visit with you to Tagil to my parents too of course, I said them that if we with you will have a free time, we will visit my parents with you. My mom and my dad have said me that I will must learn you Russian Language too :) my mom and dad so want to speak with you my darling, it is so pity that they don't understand an English. But by the way I want to say to you my dear Denny that you must learn me English too, I want to know English better my love, ok? My Denny, I so miss you, I can't wait a moment of our meet my darling, I can't wait my Denny, I hope that you wait it very much too my love Denny. Ok, on this note I will finish my message to you my darling, I will wait for your e-mails my dear Denny, and I think, that I will write my next message from Moscow City, I will write you from Local Internet Centre in Moscow City, Olga's aunt Marina said about it my Denny. Ok, I must go my love Denny, see you soon my Denny! I love you, my dear!!! With all my sweet kisses to you my dear Denny, Thinking about you Denny, Yours love, Larisa. Hello my love, my darling Denny!!! My love, I received your answer on my last email, Denny!!! My dear! My love! My love Denny!!! I am cring from our happiness my dear, I can't believe that we will together soon my dear. I can't believe in it darling!!! I am so happy from your happy news my Denny. My love, I thought and I decided to go to Moscow for the registration of the necessary documents immediately!!! I want to be with you so much quickly, because I can't live without you, Denny! I have told about my immediate coming to you to my parents, to sisters and brother and Olga and Jan too! My parents agreed with me completely, they are so happy for us, Denny, so happy, and they approve our love so much my love Denny!!!!! And they wish us that we with you will together as soon, as possible, and quickly my dear, they are so happy for us my dear, they wish us a great happiness, Denny!!! Also I want to say to you that I will fly to Moscow tomorrow in evening, I will to collect all necessary things for me and I will leave from my job tomorrow in morning too. My dear Denny, also I want to say to you one so surprised thing for me, that Olga and Jan will go to Canada too, I have told you about it earlier. I was so surprised by this! Olga and Jan decided to go to Canada yesterday. Also it will so surprise for me my Denny, that Olga and Jan will go from Tagil to Moscow with me tomorrow on one airplane. But since other side when we will flied to Moscow,Olga and Jan willn't wait when my visa and passport will registrated, they will go to Canada at once. Olga don't want to work here in Tagil, Jan think too, and they have decided to go to Jan's Native Land too. By the way we with Olga and Jan will miss about each other very much my dear Denny, I promised them that we with you will visit them to Canada in the future, ok my Denny? I hope that you willn't against from it my love Denny. Also I promised about our visit with you to Tagil to my parents too of course, I said them that if we with you will have a free time, we will visit my parents with you. My mom and my dad have said me that I will must learn you Russian Language too :) my mom and dad so want to speak with you my darling, it is so pity that they don't understand an English. But by the way I want to say to you my dear Denny that you must learn me English too, I want to know English better my love, ok? My Denny, I so miss you, I can't wait a moment of our meet my darling, I can't wait my Denny, I hope that you wait it very much too my love Denny. Ok, on this note I will finish my message to you my darling, I will wait for your e-mails my dear Denny, and I think, that I will write my next message from Moscow City, I will write you from Local Internet Centre in Moscow City, Olga's aunt Marina said about it my Denny. Ok, I must go my love Denny, see you soon my Denny! I love you, my dear!!! With all my sweet kisses to you my dear Denny, Thinking about you Denny, Yours love, Larisa. Hi my love, I do not know from what to begin to write to you, but at me very bad news, it not that that bad, they simply break my heart. I can not hold the tears on eyes and at me heart is poured by blood. I not many times was in Moscow, it is possible to tell, that I there in general in second time, I very badly know Moscow and when I to go in the underground, there there were very many people. Me pushed from different directions, it very much was not pleasant to me and at me the bag was in hands, but her didn't it was visible, when I to leave from the underground, I have seen, that my bag is open, I have thought, that like I would close her, why she is open, I look in it, and there, there is no at me is not present your money, my notebook, temporary sanction to be in Moscow, glory god at me passport have not stolen, I sat on bench and could not be set with place, I thought, how you is all to tell, you see it were such hopes on mine future, on our future, at me tear are poured river, I to run to militiaman and to tell all it, that has taken place, it me asks, you remember person of the man, which at you has stolen thing, but I can not recollect, there was very many people near to me, someone left, someone came, I do not know who at me has stolen everything, militiaman me speaks, as we shall search thief now, and I to cry and nothing can tell it me speaks, Then I can not by anything the help to you. you think, that I you to deceive, you certainly can so think, this your right, you have on this right, but know I always to trust to you and to love you, I knew, that you me too love and if you spoke the truth, please, if can do not think about me poorly, because I shall love always you. You probably will tell, there can not be such, that so simply have stolen things, if you do not trust, I do not know, as though we could with you live together, if you do not trust me, basically, to me it seems, that you now to see me and do not want, because all so has turned out, and I do not know, how I now shall go home, because at me anything is not present I hope, that will be the kind people and they help me, I do not know as all this to tell to the mum, because at it sick heart, and suddenly at it happen a heart attack with strong experience and frustration she can die, I do not know, how to say this all to my mum I'll be love you all my life. Excuse me. I know how to decide this problem. Please, don't worry. Excuse me, please. Your love Larisa. Olga Smirnova aka Olga Koryakovo
(Chernokolovo Russia) Letters: Hi my new friend! My name is Olga. I for the first time use this kind of dialogue and I apologize beforehand if I'll write something not correctly. I sincerely hope that my letter will become the pleasant message for you. If to be honest, I don't know what to write in this my message to you. Maybe I should explain what has forced me to write to you this letter? I am not sure if you are looking for the same that I am, but I hope! I am looking for partner in a life, who would fill my heart. Once upon a time, the loneliness has knocked on my door, and I have opened a door. And since then the loneliness lives in my home. The loneliness establishes own laws of life; the sunlight ceases to bring joy and shine and a life is filled with sadness and disappointment. I am looking for my second half to share simple pleasures and together take off from the soul weariness, a pain and sadness given birth by loneliness. I am looking for a friend first of all to go on road of a life together, rejoice to a rain together and together wait for arrival of a golden autumn. I don't know as far as really possible to find soulmate in such way. But I know that many people not been able to find happiness in the usual life, have found happiness in this way. I am happy where I'm. But my happiness is lifeless because I couldn't find here such man who will "bring a spring" into my heart! And I have decided to make this courageous step. And I ask you, if you are not serious, please don't answer me because I write in all sincerity. But I will wait for your answer all the same. I'll share with you my picture. I apologize if my message has found you in a bad mood. My personal e-mail address: Hi Michael! I am frankly glad that again I have a possibility to write you. Thanks for your letter. I really waited your letter and I was glad to receive it. How is your mood? I hope my letters and reasons don't irritate you. Thanks for new picture. I already spoke, that you a handsome man. Your new picture confirms my words. You really very charming and attractive a man and to look at you is very pleasant. Many thanks for your compliments. You speak about my beauty. But I completely usual woman. In Russia the majority of women have pleasant appearance. But appearance not the main thing. And I never counted my appearance the strong weapon. But I am really grateful to you for your words because in Russia the beauty and appearance are not appreciated. And I am usual woman, like millions others woman's. You say too beautifully about me. I am not sure that I am worthy of such words. I am really the simplest woman. You describe an angel! And I have not got used to hear so many beautiful words about me. Probably you flatter me. But your flattery is pleasant for me. Thanks for your words. I never heard such soft words about me. Thanks! For me today is a sad day. I am afraid that if I will start to tell, I will spoil your mood. Maybe I should tell only cheerful things? Though, I really want to exempt my soul, because every year today wafts to me memoirs about one of the worst days in my life. All the same I think that I should tell. Since I want you to get to know me completely, I am obliged to tell you about my family. I think you should know that now all my family is only I one. It's really so because I have never seen my grandfather and grandmother, I was the only one child in our family, and my family was - mom, dad and I. My mom died when I was 21 years old. At that time we lived in the Saratov Area, near the city of Saratov in settlement of Sosnovka. Three years before death, mom was knocked down by a car with the drunk driver and she was paralyzed. She spent three years in the wheelchair. I and daddy took care of her and we did all to make her life easier and joyful. Practically all my free time I spent near mom. She was ashamed of her helplessness. When she has died I was alone at home. Father was away. I remember how I put my hand on her pulse, it got dark in my eyes and my feet didn't obey me. I couldn't imagine that we will live without mom. All what I did in my life, I did for her. Daddy at this time was far from home - he worked in the train. He has come back only in two days. After mom has died, daddy started to drink often and has lost work. After that he began to drink every day. He loved me very much, but his alcoholic dependence was much stronger than his love. I have been compelled to study and work simultaneously to support myself and father. From time to time dad stopped to drink and even found some works. But soon he again started to drink and I couldn't stop him. Five years back my best friend Natalia has left to live in Chernokolovo to her grandmother. She is my best friend, and she has suggested me to leave Sosnovka and to move to Chernokolovo. I have considered it and have decided that it really can help my dad. He could not stop to drink because here there were his friends with which he got drunk. I have told him, that I leave from Sosnovka in Chernokolovo where Natalia lives. I have told that if he will not go with me, I will go to Chernokolovo without him. I knew that he can't be without me. In short, sis years ago we have sold our apartment in Sosnovka and have moved in Chernokolovo. Here father has found work and worked at railway station in Krasnodar. But three years ago he again started to drink and has died of heart attack. It was new shock for me. Though father got drunk, he very much loved me and always spoke that he dreams to see me in a wedding dress. Now I appreciate the difficulties of that time in a different way. My parents dreamt to bring me up as honest and decent lady. And I tried to do everything to be worthy daughter, to be worthy of their love. And I hope I became such lady as my parents wanted to see me. Forgive me that I have told you about this so in detail. But I say about my parents very seldom. But when I say about them I can't do it in couple words. Forgive me. I decided to share my recollections with you as with a friend, because I did not speak about it with anybody for a long time. Please, forgive me. But I have decided to share all what in my soul. My father has died this day, that's why this day I always talk about him. I will stop on the cheerful note. I send you a picture of dad and me (I'm 25 years old). Other my picture is new and has been taken in the autumn. I have to finish. How you spend your days off, Michael? Do you like to spend time on the nature? Are you romantic man, Michael? Sincerely and with best regards. Your friend Olga. Hi Michael! I hope you are OK. I have not heard from you in some days. I write simply to find out if you alright? I hope you simply have no time. I hope I have not offended you in any way? I really wait your letter. If you OK, please write to me even some words because I am constantly looking for your letter, but it is not present. I really miss your letters. Maybe I has told something wrong? If so, forgive me please. I do not want to offend you. I really wait your letters. If it is the end and you any more do not want to write to me, please tell to me about it. If I have disappointed you, I will understand. I know that you can have the important affairs and have no time to write to me the letter. I simply ask if you will find some minutes, please write me. I will be very grateful to you even if you will say to me that you will not write any more to me. I will understand you. But now I am looking for your letter, but there is not answer from you. I hope I have not told any nonsense. I really wait your letters because they became a part of my day and my life. I hope I do not say anything superfluous. I simply miss you, my friend. Sincerely and with expectation of the letter from you. Olga. Hi my Michael! Thanks for your letter. Today I write my letter with special mood |
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