(Ekaterinburg, Russian Republic)
I am a single man 44 years old and all of this originated purportedly from a search of
emode.dom. Fortunately, I found your site before sending any $$ - so
thank you! Read all messages for contact information of scammer, mailing addresses and pictures are attached. All letters are much like (if not exactly like)
Iradia/Iridina, Irkutsk, Russia. Michael.D.
Hello, Michael! How are you doing? Thank you for your answer on my last e-mail so much, Michael. In my opinion, it's so wonderfully, that we are writing to each other, because from our messages we learn about each other more and more, really, Michael? I'm interested in our correspondence very much, it's very interesting to learn about you, about your life in your country, believe me, as a whole, I read your letters with a huge pleasure! Michael, I hope that it will be interesting for you to learn about my
enthusiasmes, my favourite things as a whole :) From music??? :) I like to listen the russian and foreign musical executors. From Russian musical executors I like to listen the songs of the following groups
'Zemfira', 'Splin', 'Ariya', 'BI-2', and so on. Did you heared about this musical groups? Ok, from the foreign executors I like to listen 'Bon
Jovi', 'U2', 'Cranberries', 'Scorpions','Elton John', and so on... In general, I like to listen good and modern music, Michael, and what kind of music do you like? It would be interesting to me to learn about it. Please, tell me, ok? From movies? I like to look the comedies, fantastic films, romanticism and so on. But very huge impressions have left to me the films 'The Lord Of Rings', 'Harry Potter'. I hope what you looked these films? But especial impression was for me as the film 'The
Braweheart' by an actor Mel Gibson, where the war between England and Scotland is described. This film has liked to me by that this film show the natural spirit of the love, the love to a Native Land! I consider, that it's very important qualities, which should have all people on the world! Really? Michael, I hope that you looked this film too, and that you had a magnificent impressions from a viewing of this film. Mel Gibson has played his role as a talented actor on my opinion! I liked to look the film 'Cruel Intentions', on my opinion, it's very sensual and instructive film for all youth. Aslo from comedies I liked the film 'Me, Myself And Irene' by the comic actor Jim Carrey :) I hope that you looked this so ridiculous film :) From a fantasy, I liked film 'Planet Of The Apes', it's a very entertainment film in my opinion'. Also I want to tell to you, that I like to read the books, especially the literature of the domestic writers: Tolstoy,
Chehov, Pushkin, and so on. But I was in huge delight from a reading of th book S. King 'The Dark Tower', in my opinion, it's very interesting book, where the main hero Roland is a purposeful man, he goes to the purpose, to a dark tower, and I like the quality of Roland is the purposefulness! I consider, that this one of the important qualities of any man. I hope what you will agree with me, really, Michael? About food? Ok, from the favourite food dishes, I want to allocate a fried potatoes, various kind of the soups, also I like a meat too, I don't want to hide it from you:) I like the fish and chicken very much, do you like the chicken? It's so tasty, really? Also I like a pizza very much. It's very tasty too, I like pizza with a cheese. I would like to say you that I like a fruit and vegetables, especially, an apple lemon, orange, banana, tomatoes, cucumbers and so on, there are many kinds of vitamins. Michael, do you like to cook? I cook not bad as my family and the friends said me at once :) Also about my favorite kind of sports, I like to sport very much, do you like it? In winter I like to ski, it's cool to be on the fresh air. Also I like to play on volley too. But most of all I like to aerobic, we are with my girlfriend Natasha engaged by the aerobic in the free time, on my opinion, this kind of sport helps to support my body in the good form. Also I would like to say to you that I like to dance ball dances:) Have you ever danced the ball dance with any girl? :) It's so attractive and beautifully, really, Michael? I'm sure, that you would like to dance the ball dancing with me at once? :) It will be wonderful! Probably, in the future, we will dance the ball dancing with you, it would be cool! Really? :) About my
hobbie? I like to collect various beautiful female magazines, about a style, about female life for example and so on. For a small period of the time, I have a large collection of different magazines. Simply, I like to read the best magazines. I would like to tell you about my dreams too. I'm dreaming to drive a car in the future, it would be so cool and interesting. But I want to tell, that our family don't have the car, it's very expensive to buy the car, but our father has told that probably, through one year, he will can to buy the car and I'll can to learn how to drive the car:) Michael, would you like to learn me how drive a car at once? :) It will be kindly since your side:) By the way, my parents and friends ask about you all time:) Especially my parents, I have told to my parents, that you are decent and good man, my parents are very pleased to our Ńorrespondence on the Internet and our relations, Michael. My parents approve our relations and wish to us a good relations in the future, and it's possible, in the future, if we will be together in your country, they would want that we will be a magnificent pair too:) But remember, Michael! We should learn each other ever more and more! Really...? It's very important for me, Michael! The fact in that, if you know, that on the statistics, majority of a pairs are separated because they knew each other not enough, and I don't want to do a mistake at once, I hope that you will can to understand me, Michael, really? As I spoke you earlier, we must to learn about each other more and more from our e-mails. Dear Michael!!! Also I want to tell you, that I would like to speak with you by the phone at once, I hope, that it's a good idea, really, Michael? I want to hear your voice, Michael, I hope that you want to hear my voice too. But unfortunately, I don't have the telephone in our apartment, because it's very expensive to establish the telephone now in this time in Ekaterinburg City, but it will be possible, that may be through some months we will have the telephone.Also I have asked to use the telephone at my friends, and Oxana and Gunter too, but all of them doesn't have the phone too, it's the difficult situation with the phone. From this, I have thought and I have come to the conclusion, I will can to call to you from the Ekaterinburg City Telegraph, it's the best variant, Michael!My friend I want to tell a thank for your photo. You the nice man. I think if I shall go on your horse she will not throw off me from a saddle:) Dearest Michael, you can give to me the number of your phone, I can call to you from the City's Telegraph, please give me your phone number, ok? I have a huge desire to hear your voice, Michael, I hope that you want to hear my voice too. Please, send me your phone number in your next e-mail, ok??? Please, don't forget, Michael! Michael, I can't believe, I have written to you such large e-mail. I hope, that it will be interesting to read about me more. Really? Michael, I would be grateful to you, if you will write to me in your next e-mail about your
enthusiasmes, about your hobbies, what kind of music do you prefer? What kind of movies and another too? What is your favorite color too??? My favorite color is blue, it calms so much. By the way, my parents, my sisters amd my friends ask me again to say to you a great greetings from them! It's as
usual.Michael, I will wait for your next e-mails! Michael, please, write me as soon as possible! Ok? Good-bye, see you soon Michael! My best regards to you, your friend,
Hi my dearest friend Michael! Michael, I was so happy to get your answer again and again, it was so good part of my day when I have saw your words in the computer. Michael, before my coming to computer, I had a sad mood because the weather was bad, not so warmly. It is around +13 +15 degrees C of air without sunshine. Today there was a very heavy day at work. I carried out operation at one of my patients. During this operation happened so the patient was close to death. It is a very stressful situation. But fortunately all has passed well. The patient though in coma, but his life that does not threaten.It's ok now. Dearest Michael, I see that we are interested in each other more and more, and I think that it's so good for us, because I have so good and liked friend as you, Michael. I'm so interested by you Michael, that my life became better than before an acquaintance with you, Michael, I feel it, really. You are so good friend, you can understand me as a good friend to good friend, and I think that it's important thing in the life. Michael, I see that you trust me, as I do it with a great pleasure to you, and I think that it's so good thing in our friendship, really, Michael? I hope that you understand me, Michael, that in my opinion, all people in the world must to understand each other in spiritual plan of a dialogue. Do you agree with me, Michael? Tell me about it, ok?Besides I want to inform you my parameters. My growth about 5 '8'. My weight 58kg. By the way I want to say to you that believe in God very much, I believe in Jesus, I am a Christian woman as I said you earlier. I like to go to Church( Russian
Ortodox). Our City's Church is a very beautiful place, there is a lot of an beautiful icons too, I like this. The priests sing beautiful songs and I like it very much. This so calms my soul when I have a bad mood too. But now, I want to say to you that your e-mails calms me too when I have a bad mood, I feel it, Michael. I want to say to you that some people of our work personal, here in our hospital know that we with you write to each other by the Internet. They said me that it's so good for us, they ask me to say to you a friend hello and they, as me, want know more about your country, about your culture. My dear friend Michael, also I want to ask you your full name and your home address on any unforeseen case also. Please, send me it,
okey? Michael, I would like to send you my home address too. As a matter of fact may be, possible, our main doctor's computer will break in the any time, as main doctor have warned me, and I think that it will be so pity that we willn't can to write to each other by emails during long time. But I think that God willn't admit it, because he know that we like to write to each other our e-mails as I feel it. Michael, I can send you a postmails or postcards by the usual mail service also. But you must know that will be better if you willn't send me a postmessages or other any parcel posts, for example by our city usual
pochtamt. Michael, I want to say to you that it's so shame that we in Russia have a peoples or some mail organizations who like steal the postsendings of any peoples. I know many so shame, so bad cases about it from my girlfriends. It's the shame for this peoples and organizations,
realy? I hope that in your country all ok with postorganization. Please, don't send me anything by the our city's
pochtamt, I don't want that your postsending will stealed by any thieves! But I will give you my home address and my full name on any case. It's here: My full name is Anastasiya
Kilichenko, and my home address is: 67 Malysheva, 4 Ekaterinburg, 620000. Please, write this datas on a paper on any cases, ok, Michael? On his note, I will finish my e-mail to you. Please, answer me soon, ok, Michael? I will wait for your messages, Michael. ALSO AS IT'S USUAL, 'HELLO' TO YOU FROM MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS OXANA AND GUNTER TO YOU Michael!! MY BEST WARMTH FRIENDS HUGS TO YOU! XOXOXO Sincerely, your dear friend, Anastasiya.
Hi dearest Michael! I have gotten your answer as usual, and I was so happy from your words again! Michael, I want to say to you that your messages became an important part of me and my life, your e-mails help me live, I don't have boring mood in general, but it there comes when is bad weather in the street when it's coldly. But when I receive your warm messages, I forget about bad mood at once, I have a smile on my face and magnificent mood from your e-mails. I can't without your messages now, Michael. You can see that I write to you so long inform e-mails about myself, because I want that we know about ourself very much. I thought that it's so imortant for us Michael, realy Michael? By the way today in the street there is a strong frost, as all sky has tightened by clouds, wind, I to not love such weather, when there is a frost. But not looking on it, I very much love summer! I love summer, because in this season I have a vacation from my work. I like to spend this vacation with my family and with my friends too. Basically, in vacation I like to go to camping too in the wood, which is situated around near Ekaterinburg City. Michael, I hope that you know that our russian woods are so beautiful, I hope in America too. There are the pines and beautiful russian birches basically in our woods. Also through this wood proceeds the small river, this place is so real romanticism, believe me Michael! We are with my family, my dad, my mom, and my sisters pack a backpacks, we take a large tent, we take a necessary foodstuff, and we are together with my family go to camping. I like this very much, Michael. Especially, I like to be near this small river too, my dad like to fish very much, I'm not fisher :) But, once I have tried to fish, and I have catched a small carp too :) I was so surprised by this, and what about you? Do you like to fish? :) Also do you know, Michael, that the food which is prepared on a nature more better than the food in home? It's a fish soup basically. Also we eat fish canned food. It's the sprat in a tomato sauce. It's so tasty to eat on nature. In total, I like camping very much, Michael, and how you spend your vacation? Tell me, ok? It will be interesting for me. Dear Michael, also my friends in our hospital are asking me about you very much all time :) I tell them that you are very good man, also I want to say to you that some my girlfriends envy me slightly because I found so good man as you by the Internet. But I don't address on their envy of any my attention. Also my collegues from my job asked me about that did you sent me any gifts. I answered them that it's not nessesary for me. The main gifts from you to me are your warm messages and you, Michael! Also if your remember, Michael, I said you in my last message about that it's not necessary to send me any parcels by the usual pochtamt services and any others Post Services. I have said to Oxana and Gunter about larceny of postmails and others sendings about that some my friends said me. Gunter was agree with me too that it willn't nessesary to send any things by the Post Services. The fact in that when Gunter and Oxana have got acquainted, Gunter decided to send to Oxana a nice gifts to Ekaterinburg by any Federal Express Service. This gifts were a beautiful flowers and nice woman white dress for
Oxana. When Gunter sent it to Oxana, Oxana didn't receive this so nice gift from Gunter. The gifts were lost by this Service for the not clear reasons. It was so pity for Gunter, and, is especially for
Oxana. She cried very much from this to a mountain. Gunter wanted to submit to court on this Service, but Oxana reconvinced Gunter to not submit to court on this Service. So this beautiful gifts was lost without a trace, Michael. From this my dear Michael, please, don't send me anything by the any Post Services, ok? I don't want that will happen as it was happen with Gunter and
Oxana. Also Oxana and Gunter want that if we with you will be together, that we will visit them. Michael, they will leave Russia through some time, they will come to Gunter's Native Land to Germany. Gunter said to Oxana that he don't want to live in Russia, because he likes his native Germany more than Russia, Oxana want to live in Germany too as she said me, also I will miss about them. Also they see that we have a good relation with you and they wish us that we will together soon and that I will come to you in USA, and we will live together as Oxana and Gunter are living together. I want to say to you, Michael, that I will think about you more and more, possible, about my coming to you Michael, I feel that our relations are more than friendship, realy Michael??? I feel it by my heart and soul, because I can't without your e-mails now. Well, Michael, on this I'm finishing my message to you, as usual a warmth greetings from my family to you, and from Gunter and Oxana too, Michael! I'm waiting for your e-mails as soon, as possible!!! Thinking about you, Michael, My warmth kisses,
Hello my dearest Michael! I want to say to you that as usual and usual, I'm happy so much from your answer on my last e-mail my Michael!!! I think about you my Michael all days. I so wait for your warm messages for me Michael, I want to say to you that now I cann't without you and your so feelings emails my Michael. You e-mails are so important for me, it are a part of my life, it are a source of my pleasure to my life, I want to say to you that the occurrence of you Michael is a beterest part of my lonely life now, your messages give me a great happiness and pleasure in my life Michael. Believe me Michael, that I speak this my words with my sincere care to you Michael, with my respect for you Michael. Also I want to emphasize that I thought about our feelings to you my Michael, I have come to a conclusion that we are created for each other my Michael. In last night I didn't sleep well, I couldn't do it because I thought about us my Michael, about our acquaintance on Internet, about your warm messages, and in basically about you my Michael! I thought about all my Michael, I want to say to you that I cann't without you my Michael, I want to say to you that I have fallen in love in you my Michael, yes................Michael,........yes...... I love you my dearest Michael! My Michael, it has taken place so quickly and suddenly, I didn't to expect it my darling, it's so sensual for me my Michael, I cann't without you Michael. I LOVE YOU, DARLING! I feel to you the greatest feeling on ground, it's my love to you my dear Michael. From your messages Michael, I see that we aren't indifferent to each other Michael, I hope that you will agree with me my Michael, is it for true Michael? I hope that you feel to me such great feelings to me my Michael. Also in last night I was asked to God, I thank him that we found each other my Michael, I closed my eyes and have seen the God's presence. He saw on me and I saw on him, he said me that I will happiest woman, because I found you Michael, you are my future man Michael. Also in the eyes of God that he cried, I think that he is very happy for us my Michael. I cried too Michael, because it's so happiness for us that we can be together soon, that we can to have a normal family, I so want it my Michael, because I cann't to be one my Michael, the basic part of my girlfriends are married for a long time, they asked me all time before our acquaintance with you about that why I couldn't to find a man, on their questions I couldn't
answred, but I said them that I want it very much, but I cann't to begin any close feelings with any man because of my embarrassment. I am felling embarrassed girl, I said about you in my last e-mails my Michael. But I want to say to you that I feel about you not embarrassment my Michael, I feel to you all my love to you Michael! By the way I want to say to you that I said about my love feelings to my parents and my girlfriend Oxana and Gunter. My parents said me that they are very happy for us my darling Michael. In the eyes of my mom and my dad I saw a great happiness for me and for you together my Michael. They said that they hope that I did a right choice in my life and they hope that we will happy together my love Michael, also they said me that where we with you will live together. I answered them that I want to live with you in your country my darling, they asked me about that they will miss me very much, but since other side they understand that it will be better that we with you Michael will live in America because they understand that now in Russia is difficult live situation. They said you a their warm GREETINGS to you and they wish us, my Michael, our future family happiness and great mutual love my Michael. Also my girlfriend Oxana and her boyfriend Gunter said me that they guessed about that we with you will have a love feelings since our of acquaintance to you my Michael. They are very happy about us my dear Michael, they said that you will a good boyfriend for me my Michael, and I agreed with them on 100 per cent!!! Also Oxana and Gunter said you a hot friend HELLO and they will hope that we will together with you Michael. My darling, I am so happy for us my dear Michael. I want to say to you that I love you very much, my relatives and my friends are very happy for us very much. Also my dear Michael, I want ask you a main question, I think that it will so fairly since my side my darling. Do you have or do you write with any another women my Michael??? It's so important for me my Michael, I hope that you will understand me, because I love you and I don't want that you Michael write with other women. I want to say to you that I don't write with any other men except for you my Michael. I don't want an other man, because I love you, Michael! But more of all I don't want that any other woman will try to steal you from me my love Michael!!! I say you about it very seriously my Michael! It will so pity for me if you are having or writing with an other woman my dear Michael, and deceive me in our relations, please, say me, Michael, do you write with an other women? We must trust each other in this, ok my darling? Of courses, my darling may be you will ask me about my job when I will far from Russia. Of course, I will miss my job, about my work
collegues, yes, I will miss about their, but you can see that I gave back all personal time to my job, I don't have a free time never there. I think that if I found my love and my future man, I must change my personal life in the party you my dear Michael, because I am a woman and I must have my family life as an other womans do it. Realy my Michael? I think that my collegues in our hospital will miss me too, but we willn't forget about each other too, I will can to send emails from your country them too. My dear, how you see on this? I want to say to you that I miss you very much, and I want to say to you that you became on the first plan in my life than my work my Michael. I love you Michael and I can't without you my darling, and I decided that I must near with you my Michael. It's so necessary for me my Michael. I so love you Michael! By the way I will try to learn my dear about the necessary documents for my future coming to you my Michael, as I know from my girlfriend
Oxana, I will need in the foreign passport and visa too, I will try learn about it Michael in near future time my Michael. My darling, I hope that you have a great desire of our meeting my love Michael. I so want it my love, I love you and I miss you badly Michael. I will wait for your mutual warmth emails, Michael. As usual, warmth greetings from my girlfriend
Oxana, Gunter and my family to you. All my warmth kisses, Warmth hugs, Your lady,
Hi my iove Michael! July 18 as you probably know I had my Happy Birthday. We are me with Oxana and Gunter went in restaurant and had the modest rest. I thought of you. Also I imagined if you were near me.. It is very interesting how it would be looked? We have drunk the red vine a little, then had the dance. Then we have gone to me in my home and there we had long talking. Gunter has told me the same that I have thought! He has told it would be interesting if you were a near me.. I was surprised very much that he has told it. Because I have thought the same, but I has not told in the hearing..So..I hope to hear from you as soon as possible..With my huge desire I wait your message dear Michael! I love you Best regards, your love, Anastasiya
Hello my love man, my dearest Michael! From the very first lines of the letter I want to tell a thank for your warm congratulation me with birthday. How are you doing my Michael? I'm doing so fine, my honey! I have gotten you answer, my Michael, more as usual, it's so happy for me to receive your necessary love for me, your warmth words my dear Michael. My dearest Michael, I love you my Michael, I love you so much that I can't without you now my love, you and your messages are so necessary for me, you are the inseparable part of my life my love Michael. I say about it very seriously! Because you know how much I love you my darling Michael, I cann't without you my Michael! All days, all seconds I'm dreaming about our meeting my Michael, I cann't wait a moment when we will meet in your airport my love, I want it so much my darling! I'm a happiest woman in this world, because we have met each other, dearest Michael! My dear, I want to wish to all people to love each other very much, because I have tested this feeling with you my dear, it happen so quick my dear and through Internet, I want to say to you my dear, that all people, who want to find a love man or woman, this man or woman will find the love necessarily, I'm sure in this my dear Michael, because I found you my love through the Internet, and we love each other so much, and I know that our love is most dear feeling from other feelings that exists on this small light-blue planet. My dear Michael, I love you very much, I so miss you darling, I want to be with you my love man Michael! My love Michael, I want to say to you that my girlfriend Oxana tried to connect with her aunt Marina in Moscow to ask her about the all necessary information about my future coming to you my Michael, but I want to say to you that it was so pity for me that Oxana's aunt Marina wasn't on the place in this moment when Oxana rong to her aunt. But Oxana said me that she will try to ring to Marina to Moscow soon on nearest time! We are me and my parents sure that Oxana's aunt will give to us all information about my coming to you my love Michael. My dear, I cann't wait a time when we will together my dear, I miss you badly my darling! At last night I couldn't to sleep again my dear Michael, I thought about you and about us my dearest Michael! My love Michael, before my writing to you, in my mind came a liric thinking about you my darling. I have found an Internet one liric poem too, I want to say to you that I like this poem so much, I want to show my great love and missing about you in this poem, I hope that you will love this feel and soul poem for you my darling, is ---SO FAR AWAY---(by Steve Forsythe) SO FAR AWAY....., THE BEACHES OR FORESTS YOU WALK. YET SO CLOSE....., ALWAYS IN MY HEART. SO FAR AWAY, I CANNOT TOUCH YOUR HAND, I CANNOT FEEL YOUR BREATH, I CANNOT HOLD YOU CLOSE. YET SO CLOSE, I ! CAN FEEL YOU IN MY HEART, I CAN SEE YOU IN MY MIND, I HEAR YOU IN MY EARS. YOU CAN BE SO FAR AWAY, YOU CAN BE ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD. BUT AS LONG AS I KNOW OF YOUR LOVE...., AS LONG AS I HAVE YOUR DEVOTED EMAILS, YOU WILL ALWAYS BE CLOSE. FOR, AS SURE AS THE SUN RISES, AND THE TIDES WILL CHANGE, I WILL ALWAYS HAVE YOUR LOVE, AN YOU WILL ALWAYS BE CLOSE TO MY HEART. My love Michael, I hope you love this poem, it one that makes me think of you often my darling, this poem from my heart which fulled by our love to each other my Michael. I hope that you will can test this so love liric words. My darling, also again and again I want to say to you that my parents are very very happy for that we will together soon my dear Michael. My mom and my dad all time ask about you, and on their words I understand that they love you too, as their native son! My sisters Katya and Dasha ask me about you too :) Simply, my family understand completely that I have found my boyfriend as you dear, my love Michael. Also as usual and usual warmth greetings from my family to you, my dearest Michael! My Michael, also again I want to share with you my some problem in my job, it's again
Raisa, my colleague on work... :( I want to say to you that I heared from Raisa so bad words to my side again recently :( As you remember, as I told you earlier, Raisa think about our love very very bad! I think that simply she envies us very much, really, Michael? She said that all men promise to the women a happy life and love on a beautiful words, and she said that you are not exception :( She said me that you speak a beautiful words to me only, and that you willn't to undertake all of effort for our quick meeting and she said also that simply, all men are people who promise on words very much, but on the actions, as since sides of the gentleman, they are weak people. Also she said that you willn't do all things for our meeting my dear Michael, it was insulting for me from her words :( My dear Michael, I cried from her words very much, she said me a dirty lie!!!
Realy, my Michael? She think about all men very bad, I don't know, I don't understand!!! WHY? Why she think about men so bad? I think that she don't and willn't understand so happy feelings as the LOVE between woman and man! My Michael, I want to say to you that I don't want to work in our hospital, it's so pity for me, because from this so bad and silly
Raisa. I want to say to you that also Raisa is a distant relative of main doctor of our hospital, she adjusts our doctor against me some time. Raisa said to our doctor that he will forbid me to use the computer for my writing to you, she said that the computer is not for the love feelings, she said that the computer is for work needs only! When I heared it, I cried my dear Michael. Why Raisa is so bad to me and to us with you my darling? WHY? :( I don't understand it, my Michael! My darling, I want to say to you that I willn't can to go against Raisa because she is the relative of the doctor of our hospital, but by the way I want to say to you that I spoke with our main doctor Alexandr too. He said that I don't must to pay of attention on
Raisa, but since other side he cann't go against Raisa too because they are the relatives. But Alexandr said me that I can use the computer for my writing to you my dear Michael, because he is a good man and he said that he understand my love to you Michael and he said me that he have a good wife which he love very much and he told also about their love with his wife too, I thank our doctor Alexandr that he has solved me to use the computer that I can to write you my dear, but he repeat me that he cann't go against
Raisa, he said that, possible and I think it is true, that Raisa will render on me moral pressure, he said also that it will be better for me that, if I willn't work with
Raisa, I will can to leave my job. My darling, I don't want that Raisa offended me by her silly statements!!! I don't want to work with this so bad woman Raisa my darling, I don't want to hear her of the insult never! I want to say to you that my mom and my dad, and also Oxana and Gunter calmed me after Raisa's words. I cried on the shoulders of
Oxana. Gunter and Oxana said me that all will ok, because we with you love each other, and any Raisa willn't to prevent us when we will together with you my love Michael, they said also that it will be better that I will leave from my job and I will prepare to my coming to you my dear Michael, my parents and Oxana and Gunter said me that they are indignant by the bad words of
Raisa, is especial my dad. He don't want that her daughter as me willn't offend anybody. By the way my parents and Oxana and Gunter sure that you will a good husband for me, and also that you willn't offend me never, I said to my parents and Oxana and Gunter that you are not capable on bad things with me as do it
Raisa. My dear Michael, please, promise to me that you willn't offend me, please, promise me about it my dear, please, I trust you so much, and I don't want that you will break my heart at once! I love you so much my dear Michael, I so trust to your love feelings to me my darling, I cann't without you my Michael, I
cann't! I want to be with you for ever my Michael, I love you and I miss you badly, darling, I hope that we will find all our life forces for that we will together soon my love Michael. I love you and I miss you very much my Michael! Ok, on this note, let me finish my letter to you my Michael, I want to say to you that I will wait for you messages with a great pleasure. Ok, see you soon my love
Michael.Ok, again and again warmth greetings from my mother, my father, my sisters and Oxana with Gunter to you my dearest love man Michael!!! Thinking about you so much, Michael, My aspiration to be with you as soon as possible, Truly, your love
Hello my love man, my dearest Michael!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm really happy so much to receive your lovely answer again and again my darling!!! I love you, I cann't without you, dearest love Michael!!! I can't be apart from you, it's so hard! My Michael, you are my life, Michael, I want to hug you so much, to feel your warmth, to look into your kind and tender eyes, to feel myself happy and safe near you, dear. I'm sure everything will be well and the destiny will work for us and we will be happy together my Michael. I often think about us and try to imagine our life together. Sometimes I feel you so near and close to me. I even feel you on the distance. I feel when you are in a high spirit and when you are sad. I am happy when you are happy, my love Michael. I know that our hearts will together always, because our love is eternal, this great feeling connects the another people and us through a continents. My dear, my love Michael, as it seems, this feeling great love which includes a three basic feelings. These feelings are a trust, careful attitude to each other, and complete understanding to each other, sometimes even understanding without words,do you agree with me my darling? But not looking on that the love is very strong great feeling, it also is very fragile, realy my dear, because only one word or an not right action can destroy it and already anybody willn't can to restore this great feeling. Probably, you will think that a purpose of all my correspondence with you it's only desire to leave for USA. Believe me my love Michael, it's not so my love, the fact in that when I began to write to you, I couldn't believe what it is possible to fall in love through the Internet. I thank God and an Internet that we found each other in this so large world my darling. Only I have decided to try to do it and that from this it has turned out. We are me and you love each other very much and we should be together, because we can't withoiut each other my darling. I have learned much in the searches as we want to meet each other very much. Michael, my dearest love man!!! I have a good great happy news for us my darling Michael!!! My girlfriend Oxana have connected with her aunt Marina to Moscow at last. Marina has said to Oxana that she has learned how much cost a visa and a foreign passport too. Marina have called in embassy and there have said to her that it will be better for us with you, Michael, if I will have the visa of a tourist. This tourist visa B-2, the visitor visa will valid during six months. On this type of visa I'll can travel till USA without any restrictions. The price of this visa, as Marina was informed in embassy, is 110 US dollars. Besides the process of the registration of the visa costs 55 US dollars. By the way Oxana's aunt Marina as has taken an interest about other kinds of the visas too, as to her have said, that there is a set of kinds of the visas. For example, visa of a bride. Marina has thought that this visa of bride approaches to us, but her in Embassy have said that this visa costs more expensively and visa's registration costs a lot of money. It's around 650 dollars US and the registration of the visa will during seven months, it is very long and expensive! From it because the tourist visa B-2 is the betterest variant than visa of bride now for us my love Michael! My love Michael, I want to ask you one thing my Michael, I will need to ask your help with a financial charges for the getting all necessary documents for my coming to you, Michael. As probably, may be you know an economic situation in our country, simply it's awful, and at our hospital don't give the salary to work personal during a long time. Our government explains it to those that simply they don't have a money, it's a difficult financial situation, and they don't have a recourses on the salary for the any kind of the job in total. My dearest, my love Michael, I have a great desire to come to you, to see you at last and only recourses separate us from each another. I love you so much, honey, and I don't want to lose you. Nobody can help me with it. Of course, I asked my parents and friends Oxana and Gunter too to help me with this charges on the necessary documents for my coming, but my mother and father doesn't have such money though they would like to help us, Michael. My dearest Michael, in general I'll need for 350 US dollars. It's certainly large money, you probably have thought what is it more than the total price of the visa and visa's registration, but I will must to get the foreign passport too of course the price of which is 60 US dollars. Also I will need to pay for medical exams too, it will be 50 dollars. And of course I will need to pay for the coming from Ekaterinburg to Moscow City, I have learned about the price of the airplane ticket Ekaterinburg - Moscow, it will be 2100.00 russian rubles or it is around 75 US dollars. By the way Oxana's aunt Marina will try to find the cheaper prices of the air ticket for the fling to you. I want to ask you, Michael, what is the nearest airport (name of the airport) from your city? Also, please, tell me about the approximate price of the airplane ticket too, ok? Please, Marina will need this datas as she said to
Oxana. As Oxana said me, Marina will try to find a cheaper airticket! I so happy from this so happy news! But now, at first, my Michael, I will must to begin a process of the registration of all necessary documents, in total I will need 350 US dollars as I said, Michael. My dearest Michael, if you will send me this so necessary recourses for this documents, it will be better to do through a system of Western Union, I have interested about this at my friends Oxana with Gunter. Michael, I want to say to you that when Gunter asked Oxana to come to him in Germany, and he helped to Oxana with the necessary Oxana's charges for her coming, Gunter have sent the necessary recourses on the documents and airplane ticket to Oxana through the sistem of Western Union too. Gunter trust to this sistem Western Union, as Gunter have said me, Western Union is the beterest and fast transfer system in the world. Also my love Michael, as Gunter said me, you will need in some datas from me, you will need my full name, if you remember, Anastasiya
Kilichenko, also here is an address of the nearest bank where is situated the sistem of Western Union in Ekaterinburg: ALFA BANK, MALYSHEVA ST, 31D, EKATERINBURG, 620014, RUSSIA. My dearest Michael, I want to ask you, when you will sent this recourses 350 dollars, it will be necessary for me, that you must to send me an important information which required at a parcel of money. As Gunter said me, it is the control number which consist of 10 digits (Money Transfer Control
Number-MTCN). This number you will have in the receipt which work operator will give you. My dearest Michael, you will must to send me this so important data in e-mail. Without this data MTCN I willn't can to get the recourses which are necessary for my coming to you my dear Michael. My love Michael, I understand completely that it's a large money, but to me any more on whom I can to rely and on this I ask you about your help with this charges. My love Michael, we are me and you love each other very much and we will together, simply, I sure in it my darling Michael!!! I'm waiting and I'm dreaming for a moment of our meeting in your airport my Michael. I will cry in this moment, when I will leave from an air gangway and when I will see you my Michael, because it will from our happiness my dear Michael. I close my eyes and I am imagining about this so happy picture. My love, I dream as we will live together my darling, to go for a walk, keeping for our hands my love Michael. I want that you will show me your native land, a places where you like to go for a walk and where you like to spend a more of your time, also I want to get acquainted with your relatives and closest friends so much! I want to be with you very much, so much my love Michael! I love you Michael, and I miss you my dearest love Michael! My dear Michael, I want to say to you that I have spoke with my mom and dad, also with my sisters about us again and again, especially about my coming to you. I want to say to you that my family have so many happy smiles for us and they approve our close love feelings with you my Michael, they are so happy because we love each other very much, simply they have said me that we will happy with you and they wish us a large happiness together! They see my feelings and my happiness from our love with you, and they understand me that we with you can't without each other and wish us a great love in this time and our future life too! Simply great greetings from my family to you, Michael, please, accept the love from my parents, they love you as a relative son! Also hi from Oxana and Gunter to you too! I so thank Oxana and Gunter, because they are my closest friends and because thanking to them, especially to
Oxana, we have found each other, Michael. Well, my love Michael, let me to end my e-mail my dearest Michael, I'm waiting for your messages so much my love man Michael!!! I love you Michael, hugs and kisses, Truly, your love lady for
ever....Anastasiya. P.S.As I want to ask you what you has sent in the following letter the home address with the complete name. I very much would ask you that you have made it. Business in that that without your home address and complete name I can not receive funds. Please do it correctly.
  
Zobnina, a_k_a_ Larisa Mikakova (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
I am a 35 year old male, I was contacted through Yahoo personals by Elena Zobnina from Ekaterinburg. After further research, I found that she is also know as Larisa Mikakova, as stated in a report from june 2004. I did not get scammed for any money, but the attempt was made, fortunately I was able to figure it out from the first email, then played along for a while to gain a little experience in the proceedings. All events took place in one weeks time. What a shame, she was such a beautiful girl too. I see that someone else has the same form letters printed on the website already. Wow, her granny must knit a crap load of sweaters!
Irina Yunskaya (Kozmodemyansk, Russia)
I am a self-employed 42 year old white male from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the United States. I was contacted by Irina Yunskaya on June the 6th, 2004. She and I were members of free dating service and this is the service though which she contacted me first. Correspondance has apparently ended as of this the last week in July 2004. She had me send her $100.00 USD through western union because she needed money for internet cafe. Later she said she won a contest at her university for doing a good report and that she would be allowed to go with some professors to New York City, but that she did not have all the money and requested that I send around $800.00 USD to her western union (I sent $300.00 USD). She made one maybe two requests for money for internet cafe before I sent her money. She made about 4 to 5 requests for money for her university trip before I sent any. Below is the western union information for the first wire transfer: Money Control Transfer Number: 834-866-6498, Sender: Daniel, Receiver: Irina Yunskaya, Date Sent: July 2nd, 2004, Payout Location: Cheboksary, Russia, Amount Sent: $100.00, Test Question: None. Below is the western union information for the second wire transfer: Money Control Transfer Number: 220-809-7028. Sender: Daniel Receiver: Irina Yunskaya. Date Sent: July 19th, 2004. Payout Location: Cheboksary, Russia. Amount Sent: $300.00. Test Question: None. This is her address: Irina Yunskaya, Gagarin Street 12A-16, Republic Mari El, Kozmodemyansk, Russia, 425350. This is the address of the bank where she picked up the money I wired her: Bank of Moscow, Karla Marksa 26 Cheboksary, Russia. I did inform, but they said there was nothing they could do. Irina Yunskaya has since removed her profile from's web site. on her own. The end of the story is yet to be told...hopefully. Below is her initial letter (which was the very first letter of our corespondance) and I will also show you the letters concerning money. I do believe that the letters all speak for themselves. Bascically she leads up slowly before she asks for money. Very briefly, for instance, she said she didn't have money so she had to use a unreliable service, then she wrote less often, then she said universtity expenses were to high, and finally asked for money for internet cafe. The money is definately an issue, but the deception and lies are what bothers me the most. I do not want to see anyone else get fooled by here again. I was cautious, but she really did a good job at fooling me...she probably scams people regularly. Irina Yunskaya's e-mail address is
June 06, 2004
Hello, I don't know whever it's good for a single girl to write first to a man, but I decide to try their advanced search ability and found you and thought why not? Any way if I like your profile, should I write to you first or wait until you'll find my photo and maybe like it too. So I made a first step. We can chat sometimes, maybe we will become friends. You can right to my direct mail address, because I'm not usually respond to mails on my profile, because I always receive mails from perverts asking for nude photos and something like that there. Ok, my e-mail is (Jirina55)(@)(yandex)(.)(ru) (remove brackets :-)) write me in your free time. Sincerely, Irina.
Wed, 23 Jun 2004
Hello my dear Dan, I'm so happy to write you today. How are you Dan? Hope everything is fine? Sorry I wasn't able to write earlier, with all this expenditures I need to pay, I didn't have free money to spend on I-Cafe, no it seems to be easier because I borrow some little money from my parents, they are always helping me if I need some sum very urgently. Now my urgency is you. I was very busy today because I had exam on marketing today. You can congratulate me, because I get excellent mark. So I'll need to have a rest today to be able to start preparing my next exam on economics. You may notice that I'm using free e-mail service, it's not very reliable, but it's free and give us opportunity to talk to each other. The only problem of it is that it's too busy time after time, I mean that sometimes it's very hard for me to get letters from you, as operator at the I-Cafe said mail server could be busy because of hackers attacks or too much users online at the same time. Internet is so unstable. I'm also sorry if I miss something in your letters to me, I mean the questions I haven't answered. While reading you letters I have so much in my mind, I want to tell you a lot of things Dan, but my typing skill is far from perfect so my thoughts are running much faster than I can type them down for you. So I'm sorry if there is anything I forget to tell you about. :-) Remember I promise a surprise for you. I suppose you have already take a look at it. This photo was taken specially for you, hope you like it. I don't like the way I look, I'm so sleepy because of my exams. :-)))) And I'm not the great painter, so sorry for the quality, hope you still like my surprise for you. Ok, I need to finish this letter, because every minute here cost me 3 rubles. I don't know your financial situation, but if it's ok with you, so some little support from you would be very helpful to me. I'm really shy and confused to ask that, but otherwise I wouldn't be able to spend so much time at I-Cafe and write to you because I have so many debts to my parents and friends already. It's become late and our district is not the safest place in the world, so I better go home now before it becomes too dark. You are always in my mind Dan. Yours, Irina.
Fri, 25 Jun 2004
Subject: !!!Hello from Irina!!! Hello my dear Dan.How are you? You may congratulate me once again. Because I have passed Economics exam today with excellent mark. :-)))) It wasn't difficult at all, because professor allow me to choose only 1 question and skip calculating task. I answered 1st question on "Production assets and their structure" without 20 min preparation and get "5" it means "A". This happen because I get only best grades this semester and was best in our group. Lucky I am. :-))))))) I can't write long today because, I'm really low of money. All I have with me now is 10 rubles and I have no savings left already. I don't know if 100.00 USD is a great money to you, but if you can send me someway I would be really happy and would be able to pay for I-Cafe for a month in advance. Of course, I don't know your financial situation, may be you are full of debts by your own and have no savings your self, then I'll understand you. But now I need your support. Yours, Irina.
Mon, 28 Jun 2004
Subject: !!!Hello from Irina!!! I'm back. :-) We don't have WU at our little town, (I told you it's too provincial :-)), but I can visit Western Union at Cheboksary, it's Bank of Moscow at Karla Marksa, 26. This city is about 50 km from our town. I can ask Lena's boyfriend and he can give us a lift on his car to Cheboksary and back, so it won't be a problem. I don't know whether it will be good thing to take money from you, the man I just recently met, but if this is not a problem for you, I'll be happy to use this money to buy something like a gift from you to me, just like as you were close to me and buy it your self for me. :-)))) Or better I'll pay for the internet and I'll try to write you more!!! You asked me about my information and also they said too that you need my full name and address to wire the money. I hope that everything will well with it and I'll be able to pay for Internet without any problems... So here it is: Irina Yunskaya, Russia, republic Mari El, Koz'modem'yansk, 425350, Gagarin street 12A-16. Well, I got to go, I'll write you soon. Always thinking of you and missing you Dan. Yours, Irina.
Fri, 2 Jul 2004
Dear Dan, Hello! How are you??? I am well and I am glad to hear from you. Thanks that you will help me with my Internet expenses. I just speak with Lena and his boyfriend and they advised me to make a phone call to Western Union at Chebokary. I speak with WU manager and he told me to request full info on the transfer from you, because if I won't have something like your middle name or make a mistake in your address my trip to another city will be unsuccessful and I'll need to make another trip in the couple of days later, it's another 50 km both ways. So, please When you'll make a transfer, can you take a look at the transfer information and send it to me exactly as you fill their form. Copy form I'm listing below and paste it to your latter with gaps filled. First name(s): Last name: Address (Street, City, Province(Country), Postal Code): Telephone No.: Amount Expected: Money Transfer Control No. (if available): Test Question: Answer: Also you can check spelling of my name and address you filled, it must be Irina Yunskaya, Russia, republic Mari El, Kozmodemyansk, 425350, Gagarin street 12A-16. If everything is OK, after receiving your letter with full transfer information I'll make a trip to Cheboksary, being sure that everything will be Ok. So I'll try to come here after I'll visit Cheboksary and answer your letters. Ok?? So i wait for your reply!!! Missing you, Irina.
Mon, 5 Jul 2004
My dear Dan, How are you? Hope everything is fine. I'm here at the I-Cafe missing you as always. In weekend I have visited "Western Union" at Bank of Moscow in Cheboksary. I thought that it would be very long and difficult to get money you send, but as it appears, it was not at all. When I come to Western Union they give me a blank where I fill your and my name, addresses and so on. Then gave me couple of tea and all I need is too wait for a while and smile. After 5 minutes I get money and left them. I'm not used to feel this European class service by my self, I like being best client. :-) Yours, Irina.
Wed, 7 Jul 2004
Dear Dan. I also have good news too!!! Two tutors from our University are going to visit the USA at the end of July to take part at scientific conference on "The 2004 Employee Benefits Seminar: Designing Employee Benefits Programs to Reduce Costs, Retain Staff and Build Loyalty" and Dan, guess what? They are allowed to take 1 student of last courses with them. I'm the 5th year student and I'm best at my group at economy and maths, also I'm pretty good with the English language, so I have great chance to go with them to this conference. I'm going to talk about that with professor and ask if it's possible for me. Wish me good luck, because it can be a great opportunity for us to meet each other. Yours, Irina.
Sat, 10 Jul 2004
Hello my dearest Dan, I'm the happiest girl in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They said that my report was accepted and I'll go to New York soon. As soon as I knew this, I can't wait to tell you so you can be happy with me. So I will come together with 2 scientists from our University. Today our University sends all necessary documents to apply for the visa to the USA, I'm sure everything will go smoothly, because as I heard any country is glad to invite Russian "brains" to them with hope that they will stay. The only question remains is finances. Inviting side pays 50% of outlay for our professors and doctors, another 50% is paying from our University. As for the students, our University is ready to cover 50% also, but our selves should cover another 50%. What a surprise for me. :-( Can't they get to know that before we start this crazy report preparing, then I'll think should I start this or not. I saw trip expenses calculation and can tell you that the whole trip will cost 67500 rubles, it includes documents setting up, visa, insurance, train tickets to Moscow, air tickets to NYC both ways, living in the hotel for 10 days, from 23 July to 3 August, 2 meals a day + some little tourist program. Great sum right Dan? The University is ready to take 50%, it's 33750 rubles about 1171.8 USD. Looks like I'll need to find the rest by my own. Sad, it's a big money for me. I'm going to visit my parents and talk about that, may be they will be able to find or borrow money from somewhere. Ok, it's time for me to go already, I'll write you soon.
Wed, 14 Jul 2004
What about the seminar. Everything is fine and you know that recently my parents took a credit so I have a little money but it's not enough to come to you and I am not sure if they find the rest... Today at the University we have a meeting about future trip and chancellor of our University supply us with all necessary information on the trip. He asked me about money we need to find, I said that everything is difficult but I'll do it in time. I didn't tell him that I need to find the rest 23750 rubles it's about 824.6 US dollars and don't have any idea where I will take it, because they may cancel my documents preparing for the trip and take someone else instead of me, someone who will find money without any problem. Here is information on the trip I get, in case I'll go so you can plan your schedule to meet me someday while I'm in New York. 23 July at the evening we will take a train to Moscow from our town and we will arrive there in the morning next day. 24 July we will take a plane from Moscow , Sheremetjevo and arrive to New York . As I understand we are going to live in Pennsylvania hotel for 12 days, take part in the conference and then leave at 3 August. Yours, Irina.
16 Jul 2004
Dear Dan, Hello, I am here and I want to tell you the detail of my trip to you if of course it will happen. Why? We don't have much time now and I need to pay for my trip and it's a pity but I don't have such money as my parents took a credit already and nobody want to give me a loan here more. So now as you know I need near 825 usd. I see you can help me but you afraid that I can deceive you and of course it's a risk as we know how much different scams at the Internet. You asked me a lot of information and after I got your letter yesterday I came to the University. Here is all information I have. The hotel is other and it's WEST END STUDIOS hotel. I even know the address of the hotel and it's : 850 West End Avenue New York, Ny 10025. They didn't give me the phone number. So it's all information I have. What about our meeting. I asked our tutors and they said that the most important thing for me is my report at the conference and that I'll be completely free after I'll show it at the conference, so the day I'll show it is 25 July and after that I'll be completely free almost for a week. I think it will be wonderful to have all this time with you. Of course you should work and so on but just imagine all these nights and evenings together. I think it will be wonderful. I even prepared a surprise for you and I'll present it when we'll meet. Well enough all this romantic dreams. I want to tell you that I have a dead line when I need to pay for the trip. If I don't pay I'll not come to you and it will be the most bad day in my life. it will be terrible if I can't pay them. The dead line is 21 July and if I don't pay them they will not bring me with them. So now I think it's your decision about our meeting. Just remember that I do it just for you. I don't need all these conferences!!! I need you and I think about our future!!! Think about it too and I completely sure that you'll make a right decision and we'll meet each other and we'll have a most wonderful time in our lifes. please, write me as soon as possible as the don't have much time and need to solve all these problems fast. ok??? Hope to hear from you tomorrow. With Love, Irina.
18 Jul 2004
Hello dear Dan, You said about the sending the money. Yes. if you make a transfer tomorrow I'll get in next day and I'll pay them in time. As you'll wire me only 300 USD I think I'll try to borrow some from my boss at the cosmetics store so I was a good worker there so I think he will be able to give me the rest. Also if you can borrow some please try to do it as I think it will be easy for you!!! I miss you!!! I think about you!!! I dream about us!!! Waiting for your reply, Irina
19 Jul 2004
Dear Dan, Hello!!! I am glad to hear from you and I want to tell you that I got your letter this morning and immediately came to the boss to ask the money. He said ok and he gave me the money as he understand how you are important for me and that this meeting will be very important for us and our future!!! So all I need now is 300 USD and I really hope that I'll get in tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. I am sure that you'll make a transfer today so tomorrow I'll get the info about the transfer and will pay for my trip to you in time!!! I really think about it all the time now. Everything will well and we'll meet each other!!! Hope to hear from you soon!!! With Love, Irina.
20 Jul 2004
Dear Dan, I just returned from the Cheboksary and want to tell you that everything is well and I got your money. Tomorrow I am going to come to the University and pay for my trip to you. Sorry for a short letter but I will try to write you tomorrow when I'll pay for my trip to you. Now Lena and her friend are waiting for me as we are too tired now and I want to come home. I miss you, Irina.
   
(Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk region Russia)
Dear friend! First - forgive me my halting English. It is still long way for me to speak it well. I am a Russian woman very happily married to an American. It's been almost four years now, but we still act like newlyweds - show a lot of attention to each other, exchange little kisses and hugs, laugh a lot over little things. My husband keeps telling all his friends that they should marry only
"Russky", but I always stop him. First, I have met very many wonderful American women here, and second ( here comes the sad part) - Russian women are getting worse. We have been contacted by a man who was in correspondence with a woman from
Kopeisk, small town in Ural mountains. He just wanted to share his happiness of meeting a wonderful Russian woman who, he believed, was just right for him. He even forwarded one letter from her for us to read and to appreciate her as a person. She claimed to be an orphanage and to work for one. She wrote that she often spend her own money to help those poor kids. As soon as I read the letter I sensed that our friend was being scammed. The letter was long, but so
inpersonable. She would mention his name only ones, at the beginning, and than go on about her feelings towards him. Put somebody else's name at the greetings - and that person would believe that letter was written to him. She mentioned the "Sleepless in Seattle" movie as an example of how Love could ignited between two people who had never met before. But she didn't ask for money, that's why I didn't mention about my suspicions to our friend. He was so happy. But than shortly after that she asked him for $300 for a tourist Visa. She claimed to have gone to a Consulate in Chelyabinsk (there is none there, the closest one is
Yekaterinburg), and given advice to get a tourist Visa as an easiest one (that's a sheer lie. Any Consul would told her to start a process of Fiancee Visa.) Our friend found it suspicious too and ask me to clear the situation. I told him everything I know. He wanted to come to Russia to visit her and wrote her about that. Sure enough, he got a letter back stating that it wouldn't be wise of him to come to Russia ("too dangerous, especially for foreigners,") and a list of price for airplane tickets followed. It is a classical example of scam. And it is going on right now, today. Just out of respect to our friend I won't mention his name. But I would like to hear from somebody who may have fallen for the same lies. The name of a woman who was to pick up money at Western Union is LARISA
CHIGRINTSEVA, Kopeisk, Chelyabinsk region, Ggarina St., 12. She (or somebody else using her name) was writing from e-mail ending on I hope it will help somebody NOT to lose his money -and trust! - or clear her name.
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