agency (Lugansk, Ukraine)
I am a 36 year old man, and I found a woman through the marriage agency
Medeia in Lugansk. They provided the e-mail correspondence for about 3
months, until I decided to meet with the woman in Lugansk. I arranged to
meet this woman through the agency and showed up personally.
It was obviously a surprise for them that I showed up in person, nobody knew who I was or that I was coming, even if everything was prearranged. After explaining the situation that I was there to meet this specific woman, I was explained that this woman lived in another city, and could not be reached.
I was then offered to meet with another woman from their web-site. They had
about 30-40 women as clients which they sell correspondence with, but they told me that most of the women was not available or was engaged. As this puzzled me I decided to send them a little test. I sent a request from another e-mail account with a different picture and voila, the woman was suddenly available, not only that, she answered after a few hours :-)
To tell the truth I was offered on my last day of stay to meet with the women I had corresponded with originally, only after hassling them on the phone each day. But by then I had arranged another meeting with a different woman, and I had lost all faith in the agency, so I cancelled the meeting never knowing if it was the right woman.
When I got home to my country I confronted them with the truth, that they sell correspondence with unavailable or "non-existent" women, but they instead rudely dismissed me, telling me everything was my fault.
By the way, I also got a peek into the working office, 4 women employed by the agency writing constantly :-) I guess it's a thrifty business :-))
Later when I threatened to write my story to the blacklist, they sent me links to their happy couples section, like evidence of their success. Maybe it's true or not, I won't bet my money on it :-)
Fortunately I didn't lose any money because of this, even if they insisted that I send money I managed to postpone it, other men may not have been so lucky...
My conclusion is to NOT trust this agency, even if they seem sincere.
Taruta (Kherson, Ukraine)
I am a 38 years old Japanese man working for a high tech. Industry. I found this girl - Natalya Turuta in Anastasia in the beginning of May. Her profile ID in Anastasia is 25v-290. After I sent my photo and introduction by post, I kept on calling her. Her English was good and she said she has ever worked in Japan before as dancer. So we got used to each other quite well. The communication with her continued mainly by telephone.
Then I decided to visit Kiev to meet her. For the travel cost, I sent her 150 USD. I have the copy of western union transfer for $150 I sent for her. I waited for her in Kiev during August 27 to September 1, 2001. I have previously informed her of my hotel. She never show up. She has really crashed my heart. I trusted her because she was fluent in English and said she worked in my country before.
She is not an internet scam but she did not keep her promise with me.
Additionally, her intention to scam me was apparent coming to think of the fact now that although she said she sent me her letter and the photo, it has never arrived. Normally, any letter from Ukraine to Japan does arrive without fail. So now I know that she has just used the money I sent her for other purposes and that she did scam me.

Natalya Jitinkina
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
I can't believe I had my platinum card on the mouse pad, ready to send $440,
when I wanted to ensure correct spelling of Yoshcar-Ola. Thank God for
Yahoo search finding your site! As I read, I got more curious about these
scams. Wouldn't you know it, I found several verbatim letters sent to me too.
Then, I found her...or at least her name, with a younger photo. I'll attach three
that show her a bit older.
Natasha, as she has me call her, started getting very graphic in her mail,
suggesting we could sleep "absolutely naked" in the winter and still stay warm.
Sounds good, right? Then she asked for $440 for her visa through the "travel
company". She had me a bit suspicious when she said she would have her visa
in 10 days. I got real suspicious and didn't send any money at the first request,
because I had heard how difficult it is to acquire a visa at the US embassy.
But she is enticing!
It's amazing how she is able to prey on idiots like me...I suppose finding love
is like the sweepstakes scams...if she looks too good to be true, she probably
is. Luckily, finding this site has saved me, and it appears to be on a site which
may be hosting a reputable service. I'll definitely be checking a lot closer.
Anyway, I'll attach her three pictures. Oh, since she was so suggestive, I told
her there would be a one day delay in the transfer, so could she send me some
of those "absolutely naked" images of her to keep ME warm! I wonder if I'll
ever hear from her???
Once again, thank you for having this site. You saved me a lot. And in return
for your service, you'll probably receive some of those saved dollars. (Your
service will actually pay off for you!)
John 3339
Her letters:
Letter 1:
Hi my love John! I have sent you the letter with the information
yesterday. You to not receive it (it) ((him))? Well, I shall write to you once again. I to
study I (find (out) all concerning my arrival (achievement) in you my love. I -
necessary need (requirement) the visa and passport, and also document of
insurance and hospital. It costs (stands) 440 $ USA. I am written down on
reception in the transport company on Monday. I shall give back back
documents concerning registration. I shall require in by to Monday the next
week to pay my documents in embassy. You will send to me this sum of money
by Friday to this week? My documents will be registration in time 10
days. It is good? I have given you the address, on which you through
branch (branch) of bank Western Union should send to me money? I very much to
want as soon as possible to arrive in you my love. I to give you the address of
my bank where there is a system of remittances Western Union. Mine a
complete name Natalya Jitinkina. My home address. Russia, Republic
MARI-El, city YOSHCAR-OLA, street Petrova, house 32À an apartment 178. I give you the address of bank! Guta Bank,
Street Vashskaya 8, city Yoshkar-Ola. complete home address and airport, nearest (coming) to you
also is necessary for me your complete name. It is very important! I very much
to wait on your fast answer! Your future wife Natasha.
Letter 2
Hi my love John! That you to do(make) (do)((make)) last night. I to
want to know everything, that you to do(make) (do)((make)). I to want
to know each your step. I am very pleased, that you to write to me. I
very much love it. Me very much to do(make) (do)((make)) happy your
letters, when by you in them to open feelings my love. I also to want
to be with you in a warm bed and to check at first Orgazm. I never to
check up it, but I it very much to want. I to see Orgazm on TV. I to
think, that it is very pleasant. It is very good? In you is very warm,
and it is possible to have pleasure by solar beams. In you at the
night it is possible to sleep absolutely naked because of high
temperature. I to do(make) I ((do)(((make)) pies with meat and potatoes, pies with
strawberry fuse. You to love pies? When I to arrive in you, I to you shall be
the furnace very tasty pies. I very much love, prepares the various tasty
foodstuffs. When I to do(make) I ((do)(((make)) pies by me to go and to
check electronic mail. I was very pleased when to see, which you have written
to me! I at once began to write to you this letter! I to similar your friends. I
very much to wait ours at first with you of night. We shall love each other all
night. You to want it my love? I today enter shop and will buy a pie. Then I to
drink tea with a pie.. I now to go home and to do(make)
harvest(cleaning). When I shall be in you, I shall prepare for you supper. I hope, it will love you
it. Well? I to send you this song as my recognition I love from all my
You concern my life
I live for you
As your eyes they understand
I live for you
Come to me
Lay your body down
I won't deny you anything
Look at me
I feel so different now
You're the one I cry to
You're all around me
I breathe you in like air
Your arms have found me
Like waves that find the sand
And baby I'll be there...
You touch my life
I live for you
Because your eyes they understand
I live for you
In my life
You come through
I live for, I live for,
I live for you
Walk with me
The future's in the wind
Though the road is winding
I'll be near
Talk to me
Tell me all your fears
I'm the one you cry to
You call me lover
And tell me I'm your life
I won't run for cover
I've shown you who I am
And in the darkest night
In your arms, I come alive
In my live
I am free
No one could ever understand what you do to me
You hear my soul
So deep in you
Nobody knows the things you know
I live for you
In my life
You come through
I live for, Ilive for,
I live for you. I very to wait for your letter. It is a lot of love and respect. Yours Natasha.
Letter 3
HI my love John! I am very glad to receive news from you again. You
seem, that to me the very courageous and honour man. I see that we are
necessary each other. Not seldom I visit (attend) church, and I am asked for you and
ours with you meeting. How you there without me? I shall try to learn(find out) as me to arrive in you my love! I here
very much without you You in ideas always with me. You show very
strong interest to me it very pleasantly to feel. I began very much to
think of us with you that waits for us ahead. Write to me all
questions which you interest. I shall be very glad to answer to you
them.. You now are, by the second man in this world which to me is necessary most
of all. The first man is my mum. I very much hope for that that our meeting the
speed future is held. I am very grateful to you that you trust me. Through the
Internet it is as that not naturally, we should take each other. in hands and look
each other in eyes and speak about that as the world is perfect. At me very
good mood. I want to know all. To me you are very important. When I began
to correspond with you I had what that hope that at us with you all
will be good. With each your letter I understood that I have found that man which to
me is necessary. I as well as you want to see you believe to me very faster it it
would be desirable. I want to embrace you caress. I consider (count) what
exactly creation of a spiritual emotional basis of the man and there is a
purpose sense of family education. I want to you to tell one that my feelings
and the words in relation to you always were sincerely and I always understood that we
put a lot of trust, that our union would be when that real. I shall be
with impatience to wait for your answer today. Yours Natasha
And finally...Do you really think she LIKES me???
Hi my John today to rise early and to do(make) various fruit salads. I
to not have a lot of food, I to watch(keep up) the figure and constantly to do(make)
not the large jogs after work. I shall be very glad to receive still new your
photos. I shall do(make) their listing on the colour printer and to place them
above my bed in a sleeping room. Mine the mum too very much loves to read
your letters. I to do(make) their translation on Russian and we together with my mum to
read. I was never married, but very much it to want. I never to be
engaged in sex with the man! It is very pleasant to me to learn(find
out) that we by mutual understanding each other, you see it is the very important fact in
ours with you the attitudes(relations). If we want to create strong union, we
should trust and understand each other in all I feel fine, concerning me can not
worry with me that's all right. Today I have received from us at job wages.
To you probably will be ridiculous but she has made forty dollars. Well good
we shall not speak about problems which rise on our way. Write to me as it is
possible more often, I very much like to read your letters, they
install in me any pleasure in life, to believe in that that at me somewhere away there is liked
a man, the mood at once raises, it would be desirable to live and to believe in
that that we when be we shall meet. I shall wait for your answer today. Many
times you a kiss and from the bottom of the heart I embrace. You in my heart
each minute.
On all rest of life yours Natasha
Natalya Jitinkina
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia) - 2
I am 39 year old mail - white American - single dad of one, who was almost
scammed by a Russian women if not for this website. I was corresponding
with this woman for about a month when she asked for $440.00. Natalya Jitinkina
is the scammers name. Her address Russia, Republic Mari-el, city
Yoshkar-ola, street Lebedeva, house 32b, apartment 73. want me to send
money to Guta Bank, street Vashskaya 8, city Yoshkar-ola. She wanted my
complete address and airport closest to me, which I gave her, but ask for a
phone call before sending the money. That same day I came across this
website. Saw her name, and letter that were exactly identical to the ones she
sent to me. only thing was the picture of her was different. Natalya first
contacted me thought Friendfinders.com. Her E-mail address is natal131@yandex.ru
(USA ) Thanks to this website I was saved.
aka Ekaterina Ershov (Murmansk, Russia)
Hi my name is Mark I am 37, never married, no children, and I live in
Wisconsin. I suspect I am currently being scammed by a girl going by the
name of Raisa from Murmansk. She is on page 20 of your website with the
name Ekaterina Ershov. She sent me the first letter out of the blue claiming she
saw my profile on SinglesNet.com. Right away the red flag went up as I do
not even have a profile on SinglesNet.com, but interestingly her email was
forwarded through DatingFaces.com (where I do have a profile) she has a
short profile on DatingFaces.com (#5160967) pretty crafty of her. So I
dismissed the whole SinglesNet.com scare and began an almost daily correspondence. By
the second letter I was already noticing she was not answering any of the
questions I put to her, but just chalked it up to a small language barrier.
The letters continued on an almost daily basis, then her sixth letter was
signed Tamara and not Raisa. Whoah, now I was definitely curious as to what
was going on here. So fortunately I found your website and did some investigation, there were the pictures I had been getting plus a few extra.
also noticed a very similar letter on your website from a Elena
Kruglova, could they be one in the same? So far there have been no requests for money,
but unfortunately I did give her my phone number (she even called me once).
She told me she has no phone but did give me a mailing address: Street
Sovetskaya 65-32, City of Murmansk, Russia, 183054
My first letter from Raisa:
Hi my friend Mark. I am glad that you have answered to me. I did not think
that it will be so soon. But believe me I am so glad to this fact. I want to tell to
you about myself. My growth is 168 centimeter, weight is about 57 kgs. I was
born on September 5, 1974, in a very good family of two loving each other
people: my father and my mother. I live in city of Murmansk. I like my city. I'll
give you some information about my city: Murmansk stands in 300 kilometers
to the north of a Polar circle and in 30 miles from open sea: its geographical
coordinates - 68 '58' northern breadthes and 33 '03' east longitudes.The city
was stretched more than 20-kilometer strip along not freezing the Kola gulf.
Murmansk is administrative, industrial, scientific and cultural centre. Almost
half of all population of the Kola peninsula lives here. The population of
Murmansk today is more than 400 thousand people. The area of city is more
than 15 thousand hectares. The city is located main by image on east coast of
the Kola gulf - most brisk bay of coast Murman. On globe in the same breadthes there is no other city, which
could be compared to Murmansk on scales. Murmansk houses as if grow from
rocky hills environmental the Kola gulf. It is summer here now. There are a
lot of green here now, this is the most perfect season here in our territory.
But as the summer is hot here the winter is really cold. My favourite season
is spring, when the nature again wakes up after winter dream, and everything
begin to blossom. I studied in Murmansk state technical university, also has
received high education on a speciality marketing. But unfortunately I did
not need my education yet, because here in our country it is very difficult
to find job on a speciality. Now I work as the waiter in small restaurant.
I'd love to learn more about you. Besides I would like to see your photos. I
like to be in good health every time.That's why each day I rise early in
morning and I carry out morning jog. I do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. On the
summer I like very much swim in the sea, and on winters I go to the pool. So
in general I like to support a healthy image of life. It helps in life very
much, and supports my figure. Though I live in this city I didn't meet my
half yet. When I read the newspaper I have seen the announcement that it is
possible to meet the man through the Internet and I has decided to try to
find someone for me through Internet. Fortunately here is the computer at
director's cabinet, and I have asked the him to let me to use it. And he has
permitted me to use it no more than one hour per day. I liked your profile
and I have decided to write to you. When I wrote you I did not think at
all that you will answer me. I am very glad to receive your letter.
Write me about yourself. I'll wait for your next letter.
Your friend from Russia Raisa.
The sixth letter (with a surprise name change):
Hi. I can not to you write today, I only would find a pair of minutes what to
write to you these lines. At us today holiday of September 1 everyone begin
to study at school at university, and we have a lot of visitors. And I have a
lot of work. I shall answer your letter tomorrow. Yours Tamara.
Her email address is raisaadam_21@pochtamt.ru
Mark GaragePunk@aol.com
aka Ekaterina Ershova (Murmansk, Russia) - 2
I'm writing to complain about a Russian
woman that you already have listed in your pages page 19 (Ekaterina Ershova).
She has been writing me for the past 2 weeks claiming to be "Raisia" ...working in
Murmansk at a small cafe called the "Lagoon." She's very pretty and only now has recently made any
inclinations of wanting to come to the USA... so after dealing with Natasha
Jintininka, I spent my time again reading between the lines... Seems to me that
nobody is doing anything to stop these hustlers from scamming for cash...so I
will again write Interpol and American embassy their notice of complaint...
I have enclosed a photo collage of what she sent me along with copies of her
letters .. you might as well post them in your next listing....I didn't
send her any cash...but she will get my foot up her ass if I see her in person!

Adamova (Tyumen, Russia)
I am a 37 year old male from the southern USA. After placing an ad on
Kiss.com, I received a response from Raisa Adamova. She seemed to be a
very nice young lady. Thankfully, I came across this blacklist site. Her story
sounded too familiar. Lives with family in Tumen, 27 yrs. old, never married.
Within one week, she was declaring her undying love for me. I explained to
her that we didn't really know each other that well yet, then she began getting
almost hysterical in her letters...saying that she could not live without me. I
explained that It would be a while before I could make a trip to Russia. At this
point her English skills greatly improve and she proceeds to tell me that a
"friend" can get her a B-2 visa for $290, and she goes into far to much detail
on how it should be sent by Western Union. Here is a copy of her last letter to
We in city have firm, which is engaged in registration the visa, 290 $ US is
dearly. But it is real! The visa prepares for 1 month, I understand, that there
is a visa few money costs, these the visa prepare 0,5 or 1 year and it is not
yet known as it will work. At me the girlfriend recently has left in USA to the
groom, she to me has told all as it is necessary all to do, if you want to see
me soon, is real and it is reliable, you should do how I speak you. I am very
glad, that you want to see me, I too dream of it, I want to be with you!!! I to
understand that on trip to you many money is necessary. I once again speak to
you that The visa to refer to as B-2. I do not know why I liked your structure.
I have thought that it is that man about which I dreamed all life. It was
reduced us by (with) destiny, and I am very glad to destiny because it has
reduced us together. On the visa 290 dollars are necessary. This visa to work 90
I am also sending photos. If it weren't for this site, I would probably have
been taken of the $290 and much more. People like this must be stopped.
My name is Rich and I am a 42 year old male who was looking for someone to love and marry. I had listed a profile on the website Kiss.com for a three month period. Two and a half months ago, A Russian woman e-mailed me and said that she liked my photo. We began an immediate rapport, writing each other every day. To make a long story short, a month ago I proposed marriage which she accepted because I didn't want her to think she wasn't good enough for me. I wish I could have found this site sooner! I should have been suspicious when she said she could get out of Russia without my meeting her first, or MY petitioning for the fiancee visa, both which are required by U.S. law! But like a dunderhead, I sent $125.00 to cover some of the cost of the fiancee visa and then $450.00 to cover some of the cost of the ticket. It has been eight days now since I have heard from her so I began looking around. I even wrote Aeroflot airlines trying to see if she had booked a flight! When I stumbled across this
website, I couldn't believe I found her here. I feel like such a fool! If you ever get the full name of the Russian woman you are corresponding with, type the name into a search engine like I did...You might end up here!!! And do it before you send any MONEY!!! The e-mail address she used was:
tatyana19742000@fromru.com. Many of her letters are the same as the one printed by other fellows who have been scammed by this woman.
Tatyana Sergeeva
(Kazan, Tatarstan, Russia)
I am a single 40 year old from Ohio, USA. Just wanted to warn people of
Tatyana. We corresponded for about a week starting July 24th, 2001. She's
back at it again so I thought I should take the time to warn others. I did not
send her any money and hope that no one else has either. I have seen her
profile on Udate.com a couple of times, each with very beautiful pictures (that
look like they are taken from a catalog or something) of different girls. She
leaves an email address in the myself category at udate. She first used the
email address... dragon-fly1@yandex.ru
then switched to ts2000@rambler.ru
Here is her first letter.
Hello Joe!
I?m Tatyana (dragon-fly) from Udate.
Ladge thanks for your interest! Sorry, but I not member of Udate,
And I have no opportunity look to your profile, but if you realy interested in
serious relations with 28yo Russian woman with 3yo daughter, please, e-mail
me ts2000@rambler.ru And please, write more about you.Wait your letters,
Her second email told me a little about herself and by the third email, she
had already chosen me over the others. ;) Here are the contents of the
third letter.
Hello, dear Joe!
Thank for your remarkable letters!
I am very glad to have such friend as you. Today I shall delete my profile
from Internet. I do not want to give you an occasion to think, that I correspond
with somebody else except for you. I shall not deceive you, I have received
letters not only from you, but other men wrote thing which not so liked me.
Some asked to send a photo of my naked body, others wanted to find the
servant, the third in general ill people tried to engage in virtual sex... I am
shocked... Forgive for such details, but I want to receive your trust to
begin your friend. Therefore I think, you should know all about me. I want to tell to you about
my city and about my family. Our city is located in the central Russia as you
already know. About the river Volga. The population approximately 800 000
person. The nearest large citie Novgorod. From Moscow of 800 kilometers.
If to get on a train in the evening, you will come to Moscow the next morning.
We think, that it is close. Our city very green clean and beautiful. I very much
love my city. All my family lives in this city and all very much help me. My
family very small. My daddy, my mum and my grandmother. I have no brothers and sisters. Unfortunately. My parents live very close
from our house where we live with the daughter in a small apartment from 1 room.
They very much help me. Very much love my daughter. Now I want to tell to you about
the reasons which have compelled me to make the decision to leave my family, my friends, my native land. First of all I
care of happiness of my daughter. You know, I very much love her. I want, that she
had good education, good work, good family and friends. I all life studied and
now I study, but I do not see prospect, you know what low wages at me, I hardly
can feed and dress my daughter and me. I hope, you understand me. I early
never leave Russia. Still I want to ask you if we with you sometime shall
understand, what we are necessary each other and we with Elena shall arrive
to live in your country how you think, I shall have an opportunity to work with
my education? I very much want to work. I very much like my trade. It seems
to me, that in family should work both the husband and the wife, I think, that it
is necessary. If the husband and the wife want to be first of all partners and
friends, both of them should earn money for family and children. Please,
inform the opinion in this occasion. Today I finish the letter and with
impatience I wait your answer. Your Russian friends, Tatyana and Elena.
Her fourth email had the request. Here are the contents of the letter. This
was after a week or so of corresponding. As usual she avoids answering any direct
Hello, dear Joe!
Thank for your letter. I am very glad to get acquainted with such remarkable
man. At us all is good, in the street realy summer, sun, we long go for a walk.
We have good mood and us warmly that we hope, that you think of us. I think, that to you interestingly my past. I have married in 20 years, I
loved the man and wanted to give him all love, wanted to live with him all life.
When our daughter was born, we had to part, because I have understood, that this
man can never be the good father and husband. I did not understand it before
birth of the daughter, I was blinded by love. My husband has appeared irresponsible,
not the careful and very bad man. In 0,5 years after birth of the daughter I have left him. Now we live
together in a small apartment from 1 room, which we rent. Therefore we have no the
telephone. We have no what communication with the Elena's father. I do not
know where he and that with him. Also I do not want to know. We do not receive
what support from him, I can require through court a part of his salary, but I
shall never do it. I never want to recollect my terrible past, when I one grew,
treated and provided my daughter. But I am grateful to the god that now I
have the perfect healthy child and far friend, which thinks of us (I very much
hope for it). I very much want to present a gift for you. I think, that will be
wonderful, if my daddy will ask for the friend a videocamera and we shall send for you
the cartridge with film about my city, our family. You can hear our votes, look
at us not only on a photo, and in film. How you think? I do not know, how
many sending will cost, but I think no more, than 5 dollars. I shall find out,
if you like my idea. Joe, dear, I have no the computer in my house, therefore is compelled to
use paid service in Internet - centre. If you want to get acquainted with me,
some money will be necessary for continuation of correspondence for me. Namely
20 $ for free use Internet during 2 months. If you have serious intentions, I
shall wait your answer. You can transfer money through Western Union.
My address: Russia, Tatarstan (state), Kazan (city), Sovetskaya str. 62-47,
for Tatyana (first name) Sergeeva (last name)
If you will decide to transfer money, send a transfer number, your address
and your complete name on E-mail I?m very sad that money so important in our
lifes? In our small city the Internet is accessible very much recently and all
services very expensive. I regret.... I do not want, that money became a
barrier between us and if you have problems with money, I can ask money for
my parents and correspond with you? I want your trust. I want to know your
soul, your dreams. I think that is must important. I regret, but I can not long
use the computer...
I wait your letter.
Best wishes,
Thank for your letters!
Kisses from me and hugs from Elena.
I told her what a good idea the videotape was and never heard from her
again. I did not send her any money. I waited for her to post another profile
and she has, this time with a different set of pictures. So I just want to warn
Kuznetsova (Kiev, Ukraine)
My name is Kent. I am a 38 years old Japanese man working for a high tech. Industry. I was introduced to this woman, Victoria Kuznetsova by A Foreign Affairs Marriage Introduction Agency's office in Kiev. Normally, the agency provides an interpreter but this girl came with her own interpreter
who was a young man. I should have thought it was strange. After two or three hours meeting with the girl and this interpreter, the interpreter charged me $130. I asked for discount, and paid $100 to the man because the man sort of threatened me that something would happen if I did not pay. I brought the girl to the office of agency and consulted with the agency's manager about this matter. This agency is a reliable agency so the manager accused her of the possible fraud and asked whether she and the interpreter work in the same team to ask for such a unreasonable cost to share it together later. The woman denied the fact and jump off from the office as if she wanted to escape. The manager gave me the replacement service but the money I lost for this unreasonable cost for interpretation never comes back. This is the evil man's photo along with this girl, Victoria Kuznetsova. I would appreciate it if you could post this photo to prevent further victims. Watch out for this young man in Kiev. He charges you $100 for just some hours interpretation.

(Petrova?) (Tymen, Russia)
A few days ago a woman named "Zinaida" answered an ad I have on the site
www.oneandonly.com. I am 43, a single father and have a 12 year old
daughter who lives with me, and I cannot afford to be scammed. She says she
is 27 and looks 19 in the pictures. She also does not address me by my first
name in her responses.
Thank you
Sincerely, James
Letter 1
Hi. I found your profile here and decided to write to you.
You are really seem to be a very interesting man. I'd want to write with you by Internet.I'm really
simple girl. I'm looking for good, serious intentions but Ihave no success yet.
I'm not very beautyful but I think that I'm looking not bad. I thinkthat the sole
in any man is more important than his out state. I like everything unusual that's
why I decided to write to you. I hope that you don't angry for me because of
mine impudent. I hope that you'll answer for this respondence. I'll send you my
photo if you want. So you can send me your answer to my new
e-mail : zina2001pet1@pochtamt.ru
Letter 2:
Hello my respondent.
I'm really glad that you answered to me for my letter. I think that you are very
intelligent man according to your letter. I really like that you are interested in
me and knowing more about me. Now I'll tell you about me, my life, my parents. As I said I am very simple girl but
"with spice" as my mom said. My name is Zinaida. It is very rare name here in Russia. How do you like it, by the
way? My mom's name is Irina and dad's is Andrey. I love them very much!!!
We live very amicable family. I'm alone child in our family. I have no sisters
nor brothers and I don't like this but my parents decided to have only one
child in family. They love me so much... Sometimes I regret that I'm alone in
family but not very often. I am almost 28 years now - my birthday is on the
15th of September. I like my birthdays and do you like yours? By the way
when does your birthday will be? It's really interesting to me! Some words
about place I live here. As you understood I'm from Russia. I live in the city
of Tyumen. It's really good city. I was born here and I love my native
city very much! It is not very far from Moscow. The time difference is
two hours from it. Our city is not small but I already have despaired to
search the person for life. It's population is about 600 thousand people. It is very beautiful and old (
born in 16 century). I like my city. I like to go for a walks on its streets, to visit
museums. We with the girlfriends often visit cinemas and we look various
films. I had some problems with my previous guys and now I decided to find
somebody through the Internet. As you may be heard here in Russia it is
a big problem that people especially men are drinking too much alcohol.
I hate this! So I was advised to write to somebody through Internet by
my best girlfriend Marina. She works at the agency of acquaintances. She
advised me to use this adress at Internet. I was sympathized by your profile, so I decided to write to
you!!! You may ask if I wrote so much far from Russia but I always dreamed
to visit USA. Who knows - may be someday I'll come to it!!! I like your
country! I heard so much about it. It seems here to be a land of dream.
America... So much of romantice in this word!!! I hope that you don't consider me too naivety. I understand that it's not everything good
there but I love your country nevertheless! I hope that you can understand my letters not
very bad because I'm not so great in English. I learned it in school and in
university. But I had not much practice so I use sometimes translation
programs. If you don't understand please say it to me - I'll try to write better. I
have no computer at home - it's too expensive for our family to have it. But I
have a computer at my boss cabinet. He let me to use it for my needs of
Internet. He is good and I think that we are in good intentions. I work
at cafe as manager. I earn pretty few money but I think that it is enough
for me. I think that I am very happy but sometimes I feel too lonely. As
you see I have very serious intentions to find my only best man through
Internet. I hope that you are not bored with my story and will answer for my letter. If you are not
against I'll ask some questions. I am very interested to know more about you.
I want to know who are you, where do you work, may be something about your hobbies. Please tell me about your family,
about place you live at now... About place where you was born. I really
want to learn more about you. You may also ask me what you want - I'll
try to answer for all of your questions! So I'll finish... I'll impatiently wait for your answer. I think that
your letter will be very interesting. Your new friend from so far Russia -
p.s. I attached my photo. Please say me what do you think about I'm
looking like.
Letter 3
Hi my friend.
I like your letter very much! I was not sure that you will write me back
because you understood that I'm so far from you! I'm really glad!!! I can only
say that you are so good respondent! Your letter was so warm that I decided
to write back quite in time I got to the computer. Some words about the
weather here in our dear city. Is it really interesting for you? As you
understand the autumn is coming here and the weather is the same. It's
enough cold already - about 15 degrees Celsium. I don't know how much by
Farengeit it will be? The leaves at trees are almost yellow and red. I see - the
autumn is coming already! The sun was very cold today. Very windy! That's
good that there was not rainy. I think that the rain is a very bored thing.But
sometimes the rain brings calmness to me. Do you like the rain? I like summer
raining but not autumn! Nevertheless autumn is a really great time I think! It is
the time of poetry. I hope that you have heard about famous Boldin Autumns
of our famous writer Aleksander Pushkin? I love all poems of him from those
period! I'm too romantic person - that's not the best of me but it's my
nature! Are you romantic person? You know I'm speaking too much about myself but
I'm really glad to receive your answer for my letter! You seem to be so great
person. I'm so glad that I found you! I'll try to tell you as much as you want
about my current life. It's not various - work - home work, and weekends.
That is all! I think that I live a very bored life! Our city is old and we with
girlfriends often visit our museums. But most of all I prefer to visit cinemas. I
love to see different movies (I heard films are called such in USA - I'm right?).
But especially I like to see melodramas - is it right word - I'm not sure. A
month ago I was so impressed by movie "Pearl Harbour". This is the film
about history of your country. About how your heroic ancestors got a part in a
war against fascism. I hate this word but this is the history of our country
too! Did you hear about this movie? So I'd love to tell you some words
about my favourites... I love to dance. You know - I often go to discos
and I love to do this! I' have so good mood there - I can dance until the same mourning
of the next day! That's really my hobby! Else I like sport very much. I
love to go to the pool. I swim not bad so I spend much time there. My
favourites... I like pop music a little, but mostly - classic. It gives me a very calm
mood. I became so calm and self-assured that it seemed to me that I am
so far from Earth...You know I like green colour - it seemed to me to be
very calm color... As you see I tell much about myself. If I didn't answered for all your
questions please recall me all of them - I'll try to answer! In turn I'd want to
ask some questions about your favourites: your favourite color, hobbies, food.
What is your favourite music? Movies? And else... Please don't be angry
for me if I will write to you not every day. I have much work here - so
I'm very busy sometimes. Often my boss send me to business trips. So do
not lose me if I will not write during several days. I'll wait for your answer. I consider that
we know more about each other with every letter.
I'll think of you. Zinaida.
P.S. If you want you can give me your phone number. I'd love to call you
and to hear your voice. I can't save your letters here - so if I missed
your phone number please repeat it for me!
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