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Marina (Saratov, Russia)
I am a 35 year old male from Canada and was sent an email from a profile on (also from a woman whose profile stated that she lived in Madison, Wisconsin. When I replied to her email, and asked about the broken English in her profile, she said that she was not actually from USA, but since there was no listing for Russia (untrue
I've seen Russia listed in other profiles) on the site, she had to put something. But, I
didn't really notice anything wrong until email #8. At the end of everything, I informed the site admins and within 2 days, the profile was gone.
Hi! I am glad, that you were interested by me and have written to me e-mail. I shall be very glad if you will write to me also other letters. I for the first time have acquaintance through the Internet. It was very difficult to me to place my structure in a service of acquaintances, because I am in Russia, the service of acquaintances does not accept the members from this country. I had to specify in a structure, that I am in USA. In this letter I shall inform you a little information myself and if the dialogue with me will be interesting to you, I shall tell about myself in more detail in the following letters. My name Marina, my age 25 years. I have work and I am engaged in sports. I the very romantic woman also try to do my life interesting. I dream to meet in my life of the good man, which can understand me and love. I send you a photo me and I ask, that you sent me some pictures from your life. As it will be interesting to me to learn about your life, family, work and entertainments. Write to me, I shall wait your letter. Sincerely and yours faithfully. Marina.
Hi ****. Have good day. I waited your letter and was very much Is pleased, when you have written to me. Mine dear your picture is very beautiful and it to me very much to like. **** I do not understand why not to get acquainted with the man from Canada, I want to find mine destiny my unique(sole) and unique man and future husband. Your structure and I was interesting to me Is pleased, that we begin to learn each other more well and to develop Our acquaintance. I think, that it is an interesting thing, to learn someone Far through the Internet. It is unusual to me, because I a little Is familiar with the Internet. ****, I want to inform you, that I have no the computer At home also I go in Internet - cafe, in free from work time. That To translate my letters to you I use the electronic program The interpreter, because for me is faster and it is convenient to write for you In Russian, and then to translate the letter on English. I hope, That you can understand well my letters. I studied the English language Earlier at school, and after that in college and I understand your letters very well. Only please do not use Reductions of words. While I did not establish the computer in the house, therefore That I have no there telephone. It would be interesting to me to speak with you and If you not against, I could in the future try To cause you, that we could speak about different things. ****, I want To tell to you it is a little about itself. I live in city Saratov and I have Very good family. Because of my work I take off a small apartment and I live in it separately from my family. But I very much frequently reach to them and I spend with them weekend. we frequently we are chosen together on a camping and We have other entertainments. Mine the city not of the large size, and in it is a little The people. Basically at us in city various factory and factories. Is present Some restaurant and bar. The city is constructed not by high houses till 3-5 floors. I with the friends frequently get out there to buy some Things or fashionable clothes. I work in hospital, my work That I look after the patients and I give them medicines. Tell to me about the work. She is pleasant to you? To me My work is pleasant. I very much love to laugh and I respect the people with good By humour. I like to travel. I yet was not far from mine At home, but I dream in the future to visit in different places. I 2-3 times in Week go to be engaged in sports hall, to hold my body in The order. And you ****, have any sports in the life? You love Entertainment on a nature? A hunt? fishing? A camping? Some inform me Things about the entertainment. It will be very interesting to me to learn about it. I I wait for your letters. Sincerely yours Marina.
Hi mine ****. How you today? I am glad to receive yours e-mail. I think, that I more seriously now think of acquaintance through the Internet. ****, when you established the structure in a service of acquaintances, you thought of an opportunity to find the man for the serious relations? Be you can did it to have a small entertainment? Inform me about it please. Inform me, why you have decided to get acquainted in the Internet, instead of in the street. I in the life had no good acquaintances in the street. I think, that if the man specially uses a service of acquaintances, it has serious intentions to find the special man for himself. To me told about many games on the Internet, but I hope, that you the serious man. ****, I would like, that you wrote to me the small story, how the usual man in your country lives. At our peoples different culture and life, and I think this story will help me better to understand you. I think, that on TV tell not always truth, and I never do opinion on the other people from the TV set. I hope, that will not tell some things about it tiresome for you. With what importance of family in your country and what opinion at you concerning it. ****, I heard, that the American women frivolously concern to family, that for them their career is more important. And some women marry and at once do divorce to take half of money from the husband. It is the truth?. It is very difficult to me to understand it. I think, that the creation of family is very important in life and it is impossible to play by feelings of other people and to have the large purse from it. I already informed to you, that I have a work, which takes away from me a lot of free time. My salary not so large, but suffices to me for life and I frequently am helped by my parents. I plan in the future to study to raise the level for work. Earlier I already studied on special occupations for reception of a trade. It was after I finished school. It was the quite good college, but I would like to finish university to have good education. ****, what you have opinion rather importance of education in life? Together to me please opinions. Dear now it is time to me to go home. I shall write to you tomorrow. I wait for your letters. Yours Marina.
Hi dear ****. I am pleased to receive e-mail from you. Your letter had the interesting information for me. Mine dear ****, I look on the man instead of on his number in the passport, and if I shall fall in love, I is to fall in love with the man. Today at work I thought of you and these ideas were pleasant for me, it was pleasant to me to realize there is a man, which reads my ideas and writes that that specially for me. ****, write to me what foodstuffs to you it is pleasant. Mine parents very much love the foodstuffs, which I prepare on kitchen. There can be sometime I can prepare for you yours favourite foodstuffs. To you it was pleasantly? Me very much like different sweet things, such as a pie, cake, sweet. But frequently I do not permit itself to have it to not be thick. Still I love beautiful clothes and different things of light colours. I like of light tone, such as light-blue, pink, beige. And what your favourite colour? I love modern music of the different countries also I love to dance. ****, what music it is pleasant to you? You dance? My friends speak, that I not bad dance. I love to go on a discoteque, very much I love to be in a bar with the friends and look at cinemas various films with a strong sound. To me as film very much is pleasant to look the Brazilian teleserials about love, these lovely and romantic. And, what you love to do in free time? You love evening walk? Today with the mum I did small travel on shops, we did some purchases for houses. I told to the mum about our acquaintance, she has told, that would like to see you. For my mum it is important, that I got acquainted with good man also was happy. Yours the family has special opinion concerning yours personal of life? Or, probably, you think, that it only your personal business? Now I finish the letter and I shall be expect your letter. Yours Marina.
Hi lovely ****! I today waited the break at work to come in Internet - cafe and to read yours e-mail. tell me honourly, and you wait for my letters? To me would like to learn about your ideas concerning our acquaintance. Whether you have any ideas on learning me better. I very much would want to learn more close about that with what you the man. Probably you have to me any frank questions? You have now any woman or you the lonely man? I consider you as the good man and I think, that you to like many women. You want to me to tell about the last experience with the women? I had in the past some relations with the men, but they brought to me only one disappointments. I have lost hope to meet the good man in the city for creation of family. Our men accept a lot of alcohol and at all do not respect the wives and children. At them on mind only entertainments and they can not well care of family. ****, Write to me please, what you are good family? What you would want to have family and relation in it? I with impatience shall wait yours e-mail. with each your letter I more well understand with what you inside man, what at you ideals. I like to read, when you tell about yourselves. Always I wait for your letters. Kiss you. Your Marina.
Hi mine lovely****. How you today? I hope, that you OK. are pleasant to read me your letters. Earlier I was sure, that is unreal to have attachment to the man and mark to it the large sympathy, if not met it and did not carry out with him together time. But now I feel pleasure, when I have yours e-mail, I think of you and sometimes I have sadly, when I think, that we far. Mine lovely ****, I have of the not native brothers and sisters. And more mine lovely you not absolutely correctly to understand me, I now receive education too, I continue training on last rate, medical institute. I work as well as all Monday - Friday, but sometimes I should work and in target and sometimes to linger over at job. I very much would want, when I come back from work to come to you in the visitors, to bring with myself any tasty pie. We could drink tea, and then together to go for a walk. Probably it would be wonderful. I feel sadly, because we have the relation only through the Internet. Sometimes there is a desire to embrace and to be near to the man. I frequently, when I be in cafe I see various pairs people, I look as they embrace each other, nice talk and then I am sharper I feel the loneliness. I do not know, whether you have feeling of loneliness. If you too feel it then you understand me and know, that frequently I want, that a line was the man, which will support always and to understand you, will help at any time you and to console you.****, I would like to learn your opinion doing our acquaintance by more serious. Probably, we could meet and carry out some time together. It would be very good. What you dear****, think concerning it? For me it is very important to know, whether you want to have more serious relations with me, than letter. Inform me please ideas concerning it. Kiss and embrace. Yours Marina.
Hi mine lovely ****. Have good day. I was very glad to read your letter and to learn, that you understand me. Presently it is possible seldom to meet the man, which could and wanted to understand you. It is really pleasant, that you too would like to see me and to carry out with me time. It means for me, that you want to have with me more serious relations, than simply letters. ****, I am really very glad to understand, that there is such man, to which I am necessary. I am grateful to destiny, that she allowed me to get acquainted with you. I consider, that this large progress forward in our relations. I have very many imaginations concerning that as we can together carry out time. dear, today I would like to learn your opinion concerning children. I very much love children, some mine familiar have them and I have the large pleasure, when I look, as they care of them. Sometimes, when my friends leave in the evening in cinema or cafe, they leave the child at me at home, that I looked after and cared of it, while they are absent. Then I have the large pleasure to show care of the kid. I would like to have children, my friends speak, that I would be the good mum. Lovely, tell to me please about the relation to children. By the way, my parents asked me about you, ****. They asked concerning your enthusiasmes, work, parents. I by him told about you. They speak you hi. My mum took from me you e-mail, probably she wants to send to you something. Lovely, it is time to me to go. I shall wait for yours The letters. Kiss you. always yours Marina.
Hi mine dear ****. I am very glad again to read your letter. I already begin to miss without you. We are familiar a little to time, and it seems, that I know you for a long time. Today with the friends I plan to go in evening club, it is a little to have a rest from work. It is a pity, that you will not be with me a line. You will not suffice to me. You will not suffice to me. But I hope, that time soon will come, when we can have these things together. I very much think of this day. I found some addresses of travel companies in my city. Soon I plan to go there and to learn, how it is better to us to organize our meeting. ****, and you as plan to carry out today's evening. You probably a lot of time give back to the work and have a little rest? It seems, that many men love to waste time houses at the TV set, to look football or boxing. Than you love to be engaged per usual days from work? I heard, what many men in America, play in golf and bowling, ****, You like these games? Write to me mine dear. gently kiss you. Your Marina.
Hi mine favourite! I am very glad again to speak with you. Today I have good mood, and how you mine lovely? I missed for you and I have some news to you. I spoke with the mum, concerning our meeting, then we talked to her with the agent of travels. My mum agreed, what it is necessary to me to meet you ****. She agrees, that it is necessary to me to travel to you on some time. She has told, that if we shall like each other and we shall decide, that we want to be close each other, she will get acquainted with the large pleasure with you and to invite you in the house as though son. I am very glad, that we have progress in our relations. Lovely ****, inform, whether your businesses and circumstances allow you to accept me a bit later? I hope, that I shall not create to you inconvenience in your businesses. At me the large desire to see you. The agent of travel has told, that tomorrow I can receive the information, how I can be helped by a travel company in organization of travel to you. Inform me **** About the opinions, what ideas you have about it? Kiss you! Kiss you! Kiss you! Always yours Marina.
Hi mine dear! I am very glad to receive your letter and to learn, that you too want to meet me and to hold in the hands. It is pleasant to me to know, that there is a man, for which I the desired man and which expects, to see me. ****, and as your native people will concern to to that I shall arrive to you?. Mine loveliest ****, I shall be honour with you, at first I to correspond with three mans, but they began to write to me the unpleasant letters and me they seem simply wanted to play with me in bad games. To me was very sick and it is unpleasant, but than more I learned you the more I began to believe in love and in the good people. Now mine lovely you are the unique man with which I correspond, and me anybody another except for you is not necessary.****, I would not like to create for you any inconveniences. ****, today I visited the agent travels. He has told, that their firm can prepare for me travel. It will require approximately about two weeks. They will be to prepare for me the passport and insurance, then they will be to order for me the visa. The agent has told, that behind the visa I owe to reach in Moscow in your embassy. He has told, that now uneasy to receive the visa of the tourist to you, but they can care of, that I could receive the visa without problems. The ambassador it, a little time will be required to reserve for me the ticket and to develop more convenient route of the plane. I have told them, that probably I shall conclude with them the contract for my travel, toon. Tomorrow I shall learn from them full details rather cost and necessary documents. Today I had small free time from my work also had not time in detail all to learn. So i shall talk to my parents to ask them, to help to me to pay this contract. I very much hope, mine lovely, that at us all will be good also we can be speed beside with each other. I very much frequently I think of it. I have various imaginations concerning us of a two. and you, mine favourite? Dear, I wanted to learn from you, if cost travels will be large, whether you can help me with some by part it? My parents cannot be named as the rich people, and I not wanted very strongly to worry their finance. I hope, that some money for our meeting will not be a problem for you. But if yours financial position now heavy, I shall try itself to find any the decision for this purpose. Favourite, write to me is speed. I love you. Kiss you. Your Marina.
Hi mine favourite! A thank to you for your letter, it supported me. Dear, unfortunately I have no a home telephone number what to call to you. I live in new area of city and yet does not work for us in one quarter telephone station. I have for communication only pager. I at work have telephone, but the administration does not permit us to use the telephone in the personal purposes, differently there can be some problems at work, and at us very strict rules. Today I was slightly Is injured. Mine has told the mums, that she will not help me to pay for the passport, insurance and visa. She has told, that a payment for these things we should think out together. She has told, that when we shall pay it and I shall receive the passport and visa, she together with the daddy will care of my tickets to you. She has told, that the tickets very expensive and consequently they with them will help us. ****, the agent of travel has told, that contract includes the price of the passport, insurance, visa and services of agency. It is possible to pay for the tickets money after I shall have all documents for travel. The price of all documents and works of a travel company, 750 $. They want so much money because now very difficultly to receive the visa in your country and them it is necessary to do for this purpose many efforts. ****, lovely I have no many money and I have told them, that while I shall talk to you I shall do this contract. Favourite, I today was injured by all these things. I did attempts to borrow this money at some people, but nobody could to me help. I hope, that you can help me this money and that it is not for you a problem. I very much want to feel you beside. Favourite, I wait with impatience your answer and I hope, that at us the time together will be speed. If such money it is not so difficult for you and it does not become a barrier to us, tomorrow I shall go in a travel company and to conclude the contract. I shall wait very much and to hope, that we shall be together. I love you. Your Marina.
Hi mine lovely ****. How you today? Favourite you thought of me? I all night thought of you and about our meeting.I shall try to do that that you asked. ****, I am very glad, that we soon shall meet and that there are no problems with payment of the visa and passport what to help me. My mum also is very glad, she very much wants, that I would get acquainted with the good man and was happy, though probably each mum wishes, that its child was happy. ****, today I went in a travel company and has signed the contract on the passport and has made the application on the visa. Me have told, that their manufacturing will borrow 10-12 days. The manager has told me, that I should pay them during one week. The visa at me will be tourist, because such visa will issue, than usual visa to the visitor more quickly. It means, that I can be with you approximately 30 days. I shall reach to you with group of other tourists, but from the airport I shall be directed to you. The coming days I shall agree with a management at the work concerning holidays. I think with it there will be no problems. ****, and you prepare to our meeting? You have the plans, as we shall spend together time. I hope, that you can take small holiday from the businesses what to carry out all time with me. Lovely, it is time to me to come back to work. I shall write to you tomorrow. It is a lot of kiss, yours Marina.
  