Tatyana Alexeeva Shilova OR KUZKINA
(Khabarovsk, Russia)
I am a single guy 57 years of age who
used to be an International Trader with offices in Hong Kong,
Taiwan, Thailand and South Korea --- I posted a BIO on Yahoo
Personals. and on July 8 I got the first Email with a picture from
Tatyana or TANYA. After about 6 weeks, I got the REQUEST FOR MONEY
so she could get a VISA, Travel Documents, etc & I was to send
the money using WESTERN UNION -- I DID NOT SEND ANY MONEY -- I told
her I would come to meet her in Russia & asked her on what Date
would it be best for me to arrive in Russia --- I asked for a PHONE
number to call her --- STILL WAITING on both requests. The Email
address I used to contact Tatyana was .. tanya27_russ@mail15.com.
Letter #1
Hi my dear friend,I was very glad to see your letter. I did not think, that I shall interest you. I the orphan. Therefore I was afraid, that I shall frighten you the loneliness.:-(( I have no experience in internet and consequently I am afraid a little. I do not know about what to speak. I very much want to correspond with you and very much I want to meet you. Excuse, that I then write you about it. Simply I do not know as to start. After death of parents I became very lonely. To me it is very sad, that destiny so it is severe with me.:-(( I will need which to love the man me just as parents of me liked. You can love me also? I hesitate a little. To me such dialogue is not habitual, but I very much want that you wrote to me letters. That I have interested you and probably you grow fond of me. Even as the daughter. Or as the wife. WEll, I to tell about myself: My grandfather was more senior than my grandmother for 20 years. And they lived long and happily. They spoke, that the difference in the age of has no value for happiness. Therefore for me the difference has no in the age of. I live in city of Khabarovsk. I was born in this city and all my life proceeded here My age - 27 years, dark hair, color of eyes blue. My height is 5 ' 5 and my weight is 130 lbs. I am single. I have not children. I don't smoke and don't drink, never used drugs. I take care about my appearance and my health. I have no brothers or sisters, I the only child in family.:-(( I was the diligent schoolgirl at school, I liked to study and to learn unknown Most of all I was interested in a history, algebra, chemistry and English I have grown fond of English from 5-th class, I even went on additional rates of English My teacher praised me and joking spoke, that I the given birth American After school, I have arrived on study in the Architectural - building Academy I studied Design of the architectural environment, Economy and management at the enterprises and Management I like to listen to different music, melodic, romantic ballads, of course about love, but I find very interesting also other kinds of music. I adore literature, a you like the literature? I'm dreaming about my own family. I think that our purposes coincide I also want to learn about your private life Let's try to get to know each other better and let's try this chance. I'm going to close my letter but I hope to get your reply soon, write me more about yourself and everything you'd like to share with me. I'd be very glad to get your letter. Yours Tatyana.
Hello my friend Dave I was happy to receive your letter again! It has lifted
my mood very much. " Are you presently a student or are you working? " - I work as the architect. I like to write to you the letters and I would like to write you as it is possible more often, but I have no a capability to make it, as I have no the computer and telephone of a house. I write you from the computer Internet-cafe so be not upset, if I shall not answer at once, the Internet of cafe may be closed. Also I managed to find out, that a difference between our time approximately of 12 hours. I'm very interested in you. I'm looking for a serious relationship, and I want to create happy family. I like the life, I like the whole world, I believe that there are no bad people. All the people are good in their own way, they just have different keys and I'm trying to find them. Everybody have their own senses of life and each of them is free to do whatever he wants until it doesn't hurt somebody. People work to earn for food, and earn to have somebody to share it with, is that's right? I think that life giving us a lot of possibilities and it's silly not to use them isn't it? But only one thing cannot be changed: we are people, we cannot be lonely. Everything we have we need to share. And it doesn't matter is it life experience, a piece of bread or the whole life. There is a legend that once God created the creature, but one day that creature decided that it was stronger, better and wiser. For such fault God divided it into two parts into woman and man. Since that time people looking for their own halves which belong only them. I have a dream to find mine, and feel myself a solitary one. It sounds like a dream. But I'm sure the wishes come true if you want them to very much. I have a wish to be understood, to have somebody close to be near. I love to laugh and it is pleasant to me, when others laugh. I like to workout at the gym. And although I haven't been in the gym in a while I believe that a healthy body promotes a healthy mind and a strong sense of self worth. I like to travel very much. I have never been abroad before. I dream to find my love and be happy together. It doesn't matter for me where my love is from, the main thing, is to love, care, match each other and be happy together. Don't you think so? I'm real particular about what I want in a man, but I have real strong convictions about marriage and monogamy. I think what really matter is who the person is inside. I want the person to be intelligent and lively with a sense of humor. I have hobby to prepare different dishes. I love to find the new prescriptions of cooking and to surprise the friends. They always liked my dishes. My favourite dish the baked hen with garlic. It is loved all my friends. It is very a pity, that you can not it try. But I am sure that it would be pleasant to you too. You can tell to me more about your life? I would like to see more your photos. I like to talk, a lot, and want someone that I can hold an intelligent conversation with to all hours of the night. I think we've got a good chance to know each other better... Spring - my liked season, I likes to look, how the nature comes to life after winter. Now at us warmer weather, what weather at you? I think that after tis letters you will know more about me. I believe that the main love in my life still will come, the god will help me with it. Tell to me more about itself, what you like to listen to what your liked dish, what your liked film, what else music. It is my first experience of acquaintance through the Internet, but this way has like me I'll be waiting for your reply and don't be shy, please, to ask me anything you are interested in. Yours Tatyana.
Letter #3
I my dear, I am very glad to see your letter!!! I want to tell about myself little bit more. My education the architect of apartment houses. Now I am engaged in design work, I develop and to project the future offices, shops etc. I work in the office of engineering and planning. Our enterprise produces metal bars and and other steel framework very necessary for building. And the task of our office is to project new varieties of framework, to test it with different methods (chemical, electric, physical, etc.) and to improve and to rationalize the process of production. Unfortunately this work is not paid for advantage, this my opinion In general in Russia, people earn scanty money, it is hardly enough of it for residing For example, I earn 120 dollars per one month, from this money it is necessary for me to put on, eat, pay services of the Internet and still there are some female expenses Though, I all time am is occupied, I do not forget you and constantly I think of you Though we communicate via e-mail I believe this is not much different from a real talk tete-a-tete. In past I did ignore Internet connections with somebody an did not realize that it could be so vivid and delightful. It is good that in this world there is a person to whom I is not indifferent. It is very pleasant to me to know, that we is mutual understanding each other is the most important fact in our attitudes. It is very good for me, as I to meet you in my life. I think that our attitudes may be deeper. Your words heat my soul and heart. You in my heart each minute. I think that we should meet, we should see each other, looking in eyes each other, because through the Internet the emotions are lost and difficultly understand each other. I trust you and I want to tell you about my sexual experience. In Russia all men, dreams only to drag you in bed, but I do not want it, I do not want be given the first passer that he has taken pleasure. The love - it something more, than it give the man to find out happiness in this life, and men represent it only as sex.I think that it incorrectly and I hope that you with me agree. I want have sex, only with loving men. I shall given to him completely, my body and soul. We together to find out all depths pleasures. Our passion will be poured out for limits peoples love and we shall be enjoy each other all life up to last moment of our existence. That we are with you very far, it is a little sad. But I am sure, that we can have in the near future pleasure to meet. How you think? Our meeting... I think it there will be very important event in our relations. How you think? Your Tatyana.
Hello my love Dave! I have received your letter and I understand that I am only begin to live. I not represent any more life without you, my Angel! I love you, and I am ready to repeat these words again and again! Please, to not think poorly of me, simply it overflow my feelings. " I noticed in your pictures that you wear clothing with STRIPES... are stripes your favorite, rather then solid colors? " - in general that yes. But I love also other kinds of a fabric. Thank for photos. Very much it is pleasant to me. I talked to the girlfriend about us with you and about our future and that probably I soon leave in other country. You do not think that I solve it spontaneously, I very long think of it. I do not want to miss the happiness again. I talked to the girlfriend and she is very happy for me, she even bless me. It can is silly sounds, but today I represented our meeting. I think out very many interesting pictures. In the street there is a fine weather and you stand and wait for me in the airport and worry for my arrival. Then you approach to the plane, we look around And we search eyes each other in crowd, then with to become transfixed hearts we find each other and to rush into strong embraces. We stand having embraced, and all look at us. And for us as though nothing exist. Only you and I!!! It was a great day when I received the first letter from you I thank the God and I know that I found you and I love you. I am pleased with an opportunity to meet you soon, and I want it very much I think you want it too, your letters was the ray of light in my life. At first I was not interested in moving to other country but I will do it because I found my love and it's YOU!!! We have firm in our city which makes the documents for people who want to leave the country. I asked about moving to your country and I got the answer that I need the visa, foreign passport and some other documents for registration. We have defined a type of the visa and it's type which allows to marry in the future but if it will be not realize I must return to my country after ninety days it's limit for visa. I asked about prices and was very surprised, first I ask about time of performance and they said that there is many people who wants to make documents and leave the country But if I'll make the application now, and pay for it now, they will make all documents not more than two weeks, and if I'll not make the application, documents will be prepared not earlier than two or three months because there are many people who wants to do it. I was very much surprised with the prices of services. It cost three hundreds and twenty nine american dollars. It's make me little suppressed and disappointed I don't have so much now. I was make application but I must pay for it. I asked my mother about our savings she said that the money should not be a barrier between two people which love each other. counted my sum and I found out that I have only about fifty dollars and my wages will be not soon. I asked my friends about helping me and they said that have not at the present moment. I asked the advice my mother and she said that maybe you can help me because you loves me. I know now, that exists reliable and fast company which makes remittances in world and it's western union. I remember that I saw advertising this company on tv. I take a directory book and found the address of it and it's not far from me. I went there and I asked them about service. They said that sender must go to the western union, give them information: the name and last name of receiver, country they make transfer and bring the ten digits secret code to sender. The receiver must know ten digits for receiving money. They say that the branches of it must be everywhere worldwide. Here is the information: Country: Russia, City: Khabarovsk, Name: Tatyana Shilova, Lastname: Kuzkina. But I am usual name Shilova do not use. Address of branch of western union: VNESHTORGBANK. 7, MOSKOVSKAYA STR. I must know your full name, full address. You must know that I decide to ask you about it because I love you and trust you very much. I decide to come to you because I feel this way and you are very necessary to me, I decided to come to the unfamiliar country and I never be outside my country. But I decided to do it because now you are part of my life and I trust you in all. I think you trust me too and love me too. You must inform me the closest airport to you I'll ask the help with ticket from my friends. Please don't forget to tell me the closest airport. My love I need 300 dollars I think you will help me because we found our love and we want to meet closer. You must inform me ten digits and I can receive it. You must know we must hurry because I can receive the documents soon and if we lost the time it is necessary for a long time. Now it's very difficultly to receive the visa to your country, and it's fact, but if I pay now I think I do it. I think about sense of money, and I'm very sad if this paper can prevent people to meet each other. In most cases the money play a main role in life but it's not right! I'm sure. And the quantity of money was and will not important to me I always not aspired to material enrichment and don't search specially for rich male. I appreciate human qualities and relations and I love you Dave!!! I love you all my heart, I want to be with you now... I want to be with you forever. If it's mutually we will be very happy in our life. I think you love me too and we will meet very soon. You are my love, my Angel. My heart is yours. I'm waiting good news from you, I hope everything will be all right and we will be together soon. Every day I think about our meeting, and I think it's real, we must use this chance of destiny. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! Your love Tatyana.
Tayana Alexeevna
I am a widowed 60 year old man from the chicago area. I received an email from the above 27 year old russian woman through "Yahoo Personals" which I have joined. The initial letters are verbatin from the ones at you web
site. Although I havn't been asked for money yet, she keeps suggesting we meet and how much I make her heart beat faster with every email. In addition, the initial photo she sent was very ordinary, a
distant picture of her in a field while the 4th photo shows her in a skimpy bikini. I enclose my photos of her, as you will see, the same theme throughout: holding a sign professing her love for me. I thank you for your web site!!!!! Tom  
Tatyana Malahova
(Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
I am a 34 y/old single white male in the USA. This person contacted me through Yahoo Personals,they sent me 9 emails over a 10 day period claiming to be a divorced 28 year old Russian female named Tatyana Malahova of Nizhny Novgorod.They claimed that she did not have a phone and never answered the questions I asked.Wanted me to send $1550 for plane tickets and visa in the last letter,I responded by stating that I wise to to there congame and put in a link to the "Russian Women Black List" I never heard from them again. There Email was tatmn@emale.ru I have attached the photos that they sent me,I really think I was writing to a man due to the simple fact they did not want to talk on the phone and the letters seemed generic form letters. I informed Yahoo personals of this scam and they removed there profile
from the site.
Roger. Y. USA.
Letter #1:
Hello dear Roger! At first, I want to say to you, that I'm very glad to find your answer on my message. I am new in the Internet, and I could not imagine myself, that my message to you will give result, and I'll find your letter so fast! Ok, my name is Tatyana, I'm 28 years old, I won't begin to re-tell to you all information, which was in my profile, I just want to remind you, that I'm from Russia, I was born in Russia, and I live there now. If it doesn't scare you off me, I'll be happy to keep our communication. As you probably understood I live in Russia in the city of Nizhny Novgorod. I have looked through your profile, and I liked much. I wanted to write a letter to you. I wanted to get registered on the site, but unfortunately at the appropriate place I didn't find Russia, therefore I took another country. I want to ask you if you corresponded with women already? Do you have friends from Russia or friends who know Russian people. It's interesting. Can you speak Russian a bit? I graduated from the medical university, speciality: pediatrics. I now work as a pediatrist at the hospital. But now I think, that it was right choice, and I am not sad about it. I have no computer at home and they do not allow us to use them for our personal correspondence at work so, I go to the I-net cafe to write to you. I am not yet good at computers as i have already told you and if you send me photos try them smaller, ok? Though I speak and write English rather well I sometimes refer to a translator program to write to you because I don't know some tricky words but mostly I write myself. I can write to you several times a week but that depends mostly on the amount of work that I have to do. So, I have to say, that I am sorry for so short letter, but I have to go now (frankly speaking, I thought, that you won't answer, and I came to the Internet Cafe only to check my mail). I am waiting for your letter, and I won't let you to wait for my answer. I hope this information will be enough for now. If you answer my letter I will write you back. I'll wait for your response. And if you are really interested and decide to write to me, please, tell me some about yourself. Could you send pictures of you. I would like to see them. Also feel free to ask me, what you want to know about me, I'll be happy to answer your questions. Sincerely, Tatyana.
Dear Roger!I am very glad to get your letter, and I have to say, that I'm happy, that I have decided to communicate via Internet, and to learn English, I speak English rather good, and I hope, that I don't make many mistakes in my letters. It is very interesting way of communication, and it is rather new for me. But I have to say, that I am not looking for pen-friend, I want to say, that my intentions are serious, and I look for my future husband . I hope you understand me, and if it is only the game for you (I don't think so... but...), tell me about it, please, and may be it will be better for us to stop our conversation, because I don't want to hurt myself. I have to say, that I am very interested in you, I want to know you better, and I want to understand you, what kind of man you are... And to decide, was I right or not, when I have written to you. So, what else I can to say... I'm 1 m 71 sm tall, my weight 59 kg. My favorite flowers are orchids, but I'd love when my man brings me flowers, which he picked up, and it doesn't matter what kind of flowers it is. I like tender colors, not red or dark blue, but pink, and pastel tones.I like ice-cream. I like to watch movies at home, some TV shows of course, and sometimes sport channel, but not often, because I have to say, that watching sport alone is not interesting for me. I work as doctor, therapist, in the hospital. If you don't know, the therapist it is a doctor, which has no one way specialization. I do primary survey of patients, and I make first diagnostics, and I appoint additional inspections, if patient need it, or I direct him on hospitalization, or to other doctor (who specialize on current patients disease). So, I am the doctor of wide structure. I am single, and I have no sisters or brothers. I have no children, but I want to feel myself as mother, and I hope, I'll feel it beautiful feeling someday. My desire is to find the man, with whom I can spend my life together, I understand, that the days go, and we getting older, and I don't want to feel loneliness, and to think, that I have had chance someday, but I have lost it... Ok, I have time only to say, that I wait for your letters, and I hope, that it will be the same pleasure for you, as for me. Sincerely, Tatayana Malahova.
My dear Roger! I'm very glad to get your letters, and I'm also glad, that I have begun our communication with you, because I feel, that you are very good man, and every your letter brings me a lot of pleasure, and I also happy to see your letter in my inbox, when I come in Internet Cafe. I want to ask you, do not stop to write me! I want us to know each other better, and I'll try to tell to you something about me, and about place, where I live. Now I live alone, actually renting a flat. My mom lives in the neighbouring city called Bor (about 50 km from Nizhny Novgorod). This is where I grew up. Then I entered the university here, in Nizhny Novgorod, and after graduating from it I found a job here and made up my mind to stay live here. My house clean and cosy. There are a lot of books here, because I like reading. I like reading after finish of workday, before go to sleep. I cook good, I know many different recipes, but my favorite dishes are roasted meat, and cakes. I like cooking for myself, and for my friends, when they are visiting me. they names are Luba, and Irina. They are married, and have children. When I talked with them, I told them about you too. They were very happy for me, because I have found such honest and decent man as you. Also they have told me, that they are glad for me, because they did not see me such cheerful, and happy for long time! I want to tell to you, what I like to do for rest, when I have free from my work time. I like to visit pool with my friends, we do it 3 times a week. I like to walk in the park, when we have sunny weather here. I like listen to music, but I have no favorite one, I like many kinds of music, I like dance, but I do it very seldom, because I don't visit night clubs, and discos. Have I told you, that I don't smoke? And I don't drink, but I can drink a some wine with holiday dinner. If you don't mind, I'll ask you tell me about yourself. I am very interested in all, what takes place in your life. And if you want to know me better, you can ask me any questions, and I'll answer on all of it with pleasure! I have never been in USA before. Sincerely, I have never been abroad, but I always dreamed about it. About moving to USA... It is possible of course, if I'll find my love in your beautiful country. I'll be happy to move in this case. I wait for your answer! Sincerely Tatyana.
Dear Roger. I am very glad to receive your letter. Today I went to the Internet cafe which is not so far from my house to check my mail. I was very happy to find a letter from you. We still know not much about each other, but I shall try to tell about myself and find out more about you. The city i live in is 440 km south-east of Moscow. Our city is very beautiful, there are a lot of trees and flowers in the summer. It is an old city and it has a long history, we have an ancient fortress which is called the Kremlin. It is magnificent and it is nice to walk around the walls of the Kremlin. I do not have the right person who with I can walk in the evening along the streets, sit on a bench and put my head on his shoulder. Tell me about your the city what beautiful places do you have there? How do you spend your free time? Tell me what kind of life are you having in the USA. It is really very interesting for me!! Here in Russia it is very difficult. Earlier we were not allowed to speak about politics, and now it is much better, but the power is in the hands of greedy and bad people. People in power think only of their purses, they constantly deceive us and it is unbearable. Tell me is it true, that you have a good government and it takes care of its citizens? I'd like to live in the country where the government thinks of people. You may ask why I cannot find the right man in Russia. Though many men wanted to have love and friendship with me, but as I told you the most men drink here a lot and always find excuses not to work hard. So, it is really very difficult to find the right man to date with or marry to among them. I already spoke you, that I live separately from my mum. I love my mum very much , I often come to see her and we sit together in the evening, drink tea and mum recollects the time when I was a little girl. My mum now does not work, she already on pension. She has a garden and she grows different vegetables and flowers. My mum is the onlyperson that keeps me in Russia. She is 62 years old, but she looks much younger. I love her very much because she is now all I've got. My dad dropped my mom when I was 6. But time flies, and I no longer care about him. I lacked him when I was a girl and needed him badly as all children need both parents to take care of them. Now I am a grown up person and i do need him any more. Dear, it seems to me, that our meeting is destiny. Today I saw a dream... I dreamed that I was walking with the person and it felt so nice with him. I woke up and understood, that did not remember his face, but it seems to me, that it is not a casual event in our lives that destiny brought us closer. Perhaps you are the person who I may trust. I am looking forward to meeting a person who I can trust. I want to give him all my care and love to him, I am tired of being lonely. And you, do you believe in destiny? My dear Roger, I should stop here, as my time is limited. Other members of the club are waiting to occupy the computer. Children wait to play computer games, and I irritate them as I type too slowly. They do not understand, that I am in the long lifesearch, and I do not play. I send all best regards to your friends and family, and I wish you the best. Hope to hear from you soon. Tatyana. I am waiting for your reply with impatience.
Dear Roger! How are you? I'm fine, and I hope, that you alright too! How was your day? As for me, I worked all day today, but I went from my job earlier, because I and my mother visited mothers sister, my aunt, it is rather far from my home, and when I came to the Internet Cafe in the evening, I was very glad to find your letter! Today my friends invited me to go to the theater, and I decided to go, but first of all I went to the Cafe, and I am writing to you now. So, I don't have a lot of time, I have to go, but I only want you to know, that I did not forget about you, and that I hope, that your day was good, and everything alright with you! I shall set to you some questions, I want to learn you better. They the following: How tall are you?. Do you have a close family? Are you parents still together?. What kind of music and movies do you like? Favorites? What do you like most about women and Why? What was the most romantic moment of your life so far? . . . If you had to describe yourself in one word, what word would that be? What is your life's ambition or ultimate goal in life? Ultimate goal? What are your fears, you likes and your dislikes? What you want in a woman, what you don't want in a woman? What your deepest desires are? What is it that makes you feel special? What is your Favorite Color? What is your Favorite scent...that reminds you of your happiest time in your life, and your worst? Bye for tomorrow, I wait for your letters! Your Tatyana.
My dearest Roger! You make me happy! Your letters are like a present to me. I close my eyes, and I feel you in my arms, I would like to spend all my days with you, and I hope, that one day, I'll spend all of them with you. This night, I couldn't sleep. You've come in my dream, in my thoughts. You've come in my mind, in my night, and I dreamed to hold you in my arms, I dreamed that you're by me, taking my hand. I feel my heart is missing without you, without your presence the light appears black, and I feel an emptiness in my life, in my skin, in my spirit. I dream about you, and I don't sleep. I wait for our meeting like for the end of a tunnel, the tunnel of my life, and on this end, I can see a bright gleam. This gleam is you. Your image gleams like a possible hope, a fairy story, a fairy dream. I'm seeing this bright gleam, and I want to run in its direction. I don't want you to stay only an idle fancy, I want you to become real, my reality. I want to share my life with you, to share my laugh and my tears, to share all my emotions and my feelings, my joys and my pains, my hopes and my despairs. And of course, I want, that you share everything with me, your thoughts, yours desires, everything. Would you like to share your life with me, would you like to give me the right to love you all your life? Dear Roger please, give me permission to love you, to kiss you, to caress you, to give you all my tenderness and my heart. I read your letters, I close my eyes, and I give free vent to my imagination, and I see you flying to me, taking my hand, and you come back with me in your arms. You and me, flying under the stars, through the continents, around the world, around our world, in love, only in love. You are invading my heart and my mind. You're so great, so... I don't find the good word, I don't find enough words. With impatience I wait for your answer. I dream of you day and night, yours forever, Tatyana.
My dearest Roger! I read your letter, and I really have no words to explain, what I feel. I feel, I found the dearest in my life! It is about you, my sweet! You opened your heart to me, you even can't imagine, how long I waited for YOU, dreamed about YOU! You are really the man of my dreams! Years ago, when I was a little child, my mother told me many fairy tales. I loved one of them most of all. There was a beautiful princess and handsome prince in that fairy tale. There were a lot of difficulties and barriers between them. They had many troubles, but the prince knew, that his princess was the one, who was created for him. After many effort they came together. I can think only of you now. You make me happy, and I know now, when I'll hold you in my arms, when I'll kiss you, I'll never let you go! I am asking myself: is it dream? If it is a dream, please, don't let me to wake up! Now I know, how easy to fall in love, when two lonely hearts find each other on the long and difficult road of life. My Prince, I know, that you can invite me to the beautiful world of love, where we can carry out all our secret amazing dreams, all our desires and wishes. I know, that you can change my lonely life, I believe in it, and I'm ready to travel thousands kilometers, because I know, that you are my soul mate. My sweet, I don't doubt, that we have love intimacy between us now. I feel how your heart beats despite of distance between us, it beats in a step to my heart now... I know it. Were we created for each other? Now I need only one: to meet you. I have a great desire to do it. I already talked with my mother, and she lets me to come to you. She is a little afraid for me, because I'm still her little daughter, but she trust me, and she gave us her parental blessing. If you really want to see me in person, I'm ready to talk to you about it. I wait for your decision. Your princess, Tatyana.
My dearest Roger! First, I want to say to you, that I thought a lot about you, about us, and the distance between us, you are so natural and full of love, that I want to be there right now with you. I want to feel you, smell you, touch you, hear you... It's not possible for this moment, and this hurts me. This makes me suffer! I'm dreaming to be happy in my life, I want to make you happy, to make you feel comfortable with me without fears, that you can trust me. I want to love you, like you have never felt this before, doing everything together and having fun. I have so many ideas in my mind, that you will never be bored, life is a serious thing, but it must be surprising at the same time. You live only once. I want to surprise you, I am your surprise! I talked to the owner of the flat and he told me that it's not so easy to install the phone in his flat. We still live like in the Soviet times and money does not always decide everything. He said he was put on the queue to get the phone 4 years ago and still didn't get it. The installation itself is of no problem. You pay something about 6000 roubles (around 200 dollars) and they install it. The problem is with that queue on which they put people and tie them to it for ages. The girl who lives next door told me that she is on the queue for 10 years already and no one cares that she lives far from the centre of the city and that she really needs the phone. Maybe it will be better for me to look for another flat somewhere closer to the centre with the phone. My feelings to you are so big, that you can't imagine. But sometimes the love and feelings are painful for me. What if I don't get you? I don't want to think of it. You are only one man for me in the world, you have all the things, that I'm looking for and want to have. My dreams are becoming to reality, because of you. Thank you for this! If I could give you one thing, I would give you the ability to see yourself, as other people do, then you would have seen, what a dear and special person you are...My sweet, I asked God for a flower, he gave me a garden, I asked for a tree, he gave me a forest, I asked for a river, he gave me an ocean. Asked for a friend and he gave me YOU. Sometimes my eyes are full of tears, when I think of you my love. You are my only Love, and will always stay in my heart. I will always love you, today, tomorrow and forever. I will never do something, that could hurt you, never. My dear! I went to travel agency this morning, and I found out all conditions of my arrival to you in details. Frankly speaking, I was in shock! If I am able to pay for visa with help of my mother, I won't be able to pay for tickets (even for cheapest!). But I can't get visa without buying tickets in this travel agency. Getting of visa is not a problem, agency takes care about it, and they can get it quickly, but only if I'll buy tickets there. My problem is only a tickets. I feel so bad, I even could think about, that tickets to USA costs on 5 times more, than tickets to Europe. I really don't know what to do! I'm afraid, I feel scared by my feebleness. Now I can only dream about my arrival to you. My love, it's a pity, but if I want to buy tickets, I have to save up my year's salary (and don't spend it even for food!)! I'm so sorry. Your, Tatyana.
Letter #9:
My love Roger! Now I absolutely have no doubts, that my intentions are very serious. Thank you for taking the time to write me, If you only knew how happy your letters make me. Thank you for being so sweet. Every day I find myself, spending more time thinking of you. Every day, before go sleep, I imagine our first meeting. How I come from airport, and I see you at the first time. I really can't imagine how many emotions I'll feel, because even thinking about it, my heart beating is becoming faster and faster. It seems to me, that I did not want anything in my life, as to meet you. My dear Prince, your letters are pure inspiration to me. I want to see you, and tell you, that I miss you more and more as the days pass. I want you to be my happiness for ever. A lot of time has passed, I feel nervous, because I think that love has finally found me, can this be Love? Yes. My inner feelings never liar. I think of the future, many years from now and I see you and me, together, married, our family, I know it may sound a kind of silly, but it is my dream, you are my dream, a life by your side. My dear Roger, I wonder how will it feel to have you in my arms, to kiss you, to love you. It makes me crazy, no, YOU make me crazy! I can stay with you 6 months, then if I won't want to come back (or if we'll be married), I'll be able to stay with you, and do everything for new visa or something else from USA. I already got a passport, so I have it, and I need only to buy ticket and visa. I need 350 $ for visa, and exams for getting it. And I need about 1200 - 1400 $ for tickets, it depends on a date of my arrival.I think, that we have to divide charges, because my mother saved some money 550 $.My dear, so, I need 1000 $. now, may be I have to pay more, but for getting visa, I have to pre-pay for tickets 1200 $. Honey, if you can send 1550 $ it would be better and we live mother`s pension fund alone. But the agency will not make visa if I will not buy tickets from them. This is obligatory condition. I hope, that it'll be a good news for you, as for me, because nothing can prevent us to be together. Yours Tatyana.
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