OMG how did I ever run across this web-site?? Lucky I guess. Thank you Scott from Las Vagas, and this site. Between the both of you saved me $750.00. Now who do I send this money to now to say thank-you. I could waste time and tell the story. But it would read the same as scotts Exactly !!! same letters same pictures. Once again THANK-YOU BOTH. jeff
Stepanova (Murmansk, Russia)
Hi, my name is Steve, I'm 30yrs old, single and looking for a while. I was currently talking to 4 different women from Russia at once. One just blew her cover. This had happened to me a few years back, though, I never thought about it much, until a little while later I found this site, and realized that the other woman was also scamming me. I will add her when I compile all of the e-mails. This one goes by Irinochka, or Irina. She initially e-mailed me on EliteMate.com, under Irinochka. Her e-mails and pics to follow. One more thing, after her last letter to me, I responded to her anyway, going for the sympathy "there's alot of people doing this kind of thing and I am just trying to be careful..." card, but I haven't received a response yet. Doubt I will. I would also like to thank someone else on this site for possibly blowing the lid on another for me. The pics are the same, I'll send her the link and see what she does. (hehe) Last but not least, there is one of the women I am corresponding with that may be for real, she isn't following the patterns I normally see from them, and from the ones on this site. One of the things that actually did catch my eye was she does mention my name throughout the e-mail, which could be all crap, I'm still paying attention. I was also made aware by EliteMate that when profiles and persons of such nature are reported, their profile is pulled and they are reported to the authorities.
1st letter:
Hello my dear Steve, Thank you for your replying on my letter. It's so nice of you. I think that you are a very interesting person. So I decided to use the chance to get to know you. Please, I would like to have more pictures of you. I would like to know you more and I hope one day we can establish a serious and long relationship between us. I believe that relationship is a goof foundation for any relation what so ever. I don't think that the age and appearance is so important though I am rather pretty. The most important what is inside you and how do you feel about the life. I know this life from many sides and I am rather mature already to know how to make a man happy. I don't know if you answer me or not. But why not to try? I will regret if not to try. I think we should use every chance to find our happiness. Life is too short to use it only for thinking and dreaming. I try to act but not only to dream. So I am here! The only one I miss is a beloved person and I want to have a family. In this letter I would like to tell you more about myself. I will not write you much about myself now. I will just give you an idea of who I am. My name is Irina, me of 27 years, my birthday was March, 26, 1977 My speciality - bookkeeper - economist, but I can not find work on the speciality, therefore I should earn additionally on various works Now I am the insurance agent in small insurance firm I work to earn for my living. I have a higher education and I am rather intelligent. I have really many interests: music, reading, books, movies, good conversations, sports and many other things which make the life wonderful. I am creative and curious by nature. I love to travel, to discover new places and meet new people, open mind and heart to the rest of the world and get enriched by it's marvels and wisdom. I am fun loving, but quiet and romantic in the same time. My friend's say I'm old fashion in a certain way. I like and value sophisticated as well as simple things. I like climbing mountains as well as walking along the beach. I like drinking a glass of red wine while listening to good music as well as sharing intellectual conversation. But times comes when friend's love is not enough anymore, you want the kind of love to make the sparkles light in your eyes in that specific, unique way. Especially I like autumn and rain, because it's time for reminiscence. I like just sitting near the window and see the rain. As every person I need in close relationship, do everything together, live and desire of life together. I learn to trust my instincts. I can't say that I have many friends. I know many people but I am very picky about the friends. Friend is a person who will be with me all my life. And I am lucky to have some really good friends. But I am very sociable that is why there are many people I have good relations with. I live with my mum and we are very friendly My mum wishs me happiness and she wants, that I at last have found my happiness I live in city of Murmansk, it is beautiful city, but I do not want to live here Here, is not opportunity to find happiness, I want to leave from here far - is far to leave to my prince and to make us happy!!! I believe in love and all the aspect of love and my heart is open now for a real relationship with you. Best regards. IRINA.
2nd letter:
Hello my dear Steve, Thank you so much for your letter. It is so warm and nice that I was really impressed. I'll do all my best that you'll not be disappointed, because I think one of the most awful and painful things, which can happen with a person, it's when his hopes and dreams are broken. But by the other side, our heart can love and forgive and it's great. I want to tell you about my daily life in this latter. I wake up at 6 o'clock, have shower-bath, make breakfast and have a tea. Then I am engaged in aerobics 4 times to a week. In other days I am engaged in domestic affairs, I read books, I listen to the music. I like very much to go to theatre and cinema. In the summer I and my friends go on the nature, there is a beautiful small river near our city. At 10 o'clock I should be on my work. I like my work, I meet different people and I offer them services of our insurance on various situations Basically, we are engaged in insurance of the real estate and automobiles I faced with many types of people, and each of them has unique character. I like to study psychology of people, it is very amusing, I already can define character of the person, on one sight on him Some of them good-natured, others - spiteful, some absent-minded, others on the contrary very attentive to all and punctual And I wonder to ask you for what you can forgive your close person and for what can't. I like your condor. It gives an opportunity to get to know person better and to avoid of making mistakes. It seems to me that candid relations, when people don't reserve their feelings and intentions, are like bright, sunny day and this sun warm both. I want serious relations. I'm looking not for a boy friend; I'm looking for a husband for me and for father for our future children. You know that my intentions are really very serious. I absolutely don't like when people can't trust each other and I hate when they lie. I think nobody can tell the truth all the time, because sometimes you can hurt someone if you tell the truth, there are situations when you tell lie you'll save person's life or maybe his feelings, but it's also very important. But I want to tell you that I always TRY to tell the truth only. I also want to hear only the truth in answer. I think that it's very important, because every relation friendship and love also has to be built on trust. I think that it's a very good foundation. I also want to create my own family. I have not been married and I don't have any children, but I have dream to find the loving man,and to create a family. I'll give this person all my love and tenderness. So I want to have a whole family, a husband I can trust in everything and he also can trust me and our children. I finish my work at 20 o'clock, and i go home on foot, my house in several quarters from a office. It is terrible to come back home alone but I have got used already. After coming home I have shower-bath, then I have a supper and I go sleeping, pending see dreams and tomorrow's day. At leisure I hasten to go in Internet - cafe to read your letter and to write the answer I with impatience wait for your letters!!!!!!!! My friends call me Irinochka. You can call me so also. I would like to ask you what holidays and with whom do you like to celebrate? Do you prefer to live in a big city or in a village? Why? Do you want to visit different countries? If yes, what countries? How do you like to see your house? In what moments in your life did you feel yourself very alone? When do you feel support? For what reasons are you become angry? I think it's all. I'll be waiting for your letter. Sincerely yours Irina.
3rd letter:
My dearest Steve I have come to Internet-cafe again to receive the letter from you. Your letters make my mood magnificent on all the day. I wait with impatience each new letter from you. It is a pity that Internet - cafe is too far from my home and I have no opportunity to visit it every day. I can assure you that my life has change after your appearance in it. My mood is good and fine, because I'm waiting for your next respond and I know that I'll receive it. Now I began to love and to value life more because I realized that there are so much wonderful things and remarkable people in it. I read your letters and I feel your energy in my heart, inside me. Dear Steve, if you can value a woman, if you look for warmth, passion and caress, if you can love and want to be loved then our meeting may become a gift of Fate for both of us. And I am very happy to know you are romantic person. If you look for a woman who would make your blood run faster and your heart beat stronger then you might have found what you searched for. I'll be glad to share with you my warmth and saved passion and tendered. I can be an embodiment of your hidden desires. My romantics and tender raised by your love and desire may turn into intoxicating magic cocktail with the taste of happiness. You'll become an owner and tactful keeper of secret nectar of love. I am romantic and woman secret. We'll present a new world to each other full of bright colors on the shining lights. We'll rise to the top of love on the wings of passion. Do you want there with me? Do you share my thoughts? Have you saved the passion and desire I search for? Do you want to try to create a new world with me? I can't give you my phone number. It is not because I don't want. I really want to hear you voice and to speak with you, but problems appear in our relations. First of all I have not a phone at home. We must have the phone this year, but there is a big turn and in our town people who can pay have the phone at home. It is a pity, but our family hasn't such money. Especially, I can't afford myself to buy a computer as it costs for about 500-700 dollars and it is too much for me. Not so many people in our town can afford to buy a computer. Also I would like to have your mail address for some case, I shall write to you on the regular mail I really want to hear you voice. I think through our breath we could feel closer to each other. I want to hear your voice and just say hello. If you don't mind, write to me number of your phone (it is desirable number cellular or mobile that I could phone up to you at any moment), and I shall try to phone up to you I feel so tired from the life here and you are the only one who warms me and gives me strength to live. The life in Russia is so difficult and though we got used to it sometimes I feel so unsafe and tired from everything. But I am lucky one to get $85 a month. This money allows me to go to the Internet cafe to send you letters and to get yours. It is the only one thing in my life which makes me happy. I miss so much being without your letters. And the Internet-cafe is the only one place where I can communicate with you. Well, enough complaining. May be you will tell me about the life In your country, it will cheer me up I miss you so much. Your Irina.
4th letter:
My dearest Steve You make my days so bright. You show me such tender loving care. I can't begin to tell you, just how I feel for you. And every day I hope and pray, that you feel the way I do. I always dreamed of finding someone really special who would come into my life and love me, someone who would understand me, encourage my efforts and share my dreams. As a child I dreamt of a man that would make me smile and laugh. Someone I could trust, someone who would never hurt me. I dreamt of someone who would hold me close when we danced. You have made my dreams come true. You are my dream. I promise to share all my hopes and dreams with you. You are very interesting person with high intelligence and sense of humor. I think many women try to win your heart. In Russia, people speak, that " way to the heart of the male lays through his stomach ". If I could prepare supper for you, I'll certain win your heart. I hope, sometime, I'll prepare supper for you. I don't want to brag, but my grandmother, has learned me to cook surprising delicacies, I am sure, that you will lick the fingers after this meal I want to tell you, that I have attached to you very much. I can't explain my feelings, but I miss you very much, it's at first time for me, because we didn't meet still. I think, I starting to love you. I hope, it doesn't frighten you, because speak not so long time. But in such man as you any woman fall in love in some days of dialogue!!! I can speak for a long time about my feelings, but I don't want to disturb you by my ideas, maybe, they'll seem silly for you. My darling Steve, You do bring me the most pleasure, I never ever have it! You are my morning sunrise when I wake up and you are my sunset when I go to bed. I find myself thinking of you so much! Throughout the day I constantly think of you. I can be in a meeting at work and my thoughts drift to you. As I go to work I think of you. As I did my thoughts shifted to you, and I started to wish so much that you were there with me. I thought of you next to me, with your beautiful smile as we admired the beauty. It gave me many warm feelings! You are such a special man and I enjoy this feeling of falling in love with you! And if your intentions are serious, and you as well as I wants to meet for learning each other, write me and we'll start to decide this problem. You'll arrive to me, or I arrive to you, we'll decide further. You know, I am very sensual woman and if your intentions are not serious stop write to me please, I am afraid that my heart will be broken and I'll suffer for a long time. I know that you are good person and you will fairly answer on my question, I am only afraid, and that you don't have such feelings to me. We could meet and then decide how we are necessary to each other. I don't afraid that after our meeting you reject me, but I'll damn myself up to the end of my life that I and haven't met with you. Probably it is destiny!?! So you'll decide. I have completely opened for you. My adress: Murmansk, Street Orlikovoi 42 - 45. I'll wait for your following letter with impatience. Yours Irina!!!
5th letter:
My darling Steve! I am so happy to receive your letter, because I missed you so much. You know, humans are very funny creatures with one (invisible) wing. Unfortunately none can fly with one wing only. But if one finds his better half and they hug each other, they will soar together like the two happiest people who can fly. First of all I want to say that I treasure the value of family, want to create my own strong family and fill it with interesting life, music, laughing, harmony, love and happiness. I know that you love me and I feel that my heart is open for your love because every time when I receive your letters and read your words, I feel that my heart starts to bite faster and faster. I know that this is because there is love to you, my darling Steve. I need you very much. I want to be with you, give you all heat and tenderness which for a long time I saved inside me. Today I thought of you and sang my favorite song about true love and when I sang it I was thinking about you and I feel that this thoughts helped me to won. The miracle of life shone in front of my eyes when you entered my life. Nothing can be compared to this feeling of filling up somebody's life. The excitement, which tortures me while waiting for your letters every day. The feeling that you know every corner of my heart. All these things are the most beautiful signs of my love for you. Every single word you write every day is a part of my soul, as if I already know what you are about to say. Every step I make is safe, because I feel you around me. When we first met on the Internet, I didn't even suspect what a great person you were. But apparently life can show us such wonders, that we can stay amazed like children, wondering how this could happen to us! Well, I want to thank you for being my best friend, for being my angel, for being my soul, for being my life! And I want you to know, that I have never felt like this before. You brighten my days and give me the strength to carry on, fighting every day for you. You revealed the deepest emotions and feelings I've kept inside of me for so long. Feelings I didn't even suspect to be. But most of all, you showed me the real taste of love. You are my best friend and the one I want for life, my yesterday, my today and my tomorrow. I want to wake up with you. I want to lay by your side, I want to feel every beat of your heart And throughout the night I want to hold you tight. All the love inside me has been sleeping and waiting till you came along. Your words heat my soul and heart. You in my heart each minute. I think that we should meet, we should see each other, looking in eyes each other, because through the Internet the emotions are lost and difficultly understand each other. That we are with you very far, it is a little sad. But I am sure, that we can meet in the near future. How you think? I think it there will be very important event in our relations. I miss you very much!!! Kiss you!!! Your Irina.
6th letter: This is after I asked her about if she had ever thought about coming to the USA
Hi my lovely Steve! I thank God every night for that I found you. You came into my life when everything seemed so dark but you provided the light to find my way. I've never been so certain of anything in my life like I am of us. You have totally changed my outlook in life and I thank you for that. I love you very much. I feel as if I'm walking over clouds just thinking about you. You make my life complete. I love you so much and I know you love me too. You - my magic prince!!! I know that others, looking into our relationship might think that we're saying too many foolish things too soon but they just don't know how we feel about each other. There's nothing foolish about the things I've told you, I meant every word I said. I love you and I would do anything for you, I love you so much. You must know how I feel myself so happy, when I read your letters. Maybe someday I will be able to find all the correct words, to be able to tell you. It's very good solar weather here. And the main thing is that I have found you! I have suchstrange feeling inside. I miss you. I need you very much. I think it's time to solve what we will do. I think, it will be better, if I'll arrive to you. I know agency through which my girlfriend Maria has received the visa and tickets. Visa was making for very short time, and a month later she has departed from Moscow by airplane. I want to arrive to you very much, I never travelled on such long distance, but for the sake of you and for the sake of our meeting I am ready to make improbable things I want, that you have met me at the airport, it will be the happiest day in my life I want to walk with you on a coast of ocean, I never saw ocean, it is one of my big desires What you think of it? I hope for your consent if you agree I'll go and I find out all about the visa and how can I arrive to you. In the following letter I'll tell to you all about it. Write to me about yourself. Is all good with you??? My mum send a regards to you. I shall make for you a photo, where we are together. She are very glad, that I am happy. It is a very pity, I would like to write to you about much, but I must go, my dear Steve. I will miss you, I LOVE YOU and I want to be with you for ever Your and only your Irina.
7th letter: Never quite expected the semi-sexual content here.
Hello my love Steve!!! How are you??? I am fine and I am glad to hear from you! In the first lines of my message I want to tell you that I miss you so much. You are the most important and best part in my life, I adore you!!!!!! I love you I am sure our love is the best that can exist in the world. Why do I love you? This question is really hard to answer. Because you the best man in the world for me... because you care about me and support me... because you wrote me such wonderful and beautiful letters... I don't know the reason of love but it exists (I mean - love). It is the greatest feeling of human being... I know that you love me with all your heart and soul but I want to feel this love in my real life not only through our letters in the Internet. My dearest and lovely Steve, I want to tell you million times that I love you and I adore you with all my passion. I want to be with all in every part and event of your life. I want to help you with your work, I want you to know that I will do everything I can for you and me to be happy during all our life. I want to tell to you one of my imaginations concerning us. I rise early in the morning, I go on kitchen, I prepare for a breakfast, coffee or tea. I bring to you a breakfast in bed when you still sleep. Then I start you to awake, shower with gentle kisses your lips, then a neck, then I kiss your breast, I tender kiss your dummies. You start to wake up. Then I start to fall below, I kiss your tummy. I feel, how you start to want me, you want to take me in the embraces and to love me right now. I continue to kiss yours tummies, and then slowly I fall below and below... Then we are engaged love... After that, we together with you have breakfast, we joke, we are dared. Then I see off you for work. When you will leave, I shall do work in the house. When you will come evening, on a table will be a supper prepared me. We let us have supper at candles, romantically and gently to talk. After a supper you will include music and will invite me on dance, we shall dance and to kiss each other, you will slowly start to remove from me a dress, I shall be to remove your shirt, we shall undress, each other and we shall dance absolutely naked. Then we shall go to a bed and we shall make love. Such imaginations at me, I very much would want that every day at us was such. In addition, if you on for a long time leave, during your absence I shall try to prepare you for a surprise to please you, and to wait that you too will have for me surprise. My mum said me, that she are very happy for us my darling Steve. In the eyes of my mom I saw a great happiness for me. She said that she hope that I did a right choice in my life and she hope that we will happy together my love Steve, My love Steve, I want ask you a main question, I think that it will so fairly since my side my darling. Do you have or do you write with any another women??? It's so important for me, I hope that you will understand me, because I love you and I don't want that you write with other women. I want to say to you that I don't write with any other men except for you, my love prince. I don't want an other man, because I love you! But more of all I don't want that any other woman will try to steal you from me!! I hope we will be together as soon as possible. I want you to be with me. I have never wanted any man to be in my life but from the time I've met you I want only one thing. I want, that you knew, that I love you and I also want to be with you always. It is the greatest dream of my life now. I shall miss you very much, and I with impatience wait for your letters Tomorrow I shall try to find out about documents for travel to you I would like to meet you more soon Well, it is time to go, I love you very much and I hope to see you in the night dreams Forever yours Irina.
9th letter:
Hello Steve I very much wait for your letter. Today I visited Internet - cafe to look your letters but was afflicted because you have not written to me. Can you write me more often? I miss you so much. My mum asked about you. She asked send you HI. With love Irina.
10th letter: Here it is, finally it all comes out.
Hello my lovely Prince! I have gotten your answer, it's so happy for me to receive your necessary love for me, your warmth words my dear. When I read your letter it seems that I feel your presence near to myself, I feel your breath and warmly of your hands. I love you so much that I can't without you now my love, you and your messages are so necessary for me, you are the inseparable part of my life. I say about it very seriously! Because you know how much I love you my darling Steve! All days, all seconds I'm dreaming about our meeting, I can't wait a moment when we will meet in your airport my love, I want it so much my darling! I'm a happiest woman in this world, because we have met each other. I want to wish to all people to love each other very much, because I have tested this feeling with you my dear, it happen so quick my dear and through Internet, I want to say to you my dear, that all people, who want to find a love man or woman, this man or woman will find the love necessarily, I'm sure in this, because I found you my love through the Internet, and we love each other so much, and I know that our love is most dear feeling from other feelings that exists on this small light-blue planet. Now all my ideas only about you and this night know that I shall think of you. I see in the sky, among dark clouds the lonely moon, I see in it an outline of your face. Now I think, that is very good that I have got acquainted with you, let even we did not see each other actually, let between us large distance. I do not know that occurs to me, my soul is torn to you, I have what that strange, inexplicable feelings. Close the eyes and do not think of anything bad, let you will be left by all problems and care. Present that we beside. You feel me, my touch of hands, my gentle kiss. Now about travel to you, it is difficult to receive the visa to the lonely Russian women The majority of people of Russia are compelled to wait approval of the visa a lot of time, from 6 months about one year In some cases, it is especial to girls, refuse, but due to my familiar (she works in embassy of Moscow) it easily. Are necessary to pay registration of necessary documents only If you really seriously concern to that that I have visited you, I can settle these formalities Whether I should know you are capable help me with the finance for the visa and air tickets? Inform me the closest international airport, I want to look flights and cost of air tickets. I remember, that Elena spoke, for registration of the visa necessary time from 2 - 4 weeks. Elena has learned how much cost a visa and a foreign passport too. She have called in embassy and there have said to her that it will be better for us, if I will have the visa of a tourist. This tourist visa B-2, the visitor visa will valid during six months. On this type of visa I'll can travel till USA without any restrictions. The price of this visa, as Elena was informed in embassy, is 110 US dollars. Besides the process of the registration of the visa costs 55 US dollars. Elena also has taken an interest about other kinds of the visas too, as to her have said, that there is a set of kinds of the visas. For example, visa of a bride. She thought, that it is the best variant for us, but her in Embassy have said that this visa costs more expensively and visa's registration costs a lot of money. It's around 650 US dollars and the registration of the visa will during seven months, it is very long and expensive! From it because the tourist visa B-2 is the bitterest variant than visa of bride now for us my love Steve! My love, I want to ask you one thing, I will need to ask your help with a financial charges for the getting all necessary documents for my coming to you. As probably, may be you know an economic situation in our country, it's simply awful. Our government explains it to those that simply they don't have a money, it's a difficult financial situation, and they don't have a recourses on the salary for the any kind of the job in total. My dearest, my love Steve, I have a great desire to come to you, to see you at last and only recourses separate us from each another. I love you so much, honey, and I don't want to lose you. Nobody can help me with it. Of course, I asked my mum and my friends to help me with this expense on the necessary documents for my coming, but my mother and my friends doesn't have such money though they would like to help us. My dearest Steve, in general, I'll need for 400 US dollars. It's certainly large money, you probably have thought what is it more than the total price of the visa and visa's registration, but I will must to get the foreign passport too of course the price of which is 60 US dollars. Also I will need to pay for medical exams, it will be 50 dollars. And of course I will need to pay for the coming from Murmansk to Moscow, I have learned about the price of the airplane ticket Murmansk - Moscow, it will be 2500.00 Russian rubles or it is around 85 US dollars. Elena will try to find the cheaper prices of the air ticket for going to you. She said me, that will try to find a cheaper air tickets! I so happy from this so happy news! But now, at first, my angel, I will must begin a process of the registration of all necessary documents, in total I will need 400 US dollars. My dearest Steve, if you will send me this so necessary recourses for this documents, it will be better to do through a system of Western Union Elena trust this system Western Union, as She have said me, Western Union is the fastest and reliable system of remittances worldwide! Also Elena said me, you will need in some detailes from me, you will need my full name, and address of the nearest bank where is situated the system of Western Union in Murmansk: Irina Stepanova, Russia, 183700, Murmansk city , Lenin prospectus, 43 BANK MENATEP SPb. My love Steve, when you will sent this remittance, it will be necessary for me, that you send me an important information which required at a parcel of money. The receiver must know ten digits for receiving money (Money Transfer Control Number (MTCN)), your full name and full home address My love, I understand completely that it's a large money, but to me any more on whom I can to rely and on this I ask you about your help with this expense. My lovely prince, we love each other very much and we will together, I sure in it!!! I'm waiting and I'm dreaming for a moment of our meeting in your airport my Steve. I will cry in this moment, when I will leave from an air gangway and when I will see you my angel, because it will from our happiness. I close my eyes and I am imagining about this so happy picture. My love, I dream as we will live together my darling, to go for a walk, keeping for our hands. I want, that you will show me your native land, a places where you like to go for a walk and where you like to spend a more of your time. Also I want to get acquainted with your relatives and closest friends so much! I want to be with you very much and I miss you !!!!!!!!!!!!!! My darling, on this I will end my e-mail to you, I will wait for your next e-mail with my great love desire!!! You must know, Steve, how I love you! Well, it is time to me to go, I will think about you so much, I love you, and I want to be with you as soon as possible my love!!!!! More kisses and hugs. Your love, IRINA.
11th letter: After I sent her a blunt e-mail about how could I trust she would arrive in USA to me and not just keep the money. You'd swear I killed her puppy.
Hello my lovely Steve How are you? I am sad. I received your last letter. I thought, that you trust me, I thought trust - it is basis of mutual happiness and love I loved you... But now you refuse me. You leave me a lone... I wanted to be happy with you together, I wanted to make you happy, but you do not want. You know how many I earn in Russia? I earn approximately 120 $ per one month, from this sum I subtract 48 $ for payment the Internet of services Besides it it is necessary for me to buy clothes, and different subjects of a toilet I all the same the woman! Now you understand how many money at me remains after that? It hardly will suffice on life! Now consider, how many months is required to me to save up the necessary sum I am not rich, and I do not have rich friends or relatives I do not have father to ask the help at him If I had this money, I would not ask you any cent I shall not ask you money, it is not necessary for me I love you, and I simply wanted to arrive to you I see now, that you do not want it, I do not know what to do I was the happiest woman, and you at once destroyed it You doubt my feelings to be with you, you doubt of me, but now I doubt of your feelings and all your words At me nasty mood, and I in despair Forgive me, I can not write to you. Your Irina.
 
Ludmila Krainova
(Russia, Dubovka)
My name is Ray and I am single and 43 years old. She first emailed me on americansingles.com below is the intro letter to me. I started to wonder when she sent her pictures, I am not an ugly man but a beauty like this interested in me and falling on love so fast from what little info I gave here. I have only talked to her for a couple of weeks and she wanted to visit me here in the USA, yeah right and I was born yesterday. I did not send her any money. I have heard about such scams and searched the net and found this site and her picture and scam. Her name is the same the picture shows her dancing on a table. I live in Canton, Ohio.
Date: 09/03/2004 9:32 am.
Hi!!! I just saw your profile and I liked it! I would like to correspond with you! I do not play in games and I search only serious relations. My name is Ludmila and I live in Russia, in a small town which named Dubovka. I am 30 years old and I am ready to setlle down now. Thats why I am seeking for serious partner for my life. I would like to know more about you. Write to me if you are interested, if you wish, I can send you my photos! Please write me only with e-mail: ludlon45@mailgate.ru. Ludmila.
Letter 2
Dear Ray! I was very surprised to get your answer! Unfortunately I don't know a lots about you, but I hope to know more! I did not have a lots experience in using computers and communicating through Internet with another people. But I hope it will work. First of all please let me know can you understand me or not. I don't sure in my English. I was not best student in our group learning English, but I hope you will understand me and may be help me to study English more. So, something about me: I am Russian woman, I live in town Dubovka. It's a very small town, its situated about 1300 km from Moscow to the south. There are no much big cities near it. The largest is Volgograd. There are big river near my city. It is Volga. And what about your city? I am curious about it, about culture of your country. I am 30 years old, my birthday is 3 March. And when does your birthday? How do you spend it? I graduated from our States University, which is situated in Volgograd. Its very famous university its takes 10 place in Russian universities by education and experience. My specialty is economical management. I did not like this science a lots, but it was very popular in Russia when I was ready to choose specialty after graduating school. So, about a reason why I am here. I will write you more later, now I just would like to check does it work or not. I search for my soulmate, to share with him all my happyness and troubles. And love. I do not searching for long extended correspondence, and I dont like to play in any soul games. I need to find real man for love and I hope its you. That's a little about me and I hope to know more about you. Unfortunately I don't sure did I done all fine to send you this letter and will you receive it or not. Its will be so pleasant for me to get answer from you! I will be waiting it with impatience! Ludmila. P.S. I am very curious about you. Please send me more of your pics. Even if you dont have it, please do it, its so important for me!
Letter 3
Hello Ray!! I so ready today to receive a mail from you! And I so glad to see, that you received my mail and answered! And I so happy that you understood my entire letter! I would like to continue our correspondence and I hope you too! So, I will write you more. Dear Ray, I understand most in your letter! But I not sure now I have no much time to read it more carefully. I undesrstood all words but I dont know grammer well. So, I have to write you a little about my situation. As you know I live in town that named Dubovka. It's a very small town and only a couple of people here have their own phones and Internet access. But we have Internet club here and its very popular. The only way for me to write you is to get here and pay for time at computer to write you. But I so happy to do it! I printed your letter and I will read it more carefully at home with dictionary, when I will have more time. I hope its ok, but I can miss some of your questions, please don't worry, I will write answer in one of my next letters. And sometimes (for example some parts of this letter I will prepare at my work and just then type it to you). So I think I have to tell you more about me and what I am doing here. I can't describe myself, its not easy but I will write you all that my friends say. They say, that I am very cheerful, attractive and devoted woman, and I will not leave my friend in trouble. I do not smoke and I don't drink often. I can drink Champaign, vine or a little bear. But I don't drink a lots, only sometimes at holidays. I was not married and I have no children. I like only honest and open people even if its bad. My father works likes driver in hospital. He has a lot of business trips. They are not very far, but sometimes he trip to Volgograd. Everybody knows him in my town. I have no mother. Its not easy for me to say about it. She died when she gived birth to me. My father love her very much and its a very big loss for him. I know a little about she, only from my father told me. Now my father has another family, but we love each other very much and I am always going to him at weekends. Now I living with my aunt. When I was a young girl I lived with my father. And all home businesses depended on me. That's why I think I am independent woman. I am proud for this, because it helped me to find out how to cook and how to make homebusiness. I like to cook very much and I am cooking always only by myself. I like to cook something unusual. I like to prepare fish and meat delicious for my guests and guests of my father at holidays. He always asking me to help him because he know that i coocking very good. I hope I can be good housewife. And I would like to find a man to give him all my care and love and to get this back. Most of all I like fruits like grapes, persimmon, peach, appricot. I would like to tell you about how I get idea to write you a letter but its seems I have no much time now. I will write you about it at my next letter. Its very pleasant for me to write you letters. I like it very much. Looking forward to hear from you,
Letter 4
Hi Ray!!! Thank you for your letter. I becoming attached to your letters and I like it very much. Can you write me more about your work? What is most intresting in it? How do you spend your free time? I was born at Dubovka town. My mother was born there and lived there for all her life. My father took me out there for not having trouble thoughts about my mother. I like my town Dubovka very much. I have no brothers and sisters. I have only a cousin she lives in Moscow now. Her name is Nadia. Now I am working as seller - adviser at biggest company at our city. This is firm that sells furniture. My duties are to show furniture to clients, to tell them all about it, to take orders. I cant say that I like my work very much, but my heads very proud for me, they always say that I am best. They are very good and strong people and I like them a lot. My work is not very far from me, and I always go there by myself. And how long from your home your work is situated? And some words about my town. My town is not very big. We have no big houses there and the largest house 9-floor building. But our town is enough green and nice. Its situated near the Volga river so we have lots of fishmen. It is not very noisy town. We like our town very much. So, I would like to tell you about how I get idea to start to write you. The reason is I met one of my old girlfriends, which was my classmate. We spoke a lot and she was very happy and told me her story. One day she with our girlfriends comes to Internet club just for kidding. They did not know lots about Internet. They asked a manager of Internet club what they could do their interesting. He shows them one of Internet dating cites. My girlfriend (Galina) wrote only one not serious letter to a man from United States, Illinois. She did not wait something seriouse. Then she began to go every day and write him. She did not let her girlfriend to come with she. And after one month of communicating she told them that she will go to USA soon and that she love that man. She went to USA for one month and when she returned she were happiest woman of the world. I did not see her such happy before! I was really shocked. It looked like a fairy tale. I was speaking a lots with her and I was so surprised to knew that would like to marry and to come to USA for all her life. I asked her why she did not choose Russian man. She said that American men are better then Russian and that does not drink a lots. They more polite, culture, and kind. They more oriented to a family then Russian. She said, that she had no any problems with living there and she will not share her Stephan with someone else. He is 50 years old, and Galina is very happy with him. She says that difference in ages is not just a little problem. She has advised me to choose only American man. I thought more then one year and only now I know, that I am ready to fallow her advise. I am so sad now that I have no her e-mail now; I have so much questions to her! Unfortunately, I have never been outside Russia, but I hope someday. And I dont know a lots about a trips though a countries. But I so happy that I meet you and I hope to know more about you. My time is over now and I have to go now. Hope to hear from you soon.
Letter 5
My dear Ray!!!! Thank you for pics. I like it very much. There is no something more pleasant for me then to receive mails from you. I am so happy that I have you as my friend! My heart was really ready to jump out when I saw your mail in my mailbox! How are you today? What is weather today in your country? Taday is a best weather here. It's a lots of sun and I like such weather very much. It's not very cold now. I like spring when snow become thaw and birds become to sing, when its a little cold, heart waits first warms days. And most of all I like summer when warm days come and its so pleasant to come home from work thinking about work today is finished and weather allow to do it. We have a great and very nice street at my town and I using it to go home. Air smells very tasty and sky is very nice those days. I like to look very much there. What seasons do you like more? I would like to know more of your hobbies. Do you like anymals? What anymals do you like more? I have a cat at my home. I call it Eldosik. It can dance when I turn on music on and take his forward paws in my fingers. I hope to show it someday to you. What kinds of sport do you like more? Now in Russia sport become more and more popular. Best of all I like valleyball, waterpool (pool), swimming, bicycle. Please tell me more about you, what do you like more? Music. I like RHCP (do you know it?), Scorpions, J.Lo, Tony Braxton and a lots of Russian groups but I dont sure that you heared it. For example Kino, Splin, Mumii troll' and a lots of other. What films do you like more? I like Titanic! What new films now there? About flowers. I like chrysanthemums, lilies, snowdrops, camomiles and roses. Do you like flowers? Which flowers do you like more? At all my life I had only two boyfriends. I am very attached person and if I becoming love someone I am ready to be with him for all my life. I always thinking that if people love each other they have to fogive another's mistakes. My first boyfriend was at school till second year of univercity. Then he had to leave with his parents to Ukraine, and we left. We was a good friends, and he wrote me couple of letters but now he is married. We lived like a brother and sister. Then I met another boy, but after three months of communicating he became to drink a lot and became very ungry for anyone. He leaves from univercity and he lies me a lot. I did not imagine what happened with him. Then they take him to army and after last talk with him, I understood, that its not my choice. I dont think that he loved me. Anyway I would not like to continue any relations with him and to say a true, I would not like to have any relations with any Russian man. And I am so happy that I met you and its mean so much for me! Dear Ray now every day when I go to bed I reading your letters before sleep and I am always thinking about you when I waking up. It's my first thoughts! Please write me more about you, about your mood, about what are you doing these days! Your russian friend,
Letter 6
My dear Ray!!!!! Today I just can't wait to read your mail! Its seems it become mean for me more and more! So, how are you today? I am really surprised how Internet helps us to get close! Now I so thanks to my girlfrind and I am so sad that I did not know you early! I become so attached to your letters! Today I did not work. That's why my aunt and I make general cleaning of house. We do it every three-month and it takes whole day. I like to make cleaning with aunt. She is very hardworking woman and to clean house with her is very chearful. We always like to be in company of each other. We spoke a lot and I told her about our relations. I said her that I did not believe it early and I am so happy to see that it works now! She was very surprised and wishes us luck and she hopes that our relations will grow up in future in more seriouse. Also we do small cleaning every week by Saturdays. Today we wash windows, walls, floors, and cleaned carpets. It was really easy for me to do it thinking about you. Today we decided to change a carpet in a bedroom, so we needed to change pinth. When we broke old, we finded od wooden board. The house of my aunt is very old, so there are a lot of such boards. Under this board I founded old coin. I was really curiouse what does it mean and my aunt advise me to go to specialist. He told me that its very valueable coin which is dated 1704, its 1 ruble. I was really happy to know it. It has great quality. He told me that it may costs from 400 till 700 dollars USA. And they said that it can cost more at some other countries. I decided to save it for future. I hope that sometime this coin will help me. My dear Ray, its a little confuse me, but I would like to share my dream with you. Today night I saw that we sat together at a coast of a big lake. I have not seen this lake early, but it was so beautiful and quiet, and barrels an easy warm breeze. We looked at night sky and we see nice moon and a lots of stars which was reflected in a mirrow of water. It was so good and I feeled your strong arms on my shoulders. We spoke about us and about our feelings to each other. I imagined that we had to tell each other something important, that will change all our future. But at this moment I waked up but I had impression from this dream for a long time. It was so real, that when I understood that it's only a dream, I was very sad. I have never feeled such feelings. And I believe that someday this dream become true! My dear Ray, I often think about you and about our relations. It seems to me that every day we become closer. We know more about each other and I like all that you wrote me. So, I will go home now to think about this all. I hope I did not confused you with my dream. What do you think about this all? Hug you, my dear Ray, Ludmila. P.S. I am thinking about writing post mail from you. I have not wrote it to someone, so I dont sure what I have to write at envelope. Please write me and let me know. So, my post adress is: 400950 Russia, City: Dubovka, Street: Gagarina, House: 29, Appart: 5, Ludmila Krainova.
Letter 7
Today after I wake up I had only one dream. It was to check a mail from you and to receive news from you! I so attached to you now! I run to Internet club before work but there are no any free computers there. It make me a little sad, so I decided to go to my father to tell him about us at launch brake. I prepared launch for him, he does not at business trip now. At a lanch I tald him about us and about our correspondence. He was really surprised to know that I meet you through Internet. He asked me how I did it and asked who are you? He asked where you work and asked a lot about you. He asked if I wrote you first or you first wrote me. I answered for all his questions I sayd him, that I make my choice by myself and I am very happy that I did it. He was really shocked and surprised because he knows that I am modest woman. He likes you very much and he askes me to say hallo from him. My dear Ray! What do you thinking about our relations? What does it mean for you? Please tell me, it's very important for me. How do you imagine our relations at the future? How much does it serious? Please say true for me, as you know, I like always true, as bad it can be. As for me I think, that I found a man which I seeking for all my life. You looks like very seriouse, intelligent, reliable and responsible man. A man of my dream. I understand that may be I mistaken, but I believe that you are that man that I imagine from your letters. I am so sad that we have no any other communications that e-mail. I so would like to hear your voice!!! But I hope that soon I will make a business trip to Volgograd and may be I will have a chance to call you from there. I so cant wait for that moment! Today I baught a book about your country, about your culture. And I found a map of you country and I searched for a place of your living. I know that we are at another parts of earth now, but it did not make my feeling less. Its seems for me sometime that we so close! And I saw that dream about lake once again! Kiss you, your
Letter 8
My sweetheart Ray, Today after work I met my cousin. She lives in Moscow now so I was really surprised to meet her. She come here to meet her parents, my aunt. She graduated from Institute of foreighn relations. She works like translator now and she just returned from New York. We spoke a lots and she told me how is she living and what news. She told that New York is very nice city and it's very big. I was a little afraid to tell her about you but when I told her she said that I did all correct. She told that we have not lost a chance and we have to continue communications make it more closer! She told that it's not often people at another part of the world finding someone that can makes feelings and if it exists they have to keep care about it. She said, that important things are understanding and respecting. I agreed with her and I think that we have it with you! I think we have to do anything for us, I feel our feelings are very important for our future, we have to use this chance that given for us and not lose our happyness. I am afraid to lose anything we have now, because letters is good and it give us for understanding each other but it does not compare with personal meeting. I believe that we are born for each other and we can pass a life together. I think, that one meeting in person is better than one million letters. Do you agree with me? What are your ideas? I think, the most important thing for us is not to lose our chance that is given for us. My dear, how much friends do you have? Did you tell them about me? What do they tell about our meeting about you? I have a lot of thought about it. I need your ideas. I regret about your heart. I hope your heart will work a lot of time !!! Love you,
Letter 9
My dear love Ray! It was so pleasant for me to get your letters! With every your letter I feel that we bacoming more closer and closer! Every time, when I reading your letter, my mood become well and my heart is knocking so strong! I miss you very much and all my thoughts last time only about you! When I coming to Internet club and saw a letter from you, I pleasing as a small girl. You are the unique man that can understand me now and can support me in difficult situation! I am sure in you and I can trust you in any case. I think a lot about you and about us and I understood that I dreaming about making a family with you to have a honest, loving, reliable husband like you, who will be sure in hisself and in myself. I dreming about that time when I will be helping you in all about house, to work and rest together, laughing and solve common problems, because your problems will be my problems and on the contrary. I think, it has to be so if people love each other. I thought a lot about this all and what we have to do now. I think, that we have to meet in person and I am ready to arrive to you for us. How do you think about it? I dont see more best way to know each other, I think, we cant get such result just communicating through letters. But I am very serious about you, and about our meeting. We did a big step for making serious and longterm relations. I think we dont have to stop here, we have to make next serious step, the meeting which will let us to know each other better and it let us to continue our relations. I talked to cousin what do I need to come to you, is it real or not. She know about it because she visiting sometimes another countries. She sayd that I need visa and air ticket only. She sayd that it's not a big problem to make a visa for one or two month. She advised me to go VVA (Volgograd visa agency) and to ask there about it. So I will ask my chief to go home early tomorrow and I will go to Volgograd to the VVA to ask more about it. My sweetheart, how do you think, if I will come to you, where is the best place for my living? At your home or at a hotel? I would like to stay at your home, if its not a problem and if you want it. I hope my wish to come to you to meet in person is not confuse you. Please tell me the true. My dear Ray! I do not have a big salary but it's not bad for Russia. I saved some money for any case, but I was not sure for what. I think, that this case is come. I dont sure if this help us for visa and ticket both, I dont know how much does it all cost, but I hope it will help us. Also I would like to go to cash departments of airport to know how much tickets cost. My dear Ray, I need some information for this. Please write me closest airport to you and what date is better for my visit? My love, what do you think about duration of a trip? Please write me you opinion about this all. I shall be waiting it with impatience. Forever yours, Ludmila. P.S.I know that today very tragical day in a history of our world. I do not understand why some people use such severe methods for achievement of the purposes. Why they blame in the troubles of other people. I live in small city and my close people did not suffer from actions of terrorists. But the teleimage and press inform us on an event in the world much. Sometimes I think that it will be better if not to know about it. But sometimes you will not leave from troubles. In the big cities of our country too make acts of terrorism. Now many my familiar are afraid to travel to Moscow. Even in our city in all are public places, in public transport warnings of subjects without supervision are used. These warnings do not allow to feel like free. But now I get used to them and I do not think about bad.
Letter 10
My dear love Ray!!! I am so happy to get your letter and I am so happy that we becoming closer to each other. All night I thinking about you and about us, I turned on few times the light to read and reread your letters. Its very great that people can meet each other throught Internet and write letters to each other just every day which can let them know more about each other, to make fellings and empathies. I am so gald to meet you in my life and I am planning to meet you in person. I am very serious in my choice. I dont think that longterm correspondence will help us as much as personal meeting. I dont like to speak about financial, it does not good in Russia, I dont brought up such, and my parents teach me to consult with it only by myself, and if I ask someone about something, it mean that I thought a lot about wheather to do it or not. So I thought a lot about is this good or not to ask you about help, but I hope for your understanding because I do it only for both of us and for our happyness. My dear, during the time of our communicating, I understood that we have feeling to each other that I can call LOVE. Such feelings between people become not only from nothing and from lots of thought, analyses of relations, understanding and mutual help. With every day I am becoming surer in my choise and in you. And I sure those if I do some mistake you will understand me and forgive me and I can say it about myself too. Looking for our relations I understood that only destiny of my heart is to meet you in person. And I believe in mutual feelings. I was at cash of airport department today asking about cost of the tickets. I dont think that tickets can cost so much! I dont sure in choice of date, but I asked about cheapest tickets that exists. Its costs about 901.91 US dollars. So, here is information about ticket: Depart: Volgograd (VOG) 8:45 am. Arrive: Cleveland (CLE) 6:39 pm 10 October. Airlines: Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines 243, bmi 4867, Air Canada 7906, Connect in London (LHR), Toronto (YYZ). Unfortunately for that moment its really big money for me. As you know, I saved up some money, its about 140 dollars for the ticket and all money for the visa. So I need about 760 dollars more. Its really hard for me to find now such money bymyself, it will take about half of year more. Will you help me with it? What do you think about a date of our meeting? Which is the best? The easiest for me is to take vacation in next month. Please write me your opinion. I dont know a lots about how to send money but I will ask it from my cousin, she sent money few times for my aunt from another countries. I am waiting your responce with impatience and I hope for soon meeting. I am sure that meeting in person will be better then thouthands of letters. But it big money and if you cannot help that I can understand you . It my mistacke. Everything is Allright. Yours, Ludmila. ps I can remain with you about 2-3 months, but I cannot receive the visa because I have no ticket. I shall receive the visa only after purchase of the ticket.
Letter 11
My sweetheart Ray!!! I just so happy to have such great frieand and soulmate as you! Every night I thinking about you, sometimes I can't sleep thinking of you! You can't imagine, how much do you mean for me! You become so close man for me! Today we had a greatest holiday of out town. There are lots of flags, baloons, fireworks and shows. I was so sad, that you were not with me, I would like to hug you or just keep your hand. That so important for me now, that's my dream. I like such holidays. All people look very happy. Today I talked with my cousin about us more and she is so happy for us! I ask her about transferring money, she said that the best way is to use western union system and she said, that everybody in America know how does it works. I did not hear about this system of money transferring and I just searched Internet for this to read something about it. And i found this site, where anybody can get nearest bank, which included to western union system. Here it is: www.westernunion.com . You can visit it and look how does it works. Closest bank to road service station is: ALFA BANK, SOVETSKAYA, 7 VOLGOGRAD, 400066,1 phone: 7-844-2361924. Then I went in bank and the clerk has told to me is necessary to use number (MTCN) in transfer of money . You will receive this number at bank and you have to give it to me. I need this code, your name, your adress and your zip code to get money. The clerk has told that without MTCN it is practically impossible to receive money. Its seems all information that you need to send me money is my name and my surname. You know my name, it is Ludmila and my sirname is Krainova. Please let me know is this information enough for you? Please let me know. I kiss you and hug you, my love! Forever yours, Ludmila. I will inform americansingles.com about this scam and turn her in. Ray E. Roney.
   
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