Vorobyeva (Kstovo, Nigegorodskaya) I am a divorced white man, 47, living in San Diego, CA. Two years ago I almost got bitten by one of the pseudo-women who's pic is on this site (Tatyana Lentov, aka Svetlov, aka Tanya, aka Lentovskaya) --but figured out in time that it was too good to be true. This year I received an offer of eternal love from a posting I'd done on datematch.com. The following are the letters from a person identifying herself as Tamara Vorobyeva (e-mail: singlelove69@sigaret.net). I have not seen her picture on your site. In either case, believing that something this good can't be true, no money was exchanged and when I sent notes to them that I couldn't bring them here, all communication stopped. At this point I wrote and let her know that I couldn't afford to have her fly here, and that it would be easier for me to go there. And that was the last I heard... Patrick
Hi. A thank that has answered my letter. It is very pleasant and interestingly. I am sorry, that I to not answer at once. Because I to have a lot of works. I shall tell about myself and to set questions to you to learn about you. I want at once to tell you, that I live in Russia. My name is Tomara. I am 27 years old.I to not understand from - ?? what. When I would create profile I like all correctly to fill. I am sorry,that I am very bad know the English language and I should use the interpreter. I hope that you to understand me. Well, now I shall tell slightly about myself. I was born in capital of Russia, city Moscow. There I lived till 21 years together with the parents, which and now live there. I have finished some college and has left for city Kstovo, Nigegorodskaya area. Because me have offered here good work, and already 5 I years I live in Kstovo. I work in office on wholesale deliveries of the writing goods and I am engaged in the basic business papers. In free from work time I a lot of time I spend on a nature, I am engaged in sports (run), and very much I love to prepare. In the Internet I search for the favourite man, which will love me and to not offend. I very much to want to have family, children (1-10). I shall write to you more information in the following letter. I to want to set to you questions. Whom you to search in the Internet for? Where you to work? Than you to take a great interest? I shall send you the picture, and wait for your letter. PS: What is your name? GoodBye.
How are you? I am very glad again to read your letter. Forgive, that I have not written today, more earlier. I was very much engaged. I have no the computer of a house and me to have to visit the Internet of cafe. So take offence that I can write to you each day. How are you doing? You like to travel on a nature? I very much like. You had communication with the women? Tell to me. I had attitudes with the man, but it was for a long time and he has appeared simply bad. And I was deceived in Russian men (severe and cold as machines). Therefore I have understood that I need in more simple, gentle, lovely man from other country. And I am very glad, that has met you. I send you my picture. On one I very simple. I hope soon to receive your letter and more your pictures (if you can). I do not think that you are old for me. The age is not criterion for me. The dialogue with you is very interesting to me. For me an ideal of the husband, it that he was: gentle, careful, kind.................... I hope that you to understand me. It is very pleasant, that you are honour with me. I shall wait for your letter. Tomara.
Dear Patrick. Good morning. I hope that you well slept and saw beautiful dreams. I hope that you do well and to feel well also. I am very happy, that you have written me. I am very happy. All morning I guessed, will you write to me whether or not. And I very much worried. But you have written to me. I shall tell you about the my work. I should inform you, that I work the manager in firm On wholesale sales of the writing goods. And my work, it Business papers. I should issue the goods, which bring in firm. And to watch all papers, which answer for the goods. I very much regret, my English is very bad. And it is very complex To express the ideas. I have the boss. His name Alexandr. To him 64. And he the very severe chief. Sometimes he can To speak sharply, or is severe. But it is not important. Because we have, Very amicable collective. We frequently travel on a nature. We take guitars, shish kebab. We do some fire. My salary very small. Approximately 80-90 $ per one month. But this money suffices to me to pay for 1 room. And to buy to itself some meal. Sometimes I am helped by the parents. I very love the parents. Unfortunately, I only sometimes can call to them. Because I have no the telephone. And I should call from the Internet of cafe. I to speak, that I to work 6 days per one week. Except for Sunday. This day I to be engaged in a facilities. I work from 9:00 for 19:00. And I have some lunch break. Usually it happens from 12:00 for 13:00. At this time, I have time to write you the letter. And to go eat in cafe. I shall send you some pictures. Which I did at work, and about houses. Now 12:44 and me it is necessary to finish to write the letter. Because I should have time on work. Only last. I to thank you for your pictures. They very much like to me. You to look the very lovely and kind man. I love it. Also I should inform you, that I to not speak In other languages. Except for Russian and little bit English. I never travelled to Europe. I was not anywhere Except for Russia. I to not have anything against a beard. But it can prick me, when I shall kiss you???? (ha-ha) I to speak that I love a lot of music. Mainly, It is dancing music. I very much love to dance. I read very little, because I have no on this time. But in due time, some years back. I have re-read all The classical Russian literature. I hope that you to understand me. I very much to ask, that you care of myself. I shall wait for your letter. PS: My growth of 177 centimeters. Your Tamara.
Dear Patrick. Good morning. I hope that you well slept and saw beautiful dreams. I hope that you to do well and to think of me frequently. I to speak, that today in Russia weather is very warm, And there is a lot of sun. Temperature approximately +29, 30 degrees. And I very much get tired with heat and plenty of work. And I all morning, when sat at work, at the office, Everyone 5 minutes looked at hours and considered time up to a lunch break. I very much waited, when I shall run in the Internet of cafe and to read your letter. I very much have taken a great interest in it. I only also think of you. And I very much to worry, That you will not write one day to me the letter. I to not have a lot of time, To write to you. Because it will be necessary to me to go not work. As it is usual, in this week-end I shall call to the parents in their city. And I shall tell by him about you. I shall speak hi them from you. I to think of you very much. I shall write to you on Monday, Because the Internet of cafe in Sunday does not work. I very much regret. But I shall think of you. And in Sunday to go in church to ask the God, That he has helped us with our union. I hope that you to understand me. Today, Saturday and I to not have a lot of work. About 16-17 hours, I shall leave from work. Then to have some supper, and I shall go with the friends on a beach. Now I shall answer your questions. I to speak, that my name is correct Tamara. But short name mine Toma. You can speak it. I to not write to anybody except for you. I the honour girl. And I to not require in several guys. I hope that you to understand me. I have no the brothers and sisters. I one at the mum and daddy. I am very happy that you to write to me. I very much to ask, That you care of itself. I shall wait for your letter. Your Tamara.
Dear Patrick. Good day. I hope that you well slept and thought of me much. I hope that you cheerfully carried out time in week-end. Please to inform me. How your health? How your work? Whether really you to miss without my letter In Sunday? You to reflect on me much? I to speak, that I had your letter in Sunday. And I with impatience waited Monday to read your letter and to write. I very much to want to inform you, that I called to the parents, And they speak hi you. They are happy, that we have got acquainted. But very long it was necessary to explain, how it has taken place. They heard about the Internet very little. They do not understand it. But they are happy, when I am happy. And they very much asked, To tell by him about you. They invited you, in the visitors. I hope that you to understand me. I am very happy. I to speak, that I had some rest in Sunday on a beach. And there is some sunburn. My girlfriend did some pictures us. And I shall send you 2 of them. I hope that they will like you. Also I to speak, that I to not have a lot of time to write to you, Because to have it is a lot of work. But I shall answer your questions. I do not think concerning modeling. Simply some pictures, Are made professionally, for the Internet. And some is not present. Please to inform me, how many degrees in Russia With, if in you 70F??? I to speak, that my religion of the Christians. And my complete name Tamara Vorobyeva. I should go to work, because I to not have a lot of time. I shall wait for your letter. A thank for pictures, they very much have liked to me. Kisses, Tamara.
Dear Patrick. Good morning. I hope that you well slept and saw beautiful dreams. I hope that you to do well and to feel also. To inform me, than you were engaged in week-end? Where you were? I to be sorry, that I did not write to you yesterday. Therefore, That I had a lot of works. Yesterday have brought much The new goods, and I should make out papers. And I did It is very long. Till the late evenings. I very much regret. But I at all had no a lunch break to write to you. I hope that you to not take offence at me. I very much hope that You to think of me much. I very much missed without you, without your letter. I to speak, that weather in Russia very hot. And yesterday I and my friends (Girls), we went on the river Volga. Also had some sunburn, and it is a lot of Bathed. I did one picture, little bit frank. Probably I shall send it to you. If you very much want it. Also yesterday, I visited in the evening church. I asked the God that he Care of my friends and relatives. And of course, I asked the God, That he care of you, both your friends and relatives. I hope that you to understand me. Today I to have the large break. And I to write to you now letter. The ambassador I shall go in shops, And to do some necessary purchases. I yesterday have received the salary. Also I shall buy to you a souvenir, because I promised you. Probably, I shall send you a picture (not frank). But I do not know, because I had a problem with it on the eve. I hope that you to understand me. I shall try to do it, at the end of the letter. By the way, I to want to inform you, very good news. On Saturday, I went in travel agency, and I spoke With the director Andrey. I wrote to you already, that he the friend of our family. His father, studied at university, together with my daddy. he was very glad me to see. We long talked. And I asked him, can I receive the visa in USA whether or not. he has told, that it is very complex to receive by lonely lady the visa in USA. There are very many criteria, which are obligatory. But he has told, that they can lawfully be bypassed, and he will help me. In effect, he has told, that the visa can be made for 2-3 weeks. It is the visa, foreign passport, and medical insurance. Such news. I have told him, that if all will be good, I shall address necessarily to him. he the very good man. And I know him very much for a long time. he is already married and has 2 beautiful daughters. I to speak, that I do not know how many children I to want to have. I think, that we can decide it. When we shall be together. I love you. I shall wait for your letter. Kisses, Tamara.
Dear Patrick. Good morning. I hope that you well slept and saw beautiful dreams. I am very happy that you have written me. I love it. Today, I worked, only first half of day, Because my boss has left for business trip. And he has released all workers. I have a lot of time, To write you. And I want to write you it is a lot of. Today is good day and I thinking about you very much. I hope you have nice mood and everything is allright with you. I think now it's morning there. Am I right? Today I speculate about you and about me. It so is surprising. As a matter of fact we live on the different sides of our planet, but we so are similar. I never was even outside of my country. To travel outside the seas and oceans for me in general outside a reality. I cannot imagine it as though I not tried. And always, as likely many people Never seeing anything except for native house, I console myself by thought, that you have the same blue sky and the same life. Maybe life behind ocean is more cheerful and rich, paints are brighter and the summer is warmer. But also as here, people cry when they feel a pain, people suffer when lose close people, women in torments give birth to children. It is identical everywhere. You and I have the same cares and problems. Every day I try to imagine that occurs in your heart, do you worry or not, do you think of me or not, do you imagine us or not. I look in a window, there, where the sky and the ground merge in a single whole. I try to be lost in this imagined world, I try to weaken my sight, that all what I see became indistinct, dim. And then your image has emerged before my eyes. And I already see how you go along the street though I absolutely have no idea what your street look like. But I see you, I see as you smile, as at cinema in the slowed down action you come nearer to me, and your image becomes more and more precise. You speak something but I do not hear you. But I read on your lips, and my heart with fatal delight understands what you speak me. And these your words burn me from within. During the some moment I so sink in this world of illusions that I cease to understand where a reality. But the next second all breaks off and again before my eyes the grey sky, the white ground and people which at all do not suspect what occurs in my heart.Today I want to try to unbosom to you all my feelings and thoughts about you and about me. I should tell that it was required two days to write and think over this letter, because I wanted to say just the right things to you. I didnt want to offend or upset you in anyway, and it really bothered me that saying something wrong may do that. I normally speak directly from my heart, and I am right now, but sometimes, words must be carefully chosen. I feel somewhat lost when I have no opportunity to use a computer to read your letter. In my soul, I feel contentment and joy when I think of you. I have never done this in my life, (tried to initiate a relationship halfway across the world), and I might have much to learn about how to proceed, but I am more than willing to learn whatever it takes to succeed if that is your desire as well. I also believe that couples should be the best friends possible, which trust and share with each other everything that they feel. I do not know if my word and thoughts make sense to you, and I try very hard to put them in typed words that you will feel and understand. I believe in God, and I believe that I have been put through trials to prepare me for meeting a man with whom I will spend the rest of my life loving, to better appreciate him, respect him and cherish the love, that he would give, only asking that I return the same. I hope that my words and letters are not boring to you, but they are much more than mere words, they are my thoughts and feelings, and I send them out to you. I very much desire that you find it in your heart and are comfortable with sharing your personal feelings with me, I wish to know you on a more intimate level, I would like you to share your dreams, your hopes, your feelings of the heart with me, I truly wish to connect with you on a level that goes way beyond mere friendship. Please do not think me foolish for thinking these things, I believe that in order for anything to succeed, you have to be honest, and that is what I am doing with you. Could you close your eyes for just a minute, and think and dream of what a life we could share, what it would be like, the fun of learning each other. I really believe that dreams do come true for people which dare to believe in dreams, because if they believe in them hard enough, dreams could become in reality. I guess that you are shocked that I feel this way, but here, where I was raised, the gift of true love from a man is something that is more similar to a Mirage or self-deception, rather than mutual feeling which two enamoured people can give each other. I hope that I am not rambling on with my words. I have so much that I wish to share with you, and each time I write to you, I feel there is never enough time to say everything that I want to say, and I always feel that I have forgotten something important that I wanted to share with you. When I speak of you and I think of you, it does not matter for me what anyone else thinks. If I say that you are beautiful, I mean it, I find that you are not only attractive as a man, I also speak of the beauty that is within you, beauty of your internal world, and alas, this particular type of beauty is very special and rare. Most men have only appearances, but not have beauty inside, and this is where true beauty is. This is that for me is the most important and significant in all limits of my character, my soul and my consciousness. Your words spoken to me with so much kindness and care, they express the beauty within you. I think that you are truly handsome, the essence of what beauty should be, and there is nothing that anyone could say to me that would compel to change my mind even a little bit. I want to reduce essence of all my letter only to one thought. I do not know if I could clearly explain all my ideas and feelings, which overflow me now, or not. I aspire to learn you more and I dare to hope that you suppose an thought, that our relations can develop more than it enough for simple friendship. We can rise on the following step of our relations. It is that way which I feel. As always I hope that my letter finds you in good health and spirits, and I hope that every yours wish you have comes true one day. I will look forward to your reply as always with anticipation and impatience.... Kisses, Your Tamara
Dear Patrick! Thanks for your letter. You do not imagine how I am glad, when I receive your letter. For me your letters are like gifts in birthday. Each new letter - a new gift. How are you doing? How is your mood? I feel wonderful. Patrick! Can you tell to me what is your favourite holiday? My favourite holiday - New Year. I do not know why, but today I have recollected how I celebrated New Year and I have decided to tell to you. I hope you not against. I really want to tell and compare as celebrate my favourite holiday in America. Two months prior to New Year the children draw by chalk on a wall of houses huge calendars and cross out cells of days every day. I always buy a small alive fur-tree. I do not love artificial fur-trees. From an alive fur-tree all apartment is filled with a delightful smell of needles and a wood. I love this smell very much. Usually I meet New Year in my apartment or in apartment of my girlfriend. I met the last New Year at my girlfriend's. We cook meal - various salads, meat, we bake big pies. At 22:00 we change clothes in a new gown because it is necessary to meet New Year in new clothes. That's why six months prior to New Year I begin to save money to buy a new gown and to meet New Year in this gown. After we dress new gown, we sit down to table and start to see off Old Year. To drink champagne is impossible, because champagne open directly in approach of New Year. Some minutes prior to midnight on TV begins translation of the New Year Speech of the President of Russia . So happens every year. Vladimir Putin congratulates all the country on coming New Year, he wishes everybody to come true their hopes. Right after the speech of the president we can see the Big Kremlin Clock on TV which are located in one of the Kremlin towers. The Hours start to ring in bell, counting out the last minute of the Old Year. While the Clock is ringing, it is necessary to have time to open champagne, to pour champagne in glasses. It is impossible to open champagne beforehand . After the Clock makes the last impact - exactly in midnight, it is necessary to think of fondest desire or dream and to drink champagne. The desire will necessarily come true.It is such tradition. Nearly at 2 o'clock in the morning we go to the central city square where there is a big fur-tree in the middle of the square. Usually people of all city gather there. Many people. In the square there are also big snow hills and huge snow figures of animals and the Grandfather - Frost (in America it's Santa Klaus). One week prior to New Year a lot of snow is brought to the square, specially intended for these purposes. Adults together with children go to slide from hills. Fireworks sparkles, music plays everywhere, children fires the petards. All people, familiar and not familiar, congratulate each other. It is very cheerful. In Russia New Year is one of the most popular holidays. In Russia there are many popular holidays: on March, 8 - the International Women's day, on January, 7 - Christmas, on May, 9 - Day of the Victory in the second world war, on April, 1 - Day of laughter (on this day people deceive each other. It is a very cheerful holiday. All people think out various jokes beforehand to deceive each other, but nobody takes offence, because it is a holiday. It becomes especially cheerful when the person speaks seriously, the truth, but people do not trust him and think that he deceives). New Year is my favourite holiday. But if to be frank, in New Year sadness overflows my heart. In fact New Year is a family holiday. But I have no family and during New Year I feel especially lonely. I dream there would be my beloved with me, a man who would be dear to my heart. And I dream to meet New Year with such a person. I dream to go to shops and to choose a gift for my beloved. I dream that once, in the New Year morning I will come to the fur-tree, and there will be a gift for me, which my beloved has prepared for me. But every year when in the morning I approach to a fur-tree and I look under it - there is no any gift for me. There are tears in my eyes. My heart is depressed. And I understand that I am lonely, and it remains only to dream. Forgive that I again speak about mine loneliness and griefs. Probably you have got tired to listen to it. Actually my mood at present really fine. Simply I have told to you about all my feelings on my favourite holiday. How do you celebrate New Year, Patrick? What holidays do you like best of all? I shall send you the picture. This picture, I did Per 24 years. There was a holiday New Year. And I was at the parents. I hope that you like this picture. I will wait for your letter. I wish the sun always shines above your house. Kisses, Your Tamara.
Dear Patrick. Good Day. I hope that you do well and it is a lot of think about me. I hope that you was not annoys on me, that I did not write on Saturday. I went in city to the parents. And I could not write to you. My working day has finished and I'm hurrying to write you a letter. It's so nice to get letters from you. This morning I didn't go to my job, because this morning I flew to my job. Today I came to my job beforehand. And I was first who came to the office. And I was happy all the day. My colleagues were surprised. They have asked me why I'm so happy. And I have simply answered, that I have good mood. I have understood long ago but was afraid to admit to itself, that I have found to you feeling which did not feel to anybody. I need you, I want to be near you. I want to understand what in my heart and I should see you. I want to feel your breath. I want to kiss you. I don't know, what's happened with me. Likely I can be named strange lady, but I have grown fond of your soul and heart. The rest is not important for me. For me the material world is not important. Only the world of calmness, fidelity and pure heart. It didn't happen to me before. The weather is sunny today. The sun brings joy and love. I'm glad that I have friend Patrick, and Patrick has me, Tamara. Tell me about your thoughts and dreams. I want to know all about you. Absolutely all!(smile). Yesterday my boss informed me that I will have a vacation approximately in 2 or 3 weeks. But I have not been pleased. I did not expect that I will receive a vacation. But schedule constituted by boss not change. I waited my vacation the whole year and now I receive them but they do not bring to me pleasure. I have imagined that I should spend some weeks without you and in my heart has appeared awful emptiness. All world around became uninteresting for me. And I have told to myself: "NO! It not for me!" Last night I thought of us. About you and about me. About us together. I couldn't fall asleep. I thought what I can do to see you. I decided to spend this vacation with you. I thought what I can do to meet you. Simply to meet. It's all that I want now. I have a passport, but I don't a visa to your country. Today I have addressed in travel agency, where the director Andrey works. Where make the visas. I wondered how much it will cost for me to make American visa. He told me that this service will cost 335 USD. I said it's very big money. He told that I can make all directly in Moscow where there is an American consulate. But I have considered that if I shall make directly in Moscow, I will squander more money. The way to Moscow and back also residing there will cost much. I shall squander more money than 335 USD if I go there. Besides if my application will not be approved, it will turn out that I squander money all for nothing. To me have explained that will be necessary to visit set of various departments, state and medical institutions both in Kstovo, and in Moscow. It is necessary to wait for a long time the queue. This agency allows to avoid many problems and to make all for faster terms. I asked how long time it will take to make the visa. I was answered that it will take about one week. May be 2 weeks if there will be some troubles. I have asked, whether there will be troubles with visa, because there were the terrible terrorist actions in USA and the conflict with Iraq. I was answered that they will request information about me in the police. And if in the police they will be answered that I the law-abiding citizen, I shall get the visa. I have never outraged the law. And I have never done anything unlawful. I shall have preparation for interview. It will help me to receive the visa. I understand that our relations are not long yet and founded on trust. But I think that we should trust each other. Our relations are impossible without it. Many years I ask myself one question: "Why everything depends on money?" I think that the money is not main thing in life. The main is when the people can and want to understand each other. I have a wild desire to meet you, to embrace you. You are my feeling. I had some savings. I think them will be enough. I do not want to cause you a monetary outlay. I shall make all itself. I read your letter. I shall answer questions: I love drink vino or champagne sometimes. Only holidays. I do not know what to inform you concerning my apartment. It is one room. it very small. it that, That allows to contain my salary. I hope that you understand me. I did purchases of products. And only. Some things and gift for you. My girlfriends are very happy, that I love you and you love me. They speak hi you. I want to go in a bed together with you, And to kiss you. I hope that you understand me. I love you. I shall wait for your letter. Kisses, Your Tamara.
Dear Patrick. Good morning. I hope that you well slept and saw beautiful dreams. I hope, that you do well and think of me frequently. I very much regret, that I did not write to you yesterday. But I had no any opportunity.It is a lot of time, I have lead in hospital. I passed testings, analyses, And much another. But I could not wait, when I shall write you. I am very happy, and I very waited for your letter. I have a great news!!! Yesterday I has submitted the application for receiving visa and other papers including medical documents and foreign passport. I prepared the application the day before yesterday and today they told me that everything could be ready soon. I think meeting is the best way to know each other and I want to meet you very much!!!! Are you glad? Please specify the roundtrip ticket price because maybe it will be cheaper. I will specify the price here. I need to buy roundtrip ticket because it's the rule for coming in your country because I must have the opportunity to return back. It's the law. I can come for 20 days maximum and I can live in hotel or other place, I think it will be not a big problem. I am very happy. The director Andrey has told, that there is no problem. Also that the visa will be ready 1, for a maximum 2 weeks. I should ask you, That you wanted, that I brought with myself in you? There can be a Russian Vodka? It is interesting you? Please inform me. That you wanted. Also I should ask you. Whether there is something, that you should tell about yourselves. That what me is necessary for knowing? Please inform me. I hope, That you understand me. I shall pay the visa tomorrow, if my documents will accept. And me will permit to make the visa of the tourist. I hope that you understand me. But I not worry, I am precisely sure, that all will be good. And we soon shall together. I love you. And today in evening, I shall go in church to ask the god, that he has helped us, In our happiness. I hope that you understand me. I only to not understand your letter. You to not want that I arrived? But why? But you do not know Russian. How you will be here? In Russia it is very dangerous to the foreign citizens. And it is exact. I do not think that it is good idea. I hope that you to understand me. I love you. I shall wait for your letter. PS: Please specify the nearest and more convenient airport where I can come and where you can meet me. Kisses, Tamara.
Hi my love Patrick!!!!!!!!! I want to write one more letter. It's very pleaseant to me to receive your words today. I'm at work now and thinking of you Patrick. I love you very much and I want to proove it to you but I can't because I'm not with you now. Oh, I want it so much!!!!!! I want to be near with you, hear you and speak with about all. I want that you acquaint me with your friends, your relatives. I think we'll be the very good pair. I want that you show me your country, your city, your house, your soul and you body. I must go now because I must work for our future. I'll write to you Patrick when I rceived the answer from you. I love you... Please remember it always!!!!!!!!! ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Yours Tamara.
Hi my love Patrick. Today I have a bad sleeping and I get up very early. I want to tell you that you are can't imagine how I love you. I never thought that it can be with me but it's true and I'm shure that I love you Patrick. I'm thought very long time about us and I'm shure that we'll meet. If two people feel something to each other they must find out the feelings. I want you Patrick, I love you very much and I will proove it to you every day. WE MUST MEET, LET'S DO ALL FOR IT, I'LL DO ALL, DO YOU? I think that you will do all too. It's our chance and we'll use it. I want to tell you that I want to walk with you under sky with stars, do you like to see stars? I like it very much. I like to see it and dream... I want to live with you, probably we will marry. WE MUST MEET AND DECIDE ABOUT ALL... I want to cook you my most liked plates, and I have a dream about us, I want that we'll be together at night time near the water, it can be lake or river. Do you imagine the dark sky, thousands of stars under the water, we watch it, see meteorits and speak a lot about all, we kiss, have hug and it's very great and we don't need more nothing. I would like to be with you Patrick at this time. I love you very much Patrick please remember it always, my heart belongs to you and I don't give you somebody else, I don't want to lose you!!! I want to kiss and hug you as soon as I can do it. Please forgive me if I said something wrong but all what I say goes from my heart and soul! I love you Patrick I want that you love me too. We'll be together... Dear, I to not understand. You to not want that I arrived in you? Please inform me. I think, that already late something to change. I speak, that I have paid the visa. And it will be ready per 1-2 weeks. I have received your information, concerning the airport. A thank. I shall learn cost the ticket. I hope that travel agency, Will find to me the cheap ticket. I love you. I shall wait for your letter.
Yours Tamara.
Hi my dear Patrick. I very much regret, that I did not write to you some days. But I could not. There was a misfortune. Some days back, I as am usual in the evening, Called to the parents. And my daddy has told, that mum it is very bad, And her have put in hospital. he could not precisely explain, that happened. he was very much upset. he has told, that the mum have taken away in hospital by the machine. I was in a shock. And the next day I since the earliest morning have gone to Moscow. All these days I was in hospital with the mum. she had a stone in a kidney. I hope that you understand me. We have paid very expensive operation, for removal Stone from a kidney. And now it is better. The operation has passed well. And I am very happy. I very much worried these days. And ate very little. But now all is good. I very much regret, that I did not write you. I very much worry. I hope, That you not think about me is bad. I hope that you understand and care of me. To not worry rather mum. She will leave soon hospital. Today I have arrived to the Kstovo city. And I went in travel agency, Me have told, that the visa will be ready the coming days. I very much to worry. I hope that you want, that I arrived in you. I hope that you have not found other girl. Please to write me about it. I very much to worry. I love you. How is your day? Mine is ok but every this day i think about you and dream about our meeting. I hope it will be very very soon. Today is not very cold here but the wind blows and when I think about us I become warmer and my heart beats faster I told you about it already but I do it again because I think it is love. I'm happy that we have found out each other in this world. I can't wait to meet you Patrick, I want it all my heart I'll do all for it, all what I can to do in general. The winter comes soon and I become more cheerfully and more vigorously because I found you Patrick! I think that the new life begins. All so has got mixed up and you the new man in my life which love me and which I love. I love you Patrick, I love you very much. It seems that really the new life begins for me and for you Patrick. I think we will have the strong union together, I thank the destiny for you Patrick. I hope we will be together forever. We need in meeting, I so want to talk with you to see your eyes to hear your voice to feel your breath and to feel your love. I think you imagine how perfect love because I feel it and I know that it's the true love. I love you Patrick!!!!!! I'm yours forever! Please write me all what you think and what you dream. I trust you and I think you trust me too, please write me all your thoughts and all your experiences and offers, we will to discuss it but I want to discuss all with you when we are fave to face, we will be together Patrick. I'll do all for it. I shall wait for your letter. I love you Tamara.
Hi my love Patrick! I received your email. I want to tell thank you for all your emails, it gives me power and feelings. It's wonderful when in this world I am necessary to someone and someone it's you Patrick. The people on any other business find the destiny,I want to trust that I has found the destiny also, I trust you Patrick and I want to be yours forever. I don't want to lose you and I think you don't want to lose me also. We have feelings to each other, I don't know what you are think now, but I know for sure that I love you Patrick. Today is not very warm here, but I warm by ideas and thoughts about our future, I want to be with you very much and I want it now, at this moment. I know that we are not together still, but I'm sure we will be soon if we want it. Sometimes I think that it's a nice dream which I saw, but I understand that it's not dream it's reality and I thank the destiny that I found you Patrick. My girlfriends says that it's truly love, because I told them about us and about you Patrick. I told them that you are the man which loves me. They say that it's great and we must don't lose our feelings. I agree with it. Many times I think about our first meeting, I want to see your eyes very much and I want to see it in reality, not in picture, I want to hear your live voice. My heart is yours and I will do all for our meeting. I love you Patrick! Dear, please inform me your address and your telephone number. I should know it. I want to call to you is speed. I want it. Probably I shall do it on Monday. It will be early morning in you. I can not tomorrow check up mail, because tomorrow Internet of cafe is closed. But I hope that on Monday since morning, I shall check mail and to find your telephone. I hope that you understand me. I love you. I shall wait for your letter. PS: I want to send you my very frank picture. My friend (girl) photographed me unexpectedly. And I am not ripe to hide. But I trust you. And I hope, That it very much is pleasant to you. I love you. Kisses, You Tamara.
Hi my dear Patrick. This one more letter, which I want to send you. I hope, that frank picture have not confused you (ha-ha) I'm wait the moment when we will be together, I think I would give back all for being with you. My hear beats faster when I think about this thing I mean our meeting. When it happen I will be very happy. I want to kiss you, I want to take your hand and to feel the heat of your hand, I want to to glance into your eyes and read the love in it, I want to feel your breath and to hear the knock of your heart. I want to listen to your voice and to see your smile, I want to see you when you happy. I want to learn you... because I LOVE YOU!!! I think you know about it. I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH!!!! Tamara.
Hi my love Patrick! Today is warm here again, and I'm thinking of you Patrick. I very much wanted to call you today, but I could not it make. Because I have received your telephone only today in evening. I shall try to call to you tomorrow. I hope that you to not think of me it is bad. Today I've found out up to the end all about opportunities come to you. I am pleased with an opportunity to meet you soon, and I want it very much. I think you want it too! Your letters were the ray of light in my life. As you know I was not very much interested in moving to other country but I'll do it because I've found my love and it's you Patrick!!! Today I've gone to visas firm and they've told me that my visa is ready now! I was very glad because it was so fast! I've asked them to scan it and I send it to you today because I think it's the great news not only for me but for you also! But the firm makes not visas only, it reserves tickets also. I've decided to use their service again because they have a great reputation and respect in our city. I should reserve a return ticket, because without opposite the ticket, me will not let out from the country. This rule. I hope that you understand me. They've told me that the roundtrip flight to your city cost 1890 united states dollars. It was too expensive for me and I've asked them to find the cheapest variant. And they've offered. It would be on the 2 August and cost 1045 usd. I was wondered if it was possible to reserve a ticket and to pay for it a part of the money this time and the other part later because other people can buy the cheap ticket and I'm not. But they've refused and I was in despair! I've asked them to help me so long time that tears have come to my eyes! And they've agreed! I've wasted all my money, but it wasn't enough. So I've gone to pawnshop and pawned silver and gold jewelry which I had. I've got $500 and that was enough for an initial payment. I have paid $540 today for it and it was my last money. Everything is alright and I must pay now for a ticket. I don't have much money now. It is very difficult for me to tell you about it! But I've done everything I can. I've paid for a visa more than three hundreds of dollars. I have bought the ticket on the train to Moscow. I've paid a part of the ticket. But this money is not enough. I don't want to burden you. I want to reach you with my own money but unfortunately I have failed. Now I have to pay the remaining part. It is only 505 dollars. I must pay this money before 2 August, otherwise I will lose my money. If you love me, if you trust me and if you want to see me soon, please send the money for the ticket as soon as possible! I will be sure in meeting with you if I will have the ticket to you Patrick! And I don't want that they'll sell the cheap ticket to other people. I understand that it is a difficult decision for you, but we must trust each other. Any union without trust is impossible if it is a union of a wife and a husband or a union of a boy-friend and a girl-friend or a union of business partners! I don't want to be hypocritical! That's why I want to tell you following: I do not think that you would like to give the love to the woman who you don't trust, so as I am. It's a first check for us. And much depends upon it, may be everything. We must trust each other! That's why I was the first who made first step. Step to you. I confused that money plays a great role in a meeting of two people who love each other. So I need 505 dollars for the ticket, because I have some money and I've counted all. It's the best way to buy the ticket because it's cheaper if we will buy the ticket separately. I want to be with you Patrick all my heart and I do all for it, you see! So I need your help and we'll be together!!!! You must always remember that I love you and trust you. Maybe it's our future and I see that our future will be very wonderful. We'll be together very soon, I must buy the ticket and I will be yours and you will be mine!!!!!! I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH, PLEASE DON'T FORGET IT!!!!!!!!! Of course if you don't want you can not help me. It is bad but not fatal. I will lose my money. IT WILL BE TOO BAD... I speak so because I am in despair and confusion. Now, when we are divided only with one step, I am afraid. I am afraid that you will not help, and all my diligence will be gone. I love you and I want to be with you and the word of honour, your help is necessary for me. I have not calculated my forces. But together we are much stronger. It is much easier to go through difficulties and barriers together. I want to present you all my infinite love and fidelity. I did not want to ask you. I thought, that I can make all itself. The loneliness has made me strong. I have got used to live without the help, and to rely only on myself. I very seldom address to somebody for the help, but now I ask you to help me. I have made a step forward. Make also you a step towards to me. I hope that has not offended you. I love you and I trust you. I know, that you will not throw me now when there is only one step.Tell me Patrick, can you help me? If you have an opportunity please help me. I wonder how it is possible to do. I've asked my friends about helping me and they said that have not it at the present moment. I've asked the advice of the directors of travel agency Andrey and he said that maybe you Patrick can help me because you love me. I've asked them how he can help me, because he is far from me. He said that Patrick can send the money through company which make this service. I've asked about it in the bank and I know now that reliable and fast company exists which makes remittances in the world and it's called Western Union. I has remember that I saw advertising this company on tv. I've taken a directory book and found the address of it. It's not far from me. I've gone there and I've asked them about a service. They've said that a sender must go to the Western Union branch, give them information: the name and last name of a receiver, a country where he makes a transfer and they give him the ten digits secret code to a sender. The receiver must know ten digits for a receiving money. They say that the branches of it must be everywhere all over the world. I have found out about there is an International Western Union (by the way, they have a website, called www.westernunion.com). You can send me money using Western Union according following data: 603000 Russia, Nizhegorodskaya oblast, Kstovo, Pervomayskaya 69-12, Vorobyova Tamara I love you. I can not wait, when I shall be with you. Your Tamara. PS: I have attached a file, with the information on the ticket of the plane.
Hi my love Patrick!!!!!! Today I have the remarkable mood. I think about our meeting and I'm happy. I want to tell you that I was wait this moment all my life and I thank the destiny that I find you Patrick. I trust you and love you I'm sure that it's not mistake and you are the best man for me in this world! Please tell me my importance for you, I want to know all what you think and feel. I want to be the part of you. I want that we will be together always. Whe we will meet we will speak about many things. I so want it soon, I want to see your face, to see your eyes, to hear your voice. I want to take your hand and feel your love. There are many good things in this world but the best thing is love, I found it and I don't want to lose it, I'll do all for our love Patrick. I have made all for our meeting because I LOVE YOU ALL MY HEART PLEASE DON'T FORGET ABOUT IT!!!!! I regret, that I did not write to you yesterday, because the Internet of cafe was closed. They have told, that the virus has destroyed some computers. And they should restore it. I hope that you not think about me bad. I am very happy, that I can write you today. Please, I have not received any letter from you. I very much worry. I love you. I shall wait for your letter. Kisses, Tamara.
Dear Patrick. Good morning. I very much regret, that I did not write to you many days. I am very happy, that I again write you. It were the days, When I could not write. Because I was in hospital. And I could not write you. I very much regret. In travel agency, Me have told that I should urgently pass inspection in hospital. It means that I should be healthy, and not have diseases, To arrive in USA. I very much was surprised. Therefore the director Andrey Did not speak me, that it is necessary to do it. I did not have choice. And I have received a direction on polyclinic. I have written to you The letter, that you did not worry. But I do not understand, I read your letters. I think that you have not received my last letter, in which I warned to you. That I shall lie down on inspection in hospital. You did not receive it? Please inform me. Please inform me, how your health? I very much worried, that you will think Poorly about me. I very much worried, that you will think that I deceive you. But it not so. I very much to do that we were happy. Now in Russia Morning. It is August 3. I shall go in embassy now and to learn, for what day I have the ticket of the plane. And I shall write to you. Yesterday I called to the parents. They speak hi for you. They very much worry, that there are many difficulties, That I could arrive in you. But I very much hope, that you love me and wait. I shall write to you later. I love you. I shall wait for your letter. PS: I do not understand, why you have written to me so a little. Kisses, Your Tamara.
Hi my love! How are you today? I'm fine and dream a lot of our meeting. When my dreams comes true? I don't know but I hope it will be soon, do you know how beautiful when dreams come true, did you have it already? I think that if the human want something and do all for it, it will achieve the purpose beacuse if do nothing, nothing will be. I very happy because I found you in my life, I'll do all for our meeting, I want it all my heart. Did you ever think about connection of souls? I don't know but I feel that we approach each other very much. I to not understand. Whether to want you that I arrived in you? Whether or not? I sent you the information on the ticket. And I spoke you That I to require the help. That I have not enough money, that To pay the ticket. But you have not written to me then. I to want, That you have informed me. I should tell today, tomorrow to director Andrey. I shall pay the ticket whether or not. This flight now on August 8. And I have no a lot of time. But I have all documents, and medical conclusion. I hope that you to understand me. I very much to want to arrive in you. If I shall not pay the ticket till August 8. Then I shall lose the money. You should understand me. It is the very large money for me. I very much love you. And I do all for our happiness. I love you Patrick please write me soon, I'll wait for your email. Tamara.
  
Yana Kantonistova
(Cheborsary, Russia)
I am a divorced male 53 living in Indiana. I received an email from Yana Kantonistova, claiming to live in Cheboksary Russia. This came through my personal ad that was in Yahoo personals. The original letter came in late July and we began to communicate until just a couple weeks ago. I did a little research and found your site, so when she said that she wanted to visit me first and needed money - I became suspicious. As you can see by the short length of time she only took a couple weeks to fall in love and ask for money. Unfortunately I can't find the initial letter but the following are a few of the ones I received. One odd thing was one of the pictures she sent have Russian words across the bottom. I work one floor above a translation company and asked them what it said. It was a series of aliases. So then I went back to your site and found her picture there, scamming another guy from Indiana. My final letter to her told her of my findings and that was the end of that. Thank you for your service. I am still in search of my special lady from that area and am careful how I go about it. here are some of the letters with request for money and pictures. thanks for being there - this could have cost me - but you helped save the day Dick Raasch.
Hello Dick! I am very glad to receive news from you! It was interesting to me to read your letter, you are very interesting to me and I think that our friendship will be strong. Dick I have no the passport and visa. I to time in the life travelled. I think that it very interestingly. How your working day today has passed? At me today working day was very difficult, basically as well as always. My working day begins with 7 mornings, that to me to have time on work to me it is necessary to rise in 6 mornings. I make physical exercises to be constant in the good physical form. Then I go in bath a room to take a shower and other. After that I go on kitchen and I prepare breakfast to the brother, it is all I should have time to make for 30-40 minutes. My brother works also very much to him the nutritious meal is required, therefore I try to prepare, that Sasha was not hungry during a working day, but it constantly happens in on distant trips and basically for breakfast I prepare very seldom, because in the morning I drink only tea with bread. I should be at work at 7 hours. In children's establishment the breakfast for children begins at 8 hours 30 minutes, I am usual I eat together with children, for breakfast to children usually submit what or cereal, bread with oil, tea or coffee. Certainly I pay breakfast and supper in children's establishment. After breakfast Pass 2 employment till 15-20 of minutes a minimum. The first employment : Russian, work above speech of children or mathematics, second employment : musical or drawing. The walk begins with half 11 up to 12, then the dinner at 12 hours 30 minutes begins. After dinner children go to sleep, from 13 hours 30 minutes till 15 hours, this time refers to as " silent hour " after dream children continue to play in the specially removed place. Sometimes in evening I spend with children various games, thus entertaining them. The supper begins at 17 hours, after supper children wait for the parents, to this time I very much get tired. Till 18 hours the parents should take away children, and I remain till 19 hours and more for preparation for employment by the next working day. To work with children in one time it is interesting and very difficultly. Now my group consists of 20 children and all with different characters, habits, the individual approach is necessary for each child. There are children, which understand the tutor from one word, and other child should some times to repeat and explain that correctly, and that is not present. In our establishment 6 groups till 20 children in everyone. Now I work with children in the age of from 4 till 5 years, this age of children very entertaining, children constantly set questions, why, hat for? But it is very interesting to me to acquaint them with the world, environmental them, and to tell about all that by it interestingly. I home is usual I come about 8 o'clock in the evening, if I know that the brother should arrive I begin to prepare supper, sometimes there are such evenings when we together have supper, also to us there comes his girl and all of us together sit at a table, it is very interesting with to them, I see as they love each other and am very glad for them. Now I go to the girlfriend Nastya, which lives near my house and I write you the letter, she the present girlfriend! Sometimes we go for a walk together on park, in these target we go to go for a walk on a coast of the river of Volga and to observe as the ice descends, it is very beautiful and interestingly, then we are going to visit a museum, and what you are going to do in these days off? Usually I go to sleep at 10-11 of evenings. , sometimes at night I read the books, in the basic novels or to knit various things. In general it is all my working day. I think to you it was interesting to find out about my working day. With impatience I shall wait from you of the speed letter, from all soul your friend
Hello mine gentle Dick! I am very glad to receive news from you. As your mood, how your health? To me is very lonely and is sad, I very much have become missed, I think of you. Dick I think that I by first should arrive to you, because I want to look as yours will consider me familiar and relatives. Dick I know that at you the very beautiful and rich country in which I very much would like to visit and to meet you there. Dick I earlier with whom spoke concerning USA and I communicate with you with one. To me who is necessary except for you mine favourite Dick. My brother has left again for other city on work, he will return only in 3 days. As I already also wrote to you he drives heavy lorries and delivers various cargoes in other cities of Russia. I yesterday spoke with he concerning you. He has no anything against our attitudes, he wishes to us happiness. It was very pleasant to me to tell about you,. It will be very terrible by one is at the night in an apartment. I from childhood am afraid there is one, when I was small I sometimes night came to sleep to the mum, and now I sleep one, and so it would be desirable that you were near to me, I have not enough caress and tenderness. On my sight, you likely set to yourselves a question, why I you took you? Why I have decided to continue the life with the citizen from other country? To me would like to you to answer your questions. I have decided to write to you, because, on my sight, you, that man, which I waited for, and about which dreamed all life. You the man, which likes to work, which knows how to make so that to his liked girl it was good together with you. You do not use a plenty of alcohol, you do not accept drugs. You the charm is simple. Certainly, I up to the our relations had liked man. But we with him have parted, because he wanted me constantly to drag in a bed, he did not like me, to him the sex was necessary only. You understand me correctly, I nothing have against sex in the relations between the man and woman, but me would like, that my prince was careful, and that he liked me. I with him has parted still because he changed to me with other women, to say with the prostitutes more precisely. Still there is one reason, on which I have decided to meet the foreign man. The majority of the men in Russia at present use much alcohol, he very badly influences them. They become aggressive and malicious. Set of the women in Russia suffer for this reason. I suffer I can not a lie and change. To me would like, that in the our relations there was only truth. I assure you, that from my party there will be a trust and mutual understanding. Now I have met, with you and I am very glad to our acquaintance. You about which I dreamed. You my ideal! I think, that at us with you all will be good. With impatience I shall wait you of the speed letter, yours is strong
Hello my lovely and lovely Dick! It is very pleasant to me again to receive your letter. Dick yes I want to arrive to you in USA. The finance is necessary to me that I could arrive to you. You can to me in it help? Behind a window there is a rain and me becomes so sadly, it would be much better there is a house, to embrace each other and to look as Drops of a rain pour in a window. It would be desirable to dream of what or, it would be desirable that at this moment who that was a line and warmed by the heat, touched by the gentle hands me. But unfortunately at present we not together. But nevertheless now all my ideas only about you and this night know that I shall think of you. I see in the sky, among dark clouds the lonely moon, I see in it an outline of your face. Now I think, that is very good that I have got acquainted with you, let even we did not see each other actually, let between us large distance. I do not know that occurs to me, my soul is torn to you, I have what that strange, inexplicable feelings. Close the eyes and do not think of anything bad, let you will be left by all problems and care. Present that we beside. You feel me, my touch of ands, my gentle kiss. These verses, which I have composed yesterday at night for you: ***I think of that, As the rivers will penetrate into the seas. And in drops of dew which is flowing down in a palm I see, As slowly beams, merge in transparent dawn, Also I think that we live 2 thousand years, You to me will touch in dream, As breath of stars in silence. I feel gentle your light, Even through 2 thousand years. I think of that, As the sky will penetrate into me. And where that far I see being reflected you, Tell me that that aloud, you never can tell, I again shall depart, and you one will stay to wait. You to me will touch in dream, As breath of stars in silence. I feel gentle your light, Even through 2 thousand years. Put me on a wind Also close on an instant of an eye, Having overlooked the doubts I shall tell to you about love. I think that the stars are not able to hide, That they feel, about that all night to me will whisper. You think of me, And I shall read in the sky the answer. When it will fly, let even through thousand years....Whether I know in a rhyme these verses in English will sound, but general sense I think be clear to you. With impatience I shall wait from you of the speed letter, yours is strong
Hello my liked man Dick, my uniqu and beloved man. Large to you thanks for your remarkable letter. Dick I have a telephone at work, but to us the heads has forbidden him to use in the personal purposes. Yes I talked to my girlfriend Nastya concerning you. I spoke her that I want to visit you. Yes I showed her your picture and she has told me that you the nice man. I have no the chamber to do new photos. You at all do not represent, as I am happy, yes I am happy even so in dialogue with you. Each your letter I read with pleasure and I shall learn about you ever more. In each your word, in each line your perfect image, which always with me, in my heart opens. I very much miss and constantly I think of you and with each day I am even more often seted by a question, really so it happens to find the love, sense in life, so through the Internet. On the first sight it is strange and ridiculously. Also it is one of few examples, it you and I, only you and I and no anybody in this mad world more. For us there is only this small world, world of love and fidelity. But he is very fragile and is unstable. We know a little about each other. Only our meeting and some time together can up to the end understand to us, that we are very necessary to each other I dream of our meeting, as we shall undertake hands, we shall see in to each other in eyes and we shall kiss each other. With you I would feel protected and really only with you I shall be happy. I ask you, make a first step. Can you yet are sure in the feelings to me. Please do not doubt of me. I am honour before you and everything, that I have I all give to you. Sometimes words have no meaning, but not in this case. I simply like you and I want to be with you, and all! With impatience I shall wait from you of the speed letter, yours is strong whole, for ever
Mine lovely Dick I called approximately hour back to familiar Galina in Moscow and she agrees to help me! This information concerning the visa "B-2" has sent to me on mine e-mail. Galina has informed that it probably to make to me such visa to me more cheaply, also it will be convenient for you and me and will allow to save to us time, finance Dick I have learned the information on that that I should make for the visa: 2 photos; The questionnaire; The passport; The information from work; The documents on the real estate and incomes; Necessarily: interview in embassy. Please, pay attention, that FROM YOU IT IS NOT REQUIRED of the notarially CERTIFIED INVITATION. Please, ask the American friends / partners to not buy them. If you even will bring such document on interview, the consul not necessarily will ask you to show him. We prefer to deal with usual business or family correspondence. Mine lovely I ask you to not send in embassy of the letter and faxes in my support, only if me about it the consular worker will not ask. The American embassy be not capable to sort all faxes. Coming on interview, I owe is ready to explain the purpose of trip in USA. The general answers, like "negotiation", are not so useful. I owe Will be prepared also to explain how to finance the trip. The tourist visa B-2. For visiting USA with the tourist purpose. It is necessary to me to specify where I assume to stop in USA. If I visit the friends, pertinently to bring correspondence or invitation letter from them. PLEASE, do not bring with this purpose notarius of the forms or letters. The consul can also ask me, as I have got acquainted with the man, which I am going to visit. Please mine lovely send to me the invitation letter on e-mail, format standard A-4, in this letter it is necessary to you to specify your and my complete name, address, telephone number, your signature. Today I went in Travel agency also learned the information concerning my arrival to you. The workers The agencies have informed, that it is necessary to me to make out the foreign passport and visa. The foreign passport Is made out for 4 days. It is the accelerated foreign passport, its cost makes 110 dollars. The workers of agency have informed me, that that I could arrive in USA as it is possible soon, me It is necessary to make out the VISA of the TOURIST, B-2. The visa is valid for territory of USA within 90 days. For this time I should leave in marriage for the American citizen. Term of registration of the visa from 3 about 4 weeks. The visa is necessary for making out in Moscow, in the American embassy. The additional charges: Payment for consideration of the application SIN - 110$ Medical inspection - about 100 $ Payment for registration of the visa by embassy - 180 $, general sum in wich I need about 500 dollars. In Moscow I shall live in home Galina. First time me will be necessary to remain in Moscow during 5 days. I as found out cost of residing in the cheapest hotel in Moscow. I thought of that as you can send funds, it can be made through western union on my complete name: Yana Kantonistova (my surname). Thank that have informed me the address agency travel, I know what to receive any visa to entry in USA very difficultly to especially lonely girl from Russia, therefore I shall make all with the help Galina, I assure you Dick it really reliably. I want to explain concerning the invitation, it is usual standard fomat, there you should specify and my data (My home address: Russia, Chuvash Republic, city Cheboksary, street Bashmachnikova, house 29, apartment 3. postal indeces: 428014. Yana Kantonistova), if you can, it is necessary for assuring notarially (that you really live to the given address, your signature, telephone number (you the workers can call from embassy if arise what or difficulties) date of my visiting (from September 18 till November 30), then you send me it through e-mail, I type it through the printer and I take with myself for granting registration of the visa B-2. I hope has explained it is accessible. I can take my vacation at any time, I already have collected all necessary things and clothes for arrival in Moscow. I very much miss, the summer - is valid time for meeting! I am impatient, I am possible crazy?
Hello my love Dick! How your mood today? Dick yes I need in your invitation, in the invitation there should be your complete address, name, surname and telephone number. Dick yes you can send me the finance through western union and it will be very convenient for me. From September 18 till November 30 is a time I can be at you, but if at you I am not enough of time I can will leave earlier than for these numbers. If I shall begin to make out the documents this week, I shall have time to arrive to you on September 18.I would like to learn your ideas concerning my life in your country. Likely it will be very difficult at first, nevertheless you will help me to find good job. I understand what is it will be a bit later and I should pass through various formalities with the documents, medical inspections e.t.c. Whether I do not know you want, that I searched for job, inform me. I know that of the women in your country money, rather than feelings in the attitudes with the man interests in the greater degree. They want to be independent and try with what or image to find best and highly paid job, and the cosiness in the house many does not interest. Russian woman prepares breakfast, dinner and supper, cleans in the house, wash utensils, erases e.t.c It besides job, it by way of things... Probably you think, that I shall become same as the American woman, certainly no, all will be in the mutual consent, we shall decide all our family questions and problems together and we will have very amicable and happy family, our children will be studies at good school, I shall apply all efforts in education and training of our children. I believe in our general happiness, please do not doubt concerning me, all that I write to you, it is the true truth, in any case we should be together differently my life will lose sense.... I will wait from you letter, I embrace, whole, yours
   
Yulia, Yerevan Armenia, aka Avyagyan Areg
My Name is Chris I am 35 years old and I reside in New York, USA. I first came into contact with this person from american singles.com I have seen and know the person on this website on 4 differnet occasions on blacklist page 267,265,244,231. Some of the letters Identical to mine other than my
name. Others the Idea is there but What was Uncle turned to grandfather, and alot of the photos are the same although I have a few different ones which i will send, I have the others as well, But would like to give a different view of this person. I have not sent any money I am in the process of being set up by her, (so she/he
thinks) The deadline has been set for the 22 of september, The reason why I am writing this is because i would really like to contact the people who were scammed by this person to press
charges. I plan on setting this person up and walk into a trap at the western union, I have tried the message boards but cannot get there for some
reason. Hopefully one of the four on this site see this message.
Because all I can do is deter this person from doing it for a little while, But probably will be back doing it again some time later, Todays date is September 16th 2004 and The Deadline was set for the 22nd I will stall the best I can And hopefully one of the four get in touch with me. I plan on calling western union before hand and letting them know whats about to transpire, I also plan on writing all of the western Unions in Yerevan Armenia and telling them whats going down and to watch for this person. The names change the only constant is Avyagyan Areg. I think this is the scammer Its not a girl at all who we are talking with, Its a guy. He has to show identification to pick up things from Western Union. And I hope this message gets scanned from the people at scamreport@womenrussia to help find these four individuals From USA ,Austrailia and
abroad. Below are the emails i received. and Photos. That is all I have for now. Keep in Mind I have same photos as you also I am sending different photo than whats on Page 265, 267, 244, 231.
The Initial email from American Singles she/he/it contacted me with
Hello:) My name is Yulia. I find your profile on americansingles.com site, read your description and deside to write you, I think you are nice man and may be our aquaintance will be interesting... Please sorry for my not so good English. So how I am in this site, I was born in Moscow, Russia, study there,and my family there, now I live in Armenia here in my grandfathers home, I deside find my love, and person who will be my future husband and friend of heart, life partner and true love... I can use internet in cafe near our home here:) little about me I am 23 years old Iwas born 17 apr 1981, my height 170cm, weight 52kg, My specialization is teacher of russian and literature, I like reading very much, cooking,go to pikniks,dancing and many other things. The reason that I write you now that I want find person who can be near me all life who can be good husband, and who realy serious oriented, the seriousnes, tendernes, kindness, and inner beauty of man first important for me. please if you answer write me little about you, your life, your ideals... I write you my direct mail address is: YULECHKAA@YANDEX.RU Please answer my direct mail address because I can check it easier... So I think this is enough for first mail, again sorry for my English I have no practice its all knowlege which I get in school,I will wait your letter yours sincerely Yulia. p.s.hope age difference doesn't bother you because for me it's not important..
Hello dear Chris:) I am so sorry for late reply:(I had problems with my e-mail but now everything is ok:) I am very glad to get your letter I wait it and I think our aquaintance very nice:) so dear Chris I will try tell you now all about my life in details. I was born in 17 April 1981, and I grew up in good family my mother was teacher of Russian language in school, my father engeener in factory and my father love his job very much they construct tv sets etc in factory, but now my father work in private firm as special engeener but not earn much because in Russia now not the best economical situation, but they can live with my mother ok, my mother not work at school already few years, my mother very nice person and she take care of me all life as a best mom:) As my mother was teacher she teach me Russian language well and I even had practice as teacher few times in school when i was 20:) it was funny, my mother also very good cooker, as me too I hope:) she teach me very different dishes prepare:) Dear Chris I dont know do you ever eat Russian dishes? My favorit dishes Russian is: Pelmeni, Golubci,Borsch, etc...I like very much too cook also and I like home food, I dont like eat always somthing in restaurant or somewhere I prefer if its possible eat much at home, I like to eat Pizza with mushrooms and hum and cheese i can prepare it also, and i like BBQ, and fried chicken and potatoes, also I like sandwiches and many another dishes, but I dont eat much I like prepare different things and eat a little from every one:) So dear Chris I grew up in good family there the most important goals was trust, love, nice relations and harmony, be near each other in any situation, I think I had nice childhood because I have nice parents which show me good way in life and be for me all what I can see and be also right in life...So I finished a school in Moscow ,and after I begin take a private lessons for exams for universyty which I want enter...Moscow is very nice city because its the city where live very many good persons cultural, smart and interesting, I mean teachers all my teachers in school and in university was veryy smart and realy good teachers... So after all my hard lessons and the one year private lessons I take exams good and enter in Moscow state university in Pedagogical(teachers) faculty:) It was so good year for me its like a dream that I enter to University and I get this specialization, I enter all exams high and my education was free its about 20% of studens who pass very good exams can get free education in univercity...I was very glad my parents too, and I choose this specialization because I like children and it will be interesting for me to teach them, so I finish university after 5 years of education and get diploma, this day also was very important for me, because it was very difficult study in university, I have no time for walking, I have no time watch tv and read books, all what I do all time it study and read my student books etc, so I even have no friends during this time, I lose my schoolfriends because during my university I have no time communicate with them...So after university I work about some time in school and i liked that school, but I cant work much there because there a director changed and come new director which was not good person, I leave this place and I never work after this...So I deside come here to Armenia and stay here in my grandfathers home, because my father in Russia last time drink much and I dont like he drunked, I love him much but my mother said better I stay with my grandfather and I come here, my grandpa very good person and was glad I stay with him here I am here in Armenia about few months. I use internet here in cafe very near of our home its like first floor of our building, its good I can reach it easy:) My dear Chris I hope I dont bore you with my letter, but I think you be glad to know all about me as I want know all about you we are going may be make the most important step in our life and its very important know more about each other...I like reading very much, I think it comes from my mother in childhood when I was little and I cant read I was about 4 or 5 years my mother always read for me different things:) I like read very much Russian classics for example: Lev Tolstoy, Dostoyevski, etc... Also I like very much books from my childhood my favorit writers was,Jul Vern, A Konan Doil, Romen Rolan,Teodor Drizer, A.Duma, etc:) you know few days ago here was problem with electricity cable and I sit under candle light in evening dont know what to do, I see book of Konan Doil, stories about Sherlock Holmes, I read it in my childhood and in my mind I think that now if I read it it may be seem primitive for me, but I begin to read and cant stop:) it was so nice:) I read Harry Potter not so time ago I like it to:) Tell me what you like to read? I like music very much, I like latin music, pop music and dancing music I like to dance sometimes:) I also went musical school during my regular school, and I play piano not bad, but to tell truth I dont play already long time here my grandpa have no piano, my favorit is moonlight sonata by Beethoween, I like it much and I play it much few years ago:) I like very much go out of city for picnics or somthig same:) I like prepare different tasty things in nature and eat I think everything is more tasty in nature, I like go walking in parks and traveling sometimes...I can use internet very little time I come and see how to use it and study but I still dont know very much things and I type not very fast but not slowly, you know I think its help me that I play piano I easy remembet all keys in keyboard:) and to tell you truth I never in my life write so long letter as now, its first time I write so long:) I deside to get aquaintance with foreign man and start serious relations because I never feel seriousness in men which I know also here in Armenia, I am here have no friends and dont know no one and i go walk even with my grandfather, but in Russia for example when I study in institute I dont feel from men in our faculty that they are ready for have serious relations, start family, be sincere in relations all time and ready in any situation be together...For me very important that my future husband be sincere and good heath person, who can love only me and whom I can love all life only him, and live in harmony have children one day and be happy, enjoy every moment together...I like man who think that family is most important thing in life...And I like if man come after work home and we can sit talk a little interesting, wach tv, have supper, or sometimes go walks in evenings:) sometimes I am very romantic I think:) So in this time I look man who can be my husband, my friend and all for me, now its the thing I look because I am tired be alone and i need someone near me...I write you so much because I feel that our aquaintance and relations have potencial and can be nice...Ok dear Chris I will finish now my long letter and I will try come internet tommorrow for write you, think of you yours Yulia.
Hello my dear Chris! i am so happy to recive your sincere,cute,sweet letter:)) you know i don't know you long time but you become so dear to me...each time i realize that something empty in my world and i know that emptiness can be completed by you...you are such honest,true guy,about whom i was dreaming whole my life... it is so difficult to find someone with whom you can share your feelings,your dreams,your whole inner world.. when i open my mail box,i can't wait time till yout letter open and my heart bit so fast till i read it... i miss you so much and think of you alot... i know it can be seemed that it is too soon for feelings,but i am hot person and if i like someone it will last so long,if not forever... please tell me what you think what kind of woman can win your heart?:)) what makes your mood up and down... do you believe one day we meet?i believe i am so optimistic person:)) i wish have computer at home for writing you each time... i will wait your letter with great excitement,yours Yulia. p.s.thank you so much for lovely photos:)I love them:)no it is sad but I have no brother or sister :(
Hello my dearest Chris! how are you my sweetest man?:)) do you have a good mood?:) thank you so much for efforts write on my native language:))you are great man:)it is sad i couldn't open attachement:(may be on this computer they don't have such program:(for open it.. you know today i prepair pizza with mushrooms,cheese,ham,chiken meat,olives and mayoneze and think of you... i know you can call and pizza will be in your hands during few minutes,but it is delisious one when you prepair it yourself:))i will do it for you:)) i wanted to taste it with you,it would be so romantic to be with you in the kitchen and noone else,only we:)we could talk about everything so much as we want and share the inner feelings and dreams which will never tell to someone else... i am so romantic sometimes... you know i remove my profile because i don't need it anymore..i found you and don't want get letters from others:) i miss you so much and happy to recieve all your lettersi wait them with such a great excitement...i need you more day by day and want to feel you by my side...it is to bad i can't stay in internet long time,another way i would write you long letters...but i think with this short one you will also feel my feelings towards you...i miss you Chris and think of you all time,i will wait your letter,yours Yulia. p.s.please tell me how is your day life i am so interested about it,i can feel you closer by reading about you...
(This is where something didnt seem right to me)and i started looking on the site. (My reply with alot of fluff added just for them after reading the others of how they were set up)I know whats coming next I want to see how adaptable she/he is When she tells me the number i am going to tell her i can have it done cheaper here why dont you wire me the money instead, See how she/he Handles that. Her reply to me:
Hello my dearest Chris:)! I am so happy get your nice reply, I cant express all my posetive feelings when I read your letter!... My dear I have information which I want to give you, where are a chance for us to meet in real! may be it little soon but I feel that we have so much common and we can be happy... My grandpa was in one agency, and its make cultural exchange programm for emprove english language knowlege in USA, using this programm I can get visa very easy without problem. Regular visa here not possible get via embassy... This programm valid every year and this year the registration deadline is 22 of september... Tell me your opinion, and if you ready we meet and you can help me organize our meeting I can ask my grandfather ask all in details about programm... I think real meeting can show us all and I am sure all will be nice between us... Tell me may be you prefer visit me here in Armenia and after we go there together? Ok my dear I will go now I wait your soon reply your Yulia.
   
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