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Brides Cyber Guide |
Malahova Tatyana Viktorovna
(Nizhniy Novgorod, Russia)
I am a separated 40 yr old male from Florida. I was contacted through a very old yahoo personals account by "Tatyana". After just a few emails she began to express serious intentions and feelings. Soon I was the only one for her. The letters were suspicious in that the first few emails contained questions from me that went un-answered.
Of course, as seems to be the norm here, she has no phone. I offered to purchase her an e-ticket for $530.00 for a flight from Moscow to NY, then on to Florida. After 2 days, she replied that her mother would help her with the visa but that she had to purchase her ticket there according to the travel agency she had visited. She didn't come right out and ask for the money, but she indicated it would take her a year (without buying food) to save up. Curious, I did a google search for "Russian Love Scams" and I found this website and, low & behold. Blackpage 276 contains the report from "Roger" with the EXACT letters, almost verbatim, from the same Tatyana, different pictures but definately the same chick. We corresponded for about 1 month. Thankfully, I have learned a lesson without shelling out any cash. My last email to her/him/it was pretty much telling "her" to take her scam elsewhere, and strangely enough I have received no more emails. Many thanks to this website for saving me grief. Here is her info and emails, again just about verbatim to Rogers on page 276. ( Name: Malahova Tatyana Viktorovna. Address: Gorykogo Street, 65A, apt.89, Nizhniy Novgorod, 603000 Russia. Her email is: Take heed and beware. Eric P. Florida, USA
Letter 1 (after initial yahoo contact):
Hi Eric! First of all sorry for not writing to you for so long. I do hope it is not a problem. It was a pleasant surprise for me to find your answer in my mail box. I have looked through your profile, and I liked much. I wanted to write a letter to you. I wanted to get registered on the site, but unfortunately at the appropriate place I didn't find Russia, therefore I took another country. I have tried to write to you but I thought that you will not answer to me. It so is interesting to correspond with the foreign man from America. I very badly know computers but I went on computer trainings. I now know how to use mail on the computer. As you have understood I live in Russia in city Nizhny Novgorod and my real name is Tatyana. If you want I will tell to you about my city. I today went in computer club and I have made new photos now I can send to you it if you want. In this letter I will send you my photo. I am 31 now but 6 October will be 32 to me. I'm interested in man for my life. I the lonely woman but I do not want to be alone. I was divorced 2 years ago and I haven't kids still. I have serious intentions and I do not want to make a wrong choice. I have tried to write to you and now I see that you have answered to me, I think we can begin to correspond with you. I have written only once and you have answered to me I think that you are interested. Is it true? We are two people which want to meet someone. I think we can try to know better each other but if you don't want it's your choice. I want to ask you do you correspond with women already? Do you have russian friends or friends who know russian people. It's interesting. Do you know russian language? I studied the English language at school and university and I think you understand me. I can speak english also. I hope my english is not very bad. I have finished university on a speciality economy and finances and now I work in private agency as the financier. We have the computer here and I use it for our correspondence. But you must know I can't use it for long long time and please if you will send me the photos try to make it not much size. There is no internet connection available but the email is works. So I write you from my work. Sometimes I use the translation program to write to you because I don't know some words but most of all text I write personally. I can write you 5 times per week, I think I can't write on sunday and saturday. (I don't work in weekends). Now I live alone and I rent my flat. For the first letter i hope this information will be enough. If you will answer me I'll write you tomorrow. I'll wait for your response. And about all another details we will talk with each other in next days. And if you really will be interested and will write me please tell me some information about you and if you can send picture of you. I would like to see it. Tatyana.
Letter 2:
Dear Eric. I am very glad to have received your letter, it was very nice to have heard from you and enjoy hearing from you. I like to cook very much, it is very pleasant when is tasty cook also for you praise. And what it is pleasant to you from products? I love ice-cream about strawberry jam, chocolate, pel'menis. You know, what such pel'menis?? It is tasty very much!!! Here in Russia it is very difficult. Earlier to us at all did not allow to speak about a politics, and it became now better, but authority in hands of greedy and bad people. People at which authority think only of the purses, they constantly deceive us and it is difficult for us very much. Tell it the truth, what at you the good government and it thinks of you and cares? I want to live very much in the country where the government thinks of people. Our city beautiful very much, here is a lot of very much trees and colors. It is old city and at him the big history, we have ancient fortress which refers to the Kremlin. It is beautiful also to me it is pleasant to walk about walls of the Kremlin. I do not have not enough person with which I can walk in the evening along the street with which I can sit on a bench and put the head to him on a shoulder. Tell about the city what beautiful places at you is? It seems to dear me, that our meeting is destiny. Today at night dream has dreamed me... To me dreamed, that I walk with the person and it is good me near to him. I have woken up and have understood, that did not see his person, but it seems to me, that the destiny has happened us not, well and which I was possible you that person with which to me is possible to trust. I want to trust very much to the person, I want to present all caress to the favourite person, I am tired to be one. And you, you can believe in destiny? I wait from you for the answer, Tatyana.
Letter 3:
Greetings my lovely Eric! How are you today? I missed you very much! I reread your letters, I understand yours English well enough. Today I tried to recollect, why I have written to you. I do not know... It was as a whiff of wind, as movement of energy invisible to us. I should say I trust my feelings very much! I write only to you, I like to write very much to you!! And do you write to other women? Please tell to me how you like to spend time? I have a small apartment, cosy and I like to have friends in and to sit in the kitchen!! It is very cheerful, when all of us gather and we drink tea. We joke, we recollect different stories, I am a cheerful person. Yesterday I told my friends that I got acquainted with you. Friends understand me and say, that if we are born for one another there should not be any doubts about our choice. Is it true that in the USA you are all sport fans and you frequently go to see sporting competitions? In Russia it is dangerous to go on sports competitions, there are a lot of fans and they drink much beer and get drunk, and then they start to shout, swear, and sometimes fights begin. My former husband from the start was tender and kind, but he started to drink alcohol and bring home drunk friends. I worried very much and spoke to him, that it is not necessary to drink alcohol, but he did not listen, but only shouted and beat me. Then he started to use drugs, I could not sustain it and left him. I am afraid of men from Russia, they drink much and sometimes beat women. I cannot imagine my life without sport, I visit swimming pool 3 times a week. I was professionally engaged in badminton, I was engaged in it since early childhood, but I play it only with my friends now, after that I together with my friends go to the sauna (it sounds "banya" in Russia), it is our tradition, it is so funny! We do it every weekend. I got a letter today, it was from my school friend Masha. Buy the way, she have met a foreign man, he was from England. She moved to him, and they got married! I did not believe, that 2 people can meet each other, and fall in love, begin relations, and create a perfect family! But they have done it! She is happy now, and we keep corresponding regularly. She helped me to make my first step, you know, this step is the most difficult, so I decided to search for my best half in the Internet:) I think, that it was a perfect idea, because we began our conversation, and it means a beginning of strong relations, and may be, new feeling between us. What do you think? PS:Dear, I have no phone, but I shall try to call you and to hear your voice. Yours Tatyana.
Letter 4:
My dearest Eric! How are you today? I'm fine, and everything is alright in my life. I hope, that you are alright too. I feel very, very attached to you! I decided to write this letter about more serious matters which is necessary to help us to understand each other better. I want to tell to you, that my only wish is to build a strong foundation for a long everlasting relations. My wish is to have with you a balanced relation based on mutual respect and love. I think, no, I know, I can learn from you. My heart and mind is open for all you have to offer. I can't deny, that I am very attached to you, because I think you are a very nice man. I dream about having you in my arms, being able to kiss you. Forgive me for being so open! Simply, my intentions are very serious. I talked with my mother, she came to visit me yesterday. She is very glad, that I started relations with you. By the way, I did not tell you about my family. I lived with my mother all my childhood, I want to ask you, not to ask me about my father, because this topic is very unpleasant for me. I have no sisters or brothers, I am the one child in family. I had ordinary, but at the same time very good and happy childhood, my mother treated me with all her care and tenderness. I love her very much, and she is my best friend, I have no secrets from her. I'm always open for her opinion, I trust her, and she told me, that she is happy, that I want to connect my life with man from another country, because I won't make her mistake in this case. I want to say to you, that feelings, that slept in me for a long time, are waking up now. I think about you constantly: at work, in the morning, in the evening, before I go to sleep. It is so amazing! I wait for your letters, I miss you and your letters. I don't send you new pictures of me, if you want to see more, just ask me. Your Tatyana.
Letter 5:
My dearest Eric! I read your letter, and I really have no words to explain, what I feel. I feel, I found the dearest in my life! It is about you, my sweet! You opened your heart to me, you even can't imagine, how long I waited for YOU, dreamed about YOU! You are really the man of my dreams! Years ago, when I was a little child, my mother told me many fairy tales. I loved one of them most of all. There was a beautiful princess and handsome prince in that fairy tale. There were a lot of difficulties and barriers between them. They had many troubles, but the prince knew, that his princess was the one, who was created for him. After many effort they came together. I can think only of you now. You make me happy, and I know now, when I'll hold you in my arms, when I'll kiss you, I'll never let you go! I am asking myself: is it dream? If it is a dream, please, don't let me to wake up! Now I know, how easy to fall in love, when two lonely hearts find each other on the long and difficult road of life. My Prince, I know, that you can invite me to the beautiful world of love, where we can carry out all our secret amazing dreams, all our desires and wishes. I know, that you can change my lonely life, I believe in it, and I'm ready to travel thousands kilometers, because I know, that you are my soul mate. My sweet, I don't doubt, that we have love intimacy between us now. I feel how your heart beats despite of distance between us, it beats in a step to my heart now... I know it. Were we created for each other? Now I need only one: to meet you. I have a great desire to do it. I already talked with my mother, and she lets me to come to you. She is a little afraid for me, because I'm still her little daughter, but she trust me, and she gave us her parental blessing. If you really want to see me in person, I'm ready to talk to you about it. I wait for your decision. My address: Name: Malahova Tatyana Viktorovna. Gorykogo Street, 65A, apt.89, Nizhniy Novgorod, 603000, Russia. Your princess, Tatyana.
Letter 6:
My dearest Eric! First, I want to say to you, that I thought a lot about you, about us, and the distance between us, you are so natural and full of love, that I want to be there right now with you. I want to feel you, smell you, touch you, hear you... It's not possible for this moment, and this hurts me. This makes me suffer! I'm dreaming to be happy in my life, I want to make you happy, to make you feel comfortable with me without fears, that you can trust me. I want to love you, like you have never felt this before, doing everything together and having fun. I have so many ideas in my mind, that you will never be bored, life is a serious thing, but it must be surprising at the same time. You live only once. I want to surprise you, I am your surprise! My feelings to you are so big, that you can't imagine. But sometimes the love and feelings are painful for me. What if I don't get you? I don't want to think of it. You are only one man for me in the world, you have all the things, that I'm looking for and want to have. My dreams are becoming to reality, because of you. Thank you for this! If I could give you one thing, I would give you the ability to see yourself, as other people do, then you would have seen, what a dear and special person you are...My sweet, I asked God for a flower, he gave me a garden, I asked for a tree, he gave me a forest, I asked for a river, he gave me an ocean. Asked for a friend and he gave me YOU. Sometimes my eyes are full of tears, when I think of you my love. You are my only Love, and will always stay in my heart. I will always love you, today, tomorrow and forever. I will never do something, that could hurt you, never. My dear! I went to travel agency this morning, and I found out all conditions of my arrival to you in details. Frankly speaking, I was in shock! If I am able to pay for visa with help of my mother, I won't be able to pay for tickets (even for cheapest!). But I can't get visa without buying tickets in this travel agency. Getting of visa is not a problem, agency takes care about it, and they can get it quickly, but only if I'll buy tickets there. My problem is only a tickets. I feel so bad, I even could think about, that tickets to USA costs on 5 times more, than tickets to Europe. I really don't know what to do! I'm afraid, I feel scared by my feebleness. Now I can only dream about my arrival to you. My love, it's a pity, but if I want to buy tickets, I have to save up my year's salary (and don't spend it even for food!)! I'm so sorry. Your, Tatyana. XOXOXOXOXOXOXOXO