Dilyara Scedeva
(Kalinino, Astrakhan area, Rossiya) Hi the following letters I have copied to send you is from emails I have been getting from a Dilyara Sedeva. Her email address is sunrise@mabuta.com She had benn writing me from 9/1/04 to 10/30/04 and she scamed me out of $400.00 for a meeting that had never taken place. She claimed that she was planning to America to come see me and at the last minute she needed $390.00 for her sick friend Olga that was in the
hospital and she had spent her own money to pay for the doctors and she was now going to be short for the amount to come over to the states to come see me. After I had sent the money she wrote back and thanked me and said we'll be together soon, but then she gave me flight information for her flight which was to be on 10/22/04 but I called the airline itself (Air France) and gave then her name, but she had never booked a reservation on that flight or any other flight. She then wrote to me again stating the people at the airport were giving her a hard time because she needed an additional $800.00 to come over to the states. She asked me for the additional money and that's when I found out about the scam by looking her name up on a search and came up with this web site. Here are the copies of her letters to me along with pictures of her as well.
Ron K. Letters:
1st letter.
Hi, my new friend Ron! I am very glad that you have answered my letter. First of all I want to apologize for non-answering sooner. I haven't computer at home. It is difficult for me to answer your letter at once. Thank you that you have found time for answer. I think that you have myself. I will try to answer them. I don't know what to begin with to tell you about myself. OK, I will try to begin. My full name is Dilyara Sagdeeva. How your full name? I am 28 years old.My birthday is on the 21th of March 1976. My height is 5 feet 6 inches. My weight is 115 pounds. I live in the village of Kalininn.Kalininn is located in 80 kilometers from the city of Astrakhan, Russia.In Russia Astrakhan the big and known city located on the river Volga and Caspian sea. I began to get education in the secondary comprehensive school, in Astrakhan . After I finished I finished it with excellent results and entered Pedagogical University in sports branch.Now I work in a rural sports hall, as the trainer athletics. I train children, to running and art gymnastics. We have a small collective, but very friendly .Ron, I shall have an I use a computer at my work. On work I can use a computer almost freely. So it is more convenient for me to write you from my work. Though it too depends not from me. With a computer works another employee.I have not bad relations with her, but she can give me a computer only when she has a free time.For this reason I hope that you understand me. Tell me a little more about yourself. I also shall tell about myself more in the following letter. I send you my picture. I hope to you it is pleasant.
I will waiting for your letter with impatience. Dilyara.
2nd letter.
Hi Ron! I am very glad that I have chosen you from all the others who were atthe site. I had no a lot of time to look all profiles on a site. I havechosen the first profile which I like. Probably my hand was directedwith success. It was experiment. I have caught fortune for its tail.Smile!!! My friend Loren has helped me to register profile andI am very grateful to her for it. Loren is that student about whom I wrote to you.I did not know how to do it and Loren has made all. I am surprised, that she has mistake,or it is joke of Loren.I don't know it, because now she works in China,and we haven't communicated yet. I communicate with different people of different age.I noticed that I better speak with the people who older than me. They are more polite,intelligent and suave,so it is possible to hear bad words from young people,they are louts and boors. I never have been married and I want to marry the men who is older than I. I am sure that men of this age are good and fathers. What I am looking for in a man especially is friendship, long termfriendship. But, I dislike arguing, bickering and that type of stuff,someone easy going is good. I want someone who wants to have fun, and caring,warm and sexy. I believe there needs to be a good attraction the two people too. I want to have a boyfriend for a while who later if everythinis right could be more. The most important parts of a relationship is lovem trust and communication.But, without trust the other two do not matter.You cannot communicate with someone, no matter how much you love him or her,without trusting them. Love is important, but you have to trust the other personimplicitly to truly love them, because you need to know they love youback for it to be real. You have a question ''Why Russian women look for their husbands abroad'.I think there are a lot of reasons and I will start with an economic level of Russia. Our country is not rich and it's very difficult to find a good job. Russian men can't earn enough money to keep their family. They begin to much money, 'theladies' men'. In our country a number of women is more than men.have more rights than women. Even there is a proverb ' A hen is not abird, a woman is not a person'. So men try to low women, though a womanbrings up children and has a constant work in the same time. There isan opinion that Russian men in degradation now. I want to get married abroad as I'm concerned about my future. I want to have an ordinary,calm life though I must leave my friends and change culture. It's very difficult.There are many men here that would like to be a part of my life but a lot of themhave been married before and have kids and are bitter about marriage all together.Some of them have trouble opening up and showing there true feelings and there are theones who lie, cheat and disrespect any man they get involved with.These are only a few reasons why I am still single, I think it is better to be lonely than to be continues maybe my searching will end with you.I want to tell you about my opportunities to write letters to you.I hadn't time to say about it in my last letter,because I write letters to you on my job as I have no apersonal computer. The computer is in an accounting department. Lady who works with a computer will allow me to use a computer sometimes inm interests, but only when she has a free time. It depends not on meunfortunately. I work five days in a week - from Monday till Friday. It is the standard established in Russia. On this I shall not be capable to write to you and to receive your letters on Saturday and on Sunday. But sometimes I work on Saturday and even on Sunday. It is called - maintenance standby. I like my job; I spend much time in the gymnasium, doing aerobics and shaping.I have no children but I would like to have them.I think that I would be a good mother. I have never seen my parents. I grew in the orphanage where there was a lack of parent's warm. I know, how it is hard to not have relatives. So I am ready to give my future husband and children everything. They won't be lonely, because I will encircle them with warm and love. Living in orphanage I've understood the real values of the life: do kindness to people and it will come back to you doubled. There are a lot of problems in Russia. People became evil and closed. That's why I decided to find a friend abroad Russia. So I have told you my dreams. May be they will not come true but these are my dreams. And what about your dreams? I like to listen to classical music:Dunaevski And Chajkovsky.I like to listen simply instrumental music. Such music allows to relax and have a rest. Under such music I like to think. I like to listen to guitar masterpieces of Joe Satriani. And my favourite movies - Siberian Barber and Tired by the Sun. They are masterpieces of the Russian cinema. The American movies in Russia have a huge popularity. They are considered to be the greatest. I like very much the American movies and I like many American actors. I often walk in the forest, I like to go camping or by bicycle on Summer.In Winter I go skiing and skating. All these distract me from everyday problems.So what do you do, when you have problems and when you are sad? My hobby, if it's possible to tell so is the English language.I have loved English long ago, when I studied at school. In Russia the program of training necessarily includes foreign language, as a rule - English, German or French. I entered in group of the English language and I am still happy that I've made it. I like very much your language. After school, I continued studying of English language in the institute. It is a very soft and easily-memorized language for me. Now I attend courses of the English language. I've been studing your language for 16 years. I want to learn this language perfectly. I know that now I admit mistakes, but I hope you won't angry. I have spent all my working day what to write this letter.(Smale) Thank for your picture. It is a fine picture. You such strong and handsome man. Forgive, that I such immodest. I very much love this picture. It is wonderful, when a man combines force and charm. It happens so seldom. Once again forgive me for my frank words. But I always talk what I think. I think there is nothing bad in it. Your daughters - incredibly beautiful and charming ladies! Very beautiful smiles, eyes, hair. They have very kind faces, and they very is like you! I see that you perfectly spend time together! In your words I see great love to your daughters! It is wonderful. You have asked, I observed Olympic games? Yes I, saw Olympic games on TV, at leisure. You saw, performance Russian the sportsman which call Alina Kabaeva I am waiting your response Ron.I have many ideas, but I do not want to rush this precious moment when two souls are looking towards each other across the continents for an everlasting friendship. Yours friend
3rd letter.
Ron,You write to other woman? I write only to you, I thought, that you have made the same. For you it is game.
4th letter
Hi My Dearest friend Ron (English) Privet Moy Samiy Dorogoy Drug Ron (Russia) I'm very glad to see your letter and I think you will glad to see my too.I very much like to cook. If I had no my profession, then I probably would be the cook. Cooking is fundamental to a healthy, nurturing family life. I know many recipes of dishes. I like tasty and healthy food. It is very important for me because I very much keep up my figure(body). And it's reason, that I should refuse many kind of food. Especially I love various salads and products of the sea. Have you sometime tried a fish in the paste? It is a fillet of the fish, baked in the paste. It is very tasty. Also I like very much a department. Lady who works with a computer will allow me to use a computer sometimes inm interests, but only when she has a free time. It depends not on meunfortunately. I work five days in a week - from Monday till Friday. It is the standard established in Russia. On this I shall not be capable to write to you and to receive your letters on Saturday and on Sunday. But sometimes I work on Saturday and even on Sunday. It is called - maintenance standby. I like my job; I spend much time in the gymnasium, doing aerobics and shaping.I have no children but I would like to have them.I think that I would be a good mother. I have never seen my parents. I grew in the orphanage where there was a lack of parent's warm. I know, how it is hard to not have relatives. So I am ready to give my future husband and children everything. They won't be lonely, because I will encircle them with warm and love. Living in orphanage I've understood the real values of the life: do kindness to people and it will come back to you doubled. There are a lot of problems in Russia. People became evil and closed. That's why I decided to find a friend abroad Russia. So I have told you my dreams. May be they will not come true but these are my dreams. And what about your dreams? I like to listen to classical music:Dunaevski And Chajkovsky.I like to listen simply instrumental music. Such music allows to relax and have a rest. Under such music I like to think. I like to listen to guitar masterpieces of Joe Satriani. And my favourite movies - Siberian Barber and Tired by the Sun. They are masterpieces of the Russian cinema. The American movies in Russia have a huge popularity. They are considered to be the greatest. I like very much the American movies and I like many American actors. I often walk in the forest, I like to go camping or by bicycle on Summer.In Winter I go skiing and skating. All these distract me from everyday problems.So what do you do, when you have problems and when you are sad? My hobby, if it's possible to tell so is the English language.I have loved English long ago, when I studied at school. In Russia the program of training necessarily includes foreign language, as a rule - English, German or French. I entered in group of the English language and I am still happy that I've made it. I like very much your language. After school, I continued studying of English language in the institute. It is a very soft and easily-memorized language for me. Now I attend courses of the English language. I've been studing your language for 16 years. I want to learn this language perfectly. I know that now I admit mistakes, but I hope you won't angry. I have spent all my working day what to write this letter.(Smale) Thank for your picture. It is a fine picture. You such strong and handsome man. Forgive, that I such immodest. I very much love this picture. It is wonderful, when a man combines force and charm. It happens so seldom. Once again forgive me for my frank words. But I always talk what I think. I think there is nothing bad in it. Your daughters - incredibly beautiful and charming ladies! Very beautiful smiles, eyes, hair. They have very kind faces, and they very is like you! I see that you perfectly spend time together! In your words I see great love to your daughters! It is wonderful. You have asked, I observed Olympic games? Yes I, saw Olympic games on TV, at leisure. You saw, performance Russian the sportsman which call Alina Kabaeva I am waiting your response Ron.I have many ideas, but I do not want to rush this precious moment when two souls are looking towards each other across the continents for an everlasting friendship. Yours friend
5th letter.
Hi, my dear friend Ron I waited for this minute with impatience to answeryou. Can you give me your phone number? Unfortunately I have no house phone. I know it for you strange, in Russia many people have no house phone.My boss forbids to use phone for the personal purposes.I can call only in weekend from a public telephone booth. Are your pictures recent? Showing your true self today?My pictures, have been made 2 years ago and this year. Do you receive words also in color when I send to you? I receive words in colour. What do you mean by home works?Homework, it: cleaning of an apartment, cleaning of clothes. Do you have any-desire to up lifting your roots and coming to America? You asked me about a possible travel to your country. I can answerunequivocally. I think that all is possible in our life. If my heart willprompt me that I should go in your country, I necessarily will go. Ofcourse all is possible. And if I will feel that time to meet have come, Iwill make all to organize this meeting. What do you really see us as? Just pen pals from a distant land?If we feel that we belong together as man and wife then I think itwill be a fine moment for both of us. On our planet will appear one morehappy couple, whose hearts will be united in a single whole. For me is notimportant where to live, America, Russia or other country. The main thingthat near was a man whom I will give my heart, fidelity and tenderness.The happiness does not depend on a place. Whats that pink stuff you eating? It looks like yogurt! You have asked, what soup me in a plate, this soup eat usually in the summerbecause, him eat in a cold kind and he does not contain meat, he refers to a cold borshch. You mentioned one day you would love to have children. What do you feel about children not of your ownblood? dealing with them and/or help raising. It is necessary to takeinto account all factors because children should be very happy and shouldnot suffer because of mistakes of parents. I equally love all children.I have no preferences concerning children. Children is an angels. I can give you my address, but you should not send anything with theexception of letters. Please do not send any parcels. Our Territory - thecenter of terrorism where concentrated a lot of terrorists from NorthernCaucasus and Chechen Republic, and their supporters, and getting of mailfrom other country is unsafely for Russian people.My post address:416189 Rossiya.The Astrakhan area.d.Kalinino.The Kirov street.8-3.Dilyara Sagdeeva.Your letters have become so close to my heart that I amglad to them like a baby. you write so beautiful letteres, I have neverheard such words in Russia. I think that Russian men don't know suchwords at all. Your words are so pleasant that I feel myself on theheavens. Please, write me every day at least two words, then I willknow that everything is OK. I will be calm for you and won't worry.About love at first sight, if I didn't believe it then I would not betalking with you. Every ones in a while you see a light peaking throughunder a door. It acts as an invitation. Your first email was a smalllight, when I opened the door on the other side was a whole new worldthat I have never seen with you as the sun. Beautiful,amazing, and fullor wonder. This relationship we have started via email is the beginingof a life long friendship that might blossom into some thing more? Loveis such intoxicating narcotic, which makes do mad, but sometimes funnyactions. Only person in love can fill the whole bath with champaign,only person in love can present the million of scarlet roses or standwhole night under balcony of the loved woman singing serenades. Today I talked with my boss, I asked him to use Internet at least 10-15 minutesa day. He promised to think about it. I cant let him deprive me myprivate live how much it cost me. The dearest I have is you Ron Iunderstood it clearly yesterday when I was walking in the park andthinking about you. I was tired and sat down on the bench. I closed myeyes and thought about you. A wind was blowing, it scutched my hairsand enveloped my body by its chilly freshness. I don't know why, but Ithought that you changed in wind, and you tenderly touched my hairswith you invisible hands. It seemed to me that I am situated somewherethere with you. And my heart began beating as never before. I was sopleasant that I was ready to yell from happiness. People who werepassing near me probably thought that I am crazy wnen they saw mesitting on the bench with closed eye and smiling. But I didn't thinkabout their opinion.after work I will go home by foot. I like to walkalong the street and to breath fresh air, especially when the weatheris warm. As a matter of fact I don't want to go home. It is very boringand lonely at home. Sometimes I don't mention it, but sometimes when Icome home with good mood, I want to talk very much, to share thoughtswith anybody, to have fun. But my flat is empty and I have to be infull solitude. And my good mood disappears. I simply sit down in anarm-chair and look at the window. And when the silence deafen me when Ihear as My blood flows in my veins, I hear movement of my eyelashes, atthat moment becomes unbearably and my heart compresses. I don't knowhow to struggle with it. I can listen to music or read a book. But insome moment I understand that I just deceive myself. In fact I want abeloved person to be near me, with whom I could spend evenings, to meetmorning, to speak about yesterday and to dream about tomorrow day. Iwant to walk and to feel a strong man arm holds me. I don't want tocook meals only for myself. I want somebody to appreciate it. Butenough about it. I having not enough time.Hi Ron, again. I began writing the letter in the morning. Now itis 7 p. m. already. Can you imagine? I have just trained a littleboy's. I asked him: What do you dream about? He answered that he dreams tobecome a grownup. It was so funny. I often remember childhood. I alwaysdreamed to become a grown up as soon as possible. As every child Icompletely believed that grownups don't have problems at all. I dreamtin the childhood and I dream now. Of course, the world of dreams is anillusive world. We live in a real life, so we can't to sink into theworld of dreams and phantasies for long. When a dream becomesobsession, it can bring only pain and disappointment. Practicallydreams do not always realize. It happens that you use all power, allaspiration to make the dream come true. But as much you try, not all inthis life depend on us. When the dream for a long time does not cometrue, as though you did not try, dream ceases to be that star, whichwas for you lighthouse in ocean of the life, which illuminated yourway. But anyway, I think that it is impossible to live without dreamesand hopes. When there is a dream, the life is filled with sense. Thedreams are those things that do us people that distinguishes us fromthe whole rest alive world. The dreams contribute variety in ordinaryand grey life. The dreams force to think, analyse, choose and come to aconclusion. The Faith and Hope - an eternal satellites of our lifes.And regardless of what waits you at the end, joy of the victories andsubordinated tops we remember better, than disappointment and pain ofthe defeats. You agree with me?I am surprised that I write you allthis. I have never had a person, with whom I could share my thoughts.But now I have found you, and I am very glad. Forgive me for myfrankness. If I said something superfluous forgive me please. Do youlike when your friends come to your home? And you the quick-temperedperson? I have a very warm feeling inside from all the things you have saidabout, how you feel when you think of me. My day brightens tremendouslywhenever I see an e-mail from you. I will wait for your letter withimpatience.Kisses to you, Dilyara. Celuyu tebya, Dilyara.
6th letter.
Hi my dear and the distant friend Ron! (Privet, moy dorogoy i dalekiy drug Ron!)The only thing she lacks is simple warm and caress.This is the problem of Russian men. The Russian ladydoes everything for the man but she doesn't get anything from him. Allshe needs is at least a couple of tender words and touching of hishands. Isn't it so difficult? I think it isn't difficult to present yourlady a romantic evening and a supper with candles, but in Russia as a rulea woman makes such a present but not a man. When a woman carries heavy bags in the street, no man will help her,he will only turn his look away and go farther. That's why the Russianlady never feels happy at her heart. You say that I am beautiful. InRussia I am not considered like a beautiful lady, Russian men usuallytreat ladies disrespectfully. They consider that woman only have to work,cook, wash up and entertain the man when he wants. To offend a womanis a usual thing for the Russian man.I like to cook and wash up butsometimes I would like to get simple caress, love and attention. Idon't want to offend all the men, there are good men but there arefew of them. Yes, a long time I loved a young man.We had good time together.He was kind. But he liked to drink. When he was drunk he became anabsolutely other person. He talked badly with me. Later his love toalcohol became a habit. He became rude and evil. He even beat me severaltimes and next day he smiled and talked with me as if nothing happened to.I began to be afraid of him and I must leave him. My soul was woundedvery much. After this I couldn't make to get acquainted with anotherman. Now I don't trust Russian men. I am afraid to give my love tosomebody and to get rudeness back. I shall close this theme as it is not pleasant to me.Many thanks for your picture. They have very much liked me.I could not see a card till now because I cannot use the Internet. Ican only write my letters and receive yours.By the way, when I came to work today my mood was bad, because mygirl-friend fell ill and now she is in the hospital. The saddest thing isthat she has a birthday today. She is 29 years old today.Unfortunatelyshe spends her birthday in the hospital. But I have already talked with thedoctor and I will be allowed to spend the evening in her chamber. Inthe evening I will bake a cake, buy flowers and go to the hospital. Iwant very much her to be in a good mood on this birthday. She is my bestfriend. By the way, she works with me as a doctor .I have only two real friends -Olga and Svetlana. Olga is that lady who is in the hospital. Svetlana hasleft to the North for three months. Her grandmother lives there. My friendsare not married too. We have been friends for 9 years already. Olga and Iare like sisters. We always spend our time together. Usually we walk inthe park or go to Olga garden. She lives in an old woodenhouse. I don't know if you have seen such houses. These are the houseswhich were built before the second world war,
in the fortieth years. Theyare very old houses which don't have bath and running water. So peoplehave to take water outside in a well or in a pit. In modern world suchconditions seem very terrible, but this is really so. In the garden Olgagrows potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers with the purpose not to buy themin the market, because in winter the prices of these products rise very high.Now I'd like to tell you about our village. It is rather not big There are a lotof buildings, but they are not like in your country. The highest has maximum 3 floors.And that is special for all cities in Russia. Olga says that shewants to live in a quiet town. And I agree with her. A big city has a big traffic,a fast rhythm of life,garlands of fires, light shop windows,high buildings, fountains, cinemas, parks, theatres and attractions.It is wonderful, of course I like it. But we have so nice places.They are very beautiful. If there were no criminal, the place could beconsidered as a paradise. But alas, the criminal in big cities, as well as in thesmall ones is the worst part of our life. Unfortunately criminal in Russia is situatedon a very high level. But I don't want to tell about these sad things.I must finish my letter. I don't want but I have to. I want to ask you what makes youhappy Ron? What was the best gift that you got from a woman?Sincerely yours and with best wishes. I am shy, but I kiss you hotly, my Ron. P.S. In this picture, in the bus I and Svetlana, I see off Svetlana to the grandmother.
7th letter.
Hi, my far, but dear friend Ron. Many thanks for your letter. It was the long-awaited letter. I amreally madly glad to receive your letter. I am really glad that I havefound you.Thanks for new picture. I already spoke, that you a handsome man. Yournew picture confirm my words. You really very charming and attractive aman and to look at you is very pleasant. I do not know when I will get a vacation. In Russia a vacation areappointed according to the schedule. This list is made by the worker ofaccounts department. The schedule not flexible. If the last year I had avacation in the summer this year I cannot get a vacation in the summer. Wehaven't the right to take a vacation at any time. We find out aboutvacation for some weeks or even days prior to the beginning of a vacation.I can give you my address, but you should not send anything with theexception of letters. Please do not send any parcels. Our Territory - thecenter of terrorism where concentrated a lot of terrorists from NorthernCaucasus and Chechen Republic, and their supporters, and getting of mailfrom other country is unsafely for Russian people.My post address:416189 Rossiya.The Astrakhan area.d.Kalinino.The Kirov street.8-3.Dilyara Sagdeeva.I should tell to you that I have ocean of emotions and sensationswhich I had no in my heart before. And on this, my reason and my heart sayme that I should answer by sincerity your constant sincerity. My heart andmy reason says me that I should tell what I feel now because it is a partof our friendship and I should share it with you. I should tell that itwas required two days to write and think over this letter, because Iwanted to say just the right things to you. I didn't want to offend orupset you in anyway, and it really bothered me that saying something wrongmay do that. I normally speak directly from my heart, and I am right now,but sometimes, words must be carefully chosen. I feel somewhat lost when Ihave no opportunity to use a computer to read your letter. In my soul, Ifeel contentment and joy when I think of you.I have never done this in my life, (tried to initiate a relationshiphalfway across the world), and I might have much to learn about how toproceed, but I am more than willing to learn whatever it takes to succeedif that is your desire as well. I also believe that couples should be thebest friends possible, which trust and share with each other everythingthat they feel. I do not know if my word and thoughts make sense to you,and I try very hard to put them in typed words that you will feel andunderstand. I believe in God, and I believe that I have been put throughtrials to prepare me for meeting a man with whom I will spend the rest ofmy life loving, to better appreciate him, respect him and cherish thelove, that he would give; only asking that I return the same. I hope thatmy words and letters are not boring to you, but they are much more thanmere words, they are my thoughts and feelings, and I send them out to you.I very much desire that you find it in your heart and are comfortable withsharing your personal feelings with me, I wish to know you on a moreintimate level, I would like you to share your dreams, your hopes, yourfeelings of the heart with me, I truly wish to connect with you on a levelthat goes way beyond mere friendship. Please do not think me foolish forthinking these things, I believe that in order for anything to succeed,you have to be honest, and that is what I am doing with you. Could youclose your eyes for just a minute, and think and dream of what a life wecould share, what it would be like, the fun of learning each other. Ireally believe that dreams do come true for people which dare to believein dreams, because if they believe in them hard enough, dreams couldbecome in reality. I guess that you are shocked that I feel this way, buthere, where I was raised, the gift of true love from a man is somethingthat is more similar to a Mirage or self-deception, rather than mutualfeeling which two enamored people can give each other. I hope that I amnot rambling on with my words. I have so much that I wish to share withyou, and each time I write to you, I feel there is never enough time tosay everything that I want to say, and I always feel that I have forgottensomething important that I wanted to share with you. Ron, when Ispeak of you and I think of you, it does not matter for me what anyoneelse thinks. I want to tell that you are very beautiful for me. I mean, Ifind that you are not only attractive as a man, I also speak of the beautythat is within you, beauty of your internal world, and alas, thisparticular type of beauty is very special and rare. Most men have onlyappearances, but not have beauty inside, and this is where true beauty is.This, is that for me is the most important and significant in all limitsof my character, my soul and my consciousness. Your words spoken to mewith so much kindness and care, they express the beauty within you. Ithink that you are truly handsome, the essence of what beauty should be,and there is nothing that anyone could say to me that would compel tochange my mind even a little bit. I want to reduce essence of all myletter only to one thought. I do not know if I could clearly explain allmy thoughts and feelings, which overflow me now, or not. I want to tellthat I feel, we become very good friends and I really enjoy ourfriendship. I aspire to learn you more and I dare to hope that you supposea thought that our relations can develop more than it enough for simplefriendship. It is that way which I feel. As always I hope that my letterfinds you in good health and spirits, and I hope that every yours wish youhave comes true one day. I will look forward to your reply as always withanticipation and impatience....With tenderness, Dilyara. p.s.With these girls, I studied at university.
8th letter.
Hi my heart and my soul Ron! I have a friend Ron,and I always think of him, I want to know all about him. Absolutelyall! (Smile). Tell me about your thoughts and dreams. And now I'll do it.Yesterday my boss informed me that I would have a vacationand ours sports club will be closed on repair approximately in 2-3weeks, but I wasn't pleased. I have begun to cry, because it means that I can'twrite to you, I can't use a computer. I was so frightened that I canlose you. I imagined that I should spend this vacation in my apartment,between four walls. I should sit in loneliness and think of you. Ishould aimlessly wander on streets and fall asleep with tears on eyesevery night. I have been waiting for my vacation and now I receive them but they don't bring pleasure to me. I imaginedthat I should spend some months without you and awful emptiness hadappeared in my heart. All world around became uninteresting for me andI told myself:" NO! It is not for me!" Last night I thought of us.About you and about me-about us together. I couldn't fall asleep. I hadbeen crying for a long time because of despair. My thoughts were mixed,like inking waves during a storm, and I, like a small ship was sank inthe sea of despair. With the rising of sun I calmed and hold on myself.And I have put a hard aim, the aim of all my life-to be with a man wholoves me and I love him by all my heart. I thought what I can do to seeyou. I decided to spend this vacation with you. I thought what I can doto meet you. Simply to meet. That's all what I want now.I have passport, and also I need an American visa. Today I haveaddressed in firm where the visas are made. I wondered how much itwould cost for me. They told me that this service would cost 310 USD. Isaid it was very big money, and visa couldn't be cost so much. Theytold that I could make all directly in Moscow where an Americanconsulate was. But I have considered that if I shall make directly inMoscow, I will squander more money. The way to Moscow and back alsoresiding there will cost much. I shall squander more money than 310 USDif I go there. Besides if my application isn't approved, it will turnout that I squander all money for nothing. I have been explained thatit will be necessary to visit set of various departments, state andmedical institutions both in Astrakhan, and in Moscow. I must wait for along time the queue.. This agency allows to avoid many problems and tomake all for faster term. I asked how long it would take to make thevisa. I was answered that it would take about a week or may be 2 ifthere were some troubles because of the terrible terrorist acts in USAand the conflict with Iraq. And in this agency I was told, that theyneed information about me from the police. If I am a law-abidingcitizen, I shall get the visa. I have never outraged the law. And Ihave never done anything unlawful. I shall have preparation forinterview. It will help me to receive the visa. I understand that ourrelations are not long yet, but I trust you. And I very hope so youare, as I love you. Many years I ask myself a question:R Why everythingdepends on money? I think that the money is not main thing in life. Themain is when the people can and want to understand each other. I havesome savings. And I think thatRll be enough to come to you, mysweetheart.Our love will overcome any distances. Live for LOVE! When you Love, do it with all your might, all your Devotion andfor all eternity! I really think it's better to love and fail and nothaving fallen in love at all. Since I started talking to you, I justcan't stop thinking of you Ron. YA CELUYU TEBYA. In English. I KISS YOU.
9th letter.
Hello, my king Ron! How was your day? I'm wonderful. Every day I wait with impatience foryour letters. I want to tell you how i spent my last weekend.I went to the children's shelter. It orphanage in which I grew.I help these children. Children which live there have no parents.Several times a week I visit this orphanage to give help of varioussort. The state allocates very few money for the maintenance andcontents of orphanages. Buildings are very old. But children don't haveanybody to help them and to give them financial support. That's whysome people voluntary render the feasible help. We help to repair in abuilding. Many walls don't have even wall-paper. Stucco has fallen off.The floors and beds are very old. The conditions are terrible. The mealis awful. The children practically have no toys. When I look at allthis there are tears in my eyes . I am very for these children. Mygirl friend and I help to do repair. We glue wall-paper and paint thewindows. We bring children new toys. You cannot imagine how childrenare pleased when we come. And they are glad not only because they waitfor new toys, they wait for us. They require kindness and caress very much. If you saw as they wereglad. I was glad doubly. Very much it is pleasant to me when these children are happy. It is necessary for them for happiness a little. I am very happy, that I shall soon with the beloved, and I want to divide happiness with somebody else.My soul is filled with you. All my thoughts only about you. I fall asleepwith your name and I wake up with your name. I go along the street and Ismile, because I think of you. All that was in my life earlier notimportant for me. Now I think only of you. Ron, I have no relatives, I the orphan.The picture which, I has sent you was made this Spring.Ron, I have received your letter with the name of the airport, now I know where I should fly. I do not know that, I want to make when, I shall arrive to you, I very much worry, you know, that we make when, we together? I frequently think of it, but I think, time will show when we shall meet. I think that we shall kiss as old familiar and we shall talk about our further plans.My favourite color - it's turquoise, though in general I like allcolors, each shade is fine. Hundreds shades, tones. I love all colors of arainbow. But you ask to name one, and it is turquoise. It is the mostgentle and beautiful color. I'm sending you a small poem. Tell me if you like it. OK? Bright, eyeslike heaven's stars,Lips so fullI need to know -when will be he minefor all of time? His name is RonHe is my PrinceI shall take him to the ballto dance in front of all.Midnight will comethough he will not run.He will be mineto the end of time. I've prayed so longfor one as this.With him beside mewe will have bliss. Write back as soon as possible. I'm waiting for your letter. And I'm thinking about you. Kiss you. Your
10th letter.
Hi my prince from a fairy tale! Hi my king from a real life! Hi my beloved Ron! Thanks for your letter. I am very glad. I now always cheerful becauseI think of you. The thought about you warm me.Ron, I at all do not know my parents, I do not want to speakabout it when, I recollect the difficult childhood I start to cry.Dear Ron, I yet do not know precisely when my visa will be ready.But I think that days seven as soon as the visa will be ready,I shall buy the ticket aboard the plane and I shall inform to you exact dates.I do not know that, I want to make when, I shall arrive to you, I very much worry, you know, that we make when, we together? I frequently think of it, but I think, time will show when we shall meet. I think that we shall kiss as old familiar and we shall talk about our further plans.I was not ready to such questions, but I will try to answer. Yes, Ilike making love in the morning, in the shower. As for types of sex, Ilove all kinds of love caress. Plans? I think I will answer question whenI meet you, I will tell my plans to you by whispering on an ear! You willbe stunned! (Smile). You have asked about flowers I like? I love all flowers. But myfavorite flowers - lilies. You know such flowers? These are very beautifulflowers. But my favorite aroma - an aroma of a jasmine.I haven't car and I never drove car. It seems that it so difficultly.Is necessary to have time to simultaneously look at road, to twist arudder and to press pedals.I never ride a horse. But I love these animals very much. They are very beautiful animals. Maybe the most beautiful on the Earth.I equally love the big and small dogs.Yesterday there was an awful night.At night when I already slept, I have heard some squeak. Someone triedto open my door. I have heard that someone tries to open the lock in mydoor. I very much was frightened. I did not know what to do. I have risen,but could not pronounce any word. I very much was frightened and afraid toapproach to a door. Legs did not obey me. Me as though has paralysed. Thenthis sound has disappeared, but the one who was behind a door apparentlybegan to try to break a door. The tree crackled and crunched. I have begunto cry and did not know what to do. I always counted myself courageous,but during that moment I have become puzzled. The door already has almostopened, because the door-jamb has already broken. But then suddenly allhas stopped. Probably he was frightened off by someone. I sat on a bed andhave been very much frightened. I have included light.I knew that ifsomeone will want to penetrate into my apartment, I cannot call somebodyto the aid at all because I at all have no phone. A door in my apartmentvery old and not strong.In our village very much frequently plunder apartments.And not only when owners are not present a house but also when an at homesomebody is. It is enough to open a door. Plunder in masks. It do young guys,which 16 - 18 years. A bulk from them - addicts. They at all do not choose,a rich apartment whether or not. Take away everything, that it is possible tosell. Even old things. They have special metal mounts which insert betweena door and a jamb and break a door. By radio constantly warn, that peopledid not open a door not to familiar people.I very much was frightened. Myheart beat with mad speed. You do not represent, as it is terrible to live,when anybody beside is not present and nobody can protect. I have felt completelydefenceless. I thought of you. Thought, that you now there, far, and at all donot know, how to me it is terrible now. I lain in a bed with included lightand thought of you. I could not fall asleep more this night. It was bad night.But now everything is all right. Today I have made the order for an iron door.I think it will be more reliable.Your love gives me force and bravery. You alwaysin my consciousness. Your love is the air that breathes life in my body. It is thesunshine in my soul.The rain that creates rivers of emotion, that flows within me fromhead to toe. Your love is the warm hand that lifts me out of myself and into a worldunknown till now.Leaving past sorrows behind, we will awaken in our dream together. Anew beginning, a new world, with limitless possibilities. All things we thought werevaluable are meaningless now. For in our love, we have found the treasures of the heart and soul.Our ways and means that had guided us well, no longer serve two hearts that are nowone. We will be as innocent children, needing to taste, touch, and smell all these newthings. And as adolescents, we shall taste the fruits of the flesh as if for the firsttime, like Adam and Eve once felt in the Garden of Eden. It will be a paradise we havenever known before. With gentle caress', and kissing of lips, our passions will grow.Our hearts will beat faster, and the heat of our bodies will cause sweat to flow. Andwhen time stands still, we will unite mind, body, and soul. In the darkness, calm andstill, we will hold each other tight, and our hearts will beat as one. It is then wewill truly know, that we have finally found each other, and our love will forever grow. I send you all my tenderness and love.I love you so much Ron. You are My One and Only True Love. Many hugs and kisses. Kiss you 100000000000 times. Your
11th letter.
Hi my love Ron!My working day has comes to an end and I am writing you now. My mood is verygood. Soon we will be together. Tell me that this is true. Now I have the most intense days in my life.I shall make the visa for the sake of you. It will be my gift for you Ron. Ok?As a rule from 10 applicants only by one received the visa. I have paid big enough sum of money to not stand in long queue and to not wait for consideration during severalmonths. I never thought that the commission will ask such unusualquestions. Me asked about my sexual life, me asked about children, aboutwork, about patriotism, about the attitude to America, about myconversance and awareness of events which happened in the world and inAmerica, about my religion and belief. I have told about all my life indetail. I spoke about everything fairly as is really. To me have told thatmy answers are unexpected and as a rule applicants do not answer sodirectly and openly such questions. They have not got used to hear suchanswers, but they have told what to hear fair and truthful answers it ismuch more pleasant than word which come not from heart and reason.Children from the orphanage also have made the big impression and renderedthe big influence on the commission. To me have told that I the first ladywho have such support from children - orphans. I have given documents onmy donations in children's homes. These are small donations, but very fewpeople do it. From several orphanages I have got support in writing fromtutors and children. They convinced the commission that I will not leavethe country for ever because I have accepted responsibility for childrenwhich I help. I have given characteristics from work. I have shown the document on my apartment which me was left by POLINA. I have told thecommissions directly and openly, that I dreamed to see your country, but Iam sure that everything dream of it, even those who speaks that does notdream. I want to use chance, but not to remain in America. They have beensurprised, because nobody spoke so openly. I have shown them all mydocuments testifying that I all my life lived without the parents. I have told that I all my life lived for other people and gave pleasure andhappiness to another's children. What bad in that that I once will visitother country, once to receive really big pleasure in a life? They did not expect that I will tell such words. And as you canbelieve I could convince them. I simply want to meet you, and to spend some happydays. It only will help us to learn moreeach other. I simply want to spend my vacation with you, and for somehappy days with you I am ready to give much. But the meeting cannot spoilour relations. On the contrary. I want to be your visitor some happy days.I will arrive to you not for one year and not for a month. Only a fewdays. I think that you also will be happy as I. All people meet. But thereis no such law what to meet is possible only after you know about theperson all. On the contrary, as far as it is interesting to learn aboutthe each other being face to face. It is much more essential than letters.You will see my eyes, I will see yours. You will touch my hand, I willtouch yours. We will talk and laugh, whisper each other on an ear pleasantwords, we will tell about thoughts and feelings, we will dream togetherand enjoy joint pastime. It so miraculous. It is such big chance to learnmore about the each other. It simply a meeting of two very much closefriends but as far as pleasant and long-awaited this meeting, you onlythink. Now I wait for the messenger and it a to me will tell, that my visa is ready.Please write me what you think, I'll wait for your email. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!On always yours
12th letter.
Hi my love Ron! I'm glad to see the letter from you!Every day I thank the God that I found you in this crazy world!!!I never tired to say you Ron that I love you all my heart and I'm waiting thisbeautiful day when we'll be together and can speak hug and kiss. It will be the bestholiday in my life. I want you in my life Ron I want to lie down to sleepwith you and wake up with you Ron and everyday. I want to be yours!I think you love me too and we must do all for our meeting, I trust youvery much and I'm sure that this day which I'm waiting comes soon becauseI truly love you and want to be with you, it's my dream now but it's realizable.This day comes nearer, I feel it and I think you feel it too. Ron, I received your letter almost 30 minutes because the Russian Internet is not so fast as American Internet. But in a result I could not open it. Please, any more don't send me such big files. I want to say hello to you from all my friends they wish love for us.IT's a beautiful life now for me because I have the man which I love.It's you Ron and I don't want to lose you!!!!! We will be together!!!!!!!Yours love
13th letter.
Hi my love Ron!This letter from "lucky" lady. Why "lucky", not lucky?Today I've got bad news from hospital where Olga is treated.The attending physician has told, that Olga urgently need in replacement of a kidney.I have been very much grieved. I cried. Doctor has told me, that surgical operationwill cost 400USD. My love Ron, I have paid 300USD for Olga's surgical operation.It is a part of that money I've saved for my trip to you.Today I went to visas firm. I was told that my visa was ready at last,(I send you it's SCAN). I was most happy the person at that time. But this firm not only makes visas, it also reserve tickets. I decided to use their service again. I was told that the flight to Chicagocosted 890.70 USD.It was too expensive for me, and I asked them to find the cheapest variant. And they offered.It would be on the On October, 22. and cost 720.50 USD. I wondered if it was possible to reserve a ticket andto pay for it a part of the money this time and the other part later. But they refused and I was in despair. I asked them to help me so long that tears came to my eyes. And they agreed. I wasted all my money, but it wasn't enough. So I went to pawnshop andpawned silver and gold embellishments which I had from my POLINA . I got 150 USD and thatwas enough for initial payment. I have paid in whole 330.50 USD.It was my last money. The number of the flight on which I resevered the ticket is7:15 am Depart Moscow (SVO) Air France 2545.Arrive Chicago (ORD) 3:25 pm Air France 50.It is very difficult for me to tell you about it. But I have done everything I can. I paid visa. I have bought the ticket on a train up to Moscow. I paid a part of the ticket. But thismoney is not enough. I don't want to burden you. I want to reach you with my own money but unfortunately I have failed. Now I have to pay the remaining part. It is only 390 USD. I must pay this money before October,16 , Otherwise I will lose my money.If you love me, if you trust me and if you want to see me soon, please, send the money for theticket before on October, 16, tomorrow morning.I understand that it is a difficult decision for you, but we must trusteach other. Any union without trust is impossible if it is a union of wife and husband or a union of boy-friend and girl-friend or a union of business partners. I don't want to be hypocritical. That's why I want to tell you following: I do not think that you would like to give the love to the woman whom you don't trust. So I am. It's a first check for us. And much depends upon it, may be everything. We must trust each other. That's why I was the first who made first step. Step to you.Of course if you don't want you can not help me. It is bad but not fatal. I will lose my money.IT IS TOO BAD BUT NOT TOO FATAL .I speak so because I am in despair and confusion. Now, when we are divided only with one step,I am afraid. I am afraid that you will not help, and all my diligence will be gone. I love you and I want to be with you and the word of honour, your help is necessary for me. I have notcalculated my forces. But together we are much stronger. It is much easier to go through difficulties and barrier together. I want to present you all my infinite love and fidelity. I did not want to ask you. I thought, that I can make all itself. The loneliness has made me strong.I have got used to live without the help, and to rely only on myself. I very seldom address to somebody for the help, but now I ask you to help me. I have made a step forward. Make alsoyou a step towards to me. I hope that has not offended you. I love you and I trust. I know, that you will not throw me now when there is only one step. Tell me Ron, can you help me? If you have an opportunity please help me. I wonder how it ispossible to do. There is an International Western Union (by the way, they have a website, called www.westernunion.com).You may send me money using Western Union according following data: PETROCOMMERCE BANKKACHUEVSKOI, 9 ASTRAKHAN , 414000For Dilyara Sagdeva.To get the money, I should tell the employee of bank your full name, fulladdress, exact amount and some confidential numbers (Money Transfer Control Number),which will be given to you, when you send the money.I love you very much! I think about you Ron every time.Forever yours
14th letter.
Hi, Ron!, Unfortunately I had no opportunity, to receive your mail today.We had problems on a server, now problems have removed.I with patience wait your mail. Yours
15th letter western union
Dear RON,Thank you for using the Western Union Money Transfer . service. Your money transfer has been picked up by the receiver. Following is a summary of your transaction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSACTION DETAILS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTCN: 8972155533 Date of Order: 10/14/2004 Amount Sent: $400.00 Receiver Name: DILYARA SAGDEVA Status: Picked Up -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please DO NOT REPLY to this email address. If you have questions or comments, please contact us at 1-800-525-3403 or visit our website at http://www.westernunion.com Thank you for using Western Union ! RONGracias por usar el servicio Western Union Money Transfer.. El destinatario ya ha retirado su envmo de dinero. A continuacisn le enviamos un resumen de su transaccisn.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DETALLE DE LA TRANSACCISN: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MTCN: 8972155533 Fecha del pedido: 10/14/2004 Monto enviado: $400.00 Nombre del destinatario: DILYARA SAGDEVA Estado: Entregado.
16th letter.
Hi my love Ron!On Saturday I went to bank and have received money.I very much, am very grateful, your generosity and love to me has no borders.Then I went to my the visasfirm and paid for the ticket. Many thanks my love.Every day I thank the God that I found you in this crazy world!!!I never tired to say you Ron that I love you all my heart and I'm waiting thisbeautiful day when we'll be together and can speak hug and kiss. It will be the bestholiday in my life. I want you in my life Ron I want to lie down to sleepwith you and wake up with you Ron and everyday. We will be together!!!!!!! Yours love Dilyara!P.S. I very much regret, my loved Ron , that you so have late receivedMy letter. Believe, it not my fault. Here periodically disconnect.The electric power. Ron, explain what information on flight, I should send.
17th letter.
Hi my Ron!I always try to find, that time writes to you though I also am very much occupied becausemy boss has given too much work before my vacation.The day today is so wonderful.I thank you, for the help,given to me. The sun is shining. The weather isgood. I wanted to be this day near to you. I have presented, that we sit at alittle table, burn two candles, in glasses sparkles champagne . Silentmusic plays, and you invite me to slow dance. I nestle to you, and put myhead to you on a breast. You gently embrace me and whisper gentle words tome on an ear. I close eyes. You gentle - gentle kiss me. I thaw in yourembraces. Then we extinguish candles and we remain alone with our desiresand feelings. I very much wanted it. I believe, that so will be.Get my kiss. My dear Ron, you are everything that is beautiful in this world.When there is Hate, you are the Love that conquers it.When there is Sadness, you are the Smile that brings happiness.When there are Tears, you are the Hands that dries them.When there is War, you are the Peace that calms it.When there is Pain, you are the Medicine that heals it.When there is Suffering, you are the Joy that ends it.When there is Love, You - heart which is filled with this love.Now I will finish my letter. Tomorrow will be my last working day.Tomorrow I shall have my vacation. You are glad, for your love?I am very glad, we shall be together, very soon.On Wednesday early in the morning I will go to railway station. I so worry.Soon I will to Moscow. I pray to the God that all was well.I will try to write to you from Internet - cafe. I have collected somethings. It is one bag, but not small. As soon as I will arrive to Moscow I will go to the airport and I will write to you the letter. OK? Wish me luck and happy journey. I go to you. My travel began!!! My hands have shiver. I very much worry. I shallthink of you. Please check your e-mail!!!!! I should go. YoursDilyara!!!!!! I kiss you!!!!!! P.S. My love Ron , I so am happy, we with you have rescued a life Olga and have strengthened our love. Now I love you even more.You the finest person in the universe. I shall go for you on edge of light. Do not overlook my flight information:Fri 22-Oct 7:15 am Depart Moscow (SVO) Air France 2545 .Arrive Chicago (ORD) 3:25 pm Air France 50.
Last letter which is the 18th letter.
Hi my Ron! I in Moscow, at the airport. I have arrived to Moscow and atonce from railway station have gone to the airport. I have decided to haveregistration at once to not worry tomorrow. I have gone to a department ofregistration of tickets and the control of luggage. And I have one trouble. I have paid money for my visa. My ticket we have bought together with you.But it was insufficiently for our meeting. The men from Airport Service has toldme, that I should have extra money(not less than 800 USD) to get to USA.I have answered, that I haven't extra money, and it was thetruth: when I've left my home I've had American visa, air-ticket up toChicago , the train-ticket and a little money. They have explained me that extra money isnecessary to convince the American Government,that I have money for the return ticket, that I'm a decentgirl, and when I will get on the American territory, I shall not becomethe tramp or the prostitute, and that I should have money for the hotelas any tourist. I have told them, that I really am tourist and I haveshown them my tourist visa. But the man has smiled and has told me thathe never saw tourists without money. These words have offended me verystrongly. I have told them, that in Chicago I will be met by mybeloved man, and that I fly directly to him. I wanted to give them yourphone number, but they have refused call to you. Unfortunately yourphone number was for them not too convincing argument. He has demandedfrom me to show him at least 800 American Dollars. And I haveanswered, that I have no such money. I was confused. I for a long timeswore at them. But in any case I should pay 800 USD. When I shall have money, I will receive ticket on nearest flight in this day. Otherwise I will not get aboard the plane. But you should not worry, because I willget this money back, when I arrive to Chicago .I cannot write much because I use the Internet of cafe. I shouldspend night in Moscow in a waiting room. It is much more terrible than I thought.Tomorrow I again will take advantage of services of Internet - cafe to receiveyour letter. My love Ron as soon as possible send me 800 USD.You may send me money Western UnionGUTA BANKMYASNITSKAYA, 35 MOSCOW 101959RUSSIA. using Western Union again. It is located not farfrom the Airport where I am. I am so frightened. I cannot be in Moscowfor a long time, because I have no money for a meal and a for the nightlodging. I only have slightly meal which I took from a house for my trip ina train. I should have money as soon as possiblebecause I cannot be in Moscow for a long time.It is so terrible. But I try to keep calmness.Forever love,Dilyara!
  
Marina (Saratov, Russia)
I am a 40 yr separated man, white American, Computer Specialist (by trade.) I live in WI. I was first contacted through a Singles site, Yahoo Personals, with an invitation to chat with this person. I replied back and she sent me an email titled "Privet" from a different site. Rick M. Hope this helps someone else. If you need more pictures, I have 12 more to email...
Here is the first letter:
Hi! I am glad, that you were interested by me and have written to me e-mail. I shall be very glad if you will write to me also other
letters. I for the first time have acquaintance through the Internet. It was very difficult to me to place my structure in a service of
acquaintances, because I am in Russia, the service of acquaintances does not accept the members from this country. I had to specify in a structure, that I am in USA. In this letter I shall inform you a little information myself and if the dialogue with me will be interesting to you, I shall tell about myself in more detail in the following letters. My name Marina, my age 24 years. I have work and I am engaged in sports. I the very romantic woman also try to do my life interesting. I dream to meet in my life of the good man, which can understand me and love. I send you a photo me and I ask, that you sent me some pictures from your life. As it will be interesting to me to learn about your life, family, work and entertainments. Write to me, I shall wait your letter. Sincerely and yours faithfully. Marina. P.S. Please write to me on marina90-60-90@yandex.ru, to me will be so more conveniently. She attached a cute picture of herself with a cat.
The second letter was titled "Thanks for the answer" The text is as follows:
Hi Rick. Have good day. Lovely on the account cat you are right. I waited your letter and was very much Is pleased, when you have written to me. Your structure and I was interesting to me Is pleased, that we begin to learn each other more well and to develop Our acquaintance. I think, that it is an interesting thing, to learn someone Far through the Internet. It is unusual to me, because I a little Is familiar with the Internet. Rick, I want to inform you, that I have no the computer. At home also I go in Internet - cafe, in free from work time. That To translate my letters to you I use the electronic program The interpreter, because for me is faster and it is convenient to write for you In Russian, and then to translate the letter on English. I hope, That you can understand well my letters. I studied the English language Earlier at school, and after that in college and I understand your letters very well. Only please do not use Reductions of words. While I did not establish the computer in the house, therefore That I have no there telephone. It would be interesting to me to speak with you and If you not against, I could in the future try To cause you, that we could speak about different things. Rick, I want To tell to you it is a little about itself. I live in city Saratov and I have Very good family. Because of my work I take off a small apartment and I live in it separately from my family. But I very much frequently reach to them and I spend with them weekend. we frequently we are chosen together on a camping and We have other entertainments. Mine the city not of the large size, and in it is a little The people. Basically at us in city various factory and factories. Is present Some restaurant and bar. The city is constructed not by high houses till 3-5 floors. I with the friends frequently get out there to buy some. Things or fashionable clothes. I work in hospital, my work That I look after the patients and I give them medicines. Tell to me about the work. She is pleasant to you? To me My work is pleasant. I very much love to laugh and I respect the people with good By humour. I like to travel. I yet was not far from mine At home, but I dream in the future to visit in different places. I 2-3 times in Week go to be engaged in sports hall, to hold my body in The order. And you Rick, have any sports in the life? You love Entertainment on a nature? A hunt? fishing? A camping? Some inform me Things about the entertainment. It will be very interesting to me to learn about it. I I wait for your letters. Sincerely yours Marina. The letters continued gradually, and we chatted and got to know each other a bit more. In all she sent me12 emails and all but 2 included pictures of a beautiful woman. She did really have me going, and I amnot know to be a gullible person. I became suspicious after I told her that I could not send any money until after Christmas for her to fly to the US, and she asked me for it again. Here is her last letter titled "Hello Mine the Man" Hi mine favourite! A thank to you for your letter, it supported me. I believe, what you think of arrival in the united States? Yes I with pleasure would visit you. Whether it is valid you and your family are religious? YES. Your family celebrates Christmas? Each year. Long you think concerning stay here? The visa is given for one month.Today I was slightly Is injured. Mine has told the mums, that she will not help me to pay for the passport, insurance and visa. She has told, that a payment for these things we should think out together. She has told, that when we shall pay it and I shall receive the passport and visa, she together with the daddy will care of my tickets to you. She has told, that the tickets very expensive and consequently they with them will help us. Rick, the agent of travel has told, that contract includes the price of the passport, insurance, visa and services of agency. It is possible to pay for the tickets money after I shall have all documents for travel. The price of all documents and works of a travel company, 750 $. They want so much money because now very difficultly to receive the visa in your country and them it is necessary to do for this purpose many efforts. Rick, lovely I have no many money and I have told them, that while I shall talk to you I shall do this contract. Favourite, I today was injured by all these things. I did attempts to borrow this money at some people, but nobody could to me help. I hope, that you can help me this money and that it is not for you a problem. I very much want to feel you beside. Favourite, I wait with impatience your answer and I hope, that at us the time together will be speed. If such money it is not so difficult for you and it does not become a barrier to us, tomorrow I shall go in a travel company and to conclude the contract. I shall wait very much and to hope, that we shall be together. I love you. Your Marina. I have attached some pictures that she sent. She appeared very genuine, and actually wrote back to me some of the letters, vs. simply cutting and pasting text. I was also suspicious when she told me it would cost $750 US just for the cost of getting a Visa and payment to a travel agent. I did not send any money, and conducted an Internet search which led me here.
  
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