Masha Milogradskaya
(Saransk, Republic of Mordovia, Russia)
Masha Milogradskaya, Saransk, ulica Mira 5-1, Republic of Mordovia, Russian Federation. In the past, I contributed to a few discussion groups in Usenet. That's where Masha probably had my address from. I answered her first unsolicited letter out of curiosity. It was clear to me right from the beginning that there was a request for money to follow. The letters I received had no bearings to what I wrote in my letters. I never sent any photographs to Masha, yet she wrote how much my photographs were liked by her friends. Her English is very bad. It is clear that a translation program was used. Several of the letters were presumably taken from the internet, translated into Russian and back to English. She requested 400 Euro for a passport and 1000 dollars for a fur coat. The whole conversation lasted for about 2 months, October till December 2004. George Bit
Letter 1
Greetings my dear!!! Thanks for your letter. I am very glad that you have noticed me also to me have written! You the first person with whom I communicate on the Internet. I know English, but I use the translator for convenience. I write to you about the Internet of cafe. In the Internet of cafe to me have helped to create e-mail and have found agency of acquaintances. I shall write more in detail about myself. I was born simply very beautiful city of Saransk on October, 20, 1977. The city of Saransk is capital to republic of Mordovia. Went to school, and the ambassador the termination of it I have acted to Saransk the State University on financial - economic faculty. But has soon understood that it a little and the next year has acted in our university on the psychologist. So, that the ambassador the termination I have received two trades the financier and the psychologist. On a speciality work has not found, therefore I work at school as the psychologist. I live with the senior sister and its children. My sister works as the teacher at school. I think that my appearance is attractive. My growth about 170 sm, weight - 56 of kg. My color of hair a brown-haired person, eyes brown. I never married, I have no any children, but I am ready to marry soon and I shall create family with the correct person with whom in me love also mutual understanding. I want, will find the correct person to love and care of me, and I shall hope, that our attitudes, will grow, and in all of us appears. I very much want to create family soon. Happiness of family and love - everything, that so it is necessary for the lonely girl as I! Also I simply adore cookery very good cook! I think, that all this girls should be necessarily capable! I am capable to prepare many various foodstuff! My mother constantly learned me to this, that I was the good wife! My favourite kitchen - the Russian kitchen, also I like to do salads! I simply do not love meat. What is the foodstuffs preferred by you? Concerning music I love all types of music, basically the Russian music and when I feel, awfully, that I listen to classical music. It weakens me! I used to a simple way of life, and I do not aspire to luxury but just as to all girls, I like to go on shops and to choose a new thing when is money. You inform what character of love of girls? To what attributes you choose your future partner? I never smoked, did not accept drugs , and I do not drink in general! I never had heavy diseases with health and even never broke bones! I am absolutely healthy! You have or had illnesses with health? If yes it, what? There came please the photos.
Letter 2
Hello my dear!!! Fine in it letter I to you wants to tell about mine, loved city of Saransk. Let's begin with occurrence of a history. Saransk - one of the oldest cities of Average Volga area. It it has arisen in 1641 as a military fortress on southeast sentry feature of the Moscow state, Crimea with Kazan, is based on a crossroads of the big paths on animal draft, has connected Astrakhan to Moscow. At my university where I studied, 8 museums work: N.P.Ogariov, S.D.Erzi (S.D.Nefedov), a history of religion, history Mordovian of university, ethnographic the archeologist, anatomic, zoological, " the Person and light ". At us it - is a lot of cathedrals Spassk, the Cathedral undoubtedly, the biggest and the Cathedral has calmed down on the Cathedral area Spassk, constructed apparently still in XV - XVI centuries were majestic. First it is church of an oak From a name All Mercies Spassk it was usual. After numerous fires, frequently completely the city center, in the middle of XVII centuries (1685) has been constructed a stone cathedral which existed up to following fire 1852. The new building constructed in 1860 - 1886 is close to old from which there was a belltower. I want to write still to the Internet - cafe " Underground ", probably, one of the most interesting projects of the interesting industry of Saransk today. Being an integral part of the Internet - the house, cafe has united computer technologies and an opportunity of pleasant rest. Nevertheless I shall write to you where I like to have rest it The wooden lake, only so is possible to name these waste products of water, smooth a surface generated in lowland Svetotehstroevskogo of wood. Water in it rather pure, in the summer here always the rest having very, wishing to be freshened. The pool to be rather far from a rustle of roads of city in the mixed wood, therefore air here always pure to cool water. In the winter, pool a favourite place of skiers and everyone who likes to move from a hill or on skis. I could arrive to you, but I while badly know you. On it I shall finish the letter to you. Yours
Letter 3:
Greetings! Many thanks for to write me. I love them really verymuch. You, apparently, very nice. It is really pleasant for me to receive your letter. You know, it is very new to me to search my partner through the Internet. And now one year has passed, and I have decided to search for my destiny one more time. I really do not know, whether I meet it or not, but I shall try to try to do it. I live in Saransk, it is city to be in . I have finished Saranski University, and I work as the teacher of elementary grades in a private school here in Saransk. To me well do not pay, though it - a private school, not a normal comprehensive school. To me rather well pay in comparison with teachers of pedagogical school, but it is not enough to live good here. All is really expensive, but anyhow I was in the habit to live, as I live. I love my work, I love children, and nobody is guilty, which a trade I enjoy most not well paid here, in Russia. I really do not care. As to my partner, I want to see it as FAIR, NOBLE, KIND, LOVING AND the CARING PERSON. I do not smoke and I do not drink.
P.S. I do not want to have the long-term correspondence , I prefer to meet my partner and to know him personally. I think, that the meeting is in most cases better than one million letters. Actually, I only do not want to be disappointed after the long period of time. So, if you think, you feel the same, I wait for your letter. Besides I shall have a calling soon, and I would be pleased to meet you. Please, inform me that you think of it, well?? The best regards Masha.
Letter 4
Greetings LOVED!!! I am very glad to receive from you the letter. It is really interesting to me to find out about you more. I shall try to describe my character traits. I always search for harmony in all: in a life, concerning any kind. As I try to be the best in everything, in a life, in work, in attitudes. I on the nature the optimist. If at me that - be it is impossible, I try even more strongly, so I purposeful. I cannot give up to the friends if the help is necessary for them, probably therefore I am appreciated by friends. I am fair and I do not love unreliable people. I would want that at my second half the same character was. I have decided to write to you as I see off a free time. I like to walk in the evening on park. Before dream I frequently read books. As I watch TV. Sometimes we with girlfriends go for city to have a rest. We have good place on the nature, at the river, in 5 kilometers from city. This very beautiful place where we like to have a rest. We sit down on a train and we is fast and without problems we arrive on this place. We there sit at a fire and we sing songs under a guitar. I am a little capable to play on a guitar, I know all simple chords though I think, that I sing on much better. We fry a shish kebab on fire, I think, you know that such a shish kebab. We have pleasant conversation at fire. We usually leave in the afternoon and we come back late at night. And when weather allows, also we bathe much. Unfortunately it happens seldom because all are occupied, and time we there suffices have for rest. I since small years very much love the nature and in my dreams till now it what to travel, try to be closer to the nature and animals. I very strongly love pets. When I still went to school in a class 7 we with girlfriends have created as though a secret society on return Lost animals. Wrote any announcements to newspapers on fences. Funny the truth! I wanted envy lady Something kitty, but my sister has not allowed me (she of them does not love animals in the house). And you love animals? If yes that what? I on it finish the letter, I hope you to me will write in the following letter a lot of interesting. I shall look forward your letter.
p.s.I shall answer you fairly. You not the first, but I do not communicate more with those who to me wrote before. All of them the anxious people. My naked photos and all were necessary for them. And I search for serious attitudes. Yours Loved
Letter 5:
Greetings my friend!!!!! I was very pleased to receive your answer again!!! It is very interesting to me to read your e-mails, from them we study more about us directly, and I start, know more about you. Certainly, whether can be you, want to learn interest about our correspondence , about her essence also, really? As I want to tell, that I have decided to get acquainted through the Internet, due of my girlfriend Galja whom two years ago have acquainted with January of the French language of the foreigner, I have told you about it earlier., maybe, it is possible, we shall be together during future time, can be, I would like to look our marriage also if you will want it, I do not hide it, but we should to learn about the friend the friend more and more, it will be reasonable and correct, valid? I hope, that you agree with me with this fact also. Please, tell to me about it, well? But in my opinion we should learn about the friend the friend more and more, I repeat it! Please, agree with me. I would like to tell to you about my family. I want to tell to you, that I have one her sister Elena. To my sister Elena of 35 years. And in the years already the widow. her husband Peter worked as the driver and has got in failure. Has already passed two years and the sister cannot still depart it nightmare. Here so my sister loved the husband. Mums with ???? the same already are not present in alive. Also I want to tell to you, that I live with my family in one apartment. I want to tell, that I consulted to my sister on the account from my acquaintance to you through the Internet, she have estimated it as positively because she care of my future life. My parents would like it, I have a happy life and would like it, I shall find mine the man. As I have told to you, earlier, that I have been never married. So already I spoke with you earlier, I work at school as the psychologist here in Saransk City. My work is very pleasant for me, people in our city are kind. I very much am interested to learn about your work and that does free from an operating time. During ours the days off, in my free time, we - with my girlfriends, leave on walk to city, we like to sit in cafe also for a cup of tea. I love my girlfriends very much, is especial my best girlfriend Galja. She - as the native sister for me! How I want to tell to you that Galya works as the waiter in our cafe. Also I want to tell to you, that Galay and January live in the Saransk City now. Galya has visited January to France last time when January has asked ???? to visit in France his ambassador, that when they have understood, that they like each other. I remember, Galay was so happy at this time. They live together within two months in France. And then they have, has arrived to Russia, in City Saransky also, simply, Galay has told till January, that she was absent about her parents, and that she wants to visit on some time of her parents, and they arrived in from France. They are very happy together, they like each other very much, I envy ???? and to January a little: And also, certainly, we meet with each other sometimes and we spend carry out a lot of time together. We - so good friends!!! Also I want to tell to you, that I never was in other countries I would like to travel at once, it - so romantical, I think. I should to finish my e-mail to you, I hope, that we shall continue to correspond with each other, and you will tell to me much more about you directly, and I shall try to tell about me directly as more as far as possible in future e-mails. I want to ask you about a lot of things, and I hope, that you will understand my questions and will answer me for them. I want to know more about your country, whether you love it as you consider to this. I hope to see your e-mail soon. " Heat greetings " from my family and friends Galay and January to you also!!!!! The best regards, your friend,
Letter 6
Greetings my fine George .I cannot simply find a word of pleasure. I am so happy, that I have found you in this huge world. You the unique person to whom I can tell all ideas and dreams. When I write to you the letter, I in soul have something such, that it is impossible to explain, that it is necessary to feel. And all time I think of you. I present, as you conduct me for a hand at coast as you cover me, and I feel the Favourite expensive person for me. The sister looks at me with a kind smile and speaks it, she is happy to see me such that I now. And I am happy, it again I write to you the letter. It is filled with all my love and Tenderness to you. I very urgently want, that you saw close to me, but regretfully I cannot yet. Now I constantly look the news, hoping to study something about your country. With the big Interest I study English language better. Besides it it is very interesting to me, To me in general it is interesting to study in all that it is not known to me. In total certainly, to not study, but it seems to me, that it is better to know about all a little than all about a few. And therefore each dialogue with the person For me a lesson. But the most important dialogue for me when I contact you. You see you most of all the main teacher for me, and I want, that you listened. To listen to your ideas, reasonings, to know about you, it - in the greatest possible degree. I think you not against. I very much want to arrive to you. On it I want to finish the letter my fine. I wait with impatience of your letters.
Letter 7
Congratulations my love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am happy to read your letter. I so that to want to be your lady and yours princess in a life. I so urgently to pass(miss) on you, mine Love, that I to not present a life without you. Today I to go in French of an exhibition the artist. I to see there a picture, where the Kiss of the girl with the man. I long to stand and observe this picture and to give us you. I to close eyes and to represent, that we, to be at coast the river only two. Impacts of a breeze, years of lights the sun, water in very silent river. The grass easily changes and the Reed rustles. We sit two at coast the river, and we are happy. You to hold me In hands and to us so it is good, that it is more than anything it is not necessary for us also, we are ready to sit so all life. Then we to put in a grass and long long kiss. Our kiss in dement us and we cannot limit our desires And us to employ love. I was, so my ideas are excited, that I was more picture, could not look and I at once to write to you. It - very much pity to me, that It only my dreams. I to want to be with you and to carry out them. You to want It? You to want to see me? I love you, also I cannot without you. I of you very much to ask, that we to be together fast. I am very strong to want to be with you. I to trust, that you to want me and to do everything, that we to be together. My dear I do not have passport and the visa. It is necessary for this purpose money. I do not have such quantity of money. You will help me? I I shall wait your letter, my love. I love you my Prince.
Letter 8
Greetings!!! Thanks for your answer to my last e-mail . In my opinion, it is so wonderful, what we write each other because from everyone letters we learn ours about the friend the friend more and more, is valid ? I am interested in our correspondence very much, it is very interesting to learn about you, about your life in, to trust me, as a whole, I read your letters with the great pleasure. The my dear friend , I would like to begin my letter as I carried spent this Free time. I spent this time with my friends, with Galya and January, I want to tell to you, whether that it was so cool to lead this Free time together with my friends, I hope, what you understand me, whether that it is the best and cool to spend a free time from work in a circle of the friend, really? We have gone on our city, in the beginning, we were included in park of city, then sat in cafe for a cup of tea, we were included in cinema also. In the evening we have gone on dances also: was so cool to be in this club of dance. As a whole, we carried out spent this free time - very well! Yesterday there was very good weather, it was Heat, warmly, but today in the street is colder than yesterday, it - approximately +5 degrees C. I do not like, when in the street it is cold. Well, I hope, that it will be interesting to you for learning about my enthusiasm, my favourite things as a whole. From music I like to listen to Russian and Foreign musical executors. From the Russian musical executors I like to listen to songs of following groups " Splin ", "Total", "Zemfira", "Ariya", " Bismuth 2 ", "Chicherina" and so on. From foreign executors I like to listen "Madonna", " Check ", " Red Hot Seasoned with pepper of Chile to Pepper ", "U2", "Scorpions", "Elton John", "Cranberry", "Dust" and so on. In general, I like to listen good and modern music, and what music does you is similar? It would be interesting for learning to me about it. Please, tell to me, well? From cinema, I like to look comedies, dramas, fantastic films, romanticism and so on. But very huge impressions have left to me films by " the God of Rings ", "Harry Potter". I hope that you looked these films? But the especial impression was for me as film "Patriot" actor Meljom Dzhibsonom where war between England and the USA is described. This film loved to me that this demonstration of films natural patriotic spirit, love to the Native Earth! I examine I , that it - very important qualities which should have all people on the world! Really? I hope, that you looked this film also, and that you had magnificent impressions from consideration of this film. Mel Gibson played his role as the talented actor on my opinion! Also I liked to look film " Severe Intentions ", on my opinion, it - very sensual and instructive film for all youth. Aslo from comedies I loved film " me, is direct And ???? " comic actor Dzhimom Karrej: I hope, that you looked it so ridiculous film:) From imagination, I loved film " the Planet of Monkeys ", it - very much film of entertainment in my opinion, and as film " 6-th Day " (Arnoldom Schwarzenegger). As I want to tell to you, that I like to read books, the literature of internal authors is especial: L.N. Thick, Dostoevskiy, Chekhov, Pushkin, Lermontov and so on. But I was in huge admiration from reading th, order S. King " the Dark Tower ", in my opinion, it - very interesting book where main hero Roland - the purposeful person, it goes in the purpose, in a dark tower, and I love quality Ronald - purposefulness! I think, that these from the important qualities of any person. I hope that you agree with me, really? Well, from favourite dishes of the foodstuffs, I want to assign a fried potato, a various kind of soups, also I love meat also, I do not want to hide it from you: I love a fish and a chicken very much, you is similar to a chicken? It is so tasty, really? Also I love a pizza very much. It is very tasty also, I love a pizza with cheese. I would like to tell you, that I love a fruit and vegetables, especially, a lemon of an apple, an orange, a banana, tomatoes, cucumbers and so on, there are many kinds of vitamins. you like to prepare? I prepare not badly as ym for family, and friends have told me at once: Also about my favourite kind of sports meets, I like to sports very much, you is similar to this? In the winter I like to ski, cool to be on fresh air. Also I like to play on a volley also. But most of all I like to aerobics, we - with my girlfriend Galja borrowed with aerobics at leisure, on my opinion, this kind of sports helps to support my body in the good form. Also I would like to tell to you, that I like to dance dances. I am confident, what you would like to dance a sphere dancing with me at once?: It will be wonderful! Probably, in the future, we shall dance, dancing with you, it would be cool!: Now about mine hobbie. I like to collect various beautiful female magazines, about style, about a female life for example and so on. During the small period of time, I have the big assembly of various magazines. Simply, I like to read the best magazines. I would like to tell to you about my dreams also. I dream, that messages the automobile in the future, it would be so cool and interesting. But I want to tell, that our family has no automobile, it is very expensive to buy the automobile, my sister has told, that is probable, within one year, will be can to buy the automobile, to study in a message the automobile: you would like to study me as the engine the automobile at once? It will be benevolent since your party: By the way, the sister and friends ask about you all time: Especially my sister, I have told to my parents, that you are the decent and good person, my parents are very pleased to ours norrespondence on the Internet and our attitudes. My sister wishes to us good relations in the future, and it is possible, in the future if we shall be together, she would like it, we shall be magnificent pair also: But remember, we should study each other ever more and more, really.? It is very important for me. The fact in it if you know, what on statistics, the majority of pairs is separated because, they knew each other insufficiently, and I do not want to make a mistake at once, I hope, what you will be can to understand me, really? As I spoke you earlier, we should to learn about the friend the friend more and more from our e-mail. Please, write to me soon! Sincerely yours,
Letter 9
Congratulations my dear! I only know, that it is excellently excellent with you, your words touch me softly and I know, that we shall be happy together. I know, that you feel the same way. In it all my letters to you always were from the basis of my heart. Every day you are on my opinion, and in my ideas. I feel lost without you right now, I do not feel full, more you have seized my heart and soul, I know, as soon as we at last meet, our desire will unit and will begin valuable reaction of passion and fire.We have so much in general sometimes when I write to you letters, I passto add some question or thought. When I receive your letter, you or I established that question, or you write my idea of passage . I feel urgently which our souls speak with everyone I am filled with emotion, excitement and desire which does, my passion to you, which turns to shoot. There are no words which can describe how I feel during this existing moment ; you have made me so happy. I long to execute each remaining minute of my life! ou. You are so dear for me, and you are the most important person in mine a life. I want to share your experiences of the world, and to take you to the countries which you have lead(have carried out) in dreams. You would like enter cruise with me? I dream, that we stood on a deck of a vessel, observing a set of the sun and coming back in midnight, considering of the stars, tensely expecting a meteor where we really desire. I know, that I continue to repeat me but as I knew, which you, my life have changed , dramatically I feel empty without you. I, obviously, we are floating on clouds with work, and anxiety, my love to you becomes stronger every minute.
p.s.L. N. Thick has written a poem "War and peace" The best regards,
Letter 10
Hello love George!!! You know, my lovely, at me the new habit has appeared. When I lie down to sleep and I extinguish light, I start to think of you. I think of our next days together, they such happy! What happiness to hold your hand, to look in your eyes and to see in them light of own pleasure. I fall asleep with ideas on you. Therefore when I wake up to me I do not want to open an eye. You are not present about me and to me from it becomes sad. My life has been never filled with such expectation. My heart behaves badly as soon as I think of a meeting. I never could suspect, that I am capable so to wait. My dear I very much would like to arrive to ٍهله If I shall arrive you of me will meet? You will wait for me? To make the passport and the visa to me to be necessary about 400 euros. You will help me?
Letter 11
You can send me 400 euros today the Western Union?
Letter 12
Hi my dear and the most favourite!!! My full name (Milogradskaya Masha) and my country (Russia) city (Saransk) to me have told that that is not necessary any more.
Letter 13
My dear and how you want to send money? On the Western union? If the Western union that is necessary to know only that that I already sent you. To me have told it in our bank.
Letter 14
My full address the country (Russia) city (Saransk) street (Mira 5 - 1)
Letter 15
Greetings my loved George!!! How are you doing? Today I have shown your photo to the family. You have very much liked. Also are very glad for me that I have found you my loved. To me the sister has told that we very much approach each other and she will be happy if I shall connect the life with you my love. My sister after death of my parents began as mum. At my sister the life too has not developed she very much early there was the widow its husband worked as the driver by the lorry. But happened that he was lost. The sister it was very difficult for us to go through his death. Now to my sister to have to work on two works to support children of my favourite which nephews I very strongly I like. And which it is very hard they of the childhood do not know that such the daddy. As I wrote earlier that you very much have liked my family. And it is especial to my nephew Dime. To it of only 11 years. And he on following weeks will have birthday. And he has two dreams he to me has told yesterday before that when I put him to bed it very strongly wants that at him the daddy was and it has asked me when I shall leave in marriage I so I want that at you the husband was and would name the daddy. After these words I could not restrain I have begun to cry. And his second dream it PC. But we cannot tell to him that we cannot tell that we are not capable to buy PC with sister we try that children had all that they did not know famine, to us to have to borrow money that and though as that on to please. As I also wrote to you that at us it very dearly stands PC. I am very glad that you have understood me. I very much hope for your help my love. Whether you asked me I I my love am ready for our meeting yes is ready want to see you, I want to feel you. I want to be with you. I ??? would like to engage with you Love with my favourite person George
P.S My loved I very much expect for your help you to me can help?
Letter 16
You can send me 1000 dollars? I would like to buy to myself a fur coat. At us it became very cold.
Letter 17
If you would send me something through the Western Union. You should inform me to your data and
with ten characters that to you distances in bank. And you did not inform anything to me. You have deceived me.
Letter 18
Is very glad to receive from you the letter. How are you? I very much miss on you. Today in honour of my holiday, we with girlfriends went to a cinema and looked film. Film referred to " Two in love ". This film about one in love pair. They very much liked each other, but could not be in a place in any way. Simply the guy was from rich family, and the girl from poor. And to them parents very strictly forbade to meet. They secretly met and because of it they had problems in families. They together walked, him was so well together, they had such love, that they were very happy. One moment when the girl parents and anywhere did not release the guy too was. They very much suffered from separation. But at the end of film the happy end was. All of them have escaped from a house and were together. They in general have left far and have begun the new life. It was very hard for them, but they have consulted with everything, in fact they very much liked each other. I even cried at the end of film. I was very glad for them, that they began together. And during that moment when I looked film, I have seen in this in love pair, us with you. At us with you approximately similar situation. We too like each other, but we can not meet yet. And I too very much hope for the happy end, that we too shall be together and at us with you all will be wonderful. I very much want to you, right now. I do not want, that between us there were big distances, I want that our distance was reduced up to the minimum. I want to be with you. Lovely, I wait for this happy end. I want to see you, to feel you, your care, your caress, your heat, your presence and your attention. I cannot feel all of it on a computer, I can check up only all this at a meeting. But I only know one, that you love me and want to be with me. I too very much love you and I wait to a meeting. I expect, that our meeting will be very fast and I expect for you, that you will speed up her... The most strong kisses and embraces. Sincerely your Irina.
  
Oksana Pastovyen (Lugansk, Ukraine)
I am a divorced white American, 44 years old. My story is a bit different from several on this black list. Guys, please have your lady checked out before you get too involved! Please write to if you have had a scam experience with Oksana Pastovyen as I am trying to compile information for the proper authorities to put a stop to this particularly nasty scam. I noticed on January 1, 2003 that a Ukrainian woman listed as Kseniya on had viewed my profile on the same site. I wrote to her ( and we had continued our email correspondence for almost two years. She gave her address as Frunze St. 2/10, Lugansk, Ukraine. I visited her twice in 2003, in May and November. Before traveling to Ukraine I searched the black list for any sign of Oksana and felt relieved there was nothing about her there. For the first five months there was no mention of needing money and no overly gushy love letters. But she did need some money sent by Western Union to come to Kiev to meet me at the airport and she suggested it would be nice to bring some gifts. Her friend acted as a translator for us - both in email and during my visits. Her name was Irina Konovalova (you will find mention of her on this black list under the agency Medeia - but I did not find that until September 2004) - although she has since married so she may have a different last name. I spent most of the time there with Oksana's friend Irina because Oksana was working during the day. Irina was pretty good at pointing out gifts that Oksana would like to have. And Irina mentioned that Oksana was rather shy so it would be inappropriate for anything beyond an occasional kiss or holding hands during my time with Oksana. The suggestions for sending money seemed to be not so unreasonable - a lawyer to help with paperwork for getting a visa to come to America, English language lessons, some gifts for her parents at Christmas and birthdays, etc. In November 2003 when I visited her, I was presented with a scarf that Oksana had made (the story I hear is that means the woman is desiring for that man to be her husband). I proposed to Oksana on my last day there. Back home, I started gathering all the documentation needed for the Visa Petition for Alien Fiance. Of course, Oksana needed more money for some of the paperwork she had to get and also for an international visa. Later, Oksana suggested it would be nice if her Mother could have a computer at home so that Oksana could send email to her from America after she was living with me. And sadly, Oksana had an argument with her boss and now she was not employed. Oksana contacted the embassy about a visa interview appointment and she needed money for the trip to Kiev and for the visa fee. Oksana missed two visa interview appointments before I got suspicious. That is when I found Irina's name mentioned on the black list. I also found Oksana's picture and profile as Oksana86A2 back up on, although she had not recently logged in to that site. A third interview appointment (and more money needed) was set up for November but that was missed also. I contacted and for a very reasonable $350 they would answer my specific questions. Oksana had a fourth interview appointment in December 2004 (more money needed) that was also missed. Then I got the report from the detective - Oksana was married (her last name may be Vladimova) and had a 3 year old daughter, she bought a new car in 2003 (realize many Ukrainians do not have a car, much less a new one), and many other things she had told me were false. Oksana's profile was taken off a few days before I got the detective report. More than my money, she also has my financial information in the form of the Affidavit of Support needed for the K-1 Fiance Visa interview so now I have to protect against identity theft. Submitted by Harlan H. I would like to hear from others who have run into Oksana (I figure she had to afford that new car by scamming a few other guys).
Her first letter to me, early January 2003:
Hi Midwestboy! I was very glad to receive your letter. And I would like to tell you a little about myself. As for me I am an easy going person and prefer to act with people in a peaceful manner. My personality is calm and easy to be with. I like to look to the world with an open mind. And try to see all the best things of our life. I am an optimist and love the life with its secrets and surprises. And I always believe in good fate. I am looking for that special man, who can be not only my lover, but the best friend. I would like to trust him and would like him to trust me. I like that type of people, who is not afraid to display an emotional and mental personality. I don't like narrow-minded people, I think they are rather boring. And I want my friend to be an open minded one. I live in Lugansk. It is situated in the Eastern part of the Ukraine. I'm 24. I am single, never been married. I see my future husband and I as a partnership between equals. All the important questions should be discussed together. And I'd like to do it in the intelligent and peaceful manner. I like children very much. I think children are fascinating! I like its tenderness and naivety. And when it come time to have children I would like to bring it up in the christian values. I'm working as a designer. I enjoy my job, as it is very interesting and creative. My interests are very different. I like reading books, watching TV, listening to the music. I am fond of dancing. I usually go in for sports for keeping myself in a good shape and to be healthy. I am fond of travelling and enjoy the nature. Unfortunately, I have never been abroad and I have only opportunity to travel around my country. But here are great deal places of interest. And I hate doing nothing. It is so boring! I like to do something every time. So, I am interested in knowing more about you. And would like to continue our communicating. I hope to hear from you soon. Sincerely.
Oksana's second letter, early January 2003:
Hi Harlan! Nice to hear from you. We seem to be very much alike and looking for the same. I guess we can become good friends in the future. An then..... who knows , maybe you are that man I am looking for to share my life with. And I hope we will meet some day and will know each other better. What do you think of it? Today we have the Christmas eve. I am going to come to the church in the evening. And today we have much snow in the streets. Can't you just imagine....but the weather is too changeable here. yesterday it was raining and warm, nearly +8. But this night the frost become rather strong and the snow was falling during the entire night. And the forecast promises, that the frost will be stronger and the snowfall will be hard. I hope it will not bring any harm to our place. I will write you a little later about our Christmas. I hope to hear from you soon. I kiss you.
The first request for money, five months after we started to email each other, May 2003:
Hi my dear Harlan! I am very happy to get your letter. I count the days to our meeting in Kiev. I feel something very special for you. But I need some money to come to Kiev. I have written you before that I would like to meet you in Kiev. As for your Russian, don't worry, I will give you some lessons of it here. So, the holidays are over and the normal working days started today. It is very hot now and I feel a little relaxed. But I will adjust to this heat soon and feel normal. I was at the forest yesterday. Everything was wonderful except plenty of mosquitos! I hate it, they are like vampires! I walked in the forest and enjoyed the fresh air. There are many different flowers. I picked up the bouquet of lily of the valleys. I like it's delicate smell. It reminds me of my childhood when I visited my relatives in the country. There were too many flowers and I liked to gather it. I looked at the night sky and was thinking of you yesterday. You are really changed my life. I feel it empty without you and I need you more and more. I am trying to put myself together and to feel the working mood. I need to work hard after this days off. I would like to be with you right now and I dream of you all the time. I will be waiting for your letter. I kiss you.
Her next letter, May 2003:
Hi dear Harlan! I am very pleased, as always, to get your letter. And I miss you and look forward to our meeting. I am thinking of you always when I work and when I have rest, in the morning and evening. I am starting to pick up some things to come to Kiev to meet you there. As for the money, thank you for suggesting your help. I need 250$ to buy the tickets to Kiev and to pay for taxi and I am going to buy the tickets for us to Lugansk from Kiev. It is better to do it beforehand. I am too not very good familiar with the system of sending the money but we have Western Union here and many people use it. I have to tell you that I am going to come to Kiev with my friend. She is very nice girl and can speak English well. She will help us to communicate at the beginning, if you don't mind. You are right, Lugansk is rather far from Kiev(nearly 850 km) but I will have somebody to chat at the train. I have a busy week with my work and I've got some special orders. But I try to find the free time to have a walk after work. We have the really wonderful time now. The weather is warm and the sun is shining brightly. The birds are singing, especially in the morning, very loudly. The chestnuts and lilacs are in blossom now. It looks marvellous! And is smells wonderful and tenderly. I like to go to the central park and to sit on the bench looking at the playing children and the caring mothers. I always thinking of you at that time. Sometimes I analyze my personality and think about myself. I always described myself as a strong person. I always tried to be strong and to solve the problems and questions myself. But the last time I feel that I need somebody who will be stronger than me and who will be on the head and I would follow him anywhere. I am really tired to be strong... I hope that you will be more than only friend in the future for me. I would like it from the bottom of my heart. I wish you nice week. I kiss you.
A few letters later, the request for some gifts, May 2003:
Hi my dear Harlan! Thank you for your transfer, I received today without problem. I will happy to meet you in Kiev with my friend. My dear Harlan, I have one dream, I would like to have mobile phone, All my friend have and I would like to have too. Maybe you could to buy it for me in your country. I very like Sumsung T-500 or Sumsung S-300 . It's really my big dream and maybe you can to be my wizard:-)) And my dream will come true. I will very grateful you. Also my daddy when I tell him that you will come to visit me, he would like to ask you to my cigarette for him. Hi hear that "Mallboro" beast in the word. Maybe you could buy the block of cigarette for him. I will try to write tomorrow , but I don't know maybe yes, maybe not. Don't worry about meeting in Kiev I will not to late. I have to go now. I wish you to have nice trip All the best wishes for you. I kiss you.
  
Svetlana (Irina) (Ramensky, Russia)
Hello, my name is Bruce. I'm 41 and live in San Diego, CA. I was contacted by a lady through Yahoo who originally said she lived in Encinitas, which is close to San Diego. After seeing her attractive photo and her interest in me, I replied back. A couple days later her profile was deleted, but she gave me her personal email to contact her, her explanation was that she lived in Russia and Yahoo is not open to Russia. Well we kept in communication for almost 2 months, sending and receiving emails about twice a week. The letters got more like love letters towards the end, which I liked and was starting to make plans for our possible future. She never asked for any money. But as I read more information from sites about some of the scams, I looked for as much information as I could to make sure this could be real or a scam. After looking through the blacklist at the , I found the answer I was looking for. On Black List page-268, a story from a man named Robert sent some of the letters he received from another person named Evgenia. To my amazement, they were the exact same letters I was receiving. This email is a scam ( I was lucky and found out soon, no money lost, just wasted time and emotions. Bruce
Letter 1
Hello dear Bruce! How are you? Is it smile on your face? I hope so, because I'm smiling, and I'm happy to hear from you! I have to say to you, that I am new in the Internet, and I could not imagine myself, that my message to you will give result, and I'll find your letter so fast! Ok, my name is Svetlana, I'm 30 years old, but I won't begin to re-tell to you all information, which was in my profile, I just want to remind you, that I'm from Russia, I was born in Russia, and I live there now. And I want to say sorry for misunderstanding. Profile for me was made by Internet Cafe worker, and he had to write, that I live in USA in it, because access to Yahoo is closed for people, who lives in Russia, and simply he did not find Russia in options there. If it doesn't scare you off me, I'll be happy to keep our communication. So, I live in Ramensky now, it is a small city not far from Moscow. I was born there, but I lived in Moscow after finishing medical academy, but I had to move to my native town, Ramensky, 2 years ago, after death of my father, because my mother needed my help. But now I think, that it was right choice, and I am not sad about it. So, I have to say, that I am sorry for so short letter, but I have to go now (frankly speaking, I thought, that you won't answer, and I came to the Internet Cafe only to check my mail), and I have to say to you, that I am very glad to keep our conversation, and feel free to ask me, what you want to know about me, I'll be happy to answer to every your questions. I am sending my picture to you, it was made year ago by my friend from Moscow, she is professional photograph, and she made few pictures of me, it was funny to feel, like professional model :) So, I am waiting for your letter, and I won't let you to wait my answer! Bye!
Letter 2
Dear Bruce! I am very glad to get your letter today, and I have to say, that I'm happy, that I have decided to communicate via Internet, and to learn English, I speak English rather good, and I hope, that I don't make many mistakes in my letters. It is very interesting way of communication, and it is rather new for me. But I have to say, that I am not looking for pen-friend, I want to say, that my intentions are very serious, and I look for my second half, and (I hope, if we with my chosen will want it both) future husband (I have never been married before, and I have my own special reasons for it, may be I'll tell to you about it later). I hope you'll understand me, and if it is only the game for you (I don't think so... but...), tell me about it, please, and may be it will be better for us to stop our conversation, because I don't want to hurt myself. I have to say, that I am very interested in you, I want to know you better, and I want to understand you, what kind of man you are... And to decide, was I right or not, when I have written to you. So, what else I can to say... I'm 1 m 71 sm tall, my weight 52 kg, and I was born 14 September 1973 year. My favorite flowers are orchids, but I'd love when my man brings me flowers, which he picked up, and it doesn't matter what kind of flowers it is. I like tender colors, not red or dark blue, but pink, and pastel tones. I like to watch movies at home, some TV shows of course, and sometimes sport channel, but not often, because I have to say, that watching sport alone is not interesting for me. I like outdoors activity, and of course tourism, but I have no opportunity for it, but I like to walk in the park and to read books, when the weather is good and warm. I work as doctor, therapist, in the hospital now. If you don't know, the therapist it is a doctor, which has no one way specialization. I do primary survey of patients, and I make first diagnostics, and I appoint additional inspections, if patient need it, or I direct him on hospitalization, or to other doctor (who specialize on current patients disease). So, I am the doctor of wide structure. I am single, and I have no sisters or brothers. I have no children, but I want to feel myself as mother, and I hope, I'll feel it beautiful feeling someday. What else I can to say? I have never been outside Russia, but I traveled here some. I don't know, could you tell me about your desires in woman? My desire is to find the man, with whom I can spend my life together, I understand, that the days go, and we getting older, and I don't want to feel loneliness, and to think, that I have had chance someday, but I have lost it... And what do you think about it? Ok, I have time only to say, that I wait for your letters, and I hope, that it will be the same pleasure for you, as for me. Sincerely, Sveta.
p.s. I have specially removed the structure from Yahoo. I want to communicate only with you. Frankly. Fairly.
 
Svetlana Danilova
(Kirov, Russia)
I received an unsolicited contact from a Russian girl on I replied cordially and noncommitally to an address off of the Friendster service. There were a couple of emails to become acquainted, but by the third reply Svetlana declared her undying love for me. I suspected that it was a scam and a few days later this was borne out by her request for help in buying a ticket and obtaining a visa so that she could begin her life with me. I was asked to send USD $630.00 via Western Union to Svetlana Danilova and she provide me with instructions on how to do so and her address. Upon receiving the email requesting cash, I blocked her from contacting me further. The whole process, from initial contact until I ended it, lasted about 10 days. Tim Darsey.
Hello! I have seen your questionnaire on a site of acquaintances "friendster" and have decided to write to you. This my first acquaintance through the Internet. I at all do not know from what to me to begin the letter. Probably you want to know something concerning me? I with pleasure shall tell to you about myself. I the usual Russian girl, actually am not distinguished by anything from others. It is probable to describe about itself, it would be easier, if I did not do it for the first time. Excuse me for the disorder of words, it because I worry a little. Probably it is necessary to continue a history concerning itself. My growth of 168 centimeters (5,5118 feet) and weight of 52 kg (114,64 lbs). I think, that it is the normal sizes for the girl who supports itself and goes to sports clubs. And you love sports? My age of 29 years. My birthday on July, 15. But the age has no for me the big value. Important that we have with you mutual understanding. I live in the city of Kirov, here I have moved only in the summer. It is very beautiful city. Earlier I lived in city of Kazan', there I was born and have grown. I live with mum, the daddy, and mine the favourite brother lives in other apartment. I shall inform to you concerning work: I work as the seller in perfumery shop, I sell various spirits. My hobby is a collecting of cards. I like to be much on fresh air, on the nature and in a wood. I well speak English, but to write I am able badly. I do many mistakes, you can see it. I have dream, I want to create family with the correct person in the future. Tell about yourself where you work, your hobbies interests. If you want ask me questions. Only write clearly that it was clear to me and it is easier to answer. I want to inform you, that I have no house of a computer and phone, I use the Internet in cafe. My address of e-mail ( I have no yours e-mail to send you the photos. I very much hope, that you will write to me on the address of e-mail. Please, do not leave my letter without the answer. I wait for your letter and your photo. Sincerity, Svetlana from Russia.
hi my love Tim! I am very happy, that we can soon meet. I very much need in you. You my most favourite person on light. You are very necessary for me. I cannot without you. But I cannot independently arrive to you without your help. In travel agency I have found out, that it is necessary for me 630 USD for that that I could go to Moscow to legalize papers for trip to you. I very much want that we were together. I very much appreciate, that you can help me. I am sure, that we shall be together not looking on anything. I very much love you!!! I was in bank find out about that as though you could to send money for me. They have told, that a unique way to transfer money for me it through the Western Union. I very much hope, that there where do you live there is a Western Union. To me have told, that I should know your full name and your full address to receive that money which you can send for my trip to Moscow. You this information about me. My fullname Svetlana Danilova. My address is Russia, Kirov, st. Elovaya 15-62, 610025. When you will send money after that in the Western Union to you will give MTCN. It is a code which I should tell to receive money. I very much hope, that I shall soon begin official registration of papers for trip to you. In agency have told, that registration of the visa will last some time. So I shall write to you about all from Moscow. The agent has told, that in Moscow as there is an Internet - cafe. I was glad to hear it. I shall write to you from Moscow as soon as I shall come there. Well? I shall wait very much for your letter. Write to me more likely. I hope, that soon we shall together. Kissess, Svetlana!
  
Tatyana Panheva
(Valerevna) (Anishina, Russia)
Hi, I'm 36 from Mississippi. Like all the others so far, this one contacted me on my Yahoo Personals, but this one had a profile claiming to be from Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She revealed she was from Russia in her first email. She was by far the most convincing so far. She had pretty good English and responded to my questions. She even called me once, but almost exactly like the person she contacted earliear I read about on this site:
she decided to come visit me on her vacation between jobs. One of her last letters she asked me for $293 and had the flight plans in detail right to my airport. I never had any intentions of giving her money because I've been contacted so many times at this point that I just play along for entertainment until they ask for money. Emails and pictures are below. Please be careful out there and get the word out! I can't believe there are actually people out there giving them money, but I guess the more we expose, the less likely they are to continue operating.
Letter #1 Nov 7
Hi Clay! You have written a letter to me, it's very pleasant. Thank you that you found a minute to answer me. Frankly speaking I couldn't hope for it. I'm sorry that I was not able to write an answer to you. I hope you'll forgive me and won't be angry with me. I'm very sorry. Pardone me. I think you will write me and I'll answer you at once!!! I don't know what to say in my first letter, because I never got acquainted through internet before. It's something new and unusual for me. But I'll try write good letters to you. I suppose you'll be able to understand my words and what I will say to you. I think it will be right if I begin to tell you about my self first, because it was me who began to write. I'm not sure that you will like my letters, that they will be interesting to you, but if it won't be so you will write me about it. OK? Probably you'll be surprised that I don't live in your country. But I hope it don't shock you. I'm the same like many other ladies in other countries in the world. I'm a usual woman who has hands, legs, a head a heart that is the most important. I think that my heart is very sensitive. I hope you'll understand it from my letters. I'll be immensely happy if the distance between us doesn't afraid you, and you'll answer me. Please don't be too strict to my mistakes in the words, english is not my native language. But I suppose I know it well. Well, my name is Tatyana, as you know. In my childhood I was called Tanya. My friends call me so now. Some times they call me Tanusha. Endearing form of my name is Tanechka. You may call me as you like. I won't be disappointed. I'm 30 years old. My birthday is on the 10th of September. I was born in 1974. My height is 168 cm (5 feet 6 inches). My weight is 52 kg (115 pounds). I live in a small village Anishino. Anishino is stuated not far from Tula. Tula is a big and famous city of Russia. In 1941-1945 Russia solders lead cruel terrible fights with German aggressors. I think you know about the War. Tula is a very beutive city. I suppose you would like the city if you saw it. I was dreaming to become an actress in my childhood. Probably it's the dream of many girls. But my dream didn't become true. It's severe reality of life. I graduated from a medical university. My education consists of 3 level: school, college, university. I had been studying during 18 years. All 18 years I studied the English language also. I graduated from the university at the age of 25. By the way I was awarded with a medal for excellent results during my studying. Don't think that I boast (smile). Than I worked as an assistant of a surgeon in a small clinic for 4 years. It was very intresting and at the same time responsable. I was happy to give people health, to help them. Many things depended on me during operations. I think in future I'll be able to become a surgeon myself. Do you think that it's a good dream? Unfortunaly I had to stop working in a hospital, because my salary was tiny. Now I'm working as a manager in a marriage registration bureau. I like my job. I'm glad to see happy smiling just married cuopes. I my register marriage officially. I like to say to people: 'Now you are a husband and a wife'. I do it not only for people from my village, but also for couples from other villages which are situated not far from ours. Many people know me and say hello meeting me. But not long ago I was invited to work to a private clinic. I was offered good money. Now I'm in 2 minds what to choose, what is the best. Probably that I will work in the clinic like a surgeon. At present I have a small house with small garden near it. I live alone that's why I'm not able to work in the garden constantly. But never the less my gard en is very beautiful and pleasant. I like to grow flowers because they are the most beautiful that were created by nature. I live alone, have neither children nor a boyfriend. Sometimes I feel very lonely in my house. May be that's why I decided to get acquainted with you. I'm already 30, and take life philosophically. I have a house, a job, friends but I can't say that I'm happy. I have no many who I can my best half. I wrote you first, it means I can share my thoughts and feelings with you. I hope you won't laugh. And we'll write a lot of letters to each other. I'm very glad and grateful that you answered my letter, because I decided to try getting acquainted through internet only once. And it was a miracle for me when you wrote me a letter. If it was not so I will never try to make friends through e-mail once again. I never get acquainted before in such a way. I can't understand fully how it works, because I don't have a computer. I'm just a beginer in the work of internet. But I hope I'll be able to write you constantly. I hope you are interested in our dialogue as I'm. I'd like to ask you Clay some questions. If you don't want to answer them, you may not to do it, I won't be offended. What do you do? What's your profession? Do you like it? Who are the nambers of your family? I ask to tell it more in detail. With whom do you live? Clay you may tell me about you all what you want. I'll be glad to know all about your life. It's just women's curiosity. Hope it won't offend you. I send you my photo. I think we should not conseal any thing. I hope that photo's exchange will be constant. I realise that tastes differ but I hope my image will be pleasant for you. But I should tell, that I can not receive the big files. I shall have trouble. Because I use a computer on work. I hope your letters will not be more than 0,5 mbyte. If not I will understand and won't be angry. I hope you will write me soon. I thank you beforehand. I am sorry once again that I did not answer your letter for a long time. Forgive me, but I had no opportunity to take advantage of a computer. I have no computer of a house and consequently I shall use a computer on work. But I shall try to write to you every day if you want to talk to me in future. I hope for it very much. With best regards. With best regards. Tatyana.
P.S. Hope in your answer you write your name. I shall wait.
Letter #2 Nov 9
Hi Clay! How are you today? I hope all is well. I'm also happy today because I've got a letter from you. I've written me! I'm immensely happy. Now I'm at work and I'm writing a letter to you. I've alredy told you, that I don't have a computer at home. Jast at work. But sometimes. I can use it to write a letter to you. I'll try to write constantly. If the computer is free I'll write letters to you durring my free time. I think my letters will be sent to you at 6.00 pm, because at this time our bereau sends letters to Moscow. My letter will be sent together with other letters. I am grateful to you for picture. I like it and I am glad, that you send it to me. You pic the first, that I see when I receive your letter. You have written that were in Canada and Mexico. Where it was pleasant to you more? I never was abroad Russia, but I hope sometime to visit other countries. I would be happy if you could visit Russia. We could good to spend time together. Clay, I didn't write you about my family. But I think that you should know about it and now I'm going to do it. I was born and was growing in Anishino. Now I live here. I don't remember my father, because he didn't live with us. I was grown up only by my mother. We were the best friends on the Earth, we were very close to each other. But my mom had cancer of belly and she died in 2002. The year was horrable for me. I though I was the only person on the whole planet. It was terrible and unbelievable. I couldn't realise it for a long time. I was empty. It's difficult to imafine thoughts in my head and my feelings. Even now I remember my mom very often. You know I had very happy childhood. My mom and I walked in the park together. We play together different games. We talked a lot. Just than, some years latter I began to understand that she felt qulity because I didn't have father with me. But I heard from other people that it was not my mother's fault. My father (I can't call him 'dad') never loved my mom. Me left her a lone when he learnt that my mom was pregnant. It was very difficult for her to grow me, to feec me, to buy me dresses, that's why I haver neither brother nor sister. We lived just by her tiny salary. But we never complained of our life - we solved all the problems together. But if w e were happy we tried to tell about our good luck to our neighbours. My mom always said to me that I must marry a man whom I will love. She adviced me to besure in a man before going to marry him. I think the same. I'll remember a moment for a long time. I will never forget my mother's eyes when my leg was dislocated and I couldn't go. At that time we were faraway from our house to gathers berries. Just my mom and I. But she took me on her hands and carried my to our village. Can you imagine it? I was already 12 years old when my mom was carrying me duringan hour. I understood that it was difficult to her, but she didn't want to leave me alone in the forest to go to the village to ask somebody for a help. She was afraid that something terrible would happen to me in the forest. I hope you understand, Clay, that the memory about my mom is dear for me. After my mom's death I feel very lonly, because I have neither sisters nor brothers. To be more exact I have no relatives at all. But I have friens. They Elena anc Marina. They are wonderful girls. We can call us sisters, because we are friends more than 15 years and we help each other. I'm absolotely sure that if I ask Elena or Marina to help me they will never refuse. Our relations are very strong, the time has checked them. A year ago Elena married and her husband took her to his native town. We write letters to each other very often, but it's a pity that we can't see much of each other. But Elena has come to us in spring. I taljed much (the whole week) but it was too little, we couldn't tell each other all the events. Now Marina and I are waiting for Elena's next arrival. And you, Clay, do you hawer such friends? Also for an entertainment I work in my small garden. I raise vegetables and flowers. But as a hobby it certainly flowers. Roses, orchids, tulips, asters and many others. But the main place in a garden have my favorite flowers of a rose and an orchid. Hope you can sometime see it. It's a pity, I can write more. I hope you'll answer my letter. I also hope that you are interested in our communication. I will tell you more about my life in my following letters. I think you are tolerant (smile). Yours faithfully Tatyana.
Letter #3 Nov 12
Hi Clay! How are you? What is the weather like today in your country? I hope all is well. Today it was small snow. But it didn't last long. Now the air is fresh outside and I'm glad that I can sit near the window and write a letter to you. Today I have had a difficult day, but now i'm free and I can spend my time writing you. Today it is cloudy outdoors that's why I am in a lyrical mood. By the way I'm sorry for my previous letter. It was sad. I didn't want to make you disappointed. I hope you didn't get offended to my story about the mother. Well, I'm in a good mood and I want to tell you about my hobbies. I like listening to different music. It depends on my mood and feelings. I like Russian composers such as Dunaevski and Chajkovsky. But I also like listening to Mozart and Bach. I think they are great composers and no body will surpass them. I like Joe Satriane as well. I suppose he is a magnificent guitar player. I hope you agree with me. I like the group 'Dire Straits' very much. I like 'Pink Floyd'. They are not similar to any others. There are a great number of popular musicians in America. But I remember Russians as well. May be you heard about the Russian group 'Spleen' or 'Chaif'. But I think the most famous Russian group in the USA is 'Gorky Park'. Probably you've heard about it. They had a great success at the beginning of 90s. By the way I like going to the cinema very much. I like Russian directors such as Tarkovsky, Konchalovsky and Mihalkov. Now days a lot of American films are on the screen in Russia. American cinema is widely spread in Russia. I like such old American films as Gladiator, Brave Heart. Mel Gibson is a good actor. New films are also interesting to me. I have seen 'The chronicles of Riddick' and 'Another vs Predator' recently. I liked it. I have some favourite shows. For example - 'Wildlife' from BBC. They show the most beautiful views of nature and animals. I like to watch programs about nature and animals very mach. I also prefer to watch NBA games. They are fantastic shows. But unfortunately NBA games are not very often shown on Russian TV. I know that American football is very popular in your country. It's an exciting show as well. Criminal programs have the biggest rating on TV, because here TV reporters tell about crimes occurring during a day or a week, they tell about leaders and authorities of criminal business in Russia, juvenile murderers and racists, addicts, maniacs, etc. You know the level of crimes is extremely high in Russia. The majority ofour country like to watch these programs. But I hate to do it. I prefer to watch some musical and entertaining shows, and as a rule they are our (Russian) programs and of course they are not known to you. Now you think that I spend my time in front of the TV screen with my mouth full of popcorn and it takes me the whole day (smile). But it's not true. Actually I watch TV very seldom, once in a blue moon. I have no time and forces to do it. My health is the most important thing for me. I don't boast. My health is really good, and I always try to be in a good form. I jag every morning, try to spend as much times as possible in the open air. I have no car and I take a bus or whatever (I mean transport) very seldom. I take cold - not shower. I have been living in the conditions of rather cold winters and damp autumn since my childhood. Such king of climate helps to toughen my health. I don't smoke and don't take alcoholic drinks. I prefer a healthy way of life and I'm proud of it. Sewing and knitting are my hobbies if it's possible to say so. I also like to spend my free time gardening and gathering muchrooms and berries. I love to ski and to skate in winter. I can speak about my hobbies for a long time. But I also want to say that I don't like some things. I don't like artful and envious people. I hate when somebody lies and deceives. I don't love cruelty and roughness. I'm not interested in people, who prefer to spend their time drinking alcohol a lot. I also don't like bad untasty meal and cloudy days (smile). Clay I shall be glad, if you tell about you many various things for me. I want to know about you more and more. Because you my FRIEND. You agree? Friends always should know well each other. Very interestingly Clay. You search for less hot climate in the summer. You have told, that at you of 35 degrees. It's really hot. But I envy you because seldom there are 35 degrees at us. Once in some years. Usually we have only 25. the person is strange arranged. When the cool, is necessary hot. And on the contrary. You want my climate, I want yours. You agree with me? The person very whimsical animal (smile). By the way, I understand your desire to have my address. But I shall not tell to you it now. Hope you'll understand my anxiety. I practically am not familiar with you. Therefore I shall not tell to you my address now. I shall write to you later. I shall necessarily tell to you my address later when I shall be confident you!!! I send you a picture. I can not tell precisely. In my opinion it is December 2002. I was in Moscow. This a Red Square. I hope you know that it. By the way, behind of me you can see the Kremlin. I would be glad to hiking with you on Moscow. I hope may be sometime. Your Tatyana. Ok, fast forward to about letter #12 where she mentions spending her vacation with me:
Hi my Clay! I'm very glad to write you again. Clay, I was thinking for a long time how I can spend the free time between the finishing working in the bureau and the beginning working in the clinic. We have no internet - cafe in Anishino. I'm afraid that I won't be allowed to use the computer in the bureau, I won't be able to write you during the whole long month. Yes, to me promised an opportunity to write to you. But I'm not confident... I imagine that I'll have to waste my time at home, locked in the 4 walls. Or I'll have to wander along the streets and to sleep crying the whole night. I can't imagine that I'll have no chance to communicate with you during this time. My heart bacame empty when I imagined all this. I have come to the conclusion that all this is not for me. I want to spend my vacation with you. I must do something to take the chance. Just to meet you. That is all what I need, that is all what I want now. I know one of visas agency. I wondered how much it would cost for me to make American visa. They said that only the examination of application for visa will cost me 100 dollars USA. This money won't be returned even if the application is rejected. To gat visa I must go to Moscow where is the American Embassy. I'll to visit a lot of agencies, offices and organization in Tula and in Moscow. This is the usual way to get visa, it may take me many months. I said to them that I could't wait for a long time. And they offered me to solve the problem and it will take me less time if I use Full Package of Service (FPS). FPS includes additional payments for a category of the visa, consular services, preparation for interview with commission. FPS costs 335 dollars USA, but the visas agencyremove all the problems and thus increases the chance of getting a visa without excessive delays (I can get a visa in a week or two). I thought for a long time and came to the conclusion that this variant is the only right for me. I agreed and registeredmy application for visa, hoping that you'll be glad to meet me. Can you imagine that we'll spend some weeks together? I'm immensely happy when I'm thinking about the opportunity. I howe some money and I don't want to ask you about it. I'll be able to come to your country paying my own money. I'll be everything myself? May be you think I try to do too quickly, probably you suppose it's too earty everything us to meet each other. But I can't wait for ages, I'm happy now at present time. Necessary to begin moving to howe something in your life, it's important to go ahead, to overcome difficulties to take aim. Very soon I'll leave the bureau and I'll be able to spend my vacation with my friend, Clay. I have never been abroad. but now I have a chanceto meet you. It's a dream. You are my friend, and friend sometimes meet each other. I think it will be great, wonderful, fantastic. I hope you don't think that I'm too impudent. I just want to mut you and to spend some time with you. I suppose you haven't changed yoyr attitude towards me after this letter. I'm lookingforward to seeing to calm down my heart. Please tell me you be able to meet me? Will you be happy to face me? I hope you'll!!! I understand your request to call you from phone. I should tell that never so did not worry about presence of phone, as now. I never thought that the serious moments in our life can depend on presence of phone. But now I understand that the fact that I have no phone can deprive me an opportunity to learn a man who could become my friend. And this really afflicts me. But not all in this life depends on me. I shall try to call you from a public telephone booth if you will give me number your phone. Excited Tatyana.
Now on Letter #15 where she finally asks for money:
Hello my dearest Clay! I have good news, very good for me and for you! I have looked forward to this day. Yeterday I visited American Embassy in Moscow again. I have got the visa. I'm immensely happy. I will leave the work in the bureau on the 19 of December and I willbe able to come to you. I will be able to see you in person!!! I addressed the company which sells tickets for plans. I asked them how I would be able to go to New Orleans on the 26 of December, and how much it would cost. They said that the ticket would cost $ 958 USD. I asked them to find a cheaper ticket, because the price is too high for me. But as it turned out I wouldn't be able to have a cheaper ticket so quicly, the date is too early. Tickets must be reserved long beforehand. I asked them to offfer me other variants of the flight. We found the most suitable one. The flight, is on the 27 of December 2004. The ticket costs $843 USD. I asked the to reserve the ticket for me. But they refused to do it having said that they had a lot of clients. They can't reserve my ticket without adwanced money. I was imploring them. But it didn't work. They said that they would help me with great pleasure but they couldn't. The rules are so. I was in a panic, I was so disappointed. Then I asked themif I could give just a part of the money. But they didn't agree again. I asked them for a long time saying that my fiance Clay is waiting for me. If I asked them a little bit longer I would burst out of crying. Maybe God heard my prayers, and the service worked agreed to reserve the ticket on my conditions. But I have too little time to pay, for the ticket. They said if I didn't day the rest of the ticket price, I would loose the money I'd already given to them. I was angry, but they explained that it would be very difficult to sell the ticket for the plane which is flying. They would have to lower the price. I agreed. They told me to pay $550 USD. But it was too much for me, because I had only $420. I asked to wait for me during 2 hours. I went out of the room. Marina met me at the door. I told her everything. She understood everything and adviced me to pawn our treasures to a pawnshop. Clay, it was very difficult for me to agree to do it. I didn't want to burden Marina. But at the same time I want to meet you, Clay very much. We pawned the treasures, I got $130 USD and I paid the part of the ticket price $550 USD. It was my last money, it was for the plane by which I'm going to come to you. The date and the number of the flight Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines 219. Departure from Moscow is 8.40 am Arrival to New Orleans (MSY) is 10.01 pm. I change the plane in Stockholm (ARN), number of the flight SAS 903. I also change the plane in Newark (EWR) , number of the flight Delta 645. After it I'll come to New Orleans (MSY) to you, Clay. It was very difficult for me to tell you this story. I have done all what I could. I have paid for the visa. I have paid for the part of the ticket. But this was not enough. The money was not enough. I didn't want to burden you. I wanted to come to you with nobody's help. I thought my money would be enough. But I failed. Now I feel guilty muself. I didn't manage to do all myselffor our meeting. I thought nothing would prevent me from meeting you. But I must pay the rest of the money for the ticket It's just $293 USD.I must pay it till the 18 of December. Otherwise I will loose the money I have paid and i will loose the chance to see you. And our treasures will be soldby the pawnshop. Now I feel guilty that I could not do what i promised to come to you with my own money. I always do what I promise. I feel il at ease now, I'm ashamed of asking you to help me. Unfortunately the bureau didn't pay me the money I'd earned. I really hoped to get this money. It would solve all the problems. But I'll get the money from the bureau in a month or two. Because it's very typical for Russia to hold up the payments of salary. I asked the bureau to give me my money earlier, but thay refused to do it. Now the bureau doesn't have the money necessary for me. Our bureau depends on the budget, it didn't get money for a long time. I think it's because of the terrorist acts in Moscow and in Beslan. Probably I must say to you that I won't be able to meet you becouse I won't be able to pay the whole sum of money myself. Of course I realize that I shouldn't ask you to give me the money. But at the time I can't just that I won't come to you. I have done too much to organize our meeting. If I refuse to meet you it will mean that everything was in voun. It's torrible for me to refuse to come to you, I have done all what I could. Now I want you to help me and I think there is nothing horrable if I ask you to help me. Of course I realize that may be you have no feelings to me and may be you you're not interested in our meeting. I understsnd that the sum of money is too big. I know it and that's why it's more difficult for me to ask it from you. But at the sametime any person can find himself in my conditions. And now there is only one thing which I can do. I just must say that I will never come to you. But I don't want to say so, because I want to meet you. That's why I must be honest, I need your help. Of course I understend that I mustn't do it. But I'm an honest person. I'm ashaneed of asking you to help me, but life is a difficult thing, everything can happen. Of course it's up to you to decide if you want to help me or not. It's bad, but not fatal. I will loose my money. It's bad but not mortal either. $335 USD which I have paid for the visa and $550 USD which I have paid for the ticket are too much for me. But I'm not sorry for what I have done for our meeting. In fact money is just paper, our treasures are just metal details. That's why I was the first who decided to meet each other. But I don't want all my efforts to be spent in vain. If you really want to meet me, if you can help me to organize our meeting please send me the money till the morning of the 18 of December, 2004. I don't want you to think that I'm not an honest person. That's why I send you the copy of my visa. I wanted to show it to you (but not to ask for the help). I asked people from the Embassy to scan the visa by cd. If you can help me, I send you my coordinates. Marina said that you can use some sistem. I addressed the nearest bank. They said they have 'Western Union'. They told me that it's the best way for me to get money. There is other remittance system, but at present unfortunately it doesn't work all the time, because some renovation and upgrade of the equipment and signalizing system are made there. But they say that 'Western Union' always works and people trust it. I give you the necessary details to send me the money by 'Western Union'. BANK MENATEP Krasnoarmeiskiy proezd, 7 Tula 300041. phone: (7)(0872) 31-58-34, for Pahtaeva Tatyana They said to me in the bank that to get money from you I must say to the bank workers your full name, you full address, the exact sum of money, which I must get and some confidental numbers (MTCN this 10 digitals). This number will be given to you by your bank, if you send me your help. Only in the case when all the information is sent to me I will get your help. Please forgive me my words. I say so because I'm in despair. Now when just one step can connect us, I'm afraid. I need you, I want to be with you, I need you help, believe me, I'm honest with you. I didn't manage to estimate my forces. And all my efforts spent in vain. I understand that the sum of money is too big for you. I didn't want to ask you. I can do everything myself. My loneliness made me strong. I had always been living with my own efforts I always relied on myself. I asked somebody to help me very selcom, but now I ask you to help me. I will give you all the money back as soon as I'm able. Maybe I made you offended. But I need you. I don't know if my letter satisfacted you or disappointed. But I have written you an honest letter. I'm looking forwarol to you answer. I hope for you. Your Tanya.
   
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