Natalia Kadyrova/Natasha (Kazan/Zelenodolsk, Russia)
I am a 52 year old divorced male in the USA. Here is another one. I was first contacted by this scammer on November 24. 2004 through the site. The e-mail address used was This scam is the typical money for visa, passport and airfare. This one was ineptly done. There were long delays between many of the letters. Also, apparently they only had three pictures of this girl because they kept using the same ones over and over again. I finally got the money request and the western union info. The last letter was sent Feb. 9, 2005 between 3 and 4 o¹clock in the morning their time. Included are most of the letters and the only pictures that I received.
James G. (USA)
First Message from webdate site:
Hello. My name is Natasha. To me of 28 years. I live in Russia in the city of Kazan'. Our city is beautiful, and there live Good people which can help a difficult minute. I like to prepare tasty I peep. I think, that The way to heart of the man lays through his stomach. I like to prepare for pies of different grades. I like sweet I peep. Especially sweets and creams tasty. Whether you ask spoils it my figure, I to you tell - is not present! As I am engaged sports meets much. I for the first time get acquainted through internet and I very much To worry, when I to type this text. I like to be engaged in health, happiness and destiny My close person!!! I like to do happy my close person. Your structure in very much involves me You very much like me. I think, that our dialogue will be interesting. My friend can with you, I will manage to find that person whom I already search for many years. You can write to me on Mine e-mail I shall wait your letter with impatience, my friend. Your new friend from Russia Natasha!
November 28, 2004
Greetings road James!!! I was involved in you with destiny. You trust in destiny? You have very much pleased me the answer. Today it is very melancholy and cold to me, in fact at us winter. Please warm me the letters. I can tell about myself, that I have higher education, I work as the doctor in hospital much and I live with old mum in a small room. I very much love good music, to read books, to go to cinema and theatre. I shall necessarily send you the photo. I kiss you hotly, yours Natasha!!!
December 16, 2004
Hi James. Have good day. I waited your letter and was very much Is pleased, when you have written to me. Your structure and I was interesting to me Is pleased, that we begin to learn each other more well and to develop Our acquaintance. I think, that it is an interesting thing, to learn someone Far through the Internet. It is unusual to me, because I a little Is familiar with the Internet. James, I want to inform you, that I have no the computer At home also I go in Internet - cafe, in free from work time. That To translate my letters to you I use the electronic program The interpreter, because for me is faster and it is convenient to write for you In Russian, and then to translate the letter on English. I hope, That you can understand well my letters. I studied the English language Earlier at school, and after that in college and I understand your letters very well. Only please do not use Reductions of words. While I did not establish the computer in the house, therefore That I have no there telephone. It would be interesting to me to speak with you and If you not against, I could in the future try To cause you, that we could speak about different things. James, I want To tell to you it is a little about itself. I live in city Zelenodolsk and I have Very good family. Because of my work I take off a small apartment and I live in it separately from my family. But I very much frequently reach to them and I spend with them weekend. we frequently we are chosen together on a camping and We have other entertainments. Mine the city not of the large size, and in it is a little The people. Basically at us in city various factory and factories. Is present Some restaurant and bar. The city is constructed not by high houses till 3-5 floors. I work medicin. Tell to me about the work. She is pleasant to you? To me My work is pleasant. I very much love to laugh and I respect the people with good By humour. I like to travel. I yet was not far from mine At home, but I dream in the future to visit in different places. I 2-3 times in Week go to be engaged in sports hall, to hold my body in The order. And you James, have any sports in the life? You love Entertainment on a nature? A hunt? fishing? A camping? Some inform me Things about the entertainment. It will be very interesting to me to learn about it. I I wait for your letters. Sincerely yours Natasha.
December 21, 2004
Hi my dear James!!! I am very glad to your letter and I congratulate you on Christmas and I wish you success for Christmas as speak at us in Russia. I ask you a pardon that could not write for a long time to you, at me was a lot of work, I ask you me to understand. My work - to help people, and it is very good, as I work as the surgeon. I would like to specify to you about my city, Kazan' and Zelenodolsk almost already same city, I ask to search on a card for city Kazan'. My age of 28 years. I send you a hot kiss. P.S. You like me.
January 4, 2005
Hi mine James. How you today? I am glad to receive yours e-mail. I think, that I more seriously now think of acquaintance through the Internet. James, when you established the structure in a service of acquaintances, you thought of an opportunity to find the man for the serious relations? Be you can did it to have a small entertainment? Inform me about it please. Inform me, why you have decided to get acquainted in the Internet, instead of in the street. I in the life had no good acquaintances in the street. I think, that if the man specially uses a service of acquaintances, it has serious intentions to find the special man for himself. To me told about many games on the Internet, but I hope, that you the serious man. James, I would like, that you wrote to me the small story, how the usual man in your country lives. At our peoples different culture and life, and I think this story will help me better to understand you. I think, that on TV tell not always truth, and I never do opinion on the other people from the TV set. I hope, that will not tell some things about it tiresome for you. With what importance of family in your country and what opinion at you concerning it. I think, that the creation of family is very important in life and it is impossible to play by feelings of other people and to have the large purse from it. I already informed to you, that I have a work, which takes away from me a lot of free time. My salary not so large, but suffices to me for life and I frequently am helped by my parents. Dear now it is time to me to go home. I shall write to you tomorrow. I wait for your letters. Yours Natasha.
January 12, 2005
Hi mine lovely James. How you today? I hope, that you OK. are pleasant to read me your letters. Earlier I was sure, that is unreal to have attachment to the man and mark to it the large sympathy, if not met it and did not carry out with him together time. But now I feel pleasure, when I have yours e-mail, I think of you and sometimes I have sadly, when I think, that we far. I very much would want, when I come back from work to come to you in the visitors, to bring with myself any tasty pie. We could drink tea, and then together to go for a walk. Probably it would be wonderful. I feel sadly, because we have the relation only through the Internet. Sometimes there is a desire to embrace and to be near to the man. I frequently, when I be in cafe I see various pairs people, I look as they embrace each other, nice talk and then I am sharper I feel the loneliness. I do not know, whether you have feeling of loneliness. If you too feel it then you understand me and know, that frequently i have desire, that a line was the man, which will support always and to understand you, will help at any time you and to console you. James, I would like to learn your opinion doing our acquaintance by more serious. Probably, we could meet and carry out some time together. It would be very good. What you dear James, think concerning it? For me it is very important to know, whether you want to have more serious relations with me, than letter. Inform me please ideas concerning it. Kiss and embrace. Yours Natasha.
January 25, 2005
Hi mine dear James. I am very glad again to read your letter. I already begin to miss without you. We are familiar a little to time, and it seems, that I know you for a long time. Today with the girlfriend I plan to go in evening club, it is a little to have a rest from work. It is a pity, that you will not be with me a line. You will not suffice to me. You will not suffice to me. But I hope, that time soon will come, when we can have these things together. I very much think of this day. I found some addresses of travel companies in my city. Soon I plan to go there and to learn, how it is better to us to organize our meeting. James, and you as plan to carry out today's evening. You probably a lot of time give back to the work and have a little rest? It seems, that many men love to waste time houses at the TV set, to look football or boxing. Than you love to be engaged per usual days from work? I heard, what many men in America, play in golf and bowling, James, You like these games?
Write to me mine dear. gently kiss you. Your Natasha.
January 27, 2005
Hi mine favourite James. Is very glad to your letter! I missed for you. Today I had the very much intense day at work and is very tired. Now I have the large desire to reach home and to fall in my bed. Dear, I did not go yet in a travel company to learn the information on that how more convenient to organize our meeting. I shall do it the coming days. How you today James? Inform me about the mood. What you have ideas on that day when will see me? How strongly you want our meeting? I feel, that can not live without you any more. Better death, than life without you! I would give everything if only more soon to meet you and to embrace, kiss and am strong to you to nestle. I want happiness, but do not consider, that I think only of myself. For you I want much more happiness, than for myself. You sense of my life. I ask you, trust me, without you she is impossible. I love you and I shall like always! Now I am sent to have a rest. I shall write to you tomorrow. Write to me mine dear. Kiss you. Your Natasha!
February 2, 2005
Hi mine dear! I am very glad to receive your letter and to learn, that you too want to meet me and to hold in the hands. It is pleasant to me to know, that there is a man, for which I the desired man and which expects, to see me. James, and as your native people will concern to to that I shall arrive to you?. James, I would not like to create for you any inconveniences. James, today I visited the agent travels. He has told, that their firm can prepare for me travel. It will require approximately about two weeks. They will be to prepare for me the passport and insurance, then they will be to order for me the visa. The agent has told, that behind the visa I owe to reach in Moscow in your embassy. He has told, that now uneasy to receive the visa of the tourist to you, but they can care of, that I could receive the visa without problems. The ambassador it, a little time will be required to reserve for me the ticket and to develop more convenient route of the plane. I have told them, that probably I shall conclude with them the contract for my travel, toon. Tomorrow I shall learn from them full details rather cost and necessary documents. Today I had small free time from my work also had not time in detail all to learn. So i shall talk to my mum to ask them, to help to me to pay this contract. I very much hope, mine lovely, that at us all will be good also we can be speed beside with each other. I very much frequently I think of it. I have various imaginations concerning us of a two. and you, mine favourite? Dear, I wanted to learn from you, if cost travels will be large, whether you can help me with some by part it? My mum cannot be named as the rich people, and I not wanted very strongly to worry their finance. I hope, that some money for our meeting will not be a problem for you. But if yours financial position now heavy, I shall try itself to find any the decision for this purpose. Favourite, write to me is speed. I love you. Kiss you. Your Natasha.
February 4, 2005
Hi mine favourite! A thank to you for your letter, it supported me. Today I was slightly Is injured. Mine has told the mums, that she will not help me to pay for the passport, insurance and visa. She has told, that a payment for these things we should think out together. She has told, that when we shall pay it and I shall receive the passport and visa, she will care of my tickets to you. She has told, that the tickets very expensive and consequently they with them will help us. James, the agent of travel has told, that contract includes the price of the passport, insurance, visa and services of agency. It is possible to pay for the tickets money after I shall have all documents for travel. The price of all documents and works of a travel company, 690 $. They want so much money because now very difficultly to receive the visa in your country and them it is necessary to do for this purpose many efforts. James, lovely I have no many money and I have told them, that while I shall talk to you I shall do this contract. Favourite, I today was injured by all these things. I did attempts to borrow this money at some people, but nobody could to me help. I hope, that you can help me this money and that it is not for you a problem. I very much want to feel you beside. Favourite, I wait with impatience your answer and I hope, that at us the time together will be speed. If such money it is not so difficult for you and it does not become a barrier to us, tomorrow I shall go in a travel company and to conclude the contract. I shall wait very much and to hope, that we shall be together. I love you. Your Natalia.
February 8, 2005
Hi my loveliest man! I hope, that you Ok. I are glad to learn, that can help me. I am pleased, because will pass some time and I can embrace you. I very much would like to talk to you and to see your person, I very much have a lot of things in a head, about which I want to you to tell. I hope, that it will be interesting to you to listen to me. I have a lot of questions, about which I want to learn from you. I think, that you too have a lot of things, which you would like to speak me. I am glad, that soon we will have enough time to have a society each other. Today I came into a travel company and signed the contract for travel. I have told them, that they should begin it to prepare. They have told, that begin to work for us. As I have decided to improve this time English, that we could better understand each other. Favourite, write to me and tell to me please ideas. I hope, that you too have the large pleasure and expectation from all these things. I love you. I am very grateful to you, that you want, that we were together also, as well as you. Thank you, that you make possible efforts of you. In agency, my love, demand, that I at once have given payment for the contract in which necessary documents will enter. After I shall pay the necessary sum, I can reunite with you in 2 weeks. I love you. Yours Natasha.
February 9, 2005 (was sent between 3 and 4 A.M. Kazan time)
Hello my love! I constantly think of you and every day all want to be near to you more strongly. I had to apply many efforts to learn, how you can send money for payment of the contract. It can be made through firm " Western Union ". For my name Natalia Kadyrova to send it is necessary in city Kazan '. This money can be taken in bank and all to pay, that is required for trip to you. We soon can be together, my love. Many thanks, that you agree to help me with the English language. I think, that you will be best my teacher. Please, write to me at once as you will manage to send money to Russia for payment. It is necessary 690 $ for registration of the visa, the passport and the insurance certificate. It is necessary to count only days, after payment. You are necessary for me more air. Only due to you my heart is beaten. I each day thank destiny that she has sent me you. It seems to me, that I always dreamed of you. Our love, I believe, any quantity of distance does not become a barrier. I with impatience wait for your letters. Please write to me. Yours Natasha...
  
Elena Elyanova
(Arkhangelsk, Russia)
Elena Sergeeva/ Elena Kashkova/ Natalia Morozova/ Irina Egorova
Irina Yandulova/ Anna Milchakova
I am a 37 year old single father, White American, Driver Associate
She contacted me through Yahoo Personals, 1/28-2/8, Professed her love for me, Coming to the USA to see me
No money was asked for, Address and phone number requested (and given), Same friends and family members as seen in other letters found here
I saw the emails here and sent her a GAME OVER email with the text copied from this site
Hi, Shawn!
How are you? Probably, if you have guessed, this is Lena :) I'm very glad to get your answer, Shawn!
First of all, please let me apologize for the delay in my response to you, Shawn, but I was busy in last time. I'm happy so much that you
have written me, believe me, Shawn! Also, I'm hoping that my e-mail was so big surprise for you too,
really? But most important, I would like to say to you that I have decided to write you through the Internet thanking to my best
girlfriend Natasha. My girlfriend Natasha have met a good man through the Internet from Germany, Berlin City, by the the Internet too. Her
boyfriend is Frank. Natasha and Frank are very happy together! I see that they are happy so much together, and I have decided to find a man
from other country too, as Natasha did it :)
Possible, you can ask me, why I didn't find a russian man? I will be very serious, I will answer to you, that I had a boyfriend from Russia
from my City, I loved him very much, but he has thrown me in lasttime. He found an other girl, as I have understood.
Also I have seen that he liked to drink an alcohol very very much, as many men in Russia do it, may be you know about it. I don't like this
when men like to drink so much as my last boyfriend did it! I am non-drinking and non-smoking girl! Simply, I don't have a harmful
habits! Also I want to say that on the words of my girlfriend Natasha,
the men from other countries, especially from Germany and USA, are very good, and they can to appreciate and to respect women as
considerable men too. It's the opinion of Natasha, and I want to agree with Natasha
completely. Natasha has chosen her boyfriend Frank from Germany because she know German language a little. I don't speak German
language, I can speak and write English language, and I have decided to find the man from USA and I have decided to write you, Shawn.
Well, Shawn, let me to tell to you about me more... As I said you earlier, I'm 30 years old, I was born on March, 12 , 1974 :) And when
you was born? What's an exact date of your Happy Birthday? Tell me, ok?
I'm White Russian girl on nationality. On religion, I'm Christian (Russian
Ortodox), and I believe in God Jesus. I have never been married and I don't have any kids, I am a single girl. I'm a
sensitive, a kind-hearted, a thoughtful and easily amused. On opinion
of my close friends and relatives, I'm a kind, jolly, clever and intelligent, purposeful, sociable.
About my City where am I live? :) I would like to tell to you that I live in Arkhangelsk here in Russia. Arkhangelsk is situated around
1,300 kilometers from our Russian Capital Moscow City. Our City Arkhangelsk is one of the beautiful cities
of Russia, I like my wonderful City very much. There are many beautiful streets, squares and other sights in our city.
Also I would like to tell to you about my education. I have studied in
an Arkhangelsk Polytechnical University. I have ended the university
in 1996. Also I want to say to you that I have learned the English Language when I have studied in the university, I can speak English
without any problems, I think so... But I can see that I'm making many
orthographic mistakes, I think so, I hope that you'll can to
understand my English without any problems? Really, Shawn? Please, tell me about this in your next e-mails, ok? Also I would like to tell
to you that after the finishing of the university, I have gotten a diploma of a speciality "The Book Keeping And Audit". But
unfortunately I didn't need my education yet, because here in Russia, as in many other countries, it's very difficult to find a good job on
a good speciality. Now I'm working as a waiter in the bar. I like to work here in our
bar, and our visitors are a good clients. Also I want to say to you, that I have an access to Internet by the computer which is situated in
an cabinet of our boss here in our bar, because I don't have a computer in my home, and I have asked the sanction at our director for
my using of the Internet, and he permitted me to use the computer in a
free time from my job. Wowww, I have written so much! I didn't think that I can to write
about myself so much, really. Probably, I'm finishing my e-mail to you. Shawn, I'll be grateful so much, if you'll write me about
yourself so much, as I did it. I would like, if you'll tell me, for example, about your family, is your family large? About your city
where are you living, I have never been in other countries and in USA too, and I'll be glad to know about your country. Ok, let me to finish
my e-mail, I hope to see your answer soon! I'm attaching my photo, I hope you will find my photo good. Ok, good bye, Shawn, hoping to
see your message soon! Take care,
Your new russian friend,
Hi my friend Shawn! I'm glad so much to receive your answer again! It's very interesting for me to read your messages, from them we are learning more about ourself, and I begin know more about you, Shawn. My dear friend, of course, may be you want learn about our correspondence, about correspondence's
essence too, really? As I want to tell that I have decided to get acquainted through an Internet due of my girlfriend Natasha which one year back has gotten acquainted with the foreigner German Frank, I have said you about this earlier. Shawn, may be, possible, we will together in the future time, may be I would like to look the marriage too, if you will want this, I don't want to hide this so
important fact, but we must to learn more things about each other more and more, it will reasonably and correctly, really, Shawn? I hope that you will agree with me with this fact too. Please, tell me about this, ok? But in my opinion, again and again, we must learn about each other more and more, I repeat this! Please, agree with me, Shawn! My dearest friend Shawn, I would like to tell you about my family. I want to say to you that I have a large family too. This are my mom Marina, my daddy Pavel too. Also I have two sisters. They are Katya and Masha. My sister Katya is 21 years old. But Masha is smaller sister between me and Katya too, Masha is 10 years old. On professions my mom is a seller in the shop, and my dad is an engineer on the factory. My sister Katya is a student of the university, she is studing on the lawyer, and Masha is a schoolgirl. Our family are living without any conflicts too, we have a good understanding
between our members of our family. Because, I think that our parents gave to us a good education. I think that it's so good and I'm so proud that we have my mom and my daddy. Also I want to say to you that I live with my family in one apartment. Also I want to tell that I have consulted with my parents about the account my acquaintances with you through the Internet, they have estimated it as positively because they care about my future life of course. My parents would want that I have a happy life, and would want that I will find my man. As I told you earlier, I have never beenmarried. As already I spoke to you earlier, I work as a waiter in the bar here in Arkhangelsk. It's a perfect and cosy bar. My job is very pleasant for me, people in our city are kind, and visitors of the cafe are not roughness to us, certainly there are cases when the visitors are not correct with us and spoil mood, but it happens very seldom. I, already wrote to you that I want to know about you everything, and I have not how many questions to you. Where you to work? How to pass your day? Than you to be engaged in free time? With what sports competitions you prefer? Whether you love Camping? This of my favorite of employment. I to hope, that you to answer all mine
questions. During our weekends, in my free time, we are with my girlfriends, also with Frank and Natasha sometime, go for a walk to the city, we like to sit in cafe too for a cup of tea. I like my girlfriends very much, especially my best girlfriend Natasha. She is as native sister for me! By the way I want to say to you that Natasha works as a waiter in our bar. Also I want to say to you that Natasha and Frank are living in Arhangelsk now. Natasha have visited Frank to Germany at last time, Frank asked Natasha to visit in Germany him after that when they have understood that they love each other. I remember, Natasha was so happy in this time. They lived together during two month in Germany. And then they have came to Russia, to Arkhangelsk too, simply,Natasha said to Frank that she have missed about her parents, and that she want to visit on some time her parents, and they came to Arkhangelsk from Germany. They are very happy together, they love each other very much, I envy to Natasha and Frank slightly :) and also, of course, we meet with each other sometimes and spend a lot of time together. We are so good friends! Also I want to say to you that I have never been outside of Russia, I have never been in an other
countries, but I would like to travel at once, it's so romantical, I think :) Well, Shawn, I must to finish my e-mail to you, I hope that we will continue to
correspond with each other and you will tell me much more about yourself, and I will try to tell about myself as more as possible in future e-mails. I want to ask you about more things, Shawn, and I hope that you will understand my questions and will answer me for them. I want to learn more about your country, please, tell me about your family, about your friends. A great hello to you from my family, my friends Natasha and Frank too. I hope to see your message soon.
Bye-bye... GOD BLESS YOU, YOUR RUSSIAN FRIEND, Elena. PS I do not know what difference of time between us..
Hi my dearest friend Shawn! Shawn, I was so happy to get your answer again and again, it was so good part of my day when I have saw your words in the computer. Also besides today, I had to serve a very bad client in our bar. He was very drink a vodka, and he all time prevented me to work. It was expressed in that he tried to embrace me and all time spoke me so various abusive words. Eventually our service of protection, police has expelled him from the bar, but my mood was awfully bad. And when I have saw your answer in the computer, my mood became so good. Shawn, please, don't worry about this so bad case with this so bad client, ok? It's ok now. Dearest Shawn, I see that we are interested in each other more and more, and I think that it's so good for us, because I have so good and liked friend as you, Shawn. I'm so interested by you Shawn, that my life became better than before an acquaintance with you, Shawn, I feel it, really. You are so good friend, you can understand me as a good friend to good friend, and I think that it's important thing in the life. Shawn, I see that you trust me, as I do it with a great pleasure to you, and I think that it's so good thing in our friendship, really, Shawn? I hope that you understand me, Shawn, that in my opinion, all people in the world must to understand each other in spiritual plan of a dialogue. Do you agree with me, Shawn? Tell me about it, ok? By the way I want to say to you that believe in God very much, I believe in Jesus, I am a Christian woman as I said you earlier. I like to go to Church( Russian Ortodox), it's not far from our bar too. Our City's Church is a very beautiful place, there is a lot of an beautiful icons too, I like this. The priests sing beautiful songs and I like it very much. This so calms my soul when I have a bad mood too. But now, I want to say to you that your e-mails calms me too when I have a bad mood, I feel it, Shawn. I want to say to you that some people of our work personal, here in our bar know that we with you write to each other by the Internet. They said me that it's so good for us, they ask me to say to you a friend hello and they, as me, want know more about your country, about your culture. My dear friend Shawn, also I want to ask you your full name and your home address on any unforeseen case also. Please, send me it, okey? Shawn, I would like to send you my home address too. As a matter of fact may be, possible, our director's computer will break in the any time, as director have warned me, and I think that it will be so pity that we willn't can to write to each other by emails during long time. But I think that God willn't admit it, because he know that we like to write to each other our e-mails as I feel it. Shawn, I can send you a postmails or postcards by the usual mail service also. But you must know that will be better if you willn't send me a postmessages or other any parcel posts, for example by our city usual pochtamt. Shawn, I want to say to you that it's so shame that we in Russia have a peoples or some mail organizations who like steal the
postsendings of any peoples. I know many so shame, so bad cases about it from my girlfriends. It's the shame for this peoples and organizations, realy? I hope that in your country all ok with postorganization. Please, don't send me anything by the our city's pochtamt, I don't want that your postsending will stealed by any thieves! But I will give you my home address and my full name on anycase. It's here:My full name is Elena Elyanova,and my home address is: Lenina street 21Arkhangelsk, 163015Russian Federation Please, write this datas on a paper on any cases, ok, Shawn? I so want to hear your voice, it will important for me to hear your voice, Shawn. On this note, I will finish my e-mail to you. Please, answer me soon, ok, Shawn? I will wait for your messages, Shawn.ALSO AS IT'S USUAL,'HELLO' TO YOU FROM MY FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO YOU!! MY BEST FRIENDS HUGS TO YOU! Sincerely, your dear friend, Elena.
Hello my dearest Shawn! I want to say to you that as usual and usual, I'm happy so much from your answer on my last e-mail my Shawn!!! I think about you my Shawn all days. I so wait for your warm messages for me Shawn, I want to say to you that now I cann't without you and your so feelings emails my Shawn. You e-mails are so important for me, it are a part of my life, it are a source of my pleasure to my life, I want to say to you that the occurrence of you Shawn is a beterest part of my lonely life now, your messages give me a great happiness and pleasure in my life Shawn. Believe me Shawn, that I speak this my words with my sincere care to you Shawn, with my respect for you Shawn. Also I want to emphasize that I thought about our feelings to you my Shawn, I have come to a conclusion that we are created for each other my Shawn. In last night I didn't sleep well, I couldn't do it because I thought about us my Shawn, about our acquaintance on Internet, about your warm messages, and in basically about you my Shawn! I thought about all my Shawn, I want to say to you that I cann't without you my Shawn, I want to say to you that I have fallen in love in you my Shawn, yes................Shawn,........yes...... I love you my dearest Shawn! My Shawn, it has taken place so quickly and suddenly, I didn't to expect it my darling, it's so sensual for me my Shawn, I cann't without you Shawn. I LOVE YOU, DARLING! I feel to you the greatest feeling on ground, it's my love to you my dear Shawn. From your messages Shawn, I see that we aren't indifferent to each other Shawn, I hope that you will agree with me my Shawn, is it for true Shawn? I hope that you feel to me such great feelings to me my Shawn. Also in last night I was asked to God, I thank him that we found each other my Shawn, I closed my eyes and have seen the God's presence. He saw on me and I saw on him, he said me that I will happiest woman, because I found you Shawn, you are my future man Shawn. Also in the eyes of God that he cried, I think that he is very happy for us my Shawn. I cried too Shawn, because it's so happiness for us that we can be together soon, that we can to have a normal family, I so want it my Shawn, because I cann't to be one my Shawn, the basic part of my girlfriends are married for a long time, they asked me all time before our acquaintance with you about that why I couldn't to find a man, on their questions I couldn't answred, but I said them that I want it very much, but I cann't to begin any close feelings with any man because of my embarrassment. I am felling embarrassed girl, I said about you in my last e-mails my Shawn. But I want to say to you that I feel about you not embarrassment my Shawn, I feel to you all my love to you Shawn! By the way I want to say to you that I said about my love feelings to my parents and my girlfriend Natasha and Frank. My parents said me that they are very happy for us my darling Shawn. In the eyes of my mom and my dad I saw a great happiness for me and for you together my Shawn. They said that they hope that I did a right choice in my life and they hope that we will happy together my love Shawn, also they said me that where we with you will live together. I answered them that I want to live with you in your country my darling, they asked me about that they will miss me very much, but since other side they understand that it will be better that we with you Shawn will live in America because they understand that now in Russia is difficult live situation. They said you a their warm GREETINGS to you and they wish us, my Shawn, our future family happiness and great mutual love my Shawn. Also my girlfriend Natasha and her boyfriend Frank said me that they guessed about that we with you will have a love feelings since our of acquaintance to you my Shawn. They are very happy about us my dear Shawn, they said that you will a good boyfriend for me my Shawn, and I agreed with them on 100 per cent!!! Also Natasha and Frank said you a hot friend HELLO and they will hope that we will together with you Shawn. My darling, I am so happy for us my dear Shawn. I want to say to you that I love you very much, my relatives and my friends are very happy for us very much. Also my dear Shawn, I want ask you a main question, I think that it will so fairly since my side my darling. Do you have or do you write with any another women my Shawn??? It's so important for me my Shawn, I hope that you will understand me, because I love you and I don't want that you Shawn write with other women. I want to say to you that I don't write with any other men except for you my Shawn. I don't want an other man, because I love you, Shawn! But more of all I don't want that any other woman will try to steal you from me my love Shawn!!! I say you about it very seriously my Shawn! It will so pity for me if you are having or writing with an other woman my dear Shawn, and deceive me in our relations, please, say me, Shawn, do you write with an other women? We must trust each other in this, ok my darling? Of courses, my darling may be you will ask me about my job when I will far from Russia. Of course, I will miss my job, about my work collegues, yes, I will miss about their, but you can see that I gave back all personal time to my job, I don't have a free time never there. I think that if I found my love and my future man, I must change my personal life in the party you my dear Shawn, because I am a woman and I must have my family life as an other womans do it. Realy my Shawn? I think that my collegues in our bar will miss me too, but we willn't forget about each other too, I will can to send emails from your country them too. My dear, how you see on this? I want to say to you that I miss you very much, and I want to say to you that you became on the first plan in my life than my work my Shawn. I love you Shawn and I cann't without you my darling, and I decided that I must near with you my Shawn. It's so necessary for me my Shawn. I so love you Shawn! By the way I will try to learn my dear about the necessary documents for my future coming to you my Shawn, as I know from my girlfriend Frank, I will need in the foreign passport and visa too, I will try learn about it Shawn in near future time my Shawn. My darling, I hope that you have a great desire of our meeting my love Shawn. I so want it my love, I love you and I miss you badly Shawn. I will wait for your mutual warmth emails, Shawn. As usual, warmth greetings from my girlfriend Natasha, Frank and my family to you. All my warmth kisses, Warmth hugs, Your lady, Elena.
PS My growth of 170 centimeters. Color of my eyes brown. At us now it is very cold. A
Hi my love Shawn! I have gotten your warm words from your answer on my last message my darling! My dear, my love Shawn, in my last e-mail I have told you about my love feelings to you, Shawn, I wrote this message with so close love feelings to you, dearest, I didn't can to hide my love to you, my soul prompted me that I must to tell about my love to you, because it is so dificult to hide a close feelings to love man, Shawn. I love you, Shawn, and I want to say to you that, please, don't discharge me from you, Shawn. Shawn, it's so pity for me that our messages connect us only, I want to see you in reality my Shawn. I so want it, darling! Our e-mails connect our close love feelings to each other, our messages are our rescue with boredom and from all of boring things. I want to say to you my darling that I cann't without your messages now Shawn, your e-mails are necessary for me so much my Shawn, I love it and I love you my
dearestShawn!!! My love Shawn, I want to say that my parents and my best friends Natasha and Frank are very happy for us my love Shawn, they are all time ask about you, about your feelings to me and I don't worry say about our love feelings now, because I don't want to hide my love to you from everybody my Shawn, I have found sense of my life my Shawn, I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU BADLY, DARLING! My love Shawn, I want to say to you that my collegues on my job are very happy for us too! In total all my collegues says me that they are very glad for us too, but one of the waiters say about me very bad things too, she is
Raisa, she is 44 years old. She is not so good woman, she gossips about me that I am not considerable woman, because I found you my Shawn in Internet and she considers that it's not good my Shawn, because she said that in their past live time when in Russian Federation was Soviet Union, in this time boys found the girls and that it was better than in present time, when in more cases girls find boys. I was so bad from Raisa's words my Shawn, because I think that she is not right, realy my Shawn? I think that man can chose like woman or woman can chose like man if they want it mutual, really Shawn? I think that we have mutual love feelings and it is better of all when the loving each other people love each other mutual, I think that it is an important fact of love about reciprocity. Really my Shawn, is our feelings mutual??? I think from our messages that it's true my Shawn. Also I want to say to you that Raisa doesn't have a husband, she lives one, she considers that all men do not deserve her attention because, I think, that she is not simple in herself soul, I think that she think very high about herself simply, she think that all men is silly men, it's her opinion only, I don't know why she think so bad about men, why??? My dearest, did you meet such, I think, silly peoples as Raisa the ideas of which is not right in my opinion. I think that she is not right in that she said about men!!! I think that this woman is egoist woman, I think that you will agree with me my Shawn. But I don't want to say about this woman to you in all because it is so boring for me. Ok? I want to speak about us my dear. My Shawn, I want to say to you that my parents so happy that we met each other, I say you again and again about it!!! I have consulted with my coming to you, I want to say to you that from my words about it my mom and dad were so surprised too, they asked me, am I sure about my coming to you, and I have answered that I cann't without you and I have decided to be with you, Shawn, all my life too. My mom and dad have agreed with me, because they understand that I cann't without you, and also they have told me as they love each other when they were young people too. I want to say to you that my mom and dad have asked me to say to you a warmth hello from them again and again! They wish us a good life together too! My dearest Shawn, also I have a good news! I want to say to you that Natasha and Frank have reminded me today with my possible coming to you my Shawn. The fact in that Natasha have a good aunt Tatyana in Moscow which, possible, will can help me with an information about my coming to you in USA Shawn in future soon! Also I want to say to you that Natasha aunt Tatyana has helped to Natasha at once when Natasha and Frank have met each other in Internet, when Frank asked Natasha to come to him in Germany, Hamburg City. Natasha aunt Tatyana has helped to Natasha with all information for need necessary documents for the Natasha coming to Germany to Frank. This aunt Tatyana works in one of the individual travel firm in Moscow City. It's so positively for us because she will can to help me with all important detaled things of information about all necessary documents for my future coming to you in USA my love Shawn. Also I want to remind that Natasha and Frank will go to Germany soon, as I said you earlier, because Frank want it, Natasha want it too, they decided about it earlier. And Natasha will address to her aunt Tatyana about all necessary information for coming to Germany too, and Natasha will can ask Tatyana about all necessary information for the documents and prices of my coming to you in USA. Natasha will try to connect with Tatyana in Moscow soon on days, and will ask about all important information too! Frank and Natasha say to you a friend greetings again and again my Shawn, and hope that we will together soon too! They are so happy, and happy for us my love Shawn. Also I want to say to you my Shawn that it's so good that Natasha and Frank, and also me and you my Shawn found each other by the Internet, I think that the Internet is the assistant in everything, in Internet people can find any information, and it's inportant that the people can to fall in love by the Internet, realy my dear Shawn??? I so love you my darling, I'm sure in my love with you so much, and I want to say to you that with every day I want to be with you more and more my Shawn, I love you so much dear, I can't without you my Shawn, you are so necessary for me Shawn, I love you, Shawn!!!!!!!!! I am ready To apply all my forces on our meeting. I think, that we should have a meeting so or Differently, because we should know each other better. The meeting in the person will helpTo us to make serious steps in our life. You agree with me? I was very resolutely adjusted to a meeting with you. I shall find out the
information As soon as possible. I shall inform you immediately as soon as I shall have The necessary information. I so am excited about our meeting. I understand, that I can not To hide tears for pleasure at our meeting from my eyes. You only do not pay attentionIf I shall cry in day of our meeting. OK? You promise me? I so want To have sensation of your man's hands. So your caress is necessary for me. I wantTo feel your care. I then shall be the happiest woman in the world! I shall try to do by that happy the man in the world! I want, that we Now went towards to our love. I want, that our meeting was a first step To happy joint life!!!! Let's do our life happy and long! I want, that the union of our hearts was strong! I want to care of you, I want to love you All my female heart. I do not want, that something prevented us in life. But without It it is impossible, therefore we should overcome all. Our love should overcome all!Also my Shawn, on days, possible tomorrow or after tomorrow, I want to go to the church that I must thank God that we found each other my love, I so thank our God, I know that God helped us to find you my Shawn, I know about it, Shawn! My darling, on this I will end my e-mail to you, I will wait for your next emails with my great love desire!!! You must know, Shawn, how I feel so happy myself when I read your messages my darling! Well, I must be off my Shawn, I will think about you Shawn so much, I love you, and I want to be with you as soon as possible my love Shawn!!!!! Truly, xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox kisses and huges your love, Elena.
Hello my love man, my dearest Shawn! How are you doing my Shawn? I'm doing so fine, my honey! I have gotten you answer, my Shawn, more as usual, it's so happy for me to receive your necessary love for me, your warmth words my dear Shawn. My dearest Shawn, I love you my Shawn, I love you so much that I cann't without you now my love, you and your messages are so necessary for me, you are the inseparable part of my life my love Shawn. I say about it very seriously! Because you know how much I love you my darling Shawn, I cann't without you my Shawn! All days, all seconds I'm dreaming about our meeting my Shawn, I cann't wait a moment when we will meet in your airport my love, I want it so much my darling! I'm a happiest woman in this world, because we have met each other, dearest Shawn! My dear, I want to wish to all people to love each other very much, because I have tested this feeling with you my dear, it happen so quick my dear and through Internet, I want to say to you my dear, that all people, who want to find a love man or woman, this man or woman will find the love necessarily, I'm sure in this my dear Shawn, because I found you my love through the Internet, and we love each other so much, and I know that our love is most dear feeling from other feelings that exists on this small light-blue planet. My dear Shawn, I love you very much, I so miss you darling, I want to be with you my love man Shawn! My love Shawn, I want to say to you that my girlfriend Natasha tried to connect with her aunt Tatyana in Moscow to ask her about the all necessary information about my future coming to you my Shawn, but I want to say to you that it was so pity for me that Natasha aunt Tatyana wasn't on the place in this moment when Natasha rong to her aunt. But Natasha said me that she will try to ring to Tatyana to Moscow soon on nearest time! We are me and my parents sure that Tatyana aunt will give to us all information about my coming to you my love Shawn. My dear, I cann't wait a time when we will together my dear, I miss you badly my darling! At last night I couldn't to sleep again my dear Shawn, I thought about you and about us mydearest Shawn! My love Shawn, before my writing to you, in my mind came a liric thinking about you my darling. I have found an Internet one liric poem too, I want to say to you that I like this poem so much, I want to show my great love and missing about you in this poem, I hope that you will love this feel and soul poem for you my darling, is ---SO FAR AWAY---(by Steve Forsythe)SO FAR AWAY..... THE BEACHES OR FORESTS YOU WALKYET SO
CLOSEFOR, AS SURE AS THE SUN RISESAND THE TIDES WILL CHANGEI WILL ALWAYS HAVE YOUR LOVE AN YOU WILL ALWAYS BE CLOSE TO MY HEART My love Shawn, I hope you love this poem, it one that makes me think of you often my darling, this poem from my heart which fulled by our love to each other my Shawn. I hope that you will can test this so love liric words. My darling, also again and again I want to say to you that my parents are very very happy for that we will together soon my dear Shawn. My mom and my dad all time ask about you, and on their words I understand that they love you too, as their native son! My sisters Katya and Masha ask me about you too :) Simply, my family understand completely that I have found my boyfriend as you dear, my love Shawn. Also as usual and usual warmth greetings from my family to you, my dearest Shawn! My Shawn, also again I want to share with you my some problem in my job, it's again
Raisa, the waiter in our bar... :( I want to say to you that I heared from Raisa so bad words to my side again recently :( As you remember, as I told you earlier, Raisa think about our love very very bad! I think that simply she envies us very much, really, Shawn? She said that all men promise to the women a happy life and love on a beautiful words, and she said that you are not exception :( She said me that you speak a beautiful words to me only, and that you willn't to undertake all of effort for our quick meeting and she said also that simply, all men are people who promise on words very much, but on the actions, as since sides of the gentleman, they are weak people. Also she said that you willn't do all things for our meeting my dear Shawn, it was insulting for me from her words :( My dear Shawn, I cried from her words very much, she said me a dirty lie!!!
Realy, my Shawn? She think about all men very bad, I don't know, I don't understand!!! WHY? Why she think about men so bad? I think that she don't and willn't understand so happy feelings as the LOVE between woman and man! My Shawn, I want to say to you that I don't want to work in this bar, it's so pity for me, because from this so bad and silly
Raisa. I want to say to you that also Raisa is a distant relative of our boss of our bar, she adjusts our director against me some time. Raisa said to our director that he will forbid me to use the computer for my writing to you, she said that the computer is not for the love feelings, she said that the computer is for work needs only! When I heared it, I cried my dear Shawn. Why Raisa is so bad to me and to us with you my darling? WHY? :( I don't understand it, my Shawn! My darling, I want to say to you that I willn't can to go against Raisa because she is the relative of our bar's director, but by the way I want to say to you that I spoke with our director Alexandr too. He said that I don't must to pay of attention on
Raisa, but since other side he cann't go against Raisa too because they are the relatives. But Alexandr said me that I can use the computer for my writing to you my dear Shawn, because he is a good man and he said that he understand my love to you Shawn and he said me that he have a good wife which he love very much and he told also about their love with his wife too, I thank our director Alexandr that he has solved me to use the computer that I can to write you my dear, but he repeat me that he cann't go against
Raisa, he said that, possible and I think it is true, that Raisa will render on me moral pressure, he said also that it will be better for me that, if I willn't work with Raisa in one bar, I will can to leave my job. My darling, I don't want that Raisa offended me by her silly statements!!! I don't want to work in this bar with this so bad woman Raisa my darling, I don't want to hear her of the insult never! I want to say to you that my mom and my dad, and also Natasha and Frank calmed me after Raisa's words. I cried on the shoulders of Natasha. Frank and Natasha said me that all will ok, because we with you love each other, and any Raisa willn't to prevent us when we will together with you my love Shawn, they said also that it will be better that I will leave from my job in the bar and I will prepare to my coming to you my dear Shawn, my parents and Natasha and Frank said me that they are indignant by the bad words of
Raisa, is especial my dad. He don't want that her daughter as me willn't offend anybody. By the way my parents and Natasha and Frank sure that you will a good husband for me, and also that you willn't offend me never, I said to my parents and Natasha and Frank that you are not capable on bad things with me as do it
Raisa. My dear Shawn, please, promise to me that you willn't offend me, please, promise me about it my dear, please, I trust you so much, and I don't want that you will break my heart at once! I love you so much my dear Shawn, I so trust to your love feelings to me my darling, I cann't without you my Shawn, I
cann't! I want to be with you for ever my Shawn, I love you and I miss you badly, darling, I hope that we will find all our life forces for that we will together soon my love Shawn. I love you and I miss you very much my Shawn! Ok, on this note, let me finish my letter to you my Shawn, I want to say to you that I will wait for you messages with a great pleasure. Ok, see you soon my love Shawn. Ok, again and again warmth greetings from my mother, my father, my sisters and Natasha with Frank to you my dearest love man Shawn!!! Thinking about you so much, Shawn, My aspiration to be with you as soon as possible, Truly, your love Elena. PS Still I want tell that I can to arrive in Russia sometimes without the visa and without problems! ALSO want to tell you that my parents will accept from you a bottle fault if you to give it to them, they people old-fashioned so you should understand it. So they will not understand me if I shall accept from you any gifts while you not near to me! Well? You may understand it.
  
Olga Mikisheva
(Sayanogorsk, Russia)
She does not look the same as the other pictures
She contacted me through ISO personals which is not an agency . She never answer my questions or gave me a phone number for me to call, finally I decided to sent an specific letter to answer : I told her that I have some friends going to Russia near the area where she lives and they will try to contact her to take some video and invite her for dinner or something and she reply with this letter which I feel is a template letter:
Hi my love R.
Today when I have come in Internet - cafe I was very glad to see the new letter from you.
My mood became much better when I have read it. When I read your letter, at me even have appeared of tear of pleasure.
When I began to correspond with you I had hope that at us with you all will be good.
With each your letter I understood that I have found male which is necessary for me.
I want to tell, that my feelings and the words in relation to you always were sincerely and I always understood that we put a lot of trust
Now I am sure on all 100% that I can trust you when I read your letter I has seen your sincerity and fidelity.
I think anything in life is so much better when you can share the moment with someone else.
Sometimes just to hold the hand of that person you love can make all the worldly troubles disappear.
A perfect evening for me is maybe taking a long walk with that special man in my life,the skies would be clear, the snow is fresh, and all the stars can be seen.
The fresh snow crunches under our feet as we walk. The air would be cold and crisp and I can feel the warmth of your hand in my hand.
And I feel that you get in my heart more and more. It is especially interesting to dream of it when in the street becomes colder.
Your letter warms my heart and that once we can carry out our dreams allows to give up hope.
My dear, my love R, in my last letter I told you about my love feelings to you.
I wrote this letter with so close love feelings, my dearest, I didn't can to hide my love to you, my soul prompted me that I must to tell about my love to you, because it is so difficult to hide a close feelings I love you, R, and I want to say to you it always I want to say to you, my darling, that I can't without your letters now your letters are necessary for me, I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH MY DEAREST R!!!
It is pity that only our letters connect us, I want to see you in reality.
I want it very much. Our letters connect our close love feelings to each other, but it only letters my love R, I want to say that my mum and my best friends are very happy for us,they are all time ask about you, about you feelings to me and I don't worry say about our love feelings now, because I don't want to hide my love to you my R, I have found sense of my life, I love you and I miss you my love R.
My darling, on this I will finish my letter to you, I will wait for your next email with my great love desire, you must know how I feel so happy myself when I read your letter my darling.
Ok, I must go my dear, I will miss you, I LOVE YOU and I want to be with you for ever thinking about you my love R
Your and only your love, truly, Olga.
As you can see, she is now
preparing for the "kill" she never mentioned anything about
my friends going overthere or what I asked ... this is when I decided
to find out if this was a scam, finding your site on the internet.
Maybe this will help somebody else before they get "hook". I
did not send her any money, I realized that this was a scam.
Letter # 5
Hello my magnificent R!
I am very glad to receive your letter, I very much waited for it! I want to inform you that I think of you each minute and it is not surprising,
you most remarkable male with which I ever met the in life. I want to inform you as my day go, I hope that it will be interesting to you.
I do not like to sleep long in the morning, therefore I wake up in 6 00,
I think of you, I very much would like to embrace you to kiss and tell you good morning,
with this fine idea I rise from my bed. I would not like to let off an idea on you and I present that you in a bed and you look at me.
I make some exercises, I already spoke that I keep up a figure, after gymnastics I go in bathing, it approximately in 6 40,
I close eyes and I see as you have a shave, it is very beautiful, I want to be approached to you and to kiss, but it only the dreams.
After a bath I go to prepare for breakfast, I love the easy foodstuffs,
and I do not eat many, morning, I prefer sandwiches I drink tea, and I think of you,
I think that you sit opposite to me and we speak about that that we shall do in the evening,
I dream that sometime it will be real. After that I gather for work, I do not use a lot of cosmetics therefore it does not occupy a lot of time,
a plenty of cosmetics renders bad influence on a skin, and I do not love it.
I leave from a house approximately in 8 20, I should reach work by the bus,
because I have no the automobile. I arrive for work in 8 50, and already in 9 00,
I begin the work. It is very difficult to look that children are sick, and I am very happy that I can to help,
I love children and I think that they should not be sick, because they defenceless,
and very sensitive. Each morning I make detour, I examine each child, and I am glad very much,
when someone is already healthy and leaves from hospital home. My detour proceeds approximately up to 11 30 sometimes up to 12 00,
I not to save time and try to give a maximum of attention and time to each child.
I have dinner there in hospital, there there is a dining room and we, all collective, have dinner.
I have a few free time after dinner and I think of you, I think that it would be fine to call to you at this time and to speak you that,
I very much wait when my work will be finished and we can be together.
I have overlooked speak you that I can not to call to you from hospital,
there there is a phone, but there is no line of the international negotiations,
it sounds surprisingly and it is very inconvenient, but our government
allocates few money to medicine, and we can call only within the limits of city.
After a break for dinner I study records more in detail, I appoint procedures,
or I give directions on operation, it is a lot of work. I finish in 18 00, and I at once go in the Internet of cafe what to write the letter to you.
I am very glad that I have got acquainted with such fine the man as you,
I think that we fine pair, and like each other very much, You agree with me?
I come back home approximately in 21 00 today it will be little bit later,
I have written very big letter but I think that you not get tired to read it.
After the Internet of cafe I arrive home and we with my mum have supper,
I did not speak you earlier, my father has died when to me was 4 years, therefore I know about him only under stories of my mum,
I shall send you a photos where we with my mum I hope that you will like it.
After a work and Internet of cafe I feel very much tired, and sometimes at once I lie down to sleep,
in other days I watch TV or I read the book, I lie down to sleep approximately in 22 30
I think of you, I mentally wish you good night and I kiss you, with these ideas I fall asleep.
I shall finish this letter, I want to tell you very more, but I shall do it in the following letter
I wait your answer with impatience
Your Olga
Letter # 6
Hi my love R!
I have received your letter, it of full sincere heat and sympathy to me.
I think that for that time that we with you are write each other letters, we to get
used to each other. I think that we are necessary each other. I constantly think of you, you has occupied a place in my heart.
At work my girlfriends speak that I am in love. Yes, I love you !!!!!
I talked about it to the mum and she speaks that it well, she thinks that I shall be
happy. I think that we should meet, we should see each other, look in eyes,
because through the Internet the emotions are lost and difficultly understand each
other. We became frank with you and I think that you want learn about my sexual experience.
In Russia all men dream only to drag you in bed, but I do not want it,
I do not want be given the first passer that he has taken pleasure.
Love - it something more than it give the man to learn happiness in this life, and
men represent it only as sex.
I think that it incorrectly and I hope that you with me agree. I want have sex only with favourite by the man.
I shall to be given to him completely both body and soul. We together learn all depths pleasures.
Our passion will be poured out for limits peoples love and we shall be enjoy each
other all life up to last moment of our existence. Today we with my girlfriend go walk on city to make some purchases.
I again thought only of you and waited for that moment, when I shall read your
letter. I feel what our hearts are beaten in one rhythm, you feel it? I with impatience wait for your the following letter.
Kiss in your gentle lips by a long and passionate kiss!
Forever your Olga
 
 
Veronika Andreisheva
(Kozmodemiansk, Russia)
I am a single 27 year old man who is employed by the Federal Government. I have a Yahoo Personals account, which is how Veronika first contacted me. I was not the least bit suspicious at first, but I have always been cautious and decided to check up on it. Thank God I did. Your website saved me from being scammed. I only received 2 letters from her and one photo. She never got around to asking me for money. Needless to say, after finding out this
information about her, I sent her a wonderful nasty gram. I hope she likes it. I probably should not have let my anger get the best of me, as my letter was quite rude (putting it nicely). Beware! She is obviously still in the scamming business. Here are the 2 letters in order:
On 02/06/2005 08:33 pm EST, "veronichkaklubnichka" wrote:
Hi lonely heart!!!
I searched the partner in life, for creation of family. I think you very interesting person!
You are interesting to me! My name is Veronika . I am from Russia. I live in a city called
Kozmodem'jansk . It is very beautiful town. Write me your e-mail and
I think that you will like me.write me to My e-mail is
And now a little about me:I am 26. I have light hair and green eyes . I will wait your letter.
2nd letter I received:
Hi my dear stranger Keith!
I have more recently learned to work on the Internet and have casually gone on a site where has found your profile. I very modest girl, but I nevertheless have dared to write to you as I think that communication with the person from other country is very unusual! I never communicated with people from other countries and I simply dream to find in your person of the friend with whom it is simply interesting to communicate and share news! You the first to whom I write and I hope, that our correspondence will have the good beginning! Now I sit in Internet - cafe and I write to you this letter! I think, that time has come to get acquainted! My name is
Veronika. I from Russia, live in the city Kozmodemiansk. I'm 26 years old. My growth 175
My Birthday is July,8. On a horoscope Cancer. Nationalities I am Russian. My religion: the Christian. On character I the sanguine
person: very cheerful, kind, vigorous and in a measure modest. I easily find common language with
strangers and simply I like to communicate on interesting themes! My job: the teacher of biology. I work at school and I'm teaching children of biology about plants and animals. I very much love animals. When I was a child, I studied at musical school during 4 years where I learned playing on a piano. I was the winner of many festivals and competitions on music. All spoke about me as about talented the pupil. But I am engaged in playing on a piano just a little now, but frequently I sing in karaoke and always I get the highest results! When I have free time i like walk in the parks which are a lot of in my town. I am absorbed in books as well.
Pushkin, Esenin are the great poets deserving to be read by everyone. I take pleasure in reading poems about which I can tell a bit more. In my 16-17 I delighted visiting my granny and grandpa in the small city of Zelenograd in 50 km from Moscow in Russia. They reside in a small house but have a big orchard. This is an astonishing place like paradise especially it is beautiful in spring and summer when there flower apple-trees, cherry-trees and apricots. I rollick in waking up early in the morning and
listening to birds singing and looking at trees aflower. It is a beautiful nature like nothing else on earth. It is gorgeous and marvelous in
coloring. A trifle later our orchard treated us with fruits tasting deliciously. I still remember this
flavor. Closing my eyes I see the picture of my orchard. My grandpa comes to my mind catching fish on the lake and we waited for him with impatience. Granny cooked a very tasteful fish soup. What is more? My granny had small goats. She milked them and gave me fresh milk. In evenings I with my friends, get together to read poems. Oh! I am just lost in warm memories of my childhood. I think one can write about them endlessly. It is much pleasant for me to correspond with you about my memories. All this takes me deeply. I enjoy swimming and from time to time I attend swimming-pool. I like going on foot. Active life is generally my cup of tea. I can write about it long and long. If you take some interest in this point of my life, I will talk to you about it in my next letters. I hope, that my letter was pleasant to you! I too wait from you for interesting letters! I hope, we shall soon make friendship and we become the best friends!
With hope your Veronika
Seems like a pretty convincing letter. I was not aware as to how extensive this scam was until I read your website. I wish I could see the look on her face when she reads what I emailed her! Serves her right for pulling something so stupid. I hope that Yahoo is aware of idiots like this. The email address above is the only one I have for her. She probably has dozens of them. Again, thanks for this website and to the people who came forward with their information as well. Glad I caught onto her before she had a chance to “milk the cow”. I am in the process of informing Yahoo. Just wanted to get this warning out.

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