My Name is Bart, single/divorced living alone<no kids> home based in Willimastown, Kentucky. I was contacted by this certain JULIA ZAKALINA @ YAHOO PERSONAL WEBSITE STARTS 10/29/04. We had been communicating for quite a while <5 MONTHS TO BE EXACT> till i found out that she is one of the blacklisted women in your website. She stills send me email right now but she doesn't know that i discovered something that smells fishy on her personality.Well thanks for your web site and I am glad that I was not totally hooked and trapped with her fake personality and scam activity. This is her URL address in the web http://www.women-Russia.com/blackpage317.htm#zakalina. First she will convinced you that her intention is true and sincere. In our first acquaintance she called me up in my place Kentucky.So beware of this name JULIA ZAKALINA. I Send her $380.00 dollars for fixing her TOURIST U.S VISA.Till I found out in U.S EMBASSY in Russia that her VISA is a fake and no one is given a VISA under the name of JULIA ZAKALINA. Her strategy was so convincing, she called me up over the phone and we had a nice conversation.And I thought that she is real. Attached are her first email and when she demands money.It was a template and stereotyped email she wrote on her other victims. Please do me favor, posting this letter of mine in your blacklist web-site. I would greatly appreciate your help and so to other guys be aware of the illegal activities of this certain JULIA ZAKALINA. Thank you. BART
Hello,Bart Bobbot Gianan I glad to see your reply ! Your profile liked to me, very much! I hope, I am like you too. I directly would like to learn more about you to learn your interests as you live as you work. I will be glad to have such friend, as you. In life i very cheerful person open mind. I think that main features of human character it is sincerity, kindness, politeness, and as I think, that the person it is necessary should be the respectable citizen with love to the country. I frequently see young pairs, and I see as they are happy, I sincerely am glad for them, but thus I remain without loved male At me was one friend, but it is little bit sad history, I was possible shall tell to you about it little bit later. Now let me write you some words about myself and let's see if we are interested in each other to go on with our communication. I live in Russia. Not in USA. I am from Kostroma city, it a not big, nice town. I live together with my parents whom I love greatly and we are very happy and friendly family. I work as the children's doctor in hospital. I have more hobbies and interests. Let me begin with some of them. OK? I like to listen to different music, best of all I like melodic, romantic ballads, of course, about love, but I find very interesting also other kinds of music.(Madonna, Sting,Scorpions,Benny Benasi,Roxette,Bon Jovi....and much more) I adore literature and especially poetry. I know a lot of poems, but only few of them by heart. Why? Because I learn by heart only those special poems that I love. I don't smoke and don't drink, never used drugs as well. I take care about my appearance and my health. I would like to meet a male,the kind, nice, attentive, caring, healthy and to fall in love if we understand each other, take care of each other and if we are ready to share all in this life, good times and happiness and bad times as well. I'm dreaming about my own family, my beloved husband and to have children with him in the future. I think that our purposes coincide, and you want it most too. I was never married and had no children, but very to love them, I hope to have baby. Children - to decorate happiness our life and to do its happy. I also want to learn about your private life and about your attitude to children. As for as I have this way to meet my man from another country. I have a question for you. Are you ready to have relationship with a women from Russia? It very important to me. What do you expect from this relations? And how do you imadine your future with a women from another country? Are you serious to find your wife abroad? And what you think about family? Please, answer my questions in details, because they are important for our relations and possible future together. Let's try to get to know each other better and let's try our chance. I'm finished my letter, but I hope to get your soon reply with answers to my questions and your story, write me more about yourself and everything you'd like to share with me. I'd be very glad to get your letter, I'm looking forward to get it soon. I hope that you understand my English Take care. Julia.
Hello my love How are you? BARTI thought of our meeting very much. I want to explain, why I want to arrive to you now. If you can help me with the visa (380 dollars) with this month I can take air tickets on credit and arrive to you very soon. If I shall not buy the visa this month, to me will not give the credit to buy the ticket. I think, that now it is necessary for us to meet. That you think of it.! At me all is good. Thank for your care. I am never shall forget day of our acquaintance. I each day dream to meet you. When I go to sleep , I dream to be in Your embraces.To me is a pity , that us divides ocean , and between us of 100000 miles! But I believe that soon we shall meet. I believe in destiny and I believe in love! You believe? I believe that for love there are no borders. The love is capable to make magic!! Love this magic! I am glad that we like each other. Without love there is no life. The love gives us force and hope! I think, that you understand me! My dreams do not have borders........ ..... Once we shall be together. We shall sit on a beach and to observe a decline. Then you will present me a sweet kiss.... mmm. our hearts will beat in a unison! It will be unforgettable night! Then there will come dawn! The first beam of the sun will touch us and will bring heat, light and there will come new day! ...... It is a pity that only dreams! To me it becomes slightly sad. But I do not suffer. I long very much searched for the love! And I do not want to lose you. I finish the letter. I wish you a lot of love and I send you sweet sweet kiss! always yours Julia.
Hello my love BART! I have received your letter and I understand that I am only begin to live. I not represent any more life without you, my Angel! I love you, and I am ready to repeat these words again and again! Please, to not think poorly of me, simply it overflow my feelings I talked to mum about us with you and about our future and that probably I soon leave in other country. You do not think that I solve it spontaneously, I very long think of it. I do not want to miss the happiness again. I talked to mum and she is very happy for me, she even bless me. It can is silly sounds, but today I represented our meeting. I think out very many interesting pictures. In the street there is a fine weather and you stand and wait for me in the airport and worry for my arrival. Then you approach to the plane, we look around And we search eyes each other in crowd, then with to become transfixed hearts we find each other and to rush into strong embraces. We stand having embraced, and all look at us. And for us as though nothing exist. Only you and I!!! It was a great day when I received the first letter from you I thank the God and I know that I found you and I love you. I am pleased with an opportunity to meet you soon, and I want it very much I think you want it too, your letters was the ray of light in my life. At first I was not interested in moving to other country but I will do it because I found my love and it's YOU!!! We have firm in our city which makes the documents for people who want to leave the country. I asked about moving to your country and I got the answer that I need the visa, foreign passport and some other documents for registration. We have defined a type of the visa and it's type which allows to marry in the future but if it will be not realize I must return to my country after ninety days it's limit for visa. I asked about prices and was very surprised, first I ask about time of performance and they said that there is many people who wants to make documents and leave the country But if I'll make the application now, and pay for it now, they will make all documents not more than two weeks, and if I'll not make the application, documents will be prepared not earlier than two or three months because there are many people who wants to do it. I was very much surprised with the prices of services. It's make me little suppressed and disappointed I don't have so much now. I was make application but I must pay for it. I asked my mother about our savings she said that the money should not be a barrier between two people which love each other. I counted my sum and I found out that I have only about fifty dollars and my wages will be not soon. I asked my friends about helping me and they said that have not at the present moment. I asked the advice my mother and she said that maybe you can help me because you loves me. I have the aunt which work in bank. I to go to my aunt and to learn the information. I know now, that exists reliable and fast company which makes remittances in world and it's western union. She said that sender must go to the western union, give them information: the name and last name of receiver, country they make transfer and bring the ten digits secret code to sender. The receiver must know ten digits for receiving money. They say that the branches of it must be everywhere worldwide. I to give the information of my aunt. I ask to make translation addressed to my aunt because I to not understand in bank questions. My aunt well understands in bank operations. Therefore it will be more convenient for me. Here is the information: Country: Russia, City: Kostroma. Name: Julia, Lastname: Zakalina. Address of branch of western union: SOVETSKAYA, 49 KOSTROMA , 156000. I must know your full name, full address. You must know that I decide to ask you about it because I love you and trust you very much. I decide to come to you because I feel this way and you are very necessary to me, I decided to come to the unfamiliar country and I never be outside my country. But I decided to do it because now you are part of my life and I trust you in all. I think you trust me too and love me too. You must inform me the closest airport to you I'll ask the help with ticket from my relatives. Please don't forget to tell me the closest airport. My love I need 380 USD I think you will help me because we found our love and we want to meet closer. You must inform me ten digits and I can receive it. You must know we must hurry because I can receive the documents soon and if we lost the time it is necessary for a long time. Now it's very difficultly to receive the visa to your country, and it's fact, but if I pay now I think I do it. I think about sense of money, and I'm very sad if this paper can prevent people to meet each other. In most cases the money play a main role in life but it's not right! I'm sure. And the quantity of money was and will not important to me I always not aspired to material enrichment and don't search specially for rich male. I appreciate human qualities and relations and I love you BART!!! I love you all my heart, I want to be with you now... I want to be with you forever. If it's mutually we will be very happy in our life. I think you love me too and we will meet very soon. You are my love, my Angel. My heart is yours. I'm waiting good news from you, I hope everything will be all right and we will be together soon. Every day I think about our meeting, and I think it's real, we must use this chance of destiny. I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! Your love Julia.
From : FPM Moscow <FPMM@state.gov> Save to Address Book | Block Sender
Subject : RE: Legitimacy,Validity,Effectivity of U.S. NON IMMIGRANT VISA (B 1)
Date : Mon, 4 Apr 2005 14:36:03 +0400
Dear Sir, There have been no US visas issued for the person you mentioned below. Please be aware that there is a very common internet scam to defraud American men whereby people create false Internet profiles and send what appear to be legitimate correspondences.
They usually misinform the victim about travel expenses that do not exist and/or they inflate the cost of the expenses that do exist. They lure the American in with e-mails, pictures, phone calls, fake visas. and even e-mails from fake travel agencies in an attempt to prove their good intentions. Almost always something happens and they "can't leave the country". They either "get injured and are in the hospital" and a "member of the family" contacts you for more money or a "member of the family" needs an emergency operation and therefore will need more money, or they are stuck at the airport and are not allowed to board until they can show they have xxx amount of dollars to cover their expenses while in the US. At some point they claim to have been robbed of the money that was sent or claim that they are detained at the airport. Again, their purpose is not to immigrate to the US, but to get as much money as possible from the victim. Many men have lost anywhere between $400 to $11,000 because they continued to send money without suspicion. Most of these scammers are actually men who are paying women a minimal fee to sit and pose for pictures and to pick up the money at the Western Union. We hope this information has been helpful. Sincerely, Consular Fraud Prevention Unit, US Embassy, Moscow, Russia. www.usembassy.ru
-----Original Message-----
From: BART C GIANAN JR [mailto:bobbotg1101@netzero.com]
Sent: Thursday, March 31, 2005 6:20 PM
To: consulmo@state.gov
Subject: RE:Legitimacy,Validity,Effectivity of U.S. NON IMMIGRANT VISA (B1)
Dear Sir/Madam, My name is Mr. Bartolome C. Gianan Jr., I am a permanent resident, Green Card holder currently residing in Kentucky with a postal address of 52 Hampshire Dr. Williamstown Kentucky 41097. I had met a Russian Girl on the dating services website in the intenet. I send her $380.00 for her to fixed her U.S. NON IMMIGRANT VISA. I was just wondering if her VISA is legitimate and not a false docuents before I move on and do my next step. I would like to seek the help of your good ofice in tracking down if a B1 NON IMMIGRANT U.S. VISA(B1) is legitimate, valid, effective and not a false documents. Attached is a copy of her U.S. VISA. I will greatly appreciate your help regarding my personal inquiry. Thank you. Sincerely, Mr. Bartolome C. G.
(Nadya) Koshenkova (Penza, Russia)
I am an 32 year old, American, real estate developer. I was contacted through Match.com, where I have a profile posted, by a woman from Russia calling herself Nadya Koshenkova. I had been toying with the idea of searching for a Russian woman, so I responded to her letter. I was, however, leary of this anonomous contact because I read on Russianwomen.com that contact through a method other then a repuatble agency is a prefered method scammers use to acquire victims. During the correspondence I kept a very close eye out for the tell tail warning signs of a scammer, however, other the method of contact none of the other warning signs were present. She obviously was reading my letters and taking time to answer my questions. She said she had internet access at work, and even sent picture of her in an office at a computer terminal (this explained her frequent emails). I think she may have actually been telling the truth about her work? She also moved slowly is as far as proclaiming love for me; fast proclamation of love being another warning sign. As a test, I asked her for her mailing address so I could send her a music CD; she gave me the address without hesitation. Everything seemed legitimate. This woman is very good at her trade! We talked of meeting. She said it was her dream to see the US and she would like to visit me. She even asked me if I would be willing to write a letter of introduction and reasurrance to her father expressing my sincere and honorable intentions. Can you get more real then that? I did explain that it was very difficult to get a tourist visa to visit the US, again, thanks to russianwomen.com I knew a US tourist visa is virtually impossible to obtain. Nadya was nontheless determined, and said she was going to a travel agency to inquire as to what is necessary; she wanted to try to get a visa anyways. I kept waiting for her to ask for money, but still she didn't. Finally, after several more very nice letters, she said she had the details of what she needed to get a tourist visa. She was very clever in the way she asked for the money, she applogized for talking about money, and said she was ashamed to be discussing this with me, then she listed out the expenses of a visa application, these expenses were indeed the same as the fees listed on the US Department of State web site. She then said that she could borrow $200 from her father, and had $100 saved for herself, but that between travel expenses to Moscow ettcetera; she needed $450 from me. I almost believed her...but I detected something amiss. I explained that I was uncomfortable sending money overseas to someone I had never met. I further explained that I could quite easily come to Russia and visit her. I explained that if things went well with my visit to Russia that we could then bring her over to the US via a finacee visa. This, of course, was no good to her, she insisted that I send the money and promised to "pay me back" if her visa appliation was denied, she ended that letter saying she "loved me". The genie was finally out of the bottle. I knew if she cared about me she would want to meet no matter which country the meeting took place. I finally saw her for what she was; a scammer. Thank goodness for Elana and her web site russianwomen.com! This scammer Nadya is very good. If I had not been armed with the knowlege russianwomen.com provided me I would have surely been scammed. I informed match.com of this woman's activities and they have canceled her trail membership. Be careful guys! Sincerely, Dustin
The first letter:
Good afternoon, and may be good evening. First of all I want to name to you my name. My name Nadejda. You will be probably surprised to receive this letter. The matter is that I write you this letter from Russia! I live in small city under the name Penza. It is city on the river Sura. (the History of city very interesting, but about it later) I want to tell to you about my purposes in life slightly And about me. I the educated and cheerful woman. I think, that I have Rather good external data. I might translate my sizes on your metric system. My growth makes 5 ' 8 ". Also my weight of 126 ft. Here in Russia we measure it as 172 centimeters And 54 kgs. It will be very good, if you look at my picture. It will be more the best Way to judge my appearance. I have some pictures and I shall be glad to send you my pictures, That you might see me better. All my life I lived in Russia and I have here friends and relatives. Now I work As the bookkeeper of the company Penza - Energo. We are engaged in the account of consumption and i?iaa?u the electric power in our city. I always dreamed to find my love. I search for mine soulmate! I think, that it is a lot of women Dream to live in USA and to have the good husband. You know, I heard many histories about happy marriage The Russian woman and American men. I know, that American the man may give the best life For the wife. I want to tell you, that I do not search for easy life. I search for my HAPPINESS in life. You understand? I like to work, I like to have fair life. I dream to create family and to take care of my husband. I want, that me loved and also took care. I love tenderness and kindness in the man. Also I like Decent and fair the man. Unfortunately in Russia now not so good economic situation and I do not think, that this good place to create Family at this particular time. I still young and I want to think of my family. I want to create family in more good Conditions for life. I think, that USA a good place. However I never visited USA and it will be very interesting to me To know, what you think of it? Well, I think that already has told about my purposes much. Please, if you have interest in me I shall be glad To receive your letter and probably some pictures. Also inform me about your purposes on the future. I shall wait and hope, that you will not disregard my letter. Thank you! Yours faithfully, Nadejda. 04 April, 2005
PS I have the request to you that you wrote to me on this e-Mail address: It is more convenient for me that you wrote to me here because I do not want to pay my membership in
Letter requesting money:
Greetings my dear Dustin! I like your pictures! I am very happy to receive your letter today. I waited very much today to write to you as soon as possible. Also it was very interesting to me to receive your letter. My work today passes well enough. But I much I think of you. I right now test such pleasant feelings. When I began to write to you I did not think that I shall be To test similar feelings. With each other letter which I wrote to you I all more to appreciate our friendship. I trust you. I in general think, that the present love will consist of the following components. It:
1. A physical inclination. I to you have a physical inclination. YOU have to me a physical inclination?
2. Trust. I trust you completely. I know, that you the good person. I want to hope, that you trust me also. From the first letters I wanted, that between us there was a trust.
3. Understanding. I think, that I understand yours the purposes in life. I know, that you want. Both of us want to have family and to be happy. Our purposes coincide!
4. Feeling of the responsibility. I shall never cause you a pain. I shall be always true to you. I shall never deceive you. I would like, that you also never have offended me.
I can give you a part of my heart and soul. If you might look in my heart you would understand, that my heart very pure and it is open for you. Please, do not deceive me never and do not break my heart. OK? Today I have rather good news to us. I have set of the information and it will help us in our future life! My Dustin, I found time and I went in agency of travel and I spoke from ladies who very well explained all to me. Lady has told me at once, that it is complex enough process to receive the visa. There are some types of visas. She explained me, that if to take all things correctly it will be possible to have a meeting soon. I however shall not speak now about terms, When I can receive all documents ready. So, I to you now shall tell that it is necessary for us to do to be together. To my affliction, I can not receive the visa in our city. To receive the visa to me it will be necessary to go to Moscow. Lady in agency explained me, that in Russia the embassy of USA is present only in some cities. The city closest to me is Moscow. In other words I should go to Moscow to address in embassy of USA for the visa. I have already defined type of the visa which is necessary for me. As my first visiting will be short, I shall go probably in USA as the tourist and I shall receive the visa of the tourist. It for us now the best way. It will demand less time to receive the visa of the tourist and that the smaller quantity of money will be not less important to cost. This visa refers to as as B-2 and sheis valid within 6 months after I shall arrive to USA. This the visa will cost for me approximately 150 dollars. Cost of the visa will include also various taxes. Except for my visa I shall require the passport. I have no my passport and consequently I should receive the passport. Dustin, you already know, that I did not travel outside of Russia and consequently I have no my passport. That I shall receive the passport to require in 100 dollars. Lady also explained me, that in USA will pass only healthy people. I think, that I quite healthy woman. I at work Passed a medical board and to me have told, that all is good. I healthy! But anyhow for embassy of USA I should pass Medical board. It will take from me additional 50 dollars. Also it will be necessary for me to fill in the questionnaire. Registration of all my data and filling of questionnaires will demand 75 dollars. As you already You see, it is necessary to take many things to go in USA. I expected it. I and thought, that it will not be simple to visit USA. But I should tell, that the meeting is more important. I am ready to take all things to arrive to USA. Obviously, all difficulties will be overcome by I in Moscow. By the way, I also thought of residing at Moscow. I should live in Moscow some time while my documents will not be ready. My loved, I should you tell, that I while precisely can not tell as will be soon ready my documents that I might arrive to USA. It will demand probably approximately 2-4 weeks before I can receive my visa and the passport. It accommodation costs will be additional. Yes, I think, that my trip will demand many money. We should take these steps anyhow. I want to tell you, that I already completely It is ready to go to Moscow and to take all things to our meeting. I promise you, that I shall be to give all my forces taking all things as it is possible soon. Loved, I do not think, that my first visiting to you will be long. I should anyhow to come back home. If things will go well between us I would like to change my visa and to remain with you for ever! What you think of it? My Dustin, now allow me to sum up my expenses to our meeting. So, my documents will take approximately 375 dollars. My trip to Moscow will demand approximately 25-30 dollars if I shall go by the bus. These are 400 kilometers and I think, that It is the real price. Also I shall require money for residing. If really to estimate my opportunities, I can lift only a part of money to pay my documents and residing. My parents also know about all expenses and daddy has told, that can give me 200 dollars. Also to me should to pay100 dollars at work. It already 300 dollars to our meeting. It already the most part! Dustin, I also want to tell you, that without your help I can not arrive to USA. I shall try certainly, but I am not sure. If to take into account cost of residing and also cost of all documents and expenses for movement on Moscow and to the Moscow, I think, that it will be necessary for me on the most minimal variant approximately 750 dollars. It is many money for me. I am sure, that it is a lot of Money also for you. But it is the obvious and real prices and we should pay it. I would like, that we divided this cost. I want to tell you about it because I like to speak a thing directly at once. Certainly it is not so convenient for me to speak with you about money. Especially to ask you about the help, but I am compelled it to do. I think, that it will be fair if we shall divide cost My documents and other expenses. I would like to ask you that you sent me approximately 450 dollars. I want to tell, that Probably there will be unplanned charges, but it will not be much. If you will help me of 500 dollars I think, that it will be to take all things with documents enough. I certainly promise you, that I shall take economy. Believe me, I am able to count money and to save. Life in Russia of me has learned this. 500 dollars it is many money. You will help with it, Dustin? I shall try to save even some money to my residing. I shall be compelled to live in hotel in Moscow because I have no more place where I may I shall remain. I the strong woman and I shall find in myself forces to take all things to our happiness. My Dustin, I shall hope very much, that you are capable to help me with money for documents and other expenses. Also other question. I also thought of the ticket aboard the plane. I shall require it also. And we should speak about it also. Unfortunately, I shall not have Money for my ticket. If you might buy the ticket for me then I would be very happy also our meeting would be held soon. I am not sure about cost of the ticket aboard the plane. It is probable 900-1000 dollars. Please, find out for me this information and inform me most The airport close to you in which we the first time shall meet! OK? I shall hope, that for you it there were good news to our meeting. I do not want, that we were prevented by money. In our life Money play the big role. But I do not want, that money put a barrier in our relations. Excuse me please, that I asked you about the help. I think, that it is fair. Other question. How I can receive your money? Also it is necessary for us to think of it. Once again, it is very a shame to me to ask you about the help. I shall probably one of the happiest women in the world if we shall unite soon our hearts. No, I to not rush very quickly!! I want to arrive to you and to live with you some time! We should have some time together to continue our relations further. I think, that you understand all urgency of our meeting. I also should tell, that I know some ways of transfer of money in other countries. When my daddy made a business trip to Bulgaria he sent us home some money and he Used the western union. Also sometimes daddy sent us money through system ANELIK. You heard about it? Daddy speaks, that if to send money to very big distance It is better to use the WESTERN UNION. Probably also use ANELIK, but It probably more expensive way of transfer of money. I shall give you the address of our bank in city of Penza. I can receive your money there. It will be necessary for you to specify the following information: Name: Nadeghda, Surname: Koshenkova, VNESHTORGBANK, MOSKOVSKAYA 9, city PENZA, 440600 Russia. I also should you speak, that daddy gave me control number of translation. It were 10 figures. I shall hope, that we shall take all things as it is possible soon. I talked to my director and I shall have a vacation, that To visit USA. I can take all things here and now only it is necessary to solve a thing with money. I very much shall hope for you. I know, that you not materialistic the man and you will not regret money for our meeting. There are things on the order more important, Than money. It is love and family for example and we should not forget about it. Well, I shall close now this letter. I shall wait from you good news soon. Take all things soon. Only yours, Nadya.
Natalia Gafiyatova
(Omsk, Russia)
My name is Ryan and I am a single 30 year old full time employed as a teacher. I want to share with you all my experience with a "Natalia Gafiyatova". First I noticed that a "Natasha Gafiyatova" with had been reported as a scammer from a Michael on this website. I noticed that the grammar errors and some of the very same lines were used in my emails. This 'Natalia' was even corresponding with me the same time as Michael. Michael, I'd like for you to email me at Joyrder50@yahoo.com so we can share some information because I am going to report this scam and if we combine our information, it might help with the investigation. My correspondence with her lasted from January 16, 2005 to March 18, 2005. Here is the story. It was typical embassy/visa scam. Natalia contacted me through the Yahoo personals and quickly fell in "love" with me. She claimed that she had a friend by the name of TANYA VASILEVA who just happened to work in a tourism agency so her friend can move the passport/visa process a lot quicker. She said that she needed $500 to go to Moscow and live there for a while while waiting for her visa/passport. Then she wanted $1,128 for her plane ticket and could not afford any of it because she only makes $200 a month. She would go to the embassy and new problems would occur each time. She need $473 for medical insurance while she was over here and $1,500 as proof to the embassy that she had the funds to come over here and live for a while. Unfortunately she was able to scam me for about $2,000. Needless to say I'm going to report this and try to recover some of the money. Here are some of her emails: Gafiyatova Natalia. The house 236 Apartment 148, Street Rokossovskogo, City of Omsk, 644060, Russia.
Hello my new friend Ryan. I am glad that you to answer my letter to you. I very much to hope, that you to answer me. I to want to write to you and to learn you closer. I to think, it will be interesting to you to learn me further? I to send you the picture and it is a little to describe of myself. My name is
Natalia. I to hope, that you can understand my English language. English my second language and I know him not absolutely well, but I hope, that in the future my English will be much better. I hope, that you will not test problems with understanding of my letters. I want to describe to you myself. Hair at me fair-haired. But sometimes I to paint them different
colors. Eyes brown. I have growth 5 ’ 7 and weight 110 lbs. To me of 27 years. I was born on June, 18, 1977. Earlier I never to be married and to have only long attitudes. But the life passes, and I and to not select the partner in life. Therefore I to decide to try to search beloved in other country. According to the girlfriend I to try to address in the Internet, to find the love. And so I do not know why, but to me the fuse in soul your structure was remembered also. And I have decided to write to you. I hope you too you will become interested in me and you will write further. Probably once in the future we to decide to meet and create with you strong and happy family. I work in hospital. I not the doctor, and simply administrative worker. I to work on a computer with a database of hospital. Through me there passes the information on patients and workers of hospital. It is very responsible work. I very much to like the work. And where you work? I live in the city of
Omsk. I already to write to you that I from Russia. My city is on river
Irtish. It approximately 2000 miles from Moscow on a southeast of Russia, are closer to Kazakhstan. It is large old and beautiful city. Write to me a little about that place where do you live? Climate at us severe but the nature fine. It is a lot of woods and lakes. I shall finish the letter. I hope, that you have become interested in me and will write back. I to promise to tell to you about myself everything, that it is interesting to you. I very much would like that you to continue to write to me. Your new friend
Hello my prince Ryan. I am happy to read your letter. It for me a beam of the sun in the cloudy sky. Your letters sense of my life. Whether I do not know I can receive your voice and hear him, but I would like it. I to think much what to speak you in my last letter. I to think of ours with you to a meeting. I to understand, that now I very much to want her. In fact as it is a lot of we to not write each other, it cannot replace alive dialogue with the person personally. You with me agree? In my opinion we to learn can each other decide to meet already enough whether or not. I very much to want our meeting. In my opinion it is necessary to build attitudes personally instead of through the Internet further. Simply I to consider that we already have stepped over frameworks of the Internet. I to love you under your letters and your pictures. Now only personally at a meeting we can solve all other moments. Only after a meeting we can understand really our feelings and will finally decide that further. What do you think of it? If you to want, that I to arrive to you I shall try to learn all about it. In each of last days I constantly to think of you. I am simple cannot more think about anything. I cannot concentrate on work and it to take away from me even more forces. But this weariness is pleasant, in fact she is caused by ideas on you. Now I know, that On light there is you, and every minute I you breathe, you I live and in dream and in reality. I madly love you and I want, that you always were near to me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cannot contain in words all that I feel. When it is hard for me - I recollect you, and it seems, That I can will consult with all difficulties. You - my closest person most favourite. I do not want to think that it sometime can will end. It to break my heart. I to live now as in sweet dream and it would be desirable that this dream last eternally. I very much love you. My kisses and embraces. Yours
Hello my beloved Ryan. I was happy to read your letter. It to please me as the little girl. I very strongly love you. I am pleased, that I can write to you today. Yesterday was on February, 14, The Valentine's day!!! I want to congratulate you on this holiday and to allow to you all my love and tenderness. This day I am happy that I I have you. My heart, falls outside the limits with happiness because I love you. But me it is a little sad that you at this time is far from me and I cannot To embrace you and to kiss on this holiday. But I to know, that day of our meeting will arrive very soon and we Will meet face to face and we shall be happy together. I early yesterday, went to church and asked the God that he helped us to meet. Thanks for a new picture of you. I to think, that we are already enough familiar to meet. Now we need to solve at a meeting about continuation of our attitudes and about our feelings to each other. In letters we to not reach the greater. Yesterday I again to speak with my girlfriend Tanya and she to me To tell, that the best variant for me is the tourist visa. This visa B-2. She is made out from 14 till 21 days and will be valid on Extent of 90 days. For reception of the tourist visa it is necessary for much less time, than for reception of any other visa. Tanya has told, that will help me to make all quickly and correctly. Still she to me has told, that visa B-2 the best variant, that to us with You to meet. She speaks, that when we shall meet, we can solve, as to us to act further. Probably we to decide to marry and I to remain with you for ever. I shall try to learn about cost of tickets. I shall fly to you from Moscow. I now to require in 500 $ can receive my visa and the passport. If you to send me this money I can at once start to make out my visa that she was ready, when we to decide date Our meeting. I hope, that you can help me with this money. If you can send me money that bett make it through the Western Union. The address of branch: ALFA BANK, MIRA PROSPEKT, 56 OMSK, 644029 RUSSIA. Gafiaytova Natalia. Our meeting depends on you, my love. My life depends on you, my love. We shall be happy only together. I to want to make that happy in the world. But I to understand, that we far apart and to meet it costs money. Without money I cannot be with you. And can expect only for your help. I to cry when to think about it. But I to trust, that I we with you to be together fast, my love. When I to think of you my heart comes to life, I wait yours kiss, your love, your touches. You my destiny, my life. Know, that I wait only for you and your love. I to want to be with you. I shall wait for your answer. Know, I to love you and only you. I love you my Prince. Yours for ever
Hi my love Ryan. My trip to Moscow has passed very well. I had to fly earlier sometimes by planes. Today I to learn cost of tickets to you and it will cost 1128 $. You can send me them to Moscow in this bank: GUTA BANK, DOLGORUKOVSKAYA 5, MOSCOW 103006, RUSSIA. You will need to send money for a name my girlfriend Tanya Vasileva. My documents are in embassy on registration of the visa and I cannot receive your money. Therefore they will be received by my girlfriend and I can get tickets. Then I can show tickets in embassy and receive my visa.
Hi my lovely Ryan. Today I to go to reserve tickets on trip to you. But at the airport to me tell that I cannot to take off in the USA while I will not have insurance. I to ask that it for the insurance. They to tell that it is the medical insurance and the insurance from accident. It is necessary differently me will not let to you in the country. It costs 470 $. I to not know why they so to act and why to not warn me beforehand. I to not understand it but I should receive insurance necessarily. I cannot undertake anything in fact at me was not present familiar in this city. You can help me? I do not know that to me to do.
Hi my love Ryan. I am glad to receive your new letter today. For me it means much. I to receive all necessary injections and your mum can not worry. I to write to you today in very much oppressed Mood. To me I can inform was not a pity that to you good news. I today to have a meeting in embassy. Then I to want To go to reserve my tickets. I to be very happy and already to count days up to our meeting. It would be very fine Gift for us. But I to have conversation with the official from Your embassy and he to ask me to give 1500 dollars as my financial solvency and ability To provide itself with products and a residence during tourist trip of me to the USA. I to ask, Why they to not warn me about it beforehand. They to speak what to give to me of a rule of registration of the visa of the tourist and that I should Was to read them closely. I to count, that Tanya all knows and consequently to read these rules inattentively and To pass some items. I to speak with Tanya and she to tell to me, that these rules actually exist and that she not To know about them. She to speak, that in agency in which she to work, such is not present, because they to use tourist Permits for some days, already with residing and a feed. Therefore she to not know that it is required to me. It appears, that The person the having income less than 500 dollars a month, at reception of the visa of the tourist, is obliged to give 1500 dollars Cash or number of the bank account as the proof that he will be provided with meal and habitation for the period of tourist trip. I to ask Tatyana that I should do with this money. She I shall tell to me that I simply should give It in embassy and to take it with itself in trip. She to speak, that I can not spend cent from this sum. I anywhere I can find such money and can ask the help only you. I will not know that all so difficultly. But now our meeting Already halfway also all will be fast behind. Position in which I to be to frighten me. My lovely if you can to help To me, please, with this money. I shall not be To spend 1 dollar, I to return them to you everything, but it is necessary for me simply To show and anything more. My lovely I think that you to understand and to not abuse me For it. I shall wait for your letter my prince. I am available to take off to you but There is only this problem. I wait for your letter with huge impatience. For ever your future wife
Tatyana Brusova
(Khomutovo, Irkutsk province, Russia)
Hello, My name is John, a single white male, self employed, age 50. I would just like to add to the report linked to below. This is a very busy girl. I received the same letters with "identical" stories even the same bank from this woman. How ever I have attached pictures to this email. My brother and I were discussing this woman when we noticed how much better dressed she was than her friends in the pictures, I guess we now know how she could afford these. http://www.womenrussia.com/blackpage375.htm#brusova. The site of original contact was imatchup.com. I have written to this site and have as yet to receive an answer. The email addy she used this time is Tanya@semail.ru. As it turns out the "semail.ru" domain was just set up on Feb. 19th 2005. I can give you more info on this if you wish (don't know if there would be a connection or not). Anyway thanks for your time. John
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