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Brides Cyber Guide |
Marina Izmailova
(Almetievsk, Tatarstan, Russia)
Scammer Name : Marina Izmailova
Age : 28
Location : Almetievsk (Rusia)
Address : Russia, Almetievsk, Street Goncharova 32-45
Email Adresses :,,,,,,
This lady contacted me in November 2004 through my profile on She has written me 30 letters and sent me 35 photographs. On the 1st May 2005, she declared her love for me and wanted to come and visit me. Asking for money for her "working" visa to Australia. Marina Izmailova played this game very well until asking for money. I have told her that I will no end any money but still writes in the hope that I will yield. Peter (Australia)
Letter 1
Hello my dear new friend. This is Marina from Russia. I am 27 years old. I live in republic Tatarstan in the european part of Russia in city Almetyevsk. I dream to find the friend and the loved person. I can send you the photo if you will answer me. You also may find out slightly about me on my profile in agency Webdate and see there my photo. My profile - "marina1977". I very much hope that I will be shown you attractive and that you will write to me. I want that we began with you very good friends. You may ask about me in letters and I necessarily will answer you. Send to me please also the photo if you may. I liked your profile. I finish the letter with hope for a fast reply. My e-mail: Sincerely, Marina
Letter 2
Hello my dear Peter! I was very glad that you have answered me my letter. I did not expect it. I with pleasure read it. It so is interesting to get acquainted with the person from other country. Thank that you have answered me, I hope that our correspondence and will proceed further. Excuse me that I at once have not answered you. I write you letters from Internet - cafe because I have no the computer of a house. And these days it was closed. But now the cafe has opened also I with the great pleasure I write you the answer. I think that you want to find out about me little bit more. As I already wrote to you, I work as the seller of children's toys. I have ended university on a speciality the manager on the goods, but in our city to find work on such speciality I was very difficult also has decided to go to work as the seller. But in the future I hope to find work on the speciality. My hobby this navigation, driving on a ski, dances and aerobics. I try to support the figure in the good form. I hope that my figure is pleasant to you. And what your hobby? Write to me that you like to do at leisure. I also like to bake pies at leisure. At me houses are many books with recipes of food and I am going under these recipes.To me relatives and to my friends it very much is pleasant . Probably in the future you also will try it. You would like to try my pies? I think that that you also search for the love through the Internet unites us slightly. May be us the destiny has reduced. It is such small probability to find the destiny among millions people. Whether I hope that we with you shall correspond further and we find out we approach each other. In this letter I send you the photo. I hope that in the following letter you also will send me the. I wait for your answer. Yours faithfully Marina from Almetyevsk.
P.S. Please write to me the answer as soon as possible because I with impatience shall wait for it. I like your photo.
Letter 3
Hello my friend again!!! I with impatience looked forward to hearing from you and at last I have received the answer. I am very glad that our correspondence does not stop also I again I write you the answer. I think that you liked my photos therefore with this letter I again send you them. I think for you it will be interesting to find out little bit more about my work. YOU already know that I work as the seller of children's toys, but I did not speak you that I very much love this work first of all because of that that my work is connected to children, I am very glad that my work brings happiness to our future, I very much like to see as in eyes of children sparks light up when their parents buy him a toy which they want. But is in my work and the bad moments, it when children begin to cry and ask any thing the parents and parents do not want to buy and children begin to cry. I very much do not like when children cry. I would be glad to give all if only they cried. Still I to you want to tell that now in Russia already enough coldly, probably am fast to appear snow, but I am not upset because winter this very good season when to appear a lot of snow it is possible to be rolled on a ski, all around becomes white and clean, let in the street it is slightly cold but all in the winter well. I very much want to tell to you as in the childhood we liked to play with snow to be rolled on ski, but now I have grown, but sometimes I would like to return in childhood and again to play in these remarkable games, but I have grown and will not return though it very sadly. Tell me and you sometimes have such moments in life when you want to return to the childhood? For me it is interesting to find out as you spend the free time. I wait for your answer!!!! Your friend Marina!!!!
Letter 4
Hi my foreign friend Peter. How are you? I am sorry Peter that I so long did not write to you. For us did not work as Internet - cafe and consequently I might not read your letter and write to you the letter. I very much wanted you to write. I hope that you have not taken offence at me. Correspondence with you is very important for me. I would like to tell about myself more. I at all do not know, with what to begin. I think to you I will be interesting to learn about city in which live. Almetyevsk belongs to generation of young cities of Tatarstan, in 2003 to it will be executed 50 years. Today Almetyevsk - the powerful industrial centre of southeast region of republic. The population of Almetyevsk for 01.01.2002 year has made 154063 persons. I have found some photo of our city of Almetyevsk and have decided them to send you. I live with parents (mum Lyudmila and father Pavel). I not the only child in family. I have still younger brother Oleg, to which 17 years. My mother works in hospital as the midwife, father the driver, and the brother while to go to school. I as have found a map of city and have marked with a black point area where I live. My address: Russia, republic Tatarstan, City of Almetyevsk, street Goncharova 32-45. Unfortunately I do not have house of the phone. Probably it is interesting to you, why I search for the guy through the Internet. Our city not small, also would seem I might find the love in the city. But actually all not so. I do not speak, that I did not have guys. Were guys when I went to school and at university, but anything serious. Actually I always dreamed to get acquainted with the foreigner to communicate it(him), to learn him better. And if we approach to each other to leave to him. It is my dream from the childhood. I do not know, why so. I do not speak, that I badly live here. But my heart I prompt me, that a meeting the love, the second half abroad. Besides all my familiar speak, that I treat all too seriously. Therefore I would like, that my guy would be more senior than me, more skilled in life. And the destiny has disposed so, that I began to correspond from you. I do not know, that for us wait in the future, but I would would like that our correspondence has developed into more serious relations. And what you wait from our correspondence? I think, that in the future we might communicate in a mode of real time, for example yahoo, aol, or msn the messenger. But while it is not possible, because I seldom am in the Internet of cafe and I spend here no more than 30 minutes. So it will be difficult for us to agree upon time of conversation. I think, that we should get acquainted closer, and the Internet correspondence gives us such opportunity. My time comes to an end also to me it is necessary to go on work. So I shall finish the letter. With impatience I shall look forward to hearing from you. Marina
Letter 5
Hello my dear friend from Australia. Your girlfriend from Russia writes to you. I hope that I can name myself your girlfriend. I think that you are very much concerned why I to you so long did not write, but I had problems. All over again did not work as Internet - cafe, then there were problems with mine mailbox and then at me mum was ill. I am sorry but I might not write to you the answer in any way. I could not read your letter at all. My mum had pneumonia and I constantly was with her in hospital. Now she goes on the amendment. I very much hope that you yet have not forgotten me. If you are still interested in correspondence with me that please write to me the answer. I am very much interested in correspondence with you. I have written to you not casually. Preliminary I looked your structure in WEBDATE. You have liked me and consequently I have written to you. For this reason I want to continue with you the correspondence. I think it very important for me. Write to me as at you affairs. I want to congratulate you on Christmas. I promise you that I shall write frequently you letters. I am sure that you wrote to me. Tomorrow I can open the mailbox and read the letter which you to me have written when I did not write to you. I necessarily shall answer all your questions. At you now probably it is very warm. At us it is very cold. Soon there will come New Year. It is the big holiday in my country. Please write to me the answer. I promise you that I necessarily shall answer you. Understand me please correctly so there were circumstances that I might not write to you the letter. I very much grieved all these days. I very much wanted to read the letter from you. I wait for your answer with hope. Your girlfriend from Russia. Marina
Letter 6
My dearest friend!!!!! This is Marina from Russia and I want to congratulate you on coming Christmas and to wish you and your family of happiness, goods, well-being and it is a lot of many pleasures. Let in this light holiday with you there will be your true and best friends and let loneliness and grief will leave you!!! I from all my heart wish you to be happy and I hope that I even somehow might brighten up your holiday. Sincerely yours Marina. I want to give you: "KISSES AND WARM HUGS!!!!!"
Letter 7
Hello my dear Peter! how are you? As you have carried out these days. I hope all well at you. Today after work I have gone to Internet - cafe here again there was few people and consequently I have found the free computer and could read your letter. I so am glad, that you write me. Your letters very much like me. I always at home or at work sit and I think, that you likely now write me the letter or read mine. As well that there is a Internet. We with you are on such big distance and all the same I can see your photo, will get acquainted to you . To look a photo of your city though there never and was not. Though any photos will not replace trip, travel to other country is my dream. I so would like to visit other countries. I hope, that once I can visit your country. But most of all I would like to visit on the sea. I always accepted the sea and I hope once it is dream will come true. Earlier our country to visit on the sea it was simple. My parents went on the black sea under the permit and now I look at these photos and also would like to visit there. Earlier in our country the communism and many organizations free-of-charge permits were gave. In it the communism was good, but in the rest all was bad and I am glad, that now at us not communism. Though in everyone there is a charm. Now all is solved with the help of money, even love buy for money. I would like that mine the man, my future husband so did not think. I would like that he understood me. In Russia many men think so. If she married me all is possible to do with her everything, that wants. They begin to drink vodka and some even beat the wives. It is very bad. Also I would like, that my future husband was kind, fair with me. I would like, that and mountain we with him divided all our pleasures together. In the man I appreciate the main thing: - understanding, care, kindness, honesty in our relations, also he should love children, you see in the future I would like to have children and I would not like, that they were exposed to mockeries. Also he should be the present gentleman. It means flowers for my day birth, for new year and on other holidays. I would like to feel his care, you see for the woman this main thing. I shall give him all my tenderness, him I shall love, also to care of him. I promise, that I shall be for him the most beautiful woman. I also with him shall be fair also him I shall never deceive. You see honesty is a basis of any relations. Now slightly I shall write about myself. I know the English language badly and consequently I use the translator. Though speak I can slightly and probably once I shall call to you. But it will be then when we shall get acquainted to you closer. ok my friend? Also I do not smoke, because I think that the god to us and so has given too small life and what for still it to shorten smoking. Also smoking badly influences a figure. And I want, that my future husband always was proud of me and consequently tries to support a figure in the good form. I love cats and dogs. But unfortunately I can not hold domestic animals of a house. Also I once would like to sweep on the horse. I adore horses. At them such sad eyes. It seems to me that horses only can be loved. And dogs such clever. At my grandmother the dog lives in village. he so beautiful. I adore him. But he already old also will be fast to die likely. When I shall live separately from parents I would like to get a dog. But I do not know what breed to choose. Likely the German sheep-dog. Speak, that they clever. Well, now I shall write the daily routine. In the morning I rise at 6 and I do gymnastics or if good weather I do jog about 15-20 minutes. Then I accept souls. You see cleanliness a pledge of health and beauty. Then I have breakfast and I go on work at 7.10. work am in the other area and I should go by a trolley bus. There I work from 8.00 till then I go in Internet - cafe and if there is an empty seat I read your letter or I write you the answer. If there it is borrowed, I go home. I prepare for a meal. Then I go to the girlfriend or I remain at home and I watch TV, or I listen to radio, also I love good female novels. Music is pleasant to me different because I do not have idols. I can listen and fate or pop or any other music. From films I like a comedy when such actors as Jim Kerry there play, Addi Merfi. Also I like actor Bruss Uilis. I hopes has correctly written these names. And what is pleasant to you music? You listened to any Russian music? What films like? On it I finish the letter because my time was terminated and now I shall go home. I hope you soon will write to me the letter and if can that send me your photo or a photo of your city. ok? Yours new friend Marina.
Letter 8
Hello my dear Peter! how are you? As you have carried out these days. I hope all well at you. Today after work I have gone to Internet - cafe here again there was few people and consequently I have found the free computer and could read your letter. I so am glad, that you write me. Your letters very much like me. I always at home or at work sit and I think, that you likely now write me the letter or read mine. As well that there is a Internet. We with you are on such big distance and all the same I can see your photo, will get acquainted to you . To look a photo of your city though there never and was not. Though any photos will not replace trip, travel to other country is my dream. I so would like to visit other countries. I hope, that once I can visit your country. But most of all I would like to visit on the sea. I always accepted the sea and I hope once it is dream will come true. Earlier our country to visit on the sea it was simple. My parents went on the black sea under the permit and now I look at these photos and also would like to visit there. Earlier in our country the communism and many organizations free-of-charge permits were gave. In it the communism was good, but in the rest all was bad and I am glad, that now at us not communism. Though in everyone there is a charm. Now all is solved with the help of money, even love buy for money. I would like that mine the man, my future husband so did not think. I would like that he understood me. In Russia many men think so. If she married me all is possible to do with her everything, that wants. They begin to drink vodka and some even beat the wives. It is very bad. Also I would like, that my future husband was kind, fair with me. I would like, that and mountain we with him divided all our pleasures together. In the man I appreciate the main thing: - understanding, care, kindness, honesty in our relations, also he should love children, you see in the future I would like to have children and I would not like, that they were exposed to mockeries. Also he should be the present gentleman. It means flowers for my day birth, for new year and on other holidays. I would like to feel his care, you see for the woman this main thing. I shall give him all my tenderness, him I shall love, also to care of him. I promise, that I shall be for him the most beautiful woman. I also with him shall be fair also him I shall never deceive. You see honesty is a basis of any relations. Now slightly I shall write about myself. I know the English language badly and consequently I use the translator. Though speak I I can slightly and probably once I shall call to you. But it will be then when we shall get acquainted to you closer. ok my friend? Also I do not smoke, because I think that the god to us and so has given too small life and what for still it to shorten smoking. Also smoking badly influences a figure. And I want, that my future husband always was proud of me and consequently tries to support a figure in the good form. I love cats and dogs. But unfortunately I can not hold domestic animals of a house. Also I once would like to sweep on the horse. I adore horses. At them such sad eyes. It seems to me that horses only can be loved. And dogs such clever. At my grandmother the dog lives in village. he so beautiful. I adore him. But he already old also will be fast to die likely. When I shall live separately from parents I would like to get a dog. But I do not know what breed to choose. Likely the German sheep-dog. Speak, that they clever. Well, now I shall write the daily routine. In the morning I rise at 6 and I do gymnastics or if good weather I do jog about 15-20 minutes. Then I accept souls. You see cleanliness a pledge of health and beauty. Then I have breakfast and I go on work at 7.10. work am in the other area and I should go by a trolley bus. There I work from 8.00 till then I go in Internet - cafe and if there there is an empty seat I read your letter or I write you the answer. If there it is borrowed, I go home. I prepare for a meal. Then I go to the girlfriend or I remain at home and I watch TV, or I listen to radio, also I love good female novels. Music is pleasant to me different because I do not have idols. I can listen and fate or pop or any other music. From films I like a comedy when such actors as Jim Kerry there play, Addi Merfi. Also I like actor Bruss Uilis. I hopes has correctly written these names. And what is pleasant to you music? You listened to any Russian music? What films like? On it I finish the letter because my time was terminated and now I shall go home. I hope you soon will write to me the letter and if can that send me your photo or a photo of your city. ok? Yours new friend Marina.
Letter 9
Hello my dear Australian friend. How are you? I am fine but I miss you. It is not very a pity to me that because of christmas holidays I could write to you the answer at once. You know that In Russia celebrate Christmas January, 7. My mum for Christmas went to church and has prayed for well-being of family. I at this time tidied up at home. I did not feel celebratory mood because many people this day bury the relatives. I am sure you know about was strong a tsunami which in Thailand. It is awful tragedy for all people in the world. Very many people there were lost. I with tears on eyes looked videorollers about it a tsunami by the TV set. Very many people were lost. Many people have lost the relatives, many children have lost the parents. I never thought that the nature may be so is severe to people. Thousand people in a flash were lost. Why so life suddenly may be finished? It is very terrible tragedy. Today I with the friends shall go to send a thing for victims in this tragedy. I shall send them some clothes. For children I shall send some toys. I want though something the help him. Certainly I understand that any toys will not reduce misfortune of children which have lost the parents. The special attention and care now is necessary for them on the part of other people. For them very difficult times have now come. The nature recently brings very many surprises. It is a pity that some surprises very badly have an effect in public. I hope that life in this country will be adjusted also all it will be good. Write to me that you did last days my friend. I yesterday went to be rolled on a ski. I wanted to slide from a hill and have broken a ski, therefore home I had to go on foot on snowdrifts. I all have got wet and have frozen therefore unwell slightly. But I think that my cold will pass in 2-3 days. And then I shall be completely healthy. And how your health? I hope that all well. With this letter I send you a photo which I have made recently. I was photographed near the my home. I hope that you will like this photo. Today I again go on work. I think that works now begins less because holidays were finished also buyers begins less. Unfortunately on it I should finish the letter because I should release the computer for other person. It is a pity that the letter has turned out short. Now I shall go on work. Remember that I miss and I wait for your letter. I hope for your fast reply. Yours Marina.
Letter 10
Hello my dear friend Peter. I again write you the letter. I already wrote to you that I frequently have difficulties with access to the Internet. I hope that I am fast can more often to write to you letters. I ask you to understand me and to not take offence at me. I try to write to you as soon as possible. It is a pity that to me it not always manages to be made quickly. I always with huge desire and interest read your letters. Thank you. I want to continue with you correspondence. You very good person and I value that that have got acquainted with you. For me important each your letter. I read yours letters always some times and each time with a smile. Your letters are always full of heat and tenderness. I know that I not always write answers to your questions. It because I not always can receive at once your letters. Sometimes I send to you the letter not having had time yet to read your letter. At us it is very difficult to get access to the Internet. My parents asked to tell you "Hello". You have very much liked them. My mum frequently asks me about you. I always speak that you very good and kind. With this letter I send you a photo of my parents. I hope that they will like you. My parents very good and for me their opinion is always very important. I am very glad that you have liked them. Still I want to tell you that you very much have liked me. Write to me about the life more. How you have a rest? What you did last days? I last days worked much. We had inspection in shop. Therefore I had to work much. To show that our shop works on a high level. I think that inspectors have remained pleased. In general affairs at me go well. Mood good. Only I miss you. I frequently think of you. With the best regards. Yours Marina.
Letter 11
Hi my dear friend! How are you? At me all is good. I am very glad, that our correspondence proceeds also we become closer each other. I very much want, that we were fair the friend before the friend. I once again repeat, that honesty the most important part of any relations. I always try to be fair with you because I want that our relations became more serious. All people aspire to find the love, the half and it is my dream also. You see this such happiness - to love persons. Together with him to live, like each other. When all your ideas only about him when you also may not to live minute without him. When each day for you happy, if your loved person about you. To wake up and he lays together with you. To present him a kiss, to weld to him coffee, breakfast. I think - each woman dreams of it. When he gives to you flowers, the smile. To see his happy person when he with tenderness embraces you. To feel his care. Likely almost all features of the person which is necessary for me. I want to feel understanding in his words to feel his tenderness on the lips. Today at work at us have delivered the new goods. Have brought so many toys. There were both soft toys and designers and dolls for girls, toy automobiles and automatic devices. Therefore today I am very tired at work. It was necessary to describe, check all these goods their cost. It seems to me, that the chief wants to raise me and consequently gives so a lot of work. I hope the next month he will raise me in a post. I shall be very glad, you see then I at last can buy to myself a new coat and new winter boots. Excuse, that my ideas all time jump from one idea to another, but I today am very tired and likely now I shall go home. Only I shall add to you the letter. I so now want to lie on a sofa to have a drink hot tea. By the way my mum has recovered and today should bake pies with an apple. You like pies with an apple. I hope once to you I shall baked such pie. Likely your pies and ours nevertheless are various. Today at us again a frost. About 25 degrees of a frost such cold wind also blows. It seems, that it blows you through. As I dream of one summer....., when each beam of the sun gives heat and a smile when even ideas become brighter and happier. But about one summer it is still far. And in Russia there have not come yet the main colds. The coldest month will be February. At us in people speak: February frosts the most terrible frosts. It happens very coldly. The temperature achieves up to a minus of 30-35 degrees C. then it will be rather cold. Many homeless animals even die. And even some person was lost in that year from a frost. It usually are drunk people. They will get drunk and go home, and may fall and fall asleep directly in the street and then freeze. It may their God punishes for drunkenness.. Well I should speak bye my dear . I with impatience shall wait for your answer. Marina from cold Russia.
Letter 12
Hello my dear. How are you? At me all is good but I very much miss your letters. It seems to me that you do not receive my letters. I today came on a server of my letter box and the manager has informed me that I had some malfunctions with постовым a box. Please write to me when you received last letter from me. It is very a pity to me that our correspondence is prevented by some problems. I very much value your letters and always with huge interest I wait your letters. Recently in the world there is something not clear to weather. I heard that in America coldly and there is a snow. In Melbourne there was a flooding. I hope that with you everything is all right. At us in Russia all is normal with weather. At this time year at us it is always cold. Now in the street approximately-18С. I have got used to such weather I feel well. I very much worry about that that you do not receive my letters. I very much hope that it will not prevent our correspondence. Soon will step Valentines day. I very much hope that you will be mine Valentine. I necessarily shall try to send you Valentines e-card. I hope that it very much is pleasant to you. Still I want to find out about your country more. If you want that I can write to you about our country more in detail. Well. I shall finish the letter. I have not written to you the long letter because I am not sure that you will receive it. Please write to me the answer faster. I want to be sure that you receive my letters. Yours Marina.
Letter 13
Hello my Valentine. I hope that you is nothing that I so has named you. Today Valentines Day. I hope that I can think that it is ours with you a holiday. I very much miss you. Many problems with the Internet prevent our correspondence but I want to tell you that I very much value our correspondence. I write letters only to you. I have removed the structure in Webdate that I was not written by other men. I hope you do not offend that I can not write to you the letter frequently. I promise that I in the future I shall try to write to you of the letter frequently. I very much want it. I always very much wait for your letter. I want to tell you that you are very dear to me. I test to you especial feelings. Therefore I very much want to find out you better. I want to know about you all and certainly I am always glad to answer your questions on me and my life. It is very important for me that between us there was a full mutual understanding and trust. This day I want to tell you that I very much frequently think of you. For this reason I hope that you mine Valentine. I want that it was so. I very much hope for your reciprocity. I can write to you now the long letter because I should exempt the computer for other person. Together with the letter I send you a card. Remember that I remember you, I think of you, I miss you. Yours Marina.
Letter 14
Hello my dear. I hope that you have received from me the letter which I have sent you February, 14. I today have gone on work on new toys to other city. Now I am in the other city. Here in firm there is a Internet and I have decided to write to you the letter. I hope that you will receive it. How at you mood? How you live? At me all is good. I miss on you. You probably have already written to me the letter only I it because here I yet was not in time to read not at myself at home and consequently I began to come on the mail. Tomorrow I shall come home and I shall go to Internet - cafe to read the letter from you. I seldom go in other city. This city refers to as Kirov. It is very beautiful city. I like to come to new unfamiliar places. There may be sometime I shall see Australia. I shall write to you the full letter with answers to your questions tomorrow or the day after tomorrow when I can read your letter. Now I simply want to tell you "Hello". And to tell you that I miss and I think of you. My parents and friends frequently ask about you. I speak them that at you all well. I am very glad that have got acquainted with you. I necessarily shall write to you the full letter tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Kiss you. Yours Marina.
Letter 15
Hello my dear Peter. I am very glad that you again have written to me. I very much waited your letter. How your mood? How your affairs? At me all is good. Your letter always cheers up me. I think that all our letters should be completely frank. I want to know all about you and I want that you knew all about me. I am sure that you very much would like to know about my former relations with the man and why I search for the guy through the Internet. It is possible to tell that at me never was the present love. My first love (if it can be named the present love) was at school. I very much liked the boy, he named Artem. We shared the same desk with him. he to me spoke that he liked. We had very interesting and warm relations. He each day came for me since morning before school and always took me home. He carried my bag with writing-books and the textbook. He was very attentive and in the childhood I dreamed that I shall be his wife. He very much liked my parents. We met with him 1.5 years. Then his parents have moved to live to other city because of work. He too has left with them. Certainly we all over again letters each other, but after some months I have ceased to receive letters from him. We more never saw him. I very long cried all over again. My girlfriends of me consoled. I know that he now is married and at him three children. It was my first love. In the senior classes certainly at me were guys, but it were simply school hobbies. At me never was with them of serious relations. Only walks on park and dances in a disco. Basically which guys I knew all at school were ladies' men. They ran behind each skirt. I always very seriously concerned to search beloved and I was possible therefore did not fasten serious relations while I studied in the senior classes of school. After 3 years already when I studied in institute I have fallen in love with the young man. We have got acquainted with him under very interesting circumstances. In institute I was very active. I always wrote wall newspapers. Once me urgently have asked to write the wall newspaper and I had to remain late. When I have gone home already there was night. In our city is unsafe to go one on streets at night. Therefore I went home quickly. Suddenly I have heard steps behind of myself. I have sped up the step. And suddenly he has told: " The Girl. Be not frightened please. I simply wanted to carry out you because here not safely. " I have turned back and on his eyes have understood that he will not make to me anything bad. I have trusted in him. We send together. He carried out me up to a house. On road we talked much. He told to me about himself and I have told to him about myself. Appeared that he studies with me in one institute, but earlier we never met him. With him it was very interesting to me. I felt like completely protected. He has offered me to meet again and I with pleasure have agreed. Because I soul and heart have felt that he the good person. Me pulled to him and I long might not fall asleep that night. I thought of him. Next day I have met him in institute. Very strange why we earlier with him did not meet. We have met in the street the big city at late o'clock and have not met earlier in such small institute. I have thought that it is our destiny. This day we send with him in cafe after study. We all the day walked on park, were rolled on roundabouts. All at us was good. I was very glad that the guy to which I at last have found can devote all life. (the extreme Measure I so thought). We met with him about 1 year. But sometimes I from familiar heard that he flirts with other girls. I did not trust this. I always completely trusted him because I loved him. I never was against if he without me went to have a rest with the friends. My love has blinded me. All his words seem to me music for my ears. I earlier never thought that which he spoke such beautiful words to me may appear a deceit. Then he began to speak me tender words less often. Words " I love you " descended from his lips unwillingly, but even I did not attention to it. Then we begin to see less often. He spoke that at him problems with study. He was constantly borrowed. I have decided to make to him a surprise and to come to him without the prevention on a visit. Later I have understood that it was prompted with my intuition. I have called at a door. He to me long did not open a door. Then he nevertheless has left to me with the guilty person and did not want to start up to himself. He has told me that he has met other girl but did not want to speak me to not break to me heart. I heard his last words when I have run on a ladder. I have come running home and long cried. Next day I have not gone at all on study. I long thought above that that has taken place. I was very much disappointed in guys. I long time counted inconceivable for to find other guy being afraid to be deceived. But nevertheless has understood not all men in the world such as he. I believe that is in the world of persons which will grow fond of me on the present and will not deceive me. But I have decided to not search for such person in Russia because some my girlfriends too have deceived guys. One my girlfriend has prompted me idea iieea the loved person through the Internet. I think that under letters it is possible to find out persons well enough. When I have come in Internet - cafe and there to me have prompted conjugal agency Webdate. Here I have seen your structure I have decided to write to you. Probably I was again prompted with my intuition. Now I very seriously and cautiously treat search of the guy. I hope that you with me also will be frank. Unfortunately my time behind the computer in Internet - cafe comes to an end. I have opened to you the heart. I with impatience shall wait the answer from you. With the best regards.
Letter 16
Hello my dear! HOW ARE YOU? At me all is good. Also there has come at last spring. The truth it is not absolutely warm yet and snow has not thawn yet, but the sun already shines in another way. It joyful today. Birds still too have not flied. But you see the main thing that is created now inside us. Inside us sing birds, flowers blossom and it will be fast in streets. When the first flower will blossom, it will seem to the most beautiful and fine, let though it will be also a simple camomile, but for any person it will seem the most beautiful flower. Likely therefore women love flowers, especially in the winter. You see when around all cold and malicious a flower as magic is capable to dispel most dark night to kindle the coldest female hearts. Therefore the majority of men on the first appointment is taken with flowers. You see you artful also know, that it is necessary to women (smile)!! Today despite of snow the majority of people has come to work without a headdress. Yes, the sun in such weather is deceptive. It shines so brightly and it seems, that in the street is very warm, but actually it is cold. And I 3 days back have gone on street without a headdress and was ill slightly. I had temperature. And I had to take a compensatory holiday at work. Now it is necessary to work and in days off. But it not bad, the main thing at me today has appeared time to write to you the letter. I know, that sometimes my letters you should wait to you long. But you see you know, that I have no a house of the computer and it is necessary to go here, in Internet - cafe. Earlier about Internet – cafe knew few people and computers almost everyone were free, but now here there is almost always much people and I sometimes should wait long time that the computer was exempted. But, when I see your letter, I read it all minutes of expectation for me seem seconds. Your letters bring to me pleasure and all world for me becomes the best. Earlier I also did not think, that the simple letter may be bring so much pleasures. But you would see my smile when I see your letter. My girlfriend Katya speaks, that I am glad as the child. By the way she sends the regards to you and congratulates on approach of spring. She thanks for compliments which you also addressed to her. She has told me, that you are very nice and so are happy for me. I too think, that you very nice. And very careful, your marks of attention to me, your words in letters, all this does my days very happy. You feel, what with each letter we build the bridge between us? The bridge which once will connect us. And then we at last can find out, as far as we approach each other. That let's continue to build our relations. Today though also the first day of spring, all the day fell snow. And snow has already filled in streets, snow-removing machines do not consult with it. Winter last time who here the owner, but beams of the sun now will heat every day more strongly has decided to show and soon last streamlets will notify on arrival of spring. The first flowers will please eyes of the person, the first birds with pleasure will sing the melodies to the in love pairs, the sun will present the beams of embrace to all mankind. And each person, let he lives in Europe or in India, though in Australia though in America or even on northern Ledovitom ocean, each person on the ground will feel arrival of spring. And it will be at all because of the sun. It will be because of feelings which arise in the person when there comes spring. Not gift of hundred poets eulogized this interval of time. It is the first spring which we shall meet together with you, the truth you you are for many miles from me, but suddenly there will pass a spark between our hearts and then we at last shall tell about what this spring dreamed.... For now our mutual relation have not reached such level. I shall tell about myself a little more. In the childhood I was very disobedient girl, I might run in the whole days along the street. I then a vein in village where my grandmother now lives and I with the girlfriends frequently went on the river. We there spent all the day. I remember then to me was years 6-7, but I floated already enough well. Navigation now and this my hobby and to this day. In the summer I frequently go on the river, the truth it at us is slightly polluted, but pools in city have not constructed. There are certainly 2 pools, but they school. There teach schoolboys to float, and the common ools are not present. Therefore I send you a photo which I think to you very much it is pleasant. I here in a bathing suit. It is a photo it is made this summer in near our city. The truth beautifully. There many beautiful places. Only I hope you it is a photo will not show the friends. I understand, that in it there is nothing especial, but I send this photo to you and more to whom. Therefore I would like, that it is a photo you saw only. You promise me, that it is a photo will not show the friends. I believe you, that you will execute my request. Therefore differently I very much shall take offence on you. But you see you good also will make how I shall ask. Summer will be fast and I again can go to bathe on the river, probably we shall bathe together with you, somewhere on warm islands. It only dreams, but all dreams become a reality..... Also, as you already know, I love equestrian sport, I love a ski. But sometimes I like to sit houses and to esteem the interesting book. Recently I read about secret marks. In it it is told about numbers, that they designate, what else there are marks. There was a lot of interesting. By the way, now I have decided to not watch news by the TV set and in general less time to spend behind the TV set. Because in news show a lot of bad and sad. And the person cannot long. It is necessary to smile more as I already wrote. It is better to read the book or to go in for sports. And it is better to go in Internet - cafe and to write to you the letter (smile). This is better? Well, my dear I should speak you bye my dear , I shall wait for your reciprocal letter. With the best regards. Marina
P.S. Also would like to send you a spring kiss, it very hot....
Letter 17
Hello my dear. I write you the letter from a new box. It is the letter - test. I want to check up work of the letter box. To me have told that it is a reliable post server. To me some message has come that your letters may not reach me. It so? To you too there came such messages? Tomorrow I shall write the answer to your last letter. Only I ask to write you to me on my new e-mail that I precisely knew that my letter box works. I very much miss. I very much worry about our correspondence. It is very important for me. Yours Marina.
Letter 18
How are you my Peter? I hope at you all as perfectly as well as at me. How you have carried out these days? How at you there weather? Today at us snow has again dropped out. Here already it is a lot of snow. For the spring completely not similar. Such feeling that winter does not wish to leave. I wait for warm days that it was possible to leave in the morning on street to take a breath of fresh air. Pure, fresh! Sometimes even it becomes sad, when it is necessary to come back home. But after this walk home you come joyful, with good mood. I like, when people have good mood. And consequently itself also try to be always joyful. Each morning I rise with an idea, that at me all will be good. I am adjusted on it since the earliest morning. And consequently at me almost always good mood. The truth today to me it has spoiled bad dream. To me dreamed as I has arrived to your country and you should meet me at the airport. But you there were not. But I knew your address and have decided to go to you on taxi. when I have arrived to you you were not an at home. I have decided while to walk around your city. It was so interestingly!! I looked at your fountains, on your houses, certainly went on shops (you likely know, that at women the weak side is shops). Sometimes we all the day may go shopping, is simple so even if anything and was not going to buy. Speak, that it even is useful. First it you see sports: all the day on shops deletes a lot of fat. Second it well influences your mood. In third I shall know, that is sold and in what shop this or that thing is sold and how many it costs. You see, what even such insignificant thing brings a lot of advantage. And so I have visited your shops and have bought to myself a new dress. It was beautiful and I again have decided to go to you. And now the most awful began. I have seen you. But you were not one. You stood with the girl and kissed her (in dream we already liked each other and were going to marry). You kissed on the mouth that girl in. To me I became very bad also has run away from your house. I ran and cried. So has run some streets and has looked back. Before up to me other city has appeared absolutely. And I have understood, that have lost the way. It appeared absolutely other city, not in what you lived (in dream it frequently happens: that you in one place, in the friend). And the most important at me the bag with documents and money was gone. I likely have dropped it, when ran from you and I have decided to go back. But here I have met 4 men. They were malicious and terrible. I wanted to escape from them, but unless the girl far may escape from the man. They have caught up me. And here one wanted to strike me. But... Here has rung out an alarm clock and I have woken up. I was all wet for the transferred fear. It was awful dream. I hope to me any more there will be nothing dreams such. And I dreamed you? Or something unusual? Then I have had breakfast, have had a meal and have gone on work. Work to be in 30 minutes from me and consequently I go up to there by the bus or a trolley bus. It is not so convenient, but is a unique opportunity to reach before work. I heard, that in your country in each family there is an automobile, sometimes even at each member of family. It is the truth? At you that such cheap automobiles or at you the big salary? For example that I could buy the automobile to me it should to work for us about 60 months. And thus of nothing to buy. Though automobiles in comparison with yours are much cheaper. The small salary means at us in comparison with you. The ratio of incomes and charges almost equally, therefore it is very difficult to save money. At us you see as: laws are thought up for rich, you see it they have thought up these laws. It is severe validity. For example my neighbours at work did not receive the salary 4 months. As it is possible to live so when to you do not pay for work. And the main thing of anything cannot be made. Well, will suffice about sad. The god of them will punish, you see he all sees also all knows. Though I also do not go to church, but I believe in him. You see there should be someone who has created our world. Today at me was a lot of work? As tomorrow will be on March, 8th and people buy gifts on it. I very much today am tired. One young man today has bought the biggest toy for the daughter. It was the pink elephant. I think his daughter will be happy it to receive. In the childhood I also dreamed of toys. But in my childhood there were no such various toys. You see then the Soviet union with restrictions on import in the country of the goods was still. It now at us in the country began all a lot of new. In shops it is possible to find everything, that you want. And earlier, me mum told, people became in the big turn to get for example any novelty. For example men stood up for cigarettes or beer, might stand in a queue, if on counters occurbed black caviar or some more any delicacy. It happened, that people became in turn since the morning and only might buy in the evening. Yes, difficult there was time. At you likely never it happens the big turns. There are only turns on roads when there is a blockage of automobiles. I saw it by the TV set. On road the long strip of automobiles lasts. It may achieve some kilometers. It seems refers to as as " an automobile fuse ". In the evening I at last was released and as in the street there was a good weather. Though snow fell, but the temperature was only-4 degrees C. In streets have already hung up Celebratory fires. And our city turns to the fantastic country. All with impatience wait for this holiday. I too wait for it, but to me would like to carry out it with the loved person. You see it would be super!! But unfortunately to my dreams to not come true yet. On the way home I have decided to go in Internet - cafe. Here there was few people as likely all walked in this remarkable weather. I have decided to take advantage of it and have decided to read your letter. Thank for your warm words and compliments. You are similar to the present gentleman. You are able to give compliments and consequently I with the great pleasure read your letters. The main thing that the letter was in all sincerity. In the future I consider our meeting and for me am unimportant where it is held. May be in my country or in yours. You see that we completely could find out each other we should meet. And then we shall decide that we shall do further. It is possible to marry. I am very glad, that 2 persons with identical search have found each other among millions people of the Earth. Yesterday I thought of us with you. My dear on the ground more than 2 billion people and we could find each other. We with you already friends and I can trust you. It is very easy for me to communicate, read with you your letters to write to you the answer. It almost as dialogue but as it is a pity, that it yet in a reality. I very much like your form of letters, your ideas. I am repeated, that I hope our relations will develop into more serious things, you see you too search for the second half, the love. There may be we already have found each other. We shall look it in the future. When I come in intern - cafe and I do not see your letter to me become sad. To you also? You think of me? How you think, from us the good pair would turn out? I also would like to have children in the future. You see this such huge happiness. I think each woman should dream of it. You see children it is the big pleasure. To look as they grow to bring up them, to see their first steps, to hear their first words, to see their first words. I very much would like to become mum. Sometimes I stand in shop and I look as past pass mum with a daughter. And I present myself. As I go together with my daughter as I shall buy to her toys, and simply to love her. I do not know why, but I very quickly can find common language with the child. It likely because of my work. You see main our consumers it is children though for it adults haha. pay but you see the smile of the child is better any money, any awards, and their love this biggest happiness. On it I should finish the letter. Today I something sat much more the usually. Strange... Especially I know you, the it is more me hunt to write to you letters. I would not like to go now home. I want to wait your answer and at once to write to you the reciprocal letter. But it is impossible, because my time for the Internet has expired. Really I already began from you to become attached?! Interestingly it is good or bad?! As though it was, but I with very big impatience wait for your letters. When you will have free minute, I ask you to write to me the letter. Do not force your princess to suffer. With warm greetings from Russia.
P.S. I send you a warm kiss.
Letter 19
Hello my dear Peter. How has passed your day? how are you? Sorry me that I could not answer you quickly. We in the country had spring holidays and consequently the Internet-cafe did not work. Today it has opened also I with pleasure I write to you the letter my darling. I today had very heavy day. First I today have late risen and late for work. My alarm clock did not ring, the charge of the accumulator there has ended. I had to apologize before the chief and it wished to lower to me the salary, but then it has changed the mind. Then all the day there were many buyers. Now it is felt, that there has come spring. Parents buy to the children gifts and toys. Girls also buy to the guys surprises, men too buy to the girlfriends soft toys. The soft toy uses a great demand: the big bear. I do not know why, but many Russian people like bears. It likely Russian symbol though anywhere it is not written. But Russian people always liked bears. They are a little similar to our people. Like kind, clumsy but if it to anger it becomes malicious and it is ruthless to the enemies. For example 2 world war. First Germans won us, but then our people has gathered and has rejected Germans from our ground. This war still will long remember. Also America has helped us to win this war. It was the good help. I had even to be late on work a little because our working day have prolonged at 1 o'clock. Whether after work I have decided to come into the Internet-cafe and to look the letter from you has come to me. I was very glad, when have seen it. To me always to receive from you letters. They fill me with heat. I feel, that somewhere overseas there is a friend who always will understand me and will write the good letter. Your letters are always remarkable. We become is more close to each other also it me also pleases. Each your letter forces me to be pleased to that I have correctly made that once has come here and has decided to write to you the letter. Earlier I even did not think, that I so can simply find the friend from other country, and is possible even the husband. I am very glad, that our letters us pull together also our attitudes aspire to it. And it is possible at all of us it will turn out. Suddenly we really approach each other and we are created that from us with you children were born: small Marina or small Peter. At us speak: " ways of the Lord are inscrutable ". And this correct saying. Once it is possible to wake up and see a ring on the hand (by the way on what hand at you carry a wedding ring. At us on the left hand of a ring finger.) and to wake up in other country. And to feel in the heart huge pleasure, happiness. To become your closest friend, and then and your wife is while main my purpose and I shall be very glad, if our attitudes nevertheless will be such. In fact we with you search for it on the Internet. I also feel successful, that have found you in the Internet. In fact I could write someone to another. By the way I wish to admit to you that in the beginning I wrote not only to you. I corresponded with 3 people. But then I have ceased to write to them when has understood, that it is I destiny. My destiny it you. At least I feel now it so. By the way today at us became little bit warmer (But all the same it is still cold). There has already come spring. In a trolley bus on which I go home I was very cold also recollected you. You now would warm me. No, you in fact brought me for work on the car. In fact you my gentleman and prince also will never allow me to freeze. So in fact? Now the snow does not drop out. Becomes little bit warmer every day. The spring drives away spring. I heard, that our humour and humour of your country is a little excellent. That seems to us ridiculous, can seem to you ridiculous and on the contrary. But we with you shall understand each other. In fact the love does great business. Yes, nevertheless the culture of our country is various. But it is better. You will teach me the culture, your language, and to you the . In fact the more person knows, that it is more interesting and better. I have again started to speak about us with you. But it it is no wonder. All my ideas now about you and our attitudes. I so want, that our attitudes переросли in more serious and certainly I think about our meetings in the future, I hope the near future. I so want to you happiness. Sometimes it seems to me, that I know you already for a long time. And it pleases me. You too most feel? Here my time also has approached to the end. When I write to you the letter, it always so passes quickly, and do not notice it. It speaks that you for me became more closer. It is always pleasant to me to write to you and to read your letters. Also I send you a photo. These I was again photographed at the girlfriend of the house. On 1 photo I joyful. It because I have found you and I correspond with you. On 2 photos I am a little sad, because you are not present about me. The truth interesting the photo have turned out? I hope to you also it will be it is pleasant. I shall wait your letters. I hope you will write it as soon as possible. Marina from Almetyevsk.
Letter 20
My dear Peter. I am very glad that you have written to me. I write to you the letter with very good mood. The sun in the street shines. The nature comes to life. The snow thaws. In some places already even streams flow. The spring has come. But on the TV speak that colds soon again will come. But me all the same. At me today very good mood. Weather today very much pleases me. Even more I was delighted when have read through your letter. Your letter as always it is full warm also tendernesses. At me on heart becomes always better, easier and warmer when I see your letter. I understand that you have not forgotten me. Your letters are very dear to me. Time was very a pity to me that when we had a problem with our correspondence because of that that my mail box badly worked for me but I will not be assured that more than such problems. Yesterday I again talked to the parents about you. They speak that I can speak all the day about you with a smile on the person. They too are very glad that I have got acquainted with you. They speak that you have inhaled in me a life and pleasure. My friends speak that after acquaintance to you I became other person. If earlier I went little bit sad that now me often see joyful. They speak that if I go along the street and at me on the person a smile that it means that I have received the letter from you. And it actually so. Your letter gives me pleasure and fun. I understand that the life is good if there is in it a sense and the person about which you think. I often think of you. I already spoke you that I test to you the warm feelings. That I speak it only about myself. How are you Peter? How your business? You recollected yours Marina from Russia? I hope that recollected. I understand that you work much, but I hope that you have time to recollect me. Today for work to us have brought new toys. I have seen toy тигренка and for some reason it has reminded me of you. I hope that you not обидешься for me because of it. It looks such darling, kind, gentle but during too time it courageous, strong and brave. At me with you the same associations. Therefore I at once have thought of you. I have solved that it I shall not sell. I have decided to leave it to myself and have bought it. It will protect me in my room and to remind of you. If it is not pleasant to you that tell to me please. I shall not take offence. I shall understand. As quickly raise the prices in Russia! Well all right. These are problems of Russia. At us always so. The prices grow and the salary remains former. I do not complain because I have already got used. The Russian people suffer in it much is shown force of our character (but probably as well nonsense and feebleness). Today I shall go to library and I shall take there the book about your country. I try to learn as much as possible about your country and about your way of life. I very much liked your photo. You look is remarkable. I liked your story about the life. At you very fascinating and difficult life. Thanks for revelation. I am compelled to finish the letter because my time behind a computer unfortunately has ended. I hope that you will quickly write the answer. I hope that you will like my photo which I send you with this letter. I did this photo in my bedroom. Very interesting photo. I shall miss and wait your answer. Remember that in Russia there lives the girl which thinks of you and strongly misses. Kiss you. Yours Marina.
Letter 21
Hello my dear. How are you? Sorry me that I can not answer while your letter. I cannot get access to a computer in the Internet-cafe. Something happens with a computer. To me have told that tomorrow will transfer my information from a computer on other computer and I can read through your letter and answer you. Now I only can write to you the short letter from other computer. I very much miss you. I very much wish to read through your letter more likely. I am assured that you have written to me. Tomorrow I shall read through your letter and I shall answer it. If you yet have not written the letter to me that write today. I very much wait for your letter. I miss. I think of you. Marina
Letter 22
Hello my dear Peter! Sorry me that I could not write to you the letter at one. I just now have an opportunity to write to you the letter. How your business? How mood? At us in these days off easter. I wish you to congratulate on this holiday. Write to me as you celebrate it. It is very interesting to me. At us in the country it is accepted to paint eggs. Many people go to pray in church. I unfortunately cannot descend in church because our director of shop has told that we shall work on a holiday because on holidays it is a lot of buyers. Promised that for this working day will pay additional money. Additional money from it are not necessary to me, but I did not have a choice. One seller was ill and consequently I all the same should go to work. Therefore holidays for me are cancelled and there will be a usual working day. But certainly I all the same will have a celebratory mood. Because it is a holiday in a shower. Well all right. My parents asked to tell to you "Hello" and they also congratulate you on a holiday. My mum wishes to go to church on Sunday. How at you weather? At us becomes warmer but till now it is snowing. I think that the snow will thaw only in the middle of April in it to year. Very long winter. Well anything. At us speak that if the winter was long that there will be very warm summer. And I love warm weather. I love nieoioa and the blue sky. I love a full moon in clear weather when the moon looks such big and mysterious. I wish to tell to you that on easter I shall necessarily thank the god for that that we have got acquainted with you. What is the distance between us the close friend to the friend the truth while only in correspondence has not prevented to become us, but I hope that we shall meet in the future and I also hope that this day will come very soon. You know that you are very dear to me and consequently I want a meeting with you. In the letter you asked me about my growth. My growth 175cm howl weight 50kg. Together with this letter I wish to send you the photo again. It is a photo it is made in the city of Kazan in the past to year. I visited the relatives and was photographed nearby very beautiful buildings. You probably will notice on a photo that it is ancient buildings. They very much like me. I hope that you will like this photo. I very much miss. Once again sorry that I could not write to you the answer more likely. Yours Marina.
Letter 23
My dearest . This is me again, your friend from Russia - Marina. How are you and how are your mood? I pray for you and I wish that at you all is excellent. Tell me, my dear, how was your last days and sure, please send me your new photos if you can ok? How your weather there? I can not believe, that here in Russia the second month of spring because if you look in a window you will see white snowdrifts and it seems, that now middle of winter. But I hope, that within the next few days becomes more warmer, at last, the snow will begin to thaw here in Russia. I think, that at you is already warm, and that you enjoy in the spring and warm days. Tell me ok? At me all is normal also I still I work much. Work holds me occupied and time flies more imperceptibly for me, my dear. And how at you? How your work? I hope, that your work goes well and that it does not tire you. I frequently think of you and it makes me rather happy. You probably at all do not suspect, as interestingly for me to learn you all better and better. Sometimes I imagine that we might meet and that we might sit with each other in cosy cafe and we speak face to face. It so is romantic and is very pleasant dream for me, my dear. I never assumed earlier, that correspondence through the Internet may so pull together me to you, but it happened. I feel your heat and your kindness in letters. I also see your care to me and I am very much touched with it. It makes me very joyful and happy, my dear. I am very glad. That we have an opportunity to learn each other and it is important for me. I sincerely hope that you have interest to me too and that you as well as I value our relations. Tell me ok, I need it. I always dreamed to find the true friend to whom I will trust also which will trust me. I understand, that we never met earlier. That probably it is difficult for you to trust me, but nevertheless I hope, that between us can to arise more strong feeling. My dear. Tell me, can you trust that it is possible to love persons through the Internet? Do you think, whether it is possible to love persons if you did not see him never earlier? Answer me, it is important for me. Last night I sat at home and I on a visit had my girlfriend. We were together going to have a meal and then watched TV. There was Interesting film with Russell Crowe, Gladiator. I am sure, that you saw it too. I looked it many times, but it was pleasure for me to see it once again. It is the present film - about honour, a true friendship and love! Film is looked on one breath - since the first seconds and up to last staff. Mysteriousness, severity and customs of antiquity immerse in realities of the Roman empire. The prompt beginning, fights, battles, intrigues and aspiration to authority, force and honour, fidelity to ancestors and family, politics tricks and reflections about meaning of the life organically coexist in film. Bitterness of sufferings and the tests which have dropped out on a share of the main hero to go through it is impossible, and, thank God, we have no such opportunity, though at viewing sometimes you can forget that you sit an at home in front of the TV set. Due to it, I on myself have experienced all horror, despair, a pain, disappointment in all and in all in life, the main hero - persons having in lifes everything, but because of self-interest and love of power of others lost the most dear: family, belief in, in others, in life... Probably now I seem to you the bore, but I think, that each person should aspire to a that ideal which is shown in film, and I dream of that will find persons which to love and respect me also strongly and deeply as well as the main hero of this film. Tell me, please. What you think of this film ok? Well, my dear. My time has approached to the end and I should go home now, but I with impatience will wait your answer. It really is very pleasant for me to receive your letters, my dear, and I really always am glad, when I think of you and read your letters. Please, write to me more about you and about that that is pleasant to you. I want to know all about you and I want to be closer to you. I am finishing this letter and I am sending to you thousand hot kisses from all my heart. For ever and sincerely yours, Marina........
P.S. I will send you with this letter a pair of photos. I hope, that you grow fond of them.
Letter 24
Hello my lovely Peter!!!! I was very glad to receive from you the new letter, and I hurry to you to answer. I very much miss on you. I very strongly love you!!!! Here at us spring already has absolutely come, became already absolutely warm and the first green bulletins of spring have appeared, all around is pleased to the first spring warm days, each alive organism, each small small insect wants to tell as it well from the first warm spring days. And only I have no full happiness. To become completely happy I want to kiss you, I want to embrace you but I can not make it because you so far from me. Now in me tender feelings to you have woken up even more because spring always brings more romanticism, this such season in our life when each alive soul would search for itself for that with whom she wanted to pass the life. To me it is very sad from that that you so far from me and we may not please each other with the first alive bouquet of colors. My heart seems to me is ready to flash a fire from love to you. I promise you that it warmly in my heart, this fire never will go out, you see so is strong you I like. I ask my heart your letters you see I of you warm up so am glad to receive from you even a pair of words. Now for almost each day of a calendar it is a holiday because I so frequently I receive letters from you. My loved promise to me to not throw me you see I so am afraid to lose you, you the most expensive that are in my life by my most important dream there was one: to see you and to tell you as strongly I you I like!!!! If we shall not meet, my heart will burn down in a flame of love, it there will not bear that that people name separation, let we with you have Internet but it nevertheless not that that I would want you see looking to the person in eyes it is impossible to tell a lie to it, and I want to prove to you force of the love. Tell me please and how at you there comes spring now how beautifully at you in America? In my city it is a lot of plants in streets therefore now even in city all people notice as plants after hibernation quicken!!! It so is wonderful for observing of that as each year same occurs in a nature, I do not know why but it bewitches me, and still I very much like to go on spring evening city and to look at the moon and on stars. It seems to me even they get new more romantic shades at this time year. It so wonderfully but having come home I again recollect you and I again would like that in it beautiful warm night we were together. And you would like to be with me my dear!!!! You see it so is wonderful to walk on city or to look at the moon from a window of a house!!!! You never noticed that in the spring in the person, even in the most rough and rigid such feelings which we wake up name love. But you already for a long time know my feelings to you, I love you!!!! And it is not simple action of spring simply you that which man I searched for all life. ... Yours Marina!!!!!!
Letter 25
Hello my dear ! It was long absence... But now I can write to you. Yesterday and the day before yesterday there was a lot of people in Internet - cafe and I might not write to you. I came here 2 times into day and it was without results because was a lot of people. But today at last I can write to you the letter.. And to share with you the feelings, ideas and desires. Weather at us today is very remarkable. Though 2 days back were a rain and it was impossible even to leave on street because it was possible to get wet at once. At last at us there has come spring.. Already it is few snow, only in dark places a little snow still lays. But I think it will not be fast too and soon will appear the first flowers. I so am glad to this season. I so wait all this. Today at us the sun shines, in the street is warm. Today it is possible to go in park, but I do not have pair, that is you. You would like to go with me on park? You hold me for a hand, tell something. I am very glad and too I speak you something. So we go on park and everyone look at us because we are happy, and everyone want to be happy. These days I sat and recollected the last summer. In that summer I with my parents went to a zoo in Kazan. I wanted you to send all photos, but so it is a lot of them. That I have decided to send only to 3. me there very much it was pleasant. And you there have zoos or aqwapark? I never saw dolphins or other fishes. At us here such is not present. Probably in Moscow only is. But there I was all once and anything there did not see. And in zoos I was frequently. But most of all it was pleasant to me. There it is very beautiful. On the first photo I was photographed with a bear. He such lovely,so growled interestingly. He is similar to the small child. To me even have allowed to feed him from a bottle with milk. He then has licked me. He has very much liked me. I would like to have houses of such bear (smile). It is a pity, that he then becomes big. It would be good, if he all time was such small!!!! On the second photo I sit with the peacock. They such important both proud and very beautiful. The employee of a zoo has presented me one feather of the peacock then but when I went home. That has lost it somewhere. I was very sad this loss. On 3 photos I with a parrot. I do not know what he breed. But he might speak. He such ridiculous. He spoke different words. For example: " Come once again, or I was glad to acquaintance still more many different words. He has very much made laugh me. Look what there a kind!! There all green, circle trees and a grass.. So it is beautiful!! That day I was joyful and happy(then I did not guess at all, that I shall get acquainted with such lovely and charming person as you!!) . And this day I little bit sad because I now one, does not suffice me of you, your attention, your care. In this, apparently, silent and marvellous evening, me it is very lonely. All not and all not that: I something waited, but what exactly... Again one, again without you - why? Who will give the answer? Heart for a long time is silent, the soul turns to a stone, and the body grows cold with loneliness. LONELINESS-, that does not give me to live and enjoy life. Behind a window spring as it would be desirable to feel it: the first spring beams of the sun, thawing of snow, streamlets on roads. I have got lost in labyrinthes of destiny and can not find an exit from it. It seems, that it it is already close and up to it to submit a hand, but again impasse. Again searches for an exit, only the exit is not present. It is latent to find it, probably it is necessary to look back back, and perhaps it will turn out to make out in this darkness a key..., that exit. As though it would be desirable to return back to him to tell long-awaited words: " I very much miss you. In you one all sense of my life. You dream mine, I believe you... I know - I shall wait for you. " Now we are divided with time. It ruthlessly beats on feelings, not allowing to hope in the best. I have written these words now, these are my feelings, it that I now feel. Though to me and it is lonely now, but I know. That once we shall meet and then we shall be happy. A meeting.. I never thought, that this word will be such mysterious and charming. I so wait for this meeting!!! Well again I began to speak from a meeting... You were bothered with it to read? (Smile). Well, I dear likely to me is time to go home. I should still to prepare eat. My parents send the regards to you. And the brother likely again is not present a house. Now you see in parks it is a lot of to people and girls. He likely again with somebody has got acquainted. He all time vanishes in the street. I him saw 2 times with girls and both times with different girls. I condemn him sometimes because all time with different girls is impossible to be and to deceive them. We even were littered with him some times because of it. It you see is wrong so to act. Though at his age all boys deceived the girlfriends.. You too deceived the girlfriends in the age of 17-18 years? I am sure, that you too had many girls.. The main thing that you did not deceive me.. I shall be very angry, if you will do it. I am sure, that you will be always true to me and me will never deceive. You see you such lovely and good!!! I too shall be fair with you.. I always shall be true and fair. Because in the world and so it is a lot of evil so we with you shall be kind and fair. If all helped each other in our world it would be much better. On these fine words I shall finish the letter.. bye my dear. I shall look forward your letter. Your princess (already spring princess) Marina As always I send you the most sweet kiss!!!! (it is a pity, that not in a reality, but soon I hope it will be in a reality).
Letter 26
Hello my dear Peter. How are you my lovely? I miss you very much. For last days I had many events. I already for a long time and thought of a trip to you much. I thought of that how to legalize all papers. And here my aunt could finish speaking about work in Australia. She has told that it is work on a travel company and that I can carry out it on a residence. I should process the correspondence and other papers. That is I can receive the working visa. The same day I long discussed it with parents. Certainly my parents knew that you are very dear to me. They certainly agree that I have gone to you. The problem consisted only in money for a trip. My daddy has made an application in bank on reception of the credit. And to it have told that it will receive the credit. When I learned all about a trip to you that to us have told that for arrival to Australia 2500-2600 US dollars are necessary for me. My daddy has taken the credit, my relatives and friends also have given me money and we could type 2500 $. I was very glad to it. My aunt has contacted embassy. The friend there works for it. But he has told that also is necessary to pay the tax and that there are still gathering of firm and any other gathering. I thought that today I shall sit joyful and to write to you the letter on that that you met me in 10 days in Australia. But unfortunately I am now very afflicted. I have found almost all sum of money which is necessary for a trip to you. My friends and relatives unfortunately cannot help me any more. It is very sad. You know that you are very dear to me and that I for a long time dreamed and very much waited for our meeting. I know that we wished to meet you in Moscow, but this chance is much better than a meeting in Moscow. To get this work I should begin registration not later than on May, 6th. For me this trip is very important that that I can to see you. As I can arrive to you under the working visa and it gives us chance to be together long and well to learn each other. Probably we shall want to marry and under the working visa also allows it. It that is very important that I can will receive the working visa. But all my plans fall my dear. My parents and friends speak that I should not miss the happiness. They speak that you very good person and that I necessarily should meet you. I did not wish to ask from you the help, but I do not have output more. I cannot find more money. Therefore I ask you to help me my darling Peter. Now it is necessary for me to find 500 $ USA. I ask you about the help my darling. I shall arrive in Australia and I shall earn this money. I shall return them to you. I do not want that you spent money for me and consequently I undertake to return them to you as-only I shall receive the first salary. Now all завист only from you. I with huge work and shame write to you this letter. My unique hope to be with you now on the verge of destruction. I very much hope that you also as well as I want our fast meeting. I constantly think of you and I miss you my darling. I shall wait your answer. I hope that we very soon shall meet. I have made this photo on April, 23rd, but unfortunately long could not find the scanner and consequently I send you it is a photo just now.
Your Marina.
Letter 27
Hello my dear. How are you? I could write to you the letter only today because in Russia the holiday " six-decade was from the date of a victory above fascist Germany in the second world war. " Therefore the Internet - cafe was closed. This year our country very widely and beautifully celebrated this holiday. Very much it was pleasant to me. Therefore probably the most part of the letter will be devoted to that that I did in these days off. My grandfather has died in that war. May, 7 I together with my grandmother went on a tomb to the grandfather and have put to him flowers. I never saw him because he has died even before my birth. I saw only his photos. All streets of our city were decorated with the Russian flags and color garlands. The city has changed. The celebratory mood was felt. May, 9 at us in city parade was. Certainly parade was not such big as in Moscow (you May saw parade which was in Moscow.), But too interesting. I seldom see militarians. And on parade all of them were in dress uniform and beautifully marched under music. In the sky beautiful figures of high pilotage did planes. Вобщем parade has very much liked me. There were very many people, probably have come more half of city. All day was played everywhere with music, people walked and had fun. Many send on a holiday families together with children. Almost all children ran joyful with the big color balls. I very much love children and I dream that sometime I too will have family. I already wrote to you about it much. In the evening I together with girlfriends have gone to park. The concert and any games there was. It was very interesting. There were many people basically youth. In 10.00pm salute was. Too very beautiful. I have well had a rest and have had fun in this day, but all the same to me was sad. Almost all went in pairs. Young guys with girls. I was only with girlfriends. Certainly girlfriends it is good, but I wanted that this day near to me you were. I already well know you. And I did not have not enough you. I frequently recollected you this day. Oh, I so have taken a great interest in the story about that as I have lead a holiday what even have overlooked to tell you that my parents and friends transfer you greetings. My daddy yesterday asked about you. He smiled when I talked to him about you. He speaks that with such person as you are possible to be afraid of nothing. You very good and reliable person. You know that for me very important opinion of my parents and I am glad that they of very good opinion on you. I very much miss and constantly I think of you. With this letter I shall send you the new photo. It is a photo it is made in the House of culture. I there frequently went when went to school. Now I go there sometimes on aerobics. I hope that you my new photo is pleasant.
With best regards. Yours Marina
Letter 28
Hello Hi Hello my dear!!!! How are my lovely ? At me all is good. I today have woken up and to me the sun was knocked on a window. It today such hot, as in the summer, and bright, the sky dark blue and without clouds (in the summer in such weather it would be possible to go on a beach and to sunbathe). I at once have risen, have washed and have gone on jog. I today have run about 10 kilometers to grow thin for these holidays (smile). It seemed to me, that for these holidays I have collected superfluous kgs with therefore began to do jog of more long. Some more such jogs and my figure will be in the full order. I ran on park. Since morning there nobody was. Only some more person too ran. In the morning so it is good. Pure air, is few automobiles, on green trees sing birds. They it seems compete, who is able to sing better. It seemed to me, that I in a fairy tale. Only in this fairy tale there was no my prince . Then I have come home, have taken a bath, prepared for breakfast and have gone on work. The working day has flown by very quickly, always, when with love treats to the work. That work goes faster. In a lunch break I wanted to go in Internet - cafe, but there is I very much have got hungry. And we with girlfriends send in cafe. There had a drink tea with pies and have slightly talked about any other business. They have taken an interest about you. I him have with the great pleasure told slightly about you. The truth of them frightens such huge distance between us and they have admired with ours with you bravery. I of them am sure, that if at us all will be good also our relations will develop in love I shall call them necessarily on wedding (smile). I have very well spent. Then we send on work. By the way, I have asked them about day of a victory. As you know, I could not see it as was at the grandmother. It appears there it was very interesting. All over again there were soldiers on the area, then behind them there were cadets, then soldiers showed some receptions of hand-to-hand fight. Also parachuters jumped and still there were concerts and dancing groups. And late at night fireworks was. I have regretted, that was not this day in city. But also I am happy, that saw the grandmother and the puppy Bobik. I too there have well spent. After dinner work also has flown by imperceptibly and then I have come in Internet - cafe and now I sit and I write you the letter. As always with the great pleasure want to transfer you huge greetings from my parents. And certainly to send you my new photo. The first photo also was made at the grandmother in village, near her house. The photo were done by my mum. I here very cheerful ((smile) likely thought of you. The second photo was made also by my mum. She in general very much likes to photograph. I prepared to go on work and combed hair. I here have not so well turned out. But to decide to you. You my judge and you decide: how many points to me to put (smile). I shall add to you the letter and I shall go likely to the girlfriend, I shall go likely with her in park, and also we shall go likely on shops. It is necessary to buy products home. I have thought, that a house will suffice to sit. It is necessary to take a breath fresh air, and that has bothered all time to sit at home. Or there may be we shall go in a cinema. There it seems show new Russian film: Fight with a shadow. Would like to look. Though I yet do not know, that we shall do. If we with you were now together I would think up, that we shall do. We would send on seacoast, would buy ice-cream, would sit on a coast and looked a decline. You would embrace me and told about the life, about the friends, about the parents. And it is even better, if have gone with you to have a rest on any island. I was never rolled on water motorcycles. At you there such in rent give? I would like to try on it to drive. In the Internet I looked a photo of coast of different cities in your country. There such pure and transparent water. I was so am surprised with it. Because in our river further, than on 1 meter of anything it is impossible to see, it very dirty. You even would be surprised, how in such river it is possible to bathe. And now I have decided, that I shall not bathe any more in our river, I shall sunbathe only and I shall begin as the present amazon or the pirate:-). Why my dreams all time about the warm countries, about prince. Likely it is dreams in each woman, it is simple not all women tell about them. I tell to you about the dreams because between us should not be what secrets. The basis of all relations so speaks honesty and trust my grandmother. And correctly speaks, because they with the grandfather lived so long and I never saw. That they quarreled. My parents also live happily. The truth sometimes they quarrel, but it happens in each family. But my daddy, as well as 20 years back, also looks after my mum. Everyone Saturday he gives to her flowers or invites to appointment. I look at them and am very glad, that at me such good parents. The majority of families seems get divorced that at them extinguish love and they do not revive her. They have already got used to each other, know about the friend the friend all and consequently the love gradually leaves. And my daddy always thinks out something new. That he may come to mum on work and invite her in cafe as 17 years guy will invite her at cinema and a lot of different. He invents very much. And consequently they live happily. The majority of men after wedding think, that have won heart of the woman and stop behind her to look after and women also already look after itself less: become thick and ugly. And in it they do mistakes. I shall be for the husband always fine, I shall support the figure always in good condition, shall be tasty to be going, all I shall do, that my future husband was always sure that I love him. He always should be gentle and careful with me. Certainly all this is very difficult, but possible&. Therefore it is necessary to try and never to lose togas, that you have already received. Never to stop on achieved such there should be a motto at all in love. I hope, that if we shall grow fond each other also we shall be good pair and always we shall like each other. I am sincere on it I hope. Well that's all it is time to me to go, because my time for the Internet expires. bye bye my fine. I with impatience shall wait from you the new letter. With hope for the fast letter and a fast meeting on your angel Marina
P.S. This time I shall not send you one million kisses. I shall give you only one kiss, but the most gentle and sweet kiss that your head has gone around and you could not after that kiss to stand (smile). Because it very much extremely sweet, you are similar to a kiss to the goddess for the hero, you see my hero.
Letter 29
Hello my dear ! How you have carried out this week-end? I especial did not do anything in these days off. Even now I do not know what to write. First, my mum at last has arrived from the grandmother. With the grandmother all is good and with mine puppy too is excellent. At night frightens off extraneous people. So the grandmother is in rest. When he becomes big he will be the good defence counsel. Now mum has arrived also I can hand over the post to it (her). Very difficultly there is to have time it all: and to work, and houses to do the order. But now I feel very well. Yesterday I have taken a bath. It so is good, after hot day. At us now very hot weather. All the day it is necessary to sit houses because in the street there is a strong heat. Only you leave on street and already it would be desirable to drink, therefore all days off I sat at home and did not leave anywhere. At you there too heat? It so is intolerable. It would be desirable to go and plunge into water and to float there in the whole days, but water still cold, and is not present my own pool. I also suffer: at home boringly, in the street heat. I do not know how to live all summer (smile): without you, without your touches, without your embraces, without your kisses. It would be desirable a strong rain... When all you soak through, and you then will heat me. I think, you can warm me after a rain, than the sun better. Where you my lovely? When we shall be together? My ideas only about it. I sit now in Internet cafe and here it is hot me, as here there is no conditioner. It is good, that in a building of work there are some conditioners, they help from heat slightly. If they were not, to me (smile) should to die. But soon there will come summer and then it is possible to go on the river and to spend there all time: all over again to sunbathe, then to be expiated, then again to sunbathe and again to be expiated. As though I now wanted to come to be on warm island in warm water and it is necessary with you, my lovely *****! We would swim away far and there would float. On island where nobody will prevent where only we shall be you and I us. It is a pity, that it only dreams and they will stay only dreams. But in life all happens also it too once may take place. Tomorrow it is necessary to me again on work, and then to go home, but home not to you. In this house there is no my lovely, my future groom. And I sometimes would like to go in Internet cafe, instead of a house to read your letter, for one minute to stay with you, you see with your letters I feel you about me. With your letters there come your sensations. Your ideas and a particle of you itself. On an instant, I as though am about you, I touch you, whole your soft lips and gently I embrace you. I feel it in your letters. I would like to come to be with you even for some minutes about you and to feel all dreams in a reality. You too want it? I think, what yes. We are familiar with you already such plenty of time. Our friendship on the Internet became much more close, ideas identical, and it seems a little more and we shall grow fond each other. Though the love through the Internet not so is close and may be not real. But we you see soon shall meet, if you will cease me to torment and at last we shall meet. And then our hearts, our lips, our bodies all this will incorporate. Unless it is possible to refuse it. I want to feel your love, your care and tenderness. Though I am frightened very much only by one: suddenly at a meeting I to you shall not be it is pleasant or you up to our meeting will meet another, and suddenly I a meeting of another. Though the destiny cannot be deceived. That is written on heavens it will be sooner or later. Therefore I am not afraid of our future. I believe, that it will be happy and fine. The main thing that our meeting has taken place.. Unless I am not right? We should meet and discuss our future. I very much wait for this meeting, it is a fine and wonderful meeting with mine prince... You will be my prince? I know, what yes. Then your princess waits for you. This time I can not send you of a photo as a disk on which there were my photos were stolen. I sat in Internet cafe and wrote to you the letter. Has then gone to a ladies' room and when has come my disk any more was not. I was so am upset. The main thing that nobody has taken advantage of my photos in the bad purposes. But there may be this disk to me back will return. In some days, I shall buy new and a disk and to do on it other photos. So, may already next time, I shall send again to you a photo. Up to the following letter, my lovely. I shall wait for your answer. If your letter will not be, I shall take offence very strongly. And you know what there is a woman malicious? She may break, be all a devil (smile), nobody can stop her (it). So do not anger me (smile). And the more so, when I am angry, on my person wrinkles may appear and it does the woman ugly. Unless you want, that I was ugly? So sit at once and write to me the letter. ok? Marina (smile). I watch you... And if you will not write at once to me the letter the lightning will get in you... (Laughter)
Letter 30
Hello again my dearest! I so long might not write to you the letter. In Internet - cafe always it is a lot of to people. I today waited for 2 hours while the computer will be released. At me today very good mood. In the street there was a solar clear weather in the afternoon. The blue pure sky. I very much love such weather. And it became slightly cool in the evening, but it even is pleasant. Probably already very soon it is possible aooiaeou to float on the river. I already spoke you that I like to float. Certainly the river and the sea strongly differ also I dream that sometime I can float in the sea. I with huge pleasure dress summer clothes. The winter clothes were heavy and summer easy clothes it seems to me simply as paradise. And what weather at you? I think that now weather at you too good. Mood at me good only I very much miss you. I spoke you it already many times. It is a pity to me that you now are far from me. You do not suffice me. We are familiar absolutely not for long and only under letters but at me such feeling that we are familiar many years. You know all about me. I always with you was frank. I to you have opened completely the soul because I completely trust you. I think that you too always with me are frank. I want our meeting. I spoke with people from travel agency. I even talked to the person which work in Moscow in embassy. All speak me that it will be easier if I shall come to you. Our laws are very strange in them many any defects. I now try to learn(find out) about my opportunity of arrival you. I try to make it possible. Still I today had interesting case. I like songs of Russian young singer Irakli. And today we with the girlfriend went from work and suddenly on the opposite side of street the machine has stopped and there from this singer has left. We with the girlfriend as small girls have run to take from him the autograph. But his protection has not started up us. There was going to look very many people at him(it). I can not tell that I oaiaoea, I am simple wanted on memory his signature in mine aeaeiioa. It was simply interesting to me. And still my daddy has invited to go with him on football. I have certainly refused, because in our stadium very many drunk people come to look at football. I love sports but I want to look it in a civilized way. I want to send you a photo with toys. I was photographed at home. These are my liked toys. I with them frequently played the childhood. They like you? I store them as memory. Sometimes I would like to leave from all problems and to return to the carefree childhood. I hope that you will like this photo. I with impatience shall wait for your letter my lovely . I hope that very soon I shall receive your answer. Yours Marina from Russia.
  