Oksana Mayorova (City of
Cheboksary, Russian Federation)
I am a 53 year old single man from Texas. I put my profile up on Yahoo Personals. In about 3 days I got my first letter. Her name is Oksana Mayorova, The Russian Federation, City of Cheboksary 428006, St. Yubileynaya 58, apt.49. Her email address is: Krasa64@bk.ru The first email was on 6/27/05 and by 07/06/05 it was I Love You, and she needed $315.00, it was at the point I thought to myself, this is a scam. The old saying...If it sounds to good to be true, it is to good to be true. I am glad I did not send her any money and I have reported it to Yahoo. I am glad your web site was here so I could confirm my thoughts. Thank You.
1st Letter 06/27/05
Greetings, Wayne!!! How you? She is Oksana. I was happy to receive you the message. For me was the big pleasure to receive your letter. I have dared to write to the first to whom or through the Internet. I should be grateful to this to my girlfriend Liza. My girlfriend Liza has found the good person through the Internet in the French city Le Mans. They are very happy together. Now they have already concluded a marriage and live In France. I am very happy for them. And I as have decided to find the good person Through the Internet. As I did not know the French language, I have decided to search in U.S.A. I not unitary heard about that that Americans very good people and among them is much Remarkable men. I shall not hide I met some men from Russia, But these attitudes were not long as the majority of Russian men are rough in The attitude to the woman. Many have propensity to alcohol. I have the big hostility To men which use too much alcohol. I had the father which constantly saws and beat my mum. When to me 8 years it were executed has died from Alcoholic poisonings. My mum very strongly cried. But it has carried also she has found good The man which loves her and is not drunk with alcohol. They live together 19 years. It has replaced To me of the father. Certainly they have children: two my younger sisters. I shall tell to you about myself: My full name Oksana. As I spoke earlier to me 40 years. I was born on October, 10, 1964. On a sign on the zodiac I "Balance". My growth is 5 ` 8, weight of 55 kg. On a nationality I Russian, I believe in the god and I am orthodox the Christian. I was never married and accordingly I have no children. I very much would like to find the present love as here I let and had men, but I was necessary for them only a body, him the soul is not important. For me the beauty internal instead of external is more important. I was born and I live in the city of Cheboksary. It is small beautiful small town city. In it it is a lot of Beautiful places: parks, the area. My city to be in 1000 kms from Moscow. As we have time zone of Moscow It GMT+6. Mine a favourite season this summer. We with family frequently leave for limits Cities. I like to spend time in the summer on the nature. I like to walk collecting beautiful flowers. Sometimes simply to lay and look at the sky. To observe of clouds. They sometimes accept very amusing figures. For me summer the bes is time. In the winter at us it is very cold. I do not love a cold. I was very bad to transfer winter. It is necessary to put on in warm clothes. Frequently simply it would not be desirable to leave from the house. As I have higher education. I have a trade the teacher of initial classes. I have chosen this trade because I very much love children. But unfortunately my speciality appeared Not claimed and me it was necessary to go for work in a kindergarten the tutor. This work for me has an entertainment. Children of me very strongly like, the some people name me mum. For me it is very pleasant to feel whose that love, even a nursery. As I should tell to you, that I have no house of a computer, and I use a computer, Which to be in a cabinet of director of our kindergarten. It has allowed to use to me the Internet. As I badly address with a computer, they together with my girlfriend Liza Helped me with search of the good person. When I saw your structure, my search has stopped on you. I have stopped the attention to you. I hope also you will not disregard me? I seem already have written much. I am afraid that there will be no information for the following letter. Attempt of humour!!! I shall speak you the rest in the following letter. I would like that also you have written to me about yourselves and your city. I never was outside Russia and it is very interesting to me to learn about your life in America. I put my photo to my letter. I hope you have found its good? I with impatience shall look forward to hearing from you. Your new Russian friend
2nd. Letter 06/28/05
Hello my friend Wayne!!! I am glad to receive your letter again!!! Today I especially hastened for work. I was afraid that I shall not find your letter in my box. On a threshold of me director has met and informed that to me there has come the letter. My friend, Wayne, I want to tell to you more about myself and my family. I live together with the family. My mum, the stepfather and two my younger sisters. My mum call Olga. She works works as the controller in transport service of our city. Its husband Sergey. It works as the driver at a factory on manufacture of steel doors. They do not earn many money, but they are happy together. In our family of money never were On the first place. As my mum speaks is not necessary aspires to earn more money, it is necessary aspires To that what happiness and love never left your house. She very good and kind woman. She has learned much me in a life. Since childhood I never heard from it rough words. She was for me not only I scold but also the friend to whom I can talk about all experiences. My younger sisters still go to school. Younger Masha studies in 9 class. And senior sister Vika studies in 11 class she leaves school this year Also is going to enter the university. She wants to become the economist. Our family very amicable and we are never littered. I very much love my family. I spoke my mum that have got acquainted with you. She has approved it. As she cares of my future. I already spoke you about my girlfriend Liza. She has found husband Loren in France. She has gone to it to France and they were together there 3 months then have got married. They very much loving and happy pair. I am very happy for them and as strongly I envy it. As I want to tell to you about the work. I like my work. In our children's home very kind and affable people, except for Katya work. It is very harmful and not the pleasant person. I work as the tutor with children of 5-6 years. I very much like to spend with them time. These are very emotional and cheerful creation. When I look as they play This best seems to me that that it is possible to see. I frequently leave with them on walk. Us in group two I and my girlfriend Katya. I shall well finish my letter. So at our director it is a lot of work and the computer is necessary for it. I hope that we shall be dialogue with each other? Please inform me the information on you directly more. I want to know more about you and your country, city. I never was In U.S.A. and it is very interesting to me. As I want to know more about your family, about your friends. Greetings to you from my mum. I with impatience shall look forward to hearing from you. Your friend
3rd.Letter 06/29/05
Hello, Wayne! I am very glad to see your letter again. My mood always at once improves when I start to read the letter from you. I want to tell to you even more about myself, I want to tell about the hobby. I have various hobbies. At leisure I like to spend time with close people.
We frequently with my girlfriends meet at their place. We walk on park. In the winter we frequently go To skate. This very fascinating employment. In our city there is a big skating rink, Where it is possible to skate for the small sum. I like to spend time on fresh air.
I frequently leave for city in the summer. In the summer our nature is simply magnificent.
We put tents near to the river. We bathe, we fish and very cheerfully we spend time. And I like when my life is accompanied with good music. I very much like to listen to music. I like when we go to a campaign to listen to songs under a guitar. I like when I am surrounded with music. I very much like to listen to music. You like to listen to music. I do not allocate what that especially Genre from music. It is pleasant to me that is done really with soul. I listen as well as Russian executors, And foreign executors. Be it that that from classical music or from a progressive techno. It is pleasant to me as various groups. You heard that or about the Russian groups? Such as "Tatu", " Laskovy Mai ", " Ruki V verh ", "Korny". As I like to look good films. I like to look films about love, good cheerful comedies. I do not like to look horrors, thrillers. It is very terrible for me. Once I looked cinema at a cinema It referred to " 13 ghosts ", I could not look through it to the end I have left a cinema. When I have told about it to mum she have laughed. I like such films as " Harry Poter ". " 50 first dates ", "Taxi" and as other good films. You love what films? You like to read books? I very much like to read books. I read Tolstoy, Chehov, Dostoevsky. As I read modern products. Such as " Harry Potter ". Sometimes I like to sit one and to dream about something. Sometimes I scroll the life and I recollect the happy moments From my life. I frequently recollect one moment which forces me to smile. In the childhood with mum we went to have a rest on the sea. I never before saw the seas. We have removed a small house near to the sea. We were there 1 month and it was the finest month about which have remained pleasant Memoirs. After that I never was on the sea. I frequently dream to see the sea, but now it is very expensive what To go to have a rest on the sea. It is very beautiful when the sun leaves for horizon reflecting a way red color. I liked to observe of it. You love the sea? I think that to me is time to finish the letter. As it is time to me to go to work. My friend, Wayne, I would want that you as have written about the hobbies. I shall wait for your letter and with pleasure I shall write to you again. With the best regards your new friend
4th. Letter 06/30/05
Greetings the my dear friend Wayne!!! I am very glad to read your letter. Big to you thank for your fine image. With each new letter I all learn you better and believe, it is important for me. My mum sends the regards to you. I have told to it about you that I correspond with the man from another The countries, she from the beginning was frightened, as we she many times listened about That as young girls leave abroad and them there force to trade Body. I have told that you good and not capable on such. She is very glad that I communicate with you. You told about me to the parents? Yesterday we sat at mine the girlfriend and looked film on the TV. It was very remarkable film. It referred to "Intuition". You looked this film? It is very good film about love. I shall tell a little to you about this film. Leaging roles of this film play guy Jonathan And girl Sara which casually meet in shop, having extended one glove. They have lead together fine evening, but it have left not having taken the address each other. Jonathan has written the name and phone on 5 dollar denomination, and Sara in the book. And they have agreed that if they can be together they will find each other. It so is romantic we with girlfriends very much experienced for their destinies. Also has passed some years and they already had the pairs and were going to marry. It was the most touching moment when they have thrown all and have rushed off on searches of the Destinies. And still they have found each other. She has found 5 dollar denomination, and it has found the book. They have found the love. It so is romantic. If you did not look this film, That necessarily look. I am sure that it is pleasant to you. My dear Wayne, I wanted to ask your phone. Unfortunately I have no phone. But I can call to you from telegraph. I very much would want to hear your voice. And you would like to hear mine. I never called abroad. Therefore I should know your international code as. Our director does not allow to use service phone. As this phone is checked every month and if will find out that there were international Calls that it can be reprimanded. I very much would not like it. I hardly at all have not overlooked my girlfriends asked to send the regards to you. They are very glad that I have found the good person through the Internet. They good friends. As we with the girlfriend prepared for tasty things. We did a pizza and prepared for a chicken. I am very tasty I prepare for a chicken. I very much would like that you tried it. I would think that very much was pleasant to you. We frequently gather we type the foodstuffs and We watch TV or simply we talk. Sometimes we play various games. We cheerfully spend time. I very much love the of the girlfriend. They always support me, Help when to me hardly. I think to me it is time to finish the letter. The my dear friend Wayne, I would want that we wrote our letters every day and that would answer on Each our letter. I concern to this very seriously. I with impatience shall wait for your letter. Sincerely yours the friend from Russia
5th. Letter 07/01/05
Hi my dear friend Wayne!!! I am happy to read your letter. I like to read your letters. They for me became very expensive. I shall soon receive the salary and at once I shall go to call to you. Yes I wanted to tell still, that I have one hobby, I very much like to read horoscopes and it is very interesting, I read a horoscope this year. There it has affected, that I this year shall be new acquaintance which will change my life. Unfortunately the horoscope is not always carried out. I very much would like all this Was so. I all required life will meet the person who is capable To do me by the happiest which I shall love most of all. It was the dream of all my life. To me 40 years and I have not found such person. But now I have acquainted with you, and you borrowed all my ideas. I constantly think about You. Probably it is silly, I actually at all did not see you. Yes I so thought earlier. I constantly received news from my girlfriend Lizy, that she likes Gans. I did not understand as she Can love, what person never saw. But now I understand, that I was not Rights. As we have started to correspond, has passed very few times, But I feel, that I am familiar with you the whole eternity. My dear I would like to give you my full name and my address as I am afraid suddenly with a computer, something happens and that I have not lost you. But our post system as not so reliable, is many cases of abduction of mail, especially which goes from such far country. My full name Oksana Mayorova. My address: The Russian Federation, City of Cheboksary 428006, St.Yubileynaya 58, apt 49. I as would like to study your address. Please send to me the address and your full name. I with impatience shall read your letter. And please tell to me more about you. Please write to me the big letter. I shall read it and To enjoy each word. I want to wish, that you from me and my family to you are warmer also happiness. I with impatience with impatience shall wait to receive news from you as soon as possible. Sincerely yours friend
6th. Letter 07/02/05
Greetings my dear Wayne!!! I am pleased to receive your letter. How are you doing? How you have lead day? I hope, that you will wonderfully lead a holiday. Today we with children from work go in a puppet theater. Children very much like To go to theatre. They actively participate actions spent there. Today the next representation with participation known is necessary them Characters from cartoon films. This very fascinating representation for children. We frequently with children visit similar actions. It brings him the big pleasure. I like to look when children are happy. I as become happy together with them. The administration of our city frequently gives us tickets in a circus, a zoo, a cinema on Viewing of cartoon films. And today to us gave tickets in a puppet theater. For us soon there should arrive the bus. And I will need to prepare children. Children frequently argue when borrow places in the bus. They very much me love also all Try to sit down me. But it all very good. I as love them. I do not regret that have found this work. My dear, Wayne, I want to be fair with you. Though I not lonely, me surround People close me, but I do not have not enough which that person I try to find in you. You became closer from the moment of our acquaintance. I miss under your letters. I have feeling that we are familiar with you long time. It is easy for me to communicate with you, I can write to you about all that I think. I yet did not meet such person in a life, To whom could speak about my life. Let from the moment of our acquaintance the past yet is a lot of time, but you became for me the important person in my life. I have for you feelings about which I am afraid to speak, I am afraid, that that it can frighten off you. I am afraid to use this word LOVE, only understand me correctly. Lovely excuse, that I up to the end cannot write all to you, but tomorrow I shall try to explain all to you. Well, I cannot continue the letter. To me have told that the bus already has approached. It means that it is time to me to prepare for children for trip to theatre. I shall necessarily write to you about our trip tomorrow. As tomorrow I shall wait for your letter, When I shall come for work. Sincerely, Your
7th. Letter 07/04/05
Greetings, my most dear Wayne! I bring to you my apologies that I so have suddenly stopped the letter to you. Simply for us there has arrived the bus and I needed to go to prepare children to trip. My dear Wayne, I want to tell to you about ours visitings of a puppet theater. It was very healthy. Children were delighted. From the beginning to children showed very much, Interesting fairy tale "Morozko". It is a fairy tale was very instructive for children. In it it was spoken about that that kindness and diligence always Conducts to goods, and the vanity and laziness is punished. Children very much experienced for the main heroine of this fairy tale. After a fairy tale to children have arranged an entertaining quiz, Arranged different competitions. It was not overlooked evening for children. But I could not to concentrate the attention on viewing. To me did not allow to rest of a word of one of our tutors. When I has already stopped to write to you the letter of me one of teachers has called, she as is my girlfriend. She has told, that I have changed recently and that I became similar to the in love girl. Its words have forced me to reflect seriously on my attitude to to you. Really I have noticed that since we have started to correspond with you all my conversations only about you. When I have come home I have gone to bed and for a long time could not fall asleep. I has understood that I love you. And me it became very terrible. I was afraid to speak you about it. I not knew as you will look at it. I most of all in a life was afraid that my love will be not claimed and consequently I always was afraid to begin Serious attitudes, being afraid to grow fond someone. And I for a long time whether doubted to speak you about the love as I am afraid that you you will not believe in sincerity of my words. I talked to my mum. Only with it I could speak about it. Mum has told that it is impossible to hide the feelings even if they do not appear mutual, I was solved to tell to you it. I cannot deceive you. In a life I appreciate first of all honesty and trust. Before I never never felt love and thought that already nobody can kindle in me love. And I has found the love far behind ocean. When I have decided to find love through the Internet I did not think that at me it to turn out, but nevertheless has decided to test destiny. Probably I have grown fond of you at once as soon as have seen. But I has understood it just now. I nevertheless am happy that have found the love. I would be most the happy girl on light, If you to me have told that love me as well as I you. I do not know that will turn out from our attitudes. I at all do not want to think of it now. For me it is more important to hear from you that you me as like. I want to be your loved. That I became a part of your life. I want to live for you, what we have created the happy family. But I understand that all this not so simply. And it will be necessary for us with you about it to speak. My love I with impatience shall look forward to hearing from you. I think that future my life depends on this answer. I send you: embraces, a kiss and my heart. With love,
8th. Letter 07/05/05
Greetings my love, my loveliest Wayne!!!!!!! My dear I so it is happy, that has answered my letter. I feel heat proceeding from your letter and I want to shout about that as strongly I love you. Yes, yes, yes you my love Wayne. Always, each your letter for me was the most desired expected. You my loved are now an integral part of my life. All my words are very truthful, I want to build our attitudes only on honesty, truthfulness and love. I dream of that time when we can meet you when you will meet me at the airport and Looking to you in eyes I can tell as strongly love you, But I am confident, as without words you will understand it as soon as you will see me. I want to each person, which requires love which dreams of happiness to search as through the Internet for the love. I am grateful to the that person who has thought up it, I could thank him all life as due to this I have found love and I know that this that of what I dreamed also it not simply passion, this deep feeling, I know, what is heart does not deceive me. I very much grieve without you, I want to be with my loved Wayne. I contacted my girlfriend Irina as through the Internet and asked, that she learned the information on that as I can arrive to you. It is very a pity to me, that she at once could not tell it, but she learns very soon all. I hardly wait that time when we shall be together. I have told to mum about that as strongly I love you and She is very glad for me, that I could find the present love. She asks about you, wants to know than you answer on my feelings. You for her already became very native person. All my family transfers huge greetings and they are happy for me, That we can to be soon together. My girlfriends as are very glad for me, only one Lena considers, that it not to be possible to us together. Remember I spoke you about her. She thinks, that the man from other country cannot grow fond of the simple teacher in a kindergarten. I do not understand why she so against me, I never did to her bad, but I know, that we shall prove to her, That we like and we shall be together. I am very grateful to my director, which to me always the help and he is now ready to release me at any time from work. He sees as you is important for me, he sees as I has changed recently and he has told, That I am given birth for happiness and I believe him, I know, that my happiness it you. I very much would like that you have arrived to me, but I know, that you have affairs and therefore I want to arrive itself to you. My loved Wayne, I want to tell, that I do not present the further life without you and With impatience I shall wait your letter. I as want to transfer greetings from my family, they the truth are very glad for me. I very much very much love you!!!!!!! Yours Oksana.
P.S. My Love, our director has told, that on a computer there is a photo of my group, me and some tutors. This photo has been made on a holiday New Year in our kindergarten. I very much hope, that she is pleasant to you, this image not better quality and I did not want to send her, but my director has told, that it only a photo and that will be interesting to you.
9th. Letter 07/06/05
Hi my love Wayne!!!!!!!!!!! This night I for a long time thought of us, about that that I feel to you and as I shall start to write today the letter to you. This night was the longest in my life, I could not fall asleep as my heart fought with the big force and I know, That the life without you will be for me the present torture. You can think, that it only words but if you will see me, will look to me in eyes, you will understand as far as I love you. Yes, I very much love you also to me it is necessary to be with you, You are necessary for me as air. I have risen very much early and have first of all called my girlfriend about whom I already spoke you. My girlfriend is very glad for me and the help in all is ready. She even has suggested to live at her while will do all documents. She has told what to make the visa will not make the big difficulties, but it is necessary to choose that, Which will approach more for us. One of them, whether is visa K-1 I do not know you heard about it, but It is the visa of the groom and the bride which is the best. On that it to make many time is necessary, About 6 months and thus it is necessary to have our hand-written letters, a joint photo and proofs of that we already met. I understand what to receive this visa to us it is not obviously possible, I think you too it You understand. The best in this case is visa B-2 (the visa of the tourist). It is valid from 3 till 6 months. The girlfriend has told what to receive it will not make to me any work and consequently better if to do it. When we shall be together I can receive already directly from you visa K-1 or a green card. Due to this I shall be with you always and it will be that about what I dream for us. I was so is happy, That it will be so simply to make all documents, but my girlfriend has lowered me from heavens on the ground that, That has told about the price of this visa. Visa B-2 costs 65 dollars. To live in Moscow these days it is necessary about 100 dollars as it is very dear city. To reach to Moscow by train 50 dollars are necessary. It is necessary to pay 200 dollars for services of agency, but it in view of that the girlfriend will discount. Whether I do not know you remember that I receive 1200 dollars one year on the work, I asked the help at Friends and at parents also could collect 100 dollars. I have considered, that it is necessary for me to have 315 dollars more. My mum having learned about it too very much was afflicted, as she sees as me difficultly without you and as I aspire To be with you and I has dared to ask the help you. It is very awkward to me to ask about it, but differently we cannot meet. I dream of that this money was not in general, but the real life speaks differently and from it to not get to anywhere. Please only do not think, that he only for the sake of money, I assure you, that when we shall meet also I looking in eyes I shall tell as strongly I love you, you will understand as far as my feelings are strong. I ask you have gone to me of money in The nearest days and I shall make all that we were together and already were never separated, even in dream I shall be Ideas with you. I have asked our director in what way better to send money and it have told, That the most safe and fast translation system of money from one country in another is the Western Union. He has told, this system is convenient that you do not need to know addresses of bank where it is also translation some minutes are carried out all. And as it is not necessary to have any bank account. Love only needs to be sent you money for my name Oksana Mayorova and I without problems can receive your money at any office of the Western Union. As it is very safe translation system of money and only I can receive them. For this purpose there are special 10 figures of the control of a remittance (MTCN) which you should send me. About the help of it I can receive your money. I am very grateful to my girlfriend and director that they gave me Such full information. My dear I with impatience shall wait for your answer and I know that this time will be Lasts the whole eternity, but I know, that it stands that. Due to you we can already be together in the read out days. I very much love you, remember it loved. For ever yours
10th. Letter 07/07/05
This is the letter I got after the money email that I did not answer. And her emails get shorter with each day. This girl is relentless. My love answer please my last letter. It is very important. I very much love you. For ever yours Oksana
11th. Letter 07/11/05
Greetings my love Wayne!!!! My lovely I want to arrive to you as soon as possible, I very much want to be with you. Please have gone to me of money for the visa, as it is necessary for a few time to make it and in Moscow I all I learn about tickets. I very well understand our today's situation and my dear I want that you knew, that in spite of on anything I very much love you also I is sure, that for us the main thing, that we like and we trust each other and let yet together, but I think, that it only business of time. Some my familiar speak me, that my acts are difficult for understanding, but I know, that acts in love always are difficult for understanding. Frequently the big love came to an end tragically, but I believe, that we shall be happy. I believe, that my first letter to you it was not casual. I do not want to speak, that it something divine, there is no it simply destiny. Now I think only of you and for me each hour of my life without you this test which to me is very difficult for overcoming. But our love should us help to overcome all obstacles and we shall be together. I am sure, that our love not simply hobby and fire of love never will go out. Many me I ask as it is possible to fall in love with the person who never saw in alive, but I speak them, that in the letter we write each other everything, that we think and that thus is much easier to express everything, that you think and feel. So we learn each other can even better, than our familiar. Our director with the big understanding has considered our attitudes and I very much for it am grateful to it. It to me has told, that as soon as I shall go to you it at once will release me. It very good and kind person. Children as are interested about you and ask what you. Some from them think that you any not usual, not such person as we. One girl even has drawn you and you at it are very similar to the person from other planet. It is very interesting. My dear know, that I very much love you and I wait for our meeting. Only near to you to me on the present it will be good and cheerful. I shall wait for our meeting and to miss on you and your letters. I love you. Yours
12th. letter 07/12/05
Greetings my love Wayne!!!!! I am happy to read your letter. My today passes as usually on work and only letters from you decorate my day both only your letters and warmly which goes from them help me is reconciled by that we not together. I very much frequently think of you and many notice that I became very thoughtful and are dared over me. Let we and not together, but I believe in our future, you allow to me the main thing in a life, it is hope for love and fortunately. At us remarkable solar weather and when I remain one I think of that as it would be fine to walk to us with you and it seems anything especial in it is not present, but this walk would make me very happy. I very much would like to embrace you and to kiss. To look in your eyes and to tell everything, that at me on heart. I you very much love also I it I shall always speak you. My feelings to you the real and if we shall be together, you will understand all. I already should go, but ideas I always shall be with you. I with impatience shall wait for your letter. I very much love you. Yours
13th. Letter 07/13/05
Greetings my love Wayne!!! I as always with impatience waited for your letter. Your letters already for a long time steel for me the important part of my life and let we yet together, but that you are at me it for me very important. I hastened to read as soon as possible your letter and I know, that your letter is filled with a heat which I feel also it facilitates weight of that we not together. But I believe in love and I believe, that let there are many difficulties, but they will necessarily fall before us. My day passes as usually. Many are interested as my affairs and I answer, that you that person about which I dreamed and for me it is not simple words. I know, that words can be thought up, but I assure you, that people which see me here understand, that I on the present am in love. I very much would like, that you as not only read my words but also that I could tell to you as I you love silently whisper on an ear when we shall be only one. I so frequently think of day of our meeting, that they to me start to come in dream and sometimes it seems to me that we never shall meet. These are very heavy dreams and when I wake up and I understand, that it only dream I am facilitated I sigh and next day to running to see your letter and to be convinced that it only dream. Wayne please write when we shall be together. I do not want to hurry event, I understand all, but I am pulled to you with huge force which refers to LOVE. I very much love you and with impatience I shall wait for your letter. Yours
14th. Letter 07/15/05
Hi my love Wayne!!!! I am happy to receive your letter. I go for work and already beforehand I know, that you wait for me your fine letter. It is very hard for me without your letters. While this only thing, that connects us. Let we know each other under letters, but for me it is not simple letters, these are our feelings. I sometimes think that as it perfectly to realize, that for many kilometers your prince who will necessarily steal you lives and it will be the happiest instant in a life of princess which only that and does that dreams of it. Certainly it sounds a little terribly, to steal, but I to be sometimes ready even on such if only near to you. But only ideas and my children frequently let to me know it, that we not in a fairy tale, and in a real life. Sometimes I think what for to me such work, she I think one of the most complex but when I see whom they grow also I understand, as I have enclosed a part of the soul and a slice of my heart in the child and for me there is no the best consolation, as comprehension of what when children still absolutely small we help them to understand our complex world. At someone it turns out better, at someone it is worse, but I have as though failed is sure when my pupils become adults necessarily me will recollect. Certainly while they happen to understand very difficultly our adult life and at in their world all is very simple. Me ask why I do not go to the favorite person and when I speak them, that for this purpose it is necessary to work much some children suggest me to draw tickets or even money. I him have told, that when I shall go, I shall necessarily take all drawn money and a gift to their American children. Yes on my work it is no time miss. I hope you is not tired to read my letter, but my hands write to you and let I understand, that I already should finish, but when I think, that today I cannot see your letter any more it becomes very hard for me. My dear it is time to me to finish. I very much love you also you always in my heart. Yours
 
Olesya Aktanaeva
(Orenburg, Russia)
Hi, I'm a single guy, Canadian, 49 years old. I recently registered on yahoo personals and within a week was contacted from Olesya Aktanaeva. We started emailing on the 5th of July and ended on the 16th of July, a total of 9 letters. Her final letter was asking for money which of course I refused to send. Today, the 17th of July I found her on your blacklist on page 410 with the same last letter. I will copy her emails and pictures below. The first one dated the 5th is the one from yahoo personals, then the rest are to my mail.
On 07/05/2005 12:21 pm PDT, "napitok029" wrote:
Hi! I liked yours profile and I would like to start to correspond with you. Now I shall tell a little about myself: My name is Olesya; My age 33 years; I was born and live in Russia, the city of Orenburg of the Orenburg area; Has ended an elementary school, the Orenburg institute of economy and culture on a specialty - economy and the finance; I have no children; Not when was not for the husband; I do not smoke, and I drink only on holidays and no more than one glass wine or champagne. In the following letter, I shall necessarily send you the photo and I shall write more in detail about myself and the life. It will be very pleasant for me, if you will answer my letter and we shall start to correspond. If you have become interested in me, you can write to me the letter on mine email: olesya-ak@yandex.ru I ask you that you wrote to me on mine e-Mail. It will not be connected to that that at me an opportunity to look mine profile also on a regular basis as well as my e-mail (eMail). I am grateful beforehand, I hope for a prompt reply.
Greetings Rick! How are you doing? As you have already understood it - Olesya. At last at me the free time has appeared, and I at once have decided to write to you. I am very glad, that you have answered my letter. But I would like to apologize for a delay of my answer to you. I have been very much occupied on work. I work as the bookkeeper in small Orenburg firm " Askoda " on manufacture of wooden doors. I like my work, but the free time happens very little. First of all, I would like to write why, I have dared to begin correspondence with the man from other country. Somehow I have read article under the name « In marriage for the foreigner » in one newspaper. In this article the history of one Russian girl has been written. She has got acquainted with the man from other country through agency of acquaintances and has married him. They are now happy also she does not want to come back to Russia, behind exception only on a visit to native and close which have remained in Russia. Taking into account my unsuccessful experience with Russian men, I have decided to begin acquaintance to the man from the English-speaking country because I studied the English language at school, and then and in institute. And I still rather well understand the English language. And I write to you letters itself and I do not use the translator. I beforehand ask you an apology if some words, phrases or offers will not be clear to you. I think, that each second or third person on our planet should know the English language. Besides I help with the English language to my younger brother. He to study at university. Probably you probably ask me why I have written to you? I shall sincerely answer, to me have very much liked your original profile. It is not similar to other, others pofiles. Now Rick, I would like to drop you a line about myself. As I already wrote earlier, me 33 year. My growth of 5,6 foots, weight - 136,6 pounds. On a sign to the zodiac I - Virgo, but I do not believe in a horoscope. I when was not married and I have no children. I very much love children, instead of I have only because yet have not found such person from whom would like my children. As to family, it small: the daddy, mum, I and my younger brother. At me very good and amicable family. I was born on September, 15, 1972 in the beautiful city of Orenburg. Rick when you were born and where? My city is very dear to me, because I have lived in it all life. Rick, and you sometime heard about Orenburg or the Orenburg area? Orenburg is located to a southeast from Moscow (capital Russia). The time zone at us +6, differs from Moscow time at +2 o'clock. Orenburg is located on coast of the river Ural and consequently in the winter at us not so coldly. The most favourite season for me is spring. It is pleasant to me, as after winter dream our city again comes to life and blossoms variety of paints. Rick, what season is loved by you? My favourite color green, is color of the nature and spring. I very much love the nature and whenever possible on the days off we all family or with friends we leave for city. I very sensitive, thoughtful and romantic. In opinion of my native and close friends, I cheerful, sociable, sympathetic and vigorous. But I little bit sentimental and sometimes am easily vulnerable. First of all in people I appreciate senses of humour, kindness and sincerity. Rick, and what you most of all appreciate in people? By the way I have overlooked to tell to you, that I have access to the Internet on work, but only after the working day. Our boss does not allow to use the Internet within the working day. He speaks, that it distracts from work. Therefore do not take offence at me if I shall answer not at once your letters. Rick, on it I shall finish the electronic letter. To the letter I put the photo, and I very much hope, that it is pleasant to you. I with impatience shall wait your answer to my letter. Good-bye.
Greetings, Rick! Rick, how your mood? At me very good because you have answered my letter again.
For me it is very interesting to correspond with you through the Internet because I never did it earlier. Rick, probably, I do many mistakes? But I hope, what you understand my English? Rick, please, write to me about it in the following letter! Ok? Rick, I very much liked your last letter! As I know, the majority of the Canadian men are very good, and they it is much better to concern to women, than Russian men. At us in Russia it is difficult for women to keep the independence and individuality as the Russian men frequently put forward various requirements in relations: sit at home, to leave the favourite trade, etc. As it is done by husbands of my girlfriends. Our men prefer to see the woman who stands at a step below them. Therefore the majority of Russian men do not appreciate and do not respect women. Besides they drink alcohol much. Last my guy of drink alcohol. We met him about one and a half years. And during first time of our acquaintance he almost drink and if also that is not a lot of drink. But in due course he started to drink more. I very much loved him and hoped, that he will throw this harmful habit. Because of it he had problems on work, and he frequently changed places of work. In a result I have understood, that with him at me not that to fail, and he not when will not stop to drink. And I for myself have decided, that we should leave. It was very hard for me. But in due course, I have understood, that it is better to be one, than with such myself not respecting, weak spirit the person. Therefore I do not like, when men drink alcohol much and cannot throw this harmful habit. Means, they are not valid will and they are very weak spirit. I like strong and self-assured men who achieve the planned purpose in a life. But, unfortunately, such men at us in Russia remained very little. To me 33 years, and I yet have not met the the man with which I would like to live all my life. Also can be it the man appear you, Rick. No I would not like to hurry up. Time will show. Whether not so, Rick? I want to tell to you, that for me the nationality and religion has no value. I think, that the main thing in the person not his appearance, and his sincere qualities. And I hope, what you with me agree, Rick? As to my religion, I of Christians. And I believe in God Jesus. So I was brought up by my parents. And I am very glad and proud, that was born and have grown in such good family. My family small. She is the daddy, mum, I and my younger brother. I live with my family in one apartment. To mine to the daddy - 58 years. He works as the driver of the lorry in firm on transportation of cargoes across the Russian Federation. He transports various cargoes on different cities of Russia. To my mum - 57 years. She the mathematics teacher also works in one of schools of city of Orenburg. To my younger brother Sergey 23 years. He to study as the architect at university. Our family lives very amicably. We always try to help each other in all. Also we very much like to gather on our family holidays - the Birthday, New year, Christmas. It so is healthy! I think, that due to my parents I have received good education and education. And I am very grateful to them for it. I have ended the Orenburg institute of economy and culture with good estimations in 1996 on a speciality « economy and the finance ». In Russia this speciality is considered very prestigious. But, unfortunately, in Orenburg it is very difficult to find highly paid work on a good speciality. Therefore after the ending of institute I very for a long time could not find good work on my speciality. But now I work in small Orenburg firm on manufacture of wooden doors. I wrote to you about it in the last letter. The firm in which I work small, it was formed more recently. Therefore to me to have it is a lot of to work, sometimes I work on the days off. But I love the work. And it for me the most important. Rick, also it will be interesting to me to learn about your work? Whether to like your trade to you? I the bookkeeper on wages. Also I work basically on a computer. Therefore I have access to the Internet, but only after the working day. Our boss does not allow to use to us the Internet within the working day. He considers, that it distracts from work. Our boss the quite good person, but he is very exacting to us. Therefore, Rick, do not take offence at me if I shall not answer at once your letters. Ok? Especially I have no computer in my house. My parents not so rich and they do not presume to buy to themselves to us with the brother a computer though they understand that is very good and convenient thing in the house. But I hope, that in due course we shall buy a computer home. Rick, on it I shall finish the letter to you. And I hope, that we shall continue to learn about each other further. It will be very interesting to me, if you will write about your family, your country and city, where do you live, about your hobbies and as you spend free time from work. Rick, write to me as soon as possible! Ok? I would not like to learn about you even more!
Good-bye! Yours faithfully Olesya!
Good afternoon, Rick! How you? How do you feel? At me all is fine! I am very pleased, that we write, each other, because through letters we learn about each other more and more! And the more I about you learn, the it is more you to me like! And I hope, that this sympathy is mutual! I think, that it will be interesting to you to learn about my hobbies, tastes and preferences, how I spend a free time. And now I would like to tell to you about it. As I wrote to you earlier, I have very few free time, there fore I try to lead the leisure as it is possible better, more interestingly and more variously. To me to like to carry out the days off with my girlfriends. We like, to go to theatre, on exhibitions, presentations or is simple at cinema. Also we like, to sit in cafe at a cup of coffee and to talk about all. To me has very much carried with girlfriends. They are always ready to help a difficult minute. I very much love them! But most of all on the days off I like to leave for city with my native or girlfriends. I wrote to you already about it. I love rest on the nature, walks on a wood, to listen to singing birds and to inhale aroma of colors. It helps me to relax, forget about all problems and to have a rest from city vanity. Still to me very much to like to look at a sunset. It so is beautiful and romantic! Also I very much love sports, is especial on fresh air. It charges me energy, removes a pressure and weariness! In a youth I was fond of ball dances, therefore sports take not last place in my life. I very active and vigorous girl, therefore from sports occupations at me am always cheered up. In the summer I like to run, go for a drive on a bicycle, rollers or to float. In the winter I frequently skate also a ski. These are the most popular kinds of sports at us in Russia. Rick, whether you are engaged in sports? If yes what? And what kinds of sports are most popular in your country? But when in the street bad weather I prefer to do something houses: to tidy up an apartment, to prepare for a supper for my family, to esteem books or magazines, to listen to music. As to music I like to listen both Russian, and foreign executors. My favourite Russian executors - Valery, Zemfira, « the Machine of time », "DDT", DJ Groove and many others. Rick, it is interesting to me, you heard about these Russian musical groups? From foreign executors, me Selin Dion, the Madonna and many many others like Sting, to E.Dzhon, A-Ha. In general I love good and modern music. But sometimes, on mood, I listen to classical music. Very much to like me Vivaldi and him « 4 seasons ». This music cheers me up. Rick, what music is preferred by you? It would be very interesting to me to learn about it. Also I very much like to read books, especially Russian authors, such as Pushkin, Chehov, Sorokin. Still very much to like me poetry. My favourite Russian poets: Ahmatova, Yesenin, Cvetayeva. From foreign poets it is pleasant to me R.Burns. In my opinion, his verses are very beautiful and melodious. Rick, you love poetry? But sometimes I like to esteem and love novels, detectives or simply cognitive books. It depends on my mood. Rick, what you like to read most of all? As to cinema I very much like to look comedies, fantastic and historical films. Very big impression on me was made with films "Troy", "Alexander", « the Lord of Rings ». I think, you looked these films. But most of all I liked film « millon dollar baby » In my opinion, it is very strong film. I think, that it has deserved Oscar. As the director of this film, in my opinion, one of the most talented directors in Hollywood. Rick, you with me agree? As to my hobby me very much to like to raise indoor plants because I very much love flowers. I have in my apartment about 25 kinds of indoor plants. Therefore our apartment is similar to a small greenhouse. One of my favourite is a tea rose and an azalea. Still I very much like to prepare. In opinion of my native and friends, I was very good and is tasty I prepare. And it due to my mum. She has learned me to all. And you, Rick, are able to prepare? My most dishes pel'menis, borshch and pancakes are favourite is. Rick, whether you sometime tried these Russian dishes? It is very tasty! Still I very much love a fish, fresh vegetables and fruit. From meat I prefer pork. I like tasty and healthy food. However I very much like sweet. Also it is my weakness. Fortunately, my figure allows to not refuse to me this pleasure. To this electronic letter I put one more photo. In hope, that you estimate it very well! Probably, on it I would like to finish my electronic letter to you. Rick, please, write to me about itself as much as possible. Well? All will be interesting to me. For example, you prefer what music? What your favourite films? Than you are fond? What you most of all like and do not like to do? I hope, that you will understand my questions and will answer me them. I shall look forward to your answer, Rick! Good-bye! Your friend,
Greetings, Rick! Rick as I am happy to receive from you the letter again. I am given with huge pleasure to read your electronic letters. Rick when I read them I mentally I present your image and I hear your fine man's voice. I very much want to hear your voice. I think, as you want to hear my voice also. Rick if you write to me the phone number in the following electronic letter whenever possible I can call you in the near future? And then we can, hear each other. Under your letters it seems to me, that you have very pleasant voice. But, there is one small problem. Unfortunately, I have no phone in my apartment. You, probably, will not believe me, but it is the truth. At us in Russia it is possible. What to install a telephone houses it would be necessary to rise in turn behind it. As many want to have phone, but the telephone company one and it does not cope with such amount of works. And to have for a long time to wait for the turn. This turn moves ahead very slowly. But I want you to please, approximately in some months our turn approaches on installation of a telephony and we shall have phone of a house. The cellular telephone at me too is not present as it costs even more expensively and many money is necessary to pay for its use. I cannot afford such luxury, in Russia solvent and rich people use cellular telephones only. As to phone on work this variant also is unacceptable. Because our boss does not allow to use to us phone for the personal purposes. I have thought and have decided, that I shall call to you from Telegraph. I think, that it is the optimal variant. What do you think of it, Rick? It is more than all from seasons to me the spring is pleasant. I wrote to you it in the last letters then summer autumn and winter. And at you what most favourite season? Rick, I heard, that at you in the country mark Festival of Spring. It is the truth? It would be interesting to me find out about it! Spring for me the most favorable season because blossom not only flowers, but also my soul! In the spring my soul sings with happiness, and heart would like love! As well as each woman, it would be desirable love in the spring. Now I feel, that there is one person who can take a place in my heart. Rick how you think who it? The majority of my girlfriends is already married and have children. I already for a long time am ready to beginning the wife and mother. In my opinion, I have enough lived for myself. I very much like the big families, feasts, the common family holidays. I too dream of the big family. In my opinion, it is dream of each woman. Also I want to tell to you, that my girlfriends tried to acquaint me with friends to the husbands or with fellow workers. But they did not like me. I have told to girlfriends about you. And they are very glad for me because they want to see me happy. Also I consulted to my parents about my acquaintance to you through the Internet. They estimate it positively because they care of my future life. And they want, that I was happy. I have told him, that you are the good and decent person. Therefore they are pleased with our correspondence through the Internet. But I do not want to hurry event. First we should learn well each other. Whether not so, Rick? It is very important for me. Therefore through our electronic letters we should learn about each other more to not make a mistake at once. I hope, you will understand me correctly, Rick? Rick, do not overlook to write in the following letter to me your phone number that I could call you. Well, Rick? It will be very pleasant for me to hear your voice! On it I finish the letter and I speak you. Good-bye! Sincerely yours the Russian friend,
Good afternoon the my dear friend, Rick! It is very pleasant for me to receive your letter today. Each time when I receive your letter my day becomes light. It was very pleasant for me to receive from you your voice. Unfortunately, I on work do not have microphone and I cannot send you the same my voice. Yes, in last your letter I have received two your pictures. Rick, I would like to ask you your full name and your home address on any emergency. Please, write to me it in following e-mail it. Well? The matter is that our boss is dissatisfied, that there come the big accounts for the Internet. He can forbid to use to our personnel the Internet. We certainly in city have Internet of cafe, but it is necessary to pay for it of money. I not so earn also I much cannot allow to use to myself the Internet of cafe. I hope, you understand me? It will be so awfully if we cannot write each other our electronic letters. Because your letters became a part of my life. They are very important and necessary for me. Rick, as to me I can send you letters or cards usual mail. But I would like to warn you that you never sent me of anything by means of our city mail. At us in the country of a parcel reach the addressee very seldom, especially if it is parcels from other countries. And to prove whose - or fault very difficultly. It already happened with my friends. Many Russian organizations of mail and their workers love theft of parcels of other peoples. And it is very bad and shameful for our country. I think, that only in Russia it is possible. As our country poor. And dishonourable people never will miss an opportunity to appropriate another's. Even it is a shame to me to write to you about it, Rick. But it exists also will make nothing with it. I think, that in your country similar does not occur. Whether not so, Rick? I know that you in the country have mail under name Fed Ex and it safe. It is very a pity to me but I also heard many histories about that as people sent a mail through Fed Ex and it also did not reach them. Therefore I ask you to not send me parcels our city post office. Ok? I do not want, that it has been stolen by dishonourable people. Especially the most dear and desired gift from you for me are you and your letters! I am always happy, to receive from you messages and always I wait for them with impatience! But I all the same shall write to you the full name and my home address just in case: My full name: Olesya Aktanaeva. My home address: 460052 city of Orenburg, Street Montazhnikov the house 43 apartment 21, The Russian Federation. Please, keep my address. It can be useful to you in the future. Perhaps, on it I shall finish the electronic letter to you! In hope for fast your answer! Your dear friend,
Greetings, the my dear friend, Rick! I want to tell to you, that I am glad to each your electronic letter! It was very pleasant for me to receive from you your picture. It has very much liked me. I think, that you have not correctly understood me when about that that I have told to you about Russian men. I that do not want to have with them the common as almost all of them alcoholics and they consider women as below a level than they. I did not think earlier, that I shall get used to your letters so soon. Now I feel, that they are necessary for me as air. Rick, in your letters I have found something unusual and attractive for me. And I never assumed, that I can tell about myself so interestingly and directly also. Rick, in my opinion, we know, about each other already it is a lot of, but with each your new letter, I continue to admire and be surprised with you. From your messages I have understood, that you the good, clever, sincere, decent, very interesting and inquisitive person. It very much to like me! Rick, it was always interesting to me find out, how people in your country spend the holidays. Rick, where and how like spend your holiday? How many the countries you already have visited? Write to me, please! OK? It will be very interesting to me. Unfortunately, I cannot allow myself holiday in other country. But if I had such opportunity first of all I would visit Italy, namely Rome and Venice. It is my old dream. I think, that Venice is the most romantic city of a planet! And you were in Italy, Rick? Rick, you love a camping, rest on the nature or you prefer to travel in more civilized way? I very much like spend the holiday outside of city, in camping, travelling on foot, floating on canoe to ski or skate. It so is healthy and is extreme! At us very beautiful landscapes, it is especial in Buzulukskom to a pine forest. In the woods located near to the city of Orenburg, there are many various trees such as pine, oaks, birches, rare and beautiful colors. I hope, you know, that our Russian woods are extraordinary beautiful. I think, that you in your country too have remarkable places on beauty. Also on the middle of a wood there is river Bobrovka. It is surprising a place of our nature, therefore we with my family very much like, to go there to a camping. We pack, backpacks, we take the big tent, necessary products, my brother takes the guitar, and we are sent in a camping. There we bathe, we sunbathe, play a ball, we go for a drive on canoe, we fish, that is we enjoy the nature. Rick, you like to fish? Mine the daddy and the brother very much like to fish, and we with mum like to prepare an ear. It is such soup from a fish. I hope, what you tried this soup? It is very tasty! In the evening I very much like to sit with my family at a fire, to listen to songs of the brother under a guitar and to look at ardent declines above the river. It so excitingly and romantically! Such minutes I feel absolutely happy and carefree . Rick when I read your letters I feel happy also. I feel, that our relations it is more, than friendship!??? You feel the same??? Because I cannot without your letters now. I constantly think of you. By the way, my parents ask about you all time. They are very glad our correspondence through the Internet and to our relations. They transfer you greetings! Rick, on it I shall finish my electronic letter to you. I as shall usually look forward to your letters, the my dear friend Rick! Sincerely yours,
Good afternoon, the my dear friend, Rick! Rick, how are you doing? I, simply perfectly! Your messages cheer me up and force to beat my heart very quickly! I think, that you have not correctly understood me when about that that I have told to you about Russian men. I that do not want to have with them the common as almost all of them alcoholics and they consider women as below a level than they. Now my ideas only about you and about our relations! I think of you always and everywhere: on work, houses, at theatre, on a visit . I sincerely want to tell to you, that you to me are not become indifferent. Rick, you have changed my lonely life, have made its unusual. - my parents, girlfriends, fellow workers - have noticed all, that I became very thoughtful, my person shines happiness, the smile does not descend from my person, and cheerful fire burns in my opinion! Probably, it is the most wonderful it is time in my life because the destiny has reduced me with you! I cannot believe, that it occurs to me! Recently I have found out, that my former schoolmate has married the man from your country. She also has got acquainted with him through the Internet. Now they live in your countries, at them the child was born. Unfortunately I do not have with her communication and I do not know where exactly she lives. She is very happy with him, despite of the big difference in the age of (her - 32, to him - 51). And I am very glad for her! And for all women who have married foreigners. Because our Russian men are not able to love, respect and appreciate the woman as it is done by men from other countries! Rick, I am right? And I very much hope, that our relations will not end only with electronic letters, that sometime we shall be together. In fact we should not miss such opportunity once to be together. Whether not so, Rick? I feel, that, at last I have met the man of my dream: strong, courageous, self-assured, decent and understanding! And it the man are YOU, the my dear friend! You, probably, are surprised with my words? But it is the truth, trust me! I speak these words with special care and respect for you, Rick. Due to you I again have felt happy and carefree! Your letters give me the big pleasure and pleasure in my lonely life! I want to tell to you, that is very difficult to be lonely, especially, when all my girlfriends already have family, the husband, children. Everyone ask me, why I one why I can not find to myself the man. The public opinion in our country is still formulated on old stereotypes. In our country to the twenty years' girl says goodbye her loneliness. And if the woman is lonely in thirty years at her look with pity. But the opinion of others is not important for me. Simply I did not dare to begin close relations with the man because it is too much a pain to me my last fight - friend has brought. I wrote to you a little about it in the last letters, and I would not like to come back to this theme. But you, my dear, have helped me to forget the past, due to you and your letters I have felt happy. I am ready to repeat these words constantly! Because your letters have demented me. I think of you day and night. You became a part of me and my life, your letters help me to live. And I devote these lines to you, my dear Rick! I understand with special an acuteness In long and painful separation, As your voice is necessary for me, Your strong embraces. And heart is beaten, time hurrying. And meetings the instant of imagination is bright... Really I have not invented you? For what to me from destiny such gift!? On it I shall finish my love letter to you, my dear! I shall wait for your warm mutual letters! With ideas on you! Sincere yours,
Greetings my most dear the man, Rick! I in the seventh sky with happiness from your warm words on my last letter! I feel, that we each other are not indifferent! My working day begins in 9 o'clock in the morning and comes to an end in 6 o'clock in the evening. Sometimes I should be late on work to complete my work. On Saturday I work. The day off at me only one day - Sunday. After your last letter I for a long time reflected on our acquaintance through the Internet, about you, about your letters and on us. And I have understood, that I cannot live without your letters any more, and certainly without you, mine Rick! At leisure all my ideas only about you. I feel, that we are created the friend for the friend! Probably, it is love? But as still it is possible to name my feelings to you, Rick! Yes, yes my dear Rick! You have correctly understood me, I have fallen in love with you very strongly! This feeling has come to me so quickly and unexpectedly, that I cannot believe in it. And in that I have not invented you that you really exist on this planet! I want to tell to you, that I love you, my dear Rick! I love you all my heart and soul! I very much for a long time did not test similar feelings. And consequently I felt emptiness in my soul without love. But now my soul sings with happiness, for pleasure of a life, from love to you! This feeling to not explain words! I hope, you understand me and feel to me the same warm feelings, as well as I, Rick! My life became similar to a fairy tale, and I want, that this fairy tale did not come to an end! Therefore for the sake of our love I am ready on all: to leave my family, girlfriends, to give up work and to arrive to you, the my dear friend. Because I very much want to be with you, to feel your breath, your touch! Rick, and I hope, that you too want it. I believe, that if very strongly to want something it will necessarily come true! And if our desire is mutual, we necessarily shall together, and that to us in it will not prevent! Whether not so, Rick? But I would like to ask to you one very important question for me: you have or write to other women, except for me? I hope, you will sincerely answer me this question because I do not want to be deceived again. Rick, I very much love you, and to me it will be very bad, if you deceive me in our relations. We should trust each other. Whether not so, my dear? I want to tell to you, that many men try to get acquainted with me. But they are not interesting to me and not nice, because all my ideas only about you. Now for me the most important in my life are you! And nobody is necessary for me, except for you, my dear Rick. But the only thing that connects us and our feelings are our electronic letters. And I so love you. And separation from you becomes for me intolerable. I very much grieve on you, my lovely. Therefore I am ready to arrive to you, to your country, what to be near to you and to love you. My dear, what you think of it? I have told to parents about my feelings to you, and that I want to be with you and to leave to you, my dear. They have been a little surprised, that I want to leave all and to leave to you in your house. But they see, how I am happy, as I want to be with you, and it for them the most important. My parents hope, that I have made a correct choice. Also they understand what to live in Russia very difficultly, and that you do not want to move to our country. Therefore they have no objections that I have left to you. Certainly, during first time I shall grieve on my native, but at the same time I cannot without you, my loved Rick. I have so become attached to you, to your letters, that I cannot live without you now. I speak it sincerely and in all sincerity which is filled with love to you. And I want to be with you as soon as possible. Rick, my love, you want, what I to you would arrive??? I cannot without you and you are very necessary for me. I have asked my father find out about all necessary documents to arrive to you in your country. He has left for business trip to Moscow. He works as the trucker. I wrote to you about it earlier. I the daddy promised me find out in embassy of your country that is necessary for departure to you. He should arrive one of these days and tell to me about full details. And I at once shall write to you about it. Well, my loved? My love, on it I shall finish my letter to you. But in the conclusion of my love letter to you, I would like to write to you this remarkable poem of English poet R.Bernsa. O my love a red, red rose That's newly sprung in June: O my love is like the melodie That's sweetly play'd in tune. As fair art thou, my bonie lass, So deep in love am I: And I will love thee still, my dear, Till a ' the seas gang dry Till a ' the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi ' the sun. And I will love thee still, my dear While the sands o ' life shall run. And fare thee weel, my only love, And fare thee wee a while! And I will come again, my love Tho ' it ten thousand mile! Good-bye, my dear and loved Rick! I very strongly love you! Take care! Yours for ever
Greetings my loved Rick! It is very pleasant for me to receive your letter today!!!
Also it is very pleasant for me to hear from you, that my love to you is mutual.
Today, I with impatience waited for that moment when I shall write to you this letter.
Unfortunately my love, at me for you is two news: one good, and another bad. I think, that I shall tell for the beginning good news. In last mine the letter, I spoke you, that my father has left in Moscow and that I asked him find out how I can arrive to you. Today at night he has returned from Moscow. Since the morning at me conversation in this occasion has taken place with him. He has told to me, that has found out, everything, that it is necessary for me that I have arrived to you. In embassy to him have told, that for me visa K-1 (it is the visa of the groom and the bride) is better. On registration of this visa leaves from 2 months and even till one year. Unfortunately the main thing of a condition of this the visa is an our meeting and consequently this visa at once disappears for me as we did not see you yet. In that case, for me visa B-2 visa of the tourist is better is. Validity of this the visa from 90 till 180 days. Registrations of this visa are engaged many travel agencies in Moscow and consequently it not so difficultly to receive as K-1. Through travel agency, on registration of this visa usually there leave some days. After I shall come to you under the visa b-2 I can receive K-1 or a green card which to me will allow to be with you for ever and never abandon you. To my father have told, that for 90-180 days, I can easily renew my visa B-2 on k-1 or a green card and we can be together for ever. And now I shall speak bad news. I have counted up and have come to that on registration visa B-2 360 us dollars are necessary for me. Into this cost enters: The visa b-2 - 150 us dollars; It is dear up to Moscow - 80 us dollars; Residing at Moscow and hotel, travel on Moscow, with the account for 4 days - 130 us dollars. Lovely, I do not have such money. Unfortunately I work in my still more few time and now I have test time during which I receive about 150 dollars a month. For me is not present the slightest chance to find such sum of money. For me 360 us dollars very big sum of money. After conversation with my father I asked money him and mum, but they have told, that at them now very heavy financial position and that they now I can not help me. They have suggested me - And what if I shall ask the help you? I thought of it much. Loved, it is very a shame to me, but I do not have other output how to ask this money you. Rick, I ask you that you have sent me this money as it is necessary for an our meeting. I ask you that did not think, that it is necessary to me from you only money, as it not so. To me are indifferent money as all that is necessary to me from you it is your mutual love to me. But unfortunately at my financial position, I am compelled to ask money you for an our meeting. If it is possible, I ask that you have sent me of money today or tomorrow and I promise, that for my part I shall make everything to be with you as it is possible more soon. My love, I promise you, that after I shall come to you I when I shall not abandon you and we shall work together above visa K-1 or a green card. Today I went to bank and to me have told, that the most good translation system of money from one country in another is the Western Union. They have told, that if you will send to me of money through the Western Union I can already receive your money in some minutes. I have asked them, whether I should you give the address or any coordinates of bank where you should send money - they have told, that are not present. To send money through the Western Union it is not necessary to have neither bank accounts and nor what coordinates of bank. You should send money for my full name and I can receive your money in any bank of my city where there is a Western Union. Also they have told to me still, that it is very safe translation system of money and that except for me who cannot receive your money which you have sent me. When you will send me of money, to you should give MTCN (these are 10 control figures of a remittance). With the help of yours mtcn (which you should give me) I can receive your money. Rick, my loved, I with impatience shall wait your answer to this letter. I really hope, on your understanding and on a fast our meeting. Your love for ever.
   
Olga Tregybova
(Nizhni Novgorod, Russia)
Good Day, I am a single father in Canada. I received a message in my Yahoo Personals mail from an ID of olga31009@yandex.ru. I thought at first it was a legitimate mail converstation. But by the third e-mail when she stated that she had feelings for me, I knew something was up. I started looking but couldn’t an Olga that matched the pictures she sent. She finally asked for money. I requested banking and contact information. She provided this. I have sent messages to yandex.ru and to the banking officials, but no response. She didn’t ever really pay attention to the fact that I lived in Canada, only in the letters below. She had asked questions about the USA. Asked about the Fourth of July. Never sent any money. I believe in Love at first sight but not Love at first mail message. I don’t think that the pictures sent are of the person sending the e-mails. They had names like anna or anyita. Thank you and Best
Second letter after a brief letter from a Yahoo account. (June 18, 2005)
I very much was delighted when have received your letter. If I am fair did not think that you will answer me. But having received your letter at me at once has cheered up. And you when will receive my letter, you too will be very glad, I very much hope for it. First I would like to apologize for the English. I not well enough know him, but every day I am engaged and I learn many new words. I studied English language at university. I have finished medical university, and now I work as the doctor in children's city hospital. I very much like my work because I very much very much love children. It probably the most important in the woman. You probably will agree with me. You likely had a question: why I write to you to America? All is very simple: in Russia men very bad. I met one young men, but have very soon understood, that he at all did not love me. he only used me, for him I was a doll. Our Russian men are not able to love at all. You probably know that in Russia men very bad, sex is necessary to them only. Our girls are very romantic. They would like the true fantastic love. I have very good girlfriend who has got acquainted through the Internet with men from Canada. They corresponded not for long. She was very happy, when received from him letters. They have strongly grown fond each other and approximately in a month she has left to him home for Canada where then they have got married. Now they live very happily, at them now two children: the girl and the boy, and I for them is very glad. she to me has told that Americans are able to love on the present and to appreciate love. she to me has advised to come to agency and will get acquainted. And when I have come there I have filled the form what men is necessary to me. Then me distances of 40 photos from which it was necessary to choose one and I have chosen you. And to me have given your address on Yahoo. I have paid very much greater money and at once to you have written. You have very much interested me. I have understood that you very interesting person. I think that you the one who is necessary to me. I so wish to get acquainted with you more close. But I do not want that you played with me and my feelings. I hope that you the serious person, and too search for the girlfriend of a life from whom you will want to create family. As you already know my name is Olga. My name very much is pleasant to me. I think that that is pleasant to you my name. You have received my photo, and now can estimate me. Please write to me that you think of me. I strongly like you? I have written to you that you very much very much have liked me, even I had to you a feeling of sympathy. But if I have not liked you, then do not write to me in general better. I shall not be angry at you. Also I shall not write to you. But if I have very strongly liked you, and you will write me the answer I shall be very happy. I shall a little write to you about myself my growth of 172 centimeters, and my weight of 55 kg... And you all will look the rest at photos. I live with mum, and she in it to year had an anniversary, to it 50 years were executed. she at me one and I very strongly love her. Mum works as the cook and is very tasty prepares. By the way I too very well prepare also to it mum has learned me. And the daddy at me is not present. he was lost in accident when to me 18 years were executed. He was the unique supporter in family. And when daddies not our life it became strong has changed. We did not have not enough money for meal and clothes for this reason I have early started to work. It is very difficult to combine work with study. But I nevertheless could make it. After 5 years of study I have defended the diploma and have gone to work in children's hospital where 5 years work. About myself I have written already too much. Likely you are already tired to read. But if you want in the following letter I shall write about yourself more in detail. I very much would like to find out more in detail about you, your family. I would like to receive the big letter from you where you will write to me about the relatives, friends, work. It is very interesting to me where do you live, what there the nature and a climate. In fact I never was abroad, did not see ocean. But I very much hope, that I shall visit America but only if with me will be my favourite. I very much wish to continue ours correspondence. You have very much liked me also I wish to learn you better. I with impatience shall wait for your letters. All most the best
Sincerely yours Olga.
Money request (about the 10th e-mail) (July11, 2005)
Than you today were engaged? I for you have very good news. I want you to please. I want, that you were glad together with me. I have handed over the test perfectly well!!! I have got in group of doctors which go to America. I am very happy and, I hope, that you too are glad for me. You can be proud of me. Among 97 doctors who passed examination, have handed over only 8. And I appeared among them. I am very happy. This test was very complex, difficult. This true test which everyone could pass not. But I have passed it only due to you. When I have come on interview, I thought only of you, that you love me. Our love will help our meeting. I am confident it. To me that we soon shall meet you is not trusted at all. It seems to me, that I shall be in the seventh sky with happiness when I shall see you. I so frequently present myself our meeting. I already see, how you meet me at the airport with a huge bouquet of colors. (I very much love flowers). We from apart find out each other and we are thrown in embraces. Then you tender kiss me in lips and we, having joined hands we go home. The truth beautiful dream? How you think? But I today am a little upset. I at all do not know, how to you to write about it. The matter is that to us have told, that it is trip it will not be paid by the state. That is we should pay cost of trip, and also prepare necessary documents. So have told because when I shall arrive to America and I shall work shall earn good money. But me it not the main thing, the most important to see you and to be with you. I so strongly love you. But if it is fair, when to me informed this news of me it me has strongly afflicted. I have no place to take such big money. At me one mum, and is more to me anybody cannot help. I have nobody to rely. I found out that only cost of the visa will be about 520 dollars. But I have 200 dollars and I now do not have 320 dollars. You ask why so much? The matter is that the given visa should be made for short term. And still, that it to make it is necessary to go to Moscow as in our city of the visa do not make out. For me it is very big money. If somebody has borrowed me them. But so it is a shame to me to ask you money, but you I think understand a situation my and if I shall not find money I should refuse trip to America, at me except for you the closest person is not present more, and I think that you too are very strongly interested, that I to you have arrived also we were together both liked each other and there were the happiest on the ground, and I shall come tomorrow in the Internet of cafe to read your letter because all now depends on you, and I after that letters shall understand as you of me strongly love and as strongly want that I to you has arrived also we were together. I understand all, that money to ask very bad, mum so has brought up me, but I think that to me now is no place to disappear, I so strongly love you and very much I want to be with you. But if you will help me and when I would arrive to America, at once would return them. Besides us asked, whether is at us familiar in USA. And I have told that at me my love lives both we want will meet also to me your exact address that you could meet me at the airport is very urgently necessary. You can give me it? I very much would want, that you have met me that my arrival was for you desired. I would like, that you have remembered our first meeting for all life. Though hardly it can be forgotten. How you think, my loved? You for me steel the most dear and most close person. I sincerely write to you about it. I do not want you to lose. If it happen, I should not further to continue live. Without you the life will lose for me any sense. And consequently I shall try to make everything that we were together. For the sake of you I am ready on all. I shall give the last for the sake of our love. I shall not stop before anything for the sake of our happiness. I shall struggle for it. I shall love you eternally. And I shall not be too lazy to repeat about it. This case my unique chance to meet you. I very much do not want to lose it. I hope, you agree with me. I very strongly love you. Never overlook about me. I shall wait very much for your letter, my dear. I shall strongly miss, my lovely. Think of me also as I think of you, my prince. All the best to you. As always only your Olga.
Second Last Message with Bank address (July 12, 2005)
I am very happy to see your letter again. Today I after work have come to the Internet of cafe with the big hope to see your letter and my hope was carried out. Reading your letters I enjoy your care and love. The darling, I very much and very much love you, I so do not have not enough your heat, I wish to be in your embraces. With arrival of the sun to give the sea of kisses and at a decline, gently kissing you in sweet lips, to speak about love to you and about those feelings which I test to you! It so is romantic also I think all these fantastic feelings we can test in a reality. The most important it it is not necessary to lose hopes and aspires to it. You with me agree? Lovely, you ask my full my name: Olga Tregybova, and you ask the bank information, lovely, I have not far bank, his address: Bank Nizhni Novgorod AK BARS BANK OSHARSKAYA 76 NIZHNY NOVGOROD, 603115 Lovely if still that be necessary for you ask, well! I very much love you and very much I want to be with you. I cannot live without you. I want that you were the happiest husband. Favorite, I wish to arrive to the Canada, I wish to be as soon as possible close to you. But with this purpose it is necessary to occupy in official registration of papers. I shall begin registration of the visa and the passport for travel abroad at once as in me will appear money. I think during this time, we shall create a cosy married couple, and I for all remained life shall be your loving wife. How your mood? How your work? How health? I very much want cares of you and to me it is pleasant, that you think of me, dream of our happy days. I very much wish to create family with such person as you. And we very much shall love each other. I trust in it and I think you too trust in it. I do not wish to waste time, it is necessary for me to be as soon as possible near to you. I very much very strongly love you!!! My feelings to you, every day all more strongly and more strongly!!!!!!!!!! The darling, for me each your letter so means much. From your letters, on my face there is a smile and eyes sparkle with happiness. I very much very much love you!!!!!!!! Your love Olga.
Last mail message with home address (July 14, 2005)
Favourite , I so want, that we were as soon as possible together. I would not like to embrace you, infinitely to kiss your gentle lips, your ears, your stomach. I wish to give you the sea of kisses, gentle words about love. Only near to you I on the present shall be happy and I can create a cosiness and warmly in sew to family. Sweet mine, today in the morning, I so would not like to wake up. I dreamed in a dream as we with you gently caressed each other in warm bed, and behind a window sang birds. The sun rose all above and above, and we did not give in to temptations of spring weather and continued the love games. However, a beautiful dream?
On it lines of my letter send to end. Dear mine favourite you, me it will be lonely without you, but I know, that soon we shall together and all our dreams will turn to a reality. I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hot kiss, your love Olga.
P.S./You have asked my address: The country Russia. The city of Nizhni Novgorod. Zip cod 603115, street OSHARSKAYA, the house 69 apartment 12.
 
Tanya (Tatiana Aleksandrovna
Alekseeva) Novosibirsk Russia
Hi, I am a single male 40 years of age work full time. Tanya found my add at (americansingles.com ) Communications started 4/23/05 and stopped 6/25/05 To get right to the point. In one of my first letters to her I asked her if this was just another scam. She told me she was not part of anything like this. I continued to send letters for 2 months. She finely asked for money. I told her I will send money to an agency and not directly to her. Than I one's again questioned why she did not like this idea. I explained this is how the scammers do this. She got offended and the letters stopped. No money no letters 2 months of wasted time. Two of the letters she signed her name Siberia along with Tanya. I asked her about this and she never gave any answer! Hear are only some of the letters.
Hello dear Scott!! How are you doing today?? I hope you are doing well and have a wonderful day. It was really great to talk top you on the phone. The connection was rather bad, but any way it was extremely nice to here your voice and everything became more real for us. I was very excited and nervous to some extend, but I hope next time will be much better. Yes, you are right I didn't completely understand the issue about your vacation time. But I hope you will explain me in writing way. Thank you a lot for your so wonderful letters and answering to my questions. I'm very happy to hear from you again. And every time your message brightens my day and fill it with warmth that I even forget about rain and cold outside. You know I believe geographical distances are only words and everything's possible in this life if you want it with all your heart! And I think a great luck the fact I've found you! I think Internet is the best latest invention of the humanity. For before we would wait for our letters to come for weeks every day looking into our mail boxes with hope. But the letter sent with real post can be lost! Now we have a great opportunity to get our letters every day through the Internet! And know each other more and more with every one! So now I'm as if in two worlds. One of them is real consisting of my work day, dinner time, communication with my relatives and friends, some shopping and so on. And another one is virtual in which I live communicating with you. And probably you'll appear that Prince from fairy tales I was dreaming about when a child! And we can build that fabulous castle where we can make our dreams come true! I'm writing the letter to you and I can see the part of the sun setting. If only you could look at this rainbow play the sun colored the sights with my eyes! I do hope in the nearest future we can meet sunrises and see off sun sets together enjoying their beauty and the opportunity to be together!!! Have a wonderful day, and hope to hear from you soon. With warm thoughts from Siberia, Tanya
Hello dear Scott!! Thank you for your wonderful letter and your wonderful words. You letter makes my day and brings joy in my heart. The same like you I have a serious intention to finding right person for me, and I have serious intention to communication with you. I really hope we have a chance in building our future together. The same like you believe in true love and want to find deep feelings and happy relationship. The same like you I don't want to be hurt or involved in any games. I have heard there are lots of people in internet who are dishonest and have not sincere purpose. But I really hope we can avoid that negative things and our communication and hopefully more will be wonderful. I've got a feeling we have much in common. And these are not just words. It's not so easy to meet a person who shares your thoughts and gives you a feeling he/she just has read them. Of course this conclusion is a bit early coming - I don't know you as well yet - but the things you are writing now are very close to mine. So I feel there is a sort of connection between us already and I'm very glad of that. The time will show. Anyway I want you to know that our communication means a lot for me. I understand your meaning of "making love". I wish to meet a loving husband who wishes to meet a kind woman who will Love Him and who wishes to give love too. Again, I am a family oriented person, a person who believes in the "old-fashioned" family values, believe in love and respect. And I wish to meet a man who will be my best friend, partner and passionate lover. For me love making with the beloved partner is "the most beautiful thing" in life. . I hope I don't scare you with these words, but I believe that love-making is a very important part of a marriage too. I prefer not "sex" but "making love". And I believe "making love" to be the highest form of communication between loving man and woman. Well, It's too late here now and I have to go to bed. I wish you a wonderful day, and hope to hear from you soon. With warm thoughts from Siberia, Tanya
Dear Scott!! Nice to hear from you, and I hope your working days are not so stressful for you!! I'm very flattered about your answer to one of my question about extra money. Thank you in advance :) My name is Tatiana (Tanya), not Julia666, it's just a nick. I would love to hear from you soon and don't work too much!! Have a nice day, Tanya
Hello dear Scott!! Happy to hear from you!! How are you doing today?? I hope your working days are not stressful and that you have some time to think of me :)Thank you for answering on some of my questions, and look forward your continuing. I'm sorry I didn't write to you yesterday, I was very busy at work. I don't understand your purpose to be near computers at the same time, I believe the arrangement of phone conversation would be much more meaningful and interesting. My full name is Tatiana Aleksandrovna Alekseeva. Aleksandrovna is my middle name. I'm 100% Russian. Every your letter gives me a chance to know you better. I have told you that you are very romantic person with kind and giving heart, I love that a lot. And I'm in romantic spirits now. I use this great Opportunity to communicate with you via the global net, send you a virtual kiss and express you my pleasant thoughts which come into my mind when thinking of you. In Novosibirsk it's 9 pm and I'm sitting and thinking of you. In general it's rather interesting when almost a stranger to you thinks about you, laughs at your jokes, makes you laugh, opens you his ego. Well he's getting not indifferent to you. And piece by piece without loosing a tiny part I make a puzzle called Scott". His image seems to be outlined already but there is one part still missed. To complete it you just need to look into his eyes, feel his touch! I'm really very sorry that I can't see you in reality and communicate with you, meet with your look and just sink in them, feel your heart beating and touch your lips. I'm absolutely sure that it would be really wonderful and stunningly romantic. I believe we could a hurricane of emotions which could grow into something stronger. But it's the fact you are still too far away. I'd really love to fill those places in your heart which are dark yet and where the wind of one liness wanders. I wish I brought light and warmth into your life right now! It's the XXI century already but stupid distances split two grown up people. If you were next door we could just have a sit on the sofa, have some wine in the evening having just a nice chat together. I'd really love to cuddle you and feel you by my side... I'd love to look into your eyes and see that depth which would make me forget about everything going on around. Probably all these things sounds ordinary but believe me I just long for mere humane happiness which is made of these important trifles. Time passes and you begin to realize that it's worth to value such moments in life. Hope to hear from you soon. Hope you understand my romantic mood cause there is so much love unspent in me. With tender thoughts and caress to you Tanya
Hello my dearest Scott!! How are you doing today?? I hope you have a beautiful morning and my letter finds you in great mood. We have a state holiday here, Independence Day. But most of my weekend I was busy with cleaning apartment. The weather is amazing here today. Too bad you are far way. We would go to beach or somewhere together. 4-5 days sounds like rather short amount of time.Do you believe it's will be enough to understand if we are right person for each other? I called to the hotel to find about room prices. A double room costs about 150$. But you can call there yourself. This is a phone number: +7 3832 232281. Yes, you can contact tourist agencies directly. Only meeting will show if we are right persons for each other. Frankly speaking, I don't really care where it will take place, if I go to the US, or you visit me in Russia, in both cases I'll be very happy.s Of course, I would like to see your environment, to feel your life style, to know your every day life, but I think the accent should be made on the fact of our meeting, no matter where. I was at tourist agency today again, to check some more information about trip to the US. First, the agencies don't sell visa service only, because. it's just not profitable for them to sell visa services only and they work only with the entire tourist packages which include visa process, insurance, hotels booking (which could be canceled) and the tickets. I believe they have certain agreements with the airline companies and have some interest in selling their tickets. As I told you, the visa process expenses will cost 300USD and round trip tickets (for example) Novosibirsk-Moscow-New York 727USD for this time period. Second, As I told you the application fee to the Embassy is $100 only. But whether one goes to Moscow to pass an interview (which is 4000 km away and $350-400) for the ticket and add the expenses for staying in that city for some days until you pass it), whether one goes to the visa travel agency here in Novosibirsk, they gather the paper package properly, and for their services which include picking up all the necessary papers and postal services for the papers to send back and forward. The service costs $200. Finally, according to the Russian law any financial operations in the territory of Russia could be made only in Russian rubles.s To do it with the foreign money you must have a special permission. The most of the tourist agency or organizations wouldn't do it because for this they would pay a large fee. The exception is made only for great tour operators, of course.ss So tourist agencies prefer to get cash money in Russian rubles not to have any problems with government. I asked today if you can make payment for my tickets with your credit card, and they answered NO. Well, that's all for now. I wish you A VERY WONDERFUL DAY and look forward to hear from you soon. Hug and kisses, Tanya
Hello my dearest Scott!! How are you doing today, my dear?? Did you sleep well?? Did you see full moon? I definitely didn't see full moon today.:) I understand your position about sex traveling but anyway I hope sex will be involved in our activities when we are together :) Salmon off the grill sounds really fantastic!! I'm already want to taste it soooooooo much!!! :) I'll cook for you some traditional Russian dishes, like borsch for example. As for this service/website, I believe first we should think about visa service. Before sending tickets to me I have to get visa. I have 100$, if you provide me with rest 200$, I will start visa process next week. Then we will see about tickets. This is my idea. I'm going to visit my aunt in the countryside this weekend. The weather is too good to stay at home. Summer is so short here, so I hope to enjoy outdoors activities. I wish you were with me. You will be the most loved, cared and happiest man in the world when we meet. The same as me. I feel this way. I think real life will be even better than what we know now. Touching each other, looking into each others eyes, Feeling the things we dream about now. What a wonderful thing this will be. Our own love story :) I wish you a very nice day/evening and hope to hear from you soon. Lots of tender kisses, Tanya
Dear Scott!! I have never been involved in relationship, when my boyfriend considered me not only like beautiful woman, his soul mate and best friend but also as a probable offender (scammer). And I'm confused in some way. To read at the same time in the same letter about moon, stars, future together and your suspicions regarding me is not so pleasant. I don't trust dating services much. So I'm not sure I like your idea. I'm not much aware about any other of them. However, I have heard some negative information about such things. There are enough info about different dating organizations, which carry over people ( women mostly) abroad, and than nobody hear from them again.s I have suggested my idea, but you canceled it. At the same time you don't want to come here. Have a nice day, Tanya
   
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