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Brides Cyber Guide |
Anya Belova
Hello, my name is
Kevin, To whom it may concern, I have been writting back and forth
to Anya, or Anna Belova since August 18th of 2005. She also uses the
names of Natalia Usova, Irina Vaseeva, Tatyana Kolodiy, and Larisa
Vedesova. Today (October 6th) was the first time she asked me for my
credit card number. My daghter read the letter from Anya and told me
not to send her any information because she had a feeling it was a
scam. So after she left I looked Anya up, all I had to do was type
in Anna Belova and all the information I needed to know came up.
Thank GOD my daughter came to realize it could be a scam because I
would have never thought that Anna could do something like this to
me. All of Anna's Letters seemed very sincere, and honest, but come
to find out there were identical letters written to other men some
have been scammed before they relized what was happening. Needless
to say I am glad my daughter has a sense for trouble, and gave me a
heads up on her suspicions abuot Anna, before it went to far. I feel
sorry for anybody else that has been scammed or will be scammed in
the future by her or anyone else. I am looking forward to hearing
from you. Thank you, Kevin. Her e-mail is:
Hello dear Kevin ...It is Anna Belova writing to you from Russia.I
am very glad, that you have answered to my message.First of all,
please let me apologize for the delay in my response to you, Kevin,
I was busy at last time.I am very glad, that you have answered on my
letter and have not disregarded me. In my profile, manager of
Internet-club have written as a residence - USA, because the site
does not accept my Russian postal index. I do not know why, but I
live in Russia and I hope it does not confuse you? I think that you
are interesting men, so I decided to use the chance to get to know
you better. Probably my letter looks banal and boring, but I ask you
not to think, that this next identical letter from the Russian woman
I think, that you receive set of letters from women, and probably
you correspond with them, it was explained me by the employee from
club for acquaintances. Probably he simply envies us.He has made
such phrase: "What are you waiting from this correspondence? Do you
really think, that you are necessary for someone abroad?"My sister
Svetlana has convinced me of the opposite, and has advised me to
follow to her example and to find my men abroad by means through the
Internet.Therefore, I want, that you have considered my letter with
all gravity as I have serious intentions, and I want, that our
relations developed to the best! I am 26 years old, I live in St.
Petersburg, but I know this life from many sides and I am rather
mature already to know, that it is necessary to make, that my men
was happy. Our life is too short to use it only for thinking and
dreams, therefore I have accepted the offer of the sister and have
decided to operate.All the matter is that my sister corresponded
with one foreigner, and in a consequence has gone to him on a
visit.Ben Eldredge (this name of the groom of my sister), has helped
her with expenses for this travel, and now my sister has gone to get
acquainted with his parents.They soon already gather in back to
Russia, I with mum with impatience are waiting for their returning.I
am happy for Svetlana and Ben ,they are happy too!!! My sister has
informed me, that if I can find the same person they will help me
with expenses for this travel I am glad, what you have written to
me, it is possible and there is our chance? What you think in this
occasion? If our correspondence will increase in something greater,
than simply friendship I can visit you and my sister with Ben will
help me with expenses for this travel.I probably have gone too far,
simply I worry, now for us is necessary to find out about each
other, do you agree? Ok, I want to tell you about myself. I am usual
Russian women, actually I am not distinguished by anything from
others. My name is Anna Belova, I am 26 years old as I said you
before.My Birthday is January,25.I was born and I live in city of
St. Petersburg. I am Christian. My height 5,5 and weight 120 lbs. I
have blonde hair and grey eyes.I do not smoke, and almost I do not
drink alcohol, never used drugs. I live with my mum and I have
sister Svetlana (you know about her already :)) My father was lost
on construction when I was absolutely small, therefore I do not
remember him I was never married, and naturally I have no any
children. I really have many interests: music, reading, books,
movies, good conversations, sports and many other things which make
the life more wonderful. I am creative and curious preson by nature.
I am very cheerful, kind, vigorous and in a measure modest. I easily
find common language with strangers and simply I like to communicate
on interesting themes! Probably it is interesting to you, why I was
solved on searches of the partner by abroad? Probably I will answer
rudely, but I do not want to live in this smelly and poor country.
There is not any prospect in Russia, there is no normally paid work,
there are no worthy men, there is no future in Russia, it is only a
violence, greed, a deceit and poverty.Therefore I do not want to
live my years in this country.Unfortunately my time comes to an end
and time has come to leave.Please do not hesitate to ask me any
questions, I shall try to answer all your questions, Ok? I sincerely
hope, that you will answer this letter, and send me your photos,
Ok?I really want to continue our acquaintance.With the best regards,
Hi my dear!! Today it is very hot weather. It is really
horror.It is impossible to go to the city. I decided to write to you
a pair of words that you would not think,that I forget you.:)Simply
I had a free time now and I writing you this letter with pleasure.
In general to write to you letters and to read yours it is very
pleasantly. As they said it will be rain soon. I very much wait a
rain!!! I walk as a dog having put my tongue out from a mouth.:-))
It is morning at you now. I think, that when you receive my letter
you in the morning will smile. Well please smile.:-))Wow!!!!, have
smiled.:-)) I wish you very good day and more happiness. I want you
smile the whole day today. I want all your affairs turned out very
well today. I will miss your letters. I will try to write soon.
Yours Anya .
Hello Kevin!!! I am happy to hear from you again.I was afraid that
you would not write to me, I really want to continue our relations I
liked you and I think that there are many women who would like to be
with you. And I am happy, that I have an opportunity to correspond
with you.I have not been married and I don't have any children, but
I have dream to find the loving man,and I'll give this person all my
love and tenderness. So I want to have a whole family, my husband I
can trust in everything and he also can trust me. It is very
important to have a the Person I can trust.Do you agree With me? I
want to live with The favorite person who will cares and to love
Me.I don't know,what will be in the future, but probably I would
like to visit you, and possible I will come to you some day but
first of all we should get to know each other better.I am Christian
and I believe in the God, you believe in the God? You go in church?
Likely at you other religion, but God one on all people, I am right?
Each church holiday I go in church I understand, it should be valid
interestingly for knowing to you why I have chosen you from thousand
profiles. You an unusual man Kevin, what that more than to stop a
sight on you, does it confuse you?,I think that the men in such
mature age are most serious in the intentions, and it is very
important for me,I do not want to be mistaken twice, I hope you
understand sense of my words....Likely, I am happiest women... I
want to tell to you, that you is very similar to me... I feel is
more sure to you right now..Weather plays romantic music, I as
though have dived into a gentle and beautiful fairy tale, at us
there comes the true inter. The big flakes of a snow slowly and is
lazy fall and gently concern the cold ground as though they live
separate, the a life, and do not suspect about existence of people,
and that they create themselves magnificent and beautiful
landscapes... Also that they bring pleasant pleasure to people... I
feel very much weariness here from a daily life, the life in Russia
is very difficult and I sometimes is very much tired from it. In the
advanced countries any worker can go to have rest in a holiday, to
receive force for the further work, but we have very little income,
therefore it is inaccessible for us. It is very pleasant, when know,
which for many kilometers you have the person who estimates,
understands you. You agree with my idea? Unfortunately I have no
opportunity to buy a computer and to place home phone because the
computer costs approximately 800-1000 $, and installation of a
domestic phone number - 300$, they - very big money for me, and I
cannot allow it for independent. Therefore I use services of
Internet - club, it is inconvenient, but I have no other choice.My
speciality - lawyer, but I can not find work on the speciality,
therefore I should earn additionally on various works I work to earn
for my living. I have a higher education and I am rather
intelligent. Now I work as manager in the shop, which sell different
food. I have told to my sister about you, and she was very glad,
that I decided to get acquainted with you too.I am sorry, I can not
write you each day, because it is necessary working and I strongly
get tired. In general I like my job, I see and communicate with many
interesting people there. But it is a hard work because I have to
stay there till late and walk from one place to another. But this
job allows me to have an independent life and to make some money for
my living. I don't want to complain. It is better to work in such
place than not to have any work at all. I want to ask you to write
to me your telephone number. Simply I want to hear yours vote and I
think that you probably too not against to hear my voicee. I can not
to give you my telephone number because I live in an apartment in
which is not present the telephone. I will call to you from
telephone company. I believe Kevin, that your age will not do
problems for our relations. I am interested in acquaintance to you
because I know, that " the love is obedient to all age "!You know
this statement? Also I would like to inform, that it would be more
pleasant for me to be in love in the man which appreciates internal
feelings as you! Unfortunately, is time to finish this letter, my
time was finished Please tell me more about your life.
I wait your letters with impatience. Sincerely, yours Anya
Hi my dear.... today was a fine weather. It is cool wind and
sunny in the street . It is not hot. The cool wind blows to my face!
Oh would be so Forever!! My dear, I want to tell, that my mum said
you "hello" from her. she knows that we are fine and she is very
Happy.she liked a way of acquaintance through internet. I wish that
my daddy be with us. But .. he died myny years ago.. Since then mum,
my sister and I live together.And we live. I very much to love her.
Mum is interested as you concern to women.:-)) I speak mum, that it
not a correct question.:-)) she asked: do you respect women? To me
it is a little ridiculous. Excuse me for my silly writing. our
meeting has dreamed me Last night . You were in a cowboy's hat and
in beautiful narrow boots. It was very beautiful. Probably
children's representation about abroad has shown your image in such
kind. In the childhood I frequently played the cowboy and Indians. I
always liked to play with boys in the childhood .:-)) I have to go
now, I'll write in couple of days. I now do not have time. I'll
answer on you later. OK? Anna
Hi my dear Kevin! How are you? How are your mood? Today, I
feel perfectly! It is always great pleasure for me to receive
letters from you. I am very happy to have an opportunity to
correspond with you! You speak with me in your letters about many
good themes and I feel myself as in a fairy tail when I read it
really! I am very grateful to you for warm attitude to me and for
pleasure to correspond with you! But to parallel for my happy
feelings, there are alternative feelings. I can't see you, hear you,
I can't touch you. It is so pity that we aren't the birds. We
haven't got wings and we haven't got an opportunity to fly towards
each other. The distance wouldn't mean anything for us. We can meet
in any point in the world. And to fly together to the stars. Always
when I read your letters, I think you sitting near to me and
speaking all these words. Probably I have rich magination! I can
imagine all your gestures and all your emotions with which you state
your ideas. It very much amuses me.I want to talk to you about my
English. I studied it 6 years at school and then I studied it 4
years at the university. But it was not my specialist subject, but I
gave due attention to this. I never dialogue with the person whose
English language would be the native language, therefore I don’t
know as far as clearly I express. Tell me as far as you understand
my words andhow do you estimate my English? My dearest Kevin, I wait
your letters with great impatience. When I'm sitting at work, I'm
waiting for the end of the working day to see your new letter.I tell
my girlfriend about you whole days, she isn't vexed of it, because
she understand me.A lot of things in my life have changed since I
got acquainted to you. My friends began to tell me that I have
changed, began to smile more often,there are more passion and desire
to live futher in my eyes . I think that you are good man and you
can give a lot of emotional heat and caress to the woman. I don't
realize what would I do at this moment of the life if I didn't get
acquainted to you but I am sure that I wouldn't meet such man as you
in Russia. I like children very much . Report slightly concerning
itself. What do you in free time? How do you spend holiday? What
does your favourite dish? I like to prepare very much, my nutrition,
liked a dish, pies and manti,( in the beginning of preparing manti
you need to make a forcemeat of meat with onion, garlic of salt,
milk and spices, then we make dough(flour and water) as for as for
making pizza and turn forcemeat in (flour and water), then we a
little bit globules of vinegar put on ready manti and eat them with
sour cream or sauce. It is very delicious!!! I like to prepare
various salads very much , you see, what is it - healthy nutrition.
Nevertheless I prepare very tasty pies. Write me some interesting
information about you, whatdoes about your family? Your hobby? I
want more to study concerning you. Send to me some photos concerning
you.Also I wanted to ask you Kevin , what do you like in woman, what
their qualities are more important for you ? In this answer I will
send some photos. I have not many good photos, but I will try to
choose the best one and to send them to you. I know that a GOD has
granted me one of his best angels!!! I will finish this letter, I
want to wish you good mood these days and not forget me (smile).I
will wait with impatience your letter and miss you!! Your Anya
Hello my dear Kevin! It is really very good day today. I had
the big day at work! I am slightly tired now. I'm glad so much to
receive your answer again! It's very interesting for me to read your
messages, from them we are learning more about ourself, and I want
to continue our acquaintance. As I wrote earlier, I am Christian, I
am not the fan, but I believe in the God and I visit church My
favorite colors is green, red, black and white also. I prefer
Russian and Italian kitchen, but I have no special whim to the
certain meal I love various music as I said before, all depends from
my mood. Dances are my weakness, I very much like to dance, and I
think that I could learn you to this, or on the contrary, maybe you
learn me? I think dancing help people to relax. The most important
values, which my soul men should have, it is a sincerity, honesty,
kindness, trust and respect I do not like hypocrites and people who
take advantage of a person just because they can do it. And I am
always honest with people. The age and appearance is not of great
importance for me,if heart and soul are full of love and
tendernesses, it is not necessary to worry about the rest. I have
never thought that age, distance or anything else can matter when it
comes to true and serious relationship. And I have to confess that I
am getting excited about our correspondence because you seem to be a
nice, kind, experienced and smart men I have been looking for. Short
of, that in Russia very severe winter I love all seasons. I love
animals, especially dogs, cats, parrots and horses, but
unfortunately I have no anybody, because I have no a free time to be
engaged in caring for them. Dear Kevin, I understand that it is
quite complicated to get to know each other via e-mails, but still
in our situation, when we are far from each other, correspondence is
a good way to start and to see if we can be a good match or not. I
do not think, that to writing each other for months will be a good
way for us, but we can tell each other in our e-mails as much as
possible and if we feel something really special about each other
we'll meet in person and hopefully it'll be a really wonderful love
story.What do you think, my dear Kevin ? I am not that type of
person who does not know what to do, I prefer action as I believe it
is better, instead of doing nothing at all, even if those actions
are somehow related to taking a risk, even a minor one. I do not
care because I think who does not risk, does not get a bigger
reward. If you agree with me on this viewpoint, then, I think we
have much more in common I hope this my letter will help you to know
more about me. Though frankly speaking it seems to me it does not
matter what your interests or hobbies are, there are so many things
you can do and enjoy doing them, but the most important thing is
that you can share the things you really enjoy with the person who
will enjoy them also just because he enjoys everything sharing
together with you. Do you share my opinion, Kevin? Well, I think I'd
better stop writing now and wait for your reply. What do you prefer
to do during your spare time? Are you close to your family? Do you
love children? And would you like to have them? What is your city
like? Is it a big one or a small one? Do you like living there? I am
looking forward to hearing from you, Sincerely yours, Anna.
PRIVET (it is Hello in Russian) !!!! :) Today it is bad weather,
all time it is raining. But I have come to the internet cafe in
spite of all. I decided to write to you a pair of words that you did
not think, that I forget you. Simply I now had a free time and I
with pleasure write you this letter. In general, writing letters to
you and to read yours it is very pleasantly. I really get much
plesure reading your letters. Probably we may meet and we will be
able be together, but time will show... If I am right now you have
morning..? I think, that when you receive my letter you in the
morning will smile. Well please smile.:-)) Ur!!!!, have smiled.:-))
I wish you have very good day and more happiness. That today for you
sang birds and that today at you all your affairs turned out very
well!!! You should understand that I not always have a free time to
write to you letters. I try to write to you as often as possible
Yours Anna
Hi my dearest Kevin.Many thanks for your letter. It was so
long-awaited letter. I am really madly glad to receive your letter.
I am really glad that I have found you. I feel somewhat lost when I
have no opportunity to use a computer to read your letter. In my
soul, I feel contentment and joy when I think of you. I hope that my
words and letters are not boring to you, but they are much more than
mere words, they are my thoughts and feelings, and I send them out
to you. I have so much that I wish to share with you, and each time
I write to you, I feel there is never enough time to say everything
that I want to say, and I always feel that I have forgotten
something important that I wanted to share with you. You are very
interesting person with high intelligence and sense of humor. I
think many women try to win your heart. In Russia, people speak,
that " way to the heart of the male lays through his stomach ". If I
could prepare supper for you, I'll certain win your heart. I hope,
sometime, I'll prepare supper for you. I want to tell you about what
I like and what I don't like. I like when people are frank to me. I
hate the lie. And I think that people can't make happiness on the
lie. I think you think too. I don't like when in my house is
disorder. Also I don't like lazy people. It is very pleasant when my
friends come to me and feel themselves comfortable. In Russia people
tell:" If in your house everything well everything well in your
soul". I think that the main in man is soul beauty, private
condition. If you love and you are loved - it is happiness.
Yesterday I and my mother cooked the supper and we ate together. We
talked a lot. I told her about you again. She liked you very much.
She is glad for us and she hopes, what we will be fine pair, you
informed me to the relatives and friends Kevin? What they think of
me? And so I will wait when you will come back from your little
trip, and will hope on long, long letter from you then :) It is very
pity, but it is time to go already.. I do not want it, I want to
write you non stopping, but I can not allow it...I will wait for
your letter with impatience. Write to me as soon as possible, I will
miss you.... Yours Anya..
Privet my dear again...:) I write you letter now in the
morning, before I go to the work, just when I awoke today I wanted
very much to write you a letter, and decided not to waste time and
go straight to Internet club to write you a letter. :) I have today
wonderful dream: We have a dinner under full moon, in the beach of
the ocean.. I wear a long dark dress, and you are in is
very are in smoking and I am in dress, but we are
under moon in the beach .do not you think so :) ? We made a little
table on the beach, we have two glasses of red wine, and many
canndles, and ocean give us wives, and the again wives, we were
looking at ocean together, and we have the same thoughts and
feelings together....But the end of this dream I did not see,
because my mother awoke me :) I miss you, really miss...and get much
pleasure, and happy every time when I see your letter in my mailbox.
Your Anya.
Hello dear Kevin! I have wonderful mood today, because the
wether is is sunny much..:) I have you, I am happy that we
have met each other in Internet. And I am sure that we will have
wonderful future..we will be able to build good and strong
foundamentation of our relations, which will be based on trust,
respect to each other and sincere feelings to each other. I know and
I am syre that you think the same way I am :) Just today I have a
little free time, and decided to come to the cafe, and write you at
least some sentences..I will write very soon of course :) as for me
I will go to the circus today...:0 I like circus very much and hope
to get much feelings there..Your Anya..
Hi my Kevin! Thanks for your letter. My heart calms down when
I receive your letter.I can't begin to tell you, how I feel for you.
And every day I hope and pray, that you feel the same way as I do. I
always dreamed of finding someone really special who would come into
my life! Someone, who would understand me, encourage my efforts and
share my dreams. As a child I dreamt of a male that would make me
smile and laugh. Someone I could trust, someone who would never hurt
me. Today I want to describe to you my usual daily day, since
morning and till the night. At 6:30 rattle my alarm clock. I do not
love my alarm clock. Because it so loudly rattle, that each time I
jump as scalded. I rise with good mood because in dream I saw you.
At 6:35 I go to a bathroom And I THINK OF YOU! I wash and I clean a
teeth. At 6:45 I dress my sports suit, I go on street And I THINK OF
YOU! I jog. I run in the mornings always when it is not cold to
support myself in the good form. When in the street coldly, I sleep
till 7:00. At 7:20 I cook a breakfast, as a rule strong tea or
coffee and a sandwich. I drink tea and I THINK OF YOU! At 7:30 I go
to work. Usually, if weather good, I go on foot And I THINK OF YOU!
I like to go on foot since morning. Air clean and fresh. To job I
come vigorous and cheerful. At 7:55 I go to a cabinet where works my
girlfriend .As a rule she already on work at this time.If there is
an opportunity I receive your letter. If the opportunity is not
present I receive it later. At 8:00 I start to work And I THINK OF
YOU! At 10:00 I go on street and I THINK OF YOU! I breathe fresh air
of 10 minutes and come back to work. At 12:30 a dining break. I go
home for a dinner And I THINK OF YOU! I reach up to a house by a
trolley bus. At 13:00 I eat and at 13:10 I go again for work And I
THINK OF YOU! I go by a bus but I abandon a trolley bus earlier,
than it is necessary, to again take a walk on fresh air And TO THINK
OF YOU! At 13:30 I again work And I THINK OF YOU! (though in my work
is impossible be distracted and think about something another except
for work)(smile)At 15:30 we with my employees do a small break and
we drink tea for have a rest. I was not capable to drink tea because
I THINK OF YOU! At 17:00 I go home. I go on foot, slowly. I feel
itself perfectly because I THINK OF YOU! At 17:40 I take a shower
and I imagine that YOU WITH ME! (Smile)At 18:00 I have supper,
alone, but I smile, because I imagine that YOU SIT OPPOSITE TO ME!
At 19:00 I go for walk with my girlfriend (but it happens seldom).
We walk in park. I THINK OF YOU! If I do not go for walk, I listen
to music, I read the book, I watch TV, I knit, I make various
homework And I THINK OF YOU! (of course not all
simultaneously)(smile). At 23:00 I lie down to sleep. Usually I fall
asleep very quickly because I THINK OF YOU! Write to me about the
day, than you are engaged outside of working hours as passes your
holiday and week-end. By the way, write to me please your full home
address, I want to send you the letter through a regular mail I have
more photos, just I have not them on this computer, and I want you
feel a smell of my aroma You captivate me with every photo you have
sent me, thank you very much, you are charming :)Well, my dearest
Kevin, I have to go now. Just let me send you a kiss from a Russian
women, who is thinking of you very very often though being so far
from you... I kiss you and I look forward to your answer!
Your Anna.
Hello my dearest Kevin....I am so sorry today, because when I
came to the Internet club no letters were there from you, and I do
not understand why that...And then the administarator said that my
mail box is full, she said that my mailbox was full with different
spam letters, and that's why none your letters can come to my
mailbox ... Now administrator deleted and empty from spam my box,
and now I hope that all your letters my dear Kevin will come. I miss
you very much with all my heart and soul... and hope you will write
soon with answering to my previous letter too...:)As for me, I am
alright , just sad very much about my mailbox. Your Anya.
Hi, my dear Kevin! This is such a pleasure to get letters
from you. You can’t imagine what I feel when I see that there is a
message from you. It is always so nice to get more and more about
you. Internet is a very good invention. It gives an opportunity to
meet your soulmate even being on a distance. I would like so much to
meet with you in real, to see your eyes and to sink in them, to feel
your warm touch... Well, this is a dream, a very sweet dream.
Perhaps, I could come to your place one day... Who knows what life
prepares for us. I am not the kind of person who likes to waste
time. I never feel bored and you will be able to feel this with me
one day. I want every day to be a celebration. I know that life is
difficult and that’s just impossible. But my beloved man will feel
that every day for him is a holiday. Can you tell me more about your
country. I am interested in everything what is connected with you. I
feel so vulnerable here and even miserable sometimes. People are so
cruel and rude. And I am so glad that I have you in my life. You are
so smart and understanding. I want to say thank you! Just for being
my friend and being in my life. I shouldn’t complain to you. But you
are such a dear person to me and I feel that you understand me. Your
letters became part of my life and I appreciate so much your
support. It is not so easy for me to trust anyone. Once I was
betrayed with a very close person and it hurted me so much. I was in
love but he cheated to me and left me for another woman. It was so
painful. But it is already in the past. And we should live with the
present. Especially now when we have each other. We have the letters
only but I hope that you can trust me. we know more about each
other!! And I like so much what I see and know. You are a great
person and you are the best what I have in my life now. And I feel
that I can trust you and hope you will not lie to me... I hope this
my letter will help you to know more about me. Though frankly
speaking it seems to me it does not matter what your interests,
there are so many things you can do and enjoy doing them, but the
most important thing is that you can share the things you really
enjoy with the person who will enjoy them also just because he
enjoys everything sharing together with you. Do you agree with my
opinion Kevin? Tell me more about your hopes and dreams, ok? I'm
sorry but I have to go.I look forward to hearing from you soon. Have
a good day. Kiss you!!! Yours Anna
Hello my lovely Kevin! Today I have no opportunity to write
to you the long letter, therefore it will be short.I wanted to write
to you that you did not worry, simple I have no free time.How you?
You missed me? I miss you madly!! I had a
wonderful dream last night. We were there together with you. It was
a beach somewhere on a beautiful island. There were only two of us.
Just you and me. We even didn’t talk. We were holding our hands
enjoying the calmness of the moment. That was great. We were so
close to each other. I was the happiest woman in the word as the man
of my dream was with me. That was a wonderful feeling and I still
feel that passion and love I had inside of me. Do you have any
fantasies or dreams? You can tell me if it is not a secret. My dear
Kevin, I have been thinking about you the whole night and morning
today. I was not able to sleep. I have so many thoughts about you
and us in my head that it drives me crazy. I can’t recognize myself
and it seems to me so unreal. But I feel it, really feel it inside.I
like this feeling and I want you to feel it too. I want that you
know about my burning passion to you. i really afraid this word but
seems I am in love with you!! Do you hear my dear I AM IN LOVE WITH
YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what do you think about us I really want to
know what do you feel to me And what do you think about us and our
relation in nearest future?? Because I think that time is coming and
we should be together!! I'll wait ansewrs on my questions and do you
want that we will be together in neares future?? Well, time has come
to go, it is a pity, that I have no time to write to you more, a
simple I very missed you, and I did not want, that you worried. I
kiss you in your velvet lips Write, do not overlook me, I shall wait
for your letters. Yours Anna
Hi my sweet Kevin...I am fine today and I hope you are too! I
am so happy to get your letter!I am very happy that we have found
each other and now we have our relationship and possible soon we
shall be together. I have seen you in my dreams again !!! You walk
to me but yet you will not kiss me, you only look and smile, you put
your hand upon my face and look into my eyes. It is a loving feeling
but yet you hold back, not knowing what to do.It is a wonderful
feeling, one of contentment, one of security. My feeling is to say
how I feel, to take you in my arms, to gently kiss you and to tell
you all things will be ok, to feel the passion that is with in us,
to share all things that is beautiful in life. I would be yours
heart and soul if you wish it this way.I can tell you, that you is
my love! You know, in the childhood I dreamed, that I will find the
prince, with whom I can go on edge of the ground. In a consequence I
have understood that actually there are no princes. The Ideal men
cannot be found. But close to an ideal which is necessary for you,
you can find. I can tell you confidence, that you - is my ideal. I
can not explain an origin of love. I can not explain why the woman
draws to the man. And I can not explain why the man draws to the
woman. It occurs at a subconscious level. I know that you love me,
and I feel that my heart is open for your love. I need you very
much. I want to be with you.I want to give you all tenderness which
for a long time I saved inside me. Nothing can be compared to this
feeling of filling up somebody's life. The excitement, which
tortures me while waiting your letters every day. The feeling, which
fills every corner of my heart. Every step I make is safe, because I
feel you around me. You is my love, You is my angel, You is my soul,
You is my life! And I want you to know, that I have never felt like
this before. You brighten my days and give me the strength to carry
on, fighting every day for you. You have shown me deepest emotions
and feelings I've kept inside of me for so long. You have shown me
the real taste of love. I am sure that we can meet in the near
future. Yes, of course I am really serious about our meeting, I am
going to come and stay with you first time about 2 weeks at least,
to know each other better Kevin, to check up our feelings and if we
will then decide that we must be together (I hope on it)then I will
stay with you. I am not going to asl any money from you as I said in
my first letters, that's why now I am waiting when Ben and Svetlana
will come here , and then they will be able to help me with all
necessary arrangements to make a trip to you. :) Well, my love
Kevin,it is time to finish this letter. I with impatience wait your
letters. I miss you, and I love you very much!!! Your Anna....
Hello my dear Kevin!!!! In the street is cool. Today I went
to the favorite park already. It is air in our park clean and I
breathe a full breast. It causes admiration and pride of Russian
environment and its natural riches. Unfortunately the beautiful
environment and kindness of older persons is unique positive
qualities of Russia. I have come in Internet in very good mood. I
shout for pleasure when I can walk in favourite park. My love I miss
you! Every day, the minute I wake up, I miss you. Every song on the
radio seems to be about love, and I miss you. Every couple I see
holding hands were kissing makes me miss you more. And Every Night i
think of your touch, your kiss, your love,I can't imagine anyone has
ever missed anyone the way I miss you. You worried when I seldom
wrote to you? I see your like to me. Any russian man can not be
compared with you. Unfortunately, in Russia many lonely beautiful
girls waiting and searching love.Just some sentences from my heart
to you Kevin !!!! Your Anna..
Hello my beloved Kevin! I am sorry that I didn't write you so
long time. I haven't a free time my dear, I must to work very much.
I hope that you understand me. How are you doing there my love
Kevin? I received your answer on my last e-mail, more as usual, it
was so happy for me to receive your love! My dear Kevin, I love you,
you and your letters are so necessary for me, you are inseparable
part of my life. I say about it very serious, because you know how
much I love you my dear Kevin,I can't without you, all days I dream
about our meeting. I want to say to you my dear, that all people,
who want to find a love, will find the love!! I am sure in this,
because I found YOU, and we love each other so much, and I know that
OUR LOVE is most dear feeling from all my feelings that exists on
this small light-blue planet. My dear Kevin, I love you very much, I
so miss you, I want to be with you.I can't wait, when we will
together. My love Kevin I am dreaming about you as much as you are
dreaming of me.I can't wait to get your next letter. I can not wait
to hold you and share our happiness together for the rest of our
lives. I must end this letter now even though I do not want, but I
must.I LOVE YOU MY DEAR Kevin!!! Yes, of course we have here
mobilhoses , but they are not popular here at all Kevin, that's why
we have there in Russia very few them.With all my love and affection
forever and always yours Anya This is the letter I received asking
for my credit card information.
HI MY LOVE Kevin.How are you?I can't still believe, that my
dream is beginning to come true. Our hearts are like two great
oceans. They are vast and very deep yet calm an peaceful on the
surface. Our feeling run very deep and they are very strong.
Sometimes we get afraid we will be pulled under by the current. I
dream that our two oceans will meet in a powerfull wave that will
shake the very earth. And when all is done there will be one vast
beautiful ocean, beautiful, powerful and heart, one
ocean. My love Kevin, you have given me much more than you can
realize.You are my prayer, my shelter from hopelessness and despair,
only you can keep the spark in my soul burning bright. I LOVE YOU,
and I hope for our fast meeting! I think about you all days and the
nights. I have already imagined for thousands times this meeting,
but even now I can't describe what our meeting will be. I am sure in
one thing that it will be one of the most beautiful and happy days
in my life. I want to rush to your embrace hear your voice, feel
your smell and tell you in both languages what I will feel at this
moment. I so really imagine all this. I am full with feeling that
all this is happening now. And I feel for the first time that I am a
beloved and desired. And I am ready to thaw in your embrace. I am
thawing already now. My sister and her groom have arrived to Russia
and yesterday we talked about you and about our meeting. Today they
have left to travel on cities of Russia. I have told him about you
and about our feelings, they are very glad for us.My sister has
told, that their relations like ours, practicaly same!! I have told
them, that I want to arrive to you. Ben said that he will help me in
anyway the groom of my sister has told that he has opportunity to
help us for our meeting. But you should want it too. Only together
we can make our dream a reality.He has explained to me, what he want
from you. He has the big sum of money on the Credit Card which has
remained in USA.He was afraid to take this Card to Russia, because
of fear, that it will be stolen. Therefore is required your help to
receive this money. He has told, that he can transfer money from his
Credit Card to yours Credit Card. You should have a Credit Card. He
has told, that all working Americans have a Credit Card. He learned
in the bank, that it is possible, but your Card necessarily should
be Credit. Not Debit Card and not Prepaid Card, only Credit Card. It
refers to balance transfer. If you do not know that this such, call
in the bank and to you there everyone will tell about it. Ask in
your bank, whether you can accept balance transfer on the Credit
Card. Find out, how many money you can take off from the Credit
Card. You should inform me the post address of bank and number of a
Credit Card. Find out all, in detail. I think, that it is a unique
way to which Ben can help us. What do you think about it? Understand
Kevin my official name is Anna, but for close to me people it is
called Anya too, as you have Michael and Mike. :) I was born on 25
of January. And Kevin if you have more questions, ask me them, do
not shy ,ok :)I hope that you have a great desire of our meeting my
love. I so want it my love Kevin, I love you and I miss you badly!
All my warmth isses! Your lady, Anna