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Larisa Bogacheva (Novocheboksarsk,
Hello Elena,
You surely had I have the address
of Larisa Bogacheva is wrong I have written up a Blumenbringdienst
in Novocheboksarsk and have asked whether them so nicely would be to
be checked the address, they did not promise immediately if the
address, however, valid is they would need 10 € for her amount of
work involved. I agreed and received approx. 2 hours of late answer,
the given address is invalid and with the help of her data bank they
could ascertain, however, it lately a lot of flower orders for
Larisa she did not give could be blocked because the address was
always invalid! I can take the 10 €, however, this can play a woman
thus with the feelings of a man and only on his money from this is I
must digest first! Well I have found your side and have become
distrustful suns yourself now I would get rid of an amount of money!
One should put fer linkung to your side on everybody
singelbörse and partner stock exchange around such people him wind
from the sailings to take! I send you once more the letters and the
pictures you would put them then please on the black lists? I do not
manage there so surely because I also not so well in English can!
And to many thanks to for your help!
Many greets And nice Christmas
----- Original Message -----
From: "Frank"
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, 21 December 2005 5:00 AM
Subject: i need your help
Hello Elena,
My name is Frank I have
read your book to GUIDE ANTI-SCAM and I must admit honestly said now
I am confused a little. I have since some
zeit e-mail contact with a Russian woman her name is Larisa, she has
found me on freenet singles and has written up me, this is not a
German single-on the stock exchange with one compelling gebüren must
pay. Man can announce himself free of
charge and look for partners, however, one can pay a fee if might in
and thereby has at disposal then more functions.
First I did not want to answer to her she does not have a lot
in her profile stand and wrote on in English, but exactly this did
me curiously I wanted to know where she comes and, perhaps, a
picture from you see, thus I decided to write to her.
She also sent me a photo of her and we further corresponded
everybody wanted to know more about the other! We get on well and
with the time final state a big affection I have fallen in love with
them, now absolutely you do not say is possible, but now I have
already fallen in love to second sometimes with a woman on the
Internet. With the others I was 6 years together and then a year
found married them an other and I got them in our marriage bed and
it led to the separation! However, she was Germans!
Larisa and I wanted to meet us and only I wanted to her and
this you were also surely, however, then something interfered with
me and I can to for professional reasons to February does not end!
So, she came on the idea to come for me what also shows no
problem up to the financial! On that looks for a travel agency I
bumped from close on your side and read them, then I downloaded to
me the GUIDE ANTI-SCAM and read also this.
I already wanted to send the money to Larisa with it she can come to
me, however, since then I on yours site was white I no more what I
should do! For days I hold out them now already, I have also tangled
another Nick and to her written I interest in her would have, then
she wrote back „ Hi Gido. It is very a
pity to me but I did send you letters. I already have favorite
person. I with him already for a long time correspond. Search for
other woman. ” I have also written to her
I a friend have for Interpol, however, this works also no problem
was for them I should him nicely from her greetings.
If we have also called up, however, them no phone and mine
has in English is not just good, thereby the storm strong to us here
had many were störungen in the management and after 2 minutes the
conversation completely broke off and my phone was dead for 5 hours.
I cannot fancy anyhow, however, the Larisa a crook is after
the reading of your book white I no more what I should believe.
I send to you the letters of Larisa if you may you can read
them and write to me yours meinung whether she is a crook or not!? I
Would be glad very much to agree antwort from you and maybe hilfe.
Yours sincerely, Frank
Die Briefe:
09.10.2oo5 20:15 Betref: Hello Frank!
Hello my new friend Frank ! I am glad, that you have answered my
letter to you. It is very pleasant to me to receive from you news. I
for the first time in the life of a beginning to write to whom that of
the letter. You certainly ask me,why I have decided to correspond with
the man from other state? I the very sociable man, I have no a plenty
of the friends, I would like to find the friend and even more from
other state, and me would very much like to support the our friendly
attitudes. You likely with me will be agree. I do not hope on our what
that the serious attitudes, but I think, that the time will show. In
the first letter to you to me would like to tell to you about my life.
As I already wrote to you to me 27 years .My name is Larisa.I live in
small Russian city - Novocheboksarsk. To me will be 14.10.1977, all
mine familiar speak what I look much more young, what ideas are
available for you my friend about my appearance? I really constantly
watch the health and appearance. It is interesting to me to know what
you involves in girls? I have in a kind also character. At present I
work as the tutor in children's establishment. I bring up children of
3 till 7 years. I alredy prepare childrens to school, and to their
further future life. You, certainly will have set of questions in
relation to my work, but me would like to tell to you about all more
in detail in following my letters. My formation maximum. I have
finished Cheboksarsky pedagogical institute. I think. That I have a
good trade. More in detail I shall tell about the work in the
following letters. I think, that certainly at you the plenty of
questions will appear concerning me, but I shall ask you, that you
were patient, in the our attitudes. I as hope, that we with you
necessarily shall find general language, because I very much would
like it. I shall try to tell to you in the letters about everything,
that you would like to hear from me, but also me would like to learn
about you maximal. Please, write in the letters on all. For me it is
very surprising to support connection with the man from other state.
In the letters I to you shall try to answer all your questions. To me
would like you to ask in the our attitudes, what they would not be,
about trust and understanding. I assure you in that. That I with you I
shall be honour, and me would like you to ask, that you never deceived
me. If to you will hardly you to me can tell about all your problems,
which disturb you. At present to me much would be to you to be told, I
promise you, that I shall write to you necessarily about the city,
about the trade, and friends, family, and much other about what you
would want to know about me. I hope. That it will be pleasant to you
to receive from me the letters. I very much would like, that you wrote
to me as it is possible frequently. In this letter shall send you
necessarily photo, I think, that it is pleasant to you. Please if you
can, on the answer to my letter send to me the photo. At present I
have no a plenty of photos, but I am necessary on I try to make a
plenty of photos. Excuse, please, me for my English language, I know
it not so well. But not looking on it I can talk in English, and write
to you the letters. I when wrote to you this letter I did not use the
interpreter, but for me there is a plenty of which words I understand,
and I on the computer have interpreter, and I hope, that you will not
be against I shall use sometimes interpreter, when I shall write to
you the letters. As I shall study in the English language, when I
shall read your letters. I shall finish the letter to you, In this
letter I send you the photo. I hope to receive from you news again. I
shall wait from you of the speed e-mail.Larisa. P.S. : Some questions,
you hardworking? You love to create a cosiness, comfort in your house?
You have a purpose in life, certainly if you already have carried out
it. You the passionate man? You involve brunette or blondes ? You love
when or really? You have ideal the woman? What role in your life plays
the sex? Please give the answer, if it does not complicate you. My
German very bad. But if you want I can write in German
11.10.2005 20:00 Betref: Hello Frank!
Greetings my friend Frank! I want to thank you for the letter, It was
very interesting to read to me the letter. In the letter I want to
tell to you about me directly in more detail. I hardworking, I am
similar to my work. I have been never married, and I have no children.
I am lonely also the reason {reason} mine Loneliness not only in me.
However, I do not know if it interestingly for you. I Live fairly, and
it brings pleasure to me. I am an optimist, and I like to smile,
Because a smile - a mirror oppress. The happiness does not need many
things. Probably main thing which does not satisfy me now - love.
People without love It can not be happy. But when a line is the close
person whom you love, the life becomes Fine irrespective of, where do
you live also that you have. But the loneliness fills a Life with
grief. But I do not want to speak about grief more. I am pleased it I
have an opportunity to write to you, and I am pleased, that you write
to me. And in Present it really causes a smile on my person. So has
developed, that I have not met that worthy person which would be with
me a Line. Certainly I carried on dialogue with Various men, but from
them I were not confident anyone, you it is probable Are surprised,
you have taken care of me of 27 years, and I could not find to me
directly The good husband, but it is valid so. In a life had only once
serious relations With the man, we should marry, but during last
moment he has thrown me, Then to me there were 23 years, now I know,
that our relation after behind of bravery Could not pass for a long
time. I became isolated in me directly and some time actually Has made
Do not contact men, it was awful to me to begin that or Relations with
other person many wanted to meet me, but me Any more did not trust,
whom, I think, that you understand me, it was very much Difficult. I
have not regretted about anything! Now I search First and last love.
About my character: In the intimate optimist, silent, sociable, kind,
The offer. In general my character I thinks soft. I estimate in the
person to the man Kindness, aspiration and honesty. I love classical
music, theatre, Cinema, sports meets, flowers , ice-cream. Also very
much, very much Very much I like to be prepared! Favourite season -
spring. You love this season? Favourite color - White. I like to
listen classical music. I like Dunaevski And Chajkovsky. I like to
Listen simply tool music. Such music allows to weaken and rest. Under
such music I like to think. I like to listen to masterpieces of guitar
Jo Satriani. I very much similarly to group Terrible Passages. I like
Pink Floid. They - not Similar to anyone. It - the big group. I love
the Madonna, Robbie Villiamsa and George Michael and is a lot of
others. In America many the big musicians. I like a lot of Russian
Musicians.. I very much similarly to cinema. In Russia create a few
good films. I like Works of such directors as Tarkovsky, Konchalovsky,
Mikhalkov. My favourite cinema - The Siberian Barber and Tired with
the Sun. It - masterpieces of the Russian cinema. The American cinema
in Russia uses huge popularity. The American cinema Considered the
biggest. I very much similarly to the American cinema and me love many
The American actors. For example: the Gladiator, Brave Heart.Mel
Gibson - the good actor. I Similarly to films - to the Sixth feeling,
Rainman, Everyone Flied Above the Jack of the Cuckoo Which withdraw
With the Wind, Magnificent Family, the Godfather, day of the Marmot,
Aroma a The woman. My favourite actors - Bruce Uillis, Is scarlet
Pacino, Kevin Costner, Samuel L. Jackson, Dzhulija Roberts, That
Hanks, Demi Moore. My hobby, if it Possible to tell so - the English
language. I loved the English language for a long time, when I
Investigated at school. In parallel with it I studied German language,
but it for me was more difficult also I know it not so well. In Russia
the program of training necessarily includes foreignlanguage, as a
rule - the English language, the German or the French language. I know
that now I Admit mistakes, but I hope, that you will not be angry.
What to tell about me? Unfortunately never was abroad. It - my dream
from the childhood In me is a lot of friends And familiar, I have the
best girlfriend, her name Nastya, we Familiar with her from school.
Unfortunately I have no any the house Own computer, I write to you
from girlfriend Nastja, also I Will write to you at leisure on work.
As I also have written to you Already I work in children's
establishment as the instructor, there there Is a computer, the
computer allows to use the worker for The personal purposes, but my
colleagues on work actually do not use Computer because are not
capable to use. My girlfriend works The programmer in computer firm,
it also has trained me to use it. In First time I at all did not
understand for what computer in general It is intended, I thought,
that on a computer it is possible only to play in games, and now I
understand, that the computer is necessary Thing for the modern person
. I the Christian also believe in the god, And you trust the god? You
are included into church? In you other religion, But the god one on
all people, I is right? Each holiday churches I enters Church which
will be asked, in my room on a wall there - the image The sacred god
of mother. Now very bad standard of living, is especial In the poor
countries, in it and number and in us in Russia from Behind of it the
criminality and very awfully grows to live here, to do Do not know,
that can take place with you, and it is necessary to hope only On
misters of the god. Please tell about a life more more. On it I shall
finish the letter. I shall wait from you for the letter. Your new
girlfriend Larisa.
P.S.:I want to answer your questions. I was born in 1977 on October,
14. I search such for the man behind which strong shoulders I could go
through All difficulties. Such who could not get tired to buy to me
flowers every day! And to carry me on hands always! I like
self-confident and strong. But the main thing, that He had kind and
loving heart. The gentle relation to the woman. Children unfortunately
at me are not present. Native brothers at me are not present, is only
cousin. My growth of 170 sm, my weight of 57 kg. Thanks for the
14.10.2005 20:53 Betreff : Hello Frank! (diese Mail in Deutsch
Hallo mein lieber Freund Frank! Wie Ihre Laune? Ich danke fur den
bemerkenswerten Brief Ihnen, den Sie mir geschrieben haben. Zogern Sie
bitte nicht und fragen Sie alles, den Sie uber mich lernen mochten. In
diesem Brief will ich zu Ihnen uber die Familie und uber die Stadt
erzahlen, wo ich lebe. Novocheboksarsk. Ich dont haben Eltern, meine
Mama, bin 4 Jahre zuruck gestorben, und der Vati wurde 7 Jahre zuruck
beim Auto-Unfall, meine einzigartigen Verwandten verloren, die
lebendig sind, es ist meine Gro?mutter und Gro?vater, ich liebe sie
sehr viel als heimische Eltern. Ich denke, dass ein ideales Match
jemand ist, der mich lieber als macht, bin ich. Ich suche nach
jemandem, der bei seinen eigenen Werten oder Glauben bleibt, und
Gesellschaft nicht lasst oder Gleiche ihn etwas machen, dass er nicht
ist. Ich suche nach jemandem, der ehrlich und gegenuber Leuten loyal
ist, sorgt er sich uber, jemand, der mich mit der Rucksicht behandeln
wird und mich so, au?er oberflachlichen Qualitaten kennen lernen will.
Ich glaube, dass der "Freundschaft"-Teil einer Beziehung wichtiger ist
als irgend etwas anderes und zu haufig ignoriert oder fur mehr
sichtbare Dinge uberblickt wird. Das ist der ganzen Art des schweren
Zeugs ahnlich, aber er sollte einen Sinn fur Humor haben, Sportarten
genie?en (oder mindestens beobachtend), und gerade aufstehend und
Sachen machend - ich mag nicht ringsherum sitzen und den Tag vergeuden!
Er mochte reisen und neue Platze sehen; ich liebe, Platze zu
erforschen, sehen, wie Leute in verschiedenen Platzen leben, als ich
zu ... verwendet werde, wollen wir sehen, mein ideales Match wurde
auch intelligent sein und Sorge uber seine Familie. Familie ist fur
mich so wichtig... Ich bewundere auch Leute, die hart und Sorge
daruber arbeiten, was sie tun, was dafur ist. Ich suche nach jemandem,
der mich die ganze Zeit, oder mindestens sehr wird lacheln lassen! Er
sollte auch bereit sein, Programmfehler und Spinnen fur mich zu toten.
So schatze ich, ob Sie einige dieser Dinge haben, wurden wir
wahrscheinlich auskommen. Ich denke, dass ich ziemlich leicht bin,
zusammen damit zu kommen. Ein Ding, das ich nicht dulden kann, ist
Leute, die Kaugummi laut kauen! Sie das oder horten uber meinen sity:
Novocheboksarsk von verschiedenen Richtungen werden mit
Ferienort-Zonen umgeben, die innerhalb der Grenzen der
Stunde-Transportverfugbarkeit stattfinden. Die sich verbessernde
Wirkung wird durch ein gema?igtes gunstiges Klima eines Durchschnitts
erreicht berauben Russlands, Holz saubere Luft, Anwesenheit von
Wassermitteln, und auch medizinische Faktoren - Mineralwasser,
medizinisch schmutzig, Gebaude der neuen medizinischen Zentren.
Novocheboksarsk ist heute eine einzigartige Stadt, wo eine Geschichte
und modernit ebenso interessant sind, wo es vollig ursprungliche und
einzigartige Museen und Denkmaler gibt, wo die Kulturen - Russisch und
Chuvash - seit Jahrhunderten nah gebunden wurden und Erganzung
einander. Novocheboksarsk - Hauptstadt der Chuvash Republik, seines
administrativen, wirtschaftlichen und kulturellen Zentrums.
Bevolkerung ungefahr - vierhundertzweiundsiebzigtausend die Leute. Die
Stadt besetzt eine geneigte wirtschaftsgeographische Situation. Unsere
Stadt ist in 800 Kilometern von Moskau. Novocheboksarsk wurde durch
eine der saubersten Stadte in Russland anerkannt. Sie horten welch,
uber diese Stadt sein? Ich denke zu Ihnen es war interessant, meinen
Brief mit Ungeduld zu lesen, auf die ich von Ihnen des
Geschwindigkeitsbriefs warten, Ihrig Freundin Larisa aufpassen werde.
P.S.: Please understand me, for me there is no meaning age, I on the
contrary think that the men in such age are more serious in the
intentions, in it I need! Yes certainly I am interested in you, I
think that you the nice man. Die Reisen in andere Lander sehr
kostspielig. Ich hatte eine Zeit und der Mittel fur die Reise nicht.
15.10.2005 00:09 Betreff: Hello Frank ( auch diese Mail war in
Hallo mein lieber Freund Offenherzig! Wie Ihre Laune? Ich danke
Pelz-Bastelraum bemerkenswerten Weisen Ihnen, Bastelraum Sie mir
geschrieben haben Ein. Zogern Sie bitte nicht und fragen Sie alles,
Bastelraum Sie uber mich lernen mochten. In diesem Schriftsatz ich zu
Ihnen uber sterben Familie und uber sterben Stadt erzahlen, wo ich
lebe. Novocheboksarsk. Ich dont haben Eltern, meine Mama, Behälter 4
Jahre zuruck gestorben, und der Vati wurde 7 Jahre zuruck beim
Autounfall, meine einzigartigen Verwandten verloren, sterben lebendig
sind, es ist meine Gro? murmeln Sie und Gro? vater, ich liebe sie sehr
viel als heimische Eltern. Ich denke, dass ein ideales Vergleichen
jemand ist, der mich lieber als macht, Behälter ich. Ich suche nach
jemandem, der bei seinen eigenen Werten oder Glauben bleibt, und
Gesellschaft nicht lasst oder Gleiche ihn etwas machen, dass er nicht
ist. Ich suche nach jemandem, der ehrlich und gegenuber Leuten loyaler
ist, sorgt er sich uber, jemand, der mich mit der Rucksicht behandeln
wird und mich so, au? er oberflachlichen Qualitaten kennen lernen. Ich
glaube, dass der "Freundschaft"-Teil einer Beziehung wichtiger ist als
irgend etwas anderes und zu haufig ignoriert oder Pelz mehr sichtbare
Dinge uberblickt wird. Das ist der ganzen Kunst des schweren Zeugs
ahnlich, aber er sollte einen Sinn Pelz-Humor haben, Sportarten
Dschinn? en (oder mindestens beobachtend), und gerade aufstehend und
Sachen machend - ich Illustrierte nicht ringsherum sitzen und
Bastelraum-Anhängsel vergeuden! Er mochte reisen und neue Platze sehen;
ich liebe, Platze zu erforschen, sehen, wie Leute in verschiedenen
Platzen leben, als ich zu ... verwendet werde, wollen wir sehen, mein
ideales Vergleichen wurde auch intelligenter sein und Sorge uber
Schlagnetz Familie. Familie ist Pelz mich so wichtig.. .. Ich
bewundere auch Leute, sterben Sie Hirsch und Sorge daruber arbeiten,
war sie Tonne, war dafur ist. Ich suche nach jemandem, der mich
sterben ganze Zeit, oder mindestens sehr wird lacheln lassen! Er
sollte auch bereit sein, Programmfehler und Spinnen Pelz mich zu toten.
So schatze ich, ob Sie einige dieser Dinge haben, wurden wir
wahrscheinlich auskommen. Ich denke, dass ich ziemlich leicht Behälter,
zusammen damit zu kommen. Ein, Läuten das ich nicht dulden kann, ist
Leute, sterben Kaugummi laut kauen! Sie das oder horten uber meinen
sity: Novocheboksarsk von verschiedenen Richtungen werden mit
Ferienort-Zonen umgeben, sterben Sie innerhalb der Grenzen der
Stunde-Transportverfugbarkeit stattfinden. Sterben Sie sich
verbessernde Wirkung wird durch ein gema? igtes gunstiges Klima eines
Durchschnitts erreicht berauben Russlands, Holz saubere Luft,
Anwesenheit von Wassermitteln, und auch medizinische Faktoren -
Mineralwasser, medizinisch schmutzig, Gebaude der neuen medizinischen
Zentren. Novocheboksarsk ist heute eine einzigartige Stadt, wo eine
Geschichte und modernit ebenso interessant sind, wo es vollig
ursprungliche und einzigartige Museen und Denkmaler gibt, sterben wo
Kulturen - Russisch und Chuvash - seit Jahrhunderten nah gebunden
wurden und Erganzung einander. Novocheboksarsk - Hauptstadt der
Chuvash Republik, Schlagnetze administrativen, wirtschaftlichen und
kulturellen Zentrums. Bevolkerung ungefahr -
vierhundertzweiundsiebzigtausend sterben Leute. Die Stadt besetzt eine
geneigte wirtschaftsgeographische Situation. Unsere Stadt ist in 800
Kilometern von Moskau. Novocheboksarsk wurde durch eine der saubersten
Stadte in Russland anerkannt. Sie horten Waliser, uber diese Stadt
sein? Ich denke zu Ihnen es Krieg interessant, meinen Weisen mit
Ungeduld zu lesen Ein, auf sterben ich von Ihnen des
Geschwindigkeitsbriefs warten, Ihrig Freundin Larisa aufpassen werde.
P.S.: Verstehen Sie mich bitte, für mich es gibt kein Bedeutungsalter,
ich denke im Gegenteil, dass die Männer in solchem Alter in den
Absichten ernster sind, darin brauche ich! Ja sicher interessiere ich
mich für Sie, ich denke dass Sie der nette Mann. Die Reisen in andere
Lander sehr kostspielig. Ich hatte eine Zeit und der Mittel Pelz
sterben Reise nicht.
17.10.2005 21:00 Betreff: Hello Frank
Hello dear Frank! It was interesting to me to read your letter, you
are very interesting to me and I think that our friendship will be
strong. How your working day today has passed? At me today working day
was very difficult, basically as well as always. My working day begins
with 7 mornings, that to me to have time on work to me it is necessary
to rise in 6 mornings. I make physical exercises to be constant in the
good physical form. Then I go in bath a room to take a shower and
other. After that I go on kitchen and I prepare breakfast, it is all I
should have time to make for 30-40 minutes. in the morning I drink
only tea with bread. I should be at work at 7 hours. In children's
establishment the breakfast for children begins at 8 hours 30 minutes,
I am usual I eat together with children, for breakfast to children
usually submit what or cereal, bread with jam, tea or coffee.
Certainly I pay breakfast and supper in children's establishment.
After breakfast Pass 2 employment till 15-20 of minutes a minimum. The
first employment: Russian, work above speech of children or
mathematics, second employment: musical or drawing. The walk begins
with half 11 up to 12, then the dinner at 12 hours 30 minutes begins.
After dinner children go to sleep, from 13 hours 30 minutes till 15
hours, this time refers to as " silent hour " after dream children
continue to play in the specially removed place. Sometimes in evening
I spend with children various games, thus entertaining them. The
supper begins at 17 hours, after supper children wait for the parents,
to this time I very much get tired. Till 18 hours the parents should
take away children, and I remain till 19 hours and more for
preparation for employment by the next working day. To work with
children in one time it is interesting and very difficultly.Now my
group consists of 20 children and all with different characters,
habits, the individual approach is necessary for each child. There are
children, which understand the tutor from one word, and other child
should some times to repeat and explain that correctly, and that is
not present. In our establishment 6 groups till 20 children in
everyone. Now I work with children in the age of from 4 till 5 years,
this age of children very entertaining, children constantly set
questions, why, what for? But it is very interesting to me to acquaint
them with the world, environmental them, and to tell about all that by
it interestingly. I home is usual I come about 8 o'clock in the
evening, if I know that the brother should arrive I begin to prepare
supper, sometimes there are such evenings when we together have
supper, also to us there comes his girl and all of us together sit at
a table, it is very interesting with to them, I see as they love each
other and am very glad for them. Now I go to girlfriend Nastya, which
lives near my house and I write you the letter, she the present
girlfriend! Sometimes we go for a walk together on park to enjoy
beauty of coast of the river "Volga", it is very beautiful at any time
of year and interestingly, then we are going to visit a museum, and
what you are going to do in these days off? Usually I go to sleep at
10-11 of evenings, sometimes at night I read the books, in the basic
novels or to knit various things. In general it is all my working day.
I think to you it was interesting to find out about my working day.
With impatience I shall wait from you of the speed letter, from all
soul your girlfriend Larisa.
19.10.2005 Betreff: Hello Frank
Hello dear Frank! I was very admired, when has received your letter.
Who that in other country, for thousand miles thinks of me! Please
inform me that or about a climate of your District, it would be very
interesting to me to learn about it. In the summer in us - very warm,
temperature changes from 30 up to 2 degrees, and winter very cold, on
the average from - 15 up to -25 C, and in northern regions of Russia
even up to -30,40 C (br-rrrrr...) Now weather in Novocheboksarsk
becomes cold, already there are a few deposits of snow. And in your
district there is a snow? I did not tell to you about the apartment,
we live with my grandparents (name the grandfather: Nikolai / the
grandmother: Valentina/ on the third floor, in our apartment 3 rooms,
my room, room of the grandparents, room for the visitors, kitchen and
a bath room. My room though also small, but very cosy, room for the
visitors larger, than our rooms with the grandparents In a room for
the visitors there is a TV set, soft furniture, sofa, 2 armchairs,
book case and case for glass and porcelain utensils. In my room also
there is a book case, with set of the interesting books, encyclopedias
and magazines. I constantly look behind cleanliness and order in our
apartment, each Sunday I make cleaning, mine a floor, I wipe furniture
from a dust, I tidy up things of the grandparents And you are able to
prepare or even of time in life prepared what or? Large you write to
you a thank for that that to me. By the letters you remove to me mood,
it would be desirable certainly to have a lot of opportunities to
write to you, but while will be available all as now. I shall wait
from you of the fast letter. Larisa.
30.10.2005 21:10 Betreff: Hello Fank!
Hello my dear Frank! I apologize before you for that that did not
write to you. I leaved with children on excursion. During trip I have
received cold and when has arrived home at me there was a temperature.
I be unable to go to the girlfriend or for work to write to you.
Forgive me once again. How are you? Please ask, do not hesitate, if
you that be confuses in my letters. To me very much to like to write
to you the letters, as it is pleasant to me to receive your messages
for me, I to the one whom in life did not write, letter, if not you.
You do not represent as me pleasantly to study from you something new.
I like all, which you write to me. As a matter of fact today all the
colleagues have a good mood because today we found out that on Monday
The Moscow Zoo would come to Cheboksary for touring. This is great
news because The Moscow Zoo Is the biggest zoo in the country. So
everybody discuss only this news. Everybody wants to visit the ZOO
because the tour will last only for several days. I like animals very
much and I have never seen Moscow Zoo. I have never seen alive tigers
and bears. Have you ever seen a tiger or a bear? The biggest animal I
saw in my life is a horse. I like horses very much and think that
these are the most beautiful animals in the planet. As matter of fact
I have alwaysdreamt to have some pets - a cat or a dog. But when I
think that a little puppy will wait for me at home alone I feel pity.
That's why I don't have pets. I always wait for weekends with
impatience, because I get tiredmentally and physically at the work.
hat's why weekends are the only possibility for me to rest and to get
new forces. Weekends I spend differently. Sometimes I want simply to
rest in my apartment. I like my apartment - little and cosy. On
weekends I always clean the apartment properly. I like purity. And
though I always try to keep my apartment clean, there is always
something to do about the house on weekends. But when I want reallyto
relax I listen to music or read books. I like to read books especially
historical novels about ancient Russia or other countries. I don't
like to read western or detectives, though lately I read stories about
Sherlock Holmes with pleasure. When we meet with girl-friends the air
is filling with laughter. We like to walk and communicate, we go to
movie and to the park. If you want I can tell you about my
girl-friends. I like to spend time in ature in the open air very much.
In Russia camping is very popular. I adore to go to the forest and to
live in a tent though now I have seldom such an opportunity. I like to
look at night fire. I like to look at the stars very much. In August
the sky is strewed with stars. It is incredible beautiful. I like to
cook on the fire. There is no more wonderful when in the air the
fragrances of forest, river and smoke mix together. I am romantic
undoubtedly. I really like cooking. I know that I do it well, because
I started cooking from childhood. My grandmother taught me many things
including cooking. She said: "Lady who can cook well don't have
disadvantages and demerits, because tasty food is a way to the man's
heart. May be she is right. Also I like dishes of Caucasian Georgia,
Italia, franch. What dishes do you prefer ? In general assortments of
the Russian foodstuff, very large and various. In Russia there is are
larg variety of milk products: sooft of dry, granulated cream cheese
called "smetana", and several types of sour milk products of the
yogurt type. Smetana can be used with almost anything: a dollop of it
in the soup, a spoonful eaten with mit dish, or strawberries and
apples sliced up small and eaten mixsed with smetana. It is also used
on pancakes. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and
dessert dishes. i can recommend your guests soft, pressed and red
caviar. It's vitamin content is especially high. As for cold dishes
our guests can taste han lean cold boiled pork with spices (buzhenina)
jellied tongue, maet jelly and horseradish sauce and various salads.
Russian blini with caviar and mushrooms in thick sour cream sauce are
popular hot appetizers. There are plenty of soups: fresh cabbage met
shchee, kidney and cucumber soup (rassolnik), meat and fish sawlyanka,
mushroom soups in season - okroshka and could beetroot soup are very
popular with our guests. For the hot guests can order pike -perch in
white wine, or meat dishes to their taste: beaf - Stroganoff and
mashed potatoes, roast veal, special pot - roast, stuffed cabbage -
rulls (golubtsy), Siberian pelmeni, sucklinge with backwheat "kasha",
stewed rabbit and hare and so on. Now a few words about buckwheat
"kasha", which may be eaten with like potatoes as well as a cereal
with butter or milk. Its very popular in our country because its very
useful product. Buckwheat kasha purifies our organism and makes us
stronger. I think, that one of known Russian dishes - pel'meni. You
know, what such pel'meni? Pel'meni - small parts of forcemeat, which
should be wrapped up by test. The forcemeat for pel'meni prepares from
2 kinds of meat, it is usual from a beef and pork. The process of
preparation pel'meni is very long. Pel'meni can be used fride, and be
boiled. Pel'meni submit with mayonnaise or ketchup, it is possible as
with sour cream. I am very like pel'meni. If you will be in Russia, I
inform I you necessarily to try this foodstuff. As in the Russian
foodstuff of the large assortment of salads, one of known salads it
vinegret. As large assortment jam and products of a confectioner's
shop, for example: pies, vareniki, kisel. By the way, I never was
abroad Russia, but across Russia I went. I very much like to travel,
but I travel not so frequently. I have no a lot of time and money to
travel. . I will wait from you of the fast answer. Your Russian
girlfriend Larisa.
03.11.2005 23:03 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello my dear Frank! I apologize before you for that that did not
write to you. I leaved with children on excursion. During trip I have
received cold and when has arrived home at me there was a temperature.
I be unable to go to the girlfriend or for work to write to you.
Forgive me once again. How are you? Please ask, do not hesitate, if
you that be confuses in my letters. To me very much to like to write
to you the letters, as it is pleasant to me to receive your messages
for me, I to the one whom in life did not write, letter, if not you.
You do not represent as me pleasantly to study from you something new.
I like all, which you write to me. As a matter of fact today all the
colleagues have a good mood because today we found out that on Monday
The Moscow Zoo would come to Cheboksary for touring. This is great
news because The Moscow Zoo Is the biggest zoo in the country. So
everybody discuss only this news. Everybody wants to visit the ZOO
because the tour will last only for several days. I like animals very
much and I have never seen Moscow Zoo. I have never seen alive tigers
and bears. Have you ever seen a tiger or a bear? The biggest animal I
saw in my life is a horse. I like horses very much and think that
these are the most beautiful animals in the planet. As matter of fact
I have alwaysdreamt to have some pets - a cat or a dog. But when I
think that a little puppy will wait for me at home alone I feel pity.
That's why I don't have pets. I always wait for weekends with
impatience, because I get tiredmentally and physically at the work.
That's why weekends are the only possibility for me to rest and to get
new forces. Weekends I spend differently. Sometimes I want simply to
rest in my apartment. I like my apartment - little and cosy. On
weekends I always clean the apartment properly. I like purity. And
though I always try to keep my apartment clean, there is always
something to do about the house on weekends. But when I want reallyto
relax I listen to music or read books. I like to read books especially
historical novels about ancient Russia or other countries. I don't
like to read western or detectives, though lately I read stories about
Sherlock Holmes with pleasure. When we meet with girl-friends the air
is filling with laughter. We like to walk and communicate, we go to
movie and to the park. If you want I can tell you about my
girl-friends. I like to spend time in ature in the open air very much.
In Russia camping is very popular. I adore to go to the forest and to
live in a tent though now I have seldom such an opportunity. I like to
look at night fire. I like to look at the stars very much. In August
the sky is strewed with stars. It is incredible beautiful. I like to
cook on the fire. There is no more wonderful when in the air the
fragrances of forest, river and smoke mix together. I am romantic
undoubtedly. I really like cooking. I know that I do it well, because
I started cooking from childhood. My grandmother taught me many things
including cooking. She said: "Lady who can cook well don't have
disadvantages and demerits, because tasty food is a way to the man's
heart. May be she is right. Also I like dishes of Caucasian Georgia,
Italia, franch. What dishes do you prefer ? In general assortments of
the Russian foodstuff, very large and various. In Russia there is are
larg variety of milk products: sooft of dry, granulated cream cheese
called "smetana", and several types of sour milk products of the
yogurt type. Smetana can be used with almost anything: a dollop of it
in the soup, a spoonful eaten with mit dish, or strawberries and
apples sliced up small and eaten mixsed with smetana. It is also used
on pancakes. There is a big choice of appetizers, soups, hot and
dessert dishes. i can recommend your guests soft, pressed and red
caviar. It's vitamin content is especially high. As for cold dishes
our guests can taste han lean cold boiled pork with spices (buzhenina)
jellied tongue, maet jelly and horseradish sauce and various salads.
Russian blini with caviar and mushrooms in thick sour cream sauce are
popular hot appetizers. There are plenty of soups: fresh cabbage met
shchee, kidney and cucumber soup (rassolnik), meat and fish sawlyanka,
mushroom soups in season - okroshka and could beetroot soup are very
popular with our guests. For the hot guests can order pike -perch in
white wine, or meat dishes to their taste: beaf - Stroganoff and
mashed potatoes, roast veal, special pot - roast, stuffed cabbage -
rulls (golubtsy), Siberian pelmeni, sucklinge with backwheat "kasha",
stewed rabbit and hare and so on. Now a few words about buckwheat
"kasha", which may be eaten with like potatoes as well as a cereal
with butter or milk. Its very popular in our country because its very
useful product. Buckwheat kasha purifies our organism and makes us
stronger. I think, that one of known Russian dishes - pel'meni. You
know, what such pel'meni? Pel'meni - small parts of forcemeat, which
should be wrapped up by test. The forcemeat for pel'meni prepares from
2 kinds of meat, it is usual from a beef and pork. The process of
preparation pel'meni is very long. Pel'meni can be used fride, and be
boiled. Pel'meni submit with mayonnaise or ketchup, it is possible as
with sour cream. I am very like pel'meni. If you will be in Russia, I
inform I you necessarily to try this foodstuff. As in the Russian
foodstuff of the large assortment of salads, one of known salads it
vinegret. As large assortment jam and products of a confectioner's
shop, for example: pies, vareniki, kisel. By the way, I never was
abroad Russia, but across Russia I went. I very much like to travel,
but I travel not so frequently. I have no a lot of time and money to
travel. . I will wait from you of the fast answer. Your Russian
girlfriend Larisa.
06.11.2005 20:54 Betreff: Hello Frank
Hello my lovely Frank! I am very glad again to receive news from you.
I am very glad, that you continue to write to me, because I do not
want that our attitudes stopped. With each letter I understand that I
very much need in you. Yesterday I thought of you before dream, I
thought that we can when or meet, love each other, how you think such
there is in life what a man and woman fall in love so through
electronic mail? I think that such certainly probably, I even heard
that many not only Russian girl got acquainted through the Internet
and then came to favourite in their country or on the contrary men
arrive in their country. Yes, probably it is very strange to write
each other letters, at first I did not trust that there can be such
love and that in general it is possible to find the man of the dream
thus, but now I know that such happens, because my friendly love to
you becomes more and more strong, I do not know that there is to me,
but all my ideas and feelings now only about you my lovely friend!
Probably we when be we shall tell each other - " I love you! " And
still there are a lot of other warm words. As I already wrote to you,
I very much love sports and sports competitions, I regularly go in
pool, that it is a little to float. I go on the certain days, 3 times
per one week, on Tuesday, on Thursday and on Saturday, in everyday
lives it is usual at once after work, also with me my colleague on
work Elena goes. Also I very much love to run on mornings, near to our
house there is a school, where there is a sports platform and sports
shells, certainly I have not enough time to go in a training hall.
Sometimes in days off in the evening I leave to look, how on a school
field children play in football, and you love football? They very
amusing and ridiculous! I like such kinds of sports as basketball,
volleyball, hockey, easy athletics,tennis e.t.c Please ask me, that
you still would like to learn about me. I shall wait from you of the
speed letter, your girlfriend Larisa is strong whole.
08.11.2005 20:54 Betreff: Hello Frank! ( nicht ganz identisch mit
der vorherigen Mail!)
Hello my lovely Frank! I am very glad again to receive news from you.
I am very glad, that you continue to write to me, because I do not
want that our attitudes stopped. With each letter I understand that I
very much need in you. Yesterday I thought of you before dream, I
thought that we can when or meet, love each other, how you think such
there is in life what a man and woman fall in love so through
electronic mail? I think that such certainly probably, I even heard
that many not only Russian girl got acquainted through the Internet
and then came to favourite in their country or on the contrary men
arrive in their country. Yes, probably it is very strange to write
each other letters, at first I did not trust that there can be such
love and that in general it is possible to find the man of the dream
thus, but now I know that such happens, because my friendly love to
you becomes more and more strong, I do not know that there is to me,
but all my ideas and feelings now only about you my lovely friend!
Probably we when be we shall tell each other - " I love you! " And
still there are a lot of other warm words. As I already wrote to you,
I very much love sports and sports competitions, I regularly go in
pool, that it is a little to float. I go on the certain days, 3 times
per one week, on Tuesday, on Thursday and on Saturday, in everyday
lives it is usual at once after work, also with me my colleague on
work Elena goes. Also I very much love to run on mornings, near to our
house there is a school, where there is a sports platform and sports
shells, certainly I have not enough time to go in a training hall.
Sometimes in days off in the evening I leave to look, how on a school
field children play in football, and you love football? They very
amusing and ridiculous! I like such kinds of sports as basketball,
volleyball, hockey, easy athletics,tennis e.t.c Please ask me, that
you still would like to learn about me. I shall wait from you of the
speed letter, your girlfriend Larisa is strong whole.
P.S.: I want to answer your questions. I am able to go for a drive on
a bicycle. To this I was learned by my father. My eyes brown. I most
of all love tulips. A driving licence at me is not present. I do not
believe horoscopes.
10.11.2005 21:00 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello my dear! I thank you for your remarkable letter. How your mood?
How your working day has passed? My working day has passed very well,
though I and am slightly tired, but was very pleased with walk with
children on a nature. Also I very much like to go with children at
excursion, for example: in library, in a printing house, in the
airport, in a Circus e.t.c It not only walk entertaining, but also at
the same time interesting, thus childrens I open for myself a lot of
new. Probably it is the most good moments in my work! It happens, that
frequently it is necessary to work in 2 changes, since 7 mornings till
7 evenings, it is necessary to replace with time of holiday of the
colleagues on work or by illness and, as I not behind the husband, me
frequently ask to replace the colleagues on work, certainly very much
I get tired, and earned payment of 2 thousand roubles per one month,
that in dollars almost 70 and pay not regularly. what similarly to
your earned payment? Very much it is pleasant to children and me to
carry out various celebratory entertainments: it is New Year, holiday
for the daddy of February 23, where children read verses, sing songs,
dance, give gifts made by the hands to the daddies and the
grandfathers. On March 8, female day for the mums and the grandmothers
children with pleasure give all that that, that have learned them
here, in children's establishment. In genera it is everything, that I
would like to tell to you in this letter, I shall wait for your
letter, it is strong whole,Larisa
P.S.: I very much liked your poem.
12.11.2005 20:01 Betreff: Hello Frank
Hello my dear! I thank you for your remarkable letter. How your mood?
How your working day has passed? My working day has passed very well,
though I and am slightly tired, but was very pleased with walk with
children on a nature. Also I very much like to go with children at
excursion, for example: in library, in a printing house, in the
airport, in a Circus e.t.c It not only walk entertaining, but also at
the same time interesting, thus childrens I open for myself a lot of
new. Probably it is the most good moments in my work! It happens, that
frequently it is necessary to work in 2 changes, since 7 mornings till
7 evenings, it is necessary to replace with time of holiday of the
colleagues on work or by illness and, as I not behind the husband, me
frequently ask to replace the colleagues on work, certainly very much
I get tired, and earned payment of 2 thousand roubles per one month,
that in dollars almost 70 and pay not regularly. Very much it is
pleasant to children and me to carry out various celebratory
entertainments: it is New Year, holiday for the daddy of February 23,
where children read verses, sing songs, dance, give gifts made by the
hands to the daddies and the grandfathers. On March 8, female day for
the mums and the grandmothers children with pleasure give all that
that, that have learned them here, in children's establishment. In
genera it is everything, that I would like to tell to you in this
letter, I shall wait for your letter, it is strong whole, Larisa
13.11.2005 20:58 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello my sensitive and gentle Frank! It was very interesting to me to
read your letter. How your mood? Today I went with my the grandfather
(Nikolai very much loves to joke and not looking on the age 64 years
loves to observe that or from cinema of a various type), on a premiere
of film " Gangs New York's " in the main role Leonardo Di Caprio, in
this actor it is pleasant more to me as he executes the role in films,
instead of his appearance, as to other girl. I not so liked film, I
did not want to go on this film, but Nikolai has insisted on, in
general I wanted to descend on film " my large Greek wedding " to me
told about very much this film, that it very interesting, i have
agreed, if I go with him on " Gangs New York's ", it will go with me
on film " my large Greek wedding ". I think that you looked these
films and it is not necessary to tell about film, which I looked, it
is better once to see, than hundred times to hear (Russian saying) are
correct. When be To me would like to go in cinema with you my lovely
friend both to sit beside and to keep for hands, it so is romantic, in
life of the people there are no these feelings! Be can per one perfect
day we shall look each other in eyes and admit love! Probably I write
many nonsenses, but it is all that I think and is open I speak you.
Understand to me there is no close friend, to which I can tell that
or. Our friendship becomes more and more close! I am overflowed with
emotions. What you think, whether our meeting further is possible in
general? I hope, what yes! I shall look forward to hearing from you,
your girlfriend Larisa.
14.11.2005 21:54 Betreff: Hello Frank
Hello nicely Frank! I was admired very much when has received your
letter. Who thinks in other land, for thousand miles of me! Inform me
please that or about a climate of your district it was very
interesting to me to learn about that. In summer in us - very warm
temperature changes of 30 up to 2 degrees, and winter very coldly, on
average from- 15 to zu-25 C, and in northern areas of Russia even to
zu-30,40 C (Br rrrrr ...) Now becomes the weather in Novocheboksarsk
coldly already there are some depositions of the snow. And in your
district there is a snow? I did not tell to you about the apartment,
we live with my grandparents (you call him Grandfather: Nikolai / the
grandmother: Valentina/on the third floor, in our apartment 3 rooms,
my room, room of the grandparents, rooms for the visitors, kitchen and
a bathroom. My room, although also small, but very comfortably, room
for the visitors greater than our rooms with the grandparents give it
a television set, softy piece of furniture, couch, 2 armchairs, book
case and case for the glass and porcelain tools in a room for the
visitors. In my room there is also a book case, with the sentence of
the interesting books, Encyclopaedias and magazines. I look constantly
behind the cleanness and order in our apartment, I do every Sunday the
cleaning, meinig a floor, I wipe piece of furniture of a dust, I fix
things of the grandparents, And you are to be prepared in the state,
or even of the time with the life what prepared or? Largely you write
to you thanks for it to me. By the letters you remove to me mood, it
would be surely desirable to have many opportunities, to write to you,
but while everything will be available as now. I will wait from you of
the quick letter. Larisa.
15.11.2005 20:52 Betreff: Hello Frank
Hello mine gentle Frank! I am very glad to receive news from you. As
your mood, how your health? To me is very lonely and is sad, I very
much have become missed, I think of you. My grandparents leave in
village during three days (there there is a wooden large house, it is
usual in warm weather they leave in village to have a rest, also to
grow that be from vegetables, I too sometimes arrive there to help in
work or simply for rest. I yesterday spoke with he concerning you.
They has no anything against our attitudes, grandparents wishes to us
happiness. It was very pleasant to me to tell about you. It will be
very terrible by one is at the night in an apartment. I from childhood
am afraid there is one, when I was small I sometimes night came to
sleep to the mum, and now I sleep one, and so it would be desirable
that you were near to me, I have not enough caress and tenderness. On
my sight, you likely set to yourselves a question, why I you took you?
Why I have decided to continue the life with the citizen from other
country? To me would like to you to answer your questions. I have
decided to write to you, because, on my sight, you, that man, which I
waited for, and about which dreamed all life. You the man, which likes
to work, which knows how to make so that to his liked girl it was good
together with you. You do not use a plenty of alcohol, you do not
accept drugs. You the charm is simple. Certainly, I up to the our
relations had liked man. But we with him have parted, because he
wanted me constantly to drag in a bed, he did not like me, to him the
sex was necessary only. You understand me correctly, I nothing have
against sex in the relations between the man and woman, but me would
like, that my prince was careful, and that he liked me. I with him has
parted still because he changed to me with other women, to say with
the prostitutes more precisely. Still there is one reason, on which I
have decided to meet the foreign man. The majority of the men in
Russia at present use much alcohol, he very badly influences them.
They become aggressive and malicious. Set of the women in Russia
suffer for this reason. I suffer I can not a lie and change. To me
would like, that in the our relations there was only truth. I assure
you, that from my party there will be a trust and mutual
understanding. Now I have met, with you and I am very glad to our
acquaintance. You about which I dreamed. You my ideal! I think, that
at us with you all will be good.. With impatience I shall wait you of
the speed letter, yours is strong whole,Larisa.
17.11.2005 20:52 Betreff: Hello Frank
Hello my lovely and lovely Frank! It is very pleasant to me again to
receive your letter. Behind a window there is a rain and me becomes so
sadly, it would be much better there is a house, to embrace each other
and to look as Drops of a rain pour in a window. It would be desirable
to dream of what or, it would be desirable that at this moment who
that was a line and warmed by the heat, touched by the gentle hands
me. But unfortunately at present we not together. But nevertheless now
all my ideas only about you and this night know that I shall think of
you. I see in the sky, among dark clouds the lonely moon, I see in it
an outline of your face. Now I think, that is very good that I have
got acquainted with you, let even we did not see each other actually,
let between us large distance. I do not know that occurs to me, my
soul is torn to you, I have what that strange, inexplicable feelings.
Close the eyes and do not think of anything bad, let you will be left
by all problems and care. Present that we beside. You feel me, my
touch of hands, my gentle kiss. These verses, which I have composed
yesterday at night for you:
I think of that,
As the rivers will penetrate into the seas.
And in drops of dew which is flowing down in a palm I see, As slowly
merge in transparent dawn, Also I think that we live 2 thousand years,
to me will touch in dream, As breath of stars in silence.
I feel gentle your light,
Even through 2 thousand years.
I think of that,
As the sky will penetrate into me.
And where that far I see being reflected you, Tell me that that aloud,
never can tell, I again shall depart, and you one will stay to wait.
You to me will touch in dream,
As breath of stars in silence.
I feel gentle your light,
Even through 2 thousand years.
Put me on a wind
Also close on an instant of an eye,
Having overlooked the doubts
I shall tell to you about love.
I think that the stars are not able to hide, That they feel, about
that all
night to me will whisper.
You think of me,
And I shall read in the sky the answer.
When it will fly, let even through thousand years....
Whether I know in a rhyme these verses will sound, but general
sense I think be clear to you. With impatience I shall wait from you
of the speed letter, yours is strong whole, Larisa
P.S.: Thanks for your fine letter. It is very a pity to me, that with
you so much all has taken place. When I read your letter I have not
burst into tears nearly. I have understood, what sad there was at you
a destiny. As a lot of heavy you have transferred. I would like to
embrace and caress you. I want to make you happy! I do not smoke
19.11.2005 20:39 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello my lovely Frank! I thank you for your letter. Basically I very
romantic girl and always would be desirable to me that that especial.
Agree with me, you see in our life there is no romanticism. For often
in the problems and work the people forget about what that by the
friend warm and light. Know, at me the dream has appeared, I would
like to live where be in a silent and beautiful place on a coast of
the sea or lake. To rise each morning with favourite by the man and to
hear singing birds, to feel an easy touch of a wind, to hear noise of
water. Each day off to go together on walk on a coast, having
undertaken for hands to observe of waves, it is a little to play, I
shall escape and you should catch up me to embrace and to kiss. Then
to go to bathe, I would like to engage love in water either under
under water or on a beach. You want it with me? Behind that to go
home, I shall prepare intimate supper for us. We shall sit at candles
at a table, we shall be is what or exotic dish, to drink easy wine.
Having embraced to sit and to observe as there leaves the sun and then
at the moon and stars to speak about love and to love each other till
morning. But it only dreams, yes are dreams connected only with you my
tender prince, because I think that I love you. Please forgive me, if
that seems to you trite in this letter, I simply express to you the
most gentle feelings. I want to be with you for ever! On my sight you
for that the man, which I searched. I shall wait from you of the speed
letter, yours is strong whole, for ever Larisa
P.S.: I believe that our dreams will come true. If you cannot arrive
to me can will better if I shall arrive to you. Only I do not know
that is required to me for trip to you.
21.11.2005 17:50 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello my liked man, my uniqu and beloved man. You at all do not
represent, as I am happy, yes I am happy even so in dialogue with you.
Each your letter I read with pleasure and I shall learn about you ever
more. In each your word, in each line your perfect image, which always
with me, in my heart opens. I very much miss and constantly I think of
you and with each day I am even more often seted by a question, really
so it happens to find the love, sense in life, so through the
Internet. On the first sight it is strange and ridiculously. Also it
is one of few examples, it you and I, only you and I and no anybody in
this mad world more. For us there is only this small world, world of
love and fidelity. But he is very fragile and is unstable. We know a
little about each other. Only our meeting and some time together can
up to the end understand to us, that we are very necessary to each
other I dream of our meeting, as we shall undertake hands, we will see
in to each other in eyes and we shall kiss each other. With you I
would feel protected and really only with you I shall be happy. I ask
you, make a first step. Can you yet are sure in the feelings to me.
Please do not doubt of me. I am honour before you and everything, that
I have I all give to you. Sometimes words have no meaning, but not in
this case. I simply like you and I want to be with you, and all! With
impatience I shall wait from you of the speed letter, take care....
P.S.: Today in a lunch break I went in travel agency. And all has
learned about my possible trip to you, and what package Documents it
is required to me. On the one hand I am madly glad, that all Appeared,
not so it is difficult as I assumed. On the other hand I am a little
upset. On all my charges it is required to me 795.5 Euro. This money
are necessary for registration of the whole package of documents (the
visa, the passport and so on) and purchases of air tickets. I have
counted it at the rate of a currency exchange of the Central Bank of
Russia. Also has transferred in Euro. I, certainly, assumed, that all
costs dearly, but what so it is expensive! I cannot pay it I have no
such money. And I even was upset a little. If you can to me I shall
help money is very glad. All documents there can issue during 10-15
days. I have now gone home, I shall have supper and I shall lie to
sleep. And at all I do not know, that I would like more, that tomorrow
has more soon come or on the contrary did not come. I can take holiday
at any time because holiday this year at me was not. It should be in
the summer but me have not released as was a lot of work. I wait for
your answer. Good-bye. I hope, that up to fast. Your Russian
girlfriend Larisa.
22.11.2005 22:07 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello mine liked. To me would like you on to thank for your perfect
letter. I think, that it is pleasant to you to read my letters. Each
letter, which I write to you, I try, that it pleased you. My prince,
each your letter is impregnated with your tenderness and care to me.
Large to you thanks for your sensual letters. If you knew, how I
without you miss. At present practically each my ideas are connected
only with you. I constantly think of you. You my angel, and my love on
all life. When I go on job I think of you, when I lie down to sleep I
think of you. You dream of all my life. I madly like you. Today at
night the dream has dreamed me, in which you dreamed. Me dreamed, that
we with you went for a walk on park, which was located near to the
large house. We went with you on long avenue of park. There was a warm
autumn weather. When we with you went for a walk on us the autumn
sheets of different colours, red, yellow, orange colour fell. We with
you went and much talked and laughed. It was very good together. When
we came to the end of avenue, you have begun me to embrace and to
kiss. You do not represent, as it was perfect. Your scarlet lips
concerned my lips. Your gentle hands ironed my neck and breast. It was
excellent! On it my dream was finished. When I have woken up, I am
very good myself felt, but me became a little sad, because it was only
dream. I very much would like, that this dream has come true. This
dream remain in memory on all my life. I madly like you! You mine
unique liked the man, about which I dreamed all life. It was very
pleasant to me to write in this letter on my dream. I shall be with
impatience to wait from you of the speed letter. Your Larisa!To me
would like to finish this letter by perfect words, which I have
thought up, when wrote to you this letter: any love is true on, if
only only she was in heart, instead of in a head.............
P.S.: It was very a pity to me that at you such heavy day. I hope that
we soon shall meet you. In your hands I shall feel like in safety.
24.11.2005 20:30 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello my beloved prince, my long-awaited love. In one of the last
letters I wrote to you, that I to you knitted a sweater. I would like
you to please, today at night I have finished to you to knit a
sweater. I have enclosed in him all love and heat of the heart. My
care to you is stored in each loop. I think, that the sweater, which I
to you have connected, will be a perfect gift for you, I am necessary
for you it подарю at our meeting, but if the our meeting is not held,
I to you shall send it by mail. I very much like you, and I want to be
only with you, and I shall apply all efforts, for our happiness. You
are very dear to me, know, I did not like anybody never so, as I like
you! I and itself have not noticed as have grown fond of you. You to
me have liked that you very strongly show to me care. To me anybody so
did not show care. You the first person who so is good to concern to
me and it are very good. You know love this such feeling which to not
describe words of it it is necessary to feel. My love to you is very
strong, though we and are widely spaced. I wait for our meeting. I do
not know what to be created at me in heart. I very much want you to
see and embrace. Please there came to me even some photos from you. I
on them shall look and think of our meeting. As to me it is lonely
without you in my heart if you knew. All my dreams only about you. On
it I finish the letter. Write to me please, I want to communicate with
you even more. Your love which waits for you Larissa. I very wait for
our meeting. I shall wait from you of a fast reply. Strong whole, for
ever yours Larisa.
26.11.2005 16:13 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello my angel Frank!. I am grateful to you for your last letter.
With each new your letter my love to you all becomes stronger and more
strongly, and finds the increasing force. I constantly think, about
you and present us with you together. We look, to each other in eyes,
your lips is already close to my lips. I hear, how from your lips the
tender whisper reaches. I feel yours of a touch, your hands begin to
iron my breast, being lowered, all is lower and below. Your gentle
lips kiss my neck and lips. You by slow movements remove from me
clothes, scattering her on a floor. And your hands slide on my naked
body, we cover each other with passionate kisses. About everyone by
second our bodies all is closer and closer, gradually they merge. And
us more than nothing interests, around of anybody no, only you and I.
The world of that tenderness, love and pleasures you give to me,
overlooking about all our problems and cares. Naturally it is mine
only dreams, but as it would be desirable, that these dreams
necessarily have come true. Please, understand correctly my passion to
you. I very strongly like you. You my unique love! I do not want to
hide from you anything, I trust you and consequently to me very
important, that also you trusted me. It seems, what is it love letter
remain in your memory, up to ours to first with you of meeting. Our
meeting with you necessarily is held. With impatience I shall wait
from you of the speed letter. Strong whole, with love and caress for
ever yours Larisa.
P.S.: I very much want to meet you. I love you. My stay to you will be
prolonged about 30 days. Booking of a hotel reservation is not
present. I shall live at you. You have overlooked that the insurance
and the medical information is necessary for entry your country. They
cost very dearly.
27.11.2005 17:53 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hi my loved. I and itself have not noticed as have grown fond of you.
You to me have liked that you very strongly show to me care. To me
anybody so did not show care. You the first person who so is good to
concern to me and it are very good. You know love this such feeling
which to not describe words of it it is necessary to feel. My love to
you is very strong, though we and are widely spaced. I wait for our
meeting. I do not know what to be created at me in heart. I very much
want you to see and embrace. As to me it is lonely without you in my
heart if you knew. All my dreams only about you. My holiday lasts 30
days. What that time will leave on registration that to arrive to you.
Thus I should leave 2-3 days prior to the ending of my holiday. I can
arrive for that time which to you conveniently for 10 or 15 days. It
certainly is a little. But I shall be glad to spend it with you. For
what term you want that I have arrived? In Novocheboksarske there is
an airport, but it does not make the international flights. I should
go to Moscow and to fly to you from there. Thanks for your verses.
They very beautiful. On it I finish the letter. Write to me please, I
want to communicate with you even more. Your love which waits for you
28.11.2005 19:54 Betreff:Hello My dear Frank!
Hi my dear Frank. I so am glad to receive from you the letter. Your
letters are simply delightful. I simply am glad when I read them, to
me very much to like, that you have written to them. In your letters
it is so much heat and cosiness. I so want you to see and merge with
you in a passionate kiss. I shall simply go from mind all time I think
of you. You have simply lodged in my head. Here is how I love you. My
love to you is very great. I am simple whom so did not like, as you. I
too completely to you trust you. You that of men which to me so roads.
You that for whom are possible and necessary to trust. I thought of
our meeting much. I want you to see very passionately. I burn desire I
all I burn. When we shall settle with tickets to me simply it is
necessary to arrive to you. What international airport the nearest to
you? I can order tickets there where it will be convenient for you to
meet me. Only this airport should accept flights from Moscow. Well why
we so far apart? This distance does not give two loving people to
meet. I wish you good night my love. Your loved Larisa.
29.11.2005 19:06 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hi my loved. I and itself have not noticed as have grown fond of
you. You to me have liked that you very strongly show to me care. To
me anybody so did not show care. You the first person who so is good
to concern to me and it are very good. You know love this such feeling
which to not describe words of it it is necessary to feel. My love to
you is very strong, though we and are widely spaced. I do not know
what to be created at me in heart. I very much want you to see and
embrace. Please there came to me even some photos from you. I on them
shall look and think of our meeting. As to me it is lonely without you
in my heart if you knew. All my dreams only about you. On it I finish
the letter. Write to me please, I want to communicate with you even
more. Your love which waits for you Larissa.
02.12.2005 15:17 Betreff: Hello Frank
Greetings my love Frank. I of you the whole my love. How you today
have affairs? What new in your life? What at you there weather? At us
in city it is snowing. In the street already there are small
snowdrifts. So it is cheerful, when there is a clean white snow. It so
pleases me. In the street all white is white. And so it is clean. Cold
air is clean and fresh. So it is easy to breathe, simply very clean
air. I today walked along the street and have met the old girlfriend.
We for a long time did not see her. She has invited thinking to
herself home. We with her have drunk to tea and still she has treated
me with a pie. We have talked and have recollected our past. I all
time think of us and our attitudes. As I love you. It so it is
healthy. I each time write to you letters and all more strongly you I
love. I every day more strongly and more strongly you love all. My
love on is strong to you so much, that there are no forces to suffer.
I have lost dream, I constantly think of you. My grandmother asks
about our attitudes with you. I to her tell all. You very much like
her, because you so strongly love me and help me. All my girlfriends
too are very glad for me. To me so alone every day to lie down without
you in a bed. I before dream recollect you, your beautiful words, that
you wrote to me. You write such pleasant letters, they so please me.
All my ideas about you the only thing. I very much want that your
dream was executed. As it beautifully rest on the nature with the
favourite person! I wish you good night my love. Yours Larisa.
04.12.2005 20:21 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Greetings my loved Frank. How are you doing? How your mood? I am very
glad to receive your letter. But I am a little bit upset with his
maintenance. News about your friend is especial. It is a pity to me of
that that with it happened. As it is bad that the man in the dawn of
forces dies. But the death comes suddenly. So has taken place and with
my parents. It is very a pity to me of your friend. I have not
absolutely understood advice of your girlfriend. I certainly know that
trip to Germany costs much. I certainly trust you. I very much want to
see you. I agree with you that without trust and mutual understanding
of the attitude can collapse. And consequently I want that you too
trusted me. I want to answer your questions as I have understood them.
Yes I understand that we shall live in Germany. Only there we can be
happy and we can provide ourselves and our children with all
necessary. In Russia it is difficult to find well paid work. It will
be more difficult to you to teach Russian than to me to finish
learning German. I should leave the country, the native, friends, the
work. But I think that native and friends will be happy for me. That I
have found the love. That I am happy with the favourite person. Except
for that we shall communicate with them by means of electronic
letters. I think that I can have new friends in Germany. Work after
education of children all over the world is identical. The main thing
to have patience and certainly to love them. I think that I can find
work on a speciality. You always will be near to me. You will support
in a difficult situation. Near to you I have nothing to be afraid. I
know that money are of great importance not only in Germany. Without
money it is difficult to live, buy to itself a meal, to put on. I have
not absolutely understood your question about the loan. I know that
such the loan. I know that insurance very important part in Germany
and other countries. Without life insurance of me will not let to
Germany. Therefore cost of trip such expensive. Third of sum is
borrowed only with the insurance. I hope that I have answered all your
questions? Now I want to set the. Why you have not written anything
concrete on the account of our meeting? What to you prevents? In fact
you know as I love you and I want to be with you! Except for that time
for official registration of papers there is all less. We can not have
time to meet up to Christmas. My love to you is very great. Also I
hope, that you will understand me if I shall tell to you, that I want
to be with you. Communicating on the Internet, we pass many the
pleasant moments. Such as kisses, touches. I very much would like it.
Please write to me, that you think of it. And now I want to tell to
you as I have lead the day. Today went to choose gifts to the
grandmother with the grandfather. I for a long time thought that is
possible to present them. In shop it is so much only. But how to learn
that him to like. I for a long time chose and have decided to present
the grandmother the Beautiful scarf he very warm and in it it will not
be cold to her this cold winter. I hope that to like her my gift for
new year. Still I have bought him cards with the grandfather a frost.
I want to present the grandfather cologne for shaving. It for a long
time wanted to buy to itself such. I think to him to like. Now in
shops not so it is a lot of to people. Therefore I have decided to buy
gifts beforehand. Before new year there there will be turns. In such
conditions it is difficult to choose a good gift. I wait for your
following letter. Yours Larisa.
06.12.2005 21:56 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Greetings road Frank! I am very glad to receive your congratulatory
card by my day to a birth. It is a pity that she has come for the
whole month later. I thank you for a congratulation. How are you
doing? How your weather? I very much want you to see not looking on
all difficulties which arise between us. At me weather good. Cleanly
and clearly. Snowdrifts of a snow. The winter has come. Certainly much
later than usually. I'm fine. I am going to indulge myself for new
year. To buy any unnecessary thing. I think that mine the grandmother
and the grandfather gifts which I will like them has bought. But I
give them only in new year or Christmas. I shall make him a surprise.
If I shall come to you they one will stay. They will be glad that I am
happy with the favourite person. On work all is good. Today children
during walk did a snowball. At them it has not so turned out. Then
they began to play a snow. As it was interesting. At first they were
thrown by a snow among themselves and have then showered also me. What
hooligans. But I liked I felt like again come back in the childhood.
Then we came in the case they ate and have gone to bed. Day has passed
very interestingly. I am very glad that you are ready me to help. But
it is a pity to me that you have no rest. We could meet even if you
will not have rest? In fact I can wait when you will come from work,
and then to arrange a celebratory supper together with you. Whether I
do not know you can pay my flight directly from Germany in travel
agency, but I necessarily learn it. I shall go in agency and I learn
from them. Phone at me is not present. I so would like to talk to you.
I think that I can call you from item of the international
negotiations. But it is necessary for us to agree when it will be
better to me to call you that you waited for my bell. In fact between
us the huge distance also exists a difference on time. Write to me
when I can call you. I would not like to hear your voice. Then we can
talk about our meeting. When we can meet and how to organize our trip.
I wait for your answer. My loved. Yours Larisa.
08.12.2005 15:12 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello my fear Frank! How are you doing? How your weather? I very much
want you to see not looking on all difficulties which arise between
us. At me weather good. Cleanly and clearly. Snowdrifts of a snow. The
winter has come. Certainly much later than usually. I'm fine. I am
going to indulge myself for new year. To buy any unnecessary thing. I
think that mine the grandmother and the grandfather gifts which I will
like them has bought. But I give them only in new year or Christmas. I
shall make him a surprise. If I shall come to you they one will stay.
They will be glad that I am happy with the favourite person. On work
all is good. Today children during walk did a snowball. At them it has
not so turned out. Then they began to play a snow. As it was
interesting. At first they were thrown by a snow among themselves and
have then showered also me. What hooligans. But I liked I felt like
again come back in the childhood. Then we came in the case they ate
and have gone to bed. Today after work I shall go to call to you. I
would not like to hear your voice. Wait for my bell. I want to call
you tonight. I thank for yours a poem. I wait for your answer. My
loved. Whole. Yours Larisa.
09.12.2005 22:35 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Many expensive kisses from me my loved Frank! It is very pleasant for
me to read your letters. Weather at us awful. Still yesterday we had-7
degrees of a frost, and already today it is raining. You imagine, a
rain then when there should be a winter. The snow thaws, on streets
run a streamlet. What is it created with weather? I all have got wet
while have reached work. From for it I have received cold. It hurt a
throat in me and there is a cough. But I hope soon to recover. To you
does not cost To worry. Cold will soon pass. The grandmother will
quickly put me on legs. She knows many old recipes. I should not
address to the doctor at all. I very much want to treat you with the
cookery that you have learned what my favourite meal. My grandmother
has learned to prepare for me. Especially I like pies. I adore sweet.
Though a lot of sweet it is impossible. It is possible to grow stout.
It is necessary to watch the figure. To go in for sports. Today our
meeting dreamed me. As I present her. As soon as I have left the plane
I have seen you. You stood at a gangway of the plane with a bouquet of
tulips. I have gone down from a gangway and have strong embraced you,
and have then kissed. After that we have arrived to you home. I have
changed clothes also we have gone to have supper in your favourite
restaurant. Why that has dreamed me that I have arrived along toward
evening. The supper was unforgettable. But the ambassador dream has
interrupted. The alarm clock has rung out. It was time for work. As it
was insulting that I have not seen continuation of the dream. I dream
that my dream will be executed. Only he will have continuation. All
was so colourfully. And dreams dream you? As I am glad that have heard
your voice. It has liked me. It is a pity that you know English so
poorly. Our conversation could be more substantial. I am very glad
that you are ready to learn for the sake of me English. I am not
disappointed by your English. All can be corrected. We have understood
the main thing each other. When you can help me with money for trip to
you? I would not like to see you, and not just to hear your voice. It
is a lot of kisses from me! With love yours Larisa.
10.12.2005 21:01 Betreff: Hello My loved Frank!
Many expensive kisses from me my loved Frank! It is very pleasant for
me to read your letters. Weather at us awful. Still yesterday we had-7
degrees of a frost, and already today it is raining. You imagine, a
rain then when there should be a winter. The snow thaws, on streets
run a streamlet. What is it created with weather? I all have got wet
while have reached work. From for it I have received cold. It hurt a
throat in me and there is a cough. But I hope soon to recover. To you
does not cost To worry. Cold will soon pass. The grandmother will
quickly put me on legs. She knows many old recipes. I should not
address to the doctor at all. I very much want to treat you with the
cookery that you have learned what my favourite meal. My grandmother
has learned to prepare for me. Especially I like pies. I adore
sweet.Though a lot of sweet it is impossible. It is possible to grow
stout. It is necessary to watch the figure. To go in for sports. Today
our meeting dreamed me. As I present her. As soon as I have left the
plane I have seen you. You stood at a gangway of the plane with a
bouquet of tulips. I have gone down from a gangway and have strong
embraced you, and have then kissed. After that we have arrived to you
home. I have changed clothes also we have gone to have supper in your
favourite restaurant. Why that has dreamed me that I have arrived
along toward evening. The supper was unforgettable. But the ambassador
dream has interrupted. The alarm clock has rung out. It was time for
work. As it was insulting that I have not seen continuation of the
dream. I dream that my dream will be executed. Only he will have
continuation. All was so colourfully. And dreams dream you? As I am
glad that have heard your voice. It has liked me. It is a pity that
you know English so poorly. Our conversation could be more
substantial. I am very glad that you are ready to learn for the sake
of me English. I am not disappointed by your English. All can be
corrected. We have understood the main thing each other. When you can
help me with money for trip to you? I would not like to see you, and
not just to hear your voice. It is a lot of kisses from me! With love
yours Larisa.
12.12.2005 20:14 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Greetings my loved Frank. I so am strongly glad to receive from you
such good letter. You such good person. How at you goes affairs today?
At me today all on work was good. I so am strongly glad, that you have
written to me my loved and strongly passionate. To me so it is lonely
without you. I so strongly love you. My heart is strongly beaten my
loved. We test identical feelings in relation to each other. This word
love. The love forces our hearts to beat all more strongly. My heart,
when I a thought about you my love is especially strongly beaten. You
I love only you. I am ready to speak these words though every day
though every minute every second I do not get tired to repeat these
words not when I you so strongly I like. So it is strongly a pity to
me, that now we yet together my love. I love you and I shall love only
one you. You all that are necessary to me in this life only you. You
understand me my dear? It it is very healthy for me. I so strongly
have grown fond of you. My feelings only about you mine it is
expensive. I'm fine. I am already healthy. My grandmother has helped
me. She simply creates miracles. Her grasses of me have cured. What at
you there weather? I wish you the prompt recovery. I for you strongly
worry. You that person whom I strongly and madly love and always I
shall love only you. You are very wonderful to me concern I to you I
trust completely. You love me? I to you madly very strongly like. With
the grandfather it is already better. He recovers. If you cannot
collect at once the necessary sum you can send a part of money. On
them I shall make the passport and the visa. These documents demand
most of all time for registration. I liked your dream. I very much
want that she{it} was executed. I very much love you. Larisa.
13.12.2005 19:36 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Greetings my dear Frank. How your weather? At us in the street ice. It
is a lot of failures. How your affairs today? I'm fine. I all the day
long thought of you. You very good person. You very much like me. I
know about you already enough. I want to live with you eternally. You
for me unique the man in my head and my heart. Today I prepared for
cookies and thought of you. I very much hope, that you can try my meal
too. I very much hope, that it is pleasant to you. I want, that you
have tried Russian kitchen. I very much want to do to you pleasant, to
give to you pleasure. I want to be your woman. I think, you understand
it. I think of our meeting much. As I would embrace you the first
time. We would walk on city. It so is beautiful. I very strong would
kiss you. I love you and very strongly I miss one. To me very sadly to
be one without you. My heart is beaten at idea about you. I love you
Frank and also I could repeat it always and again and again I love
you, I could speak it to you always. I love you! I want that you have
somewhat quicker recovered. Descend to the doctor and let it to you
will write out a medicine. It is impossible to tighten illness. She
can give complication. I worry for you. I want to care of you. With
mine the help you would become healthy faster. I am very glad that you
so wait my letters, that for the sake of me you rise from bed. When we
shall meet? Each last day postpones our meeting. I very much want to
see you. You my love. I love you. I hope, that at us all will be good.
I kiss you. Your love Laisa.
14.12.2005 21:53 Betreff: Hello Frank!
My love is a lot of kisses only to you!!! It is pleasant for me to
read your letters. I am very glad that to you there came the doctor. I
hope to you it became better after his visit. It would be pleasant for
me to be with you in in cafe. I so want you to embrace my dear Frank!
It is healthy, and it is very romantic. I want our meeting. When me
love and wait at a great distance it perfectly. I want to talk to you
on many themes. In fact you such tender, and gentle in the letters. My
address is necessary for our meeting for you. It such city
Novocheboksarsk street Naberegnaya 46-77. An index 429950. I shall
look forward to your letter, and even more strongly I shall wait for a
meeting with you. I so strongly love you. I without you cannot live. I
live and only I every day dream of you sleep and I see only you in
dream so strongly you I love. Yours Larisa.
15.12.2005 21:02 Betreff: Hello My loved Frank!
The heartiest greetings and kisses my lover angel Frank. How are you
doing? I hope you will soon be corrected. I strong whole you my love.
I so love you. I for you strongly suffer. I very strongly love you.
You my love. I so strongly love you. I want to care of you, but this
distance prevents us to be together. What at you there weather? At us
in city it is snowing and a wind. All footpaths has swept up. To go to
have on snowdrifts. I shall not freeze, I am warmed strongly with love
to you. As I am glad, that I have you. In fact if not your letters I
do not know, that I would do. And so I have my prince who too loves
me. To me has very much carried. Especially, when I read your letters,
it is ready to escape from my breast and to depart to the sky. I very
much wait for our meeting. You my unique the man and I love you. I am
ready to shout about our love. My heart is broken off from melancholy
that we not together. Anything terrible that you have passed rates of
the English language. When I shall come to you I shall help you better
it to teach. I in fact understand German language a little. You will
speak in German and I to answer you in English. You ask how many the
passport and the visa cost{stand}. 114 euro for payment of
registration of the passport for travel abroad for me, the visa and
still some papers. Such as the medical information that I am healthy
and at me inoculations are made. I liked your dream about a snow. She
would be even better if all this to make at a moonlight. Trees
perfectly look at light of the moon. They as if silver are dressed. It
is very beautiful. It will go very for a long time to me on the
automobile. I wait our meeting. When I shall go down from the plane.
When I shall see you. When I can approach to you and embrace, kiss. I
very much want it. I love you. One thousand kisses to you my beloved.
I kiss you, yours Larisa.
16.12.2005 20:27 Betreff: Hello My loved Frank!
Hello Frank! How your weather? How do you feel? I hope your
health it became better. I very much love you. I very much miss you.
You for me very much we like. It is very pleasant for me to hear such
beautiful words from you. Too it is pleasant for me, that you want to
meet me. I trust you. I very much like your letters and in them I very
much love you. I am in love! I think, that in a reality at us too all
will be good. We learn each other better. I shall give you happiness.
If we can meet I believe, that at us all will be good. I very much
want to hear your beautiful voice. I want to see your smile on the
person. Will embrace you for me one pleasure. I so a long time wait
for it. You the one whom I want to see above all. I do not see the
life without a meeting with you. It would be very pleasant for me to
see, how you live. I am happy from one idea about you. I want to
construct with you the present attitudes. I want to love and be loved.
It so is pleasant. I all time think of it. Ideas about you bring to me
one pleasure. I very much wait for a meeting with you. I very much
want a meeting with you. You my unique love. I present myself as we
shall be happy as we shall walk with you in the evenings. I shall
happily spend with you all time. To look interesting film sitting on a
sofa with you is a pleasure for me. You my unique dream. I am very
glad that you soon will send me of money and I can start to legalize
papers. It will make closer our meeting and soon we shall meet. With
impatience I wait for your answer. I kiss you, yours Larisa.
18.12.2005 12:02 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Greetings my love. I strong whole you my love. I so love you. I'm
fine. Today the day off. Weather at us wet. Again all thaws. What for
winter? Only weather becomes good think in the days off to go on a
skating rink to go skating and weather all changes. To have to sit at
home and to not go anywhere. I for you strongly suffer. At you such
bad weather. The whole storm. I very strongly love you. You my love. I
so strongly love you. I want to care of you, but this distance
prevents us to be together. I had already many plans. I imagined as I
shall leave the plane and, having seen you, to runaway to you. We
shall embrace and kiss each other. You will show me city. In fact I
never was abroad. We shall like each other. I love you my dear and
loved. Everything, that I to you feel to not describe words. All this
I shall tell to you at a meeting. I promise, you will not forget this
meeting. All my girlfriends already know about our love. They are very
glad, that I so am happy. To me has very much carried, that I have
found you. I very much am glad to this. You the one for whom I so a
long time searched. I very much love you. I very much wait for a
meeting with you. I very much want to embrace you and to kiss. I every
day think of it. When you can help me with money? Then I shall come to
you. I hope it will take place soon. I wait for your following letter.
One thousand kisses to you, yours Larisa.
18.12.2005 22:19 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello Frank! How has passed your day? At me all is wonderful. Weather
bad. She all time varies. That coldly that all thaws. I am very glad
to you, each your word. Today my mood very cheerful. I have woken up
very happy with an idea on you. You such good person. I cannot live
without you. I very strongly and madly love you. I so strongly love
you. You my happiness in this world. I think, that all these
difficulties which at us on a way will be not vain and all of us can
meet. I very much hope for your help. My arrival depends only on you.
I very much love you also I do not want you to lose. My love to you is
very strong, though we and are widely spaced. But I think, that it
will not borrow a lot of time. I every day look at your photo. You
very beautiful. You that the man which I so for a long time searched.
You the man of my dream. I am very patient and I wait when we shall
meet, but my heart does not want to wait. It is torn from my breast
directly in your hands. I cannot sleep, because in my closed eyes you
appear. I wake up, but you are not present beside. You my happiness.
You the one for whom I so for a long time searched. You the man of my
dream. You my unique happiness in this world. I am happy to see and
embrace you, my prince on a white horse. Dear mine please hurry. My
heart is full of hopes, hopes about you. Whole. Whole. Whole.
19.12.2005 22:06 Betreff: Hello Frank!
Hello Frank! I very much love you. I very much miss you. You for me
very much we like. It is very pleasant for me to hear such beautiful
words from you. Too it is pleasant for me, that you want to meet me. I
trust you. I very much like your letters and in them I very much love
you. I am in love! I think, that in a reality at us too all will be
good. We learn each other better. I shall give you happiness. If we
can meet I believe, that at us all will be good. I very much want to
hear your beautiful voice. I want to see your smile on the person.
Will embrace you for me one pleasure. I so a long time wait for it.
You the one whom I want to see above all. I do not see the life
without a meeting with you. It would be very pleasant for me to see,
how you live. I am happy from one idea about you. I want to construct
with you the present attitudes. I want to love and be loved. It so is
pleasant. I all time think of it. Ideas about you bring to me one
pleasure. I very much wait for a meeting with you. And your help is
necessary for me. When you to help me? I shall be very glad to this. I
very much want a meeting with you. You my unique love. I present
myself as we shall be happy as we shall walk with you in the evenings.
I shall happily spend with you all time. To look interesting film
sitting on a sofa with you is a pleasure for me. You my unique dream.
With impatience I wait for your answer. Yours Larisa.
20.12.2005 12:21 Betrff: Hello Frank!
Greetings my loved Frank. How your weather? At us weather bad. In
the street it is wet. It is possible to have wet feet and be ill. I do
not like such weather. She prevents to go to walk, it is impossible to
ski or skates. From for weathers I should postpone my morning jog. How
you have affairs my loved Frank? I hope at you all well. My day today
has passed well. I carried out a lesson of a moulding from plasticine.
It was so interestingly children moulded different dolls and dogs. It
was so beautifully. I like to carry out such lessons with children. If
children from early age to learn they will do something hands well to
study in the future. I hope that that in that I now train children
will promote their further development. Then we have arranged small
cleaning with children. I think that if since the early childhood to
accustom to their work from them good people will grow. In the evening
we showed children a fairy tale about three pigs. Very much it was
pleasant to them. Now when I write to you the letter they sleep. I
have free time to write to you. We need to hurry that I could arrive
to you by new year. Can we still we shall have time to meet this year.
Documents need time. I need to start to make out them already now. I
hope that already tomorrow you will send to me of money. I at once
shall pay cost of trip. I hope for you. You my favourite person. Send
the regards to the friend. I wait for your prompt reply yours Larisa.
   