Aklanova (mari-el, yoshfar-ola)
Hi Elena, I am single man 45. I was contacted by this girl Elena thru yahoo. We corresponded for about 6-8 weeks. I thought she was sincere at first but then when she started talking about coming to visit a red flag had gone up. When i received an email asking for money I knew something wasn't right.
I just want to let others know about this person and the name she is
using. I never informed the website because i was not sure how to
handle it so i just stopped writing and never heard from her again
until I came across the photos she was using on the blacklist site. She goes by the name Elena Aklanova. Her email address was Elanaaklanova@yandex.ru I attached the photos she sent with each letter. I hope this helps, Tony F.
Here is the first letter
Hello Tony! I am very pleased to receive your answer to my letter! I have learned some interesting things about you from your letter! Thanks for your good answer! As I already spoke you that I to live in small city, and still as I to live together with the grandmother I want to tell that we to not have phone here. I many times suggested the grandmother to put phone in its apartment, but she always was against because she thinks that it will always call, and still she spoke that the sound will prevent it to sleep, and it very dearly here what to have phone in an apartment, and the grandmother to refuse this idea and probably I to understand her as she old and it rest is necessary. Therefore I cannot give to you the phone number as I to not have it. But I want to tell to you that in city to be available for us telephone cent and probably I can call itself to you, but only I not can know how many it will to cost for me what to call. As you to live in other country I to think that it it would be expensive for me, but I to learn all and to inform you at once. I hope that you can wait some days, and I hope that you to understand and not to be overturned with me? It does not depend on me. I to think that it very important for us what to have telephone conversation, we could hear a voice each other and could speak about our future. It is important for us. I want to tell that I to write to you from the Internet of cafe. It to be not far from a place of mine work and the house. And it is very convenient for me to come there and to write to you. I shall try to write to you as it is possible frequently, it can will every day and can and is not present. And you should not worry about that that I to not write to you day or two. All will depend on my working day. But nevertheless I would want that it was frequently. I also to understand you if you will frequently not write to me. I shall wait. But it will be better, if you will warn of it me, what I to not worry. Now as you also asked I shall tell to you about my hobbies. I very much like to receive new impressions. Therefore I never stop on achieved, and I would want that every day in my life was new and interesting. With my work it turns out, because every day I to see and communicate with new people. But I do not like the rough person, but to me to like when the person speaks the truth and the personal opinion expresses. I like open people. I do not like noisy the company. It is more me to like is in the company of close friends which I know and I understand. It is more interesting to me. But I not have so much close friends which I can to entrust absolutely all. As to me to like to read various books, I very much like the literature, is especial our Russian, it has very good history and it is always interesting to me. From Russian writers to me to like Dastoevskii, Gogol, Solgenicin. You to read it sometime? I know that they are very known not only in Russia. It would be very interesting to me to learn your opinion. But except for it I like to read different magazines when I have a rest. In them I to find a lot of interesting to myself. As well as all usual people I like to have a campaign at cinema or to look it at home. I very strongly like comedy and always to look it, it always to lift to me good mood. Still I like old films. I do not know why, but I that that to find in them that that especial that is not present in new films and it very much to like me. Still I love sports, I to be engaged when I to study in them in university, I to be engaged track and field athletics, it very much was pleasant to me. I did not want to become super a star of sports, I simply liked to test sports passion. And simply to watchthe health and to behave in the form. I think that sports are necessary for the person as it it is very useful also supports yours good mood and you always to feel like well. But when I to finish university, I to throw track and field athletics, and now what to behave in the form I to be engaged fitness. I very seriously concern to the appearance and always to support her in good condition. If you would like to learn more about it, you can ask and I shall answer you. I too would want will ask you about some your hobbies. I hope that will not be difficult to answer you it? It is interesting to me to learn, what you like from sports? What films you love? How you carry out a free time? It is interesting to me to learn about yours character. And all that you want to tell to me. I shall be pleased to hear each news about your life. Because you to me it is interesting. And I shall always read it with the big interest and pleasure. But if you do not know what to write to me, you can tell, and I shall not ask more it. If you have questions for me, I shall be always pleased to answer it. I shall wait for your letter with the big expectation. Bay Elena
HI my friend Tony! To me was so pleasantly to see your letter, and I would like to tell to you that with everyone new the letter I start to learn you all better and better. And I am happy from for it. As it is very pleasant for me to tell to you about itself all that interests you, and I to think that it to allow us to learn much better each other. Today I wanted to speak you about my day, I hope that it will be interesting to you. My day to begin at 7.00 a.m, at this time I to rise from a bed and I go on kitchen and to start to prepare for a breakfast for me and my grandmother. After my breakfast is finished, I go to have souls, what to feel like vigorously all the day long, and to start to gather on work. As I the courier to me to have it is a lot of to move on our city and our republic, my day to pass in movement always. To me it is a lot of to have to use public transport, these are buses, a trolley bus and as the fixed-route taxi which now is a lot of, therefore I to not have problems what to reach the necessary place. Today I to work in the office what to happen very seldom and consequently I can have clients today. Today I to have contracts for delivery production in others 2 firms and consequently my chief to thank me for that that I could persuade them. It is pleasant for me to know that my work to bring to people pleasure, it is pleasant for me when to me speak thanks for the done work and consequently my work to bring to me a lot of pleasure. Every day I to have a break for a dinner during which I can I would go to the Internet of cafe what to see letters from you, and with pleasure to answer it so. After I to write to you I to have time to do a dinner and at once to come back on the work. My working day to come to an end in 6 p.m, and sometimes in 7 p.m, it to depend from quantity of work which I should make. After work I to come back home. I go to have supper then to take a shower what to remove the collected weariness, then I to have some rest of a house. If weather good as in last days, I to have a meeting with the girlfriend, we frequently to have meetings, simply to have walk on city go to go and observe cinema, it is very amusing. If it is raining and weather bad then I to sit at home and to do work on the house, sometimes my girlfriends to come on a visit and we together to have a supper or a cup of tea, to have conversation, or to discuss what that problems. Then I go to bed and I lie down to sleep, and to come morning... Probably and everything, is my day I to carry out it so, certainly to be changes, but it is not significant. Now you to know as I to live, and it would be pleasant for me to learn what to do you and as your day to pass. Your friend Elena
Hi my dear Tony !!! I as always am very pleased to receive your letter, it was very interesting to me to read it and to
learn some things about you. Now I can understand that you very kind person and that you can understand me, it is very important for development our relations. To me you to speak are pleasant to hear that pleasant words to me, it really forces me to feel. I hope that you to find my letters interesting to you, I very much hope for it. I want to tell to you that I to think of you recently much, you are in my ideas all time. Now I can safely tell that I am the happy woman because I could meet you on the Internet and have an opportunity to speak with you, unless it not pleasure for us? It will be difficult to think that further as we to live far apart, and we can advance our relations much. It is very good unless you so to not think? We can learnmuch interesting things about each other and it will help us to understand. It allows us to express ideas and feelings each other. It is so wonderful! Now I can name you as the friend, and it can mean that I can have and more than the friend and it is feeling to force me to have strange sensation that to not suffice me you beside, and I to think much about us when we shall be together. I think that you could to be the man of dream for any woman and me so pleasantly that you could choose me, it is a lot of to mean for me and I shall try what to prove very much that you did not make the wrong choice of me. I want to tell that I am tired to be one all this time, I so would like to come home and to know that me to wait my loving husband and that he the care of me can have, and that I can do too most for him and it so it is pleasant to think. Probably that we with you shall have it in our future, I very much hope that it will be! I want tell that you can to understand me and you can know in what I am valid require and it is good for me. I can hear from you such beautiful and kind words! It very much high quality in you, I to love it! I hope that you to write to me soon, I with the big impatience wait the new letter from you, I would like to see some new photos from you if it probably to do. Elena
Hello my dear Tony! You even can’t imagine how much good emotions I received after reading your last letter! It was so warm and kind! Thank you for it! Yesterday after the work I spoke the grandmother about the relations with you. I have told to it that during some time we to become with you friends or even more than. Also that I to start to test warm feelings to you. She agreed with me and spoke that it will be very useful for me. She spoke that probably you are that person which I so to require at this time am capable to do me happy, and in which, and our future. She my grandmother and she to wish me only good, I know it! I want to ask you one thing! Please understand it right. It’s only my hope and dream but any way I would love to know your opinion about it !!! Do you think that someday we can meet in real in person? I don’t think when and where will it be, just want to know your thoughts about it! Do you have enough free time to meet me some day, some holidays or vacation? I do not ask you to tell me the date, I just want to know if such opportunities there is or not? Today begins my day off and I want to have a rest well! I think that it’s necessary to every one who work! So I do not know yet what I will do in this days, but I promise you that I will be thinking about you! So tell me what do you do in this days, how is your job, friends and your life at all !!!??? It’s all interesting for me! If you have some questions ask me and I will answer all of them honest!! It’s not hard to do for me! Bye for now! Elena.
p.s.I want to tell to you that I to congratulate you about your birthday, and I so would like to be with you this day.
Hi my dear Tony! Today I want to tell to you some very important Things for me! I would want that you knew it already now. And I would want that You could inform me the opinion on it because it is necessary for knowing For me, you to understand? I am glad that you ask me about that that I could to arrive to you, I want to do it but as you have told to us it is necessary to discuss some details. I never was in your country, but I very much would like to make it once. I to not have neither the international passport nor the visa, but I could learn it. Rather to pay tickets, I cannot tell to you of anything precisely, but I could save some money, but I will not think that it to suffice for that what to pay all completely, I thought of that that probably I would leave in other country and I prepared already. I shall wait your letter and I hope that you to me to tell that you to think of it. Last night I so many to think about our relations with you, and I could To draw some conclusions for itself. If to speak the truth, I never Could think that relations between people can develop so promptly And so so good for us. I am valid similarly to everything, that is Between us now! I do not know that you think of it now and that you feel, but me I seem that to begin to fall in love with you. I can be sure in it therefore That I to feel it the heart! I can see that you so the good person, That you really interesting and to have serious relations with me in The future. I so am pleased for this purpose. For me not so it is easy to speak you about my feelings because it is very difficult To find correct words for this purpose, but I very much would try that you could To see that it is the truth. I think that I want to be only with you, I very much I need in it. I to think that you the best the man for me. It is very a pity that we are so far apart. But I to understand Now that I could not find such good person as you here In Russia! You are much better and more interesting anyone which man I met Here. I have told to you that I to feel to you, I can speak you it still For that that you could know 100 times that it speaks me my heart. I never could think, that I can fall in love so strongly through the Internet. Who that can tell that it not true feelings, but I can convince you that These are true feelings for me. Me to not interest that others will tell about it It is necessary for me to know only your opinion because it is very important for me. I hope that you can speak me about it. So tell to me please, that you to think of my this letter. I want to know all That you to think. Even if it will be not pleasant for me, I want that you you could To speak me only the truth, I hope that you to make it. I to think of you all time. It is a lot of kisses only for you. And strong embraces to you. Yours Elena
Hi my love!!! I am glad that I can to write to you the letter. I to understand that you to arrive only December, 13 or 14 for that what to write to you. I to see from your letter that you would like to discuss our possible meeting. I am glad that you to speak me about our feelings, it is pleasant for me, you are very pleasant for me that to respect our feelings. I am grateful to you for that that you to understand me very much. As I knew that you will be about trip up to this time, I would go to the Ministry for Foreign Affairs for that what to learn the first details of my possible trip. I want to tell it to you for that what you keep abreast of all when to come back home. I learned that I can arrive to you, and that it to make not difficultly for me. All it is necessary for me to receive my international passport, then I should receive the visa to your country... After all it it will be necessary for me to buy to itself the ticket aboard the plane up to you and I hope that you to meet me in the airport. If you want I could to learn be relative cost of all it. It very dearly for that what to me to arrive to you so I to not know that to me to do because I to not have such money, and I cannot earn so much money for that what to arrive to you, so I in full uncertainty, I hope that you to write to me soon and to calm me. Love Elena
p.s.My home mail address is: Russia, Mari-El republic, Yoshkar-Ola, ul. Sovetskaya 424000 for Elena
   
Galina Makarova
(Saratov, Russia)
First of all, thanks to all the individuals involved in the making of this site!!! I fortunately didn't lose any money from this scam, but I could've if I hadn't known how elaborate these "scam" operations were! I'm a single (obviously), 32 year white american male with a white collar job in the Pacific Northwest. I initially met this scammer on "americansingles.com". We communicated nearly everyday via email (claudia_sharp17@yahoo.com) for 30 days until, through the help from this site and the US Embassy web site, I discovered I was getting scammed! I was skeptical at first since her profile on the website listed she was in my city. But, then turned out to be in Saratov, Russia. She wanted to know all of my thoughts about how to treat women, my character, relations to family members & friends , etc, etc. We eventually started to talk about seeing each other. We spoke of meeting in Europe. I told her I wouldn't be able to leave until March. She then mentioned that she would make travel arrangements to come see me instead. But, like all the other scammers, all of a sudden she didn't have enough money for both the visa and plane fare. She asked for help since she didn't have all the money she thought she would need..blah,blah. She wanted me to send money ($1050) via Western Union. Are you kidding me? To make a long story short..I gave her several options to come here to test her sincerity and asked several easy, direct questions and I got very little or, in some cases, no answers at all. Easy questions such as: What her address was? What was the time difference? What she did for New Years? She mentioned she was an insurance agent for a medical insurance company. But, she never would say which one. Just like in the US, Russia has the Yellow Pages and White Pages too! That was proof enough for me that I was probably not even talking to the person in all the pictures sent! I researched the Internet Service Provider (ISP) location using the IP address of all the emails she sent me. It was from Germany, a long way from Saratov Russia! It is amazing just how powerful, or in my case, helpful the internet was in uncovering this elaborate scam!!! The girl in the photos probably lives in Cleveland or something... :) I've contacted americansingles.com and they've removed her profile. Steve H.
Here's the "intial contact" and "need money" letters in choronological order:)
Hi!. Have good day! The computer on my inquiry in a service of acquaintances found to me some structures of the people, with which I would like to get acquainted. I studied slightly them and has decided to send you to the first message because your structure seems to me more interesting. I hope, that you have time to send me some messages. We can get acquainted and learn each other. I shall tell about myself; mine 26 years old, my name is Galina. I was not is married and I live with my parents. I work as the insurance agent, in medical insurance.. To me to like sports and active rest. I love to travel and to be in different places, but my work does not allow me to make it frequently. I have many friends, we sometimes together spend time, we play in billiards and we attend a training hall. Also I send you the picture, that you knew my person. I want to ask you also to send me a picture you, and inform me please some information you: What you love an entertainment? What your character? What qualities you love in the women? Whether you had the wife? I too shall inform you more myself in the following E-mail! I shall wait for the messages from you. Your friend
Hi my dear! I am glad to welcome again you and I with impatience wait, when I can tell to you HI - personally. Thanks for your message. Steve, my day was very intense and is very tired. I reached in office of agency and signed with them the contract. In conformity with the contract, the agency will prepare me for all documents for travel, to buy for me the ticket and to deliver me to the plane. From my city there are no planes to you and consequently I all over again will need to reach to Moscow, and therefrom already to you. My agent needs some information for a route of the plane, inform me dear, the address and the nearest airport to you to which I shall arrive. This information is necessary tomorrow that the agent could develop route and to establish all cost of travel. Today I paid in him the first part of money, for the visa and other documents for travel. It was in some times more, than I thought. I planned, that the visa will cost for me about 200 $, but because of difficulties for its reception is was for me 700. dear, it is possible, that to me you will be required the help for payment of other part of cost of travel. I have some money still, and also took some money at my parents, but it is possible them will not suffice for payment of the second part of cost, for insurance and tickets. It will be known after the agent will develop a route. The second part of cost I should pay under the contract, before to take away the visa. I shall inform you Steve, if to be necessary for me the help. I hope, that it will not be a problem for you and I can not worry about it. I informed you all news about promotion of our meeting and now I go to have a rest, I am very tired today. I hope, what I can soon embrace you Steve. I wait for your messages my favourite . My kisses and embraces! Yours Galina Makarova.
P.S. Do not overlook to inform the address and the near airport.
Hi favourite Steve! I am glad to read your message and to learn , that I can hope for your help in payment of agency. Dear, I feel itself it is a little inconvenient. Because I had to address to you for the help. I always counted myself the independent person, which itself can solve all problems. But, this time, I could not all to take into account and was mistaken that I can pay all travel itself . When I travelled earlier, it costed for me less. But I it is happy, what now I have you Steve, - the person, which can come to me to the aid and help me in a life. After ours acquaintances, at me varies sensations of. Earlier I counted myself the strong and independent person, and it was pleasant for me to feel, that I can care of myself. And now I feel simply the woman who requires support. But it is pleasant for me, to feel beside strong the man which protects me from all excitements of a life! Steve, I informed a place of arrival to you to the agent and he expected the staying charges for me. It will be for me 1450 $. Here tickets, insurance, road up to the airport and some other necessary charges. With me have still remained money, after payment of the first parts of cost. It near 400 $, and now is necessary for me, in 6-7 days near 1050 $ to pay in me the second part of cost travel. I hope dear, that this money not difficulty for you and you can help to pay to me. I shall learn from the agent as you can send them it. Lovely, I hope, that I did not make to you difficulty by the haste. Probably it is not planned expenditure for you. If it so, not become angry about me please! I very much miss on you and I wait for ours meetings. I wait for your messages Steve! Thousand kisses. Yours
Hi my favourite! I am glad to speak again with you Steve! How you today? I hope, that your day is good! Steve, I want to speak with you about many things, but probably you will be tired with the big message. Therefore I shall be to ask now the most important things for me. Dear, you have pleasure when you think of our fast meeting? Whether you informed the close people that is fast you will accept me? What they have opinion on it? My parents and friends are pleased, that I shall meet you. They are glad, that I at last have met the person to whom I have big respect and serious intentions. I the daddy always spoke me, that the man in relations mainer and, that the woman should listen to it{him} always. And I always argued with him concerning it. During those moments of the life when I had relations with the person, I always tried to be the leader in these relations. But with you Steve, I feel, that all differently. I would like to be obedient and gentle to to you. Probably mine the daddy of the rights when speaks, that the main instinct of the woman, it to be near to the man and to be obedient to him. he speaks, that the woman can be happy, only if lives thus. I have such relation to the man, as to you, for the first time and consequently I think of it much. I think, that probably the destiny not casually acquainted me with you! now Steve, I shall inform to you some news which I learned from the agent. He informed me, that they do not accept, for payments, bank moving of money to the account, from private persons. They accept such payment only from the organization at travel by groups. Therefore I to me too should make the second part of payment by cash. The agent has told, that in our city some banks are engaged in moving of money from other countries. he has told. That they make it quickly, it demands for them about one day. In our city some systems for moving work. It " Western Union ". Tomorrow I shall reach there and to learn, how it to make. I shall inform to you full details about it in the following messages. Now I finish the letter. I wait for yours the message my lovely. My kisses and embraces!!! Yours Galina
Hi my favourite Steve! I am glad to see your message. Dear, I received the detailed information on moving money. To make it, you need to go in bank in which is office " Western union " or " Attract Gramme ". In bank to me have told, that such offices are available in each city, therefore for you the problem will not find it. When you will send money, you will need to specify my full name and the address. When I shall receive this money I should specify your full name and the address. Also, I should inform in bank confidential number (MTCN.) this number to you inform in bank at sending money, and you will need to inform this number to me in the messages. All moving will borrow some hours, but it will be necessary to pay for it the some people money to bank. I think Steve, that it is a reliable way of moving. Dear, be ready to make it in some days. When the agent will ask payment, I shall inform at once to you. Favourite, now to me is time to go, remember, that I miss your messages and write to me more often. Inform me also, what lady's wear for you more sexual. Probably I shall prepare for something for you, mine dear!!! My kisses! Yours

Iraida Ryabova
(Kirovo, Russia)
Hi my name is Tony and I was almost taken in again. I communicated with this girl for almost 2 months. If it wasn't for the research i did on your blacklist site I never would have figured out I was being scammed. I really thought this was for real. You will find the letters i'm sending to you are a mirror of letters sent by a girl called INNA to a gentlemen named Dallas in MARCH. The last letter she sent to me has all info on address,agency to send visa money and the Bank where Westewrn Union is located. I hope this helps other unsuspection people. I am still in contact with this person IRISS. I have not let on that I'm aware of the scam. Any thoughts on what I should do to possibly catch them in the act. I have not sent any money. I'm sure i will recieve another letter shortly. Thanks for any help, Tony, Virginia Beach.
Hi Tony ! I am glad, that you were interested by me and have written to me e-mail. I shall be very glad if you will write to me also other letters. I for the first time have acquaintance through the Internet. It was very difficult to me to place my structure in a service of acquaintances, because I am in Russia, the service of acquaintances does not accept the members from this country. I had to specify in a structure, that I am in USA. In this letter I shall inform you a little information myself and if the dialogue with me will be interesting to you, I shall tell about myself in more detail in the following letters. My name Iriss, my age 26 years. I have work and I am engaged in sports. I the very romantic woman also try to do my life interesting. I dream to meet in my life of the good man, which can understand me and love. I send you a photo me and I ask, that you sent me some pictures from your life. As it will be interesting to me to learn about your life, family, work and entertainments. Write to me, I shall wait your letter. Sincerely and yours faithfully.
Hi mine favourite! I am very glad again to speak with you. Today I have good mood, and how you mine lovely? I missed for you and I have some news to you. I spoke with the mum, concerning our meeting, then we talked to her with the agent of travels. My mum agreed, what it is necessary to me to meet you Tony. She agrees, that it is necessary to me to travel to you on some time. She has told, that if we shall like each other and we shall decide, that we want to be close each other, she will get acquainted with the large pleasure with you and to invite you in the house as though son. I am very glad, that we have progress in our relations. Lovely Tony, inform, whether your businesses and circumstances allow you to accept me a bit later? I hope, that I shall not create to you inconvenience in your businesses. At me the large desire to see you. The agent of travel has told, that tomorrow I can receive the information, how I can be helped by a travel company in organization of travel to you. Inform me Tony About the opinions, what ideas you have about it? Kiss you! Kiss you! Kiss you! Always yours
Hi mine lovely Tony. Have good day. I was very glad to read your letter and to learn, that you understand me. Presently it is possible seldom to meet the man, which could and wanted to understand you. It is really pleasant, that you too would like to see me and to carry out with me time. It means for me, that you want to have with me more serious relations, than simply letters. Tony, I am really very glad to understand, that there is such man, to which I am necessary. I am grateful to destiny, that she allowed me to get acquainted with you. I consider, that this large progress forward in our relations. I have very many imaginations concerning that as we can together carry out time. dear, today I would like to learn your opinion concerning children. I very much love children, some mine familiar have them and I have the large pleasure, when I look, as they care of them. Sometimes, when my friends leave in the evening in cinema or cafe, they leave the child at me at home, that I looked after and cared of it, while they are absent. Then I have the large pleasure to show care of the kid. I would like to have children, my friends speak, that I would be the good mum. Lovely, tell to me please about the relation to children. By the way, my parents asked me about you, Tony . They asked concerning your enthusiasmes, work, parents. I by him told about you. They speak you hi. Concerning your question: I to search in the person for love and comprehension. The relevant value to have fairness, as well as you to consider. I to not like when to me lie and do not want to speak the truth. Even if I already to know this truth. As most relevant in life I to consider family! I would not have own phone that I could give you the phone number or you could call me. I shall learn as I can call you and I shall inform you at once. Probably we can soon speak by with you to phone. You can leave to me the phone number what I could call to you? My mum took from me you e-mail, probably she wants to send to you something. Lovely, it is time to me to go. I shall wait for yours The letters. Kiss you. always yours Iriss. I want to give you my data:
First Name: Iraida Last Name: Ryabova
Country: Russia . Index : 422520
City: Kirov Area ; Kirovo
Street: MayDay , Prospectus Lenina 22. D-14 Apartment 21a
Good day mr. Tony . Yours faithfully to you ms. Olga, Iriss's mum. my daughter told about very much you both I think also I think, that you are very interesting to her. I hope, that you understand, that I as her mum wish to her happiness and I worry for her life. Probably Iriss to you did not tell, but she had in the past failure in the personal relations and long time was injured because of it. I very much would like to save her from similar mistakes. And I to you I shall be very grateful if you will inform me honourly your intentions concerning my daughter. Iriss spoke me, that you with her plan to meet and consequently I would like to know, that you think of her. Excuse me for this letter. I do not think to interfere with your relations, but as the fond mother I worry for the daughter. Yours faithfully to you. ms. Olga.
Hi mine favourite Tony. Is very glad to your letter! I missed for you. Today I had the very much intense day at work and is very tired. Now I have the large desire to reach home and to fall in my bed. Dear, I did not go yet in a travel company to learn the information on that how more convenient to organize our meeting. I shall do it the coming days. How you today Tony ? Inform me about the mood. What you have ideas on that day when will see me? Now I am sent to have a rest. I shall write to you tomorrow. Write to me mine dear. Kiss you. Your
Hi mine favourite! I am very glad again to speak with you. Today I have good mood, and how you mine lovely? I missed for you and I have some news to you. I spoke with the mum, concerning our meeting, then we talked to her with the agent of travels. My mum agreed, what it is necessary to me to meet you Tony. She agrees, that it is necessary to me to travel to you on some time. She has told, that if we shall like each other and we shall decide, that we want to be close each other, she will get acquainted with the large pleasure with you and to invite you in the house as though son. I am very glad, that we have progress in our relations. Lovely Tony, inform, whether your businesses and circumstances allow you to accept me a bit later? I hope, that I shall not create to you inconvenience in your businesses. At me the large desire to see you. The agent of travel has told, that tomorrow I can receive the information, how I can be helped by a travel company in organization of travel to you. Inform me Tony About the opinions, what ideas you have about it? Kiss you! Kiss you! Kiss you! Always yours
Hi mine dear! I am very glad to receive your letter and to learn, that you too want to meet me and to hold in the hands. It is pleasant to me to know, that there is a man, for which I the desired man and which expects, to see me. Tony, and as your native people will concern to to that I shall arrive to you?. Tony, I would not like to create for you any inconveniences. Tony , today I visited the agent travels. He has told, that their firm can prepare for me travel. It will require approximately about two weeks. They will be to prepare for me the passport and insurance, then they will be to order for me the visa. The agent has told, that behind the visa I owe to reach in Moscow in your embassy. He has told, that now uneasy to receive the visa of the tourist to you, but they can care of, that I could receive the visa without problems. The ambassador it, a little time will be required to reserve for me the ticket and to develop more convenient route of the plane. I have told them, that probably I shall conclude with them the contract for my travel, toon. Tomorrow I shall learn from them full details rather cost and necessary documents. Today I had small free time from my work also had not time in detail all to learn. So i shall talk to my parents to ask them, to help to me to pay this contract. I very much hope, mine lovely, that at us all will be good also we can be speed beside with each other. I very much frequently I think of it. I have various imaginations concerning us of a two. and you, mine favourite? Dear, I wanted to learn from you, if cost travels will be large, whether you can help me with some by part it? My parents cannot be named as the rich people, and I not wanted very strongly to worry their finance. I hope, that some money for our meeting will not be a problem for you. But if yours financial position now heavy, I shall try itself to find any the decision for this purpose. Favourite, write to me is speed. I love you. Kiss you. Your
Hi mine favourite! A thank to you for your letter, it supported me. Today I was slightly Is injured. Mine has told the mums, that she will not help me to pay for the passport, insurance and visa. She has told, that a payment for these things we should think out together. She has told, that when we shall pay it and I shall receive the passport and visa, she together with the daddy will care of my tickets to you. She has told, that the tickets very expensive and consequently they with them will help us. Tony, the agent of travel has told, that contract includes the price of the passport, insurance, visa and services of agency. It is possible to pay for the tickets money after I shall have all documents for travel. The price of all documents and works of a travel company, 720 american dollars. They want so much money because now very difficultly to receive the visa in your country and them it is necessary to do for this purpose many efforts. Tony , lovely I have no many money and I have told them, that while I shall talk to you I shall do this contract. Favourite, I today was injured by all these things. I did attempts to borrow this money at some people, but nobody could to me help. I hope, that you can help me this money and that it is not for you a problem. I very much want to feel you beside. Favourite, I wait with impatience your answer and I hope, that at us the time together will be speed. If such money it is not so difficult for you and it does not become a barrier to us, tomorrow I shall go in a travel company and to conclude the contract. I shall wait very much and to hope, that we shall be together. I love you. Your
Hi my loveliest man! I hope, that you Ok. I are glad to learn, that can help me. I am pleased, because will pass some time and I can embrace you. I very much would like to talk to you and to see your person, I very much have a lot of things in a head, about which I want to you to tell. I hope, that it will be interesting to you to listen to me. I have a lot of questions, about which I want to learn from you. I think, that you too have a lot of things, which you would like to speak me. I am glad, that soon we will have enough time to have a society each other. Today I came into a travel company and signed the contract for travel. I have told them, that they should begin it to prepare. They have told, that begin to work for us. As I have decided to improve this time English, that we could better understand each other. Inform me your phone number so I could call to you tomorrow? Favourite, write to me and tell to me please ideas. I hope, that you too have the large pleasure and expectation from all these things. I love you. Yours
Hi my love! How you? How your day? I am glad to your letter. Today I had with my girlfriends of playing sports, after that we together had dinner and talked much. I love to speak with my girlfriends. I by him told some things about you. They had of questions concerning you very much. They are glad, that I have got acquainted with you and, that we shall meet soon. You told to the friends about me? What they have opinion? You have liked my friends, they speak, that you the good man. Tony, I too think, that you the very good man. Today I as went in a travel company and brought by him photos for the new passport. The agent has told, that he already began to develop my travel. Still he asked, that I informed them your address. Lovely inform me the address, that I could give to its agent. Now, when it is necessary only to wait, when all will be is prepared, I can not be focused and in my head constantly there come ideas on us. I do not know, than me to borrow myself to waste time, which there was before travel. Now I shall go home, and to carry out time with the TV set. I love some telecasts and show, it happens funny. Tony , as your opinion concerning TV. I want to inform you that as soon as I learn when I can call to you I shall to inform you at once. I very much want to hear your fine voice. I know, that you have many various channels, in my city we have only three. I wait your letter soon. Kiss you. Your
Hi mine dear Tony. A thank for your letter. I want to wish you happy CHRISTMAS. It is very a pity to me that I was not present near to you on this holiday so we could spend together and like each other this celebratory night. I hope, that you have Good day. At me all is good. Today I had preliminary Conversation with my management at work, that to me have given Vacation from work for our meeting. My director has told, that they Will give me it, directly ahead of my travel. Today as I went to agent of travels, he has told, that through 4-5 days to me will be necessary to go in Moscow to receive my visa. I Is very glad, that is present progress in preparation of the documents for Travels. And you are glad to this, mine lovely? I want to you to tell, as Now with the large work I believe, that it is all with me there is, that I get acquainted with the man far from me, that I reach to him , what To meet him . Some more days back, I lived by usual life young The Russian girl, also was alone and suddenly, there is a large change In my life. I think, that such happens not with all and I am glad, That it occurs to me. And, what you about it think? Whether is present, Something, that You would like to receive from Russia? It will be very pleasant to me to bring this Gift for you. Main, that this thing passed customs The control. Inform me it and I shall prepare it for you. Tony , I miss on you, write to me more frequently please, I always Is very glad to your letters. I hope, that my letters too give pleasure To you. Kiss you. Love
Hello my dear Tony . I am glad to receive from you the letter today. I hope that you have very well lead new year? I had remarkable new year we have noted in the memory of it all our family, there were some our close friends and native, we had a fine supper then was a remarkable party with a carnival. But I all the same did not have you, I so would like that you near to me. Lovely I very strongly love you, I want to be near to you, I want to feel your heat, to look in your beautiful eyes, to hear your vote! I each day wait for our meeting! As it is a pity that we so far apart! Why all so? This distance between us kills me! To me has bothered to read the letters dreaming about to you! At me in general feelings that love at us virtual! I want real meeting!!!!!! I love you! I love you! Gently whole, I wait for meeting. Yours
Hi mine dear. I am glad again to speak with you. Lovely Tony, are available Some news from a travel company concerning travel. Today I had meeting with the agent of travels, he has told, that The preparation of my documents is almost completed also to me it is necessary per 2-3 days To pay all cost in firm of travels. As soon as money will be Are paid, I shall move to Moscow behind the visa. I discussed with it Question concerning payment, I thought, that it was necessary to do so that You did payment from the credit map, but the agent of travels has told, That I should pay by him in firm by cash money, because They accept payment only in cash. He advised me, that we Used care of money bank. After that I reached in Bank and there to me have told, that it is possible to use standard bank Translation, but it will borrow about 3 weeks. Therefore in bank to me Have advised to use, any other system money Translations used worldwide. They have told me, that most The best way to use western union. In our bank there is their office. It will require all some hours of time and I can in time To pay a travel company. Lovely Tony, please find in The coming days, time to reach in western union and to send me Money for payment of the documents. I am very glad, that with each day Becomes ever less than time before our meeting. My mum too very much Is glad, that we soon shall meet and transfers you the best regards. All My friends speak, that are glad for me and will miss. The coming days I shall open my holiday from work, I already for it sanction from My management at work. Tony You plan to take vacation from The work, when I shall arrive? Lovely, I wait for your letters and ideas Concerning all it. I love you. kiss you. your Iriss. I want to give you my data:
First Name: Iraida Last Name: Ryabova
Country: Russia . Index : 422520
City: Kirov Area ; Kirovo
Street: MayDay , Prospectus Lenina 22. D-14 Apartment 21a
Hello my love Tony Yes, yes, yes, yes, I so was happy at readings your sweet and beautiful letter, that it is very difficult for me to transfer all pleasure through a computer. I am very happy, that you can send me the remittance for my arrival you as soon as I shall receive your remittance I shall pay at once all and as soon as at me all will be ready I at once shall inform to you the information on my arrival you that you without problems could meet me. I also hope, that we already by a weekend shall be together. I very much hope for you and on your help as now all depends on you, the faster you will help me with money, the faster I can pay my arrival and to be near to you, my love and my happiness, only with you I shall be happy, only you can present me the sea of caress and heat. I couldn't think of a better way to spend days then with you honey. Oh honey a love tear in my eye so inlove with you am and to think us together and sharing a real pure love from our heart and in a great time of the year to have such joy and love and with you be a memory of long life to treasure of its beauty in us . Oh honey your name upon my lips and you in my heart my soul is on heat for you to be with you . Ever sence we first written I fell for you and like you so very much and how I have falling in love with you . you are my true pure real love be no other but you my love for ever and more just you have the key to my heart its yours my love. We don't need to wait or see or feel something we allready have lots more our feelings are more then true our love for one other is as deep as the deep blue sky and as perfect as the sea and shore goes together . I have such great faith in us and sure hopes of our love you are so beautiful i love you so very much honey. Love is fun it is joy and such happyness I just simply adore you . I have things to do and I will write you an other real soon and I can't wait to hear from you my beautiful husband my love my darlin . I want inform you the information that you could to contact to agency of travel. I as would send you the information of bank that you could send money through the western union for my name. sending throw the universe to your lips. I love you honey you are the best of my love. Yours truely love Iriss.
It here: Agency of travels "Odiseya" , Russia, KIROV,
street Prazdnich, house 19, apartment 94.
E-mail : a g e n c y_o d i s e y a @ m o s c v a . r u
Name : Sergey Chernov
Tel: 79276818897
I want to give you my data:
First Name: Iraida
Last Name: Ryabova
Country: Russia . Index : 422520
City: Kirov Area ; Kirovo
Street: MayDay , Prospectus Lenina 22. D-14 Apartment 21a
Her email address:
Varissi@yahoo.com, karissi555@yahoo.com.
   
Novitskaya (Berdsk, Novosibirsk, Russia)
My name is Rob. I am a 25 year male who lives in Seattle, WA. I found "Irina's" posting in a blog online. Since then, I have done some research and found this posting placed on several blog sites in several different countries. Her name changes from Elizaveta to Elena to Irina depending on which blog you’re looking at. The email address that she initially uses is eliz@realmeet.info. This quickly changes to ira@novosibirskmts.com. If you look at the posting, the “person” who posted it changes from one blog to another. It’s always an English sounding name, sometimes female, sometimes male. In the end, I sent her a letter telling her that I knew this was a scam. I haven't heard back from her. I doubt I will. -Rob- POSTING ON BLOGS: Hello my hope! I am not sure you get this message but if you got I want you to know that I want to travel to your country to work in two weeks and I just want to meet right man.I live in Russia and my goal is to leave this country because it is impossible to live here for young pretty woman. if you have not wife or girlfriend ,maybe we could try to meet? I am 25 years old, I will tell you more about me and send you a picture when you reply. Please write to me directly to my mail- eliz@realmeet.info Email I am writing from right now is not mine.Make sure you write to my personal address. See you soon.
Hello my friend, I am so happy to see that you have decided to reply, I see it is very short letter.It is all right because you are astonished to get my letter. I want you to know that I have only good intentions and I have not any secrets. The thing is that I will work in your country for three months or so and I would like to meet a nice man to fall in love or just be closest friends. I don't want to live in Russia because I have not any chances here,it is hardly possible to explain from first time but I want you to know my plans.I will work in any shop, bar or restaurant the agency that i am going through will suggest me some locations. It will be my choice in the end as to what option to go for. So I will have a simple work till I improve my English. And I can choose any town of your area,agency will only help me to get a visa and all travel documents + some suggested placed to work in. My best friend last year met the man from the USA when she worked there for three months, too. She had two jobs. From morning till 4 pm she worked in amusement park and after it she worked as a waitress in some bar till midnight. She was very tired of course but made very good money there. It is special programm for young people who wants to work abroad and I think it is the right way for me,I am lost here, and I think that I look pretty enough to find a better place .I want to repeat the same way,it is only my chance to meet a nice man.I want to work in USA or in Europe or any nice country. I am full of plans and different dreams and I want to share my life with good man because I'm also full of love and tenderness,I know that I am not so beautiful like Hollywood Princess but I do hope to meet my Prince and I am sure he will be not be disappoined to meet me in the real life! This is why I am going to go through the same way. Well,I will close this letter and I do hope to get your reply. I will leave russia in two weeks or so (I can't tell you everything exactly right now) and I would like to be sure that I have the man who waits for me there. I will work all day and I want to find a man to spend all free time together to get to know each other better.if you have any interest to meet me I will be more than happy to meet you too. I will tell you all details about me and my life if you like my pictures and want to meet me! please send picture of you too!!! Now I write you from my personal mailbox, please write me back here and here only. I will be checking it often. Kiss you ,Irina (this is my name)!
Hello Honey, it is me again and I want you to know that you can't imagine how happy I am. I have a schedule of my flight.you can't imagine how much crazy Moscow is. It is great fear to live here I think so! Our small town is more friendly . well,about our business, I tasted my blood,such rule for foreign visitors wanting to visit your country!Thanks God I am in good health, all of my tests are all right,I only need some vitamins I think it is the bad foods and long winters problem.I have to eat much more fruits and vegetables.The doctor said! well,here is all info ,I do hope we will together in a few days! Info from agency!
Information for NOVITSKAYA IRINA
"SunriseTour",Sergeev Ivan.3690768
Moscow,Leningradskaya street
144,office 46.
Date of departure : 11.04 Aeroflot
SU 229 Sheremetyevo (SVO), Moscow, Russian Federation
Terminal 2 08:45
Schiphol (AMS), Amsterdam, Netherlands 10:40
Northwest Airlines
NW 33 Schiphol (AMS), Amsterdam, Netherlands 11:30
Seattle/Tacoma Int'l (SEA), Seattle, Washington, USA
Please use our service .
Best regards.Manager Sergeev Ivan.
Price: USD 1090.00+
Honey I am so glad to see that I am almost near my goal,and our meeting wait for us. I think I will call you from airport and I will wait for you there so long as you need,I mean if you need any time to arrive in airport. it is not problem to wait there because I know that it is the end of my trip and I have time to improve my condition(some parfume)after long jorney.I want you to see me in good shape! I think everything will be all right.Rather I am sure everything will be all right!. My Dear, they have told in travel office that I have to show tickets when I will visit embassy after tomorrow before my flight. People from embassy must be sure that I am not going to stay illegally in your country and I have tickets with returning data.it is very strong rule. I have some money but my flight from Novosibirsk to Moscow costed so much(about 600$) because so many kilometrs from there to Moscow. I didn't guess that tickets costs so much.and I have to book tickets till in less than 2 days,because of my interview. May be you could borrow some money? I am sure I will be able to return it back in a few weeks after my arriving I will earn some money and at first to return all money to you. in Agency they have told me that you may send it by Western Union. It is pretty easy to use. The guy from the agency explained to me how their system works. It is instant worldwide money transfer system. All you need is my name and my surname to send me the money. Once you do this , I'll be able to pickup the money in any local Western Unuion office in Moscow. We need to do it pretty fast, because we have no time till my intervew,if everything will be all right I will be on this flight! I have about 550 US dollars yet and I think I need about 600 US dollars from your side with all travel needs and living here till my flight!If everything will be all right between us I can stay with you longer than three months,maximum I can stay about 6 months for first time! We should change only the date of my returning flight. Or I can return earlier if something is wrong! Here is more info about Western Union. You find any local Western Union agent, go there and send money to my name. Western Union will ask you for my full name and address in Moscow where I am staying at. Once you give them all the info they will initiate the transfer. In just less than 10 minutes I will be able to pick the money up at any Western Union agent here in moscow. you will send me transfer info and MTCN( money transfer control number ) I will get cash. So I will need your full name and your address + the control number of the transfer. Kiss you many times ,I am tired today,you know it is hard enough to be in foreign city. So many different emotions. Kiss you many times! Irina! see you soon! Ah, silly me. Nearly forgot to give you my full name info and my address. My address here (the flat i am renting) is Russia,Moscow ,Pushkina sreet,build 67 flat 104. (right writting in English) NOVITSKAYA IRINA! I am sorry to send so dry letter but it seems to me I am like any drunker I have lost my mind and my head works so badly,see you tomorrow. I am sorry to make so many problems for you I only hope that you will be not disappoined to meet me.

Mamleeva (Belakovo, Russia)
This woman contacted me through Yahoo Personals. We corresponded for about a month. After sending her $1500 for air travel to the US, it ended after she asked me for another $1500 as travel cash to get through customs. At first she used the name Dunia, which she explained was a nickname. After a few letters she revealed what she claimed was her real name, Nailia Mamleeva. She told me she was part of a doctor exchange program between the Russian and US government. The money was needed because her "trade union" was having budget problems and was unable to fund the trip. She planned to immigrate and already had a work visa through the exchange program, so all she needed was a sponsor. Unlike some scammers, her letters did not proclaim undying love and there were no form letters. Mostly she wanted to know someone in the US before she arrived, so was looking for a friend. Later letters evolved into wanting to know each other well enough to see if we could be "soul mates". All of this seemed pretty reasonable to me and made sense if someone was in the situation she described. Each letter answered questions I had asked in my previous letter. The pictures she sent were all candid and looked plausible. The language of the letters was consistent with someone who is well educated but for whom english is a second language. The address she gave me was: Nailia Mamleeva, 23-141 Lenin street, Balakovo Russia 413840. This was the name on the visa picture she sent. It is an H1-B visa, which as I understand it would permit someone to work in the US. And, the birthdate she told me in her first letter was the same as on the visa she sent me much later. They were careful enough to get a lot of the details right. She said a friend in Moscow named Alina Ruzieva, who Nailia had mentioned several times, would pick up the money from the Western Union office at: ALFA BANK, ARBAT 4 1, MOSCOW, 121019 RUSSIA. I suspect that all of this was actually assembled by Alina Ruzieva, who somehow obtained a scanned image of Nailia's visa. What really gets me about all of this is the level of detail. She said she was an only child and didn't have a lot of friends. She described her father as a scientist and her mother as a doctor who live in a Yacut settlement in Siberia studying culture and language. She said she had lived alone for 7 years since they left. All of this obviously concocted to appeal to someone who is intelligent, but who is lonely and without strong family ties. The exchange program explained how she could get a visa and being a doctor explained why the US would consider her for immigration. Her lack of friends and lack of close family in Russia made immigration seem reasonable. The letters arrived every few days, carefully timed to be consistent with things she described in her story. I really thought I was looking for holes in the story, but I was blinded by my hopes. I know I was scammed, but I'm actually not sorry I sent the money. I've reread all the letters many times and I don't want to be someone who would doubt so easily. These letters were really good. This was a really great con by someone who is truly talented in the art. My last letter finally asked for Nailia to tell me specifics about being a doctor and informed her that I had sent her visa to the US government for verification. It took awhile, but I finally realized that the lies were too complicated and could easily be exposed at their weak points. FPMM@state.gov responded to my email saying that this visa was indeed fraudulent, and directed me to the Fraud Complaint Center at
www.ifccfbi.gov. Carl.
Here is her initial Yahoo personals message:
I like your profile. I'd like to talk a little... I am 31 years old. Professional. Don't have children, never been married, nice appearance and soul, great sense of humor. Hope you liked my pictures at the profile. I can also send some by email. Email me to: sladkaya05@yahoo.com I check the mail more often than the personals. Thank you. Dunia
Her first letter:
Thank you for your reply. I am really glad to see your message. I havn't checked my email box for a while and it's why I havn't written sooner. Hope you understand. I am new on the Internet and Internet dating. Please, don't be too strict if something is wrong... I am a little abashed :-) I don't know how real it is and how I should behave... Well, I guess I should tell a little about myself so we could start the conversation. I am Russian. I was born and I've been living in Russia all my life. My birthday is on the 21th of January, 1975. Big girl :-) I am a doctor. I work here in a hospital as a physician. I have good education, university graduate. I like this work, I like to help people and see their gratitude. :-) I keep healthy life. Don't smoke and drink rarely. Prefer red wine or a small buttle of good beer. I enjoy sport and outdoors. Bicyclyng is my favourite pastime. I also have many hobbies and interests. For example history, geography, reading, music and so on. I am trying to be a many-sided person (not sure if this word is correct). I know English and I am working to improve it. :-) I am afraid I won't be impartial telling about my personality but I'll try. I am loyal and honest. I have good sense of humor and natural curiosity. I like animals and children. I like to be happy and make people around me happy too. I wrote that I am from the USA at my profile. Don't think I lie. I will come there in about a month. And I'll stay for about a year. I've never been outside of Russia and I would like to have a friend in the USA... ;-) Don't think that I'm interested in friendship only. I've forgotten to say I am single. I've never been married and I have no children... And yes, I am looking for my love. :-) What person I want? Nothing extraordinary. I don't need a prince or a rich. I want a good guy. Really good guy with soul and heart. Who can love and respect his woman. Who can support and understand me. I like decent and honest men. I have just a few things I can't stand in the man: rudeness and vulgarity. Hope I didn't scare you :-) Well I think it is enough for the first letter. I will continue next time. Please tell me a little about you. What you like and what you think? Yours truly, Dunia.
p.s. The pictures are attached. This is me ;-)
The first letter asking for money:
I have got my visa. It is nice. :-) Don't laugh at me. This is my first american document. And this is my way to my future. I want to show it to you because you are the part of my future life too. I want you to understand me right way. You are the only man I know in the US. And I want to meet you as soon as I come. I havn't written you for a while. I am sorry. I know I had to think about you and just write you a short note earlier. I had a problem I must solve before I write you anything. I know you worry for me. As you see from the subject of my letter things doesn't smile at me. I am sad and confused. I don't want to tell it to you. I know you want to meet me. But I will be unable to come to the US by my own. I need a sponsor to pay my travel. Carl I want to describe the situation in detail. In my last letter I told you I would have a talking with Anatoly about funding my travel by trade union. I met him and he said that our trade union will not pay my travel. I asked why and how it may be? They carry out this exchange program without funding it? He said it is not right. Our government arranges traveling papers, visas, contract with American government. They also pay salary and provide place for living for american doctors coming to work in Russia. Travel expenses must be covered from local hospital budget or our trade union. My hospital refused to pay travelling and trade union can't pay for it too because Moscow didn't send money. Anatoly said it is because of the non-coordination of our government. I asked him what can I do? He said I can pay my travel by my own or find a sponsor. I must pay only my travel to the USA. When I get there I will be paid by american government. Well, I asked him how much I must pay. When he said the sum I was really confused. It is $950 USD. I knew I didn't have such sum and I even can't borrow it from someone here. Anatoly was very sorry for me. He said such things happen often. The government conduct some program and doesn't fund it. Anatoly also said the department changed the date of the flight. He was called from Moscow and told the flight would be on December 30. The changes were caused by poor financing and the department gave additional 10 days. So I've got more time to find money. After the talking I went to bank trying to get a loan. But when they leant I was coming to the USA they refused to me. I talked to my friends trying to find money but I knew they didn't have such sum. This is my salary for 6 months. I tryed to ask for sponsorship in some commercial companies but they don't want to deal with me without any profit. Anatoly said I need to find a private sponsor and I thought about you. Carl I didn't want to ask you for any help. I wanted to do everything by my own. But I don't have any other options. My flight is on December 30, 2005. I must be in Moscow with money by this time. I will fly to New York if I have money and I won't fly in other cases. I have not enough time to find money here and I want to ask you to be my sponsor. Carl I understand everything you may think about me. I hate asking people for money and I always try to do everything by my own. But now I really need your financial assistance. I estimated everything. I will reimburse you this sum in one month. I also can pay you extra money back. I will work in your state for sure. I don't know where yet but I'll try to be as close as possible. I will learn the hospital in New York city and I'll call you from there. I will earn at least $3000 a month and I will have a place to live. You see I will be able to return you the money. Carl you are the only man I know in the USA. I don't want to mix our relationship and money. But I don't have anyone else to ask for this help. I know if things even will not work out between us we will remain good friends. I don't want to lie you and say that I love you. I can't say it to a man I have never met. But you must know that I have the warmest feelings for you and I want to develop them. You know what this travel means for me. It is my only chance to come to America and start new life. It also maybe new life start for you... or for us. I am honest woman and I honestly tell you that I will never hurt you or cheat you. I will be there for ten months. This is more than enough to make a decision about us. Carl I have already told you about my plans for future. I want to come to the USA, earn some money to start my own business and find good man to love each other and enjoy our life together. I think I have already found this man... Smile. YOU. When I heard from Anatoly that my future ruined I was so stressed and confused. I don't want to give it up. I still have my hope. You are the only man who can help me. Carl, be my sponsor! Help me to overcome it, please. I will wait for your answer with all my hope. Yours truly. Nailia.
The second letter asking for money:
Hi my precious. I am really glad you are in my life. :-) Thank you for your help very much. I don't know what I did without your help. Carl I know this letter make you a little sad. But our plans were not changed. Don't be nervous. I am coming to the USA but they made it more problematical. I will explain now. I am still in Moscow now. Today our programm coordinator convened general meeting. He made long speech about problems they have with American government. I will try to tell you everything I was able to understand. As always the problem is money. He said that everyone of us must have at least $1500 in cash for customs agents. The coordinator said they were unable to arrange this with American side. American customs requires that every foreigner coming to the USA has minimal sum of money. I must have money declaration and this money in cash. It is required to prove that I have the money for food, transport and hotel when I come to the USA. I know it seems so silly but the problem is that we are coming there without contracts with our employers. We will contract when we come to New York. The problem also is that we will get our first salary after two weeks of work and they must be sure we will be able to buy food and pay other expenses until that time. American government don't do any exclusions for us and they require money declaration from us. Our coordinator was very sorry. He said last year employers' representatives from America came to Moscow and contract here. But this year they want to do it in New York to avoid additional expenses. Well now you know everything. We have a few days to declare the money. I don't know what to say else Carl. I must fly by any means. Our plane is reserved for December 30 and they won't return money I have already payed. Can you send me this sum, Carl? I will not spend a penny from this sum and I will return it to you as soon as we meet. They said they will not let anyone to get on the plane without this declaration and money. They don't want to have any juridical problems and hearing in the USA. Carl I must have this sum before my flight. I know you did much for me but I can't get any money here. Please help me somehow. I will reimbuse everything to you. I give you my word! Send money to Moscow as soon as possible. Carl I must fly by any means and I will do everything to be there. My days here was so busy and I didn't have even a free minute. We have great lectures with the best doctors in Russia. It was such huge experience for me to communicate with these people. They made us really proud to present Russia in the USA. I have just realized what great responsibility lies with us. American doctors would appreciate Russian medicine by our work. I am not afraid to have this responsibility. I consider myself very responsible person and I am very happy to do it. And I must say thank you to you again for this chance. Carl I may seems too proud with saying all this. Don't think so. I just was very impressed by all this. I never become presumptuous. I always remember who I am and where I came from. And I would always remember who helps me with it. :-) And I am still a single coming to our first date. With love. Nailia.
   
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