Solovieva (Cheboksary, Russia)
I am an English businessman who visits Russia once or twice a year. The contact originated from who I had registered with. It
was an exchange of correspondence between 30 Jan & 14 Feb this year
After I told her I was visiting Russia and would like to meet her, the lady
requested 820 euros in respect of documents and travel expenses to visit me.
I told her I could purchase tickets and send them to her with a letter of
invitation for her to obtain UK entry visa and after this she never replied
Letter 1
Date: Mon, 30 Jan 2006 09:44:33 +0300
Hello! I'am Irina. I saw your profile on and have decided
to write to you. If you want to look my profile go here http: //
I hope that you will answer my letter as I want to correspond and learn with
you about the friend the friend more. If you will answer me, I shall send
you the pictures and as I shall tell about myself! Write to me on e-mail:
I with impatience shall wait for your letter. Yours faithfully
Letter 2
My sweet Jon! I dont have bank account! The bank
account to receive very
difficultly and long from us. You should not
go in bank! You should go in branch western union!!! Send me money
western union. I to you very much, am very grateful, that you to help
me with payment of my documents! I should pay
them up to the Friday. I have already written the
application on reception of the visa. When I will pay my
documents my mammy to book a ticket the plane. I shall fly to
you not from the city airport as it is expensive and it is
not convenient. I shall go in Moscow and to fly to you from the Moscow
airport. I shall speak you the information of my flight after
payment of my documents that I might be sure in exact date of
reception of my documents! OK? Today at us bad
weather. In the morning of the beginnings to go the snow. All
sky is delayed by clouds. I do not love such
weather. I prefer the sun and a small warm breeze more! You
prefer what weather more? At me in general to you it is a lot of
questions, but I shall ask them at ours with you to a meeting! I
think, what you will do too most? I think of ours with you
to a meeting at night when my mammy already sleep much. I reflect much
both very much I worry and at all I do not know, that I should you
speak when we will meet at the airport! It to excitement
for me pleasant. I also think, what we shall do in our first
night together? I hope, what we shall sleep on one bed? We shall have
sex? Excuse for not a modest question, but I am valid to want
to have with you sex! You will show me the city sights? What I
need to take with itself clothes and footwear? I think, that at
you weather than in Russia is warmer! OK,
probably I have tired you. Please do not overlook to
write to me the information western union which you will
receive by transfer to me of money! I very much wait for your
letter soon! Love you! Yours Irina.
Letter 3
How are you today my Sweet heart? I today for a long time could not
fall asleep, as me all tormented ideas about you and about our first
meeting. Today I do not work. I am glad, that I shall be soon capable
to arrive to you. I went to transport campaign to learn, what
documents to me need to be issued and in what term. To me have told,
that I need to make out the visa, foreign the passport and the
insurance document, and also the medical inquiry. I all over again was
very much afflicted, as to me have told, that 2 months is required to
legalize these papers as it will be necessary to give inquiry in
embassy for reception of the visa, and now the big turns! Then it is
necessary to wait approval of the visa. The passport for travel
abroad will be ready in one week after payment. I informed about it to
the mum. She did not begin to waste time all for nothing. We with her
went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. I am very grateful to her,
as she has solved my problem with reception of the visa. I have
written the application{statement} on reception of the visa and they
at once have made inquiry in embassy directly! Now I shall be capable
to receive the tourist visa for one month without any problems! My
visa will be open for 30 days. To me her to make out during two weeks.
I now do not need to wait for 2 months. Only 2 weeks and the visa will
be at me! Also I have met with approval from fund of the Ministry of
Internal Affairs for reception of the discount of 50 Percent at
purchase of air tickets! Now it is a little about sad. Not all so is
smooth as me it would be desirable. There were problems with payment
of documents and the ticket. I need to pay till February, 17. To me
need 820 euro to capture all cost of my documents and the ticket plus
transport campaign keeps the commission for rendering of services and
for speed of official registration of papers, and also an insurance
sheet on 150 euro. I yesterday have received my wage payment 100 euro.
Some accumulation. Also my mum has given me all money which at her
were in a coin box. For me it is a pity nothing to her. But all the
same it is not enough money to capture all charges of my travel! I now
everywhere to try to borrow money, but everywhere was refused. It me
very much to afflict as my happiness was so close. I have thought and
have decided to write to you about this problem as I know, that you to
not give up to me and I think, that will be capable to help me as I
all to make, that was in my forces and even little bit more! Certainly
it is not convenient for me to ask you about such help and in
other situation I would not ask you about it, now I do not have more
other output. I was always fair with you and to want, that you trusted
me, as the trust always stands on the first place in relations. It is
required to me 480 euro. Please transfer me this money today or
tomorrow. I know, that there is a fast way of transfer of money
between the countries. Systems of monetary transfers western union and
money gram. You can use any of these monetary systems. Their addresses
in my city. 1) Money gram: SVIAZ BANK; 44, YAROSLAVSKAYA STR.
FEDERATION. For transfer of money to you it is required my nameplate
data. My full name: Irina Solovyeva. I sent my home
address to you in the letter yesterday! That there were no
disagreements and
doubts in me I to you send a copy of my passport. I was necessary to
you all this money when there will be at me such opportunity. I do not
like to be the debtor. Nevertheless I am very happy what to find you!
By the way what weather at you in the near future will be? Forgive if
I to write, something not so. I should go now home. I shall wait for
your letter today! More Love and more kisses! Your Irina. P.S. I have
attached a copy of my passport to the letter!
Letter 4
Hello my love Jon! Today again cold weather! I have a little caught a
cold, but you do not worry. I will go tonight to the sauna and
tomorrow I shall be completely healthy! I yesterday spoke with
my mum what to wish to have relations with the man from other country.
It has funny smiled and then has told, that when it was young
corresponded with the man from Austria but then yet was not
Internet and it was necessary to wait long when the letter will find
the addressee on the post mail! But they could not have a future
as then there were other times. Then there was an Iron Curtain and the
authority h ad communists who considered, that the Soviet girl should
not have the relations with the person from capitalist country! I am
glad, that we now live in Democratic Russia and I can visit you
without any problems! We with mum long spoke also it has asked me,
that I am really confident, that you the good person and will not
cause me a
pain! I had told my mather, that I can trust you, not because I am
good to know you. Simply I to feel, that you good heart!!! For this
purpose the meeting also is necessary to us to not play for time on
Internet. I to wish to speak with you looking each other in eyes and
to learn you in a reality! I spoke with my boss. It has told, that I
can take holiday in the beginning of February for one month. I also am
very grateful to it. My mum has learned, that it can receive tickets
of the
plane for 50 Percent from cost, as it the deserved worker (internal
affairs) of militia of Russia. To it will allocate money from fund of
the Ministry of Internal Affairs of city Cheboksary. Now it on pension
and to it in December have handed over an award of 1 degree for merits
before fatherland. An award the president of our republic Chuvashia
Nikolay V. Phedorov and has handed over personally the letter signed
personally the president of Russia Vladimir V. Putin. My Mather asked,
that you have given me the name of the airport and city in which I
should arrive! Write to me the airport in your city! Also write to me
the your full data. I to give you the my full data and home address
too! My full name: Irina Solovyeva. My address! Street an home:
Petrova 34-81. City: Cheboksary. State: Chuvashia. Country: Russia. I
hope to receive your answer soon! I all to burn from impatience! I
will take tomorrow free day from my work to go to learn, that
I need to do to receive all necessary documents for visiting
your country! I will write to you tomorrow more information!
Love and Kisses! Your Irina.
Letter 5
Hello my lovely Jon! How are you today??? Today at us awfully cold
Now - 34 degrees are lower than zero. In an apartment it is very cold!
But thinking it has stopped! I could reach by a taxi up to Internet
cafe to write to you this letter as it is important for me! I do not
know, that to me occur, but I all time think only of you! It is very
curious to me to know about you all. I can not transfer those words
through Internet which I to you to want to tell! I very much to want
to continue our acquaintance in a reality. I long do not like to play
for time and the meeting will be better to us to learn each other
better! I shall speak today with mum about you. I yet did not speak
her, that have met the man in Internet. But now I think, that the
moment has come to speak her about us with you! I also shall go to ask
the boss that he has given me holiday from work in the near future. I
think, that he will be not against as I two years had no holiday.
Holiday simply was not necessary for me, as I at all did not have time
for my
private life! Ok, now I should go. Have told, that such cold weather
will be 10 days! Do not worry I shall write to you each day. Kiss you
and hugs! Your
Letter 6
Hello my dear Jon! How are you??? You very attractive person. When I
read up
your letter, I feel a small regret, that it was terminated and at the
same time I am happy. It is similar to when finish to read the
interesting book. Only except for it, I feel something else. I feel,
that me pull to you. dear you sometime tested similar feeling when you
pulls to the person? For me it is amazing, as I still at all did not
see you. For me you not simply attractive person, you also very good
person. I have understood it on your words. I am happy to know you.
For me it is honour. I know, that you count me the beautiful person.
But I want to know fairly, what I need to change in the appearance? I
think, that I am not ideal. I would like to be better to like you. You
know, that I live in Russia in city of Cheboksary. My city is in
republic Chuvashia. It is very beautiful city. His age exactly one
thousand years. In him lives about one million people. Unfortunately
now it was the city in which a lot of criminality. To leave on street
after approach of night it happens very dangerously. I never left
the city. To travel to me it seems very interestingly. In the
childhood, I dreamed, that sometime I shall go round all world and I
shall see many different people. But now I became adult and I
understand, that with my financial income it to make simply not
probably. I can not even visit to have a rest to Black sea which is in
a southern part of Russia. I for a long time had to say goodbye to
children's dream. It would be very interesting to me to learn more
about that place where you live. Tell to me dear. Ok? How people live
in your city? What these people? With the help of you, I can open for
myself new city in which you live. It is very interesting to me. You
now for me very dear friend dear. I hope, you will not delay the
answer Irina.
Letter 7
Hello my Dear! With impatience waited your letter. Tell to me,
what weather at you? What mood? What for feelings at you
on soul? What you hink of me? Forgive, that it is too many
questions. I would like to learn you more and more. At us
it is now very cold in the street. For me the friendship very much
means. The friendship is communication between people which
pulls together people. The friendship does people by relatives to each
other. They have one blood, therefore friendship, it not
simply conversation with each other and an exchange of any ideas
or experiences. The friendship is an exchange
of souls, an exchange of feelings. The love she is very similar
to friendship, but is much stronger. The love does two
people by a single whole. If the person is jealous
loved or regrets to him of something is not love. For me
attitudes with the person very much mean. And for you?
What people mean for you? When people begin to love you how you
concern to them? Once again ask to forgive me for a heap of
questions. I not so like, when to me ask much. dear you have
things which you irritate? I do not like, when the
person is drunk. I very badly treat harmful habits. I do not
understand, what for someone sells drugs, you see it ruins
many people. Unless money cost human
lifes? I never use alcoholic drinks and
I do not smoke. I want, that my children were healthy. I
so want to have children. I think, that human attitudes
should not depend on money. Only
the love may give a high-grade marriage. You with me agree
dear? I do not have present friend. At me is familiar and fellow
workers, but they never will go on victims for the sake of me.
They only can sympathize with me if the help will be necessary for me
or I shall be in a trouble. I can trust only to mum. I know,
that she will help me always. She will make everything, that will
be in her forces. And now, I hope, at me very good friend
dear has appeared still. Write to me necessarily. Irina.
Letter 8
Hi dear! Now at us the end winter and consequently weather upon a snow
it is cold, very strong wind. I there will be a lot of snow. The
winter is not pleasant to me because all nature dies
also to me very sadly to look at it! Now I'm at work and I have
small break. That is having not rummaged and simply there is a free
time. There is an audit of the goods. So there is each month. Before
us with girls to give out wages, check presence of the goods.
Sometimes it happens, that money less than should be, and sometimes on
the contrary. But so less often, there is no money
more often. I don't know, from what it occurs. It maybe a mistake, and
maybe, someone is not pure on a hand. And if it's less than goods,
than money our collective divides the sum of shortage into all
fifty-fifty. So we work. But will finish talk about work,
it's boring. I want to tell to you, that to me the age of
my future husband is not so important either he is rich or poorer. All
this has no for me great value. The most important for me that
the husband was kind, tender and also we
had mutual understanding among themselves because it is very
important!!! I very much would like that we saw all high qualities
each other and really had love and strong feelings. I want to
tell to you a little about my family. I live in an apartment from
2 rooms. We live with mum and my senior brother, to it now
40 years and he works as the driver. My mum on pension, I
the daddy has died in 1990. my mum worked in militia earlier,
and the daddy was the doctor. I have finished
economic faculty and have received higher education,
but it is a problem in our city to have work the economist and
consequently I work as the seller.
My city is about 1200 kilometers from
Moscow. If it's fair, I don't believe in friendship between
man and woman. If man is friends with woman, on some reason, he
usually want to oversleep with she. Or he loves her, but
she is indifferent to him, also he
is necessary to be content with
friendship. I think so Men such
ridiculous! And if the woman is beautiful, very
beautiful, she may make all with the man, what she want.
I'm not beautiful, I know it. Maybe slightly I'm nice, but
no more. But my dream is those. I want, that
somebody have estimated me for my personal qualities, instead of for
my appearance. Tell me about yourself, OK? What you expect from
our dialogue? What you like, and what unlike? Tell
me about your country, about your customs and
habits. Some people speaks, that people in
your country lonely and closed and they have few present
friends. Is it truth? Tell me about your
house, please. Is where you live
beautifully? At on now bad weather. What is the weather at
you? Audit will now be finished, and I'll go to a trading counter. To
serve buyers. And what razor you use? Mack 3? May be
Shik? These shaving systems are very popular at our men. Bye!
your Irina
P.S. I hope, that you not exhaustion this
long letter:))). I very much diligence
that it was interesting to
   
Afanasyeva (Orenburg, Russia) aka Nadeghda Koshenkova (Penza, Russia)
My name is Dom, I am 39 years old and from England. I received a
message via by an unsolicited mail that, although it came from, it didn’t have their usual look about it. There were a
couple of reference to her personal email address and she said that this was the only way to contact her. I have had several of these in the past but I was bored so I replied. By the fifth letter she was declaring her love etc and telling me that she was off to the travel agency. Her letters were very good, not much reference to what I was saying but they were there and my name was littered throughout. She hasn’t asked for any money yet, I expect that mail later this week. She is already on here as Gyulnara Abdullaeva (Kirov, Russia) and Ludmila Skulkina/Olga Bronnikova (Syktyvkar Russia) and maybe another one but I’m not sure. The address she uses to write to me is By the way, the more doubt I showed the raunchier the picture I received in the next mail. I would like to say thanks to this site.
Her first email is below, the rest are more or less the same as she sent as Nadeghda Koshenkova (Penza, Russia) which you can see on this site.
Letter 1
Good afternoon, and may be good evening.
First of all I want to name to you my name. My name is Lidiya. I already very much for a long time dreamed to get acquainted with the England . I was involved always with England. I think that England will like those people who want to work and be happy. I think that I the good woman and I want to have the best life. I want to lift family and I
want To go in marriage sometime! I the young woman. To me now 29 years and I think, that now When I already enough adult it is necessary for me to think of private life. For this reason I addressed to the Internet in search of mine soulmate. Now it is very
popularI live in Russia in the city of Orenburg. My profile is spoken, that by me from England , but it is a mistake. You understand?
I think, that I should tell about me a little. I think, that I the attractive woman.
I have white hair of the blonde and blue eyes. I 5 " 8 " high and I also 121 foots to weigh.
Right now I cannot send you a picture. But I can send you pictures if you will write on my direct address. If you will write to me the letter directly to mine E-Mail I promise that I shall send you a picture! My E-Mail:
If you have interest in the Russian woman I shall be glad to receive your letter. Only please With me be serious. I sincerely hope, that you good the man and you will write to me.
Until then I wish you all most good. Write to me soon. With hope, Lidiya.
February, 2, 2006
PS I want to pay once again your attention, that I can I shall receive your letter only on this Mail:
Final letter
(received 13 February 2005) exactly 9 days after the first.
Hi my love Dom! You to me will allow you so to name? Yes, I really have to you feelings and I might not hide it. Big to you thank that you concerned with understanding to mine
To last letter. I am glad, that you also want to meet me. Now it only a matter of time. We really should have a meeting whether to understand better for us we shall like to continue relations.
I assumed it, that if I meet good and kind the man we should meet. Without it We can not have the relation. I think, that we already know enough about each other to have a meeting. You are interesting to me very much and I think, that we may be good family together! If things will go well, I would like to be your wife! I dream to find my happiness and I shall hope, that we may be happy. Already all my family knows, that I want to meet you. I spoke with mum and daddy about it. Mum and daddy wish me Only the best in this life. They will be glad, if I shall find my happiness. Daddy as the man wants, that I had the good husband. he should be kind and gentle with me and always take about me care. It was spoken by my daddy.
I want to test love and I want, that me loved. My Dom, I think, that you also want to have the good wife! I think, that I shall be for my husband the good wife. I shall be the good mistress on kitchen and I shall be true only to my husband. I can promise and guarantee it. I know, that you the person of your word. You will never deceive and betray me. Your purposes in life coincide with mine and I think, that we may have good family together! What you think of it?
Right now we should work above our meeting. I am not sure however as soon we can meet, but I wanted To have with you a meeting as it is possible soon. If I shall arrive to England my first visiting will be probable not so long. At work to me advised to apply for information about visiting England in travel agency. We have in city
Travel agency and I tomorrow intend to go in this agency and probably they will give me more information About that as I can visit England. I think, that it for me is possible anyhow. Dom, allow me to ask you.
I am not sure, but it is possible to me some your help will be necessary at our meeting. Probably I shall require from you
In any information or still other things. You can help me with it? I am not sure, that I can take all things independently.
Though I the independent woman and I shall try to find out all things itself. If both of us want to have a meeting we should
To work as one command! My parents will help also to me to what can. They agreeed to my meeting. Only you should promise my parents, that you will take about me care. Probably you will write the letter to my daddy? It will be very good! My daddy will be very glad to your letter. You write it in English and I shall translate it for mine Families. I hope, what it will not be difficult for you? My Dom, today I spoke with representatives of service of phones. I swore at them because to us up to these пор may not To establish the phone of a house. We already paid the phone and now only it is necessary to receive number and to establish it at us houses. It is a lot of people now establish houses phones and consequently it is turn to receive the phone. They promise to make it as it is possible soon. In Russia constantly problems with similar works. It yet very well works in our city. I want to tell you, that You became angry about me. I promised you, what we shall speak? You know, what I always to hold my word? I too the person My word! We shall speak with you and is really fast! I do not want to wait while to us will establish the phone. Please, allow me to call to you! I think, that I can call to you soon! Inform me exact your phone number on which I can To call to you? Probably you will inform me of 2 phone numbers? I shall require your home telephone number or cell. Near my work there is a telegraph and I can call to you from this telegraph! When I have my break at work I can To leave and call to you. I probably can call to you between 14:00-15:00 on our time. In view of a difference in time
You in England should have earliest morning! Hmm. you will sleep probably. But I very much want to speak with you and probably you will
To hold the phone beside to an ear and to wait my bell! You will wait? I shall inform you when I precisely can call to you when I shall be
In it it is sure. It will be fast. I promise you. Only you on overlook to give me your exact phone number. I so hope To speak with you it is fast! For me it is very important to hear your voice by the phone. Even more I want to arrive to you more soon! Sometimes I now reflect, that me expect. I so want to be happy. I trust you completely my heart. I shall not be To be afraid to go in England. It is far from my city, but anyhow I shall be the strong woman. If you will treat always with me kindly, That I shall be happy. I shall far from my house and I shall grieve probably without my parents. But anyhow I should build my private life. I have to you feelings reminding love and I want to meet you anyhow. If we shall like each other I was probable
I shall remain with you. You would like it if we shall fall in love after our meeting? My life will change also I wants to change my life to the best! I think, that always it is possible to go to Russia and to visit my parents! Between us now there is a understanding and trust. We already have the base to our happiness! All my relatives will wish me only happiness and love. Well, I shall speak now from all my relatives and friends hello! We all very much love you! We send to you warm feelings!I shall close now this letter. Write to me as it is possible soon. Heave nice Day! Sincerely yours, Lidiya.
   
Krylova (Minsk, Belarus)- aka Liudmila Krylova
This "Russian Woman" wrote me 12 letters over a 5 week period of time. In her last letter she asked me for money to pay for a repair bill for a friend's car in which she had an accident while in St Petersburg visiting her grandmother. (see last letter) I did not send money and told her I was unable to do so.
She originally contacted me via using the handle "mk7788". In her first correspondence with me she immediately wanted me to email her personal email accounts instead of staying on Personal emails are and We eventually spoke several times. The phone number given is contained within the letters I have provided. I had suspicions early on and gave her bogus personal info. DO NOT GIVE PERSONAL INFO including birthdate address or pet names. This one is very clever. If you do provide any of your personal info take necessary steps immediately to protect yourself.
I should also note that I was contacted by two other "Russian women" during this same 5 week period and they were both very interested in me immediately. It sure seemed pretty coincidental.
I hope this helps someone out there. Remember, if it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
Letter 1
Hello! How are things with you?
Frankly speaking, I am not quite sure what to start with... I am a new person here, and thus don't know how to start my communication and what to write... Though, I'll give me a chance and do hope my letter won't make you laugh.:)
It seems high time to say that my name is Mila. And how can I call you?
I won't write a lot about myself as I am not quite sure it might be interesting for you. I only want to say that I looked through your profile and was very much attracted by your photo and felt a strong impulse to write to you and tell you about that... I hope when getting this letter you'll also take a look at my photo and the profile. And I do hope still that this small letter managed to get you interested to continue our talk.
I don't check my profile very often and that's why it'll be better if you write directly to my personal e-mail, which is as following :
kmila71@yahoo. com (I check it several times a day).
It seems to be all for the first time. I'll be very much waiting for your reply.
Best regards. Mila
Letter 2
Hello John. How are you? It is Mila from . Do you still remember me? I hope you did not forget about me!:)Cant understand why my profile is hidden , I will check it in profile options and will try to make it visible.
First of all I want say that I am very glad that you replied me. And now I want to introduce myself to you. I will write in this letter about myself and about my life , about some simple things, and I think it will help you to understand who I am. By the way I attached several pictures in this letter. "Pic1" and "Pic2" are most recent pictures and it is how I look like now.
My full name is Liudmila Krylova. But all my friends call me Mila. As about me I like both names, Mila and Liudmila. You can call me Mila or Liudmila. (Which name you like most?) I am 36 years old. My birthday is 29 of November and my astrological sign is Sagittarius. I am 170 cm tall and my weight is 54-55kg. I have never been married and I do not have children. I was born and grew up in Europe , in Belarus. Do you know where is Belarus? Do you heard about it before? It is near Poland and Lithuania. Now I am in Belarus, but in February I will move to Chicago. I will live and work in Chicago ,and soon US will become my new home.:) I decided to move to Chicago, because political and social situation is not good in Belarus, and it seem to me that it will become worse in future, if you heard about situation in Belarus you will understand what I am talking about. I traveled a lot and I have been in many countries , but I decided to move to US because I think that it is best place to live. And I am sure that I made good choise. I will write about my move to Chicago in details in the end of this letter. Now I live and work in Minsk , it is capitol of Belarus and it is very beautiful city with great history. Do you heard about Minsk before? I am musician . I finished Minsk Music Conservatory and I am professianal pianist. I work in music agency as private music teacher , I teach children to play piano. I love my job very much and I am sure that I was born to become musician and piano teacher. Music is important part of my life and I cant imagine my life without music.
Ok , now I will write what I like , and what I do not like...
Music...I like music very much and I am sure that you already understood it.:) Most of all I like jazz music and rock music . But to say true I like all styles of music...for example I like U2 and Madonna, Anastasia and Miles Davis , BB King and Beatles. Also I like classical music , and also classical music is part of my work. Most of all I like Chopin and Mozart , they are my favorite composers. I have very big collection of Music, more then 300 Cd's. As pianist I like to play jazz very much, and also I like to compose my own music, people who listened my music told me that it is good and that they like my music, but maybe they told me it only because they did not want to upset me... But I hope they told me truth.:)
Films...I like good humor and I like to laugh , that is why most of all I like comedy films. When I feel myself sad I prefer to watch comedy film and it always helps me. Also I like history films and different dramatical films. I cant say wich film is my favorite , because there are many great films and I cant choose one. My favorite actors are : Tom Hanks , Al Pacino , Robert DeNiro , Anthony Hopkins and Harrison Ford. As about actresses , my favorite actresses are : Nickole Kidman , Julia Roberts and Cameron Diaz.
Also I like theatre very much and I think that it is great art. It is a pity that there are no good theatres in Belarus , but I visited many theatres in Europe.
I like to read very much. Most of all I like to read history novels , different mystical detective books and classical literature. My favorite writer is M.Bulghakov and most of all I like his book "Master and Margarita" ,I read it many times , it is very interesting book. Did you read "Master and Margarita"? I have a lot of books in my colection.
Sport...I like sport very much. All sport games are good , but my favorite kind of sport is tennis , I like to watch it on TV and also I like to play tennis too, I am not very good tennis player and I need more practice. I visit gym 1-2 times in a week , because I like to be in good form.
My favorite colors are blue and white. Also I like flowers very much. Most of all I like roses , I think that red roses are most beautiful flowers in the world.
Also I like to travel very much...I have been in many countries. I worked in Germany , France and England . I have been in Japan (in Tokio) , I visited Turkey and Cyprus. I am very curious woman and I like to visit new places. I have never been in US before , but I know that there are many interesting places in US.
I do not smoke and I do not drink alcohole drinks , only on great holidays I can drink glas of red wine , but not more.
As I wrote in the begining of my letter , I have never been married and I do not have children. All people who know me always ask me why I am still alone , and always I do not know what to answer...sometimes life is very difficult to explain...but I think that I still did not meet "man of my life" , that is why I am still alone.I am little bit shy person , but not too much. And I am very romatic woman and I still belive in true love.
I am looking for serious relationship. I think that all good relationships begins from good friendships...Also I am sure that there are 3 most important things in relationship - honesty , trust and communication , I think it is key to good relationship. And I am sure that two people must respect each other , it is very important too.
Ok, now more details about my move to Chicago. I will move to Chicago in the end of February , now I do not know date of my arrival, but on monday I will find out date and time of my arrival to Chicago. In Chicago I will work as music teacher in family , I will look for children and will teach them to play piano. It will be only work for first time , and after 6-8 months I will find better job for me. I am planing to live in US , I know that it will be not easy for me to start new life in new place, but I am very hardworking woman and I am ready to all difficulties. I know myself and I know what I can , I am optimist and I am sure that all will be good. And I am sure that I made good choise when I chose US.
Ok, I need to end my letter at this time , it seem to me that it was longest letter in my life. I hope you did not fall asleep during reading!:) I am sure that I forgot to write about many things , but I will continue to write about myself in my next letter and in my next letter I will send you more pictures of me, I hope you will like it. And also I will send you my phone number , I think it will be nice to talk.
Please write me all about you , write me about you life , work , about things you like and things you do not like , it all will be interesting for me. And please send me as many pictures as you can.
If you have questions , ask me , and I will be glad to answer on all your questions.
Again , thank you for your reply. I will be waiting for your letter. Write me soon!
Best regards. Mila
P.S. I sent this letter from my regular email adress , only my friends and people from my work know this email adress , please use it too in future( ).
Letter 3
Hello John! How are you? I was very glad when I saw your letter in my email box today! Thank you very much for interesting and detailed letter.
I am fine. The weather is not very good here today , it is cold and windy. I do not like very cold weather. And how is the weather in your part of world? What is your favorite season? As about me , my favorite season is summer.
In my previous letter I forgot to write about many things , that is why now I will continue to write about me. Ok, let me think...I did not write you about my family. My family is very small , I have only one very close human in my life , it is my grandma. Her name is Alexandra, she is 82 years old. My parents died in car acident when I was 4 years old , and after that tragedy I lived with my grandma Alexandra. She was my father and my mother in one face. I love her very much , and she is very important person in my life. I respect her very much and I trust her on 200% , I know that she will be always on my side. She live in Brest , it is not big town in the west part of Belarus(near Poland). All her life she worked as school music teacher in Brest. By the way , Brest is my "native town" , I was born in Brest and I lived there till 18, that is why Brest is my "second home". My grandma Alexandra gave me my first music lesson when I was 5 years old , she understood that music was very interesting for me and when I was 7 years old she gave me to music school. I finished music school when I was 16 years old. After that I thought a lot , I thought about what I want to do in my life in future, and I decided to become proffesional musician , it was very important and very difficult part of my life. And now I am very happy about my decision , because now I know that I made right choice. In 18 years I leaved Brest and moved to Minsk , where I entered to Minsk Music Conservatory. I finished my study in Minsk Music Conservatory when I was 25 years old , and after that I decided to stay in Minsk , because I found good job in Minsk. So , now I am very grateful to my grandma Alexandra , because she gave me my first music lesson , she showed me what is music and all my childhood she helped me in all ways. She is very special person in my life and every weekend I go to Brest from Minsk to visit her. By the way , grandma Alexandra is "mother of my mother".
Also I have second grandma. Her name is Tatsiana , she is 87 years old. She is mother of my father. She live in Russia near St.Petersburg in small vilage Sysanino. She is very good and kind woman, I love her too, but we see each other not often because she live very far from me and that is why I visit her only 2-3 times in a year.
I dont not have brothers and sisiters , I was only one child of my parents. So , now you can see that my family is very small.
What else I can tell you about myself...hmmm...Food. My favorite food is - ice cream. Most of all I like ice cream with chockolate , sometimes it seem to me that I can eat it every day and every hour , but ofcourse I do not do it , because I do not want to become an elephant.:) Most of all I like French cuisine , Italian cusine , different sea food and spicy food. And I like pizza very much. By the way , do you know that I am very good cook?:) Yes , I am good cook. I like to cook and it is like sport for me , I can cook a lot of dishes , and most of all I like to cook belorussian and ukranian cuisine. And I like to bake cakes , I can bake more then 30 kinds of cakes , and I always looking for new recipes. What is yor favorite food? What cuisine do you like most of all?
I like to drive car and I have drive license , but I do not have my own car.
I hope you do not have problems with my english. I learned english in school and in conservatory , and also I took private english lessons , but I know that my english is not perfect and I still need more practice. By the way , my native language is Belorussian language , but I can speak Ukranian and Russian languages , and I understand Polish language.
Ok, now more details about my move to Chicago, and more details about my work in Chicago.To move to Chicago I use special job-servise , this servise helps me with all documents and papers , and also this servise helps me to find job in Chicago. It is very good servise , I know it because I used it two times before, in past this job-servise helped me to find job in Germany and England.
As I told you in my previous letter , I will work as "music teacher and nanny" in family. I will live with family and will have my own room in their house. I will work 5 days in a week , 8 hours per day. And I will have free weekends. It will be easy and interesting work for me , because I like children and I like to teach children. I will not be simple nanny, my primary work will be to teach children to play piano. It is a pity, but now I do not know in wich family I will work. It is a rule , because people will not let me to stay in their house and with their children if they never saw me, they need to see me in person at first and to talk with me. When I will arrive to Chicago I will meet with 5-6 families and will have serious interviews with them. And only after interview if famly will like me and if I will like family - I will stay to work in this family. Now I only know that all this families live in Chicago and Chicago area. I will move to US with job visa.
Today morning I visited job-servise , we talked and discussed some things about my move and my future work . They still did not decide about date of my trip ( It will be 25 or 26 of February ). But on next monday (23 of January) I will visit job-servise again and they will tell me final date and all fligh details.
By the way , here is my adress in Minsk:
yl.Kulman , d.13 , kv.98
Minsk , Belarus.
If you want you can send me post card or real letter.:)
I did not write my phone number now , because I do not sure about international code for Belarus , I need to check it. I will find out international code tomorrow and will send my full phone number in my next letter. And also tomorrow morning I will scan more pictures of me and will send it to you in my next letter too. I have many pictures , but I want to choose and to send most interesting.
Ok John, my time in internet cafe is over and I need to end my letter on this words. I do not have my own computer , that is why I need to go to internet cafe when I need to use internet or check my email box. I have alot of things to write , but I need to stop now. I will be waiting for your next letter and will check my mail tomorrow.
Best regards. Mila
Letter 4
Hello John. How are you? Thank you very much for pictures, I like them!
I am fine, but little bit busy with my work. Ysterday I had a lot of work and at evening I worked in good restaurant. I played classical music with other musicians. That is why yesterday I came back home late and my fingers was like 10 bananas.:)
Thank you for telling me a little bit about your family.
Let me tell you a little bit more about my work , I think it may be interesting for you. As I wrote in my previous letters , I work in music agency. My primary work is to teach children to play piano. I have 12 students , and many of them are very talented children. Their ages are very different , from 7 years to 14 years. I love my work very much and that is why I work very hard , I try to teach them as good as I can , because I want to give them all what I know. It is very easy for me to work with children , and it seem to me that all my students like me as a teacher very much. I hope my lessons will help them to become good musicians. Also sometimes I play with other musicians in good restaurants , we usually play classical music. But to say true , I do not like to play in restaurants , because it seem to me that most of people in restaurants do not listen our music...but work is work , and sometimes I must play in restaurants. There are many different musicians work in music agency and most of them are very good people. But we all have one big "problem" , it is our boss.:) He is very greedy and egoistical person , he is very far from music and he think only about money , sometimes it seem to me that "money" is his god. He is very rude and he do not respect people , that is why most of musicians do not like him , but most inetersting is that he know about it , but it do not care him. But he is our boss , and boss is boss , we cant change him. I am very glad that very soon I will end my work in his agency and will never see him again in my life. He know that I will leave Belarus soon , and on next week I will talk with him about my last day of work in his agency.
Pets? I love all pets...dogs,cats,birds. I love animal.
You know , I have serious question to you. Do you have dream? Can you tell me about your dream? Ofcourse if it is not a secret. As about me , I had "big dream" when I was young girl. My dream was to become great and famous pianist. I worked very hard , I lerned a lot, I learned and learned...but my dream did not come true and I did not become great and famous pianist...but I became very good pianist , I became good teacher , I love my work and I am very happy with it. Ofcourse it is not what I dreamed about when I was young girl , but it is enough for me to be happy. I asked you about you dream , because I read in one book that "good way to know someone is to know his dream".
My grandma Alexandra told me interesting story when I was little girl , and I remember her story till this days. She told me that all stars on the sky are someone's dreams , and when someone's dream will come true the star will fall. And when we see falling star it means that someone's dream came true. But there are millions of dreams will never come true and that is why there are millions stars on the sky , and they will never fall. Nice story and little bit sad too, yes? I told this story to all my students too.
Now I have other "big dream" , and it is more real dream , now my dream is to meet man of my life , man who will love me , man who will respect me, man with whom I will spend rest of my life , man with whom I will be happy. I am 36 and still alone , and sometimes when I think about it I become very sad. But I am great optimist and I am sure that this dream will come true.
Also I have something like "small dream" , but maybe it is not a dream ,I think it is only a "wish". I want to become private music teacher in US , I want to work with children , because now I cant imagine my life without teaching job , it is what I can do good and what I like to do. When I will be in US I will work very hard and first of all I will improve my english, and I hope that after some time I will be able to become private music teacher in US. But at first time I will work in family as "nanny-music teacher", but it will be good work too.
Ok, now about my phone number. I will give you phone number of my grandma Alexandra in Brest. I rent one-room apartment in Minsk, it is small but very convinient apartment. But there is no telephone in it , owner of apartment is woman , and she promised me that she will set phone in apartment , but still she did not do it , and now when she know that very soon I will leave her apartment she do not going to do it. But this apartment is near office of music agency where I am working , it take for me only 5 minutes to get to music agency from apartment , and it is most important for me then telephone , because sometimes I need to visit music agency office several times per day. But it is not a problem , I will give you phone number of my grandma Alexandra in Brest , I visit her every weekend and you can call me on weekends to Brest. Here is phone number:
375-29-2700673 ( 375 - it is international code for Belarus)
Please write down this number and do not lose it.:)
On this weekend I will go to Brest to visit my grandma, and it will be great if you will be able to call me. I think it will be great to talk and to hear each other voices. In my next letter I will write you about time when I will be waiting for your call on this weekend.
Thank yuou for your adress , I wrote it down to my note book.
On this weekend I will have serious meeting with woman in Brest , her name is Lisa , she is 48 years old, this woman will take care about my grandma after I will leave Belarus. It is very important for me, because grandma Alexandra is old and sometimes she need some help, and with this woman she will not have problems. On this weekend I will discuss with Lisa all things about my grandma , I will tell her all what she will need to know about my grandma and will explain to her all what she will need to do. With Lisa my grandma Alexandra will not have problems.
It is very sad for me that I will need to leave my grandma Alexandra soon , when I think about it I become very sad. But it is life , and sometimes we need to do things that we do not want to do. It is not easy for me , because she is very important to me and we are very close to each other. But I will call her from US regulary , and I will come to visit her in Belarus as often as I will be able. It is a pity that she cant go with me , she told me that she will never leave Belarus, because she lived here all time and she want to stay in Belarus the rest of her life. I talked with her many times about my future move and always she told me that I did right choise. Grandma Alexandra is very clever woman and she understand all. It is very sad side of my move to US, and it will be very hard for me to live without her. It is very hard to leave people whom we love , but life is life and sometimes we need to do sad things.
Now about pictures. I attached some pictures in this letter , soon I will send more when I will have more free time.
Picture1 - you can see me on October Square , it is one of the most popular places in Minsk.
Picture2 - it is me on Victoty Square.
Picture3 - kitchen in my apartment...and me.:)
Picture4 - here you can see me in piano class of music agency where I work.
Picture5 - it is small monument near music agency office.
I hope you will like pictures.
So, it was all for today , I need to end my letter now. I will be waiting for your letter. Write me soon , I will check my mail tomorrow.
Best regards! Mila.
Letter 5
Hello John. How are you? I am fine. Today is friday and I am very busy , fridays are always busy days for me , I have a lot of work and also today I will go to Brest to visit my grandma Alexandra. That is why I have only few minutes to write short message and to say hello.
All weekend I will be in Brest with my grandma Alexandra. I will be very happy if you will be able to call me. I will be waiting for your call on Sunday from 3PM till 3AM (it is my time). Time difference between us is 8 hours , that is why for you it will be SUNDAY from 7AM till 7PM (your time!). All this time I will be waiting for your call. I gave you this long period of time , because we are very far from each other , and if you will have problems with connection please try to dial my number till we will connect. I will be waiting for your call with impatience , it will be very nice to talk!
Sorry for short message , but I do not have time to write more at this time. Have a nice weekend! I will be waiting for your call.
Letter 6
Hello John. How are you?
I am fine.
John first of all I want say that it was great to talk to you on past weekend! I was very happy to talk to you and I want say that I like your voice very much. Now I am waiting for our next talk!:)
Yesterday , on monday , I was very busy , I had a lot of work and I had serious meeting in job service , that is why I had not free time and I was not able to write you yesterday.
Yesterday after I arrived to Minsk from Brest , first of all I went to job service. I spent several hours there and now I have a lot of news and details about my move to Chicago. First of all I want say that I will arrive to Chicago on 25 of February.
Now I will write all flight details. I will depart from Minsk and I will use Austrian Airlines. It will be long flight and I will have two stops , in Vienna and in Washington.
I will depart from Minsk International 2 Airport at 5.25AM on 25 of February (Minsk time) and I will arrive to Vienna at 6.25AM (Vienna time) on 25 of February (flight number OS 690).
Then , I will depart from Vienna at 10.40AM on 25 of February (Vienna time) and I will arrive to Washington Dulles Airport at 2.50PM(Washington time) on 25 of February(flight number OS 93).
Then , I will depart from Washington at 5.25PM on 25 of February (Washington time) and I will arrive to Chicago O'Hare Airport at 6.40PM on 25 of February (Chicago time).
So , I will arrive to Chicago at 6.40PM on Saturday 25 of February. My flight number from Washington to Chicago is OS 7915 and I will arrive to Terminal 1.
Now , more details about my arrival and interviews with families...When I will arrive to Chicago woman who work for job service (representative of job service) will meet me in airport , and also she will drive me to hotel where I will stay for first days. Also this woman will drive me to my interviews with families. And only after interviews , after I will decide in which family I will stay to work - I will move from hotel to house of family where I will work. I think that it will take 4-5 days to choose family , and during this time I will stay in hotel. I will find out name of hotel in the middle of February.
My interviews with familes will start only on Monday 27 of February. That is why after I will arrive to Chicago I will be free till 27 of February , I will be free on Saturday 25 of February and on Sunday 26 of February. Woman who will meet me in airport will drive me to hotel and after that she will leave me there , and I will see her again only on Monday 27 of February , on Monday 27 of February she will come to hotel and will drive me to my interviews. I think that it is very good that I will be free on 25 and 26 of February , it was very good news for me.
Now , when I know date and time of my arrival to Chicago I have question for you...Will you be able to meet me in airport when I will arrive on Saturday 25 of February? I hope you will be able. I think it will be great and I will be very glad to see you. What do you think?
It was all news about my move to Chicago. Now when I know date of my arrival I feel myself very happy , only 31 days and I will be in Chicago!
Today is tuesday , and today morning I talked with my boss in music agency office. He told me that he already have woman who will work instead of me, he told that she is very good pianist. I hope she will be good teacher for my students. He will introduce her to me tomorrow and also tomorrow he will tell me date when I will finish my work in his music agency.
On 4 of February will be birthday of my grandma Alexandra , she will become 83. That is why now I am thinking about my present for her. I am going to buy good DVD player for her , she like to watch films and that is why I think that DVD player will be good present for her. And also I will buy good collection of old French and Itallian films. She like old films very much , and old French and old Itallian films are her most favorite. Her birthday is very special day for me and I will try to make it very happy for her , now I do not sure what I will do , but I have some time to think about it.
It was all for today , I need to end my letter now. I will be waiting for your letter with great impatience and I will check my mail tomorrow evening.
Best regards. Write me soon! Mila.
Letter 7
Hello John! How are you?
I am fine. The weather became little bit warmer here , and it is very good , because past week it was too cold.
Wednesday and thursday I was very busy , it seem to me that my boss decided to keep me very busy till my last day of work in his agency. One pianist from our music agency got cold , and boss asked me to work instead of him , that is why on wednesday and thursday evenings I played with 3 other musicians in restaurant.
On wednesday morning I had serious meeting with my boss , we talked about my last day of work. After our talk we both decided that I will finish my work in his agency on monday 6 of February. It is very conveniently for me and I am very glad with result of our meeting. So, 6 of February will be my last day of work , and it means that next week will be my last work week.
Also , on wednesday my boss introduced me to woman who will work instead of me after 6 of February. Her name is Valeria , she is little bit older then me. We talked a little bit with her and it seem to me that she is very good and wise person, and I understood that she is very good pianist. On monday 30 of January we will start to work together , we will work together all next week. She will be with me at all my lessons and I will introduce her to all my students. It will be serious work , because I will need to tell her all about each student, I will need to show her all my methods of work with them, it will be not easy. I hope Valeria will be good teacher for my students , I hope she know how to work with children and I hope she love children , because it is very important in my job. I think that teacher must understand his students, teacher must respect students , teacher and student must work together, it is most important. I always try to make all my lessons very interesting , and I know that my students like my lessons and they are always waiting for new lessons. From my side I will help to Valeria as much as I will be able, I will do all what I can , and I hope that she will become good teacher for my students and I hope that my students will like her.
It will be not easy for me to leave my small students. Most of them I know for a very long time, I teached them as good as I was able , I worked very hard...and now I need to leave them. It is little bit sad for me. Most of them are very talented children , and they have all chances to become great pianists. Who know , maybe one day in future one of them will become famouse pianist ,and maybe in future I will open music magazine or newspaper and will read about him or her , if it will happen I will be very proud , it will be best pay for my work . Life is very amazing and all can happen! Their future in their hands. :)
You know, I decided to visit my grandma Tatsiana in Sysanino , in Russia. Very soon I will move to US and that is why I do not know when I will be able to see her again , and that is why I decided to visit her before I will leave Belarus, it is very important for me. I decided to visit her after I will finish my work in music agency , I will go to Sysanino on 7 of February. I will stay there for 3 days and on 10 of February I will come back to Belarus. I will go there by train or by bus, I did not decide about it yet. My grandma Tatsiana will be very happy to see me.
After 10 of February , after I will come back from Sysanino , I will go to Brest , and I will stay in Brest with my grandma Alexandra till 24 of February.
On next week I will need to move all my things from Minsk apartment to apartment of my grandma Alexandra in Brest. It will be not easy and now I am thinking about best way to move all my things to Brest. I think that I will hire small truck , that is why on monday I will buy some newspapers with advertisements and will find good transportation service, I think it will be best way to move my things. I talked with owner of Minsk apartment , and I told her that on 6 of February I will leave her apartment. She told me that she already have new tenants.
John I am very happy that you will be able to meet me in airport , it is great! Do not worry about that woman who will meet me in airport too, she only drive me to hotel and I will have short talk with her and after that I will be free till monday 27 of February.
John, when I will have more time I will write you all about my work in Germany and England , I will tell you why I did not continue to work there , it is very long story and it will take a lot of time to write about it. Ok?
Today is friday and today evening I will go to Brest to visit my grandma Alexandra, as usually. I will be very happy if you will call me. And I will be waiting for your call on Sunday from 7AM till 7PM (YOUR TIME!!!). I will be waiting for your call with great impatience! I cant wait to talk to you!:)
So, I need to end my letter at this time. I wish you to have great weekend and I will be waiting for your call with great impatience!
Have a nice weekend! Mila.
Letter 8
Hello dear John! How are you?
I am fine. The weather is good here , it is not cold.
John I was very happy to talk to you on past weekend!
This week is my last work week, that is why it will be busy time for me.Yesterday, on monday, I started to work with Valeria. All is very good and now I do not worry about my students, because I am sure that Valeria will be very good teacher for them. I saw that she know how to work with children , she know how to make lessons interesting , it seem to me that she like to teach , and it is very important. And it seem to me that my students like her. I will give to Valeria my email adress and will ask her to write me sometime about my students and about their successes, I think that it is good idea. On friday will be my last work day with my students and I will tell them "good bye" , it will be little bit sad day for me.
Also , yesterday, after I came back to Minsk from Brest , I bought several newspapers with advertisements. I found good transportation service and I called them from street phone. I told them my situation and they told me that I need to hire small truck, they told that it will be best way to move my things from Minsk to Brest. Tommorow morning I will visit this service and will talk with them about all details. I think that I will move my things on friday , it will be best day for it.
I started to pack my things yesteday evening. Do you know how my apartment looks like now?... now my apartment looks like after tornado! :) I never thought that I have so many things that I do not need , now I understood it! I will need to finish my packing till friday.
Tomorrow I will visit several shops and I will buy DVD player for my grandma Alexandra. And also I will need to find her favorite Italian and French films , it will not be a problem , because I know one very good shop with old films , and I am sure that I will find all what I need there. I am sure it will be good birthday present for her and she will like it.
This weekend will be very important and special for me , birthdays of my grandma Alexandra are always important days for me. I will try to do all to make my grandma Alexandra happy on her birthday. Tomorrow morning I will call her from street phone and she will tell me how many guests she will have on her birthday on this weekend , and after that I will make good plan about what I will do for her and what I will cook on this weekend.
By the way , here is link of web site of Austrian Airlines: You can find there my fligh information , just write "from Minsk to Chicago on 25 of February" and you will see my flight and all details about it.
Ok, I need to end my letter now, my time in internet cafe is over and I need to go. I will be waiting for your letter with great impatience! This week will be busy for me , but I will find time to write you. Write me soon!
I am thinking about you...
Have a nice day! Mila.
Letter 9
Hello my dear John! How are you?
I am fine.
Today is Friday and you can congratulate me! My last work week is over! When I think about it I become very happy , because it was really very busy week for me and I feel myself like squeezed lemon after it. Only on monday I will need to come to music agency office again , I will need to meet with bookkeeper and to sign several documents , it will take 2-3 hours only and after that I will be 100% free.
Yesterday evening I finished my packing , I packed all my things in boxes and yesterday evening they was ready for move. On wednesday I visited transportation service and after talk with manager , I hired small truck with driver and one loader. I think it is most convinient way for me to move things to long distance.
Today morning, at 7AM , small truck was waiting for me near house where I rent apartment. Driver and loader moved all boxes with my things from my apartment to truck. They moved all boxes very carefuly and I was very glad about it , and I hope that all my things will be ok after trip from Minsk to Brest. At 8.30AM truck departed to Brest. Driver of truck told me that it usually takes 4.5-5 hours to get to Brest by his truck. I hope that when I will come to Brest tomorrow early morning I will find all my things in good condition.
Tomorrow will be birthday of my grandma Alexandra. On wednesday I visited several shops and I bought good DVD player for her. It was not easy for me to choose what player to buy , because there were many different good models in shop, but I told to manager of shop that I need DVD player for my grandma and he showed me several models. Finally , I decided to by Sony DVD player model DVP LS755P, I think I did right choise. This DVD player is very simple in use and I hope my grandma Alexandra will not have problems with it. On this weekend I will show to her how to use it , and also I will write small instruction for her. I will write to writing book all most important things about how to use this DVD player and if she will forget something she will be able to open this writing book and to read what she want to know , I think it will help her. What do you think? I think it is good idea.
Also I bought for her very good collection with her most favorite old Italian and French films , all films translated to russian language. And also I bought several good old russian films for her too , I am sure grandma Alexandra will like this films too.
I am very glad that I found all what I wanted to buy for my grandma Alexandra on her birthday. I am sure that she will like my birthday present for her. Tomorrow she will get her present and I am sure she will be very happy, I cant wait for this moment!:)
Yesterday I called to grandma Alexandra from street public phone , and we talked about this weekend. She was very happy on phone and she told me that her very good friends will come to visit her on her birthday on this weekend. Their names are Elena and Stanislav , they are husband and wife. They are from Tver , it is Russia. They know each other for more then 30 years and they are very good friends. They did not see each other for 7 years and that is why my grandma Alexandra is very happy that they will come to visit her , it seem to me that for her it will be most happies moment of her birthday. They will not be able to come on saturday , but they will come on sunday very early morning. I know that my grandma Alexandra will be very happy to see them and I am very grateful to them for their visit. They will come to Brest by train and I will meet them at train station on sunday early morning.
So, on this weekend I will have two birthday party for my grandma Alexandra. On saturday I will make birthday dinner only for her and me , it will be familly dinner and we will have a lot of things to talk about. I will cook for her her most favorite food and I will bake her most favorite cake Napoleon. And on Sunday I will make second birthday dinner for her and her friends , Elena and Stanislav. Elena and Stanislav will stay in Brest with my grandma Alexandra for several days.
I hope my grandma Alexandra will be very happy on this weekend and I will do all for it.
By the way , I have present for you! But I will not tell you what is it , because it is surprise and you will see it only when you will get it when we will meet. So , do not ask me about , because I will not tell you , it is BIG secret! But I am sure that you will like "it".
Also I have very good news about my trip to Sysanino. I have friend , her name is Natalia , we know each other for very long time and she work in music agency too. She have car (red Mazda 626) and in past she gave me her car several times , she trust me and I trust her too. I talked with her on wednesday and when I told her that I will go to Sysanino on 7 of February to visit my grandma Tatsiana , she told me that I can take her car if I want. It was very good news for me and ofcourse I agreed to take her car. It will be very convenient for me to go to Sysanino by car. Without car it would be little bit difficult to get to Sysanino , because at first I would need to go by train or bus to St.Peterburg , and from St.Peterburg I would need to go to Sysanino by another bus. But with car my trip will be very pleasant , because with car I will be able to drive directly to Sysanino. I am very glad that Natalia will give me her car, because it will make my trip much easy.
So , on next week , on tuesday 7 of February , I will go to Sysanino by car. It will take 11-12 hours to get there by car. And I will come back from Sysanino to Minsk on friday 10 of February , I will give car back to Natalia and after that I will go to Brest. I will stay in Brest with my grandma Alexandra till 24 of February , it will be great time and I will have good rest.
After this weekend I will come back to Misnk , because as I told you in the begining of my letter I will need to visit music agency office again on Monday. And also on Monday evening I will need to give back keys from apartment to owner of apartment.
John I am waiting for end of this month too , because I am waiting for our meeting with great impatience. You asked what I would like to do when I will arrive? I think that at first I would like to see Chicago for a little bit , I know that there are many interesting places in Chicago.
This weekend will be very special for me and I will be very happy if you will call me! I will be waiting for your call on Sunday from 7AM till 7PM (your time). I will be very happy to talk to you and I will be waiting for your call with great impatinece, and I hope phone connection will be good.
Well , I wrote long letter at this time , I would like to write more , but I need to go. I wish you to have nice weekend and I will be waiting for your call. Have a nice weekend.
I am thinking about you... Kiss. Your Mila
Letter 10
Hello my dear John! How are you?
I am fine.
Today is wednesday and I am writing this letter from St.Peterburg! The weather is very cold here , it is much colder then in Belarus.
My trip to Sysanino was great and I did not have problems. Most of time I listened music and radio , I took with me several my most favorite CD's. You know, I like long trips, because in long trips we have a lot of time to think... And at this trip I had a lot of time to think about all... I thought a lot about my life , about you and about us , about my future move to US, I had enough time to think about all and it is good. I did two stops during my trip and I arrived to Sysanino yesterday after 8PM.
I cant discribe how happy I was yesterday when I saw my grandma Tatsiana! And she was very happy to see me too , as usually. It was great to see her smile and her happy face. I was tired after long trip , but when I saw my grandma Tatsiana I forgot about my tiredness. We did not see each other for a long time and we had a lot of things to talk about , that is why we talked till late night. I told her about all news in my life , and she told me a lot of things too. It is a pity that I cant visit her often.
Today morning I got up very early and I felt myself very good. You know, air in Sysanino is very fresh , and nature is very beautiful here, especially on summers. It is very quiet place and sometimes it seem to me that time has stoped in Sysanino. It is very beautiful place and I like to visist it. You would like it too , I am sure in it. Maybe one day in future we will visit Sysanino together , who know? Life is amazing!
At morning I helped to my grandma Tatsiana, I helped her to clean her house and we made good dinner. After that I drived to St.Peterburg. In St.Peterburg I visited drugstore , where I bought vitamins and some medicaments for grandma Tatsiana , she is old and she need vitamins. Also I bought some clothes for her. And after that , I found internet cafe , it was very easy , because there are many internet cafes in St.Peterburg. So, now I am sitting and writing this letter to you.:)
As I told in the begining of my letter , it is very cold here. I hope I will not become Snow-Woman.:) St.Peterburg is great city , and there are many interesting places here , but it is better to visit it on summers.
Tomorrow will be my last day in Sysanino and on Friday I will come back to Belarus. I think that I will depart from Sysanino on Friday at 6AM , and that is why I think that I will arrive to Minsk on Friday evening after 7PM. In Minsk I will give back car to Natalia and after that I will go back to Brest by train. I will write you from Minsk on Friday evening before I will go to Brest.
John , you can write my full name with adress of my grandma Alexandra. Or , here is full name of grandma Alexandra:
Alexandra Dydko. (she is mother of my mother , that is why we have different last names).
You know , past time I thought about you a lot. It seem to me that I know you all my life, I cant explain it , but I feel that I can trust you. I am very happy that you came in my life. And I am waiting for our meeting with great impatience.
Well , I cant write more now , I need to go back to Sysanino, because Grandma Tatsiana is waiting for me. I will write you on Friday after I will come back to Minsk.
I am thinking about you...
With tender kiss. Your Mila.
Letter 11
Hello my dear John. How are you? Today is Friday , but I still did not come back to Belarus. I need to stay in Sysanino for few more days. Sorry for this short message , but I do not have time to write more now. I will write you as soon as I will be able.
I am thinking about you. Tender kiss. Your Mila
Letter 12
Hello my dear John. How are you?
I am not very good. Today is Monday and I write you from St.Peterburg. Sorry for my short message on friday , but I did not write you more , because I did not want to make you sad.
As you know , on Friday early morning I wanted to go back to Belarus from Sysanino. All was good and on Friday early morning , at 6AM I told "good bye" to my grandma Tatsiana , after that I sat in car and leaved Sysanino. At first I drove to gas station near St.Peterburg, at gas station I filled up car with gasoline and bought some food and juice for me. After that I was ready for my trip back to Belarus and I drove from gas station. I still can't understand how it happened... but not far from gas station I did not notice car in front of me and my car crashed into that car , it was green BMW. I do not know why it happened , maybe I was tired and that is why I did not notice that car in front of me, or because road was slippery , I still cant understand it , but I know that it was my fault. First minutes I was in shock and did not understand what happened. It was terrible. After that I left car and I saw driver of green BMW , he was very angry and he shouted at me, but I can understand him. I tried to talk with him , and I told him that it is good that we was not hurt , and also I told him that he do not need to worry because I will pay him for repair of his car , but he did not want to listen to me. I looked at cars, and I saw that car of Natalia had several damage in front part , but I saw that damage was not very seriouse, and it is good. But when I looked at green BWM , I saw that it have a lot of damage in back part. But anyway I was glad that nobody was hurt , it is most important. After some time road servise arrived to place of acident. They talked with me and with owner of BMW , and they wrote several documents. I did not deny that it was my fault , because it was obvious.I told that ofcourse I agree to pay for repair of BMW.
After that we drove to St.Peterburg , where we visited car's repair shop. Wokers from repair shop looked at BMW , they checked all and they told that it will cost 1300 us dollars to repair it. We talked a little bit more, I told to owner of BMW that it is ok and that I will pay it. I told him that I cant pay right now , because I did not have money with me, I told that I need 1-2 days. He was little bit angry again , but he agreed with me, and we decided that we will meet in this repair shop on Monday morning at 8AM.
After that I wrote you that sort mesage from internet cafe in St.Peterburg , and I hope that now you understand why I did not wrote all this to you , because I did not want to make you sad. Then I came back to Sysanino. My grandma Tatsiana was very surprised when she saw me again , but when she understood all she became very sad , it was very terrible for me , because I cant see her sad. She love me very much and she worry about me a lot. But I explained her that it is not too serious , it is simple car acident and that I will solve this problem.
I had 500 us dollars , and that is why I decided to contact with my friends in Minsk and Brest , and ask them to borrow me rest of amount that I need to pay for repair of BMW. I had weekend for it , and that is why I did not worry a lot. On saturday early morning I came back to St.Peterburg. I contacted to all my friends in Minsk and Brest, and explained them my situation , it took all weekend. But I got not good result , some of them told me that they do not have money now , and some of them told me that they want to help me , but cant do it now. I was very sad , because I helped most of them many times in my life , and I did not expect it from them now. I was very sad about it , because it showed me a lot. It is a pity that I cant contact that woman from Poland who will buy my piano. I think that this weekend was most terrible weekend in my life, and I tired very much. On sunday evening when I came back to Sysanino from St.Peterburg , I felt myself very terrible , it seemed to me that life is over , and I was very sad. I did not sleep all night , because I thought about my meeting with owner of BMW , I thought about what I will tell him on monday morning. Life is very difficult , all was great , I was very happy past weeks ... and in one minute all changed. Why it happened with me? I asked myself about it many times. And I did not find answers. Everytime I am very careful on road, it is my rule, and I cant understand why I did not notice that car.
Today is Monday , and at early morning I come back to St.Peterburg. At 8AM I came to repair shop , owner of BMW allready was waiting for me there, at this time he was not alone, he was with his wife. I explained them my situation, I told them that I cant pay them all amount now , I told them that I can pay them 500 us dollars now, and that I will pay other part little bit later , I explained them that they need to wait for a little bit more. When they heard it , they become very angry , they begun to shout at me. I tryed to explain them all , but it seem to me that it is not possible , because it is very difficult to talk with them. They told me that they will not take 500 us dollars , they told that they need all amount. They told that they will go to curt, because they do not want to belive me. When I heard it I became very sad, I did not need any problems now , because soon will be my trip and it can break all my plans. I tried to explain them all , and I told them that I do not need any problems now. I asked them to wait for a little bit more. They did not take 500 us dollars , and man told me that he can give me time till friday , and that if I will not pay him till friday he will go to curt , and will not talk with me anymore again, because he do not want to risk. Ofcourse I can understand them in this situation , and I am glad that they gave me time till friday , anyway it is better then nothing. I feel myself very bad after meeting with them, and I am very tired now.
After my meeting with them I though a lot. I thought about what I can do now. I do not need any problems now , because it can break my plans. I get all thigs ready to my move to Chicago , it was not easy and it took a lot of time. If I will not go to Chicago now , it will take a lot of time to get all things ready again , 5-6 monthes. I do not want to wait again!And I lost my work in Minsk , I cant come back there again. I feel myself very terrible when I think about it.
It is very hard for me to write all this to you. But I hope that you will understand me. Do not know how to start, but I want tell you that I decided to ask you for help. I though about it and I know that I do not have other ways. I decided to ask you to borrow me 800 us dollars. I will give you all money back , I swear! I am woman of my word. When I worked in Germany , several times I sent money to my grandma Alexandra in Brest, to send money I used WesternUnion service , it is very fast and very easy. You can use it too. To send money you need my full name , name of town and name of country where I will get money. Here it is:
My full name: Liudmila Krylova
Town: St.Peterburg
Country: Russia
When you will send money , WesternUnion will give you 10 digits number , and you will need to send this number to me , because I will need it to get money here. Also , I will need your full name too , and your full adress, please write it to me without errors, because I want be sure that I have it correct.
I will send you money back on 21 of February when I will get my pay for my piano. Or, I can give it back when we will meet. I will do how it will be better for you.
I hate myself that I wrote you all this , but I do not have other ways and I hope you will understand me. Please write me as soon as you will be able, because I will be waiting for your answer here.
Sorry for this sad letter... Kiss. Your Mila
  
Popova (Cheboksary, Chuvashia, Russia)
I'm 42 yrs old divorced male from UK. I was a member of "Dating" where I first made contact whith this "lady" on the 3th of February and i
got the first reply on the 5th. The first few letter was the normal,
telling me where she lived and about her family. It dint take long to
start talking about wanting to come to visit me and asking me for help. That was
the 23rd of February. 20 days later. to be honest; , she sounded so nice
I agreed to help her with some expenses without realising that it would
become 1000`s of dollars. When she asked for the last 2500" and i refused, i
have never heard from her again. I have reported this scam to Dating
Since then I had a looked in "Dating" and she still there but
with different pictures. Nothing like the ones she sent me. Luis C.
Letter 1
Hello my new friend .
Thank you very much for your letter. Your letter has brought me
happiness to be honest, I was not sure, whether you are going to
respond, and receiving your letter a was pleasant surprise . I
will like to ask you something in these early stages of our
friendship. Please never apologize to me or try to be kind by
not asking me the things you want to ask. I am very straight
forward and spontaneous. I believe in friendship shall be no
boundaries and no offence in any question between two friends
otherwise they will not be friends. Please don’t feel bad asking
any question you may have and I will do the same. I have no
problem answering you and if I ever do I will kindly tell you
and I will feel free to ask you anything and everything and if
something I do if bothers you please tell me. My name Tatyana. I live
in Russia. I never travelled outside of Russia .
Likely you heard about Russia. It is the biggest on the area the
country and the richest on natural resources. Russia settles
down from the East up to Europe and consequently the climate
here is very various. I live in city Choboksary. It is big city,
but here it is very beautiful. Our city recognize as
non-polluting city because here it is a lot of trees and not
enough heavy industry. I do not love more city because there it is
a lot of noise, dirty and it is too many vanity. I hope, that
you agree with me. Cheboksary is a capital of republic Chuvashia.
You sometime heard about Chuvashia. Cheboksary are 700
kilometers from Moscow. I never was in Moscow, but I know, that
Moscow is the big and beautiful city. I Russian on a
nationality. I to study the English language at school of 7 years. I
can speak, write, read in English. Though, you may notice, that
I should in many respects be learned, that it is good to be able
to communicate in English. I think, that you may understand that
I write you, but value of some words may change. I likely should
inform you about my appearance. I have a harmonous figure.I have
growth 5.7. My weight 125. I have dark-blonde hair and brown
eyes. I do not smoke and I do not drink. I never tried any kind
of drugs.I don't have tattooes. I healthy in general. I have an
own apartment in Cheboksary and I live one. My father has died,
and my mum lives near me in an own apartment. I have no neither
brothers, nor sisters. In 1997 I have finished high school and
further studied at university. In 2002 I have finished
Cheboksarish Pedagogical University. I am the ecologist on
education. I studied 5 years, but unfortunately I might not find work
on my speciality. But I have found other work. I am the tutor in
a kindergarten. Now I don't have boyfriend and don't have any
serious relations. I never be married and I don't have children.
I like to go to cinema, theatre, a museum, and also constantly
to test new
sensations. I like to go to restaurants, dancing clubs, on
carnivals to play tennis, in desktop games, to float in pool. I
love romanticism to go to campaigns, to photograph, prepare for
a meal, to talk to people. Basically, me all the same than to be
If to like me the person we simply may laugh together or talk.
To like me any music. I think, that each music has the advantages.
I do not drink much, only in the certain cases. And still, I
well am going and I make massage. I was good myself I feel in
such subjects, as: the English language, philosophy and a
history also I understand in them well enough. I a romantic
nature and I believe in old-fashioned love. I am capable to
contain family, am reliable, devoted,organized and in the answer
I wait for the same. I can care of people, irrespective of who
Before me: the partner, the spouse or children. I can count that
is necessary for them now or it will be necessary in the future.
Also, I would like to tell, that I am very fair and fair also I
treat people how I want, that they concerned to me. When I love
someone, I accept both good and bad. The majority of people forget
about good and pay attention only on bad. I do not think, that
it is
correct. I think, that the present love should undergo both good
times and bad. And when you devote yourself to someone you
should make all from you dependent that all was good. And to not
throw everything if, something goes not as it would be desirable. Here
it is very hard to find the person who would divide these ideas. But I
do not leave hope to meet related soul because I believe in true
love. For the first letter, I think, that it is enough. I yet have
not told you, that I do not have own computer. I should go in
Internet - cafe to write to you the letter. Sometimes I can not
go in Internet - cafe and
consequently, you should understand, that I can not answer your
letters at once. I need some time to answer the letter. I want, that
you wrote to me each day. If you somewhere leave, inform me it
that I did not worry. At me to you the small request. Please
inform me slightly about itself. I hope, that we may develop our
I wait for your answer.
Your friend Tatyana.
After few emails back and forth, she sent this one
Letter 2
Hello my love Luis.
My dear I is glad to see your fine letter again. I long waited
for it and at last that I to designate the letter. My love of
thank you that you will help me with payment of all
charges what I might to arrive to you. I will be happy that soon
we together. It approximately in 2 weeks. Now I can not present
myself at all that soon we shall
together. My love, today I to go to travel agency and to learn about
my trip to you.
And I am very happy that that have told me. I can arrive without
problems to you to
England. The visa, the passport both medical insurance and
inspection will be necessary for this purpose for me. It will be very
good if I shall arrive to you to England and it does for me a
lot of happiness. Therefore I want to arrive to you to England
and am completely ready. Also in agency to me have told about
cost of the documents necessary that I might arrive to you. I
have learned the following things. The tourist visa to me costs
250 $. Term of registration 7-10 working days. The visa to
receive simply enough. The following documents are necessary for
this purpose. The first passport for travel abroad for not less
than for 90 days - 120 $! Second two color photos The third copier of
all internal pages of the passport. The fourth biographical
particulars! The fifth reference with the instruction of a post
and the salary. Further the medical insurance - 90 $ is
necessary Registration of the visa is incured with a travel
company. But at desire it is possible it to engage most. All
expenses apparently will make 460 $. It is the information concerning
the visa of the passport and all documentation. I can receive
all these documents without problems. Only money are necessary
for this purpose for me. When you can help me with money for
purchase these of documents? My dear I it is very happy that I
to find you and who is not necessary for me any more except for
you. Therefore I any more a member on DatingDirect. You may inform
me where you to find my structure? Because I already to delete
my structure. My dear I shall be glad to lead with you
remarkable time together. My dear we with you shall carry out a
lot of time together. I dream of those days when we shall be
together. Ideas about you do not leave my head!And it comes to
an end the good arrangement of my spirit! I frequently present,
as your lips softly concern my lips!!! We leave this world, and
us carries away in eternity! I so love this feeling! This
feeling you has presented me! My feelings to you grow with
quickly ordinary force! I so am grateful to destiny, that we had
a meeting in Internet. It has caused to opening in me of new
magnificent feelings! And it does my life, more beautiful and
desirable. I think, that you will do me by the happiest woman in
the world. I do not have words to express all feelings to you, I
so would like to tell you, that I thirst for you and I wish
constantly. But I do not know as I shall tell to you it when we
shall meet. I would like, that you would touch me gently me gently and
tenderly, kissed all my body and lips burning from desire, but I
do not know when it will take place. I Want to thaw in your hands as a
piece of ice on the hot sun. To whisper to you words of
love which would raise our bodies, I want to be given you all
completely and nothing to
leave to myself. I want, what yours gentle hands studied all my
body and to burn down in them from desire. I know only one you
will present me many happiness and love. Now I shall finish to
write to you this letter. I tomorrow all day shall sit in the
Internet of cafe and to wait for your answer. My love I to think of
you each minute. With love always yours Tatyana.
Millions kisses.
I sent her the 460$ she asked for
Letter 3
Hello my love Luis.
My prince, I am happy to receive your letter. I am well and my
mood is delightful. Today we have taken the first step towards
each other. We have made a step to our meeting in
real life. My prince, I wants to inform you, that I already to
receive money which you have sent me for the visa. Besides I
already went today to travel agency took money. Today day when I
started process of my visa. My visa should be ready in 10 days.
This time, which is required to prepare all necessary documents and in
10 days I shall have the visa in my hands. My love, we have 10
days to prepare other things for our meeting. In 1-2 days, I
shall go again in travel agency and to look flights to you.
After that I can inform you the information on flight. My love,
you should inform me the nearest airport to yours city. I shall
require the following information: the name of city and the name
of the airport. Please inform me this information in the
following letter. My prince when we only have started our
relations, I at once felt, that our relations will be a success.
I felt, that it is destiny that we have met each other in the
Internet. I am right!!! Now I know, that we shall be happy together. I
am boundless I love you. I never had such strong
feelings to the man, am similar to those feelings which I have
to you. My heart is filled love to you. My soul sings songs of
love. We always shall be together. I never shall leave you for
another the man. Please trust me. I speak you the truth. My
words go from my heart. My prince, I wish you good time and I
with impatience shall wait for your
letter. Your princess forever Tatyana.
Letter 4
Hello my love Luis.
My dear I is happy to receive your letter.I can not believe that
soon we shall together.
And it does to me a lot of happiness. My love I understand you
that those tickets that I to write to you very expensive.
Therefore today I again to go to agency and to ask that they to
find for me c heaper tickets. And the agent to find it for me. he has
told that there are cheaper tickets. They will cost 700 dollars.
I thinking that on much less than was before. Whether I also ask
the agent about that you for me may to buy tickets on the
personal computer. he has told that not probably. As I to
conclude the contract with travel agency and I should buy
tickets from them for cash money. I think that you to understand me.
My dear I understand your anxiety that I can deceive you.
Therefore as soon as I shall receive the visa I shall send you
her copy. That you to be convinced that I really want to arrive
to you. I do not have not what desire and sense that you to
deceive. Because I love you and at you the charming son. I think
that we will be excellent family when I shall arrive to you. My love
today I to write a poem for you.
Love flows gently into my heart,
Like a tranquil flowing stream,
Everything seems so surreal,
It's like I'm living in a dream...
Once I was fragile like a flower,
And so uncertain all the time,
But love came into bloom,
And my life began to shine...
For so long I had been searching,
For true love to come my way,
I just knew you were the one,
Right from the very first day...
Your love was unexpected,
It was a wonderful surprise,
So much love I was now seeing,
As I looked deep into your eyes...
It is a beautiful poem. This poem describes my feelings to you.
I write you the letter
and I show you my feelings in a word. But I so want to show you
my feelings in real
life much. I want, that you felt a touch of my hands, felt heat
of my body, heard my
gentle voice, smelt my pleasant smell, enjoyed sweet of my lips,
might see me each day and have many fun and love together. My
prince, I want it and I know, that you also
want it. My love to you is pure, similarly to tear of the child.
My intentions to you are serious, I want to be together with you
for ever. My feelings to you are real, my heart prompts me. My
prince, my mum speaks you greetings. It possible sometime she
also can see you in real life. My mum remain here not one. She
remain together with her mum, that is my grandmother. Now my
grandmother lives in a village but when I shall move to you my
grandmother will move to my mum. I shall miss my mum and my
grandmother. I love them. I with impatience shall wait for your
letter. I love you all heart.
Your princess Tatyana.
Like a fool, I sent her another 700$
Letter 5
Hello my sweet Luis.
My love I is glad to see your letter. I am sorry for my last
letter. It was check. After I to send you this letter for the
first time you to not react to him. And to write why I to you to
not write. I to think that it is possible to not receive you
this letter. I think that you me to understand and forgive me
for this letter. But it was necessity. My dear I understand that you
had some problems with the Western Union. I believe that to tell
you that I scam. It so? Inform me. I want to know that they to
tell you. But I want you to tell that I NOT SCAM. I want to tell
you that I really you to like and want to arrive to you, to see you.
My dear I with pleasure shall answer your questions.
1. Tatyana Popova
Sovetskay str.48-54
Cheboksary, Chuvashia
2. My dear my visa and the passport will be ready March, 20 on
Monday. And I shall fly to you March, 21 to Tuesday. But all
over again I should pay tickets. And it is necessary for me for this
purpose 700 dollars. I to write to you about it in the last
Therefore I ask you to send me money on Monday that I might take
off to you in time.
3. Length of my visa of 90 days.
4. My dear you may not send money to agency. The agency accepts
only cash. With a view of safety. I ask you it to understand. I
think that you to learn all that you to interest. And I hope
that I to meet you on this Tuesday.
y prince I to not decide not concerning my arrival you.I love
you. I feel, that you are very
sincere person and I like,that you show me your feelings. For me so
it is important to know, that you love me, that you want me in
your life, that I am in your heart. My prince, you believe in
destiny?I believe in destiny because I feel, that we have not
casually met with each other. Things do not happen casually. I
am sure, that the God has connected our hearts. The god has
helped us to meet each other and it is the most important. We many
miles far apart are. But our hearts and our souls are together. The
god has shown us a way to each other. The god has given us
chance for happy life and we used our chance. I sincerely with
all my heart speak you: I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. I LOVE YOU. We
have not met yet in real life, but I have to you real feelings,
real words and serious intentions. My prince when we shall be together
my feelings will not disappear, and my feelings become stronger.
Life may give us difficulty, but together we shall cope with any
difficulty. We shall create an own spiritual world which will be
filled with love, tenderness, care, fun. We is separable from us
bad things. My prince, I know, that you will be never
disappointed by me. I never shall give you of an occasion that
you might be disappointed in me. There will be no reason that
you were disappointed in me. I am sure, that I shall not be
disappointed in you. You are MY PRINCE FOR EVER. In my breast
beats heart and when I think of you my heart beats faster. My
intimate impacts become more often, because in my heart it is a
lot of love. My heart belongs to you,
my love in my heart due to you. Due to you I am now very happy.
Mine prince, will go time, will pass year, decade, eternity, but
fire in my heart will not go out never. This fire was kindled by
you and our love we shall support fire in my heart always. My
sweet prince, I already should go home. I shall wait for your
letter, your sweet words.
I love you. I send you one million air kisses.
Your sweet princess Tatyana.
Letter 6
Hello my true love, Luis.
My dear thank you for money for tickets. I to want you to inform
that today I to receive your money. Also today I to receive the
visa and the passport. Now I can fly to you at any time. My love
inform me exact date when I can fly to you. That I might order
tickets already. My dear I is very happy that we at last soon
shall together.Your words are music to my ears,so gentle and
caring, and filled with love, they put a song in my heart.I do
not know how I ever survived without you,I do know that I shall
not want to go on without you, I need you in my life, I love
you!!!! I miss you!!!!! I wish we were already together, each
day without you seems an eternity, not being able to hold you, to
whisper in your ear of the love I have for you, I want so much
to be with you, words fail to describe the incredible love of
ours. I could tell you for hours on end of the love I have for
you, it is so strong and never ending, I find that I now look forward
to what awaits for me in the future because you are their with me,
because of your love, you have made the days of dreading the
tomorrows disappear. I want only to make you happy, to dance with you
in times of joy, comfort you in times of sorrow, make love to
you in times of heated passion, to care for you when you are
hurt, to make the trouble of the world vanish and fill your
heart with my love. I sometimes wonder if you will become
disappointed with things after we are united. I only hope that
the love we have shall overcome the trying times, because I love you
so very much and do not wish to ever loose you. I have a dream
of us, I see us as we sit upon the automobile to see the sights
of where you live, to feel the freedom of the open road as it
courses through our
bodies, not knowing where the journey will take us, not caring
as long as we are together, the smell of summer is in the air
and the wind brushes our hair, you show me the beauty of the
mountains, and the wonders of the lakes and streams around us. We stop
close to the shore of the lake so that we might cool ourselves in the
refreshing waters, we laugh as we childishly play in the cool waters,
then we come to rest upon the beach to take in the beauty that
surrounds us, the moon glows and the stars blanket us, I lay next to
you, to warm you, as your body glistens from the cool nights swim, I
kiss you as I look deeply into your loving eyes, your heart
warms me as it beats next to mine, your love is so tender yet so
passionate, we melt into each others arms as we become one, I feel
that I can not get enough of you, every minute with you is a new
and wondrous minute, I wish to give you pleasure as you have
never known before, I love you so very much. I anxiously await
the golden moment when we shall finally meet.
I love you my Prince.
I am yours heart, soul and body
Your princess Tatyana.
Letter 7
Hello my love Luis.
My love I is glad to see your fine letter again. Your letters
always cheer up me on all the day. But now to me already there
were few your letters. I want to see you in real life. To speak
with you and to see you each day. My love I again to dream as we with
you we like each other and in my ideas plans for the future
collect. When we shall be together that we are feasible all
plans which has arisen in me. In me many plans have arisen and I
think that we shall live with you long and then all plans become
a reality. My love I all this time can not fall asleep, because
I to feel you even if we now not together. You too
to feel me as well as I you? My love all days fly by through me,
and time all goes and there is also this time to move forward.
But we too go as well as time to each other. We go as time to
each other. Every day all of us it is more and we understand
more, that we cannot live in different places. We understand
that we are created to like each other. And it has arisen in us
and will live while our love is alive. I was struck with you and
I forever your girl and I shall be in your warm and man's hands. I
shall be your wife and not when you I shall not deceive. My love
today I to go to agency and to try to order tickets for March, 25. It
is Saturday. In agency to me have told that on Friday I shall
receive tickets. I shall fly to Friday to you. As soon as I
shall receive tickets I shall write to you the letter with the
information on my arrival to you. Flight and time that you might
meet me. Now I am very happy also I with impatience I wait for
Tuesday when I shall arrive to you. But I am very much upset with that
that I was told today by the agent. The agent has warned me,
that that I might take off to you to me it is necessary to have
cash. This money are necessary that the governments of our
countries were sure, that I shall not starve in England. The sum of
entrance money pays off from quantity of days of stay in your
country. For each day it is necessary 30 dollars. The government
considers, that it is the minimal sum of money from which the person
can live in England. And so if I shall be in your country 3
months, these are 90 days. To turn out 2700 dollars. But I
have less than 90 days. As my visa was ready on Monday and I
shall fly to you to Saturday will pass 5 days. Therefore that I
could take off to you to me will it is necessary 2550 dollars.
It also is a lot of money. I understand, these are the big money. But
I should not spend them. They are necessary for me that I have
showed them on Tuesday at customs house. I only shall show them.
And the government will know, that I have money. That is I shall
not starve in your country. And it will release me. This money
will stay with me. And as soon as I shall see you, I shall give
them to you. But
you should understand, that to me are necessary to show this
money at customs house. Without them me simply will not let out.
I to ask the agent why it is necessary for me to show money at
customs house. You see I am waited in England my loved by the man. I
to tell them, that you will give me habitation, will feed me.
That I shall be
under your trusteeship. But the agent has told, that it has no
value. Rules are those and all observe them. If I have no money
me will not let out from the country. And I want
that you have understood that I to whom shall give this money.
They will be all time with me and as soon as I shall arrive to
you I shall give them to you. Now you should understand me. I to
use the best efforts. But without entrance money our meeting is
possible. You likely worry that this money will be gone. My
lovely, I to write to you, that I shall show this money only at
customs house. I should not to anybody give them. They will be
with me. And I shall give them to you as soon as we shall be
together. Love mine, I hope for you. Also I wait from you for the
letter. I believe, that you will give me this money. They will
be necessary for me tomorrow on Monday. I love you and I believe in
us. We have decided so much problems on our way, have overcome
so much barrier.
And I believe, that we can overcome last boundary.he should not
stop us then when so our meeting is close. My lovely I is very
strong to get tired. But I can not relax now. We should not
relax now. When we shall be together then we have the right to
relax and take pleasure in our love. And now we should collect all our
forces and overcome this last boundary. I shall wait for your
I love you. Yours Tatyana.
  
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