Lyuadmila or Marina Romanova -
Makhachkala, Russia
I am a 40 year old single father and have been dupped by this individual. Unfortunately I dod not do enough research on this individual before doing so. The conversation started around March 17th and just ended after reading some black list that were just posted days ago. The money was requested through Western Union by this individual. I hope that this letter will help someone else. I have contacted the supposed internet cafe that she uses and have gotten no response.
And this is were the communication stopped. I have heard nothing else from her.
Letter 1
My love Kevin!!!I have come on earlier in hope to see your letter and is very glad that you have written to me him.My love I want to tell you that the name of this hotel Sretenskaja.My love Kevin!!!I have come on earlier in hope to see your letter and is very glad that you have written to me him.My love I want to tell you that the name of this hotel Sretenskaja.My love it is interesting to you to know as call the woman with which I talked in the Internet of cafe? Her name is Vera.She too corresponds with young the man from Canada.My love to me it became very insulting when I have read your letter and have understood that you have in me doubts.Really you think that I am capable to deceive you.I ask believe me that I necessarily to you shall arrive.As soon as you will send me this money I at once I shall give them and I can return to myself the passport.Then I can fly to you.Kevin I very much you love also the further life without you I do not present.I very much ask you try to send me this money as soon as possible as to time almost did not remain.My love as soon as I shall receive your money I at once to you I shall write about it.Kevin I very much on you hope and I wait for your letter with the big expectation.With huge love yours Lyudmila. My love it is interesting to you to know as call the woman with which I talked in the Internet of cafe? Her name is Vera.She too corresponds with young the man from Canada.My love to me it became very insulting when I have read your letter and have understood that you have in me doubts.Really you think that I am capable to deceive you.I ask believe me that I necessarily to you shall arrive.As soon as you will send me this money I at once I shall give them and I can return to myself the passport.Then I can fly to you.Kevin I very much you love also the further life without you I do not present.I very much ask you try to send me this money as soon as possible as to time almost did not remain.My love as soon as I shall receive your money I at once to you I shall write about it.Kevin I very much on you hope and I wait for your letter with the big expectation.With huge love yours Lyudmila.
Letter 2
My love Kevin!!!
My love I is very glad that you so quickly to me has answered. I have got acquainted here with the woman and sat talked to her.
And before leaving I again has decided to check up a mail. And I have seen that you so have quickly written to me already the answer.
My love understand that managing this hotel now has departed on affairs and him is not present in Moscow.
To me have informed that he will arrive only tomorrow in the morning. I do not know as you it is possible to communicate with him.
But my love my flight up to you at 13:00 My love you speak that itself meet me can not?
If it so that I ask you have gone from the friends that me have met. Kevin if you now will send me this money that tomorrow in the morning I can receive them
already. And then when he will arrive I at once I shall give this money to him and I can arrive to you.
Kevin if you can that write to me the answer right now.
I shall sit a little and I shall wait your new letter. Yours Lyudmila.
Letter 3
My love Kevin!!!My love I at once want to tell you that I already in Moscow and I write you this letter about the Internet of cafe which isnear to hotel.I have reached well and at once I could find inexpensive hotel in which has stopped.Today I have bought the ticket aboard the plane and I can fly to you to Monday in the morning.My love but at me happened small misfortune.I at all do not know as you it to tell but I should make it.I am guilty and to speak me it to you it is very a shame.My love the matter is that yesterday when I has decided to take a walk at leave hotel I has casually touched a crystalstatue which stood at an input in hotel.I have not seen as my handbag was hooked for this statue and have pulled behind myself.When I have noticed this that she I have already fallen also has not had time to catch her.Beside facing people it have noticed all and came to me.Have called the owner of this hotel that he has understood all it.My love he has asked as it there was also I to him all have in detail told.He has informed that this statue was a symbol of this hotel and she brought good luck.He has told me that I should pay for this statue.She has told that I should give him 700$ as this statue was very dear and crystal.I have answered him that I do not have such money and I have no place to take them.Then he has told me that we shall solve this case through militia or through court.She took away from me the passport that I was not no place could leave and have told that will give me him only then when Ican pay this sum of money.My love now I do not know that to me to do.I have already paid for the ticket and my flight to Monday in the morning.I am very much upset and to give such big sum of money I do not know as.My love it is very inconvenient for me to speak it but I ask you the help to me.I know that you already have helped me much and 700$ it is very big money.But except for you now somebody can not help me.My love I ask you try to occupy this money from the friends or take the loan in bank.If you can find this money that I I shall be very glad also can arrive to you on Monday.To pay to me it is necessary till Monday as I already have ticket aboard the plane on Monday in the morning.My love I very much ask you try to find this money.Then when I to you shall arrive that we at once we can return this money back.The ticket is bought from me in two ends and consequently when I to you shall arrive that we can return half of cost of theticket.Back I shall not fly as I want to be always only with you and consequently we can exchange the ticket and receive half ofcost of the ticket back.So we without problems can return this money to that at whom you them has occupied.My love I very much am afraid as this business can reach court and and I will have many problems.I very much ask you do not throw me at such difficult moment and the help to me.In Moscow at me is not present there is nobody from familiar and I have no place to take or occupy such big sum of money.I do not understand as all this could take place.At me such feeling that I simply unlucky and with me am constant that that happens..I would like to roar as to me it is very insulting that this misfortune has taken place then when I already am completelyready to you to fly.Kevin I very much hope for you and I ask write to me the answer as soon as possible.I very much wait for your answer.With love yours Lyudmila.
Letter 4
My love Kevin!!! My love I want to inform you good news. To me have made the visa and now she at me is.
Today I went for work and have told the director that I leave and I shall not work here any more.
He was surprised and has asked me why. I have answered him that I have found the second half and I fly to him.
I have a little told to him about us with you and he was a little surprised that I in such way have found the love.
He has understood me and has wished good luck us with you much happiness and that we always so strongly liked each other.
I have thanked him and have collected all documents and have gone home.
My love I has collected all things and all that is necessary for me. Tomorrow I shall go to Moscow and my following letter will be from there.
I am very very happy that my expectations were finished and that soon we shall with you in a
place. Kevin tomorrow when I shall already in Moscow I necessarily I shall write to you the letter and there time of my arrival and where you me to meet will be told.
Wait for my letter tomorrow from Moscow. On it I shall finish the letter and is mentally strong strong you I kiss.
With love yours Lyudmila.
Letter 5
My love Kevin!!! My love I is very glad that today you can to send me of money for my visa.
My love if you today them will send me that receive I them I can only on Monday as banks on Sunday do not work for us.
But I shall be very glad also the information which you to me will send I shall write on the leaf not overlook and on Monday I shall go in bank.
I am very glad that I can to pay my visa. On following week she at me will be available also I can take away her.
My love I ask you write to me when you approximately want that I to you have arrived.
I want to arrive to you 21 or 22 April. Up to this time I can discharge from office with and collect all necessary things.
I shall not take with myself many things as it will be very hard for me to bear all this.
I shall take only to me necessary that it was easier. Kevin I very much am very very happy that soon we shall with you in a place!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to tell you these fine words: I LOVE YOU KEVIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My love I with the big expectation wait for your letter.
I ask you write to me as soon as possible.
With huge love yours and only yours Lyudmila.
Letter 6
My love Kevin!!! My love I is very glad to write to you this letter. Kevin at me to you very good news.
I have found out all about cost of the ticket up to your country. The ticket economy class up to your country costs 1350$
This ticket in two ends. I wanted to buy a single ticket but unfortunately it is impossible.
I am obliged to buy the ticket in two ends as from us here such rules and to break them not as it is impossible.
My love I want you to please that I have this money.........To us the cousin of my mum has arrived and he will stay with us all this week.
I with you to him have told all about us also he was is very much surprised that I could to find the happiness through the Internet of cafe.
I have told to him that to us very difficultly to live the friend without the friend and that we very much want to be in a place.
I have told him that I very much want to arrive to you but unfortunately I do not have money and consequently we not as can not be in a place.
I have told him that for the visa we still can find money but to the ticket to us to not save up money.
I have told him about cost of the ticket and have dared to ask for him such big sum of money.
My love I very much love you and consequently is ready to make all if only to be only with you.
He has told that will give me this money and I can not give him them at all he have told that it is his wedding gift for us with you.
I very much was delighted and have kissed him. We have gone with him to bank and he has removed from there this sum of money.
My love now I quietly can buy the ticket aboard the plane as I have this money.
Kevin my love I hope that you can send me of money for the visa this week?
It is necessary for me to pay my visa as soon as possible as she will be soon ready.
I am very glad that I have money for the ticket and I only need to pay my visa..
My love I ask you write to me when you can send me of money for my visa?
I with the big expectation wait for your answer.
With huge love yours Lyudmila.
Letter 7
Hi my love Kevin! I shall be possible to name you my love? Probably I hurry with conclusions.
But I am sure that the love arrives to our hearts. You know, in the childhood I dreamed, that I shall find the prince, with whom I can
come on edge of the ground. In a consequence, I have understood, that actually there are no princes.
Ideal the man cannot be found. But close to an ideal which is necessary for you, you can find.
I can not tell you with confidence, that you - my ideal. But.....................
You too can not tell, that I - your ideal. But in it the reason, what people fall in love?
The reason here in many respects.. I can not explain an origin of love.
I can not explain why the woman draws to male. I can not explain why the male draws to the woman.
It occurs at a subconscious level. Private world of the person informs to the person about it.
And in a consequence, you understand, that it is the truth. I write you it, that you could understand what to be created in my ideas.
I understand, that you are intended for me, but I am afraid to inform you about it.
I also am afraid to tell you that the love to you has come in my heart.
I am afraid to tell you, that I love you.. I am afraid to tell it as the love should be mutual.
My mum also speaks me, that I should be more cautious with the feelings.
The last lesson has learned me, but I have become attached to you. I miss about you when I do not receive from you letters.
With feeling of love, the person does many nonsenses. And I not exception.
You know, when I have decided to begin acquaintance through the Internet, I thought
about myself. (for fun or seriously) It is interesting, if I shall find the love in outside of Russia, I should go abroad Russia?
( it there were my ideas before I have got acquainted with you)
Further, I did not think of it. But time has come, when I should think of it.. I think that you agree with me.
My lovely, my dear, I am afraid to speak you about it, but I LOVE YOU!!!
And I shall wait for the letter from you with impatience. But if you will not answer me, I shall understand all because I any more the little
Letter 8
Hello my dear friend Kevin. I very thanks to you for the letter back. Excuse me for the my last letter.
It was a little bit sad. But all it was in the past. In this letter I shall not write you sad histories of my life.
With each letter, I understand that we become more adhered to each other.
Therefore I shall give you my home address:
367950 Russia.
Street. Dahadaeva, 35-12
Lyudmila Romanova
I think, that you can send me the letter in a regular mail. If you also will give me your home address, I also can send you the letter.
But I think, it is not so convenient for us. Each letter will go very long time.
We have a problem in the regular mail not always the letter achieves the addressee.
Probably our mail works very badly. I also would like to speak with you, but at present I have found out that it is
impossible. I very much would like to hear your voice. And I think that you also would like to
hear my voice. But I regret it is impossible. I can not give you house phone number because I have no phone of my house.
I want to speak with you, it would be amusing to hear your voice. But my familiar too have no phone.
In hospital where I work there is a phone, but he is used for emergency calls.
Therefore on this phone it is impossible to call. But I shall give you number of this phone but I do not know as you can call on it.
I shall have problems, after as I used our work phone in the personal purposes.
It is number of ph. (8722) 72307 work I can't afford the phone which is connected to the international lines.
It is very expensive. Our city haven't such phones also. They are only at rich people.
I have found out that such phones are in Moscow and in Saint Petersburg.
They are at the international airports. And telephone conversation is costs very
expensive. Therefore I can't call to you. It is a pity to me. But I am happy that we have an opportunity to contact you with the help of the
Internet. I think that Internet - great achievement of a science. It allows to speak with
people, taking place on the big distances. And I am very pleased that we could meet each other with help of the Internet.
Oh, I nearly have not overlooked, I have informed my parents about you.
That we have acquaintance. I have told my parents a little about you. In the beginning, they have considered
cautiously to ours to attitudes on Internet. But subsequently, mum sends the regards to you.
She hopes that in future we can shall be magnificent pair.
If it is true, I too think so. But we know each other absolutely short period of
time. And I think, that early to speak about it. I simply haven't anybody, except for you, whom I can inform this words only you.
And I really hope for continuation of our attitudes. I think that you not against.
Letter 9
Hello Kevin. I am so glad receive answer from you. In this world there is a person who wishes to acquaintance with me.
Excuse me beforehand if my letter will be a little bit incoherent. I am timid therefore I is not capable to begin acquaintance.
But I hope that we can find out each other better. But if I start write to you, I shall write in this letter a little about me.
At once I want to warn you, that mine to mine profile it is registered it is wrong.
Mine profile the manager registered the Internet of cafe and when I then have seen long laughed it............
I the first time use the Internet, therefore, I hope you will forgive me.
I shall also send one of my photos. I was born 22 of April 1976 and I am now 29years old. It is a lot of for me..
I live in a small apartment with my parents. I haven't brothers and sisters and I haven't own children.
And I think about my future life.. I want to have own family. I want to bring up own children..
I was born and have grown in republic Dagestan city of Makhachkala. It is the not big industrial city in the South of Russia on a coast of Caspian sea.
Our republic borders on the Chechen Republic, I hope it will not prevent our dialogue.
My daddy works in militia. It too most, that at you police. My mum works in Makhachkala to city hospital.
She works there in a first-aid as medical sister. About my parents I shall tell you in the following letter more.
Now how I spoke I shall write about myself. As I spoke already, I was born in 1976. Up to 7 years I went to a kindergarten.
As my parents could not be constant with me. Since 7 years I began to go to school.
I studied very good. When I finished a school with Red certificate in the 1994 and I have gone to the Makhachkala`s medical college.
As I had the fine certificate about of my finished the school. I could study in Institute free-of-charge.
In 1999 I have finished study in academy. Since that year I work in Makhachkala to children's city hospital.
It near to hospital where works my mum.. My task on work is to define the diagnosis of disease and to appoint treatment.
If necessary I should send my patients on various medical testing.. My work with children forces me to be more attentive.
My work with children is more difficult than with adult people. And my work is more pleasant me. And I have pleasure that I can help children..
Probably the love to children has come to me with my age. And now I have understood the children - is our future.
Therefore I would like to have my own children. You will ask me why I have chosen you? Why I shall not find the man in the own
I do not know how answer you.. But I already spoke that I am timid therefore I is not
capable to begin acquaintance. And I can not simply strike up in the street an acquaintance with the stranger.
My girlfriend, my fellow worker has offered me to find acquaintance with the help of
the Internet. And now I write you from Internet cafe. Because I haven't own computer.
It is expensive very much. And I can not allow this luxury. In our country not so many people have a personal computers at home.
Probably the level of our life does not allow to live so that to afford much.
No, I don't complain of bad life in Russia. I earn enough that to live in Russia.
Well, I shall finish this letter. You having read my letter and if you agree to
continue with me acquaintance. May be I can ask you one question: " You agree to have acquaintance with the Russian
woman and if all will be good, do you agree a have serious attitudes with her? "
Yours faithfully, your new familiar Lyudmila
Tatyana -
Sernur, Russia
This person replied to my message on DATELINE.CO.UK. When I asked first her
family name and on other occasion her address, she did not answer those
questions. On her profile her hometown was "Finchley" although she is Russian. We have been corresponding for a few weeks and I am checking her
out whether she is who she says she is. I am writing to you about this
person as a warning that she may be an attempting scammer. She has told me
she is afraid to meet Russian men and she even has attempted to take her own
life. Here,too, I contacted the customer service of the DATELINE.CO.UK about this
person but, again, no reply.
Letter 1
Subject: Hello my dear friend Tero.
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 12:09:58 +0400
Hello my dear friend Tero.
You know, where there is a city of Sernur???It not in Ukraine! I to you shall tell. That you knew. It is the Sernur area. Here also there
is a city of Sernur. Distance from Kazan up to Moscow of 893 km. To reach Moscow by train 16 hours.
At us there passes a trunk-railway. On which it is possible to reach from
Sernur Moscow. My city is on the river Volga. It is the big river. And very beautiful.
Sernur city beautiful. Here beautiful streets. It is a lot of trees, vegetation, it is green city.
Here many kind grandmothers and grandfathers. They about my house gather
and sit. They speak about a life. That as lived earlier. Earlier at Gorbachev lived well, and it is now bad. In the
winter in the center there is a fur-tree. To many people everyone gather also are pleased to a holiday. I do not know
our industry. I am not interested. It is not interesting to me. I am engaged in the work. It benefits to me. I
never looked in a telescope. Likely it is
beautiful to look close at stars. I only see stars at night. I look at them
from the ground. I hope that you liked my old letter and I to not tire you the story about
itself. I had good mood and I would like to transfer it to you. I want to tell that in Russia to live not easily but
cheerfully. I want to tell to you about life in Russia. Here it is a lot of deceit. On the Internet I
for the first time get acquainted. Therefore I do not know, whether there is a deceit on the Internet. But I
want to speak not about it. I receive the very small salary per one month 93$. And it does not suffice
to me. Me and other teachers. But it not our fault. It is fault of our government in city. We as teachers are as state
employees. That is we live on maintenance the government. The government to pay to
teachers very small wages. It is good, that pay to us though any money. You imagine, as teachers now
work. You probably already heard that the laughter prolongs a life? The person sometimes should laugh.
Therefore do not think that I not the serious girl. Now, as speak in Russia, a joke in the party.
I want, speak you, that I like to make, when I have a free time. I like to read novels about love and to look soap operas.
I spoke you, that I like to look films about love. I love the Russian films about love and the American films.
I shall name to you names films which you could understand: " Destiny " (Russia); " 50 first kisses " (USA).
If you did not look these films, I allow to you council to look them, they
will be It is similar to you. When the man and the woman leave. Later 1,2,5 years meet.
It is fine!!!!!!!!! EVEN TEAR ON the CHEEK is ROLLED. When you hear these
films. In film " Moscow does not trust tears " the man and the woman meet at
I want to tell to you, that I as like to listen to music. I have no any favourite group. I love silent slow music
For example from foreign music I love a song " Britney Spears" (Toxic)
I like to knit a sweater, a jacket and socks all from them from a wool.
As in the winter in Russia it is cold. I already spoke you, that I have garden. The garden is
behind of city. It approximately 50 kilometers from Sernur.
My garden has name " WOOD OPEN SPACES " Therefore in the summer every week we enter into a garden.
We lift in a garden: apples, a currant, a potato, carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes.
CHILDREN. Now I want to tell about that I like to eat. I love salads, especially salad from tomatoes with the cucumbers filled
maioneze. I like to prepare for pancakes with sour cream. I also very much like to prepare for soup chicken, a borshch meat. I hope,
that you will sometime try these soups. I want to ask to you a question.
You love the nature? To go on picnic?To go to a wood?To collect mushrooms,
berries?You love singing birds? What at you Though, if I shall be fair, if I had an opportunity to leave to live in
other country I would go with pleasure!!! I SPOKE YOU ABOUT MY LAST PERSON. IT IS HURT TO ME TO TELL NOW. I SHALL
TELL TO YOU THE FOLLOWING LETTER. I do not know. But I have difficulties with acquaintance with the man. And
now I very much gladm, that we have started to correspond with each other.
I hope, that we shall not stop on it. Now, when I have written to you this letter, I am afraid, that you can me
to not answer!!! Please do not stop to write to me letters. With your letters I forget my
past, and me The beginning to think of the future it is more. I am confident, that for us wait the fine future, Probably I speak about it
early. You see, that we know about each other a little. And the further
acquaintance is necessary For us. But we have taken a first step. I still expect from you your photos!!
And we should do many steps before we can tell each other: " I love you ".
And I very much hope, that you will really agree with me. And we shall correspond Further.
I shall wait the letter from you.
Yours Tatyana.
"Taya" Tatyana Kutuzova -
Cheboksary, Russia
I'm a single 30 year old man, and I made contact with "Taya" through my subscription to She had a profile on the site, and I responded to it. She indicated that she wanted to correspond via email, and I agreed. The emails started innocently, and in some of the letters, this scammer responded to what I wrote in previous emails, so my suspicion was not immediately aroused. However, by the third or fourth email of our correspondence (went on for approximately a month) her letters focused directly on her fervent desire to meet with me. I tried to keep the things friendly, but it became apparent that she had "deep feelings" for me and "needed" to visit me. This is when I became suspicious. Initially, she indicated that she had the ability to pay for her own travel and procure her own visa without my help. She indicated that she'd started making travel arrangements to come and see me. She asked all the questions that she should, but remained vague about some specific questions that I asked her. For a while, I thought this might be due to the language barrier, but I quickly learned that she was being evasive because this was a scam. Luckily, I visited and studied up on the "Black List", so I was prepared for what came next. But this scammer was sly, waiting until the 12th email to talk about her need for money. As is typical in other scams, she indicated that she'd made a down payment but that the total cost of travel would be more than she could afford. She requested $726. I told her I didn't have it. She persisted in the next email, saying that she cried and was desperate without me and really needed the money. I sent her a final email stating that her demands were unrealistic and that there was no way that her "destiny" revolved around whether or not I would send her any money. I also stated that I would certainly not give her a penny, and that I considered her just a random assortment of pictures from a stolen camera (nearly all the photos she sent me appeared to be taken at one time, because she had the same clothes on in almost all the pics). This ended our correspondence (the email address the scammer used was:
All the best, Paul
Letter 1
HI Paul ! I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message. I hope,
that You have time to send me some messages that we could it is better
to find out each other. I shall tell a little about myself; my age of
26 years old , my name is Taya. I was not married and I live in an
apartment of my parents . Some years, after the ending of training I
work as the bookkeeper at a machine-building factory. To me To like
productive leisure, periodically go in for sports for maintenance of a
body. I like to travel and be in different places, but My work does
not allow me to do it frequently. I have many friends, We sometimes
together spend time, play billiards and tennis, we have Other
entertainment. I send you the picture that you knew my person. Also I
want to ask you to send me some pictures of you. Please Ask things
interesting you about me and inform me some The information on you:
what you love an entertainment? What your character? What You love
qualities in women? Whether You had the wife? I think, that you read
my structure and could see there, that I haves serious intentions to
get acquainted with the good person for relations . I shall try to
tell a little about my character. I do not know as it to start, I
think, that I very romantic person. I like to communicate with people,
it is pleasant to me Good humour. I very much appreciate such
qualities in people, as fidelity and honesty. I believe in love, and I
think it very valuable thing which needs to be protected. I very much
The jealous person. I adore, when to me pay compliments and is ready
to listen to them indefinitely. For me it is necessary, that around of
me there was a cleanliness and the order, I frequently am engaged
cleaning. Also to me to like to prepare for a meal, various tasty
things. It is pleasant to me romantic relations between the man and
The woman, but probably all women dream to get acquainted with good
The person to have with him beautiful romantic relations. But
frequently such things come to an end Very quickly. I have no
intention to spend myself on such acquaintances. While I have not met
In the life of such person to which I would decide to give myself and
the life. But me it would be desirable to find such person. I think,
that for the woman the main thing to have in a life not Career or
other success, and strong family and the favourite person beside what
to care of him. Tell please, you dream to meet what woman in the life?
Excuse Paul, that I ask you to discuss such frank thing with The
person whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to me to
know It about you. I have shortly written to you my outlooks on life
if to you there will be it interesting, That we can discuss these
themes in more detail then. I shall wait for yours e-mail. Yours
faithfully Taya.
First Request for money:
Hi my dear! Mine are lovely I wish you happy birthday and I wish happy
birthday. I wish you the sea of happiness and ocean of love. I am glad
to welcome again you and I with impatience wait, when I can tell to
you HI - personally. Thanks for your message. Paul, my day was very
intense and is very tired. I reached in office of agency and signed
with them the contract. In conformity with the contract, the agency
will prepare me for all documents for travel, to buy for me the ticket
and to deliver me to the plane. From my city there are no planes to
you and consequently I all over again will need to reach to Moscow,
and therefrom already to you. My agent needs some information for a
route of the plane, inform me dear, the address and the nearest
airport to you to which I shall arrive. This information is necessary
tomorrow that the agent could develop route and to establish all cost
of travel. Today I paid in him the first part of money, for the visa
and other documents for travel. It was in some times more, than I
thought. I planned, that the visa will cost for me about 70 $, but
because of difficulties for its reception is was for me 200. dear, it
is possible, that to me you will be required the help for payment of
other part of cost of travel. I have some money still, and also took
some money at my parents, but it is possible them will not suffice for
payment of the second part of cost, for insurance and tickets. It will
be known after the agent will develop a route. The second part of cost
I should pay under the contract, before to take away the visa. I shall
inform you Paul, if to be necessary for me the help. I hope, that it
will not be a problem for you and I can not worry about it. I informed
you all news about promotion of our meeting and now I go to have a
rest, I am very tired today. I hope, what I can soon embrace you Paul.
I wait for your messages my favourite . My kisses and embraces!
Yours Taya
P.S. Do not overlook to inform the address and the near airport.
Second Request for money:
Hi favourite Paul! Thanks for your picture. You look amusing in these
glasses. I am glad to read your message and to learn , that I can hope
for your help in payment of agency. Dear, I feel itself it is a little
inconvenient. Because I had to address to you for the help. I always
counted myself the independent person, which itself can solve all
problems. But, this time, I could not all to take into account and was
mistaken that I can pay all travel itself . When I travelled earlier,
it costed for me less. But I it is happy, what now I have you Paul, -
the person, which can come to me to the aid and help me in a life.
After ours acquaintances, at me varies sensations of. Earlier I
counted myself the strong and independent person, and it was pleasant
for me to feel, that I can care of myself. And now I feel simply the
woman who requires support. But it is pleasant for me, to feel beside
strong the man which protects me from all excitements of a life! Paul,
I informed a place of arrival to you to the agent and he expected the
staying charges for me. It will be for me 1326 $. Here tickets,
insurance, road up to the airport and some other necessary charges.
With me have still remained money, after payment of the first parts of
cost. It near 600 $, and now is necessary for me, in 8-9 days near 726
$ to pay in agency the second part of cost travel. I hope dear, that
this money not difficulty for you and you can help to pay to me, in
6-7 days, 726 $ in agency . I shall learn from the agent as you can
send them it. Lovely, I hope, that I did not make to you difficulty by
the haste. Probably it is not planned expenditure for you. If it so,
not become angry about me please! I very much miss on you and I wait
for ours meetings. I wait for your messages Paul! Thousand kisses.
Yours Taya
Final Request for money:
Hi my dear Paul. I am very glad to receive your letter. When I receive
each time from you The letter I read it and I enjoy it. I very much
miss on you and I want To be with you. If I would have money for that
what to do all necessary Documents and to buy tickets for self-summer
then has there and then begun preparation And to the shortest time
would arrive to you. I very strongly wish to be with My soul and heart
is torn by you to you. But I would not have money for that that To
arrive to you. Today I was very strongly is upset by it and long
cried. To me that is very insulting that I have grown fond of the
person and I can not be with him because You are very far from me. I
as cannot where to take money my friends and Friends have no such sum.
I think that now all depends only from You. My happiness and destiny
depends on you. You are very dear to me and I cannot To live without
you. I do not have not enough you, your embraces. My arrival to you
depends only From you, whether from you as depends there will be we
together. If I could that I have made All for that that we could be
together. I with impatience look forward to hearing from you. Yours
p.s. My dear I has already concluded the contract and now I should pay
my contract. You understand me? If you can help me any money that
inform me. I shall try to find some money.
Olga Solomina - Ufa, Russia
I am a 45 yr old male, single and live on the west coast of Canada who
posted a provile on American Singles web site. I received a email from
this so called woman named Olga Solomina from Ufa Russia who asked that
I further corrospond to her at She claimed to work for the homeless society in the small town of
Ufa. Olga would send me email letters from internet cafe at the end of each
working day. We exchanged letters from Feb 20/06 every day right up till
March 28/06 was the last I heard from Olga after I foolishly had sent her a sum of $3876.50 US Dallars in two different installments, both
through Western Union wire transfers. The first amount of $1780.00 I sent March 11/06 so she could supposidly purchase her Visa, passport
and flight ticket through some agencie, which I never was able to get the name of. The second amound of $2500.00 Canadain Dallars I (like an idiot)
sent to Olga because she claimed customs reguired that see have this money for
support if she was to travel to a forien country, that being Canada. Unfornately
for me the story got even worse as the suite I was living in at the time was broken
into March 27/06 where I lost several personal belongings one of which was my
computer. In it I had all the letters of correspondense between Olga and myself.
It wasn't till April 3/06 when I was able to get back on line and check my email, where I had received five different letters in two days from Olga pleading for
more money. These letters I am able to post. Also I can give you the link from
American Singles of the provile Olga Solomina had posted in which I responded to
after she had emailed my provile. It is of course no longer available but I have
it from the email she sent.
I have already reported this to the Internet Fraud Complaint Center of FBI
So thats about it, feeling foolish in western Canada. Drake
Oh, I had printed off a few letters around the time Olga Solomina claimed she was in Moscow waiting to catch her flight. Yea Right. they are as follows.
Letter 1
From: "Olga" <>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 8:47 AM
Drake, what to me to do? I LOVE YOU!!!! To me I am very sick that not with you.
Yours Olga.
Letter 2
From: "Olga" <>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 11:26 PM
Subject: I LOVE YOU!!!
Lovely mine Drake. You to not write at all to me today, why? I can not
live without you. What to me now to do? As you will write to me, so I
and shall act. I strongly to get tired of all it. I LOVE YOU!!!
Yours Olga.
Letter 3
From: "Olga" <>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 11:48 PM
Subject: Good day
Hello Mr Drake. To you writes Ms Anna Sergeevna. I the grandmother
Olga's. Yesterday I to speak with her on the phone and she me to speak
what even all to be in Moscow. I am strongly excited with it. Why she
not with you? She to me to explain that flight all time to postpone.
Why she can not arrive to you? I ask you Mr Drake that you to me to
explain this reason if know what's the matter. I shall wait your
message. I strongly worry for Olga's. Thanks to you. Yours faithfully
to you Anna Sergeevna.
Letter 4
From: "Olga" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 6:41 AM
Subject: Goodbye
Drake, me is very sick that you to me to not believe. Now I shall
visit western union and to send to you money in колличестве 1600 $. I
to not require your money. What a pity that all so to occur. You
always will be in my heart and I shall remember you as most perfect
man. I like you!!! Tomorrow morning will be my train and I shall take
trip home. Goodbye. Yours Olga.
Letter 5
From: "Olga" <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2006 8:41 AM
Subject: Goodbye
Hello Drake. You can visit Western union and lift money. Tomorrow in
morning I to leave home with the broken heart. Goodbye. I shall
remember always you. Olga. I dreamed that I shall become your wife.
Sofiya Kozhinova -
Yoshkar-Ola, Russia
Republic Mari-El
City Yoshkar-Ola
Sovetskaya street
house 150 Room 312
Sofiya Kozhinova
Hi My name is Steve from melbourne Australia..I recently received an R.S.V.P. email from a girl (supposedly) living in Yoshkar-Ola in Russia.Im 48 yrs old ,separated with 3 kids.We corresponded for 2 weeks each time exchanging photo's.Her emails were very emotional and lots of hints of getting together and having a family.The first thing I asked her was why would an attractive girl like you want with an older person like me.The line she gave me was that all Russian men were alchoholics and insincere.The irony was every one of her emails was about has she hated people lying and being insincere and that was exactly what she was doing herself.To make should I knew the person sending the emails was the person in the photo I got her to take a photo of her holding a message so I knew it was her.She sent a picture of herself holding a sign saying "Hi my love Steve 26 Apr 2006 " which was very convincing.I still dont know whether the girl in the pictures was actually writting the emails or whether she was just supplying the photo's.I visited the various sites regarding the scamming and sent her a copy of the links to get her reaction.She wrote back condeming the scammers and saying how she couldn't understand how people could do such a thing.The second last email I sent her I said for her to find out the cost of her getting to Austalia and I would do the same.She eagerly replied that she would.Then by good luck and good fortune on my part I was reading through the emails on your site when I found the almost word for word email from an "Olga".I wrote to sofiya with a copy of the email and asken her to explain how two emails could be written by 2 different people almost word for word.Needlesss to say she never replied to my last email which confirmed my suspision that she was a scammer.Luckily for me no money changed hands.Here are some of the emails and Photo's.Thanks for your dedicated site ..Regards Steve..
Letter 1
Hello Steve!
I am very glad, that you to answer to me. This day will be main in my life.
I to receive from you the letter and should tell about itself all. I to want, that we it is good to know each other and to
understand completely. You probably already notice what to use the interpreter when to write to you. I to do it, because I am not so good to
know the English language. But it should not be a problem between us. I to
want to study your language and to learn you Russian. It will be very interesting and it is useful for us. As to know language and culture other
country it is very important. It is the help to us will speak is open. I to
want to tell you, that acquaintance through the Internet this new to me. I
never to do it earlier. I very much to worry and to be afraid. I to not
trust, that such happens, but my girlfriend to get acquainted and now she is
happy. I to decide to try to write to you. I to worry, but I shall be open
and there will be a story about itself. Now I shall speak about myself.
ie. I live in Russia. It is the very large country, which to have was a lot of an opportunity, but as I to think, she to not open yet all
potential. In Russia is all for good life: resources, there is a lot of
ground, the clever people, but now there is a transitive period. The people
here trust, that all will be speed well, but for the present it is not known
how many still to wait. Though the people, which want to work and to have
the purpose in life, live happily. There were only people, which bring up at
kommunism and very difficultly to break their stereotype about life, when
for you to do all state. They to not know, that such the market, market
attitudes and business. You do not think, that I so to divide the people and
to speak so, but it is the Russian reality. I to think what there to know
about Russia and to know our life. I too much to know about your country,
but to want to study more concerning it. You will learn me about your country and city? It is very interesting to me! I live in city Yoshkar -
Ola. It is the not so large city in comparison with other cities. It is in
the central part of Russia. Our city is industrial here again to make the
much industrial goods. Now you to know about, where I live. I to think, that
it was interesting to you to learn it. I was born and has grown here. Here I
to go in a kindergarten, at school and in university. With me to remain very
good memoirs on my childhood. I was the very vigorous and inquisitive girl.
Now to me 23 years and I already to work. I work in polyclinic. By the
children's doctor. Pediatric. It is state organization. You not strongly to get tired when to read my letter? I simply to want to
tell to you the life. I to hope, that you to understand, that I to write to
you. Now I very much to get tired and I shall write about itself more in the
following letter. I shall wait from you the letter and information on you,
if you to want, that I to know about you more. Good to you of day. I hope your friend Sofiya.
Letter 2
Hi Steve,
I am happy, that you again to answer to me. I very closely (very attentively)
to read your letter and to understand almost all. It was very interesting to
me to read it (him) and I to learn (find out) a lot of new about. I wrote
yesterday to you. To me 23 years. My Birthday of January 10, 1983. I want to
inform you. Why I search for the man from behind border. Half a year ago I
had a boy-friend. But we interrupted our relations. The reason is alcohol. At
the beginning everything was wonderful. But then he began to drink alcohol. If
he did it only at holidays I would not be against. But he drank constantly. I
don't know as for your country but in our country the problem of alcoholism is
a great problem. At first I thought that only I had such problems with a boy-friend.
But I talked with my girl-friends and they told me that they had the same problems.
That's why I want to find a friend not from Russia. I don't want to spend my life with an alcoholic.
May be you think that I want an easy life. No, I don't want an easy life. I am
not afraid of work. All my short life I work hard. Even when I studied at school
I tried to earn the money. During holidays I worked at the post-office and
carried post. I don't hesitate of work. The only thing I want is to have a near
me a beloved and strong man. I think, that it will be interesting to you to learn (find out) about me. I live with
together with the mum. At us with the mum the very good attitudes (relations)
and she (it) my best friend, assistant. She (it) the most dear (expensive) man
for me. I very much to love and to respect her (it). We always with it (her)
can find general (common) language. I to think that you are good to understand
it. My mother still to not know yet, that we to write each other. I for the
present to not know its (her) reaction to all this. But I to think, that she
(it) to understand me. I to think, that it (she) all the same should tell all.
Today I to tell it (her) about it. At me is not present from my mum of any
secrets. My daddy has thrown my mum when to me there were 6 years. It is very
heavy to me about it to recollect. I would give back all, if only the daddy
was a number (line). I to not have the computer of a house, therefore I to write to you
from a computer class at university. There to work my best girlfriend. I to
know her (it) from the childhood. We with it (her) together to grow. I to
come to it (her) and there to use the Internet. It is very convenient for me.
At me is much hobbi. In free from work time I to love to carry out (spend)
time with the friends. I to love to listen to classical music. Me to like
Bethoven and Chaykovski. What music to listen you to? To me to like simply
good modern music, which to lift mood. I very much to love be on a nature.
I to love be in a wood and on lake. Me very much to like camping. I to love
to float. Each Sunday together with the girlfriend I to go in pool. You to
love to float? I very much. I very much to love animals. By the way I am very good to prepare. My favourite dish is a pie with apples.
It (him) to love all mine native and friends. They speak, that better me nobody
can prepare it (him). You are very a pity, that to me can not it (him) try and
estimate. I to think, that you it (he) too to like. I very much to love Russian
kitchen. I to want to know what dishes to love you? And than you to love to be
engaged in free time? What kinds of sports to love you? To me to like to look
the large tennis. I to want to learn (find out) more about you. You can to me
tell about the life. I shall finish the letter. If you can, send to me still
photo. I to hope soon to receive your letter.
Bye Bye Sofiya.
Letter 3
Hi my Steve! I very much pleasure to your letter. Now in Russia it is very
difficult and dangerously to live. I am afraid in the evening to leave on a
street. At us can kill or plunder. I studied English language at school.
Then at university. In our city the snow drops out in November. Also descends
(goes) in April. I to want to speak more about myself! I work in children's polyclinic. My post. The children's doctor,
Pediatric. We conduct reception of children together. I and Irina Genadievna. I very much to love my work. At home at me is present
Dog. Its (her) name Palkan. It is the large dog, but very kind. When I
To play on the piano she (it) to sing under music. I to play different music. To me
To like music of the composers, such as Bah, Shopen, Mocart and Others. My favourite food is sea products, and, also various
Fruit salads, but I also can prepare and other dishes. I very much The good cook. In mine free from work time I to go walk in a wood
Or on lake, when warm weather. In winter evenings I love laying in
Beds to read the romantic books, and also to do (make) of a wool of the ram
Sweater and scarfs. I also very much love sports. I to be engaged By gymnastics. Also I to look on Tv football, hockey, basketball. I
Is very happy, that I to find you on a site of acquaintances. I always
To wait for your new photos and pictures. My city small it (he) to be Near cities Moscow, and still it (he) in 150 kilometers from cities
Kazan. I today to go on walk in park. I hope, That you not against. What you will do (make) today? Me interests
Each your step. Well? I shall write to you tomorrow. Very much, very much
To wait for your letters! It is a lot of, much, kiss also embraces much. Yours Sofiya.
Last letter from me to Sofiya
Sofiya...I found this letter written by a girl called olga on one of the sites with all the details of regular internet scammers.The letter starts identical to the first letter you wrote to me.It is attached as first contact.Can you explain.Does this mean you really are a scammer and that this has all been
lies????Please explain???
I am very glad, that you to answer me. This day will be main in my life. I to receive from you the letter and should tell about myself all. I to want, that we it is good to know each other and to understand completely. You probably already notice what to use the translator when to write to you. I to do(make) it because I was not so good to know the English language. But it should not be a problem between us. I to want to study your language and to learn(teach) you Russian. It will be very interesting and useful for us. As to know language and culture other country very important. It is the help to us will speak openly. I to want to tell you, that acquaintance through the Internet this new to me. I never to do(make) it earlier. I very much toworry and be afraid. I to not trust, that such it happens, but my girlfriend to get acquaint d and now she(it) is happy. I to decide to try to write to you. I to worry, but I shall be open and there will be a story about itself. Now I shall speak about myself. ОК. Me call Olga. I live in Russia. It is very big country which to have is a lot of an opportunity but as I to think, she(it) to not open yet all potential. In Russia is all for good life: resources, the ground, clever people is a lot of, but now there is a transition period. People here trust, that all will be fast well, but for the present it is not known to wait still how many. Though people which want to work and have the purpose in life, live happily. There were only people which bring up at kmmunism and it is very difficult to break their stereotype about life when for you to do(make) all state. They to not know, that such the market, market attitudes(relations) and business. You do not think, that I so to divide(share) people and to speak so, but it is the Russian reality. I to think whatthere to know about Russia and to know our life. I too to know about your country much but to want to study more concerning it. You will learn(teach) me about your country and the city? It is very interesting to me! I live in city Novosibirsk. Our city is industrial here again to make much industrial the goods (to add about city). Now you to know about where I live. I to think, that it was interesting to you to learn(find out) it. I was born and have grown here. Here I to go to a kindergarten, in school and in university. To remain with me very good memoirs on my childhood. I was very vigorous and inquisitive girl. Now to me of 29 years and I already to work. I to work in library. It is children's library. She(it) small and only for schoolboys. At us it is a lot of book for school and almost all the book the Russian writer and the poet. In our library each day to come it is a lot of children. With them it is very interesting to work. I to explain them what book to them it is better to take to study only on an excellent(a different) estimation. They very much to like our library. With me to work 4 more persons. They are women at which very(very much) wide experience and I to study at them. I to work here not so long. In university I to study as building faculty. I to receive higher education and should work as the engineer the builder. But at us it is very difficult to find work and I can not find such. Everywhere to demand the experience it is not less 5 years and it is very difficult for young experts to find work. I can be arranged on work n library. I to not regret about it, but I always to dream to be the builder and to work in the building organization. I to trust, that my dream will be a reality. I shall aspire to this. My work not complex(difficult), but she(it) to borrow(occupy) many(a lot of,much) time. My working day to begin in 9.00am. We do not have dinner and I to come back home only in 20.00pm. The library is far from our house and I to go up to work on the bus. I to like to work. You are not strong to get tired when to read my letter? I am simple to want to tell to you the life. I to hope, that you to understand, that I to write to you. Now I very much to get tired and I shall write about myself more in the following letter. I shall wait from you the letter and the information on you if you to want that I to know about you was more. Good to you of day.
I hope your friend
Letter 2
Greetings. My loved flower a rose, I like to dance, I love the sun, there is no I do not go on a ski, I not when did not fly in a balloon, I do not smoke, I want to have children while I to not think yet about trip to USA, I love in the partner mutual understanding, mine a loved season spring, I not when did not travel.I am happy, that you again to answer me. I am very close to read your letter and to understand almost all. It was very interesting to me to read it and I to learn a lot of new about you. I think, that it will be interesting to you to learn about me. My growth 5 " 8, my weight 115 lbs. I was not so good to understand your units of measurements. I to write to you, how it will be at us, growth 173 cm., weight 55 kg. I live with together with mum. At us with it very much good relations and she my best friend, the assistant. She the most dear person for me. I very much to love and respect her. We always with it may find common language. I to think that you are good to understand it. My mother still to not know yet, that we to write each other. I for the present to not know its reaction to all this. But I to think, that she to understand me. I to think, that it all the same should tell all. Today I to tell it about it. At me is not present from my mum of any secrets. We to live together with my mum. My father has left from us 5 years back. I long may not go through it. I very much to love it. But they with mother recently had disagreements. I guessed, that all goes to divorce. I now to not see it. I to not know at all where it now. But I very much to miss on it. I do not have brothers. I to have only one sister. She now to live in Chita together with the husband. I to not have the computer of a house, therefore I to write to you from a computer class at university. There to work my best girlfriend. I to know her from the childhood. We with it together to grow. I to come to it and there to use the Internet. It is very convenient for me, because it free-of-charge. At me is much hobbi. In free time from work I to like to spend time with friends. I to like to listen to classical music. To me to like Bethoven and Chaykovski. To listen to what music you? To like me simply good modern music which to cheer up. I very much to like to be on a nature. I to like to be in a wood and on lake. To me very much to like camping. I to like to float. Each Sunday together with the girlfriend I to go to pool. You to like to float? I very much. I very much to love animals. I have cat Barsik. To it of 5 years. This very beautiful and clever animal. By the way I was very good to prepare. My loved dish is a pie with apples. To love it all my relatives and friends. They speak, that better me nobody may prepare for it. It is very a pity to me, that you may not try and estimate it. I to think, that it too to like you. I very much to love Russian kitchen. I to want to know what dishes to love you? And than you to like to be engaged at leisure? To love what kinds of sports you? To me to like to look the big tennis. I to want to learn it is more about you. You may tell to me about the life. I shall finish the letter. If you may, send to me some more a photo. I to hope to receive your letter soon.
Bye Bye
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