Irina Medvedeva - Samara, Russia
I, Alex, citizen of U.S.A., want to submit a complaint against a Russian citizen, Irina Medvedeva. The address that was given to me by this person is: Sportivnaya Street 20 - 3, Samara, Russia, 443030;
E-mail address:; Phone number: +79278729904
IP addresses: []; []; - []
I believe that this person, Irina Medvedeva, has fraudulently received from me $420 dollars USA. According to Western Union this money was actually picked up in Yoshkar-Ola, and the address given to me was fraudulent. Western Union also informed me that she had recently received money from other men there through Western Union. It is likely that she has scammed several people.
The details of my story are as follows:
Irina contacted me through a dating agency that I had used in the past, This agency has a physical location in New York City. I found out during correspondence with Irina that she actually lived in Russia. She represented herself as a travel agent who could obtain visas, specifying that she would travel to Moscow to do so. We got along seemingly well. I checked internet scam websites but did not find her name or picture, which I intend to add now.
I had mentioned that I was already planning a vacation to Acapulco and we planned to meet there. She stated that she had put together her own travel package for $420 for airfare trip insurance and visa. She stated that the relatively low amount was due to her travel agent’s discount. We planned to meet in Acapulco. I had actually checked Internet fraud sites, but the only Irina Medvedeva that I had found on a website was a different woman from Lugansk, Ukraine. I ended up sending her $420 by Western Union, with a $43 service charge on April 14, 2006. Irina did not use the money for the intended purpose of purchasing a ticket or visa, nor did she meet me in Acapulco. She sent a few more emails claiming that she herself was scammed, having purchased fake travel documents, and claimed the police in Moscow were involved but that she could not give me a police report. I found out from Western Union that she picked up the money in Yoshkar-Ola, not Samara or Moscow. I contacted the Mexican Embassy in Moscow to confirm that she did not attempt to obtain a visa but I have not received a response.
To this request I am attaching copies of all emails sent by Irina Medvedeva including photographs. The first twelve messages are about her, the thirteenth through nineteen regard requsting money and the trip, and the last three were sent after she received the money and admit that she did not use it for the intended purpose.
Letter 1
Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2006 3:05 PM
Hi Alex #1001967
your_fate # wants to tell you:
Hello! Would you be interested in talking with young nice woman? I would like to know your answer:). You can find me at you believe in fate...
Letter 2
Sent: Friday, March 17, 2006 5:06 AM
Subject: from your fate
Hello Alex! ! !
I have written you a message on the site, so I guess they forwarded it directly to your email? :)
First of all thank you very much for your attention to me. It is very valuable to me. I felt so positive energy from your letter! Thank you, Alex. My name is Irina, nice to meet you:).
Now I will send you my picture to you let you know how i look. So you can
look at me carefully:) and reply to me if you are interested in talking with the best woman on the planet! Actually, I don’t think so, but I’m sure that for my love mate I will be the best:). Well, I also wanted to say that I can read, write and speak english so it’s a great plus for me ;)and it is very important, I think, for our communicating. I have studied it at school, I was lucky with a teacher:). I have many other good qualities. But I am not going to praise myself now and I will let you know me yourself and create your own opinion.
I have never been married, and don’t have any children. But I feel that I am ready to create my own family, to keep it warm, happy and full of love. This is what I am looking for in the net. By the way, it was my mom’s idea to try this internet dating.
Tell me, Alex, where do you live? I’m going to find you on the map. Everything is
interesting to me. When is your birthday?
Hoping for the best, I will be waiting for your next letter, I hope to get it sooooooooon.
With a huge hope,
Irina (YourFate).
Letter 3
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 3:33 AM
Subject: from excited Irina
Hello dear Alex! ! !
How are you? How is your day? How is everything there? As to me – I’m fine and I’m very happy to hear from you!!! it is the weekend, but I am at work, it happens sometimes with my work. I work in a travel agency and enjoy it. And what is your work, Alex? I want to say to you that I feel special to you. I don’t mean that I feel something serious for you, just when I found your mail – I felt soooo happy and so even excited to hear from you! it’s a good sign, isn’t it?:)
Thank you for sending me your picture. I liked your smile and I liked the way you looked at me from your picture! Yes, you were looking at me:).
Alex, is it your full name or how your friends call you? here in Russia we have the name Alexander. Tell me, Alex, why have you forgotten about dripcafe? Are you there for a long time already?
I am looking for someone special in my life. Spring has come and after so cold days of russian winter I need to be warmed, to be loved, to feel someone’s care! I feel so excited writing you this letter, even thinking of you. ! I don’t even know why. My fingers are typing so fast, so I’m sprry for the mistakes:). I wish you to have a wonderful day, Alex! And I hope to hear from you back soon,
I promise I will not make you wait for my reply for long,
From excited and smiling Irina.
Letter 4
Sent: Sunday, March 19, 2006 8:24 AM
Subject: hi again! here I am:)
Hello Alex!!!!!!!!
Oh, it’s so GRREEEEAAAAt to hear back from you so soon! I’m happy and here I am with my reply:), didn’t want to make you for my letter till tomorrow:).
Here it is not very warm too:), it is Russia. But anyway, spring sun was shining and it became warmer after winter days. Winter was so severe this time! Even for Russians! :) I know, it is cold there too, but anyway New York is a wonderful place as I think! Not a long time ago there was a tv show of russian television in New York, it was called “Hunger”. Hardly you heard about it. Anyway, russian people were living in New York, but they didn’t have food and they had to go to the streets of New York to get money and to get food. I was watching this show only because I could see the streets of New York, people who live there and to feel the atmosphere of this city! So after watching that show I can imagine a small part of New York:). It is interesting that drip café is a real café, I didn’t know when I entered that site. Really amazing! It’s a kind of modern magic, if I can say like this :).
My work is really interesting and I enjoy it. It gives me some advantages in traveling and also good discounts, but still it is not for free. And I have never been outside of Russia jet:). I work here about one year only. I was studying in the university before working. As to my plans – i am looking for someone special now. And if he will be waiting me in the US – then I will be with him, if he will be in the north Pole – I will be with him there! I am very loving and caring and very devoted to the man I love. Anyway, it is for sure, United States would be better than North Pole ;). Much better!!!
Alex, tell me about your family, any brothers or sisters? Do you live close to your family? Everything is interesting to me, Alex. Your name sounds sooooo nice. Alexander is my favorite russian name, and now Alex is my favorite name! :)
I hope to hear from you again soon,,,
Waiting for you …….
Letter 5
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 3:49 AM
Subject: good morning!
Hello Alex! !!
Good morning for me here and good night for you there! :)
How are you? How is everything there? How is the weather? Two days ago it was sunny and so warm outside here, so my heart was singing with the birds that came with spring.. and today it is snowing again and so cloudly.. Anyway, it is more important to have sunny weather in our hearts! Isn’t it? So, how is the weather of your heart? :)
I live in Samara, the city of Russia. It is not a little town. But honestly, I would better prefer living in a place closer to the nature. I take care of my health and some of my friends would tell you that I’m crazy of my health:). Maybe they’re right, but I’m sure that I’m on the right way. I don’t smoke and don’t drink. So living closer to the nature, fresh air – would make me healthier I guess:). Anyway, I like big city life too and don’t really know what is more important for me. And what about you, Alex? Do you smoke?
Tell me also, Alex, where have you been? And what was the most beautiful place you ever been to?
Sure, I was studying a lot of other subjects in school besides english. Here in Russia we don’t choose what we study, we study many subjects. I know that russian education in very different than American, so I don’t even know how to compare. Also I have been studying in the university for 4 years. Here it gives bachelor’s degree. And it is lower than other degrees, but higher than just finishing some college. I know for sure that it is called the same in the US, but the meaning is little different.
It is morning here and my day begins with thinking of you, Alex…
I wish you to have a wonderful day – the beginning of the work week, and I hope to hear from you soon,
Smiling Irina.
Letter 6
Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2006 1:56 AM
Subject: from smiling Irina:)
Hello dear Alex! ! !
How are you? I’m sorry that I couldn’t reply to you yesterday. Yesterday I had a day off, so I couldn’t use computer at work. And how is your day there? Here it is early morning. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, very wonderful morning!!! And also I got your letter that made me feel warm inside :), thank for your attention, Alex. I like talking to you so much!
Yes, our city is situated near the Volga River. I enjoy swimming very much, but unfortunately we don’t have many hot days during the year:).
It is so interesting that you have been to Moscow. How was it? Did you like it? Do you have friends there?
And you’re so lucky to travel to so many wonderful places! I’m sure that trips always keep good memories…
Alex, tell me, what do you like to do in your spare time? Do you go out often? I’m sure that living in New York offers you verities of places to visit!
Tell me, Alex, what is your favorite music? Do you like singing karaoke? :)
I hope that your day is wonderful there! I’m sending you my kisses and hugs,
Smiling Irina.
Letter 7
Sent: Thursday, March 23, 2006 4:04 AM
Subject: from irina:)
Goooooood morning Alex! !!
I just got your letter, was waiting for it all morning here! How are you? Are you getting to sleep now? Well, anyway, I wish you very good luck:) with your interview! I’m sure that you will be the best! ! ! I will pray for you here.
Alex, and why are you looking for other job? Will you work at two jobs? Or will you just change your present job for new one?
Tell me, what is your favorite music? favorite group?
I hope to hear from you soon, Alex! I feel special to you and I always wait for your letters now!
Letter 8
Sent: Sunday, March 26, 2006 9:04 AM
Subject: from Crazy Irina:)
Hello dear Alex! ! !
How are you? How is your weekend? Do you work on the weekends? And … did you get that job where you had interview? :) is it difficult to get a new job there?
As to me – it was my day off yesterday, and I knew about it only yesterday when I came to work at 8:00am! :) it was really a nice joke:). Anyway, my day was beautiful and it was fine that I woke up early in my day off:), I had enough time to make everything I planned.
Yes, my work gives me some advantages in traveling, and also I get discounts for the tickets and also I don’t have to pay for visa, I only have to pay embassy taxes. But anyway, it is not for free, and it’s quite expensive for me, because my work doesn’t give me a chance to make good money:).
Anyway, I enjoy it!
What makes me happy??? Life makes me happy! I live every day and I enjoy every moment of life! I enjoy walking, swimming, going to the gym (by the way, I will go there now), also cooking is my passion! What is your favorite food, Alex? Have you ever tried russian food? And have you ever tried sushi? Do you like it? As to me – I like sushi very much:).
Alex, speaking to you also makes me very HAPPY!!!!!!! I’m very happy to meet you, and thank God for bringing you into my life. It is so new for me, so very exciting! I’m sitting here and maybe you will feel it from this letter – I’m soooo excited ! I wish I could click my fingers and would be there with you already! I really can’t explain it, and maybe it sounds strange, but it is something I feel, and I can’t hide it!:) am I going crazy? :)I hope no:).
Wish you to have a wonderful weekend, Alex! ! !
I’m thinking of you here, and I hope that you will think about me too, at least for some minutes:).
Crazy Irina. :)
Letter 9
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2006 4:02 AM
Subject: from Irina
Hello Alex!
How are you? yes, I do travel much in russia, for work. There are many beautiful places here. Are you going to Acapulco for work? Are you going with someone?
I wish you to have a wonderful day,
Letter 10
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 10:22 AM
Subject: Re[2]: from Irina
Hello Alex! ! !
How is your weekend? So, when are you going to leave? Spring is the time for love, I agree to you, so maybe we could meet there in acapulco this spring? I could take vacations and prepare the package for myself… do you think it’s a great idea? !!!
Letter 11
Sent: Monday, April 03, 2006 5:33 AM
Subject: Re[4]: from Irina
Hello Alex! ! !
How are you? How is your day? I think I could try to get a trip there for the dates you mentioned. I think it is possible, and my boss said that he could help:). So, what do you think? What are your plans there? Do you think it’s a good idea? Let me know, ok?
Letter 12
Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 3:32 AM
Subject: Re[6]: from Irina
Hello Alex!
How are you? My day is fine. It’s my birthday today. ! I wish you to have a wonderful day!!!
I don’t have good news, but I’m fine. It’s just about the trip. It’s too expensive for me, so I wish you to spend a wonderful time there, Alex! !! I will be thinking of you. I hope you will tell me how your trip will go :).
I have to go, my friends are waiting for me:), we’re going to the café now, I took the day off, the weather is beautiful!
My kisses,
Letter 13
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 7:24 AM
Subject: Re[8]: from Irina
Hello dear Alex!
How are you there? I wish I could come with you. It would be so great really! But I think it’s not comfortable for you to pay for it. It is only if you could loan me it, so I would give you it back later. For me it would cost 420usd. Or come here in summer. In any case, I would be so happy to meet you, Alex! !!
Letter 14
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2006 6:21 AM
Subject: Re[10]: from Irina
Hello dear Alex! ! !
How are you? My good morning kisses to you! It’s so wonderful day!
The price is not for the ticket only – it is for visa and also insurance. I would get it all fast, yes, it is a discount because I’m in a travel agency. If you would like me to come – then I have to pay sooner, so I’ll get all package for me till your departure date. It would be so wonderful!
My girlfriend had a birthday in march, on the 8th of march – here we also celebrate women’s day on that date.
And if you will come to russia- yes, you would need an invitation, I would send it, but it would take more time.
I am thinking of you all days long… because I’m very excited of all these dreams…
If we would pay till the next friday – then I would come with you. Not later than next Friday. And the sooner – the better :).
Thinking of you so much,
Letter 15
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 6:04 AM
Subject: You received a PassionUp Greeting Page!
alex, i wish i could be a bird and would fly to you sooner! You were sent a PassionUp greeting Page from Your Fate
Letter 16
Sent: Sunday, April 09, 2006 6:01 AM
Subject: Re[12]: from Irina
Hello dear Alex!
I liked you calling me "sexy Irina' ;).
I don't like fast food like you too, I just like going there with my girlfriends because they like it:). And I like the atmosphere of holiday in McDonald's. All people usually are smiling there, and something makes you smile too :).
If I would send you an invitation - sure it is not by email, it should be by usual mail and first I would have to contact our russian embassy.
Alex, if you would like me to come with you to mexico - I would be very very happy, I'm sure that we would spend super wonderful time. But I have to pay 420usd till Friday. So now it depends on you. I will give you the money back in few months, I promise. Here is my information for you:
Sportivnaya Street 20 - 3,
My full name is Irina Medvedeva.
I wish you to have a wonderful day!
Alex, I am thinking of you.
Letter 17
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 3:56 AM
Subject: Re[14]: from Irina
Hello dear Alex! ! !
Good morning to my dear Alex!!! How are you? How is your day? Did you sleep well? :)
Alex, it was so natural for me, so I was even surprised to your question – yes, I would like to be with you at the hotel. Would you mind? We would be together, and I would really love it, Alex.
It is not easy to get any visa, but it is not for someone who is connected with travel agency. Travel agencies make really miracles sometimes, that’s why people in russia always use travel agency’s help. You couldn’t pay online because I will have to pay personally in Moscow because of my discount. You can pay online, but only the full price. Also the price of 420usd includes not only a flight, but also visa and insurance, so it is not possible. I thought about online payment. I think you could make it at – it is international service of sending money, and you can send it using your credit card there online. So I would pick it up here and pay at the same day, so we would meet on the 22nd of April.
Alex, I am thinking of you… and get excited,
Your Irina.
Letter 18
Sent: Tuesday, April 11, 2006 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: Trip
Hello dear Alex! !!
How are you there? I am thinking of you… The best would be Uralsib bank (4 in the list of banks), it is closer. Yes, I will have to go to Moscow, it is situated in 1100 km ( 683 miles) from Samara. The way to Moscow is for free for me. Sometimes I go to Moscow because usually all documentation we get in Moscow. I will send you all infomation when I will get everything. I will be able to write you from Moscow too, I will spend there a couple of days, I will stay at my girlfriend’s. Also when I will be there – I will give her phone number, so maybe you would call me to Moscow? It would be so nice. I am also going to call you on this weekend, can I have your phone number? your waiting Irina.
Letter 19
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 1:39 AM
Subject: from your Irina
good morning my dearest Alex! did you get my phone message? i called you yesterday. I tried to email you, but it didnt work. Alex, it is friday, but it will be ok and even saturday morning will be great, so we're still able to make it possible. I wanna meet you so much! did you get my message yesterday on your phone? if not, please get it from your answering machine. Here is the phone where you can reach me : +79278729904. When i went
to the bank, i was told that i need to give them number which must consist of 8 figures. Alex, let's make it today. I couldn't send you a letter yesterday because when i was sending - all my letter came back to me, and my friends had the same problem. Today it seems to be fine and i hope you will get my voice message on your answering machine. i am thinking of you and i want to meet you very much. My kisses, your Irina.
Letter 20
Sent: Friday, April 14, 2006 3:15 AM
it seems that we were writing at the same time today in the morning :), what a connection! i miss you, your irina.
Letter 21
Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 2:39 AM
Subject: from your russian princess:)
My dear love,
I miss you so much! I’m going to Moscow today, so tomorrow I’m going to send you all information from there. I am thinking of you, you are the best!!!!!!! Kissing you, sorry for keeping it short, your loving russian princess:).
Letter 22
From: Your Fate
Sent: Monday, April 24, 2006 7:46 AM
Subject: from your stupid irina
Alex, my dear Alex, I really didn't know how to tell you because I was stupid, it was all my mistake and I was very disappointed, I didn't know what to do, and I was really very upset, so I didn't know how to say to you. But I know that I can't keep silence, it is not fair for you. I went to Moscow and got documents, but when I showed them to the embassy - the documents were fake! Then they asked me many questions and the police was there, then they didn't believe me that it was not me who was making the fakes. They didn't believe me because at the same day the fakes were stolen with my bag. ! it was something impossible, because I couldn't ever imagine that it could happen to me. Then they believed me, and they let me go, but still I wonder- it was all very weird and strange and can't understand everything till the end, but I know that it was all because of me, and I feel so ashamed! Because it was my work. I wanted to make everything faster, and that's why I was so stupid, I hate myself and blame myself. I feel very ashamed, that's why I didn't know how to tell you all this, alex. I will correct my mistake, I promise it to you. Please, forgive your stupid Irina. Your stupid Irina.
Letter 23
From: Your Fate
Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 4:41 AM
Subject: from your irina
Alex, I am really very ashamed that it happened to me. I don't work in a travel business
for a long time and I am only assistant and there is a lot to learn, so I really don't
know many things here and don't have much experience. Or maybe I am too stupid. I was told
in the police that I will have to go to Moscow again, they want to ask me something again, so
I will ask them for the report, but I'm not sure if it will work. Alex, I promise you that I
will correct my mistake and I will try to make the money as soon as it is possible, please
don't get mad at me, I really wanted to make everything faster, so I was foolish. I hope
that we still have a chance+ Your Irina.
Letter 24
From: Your Fate
Sent: Wednesday, May 03, 2006 2:44 AM
Subject: chance
Dear Alex, yes I do hope that we still have a chance because every person deserves to be happy. I want to be happy. And I am trying to correct my mistakes right now and to make everything possible to make you to forgive me. I made mistakes, and I am telling you now that I am trying to correct this mistake, and get you the money. I am just asking you to forgive me, and I am asking you for a chance, Alex.
Ekaterina Kochkaryova - Gatchina/St. Petersburg/Moscow, Russia
I am a single father of two kidsand I work as a musician. I was contacted by
this woman on We wrote letters for several months and after
about a month she started asking for money to come to visit me. She went as
far as to send me an image of her fake visa (confirmed by the embassy in
moscow). Her scam includes asking for visa money, ticket money and also
pocket money so that they will let her board the plane. She is very persistent, charming, convincing and persuasive. However, don't be fooled.
In my case, I tried to wire her money using a credit card through western
union and they already had her name blacklisted as a scam. She still persisted for weeks and weeks claiming innocence and requesting money to be
wired to either her hometown of Gatchina, where she supposedly works in St.
Petersburg or to Moscow where she pretended to stay while awaiting her visa
and subsequent flight.
Thank you very much for this site, it was very helpful and provided what I
needed to prove that she was a con artist.
Letter 1
Her first contact message is lost, but this was the first real email I got
from her:
Ekaterina <> wrote:
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 09:07:16 -0700
From: Ekaterina <>
Subject: Sorry! I did not see your letter...
Hello Joshua!!!
Sorry!!!!!! I could not answer you earlier. I did not see your letter. It has been placed in spam folder.
I do not know why it happens. Probably it is a mistake of a server. I shall disconnect spam filter. Also I hope my letter
it will not be placed in yours spam the filter. Check it more often. I am glad that you have answered me. If I am still
interesting to you, write to me. My name is Ekaterina. I am 28 years old (still young but
mature enough to know what I want in this life). Ekaterina is a full name but you can also call me shortly
Katya. This what usually people who know me well call me. But also there are different ways to call me tenderly,
like Katusha or Katushka. My height is 167 cms(it 5.5 foots), my weight is 56 kgs.
I am in a good shape. I am not skinny but look really nice. I am not boasting, it is true.
I take good care of myself as I care of my appearance but I am not fanatic.
I have a higher education. I studied on the faculty of Russian language. So I am very good at Russian as you see
I have also finished courses of a medical nurse and can make massage too. I should say I am rather good at it.
My family is not really big. I have a step father and stepbrother. Unfortunately, I don't have really close relations with them.
Sometimes we gather for holidays but it happens very seldom. I feel very sad saying this but my mother died from the cancer.
I loved her very much and I miss her badly. I live alone. And I have to learn for my living. I could
work as a teacher of Russian. But teachers get very small salaries in Russia. And I need to earn for my living myself.
That's why I have finished courses. Now I work as a medical nurse in the private clinic.
And I also do massage, it is my extra work. Thus how I earn for my living. I am not complaining but it is really a hard
work. I should always be kind and polite though with some people it seems to be impossible. I don't want to loose
my job. So I try always to be patient even with rude people. And what is more important, I get moral satisfaction helping
people. It is my contribution into the world. The city I live in is called Gatchina. These are 40 kilometers
from St.-Petersburg. I live in Gatchina. But I work in St.-Petersburg. Almost
every day I should go 40 kilometers for work, and back home. We have many places of interests and lots of historical
places. I enjoy walking there. Also we have some theatres and cinemas. When I have a chance I go to the theatre with
my best friend. Her name is Lera and she is a very nice girl. But she is married. And we try to meet together to spend time.
I want to have my own family very much. You know, family is like a castle. Nobody can't break it if you really love your
family and fight for it. It is a place where you come with joy and happiness.
And you feel bad and sad your family will always support you. This is what I am looking for. I am looking
for a person who would be with me in bad and in good times. It is so important
to know that there is a person who need you and that you are not alone in this world any more. Do you agree?
I have promised to send you my picture. So it is attached to this letter, hope you will like it.
Now you will have an idea of who I am.
Ok, I will stop here and tell you more in my next letters. I will be waiting impatiently for your reply.
Enjoy your day!
P.S. Please, answer me for 2-3 days that I knew that I am interesting to you.
My emails address:
Letter 2
Ekaterina <> wrote:
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 02:32:43 -0700
From: Ekaterina <>
Hi my darling Joshua!!!
100 dollars will not suffice me for the visa. I receive the visa in USA!!! I know that you not in Canada!
I will need 500 dollars for the tickets, but these it is not necessary at once. First of all I need to get visa and for this
purpose I need 194 dollars. I need it by all means. Only having visa, I can buy plane tickets. Nobody will sell me the ticket without a visa.
That's why send me money , please, for visa. Please, understand me! I am able to get visa for 1, 2 or
3 months. This depends on the Embassy. This time is
enough for us to get to each other better. I want to come to you not to marry you but you get closer and to see if we
match each other. But if I don't pay for visa now, I will never get it then. I will come to you as soon as
I get my visa. Or at any other time which is convenient for you. You should understand that I ask for money
now as I have a chance to get visa without a problem. Now I have only a week, or to me will give up in
reception of the visa! And later I could not get it. And in this case, we will not be able to meet.
You can send money through Western Union:
It is not far from the place I work. I need only $194.
My full name is Ekaterina Kochkaryova.
Do you know what? I am going to tell you one thing now. Promise that you are not going to laugh at me, please...
I feel shame telling you my dream. But it happened and it was so real.
Ok, here we go. Imagine. dark room, you are sitting on the sofa having cocktail.
Suddenly you see a flash in the middle of the room. You see a chair in the middle, dark red walls and a slim woman in
the black suit and in the black hat. You can't see her face but you feel that you know this woman very well. She has a
red lipstick on her lips and a long cigarette. She is smoking and it looks so sexy. Then she starts dancing. She slowly
takes her clothes away till the moment when she has little fluffy pants on her. She still has her hat on. She is dancing
slowly and then faster and faster. Her naked body is so sensual. She comes close but you still can't see her face.
It is very dark inside and there is only a candle light. She sits on your knee and starts kissing you. Her hands are
very tender, you feel them everywhere on your body and your desire gets stronger with every minute.
Then you feel yourself inside of her and your body and hers
is one whole. You lay down being very weak, relaxed and satisfied. She takes her hat away and you see me.
My lips are red from your kisses. You see my eyes and my lips and feel that you want me again and again. And our
night of passion continues.. Writing this I feel that I am already very excited.
I want to be close to you so much. This is only my dream. But I want it so much to come true.
love you.
And miss you badly.
Letter 3
Ekaterina <> wrote:
Date: Mon, 1 May 2006 02:24:52 -0700
From: Ekaterina <>
My sunshine Joshua!
I need only $194 to come to you. I don't rush things. I just have a very good chance to get visa rather quickly
and I don't want to use this chance. But I don't have money for this that is why I ask you for your help.
The visa is given for 3 months. That is our chance, that;s why I ask you to send me $194. If I don't get
money now, then it will be very difficult to do it. This process is getting more and more difficult with
each day. Embassy makes new rules every time and they are very strict.
I feel so sad and lonely without you. I wish you were here right now. We would put a warm blanket
on us and would do different silly things under it. How do you like the idea? Or we could go to have a shower together...
I feel bad without you. I need your love so much. I want to feel your strong touch, you manly body, to feel the smell of
your body and to feel your arms around me. Dear, it is very important to share all moments in life with
each other. To be in happiness and in sorrows with each other, to love each other, to take care of each other, to be close
when someone feels sad, just to sit and to talk not to have misunderstandings.
This is love for me and what's love for you? I think it is better to go to bed now. It is still raining
outside and I wonder what the weather there. I wonder how you feel and what you do at this moment.
I want to share my life with you so much. Please, be with me always. Take care of me and I will give you all my life too.
Without you my life is empty and I am nothing. I live only with the thoughts of you. I live with my dreams about you.
Hope to meet with you in my dream tonight. Love you very much.
All my kisses and hugs are for you.
P.S. I can't send you my pictures any more. The scanner I have used in the Internet cafe is broken. And I really don't
have time for looking for another one. I have a very busy work schedule.
Letter 4
Ekaterina <> wrote:
Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 02:05:15 -0700
From: Ekaterina <>
My sunshine Joshua,
what a damn country! I am having problems again. I am so tired from all this bureaucratic system.
It appeared that I need to have $100 or $150 to leave for a foreign country. It is unfair! They do it at the customs
to be sure that this person will have enough money to go back to his native country. I don't know if this ever happen in
other countries or for foreigners. I think that people in other countries can easily go from one place to another one.
I think it is done only for Russian people. Many people from Russian want to stay in other foreign countries.
And Russian people have a very bad reputation all over the world. But I am very angry about this. How could they judge
all people because of some who had once done something. It is very-very unfair. I disagree with it completely.
Please, dear, send me this money as soon as possible. You can send it to my name via Western Union and I will
get it here in Moscow in any office of Western Union. I will be waiting impatiently.
Hug you tightly and I need your support so much. But I am not going to give up.
Love you.
Marianna Aptysheva - Perm, Russia
Hi, My name is David I'm 39y/o and live in New Jersey , USA. I was contacted
by a Russian girl about 10 days ago thru and I started correspnding on an everyday bases, I knew from the
beginning that sounded like a scam but deep inside I was hoping was real, anyway I kept
corresponding until she ask me for money. Here is the chronological events and pictures of her:
Letter 1
Date received: May 20, 2006
Subject: Hello!!!!!!!!!!!
My name Marianna Aptysheva. To me of 28 years. Growth 167 see the Blonde,
Eyes blue-green, a figure harmonous. Formation the maximum, perfectly I own
and I speak in English, Studied it during all study. On To character - kind, sympathetic and quiet, for my work it is simple
It is necessary. I work in shop of various clothes. Not for the husband. Children while are not present. I live in very
beautiful city - Perm, Russia. My hobbies - music, sports, housekeeping, walk on fresh air. Music-from
Up to modern. I love sports-my morning before work begins with jog on fresh
air. I like to prepare And to be engaged in house affairs. Still I like rabbits. I live one in an
one-room apartment. Very much I love children and would like to get the child, but yet
Has met that the man to which could trust and pass on vital Ways to a place and consequently I dream to get acquainted for serious
attitudes with Kind, decent, cultural and clever the man. The output for the husband is
possible. Where You wash the unique and tender reliable friend??!! If you are interested
Me that write to me on my e-mail: If you will answer me, I shall tell in more detail about myself and
To send you the photo.
With greater impatience I look forward to hearing from you Marianna.
Letter 2
Hello my new friend David!!!!!!!! The my dear friend I have received your picture, you are fine!!!!! I never arrived to the USA, on mine it
is very responsible step for me. I studied English language during all
study in the city of Kazan!!! I was so glad that you have answered my letter. It makes me feel very good and pleasent. Now I understand,
that people in your country really responsible !I liked your profile. And that is the reason why I have written you a letter. I really want
to know more about you.I would like to know the way you live, I really
interested in the things that you like. . I am very glad to have such a friend, as you. I am very cheerful person. Also I wish to tell to
you that was born in very beautiful city Samara, it is located on coast of the known river Volga. My birthday is on July, 24th, 1977. On
a sign on the zodiac I "Leo". I have very hard work as, I work in a shop as a consulter I mean I advise people what would be better for
them to buy. I work in a shop of different clothes. I think that my work is pretty responsible and I compare it with my life. I mean that
I can not make mistakes. I like to wear fashion clothes but unfortunatelly I can not afford myself to buy the things I want.
Anyway I try to have nice clothes. I had a lot of nice and pleasent things in my life , but unfortunatelly sad events took the most part
of my life.And every day I try to make sure myself that life is life and I should never give up. I have never been maried and I have no
children, but I would like to have children very much I think that children are the flowers in our life, but at the same time I want and
I realise that I want to have children with the man I love and who will be with me to the end of my life. I would like for my children a
good future. I want them to grow in no need anything. I believe that the real love exsists and each human can have it only once in his life
and I think that it is very important to understand in time that it has come. Once I thought that this real love had come to me but it was
a rude mistake. The man that I loved with all my heart turned out to be a monster. He just left me alone because of some other lady. It was
the lesson for all my life. Since that time I never had a boyfriend here. So I have decided to meet someone abroad. I think that the main
features of human character are Sincerity, kindness, politeness, respect and truth I really think that everybody should be honest to
each other. Pretty often I see young pairs, I see them happy, I really
sincerely glad for them, and I believe that one day I will also have a
man to share my feelings with. I just want you to understand me correctly I want you to undestand that I just tired to be alone and I
think that I can love and can be loved and that is the only thing I want for now. As I told you I had a friend and it was my only close
and real boyfriend, and the end of our relationsheep was pretty sad, especially for me. Maybe I will tell that this story in details but a
little bit later.I really like nature.I like to walk in a forest alone
there I stay alone with my thoughts and it makes me feel so good and easily. I also like animals very much.Here I will finish my letter,
and with impatience I shall look forward to hear from you my friend David. Your new friend from Russia, Marianna. P.S. If you have any
images of you please send them to me. I really want to see you. I would like to see the images at your work at your house with your
friends, everywhere.
Letter 3
Hi my beautiful friend David. The my dear friend is a photo I did the last summer in a grove on coast of the great river of Volga, this tree
is recognized by the thickest and high in our city!!! You probably know about the river Volga it very much greater, it proceeds through
all Russia and runs into Caspian sea. I am very glad, that you have answered my letter again. Your letters give me a charge of energy for
all day! I read them with the great pleasure. In your letters you may ask me anything that interest for you about me. It is my first
experience of acquaintance through the Internet, and I like this way pretty much as I was answered at once the person whom I liked. I write
the letters from the Internet cafe so sometimes I will have no possibility to answer your letters at once, I just know that sometime
it can be some problems with it. Today I went to church, as it is a sad date for me, this day my parents died. They died in a carcrash.I
believe that God exsists and being in church makes me feel better. I really wonder what is the weather like in you country now. Tell me
something about the place you live in. It is spring now in Russia and I like this part of year very much. A lot of children play in the
yards in the street. And I like the way they play. Children are the future of our planet and on them all our hope. My parents educated me
pretty good and I am really thankfull for that. I have finished Kazan state university on a speciality of ecologist. But nevertheless I do
not work on this speciality. Tell me more about yourself.What do you like to do in your free time, what is your favourite dish and
favourite cuisine, what movies do you prefer, what music do you like? My favourite dish is pelmeni, this is very tasty dish from Russian
kitchen which consists of forcemeat of a beef and pork with an onions and spices wrapped up in a dough and cooked. May be one day I will
cook pelmeni for you... But of course this is not the only thing I like. There are a lot of tasty dishes here in Russia. Once I visited
McDonalds. I realised that the food there is syntethic but I liked it very much. I would like to visit it one more time. But it is pretty
expensive for me. My favourite movie is Titanic. As to the music, it depends on my mood, I like Russian classics Tchaykovskiy,
Rohmaninov, Rimskiy-Korsakov as it is pleasant to me Madonna, Enya, Kylie
Minogue. I like your letters very much and I hope that you will answer my
letter as soon as it possible for you. Your friend from Russia Marianna.
Letter 4
Hello my friend David!!!!!!!! My dear ????, unfortunately I have no house a mobile phone, send me the number of your phone and I to you
shall necessarily call back. As I already spoke you in the first letter that I very much love rabbits, here which I did a photo the
last summer. Again I have received a letter from you and I am very glad! I hope, that all the things that I write to you are clear and
you undestand all I want to tell you. You know, for the small period of correspondence with you have become a very good friend of mine and
I feel that I can trust you. How do you think? I feel myself not very comfotable without your letters and with them my day become better and
brighter. I feel myself not alone. I know that you far from me but I feel your support. David you might think that it is too fast or even
too stupid but believe me, I am just saying the way I feel and think. I just would like you to feel the same and if you are so it is just
wonderfull! You know, I really want to write you a usual letter with my own hand and then receive a letter from you in the same way. But
you know, usual mail is too long and moreover, it is very often when
letters are just gone I mean they are just stolen or something like that. Actually I never used Internet before, may be just couple of
times. But now I realise that it is so convinient and fast. I think it
is imazing that my letter comes to you from one end of the planet to enother in a minute, I think it is just great. Also I am really regret
that I have no phone. I really want to hear your voice. It is a real problem for me. Sometimes it is even hard to find some of my friends
or they can not find me as I have no phone. You know, last days of my work during the whole work day I have very often thoughts about you.
And you know yesterday I had a very rude client, after he has gone I felt myself horrible and in a minute I just remember about you and all
the madness had gone. The thoughts about you filled in all my head. I
also wait for a moment when I will come to the internet cafe and start
to read the new letter from you. During these thoughts minutes and hours become longer. It might seem to you strange but it is the way I
feel. Unfortunatelly my time in the internet cafe is getting to the end so I will finish my letter now. Write me. I will wait
impationatelly. Your friend Marianna.
Letter 5
Hallo my far friend David!!!!!!!! My dear unfortunately I have no house a mobile phone as soon as to appear such opportunity I
necessarily to you I shall call. I have just finished my work. You know, tonight I had very strange and pleasent fellings and thoughts.
Actually I even do not know how did I feel today. Was it sad or may be
it was beautifull. All this day I remembered that pair in the park. And with every moment I realised that I am so happy for them. But at
the same time one thought about us did not left my head. All the ladies that work in the same shop with me asked the same question if
something has happened to me. They said that my behaviour has changed.
But I said that it is all just fine. Everything is the same. But after
that words I felt like if I lied. I know that I have changed. And I think that you make me change. May be I am wrong, I do not know yet.
All I know is that I need your letters... Bye for now. I hope to hear from you soon. Marianna
Letter 6
Hello my kitten David!!!!!!!! As always it was wonderfull to see your letter
in my mailbox. I hope you do not mind that I called you kitten. I just
wanted to call you in some tender way and that was the bwst word I have found. My girlfriends at work say, that I became absent-minded,
they say that I have fallen in love with someone. And I do not know what to tell them about it. I do not know whom I deceive. Them or
myself? Since I have started receive your letters I have only one thought in my head. Is it possible? And now I want to tell you one
phrase. May be you will think that it is stupid or too fast. But I love you. You are the one I looked for. You are the man that I want to
spend my life with. I am sure that I have found my second half. And all I need to know if my feelings are mutual. I really need to know
it. Probably you think that I am crazy. But trust me, I am not crazy. I am just saying what I feel. I am telling you the things that my
heart telling. Please do not make me wait. I just want to know the true and that is it. I hope that you will answer to my letter as soon
as it possible. I will wait with all my heart. With love Marianna.
Letter 7
Hi my dear David!!!!!!!! My dear favourite kitten, for us in these days off did not work the Internet-cafe, and on it I could not write
to you. I thought a lot about me and you. I did not sleep all night. Now it is very important period of my life. I tried to find my real
love for some years and now i found you. When my girlfriend told me to
try myself in the internet i thought that it would be funny. I cant imagine that in the internet i can find such man like you. I think it
is a merical. Now evry minute i think only about you my dear David. Now i realy feel myself happy. First time i did not whant to tell
someone about us. I thought our feelings are not so strong. But now i understand that it is a real love. I tlod about us to my friends and
they are realy happy for me. They told me that they see it in my eyes. I can tell you what i want. Everything that i want is to be with
you. With my LOVE!!!Every day i dream of having long walks with you on
the beach, watching the sun set over the ocean. Listening to the sea galls call, and watching the dolphins swim up the coast into the
inlets for the night. Beautiful candle lit dinners sitting by the
harbor side with a good bottle of wine and wrapped up in great conversation. But now it is only a dream.... But i think that we can
make this dream come true. I think that we will be the happiest people
in the universe when we will be together. If you dont mind it would be
great to be together and to have a lot of childrens. What do you think
about it??? My David i realy need you.... On this i will finish my
letter. I told you what i feel ... I hope you fell the same and you will understand.. Now i have to go, it is pretty late now. Waiting for
your reply...
Letter 8
Hi my love David!!!!!!!! I have understood, that I can not imagine my lifenot only without your letters but without you! Now for me life
withoutyou is not meaningful. I can not live without you. I want us to
betogether. I want to feel you. I really need you! But also I want to understand one thing. I do not want to live in Russia. I want come to
your place. I want us have a common bed, feelings, happiness, mountain. I want that all the people looked at us and surprise that we
are the happiest pair in the world full of love and trust. I want that
your friends looked at us and envied, that you have a beautifull wife and that my girlfriends looked at you and envied that I have the best
and beautiful husband in all the world! I really want it with all my heart. I ask you to think about it as serious as it possible. But I am
sure, that our feelings are mutual. On it I shall finish my letter, and I will wait for your answer impationatelly. It is necessary for me
to know your opinion about everything I have told you. Yours Marianna.
Letter 9
My dear favourite kitten David. I work in shop of various things as the seller, this shop has name SELLA. I have many friends,
here a photo me and my best girlfriend. A my dear kitten unfortunately
I have no mobile a home telephone number, send me the number and I am obligatory to you I shall call as soon as there will be such
opportunity. Today I to study all concerning my arrival in you. I have
entered into the Internet-cafe to inform you that all well. I should let out my visa, the passport and the document
concerning insurance upon health. They will be ready in 15 days after payment. I shall be
capable to be in your country only 90 days, but if you Will I am urgently borrowed can to come back home earlier. Such opportunity to
me lowers time in a life to be in you so soon on visiting. I very urgently love you, and I dream of a meeting. Whether I know, that
there will be it, but I so love you and I wish to see you in the
person. As I to have inquiry to you. I require your help. Send me 470 dollars, for registration of my documents. In us everywhere quotations
in the American dollars. Simply visa within 30/90 days costs 470 dollars, And nevertheless it is necessary on any charges. I should
transfer medical survey and pay for insurance and The passport for travel abroad. Then I shall study on the account of tickets and to
speak you. If you can send it today so to me, I shall be more silent, also will not worry, That something I shall not have time. Also my
love David as the girlfriend has told me, you will require the some datas from me,
Country: Russia
City: Samara
My Full Name: Aptysheva Marianna
the address of my branch western union: 443010 address, Samara, street
M.Gorkogo, 131
Western Union " Baltic Bank "
My dear David, I wish to ask you when you will be, have sent it References behind the help of 470 dollars, it will be necessary for me to
which you should Send me the important information which demanded in a package of money.
(Namber-MTCN the Control of Transfer of Money). You will have this number in
The receipt which work the operator, will give you. My dear David, you
Should to send me it so the important data in e-mail. Without it MTCN data I, willn't can to receive references behind the help which are
necessary for My arrival to you my dear David. My love, I understand Completely that is greater money, but to me is more, on whom I can
To rely and on it, I ask, you about your help with it charge. Mine Love David, we - I, and you love each other very much, and we shall be
Together, simply, I assured of it my dear David!!! I wait and I dream for an instant of our meeting at your airport mine David.
I shall shout during this moment when I shall leave from air pass and When I shall see you mine David because it will be with our happiness mine
dear David. I close my eyes, and I imagine about it so happy
Picture. My love, I dream, as we shall live together my favourite, to go
On walk, storage for our hands my love David. I want it you Will show me your native land, places where you like to go for a
Go and where you like to spend more than your time, also I want to Get acquainted with your relatives and the close friends so! I want
To be with you very much, such greater my love David! I love you David, and I grieve without you my most dear love David! My dear David, I
Wish to tell to you, that during all our dialogue, I often discussed our
feelings with my girlfriends. They approve our close feelings of love with you mine David, they - so
Happy because we love each other very much, simply they have told me That we shall be happy you, and they wish us the big happiness
Together! They see my feelings and my happiness from our love with You, and they understand me, that we we can not without each other
Also wish us greater love at this time and our future life also! Simply
Greater congratulations from my girlfriends to you, David, please, accept
Love from my girlfriends! Well, my love David, Allow me to finish my most dear David my e-mail, I wait for yours
Messages so a lot of my person of love David!!!
Desire to be with you such big my love David, Really, your lady of love for ever. Marianna.
Vinogradova, Orenburg Russia
Hi there i am a 26 y.o. male living in pennsylvannia that has gotten scammed by this person or whomever posing to be this person. I have originally met Anastasiya on a website named, then we continued writing for about a month and a half until i finially discovered it was a scam. Her E-mail address was do not write to this girl she is a scam. She asked for $500 for her visa then $1500 for her tickets and then also $3500 to prove to embassy the she was financially secure. She asked for this money via western union. And all money was sent to Anastasiya Vinogradova. She wrote letters constantly up until the day she was supposed to arrive. the day she was to fly in she wrote that she could not get through customsbecuase of her jewelry and that she needed money to pay for the fine she was given for trying to take these jewels acrossed borders. then proceeded to say that she cashed in tickets and that she was not coming. Very complete and detailed about everything. Here are some pics and letters i hope that this can at least keep someone else from losing several thousand dollars.
Randy Cramer
Letter 1
In the beginning of the letter to you I want to the name. My name Anastasia . I am sure, that you did not expect to receive the letter from me. I live in the city of Orenburg, it is Russia, my city fine and I love it. I want to tell to you about my purposes in a life a little and about me. I the educated and cheerful woman. It will be very good, if you look at my picture. In my opinion so it will be better to consider my appearance. I have some pictures, and I shall be, is pleased, to send you my pictures, That you could see me better. My e-mail it: vinogradovanas(at)rambler(dot)ru. I always dreamed to find my love. I search for whom - what is interested in division of friendship, the novel, and love in monogamous attitudes. You should be capable to express yourselves orally, emotionally, sensually and to have downwards to terrestrial expectations. I search for the man who understands, that attitudes of love only work, when two persons are capable to give and receive openly when two persons are capable to express their internal the majority of feelings, desires, and requires to each other when two persons with love try to meet each needs of others what they can ever be when two persons divide a cargo and duties of a daily life when two shares of people and support each other through successes of a life and refusals. Communication - a key to valid to knowledge of whom - that is deep and deep. The respect to each other also is important. I believe, that when two persons try to do by each other favourite feeling and respected every day, that their love to each other can help to overcome him any obstacle which their way arrives. I like to work, I like to have a fair life. I dream to create family and to care of my husband. I want, which loved me and also cared. I love tenderness and kindness in the person. Also I love the decent and fair person. I still young and I want to think of my family. I want to create healthy and strong family in a plenty of good statuses for a life! I shall wait and hope, that you will not ignore my letter. Thanks! Sincerely yours, Anastasia.
P. S. I have search to you which you have written to me on this address of e-mail: vinogradovanas(at)rambler(dot)ru. l And it would be more convenient for me because I cannot pay completely my membership in this site. I with impatience shall wait your answer!!!
Letter 2
Hello my dear Randy!
How are you doing? Well! I am glad to see your letter today and it to like me well as never earlier. I love you my dear Randy, and I am
not afraid to speak these remarkable words. You my second half and you
are necessary for me so. Yesterday I to make the big way and it was valid not easily for me.
Only my ideas about you and about our meeting to allow me so it is many forces and energy to search a way for our meeting.
I have many news to you, and I hope, that it will be very interesting for learning to you about it. There are some good news and the some
people not so good. I shall begin with good news.
When I have arrived to Moscow early in the morning, I should, enter into embassy of the USA in Moscow. For me it was necessary to write
many applications and me to lead a lot of time with this purpose. Lady
in embassy to help me with it and spoke me that very difficultly for me to enter into the USA, as I the lonely girl. For me there was a lot
of a new information also. Also after terrorists of attacks to the USA on September, 11th 2001 rules of visiting of the USA became more
rigid. I to speak very much from that lady and it has told to me, that
I can receive the visa of the tourist, and these are so-called B-2 visas. I can visit you as the tourist and is glad, that there is a way
however for our meeting my dear Randy! In total I shall demand the passport, medical survey also I should show the information concerning
the marital status. My dear Randy I hope, that you understand, that all this costs not a few money. I would like to inform you on charges
for my documents to arrive to you. The visa will cost 200 dollars, and it includes also various taxes.
Will have necessary also the passport, and it will cost 100 US dollars, medical survey is necessary for me, and it will be required
around of 90 dollars. Also I should be filled in questionnaires, and registration costs 80 US dollars.
As you already you see, it is necessary to take a lot of prophetic to enter into the USA. I expected it. I also thought, that it will not be
simple to visit the USA.But I should tell, that the meeting is more important. I am ready to take all things to arrive to the USA. My
favourite, I should speak you, that I while cannot precisely tell as, shall be soon ready my documents, that I could arrive to the USA. It
will demand possibly approximately before I can receive my visa and the passport for 2-4 weeks. We should take these measures anyway, and
i really require your help Randy. Mine Randy, now allow me to sum up my charges on our meeting. So,
my documents will take approximately 470 dollars, also it - really easy money. I should speak you, that I worked very much, and I have
some saved money. I have 5600 roubles and it around of 200 dollars. Mine Randy to receive all necessary documents correctly, I should
have residing at Moscow always in time to enter into embassy and me, I
hope, that you understand me my dear Randy. I hope, that you are glad to hear about it as it is rather real
prices, and we should spend this money to compel our meeting to work. You agree with me?
Randy, thus it is a shame to me to speak about it and me, never thought of it, that I should ask the help with money you! I really am
upset a little with it as I have no such big sum of money. You are ready to help me with this money? I promise you, that I shall
very closely and cautious it as our future will depend on it and ours happiness. I the strong woman and I shall find in me directly, that
forces take all things to our happiness. I also thought of the ticket onboard the plane. I shall demand it
also. And we should speak about it also. Unfortunately, I shall not have
Money for my ticket. If you could buy the ticket for me then, I would be very happy, that also our meeting would be lead soon.
Please, learn for me this information and inform me most of all The airport close to you in which we there should be first time! Well?
I shall hope, that for you it, there there were good news to our meeting. I do not want it, we have been prevented by money. In our life
Money play a greater role. But I do not want, that money place a barrier in our attitudes. Excuse me please, that I asked you about the
help. I think, that it is fair. I shall hope, that we shall take all things as it is probably fast. I
spoke with my director, and I shall have a vacation, it To visit the USA. I can take all things here, and now only it is
necessary to solve a thing with money. I shall hope very much for you.
Randy, I so have written to you today very much and is tired now meal on station.
I shall pray to the God today rather our meeting, and I hope, that I prays, will be heard.
Once again, it - very much a shame to me to ask you about the help. I shall possibly one of the happiest women in the world if we shall
unite soon our hearts. No, I to not rush off very quickly!! I wish to arrive to you and to live with you some time!
We should have some time together to continue our attitudes further.
I hope, that you have correctly understood me in my letter to you and
to it is valid to establish reflection both of us. Now our future in our hands and we should make the correct decision.
My heart beat now in some times more quickly, and I worry very much. I am very glad that you wish to visit my parents it very well. My
parents wish to get acquainted with you. Today I would not have an opportunity what to call to you. I had the
loaded day and I am very tired after my trip. I think that I to you shall call on Tuesday. I necessarily would shall inform you on it in
advance that you have not passed my call. If you will not be at home then I shall leave to you the message on an answering machine. I very
much wish to have with you conversation. I think that one telephone conversation can replace ten letters.
I listen to my heart, and I hope, that you will listen also to your heart Randy.
Well, I should go now I to finish my letter. I with impatience shall wait to receive news from you with impatience. All good!
Only yours Anastasia
Letter 3
My dear Randy,
I today to carry out all day at reception of my visa. Today very big day was. I had much time to make.
When I have come in embassy, it was necessary for me to write first of all
The application. Lady in embassy very polite. She helped me With my documents. At embassy there is a commission. It is necessary for me
There were to pass examinations on a medical board. In other words I very much to get tired today. I shall sleep today very well!!!!
I so am glad to read your letter today. Randy, you should
To ask the god that at me all was good. Support is necessary for me. I dream to arrive to you more soon and to take with you happy life!
Tomorrow again it is necessary for me to go in embassy. I have absolutely overlooked to speak,
That lady in embassy has told me, that tickets are as soon as possible necessary for me
Aboard the plane up to USA. It is necessary for me to buy at once two tickets. This obligatory
Condition to receive the visa. I was surprised when to me have told, that I should
To have 2 tickets. To me have explained, that in embassy should be sure,
That I financially steady citizen also that I shall be capable to go back
To Russia. You understand? For this reason I should satisfy this condition and buy
2 tickets. I should explain you, that one ticket should be to USA, and other ticket back
To Russia. The matter is that the embassy should be confidently that
I may I shall come back-back to Russia. You understand? It rules are very complex and
I should submit to this. We should take all things if we want to be together. You
It agree with me? You see will help me my Randy. We together should embody our dream in a reality. Tomorrow I want
The ambassador the trouble to go in the airport. I shall go in airport "Sheremetyevo".
It is most close located to me. I shall consider cost Tickets. Randy, I shall hope, that we shall take all things with tickets
Soon, that my visa was ready more soon. I want to thank you for care About me. I very much estimate it. I understand, that you worry about me.
Please only do not worry. If I shall be To take all things it is fast, I shall not have need in money for residing.
My sweet dreams always about love. I see in dream of you. You to me always
You speak by warm words. My dreams more strengthen my desire to arrive to you!!!
I LOVE YOU!!! I so would like to place all my love in my letter To you. Love - it the most magnificent feeling which is present in our life.
We are capable of much when we like. You agree with me, my Randy? Randy, I now again shall go to hotel and I shall write to you tomorrow.
I wait your letter! Only yours,Anastasiya.
Letter 4
My loved Randy,
I only to come back from the airport. I to spend a lot of time, that To reach the airport. I observed various dates of flight. The prices for tickets
In many respects depend on a class of the plane and from that I shall fly to what time.
I want to tell, that I to consider the cheapest tickets aboard the plane.
I considered many companies and tried to choose most The best tickets. I should tell, that cost of tickets also
Includes taxes and tax collections of the airports.I looked tickets
from Sheremetyevo up to "BWI". One ticket will take aboard the plane from me
736 dollars. It is not so high price in comparison with 1960 dollars For higher class. There there are tickets and more expensive. For example
It is 4200 $!!! But such expensive places in the plane are not necessary for me.
I shall fly in the cheapest class, if only only this plane Has connected our hearts!!! My Randy, in other words I shall require
In 1472 dollars for my tickets. It would be very good if you sent me
Money as it is possible soon that process of reception of the visa was advanced.
I shall plan my flight to you On June, 1st. Randy, you understand, It may be day of our meeting!!!
My visa will be ready on June, 1st and I think that I should buy tickets for this number. In embassy have told that they are necessary
for me for faster process if I will have tickets then process will be completed on June, 1st. I agree with you that that it is not necessary
to take tickets for May, 20th then my visa will not be ready yet and money spent for the ticket will not pay back. I would not want that we
bought the ticket some times. To me the girl in embassy has told that my visa will be precisely made on June, 1st if I shall have the ticket
to you for June, 1st on hands at myself and should show them in embassy.
I should To tell, that I today found out in embassy as I can receive your ticket.
Lady in embassy has told me, that you may not buy for me the ticket. The matter is that I yet have no my visa. For this reason I should take my tickets
Here in Russia. I know, that there is such service when you may buy to me the ticket.
This service will not operate in our case. You understand? You should
To entrust to me purchase of tickets. I so want that it more soon to arrive!
I would like to arrive to you as it is possible soon, but anyhow I should wait.
I do many things here. It is very difficult for me, I did not think, that to me will be so alone here.
I want, that you sent me letters frequently. So I shall feel your support.
Please write words of love and caress to me more. OK? It very much helps.
You have entrusted to me the heart and I also trust you my heart. I shall not bring you.
I shall take all things correctly here.
I love you all heart! By the way, I should you give the address of bank in city
Moscow where I can receive your money. It:
MOSCOW , 123100
Name Anastasiya
Surname Vinogradova
I also should know 10 numbers of translation. We already have made much for our meeting. I shall go up to the end and we shall get our happiness!
I shall wait your letter soon! My heart will grieve, but I know, that Soon we shall together. With love, yours Anastasiya
Letter 5
Hello mine Randy,
On Saturday I have received your help and have already bought tickets for
Flight of the plane. Yesterday in embassy there was a day off therefore I did not go there. Yesterday I tried to phone to you what
to hear your voice but I have not found you at home you probably already send away for work, therefore I have left the message on an
answering machine. I could not write to Saturday to you because I am
very strongly tired on Sunday the Internet of cafe does not work. I went to bank to receive your money, there it is a lot of to people
therefore necessary to expect, but I have received your money then I have gone to the airport and there I have lead as enough time.
Our meeting becomes closer, also I believe, that we are very fast Can together. I have already attributed my tickets in embassy, and to
Me have told, that everyone will be in the order. I so am glad, that We shall meet you on 1-st of June. You represent fine Randy, it is day
From our meeting, are sacred day when there will be two hearts, loving each other.
Be close to you, I can the happiest girl on light. I love you, and me Wish to be only with you. I with you shall be always fair my feelings
to you the most sincere.I do not consider that when you speak about
marriage, you put pressure upon me. It not so, I always about it think
and very much I would want that between us this all has come true. I think when I can name you the husband, and you will name me the wife.
I think that I completely am ready to serious attitudes and creation of family. I believe that we can talk to you directly when we shall be
together. I very much wish to lead my remained life with such person as you. YOU have for ever entered into my heart and I think that never
leave it. I still when did not test such feelings to anybody. I am valid very strongly you I love. My heart is pleased that your feelings
same as mine. I promise you that I when I shall not injure your feelings. I shall protect your heart as the .Fine Randy, my tickets
have been approved the embassy, and now when registration of my visa will end, I can arrive to you. Soon place our long-awaited meeting.
But I should tell to you, it during the beginning in your country, me Should have money for a credit card. I should have not less than 3500
Dollars on a credit card. In embassy have told, that it is Obligatory thing for my flight on you. I should stabilize the citizen
Financially. The embassy should be convinced, that I am material Safe. I should have money because of when I arrive to the USA.
The minimal sum of money which I should have on my credit card, does
3500 dollars. I understand, that it is bad news, I understand yours Situation of money now. I did not know to tell to you about it,
It - has very much regretted to me, that I again should ask you of money, but
Anyway I should ask you it. Except for you fine Randy, Any in forces to help our meeting. I absolutely understand that you
Cannot send me more than 2000 dollars in a stream of 30 days. But you Try it should make, you can try to go down in other bank where there
Is the western union. I think, that it will help, also you can send me
Money. I trust, and I hope, that there is any way.
I am assured, that it is last step on a way to our meeting, there was last barrier,
And we should overcome it. I with hope shall wait for your help. You Can send me your help besides to operate bank in the city of Moscow. Well?
Really, I very much regret, but I at all did not know about it. I Knew, that I should have a credit card, but I could not accept, that I
Should have money for a credit card. I understand, that it is very firm
Now wash up also your position with money, but fine Randy, we should
Make this step. 3500 dollars - very easy money, are huge money, me Did not accept, that money to arrive to you are necessary for me. But
We should break this barrier. I do not want, that money became the reason
Refusal on a way to our meeting. You understand me, loved Randy? Also I wish to tell to you, that we we shall not lose this money. When
I shall arrive to the USA, we we can receive back this money in any Branch of bank. Day on my credit card is necessary only for formality,
That I could prove solvency. We we can receive this money back as soon
As I shall arrive to you, Randy. It is necessary to receive for me Your help in the near future because in other attitude I shall demand
Money for my residing at Moscow. I very much would not like to come At home not taken all things. As soon as I receive from you the help
Necessary for my credit card, I shall come back home in my city Orenburg, and I shall arrive to Moscow only on 31-st of May before
The beginning to you. I today promised in embassy, that I shall have money
Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. It will be better, if I shall be
Receive the help from you tomorrow. Randy, now I precisely know, that our meeting demands many money, I could not accept it earlier. Our
meeting demands many money and forces, but me very much desire to meet
you, loved Randy. I love you and reception my credit card, is last step on a way to our meeting. Please, understand to us, it is
necessary to take all things quickly. I very much am absent on you. Now I shall give you the information concerning my tickets. You should
meet me at the airport in day of ours meeting, and with this purpose you should know the list about flights.
Airline: Delta Air Lines Flight: DL47
Departure: on June, 01st, 12:30, Sheremetyevo Arpt
Arrival: on June, 01st, 16:15, Hartsfield Intl Arpt
Places: Econom class
City of change: Atlanta
Airline: Delta Air Lines Flight: DL1205
Departure: on June, 01st, 18:55, Hartsfield Intl Arpt
Arrival: on June, 01st, 20:51, Baltimore Washington Intl Arpt
Places: Econom class
Time in a way: 16 h. 22 m.
It will be the big day, I waited within this day all my life.
With love, for ever yours Anastasiya
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