Kovaleva - Orlov, Russia
Request for visa funds took just 13 days.
Female /claims age 30/
Postal address:38 Lomonosova street apartment 27, Orlov 423566
Letter 1
On 05/22/2006 06:28 am EDT, Zvonok wrote:
Hello, Me name is Svetlana.
I has decided, I need friend with whom I might connect all further life too is necessary for me,
but such person with whom I would not be happy is not necessary for me and
the girlfriend has advised me to look same people as well as I in the Internet,
I and have made I have gone to the Internet of cafe and have found a site
which to me the girlfriend has advised, at her mum as has got acquainted
with the person from Germany. After short viewing structures I have seen yours which most approaches me, and
have decided to write to you in hope that I shall receive from you the answer.
Excuse I has distracted from the story about itself slightly. As I to you
already spoke me 29 years I live in Russia, city of Orlov, my weight makes
64 kgs at growth of 170 centimeter. At me higher education on a speciality the ecologist, but on the
trade I do not work, as on it it is very difficult to find work. I work to
help the bookkeeper in the company which is engaged in sale of home appliances. I live one without parents, my
parents were lost at a fire of 6 years back. I live together with mine cat Murka,
she my best friend!Unfortunately I badly know the English language so I the
first time shall be to use the translator, but I go on rates, on studying
language. With impatience I wait from you for the answer. Your new friend Svetlana.
Please write me on my personal e-mail:
So it will be more convenient to me to write to
you and I can send you the photos!
Letter 2
Hello my new friend Mark
You would know how many pleasures to me have brought that you have answered me! Now I
understand, that people in your country really responsible ! Today I came into computer club and
have scanned some the images and with this letter I send them to you, I
hope, that I to you like. I directly would like to learn more about you to learn your
interests as you live as you work. I am very glad to have such friend, as
you. I in life very cheerful person and at me very responsible work as
I already spoke, I work to help the bookkeeper, and I not in what a case should not make a mistake, both in work and
in life I not less responsible person, I think, that the person should concerns to associates as
wants that to it concerned. In my life was a lot of pleasure, but besides it is pleasure always stood on a number
with more sad events. I never was for the husband and I have no children, but I very
much would like them to have, but from the person with whom our love would be mutual and that the child anything did
not require. The main features of human character I think Sincerity, kindness, politeness and as
I think, that the person it is necessary should be the respectable citizen with love to the country. I very much
frequently see young pairs, I see as they are happy, I sincerely am glad for
them, but thus I remain itself the person whom not loved At me when that
was one friend, but it is little bit sad history, I was possible shall
tell to you about it little bit later. I as like to be on a nature, there I
feel quieter. As other my hobby is domestic animals and in particular as I already spoke you my cat Murka. On it I also
shall finish the letter to you, and with impatience I shall look
forward to hearing.
Your new friend from Russia Svetlana
Letter 3
Hi my beautiful friend Mark
I am sincerely glad, to that you have answered me again. Your letters give me a charge of energy for all day! I
read them with the great pleasure. In the letters you may ask me about everything, that
interests you about me. But if I on them do not answer you, do not take
offence, I simply can not understand it , set to me it slightly on another and I it is indispensable on him shall
answer you. It is my first experience of acquaintance through the Internet,
but this way has very much liked me as I was answered at once with the
person who has liked me. I write the letters from the Internet of cafe so
be not upset if I shall not answer you the letter at once, simply the Internet of cafe may be
closed. Many thanks for you fine images . Today I went to church, today for me
little bit sad date, this day my parents were lost. I orthodox christian,
at us very beautiful churches, at that moment when I am in church I feel quietly, me already
cease, that or to disturb. It is very interesting to me what weather at you today, I think, that at you should be warm.
Spring my liked season, I likes to look, how the nature comes to
life after winter. As the first kidneys on trees are dismissed. Birds who an autumn departed on the south arrive , but they
again will return. The first grows a grass, many children leave on street and are pleased to this season. Children it
future our planet and on them all our hope, does a pleasure me
the big pleasure to observe of them. My parents educated me good formation as you know I has finished the Kazan state
university on a speciality the ecologist. But nevertheless I do not work on this speciality.
Sometimes at me in life there come such times, that I seem to me, that
already for whom it is not necessary, that I shall stay one, but nevertheless I calm myself and I believe that the
main love in my life still will come, the god will help me with it. Tell to
me more about itself, you like to listen to what your liked dish, what
your liked film, what else music. My liked dish it pelmeni, this very
tasty dish from Russian kitchen which consists of forcemeat of a beef and
pork with an onions and spices wrapped up in a dough and are cooked. This really excellent
dish. There may be sometime I of you him shall feed. My liked films it
Gladiator and Angel city, is film about the big love when it was finished I very strongly cried if you of it did
not look, look necessarily, it is pleasant to you. As to music, she is
pleasant to me different on mood, I as like Russian classics Tchaykovskiy,
Rohmaninov, Rimskiy-Korsakov as it is pleasant to me Madonna, Enya, Kylie Minogue. I think, that after that you will know
letters more about me. I very much like your letters. On it I shall finish the letter. Your friend Svetlana
Letter 4
My friend Mark I am again glad to you to tell
Our correspondence Seems has become stronger also we became already more close people! I am very glad to
receive your letters when I come in the Internet of cafe and I receive your
letter, at me at once
am cheered up, so it is pleasant for me to receive from you letters, I
hope, that our correspondence will be strengthened also we shall not overlook the friend about the friend! With the letter I send you the one more
image, I hope it to you it is pleasant. You like my images? My girlfriends constantly ask me about
you, to them interestingly what habits at you what you, I answer them, that I already for a
long time did not communicate with such person as you, I really very much like your letters, I understand, that you
that person on which are possible to rely! Today there was really ridiculous case
with my cat Murka, I still hold houses fishs, my cat observed of them with top, but was
unintentionally broke and has fallen in an aquarium to fishs, having frightened thus and and ?uaie after that she was
all crude, but I of her have
turned in a towel and she has gradually dried up. By the way, it is fast at me birthday, I
was born November, 15, 1976 and I a meeting the 30 birthday. Tell to me as your affairs as you will
spend the day, it would be very interesting to me to learn about you more... Unfortunately I on it finish the letter.
With the big impatience I shall look forward to hearing from you!
Have good day! Good luck!
Your friend Svetlana
Letter 5
My great friend Mark
Again I receive from you the letter and I am very glad to this event! I hope, that to you about what I write is
clear. You know, for the small period of correspondence with you and
have already understood, that to you have become attached, without your
letter at me day any not such but as I receive from you the answer at once my life is filled with pleasure. And you
attachment to me? I think what yes if it so that it is healthy! I shall give you my home address so we
can correspond letters by usual mail, but nevertheless it is not so convenient, as it seems to
me, in the first letters will go very long, and there is an every prospect, that the letter will be stolen, at us
in Russia of it it is possible to expect... From many steal letters simply from there is nothing to
do, but nevertheless I shall give you the address:
Russia 423566
street Lomonosova, the house 38
apartment 27
Svetlana Kovaleva
But it seems to me, that all oaee is easier to communicate through the Internet, in general I think, that
the Internet this big achievement as people from two different ends of
a planet may communicate with each other freely that I have got acquainted
with such person as you already because of it only I shall tell to the
Internet many thanks! Much to our regret I do not have phone, in Russia it is the
whole problem, not enough at whom in Russia there is a phone of a house
so we might speak by the phone, but it is possible if such opportunity I
necessarily shall call you will be presented me. You Believe, when I sit at work, I
constantly think of you, I wait for that moment when I after work shall go
to the Internet of cafe and I shall find out the letter from you, it does
a pleasure me huge pleasure. With this letter I send my image.
Whether my images like you, only is fair? Unfortunately my time in the Internet of
cafe comes to an end. Write to me necessarily! I shall wait!
Your friend, Svetlana
Letter 6
Greetings my best friend Mark
I hope you not against, that I name you the best friend. Simply I very much to you attachment, and I
think, that you my best friend! At us with you as I understand the new feeling
arises, I tested such
feeling at school when studied in 8 class, I then have fallen in love with one, the boy, but at present it drinks
alcohol very much, in general in Russia very big quantity people drink vodka do
not understand why. I very big opponent of the use of alcohol, and I in
life of it shall never use! As not the supporter of smoking, I think, that this
superfluous. It was very pleasant for me to receive from you the letter, I
start to be pleased lifes, and this pleasure is connected by that we have found each other. What all of you the
remarkable person! With such person as you I would agree to lead all life, I
know, that it is possible to rely on you, I completely trust you and I know, that such person,
as you never me deceive. The deceit is the most bad character trait of
the person, it at all does not decorate the person! Today with girlfriends I went to park
and I have noticed there one pair, there were two and embraced, their persons looked the
happiest which it would be possible only will present, and I represented, that
it is possible we when-ieaoau as we shall go together and we shall be happiest people, such, that everyone will look at
us and everyone will be to admire. Still I very much love the order, am
inadmissible, that at me houses were are scattered things or there was a
dirty utensils, I done not complicated at all by to clean all these things, it does a
pleasure me only pleasure. With impatience I shall wait from you
for the answer. Your
Letter 7
Hello my kitten Mark
At me, as always it was cheered up at reception of your letter! I think, you not against, that I have
named you a kitten, do not take offence, it I am tender so you I name. Girlfriends at work speak, that I became
absent-minded, speak, that I have fallen in love, I do not know,
that to them it and to answer, because I do not want them to deceive, even it seems to me, that I have already
found, that person
whom searched, and this person you! So it seems to me, what I too to like you, or it not so? Tell me
please, it may be not mutual at us these feelings, and I very much would like, that the our love was mutual! Yes
though I and hesitate slightly, but I should you tell all: I LOVE YOU
MARK! It is very interesting to me to learn, whether this feeling so, try to me is mutual at us to
answer it as soon as possible! I very much ask you!
Your kitten Svetlana
Letter 8
Hello my lovely Mark
I simply can not find words of the pleasure. I so am happy that I have found you in this huge world.
You the unique person to which I can tell all ideas and dreams. When I write you the letter, I in soul have
something such that it is impossible to explain, it It is necessary to feel. Some days I simply sit
at the computer and I look at your photo, And all time I think of that to see you.
I present as you drive me for a hand on a coast as you embrace me, and I feel
Loved by the expensive person for me. The grandmother looks at me with a kind smile and
speaks that she is happy to see me such what I now. I and itself am happy, that again I write
you the letter. It is filled with all my love and Tenderness to you. I very strongly want you to
see near to me, but much to our regret I can not yet. Now I constantly look news hoping to learn
something about your country. With big Interest I study English. Besides that it is very
interesting to me, it to me now also It is necessary. To me in general interestingly to study in all
that is not known to me. In total certainly to not learn, but it seems
to me That it is better to know about all slightly than all about the little. And consequently each dialogue with
the person For me a lesson. But the most important dialogue for me when I communicate with you. You see you most
The main teacher for me, and I want you to listen. To listen to your ideas, reasonings, to know about
you It is as much as possible. I think you not against. On it I want to finish the letter my lovely.
I wait with impatience of your letters.
Yours Svetlana
Letter 9
Hi my love Mark
I was very glad to receive from you the letter.For me has no what value
that between us there is a distinction in the age of in fact I of you like. When I read your
letter, at me even have appeared on eyes of tear of pleasure. I see that we are necessary each other. Not seldom I
visit church, and I am asked for you and ours with you meeting. How you
there without me? I here very much without you men. You in ideas always with
me. You show very strong interest to me it very pleasantly to feel. I began very
much to think of us with you that waits for us ahead. Write to me all questions which you interest. I shall be very
glad to answer to you them.. You now are, by the second man in this world which
to me is necessary most of all. The first man is my mum. I very much hope for
that that our meeting the speed future is held. I am very grateful to you that you trust me. Through the Internet it is
as that not naturally, we should take each other in hands and look each
other in eyes and speak about that as the world is
perfect. At me very good mood. I want to know all. To me you are very important.
When I began to correspond with you I had what that hope that at us with
you all will be good. With each your letter I understood that I have found
that man which to me is necessary. I as well as you want to see you
believe to me very faster it it would be desirable. I want to embrace you caress. I consider what exactly creation of a
spiritual emotional basis of the man and there is a purpose sense of family
education. I
want to you to tell one that my feelings and the words in relation to you always were sincerely and I always understood
that we put a lot of trust, that our union would be when that real. Now I am
sure on all
100 that I can to you to trust. And you that man which to me are necessary. When I read your letter I has seen in
it your sincerity and fidelity to me. I have made of your letter for myself the
large conclusion which it is possible to express in three words "I LOVE YOU". Today I even felt so highly, at me all turned
out so easily, because my ideas were directed about you. I as knew when I
think of you and you think of me and it warmed my soul and body. . But we
should trust each other, without it we simply can not exist. Today when I went on a road home, I thought of that as
much to me to admit to you about it. You see between us there should be a
complete trust and we should know about each other all. You probably think that I
such not modern, but I consider that first time I should have affinity
with the favourite man. At present at me the large inclination to you,
I do not know why but it is the truth. Sometimes
such dreams dream me, that it is a shame to me to you to speak about it. This
dream has dreamed me today at night. " We have supper with you at you at home
and then we go to you in sleeping and we begin to be engaged with you love. Excuse that I speak with you so frankly,
but I think that you should know about me all. I would be happy to visit you is
a limit of my desires. Your love Svetlana
Letter 10
Hi my love Mark
I am very happy to read your letter, as
always. You - mine
beloved, my love, my palpation! Also, as
you urgently require
me, I too urgently need in you, to want
be close to you, and
to feel you, your breath. I want to hold
you by my party, my
lips in your lips and will kiss you, I
feel your language, I
feel your breath. Yesterday night, I had
sexual dream concerning you and me. I
can not hold it to me
directly. I should express it to you,
divide it with you. I
should find out, whether you also have
dream of similar
nature, or is only me. You and me,
anybody still. We - near
to the friend by the friend on a bed. We
each other, we
press our body against each other, our
lips meet each other
and synchronize in operation knowledge.
I feel your body ,
you feel my body . You undress me, I
undress you. I feel your
sensitive body. You feel my basis. I lay
at top of your
sensitive body , listening your heart
beat in double speed.
We lay near to the friend by the friend
to speak love to each
other, caress each other. I study your beautiful
eyes, you
study my eyes both see love in the
friend the friend. I will
kiss you a breast, necks, everywhere.
You also pay with your
sensitive gentle lips. I love you very
much. I want to hear
your beautiful vote. I want to speak
love to you. We now have
a rain. The rain brings love. The love
prospers in this
weather. It - very romantic atmosphere.
Please write the long
letters to me. Inform me concerning your
Inform me
concerning work and friends. Love
Letter 11
Hi mine love Mark
I have understood for myself, that I any
more do not present the life not only without your
letters,Yes I
liked all your pictures which you sent me and
your city too has liked me and as I do not know why to you
there come such small images of me. but also without you! Now for
me life without you is not meaningful. I can not live
without you and on this want to ask you: whether you Want
mine love that
I to arrive to you.
That I was Ms. Mark that we two had one
bed that at us the general pleasures and general to
mountain that we were the best pair in the world that all people
looked at us and were surprised to that we the happiest
pair in the world full with love and trust!
That your friends looked at us and
envied, to that what at you the remarkable wife that my
girlfriends looked at you and envied that at me the best and
beautiful husband all over the world! I of you ask to think of it as it is
possible more seriously, but I think, that these feelings at us
are mutual also we like each other. On it I shall finish the letter, and
very much I wait for your answer, it is necessary for me to
know your opinion of that I have told you.
For ever yours Svetlana
Letter 12
June 4 2006
Good afternoon mine love Mark
In your letter I have seen a lot of your
love to
me! I very much appreciate it! But you would
know, how
hardly to me to write this letter. I today called
in the American embassy in Moscow and learned there how
I can arrive to you, to me there gave such answer,that the best
variant of arrival to you it will be registration of visa
B-2, its
validity of 90 days from the date of arrival in
USA, and registration in very short term, only one or two
days, but I am very strong frustration when I have learned its
price, a total cost of the visa of 400 American dollars,
the visa costs only 100 dollars, but plus to this it is
necessary to pay 150 dollars on consular gathering and as on medical insurance and all this together makes about 400
dollars when to me have told this price, at me on cheeks flew
tears...I explained them, that Mark, he is that
person without which I I can not to live, and I very
much would like it to see, they have answered me, that anything
do they may not, all of them understand, but rules are rules,
on another in any way it is impossible, but they
have told me, that I might ask this money to the visa for you, they
me have told, that loving person should pay for the
loved, I in him has told, that it slightly is not polite, but
they to me
have explained, that all of you will understand,
I very much hope for your understanding.
In embassy to me have told, that it will
be the best to send me money through system of
translations Western Union, it is very reliable system of remittances
and she is in each bank that I have received them, I should
inform you
the address of bank in which I of them to
receive, and you should inform me of 10 figures of a remittance.
I have learned the address of the bank
nearest to me, the
ORLOVSKII 347510 for
name Kovaleva Svetlana, please, send to
me money today, I really do not present the further life
without you! And I ask you, do not take offence at my request,
to me so have told, that you should understand it.
But as soon as I to you to arrive, I
shall be arranged to work and necessarily return your
money, it will be
for me a point of honour, I hope, that you
understand me.
Very much I wait from you the answer and as I
wait for your translation, you are necessary for me! You mine
Your eternal love Svetlana
  
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