Polina Dubrovina (Elabuga, Russia)
My name is Rob, I'm 46, single, live in San Diego, Ca.
Polina Dubrovina contacted me through a Yahoo personal ad that I ran back in April 2006.
We traded emails for approximately two and a half months. She initially used the email address
spepirt@mail.ru and then used the address
polina818@mail.ru after she allegedly arrived in Moscow to obtain her visa.
The initial letter that she sent is an EXACT copy of the one sent to another scam reporter on this site.
(In fact, many of her letters are word for word the same as his.)
The following 2 weeks the emails went back and forth, consisting mainly of pen pal small talk, e.g. family,
places we have traveled to, pets, etc. My questions were answered, and she appeared genuine. She also sent
pictures, 7 in all. After 2 weeks I wrote her telling her that I looked
forward to receiving her emails. The very next letter that I received she
was professing her eternal love, wanted to be with me, and so on.
Another 2 weeks of emails, then she asks for $100 for a phone card so she can call me. I agree, and
sent her $150 via Western Union, in her name. For a week, she kept promising to call, using excuses
that the public phone was out of service. Finally, she called. The call was brief, maybe 10 minutes.
Within a week, she called again, saying how she loved me, wanted to come and be with me. The emails
continued, and it was then that I noticed that many of the questions I was asking were not being directly
answered. I dismissed this with the idea that she was having difficulty with translation. Soon, talk
became serious about bringing her to the States. I began my own research into the visa process for
visitors from the Russia coming to the USA. She had stated that she would need to travel to Moscow
to the Embassy in order to get a tourist visa, and of course she needed money to do this. It was at this
time that my common sense failed me.
In mid June 2006, I wired her via Western Union $550, for the train ride to Moscow, the cost of the visa, a
phone card, and internet cafe fees in order to email me from Moscow. (She stated no money was
needed for lodging since her 'Aunt Tatyana' conveniently lived in Moscow and that she could stay at the
aunt's house through the visa process. Of course Aunt Tatyana had no phone.)
Within 2 days of receiving the money, she called me via phone, said she was ready to leave for Moscow.
Within 4 days I received an email from her that she had visited the Embassy, and was told by an official
there that the plane ticket should be purchased in Russia and that the official needed to see the ticket
in order to expedite the visa application. (I did not believe this since the actual Russian Embassy web
site discourages the purchase of airline tickets prior to any visas being issued.) In my following email to
her I questioned her about this, but in her reply email she only became more adamant that I 'send her
money for the ticket.'
I immediately went back to the Embassy's web site and after 1 hour of browsing located the Embassy's
phone number. I called the 800 number, learned that there was a $1.65 per minute charge, and got a
very helpful woman from the Embassy on the phone. She concurred that the Embassy discourages the
purchase of airline tickets prior to a visa being issued. Then she asked
for the applicant's name and birth date. After giving to her I was put on hold for about 1 minute. The woman
returned and stated, 'We have no record of that person applying for a visa.'
I emailed Polina, strongly indicating that I spoke with the Embassy and what I had learned. In Polina's
response she did not acknowledge what I had wrote, but only continued to ask for money to buy the airline
ticket. Then the emails stopped for 2 days. On Friday the 23rd of June, she called me but I missed the call. She left
a voice mail that she knew nothing of buying tickets on the internet, why wouldn't I send her the money for
the ticket, and questioning if I trusted her. No emails for the next 3 days.
Then the following Tuesday, I receive an email (her last), stating that she was sorry for not emailing me,
that she had seen a Russian TV special on American men who bring Russian women to the States and beat and
kill them, and she was 'afraid to arrive here'. At this point I figured she had a pretty good idea that I
knew I had been conned, or she was simply fishing. I emailed her back stating that my intention was not
to hurt or kill her, and that I was a decent man. I also asked her if she had abandoned the idea of the
visa. Also I stated that in no way would I send her any money for the plane ticket, that I would purchase
it via phone and have it waiting for her at Delta's counter in the Moscow airport.
Next day no emails. The following day I emailed her and told her that I
had lost faith in her, and that I no longer wished to correspond with her. I wished her well and said
good bye.
The next day, for reasons of morbid curiosity, I plugged her name into Google and discovered Polina has
not been the innocent poor Russian woman that she portrays herself to be.
My total loss was about $800 including Western Union fees, and the call to the Embassy, not to mention an
obscene waste of time and disappointment. Reviewing all of her emails has only showed me that
the writing was on the wall from day one. My only excuse is that the beauty was intoxicating, and I have
more money than common sense. A good lesson learned, and my hat is off to you and your informative site.
Hopefully my experience will prevent schmuck from opening his wallet instead of his eyes and ears.
Hello Robert. How are you doing? You probably have guessed, it is written to you by
Polina. My full name Polina Dubrovina. I have seen your structure on a site, and I have dared
to write to you this letter. I did not expect, that you will answer, but It was very pleasant for me
to receive your letter. Excuse, for a delay of the answer. I did not check the mail, and Therefore
has not answered you at once. I for the first time use acquaintance through the Internet, therefore
it is very interesting to me. You frequently use the Internet in the life? You
probably have been very much surprised, when have received a mail from the
Russian girl. Russia, it so is far from you! But in our modern century of distances
does not exist. To me will very interestingly get acquainted to the
person from other country. I always dreamed of it. I hope, that at us friendly relations, and probably
will appear and it is more. But we shall not look so far. Robert, tell about itself, it is very interesting to
me. You can send me still the photo. It will be very pleasant for me, I send you the, I
hope to you I shall like:). It is interesting to you, how I have dared to
write to you? I have sister Irina who has married the foreigner.
She not the close sister and as at us speak " the distant relative ".
She has married the Italian, his name is Luigi. They too have got acquainted through the Internet.
Luigi lives in Madrid. Irina has left to him and recently they have arrived
together. Now they stay in our city. I see, how they are happy, therefore I too was solved.
I want to find the person abroad. I for a long time reflected on it, and the have
decided have written to you the letter. Irina studied at university Italian and French
languages, and I studied English, therefore I have chosen your country.
Besides I like Americans more. I think their quieter and reasonable
people. I Hope, that you understand my English language. I probably do many
mistakes. At once I bring apologies if I have written, something
not so. I sometimes use the dictionary when I do not know a word. Robert, you
probably ask me why I have found the man in the country? I shall answer you fairly.
I tried to construct long time the life with Russian guys. But at me it
has turned out nothing. My last guy Very strongly liked to drink alcohol. I tried to
struggle with it, but at me have left nothing. I saw, What is the relations
to anything will not result, therefore I have left him. The problem of drunkenness, is very strong in our
country. I see it every day. Our men very strongly like to drink.
Besides they do not appreciate in us our better qualities. They do not
respect us. At me was a little bit guys, And almost all had same
problems. I am disappointed with Russian men, therefore I want to construct
happiness with the foreigner. I want to ask you, you have harmful
habits? Write to me the truth. I do not smoke and I do not drink. And me girls who do
it are very not nice. I shall tell a little about myself. I was born and
have grown in the city of Elabuga. Elabuga is in Republic
Tatarstan. You know about this city? This very beautiful place. To us to city
frequently there come tourists. Recently our city has strongly changed, it
began to look is more modern. At us very beautiful parks. I like to walk in them
with friends. And what your city? I probably already have much written, and have set
many questions. I hope you will find time to answer them. Write to me about your country, about your family, it
will be very pleasant for me, if you will answer all my questions.
I hope, that my friendship will interest you, and we shall continue to
write each other. I very much hope for it. When I began to write to you, I did not expect, that
the letter will turn out such big. My letter is sincere, And I hope, that you also will be fair with me.
If you were interested with my letter, write. I wait for the answer. Your new Russian friend Polina.
Hello my most dear man, Robert! My dear, I do not know how many to be spent hours,
by the plane, from Moscow up to Elabuga. I know, that my city is located approximately 1000 kms from
Moscow. My dear search for my city on a card Russia. My city is located in Republic
Tatarstan. I in the seventh sky from Happiness, from your warm words in your
last letter! I feel, that we are not indifferent also my heart is pleased.
After your last letter I long time reflected above our acquaintance
through the Internet, on you, about your letters and on us. And I have understood, that I
I can not live without your letters, and certainly without you, mine
Robert! At a leisure all my ideas only about you. I feel, that we Are created
the friend for the friend! Probably, it - love? But as still It is possible to name my feelings to you, Robert!
Yes, yes my dear Robert! You have correctly understood me, I have fallen in love with you Very
strongly! This feeling has come to me so quickly and Unexpectedly, that I cannot trust in it. I want to
tell To you, that I love you, my dear Robert! I love you all my heart and soul! I very much during
long time did not test similar feelings. And Hence I felt emptiness in my soul without love. But now my
soul Sing with happiness, from love to you! It to not explain words! I hope, you understand me and test to
me the same warm feelings, just as I, Robert! My life began similarly to a fairy tale, and I want,
that this fairy tale did not come to an end! Therefore for the sake of our love I am ready on all:
to leave my family, girlfriends, to give up work and to arrive to you, the my dear friend. As I
very much want to be with you, to feel your breath, your embraces! Robert, and I hope, that you also want
it. I believe, that if very strongly to want that - that, it will necessarily be carried out!
And if our desire is mutual, we necessarily shall together! It is the truth, Robert? But I would
like to ask you one very important question for me: you have or write another To the woman, except
for me? I hope, you will sincerely answer me this question because I do not want to be deceived
again. Robert, I very much I love you, and to me it will be very bad, if you deceive me in ours
relations. We should trust each other. It so, my dear? I want To tell
to you, that many men try to get acquainted with me. But they Are not interesting to me and are not
good, because all my ideas only About you. Now for me the most important in my life - you! And
Nobody is necessary for me, if not you, my dear Robert. But unique a
thing which connects us and our feelings - our electronic letters. And I so love
you. And separation without you becomes for me intolerable. I very much suffer without you, my fine.
Therefore I am ready to arrive to you, to your country what to be close to you and to love you. My
dear, what you think of it? I have told to parents about my feelings To you, also that I want to
be with you and to leave them, for the sake of you. They have been a
little surprised, that I want to leave all and to leave to you. But they see, how
I am happy, as I want to to be with you, and it for them the most
important. My parents want, that I was happy, for them this main thing. My parents
hope, that I have made a correct choice. Also they understand what to live in Russia
very difficultly, and that you do not want to move to our country.
Therefore they have no any objections, that I have left to you. Certainly they will miss me, but all
the same they are glad, that I have such person as you.You too want,
that I have arrived to you??? I cannot without you and you are necessary
for me. Today I meet Irina. She more skilled in affairs of trip abroad. She
will tell to me more and more in detail. She already went to Italy, and I think that
she will help me with all documents which will be necessary for me. As soon as I learn all, I at once
shall write to you. Well, my loved? My dear, at me very unpleasant conversation on work
yesterday was. You remember I wrote to you, what not everyone
concern well to our love. We have one woman, her name Natasha. We yesterday have a little sworn
with her. She has told, that all men promise women beautiful life and
love in words. And actually all differently. And she has told, that you not exception.
What is the words which you speak me, it is simple words. But I do not believe her. She I think, that she
simply envies me. I very strongly was upset from her words. I have told to her, that her words
dirty lie!!! In fact I am right my dear Robert? In fact all that you write to me the truth? You love
me? I do not know, why Natasha so badly thinks of men. But I do not believe her. We have sworn with Natasha
and have told each other many mucks. I do not want to communicate with this person more. I know, that you
love me and that I am necessary for you. My love, on it I shall finish my letter to you. But
in the conclusion of my love letter to you, I would like to write to
you this remarkable poem of English poet R.Bernsa.
O my love a red, red rose
That's newly sprung in June:
O my love is like the melodie
That's sweetly play'd in tune.
As fair art thou, my bonie lass,
So deep in love am I:
And I will love thee still, my dear,
Till a ' the seas gang dry
Till a ' the seas gang dry, my dear,
And the rocks melt wi ' the sun.
And I will love thee still, my dear
While the sands o ' life shall run.
And fare thee weel, my only love,
And fare thee wee a while!
And I will come again, my love
Tho ' it ten thousand mile!
Good-bye, my dear and loved Robert! I very strongly
love you! Take care!
Yours for ever Polina!
Hello my loved Robert! It is very pleasant for me to receive your letter today!!! Also it is
very pleasant for me to receive news from you, that my love to you is mutual.
Today, I with impatience waited for it the moment when I shall write to you this letter.
Unfortunately my love, at me for you - two news: one good, and another bad. I think, that I all over again, I
shall write to you about good news In my last letter, I have written to you, that we with Irina
shall learn full details of arrival in your country. We have learned
phone of the American embassy, and last night we called to learn full
details there. To me have very in detail explained all conditions. In
embassy to me have told, that for me visa K-1 (it is the visa of the bride)
better. But registration of all documents of the visa borrows a lot of time. From 2 months and
about one year. Unfortunately the main condition of this visa - our meeting and therefore is the visa
at once disappears for me as we did not see you nevertheless. The most convenient variant for
me, tourist visa B-2. Under this visa I can remain with you for the term of till 180 days.
Registration of this visa borrows some days. It speaks that it borrows some travel agencies. Irina
has told to me, that at the first visiting Luigi, she also received the tourist visa. After I
shall arrive to you under the visa b-2 I can receive K-1 or a green card that we could be together
for ever and never leave you. To me have told, that during validity of visa B-2 I can receive
visa K-1 when I shall be with you. Or in the other case to me will
give a green card. And now I shall speak bad news. I have counted up and have come to
that on registration visa B-2. 360 us dollars are necessary for me. Into this cost
enters: The visa b-2 - 150 us dollars; It is dear up to Moscow - 80 us dollars; Residing at Moscow
and hotel, travel on Moscow, with the account for 4 days - 130 us dollars. Lovely, I do not have
such money. Unfortunately I work in my still more few time and now I have test time during which I
receive about 150 dollars a month. For me is not present the slightest chance to find such sum of
money. For me 360 us dollars very big sum of money. After conversation with my father I asked money
him and mum, but they have told, that at them now very heavy financial position and that they
now I can not help me. They have suggested me - And what if I shall ask the help you? I thought
of it much. Loved, it is very a shame to me, but I do not have other output how to ask this money
you. Robert, I ask you that you have sent me this money as it is
necessary for an our meeting. I ask you that did not think, that it is
necessary to me from you only money, as it not so. To me are indifferent money as all that is necessary
to me from you it is your mutual love to me. But unfortunately at my
financial position, I am compelled to ask money you for an our meeting. If it is
possible, I ask that you have sent me of money today or tomorrow and I promise,
that for my part I shall make everything to be with you as it is possible more soon.
My love, I promise you, that after I shall come to you I when I shall not abandon you and we
shall work together above visa K-1 or a green card. Today I went to bank and to me have told, that the
most good translation system of money from one country in another is the Western Union. They have
told, that if you will send to me of money through the Western Union I can already receive your money in
some minutes. I have asked them, whether I should you give the address or any coordinates of bank
where you should send money - they have told, that are not present. To send money through the
Western Union it is not necessary to have neither bank accounts and nor what coordinates of bank. You
should send money for my full name and I can receive your money in any bank of my city where there
is a Western Union. Also they have told to me still, that it is very safe translation system of
money and that except for me who cannot receive your money which you have sent me. When you will send
me of money, to you should give
MTCN (these are 10 control figures of a remittance). With the help of yours mtcn (which you should give
me) The address: Russia, the city of Elabuga, Polina Dubrovina. I can receive your money. Robert, my
loved, I with impatience shall wait your answer to this letter. I really hope, on your understanding and on
a fast our meeting. Your love for ever Polina.
Good afternoon my love. I am madly happy, that yesterday have heard your voice. So it was pleasant for
me to communicate with you by phone. You such interesting person. I am happy, that I
have such fine person, as you!!! I very much love you.My dear I understand your
letters. I answer your question, I am ready to divide with you one bed. I want to wake up with you in one bed. I love
you. I very much, very much want you. I want to engage with you love. Our first night
will be very romantic, we in our cosy a bed shall play pranks. I want to be with you, always - always and to nobody when to
not give!!!! I want to wake up in the mornings and to give you, new happy day which
will be filled with my heat, care!!!!! You the most gentle creation on
all white light!! I LOVE YOU. Heart prompts me, that we necessarily shall be
happy together and for ever!!!! We should be together, we should spend time together. I LOVE YOU!!! My
dear, I with impatience wait for your letter. With love Polina.
P.S: My prince, at me is a lot of work, I am very much borrowed. I shall try to call to you in the days off.
Greetings my love, I so am strongly glad to your message, I cannot without Your messages. I very
strongly love you. My dear, my trip to Moscow for registration of the visa and purchase of a
telephone card to call. All this will cost 500 dollars. My dear, my aunt of a house
does not have computer, I shall go to the Internet of cafe. I learned,
that week to go to the Internet of cafe, it will be necessary to pay 100 dollars. My prince, I very much want to you. I
love you. Soon we shall together, I so am happy. My sweet, I shall write
you the address of my aunt when, I shall arrive in Moscow. Well?? And that, I badly
remember the address of the aunt, I can be mistaken. When, I shall arrive in Moscow, I shall ask its
correct address and at once to you I shall write. I cannot without you, you my love of all
my life I want that we together. You my love of all my life you understand me, That I
very strongly love you. Without you and your love I cannot live Every day with impatience I wait your messages. I want that
you me Have understood, that I very strongly love you. Without you and your love
to live not I can. I every day miss on you, you my love of all my life. I wait Your message and your decision our
meeting in your hands. Yours Love Polina for ever I of you like and live
without you I can not. To you one One million sweet kisses!!!!
Hello mine love Robert! I was very glad, that I have found for myself such person,
all present person, you the person from my dream means to me have correctly told in embassy, you, and this
dream has come true, I am very glad! Today I went to bank and have received money
which you cabled me. Later I descended on station and have bought the ticket on a train up to Moscow. Already tomorrow in
the morning I shall be in Moscow and at once I shall go to embassy. About my God as I am happy, you
would know... Dear, excuse, that I can not write to you longer letters
because in 30 minutes a train, and me I was necessary to drive off hurry.
Ur! Soon we shall together for ever! Eternally loving you Polina.
P.S: My dear, please write to me letters, on this e-mail: polina818@mail.ru.
I wait for your letter.
My dear I has received your letter, big to you thanks. It is very
pleasant for me. I am very glad, that I have such remarkable person, as you.
I of you very much, very much love. It is pleasant for me to receive
such letters, with such warm words. My loved I went today to embassy and
to me have told My love Your tickets in my hands that will not mean as
they should be acquired in Russia, and I should show them in embassy. They should make sure that I
have got them itself. And than earlier you will make to me translation,
That that faster I shall arrive to you. It is not necessary for me from
you money, it is necessary to me that you me loved also it for me the most important.
My love to me It is very a shame to ask you such money, but I do not have other
choice. I madly love you Also I can not without you. You my last hope to be
together on always. When we shall be together I of you when I shall not leave, you see our love am
boundless. And I wait with impatience of that The moment when
you meet me in the airport about a bouquet of colors as we run to each other
Towards, as you tenderly embrace me and kiss. My lovely, I any more do
not see the further Life without you because we are in love. My dear there
were read out days up to our meeting. In some days we can already be
together.With impatience I shall wait from you the letter.I love you
and I want to be nly with you. I miss you. I send you the kisses. I
LOVE YOU!!!!!! Yours for one century Polina.
Greetings my love. How you?? Many thanks for your letter. I am glad to
read your ideas, my dear, I very much miss you. My prince. Today, I went to embassy. In embassy to me
have told, that I should buy tickets itself at the airport. Which you
have offered such variant to me, does not approach. My dear it is
necessary for me to buy tickets in Russia. What to show tickets in embassy and
me will give out the visa. My loved I ask you to help me with money. As
soon as you will help I at once I buy tickets and I take off to you. I
very much love you I want, that our meeting would take place, as soon
as possible. Our happiness in our hands. We like each other and should
be together. I very much frequently present myself as you meet me at
the airport with a bouquet of colors. We can embrace each other and kiss.
I love you and I want to you., as soon as possible. We shall be the
happiest on a planet. I very much, very much love you. I shall look
forward to hearing from you. I miss you. I send you the kisses. I LOVE
YOU!!!!!!! Your Polina.
Greetings my dear. How you?? Many thanks for your letter. My dear, I
did not write to you. Because, at us in Russia on the TV showed the
program which referred to. " The American husbands and Russian tears of
wives ". In this program, told, how there are people, through correspondence on the Internet.
There told histories of Russian girls which arrived to America and married, on the American men. The
American men call to themselves Russian girls, write to them very good
words. Very solvent men, at them good work, the good house write to
Russian girls, that. Girls fall in love also the girl, goes to the
American to America. When the girl comes to America American the man, selects at it
the passport and all documents. When, they start to live together the
American husbands start to scoff at Russian girls. Start to humiliate
them, force to do dirty work. In this program showed, how one American, has
killed the Russian wife. My dear, I very much am afraid, I suffer. All my
family after this television program, worries for me. My prince. I am
afraid to arrive to you. Write, me the letter.
 
Olga Komarova.(Samara,
She say to call Olga Komarova.Sadovaya st 10-42.Samara Rusia.
She ask money for visa and tickets.First western union,later for bank.
She appears whit others names and adresses.
Elena Zhikulina,Tatyana surikova,Natalya kortunova,Anastasiya
Rustamcova,Olga Loskutova and as Anna Savelyeva.
Her adreses:
Vatutina st 36-71 Donetsk
Pushkin st 11-7 Audejevka.Ucrania.
Bolnechnaya st 23.Novocheboksark.Rusia.
Pepina st 42.Penza.Russia.
>From: Olushka <olushka06@list.ru>
>Reply-To: Olushka <olushka06@list.ru>
>Subject: Greetings my dear and the most favourite Jose
>Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2006 17:03:13 +0400
>Greetings my dear and the most favourite Jose!!!
>I am very glad to receive from you the letter.
>I very much experience and I worry when I do not receive from you the
>letter and I am very much pleased when them I receive.
>Jose I can send you a copy of the passport and I shall do it but it will
>not help.
>Jose understand at you in the country the laws and at me in the country the
>I am not guilty that here such laws and I already spoke in embassy about
>documents but they disagree.
>For these people the main thing that at me were money and in more exact if
>I am going to go to you for one month that 1500 euros!
>Jose I do not understand you.
>You do not have this money???
>I already wrote to you that I should not spend them and will be necessary
>to show only that I have such money and that I shall not live in misery at
>you in the country!!!
>Jose the more there are these contradictions the more we shall not see each
>I very much experience and I worry for our attitudes.
>Jose give we shall better make as they ask and already soon we shall be
>Jose I cannot wait any more and very strongly I wish to meet you.
>Jose I hope that you will agree with me and will send this money which I as
>soon as I shall arrive to you at once to you them I shall give.
>Kiss you.
>I with impatience shall wait for your answer.
>Yours Olga.

   
Volha (Voly)
Zaletka, Minsk, Belarus
I am a single, 50 year old man in the Los Angeles area. I have my profile on several dating sites, but this individual contacted me through Match.com with her picture and personal e-mail address: volyy12@yahoo.com. When I clicked on the link to view her profile, it was already deleted. She told me she was 36, soon to be 37, and was coming to Los Angeles on June 30th through an agency which arranged for her work visa. She said she was a music teacher and was going to interview with five families in the L.A. area for a job as a live-in nanny and piano teacher. We corresponded about a dozen times by e-mail, and on two occasions, I spoke to her, allegedly, at her grandmother's house in Brest. The country and city codes were at least correct: 375 for Belarus and 29 for Brest. But from the very beginning, I was somewhat skeptical, thinking this woman would simply use me to obtain citizenship, but apparently, there was never any intention on her part to come to the United States. Last week I received a very lengthy story about an auto accident, how it was her fault, how she had only $500 dollars and needed $800 more, and how none of her friends were able to help her. She said that if she didn't immediately pay, the other driver would take her to court and delay her coming to L.A. I suspected a scam and responded back that I didn't believe her, and that even if she were telling the truth, it was extremely inappropriate for her to ask me for that much money when we had not even met. Not surprisingly, I have not had any response to my last e-mail.
Los Angeles, CA
First Letter:
Hello! How are things with you?
Frankly speaking, I am not quite sure what to start with... I am a new person here, and thus don't know how to start my communication and what to write. Though, I'll give me a chance and do hope my letter won't make you laugh.
It seems high time to say that my name is Voly. And how can I call you?
I won't write a lot about myself as I am not quite sure it might be interesting for you. I only want to say that I looked through your profile and was very much attracted by your photo and felt a strong impulse to write to you and tell you about that. I hope when getting this letter you'll also take a look at my photo and the profile... And I do hope still that this small letter managed to get you interested to continue our talk.
I don't check my profile very often and that's why it'll be better if you write directly to my personal e-mail, which is as following:
(I check it several times a day).
It seems to be all for the first time. I'll be very much waiting for your reply.
Best regards. Voly
Last Letter:
Hello my dear Larry. How are you? I am not very good. Today is Tuesday and I write you from Kiev. Sorry for my short message on Saturday, but
I did not write you more, because I did not want to make you sad. As you know, on Friday early morning I wanted to go back to Belarus from Lipovka. All was good and on Friday early morning about 5.30AM I told "good bye" to my grandma Tatsiana, after that I sat in car and leaved Lipovka. At first I drove to gas station near Kiev, at gas station I filled up car with gasoline and bought some food and juice for me. After that I was ready for my trip back to Belarus and I drove from gas station. I still can't understand how it happened... but not far from gas station I did not notice car in front of me and my car crashed into that car, it was
green BMW. I do not know why it happened, maybe I was tired and that is why I did not notice that car in front of me, I still cant understand it, but I know
that it was my fault. First minutes I was in shock and I did not understand what happened. It was terrible. After that I left car and I saw driver of green BMW,
he was very angry and he shouted at me, but I can understand him. I tried to talk with him, and I told him that it is good that we was not hurt, and also I
told him that he do not need to worry because I will pay him for repair of his car, but he did not want to listen to me. I looked at cars, and I saw that car of
Dina had several damage in front part, but I saw that damage was not very seriouse, and it is good. But when I looked at green BWM, I saw that it have a lot of
damage in back part. But anyway I was glad that nobody was hurt, it is most important. After some time road servise arrived to place of acident. They talked with
me and with owner of BMW, and they wrote several documents. I did not deny that it was my fault, because it was obvious, and I told that of course I
agree to pay for repair of BMW. After that we drove to Kiev where we visited car's repair shop. Wokers from repair shop looked at BMW, they checked all and they told that it will cost 1300 us dollars to repair it. We talked a little bit more, I told to owner of BMW that it is ok and that I will pay it. I told him that I cant pay right now, because I did not have money with me, I told that I need 1-2 days. He was little bit angry again, but he agreed with me, and we decided that we will meet in this repair shop on Monday morning at 8AM. After that I came back to Lipovka. My grandma Tatsiana was very surprised when she saw me again, but when she understood all she became very sad, it was very terrible for me, because I cant see her sad. She love me very much and she worry about me a lot. But I
explained her that it is not too serious, it is simple car acident and that I will solve this problem. I had 500 us dollars, and that is why I decided to contact with my friends in Minsk and Brest, and ask them to borrow me rest of amount that I need to pay for repair of BMW. I had weekend for it and that is why on Friday I did not worry a lot. On Saturday early morning I came back to Kiev. At first I wrote you that sort mesage from internet cafe in Kiev and I hope that now you understand why I did not wrote all this to you, because I did not want to make you sad. I contacted to all my friends in Minsk and Brest, and explained them my situation, it took all weekend. But I got not good result, some of them told me that they do not have money now, and some of them told me that they want to help me, but cant do it now. I was very sad, because I helped most of them many times in my life, and I did not expect it from them now. I was very sad, because it showed me a lot. It is a pity that I cant contact that woman from Poland who will buy my piano. I think that this weekend was most terrible weekend in my life and I tired very much. On Sunday evening when I came back to Lipovka from Kiev, I felt myself very terrible, it seemed to me that life is over and I was very sad. I did not sleep all night, because I thought about my meeting with owner of BMW, I thought about what I will tell him on Monday morning. Life is very difficult, all was great, I was very happy past weeks... and in one minute all changed. Why it happened with me? I asked myself about it many times. And I did not find answers. Everytime I am very careful on road, it is my rule, and I cant understand why I did not notice that car. Yesterday, on Monday early morning I came back to
Kiev. At 8AM I came to repair shop, owner of BMW allready was waiting for me there, at this time he was not alone, he was with his wife. I explained them my
situation, I told them that I cant pay them all amount now, I told them that I can pay them 500 us dollars now, and that I will pay other part little bit later,
I explained them that they need to wait for a little bit more. When they heard it, they became very angry, they begun to shout at me. I tryed to explain them
all, but it seem to me that it is not possible, because it was very difficult to talk with them. They told me that they will not take 500 us dollars, they
told that they need all amount. They told that they will go to curt, because they do not want to belive me. When I heard it I became very sad, I do not need
any problems now, because soon will be my move to Los Angeles and it can break all my plans. I tried to explain them all and I told them that I do not need
any problems now. I asked them to wait for a little bit more. They did not take 500 us dollars and man told me that he can give me time till Friday, and that
if I will not pay him till friday he will go to curt and will not talk with me anymore again, because he do not want to risk. Ofcourse I can understand them in
this situation and I am glad that they gave me time till friday, anyway it is better then nothing. I feel myself very bad after meeting with them, and I am very
tired now. After my meeting with them I though about my situation all Monday. I thought about what I can do now. I do not need any problems now, because it can break my plans. I get all thigs ready to my move to Los Angeles, it was not easy and it took a lot of time. If I will not go to Los Angeles now, it will take a lot
of time to get all things ready again, maybe 5-6 monthes. I do not want to wait again! And I lost my work in Minsk, I cant come back to music agency again.
I feel myself very terrible when I think about it. It is very hard for me to write all this to you. But I hope that you will understand me. Do not know how to
start... but I want tell you that I decided to ask you for help. I though about it and I know that I do not have other ways. I decided to ask you to borrow me 800
us dollars. I will give you all money back, I swear! I am woman of my word. When I worked in Germany, several times I sent money to my grandma Alexandra in Brest, to send money I used MoneyGram service, it is very fast and very easy. You can use it too. To send money you need my full name, name of town and name of country where I will get money. Here it is: My full name: Volha Zaletka Town: Kiev Country: Ukraine When you will send money, MoneyGram will give you 8
digits number and you will need to send this number to me, because I will need it to get money here. Also, I will need your full name too, and your full
adress, please write it to me without errors, because I want be sure that I have it correct. I will send you money back on 27 of June when I will get my pay for my piano. Or, I can give it back when we will meet. I will do how it will be better for you. I hate myself that I wrote you all this, but I do not have other ways and I hope you will understand me. Please write me as soon as you will be able, because I will be waiting for your answer here. Sorry for this sad letter... Kiss. Your Voly
 
Sofya Efimova,
Tomsk, Russia
Hi, I am a 37 y.o. single male currently employed as a software engineer. I was contacted by Sofya Efimova through match.com, it took her about a month before she responded to my email asking her for more information about herself. I had been in contact with her for the last several weeks, and something just didn't seem right with her. A lot of the time my questions were unanswered and she really didn't question anything I wrote in my emails to her. After reading Joshua's letters from Ekaterina Kochkaryova they appear to be the exact same person using the very same boilerplate email message (see letter 2). After just over 2 1/2 weeks says that she's in love with me and is asking for me to send her $265 for a visa via Western Union.
I would like to thank Joshua for posting his letters, without them I probably would have been scammed myself. Also I would like to thank Elena for such a great web site, you are doing a wonderful service for all of us single guys looking to find that special someone to share our life with.
Letter 1
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2006 06:02:53 -0500
From: <reuwial@talkmatch.com>
Subject: Match.com Message: hello
What a wonderful day today! I somehow saw your profile and I liked very much what was written there.
I would be happy if I hear back from you. I think you are a very interesting person. And I think you can tell me much about yourself. I have a dream to meet my beloved person and to create a happy family with him. Life can be very bright when you love and feel desired. Life is wonderful when you have your beloved ones and friends close to you. Nobody should be lonely. If you give me a chance to get to know you, you may find an interesting and good person in me. I will tell you about myself as soon as I get your reply. One thing I can say for sure, I am ready to go to the edge of the world just to find my second half and to give him all my love and tenderness.
Please, feel free to ask me any questions. I will be very glad to answer them.
Enjoy your day!
reply me at blondino4ka06@yahoo.com
Please see my pics http://photos.yahoo.com/blondino4ka06
Here you can see the pic of me with list of paper. I think it will
prove you that I am real girl!!!
Actually I live in Rus_sia. I was mistaken when filled a profile.
Letter 2
Date: Thu, 1 Jun 2006 10:40:31 +0400
From: Sofya <blondino4ka06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re[2]: Match.com Message: hello
Hello dear, I am so sorry for my silence!!!
How are you today?
Well, as I promised I am going to tell you some more about myself.
Sofya is a full name but you can also call me shortly Sofa. This what usually people who know me well call me. But also there are different ways to call me tenderly, like Sofochka.
So I am 28 y.o. My height is 167 cms, my weight is 52 kgs.
I am in a good shape. I am not skinny but look really nice. I am not boasting, it is true. I have never been married and have no kids.
My family is not really big. I have a step father and stepbrother.
Unfortunately, I don't have really close relations with them.
Sometimes we gather for holidays but it happens very seldom.
I feel very sad saying this but my mother died from the cancer 5 years ago...
I loved her very much and I miss her badly.
I take good care of myself as I care of my appearance but I am not fanatic.
I have a higher education. I studied on the faculty of Russian language. So I am very good at Russian as you see I have also finished courses of a medical nurse and can make massage too. I should say I am rather good at it.
I live alone. You already know a little about my family from my previous letter.
And I have to learn for my living. I could work as a teacher of Russian. But teachers get very small salaries in Russia. And I need to earn for my living myself. That's why I have finished courses.
Now I work as a medical nurse in the private clinic. And I also do massage, it is my extra work. Thus how I earn for my living. I am not complaining but it is really a hard work. I should always be kind and polite though with some people it seems to be impossible. I don't want to loose my job. So I try always to be patient even with rude people. And what is more important, I get moral satisfaction helping people. It is my contribution into the world.
As I told you I live in Russia, the city I live in is called Tomsk.
It is not big but very nice. We have many places of interests and lots of historical places.
I enjoy walking there. Also we have some theatres and cinemas.
I want to have my own family very much. You know, family is like a castle.
Nobody can't break it if you really love your family and fight for it. It is a place where you come with joy and happiness.
And you feel bad and sad your family will always support you. This is what I am looking for. I am looking for a person who would be with me in bad and in good times. It is so important to know that there is a person who need you and that you are not alone in this world any more. Do you agree?
Ok, I will stop here and tell you more in my next letters.
I will be waiting impatiently for your reply.
Enjoy your day!
P.S. I am so sorry for my silence!
I have forgotten the password from my e-mail and have hardly recollected :-) Also, please check your spam folder, I find your letter here :-((
P.P.S. I attach my photo, I hope you have not forgotten as I look like:-)
yours Sofya
Letter 3
Date: Mon, 5 Jun 2006 09:55:51 +0400
From: Sofya <blondino4ka06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re[4]: Match.com Message: hello
Hi dear Dave
What a surprise!!! You can't imagine my joy. I have checked my mail and what did I see there - a letter from you. Thank you so much for your very nice message. I really enjoyed reading it.
I would like to continue our correspondence very much , of course, if you want the same.
Though I am a little old-fashioned and I think that a man should make the first step, but I really don't feel sorry that I did it and had written a letter to you.
Sometimes I come to the Internet caf? to check my mail or to find some necessary information.
And some of the windows were opened while I was checking the information and suddenly I saw your add. And somehow you have captured my attention.:-) I decided not to miss my chance though I was not sure it was right and that I had to make the first step. But I have no regrets now. I feel a little lost and confused writing all this as you don't know me at all and I don't know you too.
But it is so pleasant to get a letter from you.
Well, I hope you are not yet tired from my talking.
Perhaps, you wonder if I write this letters myself.
I speak and write in English rather fluently. I have been studying in the University for 5 years.
Also I didn't have any language practice. But any way, it was a good life experience. I made some friends and after work we enjoyed our time. And we had much fun. I still have very good and warm memories about that time.
So, I have never been outside the Russia...
I am afraid to make you bored with my talking. So I will better stop here.
Just one question for you. Why are you looking for a woman the way like this? I think it is very good to have an Internet as it connects people from different parts of the planet and it is great!
If you don't like my question, you don't need to answer. I will understand.
And now I want to wish you to have a very good day or night. It depends on the time you will read this letter.
yours Sofya
Letter 4
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2006 15:40:22 +0400
From: Sofya <blondino4ka06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re[6]: Match.com Message: hello
Hi darling Dave
Your letters make me feel so relaxed and rested. Not always, of course, sometimes I am so excited that everything falls down from my hands. It has happened right now. All my papers fell down on the floor and my pen too. And everyone who was in the Internet caf? looked at me with the surprise. But I wanted to laugh so much and couldn't put away the smile from my face. Now I realize how silly it looked from aside. But I don't care, I am writing to the best man in the world.
You see, I write letters at home on the list of paper and then go to the internet and type them there.
Hope you will forgive me for sharing all the details of my life with you.
Well, we still don't each other very well but I already feel that we are getting closer to each other.
I will now continue telling you more about myself.
Perhaps, more about my interests…
Well, cooking is my hobby. Salads, different soups, pasta, souses, cakes and
pies- it is just a short list of what I cook. I like very much to try new things. I also like very much going to the restaurants. Unfortunately, I can't often afford it to myself. I do it very seldom, usually it happens when some of my friends has her birthday party. I like trying new cuisine and trying to guess what are the ingredients.
What's your favorite dish?
Watching movies is one of my adorable things to do, especially at the weekend. I have an old model of a video player. Though it is rather old but I still can watch movies on it. So at the weekend I rent some videos or ask my friends to give me some and enjoy it the whole day. Most of all I like to do it in a cold winter day. I stay in my bed with some food, hot tea and enjoy it. I like love stories very much, comedies and sometimes even horror movies. But I get scared too fast and turn it off Do you have a favorite movie? Any favorite actress and actor?
I like Tom Cruise very much and Angelina Jolie. I think she gorgeous.
Also I like studying languages. I try to improve my English and also I would like to learn Spanish very much. I have a phrase book and trying to learn something though sometimes it is rather hard. It is better when someone teachers you and correct you.
Music, I like slow romantic compositions very much. Slow dances are of my favorite. Perhaps, I shouldn't be so romantic, life is very complicated and cruel sometimes. And I should be strong. But I am just a weak woman who wants to love, to feel love, tenderness and care in return.
I have a drive license, but I don't have a car.
Sports is my other hobby. I do jogging, it helps me to be fit. And I also go to the swimming pool as I think it is a very good exercise.
I have a drive license, but I drive not good:-) I don't have pets, but I like dogs and cats!
What else…I even don't know. I had so many thoughts in my head but they disappeared as soon as I thought of you personally.
I hope you are enjoying our correspondence as much as I do it and I hope to get your reply very soon.
Please, feel free to ask me any questions you have.
yours Sofya
Letter 5
Date: Fri, 9 Jun 2006 12:19:23 +0400
From: Sofya <blondino4ka06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re[2]: Match.com Message: hello
It so nice getting letters from you. May be you will write me some words...
And in spite of all the difficulties in my life, though the weather is very dull and there is no sun, I feel happy. Only a person who was lonely could feel this.
The world and the life are now colored with bright colors. You get up in the morning knowing that someone is thinking of you, maybe even at this minute he is thinking of you, wishing you to have a very good day and even sending you an air kiss.
Your letter woke up a poet in me. And I like this feeling very much.
I am in a very strange mood today. I want to sing as birds sing in the morning, when the sun is so tender and the sky is so blue.
I have remembered one song right now. I am sure you know it. It is a very famous song called "Stand by you." I am sure you will understand me better after reading this. This is what I would like to have in relations with my beloved
Oh, Why You Look So Sad?
Tears Are In Your Eyes
Come On And Come To Me Now
Don't Be Ashamed To Cry
Let Me See You Through
'Cause I've Seen The Dark Side Too
When The Night Falls On You
You Don't Know What To Do
Nothing You Confess
Could Make Me Love You Less
I'll Stand By You, I'll Stand By You
Won't Let Nobody Hurt You, I'll Stand By You
So If You're Mad, Get Mad
Don't Hold It All Inside
Come On And Talk To Me Now
Hey, What You Got To Hide?
I Get Angry Too
Well I'm A Lot Like You
When You're Standing At The Crossroads
And Don't Know Which Path To Choose
Let Me Come Along
'Cause Even If You're Wrong
I'll Stand By You, I'll Stand By You
Won't Let Nobody Hurt You, I'll Stand By You Take Me In, Into Your Darkest Hour And I'll Never Desert You, I'll Stand By You
And When, When The Night Falls On You, Baby You're Feeling All Alone You Won't Be On Your Own
I'll Stand By You, I'll Stand By You
Won't Let Nobody Hurt You, I'll Stand By You Take Me In, Into Your Darkest Hour And I'll Never Desert You, I'll Stand By You I'll Stand By You, Won't Let Nobody Hurt You, I'll Stand By You Won't Let Nobody Hurt You, I'll Stand By You Take Me In, Into Your Darkest Hour Won't Let Nobody Hurt You, I'll Stand By You
Just wanted to show my feelings with you.
I will write you more next time.
Take care.
yours Sofya
Letter 6
Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2006 10:06:01 +0400
From: Sofya Efimova <blondino4ka06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re[2]: Match.com Message: hello
Hi sunshine!!!
One thought came into my mind today.
I would like to ask you what you value in a person most of all. An And what you value in a woman most of all?
Do you ever watch French movies, old ones and new?
You know, there is something that I like about French women? Something in their eyes, how they move, how they look at you, how they smile. They are real women.
Maybe it is only in movies, but I like this type of women very much. They are very sensual and sexy in their own way.
Appearance is very important but what is more important is one's soul.
When the soul is beautiful, a person looks more beautiful too. But when the soul is dark and dirty, you can always see it on his appearance. I appreciate very much honest, open, easy-going people. The one I could trust and tell what is inside myself. And also a kind person could always make you feel better with his kindness, care and love. I miss my mum so badly. She was a wonderful person, a very caring one. And she loved me very much. She will always be a very important person for me.
I know she is somewhere there in the Heaven and she watches me and protects me.
And I try to do good things in life so she could be proud of me….Sorry, I am trying not cry writing this. It is very difficult. Thank you for being there and listening to me. I feel your support even though you are far from me. But the distance is nothing when two people like each other and feel comfortable with each other. One day there will be no distance between us and we will look into each others eyes and will say everything we feel to each other.
Sorry but I will close here for today. I feel very sad and vulnerable now. I will go home thinking of you. I want to get your letter very much, it will uplift my spirit and I will feel I am not alone any more.
Miss you and your letters…
P.S. Here is my address:
Sofya Efimova
Post Office Box No 3751, Tomsk, Russia, 634029
If you want please send me your full address
P.P.S. Also I have uploaded 3 new pics (2 old pics and 1 in bikini!)
yours Sofya
Letter 7
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 13:56:39 +0400
From: Sofya Efimova <blondino4ka06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re[2]: Match.com Message: hello
How are you today?
I was waiting for your letter so much. I hope you already know how much they mean for me and how I wait for them.
Unfortunately, I can't concentrate today. I could sleep yesterday and had been crying the half of the night. I felt very lonely. I feel better today. Please, don't worry.
Next time I will try to be stronger and keep myself in hands.
May be I am just too tired. I have to work some extra hours. My colleague is sick and she is at home. That's why I need to do her work too. I do massages instead of her. And you know it is rather difficult. Also it is necessary to be very patient. And you know people are different. Someone are very thankful to you for your help. And others think that should do everything they want. They can't understand I maybe tired too. I dream of a desert island. Sun, blue sky, warm water and you near me. Isn't it a wonderful dream. And nobody there, only you and me.
Well, enough of my dreaming…
Tell me something nice, please. Make me feel good. If I was there I would make you a massage with an oil to make you rest. You deserve. And you would pay me for it with a sweet kiss.
Dear, I want to thank you for being in my life, for giving me an opportunity to share my feelings with you. You can't imagine what a relief it is and how important it is for me. I appreciate your moral support very much. I feel it between the lines of your letters.
Please, be careful for me. I want to see your other letter very much. And to feel your warmth.
I send you my sweet kiss for free too.
Sofya Efimova
Post Office Box № 3751, Tomsk, Russia, 634029
Letter 8
Date: Wed, 14 Jun 2006 15:31:42 +0400
From: Sofya Efimova <blondino4ka06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: Hi
P.S. Here is your questions
When is your birthday?
- my birthday is 20 of July
What color are your eyes?
- blue
Where were you born?
- Tomsk
Have you done any traveling in Russia? Where have you been?
-Black See
You said you live alone, do you live in an apartment?
Letter 9
Date: Fri, 16 Jun 2006 13:29:18 +0400
From: Sofya Efimova <blondino4ka06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re[2]: Match.com Message: hello
Hi sweetheart!
Hope you don't mind me calling you like this. But you are such a sweet person.
And I am so happy having you in my life. I am sorry for complaining sometimes in my letters. But I trust you very much and I accept you as a very close person and sometimes I allow myself to be a little weak with you.
I wish I could make something for you to thank you for everything. Hope one day we will meet with you and be sure massage is waiting for you.
Sometimes I am trying to imagine how it would be when we meet. And I am getting so romantic at this time that can even imagine this situation in all colors.
Do you want me to share this with you?
I am staying in the airport and there is a glass wall dividing us from each other. I see you standing there with a bunch of red roses. And I see myself in a light pink long dress. The wind is blowing at my hair and my lips are so soft and I have a pink gloss on them. I am trying to say something to you but you don't hear me. I start laughing as you can't understand what I am trying to say to you. And then you start laughing too.
I am coming closer to you. I feel so nervous and excited at the same time. I see that you feel the same. I open my lips and you hear at last what I tried to say some minutes ago. "Thank you. I am happy!" Simple words but there is so much in them. Thank you for making me happy. Thank you for being with me. Thank you for make feel complete. Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for everything… Please, accept these words. This is what I feel now.
You see again and again I share my feelings with you. Something strange is going on with me. I feel butterflies inside my stomach. And this feeling makes me feel very happy but scares me at the same time. I think I have to think carefully what's going on with me. All these drives me crazy but in a good way. I like this feelings very much. Everything looks different from the time I met you through the Internet. I myself look different. There is something in my eyes, they sparkling. Even my friends say this. They have noticed that some changes are happening in me.
Well, I will not torture you with my thoughts any more.
Thinking of you…
Sofya Efimova
P.O. Box 3751,
Tomsk, Russia, 634029
Letter 10
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2006 09:14:46 +0400
From: Sofya Efimova <blondino4ka06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re[2]: Match.com Message: hello
Please, don't be shocked with what you will read now.
I was scared myself when I understood it yesterday. I was thinking of what was going on with me. Every morning I get up with the thought of you and every evening I go to bed with the thoughts of you. There is some kind of chemistry in the air. I can't live without your letters. I got used to you so much. All I need now is to get a letter from you, to know that you are well and you are thinking of me too. I can't do anything, I can't concentrate. I go to work and it is a torture for me as I can't really do anything, talk to anybody. All I do is thinking of you. I think I am in love with you. I know what you think now. I am scared myself as it is unusual for me too. But I will die if you tell me you don't need me any more. I would give everything in the life just to be with you right now, to see your wonderful and kind eyes, to understand that you feel the same. Every part of my body aches for you.
I am mad at myself. This shouldn't happen to me. At least I shouldn't tell this to you. This is wrong. But what can I do. I can't just stand aside. I need you to understand me. Perhaps, you don't feel the same about me. But I feel that you have something for me too. If you don't, I will understand. But I want you to know that I long for you. My love will be enough for two. I know I can make you happy. I will be the best friend for you, lover and a wife if you only allow me.
I am so much scared that you will not allow me to love you. But you should know this feeling will always be in me as you have captured the biggest part of my heart. And this will last forever, I know. I have never felt this before especially to the person I have never seen in real life. And I will be happy only if you say that you feel just a little of what I do for me.
Please, take your time and write me. I will be counting minutes till the time I hear from you.
Miss you badly.
P.S. please see my new pics http://photos.yahoo.com/blondino4ka06
Sofya Efimova
P.O. Box 3751,
Tomsk, Russia, 634029
Letter 11
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 14:47:09 +0400
From: Sofya Efimova <blondino4ka06@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re[4]: Match.com Message: hello
Hello my dearest one Dave!!!
How are you today? As for me I am not really in the mood.
I have a feeling that I did something wrong.
I have never thought this could happen to me. That I could fell in love with the person I have never seen in my life.
I want to less the distance between
us so much, to take your hand, to look into your eyes and to see that you understand my naive soul. I know I shouldn't be so open. I have to be strong and keep everything inside.
I am too emotional but I don't want you to be scared and run away. If I could be closer to you and if I could show you my feelings. I want you so much to see me, to feel my touch.
I would kiss your eyes and say how I love you.
Again I am acting like a silly little girl. I am mad at myself.
But at the same time I can't stop. I want you to know my feelings. I even thought of coming to you. And I have even went the tourist agency to check about the visas. And now I know that the best way for me to come to you is to get a tourist visa. It will not take much time.
And they told me at the tourist agency that I have a very good chance to get it. Do you remember I told you once that I had been to America. And it is a very good reason for giving me a visa. I’ve checked that a visa will cost $265.
It is the cost for the passport for going abroad, for the medical exam and for all the paperwork.
You know with my salary I just can't afford it. And I will need your help. It’s up to you, of course. But I really hope you will be able to help me with getting visa.
Please, think about it and let me know. Do you want me to come to you?
Do you want to meet with me at last? I want it very much.
Hope you too.
I will give you the information for the case you decide to do it.
The best way to send money is to do it via Western Union or Money Gram You need only need to get to Western Union and to send from money from there with a credit card!!!
It is an easy and quick way to get it.
It is necessary to know the full name of receiver.
My full name is Sofya Efimova. And after sending money, the one who is getting money should know an MTCN or Reference numbers, your full name and the sum of money that was sent.
Well, I hope that you will think on this information.
You have lots of food for thought.
Please, write me as soon as possible. I am waiting for your reply.
Love you.
Sofya Efimova
P.O. Box 3751,
Tomsk, Russia, 634029
   
Tatyana Volkova
(Orlov, Russia)
First let me say i am very happy to have found this web
site i have not sent any money to these women but i have been tempted too just for the fact that i know
times are pretty tough in Russia i received the following emails in my yahoo
personals add i found it very interesting she introduces herself as
svetlana and then signs off saying Tatyana so which is it maybe she has a split personality i
don't know but i think she is a scammer like the rest of them atleast this
one did not waste my time over a three month period and then ask me for money it only took this one 2
weeks. Jack, USA
Letter 1
Hello, Me name is Svetlana.
I has decided, I need friend with whom I might connect all further life too is necessary for me, but such
person with whom I would not be happy is not necessary for me and the girlfriend has advised me to
look same people as well as I in the Internet, I and have made I have gone to the Internet of cafe and
have found a site which to me the girlfriend has advised, at her mum as has got acquainted
with the person from Germany. After short viewing structures I have seen yours which most approaches me, and
have decided to write to you in hope that I shall receive from you the answer. Excuse I has distracted
from the story about itself slightly. As I to you already spoke me 29 years
I live in Russia, city of Orlov, my weight makes 64 kgs at growth of 170
centimeter. At me higher education on a speciality the ecologist, but on the
trade I do not work, as on it it is very difficult to find work. I work to
help the bookkeeper in the company which is engaged in sale of home appliances. I live one without parents, my
parents were lost at a fire of 6 years back. I live together with mine cat Murka, she my best
friend!Unfortunately I badly know the English language so I the first time shall be to use the translator,
but I go on rates, on studying language. With impatience I wait from you for the answer. Your new friend
Svetlana. Please write me on my personal e-mail: tatyana200606@bk.ru
So it will be more convenient to me to write to you and I can send you the photos!
Letter 2
Hi my beautiful friend
I am sincerely glad, to that you have answered me again. Your letters give me a charge of energy for all
day! I read them with the great pleasure. In the letters you may ask me about
everything, that interests you about me. But if I on them do not answer
you, do not take offence, I simply can not understand it , set to me it slightly on
another and I it is indispensable on him shall answer you. It is my first
experience of acquaintance through the Internet, but this way has very
much liked me as I was answered at once with the person who has liked me.
I write the letters from the Internet of cafe so be not upset if I
shall not answer you the letter at once, simply the Internet of cafe may be
closed. Today I went to church, today for me little bit sad date, this
day my parents were lost. I orthodox christian, at us very beautiful
churches, at that moment when I am in church I feel quietly, me already
cease, that or to disturb. It is very interesting to me what weather at
you today, I think, that at you should be warm. Spring my liked season, I likes to look, how the nature comes to life
after winter. As the first kidneys on trees are dismissed. Birds who an autumn departed on the south arrive , but they again
will return. The first grows a grass, many children leave on street and are pleased to this season. Children it
future our planet and on them all our hope, does a pleasure me the
big pleasure to observe of them. My parents educated me good formation as you know I has finished the Kazan state
university on a speciality the ecologist. But nevertheless I do not
work on this speciality. Sometimes at me in life there come such
times, that I seem to me, that already for whom it is not necessary, that I shall
stay one, but nevertheless I calm myself and I believe that the main
love in my life still will come, the god will help me with it. Tell to me
more about itself, you like to listen to what your liked dish, what your
liked film, what else music. My liked dish it pelmeni, this very tasty
dish from Russian kitchen which consists of forcemeat of a beef and pork
with an onions and spices wrapped up in a dough and are cooked. This
really excellent dish. There may be sometime I of you him shall feed.
My liked films it Gladiator and Angel city, is film about the big love
when it was finished I very strongly cried if you of it did not
look, look necessarily, it is pleasant to you. As to music, she is pleasant
to me different on mood, I as like Russian classics Tchaykovskiy,
Rohmaninov, Rimskiy-Korsakov as it is pleasant to me Madonna, Enya, Kylie Minogue. I think, that after that you will know
letters more about me. I very much like your letters. On it I shall
finish the letter. Your friend Tatyana
Letter 3
My friend I am again glad to you to tell Hello
Our correspondence Seems has become stronger also we became already more close people! I am
very glad to receive your letters when I come in the Internet of cafe and I receive your
letter, at me at once am cheered up, so it is pleasant for me to receive
from you letters, I hope, that our correspondence will be strengthened
also we shall not overlook the friend about the friend! With the
letter I send you the one more image, I hope it to you it is pleasant. You like my images? My girlfriends
constantly ask me about you, to them interestingly what habits at you what you, I answer
them, that I already for a long time did not communicate with such person as you,
I really very much like your letters, I understand, that you that
person on which are possible to rely! Today there was really
ridiculous case with my cat Murka, I still hold houses fishs, my cat observed of them with
top, but was unintentionally broke and has fallen in an aquarium to
fishs, having frightened thus and and ?uaie after that she was all
crude, but I of her have turned in a towel and she has gradually dried up. By the way, it
is fast at me birthday, I was born october, 24, 1976 and I a meeting the 30 birthday. Tell to me as your
affairs as you will spend the day, it would be very interesting to me to learn about you
more... Unfortunately I on it finish the letter. With the big impatience I shall look forward
to hearing from you! Have good day! Good luck! Your friend
Letter 4
My great friend Rick
Again I receive from you the letter and I am very glad to this event! I hope, that to you about what I write
is clear. You know, for the small period of correspondence with you and
have already understood, that to you have become attached, without your
letter at me day any not such but as I receive from you the answer at
once my life is filled with pleasure. And you attachment to me? I think
what yes if it so that it is healthy! I shall give you my home address so we can
correspond letters by usual mail, but nevertheless it is not so convenient, as it seems to
me, in the first letters will go very long, and there is an every
prospect, that the letter will be stolen, at us in Russia of it it is
possible to expect... From many steal letters simply from there is nothing to
do, but nevertheless I shall give you the address: Russia Orlov 462431 street Gagarina, the house 37 apartment 90 Tatyana Volkova But it seems to me,
that all oaee is easier to communicate through the Internet, in general I think, that the
Internet this big achievement as people from two different ends of a
planet may communicate with each other freely that I have got acquainted with
such person as you already because of it only I shall tell to the
Internet many thanks! Much to our regret I do not have phone, in
Russia it is the whole problem, not enough at whom in Russia there is a
phone of a house so we might speak by the phone, but it is possible if
such opportunity I necessarily shall call you will be presented me. You Believe, when I sit at work, I
constantly think of you, I wait for that moment when I after work shall go to the
Internet of cafe and I shall find out the letter from you, it does a
pleasure me huge pleasure. With this letter I send my image.
Whether my images like you, only is fair? Unfortunately my time in the Internet of cafe
comes to an end. Write to me necessarily! I shall wait!
Your friend, Tatyana
Letter 5
Greetings my best friend Rick
I hope you not against, that I name you the best friend. Simply I very much to you attachment, and I
think, that you my best friend! At us with you as I understand the new feeling arises,
I tested such feeling at school when studied in 8 class, I then have
fallen in love with one, the boy, but at present it drinks alcohol
very much, in general in Russia very big quantity people drink vodka do not
understand why. I very big opponent of the use of alcohol, and I in life
of it shall never use! As not the supporter of smoking, I think,
that this superfluous. It was very pleasant for me to receive from
you the letter, I start to be pleased lifes, and this pleasure is
connected by that we have found each other. What all of you the remarkable
person! With such person as you I would agree to lead all life, I know,
that it is possible to rely on you, I completely trust you and I
know, that such person, as you never me deceive. The deceit is the most bad
character trait of the person, it at all does not decorate the person!
Today with girlfriends I went to park and I have noticed there one pair, there were two and embraced, their
persons looked the happiest which it would be possible only will present,
and I represented, that it is possible we when-ieaoau as we shall go together
and we shall be happiest people, such, that everyone will look at us
and everyone will be to admire. Still I very much love the order, am
inadmissible, that at me houses were are scattered things or there was a dirty
utensils, I done not complicated at all by to clean all these things,
it does a pleasure me only pleasure. With impatience I shall wait from you for the
answer. Your
Letter 6
Hello my kitten Rick
At me, as always it was cheered up at reception of your letter! I think, you not against, that I have
named you a kitten, do not take offence, it I am tender so you I name. Girlfriends at work speak, that I
became absent-minded, speak, that I have fallen in love, I do not
know, that to them it and to answer, because I do not want them to deceive, even it seems to me, that I have already
found, that person whom searched, and this person you! So it seems to me, what I
too to like you, or it not so? Tell me please, it may be not mutual at
us these feelings, and I very much would like, that the our love was
mutual! Yes though I and hesitate slightly, but I should you tell all:
I LOVE YOU RICK! It is very interesting to me to learn, whether this feeling
so, try to me is mutual at us to answer it as soon as possible! I very
much ask you! Hello my lovely Rick I simply can not find words of the pleasure. I so am
happy that I have found you in this huge world. You the unique person to which I can tell all ideas
and dreams. When I write you the letter, I in soul have something such that it is
impossible to explain, it It is necessary to feel. Some days I simply sit at the
computer and I look at your photo, And all time I think of that to see you.
I present as you drive me for a hand on a coast as you embrace me, and
I feel Loved by the expensive person for me. The grandmother looks at me with a kind smile and
speaks that she is happy to see me such what I now. I and itself am happy, that again I write you
the letter. It is filled with all my love and Tenderness to you. I very strongly want you to see
near to me, but much to our regret I can not yet. Now I constantly look news hoping to learn something
about your country. With big Interest I study English. Besides that it is very
interesting to me, it to me now also It is necessary. To me in general interestingly to study in all that is
not known to me. In total certainly to not learn, but it seems to me
That it is better to know about all slightly than all about the little.
And consequently each dialogue with the person For me a lesson. But the most important dialogue for
me when I communicate with you. You see you most The main teacher for me, and I want you to listen. To
listen to your ideas, reasonings, to know about you It is as much as possible. I think you not against.
On it I want to finish the letter my lovely. I wait with impatience of your letters.
Yours Tatyana
Letter 7
Hi my love Rick
I was very glad to receive from you the letter. When I read your letter, at me even have appeared on eyes
of tear of pleasure. I see that we are necessary each other. Not seldom I visit
church, and I am asked for you and ours with you meeting. How you there
without me? I here very much without you men. You in ideas always with me. You show
very strong interest to me it very pleasantly to feel. I began very much
to think of us with you that waits for us ahead. Write to me all questions which you interest. I shall be
very glad to answer to you them.. You now are, by the second man in this world
which to me is necessary most of all. The first man is my mum. I very much hope for
that that our meeting the speed future is held. I am very grateful to you that you trust me. Through the Internet it is as
that not naturally, we should take each other in hands and look each other in
eyes and speak about that as the world is perfect. At me very good mood. I want to know all. To me you are very
important. When I began to correspond with you I had what that hope that at us
with you all will be good. With each your letter I understood that I have found
that man which to me is necessary. I as well as you want to see you believe to me very faster it it would be desirable. I
want to embrace you caress. I consider what exactly creation of a spiritual emotional
basis of the man and there is a purpose sense of family education. I want to you to tell one that my feelings and the words
in relation to you always were sincerely and I always understood that we put a lot of
trust, that our union would be when that real. Now I am sure on all 100 that I can to you to trust. And you that man
which to me are necessary. When I read your letter I has seen in it your sincerity and
fidelity to me. I have made of your letter for myself the large conclusion
which it is possible to express in three words " I LOVE YOU ". Today I even felt so highly, at me all
turned out so easily, because my ideas were directed about you. I as knew
when I think of you and you think of me and it warmed my soul and body. . But we
should trust each other, without it we simply can not exist. Today when I went on a road home, I thought of that as much
to me to admit to you about it. You see between us there should be a complete trust
and we should know about each other all. You probably think that I such not modern, but I consider that first time I
should have affinity with the favourite man. At present at me the large
inclination to you, I do not know why but it is the truth. Sometimes such
dreams dream me, that it is a shame to me to you to speak about it. This dream has
dreamed me today at night. " We have supper with you at you at home and then we go to you in sleeping
and we begin to be engaged with you love. Excuse that I speak with you so frankly, but I
think that you
should know about me all. I would be happy to visit you is a limit of my desires. Your love Tatyana
Letter 8
Hi my love Rick
I am very happy to read your letter, as always. You - mine beloved, my love, my palpation! Also, as you
urgently require me, I too urgently need in you, to want be close to you, and to feel you, your breath. I
want to hold you by my party, my lips in your lips and will kiss you, I feel
your language, I feel your breath. Yesterday night, I had this
remarkable sexual dream concerning you and me. I can not hold it to
me directly. I should express it to you, divide it with you. I should find out, whether you also have dream
of similar nature, or is only me. You and me, anybody still. We - near to the friend by the friend on a
bed. We cover each other, we press our body against each other, our lips
meet each other and synchronize in operation knowledge. I feel your body , you feel my body . You undress me, I undress
you. I feel your sensitive body. You feel my basis. I lay at top of your sensitive body , listening your
heart beat in double speed. We lay near to the friend by the friend to
speak love to each other, caress each other. I study your beautiful eyes, you study my eyes both see love in the friend the
friend. I will kiss you a breast, necks, everywhere. You also pay with your sensitive gentle lips. I love you very much.
I want to hear your beautiful vote. I want to speak love to you. We now have a rain. The rain brings love.
The love prospers in this weather. It - very romantic atmosphere.
Please write the long letters to me. Inform me concerning your
ideas. Inform me concerning work and friends. Love Tatyana
Letter 9
Hi mine love Rick
I have understood for myself, that I any more do not present the life not only without your letters, but
also without you! Now for me life without you is not meaningful. I can not live
without you and on this want to ask you: whether you Want mine love that
I to arrive to you. That I was Ms. Rick that we two had one bed
that at us the general pleasures and general to mountain that we were
the best pair in the world that all people looked at us and were
surprised to that we the happiest pair in the world full with love and trust! That your friends looked at us and envied, to
that what at you the remarkable wife that my girlfriends looked at you
and envied that at me the best and beautiful husband all over the
world! I of you ask to think of it as it is possible more seriously,
but I think, that these feelings at us are mutual also we like each
other. On it I shall finish the letter, and very much I wait for your
answer, it is necessary for me to know your opinion of that I have told
For ever yours Tatyana
Letter 10
afternoon mine love Rick
In your letter I have seen a lot of your love to me! I very much appreciate it! But you would know, how
hardly to me to write this letter. I today called in the Canadian embassy in
Moscow and learned there how I can arrive to you, to me there gave such
answer, that the best variant of arrival to you it will be registration of
visa, its validity of 90 days from the date of arrival in Canada, and
registration in very short term, only one or two days, but I am very strong
frustration when I have learned its price, a total cost of the visa of
400 dollars, the visa costs only 100 dollars, but plus to this it is
necessary to pay 150 dollars on consular gathering and as on medical
insurance and all this together makes about 400 dollars when to me have
told this price, at me on cheeks flew tears... I explained them, that Rick, he is
that person without which I I can not to live, and I very much would like it to
see, they have answered me, that anything do they may not, all of
them understand, but rules are rules, on another in any way it is
impossible, but they have told me, that I might ask this money to the visa for
you, they me have told, that loving person should pay for the loved, I
in him has told, that it slightly is not polite, but they to me have
explained, that all of you will understand, I very much hope for your
understanding. In embassy to me have told, that it will be the best to send
me money through system of translations Western Union, it is very
reliable system of remittances and she is in each bank that I have received
them, I should inform you the address of bank in which I of them to
receive, and you should inform me of 10 figures of a remittance. I have learned the address of the bank
nearest to me, the address: Russia, 347510, Orlov, CENTER-INVEST BANK,
Proletarskaya 34, for name Tatyana Volkova, please, send to me money today,
I really do not present the further life without you! And I ask you,
do not take offence at my request, to me so have told, that you should
understand it. But as soon as I to you to arrive, I shall be arranged to work
and necessarily return your money, it will be for me a point of honour,
I hope, that you understand me. Very much I wait from you the answer and as I wait for
your translation, you are necessary for me! You mine LOVE!
Your eternal love Tatyana!!!
   
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