Alla Fedotova
(Gatchina, Russia) aka Ekaterina Kochkaryova, Natalia Konarshaya, and Sofya Efimova
Hi all! My name is Austin. I'm a 34-year-old, single professional living in the United States. I have been a member of for the past three years as I search for the 'right one'. In the past few months I have received emails from several Russian women. They each follow the same basic format: 1) Their profiles state they live in the U.S. - It is not until contact is made that they correct themselves. At that point they claim they were mistaken in their profile or they weren't able to choose 'Russia'
; 2) Their profiles include at least one very appealing, attractive photo to catch your attention; 3) Profiles become 'inactive' soon after contact is made; 4) Emails stress the importance of honesty, family, and finding the 'favorite' man or soulmate; 5) Emails quickly become romantic as they profess their feelings of love and devotion; 6) Accompanying pictures become more revealing; 7) Money is eventually requested to cover expenses for visa, travel, family emergency, etc.
I was not aware of this scam until recently. A special thanks goes out to this site!!! It is now obvious that every Russian 'woman' that has contacted me through has actually been a blood-sucking scam artist. Fortunately, I did not send any money. I have, however, wasted significant time emailing those I thought to be true. I plan to post each of their names, emails and photos on this site and others. Hopefully it well help someone as it has helped me. I contacted regarding the scam and have NOT received a response. Since my last communication with a known scammer several more have tried to contact me. It seems there is something of a 'Russian Invasion' going on! has shown either a lack of concern or inability to help. It's very annoying considering I am paying for that service! I am considering discontinuing my account with them.
My advice to everyone involved in internet dating is to be vigilant. My mother always said that "if it seems too good to be true, it probably is." In this case I think she's right. Spread the word to your friends and colleagues so that people become aware of this scurge on the internet dating world. Awareness is the best defense.
Alla Fedotova of Gatchina, Russia contacted me through 'She' has used the email addresses and She also has photos posted at: I corresponded with this person for about six weeks before 'she' asked for visa money in the amount of $267 to be sent via Western Union, MoneyGram or credit card. I was already highly suspicious by then and did not send any money. Instead I suggested that it would be cheaper and easier for me to come see her in Russia. To that there was no direct reply...just more pleas for money as she claimed to have only seven days to get the visa without trouble. I have not responded to the additional requests and have not heard anything further.
I have since found copies of the same emails under other names on this site. Same exact emails, different alias and different photos. I have found the messages under the names:
Ekaterina Kochkaryova, Natalia Konarshaya, and Sofya Efimova. Below I have included samples of the emails I received and have also attached photos.
It's easy to see why many of us could be sucked in. The pictures being used in these scams are of girls that are pretty damn hot! Be careful out there guys...stay vigilant and don't send any of these low-life parasites your hard-earned cash!
Good Luck...
Email #1: First contact thru
It happened suddenly that I saw your profile and I couldnt stand from writing
to you. I will be very happy to get to know you better.
Life is a very complicated thing. And you never know what will happen one day.
People could meet and understand they were meant for each other. And they could
live a happy life together for the rest of the life. Or they could be
lonely for long time and be afraid to have new relations. So I dont want to
miss a chance of my life and find a person I could live with and have strong
and happy family with.
I would really like to know more about you. Hope you too. So, please, ask me any
questions you have and I will gladly answer them. As soon as I get your
reply, I will tell you more about myself, my life, my interests.
Have a nice day!
I am waiting impatiently for your reply.
Actually I live in Ru_s_s_ia. I was mistaken when filled a profile.
I hope in it there is nothing terrible and you don't afraid Russian woman!
I promise you will not be disappointed!!!
Please, don't make me wait for long.:-)
reply me at
Please see my pics
Email #2: Her follow-up to my reply
Sorry!!!!!! I could not answer you earlier.
I did not see your letter. It has been placed in spam folder.
I do not know why it happens.
Probably it is a mistake of a server.
I shall disconnect spam filter. Also I hope my letter
it will not be placed in yours spam the filter.
Check it more often.
I am glad that you have answered me. If I am still
interesting to you, write to me.
My name is Alla. I am 28 years old (still young but mature enough to know what I want in this life).
But also there are different ways to call me tenderly,
like Allochka.
My height is 167 cms(it 5.5 foots), my weight is 56 kgs.
I am in a good shape. I am not skinny but look really nice.
I am not boasting, it is true.
I take good care of myself as I care of my appearance but
I am not fanatic.
I have a higher education. I studied on the faculty of
Russian language. So I am very good at Russian as you see
I have also finished courses of a medical nurse and can
make massage too. I should say I am rather good at it.
My family is not really big. I have a step father and stepbrother.
Unfortunately, I don't have really close relations with them.
Sometimes we gather for holidays but it happens very seldom.
I feel very sad saying this but my mother died from the cancer.
I loved her very much and I miss her badly.
I live alone. And I have to learn for my living. I could
work as a teacher of Russian. But teachers get very small
salaries in Russia. And I need to earn for my living myself.
That's why I have finished courses.
Now I work as a medical nurse in the private clinic.
And I also do massage, it is my extra work. Thus how I earn
for my living. I am not complaining but it is really a hard
work. I should always be kind and polite though with some
people it seems to be impossible. I don't want to loose
my job. So I try always to be patient even with rude people.
And what is more important, I get moral satisfaction helping
people. It is my contribution into the world.
The city I live in is called Gatchina. These are 40 kilometers
from St.-Petersburg.
I live in Gatchina. But I work in St.-Petersburg. Almost
every day I should go 40 kilometers for work, and back home.
We have many places of interests and lots of historical
places. I enjoy walking there. Also we have some theatres
and cinemas.
I want to have my own family very much. You know, family is
like a castle. Nobody can't break it if you really love your
family and fight for it. It is a place where you come with
joy and happiness.
And you feel bad and sad your family will always support you.
This is what I am looking for. I am looking for a person who
would be with me in bad and in good times. It is so important
to know that there is a person who need you and that you
are not alone in this world any more. Do you agree?
Now you will have an idea of who I am.
Ok, I will stop here and tell you more in my next letters.
I will be waiting impatiently for your reply.
Enjoy your day!
yours Alla
Here is some of my pics
P.S. Please, answer me asap that I knew that
I am interesting to you.
Email #3: A sample from later correspondence
Hi sunshine!!!
One thought came into my mind today.
I would like to ask you what you value in a person most
of all. An
And what you value in a woman most of all?
In men I most of all appreciate Kindness, Love and Honesty.
Do you ever watch French movies, old ones and new?
You know, there is something that I like about French women?
Something in their eyes, how they move, how they look at you,
how they smile. They are real women. Maybe it is only in movies,
but I like this type of women very much. They are very sensual
and sexy in their own way.
Appearance is very important but what is more important is
one's soul.
When the soul is beautiful, a person looks more beautiful
too. But when the soul is dark and dirty, you can always see
it on his appearance. I appreciate very much honest, open,
easy-going people. The one I could trust and tell what is
inside myself. And also a kind person could always make you
feel better with his kindness, care and love. I miss my mum
so badly. She was a wonderful person, a very caring one.
And she loved me very much. She will always be a very
important person for me.
I know she is somewhere there in the Heaven and she watches
me and protects me. And I try to do good things in life so
she could be proud of me….Sorry, I am trying not cry writing
this. It is very difficult. Thank you for being there and
listening to me. I feel your support even though you are far
from me. But the distance is nothing when two people like
each other and feel comfortable with each other. One day
there will be no distance between us and we will look into
each others eyes and will say everything we feel to each other.
Sorry but I will close here for today. I feel very sad and
vulnerable now. I will go home thinking of you. I want to get
your letter very much, it will uplift my spirit and I will
feel I am not alone any more.
Miss you and your letters...
Email #4: Example of proclaimed romantic interest
Hi sweetheart
Hope you don't mind me calling you like this. But you are
such a sweet person. And I am so happy having you in my life.
I am sorry for complaining sometimes in my letters. But
I trust you very much and I accept you as a very close person
and sometimes I allow myself to be a little weak with you.
I wish I could make something for you to thank you for everything.
Hope one day we will meet with you and be sure massage is
waiting for you. I am sorry for complaining in my previous letter.
I just wanted to share my feelings with you. Please, forgive me.
Sometimes I am trying to imagine how it would be when we meet.
And I am getting so romantic at this time that can even imagine
this situation in all colors.
Do you want me to share this with you?
I am staying in the airport and there is a glass wall dividing
us from each other. I see you standing there with a bunch of
red roses. And I see myself in a light pink long dress. The
wind is blowing at my hair and my lips are so soft and I have
a pink gloss on them. I am trying to say something to you but
you don't hear me. I start laughing as you can't understand what
I am trying to say to you. And then you start laughing too.
I am coming closer to you. I feel so nervous and excited at
the same time. I see that you feel the same. I open my lips and
you hear at last what I tried to say some minutes ago.
"Thank you. I am happy!" Simple words but there is so much in
them. Thank you for making me happy. Thank you for being with
me. Thank you for make feel complete. Thank you for being in
my life. Thank you for everything.
Please, accept these words. This is what I feel now...
Please, answer my question, do you want me to come to you or not?
Of course, it will be in some time but I would just like to know
that one day we will meet with you and that you really would me
to be in your life. I can come to you with the visit for 10
or 15 days. I just want us to see each other and if we like each
other, we can start thinking of our future together.
You see again and again I share my feelings with you. Something
strange is going on with me. I feel butterflies inside my stomach.
And this feeling makes me feel very happy but scares me at the
same time. I think I have to think carefully what's going on
with me. All these drives me crazy but in a good way. I like
this feelings very much. Everything looks different from the
time I met you through the Internet. I myself look different.
There is something in my eyes, they sparkling. Even my friends
say this. They have noticed that some changes are happening in me.
Well, I will not torture you with my thoughts any more.
Thinking of you...
Email #5: Change of email address
Please write me at my new address -
I was told at the Internet cafe that hackers have deleted my last e-mail address...
Email #6: Professions of Love
My dear!!!
Please, don't be shocked with what you will read now.
I was scared myself when I understood it yesterday. I was
thinking of what was going on with me. Every morning I get
up with the thought of you and every evening I go to bed
with the thoughts of you. There is some kind of chemistry
in the air. I can't live without your letters. I got used to
you so much. All I need now is to get a letter from you, to
know that you are well and you are thinking of me too. I can't
do anything, I can't concentrate. I go to work and it is a
torture for me as I can't really do anything, talk to anybody.
All I do is thinking of you. I think I am in love with you.
I know what you think now. I am scared myself as it is unusual
for me too. But I will die if you tell me you don't need me
any more. I would give everything in the life just to be with
you right now, to see your wonderful and kind eyes, to
understand that you feel the same. Every part of my body aches
for you.
I am mad at myself. This shouldn't happen to me. At least
I shouldn't tell this to you. This is wrong. But what can
I do. I can't just stand aside. I need you to understand me.
Perhaps, you don't feel the same about me. But I feel that
you have something for me too. If you don't, I will understand.
But I want you to know that I long for you. My love will be
enough for two. I know I can make you happy. I will be the best
friend for you, lover and a wife if you only allow me.
I am so much scared that you will not allow me to love you.
But you should know this feeling will always be in me as you
have captured the biggest part of my heart. And this will last
forever, I know. I have never felt this before especially to the
person I have never seen in real life. And I will be happy only
if you say that you feel just a little of what I do for me.
Please, take your time and write me. I will be counting minutes
till the time I hear from you.
Miss you badly.
Email #7: First request for $$'s
Hello my dearest one!!!
How are you today? As for me I am not really in the mood.
I have a feeling that I did something wrong.
I have never thought this could happen to me. That I could
fell in love with the person I have never seen in my life.
I want to less the distance between
us so much, to take your hand, to look into your eyes and
to see that you understand my naive soul. I know I shouldn't
be so open. I have to be strong and keep everything inside.
I am too emotional but I don't want you to be scared and run
away. If I could be closer to you and if I could show you my
feelings. I want you so much to see me, to feel my touch.
I would kiss your eyes and say how I love you.
Again I am acting like a silly little girl. I am mad at myself.
But at the same time I can't stop. I want you to know my
feelings. I even thought of coming to you. And I have even
went the tourist agency to check about the visas. And
now I know that the best way for me to come to you is to
get a tourist visa. It will not take much time.
And they told me at the tourist agency that I have a very
good chance to get it. Do you remember I told you once that
I had been to Canada. And it is a very good reason for
giving me a visa. I've checked that a visa will cost $267.
You know with my salary I just can't afford it. And I will
need your help. It's up to you, of course. But I really hope
you will be able to help me with getting visa.
Please, think about it and let me know. Do you want me to
come to you?
Do you want to meet with me at last? I want it very much.
Hope you too.
I will give you the information for the case you decide to do it.
The best way to send money is to do it via Western Union
or MoneyGram. It is an easy and quick way to get it.
It is necessary to know the full name of receiver.
My full name is Alla Fedotova. And after sending money,
the one who is getting money should know an MTCN
( Money Transfer Control Number ).
And the sum of money that was sent.
Also you can send from money from there with a plastic card!!!
(please visit and for more information)
Well, I hope that you will think on this information.
You have lots of food for thought.
Please, write me as soon as possible. I am waiting for
your reply.
Love you.
P.S. You can send money to any Western Union of St.-Petersburg.
I work in this city, and without problems I can receive you read this letter???
Email #8: 2nd money reqest
I understand everything quite well. But you should
understand me also.
I have to pay for visa in some days(During 7 days).
If I don't pay in time, they will just refuse me with it.
There are many people who want to get visa and to leave Russia.
So they don't pay much attention to you in the Embassy.
You just need to do all the paper-work and to pay money, only
after that they will talk to you.
You should understand what to receive in your country the visa
very difficultly!!! But now I can make all this very quickly and
without problems, there is only one problem, these are money!!
It is a shame to me to ask it you, and I never anybody did not
ask money. It is very a shame to me. But desire to see you very
big and consequently I ask your help.
So, dear, please, try to do what you can and as soon as possible. Y
ou are my only hope.
But of course, I will understand everything...
I love you and wait for your soon reply.
Email #9: Final plea
I offer to you that we should worry about our future meeting
very soon, because I think we will be more sure if I begin the process
of getting visa right now. This proses can take about 1 week or
more... My darling, I will stay for three months, so we can have lot of time to
be together...
I don't know but maybe if we decide to be together, I can stay forever with you,
my dear!!!
What do you think about???
I want to be with you....
You are the man who was made specially for are very strong man and I
like you a lot!!!!!!
Russia (Ivanovo, Russia) and Easy Travel Agency
I am a 45 year old single male and I receved the first mail through September 3, 2006. Her profile is still on the site as of September 13th. The travel agency has a website active too If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. When I did a search for the phone number of the travel agency it sent me to black list. Thanks for the help in identifying this scam before I sent any payments.
Letter 1
>From redrose929 (
I like your profile and would be glad to talk to you.
Since I am not often to the site please write me at
Hope to hear from you sooner.
Letter 2
Hello!!! I cant belive that you wrote to me, and its very interesting. How are you? My name is Evgeniya. And I am very glad
to see you in my mail box. I am so nervous to write you this letter cause its my first convirsation throw internet. Also i
must say that i dont have my own computer, i use it in internet cafe. That is why it takes a lot of time to write you back.
Also i would like to explain you that i am from Russia,and i live in Ivanovo,its about 6 hours away from Moscow.
Unfortunatly, i have never been in your place. But i hope in some days i will fly to your country.
I hope you are not very sad that i am from Russia. Its my first time, i have never done it before and maybe did something
wrong, but i want to be honest with you thats why i am telling you where i am realy from.
In this letter i would like to tell you about myself as much as i can and you can see who i am.
IF you are not intrested in this relationships with a girl from Russia or you are not ready for serious relationships, just
delete my email and do not reply on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But if you want to start somthing new as i want, i am always here for you.
Now some special information about me and what i like:
- i am Christian
- i like roses
- my favorite color is blue
- my favorite music is pop.
- i like animals
- i like cooking very much (my favorite is apple pie)
- also i like read books (Bulgakov, Nabokov.)
- i like cars but i dont have it.
- i like quiet places.
- i like go to the cinema.
- i dont smoke, and drink - socialy
- i dont have any tatoos or pircing.
It was what i like, there are some things a dont like:
- I dont like winter, cause its very cold in Russia.
- i have high grade education i finished The Medecal Academy, I am a Doctor,I am a Dentist.
Sorry for long letter i hope you are not tired yet.!!!!
Today we have +20 (temperature) and its very good. What about in your place?
I desided to put my profile to internet, And find someone from another country, because i am very lonely in Russia,
and i could not find someone who understand me and care about me. And i know that many russian girls found their love in your
country and i am also decided to do it.
By the way my friend has found her husband on, he is from France, and now they are very happy together and they
are living in Leon.
And i also want to be happy with someone special for me, and who will be next to me. And age doesnt matter for me at all, the
main thing is to be happy and find love.
I ve told my friends about my desision to write to you and they are supporting me, cause they worry about me and wants to see
me happy.
Some information about my family, my parents past away and i live alone now. And i dont want to be here alone. And i dont
have any brothers or sisters. Thats why i want to try to find my love in other country.
That is all for today, now its your turn to ask me a questions.
Tell me what you like, and dont like, your favorite things,and evrething
you want to tell me.
I hope my letter is not boring you, good buy for now i have to go home. If you write me back i will answer as soon as i can.
Your friend from Russia
Letter 3
Hello my dear Its me again!!! How are you today?
I am very glad that you still write to me. And would like to see all of your pictures, cause its very intresting for me.
It makes my day. I am happy to read your emails. I see we have a lot of common thing and i like it very much.
I think we are becoming more closer to each other. Ive choose your profile cause i like you very much,
when i read your profile i think you are very interesting person.
And i think i am always looking for you.
Some more information about me:
- i have a brown eyes
- i am 5'7 height
- i am 55 kg
- my size (88-63-92)in cm.
Also i care about my face a body, and i think its cute. This is all i have in my life. I hope you like all pics that i send you.
By the way i have something more to tell you about me. I like travel.
I have been in Moscow,i ve been there some years ago with my friends.
But unfortunatly i had no chance to visit any foring country very often,
i think its very intresting to know about culture of other countries.
I ve been only in Turkey 2 years ago.
Also i would like to tell you that i work in a hospital in my town. I am a Dentist.
I know that in your country i can earn a good money, but here its too small.
Lets talk about good things:
Now i would like to tell you about my last weekends.
It was +20 C digrees ( this is a teperature in Celcius), and i with my frends went to the forest for a camping.
And it was very funy.Do you like camp?
By the way, I will be 28 years old soon.
My birthday is 28th of September.Can you belive it!!!.
But its nothing special for me in this day, cause i will stay at home this day.
I am very lonely in my birthday cause i dont have a man who loves me.
Now i am very sad that you are so far away from me.
I need you to understand that i am a simple girl with a usual human problems, i am not an ideal. But i can be a good
friend for you at first. I think its the most important in relationships. Waht do you think about it?
I know my letters is very long, its becasue i write it at home on the paper and then go to internet cafe and send it to you.
And i want to tell you as much as i can.
I have a phone at home but we cant call abroad, cause we have 4 digits numbers and we dont have a international line to call.
And its very sad. It will be great to speak to each other.
Ok there are some more questions for you:
- what did you do on weekend
- what did you do for fun
I have a dream to have a family, to take care about it.
Its all i want in my life, i just want to be happy.
But i think its only can be a dream. Its so sad.
I will be waiting for your replay very much. Goodbay for now i have to go home.
Yours, Evgeniya M
P.S XOXOXO Sorry if iam not answer all of your questions cause my English is not very good.
Letter 4
Hello sweety!!! How are you today? I hope everething is ok.
It seems to me I am lucky girl to meet such a man for the first time and I
will do my best to meet you
in real life.
We have a good weather today its about +19C.
Its time to go for a walk but you are so far away, and i dont like walk alone.
That is why i am in internet cafe now and writing this massage. I dont know
what else i can tell you about me i fill that you have already know
all things about me. I have fillings that i know you very long time. But
there are some more things about me that i would like to tell you.
I want you to know all small things about me because it mustn't be any
misunderstandings between
us.I want you to know that I am not angel I mean I am usual girl with
all human's problems.
and sometimes I can show my character.And I don't wait that you to be
angel,I just want to meet
kind man .
I am very kind and I can forgive almost all I hate only drunkers and
rude men.
My favorite activite is swimming.I like to swim very much. I wish we
the sea here!I like the sea and I would like to see the ocean,it is my
dream!I have
never seen the ocean.
Sometimes I think that I was the fish in past life.I do hope I was
dolphin not the shark.
I finished The Medical Acedemy.
I would like to have good job,I may work as a dentist.Or a trainer of
fitness,cause recently i recived
a certificate.I worked as a trainer and my girls told me that I am
enough good one! .
and I would like to do it again .you know how many more younger girls
want to get this job too!
Alot of competition here.Beause there are only a few Gyms here.I want
to tell you about things I like:
I like to make barbecue and I so much want to have my own home with
usually I make very tasty ones and in principle I like to cook and it
is not problem for me to
cook something tasty.
I like warm weather. and my great dream is to live on tropical island
somewhere in ocean.
Small girl dream,really.I have never been married and I have not any
children.I have not
boyfriend because they like to drink too much here and they are so rude
like bears.
Also I want tell you about my dislikes: I hate our long winters it
seems to me they will never end.
I hate lies and unfaithfulness. I hate evil people and politicans I
think they like to play wars,
I hate any wars.
What I like in a man: faithfulness, honesty. He has to be open- minded
and open-hearted, also
and much more important he must be kind,kindness makes our world!
are you kind?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
You know , when i stay alone evening i am thinking about our first meeting,
how it can be, i imagine when you see me in the airport and give me flowers
take my hand and kiss me and we go to your home to celebrate my birthday.
It will be the best gift on my birthday in the world.Or you can visit me
and we will celebrate it with you and your friends or family, only you and me.
I am thinking about it all the time.
Today i read about travel agency which provides a special offers for trip
to USA, I will go to them tommorow and check it. And then will email you how
things goes.
By the way what is the Closest Airport to your place?
When I am in USA I will rent a room near my future work and I have a
is it normal if we like each other may be it is possible to live
together?of course if you
or somebody doesn't mind.
I think I will be able to improve my english,you can learn Russian and
I think
it will help us to learn each other better,who knows.
I cant stop writing this letter cause i like it very much, but
i have to do some housework and need to go. I hope you are thinking
of me cause i am thinking of you and sending a pictures for you
i hope if you see it you will think about me.
I hope you like them.
Ok i wish you good day!!!
Kisses for you!!!
>From Evgeniya Mamaeva with love!!!
Russia,Ivanovo, Lenina, 3
Letter 5
Hello my love!!! How are you today? Sorry for not writing sooner, but there was some dificulties with internet connection,
but now all is ok.
I am so happy to read your emails.
I think i love you and you are very handsome man and i always
dream about you. I told all about our relationships to my friends
and they are very happy to see how i becoming more happy then was before you.
I cant wait our meeting and think about you every day. What about you ???
You are the man i am looking for.
I was in travel agency today as i told you before, to find out how i can get to fly to you. And be with you . This travel
agency is situated in Tula this is not far away from Ivanovo.
I hope we can make it, and i gave your email adress to travel agent and he promised me to send you all information about my
trip. Its very good agency and its very
popular here, and the main thing, its the cheapest.
I dont know what else i can tell you but my mind full of words of love
and nothing else. Every day i hope that all its real and you are not just my imagination.
My friends say you hello. I have some present for you from them.
But there is one thing, if we want to celebrate my birthday in your place, you should
tell me will you help me or not, cause now they can offer us a good deal about tickets
and if we meet later it will cost much more for us because it will be more difficult
to get visa which is valid during 1 month, this is some kind of tourist visa, i dont know exactly.
Think about it cause its very good chance to be tpgether.
Unfortunatly, i cant afford to pay ,cause i earn only 400 USD here. It will be so nice if you help with the funds, but you
shouldnt worry i will
give it back to you all money when we meet, cause i will work in some hospital or as fitness trainer and can earn some money
for you.
I am sorry to tell that but iam realy want to be with you. I dont know what else i can tell, you know everithing about me. Of course if i could i will ask all my friends to lend me some funds but
i am not sure i can get enough , please understand it, soory if it make you sad.
I hope you will understand me in good way. I can speak with you all day and night but its better to speak
face to face to know each other much better. Dont you think so.???
If you want i can fly to you only for a week and we will see how things goes on or i can stay
with you, if you love me, all in your hands....
Ok now i give you a lot of kisses from me, and i gave you my heart, and i belive that my dreams
will come true. And i will be with you soon!!!!
I like you so much. Want to touch you and kiss you.!!! bye for now.
PS I will be waiting for your replay .
>From Evgeniya with love!!!
PS This is email of my travel and web page :
Letter 6
>From the travel agency
11 September, 2006
Dear Sir !
Due to the request of Evgeniya Mamaeva
we send you the information about the tour
from Moscow, Russia to the USA
Foreign passport - 100 USD
Tourist visa for a month , one entry- 125 USD
We can offer the next flight on 21th of September.
If this time is good for You and Miss Mamaeva, you should make balance payment sooner.
We can't provide you with the information about the exact time Evgeniya arrives to you, we shall have
that information as soon as we receive full payment and start arranging the trip.
Since our travel agency has discounts, the total price for the trip 980USD is valid for 5 days.
Roundtrip tickets with the registration of all the documents for Evgeniya's flight costs 980USD
Unit Price
Round ticket
Total: 980 USD
We arrange all necessary documents and tickets in 7-9 days after
receiving the full payment for the trip.
You can transfer the funds for the trip of Miss Mamaeva via MONEY GRAMM or WESTERN UNION
system. It is the fastest and the safest way to transfer the funds. Our travel agency is officially registerred
as a private businessman Sterhov Artem ,
Russian Federation. As soon as you transfer the funds
on the name of our director, will you please e-mail us your full name and MTCN (money transfer control
number) and we shall get the funds the same or the other day after transfer.
Payment memo: Payment for Invoice â"- 25-215-1355
Order Now
You can also transfer the funds for the trip of Miss Mamaeva to our bank account and we shall receive the
funds in 8-10 working days.
To be paid by Bank Wire:
To be paid by Bank Wire:
Beneficiary`s bank
"Raiffeisenbank Austria" ZAO Moscow 17/1 Troitskaya, Moscow
Intermediary bank: Wachovia Bank,N.A., New York USA
acc. 2000193460015
Account number : 67301950103000151466
To get any other information you may contact us by e-mail. It is
cheaper for you and comfortable for us, we will reply
after receiveing your letter or by phone.
Respectfully yours,
"Easy Travel Agency"
Russia, Tula, Popova 34
tel: +7 912-295-4558
Letter 7
I sent to the travel agency.
Thank you for the information. I am willing to pay for the travel and associated expenses for Evgeniya. However, I need to have a way to validate your business before I would be willing to wire transfer funds to your owner/director Sterhov Artem. Could you provide me with more details on how to verify your business with the Association of Travel Agencies (RATA) or other alternative methods to validate your companyÂ's status?
In addition, I would like to know the Airline, and possible Flight numbers, departure time and location and arrival time and location for the travel on the 21st of September. I am not clear how you can quote me a price without knowing this information.
What are the rules of the Visa and of the Passport that will be issued? Again, I am willing to cover the expenses but need to further understand the nature of these legal documents.
Thanks in advance for your assistance!
Letter 8
Sent from travel agency Sep 11, 2006
Dear, Sir
All information about our company you can find here:
We will provide you Visa wich is valid during 1 month, also our price includes passport and round trip tickets.
This is your flight information
21 Sept
SU 317 Sheremetyevo (SVO), Moscow, Russian Federation
Terminal 2 15:00
Dulles Int'l (IAD), Washington, District of Columbia, USA 17:20
763 10h20min
21 Oct
SU 318 Dulles Int'l (IAD), Washington, District of Columbia, USA 19:20
Sheremetyevo (SVO), Moscow, Russian Federation
Terminal 2 13:05+1 day(s)
763 9h45min
General Manager
Letter 9
I sent to travel agency
Dear Sir,
I am still not comfortable in sending a Western Union form of payment to your companies owner as I have no way of knowing or validating that your company is a legal entity. Pardon my skepticism but I still require some form of assurance that I am dealing with an actual legitimate business. Unless you can provide proof I will need to make other arrangements for travel that is safer. I am a frequent flyer on Continental Airlines and have over 300,000 points on their mileage program.
Can this payment be made through Visa or Mastercard?
Thank you in advance for you assistance!
Letter 10
sent from travel agency Sep 12, 2006 10:35 AM
Dear Sir
All we can recommend you is to use your credit card on WU website and send money online. Maybe this is can help. If not we dont have any variants at this time.
General manager
Easy Travel Agency <>
redrose929 (
( Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
I am a 44 years old divorced father of a 5 years
old girl. I thought that using the Internet could help me to find the love of my life, but it was a bad
experience. Most of these scammers make their living using pictures of young beautiful women to scam
Americans. I contacted Natalia Shulepova on February 2006 through Yahoo personal. Everything looked so real. She
looked very pretty in all the pictures that she emailed me. We chat and emailed each other for several
months. She started to get impatient because she wanted me to send her money soon to buy a ticket, so
she could come to live with me in USA. I made the mistake of sending her US$1500 by western union to buy
her ticket. She said that she got the money, booked the ticket to come to USA in a week. After a week, I
received a phone call from her, for the first time, saying that she was at the airport and needed US$2700
more from me to show in customs in Russia that she had some money to travel to USA. Then, I thought that it
was very strange because all the letters that I received from her were very hard to understand because
of her poor English, but the person who spoke to me on the phone was very fluent. Of course, I did not send
her any more money. Since then, I didn't heard from her again.
Researching on the web, I found
website and similar letters and stories from other guys but with different pictures and names of the
I used Google and Yahoo search engines typing the name "Natalia Shulepova" and I got few other websites with
her name already reported as a scammer. This is one of
I am reporting this because I don't want these people to continue taking advantage of others.
This is Natalia last email:
Return-Path: <>
Authentication-Results:; domainkeys=neutral (no sig)
Received: from (EHLO
( by with SMTP;
Fri, 11 Aug 2006 08:32:05 -0700
Received: from (
[]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP
id 1BC101ED953 for <>; Fri, 11 Aug
2006 19:31:51 +0400 (MSD)
Received: from localhost ([])
(authenticated bits=0) by
(8.13.6/8.13.6) with ESMTP id k7BFVio9095561 for
<>; Fri, 11 Aug 2006 19:31:48 +0400
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2006 19:31:41 +0400
From: "strangergirl2005" <>
View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
X-Mailer: The Bat! (v1.53d) UNREG / CD5BF9353B3B7091
Reply-to: strangergirl2005
X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
Message-ID: <>
Hello lovely Raul, it is a pity to me, that I
could not take off today
to you as me have not started up in the plane. As I
already spoke you,
when I passed the CUSTOMS CONTROL to me have told,
that without money
of me will not pass. I at once have not understood,
about what to me
spoke. Then all have precisely explained to me. Me
have asked, whether I
know about a living wage? I have told, that I know.
Then they to me have
told, that that I could live at you all 3 months I
should present $2700
that they have understood, that I can live these 3
months in the USA. I
spoke them that I shall live at you. But they did not
want even to
listen to me. They to me have told, if I can present
this money I can leave
the country and if not I can I will be not not
released with their
countries. Now I at all do not know, what to me to do?
It is very a pity to
me, that all so has turned out. Now I have such
feeling, that something
happen bad. Lovely, tell to me, that to me to do . I
have bad
mood. I have changed the data of flight . but while
I yet do not know
when I can fly to you. As I could not find so much
money yet. Therefore
I do not know, that to me to do. I have remained in
Moscow. It is
necessary for me to go home, but I have no money to go
home. I should remain
here. Now I have only a few money to go to the
Internet of Cafe. But
for a long time I cannot write to you as it is
expensive. I shall go .
and tomorrow I shall wait from you for the letter .
please, write to me .
to me so poorly without you now .
I love you strongly .
Sincerely yours, Natalia
Lana, Milandriya
(Inza, Russia) aka Marina Miheeva and
Hello...I'm a 34-year-old, single professional living in the United States. I have been a member of for the past three years as I search for the 'right one'. In the past few months I have received emails from several Russian women. They each follow the same basic format: 1) Their profiles state they live in the U.S. - It is not until contact is made that they correct themselves. At that point they claim they were mistaken in their profile or they weren't able to choose 'Russia' 2) Their profiles include at least one appealing, attractive photo to catch your attention 3) Profiles become 'inactive' soon after contact is made 4) Emails stress the importance of honesty, family, and finding the 'favorite' man or soulmate 5) Emails quickly become romantic as they profess their feelings of love and devotion 6) Accompanying pictures may become more revealing 7) Money is eventually requested to cover expenses for visa, travel, family emergency, etc.
A woman calling herself Lana (also using the name Milandriya) sent me a wink in August, 2006. I reviewed her profile. She was attractive, she claimed to live in the United States, and her text gave no indication of being Russian (it must have been written by someome else or, more likely, copied and pasted from another person's profile). Thinking that she lived nearby I emailed her.
Once the correspondence began she revealed that she in fact lived in Russia. Unfortunately, during our correspondence I did not obtain her last name. In any cane, she claims to live in Inza, Russia and uses the email address Since I have seen this scam before I quickly tested Lana by asking her direct questions. Not surprisingly she did not respond to them. The next letters simply contained more innane banter and more questions posed to me. I brought this to her attention, accused her of dishonesty and, after a brief message, the emails ceased.
Since then I've done a text search on this site using quotes from Lana's emails. Sure enough it led to copies of the messages I was receiving. The names and pictures, of course, were different. The same emails were being used under the names Marina Miheeva and Sinnndy. I have included examples of the letters I received and have also attached photos.
Be careful out there people...spread the word to friends and colleagues about these scams. And, most of all, don't send your hard-earned cash to these blood-sucking leeches!!!
Good luck...
August 23, 2006: First contact thru
Hi. Thank you for the attention. If you want to get acquainted with me
closer and to learn about me more, write me at milandriya06 AT yahoo
DOT com I shall wait. Lana
August 26, 2006
Hellooo! Good surprise to receive yours e-mail :) I am pleased,
thank you for contacting me. I hope you have time to send me some
messages and we could to learn each other. well... Now about me
though you already know a little from my profile. I am 27 years old,
my name is Lana, but the truth, it only friends name me so. I was
never married I live in a apartment of my parents. I have good job. I
work as the manager. It is very difficult work, but i like it. Here at
work are good collective, I work with good people, most is my friends.
I hope, what you also can tell to me about your work? Do you like your
work? As to my hobbie, I like outdoor activities, sports, travel,
listening to music, concerts, movies, swimming, some socializing with
friends at bars or clubs but not too often, I love comedy movies the
best I like romance,action. I like music from the different. I like
some top music, some rock, disco music, live music, and occasionally
romantic music. I like to dance very much. I have many friends, we
spent time together. Also I prefer healthy style of a life. 2-3 times
in week I visit the gym (and sometimes it is less :^) ) I hold my body
in the healthy form. And you have any sports in the life now? Tell to
me. I send you my pictures i hope you like. Also i want that you send
to me some your pictures. And tell about you about your interesting
things what you like to do, your hobby, what your character? What
qualities do you like in women? I hope we shall have time for writing
other interesting letters to each other. We shall look what will be...
Write to me, I shall wait your letter. Your friend Lana.
August 30, 2006
Hi Austin! I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message. Austin
your mail means for me, that I too was interesting in me. Do you
really like me on picture? well.. in the next letter i shall send
you another my picture. And Austin i have questions and i would like
to ask them in letters, I hope to get your answers OK? It is
important for me to know your opinion on some things. But first I
should be honest with you. Austin, unfortunately i live far from you.
Otherwise it was not necessary for us much e-mail, to learn each
other. I live in Russia, in city Inza (Ulyanovsk area). But I think,
if we shall decide to meet, I hope, that it will not be a problem for
us. Because I travelled to other countries much. I was in such
countries of Europe, as Britain, Turkey, France. I traveled as the
tourist. Therefore Austin, you should not have excitement be relative
that we not beside. I am woman, that if I shall like man for a meeting
i shall reach him. Besides in our days it is not a problem to travel.
I don't worry about it and I can do it, it is possible to have
relations with the person of other part of the world. It is very
interesting - other culture, thinking, traditions i like new places.
Probably you Austin can learn Russian woman. I hope you will not be
frightened also we shall continue our acquaintance? I think you read
my profile and could see that I have serious intentions im looking for
serious relations.... I shall try to tell a little about my character.
well.. I think im very romantic woman. I like to communicate with
people, it is pleasant to me i like good humour. Also i very much
estimate, honesty, loyalty, understanding, patience. I believe in
love, and I think it very valuable thing which needs to be protected.
I adore, to hear compliments and is ready to listen indefinitely. For
me it is necessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness, I often
do cleaning. I love a cosiness in the house and I enjoy in the silent
evening of a house. Also i like to cook, various tasty things....
well also I am always ready to be the most patient. i think i good
woman :) Probably all women dream to find good man and dream about
beautiful romantic relations. But often such things come to the end
very quickly. In relations should be not only romanticism but a
reality also. I have no intention to spend my time on such relations.
While I have not met such man in my life. But i hope to find such
person. I hope to make family. I think its main thing, not career or
other success. Happy good family and love person are main. Tell me
please what you want in the life? What the woman you dream to meet in
the life? Excuse Austin, that i ask you to discuss such frank thing
with me whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to me to
know it about you. I shall wait yours e-mail. Yours Lana
August 31, 2006
Hi Austin. It is very pleasant for me to receive your letter. I am
glad, that you want to continue acquaintance to me. Every day we shall
learn more about each other and it's an interesting. I had usual day
but i have received your letter and now my mood became much better, it
is really pleasant for me that you write to me. Thank you for yours
some answers to my questions it helps me to learn more about you and
to understand you. I send you another my pictures. I hope you like me
on photos. Austin tell me more about your family. Do you have many
relatives? How often do you visit each other how often do you gather?
I have very good family. In my family very much close relations. As i
already wrote i live with my mum and daddy. We live in a apartment,
there are three rooms a kitchen a bathroom and a balcony. I have my
room. I have loved mum and loved daddy, i one child in family i always
wanted to have the younger brother or the sister that them to look
after. My parents very good, careful and kind people, they always
understood me, and never brought me. They very much love me, and I
even more....... My mum's name is Victoria, she is very sensual and
kind woman. She is 46 years old, earlier she worked as the bookkeeper
but now she does not work. My daddy's name is Alexander. He is strict,
but fair man. He is 48 years old. He works as the worker on railroad.
I love my family very much we frequently spend time together. In my
private life i have emptiness. I have been never married, my last
boyfriend was almost my age, we were with him together almost 2 years,
but he appeared the rascal, he deceived me though pretended, that
everything is all right, that always with me is fair. I thought, that
he loves me, but there was, that he simply a fool (excuse for
expression), he frequently deceived me he was the liar, for him
friends and were more important than a party. For him there was no
important we relations, and I with him have said goodbye and not how
many I do not regret about it, therefore, now I search for more
serious and sincere really " adult man for serious relations ". Among
associates of me of people I cannot allocate anybody for serious
relations. In the beginning it seems, that you have met the good
suitable person, but then there is that it not so. Likely therefore I
also use the web service of date. Probably here I can find the person
who will be to love me, appreciate and understand. It is not important
for me his financial situation and work he makes. i hope to find who
appreciate women and who can care of woman. I shall be ready to give
all myself and I think, that the main advantage of the woman is
fidelity and skill... well I shall be brief Austin, write to me about
your ideas of that. I wait your letter. Yours Lana
September 3, 2006
Hi dear!
today I have very intense day on my work. I found a little
time to send you this small message i want to say that i think of you
i always glad to your mails. And thank Austin, that you have written
to me some details about your life and family, I closely studied it.
It has helped me more well to understand you and your life and you
become closer man. And daer as I already spoke you I had relations
with one man. I was completely have opened to this person, I tested to
him the big feelings. But as it has turned out, that this person
simply played with my feelings, he deceived me. I for him was
indifferent. And I do not regret a little, that have left him. Now I
am more cautious in a choice my the partner on home life. My intention
to find good the man which will care of me to love me. The main thing
that I shall find him and I believe in it. And in it there is no
difference where I would search for this person. But I know, that men
of your country possess all these qualities. They know as to create
good family. Therefore I to search for the man of your country. But
also I well know the English language and it will help me in dialogue.
But I only do not understand, why in your country so it is a lot of
divorces? You can explain to me. I know about your life and culture a
little, but once I would like to study in this. And it is possible,
that I shall find such person who in it will help me also. Therefore I
have addressed to service of the help. Now I should go. I shall write
to you later. Yours Lana
September 5, 2006: Sent to me after accusing her of dishonesty
Ok. I shall not send you the letter more. But at first you
should listen to me. I to not answer your question earlier as I have
no a lot of time to make it. It is difficult for me to write to you as
I not so well know the English language. To me to have to write to you
letters that it was clear for you. Well about it!!!! you to
make the choice and I shall not stop you. Success in your search. Lana
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