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Galina Smirnova
and Ivan Nikitin (Saratov, Russia) Dear Sir: I am reporting a scammer. I am a single American male, never married, without children. I was contacted through I started corresponding with Galina through my email address at Her email address was: It started on Oct 25 until Nov 9 when she asked for money for airline ticket. Her accomplice or alias is: Ivan Nikitin. No money was sent. I played along. I told her I sent her $2000. She wrote that she wanted the moneygram to be sent in the name of Ivan Nikitin. Her address is: Maxim Gorky 25-10, Saratov, Russia His address is: Kirpichnaya Street 49, Saratov, Russia His email address is: was informed. They deleted her membership. List of Letters in Chronological Order: Wed Oct 25, 2006 Hello Leonard.I are very happy, that you have answered my shout of lonely heart. First from all I would like, that you have asked, you search for what relations under the Internet? I have solved I shall search for me the person to whom is happy. I do not think it to me never can find in Russia. I the realizing city of Saratov. It is one of the biggest Russian city which have defined a site in 750 km, northern of Moscow. Whether there was it very interesting to me to study, about which there were you sometime in Russia because I never travelled from Russia. If you were not in Russia to me it would be interesting to study, that you know and that you think of my country. About your country I have received news from TV very much. You can tell to me big about your country. I shall be glad to hear more about your country. To me from 24 years now, but I shall be 25 on October, 24-th. I have light hair, dark blue eyes, mine height - approximately 168 cm, and I have the good form. I have finished Saratov University and now I work as the the nurse in Saratov. During a free time from work I love to visit beautiful places of the nature, I like to go to cinema, and very much I like to observe TV. My mum has died 3 years ago, it worked as the cook. My father has thrown my mum when I was not born nevertheless. I do not know the father but even if it vividly I, I do not wish to see it because it awfully operated with mum when it has thrown. Leonard I wish to learn about you more and consequently I wish to ask to you some questions. You wish to find what woman in the Internet? It is pleasant for you and - not pleasant in the woman? Why you have not found the girl in city? Why you search for the woman on the Internet? I send you a part my picture with this letter. Please send me pictures? Also you can ask me about all. I think to you, would be interesting to learn about me still many other things, but I think, whether interestingly you ask to you it me about it. I with pleasure shall answer yours questions. I with impatience shall wait for yours after the letter. Yours Galina. Sat Oct 28 Hello Leonard. I am very happy to receive from you the letter. Thank you very much for the answering my question. I understand now the reason why you are looking for a woman in the Internet.It is very pleasant for me to realize that you are really interested in me and in the relations with me. I hope it is really so and I hope that your intentions are serious and that you like me hope that our correspondence will be only the first step of our relations. It is very pleasant for me that I interested you. I hope as henceforth, our dialogue will pass, because it is very interesting to me. For me so it is pleasant to understand, that allow instead of in my country the person, to which I there am interesting and which even through the Internet wishes to have relations with me. I am very glad, that you search with me for relations, and I very much hope, that we shall know about each other more. I write to you from the Internet - cafe to be about we wash the house. As I have no computer of the house. I promise you which I shall write to you as often As it is possible and if not every day then in day. What concerning your family? Tell to me about it! Well?. I love classical music. Leonard I very much like to listen Tchaikovsky, it has created such good music. It is music, it is very silent and after I come from work I I include Tchaikovsky, and its music simply weakens me, also I can listen to it though in the whole days. Leonard You have sometime heard Tchaikovsky? If you have heard its music, you can understand me what good its music. Leonard I very much like to cook I food also one of my love dishes, it plov. You have sometime heard about plov, this very tasty dish? Write to me about your habits and a hobby. I very much would like to study, you spend what way of life? Please write to me in detail about your love love meets? Leonard unfortunately I cannot hear that you have sent me, and it is possible to learn that you have sent me? Leonard you well understand my English language? I have started to study English language at school and have continued studying at university. Therefore I know English language well, but I have some problems with grammar and me sometimes use the translator. Leonard I hope, what you can understand my English language? I am happy, that have given you the e-mail. I very much hope, that our attitudes will proceed also I hope, that we shall be very happy the nobility about the friend the friend more. It would be very interesting to me to learn very much about you. It would be very interesting to me to learn little bit more about it as you present you our attitudes in the future. As I hope, that I have found it in you the person whom I shall be happy. I hope, that I love to you, and you have solved to correspond to me not only, to not upset me. I very much want, it between us was serious attitudes also that we have found in each other those people who will be happy together. I with impatience with impatience shall wait to receive news from you. Your friend Galina. Sun Oct 29, 2006 Hello again Leonard!!! I again am very happy to receive from you the letter. It brings to me so a lot of pleasure that we with you once have decided to search to ourselves of the satellite leob under the Internet and it has allowed us to find with you each other. This very interesting coincidence of circumstances not seems to you that. It is very pleasant for me to tell you that you very good person and it is very pleasant for me to receive your letters. I very much want to tell you that for me very important as you represent our relations in the future? Because for me that is very important that you want from our relations. Leonard I not when did not have which man I loved, but I very much hope, that our attitudes will be very serious. I think, that you will not play with me in games because my heart very weak and if you do not want serious attitudes that better do not write to me, I hope, that you have understood me and my attitudes are very serious. Leonard I have a girlfriend who now lives in Australia, it has found to herself the husband in the Internet-cafe, they all over again, as well as we corresponded, and then it has grown fond of it and it it too. My girlfriend was not rich, but its future husband, has helped it to arrive, it has sent it of a few money that it has arrived to it. Leonard I am very glad, that at my girlfriend all is normal, it already lives with the the husband 3 years, and at them the son was born, it it have named John! I do not require money I only I wish to find the man the dream, I think, that you very much good at us all will be good. Leonard If to you which is interestingly, I shall tell about my work. I work as the nurse in the Saratov hospital I very much I love work, as I very much love people to me very much. In my work I do not love only low wages of 5.000 roubles it approximately 180 dollars. In militiamen of Russia and militaries receive three times more, than the nurse and I do not love this injustice. Leonard I long saved money to depart to have a rest and here I have saved up 2000 dollars, now I shall think, where to me to go, I so wish to go to have a rest, now I shall think where to me to depart better!!!! Leonard you can tell I about your work also? If you to me will tell about your work to me approximately, that I can present as people, alive in Your country. Leonard I am very glad, that I have met you and I with each your letter understand, that you very good. Now I need to go lady!!!! I with impatience shall look forward to hearing from you. Your Galina. Mon Oct 30, 2006 Congratulations my dear Leonard (I have solved all which I can you so that to name, I hope, that you will not take offence at me with this purpose). It is very pleasant to receive to me again from you the letter and to write to you to the answer my dear. I am very glad, what we have found each other, and with each your letter I understand, what you, what the person with whom it is possible life all life, but necessary to know is more about you about your work?. It seems to me, that you even have taken a place in my life. Allow, while this place consists only in our correspondence, but I think, what even it is very important for us. I correctly think my dear? I very much would wish to tell to you about them as I imagine mine The future. If correctly to tell to me, I wish to tell to you about what future Dream. I think, that each person in this world has plans more likely The future. First of all certainly I want it, I was happy, but it for I such happiness? It is very interesting question, and now I shall try To answer this my dear Leonard. First of all I do not imagine Happiness if with me the number will not be love the person, me Think it while the person does not meet this world the second Half from this does not live and only tries to live. I think that all that we Make in this life which we should make for the sake of someone. I think it That day will arrive, when I shall find, that the person and I think it then I can create with it, existing family and us with it we shall be Children and we shall be absolutely happy. I do not know, there can be it The person there - you my dear but while I am not ready to name you Love. To speak the truth, I seem to me that I test to you very much Greater warm feelings, but I think, that I cannot grow up love you up to Then, while we we shall not meet. It not seems to you, that it Impossible to speak about such real, feeling as love if people have made Do not meet by time in general actually when people meet, they can study It is many parties of a life about which impossible to study on The correspondence, therefore I think that end of our attitudes Once should become a meeting. Write to me, loved, which for you means Happiness? It does you think of it about which I have written to you Love also what you suspect our meeting? It would be very much Interesting to me to study your opinion concerning it my dear. Can to You with which it seems, it has early decided to plan our meeting a little, But I like to plan my future. Now Leonard my searches are finished, I have chosen you, and now I shall write only to you. You know, that I wish to tell, that I do not search for the rich person. I search for the person from whom I Is able to divide all my future life and to live long and happily. On my party I promise, that I shall try to Make everything to make you happy. I really hope for serious attitudes with you. I think, that you will understand Everything when we meet actually. Unfortunately I should finish my letter, but not because I am tired to write it. I never tired to write to you letters, I should finish my letter because my time in the Internet-cafe soon comes to an end. And I should release a computer my dear. I with impatience shall look forward to hearing from you. Your Galina!!! Mon Oct 30, 2006 Hello my dear Leonard!!! it's me again. I am very happy to receive again from you the letter. Excuse me if this letter will seem to you little bit sad my dear, but I so am tired on work and I write to you this letter when my working day is already ended. My dear Leonard when I have read through your letter my mood very much it became better, I so am glad, that I have come to that first day in the Internet-cafe and have written to you, I feel, that I have correctly made because I could not find the person better than you. I so am happy that I have found in myself forces recognize that I cannot to find the person of my heart here in Russia and have come to the Internet. I hope that my letters to you too bring a lot of happiness. My dear Leonard your city is very beautiful! I very much would like to pass on him having undertaken with you for hands, it would be so romantically! My dear how you see you the future soul mate? Tell to me about it, Well? I wish to tell to you about How I see my partner From a life and me. I think, that the wife should be gentle, gentle to the husband. To not give a case for Jealousy. To love and cautious. To lift children, to observe cleanliness in the house. The husband should always like to respect with the wife, it not when should not throw the wife a difficult minute!!! It always should to support the wife in all. The husband should care of the child. The family should be strong and the husband the wife should love each other. I search to myself for the husband and it seems to me, that you that person with which I shall live all life! My dear Leonard, my weariness absolutely seems was gone when I have started to write to you the letter. Your letters install in me forces and hope in tomorrow, and this just fine. I so am tired to be lonely and I now your letters do me happy in fact now I not one and in the evenings I can sit and think of you and recollect your letters and dream of that as we once we shall be together. I hope, that you will answer me my dear, I look forward to hearing from you with impatience!!! Your Galina. Mon Oct 30, 2006 Hello my dear Leonard!!! it's me again. I am very happy to receive again from you the letter. Excuse me if this letter will seem to you little bit sad my dear, but I so am tired on work and I write to you this letter when my working day is already ended. My dear Leonard when I have read through your letter my mood very much it became better, I so am glad, that I have come to that first day in the Internet-cafe and have written to you, I feel, that I have correctly made because I could not find the person better than you. I so am happy that I have found in myself forces recognize that I cannot to find the person of my heart here in Russia and have come to the Internet. I hope that my letters to you too bring a lot of happiness. My dear Leonard your city is very beautiful! I very much would like to pass on him having undertaken with you for hands, it would be so romantically! My dear how you see you the future soul mate? Tell to me about it, Well? I wish to tell to you about How I see my partner From a life and me. I think, that the wife should be gentle, gentle to the husband. To not give a case for Jealousy. To love and cautious. To lift children, to observe cleanliness in the house. The husband should always like to respect with the wife, it not when should not throw the wife a difficult minute!!! It always should to support the wife in all. The husband should care of the child. The family should be strong and the husband the wife should love each other. I search to myself for the husband and it seems to me, that you that person with which I shall live all life! My dear Leonard, my weariness absolutely seems was gone when I have started to write to you the letter. Your letters install in me forces and hope in tomorrow, and this just fine. I so am tired to be lonely and I now your letters do me happy in fact now I not one and in the evenings I can sit and think of you and recollect your letters and dream of that as we once we shall be together. I hope, that you will answer me my dear, I look forward to hearing from you with impatience!!! Your Galina. Tues Oct 31, 2006 Hello my dear Leonard!!! I very much, happy, that you have written to me today the letter, me so, it is pleasant to enter into the Internet-cafe and to see yours letters. It for me not so such new employment to arrive to the Internet-cafe and to write to you the new letter my dear and it bring to me so a lot of happiness because it speaks me, that to you it is too interesting to communicate with me and you want that our correspondence, has passed my dear. I have heard, that on the Internet there are many bad people, which get acquainted with girls only to ask from them a naked photo and then to place them in various sites. I was afraid because of it a little when I for the first time have arrived to the Internet. But then has met to you, and I have understood, that to me I which I very much bore am actually probable, have met the person whom will be happily my dear. It not seems to you, that we together shall overcome all complexities of our life, we shall overcome them together! My dear I so, it am happy, that my feelings all is better and better to you. I so dream of that day when we for the first time, we shall meet also it, I think, that there will be one of the happiest days in our life my dear. My dear I would like to tell in this my letter to you, that to me letters from other men arrive, but I write only to you because I very much trust you my dear I think, that you always will help me a difficult minute! Whether to me it I that you have asked very pleasantly Wanted, you have received letters from other girls and whether you correspond someone except for me? It very much disturbs me, because I so, I am afraid of you to lose my dear and I hope, that you also wish to correspond only to me. I ask, that you have told to me the truth because it is impossible to build from the very beginning of the attitude on lie my dear. My dear Leonard your city is very beautiful as though to me it would be desirable to pass on him and that you have shown me all beautiful places! I think, that I get used already to you Leonard, and I often think of you. Early in the morning, when I rise from a bed I wish to arrive, running more quickly in the Internet-cafe and to read through your letter. I am very glad, that you have appeared In my life and I simply do not represent, as I shall live further if I shall lose you, you the unique person who has remained with me in a life, I live only for you!!! I hope, that our correspondence will pass, also we become - more close to everyone another! Here I shall finish the letter because at me time in the Internet-cafe has ended and with impatience I shall look forward to hearing from you! Sincerely yours, Galina... Fri Nov 3, 2006 Hello again my dear Leonard!!! How are you? How has passed your day? I hope You receive this my letter to you in good mood. I am very happy Again to receive news from you my dear and here now I write to you the answer. It brings to me so a lot of happiness. I at all do not know as me to you to express it is pleasant to re-read to me your letters. I with a smile recollect that Day when I have received from you the first letter and I with such excitement wrote to you The answer. I was afraid that if I shall write to you something incorrectly my dear that you Any more do not want to communicate with me, I so was afraid that our attitudes Will end and not having had time to begin. I would like to tell to you a little about that that I feel to you, because When I cannot write the letter to some days to me very much I miss you Without your beautiful letters. Last night I long thought of you have not fallen asleep yet Also has understood that it is a gift which I have made to me the god for that that so long was It is unfortunate. I become seems to me that from your letters very happy and It seems to me that I even gradually have started to understand that it well to get acquainted On the Internet. I am very glad, that we we correspond so long and you Have appeared the person which has understood all my problems and has concerned to me with Tenderness and understanding. I so am happy that from thousand men which were On that site I have chosen you, I think, that I was helped by the god to find You. I think that you for me which that person I so long I searched also hope that once I can tell to you of a word of gratitude for That that you are in this world because you will make me the happiest The woman in the world. I hope and I trust in it my dear!!!! My dear I so want will meet you and today I have started to do all documents, I have started to do the visa and it will be ready in 8 days. Leonard I so am happy, that in 8 days we shall meet! I so wait for our meeting. I very much hope, what you too want with me will meet? My dear Leonard dance with you it is very fine I also would like to dance with you! My dear Leonard, still I to you would wish to tell that for me so difficultly To write to you about that as to me it is lonely and as to me it is bad that with me is not present beside Men with which I would be happy, I think what exactly you can become For me it the man, but you so it is far from me my dear and I do not know That to me to do. I shall not hide from you that I very much wished to be with You together, but I do not know that you will think of it. I certainly understand That we are familiar not so long ago my dear, but I cannot anything with myself To do, because my heart is filled by melancholy about you and it wishes to be united With you. Write to me that you think of an our meeting and when you Think we should plan it. I with impatience shall look forward to hearing from you. Your Galina!!! Sat Nov 4, 2006 Hello my love Leonard!!! I am very glad to see your letter. How you today? I hope that at you good mood, as good as me. Now I have a launch-break and I have decided go to the Internet-cafe write you a letter. Weather here not so good, cloudy. But at me in heart the sun because it is very pleasant to me to see your letter shines. What weather at you? My dear Leonard I so am glad that you write only to me! Love Leonard I would like to ask you how you represent our first day, day of our meeting with you? I represent this day here so: I would like to tell you about our first day together is represented to me. I wish to tell to you about it because I very much want it and very often I think of it. First of all I imagine that as I sit in self-summer and I think of you, so it is difficult to me to wait three hours of flight to you because I know that very soon we we shall together, it for me will be the most difficult expectation my dear. Now to me to wait for our meeting because she is not close yet much easier and I calm myself because I know that I should be typed patience and this day when we we shall be together but if you will already know that here in some hours near to the love person each minute and even each second turns to the whole eternity. Are you agree with me my lovely? Then I imagine as I all I go down from a gangway of self-summer, here all is unfamiliar to me also I search for you, but I do not see you and I even start to be afraid a little. Then our eyes meet also to me it seems that during this moment all around fades, all around stops and in this world there is only I and you my honey Leonard!!! Then I all run to you and I rush to you on a neck, I embrace you and kiss you. Then you kiss me, then again I you and so it is a lot of many times. Then we go somewhere, I do not know where we go, because I at all do not know your city, it has appeared that we go to you home, there we are waited with a supper at candles. We simply sit with you at a table and we tell each other about a miscellaneous. Sometimes we we interrupt our conversation to present the friend a long kiss. It will not seems to you that it is just fine day my dear. I so want that this day became possible as soon as possible. I so am tired to be lonely, I wish to feel taste of your lips on my lips, I do not ask from destiny much, I simply wish to be happy and for this purpose you are necessary to me only my dear. I hope that this day will soon come. I shall miss you, I hope soon to receive the letter from you. Your Galina. Thursday, November 09, 2006 Hello my love Leonard. I so am glad to see your letter. Each your letter delivers me such happiness which you simply do not represent as I wish to be close to you! My love Leonard, I have learned in bank, that in the Western Union you need to be shown wash data and they can send me your money which you want the help to me about the ticket! To me have told that you can send money for my address: Smirnova Galina, Russia, Saratovskaya oblast, Saratov city, Maxim Gorky street 25-10! My love Leonard which I so grieve without on you and I wish to be close to you and than more quickly you will help me with the ticket to especially fast, we can show all love, which in our hearts! You simply do not represent, what happiness for me that we already soon shall together with you! My love I with impatience wait to receive news from you and very much I hope, that you also wish to meet me and will help me to arrive to you! With love to you your love Galina! Nov 9, Thursday, [] Hello my love Leonard. I am so happy get your letter. Thank you very much for your love, your care, I am very much thankful. Darling, there is one problem, I went to bank and tried pick up it, but I couldn't do this, because I had no passport and other documents they didn't want accept. My passport now at passport-issue-service and will be there for some time. I can't pick this up because I repeat I gave my passport to agency for documentating process. That's a pity I can't take order with other document. I tried to do this with birth certificate which here also important documents, but no under rules of Money Gram in Russia, it is could pick order only with passport. I tried at different banks but it is strict rule. I don't know what do. I wait to your letter my darling. Your Galina!!! Nov. 9, Thursday, Hello my love Leonard. I told you about this problem. At the bank they gave me advice to ask some of my close friend or relative to help me pick it up for what you can change the name of order. I think it nice way solve it. In such case it necessary change name of order to name of this close person, and i know mtcn and other info about order will be only able pick order. So it ok and safety. If you can do it, I would go to bank with such person and will pick order. This person will not know mtcn and info about the order. I will go with him to bank and pick the order with his assistance. I think it nice way to solve this situation when passport is not at me. Dear, I can ask for some close person, relative. I can reach him anytime and it easy, convenient for me to ask him help me and I can trust him. His name is Ivan Nikitin. He lives not far from me. I can trust him, it is easy for me to ask him help me. I can reach him anytime during work day. So it convenient for me to ask him help me. I think it nice way solve it. So dear I would like ask you to change name of order (I sure it possible), because if it is for my name I can't pick it without passport which at agency now and will be there some time. I hope we will do it such way and I will prepare all necessary things. It necessary to do fast I think. So darling this is info First name: Ivan ( I V A N ) Last name: Nikitin ( N I K I T I N ) Address: Kirpichnaya street 49, apt 14. I would never ask if there were no such necesity. Dear, I hope you do this. I so much love you my darling, very much want to be with you. I know you my gentle and reflective prince, I love you very much, appreciate everything you do to me. I will be happiest girl on earth when be with you, will make all my best make you happiest man in the world. I can't wait to be with you. Your Galina!!! Nov. 9, Thursday, [] My love Leonard. I hope we will be finally together, I am so tired solving problems, need rest, I am sure in your hands I will be in safety, will forgot about all problems, can be naive and romantic girl. I love you so much, can't wait to be with you. Your Galina!!! No American or other man deserves to be scammed by this person whether it is Galina Smirnova or Ivan Nikitin. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
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