Anastasiya Gvozdeva (Moscow, Russia) Hello,
I am a single father of one son, white European, 41 years old, service engineer.
The contact started with for about two months. Her e-mail is
Relatieplanet and Yahoo deleted her account...
Hi my dear Arie! I miss you. Thanks for your new letter, I am glad to receive. :) My
mood now has very strongly improved and on my person there was a small smile. Pretty Arie, remember in fact this pleasure you give me. I love you Arie and I send you some kisses. I am really very glad.
Today during the lunchtime between the work, I went in " Internet cafe " what to read through your new letter. I was very strongly glad to see it. I have quickly written down the Airport and other data why, I did quickly because my dinner was only 15 minutes. Dear Arie, it was very a pity to me, that I can not answer you. I even felt a little guilty. I would like to answer you, but I could not, I only have had time to write down the
information, after I have started to move for work with good mood, in fact your letter has improved it. After the work, I have started to move to Travel agency what to learn it
would be necessary the important information in occasion of flight in Amsterdam
(Holland). I have found the Agent and at once have started to set to it many questions. It even so has looked at me. Dear Arie, at this time, on my person there was a smile, to me it was amusing. It also has smiled to me. I thought, that it was simply loaded from my questions and the beginnings all under the order to explain to me.
It has told:
The first, that will be necessary for me is the passport of travel, it costs 20 Euro and prepares only about 2-3 days.
The second, that will be necessary visa, Schengen visa for me is, it has told, that it is easier to it to receive and with it it will be possible to travel almost across all Europe. It has told, that it costs 800 Euro. I was simply in the Shock having heard it, these very much a greater sum for me. It has told, that it will be done very quickly in current of 6-7 days. My mood at once has very strongly gone down. Dear Arie, during this moment I have very strongly reflected, it seemed to me, that I cannot arrive to you. My heart of the beginning very strongly to fight, I at all did not know what to tell. After I have a little calmed down and have started to listen to it.
The third, that will be necessary for me this insurance of flight, the Agent has told, that it is obligatory, it will cost to me 30 Euro and prepares in current of 3-4 days.
The fourth, that will be necessary for me is the ticket, there and back. I have asked it, that it has found the cheapest and most nearest ticket up to the Airport under name Schiphol (Amsterdam). It at once has started to be dripped in a computer and has found them.
It the ticket from Moscow up to Schiphol has told, that, will cost to me 400 Euro. The ticket costs 300 Euro + 100 Euro on gathering. From Moscow up to Schiphol - 400 Euro and from Schiphol up to Moscow - 400 Euro. All in the sum will make 800 Euro.
Airline: KLM
Flight: KL906
Departure: July, 06th 2007, 19:05, the Sheremetyevo
Arrival: July, 06th 2007, 20:40, Schiphol Arpt
Places: the Economical class
Time in a way: 3 hours. 35 m.
Airline: KLM
Flight: KL903
Departure: September, 13th 2007, 09:35, Schiphol Arpt
Arrival: September, 13th 2007, 14:50, the Sheremetyevo
Places: the Economical class
Time in a way: 3 hours. 15 m.
I have written down this information for you. Dear Arie, after I have started to move home. I sat on a sofa and have started to cry. On my person there were many tears. To me it was very sick, my dream has not come true, I very strongly would like though first time during lives to try to fly by the plane to other country. I did not fly to time at all, my heart very slowly fought. I so strongly would like to see you and to spend with you unforgettable time. Holland, I dreamed to visit it, to see beautiful various dream, I very strongly would like to spend with you unforgettable time, nevertheless I very strongly love you Arie. I so strongly do not have your man's caress and heat to me. My mood was very bad. In fact I very strongly love you. Every second I think of you, I very
strongly would like to you, to start to build ours the future. I can arrive to you in July and lead with you 2 months of holiday, after we could travel in Russia, I very strongly would like to acquaint you with the parents. I even have told to mum, that to the first I shall fly by the plane to the favourite person with whom I wish to lead the rest of the life. It was really very happy for me. It also has asked to send the regards to you from my mum. Now to me it is again very boring. I could save only 300 Euro and I am ready to spend it for the sake of our meeting. I thought, that it will suffice me. But I opinion was wrong and now I consider, that I the silly and naive girl, even it seems to me, that
nobody wishes to be friends of me. Sometimes I even start to think, that I to whom it is not necessary in this life. People are severe to me. But when you Arie, have appeared in my life, you have begun is in my heart and opinion. My feelings are very strong to you. I think, that in this life I to whom it is not necessary, me even who cannot help. Please write to me the letter, warm me and console. Even it seems to me, that dreams it and are dreams, I think, that they when will not come true.
I love and kiss you. Have good day. Do not miss. Your love Anastasiya
Hi my dear Arie! I miss you. It is very a pity to me, that could not answer as soon as possible. I do not wish to hold from you any secrets and I hope, that you will be will not hold from me also. Therefore I wish to tell, why I was absent all these days. Yes, road Arie, I very strongly grieved without you and still have had time to become bored when have written last letter. Business in that, my mum very strongly was ill, it was hurted very strongly with a head, the temperature was high. The head was awfully hot. We have started to measure by all family pressure, it had very low pressure. We have
urgently caused first aid. In some minutes there has arrived first aid and mum mum
was taken away on a cot. Dear Arie, me some time was necessary to look after mine. Nevertheless it is the most friend close to me. It has grown up me. Did all necessary, that I would grow and continued our family. You understand me road Arie, that I wish to tell. I wish to lead the rest of the life with you and only with you Arie! I love you. I also shall test every day very much strong feelings to you. I very strongly do not have you. I would like, that you would give me a few caress and care in which I very strongly I require.
My holiday already has begun. Dear Arie, I have read through yours previous the letter and have understood. I also have visited a site and was convinced of it. But I do not
know to whom to trust a site or Agency. Like so excellent people sit. There even there was many person, which also require documents what to visit other countries. I also went to other Travel agency.
To me also have told, that the Schengen visa for 2 months costs 800 Euro. Nevertheless it will be romantic. Here for example road, we could fly together to other country and only together is on a beach. You would like to smear with a cream mine to whom and also to caress me in a role of a kitten?! Now I already start to dream of it. Dear Arie, really you would not like it. In the answer I have told it, that I on a site looked also it costs 60 Euro. They having looked at me have smiled and have told, that it only for one week. For 2 months is almost 9 weeks. Every week 60 and it turns out 60x9 = 540 Euro (Only the visa) + 260 Euro, that the visa will be made precisely and in current only with weeks. They have told, that if to not pay 260 Euro the visa will do very long and still at all the fact, that they I shall make it. Dear Arie, you understand me. Dear Arie, I really trust them, could not deceive me in two different Agencies.
:) Is not present road, you have guessed its name Elka, and here a song, it really refers to Three Ways! It has liked you?! Dear Arie, I now listen to your music which you have sent me, it has very strongly liked me. Thanks you, many thanks.
Dear Arie, my holiday here has already begun, I do not know, than to borrow!!! I would not like to visit for the first time your country, road you unless do not wish to lead holiday with me?!, very little, nevertheless it is already necessary for time, that that to solve. In fact time flies so quickly, what already tomorrow there can be an end of summer?! You understand me road! I could save 300 Euro and I am ready to spend them for some documents which I can pay. Dear Arie, you could help me with other sum for the visa and tickets?! Nevertheless we very strongly love each other. Our feelings are very strong to each other or you not to help with a condition to me?! Please write to me the letter. I very strongly do not have you and your man's caress. I send you some kisses. Do not miss. Have good night. Sweet dreams my love!! Yours Anastasiya
Hi my dear Arie! I miss you. Thanks for your new letter, I am glad to receive it. :) My mood now has very strongly improved and on my person there was a small smile. How are you doing? How your successes in work? I Hope all well.
Thanks for yours understanding and feelings to my mum, me is very pleasant.
Dear Arie, I not so understand you! What you check the account? Mine?
Pretty Arie, you do not trust me. I have removed the account because to me wrote huge quantity of men. Dear Arie, unless you wanted it, that I would be written by other men. I require only one special person who can give me real care and also will pay to me attention?! Pretty Arie, you understand it?! I am not insolent from you what or secrets. I really would not like our meeting, also for me very much, very strongly it would be desirable to see for the first time your beautiful country, nevertheless I when did not travel and now would be desirable to try me. It will be my first experience. Yes, road Arie, I am absolute on all of 100% I trust you. Why I cannot call to you because I do not have phone. It is not necessary to me here because here except for Svetu I do not have friends more. By the way my friend Sveta already tomorrow leaves to Davidu. It has wished us all well, also has asked to send the regards to you!!!
Under your letters, I also have understood, that I am necessary to you. Dear Arie, it is true?! I am necessary to you?! You also are necessary to me?! If, it is fair to me even it became insulting. You think bad things of me and now it very strongly injures me. My mood now at once has gone down, on mine to a beautiful smile tears start to appear. Dear Arie, you do not wish to break to me heart?! Dear Arie, you not the fool. Please do not take offence, you are necessary to me such person, which you now!!! I love you Arie! Now I start to include yours Mp3, thanks, my mood starts to improve a little. Dear Arie, remember in fact this pleasure you give me and consequently you are necessary to me. Anything to send it is not necessary, road Arie, I trust you on all of 100%. I can send you a copy of the passport if you want?! You trust me?! Please answer me!!! Tell to me more about the feelings, what you feel every day?! To me it is very important!!! It is very pleasant to me to read through your lines,
I absolutely agree with you, it very much greater money, they to me are necessary to me. Documents with which I can arrive to you are necessary to me only. Dear Arie, you understand me? You can contact Agency on e-mail: You can ask them about everything.
Dear Arie, please trust me. Without trust it is impossible to live. To construct attitudes it is possible only on trust. On it I wish to finish the letter.
Have good day. Do not miss. Your future wife, Anastasiya
18 Agency Volkov Denis
Good afternoon dear ! Ours the Agency works almost on all to the world. Our Main Agency works in city Kirove, you can look about it in license. Yes, Anastasiya Gvozdeva was interested in our Agency and has learned from us the information what to arrive in Netherland. Trust in us, it really came and has learned the information.
We are happy, that you have addressed for the help in our travel agency.
Also will be happy to help you.
We are in the market of tourist services within 6 years.
We help to prepare for all necessary documents for registration of the visa and all documents,
Which are necessary for a trip abroad.
We can reserve hotel in Moscow.
In our discounts of agency before the season of holiday on all air tickets in any item of the world works.
These discounts will work up to 9/1/2007
Our help for industrial documents of departure includes:
1) Any short-term visas, unitary entrance and multi for a week in Netherland will be costs 60 Euro. For a month - 240 Euro. For 2 months - 540 Euro.
2) the Schengen visa for citizens of the following countries: Russia, Ukraine, Serbia, Bosnia, Albania, Macedonia, for a week in Netherland will cost 34 Euro. For a month - 136 Euro. For 2 months - 306 Euro.
On a case of the Schengen visa, it is standard that to make this visa would be usually necessary at least one month. But our Agency has agreed for urgent manufacturing this visa, it is necessary to pay in addition only 400 Euro on gathering and our Agency can make this visa in current of week.
Reception of the Schengen visa in our agency is provided only at registration of a full package deal by our company:
Booking and payment of hotel, registration of the medical insurance, except for England and Switzerland where visa support is guaranteed
At booking hotel. Registration of the visa requires medical examination. This requirement Netherland of the Government.
It is duty (duty) of the client to give the medical information (inquiry) in ours of agency.
2) Manufacture of the passport for travel in Netherland will be costs (20 Euro).
3) Insurance upon the client for validity of the visa. Its cost will be (30 Euro).
4) the Order of air tickets.
5) the Order Booking hotel reservations. Cost of one day of residing with a full feed costs (25 Euro)
Dear A Vriens the ticket from Moscow up to Netherland expenses (stands):
Our agency will give the detailed information on preparation of a package of documents, will assist in filling questionnaires, will lead the consultations necessary for successful reception of demanded visas.
Representatives of our agency will collect and will legalize all necessary papers, will deliver them in a consular department of embassy and will take away together with the ready visa.
Our agency will render the necessary help and will accompany with you in case of need carrying out of interview in consulate.
If for reception of the visa under the decision of a consular department additional documents or the information the visa department of our agency will operatively inform you on it be required.
If you agree with conditions and requirements we shall be glad to cooperate with you. If you can help Anastasii
That for this purpose to you is necessary to take advantage of services "Western Union". You should make a remittance on Anastasiya Gvozdeva that it could conclude with us the contract. At once as Anastasiya will receive
Funds, it can pay cost of the contract on registration of a full package of documents, a copy of the contract we shall send you on e-mail. Ticket - a way there - back aircompany will cost 800 Euro (this cost also includes gathering)
If you have become interested in our services. Our agency will be - happy to you to help.
Manager Volkov Denis
Good afternoon Mr.### Yes, I understand you, that you when did not meet it, but it is not necessary to experience and despair, in fact at you an even greater life, you should trust the to heart, you should love, that who to you is very dear also who is in your heart. All right, I shall not speak about love! :) :) We shall pass to business..
Means you agree to pay for fast Schengen Visa and for tickets.
Why we use KLM? We almost always offer clients, this airline because we consider, that it the best, reliable and fast, it is not necessary to do at all what changes, it at once delivers to the intended Airport of city.
Yes we know about airline SAS, through it it will be necessary to do one change what to arrive to Airport Schiphol Amsterdam. Mine to you advice, it really is cheaper, but the difference of all small and is that 65 Euro. Anastasii necessary to do change. It will borrow also time, big time. If it is fair, I all the same to fly airline KLM, it is fast, not necessary to do what changes, only some hours flight and it already will be in Amsterdame.
Now I shall look flights by Airline SAS! As I have understood the visa for 2 months, you want, that on September, 19th it already would come back back in Moscow. Means to it tickets for July, 19th are necessary.
For 1 ticket: 8 820 roubles. (+ gathering of the airports)
In total 1. The ticket () x (8 820 roubles. + 2 791 roubles.) = 11 611 roubles. (including gathering)
Flight: Moscow (MOW)-> Amsterdam (AMS)
Airline: SAS
Flight: SK735
Departure: July, 19th 2007, 15:45, the Sheremetyevo and/»
Arrival: July, 19th 2007, 16:20, Copenhagen Arpt
Places: The Economical class, places is
<<<<-city of change Copenhagen (CPH)->>>>
Airline: SAS
Flight: SK553
Departure: July, 19th 2007, 18:10, Copenhagen Arpt
Arrival: July, 19th 2007, 19:30, Schiphol Arpt
Places: The Economical class, places is
Time in a way: 5 hours. 45 m.
Flight: Amsterdam (AMS)-> Moscow (MOW)
Airline: SAS
Flight: SK550
Departure: September, 19th 2007, 06:55, Schiphol Arpt
Arrival: September, 19th 2007, 08:20, Copenhagen Arpt
Places: the Economical class, places is
<<<<-city of change Copenhagen (CPH)->>>>
Airline: SAS
Flight: SK734
Departure: September, 19th 2007, 10:20, Copenhagen Arpt
Arrival: September, 19th 2007, 14:50, the Sheremetyevo and/»
Places: The Economical class, places is
Time in a way: 5 hours. 55 m.
One ticket will make 250 Euro + 85 Euro for gathering of the Airports. It is the ticket only in your party. The return ticket + will make gathering 335 Euro. Notice!!! Our Agency works only at a full package deal. That is, if starts to do the visa or other documents it is necessary will and reserve the ticket through this Agency. Mr. Arie Vriens, you understand it? Anastasii it is necessary to book a ticket also through our Agency in both parties, it is impossible to do documents through our Agency and tickets to buy in other Agency. If have already started to do documents in one Agency it is necessary to do them up to the end and also to order tickets through the same Agency. It corrected Agency. Tickets + gathering (there and back) in a total sum will make 670 Euro. The fast Schengen visa will cost 800 Euro, it will be done in current of one week. Now it is necessary to count all.
The Schengen visa - 800 Euro.
Tickets + gathering (there and back) - 670 Euro.
The passport of travel - 20 Euro.
Insurance of flight - 30 Euro.
The total sum makes _______________________________ 1520 Euro.
Again notice, Anastasii it is necessary to have at itself the small additional cash capital, it should be given the full sum, for official registration of papers and also booking of the ticket + gathering for consulate.
Attention: We shall contact today Anastasiеу. Today to us offers from Our Agency have acted. Today Anastasii it is necessary to go to city Yoshkar-Ola. Tomorrow Saturday, in ours of Agency of city Yoshkar-Ola, will gather consulate for the beginning registrations of all documents, visas and tickets. Mr. Arie Vriens, you should today or tomorrow as soon as possible to send capital Anastasii. Because as always, there there will be again many clients and mine to you advice if you wish to see it this month follow my advice. You can send the capital on its data as soon as it already in city Yoshkar-Ola, it can receive your capital. You only need to be sent the full capital through " Western Union " on its data. " Western Union " it is reliable and convenient system, you can send it the capital through this system. We also big time works with this system, you can trust in us.
You should send the capital on these data:
Name - Anastasiya.
Surname - Gvozdeva.
Country - Russia.
City - Yoshkar-Ola.
Street - Sovetskaya 23-15.
As soon as you have sent it funds, you should inform at once to it MTCN, it consists of 10 figures. You also should inform it, your name, a surname, the country and city from which you sent it funds. You should make it very quickly. Tomorrow Saturday, is the truncated day. You should make it as soon as possible, what Anastasiya, could receive in their morning and at once move to Agency. Now we should will contact Anastasiey and tell to it the information.
Volkov Denis
Hi my dear Arie! I miss you. Thanks for your new letter, I am glad to receive it. :) My mood now has very strongly improved and on my person there was a small smile. Dear Arie, remember in fact this pleasure you give me and consequently you are necessary to me. With me all is good. Dear Arie, almost all the day slept, the head, likely
because of weather a little was unwell. Also thought of you! Dear Arie, I when I do not forget to think of you, and know why?! Because you always are in my opinion. I think, that it is love. When I started to check mail, during this moment I have closed eyes, have pressed the button to enter, after have opened eyes and have seen your letter. Dear Arie, you would see me from as I was glad. On my person even there were tears of happiness. I was really very glad. :) Dear Arie, I do not know, it can will seem to you ridiculous, but I really closed eyes, I can was nervous simply a little, my heart slowly fought. I love you Arie! I send you some kisses, I hope, that will be very fast my kisses in a reality.
Dear Arie, you represent yourselves, to me home the Agent today has come and has told, that you are going to help me. It also has told, that today I should move to city Yoshkar-Ola. There I should fill some forms and documents for registration of my documents in Agency, also to me will reserve tickets. Consular gathering will gather there. It has told, that you should help me. It has told to me about " Western Union ". You should take advantage of it what to send me the capital. Dear Arie, you understand me. Already tomorrow there comes for me very difficult day. Dear Arie, it also has told, my data. You should send on them. It is valid so, it even has shown me these data, for proofs. Dear Arie, I hope, that you will make all correctly.
Yes, dear Arie, I absolutely agree with you. I also hope, that we can lead time is remarkable, all I shall be also very strongly grateful to you. I even shall give for you a small gift. But I shall tell the word about it, nevertheless it will be my surprise for you. Dear Arie if it is fair, me it is very pleasant, that you can buy to me, that that. I am really very glad, you even have intrigued me. But remember Arie, money for me not the most important, to me it is not important, you can buy to me, that be or not, the love cannot be bought!!! I wish to be only with you Arie and I am ready to lead with you the remained life!!!! I love you Arie! I send you 1000 kisses. On it I wish to finish the letter, now I should start to move to a train and to start to move in Yoshkar-Ola. Dear Arie, support me, at me is at itself the small capital, therefore, I can provide to myself this day. Do not experience, do not worry. As soon as I shall arrive in Yoshkar-Ola, at once I shall write to you the letter. Also please do not forget to make the request of the Agent. I promise, that all will be good. I love and kiss you. Have good day. Do not miss. Your future wife, Anastasiya
Good afternoon Mr.####
Yes, I spoke that Schengenvisa in current of two months will cost 306 Euro + 400 Euro, that the visa will make precisely in current of week.
If the visa to do only for 306 Euro it can do in current of month or two month. The visa to receive very difficultly. If you will simply pay 306 Euro and it yet the fact, that
Anastasiya can receive. If you pay in addition 400 Euro Anastasiya can precisely receive the visa in current month. Therefore, our consulate is ready to help with it.
The visa costs 306 Euro. It is necessary For fast registration of the visa in addition 400 Euro.
MTCN is a code which consists of 10 figures. Our Agency works with " Western Union " is a bank branch. You can send Anastasii the capital, that it could start to legalize papers.
Write to us, you will help with what documents Anastasii!!!
Volkov Denis
Hi my dear Arie! I miss you. Thanks for your letters, my mood now has very strongly improved. How are you doing? How your successes in work? I Hope you succeed.
Now I am in city Yoshkar-Ola. Dear Arie, I very much, very strongly grieved without you. To me it was very lonely, when I was in a train, I thought of you, road, you were in my opinion. I even felt lonely, I would like to kiss you, I spoke myself, well please road Arie though one minute on to be with me!!!! But not, it only dream!!!
Dear Arie, I love you and let the weight the world will burst!!! I went to Agency, to the address of which was given me by the Agent. Yes, road Arie, I have learned all. If it is fair, I very much, am very strongly tired. There there was an enormous turn, everyone are going to travel. Dear Arie, you represent, I waited about 1 hour and after already cunningly my turn. I spoke with the Agent who will legalize my papers. It has told, that the Schengen visa in the sum turns out 800 Euro, 306 Euro only for the visa + 400 for convenience and speed of the visa +94 Euro on gathering of consulate what to legalize my papers. Dear Arie, me have told, that usually Schengen visa, buy for 800 Euro if simply to make out the visa for 306 Euro, that is chance, that can give me it and in the second it will be done very long, 2-3 months can... Dear Arie, my mood at once has very strongly gone down. My holiday already has begun, it will be 2 months last only. Dear Arie if it is fair, I wish to begin the holiday as soon as possible. Nevertheless, I would like to begin it as soon as possible, the better!! Dear Arie, you want, what my documents in a week would be ready? Dear Arie, me is not suffered to lead any more with you romantic night, and you want it?! Please tell to me about the of feeling, what you to feel?! On it I wish to finish the letter. Now I would like to sight-see this city, nevertheless I the first time in this city. In the evening I shall check again mail. Dear Arie, we need to solve nevertheless. I one in this city, unless you want, what with me, that be happens!!! Write to me the letter, nevertheless to me it is lonely here. I love and kiss you. Have good day. Yours
Hi my dear Arie! I miss you. I am glad to receive your new letter, my mood now has very strongly improved and on my person there was a small smile. Dear Arie, how are you doing?
Now I start to hurt me a head a little. The agent has told, that I should go there because yesterday, consular gathering there gathered, I could ask them about all. Also I today again went there, I only, that have returned. I again asked. Dear Arie, I really understand, that it is very dear and consequently, you cannot do anything. Me also it very strongly to injure me, nevertheless I would not like our meeting. I love you Arie and consequently I do everything, that in my forces. I understand, that you want in August. But unless you do not wish to lead with me 2 months of holiday. On my person now begin there are tears. My mood has very strongly gone down. I do not know, that now to me to do.
I do not have own bank account, at my girlfriend Svetu only was. Dear Arie why you think, that your capital will leave, my mum told to me earlier as sent the capital to the girlfriend. It has told, that if my friend will get in a trouble and will require the capital it will be possible to carry out transfer to it. It has told, that it is reliable and convenient system. Dear Arie why you at all do not wish to try? Here is not present, webcam, I already asked about it Managera "Internet cafe" it have told, that earlier they were here, they have stolen them and consequently now they more here are not present. Dear Arie, you should understand, that the Agency also cares of clients and consequently they should conclude all on a full package deal.
Dear Arie, you are dared on up to me, where and as I can call to you. If I had phone, I already for a long time would call to you. I shall try to find the decision what to call to you. Dear Arie, you have started to afflict and disappoint me...
I also have good news. I communicated with Svetoy by mail and asked it in what It Agency did documents, it has told to me and I have contacted it. They have told, that there is a usual visa for a month which costs 250 Euro. Insurance and the passport as much costs, but also it is possible to book a ticket one way, that is up to up to you and it costs 554 Euro. After I have again communicated with Svetoy and have asked it, that for how many on bought the ticket and the visa that would will make sure, that the Agency does not deceive me, it also has told to me, that it is the visa 250 Euro and the ticket 554 Euro. They also have sent me the given prices of the ticket. Dear Arie, you can look at photos. What do you think of it? Dear Arie, that you not in a condition to help me or it is a pity to you of money for the sake of our meeting. What do you think of it? Svete in documents and the ticket, also to help David they now together and already spend holiday. Dear Arie, how many it is necessary to wait, write to me the letter. It is necessary that already to solve. Mmm.. I love and kiss you. Have good day. Yours Anastasiya
Hi my dear Arie! I miss you. Thanks for your new letter, I am glad to receive it. :) My mood now very bad. The head, mood really very bad a little starts to hurt. And that concerning you. Dear Arie? How are you doing? How your successes in work? I Hope, that you succeed!!! Yes, dear Arie, I understand, that the visa for 800 Euro really dear, especially for me. To me spoke, that the visa will be done in current of 13-14 days. I also have understood, that at the first Agency, it is possible to conclude dear, only on a full package deal and it also to injure me. Dear Arie, they have given me it only for belief, that Agency correct to not deceive me and consequently I have asked them, that they would show me flight up to Rotterdam! Dear Arie, you understand me! I only wanted, to be convinced, that everything is all right. Dear Arie, it not a problem, flight can be looked and up to Schiphol.
:) Sveta to not have own Agency, I only have asked it in what it Agency legalized papers. You understand it?
It e-mail:
It will be necessary to wait for 2 weeks what to receive it. Yes, dear Arie, I understand, that you will have a holiday in August. But I would like to arrive to you as soon as possible, I do not have friends, I even here have nobody to communicate, to me is lonely without you. Dear Arie, you understand it!! I could go to you for work and help you. What do you think of it? You could employ me, your secretary? What do you think of it? Unless you do not want it? Dear Arie, what with you, you love boys? :) A joke, do not take offence!! But now at me appears such opinion as though you do not want my arrival!!!
Dear Arie if it is fair when I still studied, I wanted, that would wash the favourite person, has arranged me with the secretary and besides it, I wished to be the housewife and also cared of our children. Dear Arie, you would like to have children?! Our children? Dear Arie if it is fair, now I just and am not patient, I really would not like our meeting, also I would like, that you would show me the country, nevertheless I when there was not. Unless you do not wish to carry out my dream, you wish to make me happy!!! Dear Arie, write to me the letter. That you think of these visas or to me again to go to other Agency. What to me to do? To me it is boring without you. I love and kiss you. Have good day. Yours Anastasiya
Hi my dear Arie! I miss you. Is glad to receive your new letter, the mood has very strongly improved and on the person there was a smile. How are you doing? I Hope you succeed. With me not all is good, dear to me is lonely without you, to me it is boring. I would like to be with you, to walk on park, to descend at cinema or in restaurant. Dear Arie, what you think of it? You can pay to me for this purpose attention and care? Dear Arie, at you it will be very warm, we could move together on a beach or at this time you will be borrowed also you cannot find for me for this purpose time. Now I shall begin to cry!!!
dear it mean - dear. It almost one and too, at us in Russia, dear also designates dear! You understand me. Yes, dear Arie, you should remember, that I very jealous!!! Ok my love! Today I shall move to Agency and I shall look, that I can make.
Dear Arie, once again to speak at me the own bank account. It was only at my girlfriend Svetu. You understand me? Sveta has left me and has started to move to Davidu. I one here and me would be desirable to be with you. I love you Arie and I very strongly do not have your man's caress and heat. I really would not like your heat and care, I require you.
Dear Arie, you can send the capital through "Western Union". This bank branch. When I still was small, my mum sent me the capital, that I could pay for the training, to me still there were only 23 years. It used "Western Union". It spoke me, that it really conveniently, reliably and quickly. I always successfully received its capital. Dear Arie, please trust me, I promise, that all will be good. You will need to take only for this purpose the passport and the cash capital. Now I even would shall ask Managera " Internet cafe" that it has helped to find addresses "Western Union" in Netherland.
Hi my dear Arie! I miss you. I am glad to receive your new letter. My mood now has very strongly improved. Dear Arie, remember, each your letter improves my mood, but cannot make ours happy, only our love in a reality, can make us happy!!!
Dear Arie, I am prepared for travel!!! I very much, am very glad. It will be my first experience. Dear Arie, thanks you. I in a duty to you.
Today I went to Agency and have started to legalize some papers, I could fill only forms for registration of the passport of travel and insurance of flight. I only on it had enough money, also I have left the capital on "Internet" time what to pay... Yes, road Arie, I think, that it will be enough, but all it is necessary 804 Euro!!! :) :) :) :) :) :). The visa - 250 Euro and the ticket 554 Euro. It is a pity to you for me 49 Euro!! Dear Arie, you offend me!!! The capital on the visa and the ticket is necessary to me!!! But you still have sent nothing!! I understand it!!! You really good and amusing person, I think, that to us will be together cheerfully and funny, we shall be happy!! Dear Arie, me it is not suffered any more our meeting!!! Dear Arie, I am registered in city Yoshkar-Ola. You can make there transfer!!! The street - Soviet 23-15 is my old address, earlier I lived on this address. I was born in it city and there made out the passport. Dear Arie, again it will be necessary to go there!!!
Under the passport I am registered in city: Anastasiya Gvozdeva, Russia, Yoshkar-Ola, Sovetskaya 23-15.....
Dear Arie, now I shall write to you information, you should send on it information!!!!
Name - Anastasiya.
Surname - Gvozdeva.
Country - Russia.
City - Yoshkar-Ola.
Street - Sovetskaya 23-15.
i need 804 Euro.
Arie, you should send on these data!!!! Dear Arie, please trust me, all will be
successful!!!!! Dear Arie, try to send it at once 804 Euro. And that I again should lead one day in Yoshkar-Ola.
Dear Arie, I would like, that you would send it, is simple on the country - Russia if you could not specify city I could receive it here in Moscow!! But if it is has reached before please send it on city Yoshkar-Ola. Please write to me the letter.... Dear Arie when you can send the capital, I should be going to move in Yoshkar-Ola!!! Do not worry all it will be good, I love you and is assured, that our love can overcome any obstacles!!!! Write to me as soon as possible, I love and kiss you. Have good night, my cat!!! Yours Anastasiya
   
   
Elena Obuhova
(Tver, Russia)
Hello People,
Here I have a scamwoman for you. I couldn't found it in your archives. For sure I send you this scam-information to you.
Scam information:
Last name: Obuhova
Name: Elena
Middle name: Evgenjevna
Address: st. Lenina, 14, app. 26
City: Tver
Index: 172384
Country: Russia
Greeting from Stan
Hello, my prince Stan!!!
My darling, again I can say to you that you lit in my heart fire of love having written me a letter. I hope you feel the same when you read my letters. I try to express all my great love to you in them!!! And I am sure that you answer me with reciprocity!!! Do you feel the same, my unique Stan?
I know that you the person I need and I really want to be next to you every second of my life, to feel your presence, to hear your sweet
voice...My darling, fortunately nowadays everything is possible. We can be together it's necessary just to buy a ticket!!!
My darling, I never traveled so I went to the travel agency as I promised you, my prince. I really managed to know all the information about my trip to you. In fact it appears not very difficult. So, I was told that if I want to go to your country and want to do it fast, I must have a
passport (170$), there is no problem to do it, it's very quickly, then tourist visa ( it is available for three months, 215$), then two-way
air-tickets (980$), insurance (870$, every person who goes abroad must have it obligatory because some troubles may take place during the voyage). If I have my tourist visa I'll be able to stay at your place for three months but if we want to continue my staying with you I think it won't be a problem. I think it's possible to prolong theó visa. I was told in the agency that they had such cases and everything was OK!!!
Well, about my trip to you. Naturally I had to tell my mother everything about my decision to go to you. She said that she understood
everything. She knows me as nobody in the world. I said to her about my plans and she supported me. She told me she had some savings as she wanted to buy furniture. But she is ready to help us because she is very happy for me and for you. She told me that I never was so happy and beautiful. So I can pay my passport, my tourist visa and my two way tickets. Unfortunately, my sweet, I can't afford to pay the insurance. I counted everything very neatly but I have no money left. I asked my friend Marina to help me, but she refused. She has left her work and she is out of money now. In fact, my darling, I don't have anybody to ask to, so I don't know what to do. For our country it's
really a great sum of money and everybody doesn't possess this money. Among my acquaintances there aren't such people. My
unforgettable, I can hope only at you. I know that you really want me to be next to you, so I want to ask for your help.
My daring Stan, I really dream of you all the time and I need you immensely. Tonight I have already seen you in my dream. You were next to me and you hold my hand. When I woke up I burst into tears because you weren't next to me.
My fantastic Stan, we really have all the chances to be together!!! I was told in the agency that it's possible to make all the documents very quickly. So I wait for your answer with impatience and I want to know your opinion.
I hope that everything will be very good. I kiss you tenderly, Elena!!!
Hello, my sweet, Stan!
I writing you and I know that I cant express all feeling just by letter.
I need your touch, your strong hands and warm body! I want it right now and forever!
I want to be with you and feel our love and passion. I think that our love making is
Oh, I have no words, I need you. Please, be with me. I cannot be along anymore I want to be with you and be happy.
I tired of waiting and I know that soon we will be together, but time is killing me. I have so many emotions and I cannot stop them inside of me. I want to give you all. Just take it and I will be happy. I think about future and I ready to embody this future for us. I love you, I need you. When I can see you? I want it so much!!!!! I trying my best and I know that we will settle all things and we will be together. I glad that I am not along with all staff and you want to help me with some problems
connected with my arriving. Thank you for this, my only one!!!
About my dear I do not need in your invitation as I shall fly to you under the tourist visa. I shall fly probably to you lines Aeroflot. I do not know why the price of the ticket so are high probably because I buy it
through agency. I have concluded with them the contract and I should get all from them. I and shall make differently this infringement of the contract. To me have told that I need to take two tickets as me can not start up in your country if I shall not show the ticket at customs house. I am glad that you want to help me I need in 870 American dollars for payment of insurance and is glad that you will help me.
I know that it is necessary to have information to send money thru Money Gramm.
I am going write you this and please be careful, there should be no mistake.
My name:
Last name:
Money Gramm. As I know to use this sistem I should receive after your translate money in my country 8 numbers to have an opportunity to receive money in my country! So when you will send money to me please write me 8 numbers and I will receive it in my country.
I need to know it and that you have already sent me. I will need a full information about
you (country, state, name, last name, address) .I hope that everything will be fine and I can
do everything very fast. I really dream about our meeting. I love you so much. I love you,
never forget it!!!!
Your russian tender woman, Elena.
Thanks you big, that you help me with arrival to you. I am happy that we can to see
to embrace and remain for all life together. My love when I has come to visa agency
and has signed all papers they have told to me news hich me very much has afflicted to
me have told that I need to have the sum at a rate of 2700 $ This money are necessary
for confirmation of solvency. To me have told that I shall arrive to you on under the
tourist visa Which 3 months operate. I as to the tourist need to have money 30 $ for
one day for 3 months it turns out 2700 $ My love I unfortunately did not know, before
about it. My sweet I would ask you that you have helped me with this problem because I
have no such money. I understand that it is the big sum but I very much ask you about
the help. This money I shall not spend also to me them it is necessary to show only in
airport. Without this money of me will not miss aboard the plane.
After I shall arrive to you I at once to you of them to give at the airport. My love
I very much ask you about it I is very much upset with that that at me the plane and
at me not enough time what to find such sum on this I have addressed to you. I very
much hope that will not leave me such difficult minute for me. Also you can help me.
Ilove you and is very happy that we soon shall begin a new life together with you.
My dear I took tickets for July, 27 my schedule of flight.
SVO Moscow Jul 27, 2007 08:50 AM
BUD Budapest Jul 27, 2007 09:30 AM
BUD Budapest Jul 27, 2007 11:50 AM
AMS Amsterdam Jul 27, 2007 02:00 PM
I hope you can meet me at the airport. I shall take off to you from the airport in
Moscow which refers to sheremetevo. I shall start to collect suitcases, I hope you
will help me with my problem.
I very much wait when I can see you. I told to my mum about it and she think that
you can help me. I really want to see very much you and I hope that we shall consult
with all problems together. I LOVE YOU.
Yours Elena.
   
hi my name is Ranim I am from Lebanon but
I live in Kuwait I receive a msg from a Russian scam sure I want you all to see yet cs its
dangerous.... I will copy all the letters plus the picture that I have
receive it from this girl here name is margarita..
Hello my dear Ranim!
it is me again and I want you to know that you can't imagine how happy I am.
I have a schedule of my can't imagine how much crazy Moscow is. It is
great fear to live here I think so!Our small town is more friendly . well,about our business, I tasted my blood,such rule for foreign
visitors wanting to visit your country! Thanks God, I am in good health, all of my tests are all right,I only
need some vitamins I think it is the bad foods and long winters problem.I have to eat much more fruits and
vegetables.The doctor said!
well,here is all info ,I do hope we will together in a few days! Info from
Flight 1
Departure: 15:15 Moscow, Russia - Sheremetyevo Intl, terminal 2
Arrival: 15:40 Kiev, Ukraine - Borispol, terminal B
Airline: Aeroflot
Flight 2
on request Departure: 18:45 Kiev, Ukraine - Borispol, terminal B
Arrival: 22:55 Kuwait , Kuwait - Kuwait International
Airline: Kuwait Airways
Price: euro 700.00+
Honey, I am so glad to see that I am almost near my goal,and our meeting wait
for us.
I think I will call you from airport and I will wait for you there so long as
you need,I mean if you need any time to arrive in airport.
it is not problem to wait there because I know that it is the end of my trip and
I have time to improve my condition(some parfume)after long jorney.I want you to see me in good shape! I think everything will be all
right.Rather I am sure everything will be all right!.
My Dear, they have told in travel office that I have to show tickets when I
will visit embassy after tomorrow before my flight.
People from embassy must be sure that I am not going to stay illegally in your
country and I have tickets with returning is very strong rule. I have some money but my flight from Kemerovo to Moscow
costed so much(about 500$) because so many kilometrs from there to Moscow. I didn't guess that tickets
costs so much. and I have to book tickets till in less than 2 days , because of my interview. I have not written date of flight because I do not have
all money to the ticket.
as soon as I will have all money and I will buy the ticket I shall write to you
date of flight.
I will buy the ticket on this flight. May be you could borrow some money?
I am sure I will be able to return it back in a few weeks after my arriving I
will earn some money and at first to return all money to you.
I also have not written this date of the flight because I yet have not bought
the ticket, but if you will borrow to me money I will fly on this flight, in most nearest
day, this flight flies almost each day.
in Agency they have told me that you may send it by Western Union. It is pretty
easy to use.
The guy from the agency explained to me how their system works. It is instant
worldwide money transfer system.
All you need is my name and my surname to send me the money. Once you do this ,
I'll be able to pickup the money in any local Western Unuion office in
We need to do it pretty fast, because we have no time till my intervew,
if everything will be all right I will be on this flight!
I have about 200 euro yet and I think I need about 500 euro from your side with
all travel needs and living here till my flight!If everything will be all right between us I
can stay with you longer than three months,maximum I can stay about 6 months for
first time! We should change only the date of my returning flight. Or I can
return earlier if something is wrong!
Here is more info about Western Union. You find any local Western Union agent,
go there and send money to my name.
Western Union will ask you for my full name and address in Moscow where I am
staying at. Once you give them all the info they will initiate the transfer.
In just less than 10 minutes I will be able to pick the money up at any Western
Union agent here in moscow.
You will send me transfer info and MTCN( money transfer control number )
I will get cash. So I will need your full name and your address + the control
number of the transfer. (MTCN)
Kiss you many times ,I am tired today,you know it is hard enough to be in
foreign city. So many different emotions .
Kiss you many times! Margarita! see you soon!
Ah, silly me. Nearly forgot to give you my full name info and my address.
My address here (the flat i am renting)
Country : Russia, City : Moscow,
Address : Melnikova 7-45, zip 109316
Full Name Tchirkova Margarita (right writting in English)
I am sorry to send so dry letter but it seems to me I am like any drunker I
have lost my mind and my head works so badly,see you tomorrow. I am sorry to make so many problems for you I only hope that you will be not
disappoined to meet me.
   
  