Marina Jazykova (Taganrog, Russia)
My name is Matt I received a response to a Crags List personal ad that I had placed by a woman named Marina. I tried to verify her identity but was unable to do so. She clamed to be from a small town in south west Russia, and that she was a
gynecologist. our letters back and forth went on for a couple months at first one letter a week then in last moth increased to almost daily. I really fell for the character this person presented to me. I am hurt and mad that some one would choose this as a way to earn money. here are some letters and pictures of her. she sent more than 30 pictures.
Hi, my Matthew.
I even do not know what to tell first. I simply hope that you will be happy!
The most important, finest news - I did it! I got the visa! I am very happy!!!!
I as well have found out that I will get vacation November, 10, 2007.
I have been to the company that reserves airway tickets.
I asked them how I can reach Omaha and how much it costs. They have offered to me the roundtrip ticket that costs $1256 USD. I asked them to find
cheapest ticket, because this price is expensive for me. I have asked to
find the cheapest ticket up to any of these airports: MCI or ORD. And they
have found the ticket. They answered that they had a cheaper ticket and
the beginning of the flight November, 14, 2007. I should fly to airport Chicago (ORD).
It costs $ 1034 USD. It was the best variant for me. I asked them to reserve a ticket.
But they refused, because they can't reserve the ticket without advance payment.
I must pay full cost. I have asked if I can pay a part of money now, and
the other part later. They have told that it is possible, but I will be
limited by term. And if I will not pay the full cost of the ticket within
of this term, I will lose already nested money. I have agreed because it
is the only chance for me, because I must give to anti-emigration committee a data about my payment. By this moment I had only the concrete
sum of money which I had after all my expenses.
I paid $ 620 USD. But it was not enough for them. In a panic, all what Natalya
and I could do - we pawned our gold earrings and rings and I got $ 121 USD.
That is all I could do. The number of the flight on which I will get the ticket is 47 Delta Airlines.
The time of departure from Moscow is 1:00 pm. The time of arrival in Chicago is 7:59 pm.
I will change a plan in Atlanta, number of the flight 1028 Delta Airlines.
After this I will fly to Chicago, to you.
I know that probably I simply must tell that I can't come to you because
I haven't the remaining sum. I know that I promised to do all by self, and
I was sure that I can. I did not want to ask you. But after I did everything I did,
I cannot simply tell that I will not come to you. I have passed through so
many difficulties, and I have overcome the most difficult. But all the
same I have disgusting feeling that I could not fulfill the promise. I am
always ready to do all what is possible,- to fulfill my promises, but at
the same time I understand that any person could get in such a situation.
To get the visa I have spent much more money than I expected. But people
were ready to help me only if I will pay them. I paid more than 500 dollars to get all documents, I paid in municipal committee, in the
ministry. Even officers in army garrison have compelled me to pay for their help. I did not expect all this, but up to the last moment I was
sure that I still can make everything. I expected that I can get a vacation payment. We get a vacation payment after ending of a vacation.
I asked to give me this money now because I need this money urgently. But,
at the last moment I have got the answer that I can get this money urgently
only in case of serious illness or for example in case of death of the relative.
I feel so guilty. I was sure that nothing can prevent our meeting.
But I must pay remaining sum. It is $ 293 USD. And I must pay money before
November, 04 evening. Otherwise I will lose my nested money and our jewelry will be sold out simply in vain. I know that I should not ask
you, and I am very ashamed to do it. I remember you said that you had bad experience of dialogue with other lady. I know it and for me twice
difficult to address to you. But also comprehension of my position convinces me,
that any person could get in similar situation. I want to meet you and I say sincerely
that I need your help. I understand that I put you in inconvenient position. But
I am simple person, I am the simple woman. I am not the wizard. Any person
could get in a similar situation. And maybe I really simply had to tell
you that I can't meet with you because I could not provide my travel completely. But I cannot simply refuse our meeting because then all my
diligence, forces, nerves, means will be spent in vain. I understand that
for you it is too big sum to lend me. You are not obliged to help me. And
500 dollars which I have spent to get the visa, and 741 $ that I have given for the ticket are huge money for me. But I want you to know that I
have given everything not for the sake of myself, but for the sake of us,
for the sake of you and me. And I was happy all this time. If you want to
meet me, to help me to make our meeting, please, send money to the help
before November, 04 evening. I want you to be confident in my sincerity, -
that is why I send you the view of my visa. At least you will see that I am completely honest.
If you can help me I will tell you what I have found out. Natalya said that you
can help me with the help of remittance system. So I have addressed to the
nearest bank. I have been told that they use the system ’’Western Union’’.
They have told that it is very convenient office for me; and this system works
always and reliably. I give you necessary elements for sending money with the help of
’’Western Union’’:
The name of bank - GAZPROMBANK
HOUSE - 15
ZIP - 347922
for Marina Jazykova
My name in the passport is in Russian. When I have written to you my surname, I did not know as correctly to write in English.
Now I have received the visa and my surname is correctly written.
In bank I have been told, that to get the money, I must tell to employee of bank
your full name, your full address, exact sum which I should receive and some
confidential numbers - Money Transfer Control Number. You will get this number
in your bank if you will send your help. Only with presence of all this information
I can get your help.
I do not know what answer I will get from you. I very much am afraid that you
will not help me. But I want to tell, that I really need you, and I simply can't endure
the thought that I did almost everything, but I will not meet you. I understand that
it is big money. I have given all my forces, but together we are stronger. I really
ask you to help me. I will give you back all your money at the earliest opportunity.
I have written you honestly and sincerely. Are you with me?
Your Marina
Marina Jazykova (Moscow, Russia)
Here is a repetitive scam sent to me...from yeah, you guessed it...
Marina Jazycowa (Moscow, Russia)
Hi, my Love. Hi, my Jim!
I even do not know what to tell first. I simply hope that you will be happy!
The most important, finest news - I did it! I got the visa! I am very happy!!!!
I as well have found out that I will get vacation November, 28 , 2007.
I have been to the company that reserves airway tickets. I asked them how I can reach Raleigh and how much it costs.
They have offered to me the roundtrip. I asked them to find cheapest ticket, because this price is expensive for me. They have answered that they have a cheaper ticket and the beginning of the flight December, 5 2007.
It costs $ 1197 USD. It was the best variant for me. I asked them to reserve a ticket.
But they refused, because they can't reserve the ticket without advance payment.
I must pay full cost. I have asked if I can pay a part of money now, and the other part later. They have told that it is possible, but I will be limited by term. And if I will not pay the full cost of the ticket within of this term, I will lose already nested money. I have agreed because it is the only chance for me, because I must give to
anti-emigration committee a data about my payment. By this moment I had only the concrete sum of money which I had after all my expenses.
I paid $ 787 USD. But it was not enough for them. In a panic, all what Elena and I could do - we pawned our gold earrings and rings and I got $ 133
That is all I could do. The number of the flight on which I will get the ticket is 283 Aeroflot-Russian International Airlines The time of departure from Moscow is 8:20 am. The time of arrival in
Raleigh is 8:02 pm.
I will change a plan in Rome, number of the flight US Airways 719.
Then I will change a plan in Philadelphia, number of the flight US Airways 707.
After this I will fly to Raleigh, to you.
I know that probably I simply must tell that I can't come to you because I haven't the remaining sum. I know that I promised to do all by self, and
I was sure that I can. I did not want to ask you. But after I did everything I did, I cannot simply tell that I will not come to you. I have passed through so many difficulties, and I have overcome the most difficult. But all the same I have disgusting feeling that I could not fulfill the promise. I am always ready to do all what is possible,- to fulfill my promises, but at
the same time I understand that any person could get in such a situation.
To get the visa I have spent much more money than I expected. But people were ready to help me only if I will pay them. I paid more than 500 dollars to get all documents, I paid in municipal committee, in the ministry. Even officers in army garrison have compelled me to pay for their help. I did not expect all this, but up to the last moment I was sure that I still can make everything. I expected that I can get a vacation payment. We get a vacation payment after ending of a vacation.
I asked to give me this money now because I need this money urgently. But, at the last moment I have got the answer that I can get this money urgently only in case of serious illness or for example in case of death of the relative. I feel so guilty. I was sure that nothing can prevent our
But I must pay remaining sum. It is $ 277 USD. And I must pay money before November 23 , evening. Otherwise I will lose my nested money and our jewelry will be sold out simply in vain. I know that I should not ask you, and I am very ashamed to do it. And maybe I really simply had to tell you that I can't meet with you because I could not provide my travel completely. But I cannot simply refuse our meeting
because then all my diligence, forces, nerves, means will be spent in vain. I
understand that for you it is too big sum to lend me. You are not obliged to help me. And 500 dollars which I have spent to get the visa, and 920 $ that I have given for the ticket are huge money for me. But I want you to know that I have given everything not for the sake of myself, but for the sake of us, for the sake of you and me. And I was happy all this time. If you want to meet me, to help me to make our meeting, please, send money to the help before November 23 , evening. I want you to be confident in my sincerity, that is why I send you the view of my visa. I want you to see the result
of my efforts.
If you can help me I will tell you what I have found out. Elena said that you can help me with the help of remittance system. So I have addressed to the nearest bank. I have been told that they use the system ''Western Union''.
They have told that it is very convenient office for me; and this system works always and reliably. I give you necessary elements for sending money with the help of ''Western Union'':
The name of bank: PETROCOMMERCE BANK
TAGANROG , 347900
In bank I have been told, that to get the money, I must tell to employee of bank your full name, your full address, exact sum which I should receive and some confidential numbers - Money Transfer Control Number. You will get this number in your bank if you will send your help. Only with presence of all this information I can get your help.
I do not know what answer I will get from you. I very much am afraid that you will not help me. But I want to tell, that I really need you, and I simply can't endure the
thought that I did almost everything, but I will not meet you. I understand that it is big money. I have given all my forces, but together we are stronger.
I really ask you to help me. I will give you back all your money at the earliest
I have written you honestly and sincerely. Are you with me?
Olga Kolotuhina (Omsk, Russia)
Scammer details :
Name : Olga
City : Omsk
Country : Russia
Postal address : Karla Libnehth 90 - 34
Phone number : 00 7 927 882 7915
Agency details :
Russian Brides dot com.
I did not report to the Agency
My story :
I contact the girl at Russian Brides . com in the internet. We correspond by e-mail for about 5 months, after we decide to meet in my country.
The girl request the money for air ticket plust some cash money to shaw to the
airport custom.
I send the money and I never seen the girl.
I have all the correspondence. I am sending the most important letter to understand better but the story is very common.
Thanks for your attention and will be very happy if you can publish the pictures and the name of the girl on your web warning all the persons
that will be in contact in the future.
Best regards.
Hello my dear Fiorenzo,
Thank God that with your mum all well my darling, yes I know, that such a diabetes, but I shall ask the God for health and health of your mother because mother it is important in a life of each person, I
understand you my honey as to you it is difficult if I could be near with you, I would do the utmost that to you it was easier both on heart and on your kind and sympathetic soul.
My darling, certainly I thought of arrival in Italy my darling but how I
spoke you looking where do you live in Italy? What city? What part?
My honey, I am probably will need from you money but for first it will be a little sum as i think, probably not more 450-500 euro, and the second i will try to do my best that i can travel to Italy for my own money my prince.
I can find out details, the provisional prices on Monday if I shall have details of your site in Italy, because Italy not the small country. And then we shall see, well my honey?
I wish your Mother of the prompt health, and to us a happy joint life,
As always it is frank and fair,
Olga Kolotuhina
hello my dear Fiorenzo,
Thanks for your letter. There can be my letter there will be the last to you, but to you to solve and in any cases I shall be glad that I had correspondence with you because you really excellent the man and I would wish to be with you, but the life is a life and it is necessary to accept all impacts.
So I shall be frank with you..., I shall be glad to meet you and your family to have acquaintance to your family that is necessary weddings with you.., I hope, that you can understand me, that I cannot answer particularly now your question because, I can answer this question only then when we shall directly together and if we shall succeed
together, certainly I shall tell to you YES Fiorenzo, I am ready to marry you.
That is necessary your age.., first if I did not wish to be with you in the future I would tell to you Excuse, but I shall not have correspondence with you because you are much more senior than me, secondly in my first letter, I wrote that there is such wisdom here in Russia: " all age are obedient to Love! " And I consider, that it is true. For me the age is not important, for me wisdom, care, respect is important soul the person. In fact the most important to be happy together and it and there is true Fiorenzo.
That is necessary my tickets and details of my arrival, again I shall be frank and to you to decide to trust me or not. I know, that you were deceived also by both of us know that scammers the world of the Internet, the woman which have filled are necessary money from you men abroad. I shall tell to you so, that if to consider the given situation in the points of view of money I could be work and have in Italy with my trade huge money than I have in Russia. But money for me not
important, me any more 18 years and I wish to create family and to appreciate all values of this family, here that is important for me.
So now more about details:
The ticket from Omsk up to Moscow will cost to me in 540 euros, then the ticket from Moscow up to Italy 330 euros. The visa will cost to me 90 euros, the insurance 50 euros, cash money 300 euros.
So as a result the trip to me will cost through agency in 2180 euros.
The company Aeroflot. I have cash money myself 1500 euros.
So i will need from you only 680 euros.
All documents business days, only shall be made out from 5-10 after that when to me on hands will give out tickets and so on, I can tell to you. And concrete date of my arrival and all other details I can tell to you after 2-5 days after a payment for services.
I think, that I could arrive to you for own money without your help. But because I travelled recently to Chyprus I have spent money and also recently have paid off with money of my friends, as debts.
As you can see Fiorenzo, I ask you these 680 euros, you can refuse to me, and I shall understand you because you already some times deceived.
There can be I too frank and my letter not so sweet and many problems because it in real, I the realist on a life and am not going to deceive you. To write sweet words about love to speak exact dates of my arrival to you when I still has issued to nothing. Yes I could, but I repeat not scammer.
I do not force and I shall not force you to transfer me these 680 euros, your right. Only if you will agree I can receive your money in any day.
I send you a copy of my passport also, and a copy of my ticket when I travelled on the Keeper, and also some pictures from Chyprus.
Also I shall write to you still my details to the letter:
My first name: O L G A
My last name: K O L O T U H I N A
City: O M S K
Country: R U S S I A
Adress: K A R L A - L I B N E H T A 9 0 - 34
Only by transfer you can not specify city in general because as you see I was born in Ivanovskoy oblast, and I live in Omsk and to me can give up in reception of money, therefore it will be better if you by transfer will not specify city but only specify the country.
And as you know for reception of your money, I shall be need from you aslo in details.. your details.
If you agree will not transfer me money dear Fiorenzo nevertheless write to me the letter and tell to me about it. In everyone cases we can be friends, I shall understand you in your choice do not worry.
But only I wish to tell, rely on your heart and there can be once in the morning you will rise before a mirror and will tell to yourself.., I would be a fool if I have kept 680 euros..., I wait from you for the answer,
Your frankly Olga