Elena Zubareva
i´m from Brasil, 40 old age, single, and this is the 4th time that i receive contact of Scammers. (2nd from Russia in 3 mounths).
This girl in question, yet isn´t in the black list... but, the style, and conversation is the same....
two weeks to fall in love madly and speak about money...
Well, follow the e-mails and photos...
The Scammer Elena Zubareva - elenochka <elllenaa@gmail.com>:
She begins the contact by Match.com
How your affairs xxxx?
If it is fair, I did not hope to receive your answer to my short letter …
Why you nevertheless have answered me? After all I did not leave any photos when was registered on match.com and wrote to you! I at all did not speak anything about me, besides after I have written to you, I have removed my profile that more nobody could write to me.
About! I have forgotten to greet you. Greetings xxxxx! Probably it because I very much waited your answer to my letter. As I already spoke to you, I looked your profile and you have very much interested me. You have seemed to me very interesting person though from such small quantity of the information I could not learn you well. But I hope, that we will continue to write each other and we will learn is better us. You probably already know from my letter to you, what my name Elena?
When I wrote to you, I did not speak where I live. I live in Russia, in the city of Ahtubinsk. I had so to do, that at me was more possibilities to receive your answer because I very much wish to learn you more. You are interesting to me not only as the person, but also as the man. But you will ask probably a question: why I wrote to you, after all you live very far from my city? On it there are two reasons: 1) Brazil is very good place to live. I always dreamt to visit Brazil but while it was not possible to me. But I read about your country much, I watch TV and I understand, that it is the country where everyone can do by the hands the happiness. In your country there is enough freedom to have a worthy life. I know, that at you everyone receives that he will earn itself. At you there is more than possibility to live adequately. There where I now live, it not the best place to live and create a family. I think, that in Brazil there is more than possibility to do a good life. 2) and probably this most important thing, in your country very good men. They more fair and decent. It is difficult to find the good man in our country.
But you should not think, that here I live absolutely badly. Even in our country if the person aspires to something, can achieve much. I very strong and purposeful woman also try to do so that my life was better.
I have a good family which helps me to struggle with all difficulties are my parents and my native brother. But I wish to build, own family, with my favourite person! I do not want the man from Russia because all our men are spoilt also their majority want from the woman only sex. I do not know any Russian man except my daddy and my brother who would be respectful to the woman and did not put myself above it, that is, I consider all of them haughty and spoilt.
At me as you should understand, the most serious intentions. I want, that I had a man who will always love me with which we will be an excellent command on a way of achievement of our joint purposes!
It seems to me, that our women are good enough also they are worthy to live happily. And as it seems to me, it is possible to do happiness only in your country, in Brazil, in the country of my dream! I know, that men from Brazil not such, as in Russia. You concern women is much better and your feelings are always true, frank and durable. You should know, that I the woman for whom love, fidelity, honesty is the most necessary feelings. I am not spoilt by an easy and self-denying life.
You have drawn my attention, and I wish to draw also your attention. But I will not speak today much about me. You can learn is better me from my following letters. Now I only will tell, that to me of 28 years, my growth of 169 centimetres, my weight of 56 kg. My birthday on November, 27th, 1979.
I hope, you understand, that serious relations are necessary to me only, that I wish to create a family, to live in Brazil and to have more the best life. If at you to me serious intentions we will be fine pair!
I have got used to struggle for the happiness and always to achieve objects in view. In my life already it is a lot of what I have achieved own forces. I not the poor woman, at me am good work, I receive enough of money to concern middle class in Russia, but it at all the most important. At me rich private world! Which my parents, school, university helped me to type. I am very grateful for it to them.
But I do not have family except my parents and the brother... I do not have true love... I hope, that with you I will find this love! I very much wish to create my family …
I will send you my photos and to hope, that you will appreciate me. Write to me please as soon as possible!
I will wait your letter.
P.D. I know, that you in your country prevails the Portuguese language, but unfortunately I do not know it... But I know 2 languages except Russian, it is Spanish and English languages. Therefore I ask, that you spoke to me in what language you can understand is better me and can write to me.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
xxxxx I speak to you good afternoon!
I hoped, that you will answer my first letter and my hopes were justified. I am very glad to it! Your letter delivered me great pleasure.
I will be always very attentive to your letters because it there was my initiative to write to you and, hence, I should be always attentive to that you will speak to me. Though it is possible, that I will sometimes miss some moments from your letters. I ask at once from you for this pardon.
You should forgive me that I now to you will tell. I wrote not only you... On a site of acquaintances match.com where I was registered and found your profile, there were three more men who have caused in me some liking. I have written to them... You should understand, that I wrote to them that at me was more chances to receive the letter though from someone. Now I am glad, that you have answered me with the first because you interest me more. If they answer me, I will refuse to them in acquaintance to me. Well?
When I wrote you my first letter, I did not know, about what we will speak in general. But now I assume, that we can build our acquaintance on stories about ourselves. And still I want, that you told to me more about your life. It seems to me, that it is necessary. I should learn you better to have fuller idea about the person with whom I, probably, will build a family.
xxxxx, I hope, you understand, what it is a main objective of my acquaintance to you? My age already 28 years, and I consider, that it is the most suitable age to create a family. The person who always the attention and love will heat my soul is necessary for me. For me the man from Brazil can become such person only, I do not want anybody another. I wish to do marriage only with the man of Brazil. I wish to live in Brazil and I wish to have a strong and happy family. In Brazil it is possible to do more for a family and for children. For this reason I wish to live and work in Brazil.
Brazil the beautiful country and in it there live beautiful people. I liked always temperament of men from Brazil and their passion! I like your culture, traditions, your language. Though I very badly know the Portuguese language, it is possible to tell, that I almost do not know it, but I can speak and write in English and Spanish languages. I English language at school and university, and me seem, that I know it well enough that we could understand each other. I tried to study the Portuguese language, but it was very difficult for me, and I only could learn the Spanish language a little. The teacher on Romance group of languages advised to me to study the Spanish language because it is considered easier. Now I regret that has thrown studying of the Portuguese language a little, but I hope, that we with you can easily understand us in English which I own almost in perfection.
I have a big hope, that ours the purposes coincide with you, and you search for love and happiness, that you wish to create a strong family. In this world probably everything, even despite distance which divides us. If we aspire together to an object in view, we will necessarily reach it!
All my words to you are true and frank, and I want, that you spoke me about yourself always the truth. It seems to me, that love not probably to build on lie. How you think in this occasion? I want, that my love was pure, strong and frank till the end of my life!
We speak with you on the Internet, and you probably understand itself, that it not the best way that gets acquainted. He does not allow people to feel presence each other. I never considered the Internet as a good place of acquaintance. But when learnt about a considerable quantity of cases, that people, being on distance of thousand kilometres started to love each other, I have changed my opinion. Though if to speak fairly, I could not trust in it. For me it was improbable! But with the facts to argue difficult... After all they could create a family and now live happily!
That it is better to learn us, we should as it is possible is more often and to write as much as possible each other. You have such possibility? I should you say, that I not always have it. I can write to you only when I am on work. My work allows to use to me the computer and to write to you.
When I searched for you, I at all did not represent, that so many people try to find love in the Internet! This fact has once again convinced me what to find love thus quite probably.
Forgive me please, that I always write to you so much, but I very much would like to speak about me that you learnt me is better more. Though we will have more many time that speaks and to learn us better, but I wish to speak to you about me much now.
Today at me it is a lot of work and it is necessary for me to have time to finish it not to take anything home and to do quiet rest.
By the way! I have told nothing to you about my work. I work in advertising agency «Reklama Online» this one of the best advertising agencies not only in our city but also in Russia. We are engaged in placing of advertising not only in our city. At us very big radius of action of work. I work as the advertising agent! I on this post 3,5 years! My work pays to me good money. I have a worthy residence. I work also to me much to have to get tired much. But I receive fair money for the heavy work.
xxxxx, speak to me about the work. You love the work! I very much like my work, in spite of the fact that it at me not simple. Probably it to like me because it not ordinary and I should not do monotonous work. Each new step to performance of necessary action differs from all previous and it allows to me stimulus to work much. Today I wish to send you still photo pair. And I hope to receive your photos. I have no many photo on work, but I will take their houses and to send to you still. To me it is sad, that I can I will not write to you every day. It is connected by that my house computer is not connected to the Internet. Therefore you should forgive me that I will not write to you to my days off.
Well, I will wait your following letter. You probably have to me now many questions? I will try to answer all your questions.
Write to me more likely!
Good-bye, Elena
Friday, April 4, 2008
Once again greetings my new friend!
Tomorrow at me days off begin and consequently I cannot write to you. I will work on Monday and then I will write to you. I hope you understand it! I hope you you will have a happy-end of week!
I wish you excellent days off!
To me it will be much pleasant, if you to me tell as you will spend these days off....
With impatience I will wait your new letter!
Una vez mas el saludo mi nuevo amigo!
Manana a mi comienza el fin de semana y por eso no podre escribirte. Trabajare el lunes y entonces te escribire. Espero tu lo comprendes! Espero ti tendras el fin bueno de la semana!
Te deseo el fin de semana excelente!
A mi sera agradable mucho, si me cuentas como pasaras este fin de semana....
Con la impaciencia esperare tu nueva carta!
April 4
Hello xxxxx! What's up? As there passes your day? Your affairs develop safely? You hoped today to receive my letter?
I always with impatience wait your new letters and each time I hope, that I will receive your photos.
O! First of all I should you tell about my days off! It seems to me, that I spent them very well. So I consider for myself. I visited my parents. I always receive good rest and good mood when I happen at my parents. We spoke much, discussed various themes, went all together to walk in park. Still we with my daddy played chess. We with it very much like to play chess. I consider, that it is very interesting game. And you like to play chess. I would like to play sometime with you.
In your day how many begins? My day begins very much early. It is necessary for me to wake up at 6.30. I do physical culture, I take a shower and I eat an easy breakfast. If at me remains a few free time, I look through houses my plan of work per day, I prepare the necessary documentation that from the very beginning of the working day to be completely the planned work ready to performance. Sometimes to me to have it is a lot of to work in the evenings. Even happens, that on work I should be late till 23.00!!!
This morning I have had time to copy some photo to send them to you. I hope, that you like all my photos, and I like you as the girl.
During a dinner on work we ate a pie and drank tea. Today Svetlana's birthday! It holds a post of the main manager. We wished to do today a small holiday in this occasion, but have decided, that we will postpone it for more free day. Because now we should carry out great volumes of works and on all there is no time. How your work? You spend joint rest with collective?
You know, I have received today two letters from other men. But I would like to tell to you, that it not good men. One of them thought, that I live in Brazil, and the second suggested to meet for the sex, asked from me my naked photos. I have answered them, that they more never wrote to me. I consider, that it is a lot of to speak it tritely about these things so soon.
I cannot still understand, what has forced you to write to me? Than you have been interested? Or it was mere curiosity?
I still wish to tell to you that I wrote to you on a profile because, something was pleasant to me in your profile, and it has seemed to me not such as all. And therefore, I have written to you. What has involved me in you? I do not know... After all I even almost do not understand the Portuguese language, but your profile me have interested.
You like to travel? You made many travel? Where you had to happen? I like to happen in different cities and the countries, but I only once was abroad. I travelled in Tajland on rest in the last summer. It is a lot of tourists from Russia happen there. There it is possible to do good rest, there many beautiful places. At us in Russia also many beautiful places. I happened in many cities of our country and impression from seen for ever remain in my memory. You visited Russia? What do you know about our country?
xxxxx, I wish to tell to you about how I live right now. I consider, that it is important to know about each other more. At me a small family. I have my big brother Andrey. It is more senior me for 2 years. My brother lives with the wife. I am very glad, that he already created the family and has the daughter whom call Anastas. I live in separate apartment which has got to me after my grandmother has died. My apartment to be not far from my parents. To come to parents, I should go 20-30 minutes on foot. My daddy call Alexander, a name of my mum Tatyana. Mine mum and the daddy now work. My daddy works as the engineer at factory on processing of the salt extracted from lake Baskunchak, mum works at the same factory. It holds a post of the bookkeeper.
We often gather all family. Sometimes my parents come to me, sometimes I visit them. At my parents very much good relations with each other. They very amicable family and already many years live together. I wish to imitate their example and to have the same strong family.
xxxxx, I want, that you spoke to me about your family. You will tell to me? Well?
Forgive, but I cannot write today to you any more. It is necessary for me to finish work. For me work is very important because I the responsible person and have got used to carry out always all qualitatively.
I hope, that you are already fast to me will answer!
Good-bye, Elena
April, 7
Hello xxxxx!
How there are your affairs? Your today was happy? I am glad, that Again I can read your letter! My day always very happy if I can see your letter!
You cannot imagine at all, how much I like your photos!!! I consider you as very nice man and I think, that to me have very much carried, that I could get acquainted with you. When I look your photos, I think. That I found the ideal man for family creation. I like your character, your way of life, your relation to this world much. It seems to me, that you in very good form and at you a fine constitution.
I today as always, began much early. I should not be late in work because at me the bad chief and it it is very strict to all to concern.
Yesterday it went to cinema with my girlfriend. We looked a film "Indigo". It is a fantastic film about the higher abilities of the person. You looked this film?
I have told to the girlfriend, that I correspond with you and have told to it, that you like me, it very happy. And I very happy also, that now at me am such friend as you, and I am assured for 100 percent, that our friendship will grow in what that bigger.
xxxxx, and you like to go to cinema? Which films you like to look? I love historical films and a melodrama, but with a happy-end. Sometimes I like to look fantastic films. I like to be set sometimes in front of the TV and little bit interesting sight, but in the summer I prefer to walk usually on fresh air. But in the winter or when it is raining, I can look any film or show or simply new transfer. I like to read also. I like to read books because of history and the book about meaning of the life. I like a lot of books Paolo Koelho. I think, that you heard on. With the big interest I have read its books about a legendary way of Santiago and I would like to make sometimes to me pilgrimage because of this way because it is a good way to know the country and the nobility interesting people. What do you think of it? You love reading?
I tell, that Brazil very rich country because of history, it is the native land of many well-known people of art. To like art, painting, theatre.
I like to prepare! I am a good cook! I think, that Wash the majority of favourite foodstuff it is rice with vegetables on a garnish and on the second a fried trout! From meat I love pork. I often houses fried a pork cutting with various sauces. Still I love a potato baked in an oven by the big pieces, I love the chicken baked in an oven. I like to eat houses and I do not like to go at fast food restaurants. I worry about we wash health. I try to eat only natural products. They sell now many products which were raised on the excellent guarantees, which unhealthy. Because of it our family grows up products on the kitchen garden At us there is a ground area in 50 kilometres from a city. You have a ground area where it is possible to grow up products? I not to drink alcohol - it is a lot of. I do not smoke also. The woman should possess natural beauty! I worry about my figure. I practise sports also. To be engaged fitnes! I visit Fitnes-club. I like to visit pool also.
Well, I mean in yours, that in me your life is interesting very much. Please, I have given me the most possible. Well? Absolutely we people and I understand you as the person, but we of excellent cultures and not certain things it is probable. I happy will hear yours on it! Your letters help me to represent your life better. xxxxx, he would like to ask you on your passions. What mistresses especially to be engaged? You like to observe TV?
You like to go to walk on shops? You play musical instruments. But me it is much sad, that I cannot well play a musical instrument. In the childhood parents gave me to musical school in a piano class, but I was engaged only 1 year and now I can not well play it. You love music? I like to listen to types distinct from music! It depends possibly on my mood. I love classical music! My dear composers whom I listen often, have died much for a long time, but I tell, that its creations immortal. It - in such composers as Miail Ivanovich Glinka - the Russian composer. He to me is pleasant to listen to it óperas "Ruslan i Ludmula", "the Life because of the tsar"; Bach Iogan Sebastjan - the Composer and the organist. And others many which people the big people have glory creations. At me is much ŃD at home! Still I like to go to cinema. As soon as there leaves a new film, with girlfriends we buy tickets and we go to cinema!
Theatre? For a long time already it was not at theatre and fodder, that this art! It went at theatre possibly 2 years ago. We have unfortunately our usual life a lot of work and excellent it has placed. Because of it not probably to find always Time suffices to go and entertain. You concordant with me?
I wait that my letters do not tyre you with interest about which I write. Only I wish to show in yours my life and to consider, who such I. I can sometimes be very curious and because of it do not surprise! Well?
My independent wife. I wish to feel the woman. Certain men do not estimate the woman. xxxxx, you should have in relation to the woman communication with me first as. Unfortunately we while it far at us are not present possibility to be. Though he would like to see you much in the person! A way or other our very unusual knowledge and me it is interesting! Fairly to speak, here in Russia certain men offer me friendship. My young man and attractive is enough. But in yours I have told as I want serious communications and I wish to create my family in Brazil.
I should say to you, that my last communications with the person were one one one year ago! It was good the person as it seemed to me in the beginning, but after it found to itself more pleasant girl and left from me. Still besides this girl had an influential daddy and he has preferred it me. After that I hate all Russian men and never I will entrust them more my feelings. All of them greedy, and double-faced. From girls they wish to receive only own benefit.
You involve me with interest to speak much in me about yours! He will wait, that you want to speak also with me, and because of you it is interesting.
You now my good friend! I have a friend in other country! The Internet a wonderful thing!
Please, you have a communication only with me it serious. Possibly you the person of my dream? Always about yours I will be sincere. It I promise you.
Today I wish to send you pair of my photos still. I wait that they will like you so as my previous photos.
Well, I should come back. Possibly I will close this letter. Write soon!!!
Your photos have gone! I will wait your letter! Sincerely, Elena
April, 8
Hello xxxxx!
It you I again write, Elena. I do not bother you with my letters? You wait my letters? It is always interesting to you to read what I write to you?
I always with very big anticipation open my mail in hope to see your new letter and to read your news.
How today there is your day? Your day goes well? What weather at you? You are happy in the afternoon? At me today all is good. I am glad to today. But I not always have good mood during day. Sometimes my mood is spoilt by my work. Because my work forces me to worry and spend many nerves often. But I consider me as the optimist and I try negative to search in all the good parties. How you behave in such situations?
My today pleases me! Today me cannot disturbs work, even that I have not slept. I have risen today earlier than usually because it has been excited by an anticipation of your letter. I wished to see more likely your letter and to learn about you, how you live and than are engaged. And it has been justified! I have received a lot of pleasure when could read your letter!
For a today I did already a lot of work. I have concluded two contracts on advertising manufacturing! I already said to you, what I work in advertising agency? All collective very much appreciates my abilities as the designer. And besides I still sometimes find places to place advertising of the customer! It is very good indicator! Our some workers cannot make weeks anything worthy. My chief appreciates me as the good worker and always holds up me as an example all the rest.
I am am disturbed constantly by thoughts on you. I represent you to myself, and in my head thoughts on creep in, whether you recollect me, whether you think of me, or you think about what that to other girl who is pleasant to you more than I... To me it becomes Sometimes sad from such thoughts... You should know, that in my head only you. I have got acquainted with you and I do not wish to think of anybody the friend except you. It is always interesting to me to learn your news, or easier to read your story how you spend time. I re-read your letters on some times. To me expensively each word which you write me. I represent, as though we could walk, breathe with you fresh air. We could go on quay to street. You know, we in Ahtubinske have very beautiful quay street, and the river Volga, this majestic and mighty river, gives all to it indescribable beauty. It is very sad, that we with you live far apart. . I would like, that you sometime visited my city. What do you think of it?
xxxxx, yesterday I was called by the wife of my brother and told to me, that it has pregnancy! I came to full delight from this news! Soon I the second time will become the aunt! And my parents become again the grandmother and the grandfather! We very good girlfriends and always share with the wife of my brother with each other all secrets. We with it always speak much, and much we trust each other.
When she has got acquainted with my brother, she always spoke to me about their relations. It is always interesting to me to listen to it. And you can speaks to me about your relations with women when you last time had a woman? You long were together? I understand, that it is a personal question and I will not take offence, if you do not want to speak to me. But it seems to me, that I should know, after all we with you want serious relations, and they are not possible without full confidence each other.
I should you tell, that my last relations with the man were one one year ago! It was the good man as I considered in the beginning, but then it found to itself(himself) more nice and rich girl and left from me. After that I have begun to hate all Russian men and I will never not trust them any more my feelings.
Still I wish to know about your relation to women. You prefer long relations? What should be the woman of whom you dream? It should be clever? Beautiful? Formed? Fair? Cheerful?
For me on the first place, concerning the man and the woman there is an understanding between them, trust and probably a physical inclination. But first of all, they should be friends! It seems to me, that only the big and light love can begin with it. I want, that I in a life had this great feeling. I wish to love my man all heart! I wish to give it my smile every day, and to receive from it mutual the relation! I wish to be happy from this love.
For me very important detail of family happiness is well-being and a cosiness in the house where we will live. Me the luxury does not interest, I have to it no propensity. I simply want, that in the house in which we will live, always there was a mutual understanding, mutual aid, sincerity and love. I want, that my man cared of the house, about a family. It is very pleasant, when the person does that that in the house. I very much love, when at home an order, when all pure and tidied up.
You are engaged in homework? It to like you? You grow up flores? I very much love flores! At me they stand everywhere! But to a floor, but tables, at windows, they hang on walls. I the parent have a garden, and there grows much flores.
Today I wish to send you still my photos. I do not know why, but it seems to me, that they will like you. They like you? I hope, that you will give also to me your photos, I always wait much, that to a smog to see your photos because you like me, and from a photo I can learn is better you.
I cannot write today to you any more, it is necessary for me to work more many.
I will wait your letter. Write to me more likely!
Un abrazo, Elena
April, 9
Hello my darling xxxxx!
Today you pleased me again with the letter. I am grateful to you that you continue to write to me. It is always very pleasant to me to learn your news.
How there passes your day? I'm fine and I am glad to today.
I hope you you will forgive me for that that I yesterday to you that did not write. I could not write, because at me was a lot of work and I had not time to do all. I was much sad, that could not answer you but so there were circumstances...
xxxxx, it is very interesting to me to learn about you more. Please, write to me as much as possible about you, tell about everything, that to you occurs, as occurs, about your hobbies. Than you are engaged at leisure as you spend your rest.
We communicate with you already enough long time and have a little learnt each other. And now I start to reflect on when we can meet you in increasing frequency. For me the real meeting with the person if I want that we could build our relations further is very important. I consider, that without it it is impossible to understand the person up to the end. I heard that it is possible to do video communication with any person of any point on globe, but I consider, that it is not enough of it. Besides, when I wanted, that on my computer installed such program, my chief was very dissatisfied. He forbade me it to do and has told, that on work I should be engaged work and not to distract on extraneous affairs. I tried it to convince, that it is necessary for me to speak it with people, but he has told, that if I want to someone, something tell I can to write the letter by e-mail. He considers, that it occupies less time for empty conversations. I could not convince him...
How you think, we could meet you in the near future? You would like to meet me in Brazil? I think, that I can find enough of money to arrive to you. My wages allow me to postpone every month the small sum of money for contingencies and I already have small savings.
I would like to arrive to you to Brazil and to be with you nearby some time which will allow us with you better to learn us. Or you can arrive to me to Russia?
Please, say to me more that you think of our meeting. Well?
As I already spoke to you, I travelled in Tajland, but it was for a long time, and I made my travel not one, and it was not Brazil. Besides, there passed already a lot of time and it seems to me, that much has changed in the conditions of travel to other country. It seems to me, that to visit Brazil, exist a lot of new and absolutely other rules. We made travel together with my mum. You heard something about Tajland? I still had good memoirs till today. It is very mysterious and attractive country.
If I when or to a smog to visit your country, I wish to be assured, that you will care of me, and I will be in full safety. It will be very interesting to me to see, how you live.
I read your letters and is better I learn you, I learn your life, your way of life is better, I understand you as the person more, but I consider, that our meeting will be much necessary for us. Without a meeting, we cannot learn us completely.
I consider myself as the independent girl, and I try not to depend on anybody. I always make all my decisions independently. I always very seriously concern my acts and actions. And I also hope, that you also will concern seriously to that we with you will undertake. You seem to me, that the serious and good person, that all your intentions are light and consequently, you have very much interested me.
Today I will give you a photo with my mum and my daddy and still any photos which I casually found today in my computer.
Well, now I should finish my letter. I any more have no free time and should be engaged in work.
Write to me more likely!!!
Remember that all my words to you are serious and frank. It not simple words, I never start up words on a wind. And I hope for reciprocity...
I send you embraces, Elena
April, 11
Greetings my darling xxxxx! How you feel?
Today you again did my day much good! I went for work with the big desire because hoped to see your letter! How there passes your time? How your native both friends? I'm fine and my family is perfectly in order!
You should forgive me that I did not write to you earlier, but I had no such possibility. On Friday I already thought, that after work I will wish you happy days off and to come back home, but I is barefooted asked, that I went to other city to conclude the contract and I only last night came back home. My trip passed well but when we went, I was carried by the driver from our firm, we saw two big failures! It is much sad, because in one of them people were lost. Two men were in the car and the lorry ran into them on the big speed. And still there was one failure, the big lorry laid behind a road roadside are turned.
But this all sad events and I hope, that about it I will soon forget.
Today it was very heavy to me to find new forces again to go for work, but I have overcome myself and again I write to you! It pleases me much!
Last night my Daddy arrived to me to the house. We drank tea, and I spoke to the daddy about you. I told to it, that have learnt the good person on the Internet, and we with you speak about us much. The daddy asked me much about you, and I to it told. I said, that you very good, decent and fair person, that you treat kindly me. The daddy asked your name, and I said, that you call xxxxx. He asked your age and approved my choice of the man of such age. He said, that it is very suitable age to do serious relations. I said to it, that you from Brazil. The daddy has been much surprised and said, that it is very far and that I in vain did acquaintance to the man, of the far country because he considers, that my meeting with you is practically impossible. And he even has been a little annoyed on me that I did not speak anything to it about you earlier. But I once again said to it, that you very good man and that you will badly never arrive with me. I said, that at us with you now very good friendship and is possible, that we with you, we will soon meet. The daddy asked me, whether mum knows about it? I said, that was not present, and promised to the daddy that I will come to their house and to tell to mum about you. The daddy was happy with it, but spoke, that I immediately spoke about it still to the brother. It was glad, when I said to it, that brother Andrey already knows about you, and that it wished my a lot of good luck with you xxxxx, but spoke, that I was cautious. I was afraid, that it will treat badly to that I communicate with the man from other country, but it has reacted to it with understanding because he knows, that I do not trust Russian men and that I wish to search for my happiness in Brazil much.
So, tonight I will go to the house of my parents, and to tell to all of them about you. About your interests, about your hobbies, about your way of life and about all the rest, that I know about you. Well?
xxxxx, last time, I think of you … To me already more and more to become very sadly when I cannot see your letter. I do not know, that such to me occurs. Probably, what it is what that feelings which at me have arisen to you? But it is difficult to me to speak about it because I up to the end cannot understand what exactly I to yet you I test. There can be this feeling of friendship, or feeling of attachment to you, or you are necessary for me as the person, in dialogue with which it is simply pleasant to me to spend time? I do not know … I cannot speak about my feelings now. And there can be it love? I do not know that it, and I can not be confident it for 100 percent, but I have what that feelings to you which now I cannot describe … Probably, that it simply propensity and an inclination to you, I do not know, but I constantly think of you. What do you think of it? It will be very interesting to me to learn from you thoughts in this occasion.
Allow me to ask you a question. You think of me? Only I ask, that you answered me fairly. For me it is very important. Your life has changed, after in it there was I? You have though what that feelings concerning me? Oh, it seems to me, that I cannot sleep today well because I will think much of you. Now I write you the letter with my warm feelings, unfortunately, in the letter I cannot place all my feelings … Forgive me, but to you can seem, that I move too quickly if fairly, I did not want that all developed so quickly, but I should you say, that you are much interesting to me also I think of you, about us with you.
Only recently I have written to you, there has passed not enough time, and I already have to you what that feelings. And consequently xxxxx, I wish to ask you about other women who probably are at you. You have now other woman, you write to someone except me? Only please, answer my question fairly.
I always fair with you also can say, that I now do not have any other man, and I do not write to anybody except you. You understand it?
xxxxx, now I wished to be in Brazil much and to meet you, I wish to be near to you. I wish to meet you as soon as possible. Together, when we will be together, it will be easier to us to solve all questions which I will concern our further future. I wish to solve questions concerning us with you more likely. I think, that it is possible only when we can be some time together.
If I to you arrive, we could is better learn each other. If you want, that I arrived to you, I will use the best efforts for this purpose. I think, that I can find enough of money to arrive to you. How many it will demand money? I think, that it should not be much expensive. I visited Tajland and I remember, that to receive the visa a lot of time and forces is not required. I think what to receive the visa to Brazil also to easily and its smog to receive and arrive to you. We are kept away only by travel by the plane! I heard, that it is a lot of tourists from Russia visit Brazil and can do it easily! I ask, that you told to me more in detail about how I can travel to Brazil. You know something about how a smog to travel from Russia to your country? I will try to learn now more about travel to your country.
Today I will speak with my mum and I will tell to it, that I wish to go to Brazil and to meet you. I am ready to change my life to the best. I wish to build my happiness and I wish to do it with you. All my family wishes me the best life and want, that at me always all was good, and they will not be against we were together.
Also I should think of my work. The matter is that I do not wish to lose my work. At me good work and I love in what I am engaged much. And if our relations do not grow, when we will meet, it will be necessary for me to come back to Russia and to continue to work on an old place. If we with you can become closer each other, and I will remain later in Brazil it seems to me, that I with ease to a smog to find work in your country because I consider my work claimed in any country.
If you really wish to build with me serious relations and want, that I arrived to you, I will take on work holiday, on account of my salary. I think, that my chief will allow me to go to Brazil and will give to me 1 month for this purpose. We could realise happy time together.
Today I wish to send you some more my photos. These photos with mine girlfriends. On one photo I with my best girlfriend. Her name Natalia. Second my girlfriend call Maria and on thirds of photo I with girlfriend Anastasiej.
I hope, that you will like these photos, and you will love these photos.
I seriously consider ours with you communications on the Internet and really I want, that our meeting with you has taken place.
I ask, that you wrote to me in the following letter on our meeting. I want, that you said to me, that you think in this occasion. You should know, that I will not regret neither forces, nor money that can to meet, and I think, that to a smog independently to arrive to you.
Now I will work again, and I will wait your letter.
Kisses, Elena
April, 15
As your affairs, xxxxx! I hope, that at you all is good! Today I have very heavy day on work and I am already very tired.
I think, that I can give you now my phone number, but I am not assured, that you can call to me because my phone does not accept calls from abroad. My number: +79031895899. I will call very soon to you and we with you can speak.
You missed me? You waited my letter? I could not wait the moment when I will see your letter and I will write you the answer. I feel happy and this considerable parts because even colleagues because of work have noticed it already. I am in the seventh sky of happiness from it, I feel, that it is not simple acquaintance.
I wish to find also the person who will be about me while I live in this world and all volume that has occurred. A life beautiful when you divide it with that the one whom you love. I wait, that you and I can divide I wash this life together. For me it is not important, rich it or poor. You have not important, what house. As though it was the lock or a hut. For me it is important only, that personally my owner is, and together we can submit mountains.
As I also spoke to you, I went to the house of my parents and spoke with my family about you. Now all my family knows about you! I spoke to all about you.
My mum asked about your age, and I spoke how old are you. It reacted to it well. The daddy asked, whether you have children. Still they to me set set of questions on you, and I answered them about you. We spoke about you much, discussed you all the evening long. All my family had an impression, that you very good person.
After a supper we spoke only with my mum. You probably can guess what can speak only mother and the daughter. They can have secrets and secrets, and nobody can understand the girl better, than own mother. Mum said, that I arrive well, that have found to myself the good man from other country. But she spoke to me, that I did not move so quickly and asked me that I learnt you little bit better. I understand it completely because it many to worry about me, after all I its native daughter. But from my stories she understood, that you the good person and you it is possible to trust. I think, that if we with you will have communications, you will want to speak with my daddy. My daddy wishes to speak with you much! He wishes to learn you better and wants, that you became its friend!
My daddy very good person and me seems, that you with it can to become good friends easily! He, very family person and always to care of us, about the family.
My brother also always to care of us and tries to help in all of us. All my family wish my only good luck in this life.
I said to my mum, that I wish to go to Brazil and to look, how you live. She asked me, whether you that I arrived to Brazil want, whether you invited me in your country?
I have told, that you would be very happy, if we met, and spent some time together.
The darling xxxxx, I also wanted much, that you arrived to me to Russia, in my city. My parents I will are glad, if you can come to us. I wish to acquaint you with my family, and my family wishes to learn you better much.
I wish to see as you live, I wish to see your country. If everything, in ours with you relations passes well, I can move completely in your country and live with you, do a family with you. I want it much! But before, I should arrive at first to you and learn you directly. We should meet up to the end to understand we approach for us or not. After that we with you can go together to Russia, and I will acquaint you with my family, with my city, with my country. I think, that it is good thought.
We can is better learn each other. I will not stir to you if I arrive? Where I can remain? Expensively, to live in Brazil? I ask about a foodstuff, about hotel? You will be glad to see me in your house? Write to me please about it. I very seriously speak with you. You lighted my interest, and I am much interested by you. We with you already adult people also should understand us in these questions.
I already enough time work also I think, that I presume to myself this travel. A question now in you. Whether you that I made this travel want? If you want, I will choose for this purpose most suitable time. But it is necessary for me to solve still this question on work because I cannot so simply to leave my work. Besides, I should prepare for it my family. For them it will be not simple to release me for big time in other country, they will worry much about me. Also I should learn more many prophetic about travel.
It seems to me, that you that person whom I searched for a lot of time. You good, gentle, careful, kind. You the true and fair person. I am assured, that you the person of the word, and you can be for me the good companion in a life. I think, that at us all can be good, and we will be the most beautiful and loving joint pair.
If, when I arrive to you, we will decide, that our relations should not proceed, I will come back home also we will remain good friends!
Well, I will finish my letter. You should understand. That I trust much to you and I want, that you were with me same frank and frank. I hope, that you have concerning me only serious intentions.
I wait for your letter tomorrow!
Kisses, Elena
April, 16
Hello xxxxx! I am very glad, that today again I can read your letter. Your letters always do my day better. Sometimes I try to postpone reading of your letters for the end of the working day because by the end of the working day at me the bad mood collects a lot of and only reading of your letters allows me to get positive emotions. How there passes your day? You had many positive emotions today?
xxxxx, you invite me to Brazil? I wish to see your country and your way of life really much. I should see it my eyes, and I think, that time which we will spend together, will be our happiest time. We already very good friends and I should say, that our friendship can grow in love. My feelings to you are true also it much important for me. In my life now there is a friend and it you! I fair concerning my friends and I do not betray them never. Besides, I hope much, that you as concern me, and we can love each other! I really want, that between us there was a love and warm feelings. I want, that between us there was a trust and understanding. I think, that there, where do you live, this very good place to live and create a family.
You thought of me today, you recollected me last night? Tell to me please how you consider the future? What do you want in the future? You want, that I was a part of your future? You want, that your future wife was till the end of a life with you?
I wish to marry only once and to be happy throughout all life.
What in today at you was unusual? You had that that unforeseen? My today usual. Yesterday I have laid down to sleep late enough, and I thought of you. Yesterday I was called by my girlfriend Natalia. She suggested me to go today to an ice palace and to skate. I promised nothing to it, because at all I have no free time in the evening. Probably, that today we will go to skate. I have the big desire, but I do not know, whether there will be at me such possibility …
xxxxx, I want finds you as soon as possible. I really look at things, and I think, that it will be necessary for me to be prepared well to make this travel.
I hope, you understand, that in the beginning I should speak with my chief, with my parents. I think, that all will go well and then I should define time when I will be ready to a meeting with you.
I already travelled to other country, and I think, that now I also can make travel. I am ready to travel now, but I am not ready to going to Brazil. It is necessary for me to prepare for it much. If you want, that I arrived to you, I will prepare for it! At first I will speak with my chief and my family and I will go then to travel agency to receive all particulars of travel to Brazil. To me some rules for visiting of your country are already known, and they differ from rules of visiting Ňŕéëŕíäŕ a little. I later will learn more and I will speak to you about how there passes my preparation for travel for you. OK?
I also would want, that you spoke to me, when I should arrive to you.
I understand, that you also work and I think, that if you cannot take short rest from work when I will arrive to you, it will not stir to us. I could remain in your house when you will be on work and then when you will come from work in the evening, we could remain one and speak much! It will like you? I will not interfere to work to you! I on the contrary, wish to inspire you! Now I imagine, as you come from work, and I embrace you, I do for you my kisses. I do not want, that you spent for me many money. Money to whom are not given easily and that them to earn, it is necessary to spend many forces and time and consequently, we can simply be at home. I would make for you a supper, we could eat only together or call your friends. Also I can help you with work on the house and I can do an order in your house. I already in an anticipation of our meeting!
I think, that already very soon we with you can speak on the phone. You will allow, that I called to you? We should speak on the phone with you and hear our voices! I hope, that you will like my voice. I ask, that you once again wrote me your phone numbers. I want, that you gave me your house phone number, number of your cellular telephone and probably phone number of work. If I know your numbers, I can call to you during any time convenient for me and so we can co-ordinate our actions is better. I have got used to take correct always all things, and I think, that we can soon speak with you.
It is good, then I will start to do some steps for our meeting. I think, that we with you will make everything, that in our plans and we will do all correctly and quickly that our meeting could take place as soon as possible.
To me will have to do all by one, and I want, that you wrote to me every day and inspired, I want, that you the words helped me to struggle with difficulties which will meet on a way of my movement to you, on a way of our happiness ….
I think, that this meeting is much necessary for both of us!
I send you my kisses! Speak to all your friends greetings from Russia!
I will think of you, and to prepare for our meeting.
Only yours, Elena
April, 17
Good afternoon xxxxx!
You missed me? You looked forward my letter? It was very heavy to me to wait that time while I could not be near to the computer because I wished to see your new letter much. I hastened to write to you as soon as possible.
You cannot imagine at all, how much I like your photos!!! I ask you that you continued to send me the photos. I consider you as very nice man and I think, that to me have very much carried, that I could get acquainted with you. When I look your photos, I think. That I found the ideal man for family creation. I like your character, your way of life, your relation to this world much. It seems to me, that you in very good form and at you a fine constitution.
You know, I already started to take some steps to sew to a meeting. I have decided, that first of all I will speak with my parents. My mum very well understands me and consequently I at first have told to mum that I wish to travel to Brazil to have a meeting in the person with you. Mum attentively listened to me, and she asked about my plans. I have told to mum, that for me it is necessary to create family. I have told also, that I wish to be happy, and she understood my desire to live in Brazil. I have explained, that in Brazil higher standard of living, and I can have the best life. After some silence mum has told, that I already adult woman, and I have the right to build itself my life and to make of the decision. For my mum the most important thing that I was happy. Also mum asked to forget about our family never. Mum has told, that very much me loves, and she cannot go through, if with me there is something bad. I have told, that I will do only correct things. I, of course, very much love my family, mum, the daddy, the brother and I will never forget them. I have told, that if I will have possibility I always will arrive on a visit and also I will help.
Anyhow, I for the present in Russia and I reflect on all things. Besides, our first meeting will not be a lot of long, and I will arrive to Russia.
I really wish to build my life, and I am confident, that I do correct things. Then we have gone to speak with the daddy. My daddy as the engineer, always respects well thought over actions. He respects accuracy and confidence and consequently he has told to me, that at first I should meet you in the person in Brazil and to see your way of life, your house, your country. I really agree, that only after that I can draw conclusions on a real life in Brazil together with you. I should understand my feelings. Both of us should understand all things between us. Correctly? The daddy, of course, very much worries about me. Anyhow, Brazil it is far, but I have told, that you will care of me. Anyhow, my parents have approved my choice and they have told, that will not be against I visited Brazil for some time and visited you. I was very glad, because I wished to hear these words from parents! I should have support of my parents. They already adult people and they have lived a long life, and they understand many things better me. So, I have met with approval of my parents!
They have told, that you very good and beautiful man. The daddy also invites you to Russia. I promised, that we with you will arrive together to Russia.
Now I can go easy to agency of travel and to find out all details, to go to Brazil. I think, that it will occupy time to finish all documents. I heard, that for this purpose it is required about 4 weeks to receive the passport and then some days, to receive the visa.
If all things go well I think, that in 4 weeks I can have all documents the ready! For this time I will have time to solve all things on work with mine the boss. I will work some time to have additional money for my trip. Then I will take a vacation! I will speak soon with mine the boss about it.
In the near future I plan to go to travel agency, and I will write you all details as soon as I find out.
I very much trust you also I hope, that you will not deceive me, and you will care of me.
I very much dream of you! I want, that there has more likely come day of our meeting.
I want, that our feelings developed, and we had serious relations.
You know, we speak for a long time already with you, and I have not told at all to you my surname! I will tell to you about it right now. My full name Elena Zubareva. I also wish to know as much as possible the personal information on you. OK?
I really hope, that you loved all my photos. I am confident, that you in a reality will love more my appearance. Photos deform a reality a little, and I think, that in a life I more beautiful! You also very beautiful and we will be beautiful pair together! Today I will give you still my photos. You know, they like me much, and I hope, that they will like also to you.
You will allow me to speak xxxxx my love? I also would want, that you spoke Elena my love!
Now I will say goodbye to you. In the following letter I will speak to you more about details of my stay to you.
I will wait your letter.
I send you kisses, my favourite xxxxx.
Yours Elena.
April, 18
Now I wish to write you some lines on target that you did not forget me. Probably I cannot write now to you till Monday... For me it is much sad, but nothing can be done...
I wish you good days off. I hope, that you will not miss these days, but still I want, that you at least once for these days have recollected me and have written the letter that on Monday my day began with good news!
Good luck!!!
P.D. I will give you a photo which was done by my girlfriend in a beauty salon. By the way, almost all my photos are done by my girlfriend who has a good camera. I casually found this photo on a flesh-card, which always a burden with me.
April, 18
Hello my love xxxxx,
I waited very much your letter.
Today we good enough weather, (in our understanding :)). We have already got used to our changeable spring weather which can vary on three times for a day. Happens, that it is frosty also all pools are covered by an ice crust in the morning, during the lunchtime it becomes clear and the sun shines, and the rain in the evening starts to go.
It is good, that now there is no wind. When still the wind, apparently, what to become much more coldly and such weather causes only bad mood and negatively operates on a state of health. Even in spite of the fact that sometimes during a wind the bright sun shines, air continues to remain very cold.
But we have already got used to this inconstancy, and it is not for us the big problem.
How is the weather at you? How your mood? When I will arrive to you, you will have good weather?
O! I had excellent days off! I went to my parents and the daddy suggested me to go on walk to a wood zone. I was much glad to its offer and we with it and with my girlfriend made walk on wood. Now very beautifully in wood because the first flowers and the first bushes of a grass start to blossom. It was magnificent! Then we came to the house of my parents drank tea and shared impressions from walk.
You cannot imagine at all, how much I like your photos!!! I ask you that you continued to send me the photos. I consider you as very nice man and I think, that to me have very much carried, that I could get acquainted with you. When I look your photos, I think. That I found the ideal man for family creation. I like your character, your way of life, your relation to this world much. It seems to me, that you in very good form and at you a fine constitution.
Today the important day to our meeting. I spoke with mine the boss about a vacation. I explained our situation. My boss the good man. He attentively listened to me and asked some questions. For example, how long I will remain in your country if I will dare to travel? Also he asked my plans for the future. My boss very much respects me as the person and as the fellow worker. He knows, that I always can charge responsible tasks. He believes, that I the clever woman, and I will take all things correctly. The chief agrees with me, that I should build private life. It will not interfere with it, and it it will be kind to give me a vacation for any time. It will always take for me a work place. I was so is glad to it! He said, that with ease can restore me on a former workplace. Even promised to give good recommendations if I get a job in your country.
So, my parents not against our meeting, my boss also not against I for some time left work. After all all of them wish my only good luck and want, that I found it more likely. I am quiet now about it. Their support inspires me much and adds forces in preparation of travel for you.
You also wish to meet me, and you wait, when I will arrive. It seems, all things go to us towards and to me it is very pleasant, that all so occurs. I think, that this good beginning to our serious relations.
Besides, I feel, that I do correct things. I have to you many feelings. Thanks to which I feel last time a lot of happy. I do not know that it … probably, that it is love though about it to speak now is not possible almost because we with you do not know each other personally, but it gentle what that gentle and kind feelings which force me with trembling and tenderness to think of you, about us with you. I wish to love you, and I want, that between us feelings of love in due course grew, I want, that these feelings developed into the big and long love.
I very seriously think of you, I trust you. Also I think, that it is big good luck to meet the good man on the Internet. I am confident, that in a life you also very kind, fair and loyal man. Besides, I believe, that you the gentle and careful man.
Probably, already today along toward evening or tomorrow early in the morning I will go to travel agency. I already was there earlier, and I know, where it is located. I wish to find out as soon as possible the necessary information and all rules for visiting of Brazil. I will find out also cost of tickets to Brazil. You should meet me on your car or I should take a taxi? How it will be more convenient for you? It will be more convenient for me and it is pleasant, if you meet me at the airport! You can write my name on a paper and so I can faster find you though I think, that I learn you! I already have for you some gift. It is a souvenir. My parents will send also to you some gift from heart. I am confident, that I will take with myself a lot of prophetic! I will take a dress, and to dress every evening! This beautiful dress and I ordered it under the personal request in studio. It is very beautiful!
Tomorrow I can inform you more information on our meeting. I already even to a smog to tell more precisely when I can arrive to you! You can be prepared for our meeting also! You are raised to meet me?
Well, speak to all HELLO from me. I will write to you tomorrow. I love you!
I send you my kisses!
With hope, Elena
April, 21
Mi xxxxx, I love you!
I very much want, that we were faster together! I hope, that this happy day for me will soon come! I wait this day, as any another.
My parents and friends spoke to you HOLA! Mum already asked as us with you of business with a meeting. I have explained to mum, that everything is all right. On work of problems with a vacation will not be, and my boss has told, that in any day I can go on a vacation.
Today I went to agency of travel. It is located in our city and is called "Mr. Fogg y Paspartu"! They render set of services. I have addressed to the lady with questions, and she has kindly answered me all my questions. I have explained, that I wish to visit Brazil! The lady has asked, whether I have the passport? I have told YES! I received my passport for a long time already when travelled in Tajland. The lady said to me, that my passport has restriction and now it is necessary for me to prolong it, but it will not occupy a lot of time. Also she asked my marital status, my earnings, whether I have children, whether I have the driver's licence, and set of other questions. I kindly answered each question. I also have explained, that before I went in Tajland. After that the lady has told to me, that then you will not have a problem with visiting of Brazil. She has explained to me about the politician of your country. Each country to care of people who arrive to it.
They choose from candidates on reception of the visa and do not give the visa to all. Material stability is very important. Also the social status and the purpose of arrival in Brazil.
Also to me gave a site where there is all information on how I can issue the accessible visa.
I already considered all details. Here the prices for various visas, registration terms, the list of necessary documents are presented. The lady has explained to me, that I should go to Moscow for reception of the unitary visa. I never was in Brazil before and consequently my personal presence at embassy with payment of consular gathering is necessary. I can arrive to Brazil either on 30, or on 45, or for 90 days! But she also has told, that I can remain there and smaller time. For example, one or two weeks.
Also I should tell, that if I will send all documents through agency in my city then I should pay much more money. Besides, I should go to Moscow anyhow, and personally be present at embassy. You understand about it? I looked on this site of a drawing of work and checked visa cost. These are 35 euros. I should you tell, that it is enough not difficult process to receive the visa. By the way, I should receive the visa of the tourist, because it quickly enough and more more cheaply. Therefore I can safely go to Moscow and receive my visa!
I the strong woman and I will be valid also patience to arrive to you! I also have money for this purpose. I should tell, that I could save about 950 euros for this purpose. I approximately considered my expenses. I should go to Moscow by the plane and back. I should pay also for the visa, for the passport, for many other documents. Also I should live in Moscow in hotel some time, and pay for residing, for transport and for the foodstuffs which in Moscow is considered the most expensive.
I looked at the prices of demountable apartments in Moscow and it not less than 45 euros a day! In the beginning I wished to live in hotel, but this even more expensive! I learnt, that the cheapest hotel to me than 70 euros for days will cost not less.
I think, that 5-7 days to me will be enough to have time to receive the visa. To me will it is necessary to buy the ticket aboard the plane to fly from my city to Moscow and back and it 267 euros demand. I think, that mine 950 euros will be spent for this only. I read on the Internet, that in embassy it will be necessary for me to show the ticket to Brazil and back to Russia. Without it to me will not give the visa. I hope, that you understand it.
It has much afflicted me, because tickets will demand many money. I have wanted to arrive to you, and I do not refuse it. I am ready to spend for this purpose my working hours, all my money and my forces because I know, that I wish to meet much, I want that we were together, I want, that we were happy. I wish to be with you... Both of us want it. I know, that when I will arrive to you, we will be happy. For this reason I wished to speak with you about division with me parts of expenses. I wish you to ask, that you bought for me the ticket aboard the plane. It is the ticket for travel to you and back to Russia. I think, that it will be fair, because I also spend many my money and forces and time. You agree with me? I ask you that you bought for me tickets from Moscow to your closest airport. I already accepted all things here. I am ready to go to Moscow and to start to take all things. Now if you help me with tickets I can already go to Moscow within the next few days. By the plane I quickly reach Moscow. Tell to me, you will help me with tickets?
You have money for this purpose now? To me said, that you can get these tickets for me approximately for 800-900 euros.
I very much hope, that you will help me. Between us there is a trust and feelings. Both of us wish to meet. Also for me it will prove gravity of your intentions. Please, you should not me refuse.
We do correct things, and I am confident, that we will be happy together. I wait your answer and if you have money and to me will buy tickets I will go to Moscow. Write to me about it. Excuse me, that I ask you about the help. I think, that it is fair. You should understand, that for me it is many money. I do not regret money and I will do all for our meeting. But I should have your support also. We should be one command and then we will be happy.
I wait your letter and with hope, that you help me, and I will go to Moscow soon.
I love you. I wait our meeting. I wish to see you and to kiss.
I hope, that you will please a photo which I will give you today...
Write soon, yours forever, Eelna.
  
Ksenya Kiselewa
hi my name is Ernie there's this women from Russia that emailed me from a dating service, her name
is ksenya kiselewa. You know her as karina Zoubayrowa or kristina Budryashowa thanks to this web
site I didn't send any money. I'm stringing her along just like you said on you web site. I hope this helps
someone else out like it helped me .I'm a 47 year old retired from phx pd if she comes to phoenix she will
be arrested
yours truly
ps thanks to all involved
Hi! I'm so happy to receive your reply! It was good to meet you on
dating site! You made my day! Why I chose you? I found you at the
site by chance. Telling from the beginning of the story I know a
woman who is on a dating site. That profile wasn't mine, it was a profile of that woman, but she let me find
someone from the dating site from her profile. I don't know how to use the site, so I found
you by chance and wrote you. I didn't know what will happen, I didn't know if you write me or not. But I am glad
that we met each other. I've never tried to find someone in Internet but soon I will come to your
country to work there, so I will have a work visa and a permission to work.
My friend worked in the USA somewhere near Fort Lauderdale two years ago.
She worked in amusement park from 11 am till 6 pm and from 7 pm till 3 am
she worked in a bar. Of course she was always tired but she made very good
money! I think I can do it too! Now she is in Europe, working for 3 months.
She wrote me she liked to work in the USA better! I want to find a man who
can tell me about the life over there and maybe of course something more
then just a friend!!! I don't have a boyfriend so I'm open and ready for
new adventures!!! I'm in Russia now, but soon I will leave Russia to make
my trip so you can forget about our distance. I've never been abroad, only
in the South of Russia, the Black Sea, Sochi (where will be Olympic Games).
I like warm climate )) According to my visa I can work in your country for
3 months, I can prolong it to 6 months if I want. After 6 months staying
over there I can go home or try to get a green card. I think my level of
English is not so bad, but still it is very simple. I can't read philosophy
books in English or business books))) Anyway I want to improve my English
while staying over there. I write and speak English by myself. We have
Discovery channel here in English (my friend has cable TV, so I come
to watch it!). I like this channel so much! Very interesting! I'm sending
two pics, I hope you will like them. I will send more next time.
I live in small town here in Russia, and I decided to find someone by
Internet not to be alone when I make my trip. The life is different in
every country and I think it's hard to live there when you don't know
anybody. I can do some simple job as a waitress, or to work in some shop.
And later when I improve my English I want to find a better job!
I will start my trip from Moscow, I will go there to pass English
tests and have an interview. I think everything will be OK! Working
program helps me to get the visa, permission for work and all travel documents and they will help me to
get job. It's a special program for young people who is not lazy and make some money.
Also they can settle me with another girls from Russia and Brazil who
came to work there too, it's very cheap. Here I can earn only about 100-150$ a month to work from mornig till late evening (my city is
really small). I think I can change my life and see many wonderful things and just different life. I am full of plans and
different dreams. I am sure you will be not disappointed to meet me in real life!!!
I don't have a special plan or something like that for a new relationship, I'm open to everything! I don't want to be an abuse for
you, if you don't want me as your woman, we can be just friends!
But I hope you'll like me and my photos! I had a boyfriend, but it was nothing serious and we broke up one year ago because he moved
to Ekaterinburg. OK, I will finish this email... I don't know what else
I could write you in my first email. Please reply to me even if you don't
like me, because you are the only man I am responding to. If you don't
like me I will continue my search. I hope so much to receive your answer!!!
I hope we can have a nice communication by emails so I will know
somebody is waiting for me over there! Not so long time to wait for me,
really!!! I hope you are my soulmate and we can match each other!
Tell me about yourself and the place where you live! And send me
photos! Sorry for being too talkative!!! Please write me back here,
I write you from my private email address now.
Hello Ernie!!! Thanks for your reply so much!!!
I hope soon I will be able to come to your area by my birthday and we will meet each other!
This time I will write you more about myself. I've never been married, don't have kids but
I love them and they love me! I don't smoke, drink occasionally. And I want to tell you that
I always wanted to find an older man. I think older men are much more serious and they can take
care of me, they are more experienced in life and can teach me many things.I think you should
know more about my life and my hobbies so you will know if we have any common interests.
I'm 28 years old, not that young I suppose? My birthday is on 2 of May. I'm 166 cm tall (5.5.)
and 51 kg weight (about 120 pounds, I'm not sure how much it is in pound
but I'm not fat which you can see from my photos!). I don't know exactly my bust-waist-hips
measurements, I don't have a reason to measure it because I think it's OK and my body is proportionate
)) I take care of my body, I do aerobics three times a week and two times a week I go to a swimming
pool. I have an older sister, you can see her with me on photos. She is 32 years old now.
She recently divorced and she had 4 years old daughter. Her husband cheated on her.
We live with our parents in 3 room apartment. The name of my city is Uporovo, it's near Tyumen city.
Uporovo is quite small city unlike Tyumen which is a large city, the main city in our district.
I graduated from Tyumen Humanitarian University few years ago, the dance faculty.
Yes, we have such faculty in Humanitarian University! So I'm a professional dancer.
I don't want to have a dancer's career because I will have not much time for my
private life and for relationship with a man. I work as a dance teacher, I teach children from 12 to 17
years how to dance! Also I have a certificateof fitness instructor, this is my another hobby.
So it would be perfect if later I can find a work as a fitness instructor or teacher of dances!!!
I think it's a very good job for a woman, I'm always in a good shape and I keep myself not that busy!
Do you know how to dance? If not I can teach you! I can dance many different styles.
When I come to your city I will work as a waitress in a restaurant. I would like to work as a dance teacher but I think you understand it'snot
possible to arrange such work by Internet because they want to see the level of my dancing.
Anyway I will try to find this kind of work when I come over there. Or maybe not a dancer but aerobic( fitness)
instructor, I think it's also very good job. I'm sending few photos for you today! I hope you are not tired to
look at my photos? I'm sending few pics of my city from different seasons so you can see where
I live. You can see pics of the building where I live, the building where I work.
In winter I like skiing, although we have cold winters... Our summers are warm usually. Mom is much younger then my father and they
are very happy together. My mother is a teacher of music in the school. I can play piano also, she
tought me to play piano. I finished music school and I still play piano about once a week. My father is
retired engineer. I cannot say I enjoy one particular type of music. It might sound strange for you but I
can listen to almost everything. The list is endless actually. But anyway, there are a couple of things I
have always enjoyed to listen to. They are Enigma and Deep Forest. I adore their music. It is so sensual
and helps relax a lot. I also like classic music, jazz, rock, lounge. I want to try how to ride a motorcycle
someday! I've never tried it! By the way, do you have an International Airport in your city?
Please write me the name and the code of it. Or write me the name of the nearest airport to you.
I write you my emails from Internet cafe, I don't have my own computer.
I suppose in few days I will leave for Moscow and start my trip! There is no any messenger in this Cafe so we can only keep emailing
each other. I hope you are not getting bored to read my emails? My address here is Russia, Uporovo, Kuibisheva 18
st, flat 8. I just can tell you that I enjoy life and I try to live to the fullest, I like to try new things.
I'm not that smart.. I was not that good in mathematics, physics, biology and so on!
But I'm very tender, caring, artistic, faithful, decent person. Sometimes I can be not well organized, I think everybody had it's own
minuses and pluses. I don't look for any special qualities in a man.
I just hope he will be faithful to me and ready to create a happy family with me and I will
do everything to make him happy. I'm looking for a soulmate! OK... it's time to finish my email.
I'm sending a kiss by the wind to you and if I sent it to the right destination you should receive it by evening ))))
I hope you will catch my kiss somehow )))
Kisses to you and have a good day!!!!
Hello Ernie,
I am glad to get a reply from you and I think I am a lucky one because I met such
a wonderful man like you in the Internet! And I also hope I will be lucky to meet
you in real life soon!!!!!! You know yesterday I told my parents about you.
Now I guess they don't worry about my trip so much, at least I hope so.
I was tyring to calm them down because I don't want them to be nervous
about me and though I am almost 29 years old, I am still a little girl for my
parents and I will always be. Now they know that you are a kind man
and help me if I need your help. You can show me your city and surroundings
and tell me about the culture of your country and about the life over there.
I don't remember if I told you that I love cooking. I will cook some tasty Russian
food for you and you'll tell me what you think. Most famous food in Russia are Pelmeni, vareniki, blini, borsch,
okroshka! I bet you will like it!!! I also like Italian and sea food.
I love lasagna and pizza!!!!!!! Yummy! I am the best in cooking
lasagna, this is what my friends and family say. I also love Mexican food because it is spicy,
though I don't cook Mexican food too often. I like cooking cakes and try something new!
My favourite is cheese cake with raspberry!!! Hm, you know when I talk about food I am getting hungry:).
I eat everything and I am not on any kind o diets, I just don't eat after 7pm.
It also helps me to be in a good shape. I can cook many tasty things for you when we meet!
Ok, enough about food! You know ...almost all Russian men are like bears, they are very rude and dishonest.
They can't be nice and polite. They can't be jentlemen! They don't want to work and they don't want to have families since it is a big
responsibility to have a family. Judging by your letters you are absolutely not like
them and I happy to know that!!! I like to go to the cinema! I really like to watch a good movie with
my friends. 50 of movies in our cinemas are Russian and about 50 American.
Yesterday I was watching "Pirates of Carribean" (part 3) I really like such kind
of movies!!! If you didn't see this movie yet, I would advice you to watch it!!!
Could you recommend me any American movie so I can watch it? What is your favorite movie and actor?
Some time age I watched 'Perfume' (by a novel of Patrick Zuskind).
I've read this novel and I like it so much! Breathtaking! Anyway I think
the book is better then the movie. Soooooooooooooooo......... what else could I say?
I have a driver's licence but I don't have a car. My father has a
Russian car and he gives me his car sometimes. I like not only the cinema!
I like theatre and opera too, I like ballet. Unfortunately there is
only one small theatre in my city and there is nothing interesting. If I want to go to ballet, for example, I
should go to Tyumen, there sometimes can come famous Russian actors and
dancers but I can't go there often because it's quite expensive.
And now I have some good news for you! After sending this email I will
go home, take my bags and go to Tyumen! From there I will fly to
Moscow! I was on a plane only two times in my life and I'm afraid to fly!
I hope my plane will not fall down! I'm really afraid! So it is several
hours from Tyumen to Moscow and I will come to Moscow late night. I don't
think I will live in hotel there, it's very expensive. You know, due to
statistics Moscow is the second most expensive city in the world after Tokyo.
I will rent a room in apartment, it will be cheaper then renting a room
in a hotel. Of course it will be very modest but it's OK for me!
When I come to Moscow and settle down I will write you an email. I will write you as soon as I can!!!
In Moscow I will spend a week or maybe even more, I should make all
final arrangements with my documents and after that I will come to you!
I've never been to Moscow before and I'm so nervous now... I've never
went somewhere alone and now I should go alone to such big city!
You know... I had such great desire to start my trip already.. and now
I feel myself like a newborn kitten who has even didn't open his
eyes... I just want to hug my mommy and don't want to go anywhere...
but I know that's my dream to start a new life and I will try to turn
in to reality! Soon you will hear some news from me from Moscow!!!!!!!!
Many kisses to you! I hope I'm the one for you! From nervous and excited Kseniya
Hello dear Ernie!!!
I'm writing to you as soon as I can!!!!!! I was busy with many arrangements!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today I was in the travel agency and I received an information about my trip!
I will be very thankful to you if you can meet me at the Airport!
I hope so much it's a good day for you to meet me! Please look at my flight schedule!
Here is the info, about my flight, that I was given in agency:
Information for Kseniya Kiselewa.
Kind regards,"Nega Travel", 107342 Moscow, Minskaya, 23
office 12. e-mail: nega-travel@narod.ru
Please use our service. Manager Mr.Aleksandr Abrosimov.
Moscow to Phoenix
Flight 1 Sunday, April 27, 2008
Departure: 12:55 Moscow, Russia - Sheremetyevo International, terminal 2
Arrival: 16:30 Atlanta, USA - Hartsfield Jackson, terminal S
Airline: Delta Air Lines DL047
Aircraft: Boeing 767-400
Change of plane required. Time between flights = 3:35
Flight 2 Sunday, April 27, 2008
Departure: 20:05 Atlanta, USA - Hartsfield Jackson, terminal S
Arrival: 21:15 Phoenix, USA - Sky Harbor International, terminal 3
Airline: Delta Air Lines DL1049
Aircraft: Boeing 757-200/300
Phoenix to Moscow
Flight 1 Sunday, July 27, 2008
Departure: 08:15 Phoenix, USA - Sky Harbor International, terminal 3
Arrival: 14:51 Atlanta, USA - Hartsfield Jackson, terminal S
Airline: Delta Air Lines DL1028
Aircraft: Boeing 757-200/300
Change of plane required. Time between flights = 0:39
Flight 2 Sunday, July 27, 2008
Departure: 15:30 Atlanta, USA - Hartsfield Jackson, terminal S
Arrival: 10:30 +1 day(s) Moscow, Russia - Sheremetyevo International, terminal 2
Airline: Delta Air Lines DL046
Aircraft: Boeing 767-400
Price: USD 1390.00+ Round trip tickets.Eco.class.
I passed all tests and everything and all papers are ready. I will pass my final interview at the embassy
this week and they will put all stamps in my documents and I will come to see you!
I can't say I'm too much nervous. I know you are waiting for me and I hope you will tell me everything about your country
and show me some nice places over there. I will travel eco class,
I hope my flight will be OK. I will be able to stay over there during three months and then
I can prolong my visa or change my status. I will have a work visa and I hope everything will
works out! I want to meet you and talk to you and get to know you better.
I feel we will like each other, at least I hope so. If you decide you know me not well enough
and want to be only friends with me I shall rent a room. But I hope you will like me!!!!!!!!!! I have a good
feeling about it! As I wrote you I will come later this week and I will stay
here for several days. So now I have to make final arrangements with my documents.
I told you I passed all tests, I have all documents I need to get a job and everything. Please try to help me to finish my arrangements.
And I need to pay for this flight. People from embassy must be sure that I am not going to stay illegally,
so I need to buy roundtrip tickets (with returning date). I wanted to ask you about electronic tickets but they tell that
I can't use because it is their businees to arrange all travel details
and they have some extra money from all the things, you see it is just business.I think that you will be able to help me
because I don't know anybody here and only you are my hope now, I think everything in your hands and I believe that you will
not leave me here alone.please borrow some money. I am sure I will be able to return all your money
back after a few weeks, I will get salary and I will collect the sum I own from you.
To be fair I am not sure I know what to say because I hate to ask but now I have no different way, you see. Please help me it is
only money and much more important if we will meet in person I will do my
best, you won`t be disappoined. I see that it sounds a little crazy
but I can't believe that in the worst case I have to return home,they all will laugh at me.I think it rests with you to decide and I feel that
you will help me because you are kind. I have about 500 US dollars yet and I think
I need about 900 US dollars from your side with all travel needs and living here till my
flight! (I had 1300 dollars, but flight from Tyumen, opening visa, medical
insurance and all travel needs costed about 900 dollars). For truth I didn`t expect I will need to
buy roundtrip tickets, but now I see that its a very strict rule.
Please send it today by Western Union or Money Gram I will write you details:
Send it to
Russia, Moscow, Kseniya Kiselewa!!!!
This is my full name used in all official documents. They said this is all info you need.
But please for any case write down more info. The address where I'm staying in Moscow is
Moscow, Smolnaya 17. I rent a small room In an apartment of an old lady here, it's
cheaper then hotel.The address of the closest Western Union (or MoneyGram) here is:
Smolnaya, 63
Moscow 125445
I have some money but it's not enough to complete my trip. Please send me 900 US dollars and I will
complete my trip! After it please write me all details about the transfer -
your FULL NAME and Money Transfer Control Number!!
I will call you as soon as I receive it.
When I receive the money I will pay for my trip and only then the embassy will put all final stamps on my
documents. I've bought you few souvenirs with Russian attributes!!! I'm
sure you will like them! If you need something more please let me know, they are not expensive. Also I bought two boxes of Russian
chocolate! I hope so much when I come to you we will like each other! You are already very special to
me! Please when I come to you tell me more about you and your country!
I will listen to everything you tell me and I will do everything you tell me! I trust you really much!
I hope you will not do something to hurt my feelings.... I think you are really good man. I will never do anything to hurt yours!!!
By statistics Moscow is the second most expensive city in the world after Tokyo... everything is so expensive here...
and I have to pay for my rent and food and buy tickets.. please help me..
Sorry if I missed something or didn't comment please let me know I was so busy with with all preparations!!!!
Kseniya with great hope and many kisses!
Lilya Dzhankoy ( Ukraine)
I am an older guy from America. I have been looking at Russian and Ukrainian dating sites
for a couple of months. I get this Liliya email to me out of the blue to my email address, although "she".
say I wrote her, which I do not remember doing.
"Liliya" writes me with beautiful words and a photo. I think she said was 29 years old. I replied and
for a week or so two weeks we exchanged letters about 4 times. Her last letter was modestly sensual and i replied in like vane. Then today comes the money letter to continue translation services. No prices stated, but
was told to contact them to get payment info.
The translation service was named Albatross and run by Nikolay Fyodorov.
First letter from Liliya:
Hello and how are you? Thank you for writing to me. I am not on here for fun as I am here
to find the some one to spend the rest of my life with, to share
dreams and a future together with. Do you want to get to know about myself? I am glad to tell you. I
am open-minded person and cannot keep something from you. My birthday
is May, 14, 1981. I am 168 cm tall, my weight is 56 kg. I only speak the
one language which is Ukraine, I have long brown hair and hazel eyes.I was born and live in Dzhankoy which
is in the South of Ukraine. I like my native place. It's a town where not much happens but it was a
great place to grow up in. I have never been married before and have no child. I am searching
fors omeone who will take my heart. I think we need to have fortress
for our life to be strong and facing this trouble world. I am living with my mother and grandfather in two-roomed apartment.
My father passed away many years ago. But I have grandfather. I always
do well to take his advises. He was sailor. My mother is cook. What about
myself I was a gymnast. I can do so beautiful movements. Unfortunately
one day I broke my hand and doctors permitted to go in for this kind
of sport professionally. Now everything is ok. But time has been lost.
I decided to get education of pharmacist. I work at homeopathic pharmacy. I like to help
people. I am very kind and passionate, I believe in love , trust,
understanding, tolerance and loyalty because there are some of the
important factors for a successful relationship. I am very caring, affectionate, warm, hot considerate, easy going, honest,
giving, loving, emotionally and physically available, positive,
tender, sincere, devoted, romantic, faithful. I do not lie because for
those who lie, sooner or later, the truth always comes out. What I desire in
a man is for him to be honest, caring, loving, trustworthy. I believe when two people are together they are the ones that
will make the family a loved family and a strong family. I want my
heart will belong to my beloved man, he will be able to see it in the way I
look at him and the way I touch him, I want to share with my love
everything there is to be shared, my heart, my home, my thoughts, my
soul, my dreams, my ideas, I don't want to hold anything back as it isup to us to make it work. Do you want it too? I would like to meet this
person in you. I like to do exercise and like sport. If I can I would be glad to going for all kinds of sports. Now I go to swimming
pool and to dances. Do you know about synchronize swimming. It is very beautiful. I train
at weekends. It is difficult but I dreamt to try to do it. I like
camping and travelling. It is so interesting to explore new places.
There are so many places of interests in our world. At the weekends I go to the swimming-pool. I
love to listen to music. I like all kinds of music. I even can play piano. I enjoy all most
all type of music , but I like instrumental more than rap , I love totango, and Waltz, plus I recently I learned how to dance
the rumba and the samba, its lots of fun, may be one day I will teach you how to
dance them,also I want to lean the fox trout dance. You know, my cousin Dima is a happy married man he has been
married now for a few years and they do not imagine their life without
each other. He has two wonderful little daughters. When I spend time with
them I forget about everything. I dream that one day I will have my own wonderful family. It is
the goal of our life. I will do my best for you and you will feel mycaress and
warmth all life. I want to read about you more and more. I hope you like what you have
read and the photo that I have sent you. I look forward to your
Next letter from Liliya:
Hello my dear Pete. It is so nice to get your letter I am so glade you think of me.
i would like to be camomile. You know when I take your letters (translator translates them for
me) and go home I feel so warmth inside. I reread them at home and feel that I am not alone. I am waiting
for your e-mail like for something that makes me very happy. I ampharmacist. I work at homeopathic pharmacy. When I am
alone at home or at the work I just stand next to the big window and stair at the horizon thinking of you,
and wondering what are you doing now, if you are happy, you are sad, you are cold,
warm, sleeping and I just let go my imagination take over, I close my
eyes and I see you, I put my hand on my hart and I feel it is calling for
you. After I read your letter very carefully, I sat on the sofa , I
closed my eyes, and these words came to me: I dream we are having a wonderful dinner. I look across the table atyou ,and with my
eyes in my mind I slowly gaze into your soul and feel your warmth for me ,your desires for me. I want to
open my heart to you and to tell you what I feel. And ... to send you a long kiss. I will linger with my kiss,
prolong it, make itgo on and on and on, and taste your lips and feel their softness and
wetness, and not want to let you go, want to keep you present as I
kiss you, keep you with me so that we will not be apart, for if this
kiss can last forever then our hearts are joined in that warm kisseternally, I feel you here
with me. I feel your presence in my heart in an eternal way. It is just a remarkable and magnificent
feeling. I don't know whether I would want to simply sit next to you, hold
your hand, or just kiss you, breathe with you, gaze into your eyes. I only hope to be able to be for you the Right One! I can not
explain to you how I wish to be for you. I am already considering myself as
a small part of you.. a little piece where you can find the sweetest
things you can imagine for you. I am going to finish my e-mail here but I want you to know that you
are in my heart and I want you to know that you are dominating my mind
and my soul too much and I really want you to know that I am not going
this feeling go and I am going to do everything to make you apermanent part in my life and forever and always make my heart to
protect you just like a castle. Too many sweet kisses to the man of my heart.
From "Albatross".
From:lilya (1981liliya@list.ru)
Friday, April 18, 2008 8:42:48 PM
Reply-to: lilya (1981liliya@list.ru
Sir, We have to inform you that Liliya does not know English and cannot
useI nternet. She has to use our translation firm. She misses you and she is so happy that she found you. She does not
want somebody but you. She wants to say that now you are the main part
of her life. She cannot write more because her account is empty. If you want to be able to communicate with Liliya again you
should fill up the account in order to write her and get her responses. We
can send you the information about our services and prices you need in
order to proceed with your future communication. If you are not
interested to use our services please, inform us about it and do not
give out the information given from Liliya as it is personal and confidential. Principal of "Albatross",Nikolay
Margarita Mihaylova
(Ulyanovsk, Russia)
She found my ad on yahoo personals. She wrote me many times but rarely seemed to be responding to anything I said in my email. Then she asked for money.
Scammer details:
Surname: Mihaylova
Name: Margarita
City: Ulyanovsk
Country: Russia
The address of bank:
RUSSIA, 432002
Email: margusik789@gmail..com
Good afternoon my new friend Ralph !!!
First of all I wish to be presented and inform the name. My name is Margarita. My age - 28 years. You will be
possibly surprised to receive this letter. The matter is that I to write to you from Russia. Also I understand you, that
in my profile it has been specified, that I live in America, but it absolutely is not present so. When I have decided to
take advantage of the Internet it to do for the first time and by mistake to specify not the correct country.
Als I want that we therefore to an occasion with you did not have any disagreements. Acquaintance to
th man from other count y frightens me a little. But nevertheless I to find in myself forces and to write the letter for you.
Probably, what you now should communicate with Russian the girl for the first time? But you should not worry how
I shall never frighten you. I like to be in good mood, I consider myself cheerful the girl.
I live in city Ulyanovsk and it is not far from Moscow. And I will not have not enough one day to tell to
you about all sights of this city, but in following letters I shall try to tell more about this beautiful city.
I want to tell to you about my purposes in life slightly And about me. I the educated and cheerful woman. I
think, that I have Rather good external data. I might translate my sizes on your metric system. My growth makes
5' 8 ". Also my weight of 126 ft. Here in Russia we measure it as 172 centimeters And 54
kgs. It will be
very good, if you look at my picture. It will be more the best Way to judge my appearance. I have some
pictures and shall be glad to send you my pictures, That you might see me better. All my life I lived in
Russia and I have here friends and relatives. Now I work As the "Bookkeeper" of the company
Ulyanovsk - Power Factory. We are engaged in the account of consumption and sales the
electri power in our city. I always dreamed to find my love. I search for mine
soulmate! I think, that it is a lot of women Dream to live in USA and to have the good husband. You know, I
heard many histories about happy marriage The Russian woman and American men. I know, that American the man may give
the best life For the wife. I want to tell you, that I do not search for easy life. I search for my HAPPINESS in
life. You understand? I like to work, I like to have fair life. I dream to create family and to take care of my
husband. I want, that me loved and also took care. I love tenderness and kindness in the man. Also I like
Decent and fair the man. Unfortunately in Russia now not so good economic situation and I do not
think, that this good place to create Family at this particular time. I still young and I want to think of my
family. I want to create family in more good Conditions for life. I think, that USA a good place. However I
never visited USA and it will be very interesting to me To know, what you think of it? Well, I think that
already has told about my purposes much. Please, if you have interest in me I shall be glad To receive
your letter and probably some pictures. Also inform me about your purposes on the future. I shall wait
and hope, that you will not disregard my letter. Thank you!
Yours faithfully, Margarita.
Hi Ralph!
WOW! Many thanks for your remarkable image, to me was very pleasant to receive it from you. I wish to
notice, that you it is remarkable look!!! I very much hoped to receive from you the letters back and now I
have yours The letters! It really brings to me pleasure, that I have received the answer to my letter! I
wish to be Fair with you and to have your trust from the first letters! I shall ask you that you also were
always fair with me. I do not think, that there is a sense to speak a lie. You agree with me? Both of us
we search for love and I want, that my love was strong, pure, True and long! I think, that you want the
same things! I wish to hope, that you will be good the man! The matter is
that I almost know nothing about you. I wrote to you Casually. I chose absolutely casually you from the list of
men. I also did not think, that so many men will search for the love on the Internet!
In our city there are no many opportunities to get acquainted with men from other countries. I used the
Internet on my work. I casually opened a site Acquaintances and it spoke me, that here there are many men! It was very
interesting To observe a site Acquaintances and it many opportunities for the man and women from the
various countries are valid! You agree with me? I wish to speak you so a lot of prophetic! Please
excuse me if I cannot speak you much Today. We shall have still time to speak! Before us still it is a
lot of time to find out Each other! About! I so to worry, that you
will not love my picture and will stop to write to me! I really to worry as the little girl at the first appointment to
the man! I would like to ask you that you sent me as much as possible your pictures. It will allow me It is better to
represent you and your life! Well, I shall inform now to you some things on me. OK? You available to read and remember
:)? First of all I want, that you named me Margarita. I love when me name Margarita. So, I wish to begin
with my history. I have been born 12 September 1979. I typical Virgo on a sign on the zodiac. By the
way, when your birthday?From the early childhood I had good education and
care of my parents. I went to good school and was there is enough The good pupil! At least the teacher always
me to praise! Oh! These school days! These years to not return any more never! You liked to go to school? The first
school love :)! For you these sounds are familiar? Those years when I was small It was easier to bring
up children. Now the state to not care at all of young families. After school and I had success to enter
the university. The daddy gave me to be trained in economic sciences! However ours The university
was technical, but anyhow I have received good economic education. I was
trained At faculty " the Accounting account and audit ". I loved always the exact sciences and except for it to
us taught a lot of humanist And psychologies. I bore much from walls of university and it there were fine years! Tell to
me please where you were trained? It is very interesting to me to know your history also! So, years of
study have ended also I met my first love. Yes, I would like to speak also with you about it. You should
know, that I had unsuccessful relations. I remembered on all mine
Life, that such treachery. My guy changed to me with other woman. He betraid me. I thought, that we shall marry
and create family, but he seems did not want serious relations. I was young and naive. After that I more never loved
anybody seriously. My last relations were enough Long, but anyhow I did not notice, that my guy can betray me.
He found the woman from rich family. For him there was a pressing question of money. I think, that I
quite beautiful woman and I can find many men here in Russia. But I a little now to be afraid to have
relations. I wish to find my love, my unique love. I wish to grow fond of the man up to the end of my life.
You understand me? I never was married and I think, that It is a serious
step in a life. I have no children. I in general very much love children and if you have already children it
will not do a problem to me. It is good, whether I do not know to you it will be interesting to hear about my city. Our city
has rich history. Here lives many people and it is rather big city. We are located not so far from Moscow. I
should you tell, that I was possibly 10 times in Moscow. But Moscow city is even more! I also was
many time in St. Petersburg and to visit there many various cultural places. Also I was in very known a
museum the Hermitage. You heard about it? Our city of Nizhni Novgorod also
is very rich with beautiful woods where is a lot of animal. Also in my city there is a known museum of a name
Tsiolkovsky. He s the person very known scientist. You can probably find our city on the Internet also? In our area we have
a temperate climate. It is an average part of Russia with good display of seasons. We have a lot of
snow in the winter and also in the summer air is hot enough! We
visit a beach and I like to float! You have a beach close? You like to float? If there will be time please tell
to me more about your city! I also want to ask you, What you understand as happiness? Right now I shall speak you that I
understand as happiness. I should tell, that everyone is happy in this world in own way. For me to be
happy Means that I exist in this world. I think, that I want, that me loved. I want, that me respected and
estimated. In general I see happiness that my life will be It is lived with sense. I should find my love
create my family. You agree with me. In is world we should leave after ourselves good memoirs. It is
very difficult for one to find happiness. When two persons like each other,
It already does people happy. Love - very much good feeling and this sacred! You agree with me?
Well, I possibly now shall come back to my work and I shall wait your letter soon! Heave nice day!
Yours faithfully, your new friend from Russia,
Hi Ralph!
WOW! Many thanks for your remarkable image, to me was very pleasant to receive it from you. I wish to
notice, that you it is remarkable look!!! I very much hoped to receive from you the letters back and now I
have yours The letters! It really brings to me pleasure, that I have received the answer to my letter! I
wish to be Fair with you and to have your trust from the first letters! I shall ask you that you also were
always fair with me. I do not think, that there is a sense to speak a lie. You agree with me? Both of us
we search for love and I want, that my love was strong, pure, True and long! I think, that you want the
same things! I wish to hope, that you will be good the man! The matter is
that I almost know nothing about you. I wrote to you Casually. I chose absolutely casually you from the list of
men. I also did not think, that so many men will search for the love on the Internet!
In our city there are no many opportunities to get acquainted with men from other countries. I used the
Internet on my work. I casually opened a site Acquaintances and it spoke me, that here there are many men! It was very
interesting To observe a site Acquaintances and it many opportunities for the man and women from the
various countries are valid! You agree with me? I wish to speak you so a lot of prophetic! Please
excuse me if I cannot speak you much Today. We shall have still time to speak! Before us still it is a
lot of time to find out Each other! About! I so to worry, that you
will not love my picture and will stop to write to me! I really to worry as the little girl at the first appointment to
the man! I would like to ask you that you sent me as much as possible your pictures. It will allow me It is better to
represent you and your life! Well, I shall inform now to you some things on me. OK? You available to read and remember
:)? First of all I want, that you named me Margarita. I love when me name Margarita. So, I wish to begin
with my history. I have been born 12 September 1979. I typical Virgo on a sign on the zodiac. By the
way, when your birthday?From the early childhood I had good education and
care of my parents. I went to good school and was there is enough The good pupil! At least the teacher always
me to praise! Oh! These school days! These years to not return any more never! You liked to go to school? The first
school love :)! For you these sounds are familiar? Those years when I was small It was easier to bring
up children. Now the state to not care at all of young families. After school and I had success to enter
the university. The daddy gave me to be trained in economic sciences! However ours The university
was technical, but anyhow I have received good economic education. I was
trained At faculty " the Accounting account and audit ". I loved always the exact sciences and except for it to
us taught a lot of humanist And psychologies. I bore much from walls of university and it there were fine years! Tell to
me please where you were trained? It is very interesting to me to know your history also! So, years of
study have ended also I met my first love. Yes, I would like to speak also with you about it. You should
know, that I had unsuccessful relations. I remembered on all mine
Life, that such treachery. My guy changed to me with other woman. He betraid me. I thought, that we shall marry
and create family, but he seems did not want serious relations. I was young and naive. After that I more never loved
anybody seriously. My last relations were enough Long, but anyhow I did not notice, that my guy can betray me.
He found the woman from rich family. For him there was a pressing question of money. I think, that I
quite beautiful woman and I can find many men here in Russia. But I a little now to be afraid to have
relations. I wish to find my love, my unique love. I wish to grow fond of the man up to the end of my life.
You understand me? I never was married and I think, that It is a serious
step in a life. I have no children. I in general very much love children and if you have already children it
will not do a problem to me. It is good, whether I do not know to you it will be interesting to hear about my city. Our city
has rich history. Here lives many people and it is rather big city. We are located not so far from Moscow. I
should you tell, that I was possibly 10 times in Moscow. But Moscow city is even more! I also was
many time in St. Petersburg and to visit there many various cultural places. Also I was in very known a
museum the Hermitage. You heard about it? Our city of Nizhni Novgorod also
is very rich with beautiful woods where is a lot of animal. Also in my city there is a known museum of a name
Tsiolkovsky. He is the person very known scientist. You can probably find our city on the Internet also? In our area we have
a temperate climate. It is an average part of Russia with good display of seasons. We have a lot of
snow in the winter and also in the summer air is hot enough! We
visit a beach and I like to float! You have a beach close? You like to float? If there will be time please tell
to me more about your city! I also want to ask you, What you understand as happiness? Right now I shall speak you that I
understand as happiness. I should tell, that everyone is happy in this world in own way. For me to be
happy Means that I exist in this world. I think, that I want, that me loved. I want, that me respected and
estimated. In general I see happiness that my life will be It is lived with sense. I should find my love
create my family. You agree with me. In is world we should leave after ourselves good memoirs. It is
very difficult for one to find happiness. When two persons like each other,
It already does people happy. Love - very much good feeling and this sacred! You agree with me?
Well, I possibly now shall come back to my work and I shall wait your letter soon! Heave nice day!
Yours faithfully, your new friend from Russia, Margarita.
Privet Ralph!
How are you? At me everything is all right. Today here remarkable weather and it very warmly.
Probably in your city too for a long time there is no snow? Today I have received one more big pleasure
in my day! Yes! This your letters. I am slightly emotional today. Excuse me. OK? The matter is that I
have good mood. I also hope, that you will have today good day! My day today began well enough.
Mum has woken me today at 7:00. I always am usual to rise approximately in 6:30-7:00. And after I took
a bath mum invited me to drink tea and to take easy breakfast. My mum leaves on work most
Last. She all over again feeds all and only then goes on work. I also itself to rise earlier and help to take
breakfast. My mum rather good cook and she well is going! We usually try to eat healthy food.
Daddy very requiring to meal! he speaks, that the food should be healthy and natural! I agree with these words.
Now however in shops very many various products which to contain artificial additives, but we try
To take only natural products. I also think, that it is good to prepare to eat. Mum of me has learned much!
Sometimes we go in restaurant and we take various kitchen. I love the Chinese and Mexican kitchen! I
however do not go to eat it frequently, But anyhow I to try it! You tried the various foodstuffs? I am not
sure as at you in country people eat. It is expensive to take the good foodstuffs? I should tell, that
natural products here in Russia demand It is a lot of money. But anyhow to the person a necessary
good feed. You agree with me? You like Pizza? I have set of recipes of preparation Pizza!
I also should you tell, that I never smoked. I to try to care of mine health. I the woman! I should
To have a beautiful body and a sound mind! Mum spoke me in the childhood, that if I shall smoke and use
alcoholic drinks, Nobody will take me in marriage! She thus learned me that I had no harmful habits. I
understand, that if the man Smokes, it is still quite accepted, but I think, that the woman should not
smoke!!!! You agree with me ? Well, I want to tell you, that your life is interesting to me very much.
Please, speak me as much as possible. OK? All of us people and I understand you as the person, but
we from various cultures and I probably do not know some things.
I shall be glad to hear from you about it! Your letters help me better to represent your life. I never travelled far from a house and I dream
To visit sometime country. I all over again would like to find mine
soulmate, My love! Probably then I would go in country. For me it is very interesting to study about your culture. I
heard many stories on TV and I saw many beautiful places in country. But I would like to see it in a reality! Probably in
the future! We have also many beautiful places! I would like to ask you about your hobbies. Than you
especially like to be engaged? You like to observe TV? You like to go to walk on shops? YOU play on
musical tools? I know, that anyhow you should have hobby! I want to tell, that I like to play on the piano!
We have houses of the piano and I play sometimes. Also I like to listen
to CD. We have houses of CD - player And also we have DVD-player! It very much high quality of a sound and the image! I like to listen
to various types of music! It probably depends on my mood. I love classical music! You are similar to
this? I have many disks of a house! Still I like to go at cinema. As soon as new film we with girlfriends
buy tickets leaves and we go at cinema! Theatre? I already for a long time was not at theatre and I
think, that this art! I went in theatre probably 2 years back.
Unfortunately our daily life we have a lot of work and various has put. Therefore not always it is possible to
find enough Time to go and take an entertainment. You agree with me? We people already adult and to us are peculiar many
other cares. You will not believe me now! You imagine , I today spoke my mum, that I have written letters to men in
country. Yes, it is the truth. Mum all over again was surprised and asked me much. Well, I was written
by you and I am glad to this! I do not have necessity to write to someone
else because it is interesting to me to speak with you! I hope, that my letters of you do not tire also to you
interestingly about what I to you I write. I only want to show you my life
And to tell who I such. I sometimes can be very curious and consequently be not surprised! OK?
I shall hope, that you also want with me to speak and you it is interesting.
I today would want to teach you Russian also! - " Ya budu dumat o vas! " = I
shall think of you! - " Ochen prekrasno poluchat vashi pisma " = it is very fine to receive your letters!
- " Ya tak rada, chto ya mogla vas nahodit! Vi ochen horoshii mujchina " = I so am glad, that I might find
you! You very good the man! - " Ya imela bolshoi i trudnii den na rabote " = I had the big and difficult
day at work. You now my good friend! wow! I have the friend in other country! The Internet a wonderful
thing! Please, only concern to me seriously. OK? Probably you the man of my dream? I always with
you shall be frank. I promise you it. Well, I already am slightly tired with printing. Probably I shall close
this letter. Write to me soon!!! Send your pictures!
I shall wait your letter! Sincerely,
Hello my most dear friend Ralph!!!
I was so happy to receive your answer again and again, it was the most good part of my day when to
have an opportunity to see your words on a computer.
And when I have an opportunity to see your answer to a computer, my mood always so good. I by way of now.
I see also, that we are interested the friend the friend more increasing, and I think, that it only is so good
for us because I have so the dear friend, as you. I so am interested in you, that my life became better, than before
acquaintance to you and it now is available in my feelings.
You the best the man and the friend during the same moment. You can understand me completely and I also to
understand you in all. Also it is very important thing which should exist between us.
I see, that you to trust me as I do to you too most and it is one of the
main things which should be between us. It is very pleasant for me, that is in our friendship.
Well, I would like to ask you about Disney's World. You have sometime visited the Similar place?
I have dream to visit sometime Disney's World. Possibly we Let's visit together Disney's World sometime?
And it is possible, that in one of fine days we can visit it together. I have understood that sometimes
because of people of money people do not clear a thing. I do not wish to give greater value to money.
There are in a life more important things, than money. But anyway sometimes we are in
Dependences on money and it is very bad. My work pays to me enough money for residing, but it - is not enough
for pleasure. I to not complain of a life. All Depends on me! I live fairly, and I am glad by a life. Excuse me,
that I to mention a private life in such details. You my friend and I think,
That I can with you about it, speak. You also are not confused to speak with me concerning any themes.
We friends and we should understand each other. I also would like to ask you how much you religious? I the
Christian And I am included into church. You are included into church? Unfortunately, I done not included into church
often. I am included into church only in holiday. My Friend, my friends ask about you very much! Yes, I
spoke my friends about you. Anyway I wished to divide my pleasure
with friends. I think, that you my pleasure now! I already spoke you which my mum knows about you, and she also asks about you
some questions. Also she asked about your work. She to ask how old are you and I never to deceive
the mum because I consider it is not necessary to do it. I always very much wait from you for the letter.
It is very interesting to reflect to me above our relations on the Internet. Remember my love, that our
distinction in the age of me does not frighten and for me ours with
you dialogue enables find out you. And it is always very pleasant to have dialogue with you. How there will be
our relations, further, to pass? I think of it! You think of it also?
I think, that I would like to speak with you and find out about you more. You involve me and you to me
It is very interesting. I wish to thank you that you always fair with me. I trust you. You understand? Within
the last years I still so did not trust anybody. You are far now from me, but I feel our understanding and our trust.
They - necessary components in serious relations! You agree with me? I would like and to speak always further with
you. We can possibly have something greater, Than simply friendship? It to us will be necessary for detection!
Today we shall go with my girlfriend to drink tea after work.
I shall wait very much your letter. Write to me soon! Yours Margarita.
Privet my dear Ralph!!! I am very glad to receive news from you again. I feel, how with each letter you
become closer for me. I am tired from a life here without the person whom I can grow fond, and you -
unique who warms me, and gives me force to live. You see, that we became much closer, than ever
before. You cannot imagine at all that you mean for me. You
mean much. You can ask, is possible: why. I do not know. But I really know - that you for me became very close
person. If you will be glad to continue our relations probably it will lead to more serious and deep feelings. I wish
to continue these relations because sometimes it seems to me, that we with you are very similar.
I never knew such beautiful soul as yours. You have opened it once for me and never closed. Now I open my soul
for you. I give you my heart and my offer. I thought of you last night. I think, you unbiassed and are fair to me.
Now I completely trust you, and you became for me the close and native person to whom I can open
the heart. I speak all of you it sincerely, I am not going to deceive you and to play with your feelings,
and I hope, that you too will be fair under the relation to me. I like to read letters from you. My heart
always skipping when I see when I see the message from you in my
mail box. Then I eat it as a whole to get lines and only after which I read to it carefully some times. See, I
become the grasped aspiration from you. I do not want, that you have been put forward with my feelings. Excuse me if I am
too expressive. Probably, you did not expect it from me? But something has changed a way of my life
recently, and I believe, that it - you. Today I would like to introduce you to my dog. Her name Sinty
and 4 years old! I have accepted these photos yesterday, specially for you! I hope to you it it was
pleasant... I think of you each hour and every minute. It is a pity to me, that we not friends for a long
time. I know, that there can be, I - hopeless romantic, but I truly trust that to ours the Meeting through
the Internet - the best thing which could happened to us.
I wish you remarkable day!
P.S. My full name Margarita Mihaylova
Hi my unique and lovely love Ralph!!! My most remarkable man on this Earth. I have received your letter
and was very glad to read it. When I to read your letter, at me on soul it became easier,
it is very pleasant to me to feel, that somewhere at the other edge of ground there is a man, which loves me and
waits, to which I am not indifferent. This very pleasant feeling. I thank the
God, that I have found you, mine lovely. You would know what this
happiness, to find in the life of that unique and unique man, with
which in the future are going for ever to connect the life. I also seems has found such man is you my
love. I to feel, that I very strongly to grow fond of you. Know, mine lovely, I
frequently dream of us with you, I present as we with you to meet. Our
first minutes of meeting. When I to dream about on with you, on me the
poetry finds. And sometimes I even to write poems. Last night I to
write one about us with you. Listen:
The handle is taken by I in hands,
The letter I write to you.
The handle does not write mine,
The hand mine shivers,
And heart mine feels,
Forever to us to be friends.
The cat loves the cat,
Birdy - nightingale,
The boy loves the girl,
And I love you!
Let life yours flows the river
Among high coast
And let always live with you:
Hope To trust and Love.
Sometime, among papers,
Covered by a layer of a dust,
To find a card you mine
Also will recollect, how we with you each other loved.
Tell me please, that you think of it, it would be very interesting to me to know. It was pleasant to you
whether or not. I am not sure, that at me it is absolutely good to turn out. But I to
try to express you the feelings in this poem, and I hope, that it was
pleasant to you. I shall wait for your letter with impatience. Always
your love Margarita!!!
Hello my dearest Ralph! You again today did my day very good!
How are you? I am fine! How at you weather? How your relatives and friends? In the order and all asked to speak
my family to you Hello! Now all my family knows about you. I spoke them about you. You know, it was very interesting to my
sister And she also asked about you. Mum asked how many to you of years, whether and my daddy
has asked you have children. I answered their questions and we discussed you last night. I spoke my
family, that you the good person. After supper we spoke about you only with my mum. You are
probable only may guess, that at mum and at the daughter There may be secrets and nobody
understands better the daughter as own mother. Mum however warned me, that
I to not rush to enter with you relations. I was itself I realize. I have told, that you kind the man and
decent. If we had with you relations it would be probably necessary for you to speak with my daddy! he also very good
The person. he to care very much of our family. My brother also helps us sometimes. Everyone wish for me
only happiness. I also thought of you very much. I do not know as you it to speak, but I have to you
some feelings. I do not know how to you it to describe. I love you? I do not know.... I can not be sure on
100 percents in it. This inclination is possible? I do not know. But I constantly think of you. Whether to
me you very interestingly think of me? Allow me To ask you a question. You think of me? Only tell me
fairly. It is very important for me. Your life really Has changed after our acquaintance? You have to me
any feelings? Oh, I today shall seems to not sleep much. I shall think of you! I now write you the letter
and I write it with warm feelings to you. It is a pity, that in this
letter it is impossible to place my feelings. I do not want to rush. But I should you tell, that you are very interesting to me also I think of
you. Yes! I think of you. It has taken place very quickly. I only not so long ago have written to you and
I already have to you feelings. I do not want to frighten you my.
Probably for you it is fast slightly, that I to speak you so frankly that I feel to you. I present myself near
to me. I do not want, that in your life there were other women. I want, that
You thought of me. You think of me? I again ask you this question. Excuse me please. OK?
You write other women except for me? Only please tell me it fairly. I can hope for your love?
I do not write anybody except for you. You understand about it? I now would like
to be with you!!! Probably we would go in restaurant or simply walked. You would like to meet me? You
think, that the meeting is necessary for us In the person? I very much would want to meet you in the
person. So both of us might solve many things for us! Tell me please, that you to me feel in the
following letter. I should you tell, that I feel some kind of love
to you. Probably is silly to speak, that I love you. We never met in the person, but I have to you feelings and I shall
be fair with you always. Please, I do not want, that my words of you frightened. Simply I think, that we might be good family
together! You you see want To create family? There may be I yours
soulmate? I want to solve it for
me. I absolutely nothing know about how it is possible that we met. I would like to visit You it is fast
and to look as you live. You would invite me? We might bett learn each other. If you want, that I arrived
to you inform me. I probably shall find out more how it is possible to visit Your country. There may be
you know as it better to make? I only know, that it is necessary to receive some documents. It is the
visa. Probably also it is necessary to have the passport.
To me some time very would would be desirable to spend with you together. I think, that I very much miss right
now you. Today I shall speak with my mum. I shall tell to mum, that I want to go in Your country and to meet you. I am
ready to change my life to the best. I want to start to build my happiness. Be possible we can together are very
happy. I think, that my family wishes To me only happiness and they will not be against we met. Well,
I shall not hurry event. I shall hope, that you also have to me feelings and you
Want to meet me in the person. We already sent some letters and I did not speak you about it.
Please, excuse me. OK? I shall be glad to know your full name also!
I want to ask you that you answered my questions in this letter. It is very important for me, that you have
answered these questions. I seriously examine ours with you relations on the Internet and I really want to have with you a meeting. I
shall find out about when I can arrive to Your country and as it better to make. It will be probable to demand time but if
we about shall have desire to meet I shall do all for our meeting. I promise you.
Well, write to me as it is possible soon. I shall wait your letter. I hope, that my words did not frighten you.
Heave nice Day.
With love, yours Margarita.
Hi my love Ralph! You to me will allow you so to name? Yes, I really have to you feelings and I could
not hide it. Big to you thanks that you concerned with understanding to
mine to last letter. I am glad, that you also wish to meet me. Now it only a matter of time.
We really should have a meeting whether to understand is better for us we we shall like to continue relations.
I assumed it, that if I meet good and kind the man we should meet. Without it
We cannot have the relation. I think, that we already know enough about each other to have a meeting.
You are interesting to me very much and I think, that we can be good family together! If things will go well,
I would like to be your wife! I dream to find my happiness and I shall hope, that we can be happy.
Already all my family knows, that I wish to meet you. I spoke with mum and the daddy about it. Mum and the
daddy wish me Only the best in this life. They will be glad, if I shall find my happiness. The daddy as the man wants, that
I had the good husband. He should be kind and gentle with me and always take about me care. It was spoken by my
daddy. I wish to test love and I want, that me loved. My love, I think, that you also wish to have the good
wife! I think, that I shall be for my husband the good wife. I shall be the good mistress on kitchen and I
shall be true only to my husband. I can promise and guarantee it. I know, that you the person of your
word. You will never deceive and betray me. Your purposes in a life coincide with mine and I think, that
we can have good family together! What do you think of it?
Right now we should work above our meeting. I am not confident however as we can soon meet, but I wanted
To have with you a meeting as it is possible soon. If I shall arrive to the Your country my first visiting will
be probable not so long. On work to me advised to apply for information about visiting the Your country in travel agency. We have in
city Travel agency and I intend tomorrow to go to this agency and they will probably give me more
information About that as I can visit the Your country. And as soon as I can find out more information on
it at once you all to inform. We really together should plan my visiting to you. You agree with me? I
think, that it for me is possible anyhow. My love, allow me to ask you.
I am not confident, but is possible to me some your help will be necessary at our meeting. I shall probably
require from you In any information or still other things. You can help me with it? I am not confident, that I can take all
things independently. Though I the independent woman and I shall try to find out all things itself. If both
of us we wish to have a meeting we should To work as one command! My parents will help also to me
to what can. They agreeed to my meeting. Only you should promise my parents, that you will take
about me care!!! Sometimes I now reflect, that me expects. I so wish to be happy. I trust you
completely my heart. I shall not be To be afraid to go to the Your country. It is far from my city, but
anyhow I shall be the strong woman. If you will always treat me kindly,
That I shall be happy. I shall far from my house and I shall possibly grieve without my parents. But anyhow I
should build my private life. I have to you feelings reminding love and I wish to meet you anyhow. If we shall love
each other I am probable I shall remain with you. You would like it if we shall fall in love after our meeting? My life will
change also I wish to change my life to the best! I think, that always it is possible to go to Russia and
to visit my parents! Between us now there is a understanding and trust. We already have the base to
our happiness! All my relatives will wish me only happiness and love.
Well, I shall speak now from all my native and friends hello! We all very much love you! We send to you warm
feelings! I shall close now this letter. Write to me as it is possible soon.
Heave nice Day! Sincerely yours,
Hello my love man, my dearest Ralph!
How are you doing? I'm doing so fine, my honey! I do not know, that you had in view of, but I did not hear
your voice today... You wished to send me it in mail? I imagined our meeting very much. First time we
shall meet probably at the airport. When I think of our meeting I want to arrive to you even more as it is
possible soon. An idea on our meeting Let's me fall asleep. I constantly think of you. Probably in the
first day of our meeting I shall have tears. It There will be tears of pleasure. I can not constrain myself.
You for me already as the native person. I very much want, that ours
The friendship grew and became love! Usually the friendship to develop into love and I also very much want, that
we liked each other. Our meeting will give much to us also I shall prepare for our meeting very much. I want to be for you the most
beautiful And attractive! I want to fascinate you forever! I shall take with myself spirits and
beautiful clothes! I want that you Could not tear off your eyes from me and looked only at me! In the
first day of our meeting I would like that we were only together.
I want to be only with you all over again and only then I shall be ready to meet your friends and relatives.
You already imagine to yourself our meeting? You will kiss me at the airport for the first time? I would like,
that you Gave me flowers and has kissed me. I like to kiss and I also want to give you my kisses and embraces!
Today I think, that I shall not have time to go in agency of travel. I have a lot of work. But I shall try
To go tomorrow. I very much want to find out as soon as possible all details to our meeting. Most likely it will
be necessary for me to go to Moscow to take all documents. But I am not sure where exactly. I of nothing know
while, but I shall hope, that to me will help in agency of travels tomorrow. We have no the big airport in our
city. Our planes fly only on Russia and probably I should I shall to fly to you only from Moscow. I know,
that in Moscow am present 3 international airports. So many things are necessary to find out still! If we
want to be together I promise you, that I shall do all for this purpose. I shall aspire to take all things as it
is possible Soon to our meeting. I promise you it! I already begin to miss you.
I shall hope sincerely, that you will never deceive me. I to you shall go with pure heart. I shall be your
visitor and I want, that you treated to me kindly. OK? Not so long ago I heard on TV, that now very many men invite the
woman In another the country and then select all documents. The woman may not leave the another's
country and then the man does with the woman All that wants. I do not know as it Be relative yours the
country. I heard, that similar situations occur in Europe. It really is very awful.
Many women go to work to Europe under the invitation and also get in awful position. They are compelled to be
engaged in sale of the body, that Them released back to Russia. These awful things really occur in the world. Russian
women have no many money and they therefore Go in other country to earn money. Men from Europe
to use it. You heard about similar histories? I am valid to trust, that yours the country this good place to
live and you have no similar situations. Except for that I trust you.
I know, that you will never deceive me. I very trustful woman. I do not want, that my heart was broken.
I search only for my happiness and I never harmed anybody. I think, that we deserve to be happy.
We continue to speak about you in our family. Last night we went in cafe with girlfriends and we also spoke
about you. All are very glad to our relations! Everyone wish, that our relations grew in love and we were happy.
I have told, that I shall go in yours the country and to have with you a meeting in the person. I think, that
all me release and wish to have good luck! All so care of me! I am glad, that I have good girlfriends!
I would like, that when arrived to you, your friends and relatives
Loved me. It is very important for me! I think, that I the modest and decent woman. I want to hope, that all
will be good! I shall go and dream now of our meeting. Tomorrow I anyhow shall try to go in agency of travel and to have more
information. Please, heave nice Day! Whole, yours
You my love Ralph!!!
There were no yet such words completely to express and tell you as strongly I love you. For me always
is greater happiness when I speak you this three words I I LOVE YOU!!! Each time when I should close
the letter passes some minutes as I at once start to miss you. I cannot live without you. All my life
completely depends only on you and I wish to tell to you, that my love is ready to divide all remained
life with you. My desire now is to start to study all your features, to feel each particle of your body, to
observe of your eyes when you communicate with me, to feel your breath, to hear each rhythm of your
heart. You even cannot imagine, as it is pleasant to feel all these instants. I always dreamed, that my
favourite person will be such, as you my love. And thanks big to
the god, that to me it was possible to find you. Between us there is a understanding which seldom happens
between people and it is sometimes heavy to achieve such strong feelings to each other, but we could make it. You know,
that in my ideas always there is you and it helps me to have often dreams in occasion of our first meeting.
I have told today the mum, that my favourite person, wishes to see me in its country. Certainly mum at
once to have tears on the eyes, but understands me how I already adult and a choice will always
remain for me. Mum has again asked me how strongly I love you. Also has told, that I can not live
without you any more and now we plan ours with you a meeting. My mum is very happy, that we with
you are such happy pair. Mum speaks, that now very seldom it is possible to see people such happy.
Has come to inform time to news in occasion of our meeting. Today I have visited travel agency which is
engaged with citizens and helps to make all necessary documents for visiting any country. And now it
will be necessary for me to go in Moscow how the main embassy on issue of visa is in this city. Also I
could find out, that my visa will be valid in current of 90 days. I can remain this with you in current of
this time. Also I could, that I can fill all necessary papers for 10 days and my visa will be ready. I did
not think, that it can be made so quickly, but it speaks that we can meet you earlier. I in the first in a
life should use these services how earlier I never had opportunities to do the visa. I never visited other
country, but now when between us there is such strong love I very much to wish to meet you in yours
the country. I have found out today from the tourist agent, that to me all time in Moscow while will pass
process of registration of the visa will be necessary to be. I do not have any relatives in Moscow and
consequently it is necessary to stop in hotel. The tourist agent has informed, that it will be necessary to
take necessarily with itself 500 $ Dollars how this money should suffice on all charges. I shall try to find
all sum these days and to inform you, when to take off in Moscow. I hope, that we with you a meeting
from this day will come nearer also we can shortly be in embraces each other. I shall try to settle all
these problems for some days. You should wish again to my of good luck how it will always give me
confidence of. I hope, that these news will make you happy. love you!!!
Now when I should prepare for visiting you my love I need to know your full name, your home address and the most
close airport. You can give me this information? You deserve the most gentle, warm embraces and it is fast will not be
expressed in my words because I can give you all this at ours with you to the first meeting.
Yours forever love Margarita.
Hello my love Ralph. I was very glad to receive the letter from you. When I read your letter, on my eyes
even tears of pleasure have appeared. I see that we are necessary for each other. I visit church, and Imp
asking the god for our meeting. How you there without me? I grieve without you very much. You are in
my heart. I know that you require me very much, and should feel very pleasantly. I always think of you,
about our meeting, about our feature. Now I feel, that you - my second half. And I want to be with you
most of all on this planet. Imp lonely in this huge world and now I have found you. I am very grateful to
you, that you trust me. You are in my opinion. With each your letter I understood that you that person
which is necessary for me, that the person who is very necessary for me. I as well as you want to see, I
want to arrive to you more never to be separated. Lovely, I very much would not like to burden you with
the difficulties, but I so would like to see you faster. I not I can to ask you about the help but if you want
to see me can help me with money faster. On registration of the visa as I to you wrote to me for this
purpose it is necessary 500 American dollars. I really should not do
these requests to you, but now there is no other variant to appear together. You see, that I had to put all the
efforts to search of money for our meeting. And now my parents cannot help me, also when I addressed to friends
too there was no success how all my friends do not have this money. You can trust completely to me and if you
would like to meet me please to make this help for me. I very much hope for your help my love because
only on you at me all hopes. And you can help to meet to us if you will help me. To accelerate ours
with you I shall meet could find out, that there is the most convenient way of transfer of money. This
system refers to Western Union. My love to a regret to me never was necessary to use this system and
consequently the girlfriend has solved to visit together with the today one of branches of the Western
Union to take consultation. Also could make sure completely that this system of transfer of money is
more reliable. Also should you tell, that if you agree to help me it will be better to you to specify by
transfer of money Russia. It is necessary for that because many people, which to use this system to
specify in a place of Russia, the name another the country. Today it was
possible find out the address of bank:
The address of bank:
RUSSIA, 432002
My full name: Margarita Mihaylova.
Also I could find out, that in yours the country is many such branches and you sent me of money. If you
will have an opportunity to help me you should take with yourself the identification card how without it
you cannot make transfer of money. Representative Western Union to inform me, that you will need to
be sent me 10-place number. By means of this number there will be an opportunity to receive money
only at me. This system safe and to you it is not necessary to have experiences. I shall wait from you
this information. I know, when I think of you, and you think of me, and it has heated up my soul and a
body. A smile from my special person - something which can decorate even the most dark day. One
thing which I have noticed from reading your letters, is, that you are very strong. It seems that you have
captured and have learned from experiences of life, and it is reflected in your letters.
I am now very glad also to me hunting to dream up a little about our attitudes:
Night, the novel, we one in a room, we include music and Dance slowly. I study your eyes, they - is so deep, and
you look in mine, they are full emotions. I see your lips, so soft, and I want to kiss them. We love each
another, and minute - eternity … Or so: - … you come back from work. I expect you. I have
Preparing very tasty dinner, and we sit at a table, you inform me news, about your work and I only we listen to you.
Require what - be still. I only enjoy the moments which I spend with you. Then we go in a drawing room a room,
and observe a film. We sit on a sofa, Embrace and kisses. Only quiet evening …
I hope, that these dreams very soon become a reality! Write to me, please, your ideas about it. I expect impatiently your Answer.
Hot kisses for you.
Yours Margarita.
   
   
   