Albina Almetyevsk
I am a single father of one son, white European, 41 years old, service engineer.
The contact started with for about two months
I've been scammed before and I think my emailadres is now know by some
or the other scammer company!! All the girls say I have your email from
but you need to be a member there to have contact and they never give a emailaddres
by the time they ask you for money to buy a visa and tickets and you tell
them I will pay all the costs but only if you are here live with me the contact
and mail stops...
I am glad to receive your letter. I did not expect that you will answer me. I thought what very difficultly to
get acquainted with the person through the Internet. But I probably was not right as you all the same have answered me. I do not know what exactly you me have involved but why you me have interested
that also I have decided to write to you. And I am very glad that you have loved me. Now I wish
to write about myself a little. As you already know my name is Albina. Me have named so in honour of my
grandmother. I live in Russia in small city which has name Almetyevsk. It is very beautiful
and cosy small town. The life in it flows easy and slowly. It very much to like me and I love it. Well will suffice
about city. I shall a little tell about myself. To me of 35 years. My growth approximately 174 cm, weight
53 kg. I think that it is not meaningful to describe wash appearance as you can see me on a photo
which I have sent you together with this letter. Well still to you to write in the first letter, I do not smoke
and not I use drugs and alcohol. Probably you would like to know for what I have addressed In the
Internet? I do not know, can be find the good friend with which I can talk, There can be I shall find the
good person with which I can connect the private life. Probably you will think that at me few friends - are
not present, it not so, simply I have decided to make some changes to the life. The friend on
correspondence it is very interesting to me and it seems to me that interestingly for you too. To me it will
be very pleasant if you will answer me soon but if I shall not like you or you will not want to write to me
that tell to me at once is better, I very much appreciate honesty in the person. I hope to you you are
interesting also will write to me the letter.
It is very pleasant to me to receive the answer from you. I before
when did not get acquainted by means of the Internet and have decided
to try. You have justified my hopes. In the first letter I not so have
much written about myself simply I thought that you will not answer me
and have decided to not write much simply! But I am glad to see your
answer and I think that we should learn more about each other as I
hope that we shall continue ours with you correspondence. I have
finished a faculty of law and I have higher education. I work as the
secretary in small firm in my city. Very much to like me my work
though I and get tired because I very often have a lot of work. Work by formation to me was offered by mum and
I do not regret that I have listened to its advice. I live together with my parents in a small
apartment (as they say: " in narrowness yes not in insult ") My parents any more do not work they are on pension. To
my mum - her name is Venera 54 years, and to my father Alexander 59 years. I very much
love the parents as they this all that at me is!!! To you Interestingly will know as I have a rest and I relax - to me
very much to like to go on a summer residence to my girlfriends, I am able to
prepare for a shish kebab well. As I like to go in for sports, in the
summer I run in the mornings and I like to skate in the winter. As I
visit pool three times a week and I spend there 2 hours every day.
Simply I watch the figure, and sports allow me to be in the good form
and to feel better. Tell to me please about itself, about that as you
spend a free time, about that as whom you work and that you love in
this life most of all. For me as that is interestingly for what you
has addressed to a site of acquaintances, you wish to find the friend
or second half? Do not hesitate to ask to me questions, I shall be glad to answer you. I wait for your
I am glad to receive your letter. I am glad that with all these
malfunctions connected with mine e-mail the address we all the same
continue ours with you correspondence! Today in the letter I would
like to tell to you about the childhood. I was born as you already know 1/19/1972 of year. Has left school in the native
city almost perfectly well. I always liked to go to school at what my parents me
did not force when to study I since small years have understood that
without knowledge in the future to me will be very bad in a life.
Study was given to me easily probably also on that that my parents
constantly were with me and to much me learned too. I am very grateful
to them for it. From 7 years I have started to be engaged in
gymnastics. Parents have sent to me school of gymnastics. I was
engaged in it till 15 years and have then thrown. I have much won
competitions in the city but itself I do not know why I have ceased to
be engaged in gymnastics, now there can be I was Olympic the Champion:)) But I not strongly am upset
that I have thrown the employment by gymnastics! Tell to me about the childhood. What family
at you was than you liked to be engaged in the childhood? To me very interestingly it is the nobility. Tell to me
please that for you the most important in a life, what you would wish to have in an old age???
It probably will seem to you silly, but to me it is valid interestingly :). I am glad that I have such good friend as you,
earlier I never corresponded on the Internet with someone, but now It
seems to me really interestingly. Write to me about the friends, whether " the best friend " is a lot of among them worthy a rank, it
as is very interesting to me. I wait your latter !
Hello my friend !
How your business? How your health? I'm fine. Can be from for that that I again have received your letter.
Today I would like to tell about that that I like to eat from meal. I love the Russian food very much, and I
in a condition to prepare for it very well. I do it always with the great pleasure, and all is pleasant it, that I
prepare. I have been studied it by my mum as it, due time worked above restaurant as the cook,
But now it is on pension. You are very good person. I am happy, which I inform with you.
I hope, that to you the same is pleasant to communicate with me. That concerning attitudes with men of Russia I do not
want to Have something with the Russian men more. I have suffered because of them
Very much, it is a pity, but I do not wish to speak about it more.
And I do not want it more. They think only of themselves and do not know how to make women happy.
Certainly there are and many good men, but for some reasons the success does not smile to me.
Thus I think, that you not such men, I see, that you interested me and you of good men.
I would like to learn about your first love how it was??? It is very interesting for learning to me about it. I shall give your answer.
Hi !!!
Today I had good day and should go on shops, but I have allocated time to write to you.
Tell to me please about your house, what it? What place In your house you like most of all?
Arie What do you appreciate in people most of all??? As for me I appreciate kindness honesty, an openness, sincerity
diligence. It seems to me that the main qualities of the person on which can be judged it,
it is possible to make any representation about person foe yourself. Most of all I hate lie, duplicity, meanness, these
are the most negative qualities of the person in my opinion. I many time I met such people which
deceived me, therefore I want to find the good person in the Internet,
and it is not important for me how far he is from me, the main thing - that person will good,
and the distance not so is important. It seems to me that people presently carry out
invisible borders of the dialogue, but it should not seems to me that such borders are exist.
Are you agree with me??? Write to me to me your point of view, it is very
important for me. I think that we understand each other good and consequently it is easy for me to
communicate with you. Excuse me that I write you small letters, but it seems to me that so at us
dialogue turns out as though, and we can better understand each other.
I wish you good evening.
You Albina.
Hello dear
When I have seen the letter from you in my mailbox - emotions have overflown my heart and I was very
glad, in fact your letters means for me so much. What weather at you? At us in Russia as always it is
cold. Above all I like spring very much, this finest season, on streets streamlets run,
and the nature wakes up after cold winter, arrive from the south of a bird
And everyone are pleased lives. The spring opens new life, and it is simply fine,
When there comes spring and smiles to us all beauty. But most of all to me brings
pleasure and good mood your letters, dear Arie. And what at you a favourite season?
Tell to me about it, describe to me that as you see it. Than you are engaged at this time year? Where
you go? What feelings you test with arrival of spring? I wish to tell to you about my character and my
soul more. I think, that you should know my private world. I search for the person who will share with me
a love, the person with whom I can have happy family. I hope that you understand me correctly, it seems
to me that even distinction of languages will not rise a wall between us.
I finish the letter and I shall look forward to hearing from you. I hope it will come soon.
Hello dear Arie !
Marry Christmas
I'm fine. I wish to tell to you more about my character and my soul.
I think, that you should know my private world. I search for the person who
will share with me love, the person with whom I can have happy family.
You are very kind person. I think, that I can be completely sure in you.
I can discuss with you various themes. I can speak with you about my
problems and you always will help me by advice. I wish to find in you the supporter.
I receive a lot of pleasure from dialogue with you. At this time I listen to
music, silent and slow which brings a lot of calmness. I love flowers very much , especially red roses.
But nobody gives me them during long time. I dream again to be loved, that me loved and appreciated,
Arie I can speak you it because you my very good friend. Do you waiting waited from life some???
Dear, My feelings increase to you every day. I am constant thinking of you.
I cannot live without your letters that brings to me good mood and some romantic.
Dear, please tell me how you see development of our friendship. I would like to know what you looking for in the woman, what is it the most important for you?
I wait for your answer.
Hello my lovely princ!!!
I snow slightly apologies for that that I so long to you did not
write. The darling simply I had no such opportunity to my big regret.
My gentle tender prince of èíòåðòåò-cafe which is in my city is closed
and will work only in a month. The girlfriend at which was a computer and connection to the Internet has left
on a vacation and will return yet soon. On it I had no opportunity to write to you! My gentle tender
prince I have found an opportunity to write to you casually having met
the teacher. Lovely prince I have told to it about ours with you
correspondence and about ours with you which we test feelings to each
other. It was very glad for us with you. It has given to me an opportunity to write you letter from computer class of
school in which I earlier studied. The darling it as has told that it can find a
computer with web cam and connection to the Internet of all for 350
euros. The darling I have 100 euros. I ask the help from you. The
darling it would be simply remarkable if you could help me. Favourite
we could see each other through webcam every day. Favourite I hope
that you like this idea. What do you think of it? Favourite I hope
tha you will be agree with it and can help me with money for purchase
of a computer. Favourite I with greater impatience wait for your
letter. I love you very much.
Yours Albina.
Albina Aytakowa
Hi this woman is already on your scam list as Irina Mitina , she went under
the name of Albina Aytakowa and wanted $990 dollars as stated below ,I told
her she was a scammer. I have sent some other pictures she was using as
well. I hope this may help you and others from being scammed. Thanks others.
-----Original Message-----
From: Albina []
Sent: Saturday, 17 May 2008 9:48 PM
To: Rick
Subject: Re[2]: FW: Hi Albina
TRAVEL INFO : Albina Aytakowa
© Travel Agency Blue Rivers .
TRAVEL INFO : Albina Aytakowa - private tour.(work visa)
Travel dates for: Ms. Albina Aytakowa
Please label the inside and outside of each piece of baggage to be checked in with your name and
where possible your address. Suitable baggage labels and stickers are available free of charge. In advance of your journey.
please note the current free baggage allowance included in your ticket price.
You can find this information in the internet or via your Airline contact person. In case you booked a
special fare please note that it can be subject to restrictions. Travel Abroad: When preparing to travel abroad for less than 5 months, it is important to ensure entry to another country . Depending on the country to be visited and the student's nationality, it may be necessary to apply for a visitor visa.The
tudent must have: a valid passport or travel document, valid visa . Furthermore, page 4 must be signed by the RO. No special permission is needed, but it is important to have a valid passport,valid visa and all
travel documents. Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind regards."Blue
Rivers" is a licensed and officially registered travel agency. Travel agency Blue Rivers.
Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual
Please use our service .Managers: Ms.Alikina Nataliya. Ms.Svetlova Maria.
The nearest possible flight is - May 20, 2008.From Moscow
Sheremetyevo Inter Airport.
Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD
This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not purchased until May 19, 2008.
Hello my love, I have got all the info and resend to you, you see I am after visit to consulate and agency
and I am so happy to say that we will meet in a few days!!!! I am really lucky girl to meet
you. Honey the thing is that I booked nearest possible flight .I need only your help. there is only a small problem but I
am sure we will be able to solve. I wanted to ask you to help me to pay for tickets but they tell that
I can't use your help or ask you about sending me tickets because I have
permission to use the help of agency only because they do all travel things
and it is their business to arrange all travel things for my jorney,
it is the law. and it is not possible to get work visa without help of
agency, too strong laws. I was sure that my mom will help me because she promised but now she sent
telegram that it is possible only in a few months or so because of
family problems. and she can't send transfer now. I was in the bank to try to
ask them about loan but they tell I have to have something to stay them
and I have nothing to stay because I have only a few dress and things,
some perfume and it is all I have, and small gift for you from russia with
love. and I think it is not great problem for you to help me. I even think that maybe it will
give you the pleasure to help me because you are my knight, rught? after all payments here and travel by
plane I have about 300$ my own money and I need about 990$ from your
side, because I have to pay for ticket and a few thigs yet, and I have to pay in advance about 1290$ and if the tickets
will cost less i will get some money back. when we meet I will return this sum and some extra money because to send
thransfer costs money too.I have to be sure that I will be able to book it or I will lose
all the money I gave them in advance. I'm not going to ask one more time for your
help, you see I am in hard situation. I will be waiting for your answer .I
know it sounds like I am poor outsider but you see I have not time or somebody
to ask about help, you know my mom gave me all that we with mom could collect for my
travel. I hate to ask but now I don't have any other choice. you saw all my body and I believe you I have
done almost all here and now I need some help from you, please help me to
leave Moscow and it is all I ask now and you know I am full of the love to share with you.
Kiss you, counting days and minutes before our meeting. you know it is only
money ,and I think that it is not too hard for you to help me ,you see I have such chance only once
in my life. I know you are kind man and I do hope you will be able to help me.I promise I will return all the money .and I will earn money
because I am ready to work as hard as possible! Million Kisses, Your poor Albina you know my rent address here is
Russia, Moscow,zip 105064, Kazakova street 5 flat 17. Remember that my full name is
Aytakowa -(last name) . Albina - (firstname) it is right writting in English, and you should put it
on western union list and you can choice any bank in Moscow, they tell it is
international service and I can get money in any bank of Moscow. they tell I can get only Western Union or
Moneygram transfer because I have not any bank accounts in Moscow and I have only passport and it is
enough to get it! P.S. I am not sure I should tell this but I want to let
you know that if you don't like me I will not bother you and it is only your
choice to spend time with me I know you may be too busy,and in any case I will return money back .you know
I will have rent room ,job and I want to say that you don't worry that I want
to use you just for my goals. and I am sure that when we meet we will not regret about
it,promise, and I hate people who imagined so many silly rules and laws.and I
have only small suitcase with me. and I dream about our first meeting,
our first night and I have some sexy night dress with me! and I think that now everything depends on you my hope and
I will check my mail all day and all night because i can't sleep if I am not sure that everything is all right
and you can help, please dear don't leave me alone i have done so much and I am almost near you.
and I can stay more than six months, I can stay longer it is possible if we
fall in love and going to marry.But I think we need time to learn each other.
and as soon as I got transfer ,they tell in the bank you should send me
transfer number and I will be able to get transfer then, I will send exact schedule and number of
the flight and terminal number and time of my arriving to your airport.
I with the big hope shall wait your letter.
Kissss Your Albina
Hi Albina I am 47years and you are very young 25years and very pretty
you should be looking for a young man? which city's in Australia are you going to visit , And which
city are you flying to first? I live 2 hours from Melbourne Airport , Do you have other
friends that have visited Australia. Have a nice day Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Albina []
> Sent: Tuesday, 13 May 2008 1:11 AM
> To: Rick
> Subject: Re: FW: Hi Albina
I have decided to return to the Internet-cafe and to write to you a little
more)) I very well understand people and I think that you very good person:)
I wish to send you an air kiss and to wish good day!!! Albina
At first I think I have to say that I am new in internet and I have only
good intentions. you should know that I am not very good writer in english, please be
patient to read my messages and see many mistakes. to be fair I don't know what you want to
know about me,in principle I am usual girl.I think I should tell you about me, my interests,tastes
and hobbies.I think I will tell you about things I want to know about you and you will know my future
questions. I am 25 years old,my birthday is July, 14, 1982. I so much don't want to
get older ,when I can see old women I am getting crazy to think that it is my
future .I do all the best to keep my youth and I keep my body well.In spite of all
difficultes here I am trying to be in good condition and I do a lot of
exercises to be in good shape! I am about 172 cm tall (5.6) and my weight is about 56 kg. I've been told
I look well enough , and I think that all women have own beaty. I have never been married and I
don`t have children. I have one youngest sisters and it is great problem for us because we have
only two rooms can't imagine what does it mean to be born in small town in Russia,there are not any chances to live well,to get a
good job.All young people leave towns to search great luck in big cities but nobody waits for them there. I want to leave
Russia,I know it sounds ugly but I know that I will be lost here like many young girls before me. It is not place to
grow children and have stable future.I want to meet my right man . I think in future I can work as fitness
trainer I have a certificate. My mother is my great problem too,she has a great dream to see me
married and she wants to make me happy but I think it is only my business
I am not a little child. She tells me every day that I should get married very soon... To be fair I am not sure I am able
to explain all in first message I want to say so much! I just want you to know that I am not afraid to
work,I am fairly goal oriented and I am sure you will be not disappoined to meet me in real
life.I am going to spend three months abroad to work in any good place,agency promises to help me because it is
only the way I can leave Russia.I will have all documents to travel in a few days and i will travel to moscow then,from
moscow I will travel to you and they ask me about name of the city i am going to work,
if you don't mind to meet me please tell me the name of your city and nearest international airport! I will book my flight
from moscow! I think it would be so great to meet my love and stay there forever.I
know that it is not so easy like I think but I think it is possible that I meat
my real love. I want to love and to be loved I want to build our own happiness,only me
and my man there. I don't smoke,I tried to smoke when I was younger. I may have a glass of red dry vine,sometimes it helps to relax. I try to take care of my body and face. I
know it is all I have. My soul may have any itnterst for you later, I thinkso.I am not a little
girl and I know that at first almost all men look at body ,legs and face.God created males such persons. Well,I think I
am lost in my letter,I am not sure you understand my goals,please feel free to ask.
I live in Russia,town Shelekhov, Sosnovaya street 3,flat 7,it is near big
city Irkutsk. My town is rather far from Moscow Moscow is a capital of my country. I
want you to reply if you understand my mind,my intentions,my soul,if
not please reply too, I will continue my searching. Well, I will close
this letter,I think you are tired to read it.and If you think that I should write shorter letters please tell me. I
write from internet cafe in Irkutsk because there are not cafes and possibility to use internet in my
small town,we have 4 digital phone number and we can't call abroad.Even to call in any big town here in Russia I have to
order the call in advance.and I would like to say please don't worry if I keep silence sometimes I have no time to
travel it is about 25 minutes by bus from my town till Irkutsk Please tell me more about you,your
tastes,likes and dislikes .also I have a few impotant questions do you
like strong drinks too much?can you be very drunk?very ofthen?can you be
rude with women? Well,I have to stop or I will write without ending.Kiss you !see you
In my next e-mail I will write you more things about myself and more details about my trip and work. I will miss you, your Albina
Evgeniya Nizgireva & Romanova Tatyana
I'm 39 years old, single father of 2 daughters...Caucasian
The First Contact came from a post I did on Craig's List.
I was savvy to the Russian Woman Scam, but played along money sent!!!
GUYS BEWARE!!!! I have 31 pictures in total. I don't know if they are pictures of Evgeniya or Romanova.
From: Evgeniya <>
Date: Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 11:27 AM
Subject: Hi guy!
My name is Evgeniya.
I for the first time have attended dating site. I do not know as receive post on Craigslist, therefore I write to you from my personal mail address. I for the first time try such a way of dialogue, and I really don't know what to tell right now. But I have decided to write
to you and maybe you will answer. I'm lonely young lady, if you don't mind, we can continue correspondence. I do not know as far as really to find
soulmate in such way. I heard so many awful things about the Internet. But at the same time I heard
also, that many people who not been able to find happiness in the usual life, have found happiness
through Internet. I have decided to make this step, courageous for me step in a way to possible
happiness because I always gave chance to my destiny. Either way, I am looking for someone who i can
spend time with and fill the feelings of loneliness. I want to take it nice and slow as friends, and see if we
are right for each other and if we are compatible. I hope you will discover that I am unlike any woman you
have ever known. And I want to enjoy every drop of pleasure from my life before it is gone. I have lost
many close people in my life, this has enriched me to see what is really important in life, and what does
not... I was hurt in my life, who didn't? But I still live with the hope that
God will put me on the right path to meet my other half. I am romantic too and very sincere and kind in a relationship. Hopefully my email
will find you healthy and happy and if you think that we are compatible I would like to try to go ahead. So
I am willing to see what we can find. Maybe it will be a great friendship. Maybe it will be the Love.
Anyway I only know one way to find out and that requires us to take a step. I am open and willing to
take that step. To tell about itself briefly is impossibly, therefore I will not try to do it now. I will wait for
your letter and if you are really serious in your search, maybe we will find interest in each other. I beg
you, if you haven't the same serious intention to search someone special, please do not answer me,
because I tell you with all sincerity and I'm serious in my search. But in any case I will wait for your reply
and if you are really interested, you may write me. In attachment to this letter you can see my pic.
My personal e-mail address: [ ]
I will be happy to trade email with you and send you pictures, but...before I do...where do you live? I ask
this because your email looks very similar to those I constantly sent from Russia or Africa. You
know...the emails that end up requesting that I send money for some unexpected emergency.
So,...if we start this in a honest way...I won't be scammed along and you won't waste time with someone who has
seen these scams many times and would never send money, for any reason, to another country.
Let's begin there. If you are for real and you've read this email...then the next step is up to you.
Tim :-)
Evgeniya <>
Mar 16 to
Tim <My Email Address>
dateMar 16, 2008 1:17 PM
subjectHi Tim!
Hi Tim!
I do not know why you speak about scam. You prefer to think that if woman
seeks a man not in the own country it means that she is potential criminal? If you think so, it saddened me. I am not such. If you do
not like Russian people, just tell me that I am not for you. But why you talk
to me as if I am person without conscience? I have written to you because
I wanted to find a friend or more, man with other mentality than here.
I did not give a case to think about me such things. I am simple woman but
I as well have the pride.
Tim <My Email Address>
Mar 17
date Mar 17, 2008 2:48 PM
subject Re: Hi Tim!
I would like to believe that to be true. I've never had a friend in another country before. I have had many
emails from women from Russia. They all start out as friends, trading pictures and talking about life in
general...but ultimately, they have all asked for money for some disaster in their lives. Most, occurring
while trying to come to the US for a visit (all saying they want to meet me).
Africa is even worse than that...emails from women in Africa always end up with them being held in some hotel until they can raise
a given amount of money. All the emails ring the same tone. It gets very old replying to someone who
has no intentions other than scamming me. However, if you understand my position and still would like
to email me...I will respond in kind.
Tim :-)
Mar 19 to
Tim <My Email Address>
Date Mar 19, 2008 1:26 PM
Subject Hi, it's Evgeniya. I hope I'm not too late?
Hi Tim!
First of all I want to apologize for my delay with my answer. Please do not be angry with me.
Unfortunately I had no opportunity to write to you sooner. I hope you remember me? I have written to you
the short letter and you have answered me. I wanted to answer at once to not keep you waiting for my
answer, but I got access to a computer only now. Please, forgive me. I am very glad that you have
answered to my letter. Thank you that you have found time for answer. I am so sorry that you had such
bad experience of dialogue with lady from our country. Such women disgrace our country and though I
always had pride for Russian people and women, it is a shame to me, that these women are Russian.
Actually - in Russia a lot of good, fair and kind ladies. I understand what opinion now you have about
Russian people. But, in Russia are really a lot of good ladies. I sincerely regret that you communicated
with bad people. I will not try to deny or justify it because I really admit that in our country there are
women who put material values above any others. But at the same time, as far as I know, similar people
are in any country of the world where the standard of living does not come up to anticipations that people
deserve. Anyhow, as for bad ladies from our country, I sincerely regret that you have bad experience of
dialogue. It is the huge country and in scales of all country, amount of people spoiling reputation of the
country certainly incomparably less in comparison with amount of kind and sincere people. In Russia
speaks: "One rotten egg spoils all fried eggs"! (Smile). Please, do not think that in Russia only bad
women. I think that such people there are everywhere. Russian women actually very kind, patient and
sincere. Probably first of all I should write the most important thing.
I hope and I think you are not very much afflicted that I live not in your country (I think you already know about it). But I very much hope that
it does not frighten you, because I am the same lady like many other ladies living in the different
countries. I am the same person with heart and soul. I very much am afraid that my nationality and myresidence will disappoint you and you will not write to me more, but at the same time I sincerely hope
that nationality and distinction of cultures for you is not the most important things in a lady. And if
your interest is not limited by distance or borders, I really will be very glad. Besides, in the near future Iam going to travel to your country,
and who knows, maybe we would become the big friends or even more... My country is Russia. Moscow is the capital of Russia. Now I live in village of Marievka. It's a
small settlement, where live a few hundreds inhabitants. Probably if you want to have the best
understanding about where I live, I should tell you that my village is located close to the
city - Shahty. It is a city located in Rostov Area - in a southern part of the European Russia,near to such known cities as
Novoshahtinsk, Novocherkassk. In the childhood I dreamed to be a translator of the English language. I
dreamed to work with our President to know all state and international secrets! (smile). But the destiny
has disposed differently. I think our president doesn't need my services now because I am
gynecologist, and I think that our president would not allow me to examine him (smile)! I began to get education in the
comprehensive school with a medical bias. After ending school I entered the Medical University.Now I
work in a clinic. I work as an gynecologist. I already said that my name is Evgeniya. Tim, I promised to
share with you my picture, I fulfils my promise with worry and with pleasure. In addition to a picture I
want to tell that color of my hair is light-brown, though sometimes I like to change color of hair. I hope
you are not disappointed very much that I am a light-brown, because I know that all men love more
blondes? It is a question!!! (smile). My height is 5 feet 6 inches. My weight is 115 pounds. And of course
you should know that I am 29 years old. My birthday is 22 June 1978. I have no children. I understand
that all people have various tastes and interests, but I sincerely hope that my picture and my
appearance will be pleasant for you. But if my appearance doesn't conform to your tastes and interests, I
will understand you, of course. I the optimist at heart and it's often help me in my life. I already adult
woman; and I look at the life with a philosophical shade. But as though I did not try to inspire myself that
I absolutely happy woman, I can't do it. I have fine lady friend, I have job and my apartment. But there are
things without which people cannot be happy. And for me it's not material things. I have written to you
the first and it means that I am ready to share with you my thoughts. I am very glad and grateful
to you for that that you have answered me. Anyhow, I hope that you, just as I, have interest in our dialogue, and
I will wait your answer. I sincerely think that there are no borders and distances for friendship. In the end
of my letter I want to ask you the most banal questions: what music you like, what movies you prefer.
These questions are really interesting for me because I like American movies and American music very
much. I with pleasure will tell to you about it in my next letter if you really want to learn more about me.
Do you like your job, Tim? Had you ever had experience in correspondence with a friend from other
country? Maybe you are more skilled in this than I am? If you do not want to answer these questions,
please do not answer. It is simply my female curiosity. I will be very grateful to you also if you will send
me your pictures. I will be happy to have your pictures in the computer.
With the best regards. Evgeniya.
Tim <My Email Address>
Apr 4
Date Apr 4, 2008 1:41 PM
Subject Re: It's me, your friend Evgeniya
"""When the emails came, I'd just respond by taking the email and inserting my thoughts""""
Hi, Tim!
"Hello Evgeniya"
First of all I want to apologize for my delay with my answer. But the computer in our clinic was faulty.
Please do not be angry with me. I got access to a computer only now. "That's quite was a very busy week for me as well."
Today I had so much work that I was afraid that I wouldn't have time to get your letter. And I have to say
that it is distressed me. "There's no need to sweat the small stuff!"
But now I have found free time and very glad. Thank you for your kind letter. My last letter was sad. That's why today I will try not to write about sad things. How there were your day?
"It's OK to share...My whole week has been hectic and I'm glad it's finally the weekend!!"
Now I am smiling and have a good mood, because today we found out that in two days into Shahty will
be coming big exhibition of rare breeds of cats and dogs. It is great news because at this exhibition
there will be the best representatives of rare breeds, collected from all of Russia. Everybody wants to
visit this exhibition because it will last only for several days.
"OK...I'm not big into shows of that type...but then again, it takes different strokes to make to world go around."
I like animals very much. Can you imagine that I never was in a zoo? It is my dream.
"I've been a few times, but it is usually depressing. I hate to see animals in cages."
But the last summer I visited an exhibition of fishes. This exhibition is in Shahty and there many various
fishes. All fishes such beautiful. "I've got a whole pond of fish...mostly bass, brim, perch, catfish"
Have you ever been in zoo? We have here several small menageries, but I dream to see giraffes and rhinoceroses, hippopotamuses and bears. I never saw tigers and elephants in real life. Have you ever
seen a tiger or a bear? "Yeah, I have seen them, but I'd rather visit Africa and see them in the wild. That
would be cool."
The biggest animal I saw in my life is a horse. I like horses very much and think that these are the most
beautiful animals in the planet. "I ride motorcycles...they are often referred to as steel horses."
As matter of fact I have always dreamt to have some pets. Unfortunately a horse hardly would be placed
in my apartment (smile). I dreamt to have cat or dog. But when I think that a little puppy will wait for me
home, alone, I feel pity. That's why I don't have pets. "I have two cats. I used to have a dog, but he got out of the yard and was killed by a car."
Two years ago in Novoshahtinsk I visited a wax museum. It was very interesting. In this museum are
collected sculptures of many well-known people. I will attached some pictures from this museum.
"Wax museums are kinda creepy...don't you think?"
I never saw such beautiful motorcycles. It is simple a miracle. In Russia there is nothing similar. Likely
on such motorcycle it is possible to develop very big speed. I love speed.
"My bike is built for long hauls and is not really fast from a stop, but it can cruise at 80 mph with no problem...once you get up to
I only want to ask you to make your pictures small(size of 50-100 Kilobytes). A picture that you sent is
too big and we spent a half hour to download it! "Sorry about that. The size of the picture depends on my camera settings when I take the picture."
What else to tell about myself? I always very much get tired on work. And though my work is not heavy physical work but like any doctor, I am in constant concentration and an internal moral strenuousness, because the health of people depends on my attention. I am always waiting weekends with impatience. Weekends are the only one possibility for me to get a rest and to get new forces.
"Me too. I wish we had a four day work week and a three day weekend."
Weekends I spend variously. Sometimes I want simply to rest in my apartment. I live alone in my apartment. I have the one-room apartment with a toilet and kitchen. I like my apartment – small and cozy. On weekends I always clean apartment properly.
"My house is about 1700sqft. 3 bedrooms, two bathrooms, a kitchen and dinning room, a large living room. I pay my daughters to keep the place clean."
I like purity. And though I always try to keep clean my apartment, all the same, always
in the weekends I find what work to make in an apartment. But when I want really to relax I listen to music or read books. I like to read books especially historical novels about ancient Russia or other countries.
"I'm not big on reading. Most that I read are political in nature."
I like to spend time with my female friends. I have two best lady friends. When we meet, the air is filling with laughter. We like to walk and to talk; we go to cinema and walk in the park. If you want I can tell you about my friends. I like very much to spend time in nature in the open air. I like the sea. I live not very far away from the sea, but should tell that I have been there very seldom. I like woods, mountains, lakes and the rivers more. Camping in Russia is very popular. I adore to go to the forest and to live in a tent though now I have such opportunity seldom. I like to look at night illumination and cars headlights. I like very much to look at the stars. In August our sky abound with stars. It is
incredible beautifully. I like to cook on the fire. There is nothing more wonderful than when the fragrances of forest, mountain rivers
and smoke mix together in the air. I am romantic undoubtedly. "I have a really big yard...3 acres. I have a pond, some thick woods and some rolling hills."
I really like to cook. I know that I do it well, because I started cooking from childhood. My mother taught me many things including cooking. She said: "Lady who can
cook well doesn't have disadvantages and demerits, because tasty food is a way to the man's heart (smile).
"Good food always works for me..:-)"
May be she was right. We have In Russia many national dishes, such as an okroshka, uha, borsch, golubtsy. I am not sure if you know such dishes. These are Russian national dishes. Also I like dishes of Caucasian Georgia. What dishes do you prefer Tim?
"Steamed king crab legs are my favorite. Other than that...really good steak."
Looking back at your life would you like to change something? "I'd probably change a lot of things. I guess that's why you must make every moment count, because you can never go back again."
I have to finish. I hope my letter was not stodgy and uninteresting. I will wait for your letter with
impatience. I wish you peace and kindness.
"Have a great weekend!!!
Tim :-)"
37 EMAILS LATER…………………….
Apr 28
to Tim <My Email Address>
Date Apr 28, 2008 11:13 AM
Subject I want to see your smile Tim!
Hi my Tim!
I waited for your letter with fear and with pleasure at the same time! And I am very happy to receive your
letter! I am ready to jump and dance, laugh and sing songs! And the reason - you Tim! Thank you for
your letter and your thoughts. I am so happy that we will meet. Now I have the ocean of emotions and I
at all do not know what to say. I am worried very much. I very much hope that we can perfectly spend
time together. I only am afraid, that if we will meet, I will asks so many questions and to chatter
unceasingly, that you soon will escape from me. I get my vacation once a year. My vacation will begin
approximately about May, 15. At this time I can arrive to you. But unfortunately the schedule of my
vacation is not flexible. Therefore I hope you will be glad to meet me at this time. If you have not enough
time, I will be happy all the same. I will be happy in any case. It is better to wait when you will come
from work, than to sit in my apartment and to know that nobody will come!!! Duration of my vacation is
24 workdays. But quantity of days which I can spent with you depends on when I will get my vacation
and when I will order the ticket. How many days you want to be with me?
I have submitted the visa application. It will take about one or two week I think. Complexity of approval of the visa will be reduced
to a minimum as I will have petitions and characteristics from a work place, from respected
organizations and legal persons; guarantee documents and a various sort of the information and inquiry,
which will give to commissions the confidence, that my intentions is not emigration. I will get the petition
and a testimonial from Ministry of Health of Russian Federation! It is a respected structure and any
person working in the field of medicine is under care of the Ministry.
Except of that I will pay for preparation for interview with the commission. Every day I think - what my friend Tim will tell me today,
what mood he will have today? And as soon as I get free minute, I rush to accounting department to find
out if you have written to me or not. And when I receive your letter, I start to smile from ear to ear
anticipating the best time of my day - time when I read your letter and when I write to you the all my
thoughts. These are the most important minutes of my day. And these minutes I don't hear anything and
I don't see anything except of lines and paragraphs which in my mind will be transformed into small
movie, movie about you, my dear Tim. And you cannot imagine at all how it wonderfully! Sometimes I
think, what would be if I have not found the boldness in myself to write you? What would be if I didn't
believe that I can find a man in such a way? I always want to think that I the courageous woman, but I
feel that actually it is not so. I am ready to give my life for the sake of person who are close and dear for
me, I am ready to donate my well-being for the sake of well-being of other person but when I think of
myself, I often become timid and all my boldness disperses like the fire's smoke. I am often afraid to
make something, to take some step simply because of fear that it will be an incorrect step. I am often
afraid to ask people about anything simply because of fear to get the negative answer. Not always, but it
happens. What would happen, if you have not answered my first letter? Nothing would happen! And grey
monotonous days again would lie on a way of my life by infinite impenetrable veil. Do you want to know
what I did today? First off, I should tell that I slept with a smile on my face! At least when I have woken
up and have looked at the mirror, I have noticed that I smile! Then, I cleaned a teeth and I had smile!
hen, I jog and I smiled as if actually I watched funny movie. Then, I have cooked a breakfast and drank
a coffee with a smile on my face! Then, I have come to clinic, and I could not hide my smile. I was ready to
laugh and I at all had no desire to work! It is a very bad symptom for the doctor! (Smile). Everything
around have seemed to me a beautiful and wonderful. And even the severe boss, when have seen that I
look at him and I smile, he began to survey himself attentively and even have come near to the mirror to
see if anything wrong! He has thought that something wrong with his clothes! All the day I work with
smile on my face! Aleksandra looks at me and smiles as well. Of course she understands the reason,
and it makes her happy as well! And when time of sleep will come, I will lie in my bed with the same
smile on my face! And if you till now have not understood why I smile, I will tell you! I smile because I
think of you, Tim! And it brings joy! I am so happy that I have in my life such a man as you! Thank you
that you are in my life! I have to go. Now I will not have a lot of time after work because after work I will
have one more working day! (Smile). You may ask what I mean? The preparation for my trip! You cannot
imagine at all how many deals I must do for our meeting! I even have asked the boss to reduce my
working day or to allow me to take some hours off in the middle of day to make some things, because
after 5 pm not all departments works! Of course now I should work in the days off to have more of free
time at week-days. But thoughts about our meeting give me force and energy! I am sure that everything
ill be perfectly! I will wait your letter! Please, write me because I need your letters and support more than
Your Evgeniya!
Tim <My Email Address>
Apr 29
Date Apr 29, 2008 12:08 PM
Subject Re: my Greetings Tim!
Evgeniya Nizgireva, <3
I find myself not really knowing what to say or how to react. Quite simply, there's a part, deep down in
the pit of my being, that tells me this can't be real and that I should be ready for disappointment. Why
would a beautiful young lady fly half way around the world, just to see me? What catch is there...when
will the shoe actually fall? It seems as if a dream has invaded my waking hours. A dream that's sure to
lead to a nightmare of a broken heart. Could it truly be that this wonderful Russian woman is a real
person who has desires to meet me? The odds are such that something must be wrong with this
moment because I've never been that lucky. So, I await nervously for that email that reveals this all to be
a joke on Tim. I love to get the emails, but fear what the final outcome might be, as I've seen this movie
before, and it always ends the same way. From my seat behind the computer, all I can do is read your
emails and wonder what is next. As I read your words, I am hoping for the spectacular, that I have really
found favor in your eyes. It seems to good to be true and I'm helpless to either answer my searching
questions or have concrete knowledge of what this path will reveal. So I wait. Is this my soul mate that
has found me half a world away or the guise of a trick, designed to take advantage of someone who is
trusting? You hold the answer Evgeniya...I only hold a hope. It's a beautiful day in Raleigh, North
Carolina today. A bit on the cold side, but the sun is high in the sky with white clouds floating around. It
would be a great day to share. I'm sending you a poem, but my heart is full of fear that none of this is
real. It's a dark, gloomy I came within inches of catching an angel and can merely watch as
she flutters away. Her image burned upon my eyes for all time. Here's to you Evgeniya...and the hope
that your intentions are not a mirage.
Tim :-)
We all are explorers on the great sea of life; We search and we hunt for our pleasure.
Some adventures are fruitful, and some disappoint, But few find a gem they can treasure.
I'm so blessed I found you as my priceless prize; You're a treasure in every way.
I searched with the rest and discovered the best; Finding you was my luckiest day.
May 8
To Tim <My Email Address>
date May 8, 2008 12:02 PM
subject You are with me!
Hi my Tim!
Thank you for your letter. I am so happy. Thoughts about you calm my heart. You don't know how all
your words are important for me. I know what emotion you write me with, and your emotions caress my heart. And I know hundreds of words, that could help me to tell you how you are important, dear and
wonderful for me. And I so wait for that a moment when I will be able to tell you these all words, at the
same time looking into your eyes. I so wait for that a moment when I will see your smile and I will read in
your smile all your thoughts. And now my heart enjoys fine feeling - feelings of waiting and hope that
soon our meeting will come true. And sometimes it is simply impossible by means of only words to
express all shades of joy. Any words cannot replace a glance and a smile, any words are not able to
replace tenderness of touch. Yes, I feel your love in each your word. I feel your love in each yours
thoughts! Your heart and your internal world are open for me and I enjoy your internal world. Your love is
the purest love and anybody never loved me as you! I feel that we are couple because I adore each your
word, I adore each your thoughts, I like to hear such words, I like when a man is so open, I like when a
man speaks me about his feelings, you manipulate my heart, you hypnotize me by your love and I fall in
love with you more and more every instant! My heart for a long time ago has accepted your love and I
want to be with you every minute of your life, and I want you to be near to me every minute of my life. My
heart belongs to you. My reason is filled with you. You are my heart, and your love is my blood! And
while my heart beat, while my blood flows in my veins, I will protect your love and I will be dedicated to
my feelings once and FOR EVER!!!!! Thanks for a special picture. Thank you for your diligence to write to
me in Russian! It really has some sense, but I think similar translators are able to correctly translate
sense only of elementary thoughts. Tim, I so waited for this opportunity to write you, because I wanted very much to tell you that today has happened something bad, and this time it is not a joke unfortunately. Maybe I shouldn't tell you, but I was so frightened, that I cannot hold it inside. Today at night when I slept, I have suddenly heard a terrible sound of a breaking glass! I at once have
woken up but I could not understand anything absolutely. And at this moment, right into my room has flown a brick; and having broken the window-glass, this brick has fallen in several centimeters from me. I so strongly was frightened, I could understand nothing and simply instinctively I have rushed onto a floor and have hidden under my bed. And at this moment other stones has flown into my room, breaking windows and glasses in my apartment. I shouted and cried. I at all did not know what to do. Stones could not strike me because my bed protected me. But I have been frightened so, that I simply has
closed my ears by my hands and cried. In absolute darkness several stones broke windows and fell near
to me. Then everything has stopped. But I continued to lay and cry. I was afraid even to look out from
under a bed. We haven't here even militia and phones. Never in my life I was so frightened. After some
time I nevertheless have risen from under a bed. I have looked thru the broken window but of course I
haven't seen there anybody. I do not understand who did it and why. I have run to Aleksandra and I have
seen that her windows are broken as well. And not only in her house, but in some other houses as well.
We have cleaned her apartment and than have returned to my apartment together. But I could not fall
asleep this night anymore. I do not know who did it. Aleksandra say that probably it was young addicts
who simply had a fun, because if someone would really want to cause to us physical harm, they could
simply enter our apartments. But I really don't understand why someone did it. Now I am ok, Tim! I do
not want to finish my letter with bad thoughts. And I will tell you something good! If you would see how I
worry. But I waited for this news for a long time. And I cannot imagine at all how I
will worry the following some days! Anyhow, today I finally got the invitation! I will have the interview with the commission! It is
the most important point for me. I prepared to this for a long time. After I will have interview I will find out
the final decision! The commission will inform me their decision, and then you and I will know if we will
meet or not. I don't want to say "IF", but it is really a very difficult and tense moment. And I am simply
not sure if I will have confidence and self-control. But I have to calm down myself. My worry - our enemy.
I think I am ready. I feel that I can do and tell everything correctly, and we will meet! You should be with
me in your thoughts. Without you I so am afraid! I have almost all documents which should impress the
commission. I hope that everything what I have made will help us. Please, tell me that you believe in it.
Be with me in your thoughts. I hope nothing bad will happen to me anymore. And I am happy that
Aleksandra and I didn't get any traumas today. I cannot imagine at all what would be in this case. But I
am ok, and it is most important. I will think of you, so please, think of me as well. With all my tenderness.
Your Evgeniya.
P.S. I do not want to finish my letter with bad thoughts. Today I have for you a small surprise. Today I will send you my most recent pictures. I did not speak you what on work I wear glasses. I hope you will not be disappointed that I wear glasses? I hope you will like these pictures.
May 13 (6 days ago)
To Tim <My Email Address>
date May 13, 2008 7:23 AM
subject Good news, I hope!
Hi, my Tim.
I even do not know what to tell first. I simply hope that you will be happy! The most important, finest
news - I did it! I got the visa! I am very happy!!!! I as well have found out that I will get vacation May, 18,
2008. I have been to the company that reserves airway tickets. I asked them how I can reach Raleigh
(RDU) and how much it costs. They have offered to me the roundtrip ticket that costs $1574 USD. I
asked them to find cheapest ticket, because this price is expensive for me. They have answered that
they have a cheaper ticket and the beginning of the flight May, 22, 2008. It costs $ 1361 USD. It was the
best variant for me. I asked them to reserve a ticket. But they refused, because they can't reserve the
ticket without advance payment. I must pay full cost. I have asked if I can pay a part of money now,
an the other part later. They have told that it is possible, but I will be limited by term. And if I will not pay the
full cost of the ticket within of this term, I will lose already nested money. I have agreed because it is the
only chance for me, because I must give to anti-emigration committee a data about my payment. By this
moment I had only the concrete sum of money which I had after all my expenses. I paid $ 940 USD. But
it was not enough for them. In a panic, all what Aleksandra and I could do - we pawned our gold earrings
and rings and I got $ 128 USD. That is all I could do. The number of the flight on which I will get the
ticket is 47 Delta Airlines. The time of departure from Moscow is 12:55 pm. The time of arrival in Raleigh
is 8:59 pm. I will change a plan in Atlanta, number of the flight 1406 Delta Airlines.
After this I will fly to Raleigh, to you. I know that probably I simply must tell that I can't come to you because I haven't the
remaining sum. I know that I promised to do all by self, and I was sure that I can. I did not want to ask
you. But after I did everything I did, I cannot simply tell that I will not come to you. I have passed through
so many difficulties, and I have overcome the most difficult. But all the same I have disgusting feeling
that I could not fulfill the promise. I am always ready to do all what is possible,- to fulfill my promises,
but at the same time I understand that any person could get in such a situation. To get the visa I have
spent much more money than I expected. But people were ready to help me only if I will pay them. I paid
more than 500 dollars to get all documents, I paid in municipal committee, in the ministry. Even officers
in army garrison have compelled me to pay for their help. I did not expect all this, but up to the last
moment I was sure that I still can make everything. I expected that I can get a vacation payment. We
get a vacation payment after ending of a vacation. I asked to give me this money now because I need
this money urgently. But, at the last moment I have got the answer that I can get this money urgently
only in case of serious illness or for example in case of death of the relative. I feel so guilty. I was sure
that nothing can prevent our meeting. But I must pay remaining sum. It is $ 247 USD. And I must pay
money before May, 17 evening. Otherwise I will lose my nested money and our jewelry will be sold out
simply in vain. I know that I should not ask you, and I am very ashamed to do it. I remember you said
that you had bad experience of dialogue with other lady. I know it and for me twice difficult to address to
you. But also comprehension of my position convinces me, that any person could get in similar
situation. I want to meet you and I say sincerely that I need your help. I understand that I put you in
inconvenient position. But I am simple person, I am the simple woman. I am not the wizard. Any person
could get in a similar situation. And maybe I really simply had to tell you that I can't meet with you
because I could not provide my travel completely. But I cannot simply refuse our meeting because then
all my diligence, forces, nerves, means will be spent in vain. I understand that for you it is too big sum to
lend me. You are not obliged to help me. And 500 dollars which I have spent to get the visa, and 1068 $
that I have given for the ticket are huge money for me. But I want you to know that I have given everything
not for the sake of myself, but for the sake of us, for the sake of you and me. And I was happy all this
time. If you want to meet me, to help me to make our meeting, please, send money to the help
before May, 17 evening. I want you to be confident in my sincerity, - that is why I send you the view of my visa.
At least you will see that I am completely honest. If you can help me I will tell you what I have found out.
Aleksandra said that you can help me with the help of remittance system. So I have addressed to the
nearest bank. I have been told that they use the system ''Western Union''. They have told that it is very
convenient office for me; and this system works always and reliably. I give you necessary elements for
sending money with the help of ''Western Union'':
The name of bank - VOZROZHDENIE BANK
HOUSE - 131/1
ZIP - 346630
But all my documents are in anti-emigration committee now. Without ID I cannot receive your help. But my co-worker has decided to assist me. You remember, I told to you about the woman who brought to me her small son, and she has asked me to look after him. This woman now has decided to assist me. Her name - Romanova
Tatyana. Therefore I ask you, please, send your help for Romanova Tatyana. I
will go in bank together with her. Send your help for her name because my ID and visa are in
anti-emigration committee now. In bank I have been told, that to get the money, I must tell to employee
of bank your full name, your full address, exact sum which I should receive and some confidential
numbers - Money Transfer Control Number. You will get this number in your bank if you will send your
help. Only with presence of all this information I can get your help. I do not know what answer I will get
from you. I very much am afraid that you will not help me. But I want to tell, that I really need you, and I
simply can't endure the thought that I did almost everything, but I will not meet you. I understand that it
is big money. I have given all my forces, but together we are stronger. I really ask you to help me. I will
give you back all your money at the earliest opportunity.
I have written you honestly and sincerely. Are you with me?
Your Evgeniya
Tim <My Email Address>
May 14 (5 days ago)
Date May 14, 2008 8:21 AM
Subject Re: Hi my Dear!
Evgeniya, <3
GREAT NEWS!!!!!!!!
I may have found a way to solve the problem, but you will have to act quickly. I have a friend of 20 years
that has been a travel agent since she was 19. I told her about the situation and she thinks she can do
something about it. She needs the name of your travel agency, the name of your contact, their phone
number and their email address. If you can send those quickly, she will begin to work on it and try to
have it resolved by the 17th. She has accumulated many frequent flier miles. They can be used to offset
the cost that you are short. She knows how the airline system works and can transfer the frequent flier
miles into your name, for you ticket cost. She is completely satisfied that it will solve your money
issues, in regards to your ticket. She can do all of this via the internet. She said if I had come to her
before you went to any travel agent there, she could have gotten you the ticket with little to no money at
all. I was very excited to tell you this! You have to move quickly to provide this information!
So, I questioned her several times if the frequent flier miles were acceptable in Russia and she said that it is
not the country's issue, it's a guarantee from the airlines to honor. She has these miles for many
different airlines! Seeing my concern that this may not be honored because you've already purchased the
ticket, or at least you've put money down, and therefore not any use for you. She said to get her the
information that she is requesting and if the frequent flier miles do not work, she will charge the balance
of the cost to her travel agency and then you can pick up your ticket. I won't have to repay this money
for 3 months!!! That gives me plenty of time to get my finances back in order. She will put it on her
company VISA, which means if the travel agency tries to scam her or you, and not provide you with the
tickets you need...she can simply stop payment, report the company to VISA and be reimbursed for the
lost money! So, I did come through for you Evgeniya!!!!! Pack your bags!!!! When she speaks/emails
your company in Russia, she will have your entire flight plan. She said she might even be able to
upgrade your accommodations. She may not be able to get you into first class, but she's fairly confident
that she can get you an upgrade to business class!!!! I'm so happy that I was able to get this resolved
for you. That should at least tell you that I was working on your behalf. You must move quickly if this has
to be accomplished by May 17th. I can't wait to meet you!! After speaking with her, I now know that this
can actually be a reality!!!
Thinking about you!!!
Tim :-)
May 14 (5 days ago)
To Tim <My Email Address>
Date May 14, 2008 5:24 AM
Subject Hi my Dear!
Hi my Tim
I waited your letter with alarm in heart and now I understand why. Of course I am guilty in it. I knew that I
should rely only on myself. I really expected to make everything. But I could not find all the sum and that
is why I have addressed to you. I have got used to live without any help. But there are moments when I
really need help. In it there is nothing surprising. I human. I am woman. And if I ask about the help a
man, I am not ashamed it. I never asked anybody to help me; I always did all what in my forces and
never complained of my distress. Pride did not allow me. But I am not omnipotent. I have overcome
myself and have addressed to you for the help. I am not God and not all in this world depends on me.
And if I ask the help, it only because I really need in help. The word of honor if I could do without your
help, I would not began to ask you about the help. I was helped by Aleksandra, I have sold dear to me
things. I did not want to ask you. But now I stand in front of necessity to address to you. You are last
person to whom I has addressed for the help, but not the first. I wanted to make for you a surprise. But I
could not. I expected that I can convince my boss to give me vacation money now. If would I received
this money now, I would pay my travel completely. But I was refused. Also I have been compelled to buy
new windows in my apartment. I have prepared this money for the ticket. But I cannot leave my
apartment with broken windows. That's why I have bought a glass and have employed the repairman to
fix it. I could not make it by myself. And of course I have been compelled to pay for his work. In Russia
nobody will do it free-of-charge. I did not want to tell to you about all this. But I want you to understand
that I did not want to ask you. I really tried to make everything what in my forces. But I did not expect all
these unforeseen circumstances. But I have you, you are my hope and a support and I think that if I ask
you the help, it not a sin. I really want to be with you. I understand that I should make all by itself. But I
could not and I leave my destiny in your hands. I need you. I have given all I had! Aleksandra for the sake
of our meeting has given her dear things. I cannot believe that after everything what I did, these money
will become the reason that I do not meet you. I never thought that between us will stand money. These
are big money, but it is nothing in comparison with feelings! I have feelings and I have proved it. I feel that
you cannot help me, and it tears my heart onto parts. But I certainly understand you. I understand that
you cannot help. But I have been obliged to ask you about the help instead of simply telling that I lost an
opportunity to meet you and to spend with you my happiest days in my life. But I have really made
everything I could. I cannot believe that I have the visa but I cannot meet you. It is an awful thought and it
kills my heart. But I as well understand that I cannot force you to help me. Therefore with tears on eyes I
ask to forgive me that I could not find this small sum of money. I not omnipotent and not everything in
this life are subject to me. I really did not expect these unforeseen circumstances. But it took place and
I understand that you cannot help me in difficult minute. But a thought that money became the reason
that I do not meet you even though I have received the visa kills me. I cannot believe in it. I do not know
what to tell. The visa is in my hands, but money became more difficult obstacle than ocean and
thousands kilometers. I understand you. Forgive me, I do not know what to do. I am grateful to you for
your attempt to help me. But circumstances are not subordinated to me. I know that lady always should
be strong. I wanted to make a surprise for you and could not. I wanted to give you my love and could not.
I really wanted to meet you because all what I say, all words that I said you - always in all sincerity.
Because my feelings is sincere. Because I have opened to you soul because I have told to you about
my feelings and about my desire to meet you. I did not waste the words. I have made all to prove to you
that my words - words of my heart. I understand that we will not meet. Please forgive me. Thank you for
everything that you do for me! Thank you for your diligence to help me. I understand that you suggest me
to solve problems! But they even not will talk to me if I will come to them without the
unpaid sum. Payment from you directly to agency is unacceptable for me! Essence is that to leave Russia on
conditions of the visa I should give to the Russian Emigration Service the documents and confirmations
that I have paid my travel by self and I do not use the help of the foreign man. I am obliged to pay cash
to receive the form of confirmation, that I possess money resources. And my time is limited. The
company will not give me the form of confirmation if I will not pay all sum by myself! I am obliged to give
this form to Emigration Committee. Please, understand, the company will not give me the form of
confirmation if I will not pay all sum itself! I am obliged to give this form to
Emigration Committee. I cannot leave Russia and I can not buy the ticket to America if I do not possess monetary resources.
Can you understand it? You should understand that the Russian person who go to America with the visa
is obliged to observe some rules, which are stated in the visa appendix. Therefore the agency has no
right to sell to me the ticket without full payment from me here. I am obliged to pay full cost. Only in
this case I can get the check about payment. Without this check I will not get the sanction from
anti-immigration committee. What can I do? I already borrowed money, and for me it is huge money. I
simply hope for you because now you are the only who can help me!With all my love.
Your Evgeniya.
Tim <My Email Address>
May 14 (5 days ago) to
Date May 14, 2008 9:28 AM
Subject Fwd: ticket information
Evgeniya, <3
Here is what my friend sent me yesterday. We've spoken since then and everything's gonna be OK.
Tim :-)
----------Message forward--------
From: My Friend's Email Address
Date: Thu, May 14, 2008 at 9:32 AM
Subject: ticket information
To: <My Email Adress>
---------- Message sent ----------
From: <My Email Adress>
Date: Wed, May 13, 2008 at 4:45 PM
Subject: ticket information
To: My Friend's Email Address
Hey Heather,
I need your help. I have a friend in Russia that is trying to come to America for a visit. She's short of
money by about $ 250.00. I figured since you are a travel agent and I've never asked you for
anything...maybe you would help me with this. I'm attaching part of the email that talks about the flight.
Give me a call tonight? Make sure you remind Chillie that I need him early on Saturday morning to help
me set up the recreation hall.
I have been to the company that reserves airway tickets. I asked them how I can reach Raleigh (RDU) and how much it costs. They
have offered to me the roundtrip ticket that costs $1574 USD. I asked them
to find cheapest ticket, because this price is expensive for me. They have answered that they have a
cheaper ticket and the beginning of the flight May, 22, 2008. It costs $ 1361 USD. It was the best variant
for me. I asked them to reserve a ticket. But they refused, because they can't reserve the ticket without
advance payment. I must pay full cost. I have asked if I can pay a part of money now, and the other part
later. They have told that it is possible, but I will be limited by term. And if I will not pay the full cost of
the ticket within of this term, I will lose already nested money. I have agreed because it
is the only chance for me, because I must give to anti-emigration committee a data about my payment. By this
oment I had only the concrete sum of money which I had after all my expenses. I paid $ 940 USD. But it
was not enough for them. In a panic, all what Aleksandra and I could do - we pawned our gold earrings
and rings and I got $ 128 USD. That is all I could do. The number of the flight on which I will get the
ticket is 47 Delta Airlines. The time of departure from Moscow is 12:55 pm. The time of arrival in Raleigh
is 8:59 pm. I will change a plan in Atlanta, number of the flight 1406 Delta Airlines.
-----------Message reply--------------
From: <My Friend's Email Address>
Date: Wed, May 13 2008 at 6:06 PM
Subject: Ticket Information
To: <My Email Address>
Hey Tim,
I got your e-mail and I think I can help you. Why didn't you come to me in the first place? I have a lot of frequent flier miles with Delta. Thats how me and Chillie were able to go to the grand canyon last summer. Tell who ever this is to send me the following information:
1. The name of the Travel Agency that has reserved the tickets
2. The name of the person they have been speaking with
3. A phone number to the agency
4. An email address of the agency
This should be easy to take care of. I can contact the agency and use frequent flier miles to cover the rest of the cost. I work with Delta all the time and I know a few people who will help me. Tell your friend not to worry. I will get the travel itinerary and I might even be able to upgrade the accommodations. I wish you had come to me before they pawned anything. It was really not necessary.
I can't wait for your party on Saturday. So, you are turning the big 40!!! Damn, time just flies by. Chillie will be there early enough to help get things ready. We can let a couple of people stay with us if you need it. When are you getting your motorcycle out? We are ready to do some road trips. Chillie got his serviced a month ago. You know how he is, he is always ready to ride. Maybe when your friend comes we can ride together. How are you toes doing? That is so stupid! Next time just step on the cat!
Natalya Shashkova
Natalya Shashkova.
Chuvash Repablic. Novocheboksarsk.
Komsomolskaya street. 23-65. Russia.
I am a single father of one son, white European, 41 years old, service engineer.
The contact started with for about two months I've been scammed before and I think my emailadres is now
know by some or the other scammer company!!
All the girls say I have your email from but you need to be
a member there to have contact and they never give a emailaddres by the time they ask you for money to buy a visa and tickets and you
tell them I will pay all the costs but only if you are here live with me the contact
and mail stops...
Hello, My name is Natalya, from Russia. To me 25 years old! I look you
anketa in site! i love doing anything out door like
camping, swiming, runing, take a work to the beach, moving house,
shopping. travelling and ready to relocate to any other state. Am here
looking for a real love couse i have been hurt so many times and i
really will not like it to happen to me so am here now for a longtime
r lationship.. Am nice and caring woman, honest, easy going, kind,
friendly, truthful,faithful, and trust worthy and same i want my man
to be also, so that we both can live happily... I don't have a kid'
never been married before, but date and did not work out. i love kid's
and i dont mind having mine with the rite partner. Well , i really
need to stop here for now and am hopping on hearing from u soon. If u
really interested in me and want to know more about me . With respect! Natalya.
So, before I start the letter, I want to say you that I'm very pleased
that you paid attention on me. Now I've got a wonderful mood, because
the day is sunny, I feel that winter is the end, so warm and green
spring soon will come to our country and each citizen of my city will
feel this wonderful coming of the spring. I like very much spring, and
you? Spring gives us and the nature as well an opportunity to feel
that hard times have been overcome and the numerous rays of sun, which
will definitely shine brightly, will light our life. The sky will be
blue and without any clouds. When comes spring, nature awakens from
its long winter sleep and people feel that something new and wonderful
comes in their life. The temperature raises, the snow melts, and we
can notice that days become longer and nights shorter. Green grass and
flowers cover ground. But I do not like some storms with thunder and
lighting in May,sometimes they happen rather often. The birds return from South and build their nests. So we hear
the wonderful voices of birds, they sing their songs about the spring and about their life in
the warm countries, where they've been to during the winter. The trees
begin to bud and soon tiny leaves appear. Spring is beautiful season,
in many cases it is all due to the fruit trees: when they blossom
there is a pleasant fruit scent in the air. Do you like the first spring flowers? I like them very much, my favorite ones
are mimosa, tulips, lilac, mayflowers, and daffodils. So, talking about myself you
know that my name is Natasha. Actually, my full name is Natalya, but
people call me simply - Natasha. I was born on 25th of June in 1983. I
am from Russia, I was born and live in the city Novocheboksarsk, which
is situated in the district of Chuvashia, or as people say - it is situated near the city Cheboksary, but outside it's area.
Novocheboksarsk is my native town. This town is very close to my
heart, all my childhood I have been living there, so I remember many
places where I used to play. There are a lot of places to see. This
city has wonderful and beautiful parks. There are some shops, where different things, clothes and things
useful for house. As for me - I work in such shop. I am a seller of cosmetics. So I understand a lot
of things connected with perfumery, women clothes. I like fashion and
I am trying to be dressed according to the fashion. I live alone, I
rent a flat. My apartment is rather small, but I can say that I like
it, because I live independently and I am freedom-loving girl. Sometimes I feel lonely, because I want to talk with
somebody who is close to me. But it does not mean that I do not have friends. I think
you will understand me, because friends and close to your heart people
- are different things. We can talk about everything with close
persons, about our life, about our problems and things, which trouble.
We can trust close people, because we are sure that they'll never betray us. But talking about just simple friends or I
can call such people just companions, I cannot truly trust and believe them,
sometimes I think that such companions will not understand me if I
tell them about my life, about the things which worry me. Sometimes I
just think that this person will laugh from me and tell others my
secrets behind my back. Yes, it's very hard to find the real friend in
our life, there are so many different people in this life! Initially
we can glare on person and say that we do not like her or him, but
soon we can understand how wrong we are. Or it happen that at the
first meeting people like each other but with time they both
understand how wrong they can be! I think that you are a clever person
and you understand what I mean. Life is so changeable and people are
changeable too. Now I think that you have understood that there is no
person close to my heart enough to talk truly about life, about everyday problems, or about something big and
wonderful - for example dream. Everybody has dreams, so may be you too have some big dream.
Sometimes it's not possible that our dreams can come true. Do you have
such a dream? As for me - yes, I have. I have always dreamed to become
a writer. I like to write. I have written a lot of things in my
childhood as well as I was older. I wrote different essays, articles,
some short stories about life. But now I do not write so often, because nearly most of my time I am working. Lonely life is very
difficult, because girl alone does not feel protected from bad times.
I have parents, But I am working so as not to ask for help from them,
because I feel that they will only laugh. I can say that sometimes I'm
feeling a little bit lazy, because it happens that it's very difficult
for me to make myself to do the work, but when it's important I forget
about everything and do the work. I've got a strong will, so I can
overcome the difficulties in my life with the smile on my face! May be
now you think that I'm very serious girl, yes you are right, because I
have seen so many things in my life, which made me serious. Just now
I'm having a serious kind of mood, I'm sad so the letter is sad and not funny, but in the real life I can be very
interesting and funny girl. I can say that I have a good sense of humor. People who surround
me are fond of the communication with me. I can feel other's sadness
and I try to help them to forget about it, to laugh with me and feel
how life is wonderful. I'm fond of laughing of making fun and merry,
because it gives me an opportunity feel the freedom everywhere, especially in people's hearts. So if you'll ever have
any problems you can write me and I will try to help you with all my will and my heart.
I think you have seen my photo. Did you like it? As you see I've got
long thick hair. It's chestnut in color. I've got blue eyes, but as
for sure I cannot say that my eyes are not so blue, as you might have
thought, but my friends say that my eyes are very beautiful and really
blue. I would like to believe them. My growth is 1,72 meters and my
weight is 52 kg. I want to present you my photo, so you will receive
it with my letter to you. I hope that you will like it and that you
will be pleased. I have heard a lot about people, who smoke a lot and
drink too. As for me I do not smoke, I can say that I even have not
tried to do so. One of my reasons is that it can spoil the natural
beauty of people's health. As for drinks - I drink sometimes, only on
holidays. My favorite drink-is white wine. And what is yours favorite
drink? Do you like poetry or you read something different? Please tell
me about your tastes in books. There are many things to think about
and to talk, so write me I will be waiting for your letter
impatiently. I like to communicate, to express my mind to help when
people need help. So please write and answer my letter. Sincerely
yours, Natasha.
Hello, my best soul mate!!!! How is the new day for you? Are you fine
today? I wish that everything is fine in your life!!!! I want you to
have a good day after reading my letter, I want to wish you a good day
and a sunny weather, a warmth in your heart, sweet dreams and a good luck. As to our weather: in the spring
of a road inflate and on them to not pass. The owners of foreign automobiles terribly abuse the
Russian roads, We even have proverb: " in Russia two troubles: the fools and roads " Only do not think, that at us
is not present Asphaltic of roads is, but all of them in such condition, that the
trunks on wheels should be changed in 2-3 weeks, as a road cloth entirely all in hole, cracks. The state regularly collects the
taxes to repair road cloth, but repair this remains made only on a paper!
Such at us the country, complete paradoxes! But spring arise not only problem: know walking on our roads do not
maintain Not only it is necessary to change trunks cars but also standard footwear very quickly, I think that you will
wish me the same thing!!! I think that you are a rather educated person, who can
understand woman's feelings, who can see the truth, I think that you will understand my personality and my thoughts, do
you? I think yes, you do!!! How are you living now? Are you thinking about me? I hope
that you do!!!! I want to wish you a happy smile on your face and a
good emotions after reading my letter and this one in particular. So do you like my note? I think that you can feel that I am in a good
mood today, it is even better than I had for the this month. I had
some problems, or it was just something like a depression.....But now
I feel better, because I feel the approaching of spring. I feel its
future good days full of sunshine!!! Now I am thinking of you, and you? Do you think about me and about my letter? I am
sending you lots of kisses, lots hugs, lots of sweet dreams and wishes!!!!!!! Your
Have you good week end???? today the snow has again gone! I thought
that all the spring has begun! It simply makes all crazy! Lets see
what else can I tell you about myself, I have a great sense of humor
my friends always come to me when they need some cheering up. My favourite color is blue and pink...
I prefer tender colors, but the choise sure depends on my mood mostly always. What is your favourite
color? How do you imagine your family life with the woman you love? I mean could you
describe me just one day from an everyday life-)
When it come to Music, there's all kinds of varieties R&B, POP, Rock, Jazz, Country, Soft Rock to
Metal you name it...I like all kinds of music and it all depends on the mood... right now
I'm more drone to more mellow Love song & music, in fact... What music do you prefer to listen to?
I know that Ilike to go to some mountains hike ride do you have the chance to enjoy what your land has to
offer? I do like doing many things that change with the seasons, but think enjoy
summer then fall the best of all. I like to watch documentary shows and to
learn something new all the time. Believe if you do not continually learn
things you never grow as a person... As far as what I appreciate in a woman
is honesty above all and having sense of humor and being realistic in life..
I love romance and the meaning of it. I think to many relationship seem to forget what that is. Nothing
better then a great hug when you see the one you love! I`m really attracted to men that have a vast
knowledge of everything to some extent, don`t mind expressing their opinions and views on world events,
even Politics or Religion which are traditionally taboo topics. And don`t
mind or hesitate to be playfull, humorous and like to joke around, within
limits, at least in public. What is your favourite song, and film?.......What is your favorite
you have a favorite cartoon character......what is the first thing you do in the morning
when you get up........would you say that you are a outdoor person or an
indoor person......If you have to choose which would you prefer ...a concert or a tour
of the museum........Do you like walks on the beach at sunset.........
I wish you to go on with my thoughts darling. I will look forward to your letter-)
Best wishes,
How are you??? My dear today spring To disappoint me!!! Today very
nasty weather! Now it is raining! There was a sleet at Night! But it
does not stop me as it is necessary to go on my work and also to check
my mail! Like you I look forward to the email from you, when I get the
internet center I rush to the computer to see if there is anything
from you. Most of the time I am happy to see that there is, whichmake
my day. I have started to talk to my friends about you, and tell themthere is this special
man that I meet on the internet, which is you... I have started to have dreams about you, which are
simple right now. The possibility of us being together would be great, and I would love
to call you MY MAN, I would be the proudest lady in town to do that. I
will teach you Russian some day. Would you like to? So we will begin
with like this: "Lyubimy" - My love. "Dorogoi" - My Dear. " Kak tvoi
dela??? " - How are you??? "Moi muzhchina" - my the man! Tomorrow I shall write some more words! I like you very
much and am getting to receiving the letters from you very often and cannot imagine a day
whithout reading a line about you... I would be glad to correspond with you and get to know you better. I hope we
can be good friends,and perhaps start something exciting. I'd love to know more about you,
what you like to do, what your life is like, anything you would like to tell me. I would call myself an honest, loyal,
caring, and compassionate person. I like the outdoors and I am like to have fun,
like to laugh, but have when it is necessary I am serious. I am an
optimistic lady, and always believe in the best. I hope I have found a
great new friend in you. I myself can not seem to find a man that is
intrested in the same values of life and family that i am intrested
in! I have decided to search the internet for a possible mate because
you just never know where they might be. well i hope you like what i
wrote and i must say i am very sincere in my intention to correspondence with you! I have a few questions for you honey. What
are you attracted when you see a woman for the first time? As far as the first time that I see a man its not so
much about the way that he looks so much its more about the way that he comes across in the words
that you use. You are a special person because when you speak I can
tell it comes from the heart. That is what is more of a turn on to me
the way that you speak. For me the outside world is of less importance
than inside side of a man, I am much more inetersted in your soul,
your feelings, attitude to life, etc... I will look forward to your
answer darling... Bye for now. Your truly, Natalya.
Hello my Dear to my Heart!
Excuse that has not written to you yesterday! I have been very occupied on my work! Yesterday in our
shop there was a sale of lady's wear at a discount 25 therefore there were many buyers! I
yesterday worked without a dinner! But today my boss has given me free
day! I hope that at you all oK??? How are you doing on your work???
Now the spring completely triumphs! Streams and a snow almost
everywhere in the street murmur has thawn! What weather at you??? At us today + 8 degrees! At me has appeared
free time and has decided to write to you about itself. I shall try to tell a little about my
character. I do not know as it to start, I think, that I very romantic
person. I like to communicate with people, it is pleasant to me good
humour. I very much appreciate such qualities in people, as fidelity
and honesty. Ibelieve in love, and I think it very valuable thing which needs to be protected. I very much the
jealo s person. I adore, when to me pay compliments and is ready to listen to them
indefinitely. For me it is necessary, that around of me there was a
cleanliness and the order, I frequently am engaged cleaning. Also to
me to like to prepare for a meal, various tasty things. It is pleasant
to me romantic relations between the man and the woman, but probably
all women dream to get acquainted with good the person to have with
him beautiful romantic relations. But frequently such things come to
an end very quickly. I have no intention to spend myself on such acquaintances. While I have not met In the life of such person
to which I would decide to give myself and the life. But me it would be
desirable to find such person. I think, that for the woman the mainthing to have in a life not career or other success, and strong
familyand the favourite person beside what to care of him. i AM GO HOME NOW! I will wait
you letter and new photos! kISS YOU! Natalya.
Now my working day againe my Sweet!!!!! How your mood? Yesterday I had rest from work!
Today I again need to work! I like to work as the seller of clothes! But when it is a lot of buyers that very strongly
weariness! As all work all the day long on foots also is not present time to sit down!
How you like to have a rest? Dear you can tell to me more about the
and interest. Dear that you like to eat? I love ice-cream, I simply
adore it also I like when it thaws in a mouth. I adore a pizza and at
me even to have the recipe of its preparation and I make it sometimes.
And what you like? How films? You like dance? To go to theatre? How
you relax? You love a beach? The sea or the river? I adore to look
comedies and I think that we could look them together. How you think
Dear? I love the river, I was on the sea only once in Sochi and I very
much love it. I adore as a cool wind from the sea freshens me. As
water washes legs. THIS NOT OVERLOOKED FEELING. I adore to bathe. You
like swim Dear? Still lessons of Russian! "Morozhenoe" - Ice-cream.
"Plavat" - Swimming. "Tantsevat" - Dancing. I want to learn about your
friends, what you can to tell about them? At you it is a lot of
friends? What you usually make in weekend? I usually go on Saturday in
the evening to the grandmother when at me to have time. Usually time
in two weeks I was necessary will be at it all Sunday. At me very good
grandmother, she has learned me to make good pies, but at her it turns
out better. You want to try pies of my grandmother? I would think that
she was is glad if you could try them. I do not know what to write but
it was pleasant to me to do it! I shall write to you tomorrow! Also to
write new Russian words! I wish good day! Kiss you! Yours faithfully!
Excuse me Dear that I write just now! At all had no time and an
opportunity to write the letter! But I very much missed on you! At us
on Saturday have translated time for hour forward at night! I still
all cannot get used to such change and consequently today I have risen
on an hour later on old time! I hope that at you all OK? I Tomorrow we
shall have a holiday on April, 1st! You to have such holiday???Dea the
first time is we surpose to know ourself more and more. and we can tell our self true and to be honest, caring
and loving.. mt plesure of writing this letter to you, i didnt want to brake my heart in furture
when i give you all my love and heart didnt want you to brake my heart. after know our eslf we can try to know
ourself in person . Dear i will like you to be honest, caring and loving to me . and i didnt
want to brake my heart because many man in russain like to brake woman heart . if you know you can brake my heart
in time before i can full in you .. than to late dear .. and i promise you will not brake
your heart never i will not brake your hearta and i promise i will be
honest, caring and loving to you all the day of my life.. with my
heart ..
Missing your company while you're away When you come back it'll be a better day
The sun will come out and shine real bright Clouds will disappear and things will be alright
Sure Do Miss You!
Your voice is as sweet as a morning in May, Warming my heart
on a cold winter's day. Your words fill my heart and your touch fills my mind
I swear, I will love you till the end of time... I picked a Wildflower
just for you It grew among the stones A thing of beauty it caught my eye
As it bloomed there all alone The dew had kissed and nourished it The sun did make it grow
It's beauty made me think of you The most handsom and honest man I know in my life ..
i will love you forever and ever. i porimse t give you all my life ,
caring loving and honest. kisss and hugs for you love.. love Natalya.
Hello, my twinkling star...
how are you doing today, my sunshine? I am fine-) Today we celebrate April Fool's Day-) how about
you? we played tricks at each other on the work today-) we joked above our boss.
and the morning my best friend called me and said that she was hospitalized,
wrong was with her guts, or how it is called in English?-) she said she was
running a high temperature and was going to stay there for a week at least.
I was pretty shoked! I belived her... a couple of minutes later sheh recalled
me-) and said that they let her go-)))) and only then it occured to me that
she had played a trick on me-) Indeed I took it very seriously, I think we
should not joke at our health. what's the news with you :)))? I will not play a trickon
you honey, as I am afraid lest you should take it seriously and then would get
angry with me.-) ok-) Now very cold for spring... The sun is shining but a cold wind is blowing... Spring is
sruggling with winter for the rang in power-))) what is the weather like there?
I would love to spend this holiday with you, my darling... we could go somewhere
and have a lot of fun.... and would return late at night... I dream of
sych days and evenings so much... when you wish very much this will happen by
all means, and this means that all me dreams about us will come true, sweety...
I LOVE YOU... and want to be with you... I hope to have my holiday in the end of April and then we can have a meeting!
your noisy thing,
P.S. Natalya Shashkova.
Chuvash Repablic. Novocheboksarsk.
Komsomolskaya street. 23-65. Russia.
How are you Darling??? You have received my address??? I today
unfortunately to not have it is a lot of time to write to you! At us
in shop again sale! I to wish to receive from you some information!
Please write to me the name of the city airport! I this week shall make my passport for travel abroad! At me it is
fast a vacation and I to wish to visit you! So we can communicate with you and discuss all
themes interesting us! internet does not give unfortunately such opportunity! I to wish to make to you a surprise! I
should go now! I shall wait for the letter with the information! Love you match!
Hello my Darling! How you week end???? At me the last two days were
very difficult! There was a lot of work in shop! We work together!
First till a dinner I am then other girl! My replaceable the seller
was ill! I had to work in two changes! Usually I worked till a dinner!
Now at me the whole four days free from work! I shall try to go today
to make out my passport for travel abroad! I hope that today the
travel agency works! I have already prepared for the photos and the inquiry from my work! Now the spring and very
much would not be desirable to be one in the holiday! I shall write to you tomorrow
necessarily! Now I should go! You should know that you very much like
me and is possible in the future when we have a meeting my feelings
can turn to love! It can be checked up only after a meeting! I hope
that I too like you??? Unfortunately my holiday from work only 25 days! But I think that it are quite real term to learn
each other better! I wait for your letter and new photos! With respect! Have a
good week end! Kiss you! Your Natalya.
My Darling! At me today last day free tomorrow again for work! It is
unusual when all people go to work and you have free day! I yesterday
wrote to you the letter but to me the letter back on mine email has
come! Probably there were problems on a server! I to wish to go today
after a dinner to travel agency! I have already collected necessary
documents for this purpose! I need to write only the application on
reception Shangen of the visa! And also to fill the form for reception
of the passport for travel abroad! I already have photo for the passport! I shall receive the passport in a week here in a travel
company! The visa to me will need to be received in Moscow! I will need to go to your embassy for reception Shangen
of the visa! The travel agency will prepare all papers to registration and I will need
to go and receive the visa only! I him have told that at me holiday
will begin with April, 28th! They have told that I did not worry as my
visa will be ready to this term! Registration the visa for the term of
14 days will be made for 10 working days! Also to me after registration of the passport will make the order for tickets! I need
to buy an open ticket! It will be more convenient! I today have counted all my charges and was surprised a little!
I will need to pay for all charges including the visa, the passport, consular gathering,
air tickets and gathering of the airport - 1050 euro. These are expenses to capture all charges! I thought that will be
more expensive! I have collected all of money which I I had also money
which could borrow at parents and friends! I have collected nearby 500
euro. Also to me should give on work wage payment 100 euro! But there
is I is not capable to pay all as me does not suffice still nearby 450
euro! I today tried to go to bank to borrow money in the morning but
to me have given up as my parents have not paid off for the credit for
purchase of the car! I then was their guarantor! What to do? I dont
know! It is a shame to me to ask you about such favor! But I very much
to ask you that you have transferred me 450 euro! I to not want that
my dream has failed in a flash! I never was in Holland! Even it not so
is important! Important that that I to wish to meet you! We nicely would spend together time! Also it is a good way to learn each
other! I cannot tell to the person that I him love shall not have yet a
meeting with him! It very much an important point! You very much very
much very much like me and consequently my sympathy at ours with you
to a meeting can will turn in love! How you think??? Ok, I shall go
now to try to fill the questionnaire on reception Shangen of the visa!
It probably is very tiresome! I hope that you will transfer me 450
euro today as I to not wish to delay with this! Especially I need to
pay at once all cost! You should not worry I shall return to you your
money back as soon as possible! I have not got used to be indebted! I
shall wait for the letter! Thankful in advance! Yours faithfully! Kiss
you! Natalya.