Anastasiya Ohkulova ( Kovrov, Russia)
I am a single father of 3, 50 years old with a profile on Yahoo personals. I am grateful to Elena Petrova and her website, along with the black list, I noticed two girls who tried to scam me using the methods very similar to the other reports I have read. This is a new one, not on the Black list, and does not sound like some of the others I have read. I've stopped writing, so she'll be after someone else soon. Below is the first contact...
She seems very real, however, I purchased a Russian scam kit, and they checked to see if Anastasiya was at the address she gave me, there is no record of her, no one near that address has heard of her. That is enough to convince me that this an attempted scam. I must also add, that over this period of time, she called me twice, I had given her my phone number. First call was cutoff after 2 minutes, second was a message on my answering machine. She spoke very good english, much better than than the letters would indicate. Also, She pronounced her name two different ways. She has no phone. I asked about calling her at her work, she ignored the request. I have caller ID on my phone, she was listed as unknown, or private. This leads me to believe that this scam, may be in the US, I would think an international number would show up on the caller ID, I'm not sure of this, though.
Thanks for your service, Kirk
Hi my new friend!!!!
Received: 01/25/2009 03:37 pm EST
Hi Klrk!!! I was interested with your profile :) Write me nastenka2009(at)yahoo more...
Her profile only existed for a couple of days. Naturally, being human that I am, I was intrigued by this young woman who wished to know me better, so I replied to the address. I inquired about how she found me... This is her first letter, it is long, I'll try to shorten it some...2/2/2009
Hello my loved friend Kirk. Thank for your new letter if it is fair I
to wait for him all the day. My darling, I have found you on a site of a network yahoo. I to be afraid, that you to not write to me. It is very pleasant for me to receive from you letters, and with each letter to find out more and more about you. With each new letter we to become closely and closely each other. All of us it is more to find out each other. I hope that you feel it. I today hurried up in the Internet the centre to see your new letter, and to write to you about myself. I hope, that I write clearly enough and much about myself. I shall try to answer all your questions. If I shall not answer your question mean I could not to understand him, do not take offence at me and write him once again. I think, that you understand, that the overall objective in my life is to find that only thing, my second part of me with which I can go through all difficulties of life. Together to meet pleasure, occurrence of children, to grow them, to surround with care, to present them the happy childhood, I so to dream of it!!! I think, that you to understand me, and your vital purposes are similar to mine, and I in soul hope, that when - that our hearts to meet. So residing at other country it will not be difficult for me If near to me there will be which person I there will be a love.
Yes, I know, that Russia in a bad economic situation, but it only with am compared to other countries. My income here as approximately 100-200 $ per one month, It depends on that, how many clients are visited by ours Fitness - centre. We live with mum not richly, but is amicable. I not so small, but frequently to address for council to mum. It is very fine, when in family there is a mutual understanding. I always to dream to create such family. Only I to want to have three or two children. I in family one, parents have presented all love to me. I very much love honesty and decency. If I shall create the family, I think, that the main thing in relations with the husband will be full trust to each other. I think that it is a pledge of strong family.
I want to inform you a little more on my life. I to rise morning at 7 o'clock in the morning, I prepare myself for breakfast. In the mornings I eat a sandwich and I drink coffee. Then I go on work. I go by the bus. Sometimes it happens that at a stop it is a lot of people, and I can not get in the bus and me to have to go on foot. Generally, I love walks, but I love slow walks when it is not necessary where to hurry up, pass on familiar streets, to go to girlfriends on a visit, to sit to drink tea, to talk. To me to like to be in a society of good friends. With them it is possible to solve any problems to share pleasures. It is always pleasant to surprise friends to look at their reaction. How I shall live without friends?
I work since 8 mornings and till 5 evenings. But occupations go through the certain interval of time and consequently in working hours I have sometimes many free times. I always liked to work and irrespective of my mood I should be given on 100 to work. Work made with love brings pleasure to people.. It is always pleasant for me to see smiles on persons of our visitors. In the evening I go in the Internet of cafe to look a mail, but it sometimes does not work, therefore if I shall not write to you during one - two days do not worry, I necessarily shall write to you as there will be an opportunity.
Day off at me Saturday and Sunday. In day off I to like to read books to go to walk on city to visit a cinema. Besides in days off I spend a lot of time on homework’s. I like to prepare for houses, me to like to please close preparing them any tasty things. And my loved dish is a jellied pike perch, it very much is pleasant to me, and if we with you shall have, when be a meeting I necessarily shall feed you this dish. As it is impossible to explain in a word as it is tasty, it needs to be tried. In the afternoon in days off I am cleaned at home, I like, when the order of a house. I do not like when things are scattered, the dust lays on shelf’s, in a basket the dirty linen, in a bowl not washed utensils lays, you agree with me?
Now, when we with you find out each other. We should trust each other because without trust it is impossible to live. I earlier too have trusted in the person, and he has deceived me. I to want to tell to you about it. I was madly in love with persons, and he only pretended, that loves me. Actually he scoffed at my feelings. Was such that he appointed to me meetings, promised to come to me, I waited for him, and he did not occur. I sometimes cried, because he did not come in the evening, at us in city in the evening not so quietly, and I worried for him. And he, the bad person, came in day or through two and spoke, that he had affairs and that he loves me. And then I have learned through his friends, that at this time he had a good time with what that maidens. he did not like to work, he frequently borrowed from me money, promised to give, but never repaid. And I forgave him because liked. I even hid it from mum. Has passed some time, and I have seen him in the street with other woman. They kissed. I did not remember, how have come home. I cried all night. I had depression very long. I began to work much, and began to forget this villain. After that case I have decided, that I shall never deceive in love people, I shall never scoff and play feelings of other people, and I to decide, that all this not for me. I shall not take out some more such moment in life. I any more will not entrust to Russian men. As at them only one ideas how to take a walk on the side, and all of them the big amateurs to drink. I to not want so to risk and break to myself life more. I to want to be simply happy and to live as the normal person. After that I to decide to find the second half with the help the Internet, and I to find you, and we to write each other. And it very much to like me. I to want to be happy with the man and to lead with him all life. This person should be more senior than me that he might learn me and my future children.. I to wait from the man of understanding, I to think, that this most important and, certainly, big love and care of me and of our future family. I shall try to make the man happy. But without his help, without his love and understanding it will make difficultly. I once again to want to test such feeling as love. I very much to hope for it. Therefore I to write to you. I to think, that you to understand my words. I to want to find out your opinion on all this.
I shall ask to tell you about how you will spend the day, than you are engaged, how will spend days off? Tell to me about the friends, about the relatives.
I with impatience wait for your letter. Your letters for me as a beam of the sun among dark day.
Your friend from Russia Anastasiya.
This is her fourth letter, as I have communicated my interest about her...2/4/2009
Hello Kirk, mine LOVE the friend! I shall be possible to name you so?
My darling as I already wrote to you in my first letter my birthday July, 19. I live in city Kovrov, it to be about 300 km up to Moscow. I already for a long time did not speak such words to anybody. I was more and more and began to be convinced more, that I have already attachment to you and already I wait your letters with impatience. Your letters heat to me soul :-) May be, I present fairytale for me, but I feel very good about you and I, that you feel the same about me, I think, that you place in words less than you really think, only because words may not transfer all our ideas.
Certainly, I knew, that I shall be the Course for love to any place in it world :-), but I eventually thought Found out, that there is almost nothing in Russia which may connect me with this country urgently. Really, if to think. It usually connects peoples and the Countries. Friends, but real friends will be happy for their friend if she will find true love. The family, yes, but moving to other country does not make the Means breaking all communication. Work, maybe, but not for me. I do not think that it might be the problem with detection of work with my specialization and education. I really live for the person who will enjoy things which I creation and who might surprise me something too :-) I dreamed how we might at session all together sometime, and only at pleasure to be together! I really wish I shall live for my which unique person will like to love about he of me.
Today since morning bad weather blows strong, mood bad and only an idea that I shall see your letter warms me this day. I want to tell to you about the childhood slightly. Mother and father of me very much liked and brought up me rather strictly. But then my father has died,
and cares, in my opinion to education have remained to my mum. And I am grateful to her for how she has brought up me. I had many friends, and we with them played in a court yard of our house. It was carefree years, we lived and we did not have those problems which have appeared when I have grown. I went to school on good and excellent. I always remember my first teacher (Galina Ivanovna), she has opened for us a door in knowledge and due to her I can communicate with people freely. I am indefinitely grateful to her for that feeling of human kindness that she to all of us has imparted. And we till now are friends of girlfriends and sometimes we meet, we talk, we listen to music. To like me various music sometimes when at me I listen to good mood dancing music and when to me I am sad like to listen to slow music.
It seems to me, that with each letter between us there is something the greater, than friendship. We begin to trust each other more, we become more frank, you agree with me? I think that our souls approach. But while I one also search the partner in life. I want to continue with you relations, and I to trust, that all may be very good. I wish you good mood for these days, and do not forget me (the Smile!!!).
I shall wait about impatience your letter and to miss the close friend on you!!!!
Yours Anastasiya!!!!!
I receive a different photo with each letter, the first 9 letters are personable, and she seems very interested in the photos I have sent to her, and does communicate about things I have written. This is the 9th letter...2/7/2009
Hi Kirk !
I think, that for that time that we with you are copied we very much pulled together and between us the feeling has appeared, I think, that we are necessary each other. Please, continue to send me your pictures. OK? I very much like to observe your pictures.
I frequently to look at your pictures. You beautiful the man and you very attractive! I love your appearance, I love your eyes and I think, that you strong the man! I constantly think of you, you have taken a place in my heart. On work I became a little inattentive also my girlfriends speak, that I on myself am not similar, whether joke you have fallen in love. I do not know that to them to answer. I was never so is happy. I have absolutely changed about it my girlfriends and familiar speak. It is all because of you. I as though fly in heavens as at me the person to which has appeared is possible to trust and which it is possible too to me trusts. I do not know, how you will react to my letter, can, will count me more thoughtlessly. But I wrote to you, that I am very romantic and impressionable also I think that I LOVE YOU!
I thought of our attitudes and concerning our feelings. I already on have become attached to you so much, that I miss each day your letters. I always, think of you. I of nothing can do with myself. I think that I am in love. Yes I love you!!!!! I talked about it to mum, and she speaks, that it is good, she thinks, and that I shall be happy. I have told mum, that you the best person and that I completely trust you. She speaks me, that I should not be mistaken. She speaks, that we should even closer study each other. She to love me. And she is simple my native mother. I think that you understand me. She wishes us happiness and the big love. I think that we should meet; we should see each other look in eyes because through the Internet emotions are lost and it is difficult to understand each other. We became frank with you, and I think, that you want to learn about my sexual experience. In Russia all men only dream to drag you in bed, but I do not want it, I to not want to be given to the first comer that it has taken pleasure. It something from above she gives love to the person to learn happiness in this life, and men represent her only as sex, I think, that it is not correct also I hope, that you with me agree. I want to be with the only thing the man with which I shall feel like loved. I shall give myself to it completely both a body and soul. We together learn all depths of pleasure. Our passion will be poured out for limits of love, and we shall enjoy the friend the friend all life up to last moment of our existence.
Today we with the girlfriend walked on city, went shopping I waited for the moment, that you will write to me the letter, and I have waited it. I feel, what our hearts are beaten in one rhythm, and you feel it? I wait for your letter, whether it is important for me to know you share my ideas. Forever yours......
On the tenth letter and the rest on, the header reads "I Love You!!!" accompanied by a photo of her in a bikini by the water...2/9/2009
Hello my love, Kirk!!! I so am pleased, that you to write to me and that me, to find so a plenty of letters on my box. You asked me to write to you my address? OK!
But I should warn you my love that please do not send for me anything valuable as it can be lost.
Our post system is not perfect. It is a shame also for Russia I all I understand.
I hope that you understand me.
Kovrov 601902
Gagarina 60-105
Okhulova Anastasiya
I shall wait from you the letter on a paper! OK? I already wrote down your phone number to me in a notebook and I shall call very soon to you. I promise you it!
For me it is important to speak by with you to phone and as soon as I shall know when I shall call to you, I shall warn you beforehand of it. OK? In photos your children simply charm.. You a ray of light in my heart.
I have understood that you are necessary for me as air and about what I want to be with you. You imagine dream today has dreamed me, it was such bright and fine: I am, at home you enter my room, and I feel your aroma. You cautiously place me in a sofa to unbutton to me, the dress and your soft hands start to caress my breast softly. And our bodies merge as a whole, and you compress me so strong, we hear, as our hearts start to beat in one rhythm. Then we start to be borrowed love. About as I, would like that this dream appeared the truth! I think, you will not object, if I tomorrow shall go in agency of travel and I shall find out that to me will be necessary to arrive to you. I very much want our fast meeting with you! I long so without you here. I have such strange feeling inside. I grieve without you awfully. I need in you so much. It not only words that I feel now. I think of you all time. I never had it before. I did not see you nevertheless, but I can not live without you any more, your letters. I want to touch you to feel your heat and tenderness, I love you, I love you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hope you are not frightened. It is strange for me also. But I can warrant to you, that it is true. I love you, and the idea on you does me so happy. I want to be with you so much. I want to feel you with each part of my body, I want to feel sensitive contact of your hands to smell your body, only to know, that I only yours and that you are mine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am full desire, and I want you as the person, I want to be your wife, your friend, your assistant to soul, your beloved, and your dream. I understand now completely, that you are a person of my dream. I searched for you all my life, and now I have found you, and I am not going to lose you. We shall be happy together; I shall do all for this purpose. I am strong enough to overcome all difficulties and difficulties which are between us. There is no barrier which can stop me. My love will overcome all difficulties on our way. We shall be together to trust me. I shall move ocean only to be with you. I do not need in anything - I only want to see you to study your eyes, to kiss your lips, to concern your strong body. My love will be enough for two of us. You know song Bon Jove "Always". This song - about my feelings to you. I am afraid to ask you this, but what you feel? It is very important for me. It is better to know truly for me than sweet lie. So, please, inform me your feelings. ~ And I think, that it - already time for us to decide, what to do, I could arrive to you, and I think, that it - the best variant for us. So I shall find out all about the visa and as I could arrive to you.
And I shall write to you about it in my following letter. Love of you
Letter 11, this is the request for money, because of course, we can't wait to meet to each other, and I wish to bring her over here...2/10/2009
Hello loved Kirk! It is pleasant for me to receive your letter again!!!
I grieve without you awfully! I very much love you. I can not be except for you, it is so difficult. You - my life, I want to embrace you so much to feel your heat, to study your eyes, to feel like happy and safe about you. I am sure, that all will be good, and the destiny will work for us, and we shall be happy together. I frequently think of us and I try to imagine our life together. Sometimes I feel you so about and is close to me. I even feel you on distance. I feel when you are in high spirit and when you are sad. I am happy, when you are happy. I want to be with you so much and me though about ways for us to be together.
Today I went to agency of travel, and learned, that it will be necessary for me to arrive to you.
For the beginning it is necessary for me to collect all necessary documents:
1. The Valid passport
2. Two black-and-white photos, the size 5\5
3. The Filled application form
4. the Documents, testifying that I in Russia have work
5. Documents, acknowledgement of that in Russia remain direct relatives
So that to arrive to your country I should do some documents and receive the visa. It will borrow some time, certainly, and to do many documents from my party. And on manufacturing of these documents at me will leave approximately about three days. But I shall do all which depends on me.
As to the visa, there is a visa of the Bride, but it - not the best variant for us as we have not met nevertheless, and we have no documents and pictures to improve our meeting. And as to me have told, that all over again it will be better to receive it the visa the Category In - 1/B-2 (for the persons following in USA on affairs or with the tourist purpose), she is given out for the period of one year. Those who follows in USA as the tourist, should specify, where they are going to stop. As I am going to visit you I need to know your exact home address, and the address of the airport nearest to you where I should arrive. I very much you ask to send me this information. And already when I shall come to you that in 6 months we with you together we can start to make out with you for me the visa of the bride and I still shall stay on some time, and then when we with you shall get married that I shall stay with you for ever always to be near to you.
But there is one thing which upsets me very much. You see, I should pay reception of the visa. And for the beginning its registrations I should go in embassy of USA which is in Moscow. And you know, that my earnings too small for this purpose. I do not want to complain, but simply I can not find 450 $, for trip to Moscow and registration of the visa. I have the big desire to arrive to you to see you, at last, and only money separate us from each other. I very much love you, and I do not want to lose you. Nobody can help me with it. Certainly, I could ask that my Mum has helped me, but she has no such money though she would like to help us. I am fair also sincere with you. I really hope that you understand my situation. I want to see you very much; I can not do it only because I have no such money. Money - only they help to overcome all difficulties on our way to each another. It is a pity, road if it upsets you. I only think, that we should entrust each another and divide all. Hope that you agree with me. Only imagine that in short time we could be together. Also there is only one problem now which I can not solve. I very much love you, you the best in my life, and our meeting could be the happiest for us!
Yours forever Anastasiya.
12th letter, 2nd request for money, I have written and told her that I wouldn't do this...2/12/2009
Hello my love Kirk. I was very glad to receive the letter from you. When I read your letter, on my eyes even tears of pleasure have appeared. I see that we are necessary for each other. Not I visit church, and Imp asking the god for our meeting. How you there without me? I grieve without you very much. You are in my heart. I know that you require me very much, and should feel very pleasantly. I always think of you, about our meeting, about our feature. Now I feel, that you - my second half. And I want to be with you most of all on this planet. Imp lonely in this huge world and now I have found you. I am very grateful to you, that you trust me. You are in my opinion. With each your letter I understood that you that person which is necessary for me, that the person who is very necessary for me. I as well as you want to see, I want to arrive to you more never to be separated.
Lovely, I very much would not like to burden you with the difficulties, but I so would like to see you faster. I not I can to ask you about the help but if you want to see me can help me with money faster. On registration of the visa as I to you wrote to me for this purpose it is necessary $ 450 If you really want me to see as soon as possible and if you have opportunity have gone them to me, it is very inconvenient for me to ask you, but now it is a unique opportunity to meet.
If you want to help our meeting there was money through Western Union, the address of branch:
The address of bank:
Kovrov, 601900
For my name Okhulova Anastasiya
My girlfriend to work in bank, and she to advise me system the Western Union, she to speak, that it is the most reliable and fast system of remittances. This system should be in each bank. If you will help me with money and our meeting you to go in bank and there will give you of 10 figures when you to send money ( MTCN number), 10 figures you to send me and about the help of these of 10 figures I can receive your money here in my city in bank. Also it is necessary for me to know your full name. I shall wait from you this information.
I know, when I think of you, and you think of me, and it has heated up my soul and a body. A smile from my special person - something which can decorate even the most dark day. One thing which I have noticed from reading your letters, is, that you are very strong. It seems that you have captured and have learned from experiences of life, and it is reflected in your letters.
I am now very glad also to me hunting to dream up a little about our attitudes:
Night, the novel, we one in a room, we include music and Dance slowly. I study your eyes, they - is so deep, and you look in mine, they are full emotions. I see your lips, so soft, and I want to kiss them. We love each another, and minute - eternity …
Or so: - … you come back from work. I expect you. I have Preparing very tasty dinner, and we sit at a table, you inform me news, about your work and I only we listen to you.
Require what - be still. I only enjoy the moments which I spend with you. Then we go in a drawing room a room, and observe a film. We sit on a sofa, Embrace and kisses. Only quiet evening …
Or so: - … week-end, we prepare for breakfast for our children; they operate about us - the boy and the girl. After breakfast we are going to go, we have Picnic then we are going to see our friends, and we come back home Tired, but so happy. We have lead day with our family. Children already sleep also we one. We are engaged in love and whole night - not enough for us. Tomorrow one more week will begin, and we know, that we always shall be together, and the next week even will be better----. Well, it is enough with my dreams - … I hope, that these dreams very soon become a reality!
Write to me, please, your ideas about it. I expect impatiently your Answer.
Hot kisses for you. Yours Anastasiya.
I may add that none of her letters are in reply to my letters I have sent to her. At this point, I've decided to send flowers to the address she has given me... she never received them. Apparently, she does not yet understand that I am not sending letter...2/13/2009
Kirk I so am excited about our meeting! I am full of Feeling which I never felt before, and I hope, that this real Feeling which I searched so long, and at last at me you have appeared. My darling, understand
me correctly, I really wish to arrive to you and to you as I wish to look as you live, and then we can go to me in Russia and get acquainted with my mum. My lovely I already tried to borrow money from familiar, but unfortunately all this without was successful. My angel I very much hope that you understand me in it and will try to make all that depends on you. When you can help me??? We have found that we
looked and searched. I so happy, that we are together. I believe in our happiness. All my ideas now - about our future meeting. I want it so much. I know that on this time will be very important for both of
us. I feel that we shall be happy together. It - is very important for me. I dream and I imagine the first moment of our meeting. Certainly, I so worry! I am ready to arrive to you, and I know, that you too are
ready to meet me at the Airport. Today when I slept to me our first meeting has dreamed. When I to arrive to you, all over again I do not see you and I start to search for you. Then I see you. You cost with a bouquet of red roses. At supervision each other we run, each other on a meeting. We hasten to grasp each other and to kiss each other. At me on eyes of tear of happiness. Then we go to you home, and I slightly shall lie to have a sleep, to have a rest from tiresome trip. When to have rest we with you we go in restaurant in the evening and we have supper in candles. We drink a good wine spirits drink, and we dance slow dances all evening. After restaurant we go on foot on park, you embrace me that it was not cold to me. Your warm hands so are gentle.
We look together at stars and softly to kiss each other. When we were, was slightly froze, we to go in you home. Together to take a warm bath with foam. Then we to go in you in dream and I to begin to you, to do massage of your body. And then I have woken up also my dream, was completed. I so did not want to wake up; I wanted to see mine Dream by the end. But I was disappointed, which up to the end looked Dream. I know, that it will be speed not in dream, and actually. I have woken up with very good mood. I shall wait for your letter! It - there - is a lot of love from your letters Anastasiya.
Four days pass between letters, I think she realized that I was not sending money. I've inquired again about the flowers sent. This is letter 17...she is now, my future wife...2/18/2009
Hello my love Kirk! Today I re-read your letters, have read all your letters, I enjoyed each your letter. My darling, I ask from you a pardon for that what not to write to you these days.
Understand me correctly Internet of cafe it has been closed for technical reasons, but now all is good also I again I can write you my letters.
Unfortunately I did not receive flowers which you to me have sent can they confused the address. I
again speak you and I can repeat to you one million more time, I love you and very much I want to be with you.
Also trust me that all that I write it sincere words which proceed from my heart. And when we shall meet, we shall enjoy each minute carried out together, my lovely and tender! I so want to nestle on you all body, I want to feel your breath, your smell. I so passionately want you, I do not know that with me, such never was that I never seeing the person, and me to it so strongly pulls. I want, that you have felt, as I now miss you. I want to feel your gentle kisses, your strong body when your language will penetrate into my lips, on mine a body the pleasant shiver runs, I want that you did not cease to kiss me to embrace me, to caress me.
Recently I think only of you, fairly, I can not to think of anything the friend, except for you. I wake up and I fall asleep with ideas on you! I likely the happiest girl on light, you see at me am most remarkable and very beautiful mine loving me! I can not describe the love in a word, she should be felt. And I feel that in my heart there is only a love to you. And I to promise to you that you will feel her when we shall meet.
My lovely, you force my heart my heart to beat faster; you have helped me to look at the world other eyes to breathe other air. With you I feel easy, freely, unchained. Thank you, loved, that you are at me, and I is at you. I believe, that to us with you nobody will prevent to love each other, I to nobody shall allow to make it, I shall die better, I shall die for love, than To leave with you, I simply can not go through parting with you, my heart is simple it will not sustain.
I promise you, that I never shall make to you a bit too. I believe that by destiny is intended to us of
happiness. Of your occurrence in my life which I expected, had a presentiment, in which the best proof of that it so was sure how you have appeared in reality.
I wait for your letter, your future wife Anastasiya.
The letters are saying the same things, but different wording. By now, I have visited this site about dating Russian womem, and I've told her that it is I who must go visit her first, in order for us to be together...letter 20 2/25/2009
Hello my most gentle my loved person on light Kirk, I so am glad that you do not overlook about me. I recollect about you each minute when one lies down to sleep in cold bed I, think why you are not present a beside then I could nestle on you, and would be heated by your heat. I each day try to distract myself, I think out to myself different affairs on what - that time vanity forces to forget you, and then the wave grows and covers with a head, mad sensation, air roofing felts does not suffice, roofing felts it is a lot of. Heart is beaten in each section of a body and a brain. With you I have learned that love of which everyone dreams. I am overflow with delight of forthcoming meeting with you. I need to see you to be near to you, I any more do not wish to remain one, my lovely! And now we are separated only from each other with a problem of money, but this problem I think, we can decide. And anybody and that can not prevent our meeting!
I very much now would like to spend with you all time, but I understand that while it is not possible. For now I should carry spend him far from you. And from it to me it is boring and lonely. At us a magnificent nature, many beautiful places. And I would like to show you all that surround me, that it is pleasant to me. And if we together with you shall arrive then to Russia I shall show necessarily all to you, I hope, it is pleasant to you. I know that when I shall come, you can show me many remarkable places. And I very much want that you have shown them to me. I want to see everything that you surrounded also by all that for you dearly.
Yours Anastasiya
I will say that her letters had some reference to what I wrote to her, but I asked many questions about where she worked, if her address was registered, send me pictures of her in her younger days, all the questions were ignored, as if I did not write them... This is the most recent letter, I have not written back...3/5/2009
Hello my loved Kirk! I am very glad to receive your new letter. You asked me to write to you my address? OK!
But I should warn you my love that please do not send for me anything valuable as it can be lost.
Our post system is not perfect. It is a shame also for Russia I all I understand.
I hope that you understand me.
Kovrov 601902
Gagarina 60-105
Okhulova Anastasiya
I shall wait from you the letter on a paper! OK?
My darling, I ask you to not send more flowers as I do not trust that they again will bring correctly. I very much would not like it. When I read him, it fills in my soul and attracts. We are very strong, to you were pulled together, and it is fine, that we are each other. I do not present more life without you and your letters. I love you very much mine! I have found that searched in this life. And it you - my loved and unique person. There is nothing better than to love you for other part of my life and to divide all worlds with you. It was my dream, a fairy tale, that we fall in love so deeply, and now our dream is the validity and I am glad to this, that our two souls have incorporated. And I wait for that happy moment when our bodies can incorporate. When we can feel touches each other.
In the late evening, I only session and dreaming with you. I dream about Time then all of us shall be together, I dream, how we might at session in the Beach and addressing to sunrise, or a decline, or sitting in the winter about a fireplace.
The reflection about each other also understands each other without words. We - only all parts of one big family, and we -together. We Conversation as it is wonderful to be together for ever. We trying to remember that time when we live not together, and these memoirs in a deep fog was. It - seems for us, that we always were together’
Your future wife Anastasiya
    
Visa and tickets" scam. Initiates the contact, falls in love with you, wants to visit you, asks money for visa and tickets email :
Hello my love Tony!
My dear, why do you think that I fraudster???
I do not bilk!
Now TV skazash me that I did not need and you do not want ashey meeting!
My dear, here you'll see once you send me money, I just come to you!
My dear Tony no doubt in me I will come to you and beyond you get married.
We should discuss what will be our meeting.
This morning I went to the travel agency to pay for a visa documents and passports.
In the agency I was adopted a manager named Olga.
This is a young, sociable and enjoyable devushka.S which I was pleased to talk to.
She told me many interesting things about your stranu.I about your customs in the country.
We are talking a long time and I told her our story as I got acquainted with you.
And I told you what a good, honest and kind people.
And that we will soon be a wedding.
Olga was happy for me that I have found such a person like you-Tony!
She was very happy for menya.I wished us luck.
I am very pleased to hear about when we say that we have an excellent pair.
And I say this is all what I know.
I am happy that I found such a person as you Tony!
You only the best man in the world.
And I am happy that you are my man.
Since I now gave their papers, the visa and passport will be ready within 7 days.
As you already said that the documents will be made weekly.
This means my documents will be ready February 29, and I can get them on the same day.
Manager, I suggested that our meeting took place more quickly.
Purchase tickets to you on the day following the receipt of visas and passports.
I think it's a good ideya.Vy agree with this?
If you agree, then you will need to pay for tickets within 3 days.
You can find 794euro, within 3 days?
If not, you tell me by what date you will be able to find this amount and I will book a ticket that period.
As soon as possible, I want our meeting.
I want to look you in the eye and say: I love you Tony!
I want to take you by the hand and walk with you.
I want to kiss your sweet lips touch your beautiful body.
I just want to be with you.
Your future wife Evgeniya
  
Irina Polovceva aka Rosa, Olga Aleksandrova (Novocheboksarsk, Russia)
Original contact was made via Ashley Madison dating agency. Used the name, Rosa but said this was a nickname given to her by friends (only told me her name when providing details of to whom I should transfer money too). Sent numerous, near studio quality photos, with each email despite claiming to be a childrens nanny. After about 2 weeks, said she was in love with me, and wanted to meet. Emails became more and more expressive of her undying love i.e. had told all her friends and family and wanted to be my wife and have my baby! Asked for €400 contribution towards ticket, visa and other expenses so she could meet me.
However, became suspicious when she did not answer questions in my emails, it was obvious my emails had not been fully read, said she did not have a phone, and she started proclaiming undying love after 2 weeks. A quick check on google of her email address and name, showed numerous aliases and multiple email addresses. Her name and photos cropped up on numerous dating sites in UK, Europe, USA, Canada and Australia, along with numerous activity reports on black list scam sites.
Once I realised this was a 'scam' I strung her along, when she thought the money was about to be sent, she was sending 2-3 emails a day, as well as more revealing photos. I gave her the wrong MTN for Western Union, and eventually told her, I knew this was a scam.
Details she provided for payment:
My first name: Irina
My last name: Polovceva
My address: Russian Federation, Novocheboksarsk, street
Vinokurova, house 2, appartment 34, postal code 429950
Email addresses:,,
1st Email
Hellooo! I am pleased, thank you for contacting me. I hope you have time to send me some messages and we could to learn each other.
well... Now about me though you already know a little from my profile.
I am 27 years old, my nickname is Rosa , but the truth, it only friends name me so. I was never married I live in a apartment of my parents. I have good job. I work as as the nanny for children. It is very difficult work, but i like it. Here at work are good collective, I work with good people. most of them my friends. Tell to me about the work. Do you like your work? I also like to travel and i like new different places, but my work does not allow me to travel often. I have many friends, we spent time together, usually we go to the cafe to the movie to the concerts, we have many other entertainment. Also I prefer healthy style of a life. 2-3 times in week I visit the gym (and sometimes it is less :^) ) I hold my body in the healthy form. And you have any sports in the life now? Tell to me. I send you my pictures i hope you like. Also i want that you send to me some your pictures. And tell about you about your interesting things what you like to do, your hobby, what your character? I hope we shall have time for writing other interesting letters to each other. We shall look what will be...
Write to me, I shall wait your letter. Your friend Rosa
2nd Email
Hi xxxxx! I am pleased to receive your reciprocal message. Thanks for your photos, to me is very pleasant to receive them. xxxxxx your mail means for me, that I too was interesting in me. Do you really like me on picture? well.. in the next letter i shall send you another my picture. And xxxxx have questions and i would like to ask them in letters, I hope to get your answers OK? It is important for me to know your opinion on some things. But first I should be honest with you.
xxxxx, you ask, where I live - unfortunately i live far from you.
Otherwise it was not necessary for us much e-mail, to learn each other. I live in Russia, in city Novocheboksarsk . But I think, if we shall decide to meet, I hope, that it will not be a problem for us.
Because I travelled to other countries much. I traveled as the tourist. Therefore xxxxx, you should not have excitement be relative that we not beside. I am woman, that if I shall like man for a meeting
i shall reach him. Besides in our days it is not a problem to travel.
I don't worry about it and I can do it, it is possible to have relations with the person of other part of the world. It is very interesting - other culture, thinking, traditions i like new places.
Probably you xxxxx learn Russian woman. I hope you will not be frightened also we shall continue our acquaintance? I think you read my profile and could see that I have serious intentions im looking for
serious relations.... I shall try to tell a little about my character.
well.. I think im very romantic woman. I like to communicate with people, it is pleasant to me i like good humour. Also i very much estimate, honesty, loyalty, understanding, patience. I believe in
love, and I think it very valuable thing which needs to be protected.
I adore, to hear compliments and is ready to listen indefinitely. For me it is necessary, that around of me there was a cleanliness, I often do cleaning. I love a cosiness in the house and I enjoy in the silent
evening of a house. Also i like to cook, various tasty things.... well also I am always ready to be the most patient. i think i good woman :)
Probably all women dream to find good man and dream about beautiful romantic relations. But often such things come to the end very quickly. In relations should be not only romanticism but a reality
also. I have no intention to spend my time on such relations. While I have not met such man in my life. But i hope to find such person. I hope to make family. I think its main thing, not career or other
success. Happy good family and love person are main. Tell me please what you want in the life? What the woman you dream to meet in the life? Excuse xxxxx, that i ask you to discuss such frank thing with me whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to me to know it about you. I shall wait yours e-mail. Yours Rosa
P.S.I hope you will not be frightened of me after this letter? You write to me your next letter? I very much hope and I shall wait very much for your following letter!
8th (and penultimate) Email
i my most dear person on light xxxxx!!!!!!!! I am happy to read your letter to me again. Lovely, I am not angry at you. I did not know as to think when you have ceased to write to me. But I have calmed down now And with me everything is all right. I understand that at you was valid not time and You were very much borrowed with the affairs.
Lovely, I am already valid I can not without you and without your letters. At me tears with happiness drip when I read your letters. I thank the god For that that he has sent me of such person as you, such
gentle, quick-witted, And the most important loving me. And I am very glad to that that on light there is a love. Such fine and I her test this feeling to you, my honey!!!! Yes, I shall not cease To speak you,
that I very much love you. I think, that the equation of love very simple As 1 + 1, but at the same time very complex because together with pleasure the love may To bring and tears and sufferings. And
these my sufferings from that that we not together, my love, That we may not touch each other look each other in eyes still more many many desires which I and you may not execute the friend for the friend. I understand my honey, that for our meeting it is required It is a lot of time, but I sometimes at night reflect, that we can not be Together and I all life shall suffer from love to you. But I do not want to
think About it because it not and all of us equally shall meet you.
Honey, we shall be Together also we shall be happy together. I so want it, my love!!!!!!!! Mine baby, you for me became the most desired person. You are necessary for me as heart. I can not live without you.
Now my days pass monotonously, because my head It is hammered by ideas on you, my body wants a touch of yours ia?ieo fingers, my lips Want passionate kisses with you. Yes, my dear, I can not hide the dreams from You because they concern only you. My sweet, I want to be your second half in life. I want to be your princess, Lady, I want to be your adviser to be your partner in life, and the most important I want To begin your wife and I want that you became my husband! I to give birth To you beautiful children also I want that they were similar to you. We shall bring up together them And to love them. You agree with me, my soul? Road, we may grant our desires and make our dreams yau?.
At us all life ahead. I know, that with you at me other life full of happiness and love to you will begin absolutely. I believe In it, my honey and very much I hope. My love, I shall be very patient and I shall wait very much for our meeting even if it is necessary to me To wait for it all my life. My heart now on always belongs to you and only you of him The master. In your authority and I know all my body and all my bodies, that you will be cautious. Honey, I shall wait for our first meeting as the schoolgirl expecting for the first appointment in life. My dear, I completely trust you because I believe you. Honey, I yet do not want to write a detail about the body, because I very constraining, but I of you I assure, that all bodies of my body normal and all of them belong only to you. Lovely, I need in you as the lock in a key. I want you as the ground water at a drought.
I am very strong you I adore and very much I grieve on you. Please, trust me, my desires and feelings Are fair also are pure as a drop of tears on my eyes at melancholy on you. But you do not think, that
these tears from Burning, these tears of happiness. I am too strong you I like. My mum approves you and transfers you the greetings long as life. She is very glad, that we Have found each other and are
happy. She sincerely experiences for us and too wants that we were together. My love, I very much want to be with you together faster. I very much need in you. My prince, I send you one million hot kisses.
Let these kisses accompany You all the day. My body wants you, my heart is beaten more strongly from your letters. It is a pity to me that we not now with you Together. I shall wait from you for the
letter today and very to miss on you. Remember. That I very much love you, my future husband!!!!!!!! Your future wife Irina
From: Rosa <>
Sent: Tuesday, 10 February, 2009 11:18:27 AM
Subject: I hope you !!!
Hi my sweetheart xxxx ! I am glad to read your message and to learn, that I can hope for your help in payment of agency. Dear, I feel itself it is a little inconvenient because I had to address to you for
the help. I always counted myself the independent person, which itself can solve all problems. But, this time, I could not all to take into account and was mistaken that I can pay all travel itself . When I
travelled earlier, it costed for me less. But i'm glad that now I have you xxxx , - the man, which can help me. After ours acquaintance, at me varies sensations of. Earlier I counted myself the strong and
independent person, and it was pleasant for me to feel, that I can care of myself. And now I feel simply the woman who requires support.
But it is pleasant for me, to feel beside strong the man which protects me from all excitements of a life! xxxx, I informed a place of arrival to you to the agent and he has calculated the staying payment for me. It will be for me 900 Euro. Into it enters tickets, insurance, road up to the airport and some other necessary charges.
With me have still remained money, after payment of the first parts of cost. It about 500 Euro, and now is necessary for me, in 8-9 days about 400 Euro to pay in agency the second part of cost travel. I hope
dear, that this money not difficulty for you and you can help to pay to me, in 8-9 days, 400 Euro in agency . I shall learn from the agent as you can send them it. Lovely, I hope, that I did not make to you
difficulty by the haste. Probably it is not planned expenditure for you. If it so, do not become angry about me please, I very much miss you and i wait for ours meetings very much. I wait for your letters xxxx ! Thousand kisses. Yours Rosa
From: Rosa <>
Sent: Tuesday, 17 February, 2009 11:31:46 AM
Subject: I want to de with you!!!
Hi my xxxx ! How you dear? Yesterday, I could not send you message. I hope, that it not so afflicted you. xxxx , thank for your message and for your words. It was pleasant for me and strengthened my belief that all It will be good also our meeting will be gentle and very pleasant for us! I reached in agency. They have told, that within the next few days my visa will be here. The embassy approved my questionnaire and therefore I can soon arrive to you xxxx . Also they asked to pay within the next few days other money of payment of them. Therefore, lovely, try tomorrow or to send the day after tomorrow to me money 400 Euro, for payment of them. My information for this purpose:
My first name: Irina
My last name: Polovceva
My address: Russian Federation, Novocheboksarsk, street Vinokurova, house 2, appartment 34, postal code 429950
Also, do not overlook to write to me confidential number. I promised agency to pay them these days. Also the agent wants to know, what is the time we plan to be together. It is necessary for him for reception of tickets. My dear, what is the time you can have for our meeting?
Inform me xxxx , how many days will be convenient for you.
Approximately in a week or it is a little more, I can arrive to you.
Please, dear, plan this time for me. I have intention to take away You, these days, from all your affairs, that you belonged only to me.
I want to surround you in this time with my caress and care. My hugs and kisses, Yours Rosa I wait for your letters dear!
   