Tatyana Koshkarouva ( Izhevsk, Russia)
I am a 55 year old divorced white naturally born US citizen living in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri, USA, employed as a computer systems engineer for a major corporation. At the first of December, 2008, I began posting my profile on a few web-sites, and at Christmas I received an email through Yahoo Personals that seemed so sweet and innocent, that I took a chance and answered it. Over the course of the next 2 months, we exchanged approximately 50 emails.. The emails began as friendly letters simply talking about our lives, where we lived, our jobs and our friends and family. These letters were long, and very detailed, and included questions which were answered. Everything was very personable, so there was no indication that this was in any way a scam to simply extort money from me. After about 12 email exchanges, the letters became much more personal and she had decided that we should meet, and began to find out information about how she could come to America on a tourist visa. I tried to explain that the embassy would probably not give a visa to a single female of her age to come to America for a visit. But she seemed to convince me that she was working with a travel agency in her home town that had worked with the American embassy in Moscow and arranged for travel visa’s many times. After a few more emails that contained the details of her planned trip, then she asked if I could help her with the expense of the visa, medical exams, and travel to Moscow for the visa interview. She only asked for $400 USD, which seemed like a reasonable amount. I sent this money to her in 2 installments through Western Union, to: Tatyana Koshkarouva, during the month of January 2009, and we continued to email very personal thoughts and plans about her arrival and visit in America. We began talking on the phone during this time, and she had a very pleasant voice. Our conversations were pretty basic, and only lasted 5-minutes each time; perhaps a total of 10 phone calls over 2 months; she always called me. She said that she was using the phone at the telegraph office. At the time she went to Moscow for the visa interview in late January 2009, she called and said that they would grant her the tourist visa for a period of 3 months, but that she had to be able to produce enough cash to show them that she could take care of herself during the stay, even though she would be staying with friends; she said that they had asked her to produce 90-days x $30/day for expenses = $2,700 USD.. Again, knowing some of the regulations for visitors, it seemed like a reasonable amount of money to be required to present at the embassy. She asked me if I could send that to her right away. My answer was no, I told her to go back home and we would work out an arrangement for how to get that much money to her. She arrived home and I explained about how I was paid by salary every 2 weeks, and that I would arrange to send her the money in 2 installments over the month of February 2009 through Western Union, to: Tatyan Koshkarouva. When she had the entire amount of money, she made arrangements to travel to Moscow once again and obtain the official visa. She had promised time and again to return the money to me through Western Union as soon as she had gotten the visa. But then a problem arose; she claimed that she had shared a sleeping compartment on the train with a woman, who later drugged her and stole all of our money. She awoke with a headache, and told the train steward, who got a policeman, who called the central police station, where she went and filed a report. Then came the phone call; “can you help me, can you send me more money.” At this point I had no reason to doubt that this might have happened just the way she said. But this whole story just did not sound right. When I repeated it to my friends, they said I had been scammed. In the following emails that I received from this woman, she became angry when I would not send her any more money, and the entire mood of her letters changed. She said that she was heading home, and that was the last I have ever heard from her. After a few days, I realized that I had been scammed, but still did not believe it, until I did some research with Western Union. I had made 4 money transfers for a total of $3,100, which should have been picked up either in Izhevsk or in Moscow. I found that all 4 had been picked up in Perm’. In fact, this woman had never been in Izhevsk, and had never travelled to Moscow. I filed an immediate report with the Internet Crime Commission, then submitted a request for prosecution assistance with http://www.russian-detective.com and notified the blacklist at http://www.russianwomen.com and finally submitted a report to scamreport@womenrussia.com
Date: Sun, 28 Dec 2008 10:52:25 +0300
From: Tatyana <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hello my new Friend!!!
I have waited also to me have answered. I am very glad to welcome you dear. It was very pleasant for me
to receive yours and the letter, and to meet you, and now it is even more pleasant to write to you to the
answer the letter. Well to you to tell about itself?! Well, first, as you have already guessed, I write to you
from Russia, I Russian, beautiful woman decided to try happiness and to find the man of the
dream by means of the Internet. I do not know it will turn out whether
or not, but very much it would be desirable t believe in it, that to
me will carry. Now so many people and at many already the families get
acquainted very much. I too dream, that to me have paid attention interesting the man and on the present have
estimated all my merits and demerits, and could make out in me first of all simply the woman
requiring for heat and force of the man. I have seen your structure on
Yahoo and have decided to write to you. At present I work as the teacher of a mathematics at school for gifted children which is called
« Clever People ». I have ended the state pedagogical university
Mathematical faculty . After the termination of university I at once have gone to work in this school, therefore problems with search of
job never arose. I very much like to communicate there not only that I
teach children to learn this world, and itself I I find out it every
day. It not simply the school is a huge complex in which there are various developing
studios. In city it is the best school. Many parents try to determine children there, but it not so is simple.
First, for the population with average earnings which prevails in our city is it is impossible, as
cost for training is great enough. Second, not we can accept all children, in school take prepared and
gifted children. As you have already understood, I teach children of a
history. At me seven hour working day and I have two days off in week,
and every year holiday. Job not difficult and besides liked and consequently at me even ideas did not arise that to leave. With
children it is very interesting to work, constantly you improve the
knowledge and you go to a leg in due course. During today's time
childre can learn much, in fact they live during technical progress
and computers, and a lot of interesting find out in the Internet and it share with us at lessons.. I understand in computers and technics
not much, therefore I think myself the absolute newbie in the Internet. Tell to me about you are engaged in what?
Whether your craft where you studied is pleasant to you? It would be very interesting to
me to learn about it. Tell about, where and how you live? Where you were born? I was born and have grown in the
city of Rostov on Don , in the same place were born and my parents have grown. I almost never
left the city. Somehow it was not necessary, and opportunities was not
much. But not for a long time I have moved to the city of Izhevsk which to be approximately in 1200 kms from the city of Moscow.
Certainly, I was in the next cities and even in several large cities of Russia, such as Moscow, Kirov ,
Siktivkar. I dream to visit Saint Petersburg. It is possible to say, what is it city of my dream. You
for certain about him heard much, whether there was you in Russia? If yes, where exactly? I shall I shall find out with the
great pleasure about your life. Tell to me, whether there was you somewhere else?
Whether you like to travel? I, was possible to say, I adore, only, unfortunately, all my travel have very small radius. Once,
when I still studied at university, to me suggested to go to other country
under the program of an exchange of students but then there were some problems with documents, and I had to refuse this idea.
In a consequence I very much regretted that could not finish all. But I do
not mourn and I live further high-grade, sometimes and boring, but the
life. As a whole all develops, as I want, and like everything would turn out too, there is a unique lack is a satellite on a life. The age
such can at me, but right now I understand, how it is necessary for me. For me not important our distinction in the age of as I search for
serious attitudes, I would want that I the man appreciated me and respected, and what age this the man
for me is not of great importance. I at once want to say to you, that I write to you and if
you have problems with perception of my letters, you can ask me everything, that you interests. I studied English
language at school during ten years, and then at university. I like this language and I
like to write to you. For me it some kind of practice. I can easily communicate in this language, and to me does not make a
problem to write to you or to read your letters. I would like to know about your
family more. My parents were lost when I was very small, our house in which we lived has burned down me what that miracle
have rescued, to me then was only 3 years. I have no what brothers or sisters I was one
child in family. I was brought up by my aunt which unfortunately too has died 2 years ago. I do not remember the
parents. It seems to me, that I with pleasure can be engaged in any job. I am very fast to all
I get used. And if I sometime had to replace a trade, I am sure, that it is possible me. Certainly, it is not so
convenient, but a choice small. I would like to know about your life more. That is interesting
to me, as well as than, you live. I would like to see your photos. It is important for me to present your image not
only under your letters, but it would be desirable find out how you look. I great pleasure send
you the photos, I think to you it too is not unimportant. With the big
impatience I wait for your answer. I hope you you will not leave without attention questions interesting me. I hope shortly to see your
Date: Mon, 29 Dec 2008 14:44:50 +0300
From: Tatyana <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hello my new friend!
I am very glad, that you have answered my letter. It means, that you want find out me closer. I am really
glad, that you have answered me. I know, that you interests, why I have written to you. But I do not
have answer to it a question. I never knew, that is possible to meet through the Internet and to find friends. My
girlfriend has told to me about it. You have very much liked me. More correctly I liked that you
have written about yourself. And I have decided, that I want to meet you. I really would like find out better you
and to make friends. In this letter I shall tell about the life. I was born in Russia and all
life have lived in the native city which I very much like. To me 32 years, I was born on January , 26 , 1975. For certain it
is interesting to you what wash growth, I of 170 centimeters. My weight
makes 53 kgs. I when was not for the husband, but had the friend with which there were almost 7 years which has left to other woman
more youngly me for 9 years. It was the most difficult period in my life,
but I have gone through him. I am now glad that my was the man I have left me could go through all difficulties and now I can begin a life
with a pure leaf. I have no what children but if it will be possible that I with pleasure would have children.
Probably, we at once can be distinguished Russian women from all others. Speak, we to anybody are
not similar, and we could not be not mixed. From Russia means from Russia. I believe in the God, and I
of Christians, as well as all my family. Unfortunately, in family I the only child. Having left school
I have entered university, having received the diploma, have gone to work on a speciality and is now very
pleased with the job. Never regretted for my choice in education. When I went to school, I very
much was fond of drawing. Then I have decided to go to study in art school. I have finished her in the age of 14
years and was sure, that I shall become the known artist. But when has matured, has understood
that, I precisely want. Tell to me about the predilections, hobbies whom you wanted to become in the
childhood? I for a long time have noticed, that each person finds in itself any creative person. At all
not looking at a sort of activity or a trade. The person all the same will find in itself that drop of creativity,
than will be engaged in the free time and will carry by her through all life. She can consist
in everything. I, for example, like to draw, and I work as the teacher
of a mathematics, and the majority of my pupils even do not guess, that I in soul the artist. Though my job too in own way very much even
creative. Tell, what you do during free time from job? Tell to me about the friends? I have some friends, but it is far from
being all of them very much people close to me. I have some girlfriends with
whom I sometimes meet and share the latest news, but the best true girlfriend at me no. Once I was disappointed in female
friendship and to this day, I think, that such does not exist. As I think, that there
is no friendship between the man and the woman as always on the one hand there are sympathies more than simply
friendship. It would be interesting to me to know your opinion in this occasion. Whether you
believe, that can meet second half still. I in it very much believe and I hope, what is it will take place. At present I
want only serious attitudes. Flirtation in my life was enough. Now in my life only close
and sincere attitudes. And unique my purpose for today is to create family. I very romantic person. I like much to
read and sometimes to write, but it only my personal and I it to whom I do not show. I read
various books. It as in music. It would be desirable to listen under moods, depending on pleasure or grief. I very
much would want find out you closer. I with pleasure shall read your histories. I would like to
see more than your photos. Whenever possible I shall send you the. I want to say many thanks that you have
answered me. I am valid with impatience waited for your letter. I would like, that we with you have
made friends. You are very interesting to me as the person. And consequently I want, as much as possible to
know about you and about your life. In the letters I try to tell about how I live. And I want
the same from you. I do not ask you to write to me the big letters. I only want, that it was easy and interesting to us to
communicate. Well, I as was possible in detail have told to you all about myself,
in this letter. If you want find out, something else ask, and I to you
shall tell about all. Only I want at once you to warn, trust to each other, to write only the truth what she would not be. I the adult
person and can understand all, but only not treachery and a deceit. If
at you to me not serious intentions I think, that to us with you not on a way! For now I say goodbye to you, I hope tomorrow to see your
letter. I believe, that you the good person. I could not be mistaken in you! I with pleasure shall answer your letter. Your new friend,
Tatyana .
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2009 11:22:32 +0300
From: Tatyana <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
As I am happy, that you have not forced me to wait for your answer for
a long time. I, was possible to tell in the seventh sky with happiness
that I can see your remarkable letter. I cannot transfer those feelings,
that now overflow my heart. All emotions with which I live every day. I as if shall go from mind, as if have
gone mad, lips suffer, the body suffers - day to live you to not see, as if a bowl of
poison to drink. This poison in my body, in my heart and in my ideas. It has all me, and without it I am already simple I can
not. You are necessary for me as air as water and everything, that gives a life. As
it is good, that you at me are. You the most unusual and I do not understand in what your secret. Like in you there is nothing
unusual and at the same time I shall go from mind from one only ideas about
you. Each your word, each breath in your letter gets in a point of happiness, and I shall go from mind and simply I lose a head. You
as- as if have arrived from other world. You are very much distinguished
from all men. And you have brought this world during my life. At you good manners, brilliant taste and magic charm. When I am with
you, I read your letters, I simply overlook about all on light. As I would
like to be near to you, to look in your eyes, to embrace and more than
nothing to see around of myself. As I already spoke, I am ready on all
and now I have decided, that the only thing of that I want is to connect the life with you. A unique
way for this purpose be to arrive to you. Now I have have found out everything, that for this purpose it
is required. It is difficult for me to think of essential things when I read your letters. It is the world of
unsolved sacraments which to me should be understood. I am ready to pass all this way, in fact I
know, that to all this there will be a compensation. And the award to this will be you, and you - all this that are
necessary for me for existence. Without you I cannot simply live. The information which I
have received in travel agency, will help us to overcome distance which has settled down between us. I will need the
passport for travel abroad which manufacturing will borrow about one week from the date
ofpayment, it is cost 50 $. Besides the passport the social package which includes various insurances and medical
information will be necessary for me. And only with these documents I can do the visa, I
should do the tourist visa, its cost 400 $. And time of its manufacturing will borrow no more than two weeks. I,
certainly, understand, that all this not so is simple as it would be desirable..
But I am sure, that I can pass all this way, in fact you will be near to me, and you will help me in all. So it is not convenient to me
to ask it you,but you will help me with payment the visa??? I am sure,
that gathering of all documents will not make the big work. I for myself already have solved all and is ready to go towards to the
happiness. I understand and I expect all difficulties which I should face. I understand, that I am waited
absolutely with other life, that I should be reserved.I as tried to learn as you could help, eat to me
two ways that you could help me, it through world system Western Union
or other system Money Gram. I understand that my life to change in other country. Certainly, much frightens me, but I am ready to go on
everything to be near to you. I am ready to reserve the life, to leave
former and to begin another, for the present unknown to me. If only only you wanted it and helped me in all. I shall know, that you beside
and me will be easier to consult with all complexities. Lovely mine, I
hope, you understand, what I should face and on what is necessary me. I completely rely on you and I believe in your help. I read
each letter as a lunatic. I consider each your phrase. I try to experience
you and to understand your ideas, to catch each your breath. I want to
experience your life, find out as you there, as from you affairs. You dream me every night, I want, that we always were together, and
nothing could separate us. I madly miss. Probably at me such destiny, that you have appeared in my life, and I never would change
it on any another. I ask the god only one that you were near to me and belonged
only to me. I protect our happiness and our love, I shall not allow anybody to spoil all that we have created. But it is very
difficult for me to be here one. My girlfriends see, how I suffer, and they
understand, that I feel. They understand, that shortly I shall leave them. But they are happy for me. They are ready to make
everything that I was happy though it it should be experienced with tears on
eyes. My soul is broken off on two half of that we not together. I every day suffer that I can not while to be near to you. With you I
have found a peace of mind and at the same time the suffering which is
not giving to me rest because you so are far. Only I want to connect my life to you. I want to love you, to care of you. I cannot imagine,
as it will be melancholy. Is even more sick to think of their experiences. But we is simple people and we
can go through all this. So we become wiser, we understand and we agree to the pricethis life.
In fact between us only kilometers. Only whisper, and I shall pick up your idea. My heart without you as if a
wild bird without the sky, without you my soul, as if a weak fallow deer without a wood, without
you my eyes as juicy breasts without a smoke, without you my tear as dew without morning falls. In fact we
know, that will be farther. We now need to live simply to live and enjoy that we are. I live in an
anticipation of our meeting. I not time imagined this moment when our hearts will beat with huge speed
and our ideas behind them will not have time. And I shall think, it that moment which you so waited, give
speak it all. But during this moment there will be no words. I want to
look only at you and to listen to palpation of your heart. I shall be near to your soul. Tell, how you imagine it.. It will be very
interesting to me to know, that you think of it. I very much hope to go through all this in the near future, in fact it in our
hands. Let's live... I embrace you and I give the dreams and ideas...a
Your Tatyana .
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 2009 12:55:41 +0300
From: Tatyana <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hi my James!!!
Forgive that I could not write to you 2 days, our cafe the Internet have been closed for technically
reasons. I am in a very good mood today, but when I am reading your letters again and again I feel even
better, I love to receive your letters, they always bring me much joy and make me happy! I am always
thinking about you and you are in my thoughts. I wish you could be near me now, but I know that we’ll
see each other some time and we’ll be together. When I think about all
this it feels like I am flying in the sky!!! :)
My day was fine and resting today. I slept in today, woke up, then took a very nice shower, had
breakfast and cleaned my house for a little while. I like when my house is cosy and looks nice and
clean. Today I’ve also went to the movies with my girlfriend, we had a
wonderful time. The movie was a scary one, but I liked it a lot. Tomorrow I am planning to go to the gym because I want to stay in
shape. I like when my figure is slim and looks fine. So I’ll take care
of my health. Everything is alright with me, now when you’ve appeared
in my life, I feel that the emptiness I had in my heart and soul have gone
away, I know that you think and care about me, and this is the most important thing for me!
James, I would like to tell you that you’ve changed my life a lot, and
even though you are far away from me, I know for sure that you are near me in my thoughts, you are always with me. I want you to feel
very comfortable and happy because you are very important to me! Honey, you know, there are so many
stars in the sky, but yesterday night when I looked at it, I’ve found this one beautiful star that
will lead us and our happiness! All the words I tell you are from my heart and I’ll never get tired of telling you how
much you and our relationships mean to me! :)
I am glad that you have sent me the remained part of money, today I shall try to receive money from
you. Also I shall begin preparation of mine the visa, tomorrow I shall inform all of you to a detail.
I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to your reply!!!
With hugs and warm kisses,
Date: Sun, 18 Jan 2009 11:54:37 +0300
From: Tatyana <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hi my James!
How are you doing today? How is everything with you? Thank you very much for your letter, I was very
glad to receive it. Your letters like a bright sun make my day! :)
I have concluded the contract with agency yesterday after have received money from you as soon as my
visa is ready to me it will be necessary will visit embassy in Moscow. The agent would ask me that I
found out the name of the airport in which you can meet me, the agent as has told to me that it will be
necessary to reserve flight 3 weeks prior to a start. So will be more cheaper. As I should have the ticket
for hands when I shall visit embassy in Moscow.
I am thinking about you a lot and I just cannot get you out of my head. But I think that this is a good
thing, actually deep in my heart I feel that the emotional connection we are developing is becoming
bigger day by day. I feel that my feelings to you are getting stronger
and stronger. Every day I am thinking about you more and more.
You know, James, every day I think how great this is that we’ve met in
internet, from so many men and women that are there we’ve chosen each
other, not anybody else. I am so thankful to fate that it gave me you,
All the time I am dreaming about you and me, us together. These are very wonderful dreams, I am
thinking about our future together, what if we meet and like each other a lot and then how everything
would be changed for both of us. I like dreaming about us, hoping for the great
future together.
James, tell me how was your day? How is everything? What is new? I want to know all about you!!!
James, please, tell me about your childhood! I would really like to know it, I want to know all about my
sunshine :)
Our weather today very cold approximately -18 or - 20 degrees of the Frost.
I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to your reply very impatiently!
With tender hugs and kisses,
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 12:12:58 +0300
From: Tatyana <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hi my James!
I am very glad that we could to speak with you ?? to phone today, it is pleasure of my day. How are you
today? As for me I am fine over here, I just miss you very much and I am thinking about you a lot.
James, you’ve become a very big part of my life and I cannot live without your attention and warm letters
now. I am so happy that I am not alone any more because you are in my life now and I am very glad
that we have each other, so that we can talk about anything and we are
communcating very openly and freely with each other. I know now that whatever happens in my life I can tell you this and talk to you about
it and you will try to understand me and you can do the same thing with me.
Today I will go to babysit with one child, one friend of mine asked me
to do it for her, so I eagerly agreed with that. Because I like children a lot and I think that they all are very cute.
I think when I shall arrive to you we shall be very happy together. I’ll do my best to make this dream
come true because I think that family is very important in the life of every person and you cannot be
completely happy if you do not have the house you can come to and relax, the person who will be near
you no matter what. As for me this is what I want to build, very serious relationships and nice family.
Now I shall write to you the information of my flight which to me have
offered in agency.
Flight: Moscow (MOW)-> St Louis (STL) - 1436 $
Airline: Delta Air Lines Flight: DL47
Departure: February, 03rd 2009, 13:10, Sheremetevo Arpt
Arrival: February, 03rd 2009, 17:05, Hartsfield Intl Arpt
Places: Economy class
<<<<-city of change Atlanta (ATL)->>>>
Airline: Delta Air Lines Flight: DL5845
Departure: February, 03rd 2009, 18:54, Hartsfield Intl Arpt
Arrival: February, 03rd 2009, 19:39, Lambert St Louis Intl
Places: Economy class
Time in a way: 15 hours of 29 minutes
You can meet me, this day??? I should pay as soon as possible cost of the ticket aboard the plane, you
can send tomorrow to me of money what I could reserve flight???
Ok, hun, I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to
your reply!
With tender hugs and kisses,
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 10:01:08 +0300
From: Tatyana <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hi my dear James!!!
How are you? As for me I am doing fine, I just miss you a lot. I am thinking about you, thinking a lot as
usually I do. Thank you very much for your attention, for writing me. I like to receive letters
from you, to learn new things about you, to read your tender and nice words. I appreciate your care and attention a lot.
I am very glad that you as worry about my flight and looked cost, the agency has offered me flight in
cost 1436 $, I now shall explain on what the sum more than you have found. This sum includes
insurance, gathering of the airport, as cost of the ticket for a train up to
Moscow. I hope that tomorrow I can reserve flight. I so am glad that date of my arrival is successful for you and to you will not make
problems what to meet me.
Honey, I think that if we were living together I would pay much attention to you, of course, and for our
house. I will try my best to make is a real home for you and for me, the home you would like to
come in and the place that will be really nice and full of tenderness and love. That is what I want and what I dream about.
Since my childhood I wanted to find my ?prince?, my only one, the special person who is going to love
me and whom I will love back, and then create with him a strong family and have children. I want to
become a mother one day and take care of my children. I hope that I will be a good wife and good mother.
You know, James, this was my dream for a long time and now when you are in my life I feel that may be
pretty soon this dream will come true. I?ve found you and we are building our relationship. And day by
day it is getting stronger. I do not need anything else in my life. I am very happy now and I am sure that
if I will be near you, I will be even happier. This is what I really want.
Honey, I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to your reply!!!
With hugs,
Date: Mon, 26 Jan 2009 11:54:39 +0300
From: Tatyan <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hello my love James !
I am in Moscow now. I have just returned from embassy where i had interview with the ambassador.
They have allowed me to visit the USA, I can receive the visa. But there is one problem about which to
me on what that have not told in agency of travel. Now I shall tell you
about this problem. In embassy they would tell me that I have shown pocket money which i can use in your country. I was very surprised
and asked what it is meant?
They had answer that I should have 30 $ dollars for each day when i stay in the USA. You understand
me? They have told me that my visa of 90 days and I should have on each of these days on 30 $. It turns
out that I should show 2700 $, I so was upset. I began crying and i said
that I have no such money and that me nobody warned about it. I said that in the USA lives my friends and I will not need some
problems with food or something else. I was answered that with such rules and
that it is made by the Russian government what citizens of Russia could to live in other country and to return back without
problems, they have told to me many Russian people addressed in embassy for help
them come back to Russia, and what to avoid it the Russian government has published such law. I do not know what to
do me? I shall be compelled to ask the help from you dear. I shall not to spend this
money because i need only to show this money. And they will give my all my documents, passport to go abroad and visa
and all. As soon as I come to you I give all of you 2700 $ back at the airport when we shall
Now I do not know what to do me? I would need to search for an apartment what to stop for the night. I
upset very much, on my cheeks tears flow. I would ask you that you have forgiven me for that that I
could not find out about it earlier. If tomorrow in the morning I can receive money from you I can visit
embassy and show that I have pocket money and I can receive the visa and the entry visa in the USA. I
so hope for you and on your help, these are huge money for me, I am simple in a shock and my eyes
are full some tears. I so am guilty to you for that that could not find out all in detail earlier. I now in
another's city also do not know that to me to do, I so do not have not
enough your support. But I know than more problems we can overcome that our feelings will be stronger.
Now I should go what to find an apartment and to remain for the night.
But i come back to internet cafe and i will wait mail from you.
I shall wait for your letter, with huge impatience and excitement.
Forgive me. I very much love you
Sad Tatyana .
Date: Wed, 28 Jan 2009 12:07:35 +0300
From: Tatyan <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hi my dear James!!!
How are you? How are you doing there? I am doing fine here and I am in
a very good mood today that I would like to share with you! :)
I early in the morning today have come back home, the trip was not much tiresome, but after I took
houses of souls to me on it became much easier.
James, I completely understand your situation with money, it not so is
important I is ready to wait. That we as a result shall meet the most important each other.. My flight will be on March, 3rd, I cannot wait
for that day. I am glad that you can to send me half of money on Saturday, I shall store this money. As
soon as I receive my visa I shall send you of money back or I can return to you of money at the
airport on March, 3rd how for you it is better????
You know, James, I am thinking about you most of the time. You are very dear to my heart, James, and
I am very happy that you’ve appeared in my life. I know that I have told you this many times, but I hope
that you are not tired of reading my words because all of it comes from the bottom of my heart.
James, you know, I have read a very interesting book today, that was written by Deil Karnegi and I
decided to share what I have found out there with you, James. Karnegi talks about happy marriage and
this is what he advices:
Partners should not carp at each other.
They should not try to change each other.
Do not critisize.
To tell that they love each other more often.
To show the attention.
Take care of one another.
Have a good book about sexual life.
So this is what Karnegi advices and in his opinion, it will make the marriage happy. He is a very famous
psycologist and I think that he is right. In my opinion, may couples separate because they do not
sho much attention, they forget it in a daily life. I think that this is
very important. What do you think about it, James?
I shall call to you in these days off I miss on your voice.
I am finishing my letter now and I hope that you are having a great day!
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon!
With hugs,
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2009 11:02:10 +0300
From: Tatyan <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hi my dear James!!!
How are you doing today? What is new? As for me I am doing alright here and I am thinking about you
all the time, I miss you very much. You are on my mind all the time and I like to read your tender words,
it always brings me a good mood and puts a nice smile :) on my face. When we speak by with you to
phone my mood always very highly, I cannot cease to think of you.
It was very interesting to me to read about our horoscopes. I am glad that on a horoscope we as very well we suit to each other.
James, I have a question for you. Tell me more about your traditions, please. James, tell me how do you
usually celebrate your weddings? What traditions do you have? As for me I can tell you about some of
our Russian wedding traditions. For example, when two people decide to
marry, they usually go to the parents and ask for their approval, then
they are engaged. The wedding usually starts when the groom comes to the bride and gives the money to the parents, it is some kind of
compensation for her :) Then all of the guests from both sides through
coins to them, they do it as a symbol, so that they will have a happy and rich life together. Then they celebrate the wedding, and the
celebration normally lasts for 3 days, this is much fun. So this is how the wedding is celebrated in Russia, and what about you? What
traditions do you have, James?
Today the weather is kinda cold, so I just staying at home and watching TV and doing some things
around the house. In the days when the weather is not very good and kinda cold I like to stay at home
and watch TV or do something like that because the house becomes more cosy
and warm. I like to be at home these days. Do you, James?
Honey, you are very dear to me and you know that, right? But I think that these warm words are never
enough and when the person who you care for tells you this, it is always pleasant to hear. For example,
for me when I read your letters I feel your warmth and I feel your tenderness and care and I hope that you
feel the same in my letters. I am telling you all the time how much you mean to me and how I care for
you. I am always thinking about you and I miss your letters, your words, I miss you, dear!
I have forgotten to tell I have received money from you, all is good. I shall postpone this money and I
shall wait when at me the full sum what will visit embassy.
James, I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to your reply!
With tender hugs and kisses,
From your Tatyana.
Date: Wed, 4 Feb 2009 14:39:19 +0300
From: Tatyan <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hi my dear James!
How are you today, my sunshine? :) I hope that you are fine over there, I am ok here, I went for a walk
and now internet cafe. I was very glad to hear from you again. Every day I am looking for the
moment when I read your new letter to me, read your warm and tender words. I will never get tired of telling you
how much I need you and how much happy I am that we’ve met.
Our weather now very cool, approximately,-15 -18, it is very cold.
By the way, honey, have you ever thought that our meeting was meant to
be? Do you believe that this God’s wish for us to talk, know each other better and finally meet? As for me I think that we are two
halfs of one, we can make each other complete. How do you think, James?
You know, I like dream about our future. I imagine how we are going to
live together, how much we are going to care about each other. I understand that you are far from me now, but I think about you all the
time. In my opinion, real true love can overcome all of the difficulties and distance. I think that if God
wants us to be together, we will and we will try and do our best to be happy!
I have never thought before that the special feeling and connection that we have now between us could
be in real life, I was just dreaming about it. You know, James, some years ago when I was reading
beautiful stories about love and friendship in the books, I’ve been dreaming
that may be some day something unusual and wonderful will happen to me. I was always dreaming about some very romantic
and understanding relationships. And look here you are, James! Now we are just writing
very beautiful and tender letters to each other, but I hope that our meeting is very close and I am looking forward to
that special moment when I can look into your eyes for the first time …
Honey, I value our relationships so much, it is very important to me. You cannot even imagine how
much! Sometimes I get scared when I think that I can lose you and all this will just disappear like a
dream. I really need you, your care, understanding. You know, James, you are
the one who I can tell everything, share all my thoughts with and I know that you will understand me.
I’ve written you all this from the bottom of my heart, I felt like millions of nice words are locked in my
heart and only you were able to find that key to it, so that I opened my heart and soul for you and
all of my tenderness went out now. You are making me very happy, making me smile and enjoy life! Thank you for that, sweetheart!
I so am glad that our apartment already is, there is that place where we can go when I arrive. It will be a
fine place, we can equip together our apartment, I am very happy.
I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to your next letter very impatiently!!!
With hugs and tender kisses,
Your Tatyana.
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 13:23:08 +0300
From: Tatyan <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hi my dear James!!!
Thank you very much for your letter, I was very happy to receive it today. I do not know why, but today I
needed to read your nice and tender words very much. I miss you so much, my dear James, today when
I was looking out of the window at the skies I’ve started thinking about you and I understood that I miss
you so much that I did not even noticed how tears were starting to appear on my face. Honey, I miss
you so much!!! Darling, I do not know why, but today I was thinking about you and it was like a pain in
my heart because you are so far from me, I wanted to see you, to hug you, to be near you, but I know
that the reality is that you are far away from me now …
So, I was very happy to read your wonderful letter and to see that you
care about me the same way I care about you, James. You are very important to me!!!
As for me I think that these are very rare cases when woman and man are only friends because in most
of the situations in my opinion, one of the two wants more, but the other just does not feel this way.. At
least that’s the opinion I have for now about it and I do not think that I am mistaken. How do you think,
James? It is very interesting for me to know your point of view here. Will you tell me?
James, I ask you be you are cautious with your health can to catch a cold, the rain is safe only in the
summer in good weather.
I am glad that affairs with our apartment move ahead is remarkable, I think that it will be our favourite house.
Ok, I am finishing my letter now, but I will not let you go before I tell you how much I need you and that I
care about you a lot!!!!!!!!!!
A lot, a lot!!!!!!
Have a great day, my dear!
With all of my tenderness,
Your Tatyana.
Date: Mon, 16 Feb 2009 19:38:07 +0300
From: Tatyan <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hi my love James!!!
How are you today, James? How is everything? How is life? Thank you very much for your letter, I was
very glad to hear from you again as usual. Thank you for your tender and kind words to me, I appreciate
your care a lot, my dear James.
James, to me have appointed interview in embassy on Wednesday, tomorrow in the evening I shall go to
Moscow. Before leaving I shall write to you the letter. I am glad that you have found the decision of
a problem with your wife, I hope she will leave you alone.
I miss you very much, honey. I am writing you in the late evening today because I had a pretty busy day
at my house today and then since the weather was fine I went for a walk with my friends. We had a very
good time, but I never forgot about you, thoughts about you were always with me. You know, my dear
James, I miss you very very much and I want to see you as soon as possible. You really mean a lot to
me and I care a lot about you. I know that you know all that, but anyways I
wanted to tell you this one more time. I hope you are not tired hearing that :)
The weather was very sunny today and the sun was shining all day long and I am very happy about it!!! I
am always in a good mood when it is sunny outside, you know? When I was walking today in the park
with my friends I saw many couples there, I had a very good time with my
friends, but I missed you very much still. I wish you were here near me and we could walk together. It could be very cool, how do you
think, James?
You have not understood my question, I meant " As you represent our first meeting "??????? When you
will see for the first time me at the airport???? What feelings will be at you in a head??? What shall we
do the first hour lead together????
Honey, I always think about you and me, about us together, about our future. I imagine how we will be
together. Do you think about it, James? As for me I always do. I imagine nice times that we are going
to spend together, our happy life together.
Ok, sweetheart, I am finishing my letter now and I will be looking forward to your reply!!!!!
Have a great day! And smile :) for me!!!!!
With thoughts about you,
Your Tatyana.
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 12:21:37 +0300
From: Tatyan <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Hello my dear James!
I now in Moscow. I have some unpleasant news now. Now I shall tell all
of you in detail. Last night I have sat down on a train to Moscow my girlfriends spent me. When I bought the ticket for a train to me have
suggested to buy the ticket in 2 local compartment in a train, I have thought that it very well that I shall
go in one compartment together. When I have sat down in a train and have passed in a compartment,
my fellow traveller has appeared the woman approximately years of 45-50
years, I so was delighted that I can not hesitate whom, to sleep in a compartment and to change clothes without problems, I did not
represent that to me to do if my fellow traveller had appeared the man.
When the train has got under way, the woman has decided to get acquainted with me, the Woman the
woman has told that her name Tamara. We have got acquainted, she has told to me that goes to
Moscow on a visit to the son on wedding, the woman has started to tell about a
life as she has appeared in our city that has lived in our city of 20 years, has told that the son the military person and serves in
Moscow. As has told that there will be a wedding and, she goes on a visit to
celebrate wedding. Then the woman has asked me where I go and what for. I have told that I go to embassy to Moscow, I have
told that have met you and now I would go what to receive documents and that very
soon we shall together. Tamara has congratulated me and has wished our
of good luck, time has passed and it was time to go to bed, Tamara has
suggested me to drink tea and has told that she has very tasty cookies, I
have agreed and would go up to a conductor what to ask tea, a conductor have brought tea and we have
started to drink tea, then Tamara has told to me that would like to drink tea with a lemon and
has asked me again to go up to a conductor what I has taken some segments of a lemon, I has agreed and have
followed a lemon. When I have returned we have continued to drink tea.
I have woken up suddenly with an awful headache from that that me awakes a conductor of a train and
speaks that you need to gather we come nearer to Moscow, I have looked round and have understood
that the woman is not present, was not as prophetic woman, I as understood
that have woken up dressed, I have asked a conductor where my fellow traveler, on what a conductor to me has answered
that the woman has left approximately 5 hours back on one of stations. I all over again
did not understand that occurs, then a conductor has asked me you that
that happens??? Also has told to check up to me all things when I have
checked up the things I has found out that there is no envelope with money, about my God she has stolen 2700 $ which would be required what
to be shown me in embassy. I cried in all voice, and could not understand as the woman could rob me. The chief of a train
and Polisman has then come, they have told m not that the woman poured to
me in a cup with tea strong somnolent and on it I have fallen asleep and could not prevent to rob to the woman me. My tears
cannot stop, I cannot calm down, my hands a shiver, nerves on a limit. I do not
understand for what to us such problems to whom I am guilty.
As soon as the train has stopped at station in Moscow, Polisman would spend me to branch of police
that I have written the application on this woman and have made the provisional description, that they
could begin search. To me have told that it not the first case and that they
for a long time search for this woman which steals in trains. Many people have suffered from hands of this woman, I damn her for that
that she has made, she does not represent that she has made.
Now I just have returned also a police station, and I write to you the
letter, my tears go a stream, I cannot stop, what to us to do??? It is
the huge sum of money, I do not represent that to me to do.
I should visit embassy and receive documents, but I have no money. I do not have not enough
conscience to ask the help from you, but I do not have other output, I ask you help me. Make those all
that you can, I cannot get such money. If you help me, I shall return to you of
money this very day back through Western Union, I do not see other outputs from this situation.
Please forgive me, forgive I when did not think that I can appear in such situation, but there is in Russia
probably all and who cannot protect you. My eyes are full some tears my heart is broken off from a
pain, I have already drunk some medicines for heart as I have almost lost consciousness in a police station.
Now I shall search for an apartment where to stop to spend the night, then I would shall return to cafe
the Internet what to wait the letter from you.
I love you, forgive me once again.
Yours Tatyana.
Date: Wed, 18 Feb 2009 17:02:08 +0300
From: Tatyan <ku..tatyana@gmail.com>
my love James!
I understand that it is problem to get for you money, I rented an apartment in the field of city of Moscow,
I can live there till Friday, it is very expensive to me to travel back to the city and back
to Moscow, I ask you try to make that that, I shall wait here, I rented an apartment in 50 minutes from Moscow by an
electric train it not so expensively and I can wait here. If you could borrow this money
only for 1 day. I would return this money to you back western union as
soon as received my visa, try to borrow it.
My eyes are full some tears, I feel that I deliver to you many problems, but I think that all our sufferings I
shall are expiated when we shall be together.
I wait your letter, I love you, I shall search for an opportunity what
to call to you today.
Your sad Tatyana.
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2009 11:09:02 +0300
From: Tatyan <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
Forgive me for that that I have delivered to you such troubles, I do not understand for what to us such
problems. I should move home, but I have paid an apartment over the weekend and I would not have
money what to buy the ticket for a train, it is necessary for me approximately 376 $ what to get home, I
have no this money, I hoped for you, you have told that we shall solve a problem and I yesterday
have paid cost of an apartment, the owner will not return money. My tears cannot stop now, we could be
together on March, 3rd, when now??? I need to change flight To what number????
I do not know that I shall do, I shall wait for your letter. I cannot write more. Mine a condition simply
critical. My tears do not allow to see to my eyes, I need to calm down not much.
I love you, forgive me.
Yours Tatyana.
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 2009 11:56:48 +0300
From: Tatyan <ku.tatyana@gmail.com>
My love James!
From that that I have read through my heart in this letter has become torn on fine parts, I cannot
understand on what all this happen with you, it is a pity to me that I have delivered to you so much
problems. As soon as I shall return to the city I shall try to receive money
from the ticket, I shall return to you this money western union, I understand that they now for you are more important than me, I can
live and without this money.
As to your friends, I think that that best friend who will help with all " NOT ONLY the WORD, BUT ALSO
BUSINESS ", I do not know so speak here.
When I shall arrive home, I necessarily shall call to you what we could to speak with you. I miss on your
voice. I do not represent as to live to us up to a meeting of the whole 4 months when our meeting
should happen in a week, but I love you and is ready to wait.
I hope that tomorrow I can receive money from you, tomorrow I should leave an apartment, I will need to go home.
I cannot long use the Internet of cafe. I shall wait the letter from you tomorrow.
I love you James!
Yours Tatyana.
   
Yana Tihomirova ( St Petersburg, Russia )
Hello there
I am a 47 year old, single white male New Zealander, student and writer.
I was contacted by this particular young woman through the New Zealand dating site: NZ Dating (www.nzdating.com) around the 15th January 2009. She said she wanted to get to know me and gave me her Yahoo address to communicate off site. Her original name was Krista and the address she gave me is: boomTNT811@yahoo.com. This was actually mid January about the 15th or 16th of January. I did not here back from here for a couple of weeks and thought she had decided not to communicate any further. Anyway I got a message from her on the 31st January 2009. From then on we exchanged message every 2 days or so. I asked her about her work and her life, where she lived and she told me she worked as a Sound(?) Assistant for a Director of one of the TV Companies for this St Petersburg TV network TNT, not associated with the American TNT network.
Initially she did answer my questions about herself and her life. No usage of darling, dear, etc. at that stage. It did seem pretty genuine so I kept up the correspondence. I had not read the Anti-Scam guide although I did ask for phone number and address. I sent mine to show good intentions. Although the tone of the emails began to change she began to refer to me as her love and that she did love me. The emails began to adopt the structure of the scam letters I had seen before. I did searches online for her name. I she had by this time told me her first and last name along with her address. She informed me that she could not ring me or I could not ring her as had had her cell phone stolen. I asked about her work number, two or three times. She told me I could not ring her at work as her bosses would get annoyed or words to that effect.
The emails became for frequent, daily as opposed to every two days previously. At this stage the answers to my questions dried up or were ignored. I repeated them a few times and I was getting bored with this as I thought this had all the hallmarks of a scam. Her emails became what I would call more flowery until 19th February 2009 when she sent me the money email. Moreover I had by this stage read the Anti-Scam Guide.
She needed I presume US$ 460.00 from me for Visa, Passport, Spending Money, Suitcase and Warm Clothes. Considering that despite everything New Zealand is having a kind of summer certainly not as cold as St Petersburg. I replied that to apply for a Visa or Permit to come to New Zealand the cost is US$ 0.00. New Zealand and Russia have a Temporary Visa or Permit Fee Waiver Agreement. I certainly was not going to send money to pay for a Passport. I did say I would talk to the Russian Embassy about seeing if I could pay for it thought them. I am doubtful that such a thing is possible, you never know. As for the suitcase and clothes I made some alternative suggestions and said her current clothes would be more than adequate. Finally as for the spending money I am not sending any money abroad. Anyway the amount she mentioned falls short of the minimum requirement for New Zealand. I have not heard back as yet and I doubt I will. This is why I am submitting this report now rather than waiting a few days.
Overall this was an interesting and amusing diversion, but ultimately it became boring which is why my second to last email to her was to trigger the money one. I am actually surprised they went for it. I was pretty obvious. I also found out that it appears the emails might have originated from Dublin Ireland. There was not Russian location in the ISP numbers. I followed the Guide’s directions on how to locate the computer’s location.
There you have have her messages. I am no Adonis and I am flattered by the attention in reality the person who wrote these messages is very different from the attractive photos that were sent with them. A total of 20 photos came with these messages.
Here are her emails in Chronological Order:
31 January 2009
Hello Les!
How are you?
My name is Yana.
Your information has interested me and I has wanted to learn you better.
English not the native language for me, but I not bad speak and understand all.
I was born in city Vyborg. It not the big city in Russia. It is located approximately in 130 km from St. Petersburg.
Now I live and work in St. Petersburg. I think you heard about this city.
It is very beautiful city in my country. I very much like to travel too, but never was in your country. Sometime I would like to visit it.
I always wished to get acquainted with the man from your country and have found you. I want that we became friends.
To me 27 years. I cheerful and romantic, beautiful and clever, sociable and kind.
My growth 168 cm. I choose active style of a life and I have a sports body.
You can see me better in photos which I put for you.
I have been never married and open for new relations.
The most part of my time I work but it does not prevent to enjoy a life. All in time, because I plan and organize my day.
I work the assistant a sound of director in television company on channel "TNT".
I live separately from parents in a small apartment together with cat Grisha.
At leisure I like fitness, cheerful music and walks with friends.
I would like to tell about myself more, but I shall make it in the following message, if it will be interesting to you :)
I hope, that you will like my photos. I very much wish to learn more about you.
Take care
Yours friend Yana.
2 February 2009
Hello my friend Les!
How there is your day?
I'm fine and I again with pleasure read new message from you!
Thank you for your photos, you are in my taste! Maybe you can send me more yours pics?
I am glad, that you liked my cat. Grisha is a cat, IT. It a usual cat not what
specific breed. Russian channel TNT has what attitude to american channel TNT.
I am very glad to continue our correspondence!
I very much liked your new message, because you have told a lot of interesting about yourselves.
I promised to tell to you more about myself, in this message I hasten to fulfill the promise :)
I was born on january 15, 1982. I have the childhood together with parents, and they have given me good formation and education.
My parents live in the city Vyborg. They are pensioners. I the only child of my parents. I am very grateful to them, because they have grown up me the good kind and fair person and have presented me a lot of care attention and love.
I have moved to St. Petersburg after have ended institute and have received music education.
Now I live in St. Petersburg, but I could not find work directly on my speciality. So often happens in my country, but friends have helped me to find work in television company on channel "TNT".
I already wrote to you, that I prefer active leisure and sports.
It really brings to me pleasure! After work I visit an fitness club to remove weariness and to receive new energy.
I love tasty and wholesome food and I do not take strong alcohol.
Many women in my country smoke, but I consider it inadmissible for me. This all secrets of my beauty and health :)
I like walks on fresh air with friends. At us many interesting and beautiful places to visit.
We go to cinema or cafe, we skate on an ice or simply walk in park. This great pleasure. I very much like cinema and I try to see all interesting presentation. In Russia have begun good cinema, but certainly we look more foreign films.
I very much like comedies and adventures.
My favorites of cinema Sean Connery, Keanu Reeves, Nicolas Cage and cheerful animation such as "Ice Age" or "Madagascar". I do not know you saw it? but it seems to me that really funny.
I would like to learn more about you? You like your work? What you prefers to in the day weekend?
All is interesting to me very much! You can ask me about all?. I shall be glad to answer, because I have no secrets.
To me it is very pleasant that my pictures have liked you!
I would like to see your new pictures too.
I shall wait very much your new message!
Have a good day
Yours friend Yana.
5 February 2009
Hello my friend Les!
How are you?
I very much waited your new letter!
You very attractive, I am glad to receive your photos and I want to see it in everyone from you the letter.
On work I influence many programs, that all and to not list. I studied in "St. Petersburg state university of
culture and arts" and have received there music education on a class of a fortepiano. In fitness club I usually do aerobics.
I never thought that correspondence can be so is interesting and to me very pleasantly, when you write the message for me.
With each new letter we learn each other more and you become the friend for me.
Thanks that you have written a lot of new and interesting about yourself!
After work I to go for a ride on skates with friends and return home absolutely happy:)
You skates? Probably you use skis? Sometimes we ski, but for this purpose it is required to go to base of rest which is located on hills.
In Russia in the winter very beautifully, but coldly :)
What weather at you? I hope not so coldly.
My friends speak that I very cheerful and the dreamer. I really dream very much! My favorite colors pink, white and light blue. I like pink, because my most favorite flowers a roses. I like white underwear and blouses, white clothes, the white cars. I like light blue, because it is similar on color of my eyes. What color you like?
I like to listen music and I read books. My favorite writer is Paulo Coelho. I like rhythmical, fast music, when I go in for sports also romantic, when I have a rest. Elton John is my a favorite. What music you like more?
My girl friends often ask, why I still single and I answer them that the happiness waits for me ahead.
I really trust in love and I wait, when it will come :)
It can probably seem silly, but I wish to be unique for the man and I wish to present him all that is in my heart.
Russian men have disappointed me and I do not recollect relations which have remained in the past.
Yesterday, more also never will return and I openly look ahead.
I always would like to see your country and probably I would remain there to live.
Any woman searches attention, care, tenderness and love. It would be desirable to feel it is assured and protected.
It seems to me, that the most important in relations to be able to trust each other, to trust and bear the responsibility the friend for the friend. Honesty, sincerity, respect, understanding, constant attention and care are the guarantor of long and strong relations.
Les, what you search in relations?
It is very interesting to me to hear your answer.
With impatience I wait your new message
Take Care
Your friend Yana.
7 February 2009
My dear friend Les!
Your messages make my day!
I am very glad to see your photos, it is simply fine photos, I very much love it.
I always very much wait the new letter from you and I read it with the great pleasure!
Our correspondence draws me and I would like to receive messages from you every day!
Unfortunately I not always can write the answer quickly, because sometimes late return home, but I always try to make the interesting letter for you.
My friend, how are you?
It is really interesting for learning to me.
It seems to me that our ideas in many respects are similar also it pleases me.
Relations between people and especially relations between the man and the woman really interesting theme for conversation and me very interestingly your opinion.
When I was younger my life seem to me carefree and is full of pleasure.
It seemed to me that the main thing to love, to pay attention, to support each other. Sometimes to me seemed that I should to change in myself or to make all to help another to change something. All turns out if feelings are mutual also desires strong enough, then people have precise plans for the future. But we can sometimes mix the true feelings with fleeting or game. Likely in a life of everyone there were failures in relations.
I became more senior and more deeply understood that I want in a life and whom I wish to see near to myself.
Fleeting novels were never interesting to me, because I have been assured of myself and in my purposes. I know, that I want and I do not try to find alternative.
I always searched serious relation based on trust, honesty and mutual understanding. I search only for it.
t seems to me that first of all is necessary to become the best friends before it will grow in greater.
At the true life is present not only pleasure and happiness. There are difficult days, when support, attention and care are necessary first of all and only the true friend can give it.
I think that always important to find the compromise and to concede each other.
Relations it is the greater responsibility before yourself and before which person you choose, because only on us depends what future we shall create together.
Each person by nature most of all loves itself by virtue of the egoism.
True feelings come, when we ending the egoism and we live for other person. We transfer the egoism to other person and he to become an inseparable part ourselves. I think only so probably true happiness and understanding each other.
I hope has not confused you :) ?
These words I tried to open my ideas :)
Know that I always wait new message from you!
Let your day will be filled by pleasure!
Yours friend Yana.
9 February 2009
Hello my sweet friend Les!!!!
My dear Les, your new message again pleases me!
To read your ideas it is very pleasant for me, because we absolutely understand each other and all that you peep finds reflection in my heart!
Thanks, my dear Les!
Thank for a sending of your photo also, Les, you be very fine a man. I mean very fine.
I would like to receive a lot of photos from you. I love your photo.
At us all the day good weather and I feel as if a holiday!
To me to become especially well, when I read the letter from you, because this the best that I can have this day!
How your day my sweet Les??
I had a free time and I hastened to check up mail from my best friend Les :)
I very much would like to learn more about a life in your country.
At us constantly speak about a global economic crisis. I heard that many people, which had stable and reliable work reduce or operating conditions change.
I heard that an economic situation in your country more stable and the global economic crisis should not bring a lot of harm.
At me on work while all is good, also the chief speaks that do not plan any changes, therefore I do not worry very much.
To me very interestingly, what traditions or rules at you family, between the man and the woman. I shall try to explain an essence of a question more clearly :)
In Russia it is usually accepted that the man is the head of the family, because he by nature more strongly and is the defender. If all women in my country to divide on two groups, that in the first - women do not earn money, because are engaged in house affairs, look after the house, care of children, cook tasty food for the man.
In the second greater group - the woman earn money as well as the man and look after the house, care of children and certainly cook tasty food for the man :). The First group existed during ancient times :)
Ancient man went to hunt on the mammoth, and when it was possible to him :) he brought extraction in a cave, where he was waited by the woman, which cared of a cave and supported fire :) It sounds funny, but very similar!
I have got used to earn money independently, therefore it not difficultly for me. My parents have learned me to all, and I can tell with pride, that I am able to do all :)
I have girlfriends, which have got acquainted with foreign men and have left abroad. Some years they live happily! I heard that many foreign men consider the Russian woman of very good for creation family. I think that it really so, because Russian women not only beautiful, but also true, reliable, careful, kind and skilful. In Russia even there is a saying about the woman. It sounds approximately so:
"The Russian woman will stop a hurried horse and into burning hut will enter". It means the following: the Russian woman is able and can make all if it is required :) Certainly to any woman is necessary the man, that to feel favorite, necessary, desired and protected.
I wish to create family and I plan movement to live in your country.
Certainly, while early to speak about it, but at me there are no secrets from my sweet Les. We should do the big way to learn each other.
I would like to visit your country for the period of a month of rest from my work sometime.
Know, that I always wait your new message!
And already miss :)
Yours Russian friend Yana.
11 February 2009
My dear Les!!!!!!!
Your lovely mail again pleases my eyes!
Unfortunately I have no mobile phone. Recently I had small misfortune. At me have
stolen my mobile telephone. But I hope that in the near future I shall save
up a few money and the purchase to myself a new mobile telephone.
But, I think, that I can try to call to you from public phone.
My home address:
Yana Tihomirova
Svetlanovskiy prospekt 53
Apartment 24
St. Petersburg
Russia 194064
I feel, that our correspondence carries away me in dreams with new message more and more! It is similar to illness :), because I cannot without your new letters and I should see your new message, differently I feel badly. It seems to me that I am ill with you and only your letter my medicine :)
You always more interesting with each new message!
Always I receive from you a lot of the new information and a charge of positive energy!
You have written a lot of for me and have told all that me interested in last message. It is very useful for me, because except for you to me nobody will tell about it. I always wished to see your country and when you write for me, I represent as it can look in a life. Thanks my dear Les!!!
When I see your letter my mood grows up to a maximum! I read your message many times and on my face constantly smile, because it is really fascinating. Then I start to do the message for you my gentle men, but not always all turns out at once :) In me many ideas and I cannot decide, what to write in the beginning and that then. To me is sometimes necessary pause to weaken my brain :) then I make to myself tea and I eat something sweet :).
I never thought that correspondence can be very fascinating, but now I am can not without this!
How there is your day?
I hope that all well?
Yesterday I went to my friend Inga at date of a birth of her small son Anton. To Anton 5 years. We have spent very cheerfully time together, but I missed on you my dear Les. Almost all my girlfriends married also have small children. I like children, and we often play with them, or we go to children's cafe. My friends have started to notice changes in me :) They speak, that I became very cheerful and joyful. They all the evening long asked me, what has exchanged in my life and I have told him that have got acquainted with you through the Internet and we became the best friends.
My girl friends are very glad for us and send you the best regards!
I plan to visit my parents in weekend, because we already for a long time did not see each other.
My parents know, that I have the correspondence with you too.
I hope that you do not become angry about me for that I have told to my relatives about you. Simply I do not like secrets and I think that our correspondence should not be a secret too. I am proud that I have such good friend as you my sweet Les!
Unfortunately I should run, but I shall wait very much your new letter and certainly new pictures!
Know that I always think of you!
Have a good day!
Yours Yana.
14 February 2009
My gentle Les!
How are you, my gentle friend?
My sweet Les, I very much missed you!
But your new message again expects me, therefore my eyes are again shone!
How there is your day?
At me excellent mood and even cold weather behind a window cannot afflict me!
Your letters give me much warm and pleasures, therefore I am not afraid to freeze even if the temperature will fall up to - 30 degrees :)
To me it is very pleasant, that my letters and pictures like you also!
Should admit that I very much try to do it best :)
With each new message I love All of you more :)
I think that our messages and ideas are very similar. You became very close person for me and it seems to me that we know each other already very much for a long time, because to me very easily with you. Don't you think so? :)
I notice changes in me! I wake up with excellent mood and I go for work absolutely vigorous and cheerful! The working day passes imperceptibly, because I think of you and my soul sing. It is improbable, but I feel is younger for 10 years !
Our correspondence proceeds, we learn each other more and we become is more close to each other.
You became for me the best friend and I cannot without your attention!
I would like to reduce distance, which divides us and to appear near to you. I understand that now it difficultly to make, in fact at me there are no wings :), but I sincerely trust that soon all to change.
I often think of you. I represent as you think of me :) my sweet Les, you really think of me or only it seems to me?
I already spoke you, that I wish to have holiday from work. I really work long without holiday and I very much would like to have rest.
I would like to have a vacation from work in the end of this month or in the beginning of the following. This time of rest, which I can take from work once. Certainly I dream to spend this time with you my friend Les!
Our correspondence this only thing that is at me now and I very much value it!
My good Les, you can ask me absolutely all, because I have no secrets for you!
I very much miss in loneliness and only ideas on you warm my heart!
I cannot recollect time, when to me was simultaneously so well and so sadly!
But I promise you to not miss strongly. I only ask you to not forget about me! Know that I always think of you!
I send you my gentle embraces!
Yours Yana.
14 February 2009
My sweet and gentle friend Les!!!!!
How are you, my lovely?
Happy Valentines Day!!!
Today the sun again shines and I am shone too, because very much waited the letter from you and now I read it!
To me to become especially well, when I read your messages!
I feel a lot of heat and pleasures in your letters and it makes me happy!
Our correspondence is similar to the especial world, which we create together and here only two characters. It I and you my hero Les!
This space where is not present troubles, bad weather and extraneous people.
We are divided with the big distance, but through our letters we reduce it and during this moment it seems to me that you sit opposite to me and conversation with me. I represent that the screen of a computer is transparent glass for which I see you, I see your face and your lovely smile :)
These positive ideas give me force and not miss long, while I write the message for you! Your gentle letters give me huge heat and this heat warms my heart.
I understand that now we have only desires of idea and dream. I think that this the most important in the beginning of our way, because only strong desires and dreams give us force to operate to transform the world around of us. All in a life begins with dream and desire! We dream of much and we want much, but there is a possible future about which we do not guess yet and only the end result will depend on us.
I recently have come back from street. I feel is very fresh also my cheeks have covered a color :) In the street very beautifully and it seems that completely not coldly!
All trees in silver and the snow creaks under foots.
How is the weather in your country?
I wish to transfer you through the letter excellent mood! I want that your face was decorated with a playful smile, because so I love you most of all!
I plan to go for walk tonight with my girlfriends. At one of them today a holiday and we wish to make a surprise for her! My girlfriends always ask me to transfer you HELLO! And the best regards, because they consider you as the friend too!
They always are interested as there is our correspondence and as your health.
My sweet Les, I feel best with you, because you became the native person for me. Really it seems to me that I know you during all life, because I always understand you and you understand me and me very easily and comfortably with you.
It seems to me that we can communicate easily on any theme and you always greater support and care of me.
I very much miss on you and in me unique desire to see you more likely to be a number and to learn each other more.
Now we have only our letters, but it cannot make us more close. We should investigate each other personally, when we shall meet once. I would like that this day has come soon!
I often represent day of our meeting and it looks as the happiest day in my life!
With each new message you become closer to me, and I feel that you give me a lot of attention, care and understanding.
I cannot understand as I lived all this time before acquaintance to you. I thought that my life there is all and I am happy with all but I mistaken.
I really was mistaken, because my life has changed, when in it there were you. My eyes are again shone also my heart again fights strongly! Your messages became a part of my life! You have opened for me absolutely new world, the world in which is happiness! It is valid so, my favorite Les!
Your words are necessary for me also as the moisture is necessary for growth for a flower. Your ideas light my heart just as oxygen promoting burning! It seems to me that we go to one dream!
Now I do not know that will be in the future, in fact it depends on us and only our desires and actions define it :)!
Know, that my heart fights only for you!
I wish to conclude you my embraces and never to let off!
Bye, bye!!!
Yours Yana.
PS. I love all your photos please send more
16 February 2009
My gentle Les!
Your girl is happy again!
You most remarkable and fine man, I very much love your photo.
Having written the letter for you, I always think what impression it will make and what you will answer, but you always write for me all that I expect from you! This happiness for me to read your letters!
Your words are fire for me, which lights my heart! My heart really flares fire of tenderness and happiness! In my eyes light and my smile radiate brings pleasure all around. This all is given me by you my sweet Les!!!
When I have written last message for you in me there was no confidence of your answer and I very much excitement. My heart prompted me that you will approve and will support me, will understand and will divide pleasure together with me, but my brain constantly prepared for bad ideas for me. I always trusted a voice of my heart and tried to not listen to consciousness.
Les, your words and emotions have carried away all alarms, which were in me and now I feel is better :)
When I read your letter, my face the shines smile, because I understand that you the best the man for me. I never received so much support and care so much attention and love. This all gives me you, my gentle Les, and I am infinitely grateful to you!
I should tell that you have very big and hot heart, because your heat heats me strongly and I feel that you are really ready to make all that we were happy together. I appreciate it most of all!
I never received so much beautiful and gentle words. When I read your new message in imagination I represent as you speak it for me.
My favorite Les, I would like to listen your gentle voice always!
I read your letter many times and I enjoy each word, which you have written for me!
This improbable happiness my gentle Les!
I would like to tell much, but my ideas go a fast stream and I cannot stop them. I think of you, I think of you all time! You is constant in my ideas. I represent you in my life and I can not believe that it really, because you the best the man for me. I try to write for you all of my ideas such as I receive them from a head that you could feel that I feel now.
I represent as you open my message and look at my pictures.
I see a smile on your face and I feel delight and pleasure.
Only in my dreams I reduce distance between us and pleasure by your society.
In my dreams we already together! These ideas banish boredom and make me happy.
Today I write for you, because you have made it possible for me!
You have given me force and have opened to me eyes fortunately! You, have again forced to burn my heart and have given hope!
I have got used to your attention, kindness, tenderness, care and support. I wish to feel always it and the nobility that you are at me!
I never felt anything similar!
My darling Les, you have filled my world!
You are my world!
Know that I cannot without you.
Only your Yana.
18 February 2009
Hello my love Les!
My darling Les, today I have woken up as the happiest woman!
As I already wrote to you, that I have no phone. You cannot call to me on an office number as if about it learns my heads I will have problems. I use the Internet on work. As well as all of the woman I very much wish to have children.
I have opened eyes and have smiled :)
The sun brightly shone to me in a window and all has been around covered by a white snow.
Behind a window the winter fairy tale has come and I felt best this day!
I always wished to wake up once happy! This day has come also my dream was executed! This all owing to you my gentle Les!
I always wanted that me understood, cared of me and certainly loved. In my life there were you and have given me all about what the woman can dream. I am infinitely grateful to you my darling Les! I Am usual in the morning thought of work, on forthcoming, affairs, meetings, tasks. I looked at happy pairs and secretly envied them :) Yes, so it was valid also to me completely not a shame. I dreamed, that I was met by my the man after work. I often represented, as when I return from work, you wait for me and give gentle embraces and after that we leave together. But I left on street and nobody waited and I did not meet :( me again moved to a stop and waited the bus :)
But now in my life there is you and I know that you always will be care of me, because you have the biggest and kind heart! The care and attention the most important for the woman and you have presented me it!
I am happy with you, my gentle Les!
You, the reason of my happiness and my love!
In loneliness it is impossible to be happy. For true happiness it is necessary to find second half. I have found you and this all that is necessary for happiness!
It is our history of happiness and I want, that we have written it together!
I all time think of day of our meeting! It will be the most surprising day for me, because I shall see you, my favorite Les!
I often draw in my imagination as it to happen. I represent the first instants, when you embrace me and tell: " My darling Yana! " Your words constantly sound in my head, therefore my eyes are shone with happiness!
I represent as you will take away me from the airport and on road to your house will show your city, but I all the same can see and understand nothing, because I shall look at you and to enjoy your society.
You show me your house and we shall have infinite conversations, because we need to tell much each other. We shall recollect our correspondence as which we have made a first step each other and it will seem to us really small in comparison with our meeting.
In me it is a lot of ideas and I sincerely trust that you think of it now too. Les, Thanks that you make our dreams by a reality!
Today I have appeared on work and all were surprised to my excellent mood. Time went imperceptibly and quickly, because in my ideas there were only you my love.
In the end of the working day, I to speak with my chief about holiday which is necessary for me.
To my surprise the chief has told that I can have rest in a week. This news has especially pleased me, because all my plans are executed.
I return home full of emotions also have called all my girlfriends on a visit to share with them pleasure. We had excellent evening together and conversation about all women cares :)
My girlfriends are very glad for us and send you Best regards!
My sweet Les, I miss you and I want that we were together more likely!
This all of what I needed! I constantly think of our meeting and these ideas do not give me rest.
I would like to learn you completely and to enjoy your society.
I know that should have patience and then all to be executed! Let all will be as should be!
The most important for me, that you will be a number with me and I near to you! This it is enough to be the happiest!
I already spoke you that never was abroad, therefore it there will be the most improbable travel for me. It as is improbable as flight on the Moon :)
My friends have told that I should do documents necessary for a trip to you.
I to study all that shall be necessary for me and I shall inform all news of you.
Know, that I love you Les!!!!!
My heart fights only for you!
I wish to fall asleep in your embraces!
Kisses! Kisses! Kisses!
Your baby Yana.
18 February 2009 The Money Request
Hello my love Les!!!!!!!!!!
My lovely Les, yours girl madly missed you!
Everyone night I cannot fall asleep, because ideas on our happiness raise me and my temperature grows!
Today I have woken up absolutely happy and all the day long I have excellent mood! My sweet Les, very soon we shall together and this idea fills me with energy every day!
Your words have made me the happiest woman!
I am glad that we have decided to not postpone our meeting and to embody our dreams in a reality. I am infinitely grateful to you my sweet for understanding, support and care! Les you my angel, because you always allow me force to dream, to trust and love!
I had the big day, because have learned the information on my trip.
I have visited visa service and have learned all charges on registration my documents necessary for travel.
To me have offered the best conditions and now I know all about travel. It is necessary for me to do the passport for travel abroad and to submit the application on consideration of the travel visa. To me have informed that is required no more than one weeks to make all necessary documents.
I should pay for the passport for travel abroad about 129 dollars, processing of the application on consideration the visa of 73 dollars, cost the visa of 140 dollars, commission gathering and the sanction to stay about 118 dollars. As a result on all documents it is required to me of no more than 460 dollars.
I did not expect that will be necessary to pay many clauses of charges, but requirements are those. I am afraid that all my savings will are spent for preparation for travel. I never travelled on greater distances, therefore to me it is necessary to buy a suitcase for luggage and still I would like to buy new warm clothes.
My sweet I am afraid that your help and support are necessary for me, because it very much big efforts for me. To arrive to you I need yours the help 460 dollars.
I did not expect so many charges and it is very inconvenient to me to speak you about it.
But I hope that my sweet Les again will understand me and care of me.
Our meeting this all of what I can dream now and I hope that our plans will be executed.
We long time had only hopes and dreams and now it is very important to carry out all our desires!
I know that you most of all care of me and I trust in you my sweet Les!
I completely rely on you and I give all of you that is at me!
I love you my Les also want you that we were together!
This all of what I dream now!
I send you all my tenderness, caress and love!
Very much I miss and I wait your answer!
I conclude you in my embraces and I give the most passionate kisses!
From Russia with love, your Yana!
   
Yuliya Razoueva (Dolgovskoe, Russia)
I am a 53 year old, white American that was first contacted on Plentyoffish.com by "darlysunny50@yahoo.com". She turned out to be Yuliya Razoueva from Russia.
No money has been nor will be sent for her trip. She no longer shows up on Plentyoffish.com and I do not know how long she was there.
I see she has several aliases:
Mariya Suvorowa
yana tsygantsova
Elena Tuzowa
Zemtsowa, Elena
Aleksandra Oushenia
Elena Zemtsowa
Mariya Souworowa
Ekaterina Koryukowa
Pictures she sent are included.
Her second email to me:
Hello!!! This is me again! I decided to send you more info about me.
Sorry I don't have much time to write now because my sister is waiting for me.
We will go home together. It is my first time I try to correspondence with man
in internet world. I do hope you will be enough patient to understand my writing.
I want you to know that I have only good intentions and I don`t
ave big secrets. The thing is that I will work abroad for three or six months or so and I would like
to meet a nice man to be my guide or just be good friend to spend time with.
I think that it is hard enough to live in foreign town without friends and also I have
never been abroad. I am from so small town here in Russia,I am afraid to be lost.
I want to see the real life and it is impossible to see without person who
knows all sides of the life. It doesn`t matter what age is he or what is his eyes color, I just want to know
that he is kind and open-hearted inside. Last time many girls all over the world also want to
start a new life abroad, so many of them used a special program for young people who wants to work abroad.
I also decided to do so and to use it. This program just helps to register documents and gives suitable work
in your area. I already started to register documents and now I need to decide in which city I want to work.
I`m 27 years old and I`m not afraid of work (I will work as a dance teacher).
You know, I`m a professional dancer, I dance in group on festivals, wedding celebrations etc.
But when I will arrive (I will travel alone) I will work as a dance teacher (instructor),
I have an international certificate. I think it is the right way for me, I am lost here, and I think
that I look pretty enough to find a better place. I never been abroad so I
decided to find a friend abroad and make his city to be my destination. I want to repeat the same way,it
is my only chance to change my life. I am full of plans and different dreams. My hair is blonde and I have
grey eyes. I think I'm somewhat pretty, but first of all I want to be beautiful inside. I do hope that you will
be not disappointed to meet me in the real life if we meet. I will leave my town in a few days or so (I
can't tell you everything exactly right now) and I would like to be sure that I have a man who is waiting for
me there. I will work all day and I would like to find a man to spend all free time together to get to know
each other better. if you have any interest to meet me I will be more then happy to meet you too. Sorry I
really have to go now. My sister is waiting for me and I have to go!
Your Yuliya
After several more emails, she finally requested money for airfare. Feb 13 2009.
Hello dear Jim!!!
Here is the info, about my flight, that I was given in agency:
Information for Yuliya Razoueva
Kind regards,"Alter Tour", 142301, Moscow, Yuzhnaya 15, office 17. e-mail: alter-tour@narod.ru
Please use our service. Manager: Mr. Andrey Pirozkov
Flight, February 18, 2009
1. Moscow/Amsterdam KL902 Flight duration: 3h 45
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
05:50 Moscow (SVO), Russia , Sheremetyevo International terminal 2
07:35 Amsterdam (AMS), Netherlands , Schiphol
Change of plane required. Stop duration: 2h 45
2. Amsterdam/Minneapolis KL6041 Flight duration: 9h 10
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
10:20 Amsterdam (AMS), Netherlands , Schiphol
Minneapolis , MN (MSP), USA , St Paul International terminal L
Return flight, May 18, 2009
1. Minneapolis/Amsterdam KL6042 Flight duration: 8h 15
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
15:10 Minneapolis , MN (MSP), USA , St Paul International terminal L
06:25 Amsterdam (AMS), Netherlands , Schiphol
Change of plane required. Stop duration: 3h 05
2. Amsterdam/Moscow KL903 Flight duration: 3h 15
KLM Royal Dutch Airlines
09:30 Amsterdam (AMS), Netherlands , Schiphol
+ 1 day
Moscow (SVO), Russia , Sheremetyevo International terminal 2
Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD 1790.00+
I've got all the information and I'm resending it for you!! You see after my visit to the consulate and to the agency I am so happy to say we will meet in few days!!!! I am really lucky girl to meet you. Honey the thing is that I booked the nearest possible flight. I need some of your help. there is one small problem but I am sure we will be able to solve it. I wanted to ask you to help me to pay for my tickets directly but they tell I can't use your help or ask you about sending me tickets because I have a permission to use the help of the travel agency only because they do all travel things and it is their business to arrange all travel things for my trip, such is the law. It is not possible to get a work visa without the help of the agency, they have too strict rules of getting visas.
I was sure my mom will help me because she promised but now she sent a letter explaining it is possible only in few months or so because of our family problems. She can't send a transfer now. I was in the bank to try to ask them a loan but they said I need to have a registration in Moscow to get a loan from their bank and I don't have it! I think it is not great problem for you to help me. I even hope maybe it will be pleasure to help me because you are my knight, right? after all payments here and my flight from Chelyabinsk I have about 900 dollars of my own money and I need about 950 US dollars from your side because I have to pay for my tickets and few more things, and I have to pay in advance about 1790 dollars. The tickets are roundtrip and this price includes all arrangements of documents and everything.
I have to be sure that I will be able to book my tickets or I will lose all the money I gave them in advance. I'm not going to ask one more time for your help, you see I am in such situation... I will be waiting for your answer. I know it sounds like I am a poor outsider but you see I don't have enough time to find the money I need and find somebody to help me, you know my mom gave me all she could collect for my travel. I hate to ask but now I don't have any other choice. I need some help from you, please help me to leave Moscow and it is all I ask now and you know I am full of the love to share with you. Kiss you, counting days and minutes before our meeting. You know it is only money, and I think it is not too hard for you to help me, you see I have such chance only once in my life. I know you are a kind man and I hope you will be able to help me. I promise I will return all the money and I will earn money because I am ready to work as hard as I can! You know my rent address here is Russia, Moscow, Tverskaya-Yamskaya 70, flat - 59. Remember my full name is Yuliya - (first name) Razoueva -(last name). It is right writing in English, and you should put it on western union list and you can choose any bank in Moscow, they tell it is international service and I can pick up the money at any bank of Moscow. They said I can get only western union transfer because I have not any bank accounts in Moscow and I have only passport and it is enough to get it!
If you need the address of Western Union in Moscow is
Moscow, 125047
Actually I've been told you can send it to any of their offices. I can call you as soon as I receive the transfer to let you know about it. And please after you complete a transfer write me the number of your transfer, I'm not sure how it's call but they will give you a number of your transfer.
Million of Kisses,
Your Yuliya
  