Alina ( Yandemirovo )
Hello I,m a single guy from Holland, the contact started by her because she went to a agency
where they gave her my email address! the contact started the 15th of April.
I do know now this is known by a scammers organisation so I have "three" new girlfriends now, this
is the second.
The IP address from her is ER Telecom Yoshkar-Ola 45-
She gave me a mail and adres of her "travel agency" but they use the same network or computer
to send mail IP Lev Yatmanov Kazan 420107 Street Ostrovskogo 84
if you search on google for this adress you will find a scam bank account!
I heard her voice twice on my voicemail and she speaks pretty good English!
the numbers used are 0074956600200 and 0079278797094
Hello my frend!!! My name is Alina. I very strongly hope that you remember me. We with you
corresponded on sow acquaintances then I looked your profile both you have very much liked me also I
have decided to write you my message, we with you corresponded on a site
not too long and after a while to my very big regret my profile have removed from this site. But to my huge pleasure you to me
have left the email and now I have decided to write to you on yours email to
renew ours with you correspondence. I very strongly hope that you will
recollect me and will write me the reciprocal letter. Here mine email: I with very big impatience will wait for your answer and I will be
very glad to your answer. Your girlfriend Alina.
Hello my friend !!!!!! For me was pleasure to receive news from you! How your day? I think well! I was
good! At us today very awful weather. In the street very coldly also is not present what sun. I
very much am interested in you. I search for serious attitudes what to
create strong, loving family. Today I send you 1 to a photo, I hope that is pleasant to you. What can I tell more about myself directly? My age
28. Min birthday 12.05.1980. my growth 173. My weight 60. Hair -
light. I love a variety in appearance. Eyes - brown. I have no children. I love a life. I like to
wake up in the mornings and to not know, that will present me new day.
I like to laugh and see when people are dared. I love sports. I two times a week go to pool
and I am engaged there. I like to travel, though I never was abroad. Now I dream find the person with
which I can to construct family and to live together with him. The main thing,
that this person would understand me. Unless you do not think so? I think, that the main thing in the person, that at him in
soul, instead of what it externally. I want, that the person was intellectual and
alive with sensation of humour. I think, that we have good chance to know each other better... Winter my favourite season of
year, I like to look, how the nature comes to the senses after autumns. I love
snow. Snow it is fine entertainment for children. Children are the future of our planet and on Them all our hope, they bring
pleasure. I believe, that the main love in my life will still arrive, the god will
help me with it. My favourite films now: "Titanic" and "Night patrol".
I work from 8 mornings till 17 evenings every day except for Saturday and revivals. During the lunchtime or after work I come in the
Internet of cafe. Also I write to you letters. I have not enough time and means for entertainments, therefore I cannot allow me good rest.
Why I search for the person in more about me. Because here in Russia all men egoists also do not care
at all of women, can simply beat them or humiliate. Please ask me that interests you. I shall answer
your questions. But if I shall not answer your questions do not take offence. I it means cannot
understand. As it is my first experience of dialogue in the Internet. I write letters from the Internet of cafe
and he unfortunately sometimes happens is closed. I with impatience shall look forward to hearing from
you. With greetings from Russia
P.S. My darling, very much was pleasant to me your photo, you very beautiful and nice man.
Hello my new friend !!!!!! You would know how many pleasures you have brought to me having answered
on my message. I liked your structure! Today I have come to Internet - cafe and have seen there
your letter because I have no own computer and as soon as I have seen the letter from you at once I answer
you. forgive me, that I have not written, that I from Russia, is simple at me have failed to be
registered on a site near Russia and it was necessary to write other country. I directly would like to know more about
you and to study your interests, where do you live, where you work. I would be very
glad to have such friend as you. In a life I very joyful and cheerful person. I work as the teacher in a kindergarten, after all
children very much like me. I think, that the main features of human character,
it - sincerity, kindness, politeness and as I think, That the person as to the person it is necessary. As each person should love
and respect the country. I frequently see young pairs, and I see, as far
as they are happy, and I am sincerely glad for them, but thus I constantly am without the man. In me one friend was bu t it is a bad
history for me. I shall tell to you about it little bit later. Now I want to write some words about me directly.
I live in Russia. In to village Yandemirovo. It is Fine village which I very much like. It is
it is very far from Moscow. In it approximately 1500 person. I live one. I have only mum from all my relatives. My daddy
has died in 2004 in a road accident, I do not wish to speak about the sad. I live in
own apartment which my parents have bought for me on credit, from me, one -room apartment. Since then time goes also I I
cannot find myself the man with which in any way could make the family. And I have
decided to try to find the man from other country. I have many interests. Let me to begin with some from them, well? I like
to listen to various music, most of all I love classical quiet music. But I find
very interesting other kinds of music. I like to read, especially romanticism and detectives. I do not smoke, I do not drink, never used
drugs. I care of my appearance and health. I would like to meet the man, kind, good, gentle, close,
careful, healthy and to make with it the life and family. I dream of own family and the favourite husband.
Probably our purposes in a life coincide also you want the same. I was
never married and I do not have children. But I very much like and I want to have children. I as want to know about your life and about
your attitude to children. As to that I cannot meet the man from Russia I have some questions to you.
Whether it is valid you are ready to have attitudes with women from Russia? What do you expect from
these attitudes? Whether it is valid you seriously search for your wife abroad? And what family of your
dream? Please answer mine questions because they are very important for me. Let's try learn each
other better. On it I am going to finish the letter and I shall look forward to hearing from you tomorrow. I
hope, that you understand my English language, I studied it when studied in institute. The best
regards to you. Alina.
P.S. My darling, very much was pleasant to me your photo, you very beautiful and nice man. I think, that
at you very good son and very good parents. If we with you are together I will love and bring up
your son as my native.
Hello my dear friend !!!!! I again see letters from you. I am very glad
to this. I am glad, that you remember me. With each new letter we are closer and more close to each other. When I receive your letter, my
life is filled with pleasure at once. You so do not consider? I think,
that dialogue by letters are too cool. I would like to write to you the letter on a home address, but from Russia letters most likely will
not reach. Thus mine letters cannot arrive to you. Thus it is much better and easier to communicate through the
Internet. Write to me your phone number I could try to call you later. I have no phone
because I of fashions is not connected to a telephone line, but I can take advantage of services by item of the
international negotiations. Unfortunately I have no computer and phone of a house. In general I
think the Internet this big achievement of the modern world. By the way my friends are interested in you. Ask me.
Especially my Mum. I speak them, that you decent and good the man. My mum is very glad,
that I have found to myself the friend. She wishes us good relations in the future. But I think, that we should study
each other better. It is very important for me. In that many pairs break up because they
very badly know the fact each other. I do not want to do such mistakes. I hope, that you understand me. Well? As I
spoke you earlier, we should to learn the friend the friend about more and more
from our e-mail. I want to continue with you attitudes, though between
us such big distance. I would like to talk to you in alive. But it only my dreams. Well, let me to finish my letter. My mum sends the
regards to you. I shall wait for your following letter. Please write to me as soon as possible.
Your girlfriend from Russia Alina.
Hello the my dear friend !!!!!! I am very glad to your letters to me. I
am glad, that we have found each other. You are very nice to me. You are remarkable a man!!!!!!!! I am happy, that I communicate with you.
Each your letter for me as a beam of the sun in a gloomy empire. I hope, that to you the same is
pleasant to communicate with me. Today at me such fine mood and I have come to the cafe Internet to
write to you. How your work? I hope you do not test complexities? I am glad,
that the god has enabled us to get acquainted. And I am very happy to this. I want to deceive nobody the words you my friend.
The deceit - the most bad character trait of the person, at all does not decorate
it The person! And on this I try to tell lies to people never. Probably it is still interesting to you why I began to correspond from
you? I can tell to you only one. I cannot find the man in Russia which
will love and respect me. As one clever person has told: "When we live
we are in search, in search that who can go with you on vital ways, because to one to go very much and very much Difficultly. "I think you
agree with this opinion? I hope, that our dialogue will develop. And we shall learn more and more and more about each other. I am
very happy to have such friend as you. It very much pleases me. It would be
pleasant for me to know your opinion on our dialogue. I would like to know, what the pleasure gives to you? I want to know, what
does you happy? I frequently think of you my friend. It is not interesting to
know more about you. I with impatience wait for your letters, and I can tell, that they began for me more than Simply e-mail It - more
the greater. I think of you very much frequently, and I recollect all letters which you have written to me. In
them I see a lot of heat. Please write to me in the greatest possible degree, I like to read
your letters and the communications with You does me very happy, and I
with impatience wait for it. I shall look forward to hearing from you.
Kisses. Alina.
P.S. My darling, I am very glad, that you have sent me the phone number, but I do not have phone and I
will call to you from telephone point of calls when I will have a possibility.
Hello my dear !!!!! I am glad to see your letter. In general you know with each yours the letter you all
become closer to me. It is very pleasant for me to communicate with you. Seeing your letters even
it becomes easier to me to live. Mine it is tired as if vanishes. I constantly think of you my friend. Your
letters as if adrenaline for me. You waken meaning of the life for me. Your letters as light in
night for me the my dear friend. You my prince which wakens in me
sense to live. I did not have before such men which to me so would like. You to me are very nice my friend. At me one guy which was
wanted to communicate with me, but he to me was not nice. I communicated with him rather for a long time. But
now I have completely forgotten him. Now my head is completely filled with you my
friend. You interesting the man. I can speak with you on many themes. I for a long time did not have such man. I
would want that our attitudes had continuation. How you look at it? I want to know your
opinion. It is interesting to me to know as you to me concern. I all become gradually closer to you. Your letters are
very necessary for me. Please do not stop to write to me. You unique the man with which I
can communicate and understand him. I want to see you in alive and to speak with you, but unfortunately I
have no such opportunity. Please if you can send to me your photos. I want to see you constantly. Write
to me as much as possible about itself. I want to know about you much.
On it I shall finish the letter and I shall look forward to hearing from you. I hope to see tomorrow from you the letter. Your girlfriend
from Russia. Alina.
P.S. My darling, transfer congratulations for the son that me with its
14 anniversary.
Hello my dear !!! Yes yes loved. Now I with full confidence can tell to you my LOVED. After your last
letter I cannot think of anything the friend, I think only of you. I each time having come in
the Internet of cafe dream only of your letters. My dear I hope That your feelings are mutual to me. Probably you do not
understand me. You probably think, That mine feelings and conclusions are too fast. But I
write to you these letters with all my heart my dear. I every day during the lunchtime come in the Internet of cafe. I
very much get tired on work, but your letters for me as adrenaline for all day. Your
letters are very interesting and romantic for me. When I see your letter in my box as though a flower after winter I wake
up. My girlfriends speak, that I have very much changed. I became more
cheerful and cheerful. I very much want to meet you in a reality. I dream of us. As we could tell about our feelings each other my
dear. As your beautiful words inspire in me confidence. I very much want to
meet you and to spend with you. I dream as we walk, you hold me for a hand my prince. But unfortunately it only my dreams. Write
me what feelings you you will test to me? After all it is very important for
me? Tell to me what weather at you today how there has passed your day? At us here today in the street very warmly, the sun shines. I
will necessarily come tomorrow in the Internet of cafe and I will wait
for your tomorrow's answer. I kiss you, yours Alina.
P.S. My darling, you to me has told very bad history. I as well as you
do not love lie and a deceit. Certainly on a photo which I send to you
- I. I do not try to deceive you, all my feelings to you sincere.
Hello my most dear !!!!!!! I very much am glad to each yours To the letter. I am very happy, that you do
not leave me and continue To communicate with me. I am madly happy, that I have such person As you.
My feelings increase to you every day. I am constant I think of you. I
cannot live without your letters. I am glad, that we have found the friend The friend and though we and not together I feel you. My dear I
never Had such person as you. I all life searched for the person of the dream . And I never thought, that I
can find such person in the Internet and Did not trust in it while I have not found you my dear. I
am very grateful To destiny for that she has reduced us with you. Earlier I wanted to find loved The person in
Russia, but it has been disappointed with which all men Met. And I have decided to find the
person from other country and I was not mistaken. I have found you my lovely and I am very happy, that I have found
you. I dream and I think of you every day. I very much hope, that you answer me Reciprocity. I
hope, that you understand me and my feelings to you mine Road. I each instant want, that you were near to
me my cat. But to To regret we while are far from each other. My dear I is very glad to see Each of
your magnificent letters. I hope, that our attitudes To proceed. On it
I shall finish the letter to you my cat. I with impatience shall wait for each your letter.
Yours Alina.
Hello my most dear prince !!!!!!!!! I am very glad to see your letters. I am very happy, that you answer on
My letters. I feel the happiest person on light. Mine Are loved I is very happy, that we
communicate with you. With each letter you You become more important for me. I cannot fall asleep any more not thinking
about To you my prince. You very surprising and good person and I very much It is
glad, that the destiny has reduced us together. I think, that you as think. In The childhood I very much liked to read romantic
books and films about love. And now I feel, that the romanticism lives in me
always. I hate Loneliness. I cannot be one. And only one your letters do Me happy in this life. I think you understand me my tiger.
Mine The soul suffers from loneliness. Understand my pleasure from Letters. We
write letters each other and I am very happy to this. Before I never had dialogue with people from other country. I think People
differ from each other in many respects. In each country there is the Mentality. In my country everyone
is more distributed, and at you absolutely Other culture. I always loved culture. And I very much love
culture Russia. She is a part of my soul. You very interesting and not
usual For me the person. I love you. And my heart with you. I send you
today the photo, I hope that is pleasant to you. Tomorrow I will come in the Internet of cafe and I will wait for your tomorrow's answer. I
ask you that you did not forget about me and wrote me letters every day, after all I come every day to the cafe Internet. I kiss you,
yours Alina.
P.S. My darling, in Russia bad men, they very rough. You are right, I in each time go to the cafe Internet
to write you my letter. I on work do not have Internet.
Hello my a dear tiger!!!!!!!! I very am happy to see your letter. I am glad, that you do not pass mine
Letters also answer them. Please answer all mine letters. I already I do not present any day without
your letters my dear. Without yours Beautiful words I cannot live normally. I cannot without our conversation
about Love and lives. You for me as a ray of light in a dark gloomy place. I It is very grateful
to destiny that we have found each other. I love you and I It is very glad, that I have communication with you my
dear. My dear prince I hope, that you too test warm feelings Love to me. I constantly think
of your letters, that you write To me my dear. In my head only ideas about you my dear. I cannot To fall asleep,
because in my head only you my loved. My heart It is simply broken off when I think of you. I
now will go home and I will wait tomorrow for your letter. I ask you that you have written to me and has told that you
think concerning our meeting with you, after all I very much wish to arrive to you and will
meet you if you invite me? To tomorrow my darling, I kiss you, yours
P.S. My darling, in my village is not present at anybody the house
Internet. It very expensively to have houses the Internet. All use
only the cafe Internet.
Hello my dear tiger !!!!!!!! I am very glad to see your next letter. It is very pleasant for me to read Your
beautiful words. I to sleep at night without you my loved. I enjoy your letters every day.
Your letters lift mine Mood every day. They for me as adrenaline. I hope, that you Correctly you understand me. I am
very happy, that I have you and I can To trust you and to tell everything, that I think.
In fact attitudes should To be under construction on trust. I hope, that in our attitudes there is no lie. I think you the fair
and sincere person. Today I cannot write you the big letter because I do
not have time. I now need to go to mum, it is necessary to help for it
to tidy up at home. And then I will go home, I will watch TV and I will lay down to sleep. Tomorrow I will necessarily come in the
Internet of cafe and with impatience I will wait for your tomorrow's answer. Today I send you the photo, I have made it at home, I hope
that is pleasant to you. I kiss you my darling, with love yours Alina.
P.S. My darling while I do not know what documents to me are necessary
to leave my country and to arrive to you.
Hello my loved !!!!!! I am very happy to see your letter my prince. I wait for each your letter. My dear your
letters of steel as air For me. I very much love you my lovely prince. I have very
strongly grown fond of you For this time which we know each other. At me today very good mood. I am madly happy that you
test to me the same feelings as well as I to you, after all I very much want that ours
relations with you developed and that we with you could check up our relations at a meeting. At me holiday soon begins
and I would like to arrive to you to spend it with you. To me so it is lonely without you
and your letters a unique thing which pleases me. But it only and I would like the letter, that it was more than simply
letters, I wish to be with you. Write to me, what you suspect the account of my arrival
to you? You would like, that our meeting with you has taken place? I here very much wish to arrive to you, but I do
not know as you will react to it? Even if you will work, when I will arrive to you, it not
a problem for me. Because I am ready to wait for you at home, to make to you a supper as the true wife so in this
occasion you do not worry. For me the most important thing to be with you and I ask as you to it
concern. Today I send you the photo, I hope that is pleasant to you and with impatience I will wait for
your tomorrow's answer. I kiss you and very much I miss on you.
Yours Alina.
P.S. My darling, is very a pity to me, that before you swindlers wished to deceive and easier to take at
you money, but I am very glad, that you completely trust me. My darling while I do not know precisely
what documents to me are necessary that I could arrive to you, but I will try to learn it in the near future.
Hello my favourite and most gentle prince !!!!!!! I am madly happy to see your letter my dear. When I
think of you I think myself the happiest person in the world. Mine love to you in all my body. I so
want to be with you my prince. I constantly think of us, about our meetings with you mine dear. I already feel our
meeting. I constantly think of us. It is very pleasant for me, that both of us want each
other. I so have grown fond of you for This time. I cannot live without you my prince any more. My dear you do not
represent as me it becomes bad when I not I see your letter. I simply sit and I grieve.
My prince I constantly think of you. My dear I cannot fall asleep not thinking about you. You my angel. You love of
all my life. Today I all the day think about Our meeting. Today I dreamed of us and in this
dream there were only we. We have gone on walk on long avenues. We for
a long time walked, talked and laughed this time it was amazing. There
was simply magnificent weather, only you and I, and a gentle warm breeze developing our hair. When we have reached the end of avenue our
love has eclipsed all. And we have started to embrace each other and you have kissed me, started to caress my neck, legs and a
breast, it was excellent. But then my dream has ended also I has woken up in
little bit sad condition because dream was only. I shall remember this
dream during all life. You very unique person. I am grateful to destiny for that that we have met you. Today I spoke the girlfriend on
the account of us. The last year I had no holiday because it is nobody
me was it to carry out. . I so would like to lead every minute with you my prince that you have told and have shown me all charm of your
country. My dear, my girlfriend informed me what not so difficultly to
leave abroad, only it is necessary to descend in agency and there everyone will tell. My tender tomorrow or after tomorrow. I am going
to descend in agency to learn. How you look at it? Then I at once shall inform to you. And most of all I would like to
see that you love me. 1000000000000000000 kisses to you my cat.
P.S. My darling, it is very pleasant to me to receive from you such photo.
Hello my love and dear !!!!!!!!!!
my lovely and the best in the world man, my dear . Thank you for your tender and very kind letter. I
feel it's filled with kindness and caress. I am so glad that you wish to meet me. I feel this meeting will
turn my life absolutly another side. Not only my... I think you too will feel yourself like in another way.
Already now I understand that you and your letters is very deep in my heart! I am very happy that you
with me, even here I feel you! The idea on our meeting supports me very much. , I still cannot believe
that you have appeared in my life... I am very, very grateful to destiny that she has presented you to
me!!! You much mean for me. I am glad that soon we shall be together!!! We needed to wait for all a few
time. After that nobody will prevent our meeting. Moscow... Plane... And you will meet me! Every day,
every minute , I think about it. I think about us. It gives me so many positive emotions. Our
correspondence has brought new sense in my usual and simple life. Today I went to travel
agency. I have found out about cost of the ticket to fly to you. Now I
know that is necessary me to pay 1123 euro. This cost includes ticket up to you and back, the passport for travel abroad, the visa (this
obligatory condition), insurance, road up to Moscow by bus, a meal in road to Moscow still more many various
documents. My love I really very much regret, that with my work such case has left. I think, that now we
have chance to meet you as soon as possible. I shall be the happiest girl on light when we shall be
together. Today I talked to my director for my salary. It has told to me, that I shall receive only 300
dollars, it approximately 196 euro. I have decided to talk to my director and the big money, but it has
told to me, that cannot give me money because now it is necessary much not repair of our office. I so
was strongly afflicted, in fact my trip costs 1123 euro, but I have only 196. now to me it is necessary 927
more euro, that I could legalize the papers. Now I really do not know that to me to do. I have no work and
I have no money what to arrive to you, but I so would like to arrive to you and to be with you beside. It is
a pity, that now I have no such opportunity. I did not think at all, that my trip will cost so dearly. These
are very big money for Russia. Probably you live abroad and you have such money, but I think, that it as
for you the big money. It so? My dear if I had this money I could arrive to you in 11 days because in
agency to me informed, that my documents will be ready in 11 days after I shall pay to them of money
for documents. My dear to me now so it is bad. I always think only of you. You are in each part of my
head. I so strongly love you and it is a pity, that now money are for us
the big barrier. Probably you can help me with this money then I could arrive to you and we were together.
You could help me for the sake of ours with you to love? I every day think only about our meetings with
you. I so would like, that you would be near to me and we could care about each other. I love you above
all. I hope, that ours with you of dream will come true also we shall be together. But soon we learn much
about each other on the other hand. Meeting face to face will help us. I very much would want to see you
soon, your friends, your city. I very much want to know everything interconnected with you. I hope you will
allow me to see and learn everything important for you. I want to touch you, to go with you keeping for a
hand, to kiss you... Yes, yes !! I want to be with you!!!! I feel, I'm sure you that man which I
searched for all my life.
Yours loving Alina.
Hello my love !!!
I am very glad to receive from you the letter my loved . I so waited Your letter and you have written to
me. When I read your letters, I I become very happy. My lovely I very strongly love you
And I would like to be with you as soon as possible. I cannot live without you,
In fact you the unique person who is necessary for me. I searched for all life
Such person as you and I have found you. You dream of all my life. I Very strongly you I love and very strongly I miss on you. I would like
To be with you as soon as possible. I would like to spend with you time. I
Very strongly you I love. My dear in your letter you have written To me, that you are ready to pay for my ticket, that I would arrive to you. I
It is very glad to this, in fact now I can arrive to you and I can be with
You beside. Today I went to agency and have told him, that my loved The person will pay for my ticket and in agency to me informed, that to me
It will be necessary to issue the passport and still some very important documents
For that I could leave from Russia. In agency to me informed, That cost of necessary documents without cost of the ticket will cost
726 euro and me it is necessarily necessary to legalise these papers here. I
I think, that I shall make here these documents, and you at yourself will order the ticket and
You will send me it as soon as it will be ready. My love xxx as I to you
Has already told, that I do not have money what to legalise papers and
on To this I ask your help. I hope, that you will not give up to me to help with
This money, in fact at me really is not present what money, and without
This money I cannot legalise papers and I can not arrive to you. I I hope, that you will help me and soon we shall together. I hope, that
You will send me this money as soon as possible, in fact I would like To meet you. I want to ask you when you can send
To me this money, what I could legalise papers??? I hope, that The parcel of money will not borrow from you more
several days and through Some days you can send me this money. I am very strong you
I like to be valid also to me very much it would be desirable with you. I very much
It is happy, that soon we shall together and we shall be the happiest people
On all planet. On it I shall finish the letter and with the big impatience
I shall wait from you for the answer. I love you, yours
Hello my love once again. I waited for your answer in the Internet of cafe and I am very strongly glad, that
have received so quickly your answer. My darling, I on you very strongly miss and I can
not live without yours the letter. I very strongly wish on to meet faster you, to embrace you and to kiss. My darling, in
the letter you has written to me, that I have not answered your questions. My
darling, I think, that it is all have occurred from that I have not so
well understood your questions. Now I will try to understand your questions, having read your letter anew. My darling, I took a vacation
on my work for 3 months as I have very strongly wanted to meet you. But after a vacation I again can work on my work. My darling, I wish
to tell to you, that 726 euros it that money which be required to me on only on the visa and other
documents, they as are necessary to me that I could pay for my road to Moscow and on other
expenses, even to live in hotel in Moscow before mine departure. It as will be necessary
for me. To wait my flight. My darling, I can give you the electronic address of my travel agency that you could
communicate with them and they have explained you all expenses which be required to me. I think,
that they will be very glad to co-operate with you. My darling, I will
wait for your answer in the cafe Internet in a current of one hour after sending of my letter, longer I cannot wait, as it will be very
expensive also I can write to you only tomorrow. I will hope very strongly that you can answer me as soon as possible. Your favourite
and loving you Alina.
My darling, I waited for your letter, but have not waited your answer.
It is very a pity to me, that you could not write to me. I very strongly hope that I will receive your answer tomorrow.
Yours Alina.
Hello my love xxx. Now I have come to the cafe Internet to write you my next letter. My darling, I am very
glad to receive from you your next letter. It is very pleasant to me to receive in each time from
you your letters filled with warmth and caress. My darling, I on you very strongly miss and is very strong on more
likely I wish to arrive to you, to embrace you and to kiss. I am very glad, that I have such
person as you, the person who very strongly loves me and wishes to be with me. My darling, is very a pity to me, that
when I have come today to the cafe Internet, I have not received from you your next letter.
It is very a pity to me, that you could not write me it. My darling, but I think, that on it there is a reason why you have
not written me your letter. I think, that you are very occupied and could not write
to me. My darling, in your yesterday's letter you has written to me, that I have not answered your questions, but I think, that
when I waited for your answer and after I have received your answer, I have
written all answers to your questions. My darling, I actually very strongly love you and very strongly I wish to be with you. The same
you in the letter asked from me my new photos. Today I do it. I hope that you will like my photo. My
darling, I am glad, that I have such person as you, the person who very strongly loves me and very
strongly wishes to be with me. On it I finish my letter and with impatience I
will wait for your answer. Yours Alina.
Hello my love . Now I have come to the cafe Internet to write you my next letter. It is very pleasant to me
to receive from you your next letter. I in each time very much rejoice to receive from you your
letters. My darling, I as well as you do not understand why ours with you of the letter so long ïhèõîäÿò each other. I
really waited for your answer in that money in èíòåðytò cafe, but I have left from the
cafe Internet, and not having received your answer. I have been very afflicted. But now I am very glad, that have received from you your
letter. My darling, in the letter you has written to me, that you want
from me my photo with your name in my hands. But my darling, at me is not present any possibility to make my new photos.
The matter is that all a photo which I sent you earlier, them was done for me by the guy
of my girlfriend couple of months back, it had a camera. But now my girlfriend has left the guy and I do not have any
possibility to make my new photos. As I do not have camera. I think, that it sounds for
you very silly. But it actually so. I think, that you cannot believe that I do not have camera to make my photos. I think,
that you think what not to be possible in Russia such poor, not to have even the
camera. But it actually so. Certainly at people which live in cities there are no such problems. But I live in village, and between
people living in village and in a city very big difference. For people living
in cities there are no problems with money, but in Russian village people live very badly. I very strongly hope that you can understand
me and you will not ask any more from me such requests how to make my new photos. My darling as in
the letter you write to me, that you is surprised why at me so a lot of time for my vacation. Certainly in
Russia in a year give only 1 month of a vacation. But as I did not take some years any vacation I me
have appeared possibility to take a vacation for 3 months. I did not take my vacation some years
successively from that I very strongly love my work and I would have be nothing to do on my vacation. I
very strongly would miss on children. But now in my life there was you and it is very good reason
that I could take my vacation. I wish to arrive to you and to spend with you as much as possible time and on it
I have decided to take advantage of all vacation which at me have collected. My darling as
you in the letter say, that you cannot understand why in Russia so official registration of papers for a trip abroad
costs much. My darling, now I will write to you email my travel agency where you can
write the letter and they can explain to you why costs so expensively official registration of papers for a trip abroad in
Russia. I went to travel agency and have asked them email they to me with pleasure of
its distance. They will be very glad to co-operate with you. Here email: My darling, I had
today very good weather, at me was about 15 degrees of heat. I like such warm weather.
I'm fine, but I only very strongly do not have you. If you were with me nearby I was completely is happy. Today I with
my mum went to wood, on walk. Us it was very useful to take a breath of fresh air,
especially for my mum. My darling, I very strongly love you and very strongly I wish on to embrace faster you and to kiss.
On it I finish my letter and with impatience I will wait for your answer. Yours
Hello my love . Now I have come to the cafe Internet to write you my next letter. My darling, I on you very
strongly miss and very strongly I wish on to arrive faster to you, to embrace you and to
kiss. My darling, today I called to you, but you could not answer my call. It is very a pity to me, that I could not hear your
voice and could not talk to you. But I very strongly hope that on Wednesday I
can talk to you. My darling, in the letter you has written to me, that
to you is not believed, that I cannot make my new photos. But I already said to you, that it will be very difficult to you to believe
in it, but I very strongly hope that you can understand me, I actually
do not have any possibility to make my new photos. My village very poor, same as well as all villages in Russia. I already said to you,
that in Russia there is very big difference between people living in village and in a city. Certainly you heard much about Moscow and
how there there live people, but in village absolutely other life here
again I cannot make my new photos. It is very a pity to me, but it actually so. My darling, I very strongly want, that you have believed
to me as I do not wish you to lose. I actually very strongly love you and very strongly I wish to be with you. I
searched for such person as you all my life and now when I have found you I I do not wish to lose
you. You actually are very expensive me also I do not wish to believe that that that I not can make my new
photos becomes the reason of that you will throw me. My darling, I had today very good weather, I had
today 17 degrees of heat. I very much like such weather. I very strongly do not have you. You are very
strongly necessary to me. I'm fine, only there is no you. My darling, I you very strongly love also
my love to you every day all becomes stronger and stronger. On it I finish a pier the letter and with impatience I
will wait for your answer.
Yours Alina.
Hello my love xxx. Now I have come to the cafe Internet to write you an ohm the next letter. It is very
pleasant to me to receive in each time from you your letters filled with warmth and caress. My darling,
I on you very strongly miss, I think every minute only of you. I am very glad, that in my life there was you,
the person who very strongly loves me and wishes to be with me. My darling, in the letter you has
written to me, that you searched for a site of my travel agency, but and have not found. My darling, my
travel company itself is in the city of Kazat. Here its Kazan 420107 address, the Russian Federation,
Street Ostrovskogo 84. In my village there is only a branch of this travel company. I have given to you
email this branch which is in my village. My darling, you has written them the letter? I think, that
they could write you all information, what for, how many and on what this money is necessary. They will is
very glad to us with you to help. As you ask the city name near to which there is my village in
the letter. Near to my village there is a city of Cheboksary. I very much hope that you can find my village near to
this city. As you have written to me that is very a pity to you, that you could not answer my
yesterday's call. As well as to you it is very a pity to me. You have written me one more number where I can call
you. Tomorrow, if I do not receive the answer to my calls to your other numbers I will call on
this number. I very strongly hope that you can answer my call and I can hear your voice and talk to you. Rumples it it
will be very pleasant. My darling, I very much hope that after mine to you of calls
at you will be to me of more trust and you can help me with a trip to you. I very much hope that you will contact my travel
agency and can make for my all papers for my arrival to you. My darling, I very
strongly love you and very strongly I wish on to be faster with you. I
with very big impatience wait for ours with you of a meeting, our first embrace and our first kiss. On it I finish my letter and with
impatience I will wait for your answer.
Yours Alina.
Hello Mr. You are written by tourist agent Lev Yatmanov. We are very glad, that you have addressed in
our travel agency to help your girlfriend Alina from Russia, from our village Yandemirovo. Your girlfriend
already came to our travel agency and has informed us, that you should address in our travel agency to
help your girlfriend Alina to leave our country for a meeting in you. We are very glad to co-operate with
you. In your letter you have written, that you have written to us, that you suspect that your girlfriend Alina
is not real, that she can deceive you. We wish to tell to you, that this first reference Alina in our travel
agency, earlier it never addressed in our travel agency and we think, that she actually wishes to leave
Russia for a meeting with you. As our village small in the sizes, we wish to tell to you, that we never
heard about that your girlfriend Alina deceived people from for borders and we think, that you the first
person with whom she has got acquainted from for borders. We cannot tell anything bad about your
girlfriend. You have written to us, that you wish to learn all expenses for its trip to you. Now we will
explain to you for what and how many money is necessary for its trip to you. Completely all its trip to
you will manage in 1123 euro. The tourist visa costs 40 euro. As that your girlfriend has left for limits of
the Russian Federation to it the Foreign passport is necessary. It will occupy till 7 days, and will cost
131 euro. As Alina should pass medical inspection and receive the document confirming about its
health. Your girlfriend should pass medical inspection in our polyclinic for 52 euro. As the insurance
policy is necessary for it. It is necessary that if to it there will be an accident or she will be ill in territory
of other state. The insurance company will pay all its medical services and all others
Expenses in case of failure. This insurance policy costs 85 euros. But it yet
The most expensive article of expenses. For reception of the visa and work travel agency
Asks to pay 280 euro. Interests of your girlfriend in embassy will be represented by the immigration lawyer, it will be given by agency. And the last when
Alina will go To Moscow on interview with the officer of embassy, it will require means
For residing at hotel and on road to Moscow and back. As your girlfriend will stop hotel in Moscow. Where cost on
residing will make 20-25 euro a day for Number and 4 euro for a food. It will be in hotel approximately 4
Day and 3 nights. It still in addition 80-100 euro on hotel and approximately 16
On a food. And still your girlfriend will spend 42 euro On road to Moscow. And the most important thing that the ticket costs 377
euro. Now we have explained to you for what it is required 1123 euro. As we have written to us, that you
wish to book the ticket in the country but if you do it for registration of its documents it will be necessary
746 euro. It is cost of its trip to you without the ticket. But we wish to tell to you, that it is better all
documents and ticket to buy and Russia. It will be on is much easier and faster if all services for its trip
to you will be given by one travel company. Our travel agency is very glad to co-operate with you. We do
all that people could leave without any problems our country. We are very glad that you have chosen our
travel agency and we will be very glad to co-operate with you further. With the best regards, tourist agent Lev.
Hello my love . Now I have come to the cafe Internet to write you my next letter. It is very pleasant to me
to receive in each time from you your letter. Today I was very glad to speak by with you to phone.
It was very pleasant to me to hear your voice. My darling, I very strongly love you and very strongly I wish to be
with you. You are actually very strongly necessary to me. After I have got acquainted
with you, you became sense of my life and now my heart belongs to you and only to you. My darling, is very a pity to
me, that you could not answer today my call. It is very a pity to me, that I could not hear
your gentle and tender voice. My darling, in the letter you has written to me, that you could not find my village in a card
google. It is very a pity to me. But I think, that my village not so big and on
it you could not find it. As you have written to me, that you have written today to travel agency. I am very glad to it. I am very glad,
that you have found with them communication. And I very strongly hope that they very soon can answer
you. My darling as you in the letter at me ask what by I I will arrive to you. My darling, I learnt in the
travel agency, hundred at first I will go to Moscow, and then from Moscow I will arrive to you. I very
strongly hope that it is very fast to happen and I at last I can see and embrace you. My darling, my mum
it is very glad to ours with you to relations and it is very glad, that we with you probably very soon will
together. It has sent you regards and the best regards. You very much like it as, my future
husband. My darling, I think every minute only of you and to me very often to act in film dreams how we meet you as I
the first time whole and gently gently caress you. My favourite , I very strongly love
you and with very big impatience I wait for ours with you of a meeting. On it I finish my letter and with impatience I will wait for
your answer.
Yours Alina.
Hello my love . Now I have come to the cafe Internet to write you my next letter. My darling, I am very
strongly afflicted, that you have not written me today the letter. When I have come to the cafe
Internet, I very strongly hoped that I will receive from you your next
letter. But I have not received it. My darling, I am very strongly afflicted. What happens? Why you could not write me today your letter?
I am very strongly concerned by it. I think, that you are very occupied and could not write me the letter. My
darling, I had today very good weather. At me it was very warm. Was about 20 degrees of
heat in the afternoon. But my darling, very strongly does not suffice me you, your heat, tenderness and your love.
My darling, you is very strongly necessary to me. I actually very strongly love you and I can
not live without you. My darling, I think every minute only of you. My
darling, tomorrow I will try to call again to you to hear your voice and to talk to you. I very much hope that you can answer my call
tomorrow. My favourite, I will not present my life without you, my heart belong to you and only to you. I very strongly
hope that tomorrow you can write me your letter and with impatience I will wait
for your answer. I send you 1000 kisses.
Yours Alina.
Hello my love . Now I have come to the cafe Internet to write you my next letter. My darling, I am very
glad to receive from you your next letter. It is very pleasant to me to receive in each time from
you your letters filled with heat and caress. My darling, is very a pity to me, that today I could not call you. It is
very a pity to me, but in cable point of calls today days off. I think, that you know,
that in Russia there is a great holiday on May, 9th. This day 2 world war in which Russian armies has ended have won fascists.
In this occasion at us it is some days of days off. And now I cannot call you
how much days successively. My darling, in the letter you has written to me, that you want a copy of my passport. I will
try to make it in the near future and to send it to you. As you ask my photos, but I
already wrote to you, that I do not have any possibility to make my new photos. It is very a pity to me, but it actually so. As
you ask in the letter where there is my village. My village is more close to
Yoshkar-Ola, than to Kazan. I very much hope that you can find my village. My favourite as you have written in the letter, that you
something demand from my tourist agent, but I have not understood what
exactly you want. And I think, that it will not send anything, as it does not enter into its duties. But I will go to travel agency and I
learn and I will ask for it it, but only at first I wish to learn precisely from you what exactly you want from it. I
do not understand it. In the letter you have written to me, that my travel company does
not have site. My darling, I do not know why it so, but to me in agency have not given any site, they have simply given me
them email that you could communicate with them. I think, that they do not have
any site. Same Russia. Here is not present at all travel companies of the sites. My darling, I actually very strongly love
you and very strongly I wish to be with you. You are actually very strongly
necessary to me also I do not represent my life without you. My darling, I very strongly wish on to arrive faster to you, to embrace
you and to kiss. I think every minute only of you. My love to you all becomes stronger and stronger every
day. On it I finish my letter and with impatience I will wait for your answer.
Yours Alina.
P.S. My darling, I would be very glad if you have written me the MSN. Then we with you could correspond in it.
Hello my love . Now I have come to the cafe Internet to write you my next letter. My darling, I am very
glad to receive from you your next letter. My darling, it is very pleasant to me to receive in each
time from you your letters. I on you very strongly miss, I think every
minute only of you. You are very strongly necessary to me. My darling,
I am very glad, that you have left to me the MSN. Today I will come in
the Internet of cafe night that I could correspond with you on MAN. I very much hope that you can be at this
time behind the computer. I will be very glad to correspond with you. As you have sent me a card,
but on it it is not visible my village. It is in the southeast from city Yoshkar-ola. I very strongly hope that you will
find it. As in the letter you have written to me, that you do not trust me. My dear
I understand, that many people have told To you, that on the Internet is a lot of deceit. I too read about it in The Internet and
me it is very a pity, that there are Russian girls, which Use it. Our country really poor, but is impossible To
enjoy confidence of other people. I when do not use people and On it I have friends who respect
me for it. My favourite xx I hope, that you will trust me, because the present love Is under construction only on
trust of two loving hearts. My prince xx you The man of my dream and I always will be
together with you. It is very a pity to me, that Now you do not trust me. I understand, that now there are some Barriers to
our happiness, but I hope, that it will not hinder to ours To happiness. My prince
xxx I very strongly love you and very strongly I miss On you. I wish to meet you somewhat quicker. It is a pity, that you do not
want To help me that I could arrive to you. I thought, that we can To spend my
holiday together. Now because of your mistrust to me to us It is necessary to be far apart. Now you will probably search Other
girl to create a family. To me it will be very sick from it. You will hurt my
heart when I will think that You have another. It is a pity, that I do
not have money to arrive to you, Then I could be with you and could present to you love and To bring in your house the big happiness. To
me it is very sad that Now I cannot look at your person. It is a pity,
that I cannot To touch your lips. My dear xxx I very much hope, that we
Let's solve all our problems and necessarily we will meet. I hope, that you not You will search for other
girl and you will not leave me. I hope, That you will always write me letters until while we not Let's
meet you. Now the most important thing that you have believed in me, Has believed in my love then at us with
you all will be good also we we will be Are happy. I am assured, that the god has created us for
each other and we Necessarily should meet you. Now all depends only from You. Now I will finish the letter
and with impatience I will wait for yours The answer. I love you.
Your love Alina.
Hello my love . Now I have come to the cafe Internet to write To you my next letter. My darling, I am very
glad to receive from you Your next letter. I on you very strongly miss and every minute I think
only of you. Mine xxx, I do not represent my life without you. When I have read your letter I very strongly was
surprised. I am very strongly afflicted that you have written to me. You write to me. That
I deceive you. You do not trust me. You except me correspond with 2 girls!!! But you wrote to me, that at you anybody
is not present except me. And from it I today all in tears. You do not trust me also
you to me deceive. I am very afflicted by that you do not love me. It is visible from this, that you do not trust me and lie to me.
And when the person does not trust another and lies, it is impossible to speak
about love. You do not love me. I have understood it. You simply played my feelings. You have forced me to grow fond to you
your gentle letters and now I have grown fond of you and I can not live without
you. My darling, I hate lie, I do not love, when to me lie. It is very
bad. My favourite xxx, you have written to me, that I and my tourist agent we write letters from the same computer. But it cannot be. In
travel agency is howl the computer, they do not need to go to the cafe
Internet to write for you letters. I do not understand about what telecommunication you to me write, but I can tell one, that in travel
agency there is a computer, I know it precisely and I cannot understand why you say to me, that we write letters from one computer.
My darling, I very strongly love you and I can not live without you. You are very strongly necessary to
me. I do not represent my life without your presence at it. On it I finish my letter and with
impatience I will wait for your answer.
Yours Alina.
P.S. My darling, is very a pity to me, that I could not come yesterday
night in the cafe Internet to correspond with you in MSN. I can make it only tomorrow. It is very a pity to me.
   
   
   
Ekaterina Bykova ( Yoshkar-Ola, Russia )
I am a single male, age 47 working overseas. I belong to a singles website "". This is where I was approached by Ekaterina Bykova to email her at For 1 month we traded photos and letters and were hitting it off well. She spoke of coming to the USA to meet me soon, but did not have enough money. She claimed she had tried to borrow from friends and family but no one would help. She also claimed her mother told her she should ask me to help. She said she had been to the travel company and visa, international passport and medical would cost 357 euro. I had initially agreed but then luckily a friend told me what to look out for because he had been scammed in a similar situation. He also put me wise to your website, lucky for me. As soon as I said I would not be giving her any money, the letters became strange and then stopped. I guess Im one of the lucky ones and would like to pass this info on so some other guy doesnt get screwed.
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 01:40:56 -0500
To: frank
Subject: Hi my love Frank!
Hi my love Frank!
Thank you for your letter, it supported me. Today I was injured slightly. The price of all documents and works of a travel company is 347 Euro. My mum has told that a payment for these things we should think out together. She has told that will care of my international passport. Frank, travel agent has told, that contract includes visa, insurance, medical examination and services of agency. They want so much money because all agencies have so prices, and usually are more expensive. Frank, lovely I have no many money and I have told them, that while I shall talk to you I shall do this contract. Favourite, today I was injured by all these things. I made attempts to borrow this money at some people, but nobody could to me help. I hope, that you can help me this money and that it is no problem for you. I want to feel you beside very much. Favourite, I wait your answer with impatience and I hope that our Frank together will be sooner. If such money it is not so difficult for you and it does not become a barrier to us, tomorrow I shall go in a travel company and conclude the contract. I shall wait very much and to hope, that we shall be together. I love you.
Your Sweet Ekaterina.
From: frank
Subject: Princess of Russia
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 2009 03:53:14 -0400
hi Sweetie!!
So how much does 347 euro translate to US dollar? I think I can do this but give me more info. Where are you planning to travel to? You have not yet talked about Germany 7/20-8/10. Also I would like your full name and complete address. If possible I would like a email copy of your idenification, such as passport or driver license. I dont think this is much to ask. I believe you to be a nice honest girl, but you must understand I am very cautious and have been decieved before.
Any way I think you should not worry and I hope we will see each other soon. Just be careful to understand my letters carefully, I think some things you are not completely understanding. Maybe Im wrong. I want to assure you everything I say and do for you and me is good.
I was watching a tv show on St Petersburg, looks so interesting. Are you near there?
Warmest Love,
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 14:47:04 -0600
To: frank
Subject: Hi my fine Frank!
Hi my fine Frank!
How are you? How is your day? I am glad to your letter. Today I had playing sports with my girlfriends. After that we had dinner and talked much together. I like to speak with my girlfriends. I told them some things about you.. They had a lot of questions concerning you. They are glad, that I have got acquainted with you and, that we shall meet soon. Have you told to the friends about me? What opinion they have? My friends have liked you, they speak, that you good man. Frank, I think that you the very good man too. Today I went in a travel company and brought them photos for the new passport. The agent has told, that he already began to develop my travel. Still he asked that I informed them your address. Lovely inform me the address, that I could give it agent. Now, when it is necessary to wait only when all will be is prepared. I can not be focused and in my head constantly come ideas on us. I do not know, what can borrow myself to not waste time, which there was before travel. Now I shall go home, and to carry out time with the TV set. I love some telecasts and show, it happens funny. Frank, how your opinion concerning TV. I know, that you have many various channels, in my city we have only 15. I wait your letter soon. Kiss you.
Your unique Ekaterina.
From: frank
Subject: Hey Hottie!
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 06:22:56 -0400
Hi Sweetie!
How are you today?? So what kind of sports do you play? Soccer, baseball, football?
I gave you my address in the last letter, no? Why do not speak of the trip to germany 7/20? I will go to USA Dec/Jan for christmas.
Im happy your girlfriends like me, Im sure my friends and family will like you too! Wow, we have become so friendly in 1 month, it makes me happy! So when shall we speak on the telephone? Soon I hope. Dont be nervous about your english, just be yourself,ok?
Tv, yes we have 250 channels. I watch news, movies, variety shows, comedy, history and documentary,biography.
I like to go to cinema often, and I enjoy karaoke with large audience.
I must say, I like how you are smartly dressed in your photos! And always happy too!! I can tell it is no act, you seem very genuine to me.
So Ekaterina, I will help with $, but we need to be clear as to where we are going, germany 7/20-8/10....not USA!! USA december!! I am now back to work in Iraq, you may call:281 669 5896-US satellite call.
Love and hugs,
Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 14:33:00 -0600
To: frank
Subject: Hi my love Frank!
Hi my love Frank!
Thank you for your letter, it supported me. Today I was injured slightly. The price of all documents and works of a travel company is 347 Euro. My mum has told that a payment for these things we should think out together. She has told that will care of my international passport. Frank, travel agent has told, that contract includes visa, insurance, medical examination and services of agency. They want so much money because all agencies have so prices, and usually are more expensive. Frank, lovely I have no many money and I have told them, that while I shall talk to you I shall do this contract. Favourite, today I was injured by all these things. I made attempts to borrow this money at some people, but nobody could to me help. I hope, that you can help me this money and that it is no problem for you. I want to feel you beside very much. Favourite, I wait your answer with impatience and I hope that our Frank together will be sooner. If such money it is not so difficult for you and it does not become a barrier to us, tomorrow I shall go in a travel company and conclude the contract. I shall wait very much and to hope, that we shall be together. I love you.
Your Sweet Ekaterina.
From: frank
Subject: Russian Princess
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 05:28:10 -0400
Hi Ekaterina!
Your letter is confusing, it is the same as last week. I dont understand why you never speak of july 20 in germany. The 347 euro I dont mind helping because I would love to see you.It is ok. But, you give me so few details and dont answer many of my questions. I think it is your english maybe. Thats ok, keep trying. You must remember many people ask me for money, I am not a rich man. I would however like to help "us". Do not stress, I beleive things will work out, but you must answer my questions more clearly so I can understand you better.
Talk soon princess,
love and hugs!!
    
I am a 30 year old South African who got scammed by this girl from Russia.
She met me at
She is sweet but does not answer questions directly. She asked money for visa, passport and air-ticket. I sent her some for passport and visa. When I began to ask for her employer's details she feraked out:
Here are some of her e-mails:
This girl is canning.
She even sent me her ID book. I doubt if it is genuine.
She look and sounds very honest.
Her e-mail is
First e-mail
Hello, my friend! My name is Irina. I found your E-meil site. I saw your profile and I liked it. I think that
you are not to communicate with me via email??? Sorry, but I want to talk with you, because I
think we will be interested. I'm from Russia, my city is called
Yoshkar-Ola. This small but very beautiful city. I you really want to ask you to answer me and then talk more with each other. you are
against??? please write it nibut about myself, I am going to wait.
Your podpuga Irina
Another e-mail she sent to me when she asked for more money and I was asking for her employer's details:
Greetings my love Jay!!! I am very happy, that you have answered me today. Road, you do not represent
as I on you missed and strongly waited for your words!!! Jay, at me all is fine, but I still worry
concerning our meeting... Jay why in bank demand such information which I cannot get???? The darling, I already
said to you, that at us it is not necessary also money you for me can send without anything!!!
Road, me have told, that in it problems any are not present. You understand me? Jay, at the girlfriend I soon can to
write a phone number to you as now while the girlfriend disagrees with me and does
not wish to give me phone. But I Jay will try to talk well to it and
I think, that she will agree with me. Jay, tell to me please still, what you wish to make with the credit card??? Toni, I to you still
wish to tell, that here without any problems you can transfer money through Western Union or through my bank account. And I to you a
smog dictate this number of the account!!! I think, that you perfectly
understand me! Favourite mine, the faster you will help me, the faster
I will make the passport and the visa! Why there can be such problems,
I badly understand??? Tell to me precisely expensive, you will send me
money this week???? The darling, I think, that exits on any are available!! Because I should know, when to me to take holiday
to be engaged in the visa and the ticket... Jay if you not now send these
500$ I can now start to do the passport. My darling, I have hooted ears to all family and mum. Jay, I very much love you and I wish to
be more likely with you. My mum sends you huge regards and she wishes you light days road. The
darling, try to send please to me money this week I you very much I ask. I cannot easy sit and wait any
more!!!! The darling, I think, that you very perfectly understand me and will
make all for us!!! The darling write me tomorrow the answer, as soon as possible I very much will wait for you and send me your
photos, I very much wish to look at you.... With huge love your Irina......
   