Elena Kulakova (KronstadtSt.-Petersburg, Russia)
I'm a 27 year old male, no children, working full-time delivering vehical parts all over my city.
I haven't been scammed yet, I'm not quite that slow to realize what's going on, but it's at the point she's requesting money, I've gone through hundreds of pages searching for any pictures similar to this person, but found none. Another reason I know it's a scam, is that I had my friend send an e-mail, and he recieved the same e-mail as I did.
From: kisa_elenyshca@yahoo.com (kisa_elenyshca@yahoo.com)
Sent: October 7, 2009 7:11:22 AM
Hello the stranger!!!!
I saw your structure on a dating site fling.com
I liked it, and I would like to learn more you! My dear I the girl and I 28 years, I would like to get
acquainted with you if you not against we can keep in touch with you. You can write to me on my
e-mail: kisa_elenyshca@yahoo.com A so I apply on a deposit the letter my photo, I hope it to you to
love. I will hope, that you write to me and also will send me the photo.
Sincerely yours!
October 15, 2009 4:38:36 AM Hello ;)! I am happy to read your mail, how are you doing? Thanks for
your answer, I am really glad to acquaintance to you! At me is not present any MSN or other similar
program, it is additional service for which it is necessary that
To pay, and I do not have phone for trunk calls, but I try to solve this problem in the near future...
OK, I will tell to you more about me, As you knowledge, my name - Elena. I am the Russian lady, me - 28 years, my birthday
On August, 1st. I am the only thing and never married, I do not have children, but I wish to have them in the future.
My growth makes 174 sm, my weight makes 56 kg. I - the cheerful, clever and kind lady, which
Considers a life fine and surprise, and dreams to find the good friend with common sense of humour,
I hope, what it - you? :) My family is not big, I have mum, the daddy and sister. I was born,
And I live in the city of Kronstadt it near to St.-Petersburg. Work as the bookkeeper over our local firm
On repair and furniture manufacturing. I do not have any computer of the house, but I have a computer on work,
And I can write you letters from here. Unfortunately I cannot devote it a lot of time as this equipment of service.
If the head sees, that I use the computer to suit the own ends, I can have problems,
I :) hope for you not a problem, what I live in Russia? I think, that the distance does not have problem, if people to love each
other, You agree with it? It is good, what All of you still wish to know about me? My interests, I like to
go in for sports, read interesting books, To have walks with friends, to look cinema. What is your
interests? My last relations of love with the person made almost 3 years, but at it is betraid me with
other woman, And I leave from it, and one year, I live that. My friends advised to me to search for the
friend on the Internet, and I have written to you. I always liked your country, and I have heard, that in it
there there live very good, kind and interesting people. During long time I wished to have the
correspondence to the person from other country and have met you, I want it, we became friends.
Certainly, we should study each other, and it seems to me what very pleasantly and interestingly to have
time with you! I hope, what you understand my English language? I not on 100 well know English, but
well I speak on it. Tell to me more about you, about your family, about your city and the country, well? I
wish to study you more with each letter. We possibly will meet in the future. You have once planned to
go to Russia? I hope you not what collects naked photos? I have warned about such madwomen...
I hope, what you do not belong to this type of the anxious people? Well, I think, that will stop now and if
after that letters at you it will be valid interest, Interested for me then in the following letter I will write
more about me. I would like to begin our friendship and I hope, That so very much for your answer. I send
you some photos, I think, that you will like to see me.
Kiss ;).....
All good,
Your Elena:)
October 19, 2009 7:20:47 AM
Excellent day, Billy !
Many thanks for the new letter!
You have written to me much from interesting about you directly, and I think, that we are in many
respects similar. I never thought what to write messages the friend the friend such charming
employment. Should recognise what to have the correspondence to you improbable pleasure, and I have
huge desire to continue dialogue! Last time I have a little told about me directly, therefore I will try to
make it now :) Yes, I really Russian woman and live in Russia. I very much love my country, and I
consider me as the patriot. I have heard, that many foreign people when speak Russia, represent the
Russian vodka, a bear and a cold! Should tell, that it not absolutely is the truth :), But it is impossible it
is belief to take absolute. Yes, in Russia really like to drink vodka :). In the winter in the European part
Russia happens a little coldly :) My parents lived the life most part in the city of Kronstadt, and August,
1st 1981 they have been born the unique girl, Which named Elena. Yes, it - I :)
Parents have presented me the big attention, care and love, therefore I grew up a kind, the lifted, kind and clever child.
Having left school, I operated in college where have received many useful knowledge. After that, I moved to the city
of St.-Petersburg, To work. Five years I worked as the bookkeeper of metallo-assembly factory and lives
were glad. But time goes, also very much changes. At factory has exchanged the owner, and me have
rejected, because of reduction of quantity of workers. It was necessary for me, will come back,
And now I live again in the city of Kronstadt, and I work as the bookkeeper. I very much love my work, because
I always liked to prepare and make it with pleasure. It is sad, but pleasures of time!!! Now I live directly,
separately from parents in my small apartment!!! At a leisure from work I am occupied in affairs of the
house, type: to feed small fishes in an aquarium:) Also many other things. When all affairs are made, I
try to devote time to myself. I conduct a healthy way of life. For me it is much better to visit a room of
realisation or fitness centre. I very sociable woman, therefore in me many good friends.
My girlfriends often visit me, and we vigorously waste time together. We often go to cinema, or we visit exhibitions,
theatres, And we go together. My girlfriends speak it I very cheerful person. I like to listen music and to
look cinema. My favourite - Michael Jackson, it was the great person, I admire with its creativity, and it
is sincerely a pity to me that he has died: ( I very much love films about love, it so is fine to look as
people love each other:) I wish to thank you once again for the interesting message,
And I hope, that we can study more about each other:) Please tell about itself more, it is very interesting to me.
I have placed my pictures for you, and I hope, that they will bring to you great pleasure!
October 21, 2009 5:27:39 AM
Hello Hello Hello!
How you my friend, Billy?
Today I have woken up early, and I have excellent mood all day!
Weather behind a window it is very bad, the autumn comes nearer, rains, a cold, slush have begun and
there is no holiday, but I feel very well! Probably, your new message does my mood:)
I think, what exactly so it and is, with each your message I feel we better also we learn about the friend the friend
even more, I never thought, that it can be so fascinatingly!!!
What all of you this time? I thought much, how there passes your day, how are you doing, but the best way to learn - to ask you:)
The day before after work we with girlfriends went on a flower-show. With my work about 5 day schedule it is found out
to have a rest only in the days off :(!! But sometimes, also as well as yesterday I to assume to go to
myself to cinema or on an exhibition, after work if it not so has got tired :)!!!
I very much love flowers, but I do not think, that them happens so many kinds.
I very much like roses, I even Have one which grows in a small kettle in the neighbourhood with violets and cactuses:)
Then we have gone to cafe there is a fruit ice-cream, and remained are very happy with time will result together.
Thus, I still enough time for itself and for mine friends. Unfortunately I to have a rest only on days off. But sometimes, as on
This time I can go with girlfriends to cinema or in cafe! I very active and cheerful person, therefore first half of
day in time all all or nearly so:) Much to our regret in my life really is only there is no almost a loyal
friend, the person. I friends often ask me why I one more, but I not always will find the answer to this
question. In my life there were relations, but I have understood, that it not mine.
There were disappointments, but now it in the past, and I any more do not wish to recollect it.
Any woman dreams about attention, care, caress, respect and love.
It seems to me, that the main thing for the woman in its relations to be assured of the person.
But to be assured, it is necessary be able trust. Any woman wishes to be unique for the men, favourite, to wish the best.
I want, that about itself the person who will be my best friend and can even more.
Relations between the man and the woman he not only tenderness and passion.
The man and the woman first of all should be the best friends. I hope, what
you agree with me? Attention, honesty, respect, fidelity, attention, mutual understanding, support and
care about each other - a basis of the strong and long relation!
It is a huge theme for reflexion and a reasoning:) I hope, that have told to you, that I wait from relations.
To very interestingly me, what you in search of the relation too?
Do not forget, that I always very much wait for your messages!
There is a good day!
Your friend Elena!
October 22, 2009 4:55:20 AM
Hi Billy!!!! To like me your photo.
How are you doing!? What new in your life?
Thank you very much, to you for your letter!!! I waited for it and was very happy to receive it.
Today on work I could not read in the afternoon your letter as at us have disconnected the Internet. And only the
master in the evening has come and has told that everything is all right.
I was late a little to do work to see your letter and was very happy to receive it.
When I receive your letter, for me it as a holiday. I always look forward each your mail!
After all for me our correspondence has very much great value. I
think ours relations begin develops into friendly character. And me from this it becomes very joyful on
heart. I try transfer all emotions in the letters as I can. And I very much would like, that you felt it in
each my letter. On heart so it becomes pleasant, when you know that in your life there can be a person
to whom "you" are expensive and is not indifferent. I the lonely woman and me would be desirable find
the person with which I can to divide the life in love and pleasure, in a grief and grief.
But round myself I and could not find the man which smog to understand me how you understand me ÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕÕ.
And the more I to read your letters, the I understand more that you that which long-awaited man I
searched. It can only my imagination but so I would like to see it. But you to me seem very sincere
person!! In this world each person searches to itself for half with which it will live long and in love, I think
it dream almost each person. How you think of it? But in our life sometimes it is necessary to search for
such person all the conscious life. And not when you do not know where you will find, this person
absolutely nearby can and can on other end of our earth... I already adult woman and me would
b desirable to have the family and the man near to which I will always feel the woman.
I also very strongly would like, to give all heat, tenderness, care, Love, kindness and caress to the man whom I will grow
fond. During such moment, it seems to me unrealizable dream. But I trust in it, and is assured, that
such day will soon come. Otherwise all our life without love does not make sense... You agree!?
I think that the love happens different: it can be to children and parents, but love between the man and the
woman this that to what aspire all. I would like not only to read letters, but also to see each other more
likely. But I understand, that it is not possible yet, because we - very much far apart.
You very much interest me, I like to correspond with you, and I hope that our mutual relations
Can be much deeper. I do not know how to explain it - words. I simply feel it. Your letters do me by the happy woman, and at
me is for a long time cheered up... :*:*:* Ok, I wish to set to you some questions. Please write to me
about your holidays!? What holiday is the best in your country? What nature is pleasant to you more, it
is wood or seacoast? Billy you have close friends? Please, write to me more about this, about your
mutual relations? Please write to me more about your life, it will be always interesting to me.
You could tell to me about your best dream, you dream!? What women most of all like you!? Excuse that I set
many questions. I very much would like find out about you more!! Billy I wish you to ask to send to me
more than the new photos. You will send me them!? Now I scan some of my photos, also send them to
you. I hope they to you will like!!!
Good-bye Billy. Sincerely Elena
October 23, 2009 8:35:24 AM
Hello, the my dear friend, Billy!!!!
My good friend, Billy, again I has read yours interesting to me messages!!!!!
Should admit what to have correspondence with you the big pleasure for me, because you not only the
good listener, but also the interesting interlocutor! In last message I am given some philosophy and to
me it is very pleasant, that you could estimate and understand my ideas.
It really is very important for me, and I am glad, that you could understand almost everything, that I wished to tell. After all we friends,
And friends are able to discuss all themes and I am very glad, that we discuss it!
How is in day of my good friend Billy? At me today very difficult day on work as it is necessary to do the report and all
should be made in in the best way. It does all our department, but I to do every day this report and to
conduct record magazine. Today to do the last logging and now I at last it is free!
Today I thought of you much, and with not patience waited for your message!
But my malicious chief often came to us into department and I was afraid to come into the Internet, that he would not see.
I thought when will leave to myself in an office and I can look there is from you a message. Usually I never to hasten :) Earlier even
to help I the colleagues with work. My expectations fortunately have been justified also I once again to
read interesting messages from my good friend Billy! I consider, that we became good friends:) But it is
valid so for me, and I very strongly appreciate it as I could not present to myself that such happens!
Our correspondence gives us the big interest, and at each new message does to us more to learn about
each other. Despite alarms on work, on my employment I weigh day thought what to write to the new
message, to tell about itself. Should admit what to tell about itself not so habitually for me, I to whom
else so did not reveal as you! I sometimes think, that correctly I have made that have written to you, but
then to myself I answer, after all we it is pleasant each other :)
From my photos you already saw, that my hair of fair-haired colour :)) My growth 174 see I sports the constitution,
Actually I regularly go in for sports and I go to fitness the centre. Still I am engaged in park in the mornings.
In the inheritance from my favourite mum, her name is Tatyana Alekseevna, I have received is light green colour of eyes.
Should tell, that at me now excellent mood, therefore I write to playful style. Yes, women sometimes
occur different mysterious sometimes the playful:) I hope, what you how I today and have excellent
mood? :) :) :) My parents already on pension also live separately from me in the apartment.
I try to visit them regularly as she and are not so young also it it would be desirable dialogue with me. They always
have interest to my life and I wish to tell it about you. What do you think of it?
I already wrote to you, that I love an active way of life, and I like to go in for sports.
In the summer I like to go for a drive on rollers, I go on a disk, on ice the fads sometimes on skis in the winter. It seems to me, that is very
important to go in for sports both care of a body and health. But it is necessary to have good forages
and have no bad habits, such, as smoking and alcohol. He it is exact not for me! How you concern of
bad habits and sports? Now many women dared to smoke. It seems to me, that it looks not so
beautifully and fatally. I prefer pure water and natural juice.
I love :) At me many good girlfriends. Almost all of them married, also are children. They very good children, and I often to play with them or
we together to go to shop behind purchases. I like to be engaged in the business house, such as care
apartment or preparation tasty food, to erase, iron :). I the most favourite dish are baked fish and baked
on special technology:). I very much love seafood! From sweet I like to prepare for a fruit pie under the
recipe of my mum or a batch with whipped cream. For my girlfriends and native very much it is pleasant,
as I prepare therefore they often come to me on a visit. I consider, that the woman should be able to do
all housekeeping and, certainly, should be the mistress on kitchen.
I know, that many men I am very good to be prepared and, of course, too not against:)
Probably, I could prepare a dish from the Russian kitchen for you.
What do you like more culinary dish? I very much would like to hear more about your
city, and your house? To very interestingly me!
I with impatience we will wait for your new messages!!!!!!!!
With the best regards!!!
October 28, 2009 6:12:04 AM
Hello my dear Billy
How you my friend?
Your message has once again made me as already was very happy!
I start to wait for your message each time with such languor in heart.
Because with each letter we become much more is more close to each other.
When I read it it seems to me that the distance between us is not present. As though we in one city.
And you in some minutes will come to me on appointment. And we will hold each other for the first time for hands and to look in the face, to enjoy
long minutes of expectation :). Thanks you, for that that you write to me knowing as I wait for it.
And all that, you write to me I try to present to thoughts. And a picture of thought for me it is very beautiful and it
is tempting:) :) :) Many my acquaintances were in other countries. Also speak that there all not as at us
in Russia. Yes I understand that there other culture and the usages.
Having got acquainted with you I absolutely have changed also it people all around which notice know me.
I start to think seriously of a trip to you, what the nobility is better than you :):*
I not only know where I will go, but also who me there waits also for our meeting as well as I.
Acquaintances to you has changed me as well as my thoughts in the best the party. Sometimes this change frightens me, but then I think it correctly.
Now these ideas and desires not only occupy my head, but my heart seems also.
Billy I have today news on work. With me my chief today spoke. You also have asked are going to take rest?
Has told that in some days our three employees come to work. And I can take holiday. I did not take 2 years holiday
And he insisted, that I would go on rest. I should open to you a small secret :)
I am probable, I plan to visit your country when I will have monthly holiday from work.
Rest will be really necessary for me and I would like to make its very fascinating!!
The girlfriend to ask mine that with me happens, and why recently I am late on
work. I have told to all of them about our acquaintance. They precisely did not expect from me such
answer and even have been shocked by this news :). But then to calm down and even to send you
regards!! And to wish you all the best.:) I think now they to me a little even envy me:)
I think that you would be not against that that I have told all it. I even to brag to them a little, that I have found that such
good man. They always thought, that from for my modesty I will be always one. But it is visible they
strongly were mistaken :). I'm fine! I continue to perform my work, and each time when I come home I
think of you. That you do now. And from these thoughts at me to appear excitement and butterflies in a
stomach. If I could fly, it is obligatory to arrive to you, at least at one o'clock :).
I will finish today the letter and with impatience I will look forward to hearing from you.!!!!!!
Sincerely to you Elena:*
October 29, 2009 7:06:45 AM
My dear Bill!
How so your day?
At me all is excellent, and my mood at very high level!
I very much waited today for the termination of the working day what to read your answer to me :).
I read each your letter with improbable pleasure for me!! I have checked up now mail and I see the letter from
you!! For me it is the best gift in the end of the working day! I did not dream of the best at all. Probably
last time I felt in this condition when was the child and opened a box with gifts :).
My dear your letter for me really very important gift. You to fill my days of thought on you, and your letter fills my days
Only very good mood. In everyone the letter from you I feel heat and care of me. And for me it as is pleasant.
Thanks you, that you did not forget me Bill! I am very glad that my letters for you as fill your day.
I feel that to whom that is necessary as the woman and the person in this huge world. And further I will always
try to do for you that that especial. For me you became much more than the friend, and I do not
represent the further life without you! I constantly think of you, sometimes even I close eyes and I
represent you. About what you speak and that you do!! You do my life more interesting and high-grade.
And I with impatience wait for that day when to a smog to see and speak with you :).
I wish to take holiday in October! My chief not against it. And to me to say, that I would warn him for some days.
Tell what kind of clothes it is pleasant to you? I like a free fashion in which I feel confidently and . and
sometimes classical. Today not so warmly at us in a city. And I have dressed a dress and a jumper, it is
a pity that there would be no camera with itself what to do a photo and to send it to you.
I think she it was pleasant to you!:) Bill know I always very much I wait to me for your letters. This correspondence
does my life every day more perfectly. I very much regret that have not learnt you earlier.
These days when I do not see the letter from you as though the slice me is absent. And me it becomes very sad. :(
You became very close for me. And I think of our future where you and I!! Sometimes I miss on your
attention to me. I know that you were to me very attentive and gentle!! As I want our meeting. Every day
I wish to meet you more and more. Probably you consider about it also?
I would like to know, after all I have opened before you all secrets. Which I at all did not speak anybody.
I hasten to finish the letter and to look forward to hearing from you my dear
My sweet and gentle friend, I wish you kind day! It is a lot of kisses and embrace for you!
Always yours Elena
October 30, 2009 7:57:25 AM
Greetings my sweet Billy !!!
How your day? How your mood? I hope, that at you all is good!
At me all as always, on work is a lot of employment. This work with papers to occupy it is a lot of time.
Today I went in Sankt-Petersburg brought the report on check to the auditor company.
They always to check ours the financial report. And only to come back back in the evening.
My working day fortunately is already finished, but I wished to make to myself a holiday :).
To read the letter from you! And the holiday has turned out. I have received the message from you.
I am very tired for all the day, but your letter to return me forces. I feel as wings to grow at me behind the back, this miracle! :)!
When I read your letter, I forget about all the a problem. Also I have the small world where only you and I!!
And anybody is not necessary any more. Such minutes I think, how I lived all this time without you. I all time
think why I have not met you much earlier. In your letters I always feel always tenderness and care to
me. I know that you now far from me. But my sweet Billy When I read your word the letter I feel as your
heart to fight with mine in one rhythm. I trust in that that it will be when that
I can nestle on you and speak with you, keep for hands with you, wake up from a dream together with you till the end of a life!!!
From these the thought even is a little to be turned my head. Now to connect us only we letters but all
will be fast not and I very much trust in it!! We can be a number and take pleasure in our dialogue not in
the letter, and being nearby. Looking each other in the face and to hear a voice :).
I in a shower always to be the romanticist. And never thought that I will find the person through half of globe. Also that to me
so it will be good with you. And from these ideas of my heart to be cheered up and to be in a tone :).
My sweet Billy . What weather at you? At us the summer, behind a window a rain and a cold has already
ended. But in mine, heart brightly to shine the sun!! :)! Today after work I wish to meet my girlfriends at
my place. And we will prepare that the sweet. To drink tea and to conduct conversation. I tell it about
you much. On it you for them already good friend, and they always
Send you regards. They speak yours Billy , you will always love you after all so well cook food.
We in Russia have an old proverb, always to speak it my mum. That the way to love of the man conducts through its stomach.
That means, if the woman always to care of the husband and it will be in love and care, and on a table always
there will be a hot meal That and in a family all will be good :). I understand that it only a proverb, but in it
it seems to me there is a truth share. How you think? It is always interesting to me that you do. I very
much would want that you shared it with me. :) My sweet tell to me and what colour is pleasant to you
more? I very much wish to know it! I will probably buy a dress of this colour What to dress at our
meeting :). My sweet I will finish today the letter as I should go. My girlfriends wait for me.
My sweet Billy , many gentle embraces for you!!!!!
I wish you good day!!!
Always yours Elena
November 2, 2009 5:34:29 AM
Greetings my sweet Bìlly!!
How your day?
I as always waited for your message and again my heart was filled with happiness and pleasure!!
And you the reason for it. Your words to me which give me force and confidence of the future bottom!!!
At first our dialogue with you in my head doubts and confidence, pleasure and alarm struggled.
But now I to calm down and have belief in you. I feel your sincerity to me!!!
Unfortunately I not always have access t the Internet, and to me it is very bad from it. Because I can not see your letters.
Today when I have read your letter, in my head to be confused thoughts and at once did not know that to you to write to
th answer. I wish to write much but when I start to write dreams to visit my head and heart. And I sit hours and
think, What is especial to write to you. But now I to gather and I will write you my sweet. :)
I'm fine, only you not to suffice near to me. I would like to speak with you to be with you. This happiness for
me. When I think so, That distance between us to lose the force and from it to me to become cheerfully
and I wish to jump and laugh as the small child. And in my opinion
There is a shine, in a shower happiness, on the person pleasure, it to burn and be shone my heart!! :)!
I am afraid to tell to you, but to me to seem that it is love to you wash sweet Bìlly.
I think every day about travel to you. About what we will speak, as we will go along the street and to hold each other for hands.
People will pass by and look at us while we will hold a strong kiss with you. I wish to receive from you a passionate kiss.
AND Your lips will whisper me gentle words on an ear. About it there will be wonderful time for us. My sweet I so
want your attention to me. I always to dream about such the man as you!!!! When I am am asked by my
girlfriends what he Bìlly. I answer gentle, tender, careful, beautiful, clever,
Simply real man. With which I wish to spend all life. I in a shower the big romanticist,
Also it can only my dreams, But I am to be trusted as you think as!
For me in mine the future already there is no word I, it is not appreciable any
more for itself speak we. And now for me you this my happiness and the future. Which I wish to divide
with you. My sweet Bìlly I will finish today the letter. I wish to come still today to the parents what to
visi them. I wish you good day, and to have the same sweet dreams as you my sweet Bìlly :).
My sweet I to send you the photos what to make your day better!!!!
Many gentle kisses:*
Always yours Elena
November 4, 2009 2:19:43 AM
Greetings my gentle and tender Billy
You do not represent as sometimes happens difficultly when I long cannot see your letter.
In such days it seems to me, that round me desert. My girlfriends say, that I would not worry and when
will go for work to a smog to read your letter!!! Which you write each letter to me, heats my heart and I
again can breathe a full breast. It is pleasure for me!!!! I do not sleep at night I think of you, as you there
without me. My thoughts and desires are connected only with you... You my half which I so long
searched. My sweet I sometimes think also to myself I ask a question. How I earlier a vein without you?
And then to myself I answer, it is love. I feel as my heart at thought on you starts to fight more strongly.
You my beautiful angel about which I dream every night when I close eyes that I represent you.
My sweet all words in yours the letter to go to mine smothering!!! I understand that we need to wait our
meeting and any haste. But as it is difficult to explain it to heart which wants love!!!!
After all you that person which smog to wake in me this feeling. Only I wish to give you all love, tenderness, heat and
caresses. But you so are far now from me. And only yours the letter to me can reduce distance
between us to a minimum. My sweet Billy as you? What new during your life? At me all as always is
good. Yesterday I visited parents. We drank tea and spoke. But all my conversations were only about
you. Mum has smiled and I have told Elena now I see that you are enamoured in Billy , the daddy too
was very glad for me. Then we spoke about my trip to you. Mum spoke that I am very similar to it. She
spoke that when it was It is enamoured in mine the daddy that it was ready to follow it on a world's end,
just to be together. Yes my sweet I is ready to follow you where you would will want to be just near to
you till the end of my life. Behind your strong shoulders I feel the protection as behind a stone wall. But
you such strong and at the same time So gentle to me. I never met such men as you my sweet :).
I wait I will not wait ours with you of a meeting, I sleep and I see you as in reality!
My sweet write me all about itself to me always it will be interesting to know as your affairs. I always read yours the letter to me
Some times. And then I all leave in dream. Billy I always so wish to write to you but when I start to write
that much I forget about what wished to write. My thoughts start to be confused and I feel only
excitement. My sweet I wish to tell to you!!!! I love you!!! Also I will wait very much for your answer.
You is a lot of love to you Elena
November 4, 2009 4:06:09 AM
Hello, my dear Billy !
Today my day became much better I has received the letter from you my sweet!
All the day long I could not find to myself a place, after all in your letter there was so much heat!!
I could not wait, when I should receive the answer from Billy !!
I love you my gentle Billy !!!!!!! I would like to shout for the whole world that I love you!!
I am madly happy, because all my feelings have found reflexion in your heart!
I knew, that you the best person on the earth, and only you can understand, completely
me, to approve and support! I have read your messages time and again and could not believe in our
happiness! When I have read your letter, at me even was tears! But it was pleasure and happiness tears
because I know, That you will approve my feelings! When I wrote you the first message an internal
voice says to me, that you that man which I always waited. Surprisingly, but my internal voice has not
deceived me! With everyone your new I have understood letters, that you that person whom I always
searched, and that you the best for me. From your letters I saw, that you the sincere and fair person,
and that the most important thing for you care And attention to other person. Now I know, that is valid,
and you have big hearts! I hope, you and is ready to follow you, that does not happen!
I cannot believe, that our happiness is very close, and we can soon enjoy it.
The promise to me, that when we will be together you present the most gentle kiss to me, I do not think, that it is dream:)
It will be really similar to a dream! I all time thought of you when we will meet also I waited for this moment during all time!
When we should be together, I would like to present you all tenderness and love,
because you that person whom I would like to wake up and see in one bed.
I would like to involve you and to present to you the most sweet embrace! Which the woman can present to the man.
I cannot wait, I wish to be near to you because I love you my dear Billy !
I am grateful to you for sincerity and for support which you gave me in the letters!
I would like to tell about my love to you because it so is difficult for hiding,
and it should not be hidden! I love you my sweet Billy , and I wish to speak it always!
I cannot without your letters now, your letters necessary for me, I cannot be on such big distance from which man I love!
Now I would like to reduce all distances to be near to you, and all to tell to you!
My girlfriends, and mum it was very glad, when have learnt about our feelings because you already
became for them the friend! Billy , I have found sense of the life, I love you, and I without you melancholy
my dear. I can receive 48 days of rest with my work, and we should start to plan my trips to you.
I spoke today with the chief that we could define date my vacation from work. And he has told that it will
be in the beginning to the next week. I never was abroad, and it will be improbable trips for me!
It is the most important, that we can meet and learn, all between us,
and understand as we can always be together! It is very important for me. I wish be the best woman for you my LOVE!!! Love today I have still
employment on work, and more so much not finished affairs. My darling Billy , on it, I should finish my
letter to you, I will wait your following letters! Know, that I the happiest woman, and you of the composer
my happiness!
I love you my dear Billy !!!!!
You always in my heart!
Always yours Elena
November 5, 2009 6:11:19 AM
Greetings my sweet and favourite Billy
How your day? My love at me very difficult day today has turned out. I only could return today to work
office in the evening!!! Since the morning I have gone to St.-Petersburg, I was sent by the chief behind
the report which I to carry in the auditor company. I to arrive to St.-Petersburg and to make all affairs
within 2 hours. Then I to go to station for a trip home! And on a way has decided to come into Travel
agency what to learn all about a trip to you. The manager of this firm has told,
That it will not have what problems. Also that they do to me the passport and the visa to a trip to you to that I was very glad.
I was ready to shout from my pleasure. My love it was such minute of happiness, that my and your dream
can meet to be It is real!!! Still the manager has asked I left the country, I to answer that was not
present then he has told that it very well and that for the first trip
For me there will be a discount in their agency. I was inexpressibly glad to everything, that have knowingly come into this agency.
Then the manager has suggested to conclude to me the contract on grantings to me of services in registration
travel papers. But when I to look this contract that to drop it on a floor.... Services in manufacturing my
documents to cost 520 US dollars. My sweet I so have broken that did not know that to me to do. I did
not think that it will cost such money, I have money but this not that sum on which I hope.
But the matter is that the contract is already signed also they my documents the passport and the visa have
started to be engaged preparation. I to pay 100 dollars which to be at me. But I do not know where to
take other sum. I in very tears to go home to Kronstadt And before to go on work I to call in to my mum.
What to ask from it that to me to do. Mum at first long to calm me.
As I to cry and could not stop myself. Love Billy why so to be, that when you to love the best man,
To which you to give the heart and love. Such problem to see it and to hear it, to give it a kiss and to wake up in the morning in
Its embraces!!! I long to sit and think where to me to take this money but so could nothing. And then mum
to tell to me, That I should ask the help from you as we love each other also you almost my future
husband. Mum has told that you very good person and will help me...
My sweet for me it is a shame, but I so wish to be to you to love you.
I ask you to help me with lacking the sum. These are 420 dollars and then I can take away the visa and the passport,
They will be already ready next week!! My favourite I very much trust that you can help me with it and our meeting
It becomes real. To do Travel agency to me the visa for 90 days and after our meeting I can prolong it if it is required.
My sweet I to learn as you can send me money. The chief on work when to hear conversation on this all.
Tell that you you can to help me Through system the Western union. My favourite for this purpose my information is required to
you, That you could send this money here she:
Name: Elena
Lastname: Kulakova
The country: Russia
City: St.-Petersburg
My love still I should know your full name and transfer number if you can help me with the visa and the passport. I very much very much to trust in it!!!!
I have nobody to ask about it more!!!
I trust that at us with you all to turn out and very soon I can touch you and kiss you.
To me to make all documents and I will fly to you on wings love..... Forgive that my letter very sad,
Easier still to go tears on my person. Your letter is a little to calm of me, thanks you for that that are for
me. My sweet I have very big dream, it when I will see for the first time you at the airport, I will throw all
things, I will reach you and there will be the longest kiss in the world, I during long time will not release
you from embraces, It will be the beginning of a modern love story, we will be so happy.
My love now which I will look forward your letters and to ask concerning our meetings,
I very much, hope for you, that you will help me and will not leave me in trouble. I will wait very much your answer!!
It is a lot of kiss to you my sweet Billy!!
Always yours Elena
  