Oksana Tchetkasowa (
Krasnoufimsk, Russia)
I am a single white male, 44, one child, and was contacted by Oksana from Yahoo personals. We emailed for about 10 days regarding work visas and travelling to America. She finally requested money, but I found her pictures on womenrussia.com blacklist. Below are her emails and pictures.
12/2/09 Email from Oksana <lonelyriver@yahoo172.com>
Hopefully your future girlfriend!!!
Hello dear Mike! I think I'm a lucky girl to meet such good man as you in Internet!
I like your photo very much and I can look at you without any stop!!!!
I hope I will be lucky enough to meet you in the real life soon! Yesterday I told my mom about you.
She said that now she doesn`t worry about me as before because now she knows you are a kind
man and can help me if I need your help. You can show me your city and tell me more about the life over there!
I think I didn't write you I like cooking. I can cook some Russian dishes for you! Pelmeni, vareniki, blini, borsch,
okroshka! You will like it! Besides Russian cuisine I like Italian and Mexican. I love spaghetti and pizzza!!!!! mmmmmmm !
I can't live without it! I like Mexican food because it's very spicy, although I don't cook Mexican dishes too often.
I've been told my cooking is very tasty! I like to cook cakes. My favorite is cheese-cake with raspberry! You
know... when I talk about food I'm getting hungry ))) I eat everything and I don't like any diets but usually
I don't eat after 7 pm. This helps me not to be fat! I can cook many tasty things for you when we meet!
Sometimes I like to listen to music. I like almost all kind of Music and my favourite one is pop music and
classical. You know.. almost all Russian men are like bears! They are so rude, they can't be nice and
polite, they don't want to have a family. I think you are not like them.
I like to go to the cinema! I really like to watch a good movie with my friends. 50 percents of movies in our cinemas are Russian
and about 50 American. Actually my favorite actor is Johnny Depp and I like all movies with him.
I've watched Pirates of the Carribean (part 3) some time ago! I think the third part is not as good as the first part. Have
you seen it? Could you recommend me any movie so I can watch it? What is your favorite movie and
actor? Soooooooooooooooo......... what else could I say? Sometimes I go to the theatre but not often.
There is only one small theatre in my city and there is nothing interesting.
If I want to watch a good play I should go to the nearest big city, there sometimes can come some famous Russian actors
and dancers but I can't go there often because it's quite expensive. I want you to know small things about my
life, because it will show you who I am. Ok, I think I will finish my e-mail for today and I should go home
to cook some food for my mom and brother!
PS I'm sending more pics this time! They were taken in Sochi one year ago.
on 12/8/09 Oksana used a different email Oksana1982@yahoo.com
Hello dear Mike!!!
Here is the info, about my flight, that I was given in agency:
Information for Oksana Tchetkasowa
Kind regards,"Venta Tour", 124703, Moscow, Leninskii prospect 50, office 16. e-mail:
Please use our service. Manager: Mr. Sergey Mitvol
Flight, December 13, 2009
1. Moscow/New York DL031 Flight duration: 10h 55
Delta Air Lines
12:10 Moscow (SVO), Russia , Sheremetyevo International terminal 2
15:05 New York , NY (JFK), USA , John F Kennedy terminal 3
Change of plane required. Stop duration: 3h 24
2. New York/Myrtle Beach NK347 Flight duration: 1h 54
Spirit Airlines
18:29 New York , NY (LGA), USA , La Guardia terminal M
Myrtle Beach , SC (MYR), USA , Myrtle AFB
Price: foreign passport, visa,tax, consulate fee, ticket Eco.class.USD 1590.00+
I've got all the information and I'm resending it for you!! I am here after my visit to the consulate
and to the agency I am so happy to say we will meet in few days!!!! I am really lucky girl to meet you.
Honey the thing is that I booked the nearest possible flight but I have a little problem and I really hope
you will be able to help me. You see I never expected I will ask you for such help but I have nothing else
to do. You know my mom promised to send me money for tickets by western union as soon as I will find out
prices but she was told on her work that because of economic crisis she will receive all the money she
saved from every months salary only in a few months. So thats why she can`t send me all the sum for
tickets now and she was able to send only 200$ I have got it today. I was sure my mom will help me
because she promised but now she sent a letter explaining it is possible only in few months or so
because of economic crisis. I was in the bank to try to ask them a loan but they said I need to have a
registration in Moscow to get a loan from their bank and I don't have it! I think it is not great problem for
you to help me. I even hope maybe it will be pleasure to help me because you are my knight, right? I
wanted to ask you to help me to pay for my tickets directly but they tell I can't use your help or ask you
about sending me tickets because I have a permission to use the help of the travel agency only
because they do all travel things and it is their business to arrange all travel things for my trip, such is
the law. It is not possible to get a work visa without the help of the
agency, they have too strict rules of getting visas. After all payments here and my flight from Ekaterinburg
I have about 700 dollars of my own money and I need about 950 US dollars from your side because I have to pay
for my tickets and few more things, and I have to pay in advance about 1590 dollars. This price includes all
arrangements of documents and everything. I have to be sure that I will be able to book my tickets or I will
lose all the money I gave them in advance. I'm not going to ask one more time for your help, you see I am in
such situation... I will be waiting for your answer. I know it sounds like I am a poor outsider but you see
I don't have enough time to find the money I need and find somebody to help me, you know my mom gave me
all she could collect for my travel. I hate to ask but now I don't have any other choice. I need some help
from you, please help me to leave Moscow and it is all I ask now. Kiss you, counting days and minutes
before our meeting. You know it is only money, and I think it is not too hard for you to help me, you see
I have such chance only once in my life. I know you are a kind man and I hope you will be able to help
me. I promise I will return all the money and I will earn money because I am ready to work as hard as I
can! You know my rent address here is Russia, Moscow, Kutuzovskii prospekt 73, flat - 78. Remember
my full name is Oksana - (first name) Tchetkasowa - (last name). It is right writing in English, and you
should put it on Money Gram or western union list and you can choose any bank in Moscow, they tell it
is international service and I can pick up the money at any bank of Moscow. They said I can get only
Money Gram or western union transfer because I have not any bank accounts in Moscow and I have
only passport and it is enough to get it! If you need the address of Money Gram or Western Union in
Moscow is
Moscow, 121248
Actually I've been told you can send it to any of their offices. I can call you as soon as I receive the
transfer to let you know about it. And please after you complete a transfer write me the number of your
transfer, I'm not sure how it's call but they will give you a number of your transfer.
Million of Kisses,
Your Oksana
P.S. I am not sure I should tell this but I want to let you know if you don't like me when I come I will not
bother you and it is only your choice to spend time with me or not. I know you may be too busy, and in
any case I will return the money back. I can have a room for rent if I want, a job and I want to say please
don't worry I don't want to use you just to reach my goal. I am sure when we meet we will have no
regrets about it, I promise. Please, don't leave me alone I've done so much to start this trip and I don't
want to give up. And I can stay more than six months, I can stay longer and I can prolong my visa. I
want to get to know you better..... to learn more things about you, to touch your hand.. look in your eyes.