Irina Worokova
to whom it may concern, i was recently contacted by this individual and i almost fell for the scam, luckly i had enough sense to do research and stop the
payment, please post the new name that this person is using. Attached are the files
New name givin was Irina Worokova, if you need any thing else from me i do have the emails saved and i do have a naked photo, if you desire to have it.
Good thing i did my research and did not follow through
On Wed, Dec 23, 2009 at 2:34 AM, Irina <> wrote:
Hello dear Sam, I feel so uncomfortable about my letter where I asked you to send money and
I am sorry that I made you to feel ill about it but I simplycan't find money in time. I don't
want to complain of something but I just want you to understand me right way. I have enough
income to live here. My salary is not well, but it is enough to pay expenses for living, buy food
and some clothes. It is enough to live inside the Russia, but when I want to come somewhere
outside it is impossible for me. Most Russian people can't afford to travel because it is expensive.
It is the reason why I haven't traveled anywhere from Russia. I know that in this life I must rely only
on myself. I am not afraid to overcome difficulty. Today I tried to take the loan from another bank
but they rejected. I can't miss the chance to come to you. I know it is one-time chance for my life.
All my plans and hopes are frustrating. But I want they come true. I want to start new life with you.
I want to find a god job. We will have beautiful life together. I can't
believe that my life and my future depends from the money. It is so miserable. I wanted to ask you
about electronic tickets but it would be useless for me. If it was possible to send me tickets I would
have asked you to do that. I checked all ways and that's not possible. I applied for a work visa because
it's more easy to receive this type of visa then for example tourist visa. You country has quite strict
rules on receiving visas. Many people all over the world consider your country to be the best place in the
world and many people want to go there, that's why the rules are so strict. I should pay for my tickets
by myself and bring a check from the travel agency to the embassy to prove them I'm financially stable
to make this trip and pay by myself. If you buy tickets for me maybe the embassy will learn about it
they will ask me many different questions as who is that man? why do you want to meet him? And if
they learn you are my darling and I want to meet you and have a relationship with you they could not
give me my work visa. I just want to show you real situation about me. To be honest I thought about it
when I decided to write to you first time. But I hoped that money will not be the issue. I'm sending you a
copy of my passport in case you need it. I have my pics on documents!!!!!! I look so surly there....and
ugly..... I like to smile! It's a pity it's forbidden to smile on photos for documents. Do you usually like
yourself on your pics for documents? I hope you can trust me more now, I swear I'm not going to do
anythingto hurt your feelings!! I just miss you and I want to meet you. I ask about the help to OUR future.
I will never hurt you or cheat you, please, think about it. Our life is too short and we can't lose this chance.
Your Irina
Marina Burkova
(Gremyachevo, Russia)
My name is Jerome Biggins. I'm a 33 year old single male who's a part-time claims processor, and a full-time computer science student.
The person who claims to go by the name in the subject line, contacted me from a dating website called, and the screen name the person used for that site is MsFetale79a. This person first contacted me on 11/08/09 via email and wanted to communicate through email to get to know me better.
We talked for about a month and after reading the patterns on your great website, I re-read a couple of the letters and saw the repetitiveness of each letter. I'm very skeptical when it comes to dating, so of coursed I asked questions and I was getting answers in the beginning, but then I noticed my questions were being ignored and she would ramble on about how much she loved me and wants to be near me. She started saying she loved me after a week of talking to her. I've enclosed her introductory letter, the letter where she requested money from me towards a visa, and 3 photos.
I'm not a victim of a scam because I caught on to this and I didn't send any money so I didn't get an address. The purpose of my email is simply to inform others about this person and that if they receive emails from this name and the photos are the exact same ones I've enclosed, then to not fall for it. I just want to help in informing people that there's scammers out there that will clean people out. That's all I wanted to accomplish. Thank you.
Hello Jerome! Good evening or day, or morning can. Hello my friend Jerome! I am very glad, that you have answered my message and I also am glad to write you my answer. I hope, that we will find friendship with you and we will understand, that we search in this big free border online. Probably we search each other. And it can be love. Nobody knows that happens with us in the future. But I hope, that we will know what we require. You agree with me? Now I wish to tell to you about me directly. My name is Marina. To me - 30 years. My growth of 169 centimetres, Weight of 53 kg. I was born 1979, on 10th of March. My Zodiac Fish. I appreciate kindness of people, sincerity, honesty and the good relation to other people. Many do not understand. And I wish to know about people who are far from me for thousand miles, for extensive oceans, traditions of their culture, about you. I will be very happy, if we continue to correspond with you, and we learn each other better. I will be very interesting to share with you about work of a life and to study all new about you also. And it seems to me, that we will find common language for dialogue and the correspondence with each other. You like sports meets? I make aerobics, I love these sports. It is bad, when the girl does not supervise their health and their number. It always is in a uniform. In it, pleasure to see and the entertainment to go near to it. And I like to play volleyball because is - very fascinating game. I love this game. And you like volleyball? I the seller in toy shop because I very much love children, and me am pleasant to give them pleasure. When they reach our shop and receive a toy, they become very happy, and I rejoice together with them. Unfortunately, I could not get a job by the trade and consequently I have got a job as the seller. At university I was learnt on the teacher of elementary grades. I very strongly wished to become the teacher of initial classes. But unfortunately I could not find work and consequently within several years I work as the seller in shop of children's toys. I want that you knew, that I was registered on a site not for entertainments. As I wish to meet the fair and reliable man for my future. Please, tell to me about your work, I will be very glad to know your kind of work. You like your work? I very much hope, that you understand me and all my words. If you do not understand some words you be not confused from my letter to ask me about it, I will try to answer at once and to explain more better, thus you will understand my thoughts. And all that I wish to tell to you in the letter. I think, that English language in our case the most suitable case for our dialogue. To my regret, I should finish the letter. As I do not have own computer, I write to you through Internet cafe. I understand, that it is not convenient in our case for dialogue, but I be able communicate with you only through Internet cafe. I hope, that you are not upset, and we will continue to correspond tomorrow. I will look forward to hearing from you. I will be very glad to receive your letter and more than your photos. Sincerely Marina
Hello my gentle love Jerome!!!!!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009 12:08 AM
From: "" <>
Hello my gentle love Jerome!!!!! I with impatience waited for this moment when I again will see your warm letter. Your letter gives me many forces and energy to live here far from you. And now I am again very happy to write you my letter! Last night I very long laid in my bed and dreamt of you my love! I thought of our happy life when we will be together. I wish to tell to you, that today I went to Travel agency to learn the necessary information for my arrival to you. I have spent in travel agency almost all the day, and now I have learnt what documents to me are necessary to leave Russia and to arrive to you my love. In travel agency to me have explained, that I could leave Russia and arrive to you, it is necessary for me to make the visa and the international passport that I could be in your country. I have learnt, that if I will do documents in this travel agency, at them the cheapest prices for official registration of papers. And me have told, that my visa costs 346$ and my passport costs 300$. For Russia it is very big money, and I have been very upset during this moment. And me one idea has come to a head, it to descend in bank and to take necessary money in the loan. But in bank to me have told that if I take money in bank I cannot leave Russia in general! Because in Russia there is such law, forbidding to leave the country if you have any debts for the country. And then I have decided to try to take and issue the loan for my mum. But my mum already very old and now it is on pension. Therefore to me have explained, that the bank does not give out the loan to elderly pensioners. I have counted up what is the time to me it is required to earn this money here in Russia if my monthly income makes approximately 98$ And from this money I should pay every month money for apartment and housing services of our state. Therefore 2,5 years is required to me approximately to save this money! Even if I will not spend many money for meal and clothes! But it seems to me, that it is simply silly and ridiculous!!! And I think that to you ridiculously to listen to what I speak to you because for you it is very small income which I receive, whether not so?! But I have got used for a long time already to it... And now to me in a head one thought has come. It to ask for you the help to me to arrive to you. I really any more do not know, that to me to do, and where I can find this sum. Of course, after our meeting, I could earn this money, and completely return you all sum. Therefore I ask the help from you, whether you can help to arrive to me to you or not?! I very much hope, that you can help me with money. Now I am seriously adjusted to reverse my life and to arrive to you. As every day I wish to see you more and more and to sink in your gentle embraces! I dream to spend with you romantic evenings and the nights overflowed with happiness and love. Now I am completely confident your feelings to me. As you understand, that it is absolutely unfamiliar country for me. I always also only sincere before you. And I feel, that to me it becomes very bad without you now. Therefore I do not lose hope to arrive to you and to realise all our fine dreams!!! You have already made me much more happily, and I also want, that you were the happiest man near to me. As I love you all my sincere heart. I very much miss on you. With impatience I will wait for your answer!
Your love forever Marina