Alena Nagovitsina
Hello , I sent this letter yestarday and you didn't reply I resend
it I think that maybe something was wrong with internet connection!
Hello Again!!!! Merry Christmas and Thank for your answer to me!!!!! My name is Alena, What is your
name??? It is funny that now in modern world we can write to each other and see the reply so soon,
not like in past. I live in Russia and so many kilometers between us but now it is not problem to keep
I remember that I was very young and had friend in different town I waited for a few days to get
the handwritten letter from her,we live in very modern world,right!to be fair
I'm not sure what write for the first time, I think that at first you should see my photos and I'm sending my photos...I have some photos, to
be fair I have many photos I like to take photos and I wanted to work as model and I worked in model
agency for two years but I left this business because of so much dirty there and now I work as
waitress,it is not very good job too but I have some money and there is not good job here for young
people and now with crisis problem it is getting harder to find any job.I want to say that I can and like to
dance a lot. I studied dance from 6 years should know I'm looking forward to visiting your
beautiful country and I would like to meet a man over there who will be interested in meeting me! I will
work in any bar or restaraunt because it is my proffesion now and I am good waitress. My mom was
abroad a few years ago,and she has told that I have to leave russia and try to live in civilization
country,she thinks that I am enough pretty to live here without any chances,I don't feel that I am beautiful
like Hoolywood girls but not the worst variant,I think so.
I've never been abroad before and I would like to visit there so much !
I'm looking for a friend, lover or maybe even something serious...
I'm a free bird now, I don't have a boyfriend and I'm open to anything!!! Please if you have time and the
wish to meet young lady please write me about yourself too!!!! I am looking just for a good man who can
show me over there, who can help me first months I think it is hard enough to be alone in foreign country
for your enough girl you know I`m 25 years old, I hope my age is ok for you?? I live in Russia.In small
town in deep of Syberia. There is big enough city Irkutsk and many people work there , there is not well
paid job here. I hope that you will write me back? I will wait for your answer. When I hear back from you I
will write more things about myself and send more pics! and please some pictures from you ! and please
forgive my broken english! Alena.
PS: People from travel agency help me to arrange my travel and they
created my personal mail box for my correspondence and they tell that it will be better if I have someone there who will wait for me and help me first days.and This is my personal e-mail address so please send a word to let me know if you want to continue correspondence, I will wait for your answer!!!
hello again!!! ,I am so glad to see it and I decided to send you more info about me.
It is my first time I try to correspondence with man in internet world.
The thing is that I will work abroad for six months or so and I would like to meet a nice man to be my guide or just be good friend to spend
time with. I think that it is hard enough to live there and even don't know which bus I need to travel to the
bar or restaraunt.I need the man who will help me first months and I can't be without man too long.I think
that if we meet you will help me with finding nice restarant or bar with good reputation to work over there.
The agency here only helps me to get visa and leave russia! and I can choice any city or town in
your area. you know I am from a small town Chita here in Russia,it is Suberia,Irkutskaya oblast. you
know I want to see the real life over there and maybe you will be able to tell me more about your culture
and life over there and give me some information in general! You know, life in Russia is rather
difficult,especially in small towns. I don't want to live in Russia because I have not any chances here,it
is hardly possible to explain but I want you to know my plans. I have told you that my mom was abroad
and I saw many stories in news on tv about girls who started a new life and decided to work abroad... So
we with my mom decided to do the same and to try to find my luck abroad for me. I started to
register my documents about 2 months ago, so I will travel soon and I will be allowed to work! You see I already
started to register documents and now I need to decide in which city I want to work.
I`m 25 years old and I`m a hardworking lady! When I arrive (I will travel alone) I want to work hard and change my life! you
see that maybe I'm too naive but I still believe in miracles to come! I decided to find a friend and make
his city to be my destination. Pls tell me more about your city??? I think it is great chance to change
my life. I am full of plans and dreams! I have mixed color of eyes (it depends on lightening)I am about
167 cm tall and my weight is 54 kg I am rather slim than fat(joke) they tell I have to eat much more . I
think I'm somewhat pretty, but first of all I want to be beautiful inside.
they tell I am too slim but I think it is better than to be too fat!?!??!I do hope that you will be not disappointed to meet me in the real life if we
meet. I will leave my town in a few days or so (I can't tell you everything exactly right now) and I would
like to be sure I have a man who is waiting for me over there. if you have any interest to meet me I will be
glad to meet you too. I`m sending you my different photos, I really hope you will enjoy to watch it!
Sorry I really have to go now. it is crazy time here before New Year,all the shops are full of the people! I will
write more comments next time,please forgive me if I did miss any questions but I want you to know me
better and I want to describe my life and me as much as possible.and please tell me how your closest
friends call you for short???.
ello ! as always I am glad to see your letter and do hope that you have the same feelings when you see
mine!!!!!to be fair I think I'm a lucky girl to meet such good man as you in Internet world! I hope I will be
lucky enough to meet you in the real life soon ! Yesterday I told my mom about you. She said that now
she doesn`t worry about me as before she sees that I have met right man!I want you to know that it is
our with mom decision to leave russia,my mom spent a lot of years here and she was so beautiful (now
too) and she has nothing now,and she tells me that I have to leave here as soon as possible I am not too
young and 25 is enough old for women here and i do hope I will be able to meet my dreams there and I
am not afraid to work I am afraid to be lose here and spend all my life without any result of my hard work
. I worked in some bars and everything was all right but now nobody here has money and they can't pay
for my work and I have not money to keep my body and face,you know everything costs money and I
have to buy a lot of cosmetic to keep my skin and hair because it is all I have (of course I have kind soul
but to be fair nobody here has interest to my soul) they all want to use my body,sorry if it sounds rude
but it is the truth!
I told my friends about you and everybody said they will cross one's fingers for us and they hope you are
a good man and we will like each other! to be fair I feel myself so sad... I will miss my work ... I almost
cry now... anyway I don't want to make any steps back and I want to continue my arrangements. Please
forgive me but today I have not time to write long letter again, you should know that after sending this
email I will go home, take my packed bags and fly to Moscow! I`m really afraid to fly on a plane! I hope
my plane will not fall down! It is several hours from here to Moscow. I have been to Moscow before but it
was a few years ago and I only remember that it is very huge and voice city with a lot of people with
crazy eyes!and I'm so nervous now... You know... I had such great desire to start my trip already.. and
now I feel myself like a new born kitten who has even didn't open it's eyes... I just want to hug my mom
and don't want to go anywhere...but I know that's my dream to start a new life and I will try to turn in to
reality! Soon you will hear some news from me from Moscow!!!!!!! I do hope you are really kind man and
will not make me sad!??!!?!?!right!??!? I think I look enough pretty to make your friends envy, how do you
think????I`m so exited we will meet soon! I will be able to find a work so I will not have money problems.
I took all my diplomas and dresses but don't worry it is only one suitcase. You know I sent documents
for visa to moscow about 2 months ago, so when I will arrive to moscow my visa will be already ready!!
well,I have to run,I think I will be able to send letter from moscow tomorrow but if not please don't worry I
m not sure how long I will need time to find rent room and cyber cafe. Please wait for me and don't look
at different girls,you know I am the best!!!(joke).and please forgive me that every time I have not time to
answer on your questions but when we meet we will have a lot of time to talk and you will know all about
me then!
Can you believe I am here in moscow, what is the great city it is!!! You can't imagine how happy I am
because I am on the way to you! I still cannot believe I've done it! WoW! As I wrote you I was scared to
fly on the plane but everything was OK and I'm still alive !!!!the people from agency did help me to found a
place to stay, I rent a room from an old woman.The hotels here are very expensive and I think I am not
princess to spend money to live in hotel where the room costs about 150-200$ a day! Very expensive
city ,people here tell me that it is the first city in the world to pay for everything! the lady where I rent
room is about 70 years old. She said I have to be very careful. By the way, one more thing about my trip.
Agency will help me to rent a room to stay near my future work in your area. And I have a question,is it
O.K. if we will like each other may be it is possible to live together? I think it could be more funny than to
live alone in rent room!?!??!??!of course if you don't mind and of course if we like each other from first
time!!! As you know I will stay there for several months and if I want I will be able to prolong my
stay there. now I miss my family... but I'm getting better with every hour . Please write me as soon as
possible! See you soon! Big kiss from moscow!! I will write again soon! I think that tomorrow I will send
all the info about my flight schedule and all travel things!people from agency have told that everything is
ready and I will get all the info tomorrow and I am waiting for the letter from my mom,she promised to
send as soon as she can! well,I will close this letter ,I have so strange feeling that I know you for many
years and I have never met you before but I am so sure that everything will be all right between us and I
even have hope that maybe we will have more than just meeting and spend time ,maybe something
waits for us in future,you know I am very romantic and as any woman I want to meet the
man from my child dreams! O.k .Let,s meet before!!!!! I send you some more my old photos I hope you will enjoy
looking on me! Sorry I don`t have any moscow photos because my mum didn`t allow me to take a photo
So sending you my old photos and talk to you tomorrow! See you soon , Alena .
Son my dear,Alena here. I have got info from agency and resend to you.I am so happy to meet you just
in a few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just have not any words how happy I am and a
little tired of so many troubles here. Son dear it is only booked schedule and I will send more details later when I have
tickets on my hands,I will send time of my arriving to your airport and number of terminal!Now I send date of my flight .
>Ms. Alena Artiukhova.
>TRAVEL INFO : Alena Artiukhova. - private tour. English variant.
>Travel dates for: Ms.Alena Artiukhova.
>Please label the inside and outside of each piece of baggage to
>be checked in with your name and where possible your address.
>Suitable baggage labels and
>stickers are available free of charge. In advance of your journey.
>please note the current free baggage allowance included in your
>ticket price. You can find this information in the internet or via
>your Airline contact
>person. In case you booked a special fare please note that it can
>be subject to restrictions. Travel Abroad: When preparing to travel
>abroad for less than 5 months,
>it is important to ensure entry to another country . Depending on
>the country to be visited and the student's nationality, it may be
>necessary to apply for a
>visitor visa.The person must have: a valid passport or travel document, valid visa .
>No special permission is needed, but it is important to have a valid
>passport,valid visa and all travel documents.
>Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind
>regards.Travel Agency - "Travel Agency - DELTA" is a licensed and officially registered travel
>Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual travelers.
>Please use our service .Manager: Ms.Samoylova Anastasiya.
>The nearest possible flight is - Saturday 9,January,2010. Departure from Moscow (SVO), Russia , Sheremetyevo International Airport
>terminal 2.
>Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD 1190.00+FlightAdult: 1190+
>Taxes and fees 60.00USD
>Includes a service fee.
>Total trip cost 1,250.00 USD
>Your reservation will be confirmed by e-mail. Prices are not confirmed until we issue your confirmation invoice.
>Rusian Federation.Ms.Alena Artiukhova. sex-F. Authority-Guvd-441.
>This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not
>purchased until- Saturday 9,January,2010.
Son hello again ,I am here after my visit to the consulate and to the agency I am so happy to say we will
meet in few days!!!! I am really lucky girl to meet you. Honey the thing is that
everything is ready and I have to leave moscow on Saturday but I have a
little problem and I really hope you will be able to help me. You see I never expected I will ask you for such help but I have nothing else
to do. You know my mum promised to send me money for tickets by western union as soon as I will find out prices but she
was told on her work that because of economic crisis she will receive all the
money she saved from every months salary only in a few months. So that
is why she can`t send me all the sum for tickets now and she was able to
send only 200$ I have got it today.I can`t delay my flight because all
my documents are arranged on exact dates.. Son I wanted to ask you to help me to pay for my tickets directly but I
was told in travel agency I can't use your help or ask you about sending me
tickets or ordering electronic ones because I have a permission to use
the help of the travel agency only. Your see its business of travel agency to arrange all travel things for my trip, such is the law.If I
will but ticket by myself, I won`t be able to use my work visa. so you
can`t send me tickets. I`m sure my mom will help me but she needsd more time and I can`t wait so long because I need to buy tickets till
my flight date. I was in the bank to try to ask them a loan but they said I need to have registration in Moscow to get a loan from
their bank and I don't have it! I know I`m asking you for very big but maybe
it will be possible for you to help me. You are my last hope and I have nothing else to do. If I will not buy tickets my visa will be
canceled and it will be forbidden for me to apply for visa again for next 8 months. I have only about 150
dollars that I expected to take with me for the first time and plus 200$ mom sent so if you will help
me with 950$ I will have enough to buy tickets and have some extra money for travel needs. I know its a big
sum of money ,but please try to help me and I promise I will return you money back after my first
salary or as soon as my mom will send it , as she promised. I will cross my fingers hoping for your help
because I want to meet you so much!!!!! I will be waiting for your answer!!!I will be here in late
evening and please don't worry if I can't answer immedeatelly I have too much to do. Son make a transfer by
western union, I have got transfer from mom and have all the info for it and it was so
easy to get.Only show my passport. You should know my rent address here is 45/98 Lenina street, Moscow,
Russia.129366 Remember my full name is Alena - (first name). Artiukhova-(last name, its the
right writing in transliteration from russian, I was told it by manager in travel agency). and you should put it on
western union list and you can choose any bank in moscow,so I can pick up the money at
any bank of moscow. and nearest bank with western union office here is
- name of the bank - METROBANK,street-Profsoyuznaya, 24 ; city-Moscow, postal code -117292;it will be safe to use
western union transfer because I need to have passport to receive it!And please after you
complete transfer write me the number of the transfer, P.S. I`m so sorry I asked you for such help, but you see
you are my last hope and now my only wish is to meet you. I want to start a new life and I`m
sure we can spend so many happy days and probably nights together! Please try to help me with the sum and in
one month I will return you money back!! P.S.Son dear I am not sure I should tell
this but I want to let you know if you don't like me when I come I will not bother you and it is only your choice to spend time
with me or not. I know you may be too busy or just meet different woman but in
any case I will return the money back. I will have a room for rent if I want, a job and I want to say please don't worry I don't want to
use you just to reach my goal. I am sure when we meet we will have no regrets about it, Son I promise. I
dream about our first meeting, our first night .............I think everything depends on
you! please, honey, don't leave me alone I've done so much to start this trip and I don't want to give up.and as always forger
about important thing,please tell me your full name I mean right writing
because when I was getting mom's transfer they asked about full name of the sender,not only my name!it is the law!
Ekaterina Tovashova
Hello i am 58 yr,Old Canadian man
single, was looking for a soul mate, on line since June 2009,
I was on a free Dating site called( you&me .com ) I was contacted by this beautiful girl on Aug 28 Th 2009 She read my profile on this site and would like to get to know me. This was back and forth from Aug28Th until the last letter i received was Dec.15Th,We very seldom missed a day without
writing. It seemed like it was leading into a true love, and marriage.
she had told me she finished school at Mari State Pedagogical Institute in Krupskoi MSPI in Yoshkar-Ola.And had been a teacher at a Kindergarten school in her
hometown, worked 5 days a week and 9 hr.a day.she told me she was born in tha city of Orshanka ,and lived with her father in a hostel,at the factory he worked at making building
supplies, We wrote back and forth everyday without fail, and on 27 Th Sept she wrote to tell me that her Passport Visa would cost $1,100.00 Us
dollars. and asked if i could help her fairly to arrive to me in
Canada. On the 29Th Sept.i told her to tell me how much was the cost for visa and passport that i would wire the money to her for this and pay here in Canada for her Airfare and We can plan for here to
come. Sept. 30 Th she wrote and told me visa and passport will cost $300.00 USD .Take 10 days to process.So through the month of
Oct, we wrote everyday i told her i would send money on the 15 Th Oct.It was truly convincing this girl was in love with
me. I still was doing some checking through IP address checks and Trying to get her to call me so i would have had a area
code. So Oct 27Th she called talk to here and talk to the mother ,My dream ame
true. Phone# +79600933770 everything checked out and know i was very
relaxed. All seemed normal On Oct 30/09 i sent her the $300,00USD Western Union Wire,Nov 1/09 she writes me and again ask for $300,00 USD for travel to Moscow and help pay for logging while she wait for her passport and visa to get
processed. On Nov 12/i wired her $300.00USD to cover this expense seemed very
reasonable. This would be the last money she would be needing.I started looking for bookings on the 17 Th Dec and it was agreed upon that date,Now she writes me on the 17 Nov telling me that she has to pay the agency $417USDA for there service ,I again sent her $500.00USDA or they would not release her visa or passport.Told her just to call me to help me believe this was true and i could have a are code to know if she was really calling me from Moscow.She called me on the 22 Th of Nov and had a good talk with her and everything seemed good to me.I then wired her $500,00 USDA on the 26 Th Nov.Now she writes me back on the Nov 29TH telling me she did not read the fine print on the contract with agency that she has to purchase the airfare from them or they will not release the passport visa,$1050.00USDA for
airfare, All i told her was to call me and i would send $1,500.00 USDA so get this done and over
with. She called again everything checked out again.On the 30Th i wired her $1,500.00 USDA so she would have some spending money too.On Dec 3rd she writes me telling me she needs $600.00 more to buy Return air fair The $1,050..00 was only 1 way that is when i come to the conclusion i was had.All this money was sent Western Union Transfer in the Name of Ekaternia Tovashova.The end was she wrote me the last letter begging me to help her with the money so she would come to marry me.She told me she returned home to Cheboksary and will wait for my answer.Kenneth E Kapasi kenneth kapasi.,or
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: loveekaterina77 <>
Sent: Fri, August 28, 2009 4:24:07 AM
Subject: Hi my new Friend Kenneth.
Hi my new Friend Kenneth.
I am very glad that you have answered my letter and have sent me the answer.
I shall be very glad to our new acquaintance. I am very glad that at us much in common
in relations. From your story I have a little learned about you. You seem to me very kind
and romantic person. I would like to see your photo, please send her in the
following letter. I search for love, attention, care, trust … I search for the favourite
person for wedding and serious relations. If I shall grow fond of the person I is ready to go in any part of
the world what to be near to him. I cannot explain to you that has forced to look me at you.
It was feeling inside me that you are the correct person, I was possible which man searched.
I would like to tell to you a little about myself. I was born On September, 10 in 1979. I live in Russia in city Cheboksary
street Soviet the house 10 apartment 2. And I want to tell that my name and a surname completely
Ekaterina Tovashova To me of 29 years, My growth of 167 sm weight of 55 kg
I the young, cheerful woman with sense of humour. My favourite color is red. I adore red
color! I work as the Tutor in children's a garden. Very much to like me my work as
every day I communicate with children and to me very much to like to be
in constant contact to children. I do not have own children. Many parents
ar very grateful to me for that that they see that their child to become
in due course more charming and kind. They are grateful to me for my
education and relations to their children. I live with parents, at us
amicable family, they support me in all. At me is not present brothers sisters. I live one together with
my Parents. My fathers name is Yrii My father at present anywhere does not work.
He has worked 50 years at a building factory, and now he receives pension. Sometimes earns additionally,
that is engaged in that repair of machines. We do not have own automobile.
My mother works as the seller in grocery shop.Her name is Nadezhda.
At leisure I do affairs on the house. I very much like to prepare.
I like to walk on fresh air. I love walks in parks, there fresh air there is many beautiful places where
it is possible to come and have a rest. From books I like to read romanticism and detectives.
I very much like such writers as Dostoevsky, the Lion Thick, Pushkin Alexander Sergeevich and many others.
I search kind, loving, reliable for the man. It should be the clever,
interesting interlocutor, with sense of humour. The age, color of hair,
a figure not so are important for me, as his care, character and the
serious relation to a marriage. Tell in detail about your hobbies how you carry out a free time? You go in
for sports? I like to go to theatre and cinema, and you like? You prefer to read what literature?
You love animals, you like cats? Whether you can send me, some your photos?
All this will enable me to understand in the best way that you for the person.
I shall wait for your letter with impatience.
With best regards Ekaterina.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: loveekaterina77 <>
To: Kenneth
Sent: Sun, September 27, 2009 3:49:01 AM
Subject: Hi my Dearling Kenneth
Hi my Dearling Kenneth
I was very happy to receive your new letter.
I feel the happiest woman on the ground!!! I am glad that have met you!!! Every day it seems to me that
my life has changed for the better!!! I began to feel like every
day more more happily and more joyfully. It is simply wonderful that you have favourite person, you well know him, but never him saw.
As it is good after heavy working day to recollect about the person
which to you very much to like and at you there are to him most close
feelings. It seems to me that the love which overflows all your emotions
this best feeling which can be caused in the person!!! In my opinion
that it does not happen than close feelings and serious relations more pleasant.
I am very glad to speak about us, about our meetings. In fact we can
shortly meet and be together. We shall like each other, to care, trust.
I very strongly love you and only and I would dream what to look after you,
to like and be loved. For me now is not present than that is happier than,
to continue relations with you!!! I know that concern as seriously as well
as I to our to the first not overlooked meetings. I want to ask you my dear
Kenneth you to somebody told about me about our meetings? My mum knows about
you and about our serious relations, she it is very good to concern to this!!!
She not against, the only thing that her upsets so this that that I shall leave,
and she cannot see me long time, I calm her that all the same after a while we
already happy together with you shall arrive to Russia and you again will see me.
Mum with me completely agree and to speak that to me very much has
carried to meet such the man as you, she speaks that if she in my years
has met the man is similar to you her life would probably be reserved in the best party!!!!
But she is all the same glad and grateful to the God that has met my father,
she at all does not regret and she is pleased with a life which already has lived.
She is very glad for me and has wished me only good luck and happiness the only
thing that she has told to me it that she will experience, experience not
because of that that she does not know you, and because of that that I not I shall come back.
I to it have promised that I shall necessarily come back in a month,
in 6 months, in one year, but I necessarily would shall come what to see favourite mummy!!!!
I very strongly love her. I would like to tell a pair of words about my father,
I certainly too love him but you likely know that closer at me anybody is
not present mother. My sympathies it is more to my favourite mummy.
I think that it should not be explained at all!!!! My father was very strict with me,
he forbade to me much, earlier when I still went to school he at all did not
allow to walk in a court yard together with my girlfriends if I certainly yet
have not made lessons. To our meeting he it is rather positive, he wants
to learn you better as he did not see you, and did not communicate.
I showed the letters only to mum, I did not show him your letters.
Father wants to learn you closer because he should know what husband of his daughter.
I am certainly very grateful to him for his education, but all the
same my mother concerned to me very much better. My love Kenneth I very strongly love you and I everyone day
and night think only of you and about ours with you to a meeting
my love Kenneth I so to you I strongly wish to arrive to Canada I love
you Kenneth is simple I can not live more without you and my love Kenneth
I to you wish to tell that all these photos a beret my girlfriend and you do
not need to be jealous it of me my love Kenneth after all she is my best girlfriend
photographs me and I am very strongly grateful to it for it I very strongly
love you Kenneth and I very strongly wish to arrive to you as soon as possible and
my love Kenneth I went also all has learnt that to me is necessary for arrival to
you favourite mine Kenneth and me have told that to me is necessary to make the visa
and the passport and the ticket and all it will cost together 1100 dollars but
my love Kenneth at me is not present such big money that all it to do and come to
you my love Kenneth all my trip will cost 1100 dollars my love Kenneth I so
strongly wish to arrive to you and to be with you nearby For ever I know that
you too very strongly want it but my love Kenneth tell to me please and only
you can fairly help me with this money for arrival to you??? I very strongly
love you Kenneth and I will wait for your answer favourite mine Kenneth
Likely and all that I wanted you to tell about that as my parents
concern to our meeting. I shall be glad to hear your opinion in this
occasion. Dear Kenneth please tell about the parents how they concerned to you in the childhood?
I with the big impatience shall wait for your answer my loved Kenneth.
Know that I very much love you and I concern very much and very seriously.
I believe in our future we necessarily him we shall make his happy,
but for this purpose we should be united!!!!! I very much love you and I miss, I hope to receive
your answer soon!!!
With All love your Ekaterina..
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: loveekaterina77 <>
To: Kenneth Kapasi <>
Sent: Wed, September 30, 2009 5:00:56 AM
Subject: Hi my love Kenneth Kapasi
Hi my love Kenneth Kapasi
I am glad to see your new letter. I each time am glad to see your letter!!!
I very much love you and I burn with impatience to meet you!!! I cannot wait for our meeting. I have so lit
up our meeting that I cannot stop myself. I at all do not know as to explain to you it.
You have such feeling? I shall hope that you too wish it. I very much
you love also my feelings to you are very close. We are copied already
long time and for this time I have learned about you much and to like
me those features which in you are present!!! Our correspondence cannot
proceed eternity, we already should draw for ourselves conclusions!!!
You perfectly know that my answer for you - YES! What your answer? To like me what you is actually. I only want to be with you together
and to make you happy, will make all that in my forces!!!! I am ready to make for you all of that you will want!!!!
You for me mean much. And me your opinion is not indifferent. I wait for our meeting with the big impatience!!!!! I hope that
affairs at you go well. I very much love you and I miss. You for
me much mean!!!! I speak you it with all my heart!!!! I very much
would like that you have dreamed me in my happy dream, I want to
embrace you, to kiss, I want to speak every morning to you good morning my love Kenneth Kapasi
My love Kenneth Kapasi I too very strongly love you also I will be very strongly glad that you to help me with
money for the visa and the passport and I will be very strongly glad that you to me to buy the ticket I so
my love Kenneth Kapasi I very strongly is strongly glad to it I love you
and I very strongly wish to arrive to you and to kiss and embrace you I
everyone day and night I think only of you my love Kenneth Kapasi is simple
I cannot without you any more so strongly wish to come to you as soon as possible
I so strongly wait for this day when you me will meet at myself at the airport
I so strongly wait for this day when we with you will kiss and embrace each
other I so strongly want it my love Kenneth Kapasi and I to you wish to tell that I agree to be yours the wife
I love you Kenneth Kapasi and today I went also all has learnt how many will
cost the visa and the passport and me have told that the visa and the passport
will cost 300 dollars and the visa and the passport will become 10 days
my love Kenneth Kapasi I so you I strongly love So strongly I wish to come
to you as soon as possible and to be with you nearby and my love Kenneth Kapasi
I is very strongly glad that you can to help me with money for the visa and
the passport I am very strongly glad to it favourite mine Kenneth Kapasi and
I speak to you that I need 300 dollars to do the visa and the passport to you
favourite mine Kenneth Kapasi and still I have learnt today as you can send
me this money and to me have told that 300 dollars you can send me through
very good and reliable company under the name the western union my love Kenneth Kapasi you you can
send me this money through the western union it to me have told that the most reliable company on
remittance from for borders and me have told that to the western union should come and write my name
both my surname completely and a city and the country and all my love Kenneth Kapasi
I write you the information for the western union
My name Ekaterina
My surname Tovashova
The country Russia
The city of Cheboksary
My love Kenneth Kapasi here this information will be necessary to you for
a parcel to me through the western union of 300 dollars on the visa and
the passport and after a parcel of this money to you will give a confidential code
and this confidential code you should write it to me and as the name both the
surname completely and the city and the country will need for me to be known
it necessarily my love Kenneth Kapasi that I could receive your money I will
very strongly I wait for this day my love Kenneth Kapasi tell to me when you
can send me 300 dollars that I have started to do the visa and the passport
already??? I will wait for your answer my love Kenneth Kapasi I love you and I will wait
for your letter and I will hope that you can to send me this money as soon
as possible because I wish to come to you as soon as possible I love you Kenneth Kapasi
I would want that you were confident that I from you without mind.
I very much love you.
I hope to receive your letter soon!!!!
Sincerely, with Love your Ekaterina.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: loveekaterina77 <>
To: Kenneth
Sent: Sun, November 1, 2009 5:37:32 AM
Subject: Hello my love Kenneth!
Hello my love Kenneth!
How are your days?
My love Kenneth it will be already fast evening I think as we could walk and keep for hands
stars and the moon above. Then going inside and keeping each other warm.
Kissing each other's lips, feeling your soft lips on mine. Removing our clothes and feeling your body
against mine. My hands roaming your body, feeling every curve. Kissing each other, rolling around for
hours and then falling asleep in each other's arms. I long for the day when we can be together, to do
things together, take walks together, talk for hours face to face.
I very much missed without you and all time thought only of you As it is sad,
to love and to be far apart! I saw you in dream and we with you were kissed
It was very much nice. Now I want to be kissed with you on the present!!!
I very much love you! This dream has doubled my love to you and I already never can without you!
Promise that you always will love me and never me will throw!? I want engaged with you infinite love!!!
I at first shall kiss your eyes, then cheeks, your gentle lips are farther,
I shall get over then to your breasts! I shall kiss yours further stomach and very slowly I shall
be...... In me so much love now has collected, that I can burn out all world!
Also it is all only yours! Only for you! For my sole husband! I with impatience wait for that day when at last we shall be together and I
can give you it! I wait with impatience of the answer My love Kenneth I very strongly love you and I too
very strongly wait this day when we with you will be together and to kiss and embrace
each other I very strongly I miss now on you my love Kenneth and I to
you wish to tell that yesterday all well I received your money and after
that I have written you the letter and then I have gone to start to do
the visa and the passport and I already all documents have collected
for visa and passport registration but my love Kenneth in agency to me
have told that I should go to Moscow and start to do the visa there
my love Kenneth I do not know that to me to do to me have told that I went
to Moscow already tomorrow and me have told that I will be is in Moscow
about 1 week but my love Kenneth I do not know as me to go to Moscow because
at me is not present money for a trip to Moskvu4 and me will be necessary
there is in Moscow about 1 week but me there not where to live my love Kenneth I simply do not know that to
me to do to me is necessary already tomorrow to go to Moscow and to start to do the visa and the
passport and it will occupy all in Moscow about 1 week but me there not where to live
my love Kenneth and at me does not have money to go to Moscow tomorrow
my love Kenneth and I to you I wish to tell that I do not have money to go
to Moscow tomorrow and at me there is no money to order in Moscow hotel on 1 week
my love Kenneth tell to me please you you can send me 300 dollars more that I could
go to Moscow both order there hotel and start to do the visa and the passport
my love Kenneth to me the truth is necessary 300 dollars more to go to Moscow
tomorrow and to live there one week and is to me have told there necessarily
my love Kenneth I do not know that to me to do I so is strongly upset that to
me is necessary tomorrow to go to Moscow and to do there the visa and the
passport and me is necessary to be in Moscow 1 week my love Kenneth but in
me the truth is not present such money and my love Kenneth tell to me you
can to me tomorrow send 300 dollars that I could go to Moscow and live
there 1 week??? My love Kenneth but me the truth have told that I need to go to Moscow
and to do there the visa and the passport and me already there wait but
my love Kenneth at me is not present money for this purpose I will hope
very strongly that you can to send me 300 dollars more as soon as possible
today or tomorrow morning I love you Kenneth I will wait for your answer write to me as soon
as possible My love Kenneth I the truth need to go tomorrow to Moscow
and to do there the visa and the passport and me it will be necessary
there is there about 1 week my love Kenneth I very strongly hope
for your help that you can I will send me 300 dollars more I to hope
for it my love Kenneth because to me it will be already urgently necessary
to go to Moscow tomorrow I to wait for your answer
I love! I love! I love! I love! I love! I love! I love! I love! I love!
Looking forward to your letters,
Your love Ekaterina.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: loveekaterina77 <>
To: Kenneth
Sent: Wed, November 18, 2009 5:07:13 AM
Subject: My love Kenneth
My love Kenneth
I very strongly love you and I the truth do not wish to deceive you and I do not deceive you I so strongly I
miss on you my love Kenneth and I very strongly have been upset by your letters what for you so speak
that I deceive you I when I did not deceive you and now in Moscow and the visa
and the passport become all well with them to me have told it in agency but
my love Kenneth I simply do not know that to me now to do I so is strongly upset
I after all absolutely alone in this city in Moscow and me so is strongly boring
without you I simply do not know that to me all the same I will do to come to you
my love Kenneth and I the truth will not deceive you I simply do not know why you
so has solved and why you so speak after all I all the same love you and I do not
wish to lose you my love Kenneth and me all the same that you about me will speak
because it not the truth I all the same will not throw you I the truth love you
and I speak to you only the naked truth my love Kenneth to me the truth have told
in agency that is last money Which to me need to be paid to agency for their done
work of 417 dollars but my love Kenneth I simply do not know that to me to do they
to me have told that if I it do not pay this money for their done work that they to
me will simply not give out the visa and the passport next week my love Kenneth I
to you I wish to tell that I the truth do not deceive you but I the truth am very
strongly upset by your letters and I the truth will come to you I I do not wish
to lose you my love Kenneth you for me all my life love you very strongly
my love Kenneth but me truth is necessary to pay 417 dollars to agency for from
the done work and as soon as I will pay this money that me will give my visa and
the passport and all my love Kenneth all will be good I promise you that is the
truth last money which me is necessary for payment agency for their work
my love Kenneth I the truth do not deceive you I the truth wish to arrive to you
my love Kenneth I you want that I will already tell to receive the visa on
The next week but at first to me needs to pay to agency of 417 dollars for
their work I think that you understand me my love Kenneth and my love Kenneth
I very strongly I ask help me with this money of 417 dollars to me it is necessary
to pay to necessarily agency that they gave out me the visa and the passport
my love Kenneth I the truth I have been very strongly upset by your letters after
all the truth I love you Kenneth and I do not wish you to lose I wish to be with
you and I hope that we with you will be together I promise to you it I will
arrive to you and I will not deceive you my love Kenneth but my love Kenneth
I the truth want to you to tell that to me the truth is necessary 417 dollars
to pay to agency for their work on my documents I love you Kenneth and I very
strongly hope that you can will help me with this money as soon as possible I to hope
my love Kenneth and my love Kenneth if you to me will help with this money as soon
as possible last time that I already receive the visa and the passport on To the
next week on Tuesday and all my love Kenneth all will be good also you can book to
my the ticket next week I will wait for your answer my love Kenneth after all there
was absolutely hardly hardly to ours with you of a meeting I love you Kenneth and
I will wait for your answer and hope that you can I will send me these 417 dollars
for payment to agency I to hope for it my love Kenneth write to me as soon as
possible my love Kenneth I I will wait and hope that you the truth will help me
with this money promise to you my love Kenneth that is the truth last money which
to me are necessary for arrival to you I will to hope and wait for your answer
your favourite Ekaterina
---- Forwarded Message ----
From: loveekaterina77 <>
To: Kenneth
Sent: Sun, November 29, 2009 3:43:11 AM
Subject: Hello my love Kenneth.
Hello my love Kenneth.
I could not write to you earlier because I went to agency and have learnt all completely and I the truth
very strongly became upset my love Kenneth. I will try to explain to you as it is possible more in detail
as I can arrive to you. I should buy the ticket in Russia, in any way it is impossible to make so that you
Bought the ticket at home in Canada. My government should receive taxes
From citizens which leave in other country and consequently I should To buy the ticket NECESSARILY here!!! My love Kenneth it is
valid so I did not know it my love Kenneth to me have told it in agency that while
I will not buy the ticket itself here that they to me the visa and the passport
all will not give out my visa and the passport my love Kenneth are already ready
also I has paid to agency for their done work but now they speak to me
that they cannot give out me the visa and the passport because at first I should buy the ticket from
them I can do nothing with it because such are laws of my state,
And I have concluded the contract with agency when made out the visa and
the passport and I have badly read this contract because I was simply is very
strongly happy that soon we with you will together and my love Kenneth they again have
shown me this contract and there was has written that if I do the visa and the passport at them that and
I too should buy tickets my love Kenneth I simply I do not know that to me to do
my love Kenneth is the truth such law forgive me my love Kenneth but I has
signed the contract and in this contract is told that the ticket I should buy
in them it agency necessarily is such law my love Kenneth my visa and
the passport are ready also I talked in agency to me have told that I should buy tickets here
As my visa was made out in my country and tickets are necessary for buying here, understand my love Kenneth?
This agency does not co-operate with foreign citizens, and it is
their main principle, understand? But I do not know cost of the ticket of 1050 dollars that to me to do
my love Kenneth to me have told that while I will not buy the ticket
that they to me will not give out the visa and the passport and will
bring an action against me I simply I do not know that to me to do
my love Kenneth after all to ours with you meetings remains absolutely
hardly hardly and we with you will be together but my love Kenneth is
the truth to me it is necessary to buy the ticket only in the country
I all understand my love Kenneth that you again to me will not believe
but I tell you only the truth favourite mine Kenneth I hope that you understand it. It
is valid so my love Kenneth I hope that that it does not become a problem for us after all
We love each other also this most important thing. I Love you very much
You should understand that for me very big decision In my life that I will leave in other country and I will have
Absolutely other life in other country with you my love Kenneth I the truth
very strongly раджа to it and I to you wish to tell my love Kenneth
that I the truth need to buy the ticket here from me in the country
And my love Kenneth I to you still wish to tell that I very strongly love
you and I very strongly miss on you but I the truth did not think that
so there will be I so I am strongly upset also I know that you will not
trust me but to me the truth do not give out the visa and the passport
because at first I need to buy the ticket and only then to me will give
my visa and the passport and my love Kenneth forgive me but I the truth
did not know that so will happen I thought that is last money which to
me was necessary to pay to agency but appears that it not so my love Kenneth now to me is necessary to buy the ticket at them and all
and I can arrive to you my love Kenneth and my love Kenneth I the truth
do not deceive you and I the truth love you and I the truth wish to arrive
to you and be with you my love Kenneth I completely has trusted in you and
now I completely your my love Kenneth I will need to buy tickets in Russia favourite mine Kenneth but I
do not have such money my love Kenneth I simply is very strongly
upset by it that agency so to me has told And the agency has offered me very cheap variant with the ticket and to buy to me it to me
Whether for this purpose 1050 dollars my love Kenneth are necessary
for me but I the truth do not know that to me to do to me it is necessary
to buy the ticket in Russia I will necessarily wait for your answer
my love Kenneth and tell to me you to me you will help or not I am very
strongly upset my love Kenneth and I still all am in Moscow and I simply
do not know that to me to do my love Kenneth because to receive the visa
and the passport to me is necessary to buy the ticket which costs 1050 dollars
I very much very much is very strongly upset my love Kenneth but I all the
same will not be when to throw you I all the same love you very strongly
and I know that you to me again will not believe I know it my love Kenneth and consequently I is very strongly upset but I simply did
not know that to me to do and consequently I did not write to you 3 days
because I was afraid of your reaction that you will not believe to me that
to me is necessary to buy the ticket at home in Russia but I all the same
has solved and has written to you is my love Kenneth I very strongly love
you and I the truth I will hope that you will react it well and that you will
help me with money for the ticket I will wait for your answer my love Kenneth
and all will hope that well and that you will help me with money for the ticket
I the truth very strongly I am afraid of it that you to me will tell there is
no I the truth am afraid my love Kenneth because I do not wish to lose you I
love you and I want to you my love Kenneth to be with you and to kiss and
embrace you favourite mine Kenneth I have done the utmost from me to arrive to you and
Be with you my love. I hope that you will help me with money for the ticket
And my love Kenneth please write to me as soon as possible because I am very
strongly upset by it and I will hope that you will not shout at me I very
strongly I love you Kenneth write to me more likely well
Your favourite for ever Ekaterina.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: loveekaterina77 <>
To: Kenneth
Sent: Thu, December 3, 2009 5:16:37 AM
Subject: Hi my love Kenneth
Hi my love Kenneth
I think, that you are surprised, that I again write you the letter. You probably think, that I already on my
way to you, but it isn't so. I should inform you of an unpleasant news
My love Kenneth I I has come to agencies to book today the ticket for 10 number
my love Kenneth and to me have told that it not probably to make because it is
necessary for me to order 2 return tickets my love Kenneth as to me it
have told that I at once very strongly my love Kenneth was upset and to me have told that it is such
laws and it is necessary for me it is necessary to buy 2 return tickets because at me
the visa and the passport were gave to me for 3 months and consequently
my love Kenneth I need to buy 2 return tickets my love Kenneth I so is strongly upset
I simply do not know that to me to do my love Kenneth to me is necessary to order 2 tickets
but from me is 1500 dollars which you to me has sent also to me does not suffice for the
second ticket my love Kenneth and me is necessary 600 dollars more to buy 2
tickets my love Kenneth I simply do not know that to me to do I so is strongly upset
my love Kenneth but I the truth did not know that I will need to buy 2 tickets
it necessarily for mine Visas and passports my love Kenneth and me 600 dollars more
are necessary that I could buy at once 2 tickets my love Kenneth and my love Kenneth
I to you I wish to tell that I have written to the mum the letter and all to it
have explained that when I will arrive to you my love Kenneth then we with you will send to
my mum the laptop and my mum has told that very well my love Kenneth my mum not against
it it could understand me my love Kenneth I so strongly I love you my love Kenneth but
now I simply again am very strongly upset my love Kenneth we with you already almost
together my love Kenneth to me only it is necessary to buy 2 tickets in agency and all
my love Kenneth but me does not suffice to buy the second ticket my love Kenneth and me
have told in agency that to me is necessary is necessary to buy 2 return tickets
is such law my love Kenneth and I do not know that to me to do my love Kenneth I again very strongly
was afraid to write to you this letter but I the truth could not buy today these tickets
and I could not receive today the visa and the passport they to me have told that as soon
as I will buy 2 tickets and only then they will give out all my documents to me
my love Kenneth I do not know that to me to do my love Kenneth I know that you do not
have more money and consequently I do not know that to me to do my love Kenneth and
my love Kenneth to me have told in agency that tickets is on 10 number but me is
necessary to buy 2 return tickets my love Kenneth and me simply does not suffice on the second ticket
of 600 dollars my love Kenneth already all almost we with you together and me only is
necessary to order 2 tickets it is necessary my love Kenneth but me is necessary 600 dollars
more for the second ticket my love Kenneth tell to me please when you can help me with
money for the second ticket of 600 dollars because at me is 1500 dollars which you to me
sent but is necessary it is necessary for me To order 2 tickets and for the second in me
there are no me 600 dollars my love Kenneth I very strongly love you my love Kenneth and I
so strongly I wait this day when we with you will be together and to kiss
and embrace my love Kenneth I the truth very strongly I wait this day favourite mine Kenneth and
my love Kenneth I to you wish to tell that the second ticket to me is necessary for
buying too because if I will not have a second ticket then I will be not not let out
simply from Russia but my love Kenneth I does not want that it happens my love Kenneth
me is necessary last 600 euros both all and we with you can already be together 10 numbers
my love Kenneth to me will be necessary to buy 2 tickets as soon as possible on 10 number
my love Kenneth to me is necessary 600 dollars more that I could buy at once 2
tickets My love Kenneth I very strongly the truth is upset because I could not book today
again tickets because I need 600 dollars more to buy 2 tickets at once and
my love Kenneth tell to me when you can send me 600 dollars more these are last money
my love Kenneth to me it is just necessary to buy necessarily 2 tickets and then when
I will come to you that you me will meet at myself at the airport and we the same day will
exchange the ticket at you in the country for the same money my love Kenneth I will wait
for your answer and I to you wish to tell that I today again was afraid to write to you
this letter but you to me spoke that I was not afraid to write to you of the letter and to
speak fairly and to speak about all problems and then I has all the same written to you this
letter my love Kenneth that to me to do to me the truth is necessary to buy 2 tickets and me
is necessary 600 dollars more my love Kenneth that I could order 2 tickets for 10 number
my love Kenneth I will wait for yours The answer please tell to me my love Kenneth you you
can send me 600 dollars that I could buy at once 2 tickets and come to you of 10 numbers
my love Kenneth I know that you now do not have money but you tell when you can send and
I will wait for it my love Kenneth after all soon we with you we will for ever
together my love Kenneth to me it is necessary to buy only 2 tickets both all and we with you together
I will wait for your answer my love Kenneth
but the employees of a service told, that the return ticket was necessary!
It is necessary formality without which it is impossible to do it. Without it I can not receive the visa.
After I come to you we shall exchange one ticket for money and lose nothing from it.
Now this sum is necessary for me. I love you more and more and it is necessary for us to overcome last step
be together for ever!!!
I love you more life!
Your bride Ekaterina.
----- Forwarded Message ----
From: loveekaterina77 <>
To: Kenneth
Sent: Tue, December 15, 2009 4:34:39 AM
Subject: My love Kenneth
My love Kenneth
I very strongly miss on you I I cannot simply live without you my love Kenneth the truth very strongly I
love you and I so on you I strongly miss very strongly I love you Kenneth and I to you wish to
tell that you did not help me with money for the second ticket and I have
been compelled to leave Moscow and now I am at home in the country Cheboksary
my love Kenneth I simply I do not know that to me to do my mum you so will arrive
with me favourite told that it too did not think that mine Kenneth I to you wish
to tell yet late my love Kenneth help me with money for the second ticket and I can
again go to Moscow and buy 2 tickets and come to you my love Kenneth think please
my love Kenneth after all I still has not spent your money they at me is also I think
that can be you now will to help me for the second ticket of 400 dollars my love Kenneth
please my love Kenneth think and if you will help me again with money for the second ticket
of 400 dollars that I is It is very strongly happy to it and I will go
again to Moscow and to buy the ticket and to receive the visa and the passport think my love Kenneth I
will wait for your answer and forgive me my love Kenneth that I could not write you all this
time because I have been very strongly upset because you did not help me with money for
the second ticket I will wait for your answer my love Kenneth and I will hope certainly
that you the truth will help me with money for the second ticket and my love Kenneth after
all yet late all to change if you will send as soon as possible to me of 400 dollars that
I can go to Moscow again both buy tickets and receive the visa and the passport
and to come to you my love Kenneth think please favourite mine Kenneth I will wait for your answer
Your favourite wife Ekaterina