Anna Samohwalowa
Hi Guys,
Please be careful.
I was approached by someone called Anna.
The photos being sent to me were the same as those of Alena Nagovitsina.
The letter which you can read below here asking for money is almost the same.
You can also see the email address too.
I'm from Singapore and my name is Eng.
Russians are now 'invading' Asia after they have cheated too many men
Date: Mon, 18 Jan 2010 11:51:47 +0500
Subject: My travel info,Anna here again.
Eng my dear,Anna here. I have got info from agency and resend to you.I am so happy to meet you just
in a few days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just have not any words how happy I am and a
little tired of so many troubles here. Eng dear it is only booked schedule and I will send more details later when I have
tickets on my hands,I will send time of my arriving to your airport and number of terminal!Now I send date of my flight .
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Ms. Samohwalowa Anna.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >TRAVEL INFO : Samohwalowa Anna. - private tour. English variant.
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Travel dates for: Ms.Samohwalowa Anna.
Please label the inside and outside of each piece of baggage to be checked in with your name and
where possible your address. Suitable baggage labels and stickers are available free of charge. In
advance of your journey. please note the current free baggage allowance included in your
ticket price. You can find this information in the internet or via
your Airline contact person. In case you booked a special fare please note that it can
be subject to restrictions. Travel Abroad: When preparing to travel
abroad for less than 5 months, it is important to ensure entry to another country . Depending on
the country to be visited and the student's nationality, it may be
necessary to apply for a visitor visa.The person must have: a valid passport or travel document, valid visa .
No special permission is needed, but it is important to have a valid
passport,valid visa and all travel documents. Thank you for your booking
and have a pleasant journey. Kind regards.Travel Agency - "Empire of Tourism,LLC. Moscow, RUSSIA"
is a licensed and officially registered travel agency.
Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual
> >Please use our service .Manager: Ms.Maksimova Svetlana.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >The nearest possible flight is - Saturday 23,January,2010. Departure from Moscow (SVO), Russia , Sheremetyevo International Airport
> >terminal 2.
> >Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD 1190.00+FlightAdult: 1190+
> >Taxes and fees 60.00USD
> >Includes a service fee.
> >Total trip cost 1,250.00 USD
> >Your reservation will be confirmed by e-mail. Prices are not confirmed until we issue your confirmation invoice.
> >Rusian Federation.Ms.Samohvwalowa Anna. sex-F. Authority-Guvd-283.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not
purchased until- Saturday 23,January,2010.
Eng hello again ,I am here after my visit to the consulate and to the agency I am so happy to say we will
meet in few days!!!! I am really lucky girl to meet you. Honey the thing is that
everything is ready and I have to leave moscow on Saturday but I have a
little problem and I really hope you will be able to help me. You see I never expected I will ask you for such help but I have nothing else
to do. You know my mum promised to send me money for tickets by western union as soon as I will find out prices but she
was told on her work that because of economic crisis she will receive all the
money she saved from every months salary only in a few months. So that
is why she can`t send me all the sum for tickets now and she was able to
send only 200$ I have got it today.I can`t delay my flight because all
my documents are arranged on exact dates.. Eng I wanted to ask you to help me to pay for my tickets directly but I
was told in travel agency I can't use your help or ask you about sending me
tickets or ordering electronic ones because I have a permission to use
the help of the travel agency only. Your see its business of travel agency to arrange all travel things for my trip, such is the law.If I
will but ticket by myself, I won`t be able to use my work visa. so you
can`t send me tickets. I`m sure my mom will help me but she needsd more time and I can`t wait so long because I need to buy tickets till
my flight date. I was in the bank to try to ask them a loan but they said I need to have registration in Moscow to get a loan from
their bank and I don't have it! I know I`m asking you for very big but maybe
it will be possible for you to help me. You are my last hope and I have nothing else to do. If I will not buy tickets my visa will be
canceled and it will be forbidden for me to apply for visa again for next 8 months. I have only about 150
dollars that I expected to take with me for the first time and plus 200$ mom sent so if you will help
me with 950$ I will have enough to buy tickets and have some extra money for travel needs. I know its a big
sum of money ,but please try to help me and I promise I will return you money back after my first
salary or as soon as my mom will send it , as she promised. I will cross my fingers hoping for your help
because I want to meet you so much!!!!! I will be waiting for your answer!!!I will be here in late
evening and please don't worry if I can't answer immedeatelly I have too much to do. Eng make a transfer by
western union, I have got transfer from mom and have all the info for it and it was so
easy to get.Only show my passport. You should know my rent address here is 45/99 Azina street, Moscow,
Russia.129366 Remember my full name is Anna - (first name). Samohwalowa-(last name, its the
right writing in transliteration from russian, I was told it by manager in travel agency). and you should put it on
western union list and you can choose any bank in moscow,so I can pick up the money at
any bank of moscow. and nearest bank with western union office here is
- name of the bank - VITAS BANK,street-Eniseiskaya, 22/2 ; city-Moscow, postal code -129327;it will be safe to use western union
transfer because I need to have passport to receive it!And please after you
complete transfer write me the number of the transfer, P.S. I`m so sorry I asked you for such help, but you see you are my last
hope and now my only wish is to meet you. I want to start a new life and I`m
sure we can spend so many happy days and probably nights together! Please try to help me with the sum and in one month I
will return you money back!! P.S.Eng dear I am not sure I should tell this but I want to let you know if
you don't like me when I come I will not bother you and it is only your choice to spend time with me
or not. I know you may be too busy or just meet different woman but in
any case I will return the money back. I will have a room for rent if I want, a job and I want to say please don't worry I don't want to use
you just to reach my goal. I am sure when we meet we will have no regrets about it, Eng I promise. I
dream about our first meeting, our first night .............I think everything depends on
you! please, honey, don't leave me alone I've done so much to start this trip and I don't want to give up.and as always forger
about important thing,please tell me your full name I mean right writing
because when I was getting mom's transfer they asked about full name of the sender,not only my name!it is the law!

I am a divorce man since year 2000 and I have two children that live with her mother. I am 49 years old and I am Sales Area manager. I live in Spain but I am a Swedish citicen.
The Scammer:
· Country: Russian
· Name : Tanya
· E-mail:
· Tanya says that she live at Nizhni Novgorod
· Tanya says that she are 30 years old
· Tanya says that she born at Nizhni Novgorod, in June, 13th 1979.
· Tanya says that her Mother’s name is Valentine
· Tanya says that her father’s name is Andrey
· Tanya says that her parents have divorced, when she was 12 years old
· Tanya says that her father leaving today in St.-Petersburg
· Tanya lives today with her mother in an apartment in Nizhni N.
· Tanya says that her father and grandfather also worked in police all life.
· Tanya says that she works like chief of criminal department.
· Tanya’s favorite aroma is the French perfume “Purblanka”
The contact:
She contacts me trough the website and we write each since next five month ago.
Request of money:
Well she wants come to Spain in December month and she call me and told that she want that I send 710 US Dollar for the ticket. She told to me only one time and no more than five minutes, because she calls me to my cellular. Later, she wrote to me very angry; because I told that I don’t think send any money. But later she change attitude to me and told to me that she could wait some month. So I told to her that maybe I could send the money on May month and she accepts.
The final of story:
I thought that the best forms that discover the true were with a lie. So I told to her that I was spoken with the immigration police department here in Spain about how we must do for obtain the legality paper of residence. I told to her that the police told to me that she must send to me a copy of the passport and the address in her city.
She never wrote to me again…
I have waited now two week and I would maybe tomorrow inform to the website.
The first letter:
Hello Jцrgen!!!
How you do? I think that all well! I, am is glad, which you have written me.
All this time I thought, whether there will be I interesting To you or not?
Now I am happy because have received your letter!!! I am happy to continuation of our acquaintance.
I could not be registered on a site of acquaintances from my city and the country, therefore I should define
Another places. I hope, what you can understand it? You do not have any problems with it?
It was pleasant to you, at me, and for me there is no basic value in what country you live,
I necessarily would write to you. From yours Jцrgen histories I have a little
studied you better. You seem To me very good, romantic and kind person!
Thanks for advantage And the interesting letter, I with the big attention and interest read it!
I think that you the good and interesting interlocutor. I think, that we Really we have much in common, and to us it will be easy in dialogue the
friend with The friend. I, am is glad, that our dialogue begins well! Thanks for your photo, it to me very
much were pleasant, as well as you. Well Jцrgen, now I wish to tell to you, that I search also that
Have decided to place a deposit profile on the Internet. I search for love, Attention, care, trust, I search for the
favourite person for wedding And serious relations. If I become love of the person, I, am is ready
To enter any part of the world, what to be close to it. I cannot Explain to you, which has caused to look me at
you. It felt In me, that you are a correct person, I was possible which person
The searched. By my nature I love initiative actions. I do not search The person From my country, I want another. I think, that
you have arrived To the Internet behind it? Well Jцrgen, now I wish to tell You are more about me, is to
straight lines, about we wash Lives. I promised to you to make it In my last letter. I was born, and I live
in the city of Nizhni Novgorod, a deposit City, big and beautiful still, he - one of the oldest our cities The
country. My city is located ashore the river Oka. I think, that you Remember, it to me of 30 Years. My
birthday June, 13th 1979. A deposit Favourite colour redness and Dark blue. I adore dark blue colour.
I work On two works at once. Give to me, I will tell to you in more details about
My work in the following letter. Well? Jцrgen, now I wish to tell To you it is more about my family. The name My mum Valentine.
My name Father Andrey. Last years I very seldom I see the father. A deposit Parents have divorced,
when I was 12 years old and After that deposit The father leaves to live in the city of St.-Petersburg.
It very much The big and beautiful city. I was there some times! Jцrgen, you Know this city? I do not have
any brothers and sisters on a birth, but in me very much Cousins who live in various cities of Russia,
therefore I am rare, I see Them. I live with mum, and very much I love her, because it
The loved one for Me. To us it was very heavy, after the father Leaves in Other city, but after a while we used for this
purpose. When I There was small, I have been very offended on the father because
Thought, that he has thrown us. Now certainly I understand, and I Not irritated on it. In a life there are various cases and
sometimes People cannot live together. My father Never forgot us and always
Helped my mum when it was It, is necessary. Thanks to my daddy we lived
Well, and I have a good Education. Jцrgen, it will be Good if you speak more about yours To a family and the native?
It Interesting to me to study it! I search for a kind, love, reliable for
The person. It should be the clever, interesting interlocutor, with sense
Humour. The age, colour of a hair, number not so is important for me, As its care, character and the
serious relation to marriage. I will be Wait for yours Jцrgen, letters with impatience.
With best regards Tanya.
The second letter:
Hello Jorgen!!!
How are you doing? I'm fine! I am very happy, to receive your letter again.
I am glad, that we have remarkable and constructive Dialogue. Your letter the big pleasure for me.
I test pleasant excitement before check of my mail box, Also it is very glad, when I see your letter!
I am glad that you have told to me a lot of new, And interesting! Jorgen I could not be registered from a site
of the country because the site gave out me an error and did not let in me, therefore I had to be registered
from this site. Jorgen I wish to tell to you, that you too have liked me also I would like to have with you
travel to the South America, but very quickly for me our acquaintance proceeds, we hardly are familiar with
you, and you already invite me to go with you to travel. I not against also am excellent idea, in the
course of this travel we could get acquainted much more close and to learn about each other much more
than on correspondence. But I have no so much money resources for such long travel. To me to like,
that you share with me such important things as that you had marriage and have from this marriage of
two children. I wish to tell to you that I it am done not frightened also by me concern such things easy.
Jorgen, you the good interlocutor. To me to like to communicate with you.
Let's enjoy studying each other. I promised to you to tell about To my work and now I will tell it to you.
After leaving school I Has arrived in legal institute. I studied five years and now I I work as the officer in special branch of police of
my city. To me To like my work, and I have chosen this work not casually.
I have solved To continue good tradition of my family. My father and the grandfather also Worked in police all life.
Jorgen, to you probably it is difficult To present it, but I really know receptions in carat and well I shoot from
Pistol. At institute I always had good estimations on educational To shooting. Certainly, it was only a practical
training, my work Only consists in paper affairs and card files of criminals. I work The chief of criminal
department. I am engaged in gathering Data on the prospective criminal.
In archive of my computer To contain it is a lot of affairs, a photo and prints of fingers of criminals and when
It is necessary to me address for the necessary information. Also at me Good talent for drawing, on the computer I make a
photo the description The prospective criminal under the description of the victim. I the good artist, this
my hobby and work! In the childhood I very much loved To be engaged in painting, and had the big talent
for it. Certainly, I understood, That in Russia very much it is not profitable to be the artist,
and it is impossible to live only one drawing, therefore I have decided to leave it only my hobby.
Jorgen, with this letter I will send you some my photo Visitings of remarkable city
Sochi! This city is very known and popular in Russia. It is very good resort and vacation spot!
I had remarkable time there. I think, that you know, What will this city be capital of winter Olympic games of 2014?
About Sochi tell in news much, And there there come many tourists from all countries!
Jorgen, that You think of my work? For me it is interesting to learn it!
Here many People cautiously and care concern me when learn that I I work in
police. For me it very much is not clear, because I kind And the sociable person. Now I wish to tell to
you about my the second To work which is in basic my hobby. Certainly, you understand, That I have
chosen this work not casually. At school I have begun Seriously to take a great interest in dances.
Now besides my basic work I I work as the teacher of different dances. I love as modern style,
and To the classic. Jorgen, you know the Latin American dances? 3 times in A week in the evenings I am engaged
in this work. I come to the sports Club where lessons on fitness and aerobics also are conducted.
I adore mine Work and always with impatience I wait for evening when I
go to the sports Club. I think, that you understand, that I very occupied the person and at me
There is not a lot of time which I can spend houses at the computer, But I always try to write to you at once! Jorgen, I want, that
You also have told to me more about your work? For me will be It is interesting to receive particulars of it.
Also I wish to ask you much Questions in this letter because me much interests, and I want
To learn you it is better. I think, that you also learn a lot of new about me! Well, now my questions for you.
You prefer what perfume? You Love something aggressive or soft? I prefer gentle aromas,
My favourite aroma French perfume Purblanka. You love what clothes Also what dress is more often?
Certainly, for work I prefer to carry Classical suit trousers or a skirt.
I do not put on the special The police form because I work in department where it is not obligatory
To do. I do not watch a fashion and I like to put on, as to me to like.
More often I prefer jeans and a jacket. Jorgen, what your physical You consider feature as the best?
I think, that my best physical Feature is my eyes. Eyes it is a mirror of soul of the person.
Only Having looked in eyes to the person, it is possible to learn much about him.
Certainly, I consider That I have very appetizing breast also!!! How much money is important for You?
For me money it only necessary possibility to To existence, it is social necessity!
For me always very sadly to learn on work on What awful crimes are ready people only because of money.
I do Money and career by my vital aspiration. For me on much more important My family,
creative realisation of my energy and the future happy Family! You have an allergy and especially on some products?
I not I have. In what mood you happen more often? Usually I very cheerful And quiet.
It is really necessary to try very strongly that To cause in me negative emotions.
I do not love conflicts and I try Always quickly to reconcile. In what mood you usually
happen in the morning? Sometimes certainly it would be desirable to forget about work and to remain to
sleep, but I I understand, that it is necessary and I rise. After a cup of good coffee to me
Happens on much better, and morning begins well! You love coffee? What You are ready to forgive acts, and what are
not present? I can forgive any Acts except treachery and a deceit. I the fair and devoted person and
I do not love when me deceive. If you would win one million Dollars in a lottery, what you would make with
this money? I think, that These are very easy money which are earned without effort and consequently
them It is possible also easily and without a regret to spend. I would not began to spend these Money
for purchase (cars, yachts, houses or something another), me To like my life and I do not search for
riches and luxury! On this money I Would make something useful to a society.
For example, would give these Money for the charitable purposes. Well Jorgen, I will be To stop to write this letter.
I hope that I have not tired you with mine And you will answer with questions them fairly, also as it was made by me!
I will be To wait. I wish good day.
Your Russian girlfriend Tanya.
P.S. Still I will send you a photo when I to have rest in resort small town Sochi!!!
The letter of money:
Letter number 1: (The insinuation)
Hello my Lovely, my dear Jorgen!!!!!
You do not represent, to myself as I am happy, to see your letter!!!!! Dear Jorgen but men does not
please absolutely that that you to me have told about the woman from Ukraine. Why you to me have not
told about it earlier????? I from you do not hide that I try to be extremely fair with you. Dear Jorgen well
it is fine after all in the past, after all so???? And now you my man also I will not give you to whom. This
woman only wished to take advantage of your money, but not to be with you as it is wanted by me. I
really wish to be with you and I do all for this purpose. To me you are not very well rich or not. We can
achieve all. After all if at us all is as it should be in relations and
on work too all will be as it should be. You so do not consider???? Dear Jorgen when I asked you about the help in my
letters you with it have agreed. And now you speak to me, that I took money from native or friends and
only on arrival to you you to me can help me. What for a kindergarten???? I do not understand you. What for you speak me
the such????? You do not trust me???? As I can take, from someone money, not knowing, whether you
can return me actually them. And here that I to you wish to tell concerning money which you to me
suggest to borrow at my friends and native. I already tried it to make before asked from you the help.
Who cannot help me. After all on a nose holidays and who does not wish to remain on holidays without
money. Dear Jorgen what for to me to address for the help to my peopl after all you my man and you
can help me. I do not want, that in general who knew, that I, somewhere leave and that
I build with someone relations. Let they will envy me when I will leave to you and I will live with you.
Dear Jorgen this our business and we should solve this problem. Dear Jorgen you ask me how many to me it is
required on my tickets. I wrote to you in the letter, that the ticket to you costs 710 dollars.
So my dear I hope only for you. We need to be cared and helped each other. You so do not consider????
Dear Jorgen I finish it not the big letter and I will wait your following answer.
And probably you reconsider the sights concerning my help. I love you also strong whole.
Yours and only yours Tanya.
Letter number 2: (The requirement )
Hello my Darling, my dear Jorgen!!!!!!!!!
I was glad, when again have seen your letter in the mail box!!!!!! How are you doing???? How work???? How is the weather
in Alicante???? Dear Jorgen why you so coldly have answered me????? I was
afflicted with your letter. We had such warm and quivering feelings to each other and we are going to
meet. But as soon as conversation has come about the help to me with purchase of tickets you have
started to talk at once to me in another way. What was changed???? Darling I too not always
understand that you to me write and only when I read your letter some times I understand
about what you to me speak. Dear Jorgen it is a language barrier and that more. Words in Russian and in English
have not always that sense which would be desirable to inform to you. Dear Jorgen you did not think that
I will ask you to help me with the financial plan???? And what you thought???? How I can arrive to you,
independently???? You understand, that we live in the different countries and at us a different living wage
as a huge difference and in the salary and money that we have. You well should understand it and if we
have agreed to meet, as we have to each other feelings should be ready to all. Darling I will repeatedly
not go and ask my relatives and friends money on credit. As I already went and not only to close friends,
but even tried to borrow money at whom for a long time did not see. Everywhere there was a refusal. If I
had enough money for independent moving would not began to ask you about the
help. But it turns out, as it turns out also to me it was necessary to address to you for the help.
Because I do not wish to wait, when the destiny will give me chance most to arrive to you, I wish to see simply you,
after all we both want it. Dear Jorgen yours 200 dollars would help me, not insufficiently 500 more to buy the ticket.
Dear Jorgen and you could not address for the help to the brother????? After all it will not give up to you,
I in it why that it is assured or to your friends, that on a photo you sent to me.
Dear Jorgen I am assured that your brother will understand you as the man the man.
Dear Jorgen I miss you and have been assured that all will be on much faster than it occurs actually.
As long all occurs. Dear Jorgen you think of me???? Miss???? Wait???? I cannot without you. I wait.
I wait. I wait. Dear Jorgen answer me soon. I will wait your fast reply.
With love in heart.
Yours Tanya.
Letter number 3: (The panic and resignation)
Hi Jorgen!!!!!
It really not the pleasant letter for me I even would tell that it very bad!
I did not think, that you so simply will surrender. Lower hands and will leave me. That about what we agreed, could be carried out.
My heart is ill after I have read your letter. It is really brutal of you!!!!!
Jorgen I do not understand that became the reason of your refusal! Only what you do not have finance to the said of me in purchase of
tickets???? It is very sad, that we cannot have a meeting!
I hoped and believed, that have really found the man and I will be happy, to meet him, but you too have early lowered hands.
Jorgen so real men do not arrive. I believe, that your words were only game, and you were not going to
meet me and to be with me. If your words really were valid that you would not surrender so quickly, and have done the utmost
for realisation of our meeting.
Jorgen you to me suggest to wait till May of next year????
You can wait so much time???? I feel to you, and it really strong.
If you do not deceive me, I agree to wait.
Only I ask you, write to me. I do not wish to lose you. You for me became expensive person and you my happiness.
Darling you really speak the truth concerning that that we can have a meeting in May of next
If it so my expectation will not be vain????
Dear Jorgen I will wait your following answer.
Still yours Tanya