Alena Koknaewa
this is a scam I came across on date me free
From: Miss Alena <>
To: Bob
Sent: Mon, April 5, 2010 11:49:23 PM
Subject: My travel schedule,Alena here.
I have got letter from agency and resend this letter to you . you
should know it is only booked schedule and I will send more details
later when I have tickets in my hand,I will send time of my arriving to
your airport and number of terminal!Now I am sending exact date of my
flight .
> Customer ---- >Ms.Alena Koknaewa
>TRAVEL INFO FOR : Alena Koknaewa. English variant.
Individual traveler.
Travel dates for: Ms.Alena Koknaewa.
Please label the inside and outside of each piece of baggage to be
checked in with your name and where possible your address. Suitable
baggage labels and stickers are available free of charge. In advance of
your journey. please note the current free baggage allowance included
in your ticket price. You can find this information in the internet or
via your Airline contact person. In case you booked a special fare
please note that it can be subject to restrictions. Travel Abroad: When
preparing to travel abroad for less than 5 months, it is important to
ensure entry to another country . Depending on the country to be
visited and the student's nationality, it may be necessary to apply for
a visitor visa.The person must have: a valid passport or travel
document, valid visa . No special permission is needed, but it is
important to have a valid passport,valid visa and all travel documents.
Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind
regards.Travel Agency - "Empire Of Tourism, LLC. Moscow, RUSSIA" is a
licensed and officially registered travel agency.
>Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual
>Please use our service .Manager: Ms.Andreeva Marianna.
>The date of the flight is - Saturday,10 April,2010.Departure from
Moscow (SVO), Russia , Sheremetyevo International Airport >terminal
>Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD
1190.00+FlightAdult: 1190+
>Taxes and fees 60.00USD
>Includes a service fee.
>Total trip cost 1,250.00
>Your reservation will be confirmed by e-mail. Prices are not
confirmed until we issue your confirmation invoice.
>Rusian Federation.Ms.Alena Koknaewa. sex-F. Authority-Guvd-388.
>This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not
>purchased until - Saturday 10 April,2010.
Bob hello again ,
I am here after my visit to the consulate and to the agency I am so
happy to say we will meet in few days!!!! I am really lucky girl to
meet you. Honey the thing is that everything is ready and I have to
leave moscow on Saturday but I have a little problem and I really hope
you will be able to help me. You see I never expected I will ask you
for such help but I have nothing else to do. You know my mum promised
to send me money for tickets by western union as soon as I will find
out prices but she was told on her work that because of economic crisis
she will receive all the money she saved from every months salary only
in a few months. So that is why she can`t send me all the sum for
tickets now and she was able to send only 200$ I have got it today.I
can`t delay my flight because all my documents are arranged on exact
dates.Bob I wanted to ask you to help me to pay for my tickets directly
but I was told in travel agency I can't use your help or ask you about
sending me tickets or ordering electronic ones because I have a
permission to use the help of the travel agency only. Your see it is
business of travel agency to arrange all travel things for my trip,
such is the law.If I will but ticket by myself, I won`t be able to use
my work visa. so you can`t send me tickets. I`m sure my mom will help
me but she needs more time and I can`t wait so long because I need to
buy tickets till my flight date. I was in the bank to try to ask them a
loan but they said I need to have registration in Moscow to get a loan
from their bank and I don't have it! I know I`m asking you for very big
but maybe it will be possible for you to help me. You are my last hope
and I have nothing else to do. If I will not buy tickets my visa will
be canceled and it will be forbidden for me to apply for visa again for
next 8 months. I have only about 100 dollars that I expected to take
with me for the first time and plus 200$ mom sent so if you will help
me with 1000$ I will have enough to buy tickets and have some extra
money for travel needs. I know its a big sum of money ,but please try
to help me and I promise I will return you money back after my first
salary or as soon as my mom will send it , as she promised.I will be
here in late evening and please don't worry if I can't answer
immedeatelly I have too much to do. Bob make a transfer by western
union, I have got transfer from mom and have all the info for it and it
was so easy to get.Only show my passport. You should know my rent
address here is 9/14A, Vorotnikovskiy pereulok, Moscow, Russia.
Remember my full name is Alena- (first name). Koknaewa -(last
name) and you should put it on western union list and I can pick
up the money at any bank of moscow. it will be safe to use western
union transfer because I need to have passport to receive it!And please
after you complete transfer write me the number of the transfer(MTCN),
Please try to help me with the sum and in one month I will return you
money back!! P.S.Bob dear I am sure when we meet we will have no
regrets about it, I promise. I dream about our first meeting, our first
kiss .............I think everything depends on you! please, honey,
don't leave me alone I've done so much to start this trip and I don't
want to give up.and as always forget about important thing, when I got
my mom transfer I fill out the form and I will send this form because I
can't get transfer from you if I don't know this info to fill the form.
I need to know -Full name of the sender.
The name of the town where the transfer was sent.
MTCN transfer number.
Please don't forget to send this info!!thank you in advance!!!!!!Please
forgive me if everything sounds a little crazy and my letter is too
long today but you see I got lost here among so many different problems!
and nearest bank here for example-
Главный офис
(+7 495) 620-91-91 (+7 495)
(+7 495) 974-25-15
(+7 495) 974-25-15
107078, Москва, ул. Каланчевская, 27 .
Usova Marina Sergeevna
(Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
Usova Marina Sergeevna
Ul. Pionerskaya 90b (apartment 62)
424000 YOSHKAR-OLA (or 425255 TABASHINO)
Marij-El Resp., Russian Federation
Passport No.: 8808 982966
GSM 1: +7 961 3741-172 (Beeline)
GSM 2: +7 927 8703-299 (Megafon)
In short:
In January 14, 2010 Marina entered to the Croatian portal for
connecting people called 'Iskrica (Sparky)' and found me. She sent me
the first photo and own profile description, and began to write many
warm and tender e-mails from the Internet cafe... Under the pretext
that all Russian men are egoists, Marina wanted to come to me in Zagreb
to marry and build a family with me. She have not money for tickets and
visa, and I sent her the money with Western Union. At the Moscow
airport, the police punish her with a large penalty of even 2600 EUR,
because she wanted to give me a valuable Russian icon. It should be a
surprise gift when she comes to me. Then Marina says that she will be
imprisoned, if she do not pay the penalty. She returns home and she
wants of me the money. I do not more send the money, because I doubt in
this story.
In the meantime, I had sent her a birthday gift with express mail
(EMS). The parcel is not delivered, because the address was incorrect
(that street has only 40 houses), but Marina picked up that parcel in
the postal office, probably with a fake passport.
Although Marina is mentioned that she has not the telephone, she has
called me many times, allegedly from a public 'cable point of calls',
but I discovered that she calls over the Russian mobile operators.
Marina is still hopeful that I will send her the money.
I told to Marina that I personaly can not more send the money by the
Western Union company to her directly, but Marina send me even 2 new
for the money transfer to her 'girlfriends'.
Thanks and best regards,
This is Marina's first
letter (profile) sent in January 15, 2010:
Hello my friend!!!!!! For me was pleasure to receive news from you! How
your day? I think well! I was good! At us today very awful weather. In
the street very coldly also is not present what sun. I very much am
interested in you. I search for serious attitudes what to create
strong, loving family. Today I send you 1 to a photo, I hope beautiful
truth. What can I tell more about myself directly? My age 29. Mine
birthday 29.01. 1980. my growth 175. My weight 57. Hair - The the
light. I love a variety in appearance.
Eyes - brown. I have no children. I love a life. I like to wake up in
the mornings and to not know, that will present me new day. I like to
laugh and see when people are dared. I love sports. I two times a week
go to pool and I am engaged there. I like to travel, though I never was
abroad. Now I dream find the person with which I can to construct
family and to live together with him. The main thing, that this person
would understand me. Unless you do not think so? I think, that the main
thing in the person, that at him in soul, instead of what it
externally. I want, that the person was intellectual and alive with
sensation of humour. I think, that we have good chance to know each
other better... Winter my favourite season of year, I like to look, how
the nature comes to the senses after autumns. I love snow. Snow it is
fine entertainment for children. Children are the future of our planet
and on Them all our hope, they bring pleasure. I believe, that the main
love in my life will still arrive, the god will help me with it. My
favourite films now: 'Titanic' and 'Night patrol'. I work from 8
mornings till 17 evenings every day except for Saturday and revivals.
During the lunchtime or after work I come in the Internet of cafe. Also
I write to you letters. I have not enough time and means for
entertainments, therefore I cannot allow me good rest.
Why I search for the person in more about me. Because here in Russia
all men egoists also do not care at all of women, can simply beat them
or humiliate. Please ask me that interests you. I shall answer your
questions. But if I shall not answer your questions do not take
offence. I it means cannot understand. As it is my first experience of
dialogue in the Internet. I write letters from the Internet of cafe and
he unfortunately sometimes happens is closed. I with impatience shall
look forward to hearing from you. With greetings from Russia Marina.
This is Marina's letter sent in February 6, 2010:
Congratulations my love Mario!!!
I am very glad to receive from you your new letter. I with impatience
hoped to receive news from you. I very persistently am absent on you
and I wish to be only with you together. I hope, that we very soon will
together. I constantly think of you and about our meeting. You are
valid very much persistently you became love, and now I do not wish to
lose you. I wish to be only with you together. My favourite, I hope,
that you will send me this money, and then I will arrive to you. I very
much hope for your help. My prince Mario I have a reliable and fast way
as you can. Send me this money. Now I will explain you it. In our city
it is big use of people the company Western Union. You know about such
company? To you only It necessary to search for it in a city. It is
very known the company and on it I think, that it will be better, if
you send me money through this company. Now I wish to explain to you
how you can to send money through this company. It is necessary for you
to take money and the passport and to count the company as the Western
Union. When you will be the Western Union included in bank, you should
fill the form for transfer from money. To fill the form, you should
define my information. Now I want you, the information will inform you
in such a manner that to demand, send to me money. It is my address:
The name: Marina.
Surname: Usova.
The country: Russia.
Street Pionerskaja 90B, apartment 62.
Passport number: 8808 982966.
The postal index: 42400.
I will be better than love if when you send me money. You are do not
define the city name. Thus I can receive money in any bank. The manager
in bank to me has told, that sometimes they have a bad communications
with this company and on it I should go to other city to receive money.
With that end in sight I ask, that you have not defined this name of
city. I hope, that you understand me my love. My love only you should
define my information correctly. You should write down each letter as I
have written now to you. And I hope, that you will not do what error.
My prince as once you will send me money you, should inform me all
information, that I could receive this money. I ask here this
information from you:
The sum which you will send me?
Your name?
Your surname?
The country?
The city, whence has sent money?
The post code?
The address?
I think, that you had a question that such MTCN. I wish to explain to
you it. MTCN - symbolical ten codes that to you will give in bank, when
you will send me money. You study all information in bank, when you
will go to send me money. My love now you know all the informations how
to send me money. I hope, that you can use the company the Western
Union to send me money. I really wish to meet you, because I assured,
it together we will be happy. My favourite I hope that you can send me
money within next days. I am very persistent love you, and I wish to be
as soon as possible with you together. My favourite I very constantly I
am absent on you. My favourite very much, very much I hope, that you
will help me because I am valid, I wish to meet You. And you are very
persistent to live, I simple can not without You. You the person of my
dream and I wish to be together with you. Now I will finish the letter,
and I hope, that tomorrow I will see your new letter.
With love Marina.
This is Marina's letter sent in February 15, 2010:
Greetings my love Marijo!!!
I am very glad to receive from you your new letter. I with impatience
waited for your answer. My favourite, I hope, that you will not take
offence at me. Here I write now you the letter. I am glad to everyone
Your letter. My love today in methere - for you some news about my trip
to you. My fine Marijo in me - for you bad and good news. Today I Has
gone to travel agency, that I can study to study the information
concerning mine trip to you and in agency I have received my flight on
you. On the travel agency to me has given flight, that I could
arrive to you, and now I want to inform you to this flight. I will
operate in the airport of Zagreb.
Aeroflot: Flight SU261
Departure: February, 21st 2010 09:05, the Sheremetyevo Arpt
Arrival: February, 21st 2010 10:05, Vienna Intl Arpt
City of change: Vienna (VIE)
Austrian Airlines: Flight OS677
Departure: February, 21st 2010 17:10, Vienna Intl Arpt
Arrival: February, 21st 2010 18:10, Zagreb Arpt
My love Marijo here my flight on you. I arrive to you on for February,
21st At 18:10 on your time. It will be Sunday, now I should go to
Moscow. On Friday or on Saturday which there to me would give out the
visa and me to Moscow I should tell the customs control that could
leave Russia. I hope, that you will necessarily wait for me at the
airport of Zagreb because I not when there was no abroad Russia and I
do not want to remain one at the unfamiliar airport. I very much hope,
that you will wait for me at the airport. I very insistently love
you, and very much, very insistently I afflict on you the favourite.
Now I will tell to you badly News. In travel agency to me informed,
that I could to visit your country I should have in myself of money.
According to the contract I should have 23 euros in every day. I have
the visa last 3 months. As I to you have told I arrive to you on the
visa of the tourist, and on it I should to have this money.
I arrive to you within 90 days (these are those duration the visa) and
in every day I should have in myself for 23 euros and now it Appear
2100 euros. Have been very surprised. My dear Marijo I wishes to tell
to you, that I understand, that it is very big money, but without they
money, I cannot transfer the customs control and I cannot leave the
country. I have 400 euros which you have sent me superfluous and now
1700 euros more are necessary for me. My love Marijo in travel
agency I many the Explained hours them, that I arrive to Croatia that I
Marijo to have rest. I spoke them, that I arrive to you and you will
give to me, but in agency to me have told, that Croatia - the decent
country, and it should have the order.
I have been very broken, when have understood, it without them money I
cannot arrive to you. Very much it not convenient for me to ask you,
but I do not have other choice. I ask you to help me with this
problem. I understand, that it is very big money, but this money
to me it is necessary to show only on the customs control and I at once
we can to arrive to you. As soon as I will be arrive to you I at once,
I will give you their money back. My fine Marijo I hopes, that you
understand me, that this money it not Necessary for me not to pay. I
will give this money to you on Sunday as soon as I will arrive to you.
Marijo I my fine hope, that you will be help me. I very insistently you
love and very insistently are absent to you. I very much would like,
that we will be together and were happy. You the unique person whom I
love. My favourite I hope, that I will be obligatory to meet you on
Sunday. I very insistently love you and with impatience I look forward
to hearing from you in the evening.
Your love Marina.
This is Marina's letter sent in February 19, 2010:
Hello my love Marijo!!!
Now I have come to the int. cafe to write you my next letter. Yesterday
I have arrived to Moscow. I have not written you the letter yesterday
because already was very much late and consequently I have gone at once
to hotel. I very strongly miss on you and I wish to be only with
you together. I you really very strongly love you. My darling
Marijo, but I had a problem, now I to you will tell about it. Today I
have tried to pass the customs control with all things, which I took
with it self and I as took set of gifts for you, that to you It was
pleasant also you will have many souvenirs from Russia. My
darling Marijo when I passed the customs control suddenly me has
detained Police. I at first did not know in what business. Me have
spent to branch militias. There have written the list of things which I
take with myself in yours country. In militia to me have told, that I
have tried to withdraw from Russia very much precious thing for the
state of Russia. I did not know about what they speak and I began to
learn more in detail about it. It has appeared, that one of gifts,
which I took for you it has appeared value of the state of Russia. Mine
I wished to make road Marijo for you a surprise and on it I have not
told, that I took with myself an old picture of my grandmother. My
grandmother has given this picture to my mother when she married my
father and now my mum has given it to me as it became our family
tradition, to transfer this picture of the daughter when she marries.
My trip to you for me is equivalent to that I marry you. As I went to
you, as to my future husband. This picture was a part of our family, it
always brought to us good luck, but now the militia will take away it
from me. They have told to me, that now my picture will be is in a
museum in Moscow. I was a little afflicted to it because I carried this
picture for you as a gift. It is a pity, that now at me became on one
the gift is less, but all the same I have many various gifts. My
favourite Marijo I could pass the customs control, but at me there is a
bad news to you. I thought, that I can arrive to you on Sunday without
any problems, but now I had a problem and without its decision I cannot
arrive to you in any way. My love Marijo in militia to me have
informed, that now they are obliged to give me the penalty at a rate of
110.000 roubles, it about 2600 euros. I have been very surprised by it.
Why to me have given the penalty? My darling Marijo they have told to
me, that I have tried to deduce value of the state from Russia, and it
is forbidden by the law. Though I did not know it, but ignorance of the
law does not release the person from responsibility.
My darling Marijo in police to me have given a paper with which I can
to arrive to you, but at first I should pay the penalty necessarily for
that I have committed a crime. I have tried to withdraw from Russia old
picture. My dear I did not know, that it will be a crime. Now I do not
know that to me to do. To me so it is bad without you. To me really it
would be desirable to arrive to you, but as I will pay the penalty that
to arrive to you. In militia to me have told, that while I will not pay
the penalty I can not arrive to you. It became valid me very badly from
it. I very much would like to arrive to you. My love I ask you to
forgive me for my error. I have really made a huge mistake. If I knew,
I would not take this gift for you, but I am valid not knew, that it
becomes a crime. My dear Marijo I hope, that you forgive me for it. I
hope, that we together can solve ours problem and necessarily we will
together. I have learned, that if to pay the penalty at once the
militia will not get criminal case and me not it is necessary to wait
for court. My darling Marijo I hope, that we it is obligatory let's
organize our meeting. I hope, that we will necessarily solve mine
problem. My darling, is very a pity to me, but I cannot take advantage
of that money at all which you have sent me for customs passage as I
their to receive only that day when I will leave my country. I very
strongly love you. I cannot really live without You. I miss on you very
strongly. I very much would like to be together with you. You the man
of my dream. My darling Marijo I am assured, that in the future we
let's have a fine life together. Now I will finish the letter and with
had mood I will go to hotel to lay down to sleep. Before a dream I will
think of you. I love you.
I send you 1000000000000 kisses.
I love you and I wait for your letter. Your love Marina.
Although I already suspect in Marina's story, I continue to contact
with her. A week later, after some more letters, she finally send me by
e-mail the scanned fake documents. Marina sent me this scanned fake
Croatian visa. I see that the fake photo and text was added with
Photoshop or similar computer program. Marina also sent me the scanned
fake passport. The fake photo was also added with Photoshop or similar
computer program. I see that the texture of paper is not the same as on
the visa (above). It means that the visa probably does not exist in
this passport. I have compared the photos from the visa and passport,
and I conclude they are the total same, in each detail. When I change
the contrast of photos in Photoshop, I concrete see that the
arrangement of pixels of these both photos are the same. It is possible
only if the pictures are computer-processed, copied and added on the
before scanned documents. It is also very interesting that the same
photo can exist on the visa made last month and on the passport old ten
years. Marina sent me the document of Russian Supreme Court, that she
must pay the penalty of even 110,000 rubles (2600 EUR). Of course, the
date and the text is fake (in gray increased).
Below is the letter where I ask Marina about documents.
But Marina is still hopeful that I will send her the money...
This is my letter sent to Marina in March 15, 2010:
My dearest Marina!!!
I am so glad that I have just received your new warm and tender letter.
This morning I was visited the state administration, and I am so happy
that I write this letter and inform you about good news. I talked very
much with my referent state officer about our case. He is very friendly
and polite person. I am confident that he will help us. I am well
surprised that I can talk with him so directly and openly. He expressed
a desire to help us in solving our problems as much as in his power. He
promised that through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Russian
Embassy in Zagreb will contact the police in Moscow about the payment
of your penalty, in the sense that in this way I pay the debt directly
from my bank account, what I totally agree. My beautiful Marina, I hope
that you also will be happy, as me. This officer also says that he will
do it very easily and fast, without a problem, because of a well
cooperation with the Russian Embassy. He will insist through an
effective diplomatic channel to prove that was not any bad intentions
from my and your side, that the police in Moscow reduce the penalty,
especially if it is your first penalty, and that they even return back
your valuable icon, because it is your family heritage.
My dearest Marina, it would be good that you urgently send me your
scanned passport, concrete the page with your address and picture, and
the page with the 90-day visa, which you already have got in Moscow.
Also, it would be desirable that you send the police report,
confirmation or similar document which you have got as a clear evidence
that the police confiscated your valuable icon and set this high
penalty. If you can not scan these documents and send with e-mail, then
you can send them with fax directly from the postal office in
Joshkar-Ola. Sending a fax takes only 1-2 minutes and it will not cost
so much.
This is Marina's letter sent in March 22, 2010:
Hello my love Marijo!!!
I am very pleased to read your letter and very happy that you did not
forget, my love Marijo. As you wrote me a letter, you were right
internet cafe at the weekend we did not work. I could not to you write.
But now all well, and I'll write. This weekend I was at home and helped
mum. How are you?? What did you do this weekend? How are things going
at home, how are you?? I hope that you all is well my favorite prince.
I done to you all documents as you asked me, and send them to you. I
very pleased that we will soon be along to my favorite Marijo. These
days until internet cafe did not work, I very much miss you my favorite
prince. I am pleased to inform you that today I'll call you and we can
talk with you. I greatly miss you and want to be close to you. Thank
you for your kind words written by the letter I was very pleased to
hear from you, these sweet and tender slova. My expensive Marijo on
this I will finish my letter and with impatience I will wait for a
response from you.
Your love forever Marina.
This is Marina's letter sent in April 15, 2010 (the first address):
Hello, my favorite prince.
I am very glad to receive from you your next letter with good news.
I very strongly love you and miss you my dear Marijo.
I am insanely happy that very soon we'll be together with the help of
our friends who help us in whatever we were together.
I want to tell your friend thank you very much in advance for the fact
that he helps us and agreed to all in order that we with you were
My dear that's the data:
Surname: Kabanova.
Name: Natalya.
First Name: Andreyevna.
Country: Russia.
City: Yoshkar-Ola.
Street: Pionerskaja 15.
The postal index: 424000.
Here are all the data that you need. As soon as you send it to me all
the details of sending money, we immediately take a trip with his
girlfriend in the bank. My dear, I so much miss you and I can not live
without you. I beg you hurried friend that he would have sent the money
as soon as possible and as quickly as possible, I shall arrive to you
because without you I can not live. I hope you could do it today. Now I
go home and come back later in the internet cafe, and I hope that I see
from you. I am sending you millions of kisses, my prince. Forever yours
And this is Marina's letter sent in April 17, 2010 (the second
Hello my favorite Marijo.
I am very glad to read your next letter, full of love and affection. In
my previous letter you write me that I would find a girlfriend or a
friend who lives in another city. As you requested, and I called my
girlfriend who lives in another city. This city is called Cheboksary.
And she agreed to help us. Now you tell me when you will be able to
send money, I tell her details. I hope that on Monday you will be able
to send money. Here are the data:
Surname: Zubareva.
Name: Mariya.
First Name: Sergeevna.
Country: Russia.
City: Cheboksary.
Street: Anciferova 8 apartment 41.
The postal index: 428000.
Passport Series: 8810 004927.
Here are the data of my girlfriend who lives in Cheboksary.
My dear, I hope that on Monday you will do it and you send me money.
And next week we will be together. On this I finish my letter, but
tomorrow I will wait for your reply.
I am sending you 1000000000000000000000000000 hot kisses and embraces.
Always your love Marina.