Dariya Chekanowa
am 46, white American, single, and work at a local state college. I
have to admit to enjoying baiting these scammers and playing with them
mainly for the pictures. This is a scam that I have had pulled before.
They are coming to work, but at the last minute their mom can't send
them the full amount of her back salary so they need your help. With
this one I played them a little more than most I sent them a bogus MTCN
and even a faked reciept. I probably won't be hearing anything more.
This one just appeared out of nowhere, but most are off Yahoo Personals.
Dariya to me May 13
Hello,Dariya here! Thank you for your answer, I have seen your profile
on yahoo personals and I liked it.I live in Russia and so many
kilometers between us but now it is not problem to communicate! to be
fair I'm not sure what to write for the first time, I think that at
first you should see my photos and I'm sending my photos.you should
know I work as waitress,it is not very good job but I can earn money
ensure myself and there is not good job here for young people and now
with finance crisis it is getting harder to find any job.you should
know I'm going to leave russia to work abroad and I would like to meet
a man over there who will be interested in meeting young enough girl! I
will work in any bar or restaraunt of your area.I am 26 years old ,I
have not kids and never been married!well I will close this letter and
if you want to continue our communicate and you liked my photos please
reply! Dariya PS: People from travel agency help me to arrange my
travel and they created my personal mail box for my correspondence and
they tell that it will be better if I have someone there who will wait
for me and help me first days.and This is my personal e-mail address so
please send a word to let me know if you want to continue
correspondence, I will wait for your answer!!!
Dariya to me May 15
Hello Matthew,Dariya again here,I want to tell you some more things
about me and my life! you know I am about 26 years old,I was born here
in Russia,May 16,1983 I have one brother and many relatives.you should
know that it is first time I try to correspondence with man in internet
world. The thing is that I will work abroad for one year or so and I
would like to meet a nice man to be my guide or just be good friend to
spend time with.I think that it is hard enough to be there and even
don't know which bus I need to travel to the bar or restaraunt.I need
the man who will help me first months and I can't be without man too
long. I started to register my documents about 2 months ago, so I will
travel soon and I will be allowed to work! You see I already started to
register documents and now I need to decide in which city I want to
work. when I am in moscow I will tell them that I know the town I want
to work.and if you are ready to meet me please tell me the name of your
town it will be my destination!!!well,I will leave you for now I have
to go,I have a lot of things today to finish! please
forgive me if I missed some of your questions but I
am lost last days ,so many things to do!Dariya I Iiked photos you sent
,thank you so much!!!!
Dariya to me May 16
Matthew Hi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you know it is hard time because of so
many things to do and i am getting crazy to see that I have to leave my
hometown very soon,I am afraid and I am glad I have so many different
feelings I think you understand my condition! ! Matthew Please write me
the name of the closest Airport to you (possibly International) and the
code if you know ,For example the closest Airport to me is Stavropol
and it's code is STW.I already started to pack my things and I want to
start my trip ,so I will go to Moscow from here. I have so many worries
and I'm so afraid to start everything but if I don't start it now I
will never do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will go to airlines office
now and will buy a tickets to Moscow, its very expensive, but I have
some savings so I have money to pay for plane ticket to moscow and to
pay for renting room in moscow. As soon as I will arrive to Moscow, I
will finish my documents to travel, as work permission, medical
insurance etc.Matthew when I am in Moscow I will buy ticket to your
airport. I know it will not be cheap, but my mother will receive a
salary for last 6 months (her work detained wages) and will send me
money to Moscow .and about one important thing,do you agree that good
sex is quite important for successful relationship? I like sex but at
first I have to be sure that I have feelings because just sex without
feelings is not so hot and tender,I think so.please tell me what do you
think about it? Matthew I think that if we will be together we will
have a lot of fun because we both are enough old to understand that all
the things ending in the bed!!!!and we will have hot feelings I am
sure!do you have big bed for us???,some kind of the joke!but like they
tell here there is some truth in every joke! I hope you like my new
pictures I will send all I have I want you to be sure that you really
want to meet me.Kiss Dariya P.S. I think I will leave my town tomorrow
to travel to moscow I will let you know more exactly tomorrow.
Dariya to me 2:21 AM
Hello Matthew!to be fair I think I'm a lucky girl to meet you in
virtual space and I hope I will be lucky enough to meet you in the real
life soon!Yesterday I told my mom about you. She said that now she
doesn`t worry about me as before she sees that I have met right man!I
want you to know that it is our with mom decision to leave russia,my
mom spent a lot of years here and she was so beautiful (now too) and
she has nothing now,and she tells that I have to leave here as soon as
possible I am not too young and 26 is enough old for women here and i
do hope I will be able to meet my dreams there and I am not afraid to
work I am afraid to be lose here and spend all my life without any
result of my hard work.Matthew dear, you should know that after sending
this email I will go home, take my packed bags and fly to Moscow! I`m
really afraid to fly on a plane! I hope my plane will not fall down! It
is several hours from here to Moscow I do hope you are really kind man
and will not make me sad!??!!?!?!right!??!?I think I look enough pretty
to make your friends envy,how do you think????I`m so exited we will
meet soon! I will be able to get my job so I will not have money
problems. I took all my diplomas and dresses but don't worry it is only
one suitcase. You know I sent documents for visa to moscow about 2
months ago,so when I will arrive to moscow my visa will be already
ready!!well,I have to run,I think I will be able to send letter from
moscow tomorrow but if not please don't worry I m not sure how long I
will need time to find rent room and cyber cafe.Please wait for me and
don't look at different girls,you know I am the best!!!(joke). and
please forgive me that every time I have not time to answer on your
questions but when we meet we will have a lot of time to talk and you
will know all about me then! Kiss-Kiss from Dariya
fromDariya <swe9etysun@yahoo.com>
date Mon, May 17, 2010 at 10:19 PM
subjectHere I am ,Dariya in Moscow!
Hey dear Matthew , can you believe I am here in moscow ,what is the
great city it is!!!You can't imagine how happy I am because I am on the
way!I still cannot believe I've done it! WoW! As I wrote you I was
scared to fly on the plane but everything was OK and I'm still alive
!!!!the people from agency did help me to found a place to stay,I rent
a room from an old woman.The hotels here are very expensive and I think
I am not princess to spend money to live in hotel where the room costs
about 150-200$ a day!Very expensive city ,people here tell me that it
is the first city in the world to pay for everything! the lady where I
rent room is about 70 years old. She said I have to be very careful.By
the way, one more thing about my trip. Agency will help me to rent a
room to stay near my future work in your area. And I have a question,is
it O.K. if we will like each other may be it is possible to live
together?I think it could be more funny than to live alone in rent
room!?!??!??!of course if you don't mind and of course if we like each
other from first time!!!As you know I will stay there for a year and if
I want I will be able to prolong my stay there.now I miss my family...
but I'm getting better with every hour .Matthew, please write me as
soon as possible!See you soon!Big kiss from moscow!!I will write again
soon!I think I will send all the info about my flight schedule and all
travel things tomorrow morning!people from agency have told that
everything is ready and I will get all the info and I am waiting for
the letter from my mom,she promised to send as soon as she can!she
should send the amount I need to buy tickets!well,I will close this
letter ,I have so strange feeling that I know you for many years and I
have never met you before but I am so sure that everything will be all
right between us and I even have hope that maybe we will have more than
just meeting and spend time ,maybe something waits for us in future,you
know I am very romantic and as any woman I want to meet the man from my
child dreams!O.k .Let,s meet before!!!!! and some funny pictures for
you I have found in cyber world,and I have a few pictures of me from my
family album but I can't send it from here because different rules here
and manager promised to help me to send them later!See you
fromDariya <swe9etysun@yahoo.com>
date Mon, May 17, 2010 at 10:59 PM
subject My travel schedule,Dariya here.
I have got letter from agency and resend this letter to you . you
should know it is only booked schedule and I will send more details
later when I have tickets in my hand,I will send time of my arriving to
your airport and number of terminal!Now I send exact date of my flight .
>Ms.Dariya Chekanowa.
>TRAVEL INFO :Dariya Chekanowa . - Individual tour. English variant.
>Travel dates for: Ms.Dariya Chekanowa.
Please label the inside and outside of each piece of baggage to be
checked in with your name and where possible your address. Suitable
baggage labels and stickers are available free of charge. In advance of
your journey. please note the current free baggage allowance included
in your ticket price. You can find this information in the internet or
via your Airline contact person. In case you booked a special fare
please note that it can be subject to restrictions. Travel Abroad: When
preparing to travel abroad for less than 5 months, it is important to
ensure entry to another country . Depending on the country to be
visited and the student's nationality, it may be necessary to apply for
a visitor visa.The person must have: a valid passport or travel
document, valid visa . No special permission is needed, but it is
important to have a valid passport,valid visa and all travel documents.
Thank you for your booking and have a pleasant journey. Kind
regards.Travel Agency - "Empire Of Tourism, LLC. Moscow, RUSSIA" is a
licensed and officially registered travel agency.
>Our goal is to provide quality services for group and individual travelers.
>Please use our service .Manager: Ms.Pomidorkina irina.
>The date of the flight is - Saturday,22 May 2010.Departure from Moscow (SVO), Russia , Sheremetyevo International Airport
>terminal 2.
>Price: foreign passport,visa,tax,consulate fee,ticket Eco.class.USD 1190.00+FlightAdult: 1190+
>Taxes and fees 60.00USD
>Includes a service fee.
>Total trip cost 1,250.00 USD
>Your reservation will be confirmed by e-mail. Prices are not confirmed until we issue your confirmation invoice.
>Rusian Federation.Ms.Dariya Chekanowa. sex-F. Authority-Guvd-518.
>This reservation will be automatically cancelled if the order is not purchased until - Saturday, 22 May, 2010.
Matthew hello again ,I am here after my visit to the consulate and to
the agency I am so happy to say we will meet in few days!!!! I am
really lucky girl to meet you. Honey the thing is that everything is
ready and I have to leave moscow on Saturday but I have a little
problem and I really hope you will be able to help me. You see I never
expected I will ask you for such help but I have nothing else to do.
You know my mum promised to send me money for tickets by western union
as soon as I will find out prices but she was told on her work that
because of economic crisis she will receive all the money she saved
from every months salary only in a few months. So that is why she can`t
send me all the sum for tickets now and she was able to send only 200$
I have got it today.I can`t delay my flight because all my documents
are arranged on exact dates.Matthew I wanted to ask you to help me to
pay for my tickets directly but I was told in travel agency I can't use
your help or ask you about sending me tickets or ordering electronic
ones because I have a permission to use the help of the travel agency
only. Your see it is business of travel agency to arrange all travel
things for my trip, such is the law.If I will but ticket by myself, I
won`t be able to use my work visa. so you can`t send me tickets. I`m
sure my mom will help me but she needs more time and I can`t wait so
long because I need to buy tickets till my flight date. I was in the
bank to try to ask them a loan but they said I need to have
registration in Moscow to get a loan from their bank and I don't have
it! I know I`m asking you for very big but maybe it will be possible
for you to help me. You are my last hope and I have nothing else to do.
If I will not buy tickets my visa will be canceled and it will be
forbidden for me to apply for visa again for next 8 months. I have only
about 100 dollars that I expected to take with me for the first time
and plus 200$ mom sent so if you will help me with 1000$ or it is
possible to use Euro and it is 800 Euro I will have enough to buy
tickets and have some extra money for travel needs. the price is so
high because the price of the tickets +service of agency and all
nesseary papers, I know its a big sum of money ,but please try to help
me and I promise I will return you money back after my first salary or
as soon as my mom will send it , as she promised.I will be here in late
evening and please don't worry if I can't answer immedeatelly I have
too much to do. Matthew make a transfer by western union, I have got
transfer from mom and have all the info for it and it was so easy to
get.Only show my passport. You should know my rent address here is dom
12, Bazhova street , Moscow, Russia.117997 Remember my full name is
Dariya - (first name). Chekanowa -(last name) and you should put
it on western union list and I can pick up the money at any bank of
moscow. it will be safe to use western union transfer because I need to
have passport to receive it!And please after you complete transfer
write me the number of the transfer(MTCN), Please try to help me with
the sum and in one month I will return you money back!! P.S.Matthew
dear I am sure when we meet we will have no regrets about it, I
promise. I dream about our first meeting, our first kiss .............I
think everything depends on you! please, honey, don't leave me alone
I've done so much to start this trip and I don't want to give up.and as
always forget about important thing, when I got my mom transfer in
western union bank here I fill out the form and I will send this form
because I can't get transfer from you if I don't know this info to fill
the form. Full name of the sender. The name of the town where the
transfer was sent. MTCN transfer number. Please don't forget to send
this info!!thank you in advance!!!!!!Please forgive me if everything
sounds a little crazy and my letter is too long today but you see I
lost here among so many different problems!
Natalya Suvorova
This individual contacted me
through Yahoo Personals and seemed to be on the level as far as be a
real woman looking for love and to escape the poor conditions. I wrote
that I had had experiences in the past of scammers claiming to have an
agency helping them to come to the US to find work and make a better
life for themselves, only to suddenly be short of the price of the
plane ticket and asking me for the money. They swore they were not
scammers and would never do such a thing.... well as you can see in the
last few that is almost exactly what they did. Supposedly they signed a
contract with a "travel agency" to arrange their passport, visa, and
tickets BEFORE asking about the total cost. Yea, right. They tried
pressuring me by appealing to my sense of being a protector and savior
for them. They are good at using psychology to manipulate you,
but when I told them I just didn't have the money I have not heard from
them since.
Mon, May 3, 2010 7:16:16 AM
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hello !
Good surprise to receive your message. :) The computer in service of
acquaintances found to me some structures of people which coincide with
my inquiry. I Preliminary studied them and has decided to send you to
the first the message Because your structure seems to me more
interesting. I hope, that You have time to send me some messages that
we could it is better to learn each other. I shall tell a little about
myself; I am 29 years old, my name Natalya. I live unfortunately i live
far from you. Otherwise it was not necessary for us much e-mail, to
learn each other. I live in Russia, in city Novorossiysk. And as to my
place residing in my profile, first I specified in a profile the
country, but then a date service did not accept my profile and
informed, that I tried again. I tried it still few times, but then i
again has received a message to do new attempt. Then I did experiment
and specified in a profile, that I from other country and my profile at
once was it is accepted. I think, that it is mistake of computer
programs or the date service works not with each country. And city
which in my profile, it was casual, I simply a finger have specified in
a place on a map and it appeared this city. We live in time, when the
majority of the people in the whole world actively use Internet and
computer technologies and I think that it would be foolish not to use
this opportunity in the search of love for all entire life. Because you
never know what destiny prepares for you to find. I often use Internet,
searching for new information for my work and just recently, searching
for something I discovered the online dating service and decided to
test my destiny. I hope that kind angels in heavens will definitely
help me to meet a man, the one I will gift all my tenderness and love
of my heart. Here in Russia I can not find love and the fair person
with which I shall live. You the first person who has answered me. I
very much would like it, you have written to me back. Please Ask things
interesting you about me and inform me some the information on you:
what you love an entertainment? What your character? What You love
qualities in women? Whether you had the wife? I shall answer on Your
questions and to inform you it is more about itself in the following! I
shall be to wait for your messages and some pictures.
Tue, May 4, 2010 7:33:44 AM
More about me
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hi there!
Thank you for your letter, surprised and joyed, with your reply. You
know, I, indeed, get interested in your personality. But well, we have
just started knowing each other. I liked the way you talked about
yourself and about your way of life. I think important to begin to our
friendship being sincere and i think to be a decent the woman and you
know Matt, it seems to me that we could have identical need to share
ideas and words by mail and between us we could have something much in
common. And it is remarkable, because we will develop our acquaintance.
Because i search for serious relations i'd like to know what about your
research by internet and in particularaz I have not yet asked you why
you are looking for a woman or a friend by internet but i think that
the reason are the same for me. Can you tell me about what you hoping
to find by this way? I'm very glad that technology has created Internet
and i thank it to make possible to communicate with a interesting man
like you ! ( this is my first impression about ! ). In this letter I
would like to tell to you about myself as much as possible probably and
more that I inside. The fact it is more important, than to describe to
you my appearance. I wish to know your individuality, in exchange for
it I can show you myself. Well, let’s start from it right now. I
am a taurus according to my zodiac sign (I write it in case you believe
horoscopes). well.. I shall try to tell a little about my character. I
think im very romantic woman. I like to communicate with people, it is
pleasant to me i like good humour. Also i very much estimate, honesty,
loyalty, understanding, patience. I don’t like scandals and
scream, providing that I always tend to save nerves, both, my own and
somebody else’s. I adore literature and arts, I am fond of
romantic things in my own life and, for sure, in relationships. I
appreciate self-devotion and whatever modern magazines say (I
don’t read them by the way) I think that the basis for a healthy
family is reciprocal respect. The families, by the way. I have never
been merried and I have no children…That’s a pity, I love
them so much. Well, I just think that a person have to get merried when
he/she is sure of having found the thing they have been searching for a
whole life. It is then just a second thing if you have a place to live
or maintain your family. I believe if two people are in love they can
reach everything. I would like to continue to share many details or
experiences with you let me know what you think and if you want to
continue this correspondence.
Tue, May 4, 2010 7:33:49 AM
My family!
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hi again! Dear Matt!
I have forgotten to tell you about my parents. Maybe it seems to you
that we are not on good terms. It is not true, that is why I'd like to
tell you about my parents in detail. My mother's name is Victoria and
my father's name is Alex. They live in neighbouring town. It is
Zvenigovo. My parents very good, careful and kind people, they always
understood me, and never brought me. They very much love me, and I even
more....... They are not very young. Mother is 56 years old and my
father is 58. Our family is rather calm. My father is a militiaman. He
is very respected in his town. My mother is a children's doctor. People
often apply to her to give them a piece of advice. Everybody knows she
is very responsible that's why she is often asked to do a good turn. By
the way, I've got a photo of my parents. You can see it and guess whom
I look like. My parents are religious. They have grown me in
disciplined conditions. In fact I am very thankful for that. In my
childhood they prevented me from a lot of mistakes and in my turn I
didn't make them be ashamed of my behaviour. What else is interesting
about my parents? I love my family very much we frequently spend time
together.. In my private life i have emptiness. Now i want to change
matters and i would having some informations about you and your family
, your activities in free time and what you like to do when you are not
at work or if you have some particular hobby with which you spend that
spare time. I don't want to be a little boring with my questions and
know everything about you now and i prefer to hold me other curiosities
about you for the next letters and for this reason i must leave you.
Your friend Natalya
Wed, May 5, 2010 5:21:51 AM
I am glad to see yours e-mail
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Dear Matt!
I received your letter and will respond immediately with great joy and
happiness. Thank Matt , that you have written to me some details about
your life and family, I closely studied
it. It has helped me more well to understand you and your
life and you become closer man . I am glad that you have no bad habits,
such as alcohol, cigarettes or drugs. I believe that only weak people
have these habits. You have told to the friend about me? I correctly
have understood you? If so to me it is very pleasant. You have written
to me that make a supper. It so is lovely... Men in Russia are
incapable to prepare for themselves of anything. That you cook food,
very much touches me... I was glad to cook to your food. Probably, it
to happen in the future... :) I add to this letter some photos. I
really hope that you will enjoy. Ok, it is more about my individual
life. As to the man... For me, I have no one currently in my life that
I am seeing in any way. I am alone at the moment but hoping to find
someone very special to share my life with. I am not someone that goes
into a relationship casually, I do not play games and I am sincere in
my desire to find someone for me for ever. I miss having someone in my
life and at times feel very alone and depressed. I am looking for
a nice and well looking man to start first a nice relationship on the
web, and then perhaps something more important.... share the
entire life together??!! who knows. For the moment, I just know it is
very nice to speak with you, waiting for your answers, reading your
words ....... Just a few of questions to start a deeper acquaintance !
Tell me please what you want in the life? What the woman you dream to
meet in the life? Excuse Matt , that i ask you to discuss such frank
thing with me whom you know couple of days. But it is interesting to me
to know it about you. Have good day. I wait for your letters.
Yours Natalya.
Thu, May 6, 2010 7:16:11 AM
My ideas!
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Dear Matt!
Today caught myself thinking that I have to check mail more often. I am
looking forward to your letters and I reread them with
great pleasure. This is what I am wait in for and it uplifts me and
supports me every day. And it is pleasant for me. now i have a new
theme for reflection, and these new ideas excite me. Thank you for
yours some answers to my questions it helps me to learn more about you
and to understand you. You have written that conduct the housekeeping.
It is the big rarity. It very much is pleasant to me. Thanks for
compliments of my photo. I am glad, that it was pleasant to you. I do
not know, how you Matt , but for me is important our exchange of
messages. I want to tell i haves new emotions, in my quiet soul. For me
it is unusual to begin relations with the e-mail. I already for a
long time have understood, that if there are some difficulties to
achieve the purpose - the desire to achieve this the purposes is
increasing. Probably it is one of those things which forces me to
reflect frequently about you Matt. When I started my quest to look for
a partner to share the rest of my life with, I never thought about
another country. You opened my eyes and I hope we can continue to
learn about each other. Matt It is time to me to go it is necessary
to meet the friends. By the way I told by him,
that got acquainted with you, and parents too.
Yours Natalya.
Fri, May 7, 2010 7:57:53 AM
Hi my dear!
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hi my dear Matt! Thank you for your answer. I reading your letter and
it is interesting to me to find out your opinion about my ideas that i
spoke last time. We have good our exchange of and i think, that now i
can make some opinion of your character. Your question on sex very
interesting. It is a question of the very intimate plan, but I trust
you and I consider necessary To answer him . I very positively treat
sex. You see the sex is necessary need of the man. The sex is
irreplaceable attribute of love. Without sex there is no happiness in
love and family life. I count, that it is possible to name sex By art.
Not all people own him in perfection. Sex with the favourite man this
large pleasure. But unfortunately I yet I have of the special man with
which I can completely plunge into dreams of love and sexual
imaginations. I hope, that I am faster meeting that the man, whom I
shall trust completely and near to which I shall feel is sure. Who
knows, probably it will be you? Dear, I understand, that you have some
caution of acquaintance on the Internet as you had sad experience
earlier. It is really awful, as those women spoil reputation of all
women from Russia. But not all women of Russia are similar to these
deceivers. I have sincere intentions. I search for whom - to fill in
emptiness in my life. Who - what is going to be there for me, as I
shall be there for him to divide all our ideas, pleasure, happiness and
feelings. Both of us only should have trust between the friend the
friend. Unless you do not think so? Your letters are very warm and I
reread them several times a day. I feel, that with each new letter all
we become closer also closer the friend the friend. Well... It is
little bit more about me. I very cheerful person also i think out
various entertainments for itself and the friends. I like to help
them to make life interesting. It can be different things: dances,
cinema, parties or entertainments on the nature. But if to speak
frankly in last time these entertainments give less pleasure. I
frequently dream about romantic evening with the favourite person, it
can be a supper or simply walk . I think, that in it there is a lot of
charm. Do you think, sometimes, of such things? I think, that you are
good man and many women see you as good man too. You like to me. Write
to me more about your feelings and desires, i like always to read, when
you tell about yourself. I wait for your messages.
Hugs and kisses. Your Natalya.
P.S. My mother sends you best regards.
Tue, May 11, 2010 9:36:03 AM
Have a good day!
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hi my dear Matt! I am glad again to speak with you!
Thanks for a compliment of my photo. I am glad that you liked it. I do
not know in what distinction of the western and American men. But I
precisely know that the American men are much more polite, than Russian
men. I heard about men of America much. Knowingly our Russian women
marry Americans. I will necessarily send regards from you to my mum. It
is assured, to her it will be pleasant. Yes, I very much like photos of
your house. Thanks. There very beautiful interior. Today on work I
thought of you and, it was pleasant for me to know, that there is a
person, which thinks of me too, reads my ideas and writes something for
me. I would love for you to tell me your hopes and dreams and
where you can see this going and how we can continue to grow together
as a couple. Hopefully you are finding me as appealing as I find you
that is why don't make me wait for so long for you, I would love to
know you and see more of you. I think I should grasp your heart and you
cannot struggle with this female magic. What will you answer? The whole
life of love, care, trusts also full fidelity because it - everything,
that I can give mine to the man. I want to give him everything though I
have no much. I know, that it is very early for me to ask you it, but I
cannot wait to ask. I can find that a kind of the man in you? Let your
heart to be your guide. Should try to risk refusal, but the risk should
take, because the biggest danger of a life should not risk anything.
The person who does not risk anything, does not do anything, has no
anything, not anything. He can avoid to transfer and mountain, but he
is simple cannot study, change, become, alive and love. Today i with
friends plan to have some entertainment. It will be possible some club
or a disco, or some concert. It is a pity, that you is far now. I
think, we could spend perfectly together evening. I hope, we'll do it
in the future and we'll can well have fun. I am sure, that it will be
good time for us Matt! We shall drink easy wine, then to dance, while
our legs can maintain it. And after that we probably shall reach
somewhere else....., and where we'll make some things. Ideas about it
me beforehand raise. My imagination very much advanced and I can
represent many details of ours appointment. And I want to tell to you
Matt, that I am glad, i have such man - as you!
I wait for your messages and I think of you. My gentle Kisses!
Yours Natalya.
Wed, May 12, 2010 6:33:07 AM
Hugs and kisses.
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hi dear ! How are you today ? I'm fine.
I loved your photo. I will unpack your photo and I will put on my night
table to think of you before my dream. I do not think that followed you
write my name on a paper. I absolutely trust you. At me never was and
there are no doubts in your reality. No, you did not send me before
these photos. Thanks for compliments of my photos. I am glad that you
liked it. By the way, I had quite good evening with my friends. We went
to club and there there some hours. First we had the good supper and a
little of champagne, then played bowling and a little danced.
Impressions have remained good, only when I saw , as some my
girlfriends danced and kissed their men - I had small envy to them. I
thought of you and represented that you near me. That you too embrace
me and whisper to me on an ear gentle words. And you Matt, when
see around the in love pairs people, - do you recollect me? Matt i
think often about your letters and i understand, that you is serious to
me. I too do not look at our dialogue as on an fun, and I write you
some very personal words and things, as to the close person. I have
feelings for you that I do want to continue to grow. And if I were to
say that I feel that I am falling in love with you, would you be
against it? I think of you all the time. I wonder what you are doing ,
I wonder how your day is? I even wonder what you are wearing at times.
I was in the shower yesterday and I wondered if by some chance if you
could be in the shower or bath at the same time. I know it may sound
foolish but I just want you to know that I think about you SO
much. Well maybe I have told you to much about my feelings to soon but
You asked so I told you. Is it too soon ? I do not know. I will let you
decide on that. I am going to end this letter for now.
I hope to hear from you soon. I hope you have a wonderful day. I miss you. Love , Natalya.
Thu, May 13, 2010 7:11:10 AM
About the future!
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hi my dear!
I am glad Matt, that in our relations there is a promotion and we
became more close people. I tell often about you to my parents and
friends. They hope, that will get acquainted with you someday. Matt
they insist, that I would acquaint you with them, my parents are
especially. I have told him, that i seriously treat you Matt, also that
you the good person. You know Matt , that parents always wish children
only good and are pleased, when their children are happy in all. By the
way my dad loves fishing and right now he goes pleased here and speaks,
that now he has person, which can be invited for fishing. I laughed for
a long time and i have told to him, that I do not know, would you like
it and that he early is pleased. And know, what he did answer? he has
told, that in the summer he will make for you good fishing tackle also
he will learn you to cook good fish soup. And did you tell to close
people about me? What they have opinion? inform me please it. You have
any plans concerning our relations? I feel that you're too much
important for me in this moment and for the future. Of course there are
any difficulties in our relationship. We are distant from each
other, but not in the soul ... next month we can probably meet together
... It will be the right way to understand how deep are our
feelings. I want spend my time with you 'cause you'll understand
exactly how I am, what my feelings are and what I think about you
and I hope ... our future. Contacting you only by mail is no more
enough. I feel I want to see you in part of me, in front of me, around
me ... and when you'll meet me in person you know me for real and I'm
quite sure that we'll feel good together ... I don't know what else to
say --- If your feeling for me are growing up in my opinion you have to
find the courage to take a jump, and risk something to try to be happy.
The only thing I can say is that I'm ready to risk. In the deep of me
I'm sure it will be the right choice. I'm ready to risk everything I
can. I can't make promises because sometimes is impossible to
satisfy them, but I'll try all my best to understand, support,
help and treat you as my king. Definitely I'll do all my best to love
you. I don't deny that there will be any problems, most of all at the
beginning. But there is a solution to any problem. In the first
days we'll try to understand each other speaking in english, or with
our eyes and smile, but we'll know better day by day. Other kind of
problems? Yes, indeed. But if you'll be ready to do it we'll try to
solve them together ... i would love to meet you in person and i dont
think that it would be a mistake. i would like to go farther in this
relationship with you and i want to take a chance with you. do
you still feel the same way. it would be nice for you to visit me or me
visit you. what do you think. i know i want to build a relationship
with you and i want more from you. i hope your feelings are the same.
we can talk more about this and figure what we should do. how does
that sound? please write back and tell me what you think about
all of this. i miss you and think of you every day.
Your Natalya hugs and kisses from afar.
Fri, May 14, 2010 6:03:34 AM
my dream...
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Dear Matt!
Today I saw you in my dream the first time. We were together on some
exotic island. It is was night and stars around. You gave me a water
lily and kissed me. And then..... we were very happy together. Such
dream..... I woke up and it seemed to me that everything happened
I want you.
Sat, May 15, 2010 6:18:41 AM
Good way.
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hi my dear Matt!
Now that I read your answer I'm feeling very happy, more than very
happy, I'm in Heaven. I just finished to read your mail and there is an
hearth quake in my heart. A lot of sensations, feelings, expectations.
It's a long time I didn't feel so good, maybe I never felt so good, and
this is up to you .... I'm dreaming about the moment I'll meet you,
about the days we'll spend together, the sites we'll see, the
things we'll say to each other. Finally I'm dreaming about you.
So the decision unanimous. Great... Great... Great! We'll meet soon. To
me pleasantly to learn , that you support idea to meet and also wish me
to see and to spend with me time. It is joyful event for me from
i have much emotions. Such as excitement both the big impatience and
expectation of this day. I want to tell to you dear, that it is very
pleasant, for the woman to be convinced that exist the man which waits
her also wants to hold in the hands. Such idea influences opinions
women and her behaviour. Therefore thank you Matt, that you have given
me to feel it. I will necessarily tell to the daddy that you have
written. It is assured, to it will be very much and very pleasantly.
And I will necessarily prepare for an ear after you will fish! :) You
asked me concerning pictures. I have made their this winter. But now
spring, and the summer will be fast. Snow are not present for a long
time already! :) Thanks for pictures. It was very interesting to look
them. I see that you very economic man. I think, lovely, that it is
necessary for us to arrange our meeting so that there were no
difficulties and inconveniences in our affairs. I don't know in this
moment if I could have any problems to have some holidays at work, but
tomorrow I'll ask for it ... Matt, and will your work be to allow
you to make it? Probably you have the intense schedule on work also you
should be busy. Then we can meet more close from you or even I could
arrive to you for some time. If such way more convenient for you
and my arrival not will create inconvenience for you Matt, let's choose
this plan. It for me even it is more good, because I can see as you
live, your friends, you can show me where you live and different places
loved for you and if sometime you will need to visit your work. My work
not so important also also here can manage without me, therefore I do
not worry about my work. Inform me dear, the opinions! If it is a good
way for you too I shall use the best efforts to arrive to you, and to
be with you. Soon these days I shall reach in agency of travel and to
receive the information to reach to you. I shall inform you all details
in following e-mail.
I wait your messages. I adore you my dear Matt!
My kisses!!! Yours Natalya.
Tue, May 18, 2010 10:09:23 AM
Some news.
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hi my dear! I am glad to your message and thank, that you understand me
. You are, one of those few people Matt, in which I can find
understanding. How has passed your day dear? I hope, that at you all
OK! I do not think that you should send nude pictures. This very
personal. Understand me correctly. Such details cannot be discussed on
the Internet. I also will not send you nude pictures me. I not a porno
the girl. I do not accept it. When we will be together, we can see each
other the nude. But only not the Internet. I hope that you do not play
game with me. You have written that to you interestingly as I spend
morning. I rise very slowly. Always it is heavy to me to rise in the
mornings. You know, when I wake up, I wish you pleasant and successful
day. When I will think of you in the morning (as soon as I will wake
up), to me it becomes easier. And I rise at once from a bed. :) I too
thought much that I do not know about you much. I love you and too I do
not know your surname. How it can be? But it is possible. My surname
Suvorova. Natalya Suvorova. And what is your surname? We necessarily
learn about each other much only. I have in view of "as we sound with
you of a voice", "than our hair, our skin smell"... I have some news to
you Matt. Today I have phoned one of the most famous agency of travel
in our town and told them our story. I explained them where I wanted to
go. But the agent had no a lot of time to speak with me because it was
necessary for him to go on assembly. And consequently he has postponed
my conversation for tomorrow. And I was invited there. Tomorrow I meet
him and I shall discuss the visa. I hope, lovely, that all will be -
well. I have some excitement concerning all it, but also I have firm
intention to meet you dear! I have everything inside turns when I think
about it. I feel enthusiasm the whole day today as if I've got a visa
to go to you. It is so pleasant! I am restraining myself from jumping
up as if I am a child. I can't recognize myself. I am sure that
everything will be OK! My heart is whispering it to me. Write to me,
dear, give me many forces and energy. My gentle kisses!
Yours Natalya.
Wed, May 19, 2010 6:14:50 AM
My day.
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hi my dear! I with impatience wait, when I can tell to you HI - personally.
Thanks for your message. Dear , I have good news. Matt, my day
was very intense and is very tired. I have met the agent of travel
agency to learn concerning the visa. He has explained me a situation
about reception of the visa to you. Embassy simplified filing of
tourist visas. So isn't required my personally presence! I was assured
that will not refusal, because isn't the first time, as it turned out
that they do it. The agent has told, that they recently already
received some visas of tourists in your country. They say about
themselves that it helped agency's reputation which has lots of
branches all over Russia. It is great that all the problems with your
embassy will be solved by the agency. I am very glad , that we will not
have with it big difficulties. I reached in office of agency and signed
with them the contract. In conformity with the contract, the agency
will prepare me for all documents for travel, to buy for me the ticket.
From my city there are no planes to you and consequently I will need to
reach to Moscow, and therefrom to you by the plane. My agent needs some
information for a route of the plane, inform me dear, your full address
(and the nearest airport to you to which I shall arrive) Define more
precisely when it is convenient for you me to come. Write all in
details... This information is necessary tomorrow that the agent could
develop route and to establish all cost of travel. If you not against
someday we could speak by phone a little, i would like to speak with
you, to hear your voice. On the wholу all I have learnt about documents
can be solved. I thought it would be more difficult. I want to get your
approval before embarking on something to submit to agency, because
without it I'll feel insecure. To me was told that if will not be
problems with the documents then visa will be ready within a one or two
weeks. After I bring all the necessary information about the my salary,
the insurance and other only then the agency submits documents and
request to the embassy on the second day. So with time frame everything
good. I have fully ready for arrival in actually. I need to apply only
documents now. I not pity to spent money, because I'm sure it's will
not be spent in vain. My dear I love you so much and every day more and
more aware it's, because all problems seem to me trifle by comparison
that we wait. I want to know you more closer. I so wish to embrace you.
I hope you wait me too. I informed you all news about promotion of our
meeting and now I go to have a rest, I am very tired today. I hope,
what I can soon embrace you Matt . I did not take offence at you Matt.
Do not think so. I understand you. Yes, it was rough. But I am not
offended. Insult in what does not bring. Certainly, I forgive you. I
very pleased , that now our preparations have begun and will pass a
little more time we shall be together! Have good day my dear , i hotly
kiss you!!! I am waiting for the news from you. Your Natalya.
Thu, May 20, 2010 8:14:52 AM
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hi, my darling!
Here is my news.
Matt , I informed a place of arrival to you to the agent and he has
calculated the payment for me. I learnt their service cost. The
ticket in Florida will cost about $700 dollars here and there. Consular
collection in Embassy costs $130. The insurance - depends on my
staying abroad and costs from $250. Visa: $60 Besides I ll have
to pay agency for the service about $100. Also I should have about $300
for road to Moscow and residing 1-2 days in Moscow before a start
to you. Total: $1540 The prices are terrible. Of course I thought that
it would be a cheaper. I always counted myself the independent person,
which itself can solve all problems. But, this time, I could not all to
take into account and was mistaken that I can pay all travel itself. I
have only about $600. It's remains to have about $940 now. From
your permission I signed the contract with agency and now my obligation
to pay travel expenses. And now I don't know what to do ... I don't
have this sum. I don't know where I can to take it. Maybe you can to
lend it to me. I don't know what to do differently and with to whom to
contact. Or maybe you could visit in Russia? I can't just believe that
everything that I had so long done and what we so long went - all
is may be destroyed in one moment ... I do not want our relationship to
end here. Please tell me what to do?
Please ....
Thu, May 20, 2010 8:14:59 AM
I'm worry!
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hello dearest
Matt, the first time since the beginning of our acquaintance, my
spirits crushed! I can not imagine what else to do, so we can meet!? I
feel stupid, because I used to always from anyone not depend ... And I
thought, I seemed to get ...! And now, I feel just a woman who needs
support. I also feel that you're a real man who can be responsible and
to protect his lady! I kept thinking ... But I have nothing else
remains, I am compelled to turn to you for help ... I am terribly
ashamed, I do not know to behave correctly. However, my desire to see
you prevail over my modesty. I ask for your help, I understand that the
request for money may destroy our relations. But it can also give us
the opportunity to know each other ... Now is not the easiest times.
Not for you. Not for me, and if you refuse, I understand, no doubt. We
have been and will be friends, I'm very cherish these relations. Most
of all I do not like to push your material needs even before we met.
But my situation is hopeless, but I really want to be with you. I do
not know that you can think of? Maybe you have thought about this? In
the following letter to each of us will offer their views. I will also
think that you can do ... Matt, I just want to tell you that everything
in our hands. So my mother always said: "If this is destiny, then all
will!" And I believe in it! I ask you all to think carefully and weigh.
I believe that the best time we have ahead. Waiting for your answer. I
embrace and gentle kiss,
Fri, May 21, 2010 5:52:24 AM
Re: Goood Morning
From: "natasevr@yahoo.com" <natasevr@yahoo.com>
Hello Matt. I want to tell to you something. Probably you will think,
what I try to use you for benefit of money? I only do not wish to think
of it. I hope that you trust me as our relations should be based on
trust. You agree with me? Though we never met, I trust you of 100 %.
Present my situation. Such lonely woman as I wish to move to other
country even at that that we never meet. I also risk as well as you
Matt. I want to trust that you which present the man I searched for all
life. I not the little girl also do not want to play any games. I never
played with such feelings as love. It low for me to play with such
feelings. I have warm feelings to you and I want to arrive for a
meeting. These are really sincere words. Only trust me Matt! I shall
arrive to you. I promise it to you. Only it is necessary to pay money
to agency for payment of my travel. You trust me? If I wanted to use
the man only for money, I could make it here. I had many offers from
rich men, but I refused them. Because except for money I in them have
not seen anything. I thought, that you the man which have heart and
feelings for him are important. I want to tell, that this money to me
needs to be paid in travel agency. This money are necessary for me
here. I have paid the first part of charges when concluded the
contract. And now I have no all sum to pay for the second part of
charges. You can help me? If is not present, then I shall have problems
with travel agency as have concluded the contract and on a condition of
it should pay money. But it not your problems and cares. You can be
quiet. I shall not ask you the help. As I spoke earlier I the
independent woman. I shall not continue to write to you my ideas. It is
not meaningful. I have understood, that you do not trust me. I ask only
that you have given last affirmative answer. You want our meeting? You
will help me? Write to me tomorrow. I should know at once to inform in
a travel company. If you will tell to me sorry, I cannot help you - do
not worry I shall understand you. Kisses... Natalya.